Hello Family and age Ordering in a caf6 Questions Personal information Me too introduce yourself say where you are from and what you do ask common questions describe your hometown what people like arrange to meet ask talk about your free time ask about common daily activities talk about the area you live in name things you often buy and do explain where things are explain what you need to do talk about what you did pronounce past forms express your feelings about what people tell you talk about dates and months point and describe what you want talk to a shop assistant say numbers better talk about things happening now name school and university subjects talk about studying at university explain your feelings about courses talk aboutyour school system talk about your family express surprise give opinions about family life explain things that are (not) necessary talk about people's plans make suggestions talk about things you want to do talk about government plans .l .a It HEINLE CENGAGE Learning Outcomes Elementary Student's Book O 2011 Heinle, Cengage Learning EMEA Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recordlng, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 ofthe 1976 United States Copyright Act, or applicable copyright law of another jurisdiction, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Publisher: .lason Mann Senior Commissioning Editor: John Waterman Development Editor: Sue FJones Senior Marketing Manager: Ruth McAleavey Content Project Editor: Amy Smith Manufacturing Team Lead: Paul Herbert Cover and text designer: Studio April For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all Compositor: Studio April requests online at cengage.com/permissions. Further permissions questions can be emailed to permissionrequ€st@cengage.com. ISBN: 978-1-111-07129-5 Heinle, Cengage Learning EMEA Cheriton House, North Way, Andover, Hampshire SPlO 58E United Kingdom Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customised learning solutions with office locations around the globe, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and Japan. Locate our local office at international.cengage.com/region Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education Ltd. Pnnted in China l -: J5 6-E9 l0- 15 1,1 13 12 ll Visit Heinle online at elt.heinle.com Visit our corporate website at cengage.com How to use MyELT and access the MyOutcomes Online activities to myelt.heinle.com 't Go 2 5tudents (:-. '_!3ur u5ername and password. Teachers : .st of ali,you need to applyfor an'lnstructorAccount'.This allowsyou to access a Course and gererate a'Course-Key'foryour students to enrol on the course. Co to: http://myelt.heinle.com Ciick on Create an Account Select "lnstructor" Scroii down to the middle of the next page and click'Request an lnstructor Account' Completethe shortform - in the Product lnformation field enterthetitlesyou would like an account for in the'Other' section Clrck Submit. myMonline Pee! Iabel to see pin code STUDENT,S BOOK H UCH DELLAR AND ANDREW WALKLEY ETEMENTARY TCO ,'* 'l- HEINLE CENGAGE Learning" ES Clear communicative PEOPLE goals in the unit menu, supported by grammar AND PLACES and vocabulary. Listening exercises give examples of the Sprl*rle .,.....A ',1.1 L@k.tthe!h.to, Ltd.ntoth. conv.lrat,on.fr.nrcpe.t tt h prbs. a ilndcnt h.s M inklvi.w Co nve rsati o n p ra rt.h lnBiirhfanEuageschool y' the 3enten .r th.t.re true, A ,,1,2 !den.Ii4 I rhe (udenti nanre ! M'8uel 2 H,s fJmilyname 6 aernando I Hes tom spa'n ! Be ver n Ch huahua 5 (hrhuahua 5 n the easl conversations you try in cti ce. B &t.n.8& Crammar taught in context, with natural examples and clear practice tasks. ') ud 6r.4 th.3.nt.re. h d.r.Iie A Uat crlr,rr,rin,r,",",oa" A Wnt.m.Ulormr. ltua Youie He3 SheS Thrtr B Hae. 3ih!d cotrv.lr.tloE db h you .1d3. Ure your nam6. C sdme wothp&,1rytofy6.,1e8of e.ryo&hFutu5.lor.l5pl.: rt E B Cohph. U. .onv.r$tun dU h. cdGt rhon foh3 I H' Comi i. 5 t down My.a,he Whrt ...'you, namel I Rrght Hi N'.e tomeetyou D Mn h lntlishhonetudel B Fhdoutwhirokp.ophhFu.la!&.&iMatdo C M.tdthejotrl-Bto6epl&Bp6plewotka-h, O :'r--'^ [#{\,.= voca bula ry. lnteresting listening and read i ng texts. Very va ried h 'your surname Y.ursur.ame Yourfam y name VocABUtaRY iobs Pictures to help with new Andwh;t of ,a teJ.her here M Oh.scrrytr rHernrnde? That ;H t-R-N A N D-t-Z I OK And where '/ou ftom M gue I 5pa ni .not.l ,nomMexco M No r: Oh OK Wh.h pad, M Ch,huah!a lt irrnth€nodh 3trt A How@y job cdyou I W dba ,,"r,n"'^ place h bBgct / mor h p&. ffid hpotut h a-t h ererc8e Cr Work I Wor] h pah, Bave thr.e conversatiort A: Oh,yes)Where doyou workl 6 h r.afe n town What doyo! dol g lheredoyo! @*) A n3studo nBer n trsrinrni A ,,1.5 Lrtentofou.onv€roam*( rf\ S.corre.twods. /ha\pilol I )an sad4lat/nutse ^n(l1ntt !?llrrll: \:-r /-q\ A g# fi>t .a- translation exercise helpsyou think about how sentences work in your own language compared to English. {re ffi A t,:) n r (btner shop / rn! depaftmenl store ina.ri.'. /rn; hospta in a lar off.e / n. lo.rl Sover.ment ofr.e n a bLg hotel / in a small(ompany inr (hool / in: un^t6ity rta loGl po ceilat o. / inihetratr. deprdmenl inacafa/.are+J!,ant ) lata is. dltgnet / tea.het tn o {hool / at enjoy\ / dc6n t enjo! alJia ir qr\ta I Mrda E r.,v,Jerrrrtlr..eptorrt 'ne she watkt 6 on oltcc / a .onplny in tne nor ol Atatl ret )ab\s gtear / AK 4 Fil ppa s a woilet / shap us\thnt \n r depdnmenl nate / cofi ir\he intte oftow. HEdoe9.'1 lL n H€wrnB lo becohe z Poke aft{ / n06e B Rerdth. uabftdlt otrpr8e 170.trd Urt .,1: , . htiffihForLnrq! hli. rho hft ttu ttdld!!.!!p" r*&Ebbltddliqd u4'zt&p #d e:6)' WEdproukd.bgd EEdrh!@G.iMa lsqtrlbsodi^Eli.. :$iqd b'ii a d€csG ' Lots ofexpressions and coNvERsarroNs DEvEt oPtNG grammatical patterns in spoken English are similar to other languages. These exercises help you notice them. lirt.n ag& ild r..d thc Ndloolpl on pag. ,0 to E4 h pds, p!.&e te.&A th. .otrEirrdm ilAIWE SPEAIGN EilCIISH weoten rayrurnda. Lntlerd ol l.nily non. lnformation on interesting language :L. N h at \ yaut tuthade, Mtguet I nohe\ Lno and ny tuhone 5 Sjukl ^t 46 \utndn.\ Lontbury My fi common to native speakers of English. VocABULARY aouniriPs wo* h mro,n ...... '.thrncdh iheyie noa . . .. . ........ thc 5oulh 'n m iom rn lheeart Mymlmlfrom nthewgi inthemddle Mydadsfrom 2 I j t 6 p&. M.th S..ouu6 io&. @ dfte B Bave corver*toB- Use @u6.etuo^ Vdabd.ry, For ctuPl.: oi citi.6 / d€as h you .outy. A nlton Atgehtina Pron u nciation activities integrated with the communicative goals. C Moteho-tnthesouth. C mq. de youpertr/ gdFaBtunl pSq. IeU. coNvERsATtoN PRAcflcE Southh.rka . A.d : !.n dd 6ay the The Conversation practice where !re youfroml .outried, section allows you to put together what you learn. iaDING GRAMMAR ...i Mor" grammar and i vocabulary points Present simple -a 5. Ute€ t.ie. D.ctd. who b roofis.fuiua&/A do+r/p/ftltryrsdl &+&/*rt+E.bt i embili.tlqdfua/ffi l/p/rclrh.,+tut+6b k/il/tlet+ralt I wo* il ho.leand ldolobriot differ.nt (onpr.Lei rnd ma8au rn6 rdof,\ Bet mu.h moneyk.!!r don't haw mlchwod,bu lanloyn € A Conll.iefrcEentmcesddq 1 A what d@t,dor'tot ycudo? ..... .a?.4.414.,.....,ie.dp:.. .. .. r M! bo$ i do€5nt +out ai me Myiown ( 6il wiirus dontlnowwhy . r lcdt Nemyjob n5hotun8. My . ts 8ood she he ps me and shQ ..... ! I i I vene..myotr,ce.sn lakethe fta n toworl B Sowhrtl me > ^B ... ... yo! erv€ dt honre) they have any k No,they Need helr? r.adth€ Srammarreleren(on B tut th. wod3 htothe @nedodert. p.ee 147. m*. More grammar expla nations, examples and exercises are in the you 8et bme d. whal upl tavel do here how you i &d F! 8o do io when ) reference section at the w(h FU do who [k ] your whal l,ee do lms do in FL ) how ,iBlrges yo! speal nany do ) back ofthe book. dtn the *ords. w.il:1 n'fe rnd in rh:t (r very n ce Be sonelmee g{5 realy : kills. B. No.not re: ry :l4ht thewotu hhUhth.t.n.lh.n rom?td. S. *nten.er s youenjcywo*'ngthere) 9 A 6 A We 1 I work foi, co.eilucnon company l'm a m.n4.r nowso it3 a very impodant lob. I lke myjob. bu| wo* @ry lo.8 hou6. I rbi wod at eiSh! rn the mo/.h8 a.d ff nirh at €ight or ni.eat niSht loten wotrtthe wt.ndr and ldon t i.. my6to o. .. kr.w ......FUrmothe.wo*) haverlobatthemome.l pu.parenBlive) B 3 A Wlere. I she 4 A wlere _:., ld:l neBpaFr rMil rt6n8. - s.n€times r8dup r€allyeaily - -.s rworkellnight $m.tines ll3 :.r.uee I har nothin8 todo I mc.l ':.,.sti ng Fode bd 3om.tion :.:.n8ryand short d me presented and developed : through the unit. . be.ause thcrc 6n't mlch to twoErBandhby an rnpodanttob ove mytob rt3 really M.t.h th. a Eo sw to S. qudo$ piyfootb. .l read urw.tr :-t mmr.E.r Atrb.ut 1l odock mo* Iwo .he. daye rrench and spaorsh SPEAKTtrG Speaking activities froh &* H6 to -l *ud.trt. wdi. on. hor. queruo& Aen.mtu you qu.r6os - Sen dt 6.n. a in the.ompany Cho@c 6vE qucstlors soh.r llow you to exchange information and ideas. A longer speaking task ends every unit. Lrsrrrurruc Aol rcnvrs You are going to hear four conversations. Replace each ailjective in sentences 1-8 opposite from the second column. 1 The mountains are quitefar. 2 We had a very relaxing week. 3 lt's a very excitingfilm. 4 lt's quite a rich area. 5 lt was a serious mistake. 6 The weather was awful. 7 I was very sad to leave. 8 lf's easy Io park the car there. tv R 5.4 Listen and choose the best words. Listen twice if you want. 1 The couple arrived two / three days ago. They're having a relaxing / stressful lime. buys a single ticket. He's annoyed / happy.Ne pays f.32.45 by credit card / in cash. The woman wants to be at the airport by 6.00 / 7.45, so she doesn't have / has time to go to the museum. The man had a bad experience because the airline lost / someone stole his bag. He also broke a bone / his mobile phone. 2 The customer 3 4 [.../ the verbs in the questions in the present perfect and the answers in the past simple. / / beto 1, A: )/ou 2 B: Yes. / / golhere last year on holiday. A: )/our son / see Ihe new Disney film? ever near happy im possible boring amazing 8] B: Yes. He / see repai repeat remember get off a rnve book lose cna rge Brazil'l it atthe weekend. 3 A: they / visit America before? B: Yeah, they / come to see us here two years ago. A: she / meet your parents yet? B: Yes. We / have lunch with them on Sunday. A: lou / try lndian food? B: Once, in London, but I / not like il. [... i I poor simple Match the verbs in the box to the groups of words they go with in 1-8. A Put 5 stressfu CollocanoNs 8] Gnnrtnrtnan 4 [.../ with its 10] Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 That's her goodest book. 2 He have done this hundreds of times. 3 The most easy way to get there is by taxi. 4 l've never readed anything by Ciinter Crass. 5 His books are too much long. 6 There are too much guns in our society. 7 The Alhambra is most beautiful building in Spain. 8 l've played a really good computer game yesterday. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - my car /-a brokenwindow/-thedishwasher you - that, please? / - the mistake / - an exam in London at eight / - late / the train -s at nine Can - aflight / -atable /- a returnticket - the bus / - at the next stop / - the train l- seeing it / ldon't - his name / - to lockthedoor - a lot / they don't - for the service / - €70 an hour - mykeys / -the match / - money [.../ 8] Vocaeu rARY Complete the words in the text. My grandad was 1bo...... in 1900 and he died in 2000, one day after his 100th birthday. He had several jobs in his life - he was a taxi 2dr...... , a teacher and,for 20 years, he was a politician. He had quite a lot of success. He always'sup...... public transport and 4cyc...... , when other people wanted more cars and to build 5mot...... He introduced the first bike 61a...... in the country. Many people criticise politicians, but lthink our 7soc...... is safer and better because of people like my grandad. Unfortunately, he was less lucky in his private life. He got married four times. Two of his wives died and he got 3div...... twice. . [.../ 8] {.../ eJ [Total ... rcal 05 REVIEW 85 \umbers Times and days 1 ;ood and drink of Subject pronouns Crammar words Plurals a/an/some the week Verbs Adjectives The Vocabulary Builder don't / doyou - ne verb be - Ttere is / there are Countries Describing places Cood job or bad job? - ?resent simple questions and negatives Jobs Free time activities Daily life Things in the classroom - frrbforms - Adverbs offrequency z / any and one / some - Drepositions of place fossessive adjectives and pronouns - ,rregular verbs hst simple negatives hst simple questions - th'rs, th ot, t h es e, th ose - ftesent continuous Modifiers: quite,very, ally Cornparatives J I - I My hometown . The Crammar reference An interview at a language school What do you do? you like ...? Doyou have anyfree Do time? A language class Localfacilities ls there one near here? ln the house Problems at home . Which part? . Arrangements . That sounds... . Questions in shops Collocations Months, seasons, dates Coing on holiday . A holiday in lreland Describing what you want to buy Department stores Subjects School, university and college Languages Who's next? Sale! A famous department . Bilingual's better! ofthe week: Debate u.ao,canl to / don't have to working paients A little help from your friends More common activities For and against Covernment plans +verb you sell ...? What are you studying? How's the course going? A Russian education Relationships fike to Do store Jobs and activities in the home Describing people aru you have a nice weekend? Public holidays around Did the world Arxiliarv verbs )'agoingto+verb l- ...? :sn / con't - hst simple - regular / - be Pronouns you have any brothers or sisters? Different kinds of friends Do What are you doing M really like to ... now? . Adding information Maklng suggestions talk about your experiences share opinions and experiences describe good and bad things that happen join words together when you speak talk about train travel buy tickets talk about the time talk about transport where you live recommend places order and pay in restaurants check things name different foods explain how to cook things make offers and invitations talk about health problems give advice reject advice or offers talk about feeling talk about the weather talk about possibilities in the future ask for details talk about the countryside and cities talk about animals give your opinion about films, plays and musicals ask for descriptions and opinions discuss news and newspapers make predictions about the future talk about society and social issues talk about useful technology find out how much people know talk about computers and the lnternet spell and give addresses talk about marketing describe different events in relationships ask about duration give news about relationships explain when and where you met people make promises Present perfect 1 Present perfect 2 too, too much, too many Superlatives . . . . Put it down to experience Cood and bad experiences Describing experiences Trains and stations Me too / Me neither On holiday in Turkey Different kinds of experiences - . Buying a train ticket Asking for Toxi! Transport Telling the time recommendations in a hotel a lot oJ some, any, much, many and a bit of Resta lnvitations and offers Cooking should / shouldn't Present perfect 3 Vegetarians live longer A restaurant in France Dinner with friends Health problems Economics and Are Feelings happiness Three newspaper articles A mixed day u ra nts Food Weather Country and city Animals will / won'tfor predictions Verb patterns with adjectives be Describing films, plays and musicals thinking of + -ing promises . offers . What's the forecast? National symbols Opinions about films musicals A news report A questionnaire l'm thinking of buying A questionnaire lnternet . about computers and technology 6oing virall Love and marriage . Poems about promises Rejecting advice and OK? . Machines and Computers and the / won'tfor ... A new life technology The past continuous Six reasons not to Society Adverbs will . you Checking and . ... . Short questions What's it like? Doyou know much about ...? about computers and tech nology News about relationships Love at first sight - How long ... ? Hruo Reaotruc Family A @tc A n-E.#. -, FF+ E, Say Look at the picture. Complete the text with numbers. This is the Burnham family.They are from Manchester in England. Mr and Mrs Burnham have ........................... children ... boys and girls. Mr Burnham is a lawyer. Mrs Burnham works in the home. -H!'d F-G+G+ # hello to other students. Vocaau!.ARY Numbers 1 A Write the numbers in the correct order. two zero ten 0 12 Seven 3 ofte five 4 eleven 6 twelve 7 8 th i rty th ree six 9 atc 10 11 four 12 twenty 20 eight 30 hundred nl ne one, 5 fifty a brothers and sisters 7et"o- 50 100 B A S1.1 Listen and saythe numbers. NATIVE SPEAKER ENGLISH Zero We say 0 in different ways: l'ztaraul,o lalol and nought zero 8 OUTCOMES B lnt'^rl. Read out the text in pairs. VOCABULARY C Complete 1-6 with words from the picture and text. A ll^. 3, 1 4l " have I /, brothers and my my my This is my This is my This is 3 This is 4 This is 2 5 6 Match the words to the pictures. a coffee a green salad a tea a cheese sandwich an orange juice a chicken sandwich a cola a bottle of water a hamburger an ice cream a portion of chips an apple \ 5 ........................... Food and drink ........................... sisters. , Jenny. She's 12. , Pete. He's six years old. . He's 43. . She's 42. !Gt' sister. She's seven months old. , -.,\ GnarrnrrnaR Plurals -t'- Regular brother l'brtrdal sister /'srsta/ gnl lgttll baby l'belbrl ) t ) ) brothers l'brnbazl s sisters /'srstaz/ giils lgztlzl babies a I'berb*l .!! /ff-,s ! lrregular ) ) ) ) child person man woman ch'ildren people 'r;f#'l 9 men women Lrsrerurruc A q SL.z Read the conversation. Then listen and write the numbers you hear. A: Do you have any brothers and sisters? ry 10 1,2 B: Yes. One brother and ........................... sisters. A: How old is Find out the price of the things in exercise A. Student A: look at File 1 on page 166. Student B: look at File 10 on page 169. your brother? B: ........................... . A: Areyou married? B: Yes. A S1.3 Listen to Mr Burnham ordering things for his family. Tick / the things in exercise A that he wants. A: Do you have any children? B: Yes. One boy and .. . ... ............... girl. A: How old are they? B: The and the girl is ........................... Do you have any brothers and sisters? boy's D Work in pairs. You are in the same caf6 as the Burnhams. Say what your family wants. A: No. B: . How old are you? GnartnnnaRa/an/some A: B Work in pairs. Read out the conversation. Ask the same questions to different students. a bottle of water an ice cream some cnrpS sandwich juice some boys a an orange a man an apple some men OI STARTER UNII 9 Vocagu Spearrruc LARY Com mon verbs A Match the verbs in the box to the pictures. work k th in B q open play start ish fin read write look say SL.4listen to ten sentences and tick / A Work in groups. go eat listen put close ta lk tnewords from exercise A you hear. Close your books. Student A: act some words from exercise A. Do you prefer... going to the park or going to the cinema? working or playing? talking or listening? readlng or writing? tea or coffee? cheese sandwiches or chicken sandwiches? cola or orange juice? an ice cream or an apple? small portions or big portions? Student B: say the words. FINISIT ST-NBI a8 A/t 't'4 Y it l9 (v 10 10 OUTCOMES 12 G A Drvrlopr narurraaR 5 u bject pronou ns NG coNVERsATroNs Everyday expressions Complete the table. It'l good to,tear!!r,ne!v-expressions. Translate them intoyoul,lan$uagC. Don't worry about the new singular grammar.in tliem. t, he (man / A Translate boy) B Replace the words in ifalics with a pronoun. 7 My mum and dad work. The,y work 2 My sister is th ree and my brother is two. 3 My children aren't at school. 4 My brother and I play football a lot. 5 The class starts at nine. 6 My sister reads a lot. 7 You and your friend a re late. these sentences into your language. 1 Are you OK? 2 Do you have any brothers and sisters? 3 What time is it? 4 Do you like football? 5 What do you want? 6 What does he do? 7 How old are you? 8 Can you help me? 9 Sorry, what did you say? 10 11 12 Haveyou been to Britain? I don't know. l'm fine. B Work in pairs. Ask each other the questions in exercise A. Give answers using language from this or just say yes ot no. VocaeuLARY Time and days of the week unit - G thur^.run *o'tbuysu'au,, "o".0'"4"rr", narurtnaR c ra m ma r words Here a1s:ssiilS'n!!fU!,gram ma r- words. I want an ice cream. Nou,n:'My:li,qtlreawaytts a coffee. Verb: Adjective: A sma ll coffee, please. Sentences are usually subject-verts-object. A Complete with a day or a time. 1 Today is............................ 2 Tomorrow ls ........................... 3 The day after tomorrow is ..................., 4 Yesterday was ........................... 5 The day before yesterday was ............ 6 The weekend is ........................... 7 The morning is between Subject: He,pli1yil.football. Object: Heplaysfootbatt. . A Work in groups. Think of answers to these questions. . . o'clock and Don't look at your book or at a dictionary. You have five minutes. 1 What verbs do you know in English? 2 What nouns do you know? For example, kinds of drink, food, family, jobs, animals. 8 The afternoon is between , -isr'il: il;:", o'clock and 3 What adjectives do you know in English? For example, for size, colour, cost. oaock and Which group has the most verbs, nouns or adjectives? Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Which day do you start work / school every week? . . . . . . Which daydoyoufinish? What time do you start work / school each day? What time do you finish? ls today a good or bad day foryou? ls tomorrow a good day or a bad day? Why? Was yesterday a good or bad day? Why? OI STARTER UNIT 11 Drvrlop! VocaguLARY Numbers2 A Ouestions Play bingo. Choose six numbers.@:ilAthem. 13 l7 2t t4 l8 22 t9 15 l6 20 50 65 33 78 44 86 97 100 r09 2tt NG coNvERsATroNs 1,000 A Match the question words 1-5 to the Then match 6-10 to f-j. 1 Who? 2 When? 3 Where? 4 What? 5 How? 1,300 5,260 12,000 6 7 8 9 qsZ.Llisten to the numbers. Vllho hears their six numbers first? 10 How much? How old? What time? How long? Which one? answers a By bus. b A coffee, please c Yesterday. d Poland. e My mum. f Nineteen. o b 9.35. h i That big one. Two minutes. j f 13.50. a{. Answer the questions. L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 How How How How How How How How many many many many many many many many weeks in a month? days in a week? months in a year? hours in a day? days in December? minutes in an hour? seconds in an hour? days in a year? D Change ihe numbers and / orthe words in italics so the sentences are true for you. 1 My English class is 90 minutes. 2 lhave threeEnglish classes aweek. 3 Two hundred thousand people live in my city. 4 I work six days a week. 5 I go on holidayfor twoweeks everyyear. 6 I read for two hours a doy. 7 I go to the cinema every month. 8 lt takes 45 minutes to get to work. Compare your answers a partner. 12 oUTCOlt ES with CL 52.2 Listen to the conversation with a teacher. Which seven question words in exercise A do you hear? C Listen again and look at the audioscrlpt on page 170 to check. D Read out the conversation in pairs. BI EO 6 Vocngu LARY Everyday th A Match the words in the box ticket pen i n gs to the pictures. chocolate camera money paper phone beer book 3E @ B GnarrnrtnaR don't / doyou...? Cover the words. What do you remember? C Complete the sentences with words from exercise A. 1 Does the........................... on your phone take good photos? 2 3 I I you have ........................... to buy the ticket? lf you don't have your book, wrlte on some don't watch it. don't drink it. Do 4 I don't watch ........................... much. 5 I don't drink .............. ........... . I don't like it. 6 Do you eat ........................... 7 Open the ........................... and look at page six. 8 I need a ........................... to write the address. 9 Take your ........................... so we can talk later. ? 10 Make negatives with don't (= do not) + verb. I have a . ......................... to see Real Madrid. Make questions with do you + verb. Do you like il? Where do you work? Write the sentences as negatives and questions. 1 lhaveabrother. 2 I like football. 3 ldrink beer. 4 I speak French 5 D Tell a partner which things from exercise I play tennis. A you have Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. now. I have............... I o \ , I I Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Then tell a partner. don't have 1 2 3 GnannnnaR Pronouns It is a pronoun. lt can be a subject or an object. The class starts at six. /tfinishes at nine. [subject] I don't drink beer. I don't like it. fobject] Most other subject and object pronouns are different. l- me you - you he - him I | don't 1ike............................ don't drink.................... I don'tea1....................... D Complete the questions. Then ask a partner. 1 2 3 4 you like ........................... ? you have ........................... Do you want Do Do ? 7 Do you she - her WC_US they - them 02 STARTER UNIT 13 VocaeuLARY Adjectives A Gplrrnrrnan be The verb be is special. Look how it changes. It also has short forms. The word order changes in Saythesentences. questions. lam are you l'm hungry Am I late? l'm you're Are you OK? he is he's ls he here? she is she's ls she EnglishT it it's we're they're How old is it? Where are we? Who are they? is we are they are To make negatives, add not after the verb be. I'm not late ,A cold. 5 We're cold 52.3 Listen and say the short forms. Look at how we use the vetb be. Add one more to the sentences. 1 l'm a student / a teacher / ........................... . 2 t'm 76 / 25 / ......... ..... 3 l'm hungry / tired / 4 l'm from Spain / China / 5 lt's Monday / Salurday / .................... today 6 lt's six o'clock / eight thirty / ...............-........... 4 He's busy. 3 She's old * 6 They're late. Say .l1 Cover exercise A and thing your new sentences to a partner. write the sentences. Write four questions to ask other students. Look at exercise A again and check your sentences. D Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1 Are you hungry? 2 Are you cold? 3 Are you busy? 4 Are you sometimes late for class? 5 ls your house old? 6 ls food cheap in your country? DgveloprNG coNvERsATroN s Me too Adjectives go before nouns: a big car MiE Adjectives go atter be: My car is old. lf a person says something that is also true for you, you can show this by saying Me too. Adjectives don't change when we use them with plural nouns. They aregoods good parents. Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. 1 tired I am . 2 have I a car new. 3 My good is teacher 4 This book is an easy. 5 small flat is My. 6 an mobile phone have expensive . l. Tell a partner which sentences in exercise true for you. 14 OUTCOMES A Student A: say sentences 1-6. Student B:say Me too, l'm not or I don't. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I'm 25. l'm married. l'm from Poland. I live in London. I like coffee. lhaveacar. Write five sentences vmth I'm, I lihe, I have, elc. E are Take turns to say your sentences. Your partner says Me too,I'm not ot I don't. VOcagULARY The Vocabulary Builder The Crammar reference The Outcomes Vocabulary Builder is the small book at the back of your eoursebook. lt helps you learn the words you meet !n clasi;lllhen a new word appears in the book, find the word in the same unit of your Vocabulary Builder. capital nannnnnn G The Grammar referenee is on pages 144-165 of this book. lt has explanations with examples. Sometimes it has extra information. lt also has more exercises. tE ) new word ) space ) example sentence G ln the Grammar sections you do in class, you see this: to translate E Madrid is the capital of Spain. & ) Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 146. E of Cermany? / l'm from the - / I live in the - / the What's the - I ) other examples - city €. the Grammar reference and or do the exercises in class or at home. You can read / A Find out what grammar is on: 7 page 1,46. 2 page752. 3 page757. 4 page 158. Words are very important, but they are easy to forget! Look at the Vocobulary Builder before and after class. it to test each other. Do:the exercises at the end of each unit. Use Read the Grammar reference for the Starter units on pages 1411-145 and find three pieces of new information. In class, choose one exercise and do it. D Do the others after class. Sprarr ruc A Read these ideas for learning English with Outcomes. . . . . . . . . . . Relax. Speak English in class. Don't worry if you are wrong. Laugh. the words you learn. Study lhe Vocabulary Builder. Say Use the Crammar reference. Talk some English outside class. Do ten minutes every day in the Workbook or on MyOutcomes. Think in English every day. B Work in pairs. A Look at the first two pages of the Vocabulary Buililerfor Unit 1, and do 1-3. 1 Tick / all the words you know. 2 Translate the words you don't know. Use a dictionary or ask 3 your teacher ifyou need help. ls your translation good for the examples? For each sentence above, say one of a-e below. a b c d e Idoit. I I don't do it, but it's a good idea. don't do it, but it's not important. I can't do it. I don't understand this. in groups. Close your Vocabulary Builder. In three minutes, write all the words you remember. Which group has the most words? B Work 02STARTER UNIT 15 PEOPLE AND PLACES Lrsrrrurruc Spearrruc A q L.L Look A student has an interview at an English-language school. at the photo. Listen to the conversation. Then repeat it in pairs. Tick { the sentences that are true. 1 The student's name is Miguel. 2 His family name is Fernando. 3 He's from Spain. 4 He lives in Chihuahua. 5 Chihuahua ls in the east. A E L.zlisten. B Listen again and correct the sentences in exercise A that aten't true. GnarrnnnnR The verb be A Write the full forms. I = t'm a,ttu You're He's S he's at's We're They're Th Have similar conversations with students in your class. Use your names. Work in pairs. Try to say the names of everyone in your class. For example: ) rueed help? Read the grammar reference on page J.46. Complete the conversation with the correct short forms of the verbbe. @t E 16 OUTCOMES I l: 5it down. My name your name? Hi. Come in. What ......3 . .' lvy. I ......'] a teacher here. M: Miguel. l: Right. Hi. Niceto meetyou.And what......ayour surname, Miguel? M: Sorry? l: Your surname. Your family name. M: Oh, sorry. lt ......s Hernandez. That ......6 H*E-R-N-A-N-D-E-z. OK. And where ......'you from, Miguel? Spain? M: No, I ......8 not. I ......e from Mexico. Oh, OK. Which part? l: l: M: Chihuahua. lt ......10 in the north. Drvr lopr Nc coNVE RsATroNs Which part? We ask which port (of a place) someone is from to find out the town, city or region.To answer, say the town, city or region - and then add information. M: l'm from l: M: A Mexico. Oh, OK.Which part? Chihuahua. lt's in the north. Complete the sentences whichthe places on the map, GERMANY LUXEMBOSG Listen again and read the audioscript on page 170 to check your ideas. a.. Strasbourg ffi In pairs, practise reading the conversation. FRANCE NATIVE SPEAKER ENGLISH swtzERuNo o Moulins surnome We often say surname instead of family name. What's My your surname, Miguel? first His s u oToulouse name's Lisa and my surname is Sjukur. rna me's La nsbu ry. SPAIN VocaeuLARY Countries A Work in pairs. Match the countries to the parts of the world. Brazil Panama Thailand Mexico Europe China Morocco Oman Germany Italy Kenya ts 't L.3 Listen and say the countries. 3 They're from - the capital - in the north - in the south. 4 l'm from - in the east. 5 My mum's from ................ in the west. 6 My dad's from ................ in the middle. A: Poland elordan l'm from l'm from Have conversations. Use countries from Vocabulary, or cities / areas in your country. For example: A: l'm from Argentina. B: Which part? "Tapan Argentina 2 1 Rosario. C: I'mfrom Rome. D: Which part? C: Morena - in the south. the Middle Easl Where are your parents / grandparents from? Tell a partner. CoruvrnsATroN PRAcncE A Have conversations with other students, using these questions: . What's your name? . . And where are you from? Oh, OK. Which part? Vocae u LARY Descri bi n g places A Match the words in the box to the pictures. achurch apalace acathedral traffic apark abeach arestaurant anartgallery afactory ariver = & , *-E il I l'ro.-, - Say a the plurals of the ten words. For example: church ) churches. Which word has no plural? Say the names of three other things in your town. For example: a hotel. 18 OUTCOMES Reaorruc GnarrnnnaR there is / there are there is / there's with singular nouns. Usethere are with plural nouns. Read the four texts. Answer these questions. Where is each person from? ls the place nice? Why? / Why not? Use 1 2 There's a nice beach and there's some lovely countryside near there. There are lots of nice cafes and restaurqnts. Jeff:'l'm from New Romney, in the south of England. lt's near the sea, so there's a nice beach, and there's some lovely countryside near there, but there's not much to do. There aren't any cinemas or art galleries or museums. lt's a small town.' There are some great otd buildings. Translate the examples in the explanation box into your language. Is the grammar the same or different? Complete the sentenceswith there's or there are. 1 .................. . a cinema in the town lots oftrees and 2 lt's nice. . Nancy:'l'm from Pinedale, in the middle of California. It's not very nice. There's a lot of crime It's not very safe - and there aren't many jobs now but it is cheap.' -Y& ', ry 4 / tT 1.,.rj i; l. tr\ pa rks. lots of hotels near the station 3 4 It's not very safe. a lot of crime. It's not a bad place, but many people! It's a nice city, ........................... but too a lot of trafficl some nice shops and restaurants near here. It's OK. ........................... a nice beach and a few cafes We usually say there's and there are as Rolando:'l'm from Seville, in the south-west of Spain. lt's a great place to live.There are lots of nice rp 1.4 Listen and check your answers to 1-8. tnere' caf6s and restaurants and there's cales Then practise saying the sentences. l6eazland l6eara/. -]'Sd ;-1 .. a great cathedral as well. There's a river in the city and there are lots of beautiful parks as well.' I s E I Which sentences describe the place that you are from? Need help? Read the grammar reference on page L46. from Shenyang. lt's in the north-east of China. lt's not a bad place to live. There are lots of factories and lots of people, and there's a lot of traffic too. But there are also lots of places to go shopping as well, so that's nice - and there are some A Work in pairs. Tell your partner about three great old buildings as well.There's a palace called Mukden Palace. lt's very famous.' places you know well. Use There's ... and There are .... Yu Tsan:'l'm Spraxrruc Where's the best / worst place in your country to live? Why? Which of the four places is best / worst for you? Why? Compare your ideas with a partner. 01 PEOPLE AND PLACES 19 VocaeuLARY * Jobs Work in pairs. Which place is bigger / more important in a-h in exercise C? A How many jobs can you write in English in one minute? E Find out what jobs people in your class do. AskWhat do Work in pairs. Have three conversations like this: A: What do you you do? B: l'm do? waiter. A: Oh, yes? Where do you work? B: ln a caf6 in town. What do you do? A: l'm a designer. B: Where do you work? A: ln a studio in Berlin. Match the jobs 1-8 to the places people work a-h. {+J = z a Lrsrerurruc & 1 reception ist aa L . S Listen to four conversationr.ifur.f the correct words. 1 Jan is a doctor in Warsaw. 2 Lara is a designer / teacher in a school / an ofrice in Bristol. She enjoys / doesn't enJoy it. Marta is a civil servant / receptionist.She works in an office / a company in the north of Brazil. Her job is great / OK. Filippo is a waiter / shop assistant in a department store / cafe in the centre of town. He doesn't like it He wants to become a police officer / nurse. 3 4 3 shop assistant q 4 nurse / nurse in a clinic / hospital Read the audioscript on page 170 and listen again. Choose one of the conversations and read in pairs. 5 police officer 6 designer Write the sentences in your language. Translate them back into English. Compare your English to the original. What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? to become a policeman. He wants I want to study Arabic. She wants 7 civil servant 8 waiter a b c d e f g h in a clothes shop / in a department store in a clinic / in a hospital in a tax office / in a local government office at home / in a studio in a big hotel / in a small company in a school / in a university at a local police station / in the traffic department in a cafe / in a restaurant 20 OUTCOMES i #: lt to be a designer. olz),*st ffir* 4-:-q f ;4e -..-; ' ,>* it Gnnnnrvran Reaor ruc Present simple questions and negatives Read the three texts. Decide who is: 1 2 3 a designer. / does. do + I I you / we / they+ verb? an engineer. does+he/she/it+verb? a journalist. To make questions, use do don't / doesn't. I you I we / they + don't +verb he / she / it + doesn't + verb B Which is the best job? Why? To make negatives, use I Complete the sentences with dq does, don't ot doesn't. you do? 1 A: What B: l'm a cleaner. A: What ........................... he do? B: I ........................... know. your mother work? A: Where B: She ........................... have a job at the moment. your parents live? A: Where B: Halifax. A: ........................... you enjoy working there? B: No, not really. A: We ........................... live near my office, so I take the train to work. B: So what time ................. ... you leave home? 7 A: ........................... they have any kids? B: No, they I work at home and I do jobs for different companies and magazines. I don't get much money because don't have much work, but I enjoy it because it's interesting. I l'm ............................ . work for a local newspaper. I work strange - sometimes I get up really early, sometimes I work all night. Sometimes it's boring because I have nothing to do. I meet lots of interesting people, but sometimes people get angry and shout at me. I hours aaacaaaaa -o t. aaaa o a a a a o o & c a a a q aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a a work for a construction company. l'm a manager now, so it's a very important job. I like my job, but lwork : : very long hours. I start work at eight in the morning and finish at eight or nine at night. I often work at the weekends and I don't see my wife or kids very much. : . : . ' ..............a.....! d t * l'm.... I a t Need help? Read the grammar reference onpageL4T. r Put the words into the correct order to make questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C Translate the words in bold in the text. Then complete the sentences with the words. 1 2 3 4 5 how Ianguages you speak many do ? Match the answers a-g to the questions above. 1........................... work at nine and finish at six. My boss isn't very nice. He sometimes gets really with us. I don't know why. I don't like my job it's boring. My ... ... ............. is good. She helps me and she doesn't shout at me. My town is ........................... because there isn't much to a I go swimming, I play football, I read. b In Belvaros, near the river. c I live on my own. d At about 12 o'clock most days. e I take the bus. f Two- French and Spanish. g At half past seven. do. 6 I usually you get tlme do what up ? travel do here how you ? bed you go do to when ? live do you where ? with you do who live ? your what free do time do in you ? at six and leave the house at Seve n. 7 8 9 B -two girls and a boy. an important job in the company. I love my job. lt's really Spearrruc I have three........................... I......... .. .......... Choose one of the three people in the texts. Work in H Choose five questions from these pages to ask another student. Write one more question. Remember your questions - then ask them. pairs. Have conversations using these questions: . What do you do? . . Where do you work? Do you enjoy it? OI PEOPLE AND PTACES 21 rremffi Tnd\4ffi VocneuLARY A Free LrsrrrurNc time activities & Work in pairs. 1 Look at the people in the picture. What do you think they like / don't like? Student A: act or draw activities from the box. Student B: say the words or phrases. watching TV going to the cinema meeting new people listening to music shoppi ng reading dancing walking swimming chatting on the lnternet playing computer games going out for dinner studyi ng doing sport & 2.3 Listen to the two people talking and complete the table with doesn't like, OK and loves, ,1 Ir ---r- ,-l L- I computer games Listen again and then read the audioscript on page L71. Practise the conversation. B Change. Student B: act or draw activities from the box. Student A: say the words or phrases. NATIVE SPEAKER ENGLISH Complete the sentences with different activites from We say What about you? What about you? to return a question someone asks. exercise A. 1 is boring. 2 is good fun. 3 is 4 is expensive. ..... is 5 6 l'm bad at 7 l'm good at A: Do you like walking? B: No.What about you? A: lt's OK. interesting great Sprarrruc . A Work in new pairs. Tell your partner your ideas. Does your partner agree? 22 OUTCOMES A: How areyou? B: OK. What about you? A: Fine. Work in pairs. Ask each other Do you like...7 Use the words in Vocabulary, exercise A or your own ideas. Reply with I I ove it, It's OK ot Not really. Match the questions in the box to the pairs of answers in 1-5. you like going to the cinema? want to see Monsters 6 on Sunday? What time do you want to meet? Do Do you .li *t\ Nl.\ Where? .r1 ,r What time does the film flnish? , \1o4., a b a four good? film starts at eight don't know. Around seven. About 11.30. lt's a long film. I b a OK. That sounds nice. b 5orry, l'm busy then. a Yes, it's OK. b Not really. a Or-rtside the train station. b Outside the cinema. GnarurrnaR Verb forms Look at the different verb forms after like, love and wont. In pairs, write three different short conversations using the questions and answers in exercise A. Then say them to another pair of students. playing tennis and football. like going to the cinema. Do you want to see 'Love Train'? I love I is ls seven OK? The don't LrsrrrurNG 2 & Write full sentences from the notes. 1 I / like / meet /new people. 2 my daughter / want / get / a new phone. 3 my sister / love / you t* 3:ae*c t"*ri* e*aaver:ati*3:.s:*"here pe**3* ar* m.akieg *srangc:*e:tts" play / tennis. 4l/notllike/shop. 5 you / like / dance? 6 E*r: ar* gei:tg & G Listen and choose the correct words in the =.? notes. /want / go out / this weekend? Write two different sentences about your free time for each of 1-3. Use a dictionary if you need to. 1 I love 2 ldon't really Iike 3 Tomorrow, I want .............. SaturdaY v,Jatch ' march / filrr with SundaY .Iack Lunch with Tina aFrench Tell a partner. H::[ff;:':,::';i:'," Need help? Read the grammar reference on page J"48. / ltalian restaurant Meelsone / two o'clock outside the 6cathedral / resta u rant Drvr lopr Nc coNVE RsATroNs Arrangements You Which do you think is better - to go with Tina or to will learn more later in this book, but you can go with Jack? Why? make simple arrangements using the present simple: A: Dayou wantto go shopping on Saturday? B: OK. Where do you want to meetl A: Outside Harrods - the big department store B: OK. What time? A: /s ten OK? B: Yeah. Fine. CoruvensATroN PRAcncE A On your own, write notes about two things you want to do at the weekend (on Friday night, Saturday or Sunday). Decide where you want to meet and what time. Work in pairs. Have similar conversations to the ones in Developing conversations and Listening 2. 02 FREE TIME 23 VocaeuLARY oairy iilb Which activities in the box can you When do people normally do the activities in exercise A? Put the words in the three groups. see in the pictures? have a shower go out for dinner get home from work so out dancins have a coffee go to a concert watch the news do homework ln the morning i! the afternoon 1t niglt get up sleep leave work have breakfast go to bed have lunch Compare your answers with a partner. n Look at the words in exercise A for two minutes. Close your books. In pairs, how many can you remember? drink whisky finish school GnarraruaR Adverbs of frequency We use some adverbs to show how often we do something. Notice their position in the sentence. I always have a shower in the morning. I usually go :< (-.=, to bed at midnight. Complete the line below with the adverbs in the box. Then translate all the adverbs into your language. --(/ a lways never olten sometimes L00% ,tr:1, occasionally hardly ever 0% / the sentences which are true for you. Change the adverbs in the other sentences to make them true for you. 1 I always watch the news in the evening. 2 I usuall,v have a coffee after my lunch. 3 I neve" dr'nk beer or w'ne. Tick 4 5 6 7 B | hardly ever read novels. often listen to music when I go to sleep. occasionally go to rock concerts. I always do my homework for my English class. I sometimes go swimming at the weekend. I I Work in groups. Take turns saying your sentences. Who is most similar to you? Write four true sentences using the phrases in the box and an adverb. Then say them to a partner. , drink tea lrave a shower L 24 OUTCOMES go out for dinner read novels Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 148 Rraor ruc DO YOU HAVE ANY Yer: are going ta read about ho'*r ii::ee rREE TIME? pe*ple spend their iree time. tl Read the article on the right and decide: 1 2 Who is most similar to you? Why? Who do you think is the happiest person? why? l$ Read again and decide which person: 1 does sport or exercise. 