Тема: «В здоровом теле – здоровый дух». Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных (tooth-teeth, foot-feet) Образовательная цель: способствовать совершенствованию лексических навыков учащихся в контексте обучения иноязычному говорению. Воспитательная цель: воспитывать основы здорового образа жизни, умение работать в сотрудничестве, способности к самооценке через наблюдение за собственной речью на родном и иностранном языке, формировать эмоционально-ценностное отношение к здоровью. Развивающая цель: развивать словарный запас, коммуникативные навыки и речемыслительную деятельность учащихся Оснащение: учебное пособие «Английский язык» для 5-го класса ч.2 (авторы: Л. М. Лапицкая [и др.], Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2020); рабочая тетрадь «Workbook 5»; видеоматериал; раздаточный материал; доска, интерактивный экран. Этап Задача этапа Содержание Действие учителя Врем я Действия учащихся Организац ионный момент Введение в – Good morning boys and girls. How are атмосферу you? I am glad to see you at the lesson, sit down, please. иноязычно -Who is on duty today? -Who is absent today? го -What date is it today? общения. -What day is it today? Введение в - Look at the board, please. What can you тему урока see there? Yes, you are right. It’s a body. Today we are going to speak about our health and body. We are healthy when we Внимательн о слушают и отвечают на вопросы педагога 2 have no problems with our body: eyes, hands, ears, teeth, face. Фонетичес Развитие кая зарядка фонетичес ких навыков -Look at the board, please. Here is a poem. Выполняют Listen to me and repeat after me, please. 3 задание We smell with our nose We see with our eyes We eat with our mouth Hot pudding and pies -Who wants to demonstrate his/her reading skills? Проверка Выявление -Let’s check your homework. What was Внимательн домашнего уровня your hometask? Ex.1, 2 p.10 WB. задания сформиров педагога, анности отвечают на грамматич вопрос. о 5 слушают еских навыков Основной Развитие – Let’s revise our grammar «Pronouns Выполняют этап грамматич some, any, no» and the construction There задание, еских is/There are. навыков -Look at the board, please! Here is the парах task. You are to correct the mistakes. 1. There are some apple juice in the glass. 2. Does Mike drink some tea in the afternoon? 3. There isn’t no milk in the bottle. 4. There are any vegetables in the fridge. 5. There is an carrot on the table. Key to the task: 1. There is some apple juice in the glass. 2. Does Mike drink any tea in the afternoon? 3. There isn’t any milk in the bottle. 4. There aren’t any vegetables in the fridge. работают в 8 5. There is a carrot on the table. -The next task is to put a/an, some, any. 1. There are ___pupils in the classroom. 2. Are there ___sandwiches on the plate? 3. There isn’t ____sugar in the coffee. 4. There is ___apple on the plate. 5. Mike has got ___sweets in his pocket. 6. Tom gave me ___water. 7. There aren’t ___monsters in the park. Key to the task: 1. There are some pupils in the classroom. 2. Are there any sandwiches on the plate? 3. There isn’t any sugar in the coffee. 4. There is an apple on the plate. 5. Mike has got some sweets in his pocket. 6. Tom gave me some water. 7. There aren’t any monsters in the park. Введение и -Look at the screen, there you can see Выполняют первичное somebody who isn’t very healthy. Guess, игровое закреплени who is it. He’s got a head, two eyes, two задание е ears, a nose, a mouth, a tooth-teeth, a группах лексическо stomach, two arms, two hands, two legs, a го foot-feet, hair. материала -Who is it? -Yes, you are right. It’s Moldy. -Stand up, please. I’ll name the parts of the body and you’ll touch them. For example, touch your nose, your eye-eyes, your ear- в 15 ears, your foot-feet, your tooth-teeth. -Look at the screen, please. I’ll name the parts of the body and you’ll repeat after me. A face-лицо An eye – глаз A nose - нос An ear - ухо A tooth-teeth – зуб-зубы A foot-feet – ступня - ступни A mouth - рот Hair - волосы A neck – шея A shoulder - плечо A back - спина A leg - нога A body - тело A head - голова A hand – рука (ладонь) An arm – рука (от кисти до плеча) An elbow - локоть A finger – палец (на руке) A stomach - живот A knee - колено A toe – палец (на ноге) -Let’s play the game «What's missing?» I’ll say: Goodbye one eye, goodbye two eyes. You are to close your eyes. -Let’s go on playing this game. You’ll close your eyes. I’ll rub the part of the body off the board and ask you what is missing. We’ll play until the picture of the body disappears from the board. -Ex.1, p. 11. WB. Join the dots. What can you see? Физкультм Снятие –Let’s sing a song инутка эмоционал movements ьного shoulders, knees and toes» according and to do it. some Выполняют 2 «Head, зрительную и напряжени двигательну я ю разминку Развитие – Very well. Let’s continue our lesson. Отвечают на 8 грамматич -How do we form the plural form of the вопросы еских nouns? What ending do we add? -Yes, you учителя навыков are right. We add the ending -s/-es. For example, a neck- necks, a fox- foxes. -When do we add the ending -es? -Yes, you are right after letters: s, ss, x, ch, sh, tch, y. For example, a bush – bushes, a lady – ladies. But a boy – boys. -There are some words which form the plural form by changing the vowels in the middle of a word: a tooth – teeth, a foot – feet. - Look at the board, please! Here is an apple tree. Your task is to choose an apple with a noun in the singular form and you are to write the plural form of the noun. A watch, a box, an arm, a body, a mouth, a face, a tooth, a foot, a dress, a family, an ear, a toy, a leg, a day, a toe. Заключите Подведени льный этап е урока – I think it’s high time to finish our lesson. итогов Your hometask is ex.2,3, p.12 WB. You урока, are to write the words from the letters and объяснение learn the words. домашнего Your marks are… задания, -Good-bye! выставлени е отметок 2