Загрузил Dmitry Bogomolov

Problem Solving Test

Problem Solving Test
There are 3 sections and 14 tasks.
You can go through the whole test before answering, you can also skip some tasks and
come back to the questions later.
The test should take about 45 minutes, so please keep track of your time and submit it
before the time runs out.
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Dmitry Bogomolov
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Verbal section
Each of the 5 questions is based on a short argument, a set of statements, or a plan of
For each question, select the best answer of the choices given.
Mosen Inc manufactures and sells the same thermometer as SmartWatch Inc.
Employee wages account for 40 percent of the cost of manufacturing gauges at
both companies. Mosen Inc is seeking a competitive advantage over SmartWatch
Inc. Therefore, to promote this end, Mosen Inc should lower employee wages.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?
Because they make a small number of precision instruments, thermometer
manufacturers cannot receive volume discounts on raw materials.
Lowering wages would reduce the quality of employee work, and this reduced quality
would lead to lowered sales.
SmartWatch Inc. has taken away 20 percent of Mosen Inc’ business over the last
Mosen Inc pays its employees, on average, 10 percent more than does SmartWatch
Many people who work for manufacturing plants live in areas in which the
manufacturing plant they work for is the only industry.
In order to facilitate the reduction of items number damaged while in transit to
customers, packaging experts recommended that the SuperSafe logistic company
increase the amount of packing material so as to fill any empty spaces in its
cartons. Accordingly, SuperSafe officials instructed the company’s packers to use
more packing material than before, and the packers enthusiastically acted on these
instructions and used as much as they could. However, customer reports of
damaged items rose somewhat. Which of the following, if true, most helps to
explain why acting on the consultants’ recommendation failed to achieve its goal?
The change in packing policy led to an increase in expenditure on packing material
and labor.
When packing material is compressed too densely, it loses some of its capacity to
absorb shock.
The amount of packing material used in a carton does not significantly influence the
ease with which a customer can unpack the package.
Most of the goods that SuperSave ships are electronic products that are highly
vulnerable to being damaged in transit.
SuperSave has lost some of its regular customers as a result of the high number of
damaged items they received.
Products sold under a brand name used to command premium prices because, in
general, they were superior to nonbrand rival products. Technical expertise in
product development has become so widespread, however, that special quality
advantages are very hard to obtain these days and even harder to maintain. As a
consequence, brand-name products generally neither offer higher quality nor sell at
higher prices. Paradoxically, brand names are a bigger marketing advantage than
This statement correctly identifies the consumer behavior that explains the
marketing advantage of brand names.
Consumers would be less likely to buy brand-name products if they were unsure of
their quality, so this statement does not resolve the paradox.
Corporations value brand names, but this statement does not say why, nor does it
explain the marketing advantage of brand names.
The relative ease or difficulty of establishing brand names does not explain why they
are a marketing advantage.
The shift from one advertising agency to another to counteract falling sales does not
account for the general marketing advantage brand names enjoy.
People purchase prestige when they buy an expensive product. They want to be
connected with something special. Mass-marketing methods and price reduction
strategies should not be used because_____.
affluent purchasers currently represent a shrinking portion of the population of all
continued sales depend directly on the maintenance of an aura of exclusivity
purchasers of premium products are concerned with the quality as well as with the
price of the products
expansion of the market niche to include a broader spectrum of consumers will
increase profits
manufacturing a premium brand is not necessarily more costly than manufacturing a
standard brand of the same product
A device with software that recognizes the employee’s signature and blocks the
access to a PC to staff members whose signatures are on paper, discovers an
employee’s signature by scanning the signature form and such features as writing
device pressure and signing speed. Surprisingly, experienced hackers are not able
to duplicate all of the features the software analyzes. Which of the following can be
logically concluded from the passage above?
The time it takes to record and analyze a signature makes the software impractical
for everyday use.
Computers with the software will soon be installed in most banks.
Nobody can gain access to a computer equipped with the software solely by virtue
of skill at forging signatures.
Signature-recognition software has taken many years to develop and perfect.
In many cases even authorized users are denied legitimate access to computers
equipped with the software.
Quantitative section
For each of the 6 questions choose the correct option or fill the gap with your answer.
The answers to open questions should contain only whole numbers (without fractions, dot
or commas)
One of the departments in Philips produces gadgets. It was calculated that
between 0.3% and 0.5% of the electronic devices produced will be defective. If the
retail price is $2,500 per device and the company provides a 100% refund for
defective gadgets, what is the amount of money can the company expect to need
to cover the refunds on 20,000 devices?
Between $15,000 and $25,000
Between $30,000 and $50,000
Between $60,000 and $100,000
Between $150,000 and $250,000
Between $300,000 and $500,000
What is the number of item B in a gift box "Lovely"?
The average monthly video clips making process in a design studio was 50 clips
for the past X month. If this month’s production of 90 clips raises the average to 55
clips per month, can you find X?
Which of the options presented is closest to the median monthly number of app
installs for the period from January to March inclusive? (Use the chart below)
At Levain Bakery, a muffin costs 40 cents and a chocolate chip cookie costs 60
cents. Ann asked for a total of 10 items (muffins and cookies), the average price for
an item from her order is 56 cents. How many chocolate chip cookies should Ann
give back so that the average price of the bakery items that she keeps is 52 cents?
House lab is a house engineering company. They have got a big project recently. 4
employees were involved in it. Working hours were divided in the ratio 2 to 3 to 5 to
6. Which of the options below CANNOT be the total number of working hours for all
of them if one of the employees involved in a project worked for 30 h.
Different source data analysis
There are 3 tasks inthe section.
For each of the following statements, select True if the statement can be verified as
true based on the information in the table. Otherwise, select False
The proportion of all
museums in D related to
Science, History and
Archaeology is less than the
proportion of all museums in
F devoted to the same
The ratio of public museums
to private museums is
greatest for C
There is a positive
correlation between the
number of public museums
and the number of visitors
and the number of visitors
and the number of visitors
per year.
per year.
Using the diagram of the survey below, choose the correct option. Each symbol
represents 10 people in a sample of 300 (300 people were surveyed).
If one person is randomly selected from the 300 surveyed, the chance that the
person will have income less than 10 000$ or travel less than 3 times a year or both
is _______
1 out of 6
1 out of 3
2 out of 3
5 out of 6
If one person is randomly selected from the 300 surveyed, the chance that the
person will both have income under 10000$ and travel less than 3 times a year
1 out of 6
1 out of 3
2 out of 3
5 out of 6
Select a writer who could be added to the schedule for either day. Then select a
writer who could be added to the schedule for neither day. Make ONE selection in
each column.
Either day
LeGuin (female, English,
Longfellow (male, English,
Neither day
Murasaki (female, Japanese,
Murasaki (female, Japanese,
Colette (female, French,
Colette (female, French,
Vargas Llosa (male, Spanish,
Vargas Llosa (male, Spanish,
Zola (male, French, France)
Zola (male, French, France)
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