2 spends a lot of money. 3 is tired at the weekend. 4 likes TV. 5 seems quiet. 6 has a busy social life. 7 goes to bed quite early. B t: keep ' go........................... a 'tu i. ' I do something most nights. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I . go to an English class, and on Tuesdays, I usually -. go to the cinema with friends, because the tickets are cheap then. 0n Thursdays, I always go to the gym. I usually go out dancing on Saturday nights. I often get home at four or five in the morning, so on Sundays, I sleep! I sometimes get up at three in the afternoon. fii. loften a'i' Birgit from Germany works long hours. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in bold in the article. 1 I sometimes have a short sleep the afternoon, 2 l go ........................... a gym near my house to 3 'q, *,* a'-- walk with my wife after dinner. 4 5 6 7 8 l'm always very busy Mondays. We don't usually do very much the weekend - just relax. I listen to English radio ......................... an hour or two every night. Our school day finishes . ........................ four ........................... the week, I stay at home in the evening. Frankie from the UIt Free time? I don't have any free time because I have my own business. I occasionally go to a rock concert - about once or twice a year - and I sometimes go shopping at the weekend. I like buying expensive things with the money I earn. I have a really big TV and I have a very nice car. Write the sentences in your language. Translate them back into English. Compare your English to the original. Maybe once or twice a year, I usually have a shower twice a day. He works at the weekend once a month. 5he goes running maybe four times a week. Sprarrruc Work in groups. Ask each other these question. . What do you normally do on Friday nights? . What do you normally do on Saturdays? . What do you normally do on Sundays? . Do you go out in the evening during the week? When? What do you do? Suetlana lrom Russia I don't go out much during the week. I usually study lor two hours in the evening. I never watch TV, really. I usually play the piano every day. It helps me to relax. Then I go to bed at nine or ten and read. At the weekend, I go out with my family to a park or the countryside, and we go for a walk. I sometimes go to a shopping centre with friends, but I hardly ever buy anything! Who is the busiest person in the group? 02 FREE TIME 25 Spearrrc VoCaeu!.ARY Things in the classroom 1 A Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . . . . you like doing courses in your free time? this your first English course? Do ls Doyou like learning English? you like ... ... doing homework? ... watchingfilms orTV shows in English? ... listening to songs in English? Do A Match the words to the pictures. ... reading in English? a ... finding new words in a dictionary? pa ... practising your pronunciation a board ? dictionary per a pen a pencil a window Lrsreurruc A Vllho would usually say each sentence teacher, a student or both? 1 2 3 please. Compare your answers with a partner, l'm sorry l'm late. For homework, do exercise 1 in your Workbooks. 7 8 9 Sorry, I tissue ,db turn off your mobile phone, 4 5 6 10 -/ Can I go to the toilet? Everyone, a scissors a blind V -a Match the words to the pictures. a rubber a ruler a seat How do you say this word? don't understand. OK. Let's check the answers. What does'turn off'mean? B Compare your ideas C 2.3 Usten to a teacher checking the answers to exercise Awith her class. Check your ansr Ters. with a partner. Cg D Listen again. ItVhich of the sentences exerciseAdoyouhear? t in l_ Remember the things in exercise A. Close your books. In pairs, say which things are in your classroom now. Do you know the English word for any other things you can see in your dassroom? GRamrrnaR a(n) / any and one / some Pnoru uNcrATIoN Syllables and word stress Look at these questions. a goes with singular nouns,qnywith plurals. Do you have a dictionary? Do you have any coloured pensl ln English, the number of syllables a word has is not always clear from the spelling. For example, dictionary only has three syllables because we don't say the a. Any also goes with some singular uncountable nounsz paper money, water, milk, sugar. Have you got any paper? dic-tion-ary ln every word, one syllable has the main Nolez have you got means the same as do you have. stress. o. Complete the questions dictionary A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2.4 Listen. Mark these words as in the second example above. Mark the number of syllables and the main stress. t1!, 5C I 550 rS soci a I homework cat hed tissue i mobile manager pronunciation stra nge ra B I nteresti ng you have Do you have Do you have Do wilh ........................... a or any. rubber? ........................... scissors? money? tlssue? Do you have ........................... lined paper? Have you got .......... mobile phone? Have you Do ........................... got you have ........................... water? got .... ,. coloured penclls? Have you B Ask each other the questions. Give true answers like this: ln answers, you can replace singular nouns with one. Compare your answers. Listen again and check. A: Do B: No, you have o dictionoryr'! but Pepe has one. You can riplace plural / unc0Untable nouns With sonre. A: Do you have ony scissors? B: No, sorry. Ask Sam. I think she has some. Ask each other the questions in exercise A again. This time reply using I\Iq but ........................... has ... . Add a name of someone in the class and one ot some. ) Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 149. SprarrNc h 2 Write five Do youhave ...? questions to ask other students the class. in Ask your questions to different students. They must give true answers. See if you can find people who answer fes to all your questions. 02 FRFF TIMF 27 PnoruuructATtoN Sounds in English CoruvrnsATroN PRAcrrcE There is pronunciation in each Review unit in this book. You learn the different sounds in English, understand how a dictionary shows pronunciation, Work in pairs. Do one of these Conversation practice and practise with words from the book. activities. A People and places, Unit 1,, page 17. Free time, Unit 2, page 23. t R 1.1 Listen and repeat the words and consonant sounds. tht tfl lpt free pen lbl lvl live biS lml lnl he man Inice tet Acr on DRAw so uth tbt the Work in pairs. One person acts or draws the words. Don't speak. Your partner tries to guess the words. Then change roles. at train da nce ch bori ng a walk study get up a church shower angry a faclory a a beach a river a pen swim a a board turn off a tree window waiter dsl job I lsl tIt tkt sit she car lzl l3l l9l Asia go tjt trees ttl l\l lrl like long read walk yes Work in pairs. Say the sounds with {irilqagain. Oo you use your tongue, lips or the top of$/ur mouth to make each sound? There are 12 single vowel sounds and eight vowels with two sounds. All are in the first units of this Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible. 1 When do you eat dinner, breakfast and lunch? 2 Are kids the same as children? 3 Where do you sleep? 4 Say two things you watch. 5 Where do you have a coffee? 6 Say two places where people teach. 7 What's the job in a loca I government or tax office? 8 Say three things you drink. 9 What's the opposite of expensive? book, except one. lrl lul lu\l fit good food lel lal bed river l3t I work s fun lo'^l art li: I eat lal bad letl If there's a Iot of crime, is a place safe? Which is bigger: a town or a city? Say two things you read. What are the opposites of south and west? How do people keep fit? tdt bed Itl I chat Work irypairs. Say each word and consonant sound aSain. Qlhe sounds that you think you have in your language. Qutz l-0 11 L2 13 14 15 ltl take l)r I port lol boss arl ltal great write here laul l)t I laul lua I town boy go pu re I I eal wh-ore D A R 1.2 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. Where does a nurse work? Fasr wRtrER Work in groups. See who is quickest to write each of 1-5. 1 2 3 4 5 Four questions in the present tense. Four negative sentences in the present tense. Four sentences with there's / there are. 28 OUTCOMES Work in pairs. Try to say these words. 1, /polkl 5 /b>td/ 2 /[op/ 6 /lnn[/ 3 /mitt/ 7 lnjulz/ 4 /wafi/ 8 /brekfast/ 9 /mrr6a/ L0 /brztl 11 /rrleks/ 12 lste{nz/ Five cou ntries. Five jobs. t R 1.3 Listen and check in the audioscript on pageLTI-. ^A Lrsrerrruc Vrnss You are going to hear four conversations. Complete the text with the verbs in the box. I R 1.4 Listen and match each conversation to one picture. Two pictures are not used. B Listenagainandcheck. go spend get fi n work listen ish keep have in a department store in town. usually start at eight o'clock and 2........................... at four. I leave the house at seven and 3........................... home at seven. I often 4........................... to the gym after work. I usually about an hour there. want to . fit. ln the evening l'm usually tired, so ljust '........................... dinner with my wife and watch TV. We sometimes sit and 8........................... to | '........................... [.../ 8] I I music. 1...t et :=l: r 'i..i1ill ftal.r.ii. lr-rftr-l Gnannrrnan A Choose the correct words. l- A: Where are / is hefrom? 2 B: France A: Do you want to go / going to the cinema later? 3 A: Do you have o / any tissues? 4 A: What are / doyou do? B: I am / are ateacher. A: Doyou like play / playing tennis? B: Yes, lt3 / he's great. A: ls your town big? B: Not really.There is / are only about 10,000 people. A: What do you do at / in lhe weekend? B: I usually stay at home. ldon't / l'm not earn much B: OK. What time? B: Yes. There are one / some in my bag. 5 6 7 money. 8 A: Doyou like sport? B: I love watching, but ldon't doitvery ofien / sometimes 1... B t L2) Put the word(s) in bold in the correct place in the sentence. 1 I need do some shopping. to 2 I play computer games. hardly ever 3 Sorry,l understand. What does Journalist'mean? don't 4 Do you have pencil and paper? a 5 There's a palace near the river. lt's great. beautiful 6 She speaks English very well, but she's from the UK. not 1...t 81 Aore cnvrs Replace each adjective in italics in 1-8 with its opposite on the right. In three cases, change a and an! 1 lt's a boring job. cheap 2 I have a busy social life. best 3 4 5 6 7 8 quiet He has a big car. lt's a n expensive resta u ra nt i lt's the worst place to live in the lt's in eastParis lt's a long film. I have a new mobile phone UK. nteresti ng west old small short [.../ 8] Colr.ocanoNs Match the verbs in the box to the groups of words they go with in 1-8. check watch open help get play go live 1 -the news / - afootball game / - afilm 2 - in the countryside / - in the capital / - on my own 3 - inthe park I -the piano / - agame 4 -to a concert / - swimming/ -fora walk 5 -a seat /-sometickets/ -angry 6 - my grandparents / - me /- to do my homework 7 - the answers / - the word in a dictionary / - it's OK 8 - the blind / the shop -s at nine / - the window [.../ 8] [Total ... /s0] 61 01 REVIEW 29 , .- ,-t :..J o3 HOME Spelrrruc about the areas you live / work / study in. What shops, restaurants and other facilities are there in each area? Compare with a partner. Which When we explain where things are, we usually use prepositlons - words like nexf to, on, at, between and opposite - to make it clear. These prepositions are often ln expressions. area is best? There's a really good supermarket near my home and there qre lots of different restaurants. There's only a small caf( and a bank near my home. A Name the places A-H described in 1-8 on the map on the opposite page. 1 There's a post office opposite the church. 2 There's a bank down this road - next tothe LARY Loca I faci I ities su A Which of the places in the box can you see bank caf6 a post office a shoe shop a chemist's a clothes shop a bookshop a restaurant B Match these things that people do to the places exercise A. 1 buy a novel /buy a dictionary 2 buy some toothpaste / buy some aspirins 3 have a sandwich /havea cup of tea 4 buy a shirt / buy a jacket 5 buy some boots / buy some shoes 6 7 8 change money / get some money C Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . 30 Which of the places in exercise A do you go to most? What do you usually buy - or do - in each one? OUTCOMES 8 in have a steak / have some wine buy some stamps / send a package perma rket. 3 There's a great museum down here - on the right. 4 There's a hotel in the next street- on the left. 5 There's a caf6 on Jones Street - next to the station. 6 There's a cinema at the end of this road. 7 There's a big department store on the corner of in the pictures on this page? a a +j GnannrrnaR Prepositions of place A Think Vocagu t, ) Church Street and.lackson Lane. There's a clothes shop between the lnternet cafd. and the department store. trteed help? Read the grammar reference on page 150. NATIVE SPEAKER:ENGLIsH Thanks / Cheers We often say Thanks or Cheers instead of Thank you Great.Thanks Thanks for that. for your help. That's great. Cheers. Drve lopr NG coNVE RsATroNs I need to ... erqi, lor:,eiqmp! e get some money. ls there a bank near here? i'ft ellt.iipEinr wtry..wirnedt'!!.igo,,t-!i I need to Work in pairs. Cover exercise A. Look at the map. Ask and answer questions like this: A: ls there a post office near here? B: Yes, there's one opposite the church. A Work in pairs. Think of two reasons to go to each of the places below. a,,pOst office a ihemist's a clothes shop Lrsrrrurruc l need to ... .li ?hr*e pecple ask ahsut tro*43 plaees. there ,a computer shop near',heie? a ea{e a,sup-enrnaiket & & 3.3 tisten. What places do they ask about? Why? an:l,nteiiiit cafe tl the sentences that are true. 1 a The chemist's is on New Street. b lt's on the right. c lt's next to a clothes shop. Listen again. Tick a b c a b c There are lots of good places to eat in the area. The cafe is on Dixon Road. lt's next to a shoe shop. The bookshop is on the corner of Chester Street and Hale Road. lt's on the right. lt's opposite a supermarket. Have conversations about where you are. Ask and answer the seven questions in exercise A. A: I need to send a package. Is there a post office near here? B:Yes,there's one on.Junction Road resta u ra nt. - next to an ltalian CoruvrnsATroN PRAcncE J& Work in pairs. Student A: look at the map in File 3 on page 166. Student B: look at the map in File 9 on page 169. Ask each other Is there a ... near here? to find the places you want. Explain why you need to go to each place. YOU ARE HERE lEl r_ twt l-+ I o supermarket o "nuran A tu ffi_lE_l z J CHURCH STREET t Y tr I z lBl o ct) T-- station ur |+ll | \ tt F It IH -:1 tnternetcaf6 IL-i n I-' I I I Y O -) fr V I IlId!-nitl lrrr.frrrlrll larralrrlrrll factory JONES STREET tr@bookshop @l art gallery 03 HOME 31 VocaguLARY ln the house Which rooms are the things in the box usually in? sofa a cupboard TV an alarm clock shampoo the sink a fridge a bed a a a mirror plates table towels a B Where do you do the things in the box? Look up any words you don't know itrthe Vocabulary Buililer.Then discuss your ideas in pairs. do the washing-up check your emails put ornmake-up watch DVDs cut vegetables wash your clothes brush your teeth get dressed C tlow often do you do the things in exercise B? TeIl a partner. living room bathroom rffil Reaoruc You are going to read about a young Greek woman, Maria. She describes where she lives. Work in groups. Say one good thing and one bad thing about: . living at home with your parents. . . living on your own. sharing a house / flat with friends. Read Maria's blog on the right. Answer these questions. l- Where does she live? 2 What is good / bad about each place? 3 Who does she live with? 4 What problems does she have with each pe rson ]2 ? OUTCOMES C Match the verbs with the words they 1 live 2 study 3 take 4 share 5 annoy 6 spend D Work in pairs. a b c d go with in the blog. an hour to drive there a room with my sister hours putting on her make-up with my sister and brother eme f Business Management Say what you remember about the blog, using the language in exercise C. For example: Maria lives with her sister, Dimitra, and her brother, Casta. +a My name's Maria and llive inThessaloniki.lt's a great citl,. There are lots of things to do. I live with my sister, Dimitra, and m;.r brothet Costa. They both work here, and I study In6lish and Business &flanagemernt. We usually stay in the city during the week and then sometimes, at the weekend, \ivf go back to our family house in the mountains near Askos. lt takes ab,:ut an hour to drive there.lt's a beautiful place, but the village is very qui,^t and small. There's not muclt to do there. ln our family honre, I have a big bedroom with my own TV My sister's room has its own bathroom as well, but I prefer mine. It's nice and quiet and lcan relax,listen to music, read, do whatever I want there. Our flat in Thessaloniki is very small.l share a room with Dimitra, but Costa has his own room.Ours is nice and tidy, but his is really messyl Men! to cook and r-lean and do the washing-up. I love living v,rith my family, but sometimes my sister annoys me.5he spends hours putting on her make-up and washing her hair * and we only have one bathrooml We tal<e turns Gnarrnrrnan B Choose the correct word. Your / Yours house is really nice. Their / Theirs houseis nextto the sea, but our I 2 Possessive adjectives and pronouns 3 She shares a flat with her / hers stster. 4 My room is OK, but I prefer your / yours. 5 They come to our / ours house a lot, but we don't visittheir / Examples of possessive adJectlves are my and yout. I live with my sister, Dimitra, and my brother, Costa. A possessive pronoun can replace a possessive adjective + noun, Examples are mine and yours, My sister! room has its own bathroom as well, but I prefer mine (= my room). A / oursis about ten minutes away. Use possessive adjectives before nouns. 6 7 8 ) theirs very often. This isn't my / mine dictionary.lsityour / yours? lt's a nice photo. Are thoseyou r / yours sisters? A: Are these scissors your I yours? B: No, they're her / hers. My I Mine are in my / mine bag. Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 150. Complete the table. Subject Object Adjective Pronoun I me my mine you you your yours he " him his she her her we us our they them Spearr ruc Think about your answers to these questions. . . . What is good / bad about where you live? Who do you live with? Do you ever have any problems with the person / people you live with? What? Work in groups. Discuss your answers. 03 HOME 33 Lrsrerurruc You are going to hear tlrree conversatioas in someonek home. A Match the sentences 1-8 to the pictures a-h. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I can't concentrate. can't reach. I can't hear it. B Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Which of the problems in exercise A do you have in your home? . lnyour language,whatdoyou sayorask next in each of the eight situations in exercise A? Use a dictionary to try and say it in E nglish. I can't find my keys. l'm cold. l'm hot. lt's a mess. lt's very dirty. I C 8 r,2 Listen to the three conversations. Match each one to a situation in exercise A. D Listen again. Complete the 1a I .....................:..... you b Can b What temperature is the air-conditioning........................... Can you it down? l'm cold. 2a c 3a b lt's........................... cold. What did Can you c ls that 34 OUTCOMES sentences with ONE word in each gap. walk across it and not break something! it, please? he........................... turn it ? ........................... for you? ? ? Vocae GnarrnrrnaR can / can't u LARY Col locations something is impossible, use canT +verb. l'can't reach. We cal! words that go together'collocations'. For example, wotchTV. To say He can't hear it. When you learn a noun, learn a verb or adjective that goes with it. For a new verb, Iearn some nouns that go with it.The Vocabulary Builderhelpsyou with this. To ask A: Can to do something , use Can I / you, etc. + verb? you turn the TV down, please? I can't concentrate. A Look at the collocations from the Vocabulary Builder this unit. Match the verbs in the box to 1-5. B: OK, sorry. f.ot A: Can I usethis towel? I want to have a shower. B: Of course. lt's there for you. Ly" 1 2 - my jacket, - your shoes, * some make-up ...,.......,,.............. :- )ourself, - some vegetables, I can't' lt, I need some scissors to - it, - my hair 3 ........................... : - the TV - the air-conditioning, - the music, - the sound 4 ........................... : Ijust need to - my hair, - my teeth, - the .................. . ..... : A Put the words into the correct order. 1" sleep I can't ? ? ? . dog 5 6 ? to - my hands,- some dirty clothes, - my hair, - the plates ........................... : - a flat with two other people, - a room with my sister, - a sandwich, - a pizza, - your things ...........................:l need R Match the nouns in the box to 7-12. table towel air-conditioning alarm clock the /kan/ or /kan/. cupboard Listen to the sentences again. Practise saying them. sink fr Write questions with - on?,turn the - on,turn up the 1 2 3 4 5 6 -, turn down the -, turn off the :put the things in the -, it's in the -, put it back in the -,the kitchen -,the bedroom -,abig-,a small -, the - under the sink : it's on the -, the kltchen -, set the - for 10 dinner, clean the :the kitchen -, wash your hands in the -, 11 leave the dirty plates in the -, the cupboard under the t2 : do you have an -?, set the - for seven, hea r the - Can I ...? ot Can you...? and the words in brackets. : is & 3"3 listen and check your answers. Canisptonounced :need a - to dry myself, have a clean -, - on the floor after you use it, a beach . Can't ispronounced I katnt I . the -'s wet, leave your 8 . 2 you can me help 3 use I can bathroom your 4 up you turn can music the 5 book find I can't my 6 can clothes wash some I 7 week can't we next come 8 moment can't he drive at the o can't see the TV. (move) to do some shopping. (take me in the car) I ca n't spea k now. (ta lk to you later) Dinner's ready. (set the table) l'm hot. (open the window) I need to eat something. (make a sandwich) I I need Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 151. .E Work in pairs. Have short conversations using your questions from exercise D. Say things about you and people you live with by adding always / usually / hardly ever / never. For example: My mum always washes my clothes. My brother hardly ever washes his hands before dinner. wash my clothes wash ... hands before dinner put milk back in the fridge leave dirty plates in the sink set the table for dinner hang up towels after using them set the alarm clock turn up the air-conditioning 5pe arr ruc A Work in pairs. Write short conversations based on the pictures inListening,exercise A on page 34. Remember what you wrote, Act your conversations for another pair. 03 HOME 35 04 ;t \ ;,i \ "v' ,th.:i[E:_ i *=, r-I ffiL$ MAYS -r-''tr' Lrsrsrurruc You ave going GnannnnaR The past simple t* hear foux comversations about last The past simple form is usually verb + -ed or -d (if the base form ofthe verb ends in -e). weelcemd. I A Look at what four people did last weekend. Which weekend activities do you think were great, OK or bad? 1 I was ill. I had a bad cold. 2 We went to a rock festival. 3 Some friends came to visit, so I showed them the city. 4 Nothing much really. ldid some shopping on Saturday. I played tennis and watchedfV. wanted to,go out yesterday. She smiled lo herself. A lot of othet,common verbs are irregular: see- saw take - fook spgnd - spert get - qof read,,- read buy - bought in the past simple fuom Listening. Write the base form. *t Look at these verbs 7 went - go 2 did3 had 4 was / were 5 came - 6 showed - 7 cooked -, stayed - .. -., B 9 played r0 watched - Work in pairs. Test each other. Student A: say a verb. Student B: say the past simple form. n & 4.1 listen and put sentences 1-4 in exercise B Complete the sentences about things people did last weekend with the past simple forms of the verbs in the box. into the order you hear them. Was each weekend great, OK or bad? Listen again and match a-f below to conversations 1-4. 3 ...... ,...... 4 ...... ,...... 1 2 1 We went for a picnic in the park. I sawThe Specials on Saturday night.They were good c I stayed in bed all weekend. d I cooked lunch for everyone. I played tennis, watched TV... the usual things. a b f il I didn't sleep much. Work in pairs. Discuss whether you like: . a busy weekend or a quiet weekend. . . going to markets or cooking. showing people round your town / area 36 OUTCOMES I ........................... lunch with my grandparents. to the beach with some friends. 3 We ........................... at home and relaxed. 4 1 ........................... a football match on Saturday. 5 There ........ a free concert in town. 6 Some friends to our house for dinner. 7 I went shopping and I ........................... some new shoes B I ........................... all weekend studying for an exam. 2 ) I ........................... Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 152. S Write three things you did in the past that were great, and three things you did that were bad or boring. t 9-i i NATIVE SPEAKER ENGTISH sounds We often don't say the subject when we say sounds. A: We went to the countryfor the day. B: Sounds nice. A: Do you want to go to the cinema tonight? B: Sounds great. PnoruUNctATloN Past simple forms /.'\ A S 4.2 tisten.@,$the form Devr lopr NG coNvE RsATloNs That sounds 3 play / played 4 try / tried; play / played 5 want / wanted; rain / rained 6 meet / met; chat / chatted 7 walk / walked;chat / chatted 8 walk / walked; have / had ... We often give our feeling about what people,say usingThot sounds + adjective. For example: A: Some friends came to visit, so I showed them round the city. B: That sounds nice. llYith:v-erbs ending in 'prst'ending A Write a comment wahtdd about these sentences usingThot in the box. sounds + an adjective n ice great bad i of the verb or verbs you hear in each sentence. 1 visit / visited 2 visit / visited -( the pronunciation of the i3 I td I . ltwonttdl chatted Withrotheiverbs,you heara nteresti ng rained lrendl a I went for a walk in the countryside. b We rented a boat and went on the lake. c I had a headache, so I stayed at home. d I went shopping with my mum. e I saw a documentary about crime. f We had a parly at home. visited /'rfatrd/ l'vtzlttdl IdI ot ltlsound. played /plerd/ walked /w::kt7 Look at the audioscript on page 173. In pairs, practise reading the conversations from Iistening. CoruvensATroN PRAcrrcE E Practise the conversations. & Think about last weekend. Did you have a nice weekend? Choose an answer from the list below. Yeah, it It was was great. OK. Not really. Write down two or three things you did. B Have conversations with different people in your class. Use these two questions: Did you have o nice weekend? What did you do? Comment on people's answers about their activities withThat sounds... e With a partner, decide which person in the class had the best weekend. Why? 04 HOLIDAYS 37 VOCagULARY Months, seasons, dates Put the months in the correct order. When we say dates we use ordinal numbers. We say: August lune January December February May September April luly October March March the/rut, May the second, )une lhe third, luly thefifth,August the tweffth. Novern her ordinal numbers, add 'th'to the number: fo u rth, Ifth, sixth, seve nth, ei ght h, ninth, tenth, eleventh, etc. Then twenty-first, twenty-second, elc. To make Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Do you have the four seasons in the photos in your country? . What months are they? . Did you go on holiday this / last year? . What season was it? What month? il % 4"3 6 { Listen. When are these public holidays? 1 Ncw Year's Day, Ul( 2 Mot her The resa Day, Alba n a 3 Wtrrrcrr's Day, Rr-rssi.r 4 Dry of the Decd, Merico 5 San Juan's Day, 7tt-1tu1/ Catalonia and Alicante Martin Luther King Day, USA ffi Work in pairs. Student A: Iook at File 4 on page 167 Student B: look at Flle 11 on page 159. E Work in groups. . Discuss these questions. Which of the public holidays in exercises C and D do you have in your country? Do you have any public holidays to ce ebrate . famous people? When? Who is the person? Who has a birthday next in your c ass? . 38 OUTCOMES Lrsrrru rruc GnnrurrnaR t* heer thr** st*:i*s ab+ut c,vhat pe*ple did i:r }r*iidays fs*rll V***bu\ary:, *x*rei=e {. Past simple negatives the verb be, past,simple negatives,are Ysrs axe gtafuag For the / weren't. wasn't in Russia in March. I was in London for work. ? eople w e re n't very friendly. paabtric wosnT I When you listen, you often can't hear every word people say. Donlt worry! Use the words you can hear to guess what they said. other verbs, use didn't + verb. didn't go outfor dinner. I didn't get any flowers. Nobody said nice things to me. Some of my friends swam in the sea, but didn't. For i{ & 4"& Listen. Which public holidays do they talk about? Listen for dates, months and days. I Look at these words and check you understand them. 1 night- beach -fire-songs -swam-warm -slept 2 missed - work - nice - presents - flowers - said - room 3 three - drove - clear - cloud - views - traffic - two e A ffi Listen again. Complete the sentences with ONE word 2 3 in 4 each gap. 1 a We b c 2a b b c a fire on the beach. H Work in pairs. . usually flowers. in exercise much on Sunday. (did) till 11. (got up) wanted to have breakfast, but there any coffee or bread. (was) I went to the shop, but I ........................... my keys. I 5 The shops (were) 6 ltried to call my neighbour, but . ,........ ...., . 7 8 open. lt was a holiday! I went to a caf6 and I had a coffee, but then saw that I ........................... any moneyl (had) I went back to my flat. I broke a window to get I again after that. (went out) We often use not vetyr+ adjective It wasn? very Warm. We didn't go veryfar, B he (answered) .............. to remind you, and say what each person did on the last public holiday. Then compare your ideas with the audioscript onpage L73. Use the words ,. t ..........,................ (took) We ........................... songs and laughed. Some of my friends swam in the ........................... I wasn't in Russia, so I missed the ........................... On Women's Day, men us very well. I didn't get any said nice things to me on Saturday at three in the morning. We drove to the lt was very clear and sunny.There wasn't a cloud in the c 3 a We Write the negative form of the past simple verbs in brackets. 1 I..... In your own language, think about what each person did. Then listen again and check. I t alvarb. the words in ffalics usingnot very + the words in brackets. 1 We went to bed early. (late) \,t) e, d,{dzvt g,> to- be* v ory latez l3 Replace 2 The hotel was expensive. (cheap) 3 We got back late. (early) 4 People were unfriendly. (friendly) 5 There was nothing to do. (much) 6 We boughtfew things. (many) 7 We stayed a short time. (long) 8 My parents were annoyed. (happy) Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 152. Sprarrruc fi Write answers to these questions. Then work in groups and say what you've written. . . What's your favourite public holiday? What do you normally do? When was the last public holiday? What did you do? 04 HOLIDAYs 39 Ruaorruc VocaeuLARY Coing on holiday You are going to read an eraail ixom a Daaish man to go on holiday: lf you go on holiday, you stop working and go away to a different place to relax, usually for a few days or more. A A Match the verbs 1-6 to the groups of words .) cf:rr 3 take spend rent B 6go a b c d in Rome / the week relaxing / lots of money to Helsinki / with British Airways / first class a day Complete the Sentences with ONE word in each gap. Look at the email if you need help. 1 2 3 We ........................... to Dublin. We ........................... a week there. lt's a ........................... city. 4 5 My.........-.... I was .......... kfast e sightseeing / out for dinner / swimming f acar/aboat/aflat Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . How often do you / does your family go on . . ........... ....... about the weather, but it didn't rain once! place was the west of the country. in the mountains. 6 We went 7 We didn't see ........................... on the first dayl your summer? 8 How 9 ........................... you go on holiday anywhere? the train / the bus / a taxi with friends / in a hotel I in a bed and brea Read the email on the opposite page. Answer these questions. 1 Where did Nicklas go? 2 Did he go on his own? 3 How long was he there for? 4 Was the weather good? 5 What did he do there? they go with in a-f. 1 fly 4 5 his Italian friend. Translate them:bac* ,srigllral, holiday? Do you usually go to the same place or do you go to different places? What do you usually do when you are on holiday? Spearr ruc A Work in pairs. Tell each other the best place in your country: . to spend a week relaxing . to go sightseeing . for nightlife. . to go walking. . for driving around. . to go swimming. GnannnnaR Past simple questions eGTo Subject ridiitii.veiA,4e;li,rake questions with mauro1990@shotmail.it Re: / lil0w:r{fg'ryc{ii.,u m m er? xoWlo.og tre-ra ygu" t h'eie'fo r? lreland . "'" HiMauro, ' How are you? I hope you and your family are well. How was your trip to Korea? l'm sure it was great. ".1.:.:: :.:'" " rai :iilhdireib,,'',tid;e:.dl d. wh:gret*dyr_rr,]gp? Did you have a good time? Use the notes below. Write past simple questions you could use to ask a friend Helena and I spent three fantastic weeks in lreland and had a lly great time. We flew to Du blin, the ca pita l, a nd spent a week there. lt's a beautiful city. We went sightseeing every day and saw all the old buildings.Then in the evenings, we went out and enjoyed the nightlife. lt's a fun city! You'd love it. rea about their holiday. 1, you I go on holiday anywhere? 2 where / go? 3 who / go with? 4 have a good time? 5 how long / there for? 6 where / stay? 7 it very expensive? 8 the weather good? 9 the food good? Next, we rented a car and spent two weeks driving round the country. lt's really beautifull lwas worried about the weather, but it didn't rain once.We stayed in little bed and breakfasts and met some really lovely people. My favourite place was the west of the cou ntry. We went wa Iking in the mountains in County Mayo for a few days. lt was lovely and quiet. We didn't see anyone on the first day! Match the answers a-i to the questions in exercise A. a Yes, I did. It's a great country. b Yes, great. They eat lots offruit, lots of rice. It's lovely. c I stayed with friends in Rio and then in a Anyway, now we're back in Copenhagen and back at workl How was your summer? Did you go on holiday anywhere? Did you have a good time? Please ttrar !€re. write and tell me everything! h d e f g Your friend, N ickla s h i ote Yes, I l. did. I went to Brazil. Two weeks. I went on my own. No, not really. Most things are quite cheap the re. Rio de.Janeiro and Salvador in the northeast. lt was great,yes. Really hot and sunny. Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 153. Sprarruc A Choose one of the things below to talk about. last weekend the last public holiday the Iast time you went on holiday your last birthday a specialday in your life Write five past simple questions for your partner to ask you about your day weekend / holiday. / Work in pairs. Swap questions and interview each other. 04HOL]DAYS 41 PnOruuruclATlON Consonants and air -loiikattthe'consonants in the table below.The ones.in Itha1.tiiO:,a ,tines all,use a lor oiak to mike the.'sound. CoruvrnsATroN PRAcucE Work in pairs. Do one of these Conversation practice tat tft lpl Itl activities. bath fun past turn Home, Unit 3, page 31. Holidays, Unit 4, page 37. Itl I lsl til tkt change miss wash key tbt tdt very boat drive lzl t3t lsl use Asia get t6t the Acr on DRAw t*t job Work in pairs. One person acts or draws the words. Don'f speak. Yow partner guesses the words. Then change roles. A E close hear dirty reach cook afire boots eat a cold break ashirt keys rain laugh sing apicnic R 2.1 tisten and repeat the words and sounds the two top rows. in a cupboard a headache a fridge a lake &R2.2 Listenandrepeatthesounds lpL lf L { l, ltl, .P1tta piece of paper in front of your mouth. Try to move the paper when you say these sounds. I I kI Ourz Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible. 1 Which season(s) do you have warm weather in? 2 What doyou buy in a chemist's? 3 What date is New Year's Day? 4 Say three things you can put on. 5 Where do you go to send a package? 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 14 l-5 Where do you go to have a steak? What do you do in a sink? What room do you normally have a sofa in? When do you use a mirror? Where do you normally brush your teeth? Why can't someone reach a cupboard? Say three seasons. Say three places you can stay on holiday. When do you give someone a present? What do you do if you are ill? C Work in pairs. Try to L 2 3 a say these words. s lmarll lputl lk^tl 6 lh\kl /'saufa/ lJaul 8 /plefts/ 7l'fautaul D A R 2.3 Listen and check. Fasr wRrrER Work in groups. See who is quickest to write each of 1-6. 1 Five kinds of shops or facilities. 2 3 4 5 6 Six months. Four questions with Can...?thatyou ask at home. Four negative sentences in the past. Four sentences with an irregular past verb. Four sentences about where things are near your home 42 OUTCOMES E Work in pairs. Practise saying the sentences. Who has good pronunciation? Which sounds are difficult for you? 1 Sorry, I can't reach. 2 Set the table for six people, please. 3 Can you put the plates in the kitchen sink, please? 4 I think this cup's clean. 5 She took a taxi to the post office! 6 A fun photo is a nice present. Lrsrrrurruc Aolrcnvrs You are going to hear four conversations. Replace the adjectives in 1-6 with their opposites on the right. 1 Do you have any dirty clolhes? messy 2 lt's very hot in here. cold 3 His room's normally very tidy. unfriendly 4 lt's q u ite sunny today. wet 5 ls that towel dry? cloudy clea n 6 The people were quite nlce. A 't R 2.4 Listen. Match each conversation to one picture. B Listenagainandcheck. [.../ s] 1...t 6l Colr.ocanoNs Match the verbs in the box to the groups of words they go with in 1-8. ] wash ] ,r,o* x 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 f Gnarrnnnan A Choose the correct words. 1 There's a caf € on / in lhe corner of th is road. 2 Our houseisfront / nextto a school. 3 My / Mine parents live on this road. 4 lt's not his car, it's her / hers. 5 l'm sorry I can't / can see the board. 6 I wasn't / didn't do anythingyesterday. 7 Did you went / go out last night? 8 They were / was both ill at the weekend. share close turn up cut cha nge set - aflatwith a friend / - a pizzal -your ideas - the window / - the door / the shop -s at six - some money I -yourclothes / - places -thetable / -youralarm clock / - a rule - the vegetables / - yourself / - it with scissors - your hair / - your hands / - the plates - the air-conditioning / - the TV / - the temperature - me on the map / * us round town / - him what to do [.../ 8] VocaeuLanv Complete the text with the words in the box. [.../ 8] i I Write the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. We i........................... (have) a great holiday in Creece. We 2........................... (fly) to Athens and 3........................... (spend) three days there . (see) all and the famous sights. After that, we a boat to Mykonos and we small hotel nearthe beach. 1...t s........................... . (stay) in a 61 c Write the questions using the words in ifalics. 1, A: be / there a book shop near here? 2 B: Yes, there's one on High Road. / have a nice weekend? prefer annoy We live in a small srng . B: Yes, I went to a concert on Saturday night. VICW fun visit clear . in nightlife the mountains. and also take my kids to school there. lt takes an hour or play games or 6..............-............ songs together. We have a lot of 7........... . lt's also fantastic to get up in the morning when the sky is 8........................... because we have a great . -you can see the sea from here. Friends often come to they think it's so nice here. [... / 10.... 10] B: Yeah, it was great. I really enjoyed it. you / help me? I don'I understand this. 1...t 41 I to work in the nearest town every day to get there. We 3........................... to live in the countryside It's quiet and we have no neighbours to 4........................... us. There's no 5........................... here, but we watch DVDs A: )/ou 3 A: Oh yes? be / it good? 4 (take) j drive [rotal ... /so] 02 REVIEW 43 .*ffi 5H*P5 ff5 VOCABUTARY Describing what you want to buy A Work in groups. Use a dictionary Complete the table if you need to. with the words in the box. yellow short sq ua re wood round shirt ca ke ch d ress leather jeans fish brown plastic cotton colour material clothes red wool 1acket sh oes white Ycu -itr green eese Lrsre N r NG food shape fruit long small meat ;;e g,:3::g to hear thre; aonverszi:ic.*: plac*: !r: ihe photo;" sa 5..1- Listen. Decide which place they are in. Listen again. 1 2 Which thing(s) do they buy? How much is it / are they? Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Do you think they make good choices? . Do you think the slrops are expensive? . What wou ld you choose? B How many of the words in exercise A can you see in the photos? Who found the most? \{ - \ + l'-1 ,ri | 1.1 t \rl +++ 1t +++ H+ ff r++ 1I ,+*t tL=.r- +.* ':,*rJ ','iA WI 'ld "ih';- {IE /"'t5''u' >. Deve lopr NG coNVERsATroNs Questions in shops Learning common questions for particular situations will help you have conversations. Who usually asks the questions 1-8: shop assistants or customers? 1 Who's next? 2 What are those made of? 3 How much are the apples? 4 Can I have some ...? 5 Which one(s)? 6 How much would you like? 7 How many would you like? 8 Anything else? G narrnrrnaR this, that, these, those B Match each pair of answers to a question in exercise A. 5ure. How much? b Of course - how many do you want? 50p each. b One forty'nine a kilo. 1a 2a 3aMe. b This lady,lthink. b meat. Cotton. b Yeah, can I have some 4 a That much. b Ha lf a kilo. 5 a Those ones have fish in them and the others have a This apple's nice b Cive me that 6a cake, please 7a b 8a b No thanks, that's all. ofthat, please? Five or six. .Just one. The blue one. The things next to the apples. Spend two minutes remembering one answer for each question in exercise A. Then work in pairs. Student A: ask q uestions. Student B: close your book and give an answer. clliketheseshoes. d I like those jeans over there dllikethosejeansoverthere. CoruvrnsATroN PRAcrrcE A Based on what you see in the pictures above, choose the correct word. That /Those cake looks nice. Do you like thls / these shoes? I bought them yesterday. Can you pass me this / that newspaper over there on 1 2 3 the table? 4 5 6 7 This / These apple tastes great. Where did you get it? How much are these / those leans in the window? ls this / these yours? lt's not mine. This / That salad tastes lovely. How's your pasta? lt looks Have sirnilar conwer*ations to the ones in lisfening. Work in pairs. Choose a shop from the pictures. Student A: You are the shop assistant. Hold your book open for Student B to see. Student B: You are the customer. Buy two different things in the picture. Use as much of the language from this page as you can. Choose a different picture. Change roles and repeat n ice. exercise A. ) Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 154. B Work in groups. Ask each other the name in English for different things in the classroom. Ask What's this that? ot What are these / those? / 05 5HOP5 45 PnoruuructATtoN Numbers A, ll 5.2 listen to these numbers and mark the main stress. thirteen fourteen sixteen thirty forty 19 sixty 5.3 tisten and write the numbers. Work in pairs. Student A: say one ofthe numbers in each ofa-f Student B: point to the number. a 40 d 513 530 1-4 b15 s0 c 118 180 e 16,000 f 17,000 60,000 70,000 Reaorruc You are geing to read aba*t two women who work shops. The shops are havi:rg a sale. ix you read, discuss these questions in groups. Where was the last sale you went to? Did you buy A Before . a nyth i ng? Tell a partner about something you found cheap in sale, using sentences like these: - I bought a coat.ltwas 30 euros,reducedfrom 60. . a - I bought a mountain bike.llwas reduced by 50%. Who in your group got the best price? . Work in two groups. Group A: read about Emily and answer questions 1-6. Group B: read about Dalena and answer questions 1-6. 1 Where is she from? 2 What does she do? 3 Where does she work? 4 Why is the shop having a sale? 5 How's she feeling? Why? 6 What does she want to do in the future? Compare answers with someone in your group. t) Now find a person from the other group. Ask each other the questions in exercise B to learn about your partner's text. NATIVE SPEAKER ENGLISH bargain We say something is a bargain when it is good and cheap. Everyone is happy when theyfind a bargain. There are some great bargains in the sales. That's a bargain. 46 OUTCOMES EMILY, GERMANY We're having a sale because we're closing the shop. lt's sad, because my grandfather opened it 60 years ago. When I was small, I came here on Saturday mornings and sat and read the children's books. When my grandad retired, I managed the shop. Now there's a sale, lots of people are buying things, but it's normally very difficult. There are lots of very big bookshops now, which sell every book a customer can want, They also have a caf6 and famous writers give talks at the shop. We can't do that, so we're not getting many customers and we're losing money. l'm looking for a job at the moment, but I don't really know what I want to do in the future. I don't really want to work in another bookshop after I leave here. Speaxr ruc A Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . . . . Do you know any shops that are closing? Do you know why? Are any shops opening where you live? What kind of shops? Are you happy about it? Do you prefer small shops or big shops? Why? Do you think working in a shop is a good job? Why? / Why not? G nartnrvraR Present conti uou s The present continuous is formed usingam + -ing.For example: F / ore / is We're having a sale. How's sheJeeling? i'-. rr n Their new clothes,qre not selling very well. \ L\. its the present:qontinuous to talk about things happening around now which are temporary and not Use ? ^) finished. ' A Look at both texts and find ten examples of the present continuous. B Complete the sentence s with am / are ./ is, but use the short form where you can. 1 They...... having a sale at a shop in town. 2 1...... not working very hard at the moment. 3 My mother's not here. She...... doing the shopping. 4 The economy...... growing fast at the moment. 5 My football team...... doing very well now. 6 I hope you...... enjoying this class. 7 Some friends ...... staying with me at the moment. B My brother...... studying at university. bis zu 500h DALENA, SLOVAKTA ) l'm a sales assistant at an S&A store. The store opened last year and it's doing very well. We're having our summer sale at the moment, so I'm working really hard. The shop is staying open late, I'm tired, but I like it. I like helping people find nice clothes and, of courser everyone is happy when they find a bargain. C b 5.4 Listen and repeat the sentences. I want to continue working with S&A and maybe become a floor manager and then a shop manager. I think it's a good company, and they are growing at the moment and opening new stores, so I think there are lots of opportunities. Maybe I can get a job in one of their shops in the UK and improve my English! trteed help? Read the grammar reference on page 154. D Work in pairs. Which sentences in exercise B are true for you? E You are a'receptionist'and you answer the phone. The caller wants to speak to the people in the box, but the people don't want to / can't talk now. Write a reason using the present continuous. your mum or dad The President Mr Smith (your boss) Susie (your sister) David (a friend) you Now have conversations like this using your sentences: your mum or dad? you call back later? They're watching A: Hello. Can I speak to B: Sorry. Can a film A: Sure.Thanks 05 5HOP5 47 Vocaeu LARY Depa rtment stores A Match the pictures in 1-8 to the departments in the e Which words from the box can you see in the pictures below? box. Home Entertainment Accessories Computing and Caming Womenswear Toys Beauty Sports Menswear the the the the floor the stairs the boLtom shelf rhe ;:fts main entrance the first floor the escalator changing rooms the top shelf the till basement the second grou nd floor t i { T I T a { , 1 a cable 2 t. a dress 2 r\ t I \ ,i-:i= 3 a ring 4 face cream 5 a doll weights 't*.El \r D Work in pairs. Answer these questions using words from exercise 1 2 3 4 7 asuit radio 8 aaradio Work in groups. Try to think of one more thing you can buy in each of the departments above. 48 OUTCOMES 5 6 7 8 9 C. Where do you try clothes on? What do you go up or go down? Where do you go in and go out of the store? Where doyou askAreyou going up?'orsay'Fourth floor, please'? What can be difficult to reach? Which floor do you always go down to? What floor is the main entrance usually on? What do you walk up or down? Where do you pay? Lrsrrru r uc Sprarrruc Yotr arc going to hear tkree e*nvexsations in a A Read the text. Then discuss the questions in groups. departrnent store, A E 5.5 Listen and answer these 1 2 questions. What does each customer ask for? Where are the things they want? ffi Listen again. Complete the sentences with in each gap. ONE word the till. 1 a They're over there, the bottom shelf. b There they are. them a minute ago. c lwalked 2 a ........................... the second floor. b Co ........................... the escalator. b You can take c Turn right ........................... the top. the Sports depa rtment. 3 a lt's c the lifts from ........................... When you get it's on the left. there. the lift, e Look at the audioscript on page 174 and choose four useful words or expressions to remember. B Tell a partner. Did they choose the same? The biggest depattment store in northern Europe is Stockmann. There afe seven stores in Finland, six in Russia, one in Lawn and another one in Estonia. The company started in Helsinki in 1.862 and slowly grew Different depaftments soon opened, followed by new stores. Stockmann also bought a bookshop, a sports compafly, a fashion compafly and more. Write the,sentences in your language. Translate them back into English. Compare your Engiish to the original. Have a nlce'day. Take a seat. Have a good time. Don't worry. Don't get angry. H You are going to have similar conversations to the ones you heard. Write five things you want to buy in your local department store. Use a dictionary to help you, if you need to. F Stockmann now makes a lot of money from online sales, but continues to sell everything from clothes to cheese, from TVs to furniture. It aiso has its own fitness Take turns asking and answering questions about where the things are. Use one of the following to start your conversations: centrel What's the biggest department store where you live? Do you ever shop there? lfyes, how often do you go there? What for? Can you remember what's in the basement? On the top floor? On other floors? Tell a pa rtne r. What do you know about the company? When did it start? ls it growing? Do they have stores in other countries? Do they sellthings online? What things do you buy online? Why? ln your country, are there shops that foreign companies own? Which country or countries are the companies from? What's your favourite shop? Why? 05 SHOPS 49 STUDYI NC VocaeuLARY subjects & E Work in groups. Look at the pictures and decide: 1 which sub.jects are arts subjects. 2 which subjects are science subjects. 3 which subject(s) are only school subjects not un 4 iversity su bjects. which subject(s) are only university / college subjects not school subjects. !r..: Lt .t l{-) '.2 . . . . you you you you you Discuss which subject(s): think are interesting. think are boring. think is most / least important. think are easy / difficult. are good at. z t'*alil ) --> (ri) Maths Chemistry Ceogra phy Biology Engineering Literatu re Medicine 7 !!!) Ma rketing 50 OUTCOMES Devrlopr NG coNVERsATroNs How's the course going? We can ask How's the course / it going? to find out someone is enjoying their course or not. if A: How's the co.urse going? B: Really well. lt's great. l'm really enjoying it. A Lrsrrurruc Here are nine answers to the questionHow's the course going? Add Really well, OK or Not very well. 1 ........................... , but it's quite difficult. 2 ........................... . lt's quite boring. 3 ........................... . lt's really interesting. 4 ........................... , but it's a lot of work. 5 ........................... . I don't really like my teachers. 6 ............................The other students are really nice and friend ly. 7 ........................... . I did very well in my exams. I found You are going to hear three conversations about A S 6.2 Listen and complete Subject Year How's it going? ........................... . I ........................... , I think I chose the wrong subjectl suppose, but l'm not sure it's what I really want to do. the table. Reall,y wd), 2 them easy. 8 9 studying. B Work in groups. . . . Discuss these questions. How's your course going? What's good about it? ls there anythingyou don't Iike? 2nd. NATIVE SPEAKER ENGLISH 3 How's it going? We also use How's it going? instead of How are you? ts Listen again and choose the correct words. 1 a l'm doing / making a degree in Marketing. b l'm really enjoying / liking if. 2 a l'm a student at / of university. b Not very well. lt's quile boring / bored. 3 a lt's a lot of work / worksl b Cood luckwith /forit. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . Do you know anyone at university / college at the . . . moment? A: Hi, how's it going? B: Fine, thanks. How are you? A: Yeah,nottoobad. Coruvr nsATroN PRAcrrcE A Work in pairs. Have four conversations like the ones inListening. Take turns asking and answering the questions below. Give different answers each time. What are they studying? What year are they in? Are they enjoying it? PnoruuNCtATroN are We often pronounce ore la I . i 't 6.2 Listen. Repeat the questions you hear. B Listen again and write what you hear. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 06 STUDYINC 51 & VOCaeuLARY School and university / college Lrsrrrurruc Translate these adjectives into your language. You are going to hear an interview with a Russian student, Irina. She is talking about the Russian school system. A I 6.3 Read the questions and check you understand them. Then listen to the interview and put the questions in the order the interviewer asks them. The first is done for you. a b ...... ...... How much homework do you get? And how long each day do you study at school in B Match the nouns in the box to the group of adjectives exercise A that describe them. a classmate a teacher a university i C Work in pairs. Add one more adjective to each group c d e f g h ? And when can you leave school? ...... What kind of subjects do you study? ...... What's your favourite subject? ...... And when does the school day begin? ..1.. What age do you start school? ...... How many breaks do you get? ...... in Work in pairs. Match each number or number expression with a question in exercise A. exercise A. D Which adjectives describe your school / university / college life? Tell a partner. ....-. two ...... Seven ...... ten or more ...... 16 or 18 ...... half past eight ...... six or seven ......45 minutes ...... ...... five between an hour and a half and three hours Listen again and check your answers. What other things do you hear Irina say? D Listen to the interview again and complete the sentences 1 Most with ONE word in each gap. children some kind of pre-school classes. 2 You can then get a job or go to a special college to learn a ........................... . 3 Each c1ass........................... 45 minutes. 4 O_uite a lot! lt on the age of the student. 5 I 6 We do a lot of writing and a lot of for class We do English and maybe one other la nguage. l,Vrite the sentences in your language. Translate them back inio fnglish. Corprr" your English to the originat. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes. The breaks last belween 15 and 25 minutes. The meeting didn't last very long. How long does your course last? 52 OUTCOMES GnarurrnaR Modifiers Very, reolly and quite are modifiers. They go before adjectives. Very / reolly mean'o lot'. lf's very interesting.l love it. It's really expensive.You need a lot of money to go there. We often make adjectives negative by adding not very. l'm not very good at History. Quite means'a little'. It's quite good, but it's not great. Choose the correct words. Some of my classmates aren't very / qurte 1 2 J 3 friendly. The course is quite / really difficultl I don't understand anything! lt's a great university.lt's very / not very popular. qd 4 5 o but she's quite / not very lazy. Most of the students are really friendly, but one or two aret't really / very nice. It's a good course. lt's quite / not very She's nice, varied. 7 8 He's a good teacher, but he's nol very / quite patient. lt's a great university, but it's quite / really expensive! I can't study there. Need help? Read the gtammar reference on page L55. H Work in groups. Tell each other about things - or people - that you think are: a really expensive. b very popular at the moment. c quite strange. d not very modern. e quite boring. Spearrruc A Think about the education system in your country or the school you went / go to. Answer the questions fuomListening, exercise A. Discuss your ideas with a partner. q 06 STUDYINC 53 VocaeuLARY Languages Rraor ruc A Look at the languages in the box and say what country each language comes from. Which language isn't based on the name of a country? French iChinese Spanish Ara bic Japanese Turkish Finnish Cerman English Russian Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . How important are these languages in the world - You are gcing to read an article upbilingual. A Before you read, work in pairs. Decide what the words inbold mean. l'm quite a creative person. l'm good at arts 1 subjects. 2 very important? . I'm a very sensitive person. l'm good at listening to other people and - quite important? - not very important? Which of these languages sound nice to you? with information and opinions about growing nderstandi ng their problems. l'm not very flexible. I like doing things my u 3 way. I sometimes caused problems at school and my teacher got angry with me. l'm good at solving problems. People often Spearrruc ask me for help. A Read the short article and answer the questions. l'm a good student. I got high grades at schoo l. l'm a very positive person. I always try and think about good things. l'm quite an emotional person. I always show how l'm feeling. PRIMARY SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES IN EAST LONDON Discuss which of the sentences in exercise A are true about you. Read the article on page 55. Decide which opinions the writer agrees with. 1 2 3 Kids in the UK who don't speak English at home are bad at science. Speaking two languages is normal for most people in the world. Learning two languages when you're young is good. A primary school in London has students who speak over 40 languages! Each month, one of the children at Newbury Park Primary teaches other children some words of the language that they speak at home. A teacher films the student speaking in the foreign language and asks how to say simple things like hello and thank you. They show the film to the other pupils in the school and the pupils learn the words. In January and February, they learned some T[rrkish and Japanese. This month, they're Iearning Romanian. In the UK, one in seven children now speaks a language other than English at home. 4 5 6 Bilingual children are good at thinking of new ideas. Bad experiences can aflect how kids learn at school. People are wrong to worry about children speaking different languages at home and schoo 7 l. What they're doing at Newbury Park Primary School in Speaking is good. D Compare your ideas. Explain your choices. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . Did you find any of the ideas surprising? . - What do you think of the article? Is it good news or bad news? Do / Did you have people from different countries at your . school? Where are / were they from? Do / Did you know any bilingual people (people that speak two languages) at your school? What languages do / did they . 54 spea k? Are there any bilingual schools in your country? Do you think they are good? Why? / Why not? OUTCOMES . Which ideas? Do you lhink everythirig the writer says is true? If not, what do you thing is untrue? G narrn rrnaR Com pa ratives C You'can compare how good two thi6g::eplu9;iig better than. Crowing up with two la nguage s is better than only knowing one language. \tYe Choose a partner. Compare yourself to your pattnet, using the comparative forms of the adjectives below. . I am tall / shortthanyou. . My school was big / smallthan yours. . l'm a good / bad student than you. . My house is near to /farfromthe school thanyours. . I fi n d Maths easy / difficult lhan you. . often th-en use other comparativelto My mobile was cheap / expensive than yours. explain why. B i I i.n gr.ra l. ch i ld re n a re m o re fl exi b ! e a; n fi, : gel:' hi g h e D Tell your partner your ideas. Does your partner agree? Ask questions to decide who is right. r grades. She A finds French' eqsi er tha n Spanish. Choose the correct comparative. Her English is better than mine. She gets higher lower grades. This computer is better than mine. My one's slower 1 2 3 4 5 Spraxrruc / A / Jaster. Mr Platt is a better teacher than Mrs Jones. He's funnier / more boring. I think Biology is better than English. lt's more interesting / more difficult. They're better students than me. l'm more helpful schools transport exams the economy universities the weather hospitals sport / lazier. 6 He's taller / shorterthan ) Work in pairs. Discuss when we add, -er / -ier / more ... to make a comparative. Talk in your own language if you like. trteed help? Read old people young people parents teachers me. l'm 1.85 and he's 1.80. B B Choose five things from the box. Decide if they are better or worse now than before. Spend two minutes thinking of one or two reasons why. Use a dictionary ifyou need to. Work in groups. Say your ideas. What do the other people in your group think? the grammar reference on page 155. BILINGTIAUS BETTER! Some people in the UK rrorry that children speak a language other than English at home. They say it causes problems at school: is more it diflicult for the teacher; children cannot learn Science or other :ubjects well because they do not speak English well. In fac! 700/o who speak different lost their home, or they languages at home and school: . are more flexible; . are more creative; . are better at solving have little money. These experiences can cause problems; are more sensitive towards other children; get higher grades at possibly need help with thaq but it is wrong to see their language and school - including in their second language! the results are even better ifstudents can do some things at school in their first language, because students feel positive about both school and their language. . . of the rrorld's population is bilingual. Most research also says growing up *.ith two languages rs better than only knowing one language. \ormally, children Sometimes families had bad experiences before and after they moved to the UK from a different country. Maybe they saw a war, or a parent died, or they emotional problems, which makes learning diffrculr Children culture as a problem, because it isn't. In fact, 06STUDYINC 55 Pnou uructATtoN Vowel sou nds We make vowe! sounds by small changes to the tongue and mouth. The mouth gets rounder for the sounds towards the right of the chart. CoruvrnsATroN PRAcrrcE Work in pairs. Do one of these Conversation practice ti'^t activities. seat 5hops, Unit 5, page 45. Studying, Unit 6, page 51. lel bread match Work in pairs. One person acts or draws the words. Dont speak. Your partner guesses the words. Then change roles. till ca ke a an apple cheese a lift a lady jea ns sq ua re sta i rs lvl 1^ I t-. l€ I agree meat rou nd die science go down top shelf a face cream d ress worry A t I I 5; I lt'^ I first sto re la'^ I lut I true put lal Acr on DRAw fish Irl fish lol l half uck wrong R 3.L Listen and say the words and vowel sounds. Touch the end of your tongue and say the sounds. customer Ourz Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible. 1 What's the opposite of difficult? 2 Say three sizes of shirt. 3 Where's the main entrance of a building? 4 How old is someone who is retired, normally? 5 6 7 8 9 10 l-L 12 13 14 When are prices usually reduced in a shop? Say the names of three pieces of furniture. What's the opposite of make money? Say three kinds of material. Where can you get a degree? ls it good to be lucky? What's the opposite of the top? How long does a football match usually last? lf something improves, does it get better or worse? Who gives you grades? R 3.2 Listen and say I i'^ l, I t l, I u moves back. 19 Then listen and say I it l, Ie l, /u: /. The tongue l, / e /. The tongue moves down. Practise saying the other sounds. Go from left to right and then top to bottom in the chart above. D Work in pairs. Try to say these words. t lplitzl 2lortl 3 lgudl 4 llulzl 19 5 /rm'p::tant/ 6 /ek'sem/ 7l'wnrtl 8 l'koltdsl R 3.3 Listen and check. Fasr wRrrER Work in pairs. Practise saying the sentences. Who Work in groups. See who is quickest to write each of 1-5. L Six colours. 2 Six subjects people study at school or university. 3 Four present continuous sentences using I he,we,they. 4 Four sentences comparing you with your mum, a 5 brother or sister, or a friend. Four sentences about where you live, using really, very, quite and a bit. 55 OUTCOMES has good pronunciation? Which sounds are difficult for you? 1 lt's a very good school. 2 Young people have positive ideas. 3 Do you want a piece of bread with your meat? 4 Cive me three or four red apples, please. 5 I had fish and chips for breakfast. 6 The first teacher we had was more patient. Lrsrrrurruc Aor ecnves You are going to hear four conversations. Choose the best adjective. Lots of people do it. lt's very popular / helpful / special. She's 1.84 m. She's quite high / slow / tall. lt's an interesting course. lI'sveryfriendly / varied E R 3.4 Listen and choose two correct sentences. La b c She buys apples and oranges. She buys apples and plums. They cost f3.13. d They cost f3.30. She manages a shop. b She works in a clothes shop. 2a c She reads a lot because she gets free books. d She doesn't have much free time. 3 a 5he's a primary school teacher. b c d 4a b 4 5 6 7 8 l'm good in difficult situations. l'mwrong /flexible [.../ 8] CollocanoNs All the classes at her school are taught in English. She wants to study in ltaly. 8] Choose the correct words. 1 A: Can you pass me that / those cups over there? B: Sure. Here. 2 A: You are / Are you waiting to pay? B: No. Co ahead. 3 A: How's the course going? / stupid. She doesn't enjoy it. 5he finishes this year. She has an English mother. Gnarrnrrnan A / boring. Our teacher's nice. He's very lazy / patient / easy. I like art. l'm quite /ittle / normal / creative. His cat died. lt was really sad / important / modern. I found a bargain. I was very sensitive / happy / young She's a student. c d She wants to study Engineering. [.../ 1 2 3 Match the verbs in the box to the BrouPs of words they go with in 1-8. grve ca use look for 80 up pay leave improve have 1 -afire/ -a headache / - problems 2 - the service / - my grades / - my English 3 - atalk/- him a present/ - mesome help 4 - my jobl - school / - home 5 - mykeys/- a newjob/ - a newflat 6 - at the till / - for the shopping / - the taxi driver 7 .'abad experience/- a break/ -a sale 8 - the escalator / - the stairs / - the mountain B: Badly. lt's much more hard / harder lhan last year 4 A: Hello. Can I speak to Creg, please? B: Sorry, he watches / he's watching afilm. A: What does your brother do / is your brother doing? B: He's a doctor. He works in a clinic near here. A: Did you enjoy the film? B: lt was quite / very good, but not great. A: Do you want to try some of this / that soup? B: Oh, it's really nice. lt's more good / better than mine. I...t 7l Contractions (He's, with ONE word in each gap. don't elc.) are one word. 1 I lost my job. l'm ........................... working at the moment. 2 I can't help you now............................ doing my homework. all those people looking at? 3 What raining outside. 4 Do you have a coat? nice. ........................... shoes.They're 5 I love you help me? exercise. Can 6 A: I can't do........................... 7 difficult. this book? not very good. Her last book was much ........................... interesting than this one [... / LARY Complete the text tio,^; sta rted my with the words in the box. own grew online plastic positive continues business. I sell cheaP things. I sell everything from toys to radios to kitchen things. I also sellthings i from my website. I 4........................... the business five years ago.The firstyear, I lost money.The second year, I was OK, but then, two years ago, shops had bad economic problems. Most s........................... it difficult to sell, but it was the opposite for me - it was very 6........................... Sales 7............... by 500% last year, so l'm making good money now. I hope it 8........................... . . ........................... Areyou B: Yes I am, but A: Vocasu I have Complete the sentences B: Sure. lt is a [.../ 8] [.../ 8] [Total ... /s0] 11] 03 REVIEW 57 FAT\AItY Vocaeu A LARY Relationsh i ps Complete the table with the words in the box. AND FRIEN Lrsrrrvrruc Yorc are goimg to hear tlaree slsort co&lrersaticms ab*ext families. iste r gra nd mothe r da ghte r mum husband girlfriend u s uncle A & ?.3 Listen. Which relationships from Vocabulary do they mention? male gra female Listen again. What do you learn about the family members? ndfather wife Work in pairs. Discuss your ideas. Then read the audioscript on page 175 to check. dad 50n aunt boyfriend a: brother cousrn ci Grandma and Grandad Different people use different names for their grandparents. For example: Grandma, C ra n, C ra n ny for a gra nd moth er; C ra ndad, Grandpa for a grandfather. Complete the sentences with words from exercise A. 1 Pat is my uncle. He's my mum's ......................... 2 3 Clare is my ........................... . 5he's my aunt Stella's daughter. Larry is my cousin. He's my uncle Matthew's Tina's my younger ........................... . l'm two years older than her. Cranny my P is and my m'5 ............. Mel is my brother's ........................... .They m u met six months ago. Write the names of six people in your family. Then tell a partner who they are. 58 OUTCOMES # 6l p & Drve uopt NG coNVE RsATroNs Adding information ln conversations,we don't normally just give short answers to questions. We try to add comments. A Match the extra comments to the questions and short answers in Grammar, exercise A. 1 Luckily! lt was a bit cloudy, but it stayed dry. 2 My grandad had his 80th birthday party. 3 A you nge r brot er. 4 They died a fewyears ago. 5 She's studying in the United States. 6 We're sisters, but we're best friends too. 7 The wedding was last month. 8 He's a really nice guy. I like him. h G Rarrn rvra R Au x iIia ry ve r bs B Work in pairs. Practise reading the conversations Grammar, adding the comments above. We use auxiliary verbs (e.g. be, do, have, can) when we don't want to repeat the main verb and / or words that follow it. For example, short answers: in Write short answers and then add comments to these questions. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. . . . . A: Did you go out yesterday? ldidgoott. B: Yeah, A: So, are B: Yes, / you married,Ted? am you live near here? Haveyou got any aunts or uncles? Do you married? Did you go anywhere during the holidays? Are fiffirrid. Pnoru u rucrATroN A Complete the answers with the correct auxiliary Rea lly? verbs. 1 A: Doyou B: Yeah, have any brothers or sisters? Aq A: ls he married? We often say Really? to show surprise / interest. The intonation goes up high and then down. B: Yes, he ry A: Does she have a boyfriend? B: Yes, she Really? A: Do your children still live with you at home? B: My son , but my daughter E 7.3 Listen to six sentences.Say Really? ifthe information is surprising or interesting.Say Oh, OK if it's not unusual. 5 A: Areyouverysimilar? B: 6 Yes, 7.2 Listen and rcpeatReallyT three times. I we A: Are your grandparents still alive? B: My mum's parents , CoruvrnsATroN PRAcncE but my dad's 7 A: Did you do anything nice at the weekend? 8 B: Yes, A: Did it rain? Ycu are going to have conversations about families" I A Write five questions B: No, it B Work in pairs. Take turns reading the questions, but this time give opposite answers. For example, for number about families that you want to ask other students in your class. B Ask your questions to different partners. Try to add comments when you answer their questions. Say Really? when you hear interesting or surprising 1: things. TE ) Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 156. 07 FAMIIY AND FRIFNDS 59 VocaeuIARY & Jobs and activities in the home Match 1-5 to a-e and 6-10 to 1 look after 2 tell 3 sing 4 repair 5 watch a b c d e 6 feed 7 pick up 8 play 9 empty 10 . . . songs together my baby brother jokes to each other a light switch f my daughter from school o b a story My son Travis brings the kids to my house three days a week. They're a bit difficult sometimes, but I love being with them. We sing songs and play games. I also admire my son's wife. 5he has a very full life. lt's great that she has a job and doesn't have to stay at home all the time. Bertha, Canada at bedtime the dishwasher i the dog j games together h read Say f-j. my son play basketball which jobs and activities in exercise A you think are: essential. bad or boring. nice to do. l'm happy both my parents work because they can buy me nice things. Do you do any of the jobs and activities in exercise Jasd, Chile A? Spsarrruc A. Work in pairs. Read the introduction to a discussion board on a website. Discuss the three questions at the end. l .oc i Debate of the weekWorking parents Family life is changing. ln the past, women stayed at home and looked after the children.They did all the housework and men earned money and maybe repaired a few things in the house. Now, both parents often have fulltime jobs.Who does allthe housework? How does both parents working affect the kids and family life? ls it a good thing? Rrnorruc Read the comments on the message board and match the words below to the people. One word is not necessary and one is done for you. a grandmother a father .................... a grandfather a mother a nanny a da ughter a 50n an uncle if the people think both parents working is a good thing, a bad thing, or both good and bad. Read again and decide C Work in pairs. 60 OUTCOMES Say if you like what each person wrote or not. Martha feels guilty about not being with her children. I feel the same! My son is often at home on his own and sometimes I can't watch him play soccer or help him with his studies. I do those things with Martha's kids! It's crazyl Lourdes, USA GnannnnaR have to / don't have to Have to shows something is necessary (= you need to do it). Don't have to shows something is not necessary We have a dishwasher and I have to (= )/ou can choose). fill it and empty it. Mum and Dad say they don't have time. It's not fair! My friends don't have to do jobs in :he home. Their parents do them or they employ a We have a dishwasher, and I have to fill it and empty it. My friends don't hqve to do jobs in the home. Their parents do them. cleaner! sphie, Cermany A Choose the correct words. Sorry, I can't stay. I have to little brother from school. 1 2 recently started work again after I had my baby, -ianna. My husband takes her to the day nursery at nine and I pick her up at five.lthen have to do rousework and feed Lianna. I also have to get up at night if she wakes up. lt's difficult, but I still want to work. I love my job and lfeel like a more important part of society. -cnnah, Australia 3 4 5 6 / weekends. I set the table earlier, so you have to / don't have to do it now. I think it's good that we eat together as a family. We chat and have to tell / tell jokesto each other. lt's nice. Tell Sirnon he has to / doesn't have to pick me up. I got taxi. 7 lcan't repair it.You have to / don't have to take it to 8 shop. Vle have to / don't have to play cards, ifyou don't want to. We can do something else. a Need help? Read the grammar reference on page L56. Work in groups. Say things you have to do at home. xids. : have to pick up my My mum and dad say I wanted the dog, so I have to don't have to feed it and take it for walks. My dad often has to / doesn't have to work at the a I think it's better to have one parent at home, but it doesn't have to be the woman. My wife had a oetter job than me so I left my job to stay with our / don't cberto, ltaly Spearrruc Of course both parents want to work. Send your <ids to live in a private school. My brother does that and everyone's happy.The kids always have friends and get a good education. The family spends the holidays together. --:avid, England A On your own, decide if. it is good, bad or doesn't matterz . . . . . . . . if both pa rents have to work. if families eat together. if parents set lots of rules for children. if kids don't have to do jobs in the home. if kids watch TV if parents send their kids to bed at eight o'clock. if kids have to do lots of hornework. if parents don't go out on their own. Work in pairs. Take turns saying your ideas. Reply using one of the phrases below. Write two more opinions you have about family life. D Tell different students your ideas. See if they agree. 07 FAMILY AND FRIENDS 51 Sprarrruc A LITTLE HELP FROM YOUR FRIENDS Read the text on the right. Then discuss the questions in groups. . Which kind of friend is most / least important? Why? . What do you talk about with each kind of friend . ? Which kind of friend do you meet / talk to the most? What other different kinds of friends can you think of? . Lrsrr 1-c'+- Some friends last a tifetime, but often we make friends for particular reasons at particular times. Here, we look at a few of the different kinds of friends we make during our lives. N rNG a::e g*i::p_: ir.: a}*"rlt i:+*p **t -L'.e=.r :=i:.-: t= ti:,*1r i:::.=';';. ==;:i:3* _t ie"i.ici.n5 ; ,.. A I r.!: ?.4 Listen and decide what kind of friend each person is describing. .F.- * Listen again. Correct two mistakes in each summary. 1 He met lohan at unrversiiy..lohan lives in 2 New York nor'v. He's a dcctor. Her husband studies with AAiguel. She doesn't get on well rvith AAiguel. Miguel is 27. 3 4 1 He's a student. He met Claire rvhen he was on ho!iday. Claire rrvants to come to The old friend Old friends are friends Uou met a long time ago and that gou are stili close to. You have a shared historg. You enjog talking about the past and alwags stag in contact. England. Liu is her grandmother. Liu is stupid. She lives rn Shanghal. Readthe audioscript on page 176 to check your ideas. The friend of the familg These friends can be useful. People that our parents or brothers or sisters know can often teach us things or help us to find a job. Write the sentences in your language. Translate them back into English. Compare your English to the original. She made me feel good about myself. I made her cry. She makes me laugh. He makes me happy. They make me really angry sometimes. It made me really sad. Work in . What . What . What . What 52 pairs. Discuss these questions. ma kes you la ugh makes you ha2pyl makes you angry? makes you sad? OUTCOMES ? 1 The online friend Mang peopie make 'friends'through the Internet. Sometimes these friendships mor = into the real world, but usuallg theg don't. The 'friend' gou don't reallg like verg much Perhaps it's a friend from gour past who is different now. Magbe it's a friend of gour friend / wife / husband. The problem is gou don't get on with them, but gou have to see them and be nice to them. VocaeuLARY Describing people A Translate the eight adjectives in the pictures into your language. Work in pairs. Which adjectives do you think are positive and which are negative? Why? with the adjectives. in Complete the sentences exercise A 1 She's a very ........................... woman. She always 2 makes me laugh. He's rea1|y............................ He goes running every day and plays basketballtwice a week as confident well. 3 He's quite............................ He doesn't say very 4 She's much. very.................. . .5he's an engineer, she speaks five languages and she's very good with computers! so !When he's talking, it's say anything! My dad's quite ........................... . lf I come home late or don't do well at school, he gets angry. He's difficult for anyone else to 7 She'svery. what she 8 . . ..Shealwaysdoes trust her. says. You ca n 5he's really ........................... . She knows what at and she knows what she can do she's good unny D Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . Which adjectives describe people in your family / people you know? Explain why? Which adjectives do you think describe you? Spearrruc Think of four people you know - not family members. Write their names and think about the answers to the questions below for each person. How did you meet each other? We were in the same class at secondary school. What kind of person is he / she? He\ great. He's very funny and very quiet clever. How often do you talk? Two or three times a week. We talk on the phone a lot. How often do you go out together? Maybe once or twice a month. We go out dinner orfor a drink. for Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about the people you know. Start like this: I have a friend called ... 07 FAM tY AND FRIENDS 63 08 PLANS i VOcaeuIARY More common activities Lrsrerurruc ,& Match the verbs in the box to the groups of words You are going tc Brear thcee eonvevsatio::s ahout 3lla*s. they go with in 1-8. *1 get do go to h ave 8o play 1 2 3 4 *awalkinthepark I - arun 5 -home/-fishing 6 - some shopping / - my homework 7 -tennis/-baseball 8 - something to eat / - a taxi home go for write - the library / the doctor's for a check-up - a meetingwith a client / - a romanticdinner -afewemails / - a letter B Work in pairs. Look at exercise a b c d e f A and find: two things people do at work. two two two two two things things things things things students do. people do if they feel ill. people do to keep fit. you did yesterday. you are planning to do soon. & 8"1 Listen and decide which conversation happens: 1 2 3 at work. at university. on holiday. Compare your ideas decide? with a partner. How did you Discuss in which conversation someone: 1 is going to go to a restaurant. 2 arranges where to meet. 3 asks someone out on a date. 4 is going to tell some colleagues about something. 5 doesn't want to meet. 6 is going to fly somewhere soon. D Listen again and check your ideas. Write the sentences in your language. Translate them back into English. C*p"t" you, English to the original. Wh,atlr:e you doiqg nowl Whatfre you -doin g a11er .1.r5; Wh4tle.you doi n githis aft ernoon? What're you doing tonight? Whatlre you doing tlhis weekehd? Developr NG coNVE RsATroNs Making suggestions We often make suggestions using How about...? A: Do you want to meet somewhere? B: Yes, OK. Where? A: How obout in the main square at eight? A Put the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation. GnarrnrrnaR be going to + verb We use be (not) going to + verb to talk about definite plans and decisions for the future. a How about in the main square, under the big clock? b ls six OK? c Oh, sorry.Well, how about seven thirty? d What're you doing later? Are you busyT e Perfect! See you later. Bye. f Yes. Creat. Where? g No. Why? Do you want to meet somewhere? h lt's q u ite ea rly. i Yes, fine. What time? E 8.3 Listen and check your ideas. I'm going to study in the library. We're not going to come to the party tonight. Where are you going to eat? A Now have two similar conversations, using places your town / city. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to + the verbs in brackets. 1 We .............. something to eat. (get) 2 I .............................. to class tonight. I have to workl (not 3 / come) Can Iphoneyou later? 1.............. 4 minute. (go) My boyfriend and I ................. ............ a romantic dinner tonight because it's my birthday. (have) 5 ...................... . .. you .. l've got a bad back so I ................... while. (not / play) 7 When 8 When tennis for a .. he ..............................? (retire) ..you . . . ... .............. withHow about... ? 1 What do you want to see at the cinema? 2 What are we going to get her for her birthday? 3 What do you want to eat tonight? 4 Do you know a good place to have a party? CoruvensATroN PRAcncE Ycu are going to have a similar conversatia:s to the ones in Ifstenfng. A Work in pairs. Decide who is A and who is B. the dishwasher? (repair) ) D Respond to the sentences below, making suggestions at home tonight? (be) 6 in Now have a conversation about your plans. Use these ideas. Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 157. We often pronounce going to as B & E.? /gaurnta/. Listen. Write the sentences you hear. C Listen again and repeat what you hear. D Tell a partner which things below you are going to do today / tomorrow / this week. Say when. a watch TV b clean the house c write some emails d buy some new clothes e go to bed early f do some cooking g do some English homework 08 PLANS 55 Lrsrerurruc You are going to hear four people talking aboui things they want to The four pictures below show things the people want to do. With a partner, discuss these questions. . What can you see in each picture? . What do you think the four people want do. / tt sentences that are true. " 1 a He's from Manchester. b He already does kung fu. 2 a She's planning to leave her job this year. b Her business is more important to her than having children 3 a He thinks that retiring is going to be good. b He wa nts to grow flowers. 4 a She wants to be rich. C Listen again. Tick to do? ? 8.4 Listen and match each speaker to one of the pictures. Then compare your ideas b She wants to learn how to drive. with a partner. Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker 1: Picture ...... 2: Picture ...... 3: Picture 4: Picture ...... D Read the audioscript on page 175 to check your answers. Underline the words that helped you decide. ...... E Would you like to do any of the things the './//t|tr\\\\s 66 OUTCOMES people talk about? GnarurrnaR would like Remember that we use like / love + -ing I nounto talk about things we always enjoy or think are good. to + verb We use would like to + verb to talk about things we want to do - or hope to do - sometime in the future. l'd reolly like to learn Spanish. We use would(n't) like / love + noun or would(n't) like / love to + verb to talk about things we want (to do) l'd like to go to lran one day. l'm sure it's interesting. in the future . The negative form is wouldnl like fo + verb. The question form is Would you / he / she / they like to + lreally like playing volleyball. (= generally) ld realty like to ptay tennis this weekend. (= I want to) verb. wouldn't like to do his job! (= I don't want to do it) wouldn't like to live there. Would you like to go out with me? (= Do you want to?) Would you like to try some of this food? I love I ld love to trovel round Europe. (= I want to do this sometime in the future) f A Complete the sentences with the pairs of words in the box. i travellinq. (= generally) I get + lose learn * po leave + get retire + start + 1 l'd llke to.............................. fitter and maybe 2 ld like to .. 3 save + buy relax be,:ome 4 sometime in the next ten 6 years and then lU just like to.............................. more. 3 lU like to .... Syria. 7 5 l'd like to .............................. my own business and .. a successful business person. ld like to .............................. home and .............................. my 8 6 own apartment. ld really like to .......... 4 .............................. .............. / 5 some weight. .............................. Choose the correct form of the verbs. l'd like to buy / I like buying a new car sometime soon. I'd love to go / I love going shopping. I go every Satu rday! I'd really like to learn / I really like learning how to play the guitar sometime in the future. I'd really like to go / I really like going fishing. I go most weekends. I find it very relaxing. England is OK for a holiday, but I wouldn't like to live I don't like livrng there.l'm happy here in ltaly L 2 some money and ) wouldn't like to shop / I don't like shopping for food! It's boring, but I know I have to do it. A: Do you like / Would you like classical music? B: No, not really. I prefer soul and jazz. A: Would you like / Do you like a cup of tea? B: Oh, yes please. l'd Iove one. I trteed help? Read the grammar reference on page 157. a ca r. Spearrruc Work in pairs. Discuss which of the things in exercise A you would like to do. Why? A Work in groups. Discuss which of the things below you'd like to do sometime in the future. a buy my own house b have kids c move to a different country d speak really good English e buy a motorbike f travel round the world g get married h eat less meat i write a book E Nowtell eachother . . . . . about: a place you'd really like to visit. a person you'd really like to meet. something youZ really like to do. something you'd like to learn. something you'd like to stop doing. 08 PLANS 67 Reaor ilrc You ar* goimg to rcad *orr*e short nsws stories about govexnr,rent plans. When you read, you will see words you don't know. Don't worryt Notice words you know and look at other things like numbers and pictures to help you understand the words you don't know. A Match the headlines below to the news stories on the right. Don't use a dictionary. Use the underlined words you know to help you. The government is going to build a new terminal at Moorline. They want to increase the number of flights from 150 to 300 a day. Local people rvho are against the plan are going to protr. tomorrow outside the Department for Transport. They say the expansion is going to cause more noise and pollution. GOVERNMENT TO REDUCE TAX COUNCIL TO CUT SERVICE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE The government is planning to reduce the speed GOVERNMENT TO AXPAND AIRPORT GoulnililHl I0 llrrn0[uct ilHit mm uws COUNCIL TO DEVETOP EMG limit on roads from 80 km/h to 60 kmlh. lt would also like to stop drivers fiom listening to music in their cars and stop children under 12 sitting in the front seat. HETORIC AREA The government is going to cut tax for people S Work in pairs. Compare youl answels. C Read the news stories again. Match the words in blue in the texts earning over $100,000 from 50o/o to 400/o. They are also going to make it cheaper for pepple to b: cigarettes and alcohol. and headlines to pictures 1-6 or meaningsT-72. Topion Council is going to close ils lhree youth centres. The cenlres provide sports ond orls octivilies for children in the oreo ond olso odvice for children with problems. The council soys it is going lo sove !.l.5 million o yeor. 7 8 make something bigger make something lower / stop spending money on it change something and make it better make something and start it 11 do / have / give something for people 9 10 t2 hel p n Check your answers in a dictionary. Camberhill Council is going to change the old part of the t by knocking down 50 houses and building a park and art: centre. Many of the houses are over 200 years old and the Work in pairs. Imagine you live in the different places in the news stories. Do you think the plans are good or bad? Try and say why. 58 OUTCOMES council says they are dangerous. lt says the plan is going improve the city. NATIVE SPEAKER ENGLISH A Decide which plans and ideas below you are for and council We use the word councilto mean the local govern ment. Council to develop city's historic area. The city council wants to build a new car park there. Our local council is great. I work for the Sprarr ruc council. VocaguIARY For and against 1l you ate for a plan, you think it's good. lf you are against a plan, you don't like it. We often give a which you are against. Write why. 1 The council would like to build a shopping centre in your area with 100 shops and a car park. 2 The government is going to build high-speed trains. 3 The government is going to increase taxes to improve education. 4 The council wants to cutjobs to save money. 5 The government is going to introduce a law to stop people smoking. The government would like people to retire at 70. Work in groups. Discuss yout opinions the plans. For example: reason: Local people say it's going to cause more noise and pollution. ln sentences like this, be going to shows the results we predict for the future. A Do 1-10 show people are for or against the plans? 1 ll's going to carse more crime. 2 lt's going to create jobs. 3 lt's not going to save any money. 4 lt's going to improve safety. 5 lt's going to help business. 6 The government's going to lose money. 7 lt's going to provide a service to the community. 8 lt's not going to work and it's going to be bad for the environ ment. 9 10 B lt's going to attract tourists. lt's going to make people richer. Work in pairs. Which sentences in exercise A comment on the government plansinReading? C Now cover exercise A and complete the verbs. 1 2 3 Ithink it's a good idea. lt's going to pr............................. help for a lot of people. l'm against it. li's going to ca......... ,......... a lot of problems. 4 5 l'm against the idea. lt's going to b.............................. bad for the environment because of the pollution. lt's bad.lt's not going to im.................... . .. . the economy. l'm against the plan.The city's going to 1.............................. 6 7 tou rists. l'm for it. lt's going to at.............................. new businesses. lf the plan w............... , it's going to s.............................. money. 8 l'm really for the development. lt's going to cr.............................jobsandm............... theplace look nicer. D Work with a new partner. Discuss your opinions of the plans you talked about inReading,exercise E. Say if you are for or against each one - and explain why. 08 PTANS 59 Pnoru urucrATroN Di phthongs We saw in Review l that some vowels are two sounds together. They're called diphthongs. CoruvensATroN PRAcncE Work in pairs. Do one of these Conversation practice activities. Family and friends, Unit 7, page 59. Plans, Unit 8, page 65. Acr on DRAW 't R A.llisten Work in pairs. One person acts or draws the words. Don't speak. Your partner tries to guess the words. Then GtR 4.2 Listen and say the single sounds, then the diphthongs. Touch your lips. They move when you change roles. saythe diphthong. pollution fish ing protest wake up a dog a letter a cty run da ngerous noi se bu ild ciga rettes a clock repair a baby a light flight a party feed strong Qurz Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and say the words and the sounds. Who is your uncle? Who do you see for a check-up? Say two things you can grow. Say three examples of housework. Why do people telljokes? What's the opposite of put on weight? lf you develop something, is it better or worse? Say two things you can do in a library. What's the opposite of fill (a bag or dishwasher)? What does a nanny do? lf you are for a plan, do you agree with it? Why do governments sometimes cut services? What's the difference between a colleague and a client? lf you expand a service, is it bigger or smaller? lf a school is private,what doyou havetodo? l lel 2 lal 3 lrl 4lel s lal 6 ltl Itl lol 8 lul lal laul lual T lal lu:l Irl Irl lal lal lul C Work in pairs. Try to 7 llaudl 2 lfeal 3ltual 4 D lkhal Work in groups. See who is quickest to write each of 1{. 1 Sixfemale relatives. 2 Six adjectives to describe someone's character. 3 Four questions about future plans. 4 Four sentences with I / she / we / they + be going to. 5 Four sentences with would like. 6 Two sentences wilh have to and two with don't have to 70 OUTCOMES etl I arl llel lea I lavl say these words. 5 /en'B:r/ 6 /'nautrs/ 7 la'rend3l 8 /'klarant/ t R 4.3 Listen and check the words in the audioscript on page 175. Listen again and repeat the words. E Work in pairs. Practise saying the Fasr wRrrER I sentences. Who has good pronunciation? Which sounds are difficult for you? l- I can't find my flight details. 2 Wait outside the hotel in the main square. 3 l'm going to the protest against the new airport. 4 We only employ reliable people here. 5 I do a fair share of the housework. 6 I went on a romantic tour round Paris with my boyfriend. Vsnes Lrsreurruc You are going to hear four conversations. Complete the texts with the verbs in the boxes. rr.R4.4listenandchoosethecorrectwordsforeach provide of the four conversations. Listen twice if you want 1 The woma n is working / worked for a car company. She has a daughter who is 18,/slx months old. 2 The man is goingto meet her older /youngerbrother. The woman isn't / is going to meet him. 3 The photo is of the woman's brother / cousin,)ames, and his girlfriend. James'girlfriend is very funny / 4 friendly. They don't agree / agree about the government's plan.The man thinks it's going to cause problems good for [... / business. be / 8] with Complete ONE word in each gap. about four o'clock. A: Do you have to work at the weekends? B: No, A: Who's going to make the dinner? B: We.............. 4 5 A: Your grandad's 98! Can he ........................... walk? B: Yes, he , but he's very slow. A: ...........................you like singing? B: Not really. 6lcan'ttalk. 7 8 B lhave speaktomyboss. don't speak much English, but my wife ........................... L........ . .. ........ like to visit Chile next year, but it's very expensive to get .............. I 1... the speed the change is going to '........................... says accidents and t........................... money in the health service. The government would also like to . more bus services. create increase make work The government is going to'........................... taxes. lt wants . 100,000 new jobs with the money. A lot of people are against the plan because to and it's going to Aorecrrvrs I 3 to limit in cities to 40 km/h. lt [.../ 8] 1 A: Are you going to ........................... here for lunch? B: Yes, I . l'm going to leave 2 The government wants ;p ,ru. they say it's not going to people poorer. Gnarrnnaan A reduce Complete the adjectives with the missing letters. r My da d's very f _ _. He ra n a m a rathon la st yea r. z My sister's very c_ _ver. She a lways gets A grades. 3 My mum was very a__ jed with meyesterday because ldidn't clean my room. 4 He's very quiet. He's not very c_ _fi_ _ _t. 5 My brother is very s_ _ _ _tive and he helps me a lot. 6 My grandad is very f_ _ j. We laugh a lot together. 7 She's vey s___ct with her kids.They can't do anything! 8lt'sveryl__d! Canyouturnitdown? . t Lzl Make the sentences into negatives (-) or questions 1 l'm going to see him today. (-) 2 She has to come to the meeting. (-) 3 YouU like to be famous someday. (?) 4 ld like to work for that company. (-) 5 He's going to stay here. (?) 6 I have to wait. (?) [.../ 6] [... / 8] Cor.r.ocanoNs (?). Match the verbs in the box to the groups of words they go with in 1-8. attraci - .r.r"J work give i have :lr,r pilr. ,p stay 1 - my email/ - myflight details / - that she's OK 2 - a meeting/ don't -time / - ababy 3 - mychild from school / - a friend from the airport 4 - business/ -tourists / - people 5 - part-time/ -full-time/ - late 6 - my car / - abroken chair/ - a window 7 - in contact / - for three nights / - in a hotel 8 -youropinion / - a presentation / * itto me [.../ 8] [Total ... /s0] 04 REVIEW 71 r\/r*!r-mtrtu ar !:{: KI r !ruL r> rArr E Sprarrrvc & Work in groups. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. Do you know anyone who travels like this? Which countries would you like to visit? Why? How would you . . I i ke to travel Work in pairs. Have similar conversations about countries or cities and. / or different films. When,you answer present perfect questions, u5e tlti past simple to add details about the experiince, such as the time or how you felt. ? A: Haueyou beento Budapest? B: Yes.'tsdeen I wentthere last year. A. Ha.ve'you seen 'f he President's Son'? B: Yes; I have. #rc-:een I saw it on Saturday. +have.art+iled I didn't like it very much. { Translate the conversations in the box above. Do you use the same tenses in your language? S Add details in the past simple using the ideas in italics. 1 GnarrnrrnaR Present perfect To find out if someone has 1 2 arparticulll experien€e or not, use the present perfect (have+ past partiqiple): 3 A: Have you been to Brazil? B: Yes (l have). Haveyou (been thefe)? 4 A: Have you ever been to Japan? B: Yes, I have. I / go there last year. A: Have you been to Moscow before? B: Yes. / / come here a few years ago. A: Have you ever seen'The Exorcist'? B: I have, but I / not like it.l don't llke horror A: Have you seen'Mystery Car'? B: Yes. / / see it a few weeks ago. lt Have you seen the Pyramidg? No, (never A / t haven't). Have you / be greatl 5 (seen them)? A: Have you been to the cathedral? B: Yes,we / goyesterday.We / love it! Complete 1-3 with ONE word in each gap. 1 A: Have you ........................... to Poland? H B: No............................ you? A: Yes. details when you answer. 2 A: Have you ........................... that new Clooney film? B: Yes, I . Have .................... ...... ? A: No. ls it good? B: Yes. 3 A: .................,.........you been ........................... Mexico? B: No, we A: Me neither, but lU to go one day. Need heip? Read the grammar reference on page 158. 72 OUTCOMES Change partners. Have similar conversations to the ones in exercise B, but this time, add Devr lopr NG coNvERsATtoNs Me too / Me neither A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lrsrrurruc You are going to hear a conversation in Istanbul between a tourist and someone who lives there. B A 19 9.1 tisten. Put the questions in the order you hear them. ... How long did you ... Work in pairs. Take turns saying the sentences below. Respond with Me too or Me neither. 1 l've been toThailand. l've never seen Meet the Parents. ldidn't do anythingyesterday. I have to work today. l'm not going to come to class next week. I can speak a few words of Cerman. I can't drive. l'm going to the cinema tonight. Work in groups of three. Find eight opinions, experiences, facts about yourseU, etc. that you all share. Don't use questions. spend there? you been to Topkapi Palace? ... What are you doing later? ... Did you go up the Calata Tower? J- Have you been to lstanbul before? Have ... Have you seen that film Berlin? .,. Where haveyou been? ... When did you arrive? B Work in pairs. Discuss what you remember about the answers. Ttren listen again and take notes. C Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . Would you like to go to lstanbul? Which tourist places in your country have you never CouvrnsATtoN PRAcncE been to? You are going to have sirnilar conversations to the on;einListening. Work in pairs. Iilrite a list of places to visit or go to at night in the area or country you are studying in. On your own, irnagine you are a visitor. Think of your answers to the questions below about your area ./ country using some of the places on your list. - Haveyou been here . Did you like it? . before? Have you been to ... ? . When did you arrive? . What are you doing . Where haveyou been? later? Now have your conversations. Student A: you are a local person. Ask the questions in exercise B. Student B:you are the visitor. Answer, using your ideas. Change roles and repeat exercise C. 09 EXPERIENCES 73 * Vocae u rARV Cood and bad experiences A Match the experiences 1-9 to the pictures a-i. 1 I failed my exam 6 lfell offthe wall. 2 3 4 5 1 lost the match. Someone stole my My cat died. I 7 bike. 8 9 lbrokeawindow, I criticised my boss I got divorced Decide if the experiences in 1-9 in exercise A are: . very serious. . . quite serious. not very serious. Replace the verbs in 1-9 with the opposites in the box. supported was born forgot to lock the door. re pa i red climbed onto fou nd remem bered pa ssed married won m g Say five things that have happened in the last year using some of the verbs from exercises A and For example: My brother passed his driving test. j'li, ' C. Rraor ruc You arc goira.g t*: read a *tragaxi.m.e axticl* ab*&t x&rilat tSse wrlter's fathes tp3$ ?rir*e l,!rh*xt he &rad a had cxperiesrce. & Work in pairs. Before you read, discuss if you agree with each of the sentences 1-4. 1 2 3 4 We all have bad experiences, but it's best to forget them. We need to teach children to be positive and to only talk about success. lt's important to have good and bad experiences and it's bad to worry a lot about making mistakes. Children are bad now because they can do what they want and their parents don't criticise them. B Now read and decide which sentence in exercise A best explains the writer's argument. PUT IT DOWN TO EXPE,RIENCE, When I lvas young and something bad happened to me - I failed an exam, I lost a football match, rny cat died, someone stole my bicycle - my dad never criticised me or said I rvas stupid if I cried. He didn't say, 'It doesn't matter' or 'Forget about it'. He said, 'Put it down to experience'. It lvas a good expression and I thank my dad tbr it. 'Put it dorvn to experience' means'think about everything that happens - both good and 74 OUTCOMES bad - as a useful experience'. Negative experiences matter and it's not stupid to feel bad or sad. You need to remember them st'r you don't repeat mistakes, but you also need to continue to enjoy life and be open to new expcriences. Unfortunately. in our socicty. many people think that only good experiences and success are important: passing exams: rvinning a match; earning lots r, money. We only talk about the good things that we have done At the same lime, rve criticise every mistake that other people make and try to limit every possibility of bad experiences: parents don't let their children GRarrnruaR Present perfect Work in groups. Explain your choice. Was there any part of the article you didn't r:nderstand? Can your partners help you? t,, The present perfect is hove + past participle. Most past participles are the same as the past simple form Work in pairs. Did you like what the writer said? Which of his opinions below do you agree with? Why? . lf people'forget about it', they repeat their mistakes. . . . . . of the verb: Haveyou ever played baseball? (play-played-played) l've never had any success. All experiences are useful. In our society, only good experiences and success are i m po rta nt. lt's not a good idea to try to limit every possibility of bad things happening. Politicians and managers do a better job when they have had lots of different experiences. Society is better if people feel OK about making m ista kes. (have-had-had) Some past participles have different forms to the past simple: Have Spearrruc you ever stolen something? (steal-stole-stolen) E Write the sentences in your language. Translate them back into English. Compare your English to the original. Their parents don't let them climb trees. I don't let my son go out on his own. They don't let me smoke in the house. My sister lets me play on her computer sometimes. My dad let me drive his car when I was younger. Test each other. Take turns to say the verbs in the box. Your partner should say all three forms. ose cry fa il work win do I i Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Do you protect your house / flat a lot? How? . What do / did your parents not let you do? . What have you learnt from bad experiences? . Do your parents have a phrase they often say? Can you translate it into English? I break stea ma ke fall Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in exercise A. 1 A: Have you ever a prize? B: Yes, I came first in a cycle race when I was ten. 2 A: Have you ever any bones? B: Yes, I broke my arm when lfelldown the stairs. 3 A: Have you ever something really m po rta nt? flight in a taxil off something high? No, I haven't, but my sister once fell three metres out of a window! B: Yes. A 2 4A B: 5A B: 6A Once I left the tickets for my Have you ever ........................... Haveyou ever........................... an exam? No, never. I always pass theml Has anyone ever ........................... anything from you? someone stole my car a few years ago. Do you know anyone who has B: Yes, olay outside and climb trees. rr rvalk to school on their orvn: ilnd we stay rvith rvhat rve knorv. iiving in flats rvith locked doors rnd bars on the rvindorvs. behind n alls '"vith guards. lt's not good. Our politicians. our managers are better when they have had a range of experiencc. good and bad. in diff'erent jobs, rvith different people. Society is better if people criticise less. worry less and f'eel OK about making mistakes. 7A abroad? my cousin once had a.1ob in the UK. Have you ever ........................... in public? B: Yes, 8A When Michael Jackson died. lt was really sad. What's the best thing you've ever ........................... ? That's a difficult question. Maybe going to B: Yes. 9A B: Disneyla nd. l0A What's the worst mistake you've ever ............ B: . ..... ..... ? Cetting divorcedl Need help? Read the grammar reference on page J.58. Choose five questions from exercise B and answers that are true for you. write u Work in pairs. Write the numbers of the questions you have answered, Give them to your partner. Then ask and answer each other's questions. Write two more present perfect questions to ask other students in the class. Then ask them. 09 EXPERIENCES 75 VOCaeU LARY Descri bing experiences Lrsrrrurruc Match the sentences 1-8 to the pictures a-i. lt was really relaxing. lt was really annoying. lt was really boring. lt was really sad. lI was really embarrassing. You are going to hear two pe*ple describing expcrienees they hawe }rad" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A E 9.2 tisten and decide which adjective frorn Vocabulary, exercise A best describes each experience. lt was really exciting. lt was really scaryl lt was really stressful. Compare your ideas with a partner. Explain your choice. Work in pairs. Discuss which adjectives in exercise A describe good experiences and which describe bad experiences. Look at these words and check you understand them. 1 Which of the adjectives in exercise A can you use to describe these experiences? a l've met her a few times, but last night I forgot her name! b I had a nice, long bath last night. c I nearly fell off my motorbike. d Someone broke one of my car windows. e Our dog died last month. f I had five exams in three days. g My football team won a really important match. h I had a four-hour class this morning - without a break. countryside - university - lovely stress late - breakfast - hills - lucky - warm o utside - 2 late - dark - car window traffic light - shoot - poor- cash - alive jumped - gun R In your own language, think about what each person did. Then listen again and check. with Listen again. Complete the sentences ONE verb in each gap. 1 a I ........................... a house in the cou ntrys ide. b We ........................... a really lovely time. c We ........................... up late every day. d We ........................... nice long breakfasts. e We ........................... outside and chatted until late. 2 a I ........................... work late. b It was very hot, so I ........................... my car window c I ........................... d They took me to a poor ........................... of at a traffic light. town. e They my car, all my cash and my credit cards. F Work in pairs. Describe each person's experience using the words in exercise C to remind you. Then compare your ideas with the audioscript on page 177. NATIVE SPEAKER ENGLISH nice and ... We often say a noun was nice and + a positive adjective. It wqs nice and sunny. It was nice and warm. The area was nice and quiet. The people there were nice and friendly. The test was nice and easy. llr itiitg woitS tciti il'.' r: ll , 1 l-r,lrl t_) !) When one word errds in a consonant sound - b, c, d, m, n, p, etc - anC the next word starts with a vowel sound - a, e, i, o, u, etc. - we join the sounds together. Foi example: l ,.r : Work in pairs. Decide which words in 1-10 you can join together. Choose one ofthe sentences inVocabulary, exercise A to describe you r exper.ience. Plan what you want to say about this experience. Use a dictionary or ask your teacher for help, if you need to. Think 1 about: ..: I , ,l.,rl r lr rlrr i-ltt. . ,.r,1'11 . il.llr lL ,,, Lt .'iir .,.! I ,1,y,,.,'- t(r\rL, l,,Lr tr'\.r, i " wlr,rl it,rlrlrr'rr'i1 l.1 Lirrrrli l,rlt' lrl rl Worh in Broups. Te1l each other your stories. Can the other students guess what l<ind of experience it r,ryasi lr' ' ' i I r i r. I,:.r \'.. L,.:Lt -:)\l'('tIrt((' rLt: r: I .,ri11,1 rr. tr i, listen and check your ideas. Practise saying the sentences ' I '.i., i-, : qi" .F iirfE.' #";::-: -#,- -, i-.t-"'. - **d ,..: ,i 10ry VocaeuLanv Trains and stations A Check you understand the words in bold. Lrsrerurruc You are going to hear a c*nversatien in a train station Amsterdam, Holland. in Then match the questions 1-8 to the answers a-h. 1 Would you like a single or return? 2 l'm a student. Do I get a discount? 3 Which platform is it? 4 ls it a direct train? 5 What's causing the delay? 6 Which stop do we get off at? 7 How would you like to pay? 8 How much is a first class ticket? a ln cash. b No,you have to change in Munich. c 67 pounds - and second class is 39. d A return, please, coming back tomorrow. e Not the next one, but the one after that. f Platform three. g There's an animal on the line. h Yes,you gel15%off. Work in pairs. Who usually asks the questions in exercise A - someone travelling or someone who works for the A A 10.1 Listen and answer these 1 2 3 4 5 questions. What kind of tickets do the passengers buy? How much are the tickets? How do they pay? What time is their train? Which platform do they need? B Listen again. Complete the sentences with ONE word in each gap. 1 ........................... can I help? 2 The train is at72.25. 3 lt's probab|y........................... to buy two singles. 4 Please your pin. Creat. 5 You have to ........................... at Hilversum. 6 How long does the jou rney ........................... 7 You ........................... around three o'clock. 8 Thanks foryour ? C Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . . Are trains good or bad in your country? Why? Do you have a favourite train journey? Are there any train journeys you'd Iike to make? train company? Work in pairs. Practise reading the questions and answers in exercise A. Write the sentences,in your language.Translate them batk into English. Compare your English to the original. How long doei the iourney take? The drive'usually takes about an about and a half. It usually takes me half an hour on the train. It took me three hours to get here today! PnoruUNcrATroN to When we use fo between other words, we often pronounce it /ta/. h ,lG.?listen. Write the words you hear. B Listen again and repeat what you hear. CoruvrRsATroN PRAcncE A Work on your own. Decide where you want to go, what kind of tickets you want and when you are going to travel. E Work in pairs. Devr lopr NG coNVERsATroNs Telllng the time Student A: you are buying tickets. Student B: you are selling tickets. Make sure you talk about: . tinres. We can say times in two different ways. For example: 12.25: twenty-five past twelve or twelve twenty-five or eleven forty-five 17.45: quarter to twelve A . . how to pay. Now have a similar conversation to the one Listening on the opposite page. Match the times to the pictures. 1 l-alf past three. 2 Quarter to four. 3 Four fifteen. 4 Five to nine. 5 Five past nine. 6 Six twenty five. 7 Nine o'clock. B prices. e in Change roles and repeat exercise B. Two thirty. 'ry // \' Work in pairs. Cover 1-8 in exercise A. Say the times in the pictures a-h in two different ways. Work in . What . What . What What groups. Discuss these questions. time is it now? time did your class start? time does it finish? time do you usually get up? What time did you go to bed last night? What time do you usually catch the bus / train in the morning? And what about going home? What time doyou usually get home? What time do you usually have dinner? lOTRAVFI 79 VocaguLARY Transport A Match the words in the box to the group of words they go with in 1-6. flight blke bus taxi 5 6 car bus get the - / the 73 - / get offthe - / wait at the stop / the -es run all night go in the ^- / get in the - / parkthe - / my- broke down / they're repairing my - / have a sports catch a - /getthe 8.20 - / a direct - I miss my - / pick me up from the - station ride my - / lock my - / fall off my - / have a mountain - / someone stole my - geta - / stopa - / paythe-driver/the-driver charged too much book my - / miss my - / the -'s delayed / - FR09 to Rome Clever: Taxi drivers'brains grow oftheirjob. The part of taxis. Women drive them and the' only pick up women. their brain connected to memory and learning (the hippocampus) is bigger than in the average person. Knowledge: London taxi driver because B Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Doyou ever get the bus? What number? Where are the stops you usually get on / off? . Do you have a bike? What kind? ls it safe to ride a bike whereyou live? Do people often steal bikes there? Have you ever fallen off a bike? . Do . where you live? Has your car ever broken down? How often do you fly? Have you ever missed a flight? What airlines have you used? you have a car? What kind? ls it easy to park You are going to read some facts and stories about taxis. B Work in pairs. Before you read, discuss what is good about taxis and taxi drivers. Read the texts. Decide Some people felt taxis were too dalgerous for women, so a company in Puebla, Mexico, has introduced new pink Expensive: In Muscat, Oman, r. can get a one-million-dollar Ferra Enzo taxi. The driver charges clie $30 per kilometre. Rraorruc A Ladies only: have to take a course to learn 32( routes and all the names of the roads on each route. Only 250/o o: people finish the course and pass the exam. if they are true or false. I have a car. I am a taxi driver: In Tashkent, Uzbekistan. anyone with a car can be a taxi driver. If they see someone waitir, at the edge ofthe road, they can stop and negotiate a price. Dangerous: In South Africa in the 1990s, over 2,000 people diec C Work in pairs. Discuss your ideas. Then check in File 2 on page 155 to see ifyou were right. in'taxi wars', when companies competed to control taxis and routes. D Work in pairs. Say what you remember about these things, places and numbers in the texts. 1 the hippocampus 2 Puebla 3 320and25% 4 Uzbekista n 5 South Africa and 2,000 6 ,000 a nd 300 7 Olden and 550 8 Seoul andtT 9 Europe and one 7 E Readagainandcheck. 80 OUTCOME5 GnnrtnrrnaR too, too much,too many too shows something is bad ffis - it's more than we want. There's too much traffic. There are too many delays on public transport and it's too expensive. People drive too fast here. lt's dangerous. A Match 1-3 with a-c, based on the examples above. I Use too many 2 Use too much 3 Use too + + + c b a singular / uncountable noun adjectlve / adverb plural noun B Choose the correct words, The trains are too / too many slow. They need to go faster and run 1 more often. Ihe longest journey: Two old ladies in The government says there are too / too many accidents in the city, so it wants to reduce the speed limit. I always travel by car. There's too much / too many crime on public rustralia in 1930 took a taxi on a 7,000-mile :ip across the desert, with taxi driver Charles .leard. The trip cost around f300. tra nsport. The buses stop running too / too much early. You have to get a taxi after 11 in the evening. Too many / Too much people are flying these days. Flights are too Lost in translation: A Spanish couple had r pay $3,000 when they got a taxi in Norway. . hey wanted to go to Olden but the driver .nderstood Halden - over 550 kilometres 'lrther away! That's better: The city ofSeoul, South ,.crea. provides a translating service in .? languages for foreigners taking a taxi. lustomers can phone a number and get a free :.anslator to speak to the driver. / too much cheap. There are too / too many cars on the road.Travelling to work takes too / too many long. c Work in groups. In three minutes, see how many sentences you can say using too / too much / too many about the picture. Which group got the most? They're the best: A recent report said 3ritain has some of the worst transport rroblems in Europe. It said there's too much : affic; there are too many deiays on public ransport; and it's too expensive. However, re UK is number one for taxis. International lurists voted on a website. They said Britain's .rxi drivers are friendly and reliable: in fact, re best in the world ! ) Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 159. Speaxruc A Work in groups. TaIk about where you live. Think about the things in the box and the questions below. trains d rive rs buses cycl i sts pollution traffic taxis flights acclde nts roads and motorways parking spaces a i rports Are there too many / ls there too much of anything? Are these things good or bad in your city? Why? How can they be better? IO TR,AVEL 81 Drvrlopr Nc coNVERsATroNs Lrsrrrurrvc Recommending places lf !o1,reco m , mgld ra, pla(eiiou,telf so Yoi: ave g*i.mg to }-:ear a eenvecsatis$ i:r a hst*!. Ti,tre g*ests are talking t* a reeeptio:nist" fi qCn.e,!he!::you thinkjtlt,good. A & 1*.3 Listen and answer these & . Match the questions 1-8 to the answers a-h. 1 Where's the best place to eat? 2 Where's the best place to stay? 3 Where's the best place to change money? 4 Where's the best place to go shopping? 5 Where's the best place to go dancing? 6 Where's the best place to go cycling? 7 Where's the best place to get some exercise? 8 Where's the best place to get a haircut? a Try the . B park. There are bike lanes there, so it's very b Try Melati's. It's small and friendly, and it has a really d e f Choose the words you heard. Then listen again to check your ideas 1 How can I / I can helpyou? safe. c questions. Which two questionsfrom Developing conversations, exercise A do the guests ask? Which places does the receptionist recommend? nice atmosphere.The food is great as well. Try Embassy. lt's always really busy and the music's great.They have live bands every Friday as well. Trythe post office.They usually giveyou a good rate, 2 We like / We'd like to go out for dinner. 3 lt's not the cheapest / cheaper place in town. 4 Need we / Do we need to book? 5 Which / Whattime would you like your table? 6 What's the easy / easiest way to get there? 7 lt takes / spends about half an hour to walk there. 8 Do / Would you like me to book one for you? 9 There's a nice market in / atthe main square. 10 No problem. lt's my / lt was pleasure. C Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. especially for dolla rs. Try the Natural Fitness Centre. There's a good gym there and a really nice swimming pool. Try the big department store in town. They sell a . . . . . good selection of different things. g lt depends what style you want. h Trythe lmperial.The rooms are nice and it's not you happy to go to a more expensive restaurant ifthe food there is very good? How much fish do you eat? Do you prefer walking or taking a taxi? Why? How often do you buy presents for other people? What was the last present you bought? Are expensive. lt's good value for money. NATIVE. SPEAKER. ENGIISH B Work in pairs. Discuss what you think the words in e bold in exercise A mean. You're welcome Nowpractise having conversations. When someone says Thank you to us, we often respond by saying You're welcome. We often say No problem loo. Student A: you are a tourist. Ask questions 1-8 in exercise A. Student B: recommend places you know in your town city. / a n ks Jor eve rythi ng. B:You're welcome. A: Th A:Thanks for B: your help. No problem. You're welcome. '@i.h. ,. G nannnnaR 5u perlatives Complete the conversations To .eofi pare more thanrhVo.things, use fhe. + ,stiperlative adjective. back to our hotel? (quick) B: For with the superlative form ofthe adjectives in brackets. 1 A: What's way to get 2A: short adjectives, add -est. lf they end in -y, change to -iest B: It's not the cheapest place in town. What's the easiest way to get there? 3A: B: :!6lrilonger adjectivesiup6, tle most + adjective. It'sthe most expensive hotel in town. the underground. lt's only two stops away. How was Vienna? Amazing. lt's one of ........................... cities l've ever been to. (beautiful) Take ls it an expensive hotel? Well, it's not ........................... place to stay, but it's B: not ........"..,............... either. (chea p, expensive) ls the crime bad there? Yes. lt's one of ................ ... . cities in the world! B: How was yourjourney? It was awfu | - one of ........... 4A: There are also some irregular superlative adjectives. (da )A: It'sthe bestfilm of theyear. It'sthe worst club in town. ngerous) .... flights l've had (bad) 6A: A Complete the table with superlative forms. adjective comparative good better bad wor5e B: superlative How's your course going? It's impossible! lt's ifficu lt) ................. thing l've taken! (d Spearr ruc A fa st fa ste r small ea ea rlier hot hotter boring more boring ,. r 1 Where's good place to live in your town / city? 2 And where's bad place to live? 3 Where's old part of your town / city? 4 What's easyway togetaroundyourtown /city? 5 Where's cheap place to eat? 6 What's big cily in your country? 7 What's beautiful part of your country? 8 What are popular places for tou rists? 9 \Nho'sfamous person from your country? smaller rly nterestl nq ' more interesting Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 159. Work in groups. Make questions by changing the words in italics into superlatives. 10 11 12 13 B What's important day in your country? What's delicious food from your country? What's good lime of year to visit your country? And what's bad time to visit? Now discuss your answers to the questions. Do you agree with the other people in the group? PnoruurucrATroN Voiced and unvoiced consonants CouvensATIoN PRAcncE ln Review 2 we saw that sgqre contonantt afe said with Iots of,air (unvoiced).The otherr irth!:_bqq below may sound a bit lower because they are said from the throat (voiced). Work in pairs. Do one of these Conversation practice activities. Experiences, Unit 9, page 73. U nit L0, page 7 9. Travel, Acr on DRAW 80 up a cat stea I a race a bike a wall jump lock lpl Itl ItJl lsl fi trip let catch 1 bus cas h alive bike a platform a motorway a bone a mistake smoke find climb shoot Who gets a discount on public transport? Say the na mes of two airlines. lf a service is reliable, is it good or bad? Why? What thing(s) can be delicious? Does good value mean expensive? What transport can you miss? ls it dark at night or in the day? What colours are traffic lights? What do you do when you see each colour? What's the opposite of alive? What does a guard do? Fnsr wRrrER See who is quickest to write each of 1-5. 1 Six adjectives to describe experiences. 2 Four things you say when you buy train tickets. 3 Four sentences with a superlative. 4 Four present perfect questions. 5 Three things you've done and one you haven't. 84 OUTCOMES tBt lzl t5t lsl ied edge bars As ia gun l Remember, with If I and /vi, the top teeth touch the bottom lip. /p/ and i b/, the,lips:cometogqther. qR5.2Listen and saythe words with Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible. 1 What happens if you fail an exam? 2 Which is bigger - a hill or a mountain? 3 Where do you wait for a bus? 4 What causes delays to a train or flight? 5 Say two ways you can pay for something. Work in groups. tdt d and sounds in the chart. For the words in the bottom row, feel the sound in your throat. Remember to use lots of air for words in the top row. and lv 14 15 l< bra in Ourz 10 11 12 13 tkt loc A 't R 5.1Touch your throat. Listen and say the words With 6 7 8 9 tbt the change roles. sign tft off t6t Work in pairs. One person acts or draws the words. Don'f speak. Your partner tries to guess the words. Then fa ll tet bath I p l, I b l, I f I l. Work in pairs. Try to say these words. 7 lbt'^nl 2 lkttzl 3 lktlsl 4lgotdl s ldsnmp I 6l'vrzfiel l'fzfiel 7 8 /drv::st/ D ,t R 5.3 Listen and check the words in the audioscript on page 178. Listen again and repeat the words. Work in pairs. Practise saying the sentences. Who has good pronunciation? Which sounds are difficult for you? 1 I travel there first class, or I drive. 2 They have big discounts for old people. 3 The bus broke down in the middle of the road. 4 I can't find a space to park the car. 5 There's a good range of live bands at that bar. 6 Forget about it - it doesn't matter. 5pe A arrruc LrsrErurruc Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . How often do you eat in restaurants? . Do you have a favourite restaurant? . What do you usually eat when you go out for . You are going to hear two English people in a restaurant in France. A & 11.1 Listen. Which six questions tromVocabulary, exercise A do you hear? In which order? a meal? Who usually pays? B Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. Vocaeu A LARY Resta u ra nts Use the extra information in 1-6 to guess the meanings of the words inbold. Translate the sentences into your language. Then check in lhe 1 Vo c ab ul 2 A: A: B: A: B: A: 3A: B: Yes, ofcourse. Hereyou are. Wow! It all looks great. Can we have the bill, please? Yes, of course. Here are you. Thankyou. Oh! lt's quite expensive. Does this include service? Yes, we add 1,0%. OK. So we don't need to leave a tip. What would you like for starters? Nothing, thank you. lU just Iike a main we have a table for two, Haveyou booked? A: No, l'm afraid not. A: Would you like any dessert? A: Can the ice cream? B: Yes, please. Can I have A: Are you ready to order? Not yet. We're still trying to decide what we want. Work in pairs. For each of 1-6 above, decide whether A is the waiter / waitress or the customer. Then put 1-5 in the order you usually hear / say them. OUTCOMES tip? Why? / Why not? C Listen again and read the audioscript on page 178 to check your ideas. D Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . . . What do you know about French food? Have you ever tried it? What did you have? When you go out for dinner, do you usually have a starter and a dessert as well as a main course? ls it better if restaurants include servlce in the bill or if you can choose how much to leave as a tip? Why? NATIVE SPEAKER ENGTISH Can I get...? please? B: 86 a We often say Can I get ...? instead of Can I have ...? or M like ... course. l'd like a steak, please. B: What three problems do they have? What do they order? Do you think they are going to leave ary Builder. A: Can we see the menu, please? B: 1 2 3 Can I get a steak, please? Can I get some more water, please? Hi. Can I get a cappuccino, pleose? 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Cover photo: 5h utterstock (Vi ktor I i llustrations: KJA Artists C myria) CoruvrnsATtoN PRAcrrcE You are going tm have a sirnilar conrreysation to the one in liste*fmg. A Work on your own. Using your own language, write menu for a restaurant in your country. Include starters, main courses and desserts. a Work in pairs. Student A: you are a customer. Student B:you are a waiter / waitress. Use the menu you wrote and the plan below for your conversation. Spend three minutes deciding what to say. Then have the conversation. Drvrlopr NG coNvERsATroNs Student A Student B Checking things, we can use negative sentences as questions. Our voice goes up when we say these To check sentences. A: Can we see the menu; please? B: Of course. A: Ah. You don't have English menus? B: We don't. llm sorry, but I can help yA,u. A Write negative sentences using the verbs in brackets. 1 A: l'm a vegetarian. B: Oh really? meat? (eat) 2 A: lt's cash only, l'm afraid. B: ...................... .... cards? (take) 3 A: l'm reallyfull. B: Yeah? any dessert? (want) 4 A: We're very,very busy tonight. B: So ................ .......... any free tables? C Now change roles and repeat exercise B. (have) 5 A: ldjust like something non-alcoholic. B: OK.So alcohol? (drink) Match As Ernswers a-e to 1-5 above. a No, l'm fine. Really. lcan't eat anything else. b No. No meat, no fish. Nothing that moves! c Not at the moment. Can you walt ten minutes? d No. I don't like the taste. e No, l'm afraid not.We don't have a machine. 6 11.2 listen and check. Then practise the conversations with a partner. - VocaeuLARY Food B Work in pairs. Student A: look at the pictures in File 6 on A Match the kinds of food in the box to the pictures. meat fis h dairy products vegetables page 767. Student B: look at the pictures in File 8 on fruit N beans seafood page 168. UtS Take turns to describe the food and draw it for your partner. for exampl!. It's a kind of seafood. lt's pink. It looks like this. --Vr. 4) Your partner should write down the name of each food in their own language. When you finish, look at each other's pictures and say if you wrote down the correct names. Find out what tastes you and your partner share. Use the patterns below. I don't like potatoes. I love apples. Me neither. / Oh,l do. Me too. / Oh, I don't Rraolruc &af# Wure LXoo*a @, 6.\ @a ^ E _--\_ ,/ e -.^--r .ry ( r^r L&E,ry ./UA -/w,o uqo^qB,9l .o^ 'So^q9 :o oHclt666( cHcltdq os a€gepiPdqo ffi%x€ .B )^^ 7 o You are going to read an article about people who don't eat meat. Ge 4+ A think are: . . ,Y1'-/ Work in pairs. Decide which word does not go in each group in 1-8. Use the sentences below 1-8 to explain why. For example: L They're all things you add forflavour, except water. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 salt / sugar / pepper I spices / wa+€r potatoes / pasla / cream / rice / bread wine i milk / cheese / butter / cream apples / oranges I eggs / kiwis / bananas juice / coffee / carrots / tea / beer lemons /onions / garlicl potatoes / spinach tomatoes / beef I lamb / pork / steak red beans I peas / soya / chicken / broad beans They're all basic foods except ... They're all vegetables except ... They're all things you add for flavour except They're all drinks except They're all kinds of meat except ... They're all kinds of beans except ... They're all dairy products except... They're all kinds of fruit except... e Which of the foods in 1-8 can you 88 OUTCOMES see Before you read, look at these quotes from famous people. Tell your partner which you ... in the pictures? t'r,J.tt sensible. nol very sensible. stu pid Gnarrnnnan a lot oJ some, any, much, many and a bit of Read the article below and decide if the sentences are true or false. Vegetarians have less risk of dying from sonre cancers than meat eaters. 1 2 3 We use o lot of, some and ony beforc nouns to show quantity. Candh, w,r' a vcgetar.an. Most peopie bccome vegetarians because it's hea lth ie I eat a lot oJ meaL r. 4 The WHO recommends becoming vegetarian. 5 Most Britons eat more than 4oo g of fruit and I eat quite a lot of meaI. I eat some meat. I don't eat a lot of meal. I don't eat any meat. vegeta bles a day. Sorne British people eat no fruit or vegetables ln negatives and questions, we often use much ot many instead of alot o/.Weoften useabitoJorofew instead of some. VEGETARIANS LIVE LONGER A Decide if the words in italics show the same or a different quantity. Where the quantities are different, which quantity is less? 1 2 3 4 5 6 report has shorvn thaI a vegetarian diet reduccs the of dying from heart disease and some cancers by up ro 2Oo/0. The writer of the report, Andy Bond, looked at ;r hundred articles in scientific publications such as The llritish Medical Journol and Cancer. A risl< I he Vegetarian Society of Great Britain, rvhich paid Mr llorrd to write the report, started in 1847.'Ihe society has had Gandhi and Nobel Prize winners as membcrs. It says that the ma.jority of peopie become vegetarians lbr nrorzrl reasons: they don't like the way farms keep rrninrals, or they don't approve ol killing animals, or rhey are worried:rbout how eating meat affects the environment. However, the society says it is important ro prove that a vegetarian dict is good for your health. I Since.l991, the World Health Organization (WIIO) has reconrmcnded that people shoulcl cat tr minimr,rm of five portiorls (400 g; of fruit and vegetables every clay to irnprove hcalth. 'I'he WIIO also rccommencls cor-rtrolling how much red meat we eat and having good levels of fish oils in our diet. lot of / a bit of salt in my cooking. don't put much / any sugar in my coffee. Do you eat many / any sweets? | have some / a bit of fat in my diet, but not much I don't drink a lot of / many cups of coffee a day. I eat quite a lot of / some eggs. I use a | Work in pairs. Complete the rules with words from exercise A. 1 2 3 ....................... ,some and any can go before plural and uncountable (singular) nouns. Afew and........... .. only go before plural nouns. A bit of and ........ ..... only go before uncountable (singular) nouns. ) Neecl help? Read the grammar reference on page 160. C Replace the words in italics with much, many, a bit oJ or a few. 1 I don't eat a lot o/sweet thirrgs. 2 I read some non fiction, but I mainly read novels. 3 | like sorre of their songs. 4 He doesn't eai a lot of fat in his diet. 5 Do you watch a lot ofIVT 6 We had some drinks. D Work in groups. Tell each other how much / many of these things you eat or drink. For example: I eal a lot oJfruit. I have three orfour pieces a day. llritain, only around 30% of people eat the recornmended amounts of fruit and vegetabies and a L.r Ii:w don't eat any. tru it red meat E fis h coffee vegeta bles 5weetS ch icke n soft drinks Decide who has the best diet. 'll FooD 89 VocaeuIARY cooking Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Say two foods you often do each thing to. Then compare your ideas with a partner. Did you think of the Student A: act the eight ways of cooking. Student B: close your book. Say the words. same foods? Work in pairs. Who does the cooking in your family / home? Tell your partner which cooking methods in the pictures theyr . . . . Now change roles and repeat exercise C. use every day. sometimes use. don't use very often. never u5e. \ \ @ - \_------- f 90 OUTCOMES s lice / 8 stir Lrsrrnrnc GnannnnaR lnvitations and offers You are going to hear three friends at someone's house. They are talking about what theyhave had for dinner. A lB 11.3 Listen and answerthese questions. What two dishes did they have? Which four cooking verbs from Vocabularyr didyou 1 2 hear? 3 Put the sentences in the order you heard them. Compare your ideas with a partner. Then listen again and check. a Fry them for ten or 15 minutes. b Would you like me to put the plates in the kitchen? c Slice each one into five or six pieces. d Theywere really, really good. e You make lt sound easy. f Just putthem inthesink. g Would you two like to come? h Add some salt and pepper - and it3 ready to eat. A Complete the questions withWould you like,Would you like me to or Would you like to. -... try a piece of this cake? ..... do the washing-up? .... go out for dinner 1 ................,.,.-. 2 ................-.... 3 ....................-. C Work in pairs. Discuss what the six words in italics in sometime? 4 ................-.-.. 5 ................-,-,-. 6 ..................-.- exercise B refer to. Then read the audioscript on page 179 to check yoru ideas. a starter? cook for you one evening? ..... a cup of coffee? ..... .... D Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . Do you think Nicoletta! food sounds good? Could you cook it? Do you ever invite friends to your home for a meal? When was the last time? What did you cook? ) tUeed help? Read the grammar reference on page 150. B Matdt the answrrs a-f to the questions 1-5 above. a Oh,yes, please. l've nevertried lranian food before. b No, thank you. lt stops me sleeping! c No, thanks. l'm just going to have a main course. d Yes, OK.Where doyou want to go? e No, itl OK. Don't worry- I can do it later. f Ye1 please. lt looks delicious. Did you make it yourself? C Listen and dreck yoru answers, Then practise asking and ansnreringthe questions in pairs. lD 11.4 Sprarrruc You are going to have a one you heard A similar conversation to the in Listentng. thinking how to cook your best dish or a typical dish from your country. Use as marry of tJre words from this unit as you can. Spend five minutes B Work in pairs. Decide who is the cook and who is the guest. Have a conversation about the meal. Start like this: tl FOOD 91 #ffi Kd i{ g i* L,. Lrsreru rruc Y*u. are gcimg to hrear fi're *onu*rsatiomu v*tth people w,h* ha-ve rtiffe:rent ltee.ttlt. pr*hJ.ern*. A, Look at the pictures and say which person has a problem | ,'- foot back * lZ"L Listen to the five conversations and match them to the pictures. There is one picture you don't with each of these parts of the body. leg ha nd s stomach T1l Listen and read the audioscript on page 179 to check your ideas. need. Work in pairs. Decide which pair of words goes with which conversation. Try to explain what they said. 1 sick / fresh air 2 doctor i a bad cough 3 hurts / lie down 4 play I stiff 5 broken / cancel 92 OUTCOMES Write the sentences in your language. Translate them back into English. Compare your English to the original. It'll be fine in a couple of days. l'll be fine in a moment. It'll be fine by the weekend. l'll be fine after I have something to eat. l'll be fine after,l warm up. Devrlopr NG coNvERsATroNs Rejecting advice and offers When we reject an offer or a piece of advice, we often give a reason. We often then ask Are you sure? A: it's OK. I think l'm just hungry. A: Are you sure? B: H Vocaeu IARY A Hea Maybeyou should lie down. B: No, Honestly, l'll be fine after I have something to eat. Write four similar conversations starting with the advice I off,erc 1-4. Reject the advice / offers and add ideas from the table. 1 Maybe you should go to hospital. 2 Would you like any more? 3 Maybe you should take the day off. 4 You should come out with us. lth problems Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 2 3 burnt stiff cut infection coush hurts cold headache hungry sick you have any aspirin? l've got a ... my arm frying an egg My legs are ........................... after my run yesterday. Do I ........................... 4 That's a bad ........................... . You should stop smoking. 5 l'm going to take the day off. I have a ........................... . ldon't want anyone else to get it. shouldn't carry that if your back 6 You 7 The doctor said I have a chest I ........................... my foot on a piece of glass. 8 o 10 I haven't eaten all day.l'm rea1|y........................... lfeel really ill.l think l'm going to B be B Work in groups. . . . Discuss these questions. / cut / burnlyourself recently? How? Have you ever broken a bone? Which one? How? When was the last time you were sick or had a cold I cough / headache? Did you go to the doctor? Have you hurt Readyour conversations inpairs. CoruvrnsATroN PRAcrrcE conversations with different students. Follow the plan below. For each new conversation, change partner and choose a different problem. A Have GnnrrnrrnaR should / shouldn't Siucie;:r'r p' Student B We use should(n't) +verb to give advice.Should shows we think it's a good idea to do the action. Shouldn't shows we think it's a bad idea. stop smok;ing. shouldn't carrylhaL You should You A Work in pairs. Say the advice the speakers gave the five conversations in Listening. in Work in pairs. Give more advice for each person in the pictures inListening.Use should / shouldn't. ) trteed help? Read the grammar reference on page 151. 12 FEELINCS 93 VocaguIARY Lrsrrrurruc Feelings A Decide if the words in the box describe positive or negative feelings. angry annoyed excited relaxed sad stressed hapy tired Complete the sentences with words from exercise A. | heard some friends are getting divorced. I was very about it. I cried when I heard. 2 On my way to work yesterday, someone almost hit my car. We had an argument. I shouted at him. I was very 1 really . I passed my driving test. worked from six till seven today, so I was very 3 l'm 4 I when I got home. I fell asleep watching TV lwas a bit because the shop didn't have the book I wanted. I have to do a lot of work this week, and my boss isn't very patient, so l'm feeling very........................... at the moment. It's nice to be on holiday - lying on the beach and doing nothing. I feel so l'm going to go to France with my school. l'm really because it's my first time away without my parents. l'm really looklng forward to it. You are going to hear a woman talking about what she did yesterday. A *72,2 Listen to the nine different things that she and choose how she felt. 1 tired I happy / annoyed 2 angry / sad / excited 3 stressed / tired I relaxed 4 happy / angry I bored 5 positive / annoyed / stressed 6 bored / angry I surprised 7 worried lhappy / annoyed 8 excited / relaxed / tired 9 bored / tired I stressed Why did she feel each emotion? Compare your answers in pairs. Listen again and check. i NATNVE,,SFfAKtriiENC.lrlg rl uPset We say someone is upset if they a re sad, worried or annoyed about something that happened. Work in pairs. Take turns to act the different feelings in exercise A and to guess the words. I was a bit upset, but I tried not to cry. He was a bit upset that lforgot his birthday. Don't get upset about it. lt's not a big problem, She was upset because I said I didn't like her idea. D Which emotion(s) are the words in the box connected with? look forward to cry asleep smile have to wait shout fall do a test lie on a beach Tell a partner about the last time you did four of the things in exercise D. D Work in groups. Describe what you did yesterday. . . . Who did you talk to? How did you feel about each thing you did? Who had the best day. did Reaorruc You are going to read a sho:t article about economics and happiness. A Read the article and decide what you . . . . think is: surprising. not surprising. a good idea. a bad idea. B Work in groups and discuss your ideas. The economist Daniel Kahneman interviewed women in Texas to compare how h"ppy different things made them feel. They were less happy at work, doing housework and, worst of all, travelling to and from work. But, they enjoyed spending time with relatives like aunts and uncles more than spending time with their children! Another economist, Richard Leyard, has suggested governments should worry less about trying to make the country richer and do more to make people happy. Here are some of his ideas, lncrease taxes on high salaries so that people don't want to work so hard. Don't let children under 12 see adverts because it makes them want things they can't have. Provide more help for people who have depression. Don't change education, healthcare, etc. too much, because a lot of change worries people. Have lessons at school on how to be a good parent. list of the four things that make people happiest. c Make a D Work in pairs. Discuss your ideas and try to agree on the same choices. Spearrruc Read the text. Then discuss the questions Work in pairs. Explain your decisions. Discuss what you think each article is about, using the groups of words. in groups. Now read the articles on the opposite page and see you guessed correctly. if Positiue Neus Work in paixs. Say what happened in each story, using the words in exercise A. is an international newspaper that comes out every three months. As you can tell from its name, the paper look at good news stories and tries to tell the general public about people who are working to improve the world. The paper also has special youth pages, so young writers can tell young readers about what they are doing to change society and the environment for the better. The paper has offices in the UK, USA, Hong Kong, Spain and Argentina, and now has over a quarter of a million readers. It is free, but any readers who want to offer money for it, can! Work in pairs. Say which articles you think describe positive news. Explain why. GRannmaR Present perfect 3 We can use the present perfect to talk about actions that happened sometime before now, but have a present result. We don't use it with past time expressions (e.g.yesterday, a few days ago). Over 1,000 families have lefttheir homes. (now they have nowhere to live) A Find six more examples of the present perfect in the articles. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in the box. think Positive News is a good idea? Would you like to read it? Why? / Why not? Do you you remember the last positive news story you heard or read? Why do you think positive news stories don't appear more often in normal newspapers or on the TV a rrest go up Can 1 Sailors esca pe ratse send Save sta rt the lives of more than 100 people in the lndian Ocean. The wives of hundreds of policemen letters to the government, saying their husbands need more money. Talks between the US and China ........................... in news? Rraorruc You are going to read three short newspaper articies" A die 4 Before you read, match the headlines below to the groups of words l.*3. Belj ing. Six on the roads today following heavy snow last night. House prices ........................... by 750%. people 5 6 Police HEAYY RAIN a manfor stealing 200 metres of train line. FAST.FOOD FIGURE GOES FAST ) 7 Three dangerous men ........................... from a police 8 station. A little boy .. trteed help? Read over f 500,000 in six months. the grammar reference on page 16L. LOST MAN X'INDS HIS IVIISSION Spraxrruc got lost - looked after dol la rs - raised more than one million - education - brldges - court - statue of Ronald McDonald - threw sailors a rrested floods - escape ri Work in pairs. Choose one of the sentences from Grammar, exercise B, and write a news story about it. Start with the sentence you have chosen. 95 OUTCOMES - government - rise - worse Work with another pair. Read your news stories. li:-rrt ff.f.'..f q In 1993, Greg Mortenson got lost trying to climb the mountain K2 in Pakistan. Some village people found him and looked after him until he was well. Greg thinks they saved his life. To say thank you, he decided to help them by starting a charity to build schools. He has raised more than one million dollars and has helped more than 30000 children to get a better education. His organisation has opened over 80 schools and it has also helped to build roads, bridges and health centres. At least 15 people have died after heavy rains caused floods in southern Thailand. Over 1,OOO families have left their homes to escape the waters and the Eovernment has closed several schools in the area. Watet levels are continuing to rise and the situation is probably going to get Two British sailors appeared in court in Chile yesterday after they stole a plastic statue of Ronald McDonald from outside a McDonald's in Valparaiso - and threw it into the sea. The sailors' boat stopped in the city on Monday and police arrested the men later that day. They had to pay f350 and have now left the country! worse. 12 FEETINCS 97 CouoclnoNs A CoruvensATroN PRAcncE One student reads a group of collocations from Unit 11 of the Vocabulary Builder. Where there is a '-', say 'blah'.Yortrpartners guess the word. Who guesses Work in pairs. Do one of these Conversation practice the most? activities. Food, Unit 1,L, page 87. Feelings, Unit 12, page 93. Acr on DRAW B Work in pairs. One person acts or draws the words. Don't speak. Your partner tries to guess the words. Then change roles. Now do the same with Unit 12 of the Vocabulary Builder. PnoruuructATtoN Long vowel sounds : rest throw stiff hit a fry flood grill hungry smile bu rn chop s lice a bridge a disease a bird juice order a cough kill lie down Some single vowel sounds are a bit longer than others. ln a dictionary, these sounds are marked with the symbol I. Ourz Work in groups. Answers as many questions as possible. 1 Say two things you often carry. 2 lf you recommend something, is it good? 3 lf something rises, does it go up or down? 4 Who arrests people, and why? 5 What don't vegetarians eat? 6 Say two things that make people stressed. 7 What do you take if something hurts? 8 Say the names of two courses you have at dinner. 9 Where do you leave a tip? What for? 10 What do people feel and do if they have an argument? 11 lf you come first in a race, what medal do you get? 12 What doyou roastfood in? 13 Do soft drinks have alcohol? 14 Say three things you add to improve taste. 15 How do you feel if you're looking forward to something? Fasr wRrrER Work in groups. See bR 6.2 Listen and say the first sound and then say the second one. Make sure the second one sounds longer. Then say the words. Work in pairs. Try to say these words. 7 lst.3\l 5 /'rntavjur/ 2 lpt'^kl 3 /a'sli:p/ 4 lfotm\l D 6l'si:fudl 7l'statlull 8 /a'pru:v/ t R 6.3 Listen and check the words in the audioscript on page 180. Listen again and repeat the words. E Work in pairs. Practise saying the who is quickest to write each of 1-5. i Eight parts ofthe body. 2 5ix kinds offood. 3 5ix questions a waiter or customer 5 5 asks in a restaurant. Two sentences with should and two with shouldn't. Four sentences with the present perfect. Four offers with Would you like ...? 98 OUTCOMES -1 A R 6.1 Listen and say the words and the sounds. sentences. Who has good pronunciation? Which sounds are difficult for you? 1 They serve big portions. 2 I hurt my arm and burnt my hand. 3 We eat beef and chips on Tuesdays. 4 They appeared in court for stealing a statue. 5 We asked for pork with cream sauce. 6 Warm up well before you start to play. Lrsreuruc Ao.rrcrrvrs You are going to hear four conversations, Complete the sentences with words from the box. *R6.4 Listen and decide if the sentences are true or false. Listen twice if you want. 1 a The man's at someone's house. b He has a potato and seafood soup and some water. 2 a They are eating a vegetarian dish. b He roasted the food in the oven. 3 a The woman feels ill. b She's going to go to the doctor. 4 a He's nervous because he has exams. b He's studying medicine. delicious scientific bored excited hea lthy annoyed h igh full 1 The film was really slow and I got quite 2 I can't eat anything else. l'm rea1|y.......................... 3 Our company does a lot of ........................... research. 4 l'm ........................... about the trip. lt's going to be greatl 5 How did you make this soup? lt's ...........................1 6 I have quite a ........................... diet. because he criticised us. 7 I was 8 Doctors don't get very ........................... salaries in my . [.../ 8] country, so a lot of them move abroad. [.../ 8] Gnarrnruen A Complete with the present perfect form of the verbs Cor.r.ocarroNs in brackets. 1 He's in hospital. He ........................... his leg. (break) one million pounds to build 2 They Match the verbs in the box to the groups of words they go with in 1-8. schools. (raise) 3 I ........................... anything yet. What would you like? (not order) they 4 ........................... 5 ........................... 6 We ........................... the day ........................... any salt or pepper? (add) off (take) [.../ 6l Choose the correct words. 1 I need to send a few / a bit of emails. 2 There's not many / much risk of rain today. 3 Would you like us to drive / that we drive you there? 4 We don't use a lot of / much spices in our cooking. 5 I don't eat any / much pork because it's against my 6 prove escape stop leave affect ca ncel a service charge? (include) you boil SAVC religion. I've had / had a chest infection last month but l'm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - the * floods / some water - from prison I - from the war / - the potatoes / - for 10 minutes it's healthy / - it causes cancer / - it wrong money / - his life / - 100 people from the flood - the country / - atip / have to - your home -your health / -the environment / - us - smoking / -for a rest I -me sleeping - the meeting / - my flight / - my credit card - [.../ 8] Vocagumnv Complete the words in the text. better now. 1...t 6l Complete the sentences with ONE word in each gap. A: I have a headache. 1 B: Maybe 2 you like A: Would you lie down. to get you a glass of l'm trying to keep my iwe...... under control. I don't fry my food - I usually 2bo...... it or eat things like salad with a little olive ro.......leat lots of fruit and 4ve...... and I don't eat red meat, because it has too much sf...... . don't have too much salt either because I read a urep...... that said it can cause heart 7dis...... . You need to look 8a...... yourself here because healthcare is very expensive. I water? B: Please. you done to your leg? A: What B: I fell over yesterday and cut it. adverts on TV. 4 I think there are too 5 lfeel a bit sick. I need to get ........................... fresh air. 6 I didn't have ........................... money, so I couldn't buy it 3 1...t [.../ 8] [Total ... /s0] 61 06 REVIEW 99 NATURE VocaguLARY weather A GnarrnruaR might and Describe the weather in the photos below with the words in the box. hot snow wet warm rain cold ice dty su n ny windy be going to We use might + verb and be going to + verb to talk about the future. Migltl shows possibility. Be going to shows certainty. cloudy storm It might rain this morning, but this afternoon. it's going to be dry What kind of weather do you think goes with these seasons? autumn winter spring summer I Which parts of your country have the best / worst weather? It\Ihy? Lrsrrrurruc Complete the sentences wilh might or the correct f,otrr.of. be going to. 1 A: What are you doing later? B: I .................... ...... go shopping, but l'm 2 3 We ask about the weather by sayingWhat's the forecast for todoy / tomorrow etc.? We start the reply withlt lTheymid... B: They're knocking it down.They build some flats there. A: What are you going to do when you leave school? B: I d like to continue studying, but have to get a job. Our I 4 A: W h at's th e fore ca st for tod oy? B:They soid it's going to rain. You are going to hear three conversations in which people decide what to do. not sure. A: What are they doing to that church? 5 family needs the money. A: What's the forecast for tomorrow? ............ possibly B: They said it .............. snow! t definitely be cold, though. lt said on the news it ........................ continue to rain for the next two days. There ......... possibly be some flooding. A OL3.Llisten. Find out the forecast and what the people decide to do. B Work in pairs. Practise reading the conversations in the audioscript on page 180. 100 ouTcoMEs Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 152. Deve lopr NG coNVERsATroNs Short questions ln conversation, we often use short questions without verhs. A: Why don't we go to the swimming pool? -*r B: We could do.Which one? A: The open-air one. * A Read the conversations. Choose the best short question to complete each one. 1 A: Why don't we go and see a film? 2 Work in pairs. Say the forecast for today / tomorrow / the weekend.Use might / be going to. Write four things you might do in the next week, month or year. Why are they just possibilities because of the weather / money / other people / some other reason? 3 4 5 B Work in groups. Explain your ideas to each other. 6 B: Maybe. Where? / What film? / What time? A: There's a showing at 8.40. A: I might go for a walk later. B: Really? Who with? / When exactly? / Where? A: .lust on my own - unless you want to come. A: Do you want to go into town later? B: Maybe. How? /Whatfor? /Whattime? A: To have a drink or something. A: Why don't we take a holiday? B: We could do. How long for? / When? / Where? A: Just a few days. A: Why don't you invite some friends for dinner? B: Who? / Why? / When? A: Do you need a reason? lt's a nice thing to do! A: Why don't we go to the beach? Write the sentences in your language. Translate B: We could do. Which one? them back into English. Compare your English to the original. Why don't we just relax this morning? Why don't we go to the swimming pool? Why don't you talk to him about it? Why don't you go to the doctor? Why don't I do it foryou? A: We can get a bus. E Work / What time? / How? in pairs. Practise the conversations. Change partners. Say the first line of the conversations. Your partner uses a different short question. Then give a different answer. CoruvensATroN PRAcncE Yqu are gcing ta have oxres similar ccnversatiss'.s to the you hear* in -fl;isfenfng. A Work in pairs. Look at the plan below and think about what you are going to say for one minute. It Have a conversation. Then change roles. *t\- ){-& . Student B -.jr.,,:.!, .,,r-d,&f;-,. '-t ti "'* :-" ]: 13 \" NAIURE 101 Reaorruc You are going to read a bLog called Slx reilsons nat to ,.. Read the introduction and complete the title. People say the country has fresh air, but don't breathe too deeply! The country is full of animals: pigs, eows, horses. They all smell bad and none of them use a toilet or wash their hands. And farmers put chemicals in the fields. The country's not fresh * it's horrible! Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . . that cities are a great lnvention? How are they good for the environment? What reasons do you think the writer is going to give? Do you agree Read the rest of the blog on the right and find out the six reasons she gives. Decide if the sentences are true or false, according to the blog. 1 Everything in the country is natural. 2 The author is scared of cows. 3 All the shops close early. 4 lt's easy to make good frlends in the countryside. 5 lt's d ifficu lt to keep you r clothes clea n. 6 The scenery isn't varied enough in the country. Work in pairs. Say which reasons you think are: - funny - wrong - interesting - stu pid - true - stra nge Not a hope We use not o hope to say something is totally impossible. Can rHn 00$rs I once walked across a field, and a group of cows started following me. lt made me nervous - their big eyes looking at me, following me. There was a wall at the end of the field and the cows were following me - and their eyes! I couldn't escape. I started running. ljumped onto the wall. And they were still there - those huge eyes: the cows, looking at me. I still have nightmares about it. I don't like cows. TIIB SHOIDS you buy milk at eight o'clock in the evening? Not o hope! A: Do you think you can finish the work by tomorrow? B: No. Not a hope! They don't have a hope of winning 102 ouTcoMEs The country may be full of cows, but can you buy milk at eight o'clock in the evening? Not a hope! And if you want to buy anything during the day, you have to travel half an hour by car to get it! VocaeuIARY Country and city A Work in pairs. Put the words into two TIITT groups - country and city. There should be 12 in each group. PIOPLII agricu ltu You often live quite a long way from other people and your choice of friends is limited, so living in the country means spending a lot of time with your family. I love my family, I really do, but I don't want my best friends to be my mum and my dogl ra fie I ld s a crlme hunting a horse grass conven ient slow traffic soi crowded po I uted a factory norsy traffic lights a block of flats a cottage farm I crops a park hills I pea cefu I TIIII DIITT The countryside is covered in soil and grass, and it rains a lot - not a good combination if you want to wear white clothes or nice shoes! TIIIi Work in pairs. Take turns to act or draw the words. Your partner says the word. Complete the two descriptions with words from exercise A. lSCIJNIIITY | live on the second floor of a near the centre of town. lt's qulte crowded . for shops and noisy, but and work. lwalk everywhere.There's also a huge choice of 3...........................: Iive sport and it's OK, I like mountains. I wouldn't like to climb one, but they're nice to look at. They're impressive. The problem is, the countryside doesn't have enough mountains. Travelling by train, you look out of the window, what you see is a field, another field, another field, a few trees, a field, another field, a farmer in a field, field, field, cows (argghhhh!), field, field. lt's just very very boring! f ?-', music, theatres, cinemas, shopping centres, bars, restaurants 2 - everything. little We live in a . in a village in the north. City life is too fast for me. prefer a more 5........................... life. lt's a big . area. The soil's very good. I The main . they grow are potatoes and other kinds ofvegetables. There are also some dairy farms. lt's usually nice and quiet, but occasionally people go . in the fields near here.They shoot birds and rabbits. ,. +f,'*''";€ D Work in Broups. Discuss these questions. . . . . . Recent posts . slx IBItrASONS NO'I'',l'O ... . ... have a boyfriend. ... take the bus. ... like Friends. ... watch sport. ... vote. ... drink beer. . Which place doyou prefer in exercise C? ls your life slow or fast? Why? How convenient for shops / work is the place where you live? What entertainment is there where you live? Are you good at making your own enterta inment? What's the countryside like in your country? What are the main crops? Where do they grow? Are there any factories near you? What do they produce? Have you ever ridden a horse? Did you like it? What hills or mountains are there near where you live? Have you been to the top ofany ofthem? 13 NATURE 103 VocaeuLARY Animals C Listen again and complete the notes below. Work in groups. Look at the animals in File 7 on page 168. Discuss these questions. . Do you know anybody who has any of these animals? . . . . . . o I o oQ7/tJ1t1) oolt0ult0ttoBtL'8, cAl,,lrlls Which animals are common ln your area? Which anlmals hunt? Which can run fast? Which eat meat? Which animal makes the best pet? Why? Which do you normally find in the wild? TWezwayx cnmd* arol>otte,r dra,vv lwrse*: 7 , ;,;;; w,ore., j TTw,y' ra,........................... cntdliaat Close your books. Can you remember all nine animals? Lrsrrrurruc You are going to hear two people ta-iking about the l4ilk, - ve*y good,for yow. l4eat -low (*'............ 3'...,...........-.......... - u,rcdrtc ma*z, laalhcr. C dye leath er a a,tne) rar,i,rt4, pop da/, but dpbatet the desert protei n al:out enterta va lua b le Ll\Pm, in ment & maro 1 2 Look at the words in the box and check you understand them. Work in pairs. Discuss which words you think are connected to which photo and why. protected a,,n TW e,e th,i,rt4* camd* p rov td,*r: national symbols in the photos. I cut down a,$4, Nepdr1p4r,........... th,et uae of ,..................... ...... to- r (Apt violin bow g q 13.2 Listen and check your ideas. Discuss with a partner rl\\tltrrl which words are connected to which photo - and how. 3 0 0 ct 1, o $ a oo o 0 0 a 0 u u ao 0 t----.. PAUtsR,ASILTNEE Caw g.row uP td, .. .. . .. I w the, pa,rt, Ll,at trea alawg,Ll\Prt................ tsea,ofi(fi.tl woodt - a* ...... w . .. .... a* foil,n .. .... . lt{.qf". d, ilL :.......... e... col,otu. ?rod,urft'*w of chemiral t|,a, ".......... d,ye* fia.vted, (.,w fhi,ynPeA, nnettrept ? q.t,y tsy q,ri+ n 104 ouTcoMES tsra*d, - ? ww ts ra*fu fi'e'et I ovl p roteoted, CIi GnarurtnaR Pnoru u uctATtoN Passives Passives lllle form passives with the verb be + a past participle. We use passives if we don't know who does an action or if it's not important When we say passives, we often use the contractions of is and are or weak forms of was and were.This means the forms of be are often difficult to hear. who did it. A ry 33 Listen and repeat what you hear. The national tree of Brazil rs called'Pau Brasil'. Camel skins are sometimes made into leather. It was found all along the Atlantic coast. ,Lot5:of trees were cut down. B Listen again. Write the Spearr ruc A Work in pairs. Say the past participles of the verbs in the box. I cut down lintroduce fin d eat sel hunt u5e p rQ. I rotect Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb be and the past participles of the verbs in brackets. 1 Our national plant ............... for making medicine. (use) 2 The rubber tree .................. into Liberia in the early 1900s. (introduce) in both 3 Elephants Asia and Africa. (find) 4 Kangaroo steaks........................... sometimes in Australia. (eat) 5 For ma ny yea rs, tigers for their skins, but now they sentences you hear. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Does your country have a national animal / tree /flower? Do you know what it is? How much do you know about it? . What could you tell someone from another country about: - your country's nationalsport? - your country's nationaldish? - your country's national heroes? - people who have done great things and are loved by . . many people in your country? What do you think is the best thing about your country? Are there any things you don't like about it? by law. (hunt, protect) 6 ln the past, many trees ................ and the wood lot of money. (cut down, sell) ............... ........... for a Need help? Read the grammar reference on page L62. We sometimes show who does an action, usingblt Ca,mel meat is:eaten by some people. Work in pairs. Discuss who you think did each of the actions below. 1 He was arrested last night by ... . 2 The new law was introduced last month by ... 3 My trip to Japan was paid for by... . . 4 5 Paper was invented by... . fhe Harry Potter books were written by .... . D Write three questions that you know the answer to, using the pattern below. Then ask other students. -. ARTIGAS 13 NATURE 105 ffip$rurffi$\$ 5 Spearrruc Lrsrrru rruc .& Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . What's the difference between a film and Yc& ase goizeg to hear fuar* em&'crersa?io$.s, Im tEte frx'st, the p*opie tallq ab*ut a fi.lm"l" Xyr tlee s*c*xr.d, tkenr talk abqut a a play? . $ru.s!ea3, What's the difference between a musical and & & 34,? Listen and answer these a concert? . When was the last time you went to the cinema, the theatre or to a concert? What did you see? What did you think of it? questions about each conversation. 1 Have both people seen the film / musical? 2 lf yes, what was each person's opinion of it? 3 lf no, do you think the second speaker would like it? Why? / Why not? Vocaeu IARY Describing fi lms, plays and musicals Try to complete each of the sentences below with ONE word. Compare your ideas with a partner. Then listen again and Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. predictable brilliant entertaining sad depressing violent 1 2 lt was ............., lt was really. .. . funny scary strange terrible lt really made me laugh .I cried a lot at the ending. 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 lt was very ........................... - very unusual. lt was very ........................... . I felt sad for days afterwa rds. lt was rea1|y........................... . I really enjoyed it. 106 ouTcoMEs ? ? lt was very ........................... . There was a lot of killing and a lot of blood in it. lt was rea1|y............................ I spent halfthe time hiding behind the sofa. lt is very . After ten minutes,you know how it's going to end. lt was - one of the best things l've ever seen in my life. lt was - one of the worst things l've seen in a long time. Work in pairs. Which of the descriptions exetcise A do you think are positive and which are negative? Why? check. 1 a Have you ever seen a film 28 Days Later? b l've heard it, but l've never seen it. c What's it ........................... d lt .................... .. terrible! e No, it's greatl ............... 2 a What did you think ........................... it? b lt was quite entertaining in ,l suppose. c The ........................... and the music were great. d But what about the ........................... e I ........................... it really sad. in !{l{i!t! th9,lsenlenae$in:yOu,r,langua$e; Tianslite them back into English. Compare your English to ttre original. I found it really sad. lfind grammar really difficult. How.a re yourf,lndi!9, the cours-e? I can't find my keys. tu!U$ir:,20 on the ,stteelypsterd; Did you find your phone? I Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . Would you like to see 28 Days Later or Dogs? Why? / Why not? . Can you think of somethingyou found: really scary? too violent? very predicta ble? CoruvensATroN PRAcrrcE Y*:.: are going t+ h*re eonversati+:-:s 3i3<e the ones i:"r Zistszzing" A On your own, make a list of six films, plays and musicals you have seen - and concerts you have been to - in the last few months. E Work in pairs. Take turns asking if your partner has seen the things on your list. If they have not seen it, they should ask What was it like? If they have seen it, they ask What did you think o/ it? Continue the conversations. Developr Nc coNVE RsATroNs What's it like? lf we want someone to describe something or someone, we often ask What is / was ... like? r,: l've never seen it. What's it like? It's brilliant. lt's really, really scary. A Match the questions 1-8 to the answers a-h. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B was the film like? was the acting like? was the band like? was the ending like? What's the food like there? What's your boss like? What're your parents like? What was your holiday like? What What What What Very sad. I couldn't stop crying. She's great. 5he's very easy to talk to. C Quite good. They played their roles very wel1. d It started well, but I didn't like the ending. e Oh, it was wonderful. lt was very reiaxing and we were very lucky with the weather. They were great. They played for two hours and did a b all their most famous songs a b h My mum's great, but ldon't get on with my dad. Amazing! They do a delicious garlic chickenl Work in pairs. Student A: ask the questions in exercise A. Student B: read the answers. Change roles. Student B: ask the questions in exercise A. Student A: invent your own answers. a On your own, write three What is / was ... Iike? questions for other students in the class. Then ask them. 14 OPlNloNS 107 Spearrruc Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . . . . Do you ever read newspapers? Which one / s? Why? Are there any newspapers you don't like? Why not? Do you ever watch the news on TV or listen to the news on the radio? lf yes, how often? What are the big news stories at the moment? What do you think about them? What kind of news stories can you see in the photos below? Would you like to read about each story? Lrsrrrurruc D The groups of words 1-5 come from the news stories. Listen again and take notes on how the words are connected. l optimistic power voting You ale going to hear a news report. A Work in pairs. Discuss in which order the different kinds of news usually appear on news reports. sports news show business news financial news internationalnews national news the weather forecast &14.2 Listen and put the different kinds of news in exercise A into the order you hear them. There is one you don't need. e Compare your answers with a partner and say how you decided. 2 3 4 5 peace talks lost border engaged two captain injured cul months close funding actor and model competition Work in pairs. Say how the words in exercise D are connected, using the words in exercise A. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. Have you heard any recent stories about any: . . . . . . elections? companies losing money? people losing their jobs? wars? famous people getting engaged? sports people getting injured? What do you think about each story? Why? rc, i*iS*,, i I I I I I I GnarrnrrnaR will A / won't for predictions Complete the sentenceswithwill or won't. come out with you tonight. need to finish some work. 2 You can try and talk to her if you want, but it make any difference. 3 I think he ........................... be a very good leader. win the game.They're not good 4 They enough. 5 The new law might help a bit, but it ...... completely solve the problem. 6 I don't think I ........................... pass the exam. I haven't done enough work for it. 7 We ........................... probably arrive sometime in the evening. lt depends on the traffic. B The company lost a lot of money this year. I expect we ........................... all lose our jobs before too long! 1 I probably Below are fi.ve comments from the chat rooms on the radio station's website. Match each comment to one of the five stories you heard. This will be terrible for the whole area. It'll have a really bad effect on local communities because people will have move to find work. to It won't last.They'll probably be divorced bythe end oftheyear. I This loss won't make any difference.They'll still have a very strong team tonight. D A 3{e.3 Listen. Repeat what you hear. don't think the situation will get any worse.They both have too much to I E Listen again and write the sentences you hear. F find Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Use the answers below. 1- Do you It'll be better if there's no clear winner. mean they all have to work togetheil 2 3 Do you lose. The big countries will make their governments negotiate again, and they'll a solution. Do thinkyou'll ever speak perfect English? think you'll live to be 80? you think your country will ever win the World Cu p? moke a 4 5 6 7 8 dffirence lf something makes a dffirence, it changes a situation in a good way. lf somethingdoesn't make ony dffirence, it doesn't change a situation in any think think Do you think Do you think Do you think Do you Do you you'll ever live or work abroad? you'll ever be really rich or famous? we'll find life on other planets? there'll ever be world peace? we'll ever learn how to look after the environment? way. This loss won't make any dffirence. He's made a real dffirence to people's lives. dffirence to the way I do my The course made a big job. It doesn't make ony dffirence to me what you think! Which of the comments in exercise.A are optimistic and which are pessimistic (= ths opposite of optimistic)? G Write two predictions of your own about what will / won'thappen in the future. Explain your ideas to some other students. Do they agree with you? ) Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 163. 14 oPtNtoNS 109 A VocaeuLARY Society Rraor ruc Decide which ending in italics goes with each of the sentences a-c that follow. 1 The economy is quite weak / strong. a There's a lot of unemployment. b lt's easy to find a job. c Wages are high. 2 Crime is very bad / not a problem. a There's a lot of violence and murder. b there's a lot of stealing. c You don't need to lock your door at night. You are going to read what two immigrants say about th.e different esuntries they have rerowed to. 3 5 friendly / not very open. They don't invite you lnto their homes. People are very a 4 A b lt's easy to ma ke friends. c They keep themselves to themselves. The climate's good cou ntry? I / not very nice. a lt's dry and warm allyear round. b lt's really cold in winter and too hot in summer. c lt's very wet. lt rains all the time. B You have hardly any free time. lt's very relaxed. Spend two minutes remembering the sentences in exercise A. Then work in pairs and test each other. Student A: keep you r book open. Say sentences a-c. Student B: close you r book. Say the correct sentences writer would answer these questions. l- How long haveyou lived here? 2 Why did you move here? 3 Do you like it here? 4 What do you th in k of the people? 5 What do you th in k of the climate? 6 What do you think of the healthcare system? 7 How's the economy doing? 8 ls there much crime? 9 Do you think you'll ever go back to your country? c lt's very efficient. 6 The quality of life is very good / not very good. a Families are close and children are happy. b Work in two groups. Group A: read the text on the opposite page. Group B: read the text in File 5 on page 167. Read your text and decide how the Healthcare is very good / quite poor. a Treatment is expensive. Some people can't pay for it. b lt's free for everyone. c Before you read, discuss these questions. . Are there many people from your country living abroad? Why? ln which countries? . ls there immigration in your country? Where from? . Do you know anyone who has moved to another country or city? Why did they move? . What other reasons are there to move to another C Compare your answers with someone who read the same text as you. Which country do you think the writer is from and where do you think they are living? 1-6. D Now find C Work in pairs. Write one more example for each situation in exercise A. For example: It's safe someone from the other group. Without looking at your texts, interview each other. Use the questions in exercise B. to walk at night. (2 Crime is not a problem.) E With the D In groups, read your examples. The other students guess the sentences 1-6. same partner, discuss which of the two writers has a better quality of life. Why? r': : '; A NTW LIFT I've lived here for five years now. I really like it. I came here to work. There are lots of jobs in computers and technology and wages are higher than in my country. People here are very relaxed and open. They often invite you to their homes for a barbecue. I really don't miss anything about my country. We don't have long, dark, cold winters here - it's basically warm all year round. But if you want snow, you can go to the mountains and ski. I can also watch ice-hockey games, which I love. In fact, it's great for sport here. The only problem is I work long hours, so I don't have time to take advantage of all the opportunities. Before I came here, I heard crime was bad and that there were problems with healthcare. but I haven't had any problems. Certainly, in the big cities. there are a Iot of GRlnnMaR Verb patterns with adjectives These two sentences mean the same thing. Notice the position of the adjec,tivedangeroas. Watking in the streets is dangerous. It's dongerous to wolk in the streets. lf we want to make a verb the subject of a sentence, i weuse an-ingform. murders, and walking in the streets is dangerous, but I've never seen anything like that. I Ieave my door unlocked in my house and no-one has ever stolen anything. As for healthcare, well, it depends if you have medical insurance, because treatment's expensive. Luckily, my company pays for mine and I've found the facilities fantastic - very efficient. Sprarr ruc A In groups, discuss what you think of the things in the box in your country: cnme hea lth ca re politlcs the climate the quality of life work Do you know any other cities or countries well? How do they compare with your country? We can also use it + be + (aot) adjective + (not) to + infinitive. A Discuss whether you use similar grammar in your language. B Rewrite the sentences using one of the patterns in the explanation box above. 1 Finding work here is easy. 2 lt was difficult to meet people. 3 Learning the local language is helpful. 4 Meeting other people in the same situation was good. 5 6 ) lt's nice to sit and have a coffee by the river. Not criticising people is important if you want to do well. Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 153. C Make true sentences about the place you live or work, using the patterns in the explanation box. 1 lt's easy 2 lt's important 14 0PlNrONS 111 CollocanoNs A CoruvensATroN PRAcncE One student reads a group of collocations from Unit 13 of the Vocabulary Builder. Where there is a '-', say Work in pairs. Do one of these Conversation practice the mostl 'blah'.Your partners guess the word. Who guesses activities. Nature, Unit 13, page 101. Opinions, Unit 14, page 107. m Acr on DRAW Work in pairs. One person acts or draws the words. Don't speak. Your partner tries to guess the words. Then Now do the same with Unit 14 of the Vocabulary Builder. change roles. PnoruurucrATroN hunt a planet a band murder blood vote breathe a desert a barbecue windy a field injured ride a pool rob a storm SNOW crops h ide a farm /h/ is said with a little air.The other sounds in the chart are said with the voice fiom the throat. tht h Ourz It Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible. 1 Where do you find grass? 2 Say the name of someone who wrote plays. 3 Do you see a cottage in a city or in a village? 4 What happens in a general election? 5 When might you miss your friends and family? 6 What's the problem if there's a lot of unemployment? 7 What do you get a wage for? 8 Why do some farmers use chemicals? 9 When do you get ice on the road? 10 What's the opposite of noisy? 11 Say three kinds of entertainment. 12 Why might a political party have to share power? l-3 14 15 When do people have nightmares? How do they feel? What might happen if there are lots of dark clouds? Say two places that are often crowded. ide lml lnl lol ilt l(l me rain sing lock rest tit wild yet R 7.1 Listen and say the words and sounds. Practise saying these words hero horse with /h/. Breathe lightly. hope health horrible hand For I m l, I n I and /q /, you use your nose to make the sound. Hold your nose and say these words. fu nding model training unemployment D Work in pairs. Try to say these words. 1, lhiutdSl 5 /'prauti:n/ 2 lwnnsl 6 /nnJur3ual/ 3 linnl 7 l'valiubll 8 /eka'nomrk/ 4 l'endql qR7.2 Listen and check the words in the audioscript on page 181. Listen again and repeat the words. Fasr wRrrER Work in groups. 1 2 3 4 5 See Work in pairs. Practise saying the sentences. \A/ho who is quickest to write each of 1-5. Eight animals. Eight words to describe films, plays, etc. Four sentences predicting the weather - two with might. Four sentences with a passive - one with a negative. Four predictions-two with will,twowilh won't. 112 oUTCOMES has good pronunciation? Which sounds are difficult for you? 1- Many sports people are on huge wages. 2 I want to be a model when I grow up. 3 He hurt his arm when he went hunting. 4 Farming is an important industry here. 5 I saw a young wild horse running in the hills. 6 My health is more valuable to me than money. I Aor e cnves Lrsrrrurruc You are going to hear four news stories. Choose adjective that is not correct. 1 He's Jamous / popular / wild writer. 2 The film was really dangerous / violent / depressing 3 lt's a wild / economic / dangerous animal. 4 He's a(n) varied / intelligent / strong leader 5 The economy's weak / strong / optimistic. 6 Healthcare here is quite poor / efficient / peaceful. 7 ll's a predictable / huge / powerful counlry. 8 We had some really windy / crowded / horrible a A QR 7.3 Listen and match themes a-d with stories 1-4 a weather b crime c entertainment d famous people B A Listen again. Match e-h with stories 1-4. e Someone got married recently. f A business is doing badly. g A bird was killed. h There might be a lot of cars on the roads. . weather. [.../ 8] [.../ 8] CollocanoNs Gnarurrrnan Match the verbs in the box to the group of words they go with in 1-8. Complete with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. L 2 3 4 Most of the cotton we use solve make fa il stea damage invite grow vote in lndia. (prod uce) 1 - Unfortunately, there are almost no tigers now in this area because they ........................... so much. (hunt) The tigers by law now. (protect) There was a lovely tree opposite our house, but unfortunately it ........................... . (cut down) Who that book by? (write) 2 - for the 5 6 Where this ...........................? I Was it here? (make) me to a parly aga 3 4 5 6 7 8 i / - you into their home / not be / - in a general election / - d Peace Party nst - the problem / - the argument / try to - it - crops / the economy -s / - in the field - my bag I - my car / - money from the company peacetalks - / * anexam / - towin - a big difference / *friends / - him captain * the economy I - your car in an accident / - the environment [...t 6l B Complete the sentences with ONE word in each gap. A: What's the forecast for tomorrow? B: lt said it's 1........................... to continue raining. A: When do you think it 2........................... stop? B: lt's difficult r........................... say. lt sometimes rains for days. When are you going back home? A: I don't know now. 1a........................... go back early. lt's horrible to s........................... sightseeing in the rain. b: No, stay. There are things to do indoors. 6 out on Friday night is great too, even if it's raining. A: OK - and I suppose the weather might get better. 1...t 6l C Change into statements (+), negatives (-) or questions (?). In one sentence, use a different pronoun. 1 l'll do it before Friday. (-) 2 ls it easy to find work there? (+) 3 I might go to the party.(-) 4 I don't think they'll miss her a lot. (+) 5 lt's usually served with rice. (-) 6 lthink they'll win. (?) 1...t 6l [.../ 8] VocasuLanv Complete the words in the text. We live in a small 1cot...... in the middle of the countryside. Our nearest 2nei...... is a sheep farmer. He lives around six kilometres away. Nothing much grows around here apart from grass because the 3so...... isn't very good. There are very few trees - just grass, hills and wind turbines that 4pro...... electricity. People ask me how I can live here, with so few people and no sent...... . But those people are only thinking of shopping or nightlife. ldo lots of fun things. I ride my6ho......,1 practise shooting with my gun and I sometimes go 7hu.......1 read a lot and watch DVDs.And it's so safe and peaceful here. No crime, no traffic - just 8fr...... air and the sound of the wind and the birds. [.../ 8] [Total ... tsol 07 REVIEW 113 TECHNOLOCY VocAgU utnY Machi nes a nd tech nology A label the pictures with the words in the box. machine dishwasher mobile phone vacuum cleaner games console digital camera washing hairdryer laptop Lrsrrurruc You are going to hear three conversations about te*kmology. Xn each conversation, someone makes a recornmend*.tion. AO Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Which ofthe things in the pictures do you have? . Which brands do you have? . Which is most useful? Why? . What other machines or technology do you own? . Are there a ny you don't have, but wou ld like? 15.f Listen and complete the table. i rind of machine What's good about it? Check you understand the words in bold. Then work in pairs. Look at the pictures again and point to: 1 a cable 2 a screen 3 a plug 4 a keyboard 5 where you turn them on and turn them off 6 where the battery goes 7 buttons you can press Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. Do you think the things they recommend sound good or not? Why? Are they missing anything? 1 2 114 oUTCOMES How much does each thing cost in your country? Work in pairs. Student A: say each sentence in exercise A.Then ask Can you recommend anything / anywhere? Student B: make recommendations. Change roles and repeat exercise B. t, Write three sentences about things you - or people you know - are thinking of doing. Explain your ideas to a partner. Deve lop! NG coNVE RsATroNs Do you know much about ...? NATIVE SPEAKER ENGTISH find out how much people know about general topics, we often say Do you know much about ...?To answer, say Nq not reolly / A bit / Yeoh, quite o lot. ages A: We often say ages instead of a long time. B: A bit.Why? To It's taking me qges. A haven't seen himfor ages. I waited ages for you! I My fliqht was delayed for ages. GnarrnnnaR be thinkinq of + -inq Do you know much about computers? Find people in your class who know things in the box. a lot about the history geogra phy ca r5 com puters Au stra lia the moon ten cows n is Try to ask extra questions to find out how much each person really knows. talk about plans that we are not 100% sure about, we often use be thinking of + -ing. To CoruvrnsATroN PRAcrrcE m thinking of buying a la ptop. She's thinking of starting her own lnternet company. We're thinking of getting a new washing machine. l' A Complete the sentences with the correct form of be thinking of and the verbs in brackets. 1 t.....................,.,...., ..-.-...-.... mv dad some new clothes, but I don't know any good shops. (buy) 2 My brother ......................... . an English course next year. (do) 3 We .............. ............ to the cinema later. You are going to have conversations like the ones in ListeninE" A Decide on two technology items you're thinking of buying. Decide how much you want to spend on them. Talk to some other students. Explain what you're thinking of buying and why. Ask for and make recommendations. (eo) 4 I ................... 5 .. .. the mobile phone company I use. (change) My parents ...................,...,. . a new car. Tell a partner who gave you the best advice. (buy) 6 They their holiday. somewhere warm for (go) 7 I ................... ....... a pet for myyounger sister. (get) 8 My un sister Engineering at iversity. (study) Need help? Read the grammar reference on page J.64. .I5 TECHNOLOCY 115 VocasuLanv Pnoruu ructATtoN Computers and the lnternet A Cb the extra information in 1-8 to guess the meanings of the words inbold. Translate these words into your language. 1 A: That's a great photo. B: l'll send it to you, if you like. What's your Spel li ng add resses l5.2 Listen to each group of letters and repeat them. Use nEt email address? 2 A: Did you get the photo that I sent? B: I don't know. I haven't checked my emails today, Ea A: I can't find the emailyou sent me. I received it, but maybe I deleted it by m i sta ke. B: Don't worry. l'll re-send it. My school has its own website at www.stphil.edu. There's a really funny video on YouTube. Do a search for'dog + skateboard'. I read an interesting article on the Araddy website. l'll send you the link if you want to read it. lf you don't have the software,you can download it free from their website. My computer died lastyear and I lost a lot of my documents. I save'everything on a memory stick or online nowl Write your translations on a piece of Close your book. Point at each of .:-. , i paper. your partner's translations. Your partner should say the words in English. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Which websites do you visit most? . What was the last link you received? Did you send it to anyone else or did you delete the email? . Do you have a memory stick? What do you . Work in pairs. Say the alphabet in the correct order. Take turns saying the letters. llllhich letters are the most difficult for you to say? 19 15.3 1 2 3 tisten and write the th-ree different addresses. Her website: Her email: Her home a website, an email and a home address. Then work in pairs. Say your addresses and spell them for your partnet to Write write down. keep on it? Do you download anything for free? What? Lrsrrrurruc You are going to listen to l-ri\NG LtrAr E P;ITTE RN 5 - and answer about computers and technology. - a questionnaire A Before you listen, work in pairs and read the possible answers. Discuss what you think the questions are. 19 15.4 listen and check the questions. tD 15.5 Now listen to the whole questionnaire and tick answers that are best for you. /the Work in pairs. Compare your answers. Who do you think likes technology more? Change partners. Tell your new partner about two people you know - one who loves technology and one who hates it. Give examples of how they love / hate it. 116 oUTCOMES E a None. E b One. E c Two or more. tr a Maybe an hour or two - if I turn it on. E b Four or five hours. Most of the evening E c I never turn it off. I tr a Maybe once a day, maybe less. b Two or three times a day. Ec I check it all the time through my phone. tr a 0-10 tr b 10-30 tr c 30-100 E tr E a The most basic pay-as-you-go phone b O_uite a good camera phone. c One ofthe best, latest phones. E a What do you mean? Phoning people of coursel E b I use the camera, music, and I sometimes play games. E c Apart from the camera,l use the diary, Facebook, maps - all kinds of things. I can't list them all. E tr E *, I _r Ea someone to show me the very basic things. learn to do a fewthings l'm not interested in the complicated things. c ljust start playing about with it and teach myself To find out more detailed things, I look at the instructions or their website. I ask E b I read the instructions and \Lr. it" -r.t@ '., \ tr ;. fl ,,,*d.l,t tr I * a Yes, l've deleted files on my computer by mistake b Yes. I sent an email to the wrong person once. c No, of course not. a Cet angry, shout and jump up and down - until someone tells me I need to plug it in. b Check it's plugged in and, if it is, call someone to repa ir it. c Check everything is plugged in.Turn it off and on again - and if it still doesn't work, I repair it myself. l-0 E a Hardly ever. Why do I need it when my old things work? E b Sometimes. Some things are better, and lchange when my old things break. I like to have all the latest things. tr c All the time. Sprarrruc A Look at the different ways of selling things in the photos. Then discuss these questions in groups. . . . Which ones do you like the most / least? What a re the adva ntages / disadvanlages of each way? Can you think of any other ways of selling or advertising things? What's good / bad about each one? I ., -* * i=d .++t*c70014fi1 'r: <'4' '---h4^At)fraBA Z* e,:rtr.+fiE 1l1g14tfrA t" . '..',"t ' 118 oUTCOMES v'' - r, -.'tD 1 ..r4 {', Rraor uc GnarrnrrnaR Adverbs You are going to read an article about using Adverbs can tell us more about verbs: they say how we do things. They usually come after the verbs they describe. technology to sell things. A Read the introduction below. Then discuss these questions in pairs. 1 2 3 4 Most adverbs are formed by adding Jy to an adjective (e.g. slow - slowly). However, there are some irregular Why do you think it's called'viral marketing'? How do you think viral marketing works? What do you think makes it effective? What kind of products do you think it might work ones. fast late - fast - late early good - early - well hard - hard best with? 5 Can you think of any examples of viral marketing? 6 Can you think of any possible problems with it? A Find seven adverbs in the article about viral marketing. Which verbs do they come after? Going Viral! Complete the sentences with the adverbs formed with the adjectives in the box. ', hen most people think of viruses, they think of diseases that -:ove cluickly from person to person or of computer viruses I hich cause serious damage. However, in recent years,'viral .rarketing' has become one of the most popular ways of selling. n,J ea rly good ha rd late quick quiet slow l'm really tired today! I went to bed very Viral marketing started in the 1990s and is a development iolder ways oftelling people about brands. In the past, happy rstomers told friends about products they enjoyed. What's -.ew, however, is that viral marketing uses the Web to tell . eople about new brands and increase sales. The power of the .:ternet allows people to spread news more quickly and more , last n ight. can't hear you. You're speaking too ........................... 3 I can't understand them.They talk very 4 l'm really tired. I need to go to bed ..................,........ 2 I . ton ight. idely. She's working very............ .......... at the moment. lt sounds very stressful. 5he's very good at languages. She speaks English very B Read the rest of the article. Did your answers to exercise A agree with the article? Viral marketing inch.rdes videos on sites like Facebook text messages and advertising games. The best :,xamples are those that give away free services or products in .he first place to sell something else later; they move quickly .rnd easily from person to person and theytarget the right :eople. Nowadays, everything - from chocolate bars to movies - uses these new methods, often very creatively. Viral marketing works well with cheaper products that reople buy without thinking too much. It works badly with high-cost products, which people think about more before ,r YouTube, ruying. Perl.raps the first example of online viral marketing working successfully was Hotmail's idea of advertising itself in its own emails. Every message sent by the half a million users in 1996 ended with the iine'Get your private, free email at wvwv. 7 8 What's wrong with you? Why are you walking so ? Hurry upl My parents are angry because 1did........................... in my exams. Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 164. Work in pairs. Ask each other these questions. Use the answers below. l- How well do you speak English? 2 How well do you usually do in tests / exams? 3 How well do you know your country? 4 How well can you swim? 5 How well can you draw? 6 How well can you spell? hotn.rail.com'. In the next year, over 12 million people joined! Flowever, there are also problems. Firstly, many people now see viral advertising messages as no different from junk emails, and don't want to click on unknown links. Secondly, as marketing gets more creative, there's more risk of people misunderstanding it or not realising it's connected to a product. C Work in pairs. Look at the words in bold in the article. Decide if they are verbs, nouns or adjectives. Discuss what you think they mean. D Write two similar questions to the ones in exercise Then ask some other students your questions. C. lSTECHNOIOCY 119 VocaeuLARY A e Love and marriage Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. What's the diflerence between girlfriend, wife and 1 pa rtner? 2 What's the equivalent for men? girlfriend / boyfriend \dfe,oftg4 when the 'ay,pdirtnetin$teadaI couple are older or are living together. We can also use it if we don't know if the couple are married or not. , I ; Complete the sentences with the pairs of words in exercise B. 1 We're going to have a party for my parents' on Saturday. They've been for 25 years. 2 My daughter is six months . She's due to have her ........................... on Christmas Day! next summer. Would you 3 We're getting 4 like to come to the ........................... ? Sorry I can't go with you. I have ........................... on Friday. This boy at and l've liked 5 him for ages. I'm pleased they're going to get ........................... . I never liked him. He was very........................... and controlled .-**.:i Discuss if the words in the box refer to a girlfriend boyfriend, a wife / husband or either. married + wedding a date + asked me out live together + move in anniversary + married / what she did. 6 broken up + getting on divorced + jealous in-laws + approve pregnant + baby school We've decided we're going to ........................... . l'm to her flat. I spend so much time there already and this way we can share the going to cost ofthe rent. 5orry, l'm a bit upset. l've ........................... with Toni! To be honest, we weren't very well. We argued quite a lot and now he's met someone else. I get on with my now, although they didn't ........................... of our marriage at first. D Spend five minutes writing what you would say or any questions you would ask in response to the people in exercise C. Work in pairs. Take turns saying the sentences in exercise C. Your partner should respond, uging their ideas. Try to continue each conversation together. ---.qrl Drvr lopr How long NG coNVE RsATtoNs ...? find out the duration of something from the past to now by askingHow long...? with the present perfect. You can answer with just the time or with phrases like,not (very) long. You can A: How long have they been together? B: Two or three months. A: How long.have they been. married? B: A Not very long. Four years, I think. Put the words into the correct order to make questions. 1 you long how have together been ? 2 have married how you been long 3 known how have other they long each 4 house lived long how have you in this 5 long how there she worked has 6 car you have long how had your Lrsrrrurruc ? You are going to hear four short cenversations. In each one, someone gives news about a relationskip, ? ? ? ? A6 Listen. Answer the questions for each conversation. 1 Who do the people talk about? X6"X 2 B B 51,6.2 Listen and check, and write the answers you hear. C Practise saying the questions and answers. What's going to happen? Choose the correct words. Then listen again to check your answers. 1a l3 Work in small groups. Take turns to ask two different How long ...? questions each. Your partners should give true answers. b How longare they / have they been together? 5he's very well-looking / good-looking. b get divorced? What a shame / mistake.They're both such nice You are going to have similar eonversations to the people. ones you }:.eax& in Listening. a Next May sometimes / sometime. b What's / What does hts pa rtner like? a Did ltell /sayyou Fiona and Kieran aregoingto 4 a A guy / boy in my French class. b He's quite high / tall and he has lovely eyes. CouvrnsATroN PRAcncE A Write a piece of news about a relationship starting Did I tell you...7It can be true or invented. Look at the audioscript on page 182 ifyou need to, and underline the questions the people use to continue the conversations. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Do you think it's good to live together before you get . . . . ma rried ? you know anyone who moved in with a parlner / got married after only being together a short time? Does anyoneyou know have a partneryou don't like? What divorces have you heard of in the news recently? What was the cause? Do you think karaoke is a good thing for a first date? Why? / Why not? What might be better? Do NATIVE SPEAKER ENGII5H guy We often use guy instead of man.f here's no equivalent for woman. A guy in my French class. He's a really nice guy. Ask the guy on the reception desk. B Ask different students your question starting Did I tell you...? Your partner should ask questions to help continue the conversation. Sprarrruc & Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . . . What do you think love atfirst sight means? Have you ever heard any stories about love at first sight? Do you believe them? Do you think it's possible to fall in love with things or places - as well as people - at first GnaruruaR The past continuous We form the past continuqirl with,wo; / were +- ing. Use it to show that one action started but didn't finish before another action happened. The other 4clion is usually in the past simple. Last year, I was 5pendiyrr,a tot,ottifie online and, one night, I met my futu re h usband. sight? Can you give any examples? Lrsreruruc as* going t+ h.*ac threc pe*p}* *;r}}cing ah*ut tkeir *xgr*ries:ces *f l*rre at first siglat. A Complete these sentences from Iisf ening usingthe correct past'continuous form of the verbs in brackets. We.........., ,. seriously to begin with, but then I got pregnant and we had to find somewhere fast. (not / look) 1 2 Y*ze A Before you listen, look at the photos below. In pairs, discuss how each picture might be connected to the idea of love at first sight. 3 4 One day, we home from another appointment when suddenly we saw it! (drive) He ....,...................... in a band at the time and this had a big influence on me. (play) I ........................... in a Second Life nightclub, he came in and it was love at first sight. (work) Read the audioscript on page 183 to check your answers. & 1S,? Listen and match each person to a picture. Were you right about what each person fell in love with? Complete the sentences with the correct past continuous form of the verbs in the box. Listen again and decide which sentences below are true. a They needed to move quickly because 1 b c 2a b c 3a b they planned to start a family. They made an appointment to see the house they bought. They tried to negotiate a better price. Nis first guitar was a present. His uncle was a very important person in his life. He now plays music for a living. Second Life is an online dating company. She met her future husband in a n c p ightclu 1 have visit listen walk We........................... dinner in a restaurant in town and she was at open watch the next table. 2 1........................... him one 3 4 in a hotel in Singapore and Isharedthe liftwith day. He........................... a new shop in my city and lwent to see him. We ........................... some friends in Vienna and we saw her at the a irport. 5 I ........................... 6 the shops. lt was love at first sightl I ........................... through a street market one day and I saw it on some shopping in town and I saw it in one of a ta ble. b. She isn't actually married yet. do stay 7 I ........................... TV one night and there was an advert for it. I thought it looked amazing. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . Where would your dream house be? What would it be like? B I ........................... to the radio one day and heard this song. ljust fell in love with it. Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 165. well? Which people have had a big influence on you? Have you heard of Second Life before? What do you think is good / bad about it? PnoruuNcrATroN Spearrruc Sentence stress and weak forms Spend three minutes deciding how to answer the In positive past continuous sentences, wos and were aren't usually stressed. lnstead, we use the weak forms lwazl and lwa/. ln negative past continuous sentences, was and were are stressed. In the sentences, the stressed sounds are in bold. In pairs, practise saying the sentences, 1 Sorry. I wasn't listening. 2 Slre wasn't feerlng very well. so she went home. 3 coulcl n't hear because you \/ere talking. 4 We weren't getting on so we broke up. 5 I was working in Greece when we met. 5 I lost bccause Iwasn't trying .. : ,,: questions below. Try to use the past continuous. Grammar, exercise C might give you some ideas. . Have you ever fallen in Jove r,vith something you saw / heard? What was it? \ /here rvere you? What rryere . . . you doing? lave you eveT seen or met - any famous people? When? Where were yoLr? What were you doing? How and when did you li'st meet yor-rr best friends? Where were you? \A/hal were you doing? Think about some couples you know. How did they flrst me et? Where rryere they? What rvere they doLng? g Work in groups. Discuss your answers to the questions in exercise A. Iisten and check. Repeat the sentences. fr Sprnrrruc A Which of these Renorruc You are going to read some short poems based on ideas do you prefer? IIUhy? promises. a1 Read the poems on the opposite page and match lltilG,ilo a lot. alm*G lf$ hBilIBt to )r, []GoI o lJ*tr$::neuor71) . . Do you ever make promises? Who to? What's the last promise you made? For example: I promised to take my son to the cinema. GnnnnnnaR will / won't for promises each poem to one ofthese titles. ln memory New born Breaking up A threat kept Before you discuss your choices, match the bold words in the poems with the meanings L-9. 1 Two times. 2 Stop holding something. 3 Make someone feel confident by saying positive thlngs. 4 5 6 7 8 9 Become less strong (of a colour, sound or memory). Make a small mistake. Look after. Plants / Flowers that you don't want in your garden. Stay. Believe someone is honest. Work in pairs. Explain your choices of title and agree on the same ones. Decide who is mdring the promises andwhoto. D Work in groups. Did you all agree in exercise C? Now discuss these questions. . Which poem did you like most? . Were there any lines you didn't understand? Can your partners explain them? Work in pairs. Make promises using will / won't and, these ideas. promise to call later promise notto tell anyone promise to try harder promise not to be late promise not to make a mess promise to tellyou when I hear more news 1 2 3 4 5 6 Spearrruc A Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . . . Can a parent love a chlld too much? Why? / Why not? ls it always better to stay married? Why? / Why not? What ways do you remember people who have died? Have you ever been threatened? What happened? How did you react? Work in pairs. Think of promises (or threats) that these people might make. . a couple who are in love . a child to a parent llllork ln pairs. Tale turns to say and respond to the sentences. Respond using I wllL / I won't. L Don't start before I get back. 2 You need to pay me back tomorrow. 3 Remember to go to the bank. 4 Don't forget to callyour gran to thank her. 5 6 Be | careful. don't want you to miss the train. Need help? Read the grammar reference on page 165. 124 oUTCOMES . . . . a student to a teacher a teacher a boss a politician Now choose one ofthe people in exercise B - or use your own ideas - and w:lte a short poem. Follow the pattern of one of the poems you re ad, in Reading, D Read out your poems and vote for the best one. f I @ I I t t I I This I promise. I'll try to be a person you zodnt to loae. - I'll try to encourage and not to criticise - .E How could you? ] I'll 1 l Tiy to ask, not to tell. I F- I'll protect you and be tbere to bold you, l r D But I prom,ise t be stronger. be here; I won't slip up or fall. How can i" Let you grozo. t I'll { I'll let go - I'll How can I know? I ..) L be better; .{ Because I trtstyou? I'll love you. And you didn't be.fore? rt { 1t { I --3 r. td !. l'll poy youback. I'll tendyour I'll garden. remove the weed.s that may cover I've asked before it. I'll plant new flowers when others die. I won'tlet itfade. I'll keep it alive. Andyou'llremsin ln nry heart. - l'llpay you d.ouble. I've given you chances, said there'd be consequences. I'll do whatyouwdnt. I've waited, but I'll wait -3 ? L "a ? .., -fl H d _9 $ no more. CI.r 16 LOVE 125 CouocarroNs A CoruvrnsATroN PRAcncE Work in pairs. Do one of these Conversation practice One student reads the lists from Unit 15 of the Vocabulary Builder. Where there is a'-',say 'blah' Your partners guess the word. Who guesses the most? activities. Technology, Unit 15, page 115. Love, Unit 16, page 1-2L. Acr on DRAW Now do the same with Unit 16 of the Vocabulary Work in pairs. One person acts or draws the words. Don'f speak. Your partner tries to guess the words. Then Builder. change roles. wedding a button pregnant argue pleased a guitar a battery a cable damage knock a screen moon delete click a plug a PnoruuructATIoN Word stress slip hold the drop text lfla woid.rhas nrore than one,syllable;rone syllable is stressed more than the other(s). Unstressed vowels a list araruiually,liither,ta I a I or an lr I souhd. tn a,aiitibharyr,ihe,stfesr ls, marked wlth a' beforg the stressed syllable. For exa'mple: Ourz Work in groups. Answer as many questions as possible. 1 What's the opposite of advantage? 2 Say three musical instruments. 3 Who might you have a date with? 4 What kind of people do you have appointments with? 5 Why would you say'What a shame'? 6 7 8 9 Why do couples break up? Who are in-laws? What do you do in a nightclub? What do you say if you want to accept an offer? When do you replace a battery? 10 11 What has a keyboard? 12 ls something that is complicated easy or difficult? 13 What things do you download, and where from? 14 What do you say to encourage someone? 15 Say two things that can fade. address A , R 8.1 /a'dres/ mess?ge /'mestfi/ Listen and repeat the words. Make sure you useaweak lel or ltl fortheunstressedsounds. forget remove machine marriage power method target protect Work in pairs. Try to say these words. 1/'0retan/ 2 3 4 lrr'metn I /dr'velapmant/ /r'fektlv/ 5 /ad'vorntrfi/ 6 l'darari I 7 /'dokjumant/ 8 /nr'gauJiert/ C A R 8.2 Listen and check the words in the audioscript on page 183. Listen again and repeat the words. Fasr wRrrER Work in groups. 1 2 See D Work in pairs. Practise saying the sentences. Who has good pronunciation? Which sounds are difficult who is quickest to write each of 1-5. Six machines or pieces of technology. Eight words connected with computers and the nte rnet. I 3 4 5 4 Four sentences with an adverb. Fourthings with be thinking of,using Four promises or threats. 125 oUTCOME5 for you? i My digital camera is broken. z The instructions were very complicated. 3 I forgot my diary, but I remembered my date. l, he,we,they. 5 6 lt's an effective method with one disadvantage. Couples should think seriously about marriage. Technology and machines have developed a lot. Lrsreurruc Nourus You are going to hear four conversations. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. I R 8.3 Listen and decide ifthe sentences are true or false. Listen twice if you want. 1- a The hairdryer is broken. b The woman needs a new one. 2 a The man's laptop isn't working very well. b The woman suggests getting a different computer. 3 a Their friends have been married for three years. b Theirfriends want to move because of Jack's job. 4 a Rebecca and her husband are breaking up. b Rebecca's going to have a baby in March. i email diary methods nfl uen ce anniversary bra nd lin k sight We don't usually celebrate our wedding It was love at first ............ . . 3 My grandad was a big on my life 4 I need to check and send one too. 1 . 2 . my l'll send you the to the website. I wrote the appointment in my There are many ways to target people in advertising, but one of the best ...........................s is viral marketing. It's a ........................... which people like and trust. 5 6 7 [.../ 8] [.../ 8] Gnarrrrnnnn A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the CouocanoNs verbbe. 1 2 3 I ........................... thinking of going to the cinema later. I ........................... playing football. working for a local broke my leg when We met when we I company. 4 They thinking of moving house. 5 What ........................... you thinking of doing this evening? coming 6 I saw Mariah Carey once when she out of a hotel. 1...t 61 Add the adverb form of the adjective in brackets to complete the sentences. 1 I can't run very because I have a bad leg. (quick) 2 He works too. (hard) 3 Can you swim? (good) 4 I didn't do in my exam. (bad) 5 We arrived so that we could get a seat. (early) 6 lt only worked for a while. (successful) 1...t 6l Complete the conversation with ONE word in each gap. (won't / weten't etc. = one word) you doing last night? I called. A: What B: Sorry, my phone was turned off and I saw your message too 2........................... to call. doing anything special. A: Don't worry. I ljust thought you might like to go out. B: Actually, I was with Simon. He asked me to marry himl A: Really! Did you sayyes? B: A: Of course! We're thinking of 0........................... married this August so don't go on holiday then. I s........................... I lt's great news. I promise l'll . there. 1...t 6l Match the verbs in the box to the groups of words they go with in 1-8. join move recerve a press plant slip up promise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 pprove /- a letter/ - some bad news -todoitl - tohelp / -her nottobelate -flowers /- atree / - acrop - junkemail - house / - in to his girlfriend's flat / - out - in my exam / - and fall I * badly - the switch / - the start button / - the key - a chatgroup / -the army / - a club my parents don't - / - of the marriage / -the plan [.../ 8] VocasuLanv Choose the correct words. The guy promised / threatened to shoot us if we didn't give him the money, but we persuaded him to 1 letgo /Jall ofthe gun. / honest him. He's broken / damaged his promises too many times. We often argued / jumped a bout who shou ld do the washing-up, so we bought a dishwasher / washing I don't trust machine. Itried to turn / make on the computer, but nothing happened.Then keyboard out. I saw someone had pulled the plug / [.../ 8] [Total ... /s0] 08 REVIEW 127 Wnlrl Vocaeu!.nnv Common questions A Complete the conversation with the questions in the box. ruC Completing forms Contplete the form below for the person in the conversation Vocabulary,exercise A. The first answer is given. in what's your surname? do you have a middle name? where do you live? what's your first name? what's your telephone number? where are you from? when were you born? A: I need to ask you some questions so we can complete this form. B: OK. A: Right, B: David. A: And SURNAME Ablrott FIRST NAME MTDDLE NAME(s) CENDER MALE F E MALF NATIONALITY DATE OF BIRTH B: Abbott - that's a-double b-o-double t. A: OK. l've B: Yes, A: OK and Canada. l'm Canadian. Oh, OK. Right. And s................. ln Dublin. 25 Cook Street. B: A: got it. And 3............ ADDR F5S it's Sebastian. B: A: And B: lt's 07791-773-119. A: OK - nearly finished. TEIEPHONE NI.JMBFR One more question, 7 B: 1980. October the fourth. A: OK. Creat.That's everythlng.Thanks. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the seven questions in the conversation above. t Fnxtffi *.** fi ***. B +ru E BF,& A'aEg e s'rE *l I I I I ; I I 128 oUTCOMES Vocae A u LARY Nation a I ities Work in pairs. Discuss what you can see the photos below. in Complete the tab1e. Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Can you name any famous people from . . the United States . lreland lndia each ofthe countries in exercise A? Doyou know any people from any ofthese countries? Who? What do you know about the different kinds offood from each country? Do you know any other famous things from each country? Scottish England Pnacnce Australian Complete the formwithyour own answers. China lnar Japanese France 5U Cermany Italian R N,AME FIRST NAME Polish M Russia Spanish DDLE NAME(5) CENDER MALE FEMALE Brazll Mexican NATIONALITY Turkey DATE OF BIRTH Egyptian ADDRESS The nationality words above are adjectives. We can also use them to describe food, people, etc. I love I live I TELEPHONE NUMBER Mexkan food. with two Australian women and a Polish man. watch a lot of ltalian football. & 4 {rd{ WRITING WRITING PEN FRIEND Spearrruc Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Which people in the photos like doing the same things . How often do you do these things? . . as you? Are you good at them? Are there any activities in the pictures you really don't like doing? Why not? ,fn - r, i' riit 1; .t { ,t-, EL Wnlrlruc A i Looking for a pen friend Complete this Internet advert with the words in the box. B Work in pairs. Discuss how you are similar to Tiiu and how you are different. For example: first part-time foreign student brothers playing fu ll parents meeting usually Hi, My name's Tiiu (pronounced Tee-you). Well, that's my 1.............. name. ....... name is Tiiu Lipping, but people My **= 4x-t ....... just call me TI I'm from Estonia, in the nofth of Europe i\, ei. f - and I want to write to someone in ....... country. It's a good way to practise my English. It's next to Russia and above Latvia i I - a s........... I live in the capital city, Tallinn. I'm a at Tallinn University, I'm studying Mediclne. I want to be a doctor in the future. I also ....... in a shop. I enjoy it because I like work ....... people and the money's OK. t f I I 8.............. tennis and reading. I live with my mum e.......... . It's OK. I really want to have my own flat, but my ........ say I'm too young - I'm 19. I like swimmlf,g, and dad and my three ; \ I 130 ouTcoMES ) \ .T{rt't C: i I i-_- €' Kev wonDs FoR wRtn NG and Pnacrrce And is a linking word. We use ond to join words and phrases together. I live with my mum and dad. I live with my three brothers. with my mum and dad and I live with my three I live = brothers. Note that we don't need to repeat I live with. I llo"'*l*'lnr llf; rlar nstenr;is . . . . a reply to Tiiu. TeIl her: where you a re from a nd where you live what you do what you like doing. who you live with Use some of these expressions. . Mv full name is but people When more than two words or phrases are connected, we only use ond between the last two. I like swimming. I like playing tennis. I like reading. = Write readl^, 1nd . usually call rre l'm from............ . . I like with I live ...,.,., and I live in / I live on my own .,.'.,.....'.....'.,, a nd Note that we don't need to repeat I like. Connect these sentences using and. | play volleyball. I play golt 1 2 Bangkok is really crowded. lt's polluted , ,,t. '.rl .g , ,ti. r.r,." .; i;;;;;;;; r t. .".prt.'l 4 My brother lives in Dubai. My sister lives in lstanbul. s r ri"e aunt. *iir., I live ;;;,.n ;;; arJ r". * in ,,f '"i". ,;;;,,;;y with my grandfather f ia t-: <::: = ,16).tffi, ...,. ,.ts5.-' q+''-5$|::i WRITING {s',.-. ,., Lr #: ^dFtNi t. i'- - fAh, i,5ir 'r { CrRDS t/ 7 ' , t, ":*. -?l' lF-.r-. '!t"-t'"' : a' VoclauLanv Sprarr ruc A Match the Beginning and ending cards cards in the box to the pictures. To i i i a birthday card a Christmas card a Mother's Day card a Deor Yoichi, DearTom and Susanna, wedding card Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . . . show who a card is for, we usually write Dear + first name. For example: Valentine card a get well soon card a Do you ever send cards or e-cards? Who to? When? why? you remember the last card you sent? you remember the last card you received? What kind of thing is good to write in the different kinds ofcards in the box? We usually finish with one of these expressions and then our first name. Regards, (= for people we don't know very well) Can Can Best wishes Lots of love, Love, &*k.ffi% eee eee Q-::i}j::-;.;+ .@@@ 132 oUTCOMES (= for friends) All the best, (= for family members and old friends) I i I l I ll nl, 1 ,lifu, , t i'llr t- 'iirl.,i '','I r '',,r_ !i 'l'' | ,t,") Cover the explanation and complete the cards ONE word in each gap. sd),y, H"ppy btth.dnyt I h.opu yowlwna w i: .t/r/lii\\i_, .j=--- -_ , 1 -t i' with , ') Krv wonDs FoR wRrrr NG hope We use hope to show what we want to be true or to happen in the future. (= now / at the moment) I hope you are all well. I hope everything goes well. (= in the future) ?F great da,y. Maria? +-- .,.j. Note that when we use hope lo talk about the future, we use a verb in the present simple form after it. A Match the sentences with the follow-up comments. 1 Sorryto hearyou were ill. 2 Sorry to hear about your computer. 3 Cood luck with your exams next week. 4 Cood Iuck with your interview. 5 Happy birthday. 6 Nappy Christmas and New Year. w[,,he*, Vear j:-- ; ,'l, ,1 \-\-\\--\ :i, ,l :.'. i} 'i li ) I ,'lt,' il'.1;r ,i :i i'i , ; I '1.'i/1' ,t!'. i Miguel. Congratulations on your new baby boy. I hope you are allwell, a b c d e f I hope you have a fantastic day. you get the job I hope it isn't too expensive to replace. I hope you're feeling better now. I hope I I hopeyou enjoyyour holiday. hopeyou passthem all. B Work in pairs. Discuss why people hope the things in the sentences below. For example: Lots of a I hope it doesn't rain. kehecca 1 I Duar 4aron, 2 I 3 hope it's open tonight hope she got home OK I hope you like it, 6ooJ /ar:( *)lh your nea;j.>l I hoTu evenf hin3 3oes u;e//. 4 I hope ) I r{// th. ' E they losel hope it doesn't take too long. Think of two things you hope are true or that you hope happen in the future. Tell a partner your ideas. Suziu Pnacrrce Write three cards to different people. They can be birthday catds, cards wishing someone good luck, wedding cards, etc. Use some language from these pages. WRITING 133 i- .l * Spearrruc Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Where are the most popular meeting . . . places in your town / city? Where do you usually meet your friends? Do you usually arrive before, at or after the time you agree to meet? Why? What are good meeting places for these Complete Mel's reply to Emma with the words in the box. ca n from To Subject near on easy emma200ljenkins@shoemail.gb Re: Tomorrow different kinds of people: - parents with children? 'teenagers? older people? - people going on a date? Wnlrl NG Ma ki n g arran gements Complete the email with the words in the box. four me that wtraL *;;r" Hi Emma, I don't finish work until about five tomorrow. Maybe we can meet somewhere 1............. my office. There's a cafd near there called Cafe Blue. It's quite nice - they do good food there if you want to have something to eat. It's 2....,,,,..... ............. Clarendon Street, which is off Bedford Road. When you come out of the station, turn right and walk down Bedford Road. Clarendon Street is the first on the left. The caf6 is two minutes'walk 3.. there. It's ,... to find. It's a big place with chairs and tables outside. You .... always phone me on your mobile if you can't find it. To Subject melkent@shoemail.gb See you, Tomorrow Mel Hi Mel, t............,.......-...... Let me know time you want to meet tomorrow - and .... . My class finishes at r........................... , so any time is fine with after 4............. AII the best, Emma 134 oUTCOMES Write the names of the places from Mel's email in a-d on the map. Then compare with a partner. giiillrr:'n*''*** G narrnnnaR The present sim ple to ta lk Krv wonDs FoR wRrn NG which about the future We can use which to add more information about a We use the present simple to talk about timetables in the future - trains, planes, buses, classes, work, thing / place to the same sentence. films, etc. It's on Clarendon Street, which is off Bedford Road. = lt's on Clarendon Street. Clarendon Street is off My classfinishes at four. I don't finish work until about five tomorrow Bedford Road. A Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Whattime...........................you 4 your flight on Sunday? (be) ......... work until 12 tomorrow, so we can meet in the morning. (not / start) I don't want to miss the last bus. lt .... .. 11.30. (leave) 7 8 come from Cabon. lt is in central Africa 2 I 3 The party is in Menteng. Menteng is in the centre of . 5 The shop 6 house. work tomorrow? (finish) 2 What time Connect these sentences tsing w hich. I work in Leeds. Leeds is about 30 kilometres from my 1 until ten, so let's meet at around half past nine. (not / open) My train at eight, so we can meet after that. (arrive) The cafe ......................... . at eight, so we need to get there before then. (close) I think the film at about seven. (end) Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . What time does your class finish today? . When is your next English class? What time does it start and finish? . What time do you start work / school tomorrow? the city. 4 There's a n lta lia n restaurant near the cinema. lt does really good pizza I want to see a film called Departures.Ihe film starts at eight. Pnacrrcr Write your own reply to Emma. Arrange where and what time to meet. Use Mel's email to help you. Sprarr ruc Wnrrrruc 1 Arranging to visit Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Do you have any friends or relatives in other towns, cities or . . . VocneuLARY A A countries? Where do they live? What do they do there? Have you ever visited them? lf yes, when? How long for? Did you have a good time? Have they ever visited you? lf yes, when? How long for? Did you take them anywhere special? Places t- la ke tower gallery isla nd mosque waterfall To I I jackcracker@shoemail.gb Subject Visiting the UKI -.--t castle Hi Jack, I I'm I I Which of the places in the box do you have near where you live? Do you ever visit these places? How often? Which places do you recommend the most? Why? llww .-.*h 1.....................,..... to come to the UK in the summer. I'd 2........................... to visit you in Nottingham, if possible. .... you send me an email to tell me if and a.......,... I can visit? Also, s............ else do you think I should go 6........................... I'm in England? I'm going to stay for about three weeks. B Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . . where white 600 I . planning wlren _ lcan I tit<e Match the words in the box to the pictures. church friend Complete the email with the words in the box. to visit beach a Best, Giorgio EII B Look at this email. Underline everything is the same as that in Giorgio's email. cco ,r,,, l$r,1 f.cremers@shoemail.gb .' "r''iiiir:l;:1=r:-ar:.llrrli,]*r:,::Jl1l::.il:.r,, s{{b.tri$ , visil|lg 1:-r -99rmany1 Hi Frank, I'm planning to come to Germany on I holiday In April. I'd like to visit you in Frankfurt, if possible. Can you send me an email to let me know if and when I can visit? Also, where else do you think I should go while I'm in Germany? I'm only going to stay for about three weeks. Best, Tanya Write an email to a friend in another country. Use language from the two emails above. 136 oUTCOMES Kev wonDs FoR wRrnNG Wnrrrruc 2 Ma A ng recommendations ki We often make suggestions using lf you ..., you should ... . Below is a reply to one of the emails from Writing 1. Complete it with the words in the box. it depends you like the weather's nice really pleased OK with you you prefer eG To Subject t.tucker@shoemail.gb Re: Visiting cermanf l Hi Tanya, Thanks for your email. it was really nice to hear from you again I'm 1...........,............... to hear you're planning to come to Germany in April. If f .... , you can stay at my flat. I've got a spare room. I'm afraid it's not very big, but you can sleep there, if that's 3 lf you like cilies,you should go to Berlin. lf you prefer the countryside,you should go to the Allgiu. A Match 1-5 to a-e to make whole sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 lf lf lf lf lf a b you should go to the Komensky Museum. you should go to Wangfujing Street.That's where the big department stores are. you should go to Albufeira. lt has some great beaches. you should watch some games at Wimbledon. you should go to Brittany. lt's really beautiful. c d e you you you you like like like like tennis, the countryside, the sea, shopping, you're interested in history, Write three similar sentences about your country. lf you ..........................., you should ............. lf you ..........................., you should ............. lf you ................ . . ... ,you should We use lots of other expressions with r/. You asked about places to visit. what you Well, 4............ want to do. If you like cities, you should go to Berlin. It's great, lf you like,you can stay at my flat. C Complete the sentences with the words in the box. and there are lots of things to do there. It's also good if you're interested in history. If .... the countryside, you should go to the Allgdu, in the south. It's a really lovely place to go if 6............. . There are lots of rivers and lakes, and some amazing old castles. Anyway, write to me again when your plans are clearer. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again. necessa ry OK possible weather L You can stay at our house, if you ............... 2 lU like to come and visit you when l'm in London, if 3 4 I really need some help. I can pay someone, if ........................... want to go for a picnic on Saturday if the ...........................'s . Do you nice? 5 l'm goingto arrive atyour house at around six otlock, if that's with you. Translate the five expressions with i/from exercise your language. C into Best, Frank Pnacrrcr Vtlhich place sounds better to you or the Allgiiu? Why? - Berlin Write to a foreign friend who is planning to visit your country. Before you write, underline any language in Frank's email that you want to use. WRITING 137 Wnlrlruc Spsarrruc Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . What do you know about each of the different kinds of food in the pictures below? . Which haveyou tried? What did you have? Did you like it? . What other different kinds of food have you tried? When? Where? What did you have? Ltlfr Food from my country ' A Complete the email with the words in the box. I grill heard pasta healthy pork sha re red typical €O,l To Subject pshaw@shoemail.gb Food ! Hi again, How're you? I hope you're well. You asked me about .... Argentinean food. Well, let me tell you about it. I love it, even though it's not very .... ! In Argentina, we eat a lot of 3........................... meat - especially beef. I think we have the best beef in the world. Our cows are free to run around in the countryside! We usually the beef on a barbecue, and we cook lots of other meat like this, too - lamb, .... , chicken. We usually eat the meat with salad or chips. We also eat a lot of pizza and .... because there are lots of Italians living here. We have great ice cream, too! Oh, I nearly forgot, we have a special drink called mafe, which is very important .... of it? here, too. Have you Itb a kind of tea and we 8........................ . it with friends. It's very nice. Anyway, write and tell me about the food in your country. All the best, H6ctor \ 138 oUTCOMES Pnacnce B Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. . Have you ever tried Argentinean beef- or any other Argentinean food? From H6ctor's email, do you think Argentinean food sounds good? Why? / Why not? What sounds best to you? Have you ever heard of mate? What kinds of food / drinks do you usually share with friends? . . . . A L We eat a lot of / don't eat much red meat. 2 We usually grill /fry / roast meat. 3 We eat a lot of / dan't eat much fish and seafood. 4 We eat o lot of / don't eat much fresh fruit and vegeta bles. 5 We eat quite a lot of potatoes / pasta / rice. 6 The food here is quite / isn't very spicy, 7 I think / I don't think we eat very healthily. 8 I think / I don't think our food is the best food in the Krv wonDs FoR wRrnNG even though Choose the words that are true for you and your country. ... world! We use even though to connect ideas. lt shows that something is true or happened and that this is surprising because of something else that is true or that happened. I love Argentinean food, even though it's not very healthy. (= lt's surprising I love it, because it's not very healthy.) Even though can also come at the beginning of a sentence. though she eats a lot of fast food, she never puts oh weight. (= lt's surprising she never puts on weight, because she eats a lot offast food.) Even A B Now write an smeil [o H6ctor in Argentina. Tel] him about the food in your country. Use language from exercise A and from Hdctor's email. Start like this: +Gr Dear H6ctor, Hi, how're you? Thanks for your last email, It was really interesting. So let me tell you about the food in ... . Work in pairs. Think of a possible ending for each of the sentences. L Even though it's quite expensive, I love ... . 2 I eat a lot of red meat, even though ... . 3 Even though I drink a lot of coffee, I ... 4 I like him a lot, even though ... 5 Even though I am English, I ... . . . B Connect the sentences using even though. I got the job. I didn't have any experience. 1 2 I got 3 I didn't study. I passed my exam. 4 l'm not very good at cooking. I love it. a job in .lapan. I didn't speak any Japanese They're going to move to ltaly.They don't speak Italian and they haven't got any work there. u& Sprarr ruc aa aaaaa Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . Do you like taking photos? Are you good at it? What do you take photos of? Doyou share photos on the lnternet? On which websites? Doyou often look at other people's photos? Do you like seeing photos of yourself? Why? / Why not? Have you got any photos on your mobile phone? What of? a a a o a aao a a a a a a a a a aa a a aa a a a a a a at a a a a a a a a a a t a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a WnlflUC a a a Describing photos aa You are going to read two descriptions of ' 'i 'in,, ,, ,;;;;. the photos on this page. A Before you read, which words in the box do funny you think go with each photo on the right? her tail protected wolves right. c Discuss these questions. Which photo do you like best? Why? Do the pictures and text - make you want to have a cat? Why? / Why not? - make you want to go to Creat Bear . Forest? Why? / Why not? Has anyone ever bought you something to cheer you up? What? Why were you sad in . the first place? Have you ever been for a walk in the rain? Where? Why did you go? - aa a a a a a a t a a a a I I I a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a J 2 140 ouTcoMEs bought her to cheer me it workedl She looks so cute and she's really especlally when she chases her tail! 5he makes me laugh. She's seven months old now and she runs around and plays all the time. I love her. l'm feeling a lot better now so I might go back to school next week or the week after. forest cute Now read the texts and see if you were . . '''' she. l've been ill, so my parents up. And cheer up "ir. *,in'r;;;;rr;;.;;,'' This is a picture of me and myfriends walking in Creat Bear Forest. lt's near where I live in Vancouver, so we often go there - sometimes just for the day and sometimes longer. As you can see, the scenery is amaztngwith the mountains and rivers and trees.The area is protected because some of the trees are 1,000 years old and there are animals like bears and wolves - oh, and there are salmon too. lt's sunny sometimes, but the day we took this photo, it rained all day. We decided to walk across the river because we were already so wet! Luckily, it was also a warm day, so we didn't get cold. I know I don't look happy, but we really had a good timel F I ,*# ij*;:'r Krv wonDs FoR wRrnNG so G W€ uiesiitorlink'a reason,to an action. narurnnaR Li n ki n Look can be follqwed,by g verbs ana{jeitive;iilrqthoveib be. She /ooks so cute. reasein action I know I don't laok hoppy,'b*l,we hiadir€ good,tii?ig. ivebeeit:ill;so.mV parehts bought her to cheer me up. Get,feel, seem, game way. g,q,al5o,u:e so to mean vc4L 5he.,looks'so cute. A Find an example of each use of so in text 2 in Writing. B Add so in the 1 2 3 4 5 6 correct place in the sentences. I look strange in this photo. lt was his birthday I made him a cake. lt rained a lot we spent most of the holiday indoors. I was happy when I opened the present. You can't see her very well in the photo because it was dark. We missed our plane we had to wait in the airport for six hours. C Rewrite 1 2 3 4 these sentences with so. You look very young there! We didn't go because it snowed. I took a photo because I wanted to show you my dog. You look very bored. Were you? mi nd,and.taste,Can:be,tuied,,iirtlie Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb and the adjective in brackets. 1 The man who 2 3 in this photo is my brother. (look / bored) This is a photo of me when I was trying the local tea - it ........................... . (taste / horrible) I didn't have a jersey with me so I ........................... . (get / 4 I really cold) didn't speak to her very much, but she (seem / ........................... 5 I hate this photo.l ........................... in it. (look / stupid) 6 This is a photo of the band I went to see. lt's a shame you can't heartheir music-they (sound / great) .......................... . Pnacrrcr You are going to write about a photo. A Work in pairs. Choose one of the photos on this page or one ofyour own. Talk about: . where the photo was taken. . who the people are. . what they are doing. - the weather. . how they look, feel, etc. . anything that happened before or after the photo was taken. B Write a short description of between words. t] IIr I mr EFX .3 . "a. . nice). 40 and 100 Sprarr uc B Work in pairs. Write these Work in groups. Discuss these questions. . . . Do you send sentences as text messages. 1 l'll see you tomorrow. 2 Are you free now? text messages much? 3 Can you be here as soon as possible? 4 l'm on my way. Do you need anything? you use abbreviations? Which ones? Have you ever texted in English? Do you answer the phone in your house / at work? Do you write down notes for people? What was the Do Wnluruc last note you wrote? Who for? Messages and notes Look at the text messages and notes. They tell a story of a love affair between Dominic (Dom) and Lily (t). A Put the messages and notes a-j in order. Here is the first one. VocaeuLARYTexting These numbers and letters are short forms that people use for texting. ! 2 4 8 b =one = to,too or to=foror sound lftt = the sound /ert/ = beor =See C r u ne thx I sound'lbi:l =Are =you asap idea.cuat12. = an! = thanks = 6s soon as possible People also often miss out letters if the word is clear without them, and sometimes they change them. Hapy NewYr Luv u A Write these in normal words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 142 l'm 18. culSr2day. ruok? ne1 there yet? thx 4 ur help. Just arrived. gr8 2 b here! oUTCOMES Qonetto- h*nclv 3:' ,ii':.' :{a &*L GnarrnruaR Notes and missing words Sorry, Lily. It's over. Not u, mel I'll try and xplain 1 day. Sorry When we write notes and messages, we often leave out some grammar words. You OK? = Are yqu OK? Cone to bank. = I have gone to the bank. tan called. Cqn't come to meeting. = lan called. He can't come to the meeting. We often use imperatives. tll l:'= c^:.1"::1lll"l? _ A In full sentences, write the first four messages of the story - j, b, a and c. Write these as notes. 1 2 Melissa phoned. 5he's going to be late. Can you go to the shops? We need some milk and 3 packet of pasta. | had to go out. Your dinner is in the fridge. You can heat it up in the microwave. a Pnacrrce l'ou are goi*g to have s}:ort conversatiorr-s with text messages. Thx 4 presnt. Its gr8, but 2 muchl Work in pairs. Write a text message for your partner. Give your message to your partner and write a reply to theirs. Continue for two or three turns. The order is: TI 3 67 B Compare C Work in . What . What . What . "o 8_ 5 s V 1ol your ideas. Did you have the same otder? pairs. Discuss the questions. do you think the present was? do you think happened to Dom? do you think of him? Have you heard of anyone else ending a relationship? How did they do it? ls there a good / bad way to do it? WRITING 143 01 STARTER UNIT 02 STARTER UNIT PtURAI.S DON'T / DO Make negatives with don't + verb. Use doesn't withhe she / it. Don't = Do not. Doesn't = Daes not. I don't like coffee. For regular nouns, add -s or -es or change -y to -ies. cars babies pens factory factories cat ) pen ) class ) baby ) ) / Don't talkl She doesn't speak English. classes Irregular nouns child man ) ) children person ) men woman ) people Make questions with do you / they / we + verb or does he women / she Do Uncountable nouns Some nouns are uncountable. They are not usually the plural. money cheese water Does he like football? How long does ittake? Do they work? in Exercise 1 Correct the sentences by making the nouns plural. 1 Do you have any pen? 2 We have three child. 3 There are three big factory near here. 4 I want three bottle of water, please. 5 Man don't talk about how they feel. 6 / it. you like coffee? He is six year old. AI AN I SOME Use a with a singular noun or an when it starts with a Exercise r Make the sentences negative. 1 Talk to him. 2 She likes me. 3 I like her. 4 We go to the cinema a lot. 5 He works. Make questions. 6 you / like / tea? 7 where / you / work? 8 which one / they / want? 9 she /play / tennis? 10 when / the class i finish? vowel. a hamburger a bottle a man a person an apple an orange PRONOUNS AND POSSESSIVE AD'ECTTVES A pronoun replaces a noun before a verb (subject) or after Use some with a plural noun. some bottles some people some apples a verb (object). My dad likes coffee. He likes it. With uncountable nouns, don't use a / an.Use some ot nothing. A possessive adjective before a noun shows who owns want some cheese. Do you need some money? I like cheese. I Put some music on. I I He has money. don't listen to music Exercise L Complete the sentences with a / an / some. 1 We need to buy ........................... oranges. 2 I have two brothers and ........................... sister. 3 Cive him........................... money. 4 Have apple, if you want. 5 There are ........................... people outside. 6 He's very nice person. 7 My mum has ........................... older brother. 8 ........................... hamburger and ........................... chips, please 144 oUTCOMES it. think you have my book! subject you object POSSeSSTVe me my book you your book he him his book she her her book it it its food WE US our book they them their book Exercise 1 Choose the correct words. t I / Me / My want to take a photo. 2 Are you hungry? Eat I / me / my sandwichl 3 She / Her is !3. 4 Say it / its again.l didn't hear. 5 Listen to he / him / his. 6 Where's they / them / their house? 7 We / Us / Our like tennis. 8 Phone l/ me / mytonight. BE the verb be is special. Look at how it changes. It also has a short form. lam I'm 77. You are You're late. He's a nurse. She's ma rried. It's 12 o'clock. We're tired. They're hungry. He is She is It is We are They are Exercise 1 Write the plural form. 1 parent 2 house 3 woman 4 child 5 baby you hungry? Are they married? etc Add not to make negatives. l'm not cold. He's not married. It's not a problem. I l/be/cold. I'vw col..dt 2 He /be /1.6. 3 My sister / be I a doctor. 4 My children / be / both girls. 5 They / be / late. 6 lt / be / six o'clock. 7 l/belnot/hungry. 8 We / be / not / married. 9 lt / be / not /very expensive. be / you / very tired? / it / nice? / be / they? GRAMMARWORDS Remember these useful grammar words: Words Verb Examples want, go, have, look brother, coffee, tennis, problem good, big, red, expensive in, on, ol from, at Noun Adjective Preposition Sentences are usually subject-verb-object (SVO) SV O I learn English man pple a 1 She has a / an / some baby. 2 His / He / Some house is very big. 3 lam/is/are25. 4 I live with their / them / they. 5 Do you want o / an / some apple? 6 His / She / Yours sisters a re at my school. 7 Write it on an / some / me paper. 8 Where is she / you / her? 9 Do / Are / ls you like chocolate? 10 1 be 10 car There are a / an / some men in my class, but not Exercise 3 Put the words in the correct order. Exercise 1 Write sentences and questions using the notes. how old 9 many. They're not here yet. 10 11 12 a Choose the correct words. What time ls lt? NOT factory 7 person Exercise 2 Change the word order to make questions. Sorry,am I late? Are 6 at school. you how are? 2 him ask 3 I you like 4 coffee wants she some 5 when class does your start 6 sport I watch don't 7 brother a my has car nice 8 her to he doesn't talk . . ? . . Exercise 4 Complete the questions with dq does, is ot are. 1 ........................... you like chocolate? 2 Where she work? 3 ...........................youOK? 4 Which one...........................you prefer? 5 Where she from? 6 What time ........................... it? 7 ........................... you hungry? you want? 8 What Exercise 5 Complete the text with ONE word in each gap. Hi. I 1........................... Alex and this is 2........................... family. We 3........................... from the UK. We 4........................... in a big house in Bristol. I have s........................... older brother and 6........................... younger sister. My sister married. and I are students. My brother . wife is called Poppy and He's a doctor. . is a teacher. We see 10........................... a 5 VO lot because they live very near us. My teacher helps us a lot. GRAMMAR REFERENCE 145 01 PEOPTE AND PLACES THE VERB BT The verb be is followed by adjectives (cold,hungry, etc,) or nouns (Bruce, Germany, etc.l. Hello. |m Bruce. (= ; 261 / THERE ARE... / therc'swith singular nouns. Use there are with plural nouns. THERE IS ... Use there is There's a nice cafe near here. You're late! (= You are) There's some He's a doctor. (= He is) There's a lot of food in the kitchen. traffic today. She's21-. (= 5he is) /t3 cold today. (= lt is) We're from Venezuela. (= We are) They're ou r friends. (= They a re) There ore a Negatives l'm not hungry. (= I am not) You're not in the right class. (= You are not) He's not French. (= He is not) She's not very interesting. (= 5he is not) It's not cheap. (= lt is not) We're not happy about it. (= We are not) They're not married. (= They are not) Negatives few cheap hotels in town. great beaches in that area. There are lots of people outside. There are some There isn't any There's / much milk. no milk. There oren't any / many glasses in here. There ore no glasses. Questions ls there a bus stop near here? Are there any good caf6s in town? You can also say: You aren't ... , My dad isn't ... , My mum isn't ... , The booh isn't ... , We aren't ... and. Some nouns are uncountable singular nouns. Things dren't.... traffic crime countrysiile. In normal spoken English, we use short forms. Exercise 1 Questions Complete the sentences with ane ot there aren't. 1 ...................... Am I next? Are you .... lots of nice shops near my .... any coffee in here. some great countryside in house. OK? ls she ill today? 2 ...................... 3 ...................... it cold outside? Where are we? Where are they'! 4 ..................... 5 ...................... /s he theret there isn't,there happy here? .... the north. /s .... any hospitals in the area. a lot of crime in the town. .... any schools in the village! ..... It's awful! Exercise 1 Re-write the sentences with the short forms of be. 1 I am cold. 2 You are in Class 1. 3 He is not here today. 4 She is my sister. 5 lt is not veryr nice. 6 We are on holiday. 7 They are late! .... no traffic on the roads today. lt's great! 8 ...................... .... two or three little bars near the beach. Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of De. L 6 ...................... 7 ...................... A: Hi. How...... you? Exercise 2 Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 There is no cheap hotels. 2 Not there are any jobs here. 3 It have a lovely river in the town. 4 There are lots of noise! 5 There is a lot of traffics in my hometown. B: I ...... OK, thanks. A: Where ......you from? ...... you English? B: No, I ...... not. I ...... lrish,4ctually. A: How ...... your parents? ...... they OK? B: Yes, they ...... fine, thank you. A: Where...... your boyfriend from? French, too? B: No, he ...... not. He...... English. A: What ...... your friend's name? B: Oh, 146 I ...... oUTCOMES sorry.This...... Rachel. ...... he I I I awful: if something is awful, it's very bad a barr you can buy alcoholic drinks in a bar boring: something boring is not fun or interesting THE PRXSENT SIMPTE We use the present simple to REVISION talk about facts that are always true and habits. Exercise 1 live in Madrid. You drink a lot of coffee! She wants to be a dostor. Make the sentences negative. I He goes swimming every day. It rains a lot in the winter. \Ne live in the north of the country. f hey live in the south. Notice that with he / she / it, we add -s at the end of the verb. However, we write he goes, she does, it has - 1 I 2 l'm hungry. like French food. 3 She works here. 4 They're from this country. 5 I work at the weekends. nothe gos, she dos, if havff. 6 He's in the office today. Negatives I don't like the town very much. (= do not) You don't know my town, l'm sure. 7 They live together. He doesn't have any brothers or sisters. (= does not) 8 lt's cold today 9 There are some shops in the village. She doesn't Jeel safe. ll doesn't snow very often. We don't go there very often. they don't visit us very often. 10 There's some sugar in the kitchen. Notice that with he / she / it, &re use doesn't - not don't. Exercise 2 Complete the sentences in the present simple. Use O_trestions Where do lgo nowl Where do you livel short forms where possible. 1 She ............. 2 There 3 When you usually house in the morning? (leave) Exercise I Choose the correct woxds. 1" My brother have / has three children. Does he like / /ikes his job? Where do ldoesyour grandparents live? I doesn't / don't like football. 2 3 4 5 ltdon't / doesn't rain much. 6 She has / have / haves a boyfriend. Exercise 2 Complete the questions. 1 Where your parents live? 2 When she finish work? 3 How many hours your mum work every day? 4 How much ........................... this bag cost? 5 What music ........................... you like? your father do? 6 What 7 Why they like him? He's awful! 8 How ........................... it feel? ........................... 4 There (not / 6 7 8 9 your a bank in the village. be) 5 We .............. Notice that with he / she / it,we use does - not do. sport. (not / like) any nice shops near there. (not / be) What does he do? Where does she work? How much does it cost? How do we know? Do they have any children? ............. ............ English. We Scottish. (not / be, be) ........................... there a post office near here? (be) Myfather a new job. (have) ........................... they open today? (be) l'm sorry. I ...................................................... . (not / u ndersta nd) 10 Where she........................... ? (live) Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with ONE word in each gap. 1 Where you from? 2 Where you work? 3 My sister two children. 4 I ...........................26 and my sister........................... 33. 5 lt's a nice house, but it ........................... have a garden. 6 I ........................... like shopping, but my wife loves it! 7 My boyfriend ........................... a teacher. He ........................... 8 9 10 in a school in Seville. you speak English? He........................... a sister, but L.......................... . ........................... ........................... your mother work? GRAMMAR REFERENCE 147 02 FREE TIME VERB FORMS Look at these sentences with -ing forms. I like watchingTV. I love teoching English. I hale living in the city. I enlov workinq on my own. ADVERBS OF FRXO-UENCY Notice spelling changes: live ) have ) dance ) living having dancing I need to run chat ) ) ) swimrning running chatting togo now the words you learn. Decide what to do. use Remember that we form questions usingdo / does + verb (without to). Do you ts have any free time? Where does she to /lve? Exercise I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 I don't like wtmm,ing,much. (swim) 2 Do you want ........................... later? (go out) 3 I try running every day. (go) 4 I hate and l'm very bad at it. (dance) 5 Does your friend it here? (like) 6 I need tonight. (study) 7 My dad loves ........................... tennis. (play) 8 We need where ........................... lunch. (decide, have) Exercise 2 Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 My brother likes read a lot. 2 3 4 5 6 ofien She My parents say that they want have more free time. I don't really enjoy to work in an office. I a lways try go to bed before 11. I need finishing my homework before I go out. .9r:::i1v on my own: me only run: go fast history books: books about facts in the past cook: make food usually / normally sometimes occasionally hardly ever never have a coffee after lunch has a coffee after lunch Negatives I don't go out very often. She doesn't visit us very ofien. Questions usually / normally A: Where doyou usuolly go out at night? B: Normolly into town, but we sometimes go to the beach area. A: What do you normally do at the weekend? B: I usually go to the countryside with my family. ever (= sometimes / occasionallY) A: Doyou ever goto the theatre? B: No, never. A: Doyou evergo swimming? B: Occasionally, but not very often. Exercise 1 Choose the best adverb. I usually read novels, butl sometimes / normally read history books. I don't earn much money, so I hordly ever / sometimes 1 2 3 4 Does she to speak English? 1tt8 ouTcoMES always He swim Look at these sentences with to + verb. I don't want to live in an old building. !y I We They 5 6 go out for dinner. I really like football, buI I never / often go and watch the matches at the stadium. My mum usually / olways finishes at six, but she sometimes works late - until eight or nine. I never / occasionolly drink coffee. I hate the taste and I think it's bad for your health. I love cooking. I olways / occasionally make dinner for my family. Exercise 2 Put the adverb in the correct place in each sentence. 1 I sleep until 12 on Sunday mornings. (often) 2 My parents do sport. (hardly ever) 3 I don't go shopping. (very often) 4 I decide what to do in my family. (never) 5 A: Doyou go out dancing? (ever) B: Sometimes,yes.With friends. 6 A: What time do you get up? (usually) B: At seven o'clock during the week. A/AMT AI;'DONE /SOME REVISION Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with the pairs of words. You might need to change the order. bag pen ictiona ry car d Do you have Do you wa nt tissue watch alarm clock you need Have you got Do wa nt + very often often + like love + usually hate + always I ........................... clea n clothes something - every idea s day. sci s so rs l'm not very fit because I ........................... do any exercise. I ........................... to start going to a gym or with some singular nouns. These are uncountable nouns. For example: We can use any work doing sport. I ........................... do or running or tennis - swimming money water milk fru it time tea sa something. to have more free time. I don't go out L.......................... pape( help 4 L.......................... cook lt dinner for my parents. I doing it. sugar In answers, we often replace singular nouns with 5 I ........................... 6 before 11 at the weekends. I ........................... being late. I ........................... get to school one. getting up early. I ................ ........... get up early. A: Do you have o car? B: No, but I sometimes renl one. Exercise 2 Put the words in the correct order. We can replace plural / uncountable nouns A: Doyou have any coloured B: Yes, A: ls with 1 new like I meeting people 2 I to game buy a want computer . 3 to pens? there are some in my bag. Help yourself. do you music listening like . ? 4 go I cinema to the hardly ever 5 chat sometimes on I lnternet the 6 I Wednesdays play on tennis usually 7 get usually what time you home do . . there any milk? B: I think there's some in the fridge. Exercise I Complete the sentences 1 2 3 4 5 8 with ONE word in each gap. you have ........................... ruler? Do you need ........................... seat? Do you have ........................... sugar? Do you have ........................... clothes that you want me to wash? A: Do you want ........................... fruit? B: Yes, please. Have you got ........................... orange? Do B: No, butyou can get from the ? Exercise 3 Write questions with a / an / any. 1 A: )ou / have / white paper? B: Yes. Hereyou are. 2 A: he I have I job / at the moment? B: No, he's unemployed. 3 A: lou / want / tissue? 4 Exercise 2 Complete the €urswers with one or some. L A: Have you got a pen? B: I think there's on the table. A: Do you have any money with you? B: I have . How much doyou need? A: Does Jessica want a cup of coffee? B: No, she has already. A: Have you got any water? B: No, sorry I think Cary has ........................... . A: Do you anv tissues? tissues? vou have any you dancing go do out ever . 5 6 B: Thanks. A: )ou I need / alarm clock? B: No, it's OK. l've got one on my phone. A: you / have / scissors? B: Yes.There are some on the kitchen table. A: )ou / need / help? B: No, thanks. l'm OK ! rent: pay money to use something for a time food I! fridge: cold place for fo, I wash: clean with water I alarm clock: a clock that wakes you up bathroom. GRAi/IMARREFERENCE 149 03 HOME PREPOSMONS OF PTACE POSSESSIVE ADJECTI\TES ru AND PRONOUNS me you my mrne you your yours his I he him his she her her hers WE US OUTS they them our thei r th ei rs Possessive adjectives (my,your, etc.) go before nouns. Do you like my jacketT lt's new. Our house is very near here. - Possessive pronouns (mine,yours,etc.) can replace a - possessive adjective + noun. l've got my book. That's yours. lf you think my room is messy, then look at hers! Iohn's / my parents' To make clear who or what has the thing, use a noun + E -E herfamily Maria'sfamily his car my dad's car We don't normally say the family of 's. their problem the school's problem Maria,the car of my dad or the mistake of the school. With plwds ending in - my friends' houses Notice these elqrressions we use to describe places. at the end oJthe road on the left / right / corner lnstead of his / hers use s'. my parents'wedding s, / theirs,we can just use noun+'sls'. It's not my cor, it's John's / my parents'. in the next street / my street Exercise 1 Exercise L Complete the sentences -- Choose the correct words. with ONE word in each gap. l- There's a big car park........................... the end of this road. 2 He spends a lot of time his room. 3 My house is number 53. lt's........................... the left. 4 There's a new supermarket ........................... the corner of Station Road and Queens Road. 5 My sister Iives ........................... the next street to me. to the big bank in town. 6 I work 7 There's a good cafe just this road. 8 There are lots of places to eat ........................... the area9 lt's small. lt's ....,...................... two restaurants - a fast food 10 place on one side and a French place on the other. There's a cash machine ........................... Blackstock Road the right. GIossary car park: a place to leave your car fast food: hamburgers, French fries, fried chicken, etc. cash machine: a place where you can use your cash card to get money 150 OUTCOMES - 1 He works for his parent's / parents'company. 2 Do you like Melanie's brothers / brother\ Melanie| 3 I sometimes borrow my dad's car / car's dad. 4 That's my mother's / mothers'sisten 5 No.That'syour / yours seat.This oneis Simon's / the seat 6 7 8 of Simon. Hi. My / Mine name's Hugh. What's your / yours? lsometimes stay in afriend'sflat /flat'sfriend. That's my / mine sister and this is her / hers husband. Their /Theirsflat is in Cinza. Exercise 2 Correct the mistakes in the underlined parts. 1 I like hers room, but I prefer mine. 2 Where do yqq:laten'E live? 3 My mums'part of the family are from Malta. 4 What's theirs address? 5 The sister of my boyfriend lives with us. 6 lt's not her flat; it's herfriends'. 7 8 I don't like the government ideas. We visit mv grandparents house a lot because our house is flve minutes away from their. CAN / REVISION CAN'T To ask (scmeone) ts do soflrethi.ng, use Can. open the window? Exercise 1 Cornplete the sentences with 0lIX word in each gap. 1 A: ls a post office near here? B: Yes, there's at the end ofthe road, took at these common &nswers to the qnestions. the church. A: ls there a restaurant the village? B: No, but there's a pub ........................... this road, to the shop. A: Where's the bus stop to go to town? Sorry no. l'm afraid not. Sorry,you / I can't Of cou rse Sure. Co ahead B: ...........................'s just there - in ........................... of the cafe ........................... the right. If something is not possible, do the exercise. hea r it. come to the class. I He / She We / They u$e can't. can't Exercise 2 Comp}ete th.e second sentences using 3, s'or a pronoun, For exampler It belongs to me. My parents own it. ) ) It's wnfie, It's my pa.rentv If something is possible, rise csrl. You can sit where you want. I can drive. 1 lt belongs to him. lt's ..................... 2 They belong to Steve. They're ........................... 3 They belong to them. They're ........................... 4 lt belongs to the school. lt's ........................... 5 My brothers own the flat. lt's 6 Doesn't it belong to you? lsn't it ........................... 7 We don't own our house.The house isn't . . Exercise 1 . Write questions with can and explanations with cqn'f. The question sometimes cornes before and sometimes after the explanations. I / you / speak louder hear you I catvt 1 hea.r y o1tu. C a,vv y o1/" tp ea*- Loudz.*. you / move I / see ? 8 lt belongs to her. lt's the board 2 I / do this exercise you / help me ) you / turn it up I / hear the CD 4 I / come to the class you / tell me the homework 5 I / read the board I / sit nearer 6 I / go to the toilet I / wait Exerrise 3 Choose the correct words. L A: I can / can'tfind my notebook. B: lt's on / in the shelf , between / opposite the dictionary and the black book. I put it there. A: Oh right. Can / Do you pass it to me? Exercise 2 B:Sure. Complete L*6 with can at cannt. Use the pictures belsw. 1 You ... .............. watch it. You're only 16, 2 You ........................... smoke in here. 3 Co ahead. Anyone ........................... use it. 4 You ...........................pay here. You need to go over there 5 You ........................... go in with me because l'm a member. 6 ? You ...........................pay with a cheque, but you by card. ,@,e,w 2 A: Who are the two boys in the photo? B: The one on / in the left is my / mine son, and the other boy is a friend of his / hers. A: ls that your son's / sons'guitar? B: Yes, but he can / can't play it. .9r:::1lv" go ahead: do it! pay: give money for something belong: if something belongs to you, it's yours own: if you own something, it's yours shelf: a place where you put things, e.g. books, cups GRAMMAR REFERENCE 151 04 HOLIDAYS THE PAST SIMPTE PAST SIMPTE NEGATIVES be wasn't l/He/She/t lwos / weten't ,late. l/HelShe/lt nere You/We/They wasn't weren't here before a cinema here before one person on the beach. a lot of traffic. lots of people. time to do it. ten students here yesterday Regular verbs Add -ed to the base form of the verb, or -d when the didn't base form ends in -e. I played tennis and really loved it. I hearyou. You try very hard. Notice these spellings. try - tried We They He - chatted chat study - stud ied stop - stopped Irregular verbs See the full list in the l/ocabulary Builder, Past time expressions yesterday two days last ago year yesterday morning last night last week a few weeks ago five years ago when I was 16 / come yesterday. She go. want anything. Other negatives Couldn't is the past of ean't. I couldn't go to the class. I was busy. Other words can also show a negative with the past simple. For example: never, no-ane, nothing, hardly (ever), etc. I never played computer games when I was young. No-one went to the class last week. There was nothing to see in Bolton. Exercise 1 Undefline the irregular past forms and write the base verbs at the end of the sentence. lfelt ill, so I went home. fuda go 1 I went shopping and got some new boots. 2 I was lucky. lfound €20 on the pavement. 3 I slept badly because I drank too much coffee. 4 We met at school. I sat next to her in class. 5 I spent three years in Japan. I taught English there. 6 I saw heryesterdayand shesaid hellotoyou. Exercise 2 Complete the story with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. This summer, I 1........................... (go) to the beach with . (make) a fire. some friends and we We 3...............-.......... (sit) round the fire all night and . (eat) lots of food,s........................... (talk), . (tell) jokes and 7........................... (laugh) a lot. At six in the morning, we 8........................... (watch) the sun coming up. lt e................... ...... (be) beautiful. We really (love) it. Then we " (swim) in the sea. We .. (be) very cold afterwards! I 1r........................... (get) home at nine o'clock in the morning. 1s........................... I 14........................... (have) breakfast and then I (sleep) 152 tillfive OUTCOMES in the afternoon! Notice we only use one negative word.! He knew nothing about it. He didn't know anything about it. NOf He#n-d<now-nothing qbout it. Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with didnt / wasn't or weren't. 1 Sorry, I ........................... hear you. Can you say it again? 2 Sorry L.......................... clear. !t was my mistake, 3 Sorry I ........................... buyyou a present. more people at the party. 4 Sorry there 5 Sorry I ........................... there. I had to work. 6 Sorry I ........................... seeyou on Friday. I left early. 7 Sorry I ........................... do my homework- I was busy. 8 Sorry there someone to meet you at the airport. 9 10 you well last week. Sorry to hear Sorry I ........................... callyou yesterday. I forgot. Exercise 2 Correct the mistake in the verb in each sentence. 1 I don't go to school last week because I was ill. 2 The weather didn't be very nice yesterday. 3 I didn't had a coffee this morning. 4 There weren't time to finish. 5 I didn't do nothing at the weekend. 6 I can't swim when I was at school. PAST SIMPTE O-UESTIONS REVISION Exercise 1 you / they f-- tell you it's my birthday? I r I Write the past forms of the verbs. Did you go out yesterday? it rain? / he [ she 80? see WC il:, 6 stay 7 put ............... 8 sit ............... 9 stop 10 try............... 11 see 12 walk 13 play 74 study 15 can you last? rrive? a 1 work 2 meet 3 make 4 move 5 want We usually just say Yes or No to answer questions these, but sometimes we add was / wasn't or did like Exercise 2 Complete the pairs of sentences with a past and a present form ofthe verbs in the box. I didn't. A: Did you go out yesterday? B: Yes (l did).1 went to the pa rk with some friends. A: Was it sunny? B: No (it wasn't). A: Did it 1a They usually to the cinema at the weekend. b rain? B: No (it didn't).lt was just quite cloudy. We........................... walking in the mountains yesterday. 2a O_gestionwords Put question words at the beginning of the questions. I'm sure 1........................... my mobile phone here a moment ago. your things there on the table. Can I go? I ........................... ill. b 5he ........................... ill in the class and went home We ........................... a party for my son last night. b 3a How Where What Who How i""" I When was your holiday? was the hotel? did you do? did you see? long did you stay? did you get back? 4a a nice day! really wet when we were on b 5a It ........................... holiday. I Exercise 1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 did what last do you nighi 2 see you what did film 3 it good was 4 did go who with you 5 where you your buy shoes did 6 they very were expensive 7 get did you else anything 8 you in Jenson's usually do shop ? b 6a b 7a b ? 8a ? lt ........................... lovely weather today! home at seven. home at five this morning. Putyour hand up if you ........................... the answer. I ........................... him well at school, but that was ten years ago. He usually very well, but last night I norma1|y........................... L.......................... he didn't. ? b ? She was really tired, so she .................. . during the flight. ? ? ? Exercise 2 Match the answers a-h to the questions in exercise 1. a Faur Seasons. lt's a love story. b No, not really.Theywere €50. c No, I didn't. I didn't have any more money. d Yes, it was really good. e No, I don't. That was the first time. f I went to the cinema. g I went on my own, actually. h ln Jenson's, the department store in town. Exercise 3 Write the full conversation using the notes. A: Where /you I go / on holiday? B: We / go / to the Czech Republic. A; )ou / slay I in Prague? B: No / we / not. We / rent / an apartment / by a lake 1 2 3 4 in the mountains. 5A 6B 7A 8B 9 i "q'::::'r i ,,,rnr,,owney I by ptane Uy (a lake): next it / nice? it / be. We / have / a great time. What/youldo? We / not do / much. We / read, / we / swim / Yes, in the lake / - just relax. A: )ou / like / the food? 10 B: Yes / we / love / it! We / eat out / a lot. 11 A: How long / you / be / there? 12 B: Two weeks.We / arrive / backyesterday. to GRAMMAR REFERENCE 153 05 sHoPs THIS /THAT /THESE /THOSE / these with singular and uncountable nouns that you can reach or touch. REVISION Use this Use that reach. / those with plural nouns that you can't Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with this or these. ........................... cake's delicious. Do you wantsome? I can't open the top of ........................... bottle. Can you do 1 2 it? tf i, I that t5 ntce are ntce one book cheese (uncountable) oneS This / That / These Whats this? / books people (plural) Those can replace a noun. Complete the sentences with that or those. Where did you get ........................... shoes? They're really nice. Exercise I Correct the mistake in each sentence. L Can you give me this book over there? 2 Where are that pens you gave me for my birthday? 3 Whose is these? lt's not mine. 4 That jeans are nice. Where did you get them? 5 Which do you prefer? This boots or those ones? 6 This cheeses ls really nice. Can I have some more? Use the present continuous to talk about things happening around now which are temporary and not f.nished. rmprovtng. trying. working. You/We/ Are you / they ls she / 7 What's over there? 8 The fruit in shop isn't very good. 9 We went to ........................... restaurant last week. papers? I want to set the 10 Can you move table. Exercise 2 Add the correct form of be in the sentences. For example: alo I PRESENT CONTINUOUS getting tired? he When speaking, we usually use contractions (I'm / she's / they're / who's / what're, etc.l. l'm working. What're you studying? Notice the spelling changes. ) having move getting stop ) moving stopping Exercise 1 Make present continuous sentences using the notes. 1 Can you come back later? I / talk /to someone. 2 Where / he I go? 3 They / build / some flats opposite my house. 4 you I look for / something? 5 I / not go / outside now lt / rain. 6 She I chat I to her mother on the phone. 7 Shhh! The baby / sleep. 8 He's not ready. He / get / dressed. 154 0t rcoMEs 5 some new shoes............................ ones are really old. book's really interesting.You can read it after I finish it, if you like. Where do you want me to put things? I need ........................... 6 Whose are those? have ) get ) 3 4 I WhaUyou trying to do? 1 Who Tamara talking to? 2 I looking for a job at the moment. 3 I not feeling very well. 4 you waiting for someone? 5 You making a mess. Clean the table when you finish. 6 He went into town. He doing some shopping. 7 Henry and Terry not coming, so we can start the meeting now. Exercise 3 Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 We're stay in the Crand Hotel. 2 I not am working at the moment. 3 What she's doing in Australia? 4 ls you staying here a long time? 5 He's runing in a marathon today. 6 They're haveing a meeting. Glossary build: if you build construct it a flat or house,you make / rain: if it's raining, the weather is wet ready: if you are ready,you're prepared to start something marathon:49 km race Ii 05 STUDYING MODIFIERS RXVISION Modifiers go before an adjective. Exercise 1 very It's They're / really good (= great) t good. quite good. not very good. (= bad) Use a bif instead of guife, but only with'negative' meanrngs. ll's a bit / quite expensive It's a*it quite good. Exercise I Add the modifier in brackets in the correct place. 1 lt's cold in here. Can we turn on the heating? (quite) 2 Thanks for inviting us. We had a great time. (really) 3 lt isn't varied. We always do the same things. (very) 4 He's nice, but he's strange! (a bit) 5 He's good at sciences. He gets A grades. (really) 6 My teachers were helpful, so that made the course easier. (quite) COMPARATIVES To compare two things, use a comparative adjective + than. I think History is better than Ceography. He's taller than his brother. Some comparative adjectives are irregular. good ) better bad ) worse far ) further For short adjectives, add, -(e)r. harder strange nice - nicer - easier lazy - lazier easy cheaper big- bigger - stranger hot- hotter friendly -Jriendlier Sor longer adjectives, use more. interesting more popular more varied more We use much (= a lot) or a bit (= a little). It's much lt's a blt easier. better. Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with the comparative form ofthe adjectives in brackets. 1 I think English is ........................... to learn than Cerman. (easy) 2 3 5 My brother's a bit than me. (big) Basketball is ........................... than football in my country. (popular) lthink the people in the south are tha n the people in the north. (friendly) The weather is ........................... in my country than here. 6 The TV is ........................... here. lt's much 4 i nteresti ng warm big good 1 The film's quite bad. 2 The class was a bit boring. 3 The school's quite small. 4 l'm quite cold. Re-wdte 5-8 with an adjective in the box + quite. cheap difficult low near 5 The exam wasn't very easy. 6 The rent for my flat isn't very expensive. 7 The school I work for isn't very far from here. 8 He didn't get very high grades. Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets. 1 My English is getting . (good) 2 The climate is getting . (warm) 3 The situation is getting ........................... . (bad) 4 Housing is becoming . (expensive) (big) 5 The population is getting ..... . Exercise 3 If they end in -y, change to -ier. hard cheap - Re-write the sentences with an adjective in the box + not very. Make comparisons using the verb be and a comparative form. For example: He/messy/me Hdt, vnee+ipr tlwvv me 1 Your class / a high level / mine 2 You / good at sciences / me 3 Chinese / useful / French 4 My daughter / tall / my son 5 My dad I tidy / my mum 6 This year i difficult / last year 7 My exam results / bad / yours Exercise 4 Complete the conversation with ONE word in each gap. A: How's your course going? You said you found it hard last year. getting easier. lt's still a B: lt2 3 difficult, but my teachers are much better o............. last year. Last year, the teachers weren't . patient, but this year, they are . helpful. It's ........................... . (bad, cold) (good, varied) 7 lt's ........................... to pass exams now. (difficult) GRAMMARREFERENCE 155 07 FAMILY AND FRIENDS AUXLIARYVERBS Use auxiliary verbs REVISION (e.9. be, do, have, can) to avoid repeating the main verb and / or words that follow it. For example, in short answers: Exercise 1 Complete the replies with the correct form of be, do ot can. Yes,l am. /No,l'm not ls he staying with you? / No, he isn't. / No,l don't did. / No,l didn't can. / No,l can't. Yes, he is. Doyou live near here? Did you get the tickets? Can you see the boa rd ? Yes ,1do. Yes,l Yes,l We can also use them when comparing things using but and,so / too. My brother wentlo the party, but I didn't. I can drive, but my husband can't. l'm quite tall,and my sister ls too. I speakFrench and so does my son, but my husband doesn't Exercise I Choose the correct words. A: Can you take me to the airport? B: Sorry, I can / can't.l'm busy. A: Did you see the film on Channel 5ix last night? B: Yes, / saw the film / I did.lt was really good. A: Do either of you like football? B: I did / do, but lack doesn't. 1 1 A: l'm sure Russell Crowe isn't from New Zealand. B: Yes, he . He was born there. 2 A: l'm sure she doesn't know what she's doing. B: 5he 4 5 6 7 A: Are you feeling OK? B: No, / aren't / l'm not.l've got a bad headache. I stayed till the end ofthe party, but Tom don't / didn't. Thanks for the gift. I love it and the kids do / love loo. lf he can become President, then so can / do l. HAWTO / DON'THAWTO Have to shows a thing is necessary (= |ou need to do it). Don't have to shows a thing is not necessary (= lou can choose). I have to go.l'm late. He's very ill. He has to go to hospital. You don't have to do it if you don't wa nt to. He's lucky. He doesn't have to start work until ten. patient. about itl 4A B l'm sure we can't sit here. We ........................... . I mean, there's nothing to say we I 5 A: That's stupid! B: No it ! lt's a good idea. 6 A: You didn't put the milk back in the fridge. B: Yes, I . Maybe someone else took it out 7 after me. A: Can you help me carry these things? B: Sorry, 2 3 ........................... ! Be 3 A: l'm sure we saw that film together before. No, we ............. I don't remember anything I ........................... . I have a bad back. Exercise 2 Replace the words in italics with do, does or did. 1 I studied marketing at university and my brother din, 2 sffiingtoo. My father doesn't like sweet things, butl like sweet things. 3 4 We don't usually eat together during the week, but we always eat together on Sunday. I didn't write any notes in the lesson, but )uan wrote some notes. 5 I don't have any money, but my slster has some money. 6 You went to Camp Hlll School! I went to Camp Hill School lool When exactly? Exercise 3 Write the second sentences with the correct form of (don't) have to. Make questions like this: Do you / I / we have to do it? Does she / he have to go? Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with the correct f.ormof. (d.on't) have to. 1 I ........................... do some shopping. We have no food. 2 He can't come. He look after his sister. 3 I ........................... work today, so we can go out for the day. 4 5he can't play today. 5he homework. 1s6 ouTcoMES .............. .. 1 Sorry, I can't talk now I / go. 2 Johan says sorry he can't come. He / work late. 3 ls it an important exam? you / pass it? 4 She's lucky. She / travel far to get to work. 5 l'm bored. we / stay? 6 You don't need to go to bed now. We i get up very early tomorrow. Glossary finish her rush: if you rush, you go fast, especially when you're late or something is very important hard: if you study or work hard,you do it a lot sweet: if something is sweet, it has sugar in it bored: howyou feel if something is boring r, 08 PLANS BE GOING TO+ VERB We use be going to + verb to talk about definite plans and decisions for the future. We often use a future time expression with be going fo, for example: tonight, this weekend, next month, next year. t jam You ' are 116 ts She It is We I are They I (not) going to start work this week. work with me. finish school this year. study Fashion. take a very long time. stay in a hotel. arrive tomorrow night are l Make questions like this. you going to see la n later? ls he going to get a taxi to his hotel? Are REVISION Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with ONE word in each gap. 1 Where your brother going to study? 2 l'd really like ........................... learn 5panish. 3 lt's an OK city, but lwouldn't ........................... to live there. 4 We ........................... going to have a party on Friday. 5 What you like to eat tonight? 6 l'm just going ........................... go home and sleep. 7 When your parents going to arrive? 8 l'm ........................... going to tellyou againl Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with the cotrect form of the verbs in the box. Notice that we often say f'm going instead. of I'm going to go. Both are correct and mean the same finish flv reti re sta rt get invite travel work m ove thing. Exercise 1 Correct each sentence by adding one word. L l'm not to do anything special tonight. 2 How are you going get home? 3 Where they going on holiday this year? 4 What your sister going to study? 5 How much it going to cost? 6 I going to have dinner with my parents tonight. 1 2 3 4 5 Does your brother like ........................... for Sony? We're going ........................... married in June and we d like ........................... you to the wedding. l'm going university next year, and then lU like ........................... my own business. ld love around the world, but I don't really like My parents are going next year. TheyU like ........................... to a warmer country. WOULD LIKE TO+ VERB Exercise 3 We use wouldlihe (or love) fo + verb to talk about things we want - or hope - to do in the future. We 1 often use time expressions with woulil lihe to one day, sometime in the future, sometime in the next few years, etc. He d like to / love to spend less time working. WeA like to move to a bigger house. I wouldn't like to be himl you like to hove dinner with me tomorrow night? Would Exercise I Write sentences using would / wouldn't like (to). 1 I / really / spend a year in South America. 2 you / have children? 3 She i change jobs sometime soon. 4 l/not/befamous! 5 My brother I learn how to cook. 6 you / something to eat? 7 you / come shopping with me? 8 you/ adrink? Choose the correct words. I wouldn't like to / |m not going to come to the meeting tomorrow. I have to be somewhere else. ld like to / l'm going to go to the concert, but the tickets are really expensive! ld like to / |m going to learn to drive, but I don't have enough money. 2 3 4 5 I wouldn't Would like to / l'm not going to you like to / Are be her! you going fo see my holiday photos? 6 Sorry. I can't come to the class tomorrow. I'd Iike to / l'm going to go to the dentist. Exercise 4 Put the words into the correct order to make time expressions. 1 weekend this 2 afternoon later this 3 the sometime in future 4 summer this 5 next weeks in sometime few the 6 this later evening 7 years the next sometime in few 8 three the months in sometime next or four GRAA,IMAR REFERENCE 157 09 EXPERIENCES PRESENT PERFECT 1 find out if sorneone has a particular experience or not, use the present perfect (have + past participle). We REVISION To sometimes add ever to mean'once in your life'. been to Cermany? seen Manchild? Answer with Yes (I have) / No (never / I haven'tl. To add or ask about details, use the past simple. For example: A: Have you seen the new Bond film? B: Yeah, I saw it at the weekend. A: What did you think of it? B: lt was quite good. I don't normally like action films. Make statements like this: I / You /We / They i have (not / never) been there. Exercise 1 Complete the lists with the correct form of the verbs. 1 buy- bought 2 ........................... - chose - chosen 3 come - came 4 cut - ........................... - cut 5 do - d id - ........................... 6 drive ... - driven 7 ........................... - felt - felt 8 get-got- . 9 know - knew . 10 ........................... - left - left 11 put - put 12 ........................... - sold - sold 13 steal - stole - stolen 14 take -taken iiee-t Exercise 2 Don't use the present perfect with past time e4pressions. Uaveyea-seen Did you see thefilm WlSAfuy? l#eeft I went to the supermarket a few da.vs ago. Exercise 1 Choose the correct form of the verb. t z 3 4 A: Have you seen / Did you see the new 5o! video? B: No, I haven't. ls it good? A: Have you seen / Did you see John yesterday? B: No.Sorry A: Haveyou been / Didyou goto Africa? B: Yes. / went / hove been therea fewyears ago. A: I've never been / I didn't go to a Thai restaurant. B: No? Have you tried / did you try olher Asian food? A: Once. l've been / I wentto an lndonesian restaurant when I was in Holland, but / haven't liked / t didn't like it. PRESENT PERFECT 2 The present perfect is have + past participle. Past participles are usually the same as the past simple form, but some are different. Have you everfailed an exam? (fail-failed-failed) Have you reod'War and Peace'? (read-read-read) (break-broke-broken) I've broken my leg twice. Match questions 1-8 with the answers a-h. Have you ever been to the King Hotel restaurant? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Have you ever read War and Peacel Have you ever met anyone famous? Have you ever eaten oysters? Have you ever lived abroad? Haveyou ever seen a dead body? Have you done kung fu before? Have you played this game before? a No, but l've played something similar. b Yes, I have. I worked in Dubai for two years. c No, l've never read anything by Tolstoy. d Yes. I had some once, but I didn't really like them. e No, but I saw Al Pacino in a pizza place in New York. f No, never, but I did karate when I was little. g I studied Medicine, so we had to see them. h Yes. I took my wife there once. lt was very romantic. Exercise 3 Write questions using the present perfect or past simple. A: 1........................... London before? (visit) B: No, this is our first time. A: When .?(arrive) B: Two days ago. We're really enjoying it. A: Where 3........................... ? (be) B: Well, on Sunday we went to Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park, and yesterday we went on the London Eye. Check the table on page 70-71 of. the Vocabulary Builder f.or more irregular verbs. A: Exercise 1 B: Yeah, it was great. You get a great view from the top. A: Yes. round any of the museums? (look) Make present perfect questions and statements. 1, you / ever / try Mexican food? 2 3 4 5 6 I / / be here before. ever / have an accident? lose my mobile several times. she he / you / bookyourflight? we / never / ask for anything before. 158 oUTCOMES a.....-..................... ?'. ) :, it? (enjoy) ::: y:':i q".i : c. t:.'l : P :'1' t. T y :".' :. t:r.'.":y: .!r::::y. :il:H:,[?fl;l'Jl',,lr,,,no,yourown dead: adjective to describe something that has died : : 10 TRAVEL TOO,TOO MUCH,TOO MANI| Ioo shows something is bad ='it's more than we want'. uncountable noun too much crime too much lraffic too much noise adjective too busy too expensive too early ural noun loo many people too many cars too many flights If you feel huppy / OK about sornething, use very / lots of: The train There are is too very @ fost. lt only takes ten minutes. REVISTON Exercise 1 Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 There are toos cars parked on my road. 2 There were too much people on the train. 3 They knocked down the house because it was too much dangerous. 4 The service they provide is great - it's too fast. 5 There is too many rubbish on public transport. 6 lt's good because there are too many buses at night. lots of trains. lt's good. Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with too, too much or too many. There are ........................... trucks on the motorways. The council is going to cut the service because it costs 1 2 the adjective in brackets. 1 lt's the 2 The motorway. (quick) money. difficult to park. 3 I don't drive into town. lt's 4 The government wants to expand the airport.They say it's 5 ........................... smal l. People are protesting because they say they're paying ........................... 6 restaurant in the area. (cheap) way to get here is on the tax. Taxi drivers find it difficult to make money. There are ........................... other taxis in the city, so there's 3 What's the ........................... film you've ever seen? (funny) 4 The chapter in the book was the one about the war. (interesting) Where's the metro station? (near) day of my life! (exciting) 6 That was the 7 The ........................... time of the year is July. (hot) 8 The ........................... way to travel is by bicycle. (nice) 5 . competition. Exercise 3 Complete the text with ONE word in each gap. SUPERTATTVES compare more than two things, use the + a superlative adjective. It's the fastest way to get there. To For short adjectives, ad.d -(e)st.If they end in -y, change to - iest. hardest hard cheap - nice - nicest cheapest hot- hottest strange - strangest big- biggest - easiest - laziest busy - busiest easy lazy For longer adjectives, use the most + adjective. the most interesting the most popular Some superlative adjectives are irregular. good - best far -furthest bad - worst We often use superlatives with ever + the present perfect. It'sthe best holiday I've (ever) had. Exercise 1 Find the five mistakes and correct them. 1 lt was the loudest band l've ever heardl 2 I live in one of the busyiest streets in town. 3 lt was the most bad day of my life. 4 fhe easiest way to get around is on foot. 5 Yesterday was hotest day ofthe year. 6 That was the difficultest exam l've ever taken! 7 l'm the more taller person in the class. 8 lhey were the nicest people l've ever met. think it's 1........................... greatest city in the world. lt has every kind of shop and museum and restaurant. There's almost too 2........................... choice - | can't decide what to do. I love New York. I The transport system is really good. I don't drive or have a car because it's i........................... expensive to park, but I really don't need one. The subway is quite cheap and reliable and there are 0........................... of buses and taxis, but the . way get around is on foot. That way,you can see all the fantastic buildings and feel the great atmosphere. lt's 6........................... n ice. There aren't many things I don't like here, but the thing for me is the weather in the summer. lt's terrible. lt's 8........................... hot. lt's often over 35'C in August and I have to work then. Glossary truck: a truck is very big'car'to transport things motorway: a motorway is a very big road - usually between cities - where you can drive fast competition: if there's a lot of competition, it's difficult, because lots of companies / people want the same thing on foot: if you go somewhere on foot, you walk chapter: books often have different parts or chapters GRAMMAR REFERENCE 159 11 FOOD A LOT OF, SOME, ANI[, MUCH, ltdAlfr AND A BrT OF A lot of, some and any car. go with both uncountable (singular) nouns and plural nouns. REVTSION Use much / a bit of with uncountable (singular) nouns. Use many / a/ew with plural nouns. 1 I ate a lot of / a few chocolate a nd I feel a bit sick now. 2 I only have tea. I don't have any / much coffee. 3 I used quite a lot of / quite much chilli, so it's spicy. 4 Have you seen much / any good films recently? 5 I watch a lot of / ony comedies, but not many / some Exercise 1 Choose the correct words. uncountable nounr lflgiLryy1t much / a lot of sall? many / a lot of chtps? Doyou eat any fruit? any vegetables? a lot of ice-cream. a lot of biscuits. quite a lot of sugar. quite a lot ojf sweets. ] I don't eat some / a bil of lmuch / a tot of lish some / r'tce. many t a bt o1 cake* any vegel-ables. Jany cheese. a few I don't read yea r. 3 A: Did you add ...... 4 5 6 .......... salt to this? I can't taste it B: Oh, nol I forgot. l've had a ........................... biscuits so l'm not very hungry. I put sugar in it, so it wasn't too bitter. A: Do you eat a ........................... of rice? B: ........................... a lot, but I sometimes have pasta i nstead. you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? offer to do something, ask Would you like me to ...7 you like me to move my car? Would you like me to get you anything from the shops? To Would To offer people things, you can ask Would you like ...? Would Would you like any ... help / food / wine? you like a ... drink / banana / cup of tea? We can use want instead of would libe. Do you want ... to come / me to move / a drink? Exercise oJ / a few carrots. Exercise 2 Write offers and invitations using the notes. 1 like / go to that restaurant? 2 like / cake? 3 like / me / cook dinner? 4 want I fish or meat for dinner? 5 want / us / phone him? 6 like / us / bring something to drink? 7 like / me / drive you to the airport? 8 want / stay with us while you're visiting. Exercise 3 Complete the text with ONE word in each gap. cooking. I started when I was eight or nine. I made chocolate biscuits with my mum. I really enjoyed it. After that, we made a . of cakes together. My poor dad had to eat them all and he put on lot of weight! I love INVITATIONS AND OFFERS For invitations, ask Would you like to ...? Would mas. What vegetables would you like? B: Jusl some / any potatoes and a bit A: spices. Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with ONE word in each gap. 1 l'm a vegetarian. I don't eat meat or fish 2 d ra 6 Now I cook other kinds offood - I make the dinner a . times a week. Tonight l'm going to do steak with s........................... bit of sauce and some chips. lactually don't cook . meat - I prefer doing fish - but my dad bought the steak. l'm 16 this year, so I can leave school. ld 7........................... to go to cookery school and become a chet but my parents want 8........................... to continue my school studies. I Write questions with Would like... . For example: lnvite someone for dinner. lil od"d., yow Uk e, ta ga out {or d,i,yw.e,r ? 1 Offer someone something to eat. 2 Offer to set the table. 3 lnvite someone for a game of tennis next week. 4 Offer to do the washing-up. 5 Offer someone some chocolate. 6 lnvite someone to your birthday party. 160 ouTcoMEs Glossary novel: a novel is a book with one long story biscuits: biscuits are thin, dry cakes bitter: if something is bitter, it's not sweet, like black LOllee comedies: a comedy is a film which is funny drama: a drama is a film which is serious 12 FEELINGS SHOULD / SHOULDN'T We use should{n't) + verb to suggest acticns. Shoatrd shows we think it's a good idea to do the action. Shauldn't shaws we think it's a bad idea to do the action. have a holiday. go to the doctor. do more exercise. smoke. work so hard. I You He / She We They REVISION Exercise 1 Cornplete each sentence with should or shauldn't andaverbin thebox. I ;; B: 6A: work. Hurry up! We're late. take a taxi. The kids are always tired in the morning. ;* ;; ; ;i;,T:I;: "',"' B: weight those boxes. Exercise 2 Cornplete the sentences with the present perfect forrn of the verbs in brackets. l- I 2 it yet. (not finish) How many times there? (be) started it last week, but I you.. .. . ..................... a lot this year. (rise) any good books 5 You ............. 6 We .............. ............. ............ a lot of food! (cook) time to make a decision yet. (not have) few days ago). He's broken his leg, so he can't drive at the moment. l've never seen him, so I can't tellyou what he looks Iike Exercise 3 Chocse the corrert words. He's really nice. We went 1 We of,iten use alreaily and yef with the present perfect. tsetgoes with negatives and questions. He has already had two holidays this year. Vle haven't been to the castleyet, but we want to go. Have you asked her yet? Exercise 1 Correct the mistake in each sentence. l" I broken.my arm, so I can't write. 2 3 4 5 6 lose recently? (read) the present perfect to taik about aetions that happened sometime before now, but have a present result. Don't use it with a past time expression (e.g. Use a to ........ many sweets! PRESENT PERFECT 3 yesterday, Well, maybe you 3 Prices 4 .........................you about it. .......................... a A: My back hurts. B: Really? Well,you go and see someone B: I about it. home.Would A: The doctor said I need today. He says he's really stressed and has no energy. take some time off *; ;J;; Well,you B: Really? Maybe you couple ofaspirin. / 1 A: I feel a bit sick. B: ...................... .... lie down. 2 A: My stomach hurts and l've got diarrhoea. B: ...................... .... have any more to eat B: Maybe B: That was stupid! You ................... more careful in future A: l've got a really bad headache. shouldn't- 5A: a week. ta ke you like me to call a taxi instead? A: I cut my finger cooking dinner. strong. Maybe you should lose some weight. 4A: eat A: I feel really strange. B: B: rive a doctor We often add maybe.It makes the advice sound Xess 3A: d A: That's a bad cough. B: I know. l've had it for spend so much money. Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with a pronoun + should carry I'm sorry, but I have forget your name. was to Spain eight or nine times in my life. / We've been out together a few times recently. 2 I can't play tennis tomorrow. l've hurt / I hurt my leg. 3 l've been / I have ever been to Paris twice. 4 l've never spoken / spoke to him before. 5 Have you tried / Did you tqr Lebanese food before? 6 We've been / We haven't been to the museum yet. 7 l've seen / I saw Nicole yesterday. 8 She travelled / has travelled a lot. She's been all round Asia and South America and last year she vis, -;d / has visited Nigeria and Chana. I already do my homework, so can I watch TV? l've seen that film last year. I haven't been to that restaurant already. ls it good? I GRAMMAR RSFERENCE 151 13 NATURE MIGHTAND BEGOINGTO REVISION Make predictions with might + verb or be going to + verb. Might (zrotl shows possibility. .B e (not) going to shows certainty. I might not go to the party. I might stay at home instead. A: I need to give this book back to Dan. B: I can give it to him, if you like. |m going to see Exercise possibility. 1 They said it's going to rain later. 2 l'm deflnitely not going to be in the office tomorrow. 3 She's going to callyou this afternoon. him later. We can use may inst ead of, might. I may be a bit late. lt depends what time my meeting ends We often see these expressions possibly it depends Re-write the sentences using be going to to show certainty. 4 lt said there might be a storm tonight. 5 We might go to Bulgaria for our holiday this year. 6 My dad might drive us to the station. with might: l'm not sure I don't know I haven't decided l I Exercise 1 2 3 4 5 I be + the action or if it's not important. France. made in WAS locked to the fence. sold on the lnternet They 5 killed by a car. only found in South America. often taken to cure colds. ........................... A: I like that painting. given it at our wedding. B: Yes, it's nice. We A: Do you want to go out tonight? B: l've got no money. I ........................... not paid until Friday. 162 oUTCOMES I Glossary found near here. Turkey each year. Our cat Vampire bats 4 The herb were was I Complete the passive sentences with the correct form of the verb be. produced in l- Around 60 million litres of wine 3 He L Exercise 1 2 We 7 Exercise 3 Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 I don't might see you tomorrow. 2 We is going to finish the work by Tuesday. 3 Most of the wine here are imported. 4 lt is maked in Vietnam. 5 They might probably move to the country next year 6 We are climbed that mountain last year. the past t5 6 (build) participle. We usually use the passive if we don't know who does It My bike Rice by the police. (stop) in the war. (kill) 6 The cottage was ........................... in the 17th century. PASSIVES We can use many verbs in two ways. Farmers use a lot of chemicals on the crops. (active) A lot of chemicals are used on the crops. (passive) with the verb with the past participles of isn't ........................... in our country. (grow) lt's all here. (import) Wild cats are all over this part of the country. (find) ....... with rice. (serve) 4 Curry is usually ............. 5 Our car was .......................... last weekend. (steal) might / We're going to have a barbecue on Sunday. I might possibly / definitely get a new car soon. We might / We're going to be free at the weekend, but need to speak to my wife first and check. Look at those clouds! lt might / lt's going to rain soon. She may / She's going to come with us. lt depends if she can get time off work. We Passives are formed Exercise 2 Make passive sentences the verbs in brackets. 1 2 3 Choose the correct words. 1. I Rewrite the sentences using mfght to show vampire bats: vampire bats are animals that fly at night and eat blood cure: if you cure a cold or illness,you make it better import: if you import products, you bring them into your country from abroad wild: if an animal is wild, it lives free in nature 14 oPtNIONS WfiL / WO]V'T We use 'II (= FOR PREDICTIONS I won't (= wiII notl + verb to make REVISION :nri771 predictions about the future in the same way as we use be (not) going to + verb. We often use will (but not won'tl with I thfnk ... / don't think ... . Exercise 1 Change the sentences into negatives (-) or It won't be a problem. l'm sure of it. I think hel/ get the job. I don't think I'll go. 1 They'll win. (-) 2 He'll get the job. (?) 3 lt was difficult to laugh in that situation. (-) 4 l'll probably see you before Christmas. (-) 5 I think the economy will improve this year. (-) 6 lt's easy to find work. (?) We usually ask questions using do you think + will + verb. Do you think you'llsee her tonight? Who do you think will win? We can add probably to show we're not 100% sure. Note the different position with will / won't. questions (?). Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets (in the -ing form, fo + infinitive or wiII / won't + infinitive). 1 Vle'll probably go somewhere in Creece. It probably won't make any difference. I VERB PATTERNS WTTH AD'ECTIVES If we want to make a verb the subject of a sentence, we use an -ing torm. We also use it + be + (not) adjective + (not) fo + Renting a flat here ls quite expensive. infinitive. /tb quite expensive to rent a flat here. Not seeing my family for so long was hard. It was hard not to see my family for so long. Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb the contract carefully. is quite cheap in our area. (eat out) think the Social Democrats .......... election next year? (lose) 4 I Do you Choose the correct words. 1 I think they'll / they'll to finish it next year. 2 They said there'll be / there be will snow tonight. 3 When will the meeting start / will start the meeting? 4 5he won't / won't not be happy about it. 5 l'm sure lhey don't will / won't be late. 6 I don't thinkyou'll / you won't pass the exam. 7 I probably wan't / won't probably see you before then. 8 What will / will be your parents do about it? .. 3 2 Exercise lt's important....................... (read) think it's good . and meet new people. (travel) 5 Doyou think........................... abroad is easy? (move) 6 lt definitely .......................... soon. You'll have to wait (noi happen) It's not easy........................... the right person. (find) I don't think it ........................... any difference to the 7 8 result. (make) Exercise 3 Correct the mistake in each sentence. L lt was lovely see you again. 2 lt don't will cost too much. 3 Watch the news can be very depressing sometimes 4 What you will do with the money you won? 5 lt was difficult for you to learn Russian? 6 lt's easy don't remember people's names. 7 lt's easy make mistakes. Everyone does it. 8 lt's no rude to talk about money in my country. 9 To live in the city is really stressful. 10 ls not difficult to do this exercise. in the box. L read pa rk find wa lk It was quite 2 7 It's almost vote offer notice difficult accommodation. in the streets at night is perfectly safe. impossible the car in town. learning Spanish. drink to a visitor is very rude. 6 It's interesting the differences between the two countries. I think it's important not ........................... about making 5 Glossary worry children's books was helpful when I was 4 I Not........................... a i m:nrj::[:;TJ,"Jtri1lT I I I I ! sa f'a'i' house' : perfectly safe: if a place or thing is perfectly safe, safe is too% useless: if something is useless, it isn't rude: if someone is rude, they aren't polite. can get upset ifyou are it : good rude : People : : : mista kes. I think ........................... in any election is useless. GRAMMAR REFERENCE 153 15 TECHNOLOGY BETHINKING OF+.ING REVISION We use be thinbing of + -ing to talk about plans we are not 100% sure of, but have already thought about. I'm thinking of doing a Web design course nextyear. We're not thinking of buying a new one yet. \Nhere are you thinking of going? Exercise 1 Change the sentences into positive statements (+), negative statements (-) or questions (?), with the Exercise 1 Write present continuous sentences using the notes. 1 l/think/joinagym. 2 What brand I you / think / buy? 3 They / think / move sometime next year. 4 I hope he / not / think / leave the company. 5 Who / you / think / ask? 6 They said on TV that they / not / think / change the price. 7 8 9 10 Which university she / think / apply to? I / think I try to make my own computer. Why / he / think / retire? He's only 48. Pleasetell meyou / not/think/ marry himl ADVERBS Adverbs are usuallyformedby adding -lyto an adjective (e,g. quich - quickly). We can use adverbs to give more information ibout how we do things. Adverbs usually come after the verb they give extra information about. pronouns in brackets. 1 l'm thinking of changing jobs. (? / she) 2 ls he thinking of making his own website? (- / we) 3 They're not thinking of having children yet. (+ / l) 4 Are you thinking of buying a new one? (+ / he) 5 She's thinking of applying for a Master's. (- / l) 6 We're not thinking of selling the company. (? / they) Exercise 2 Choose the correct words. 1 He's avery confident / confldently speaker. 2 lt's a really old car. lt's really slow / slowly. 3 I got home really late / lotely last night. 4 My gran drives really slow / slowly. 5 l'm not very well / good at Maths. 6 You speak ltalian verygood / well. 7 He's quite bad / badly altennis, but he tries really hardly / 8 hord. I understand Chinese quite good / well,but my pronunciation is ovuful / owfully. fast Exercise 3 Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 He really quickly speaks! 2 Where you thinking of moving to? 3 l'm thinking to complain to the company about it. 4 You look really nicely in that suit. 5 He's studying hardly for his exams at the moment. 6 The camera works perfect now 7 We're thinking get married next year. 8 You drive too fastly. Exercise 1 I You can eat quite cheaply She answered all there. the questions very confidently. the moment. He's acting really strangely at Notice that we often use quite / very / rcallybeforc adverbs. Don't forget these common irregular adverbs. hard - hard early - early - fast late - late good - well Complete the second sentences with the correct adverb. l" a He has a quiet voice. b He speaks very........................... . 2 a She's very hard-working. b She works rea1Iy........................... b 5he solved that problem very........................... b We stayed out ........................... . 3 a He's a very good cook. b He cooks really............................ 4 a She's quite a creative person. 5 a I had a bad night's sleep. b I slept quite ........................... last night. 6 a We had a late night. 164 oUTCOMES . Glossary : apply: if you apply to u n iversity, you write a nd try : to enter.You can also applyfor a degree course or a Master's - and applyfor a job marry: if you marry someone,you have a wedding and get married complain: if you complain to someone about someth i ng, you tel I them you a re not ha ppy a bout something and that you want them to do something 15 LOVE THE PAST CONTINUOUS We form the past continuous with was / were + -ing. Use it to show that one action started but didn't finish before another action happened. It is often used with the past simple. The other action is usually in the past 'simple. shoppinq in town when I saw one on sale. I wasn't enjoying my job, so I decided to leave. Where were you living when you two met? I was Exercise L Write past continuous sentences using the notes. 1 Sorry I didn't answer your call. I / talk / to someone on 2 3 4 another line. What I you / do when you heard the news? lt not / work very well, so I took it back to the shop. \Ale / have dinner when my sister suddenlytold us she was pregnant! 5 6 They not / get on very well, so they decided to break up We / sit / in the cinema when he suddenly tried to kiss me. It was horrible! REVISION Exercise 1 Change the sentences into statements (+), negatives (-) or questions (?), with the pronouns in brackets. 1 I was working yesterday. (- / he) 2 I was living there when you two met. (? / you) 3 lwill tell him. (- / l) 4 She was paying attention. (- / they) 5 Willyou do it for me? (+ / l) 6 We were waiting a long time. (? I you) 7 She wasn't listening when he said the address. (+ / we) 8 Was he driving too fast when he crashed? (+ / l) Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with one of the verbs in brackets in the past simple and the other in the past continuous. 1 2 WfiL / WON'TFOR PROMISES I ...........................20 (meet, wait) in short answers. A: Don't forget. 6 in a band and | ........................... to one of her concerts. (play, go) We ........................... a lot when I ...... ........... . (move, grow up) He ........................... down a quiet road when a car B: I won't. him. (cycle, hit) stop. (not Exercise 1 Choose the correct words. 1 I promise l'll / I won't tell anyone. 2 l'll wait .You'll / You won't have to go on your own. 3 Don't worry, l'll / I won't be there on time. 4 l'll / I won't bringyou back a nice present, I promise. 5 A: Haveyou spoken to the bankyet? 7 B: I'll / I won't do it as soon as posslble. A: I hope you're not going to do that again. B: Don't worry,lwill / lwon't. A: Take care. B: euros when I ........................... home. 4 She 7 She 6 my leg. 3 We ........................... when we ........................... for a train. 5 B: lwill. and in the park (find, walk) To make promises, we usually use will / wan't. We sometimes add.I promise. A: Dad, can we go to the cinema today? B: Sorry, l'm too busy. l'll take you next week, I promise. We can also use will / won't A: You need to be careful I ........................... (play, hurt) the course so she / ........................... to enjoy, decide) 8 They earthquake friends in Peru when the . (vislt, happen) Exercise 3 Correct the mistake in each sentence or pairs of sentences 1 I callyou tonight, I promise. 2 A: Don't be late. don't. What did he say? B: I don't know. I wasn't listen. Sorry. B: I A: lwill / lwon't. I will always to love you. What you were doing? 6 I was runing down the street and lfell. 7 When I went into the classroom, the children was all studying quietly. Someone was stealing my bike when I was buying a newspaper in the shop. 4 I 5 Glossary line:you can be on another linewhen someone calls. lf it's a really bad line,you can't hear very well kiss: if you kiss someone,you put your mouth somewhere on theirface payattention:if youpay attention,you listen and /or watch carefully to showyou're interested crash: if you crash a car,you hit something with it earthquake: an earthquake is when an area of land / city, etc. moves a lot GRAMMARREFERENCE 165 I Fne Frlr 1 Starter Unit I Unit page 9 Vocabulary Student A 10 page 80 Reading The story about the Ferrari Enzo isn't true. A photo of it appeared on the lnternet, but it wasn't real. Someone created it with a computer. Ask your partner How much is ... Write down the answer. . . . . . . 2 a coffee? an orange juice? a bottle of water? a cheese sandwich? an ice cream? All the other information was true at the time writing. a portion of chips? your partner the answers to their questions. this information: a tea - f 1.20 (one pound twenty) Tell Use acola-f1.95 a green salad-L3.54 a chicken sandwich - f3.79 a hamburger-f3.36 an apple - 47p Fne 3 Unit 3 page 31 Conversation practice Student A You want to go to a supermarket, a restaurant, a church, a language school and a bookshop. DRAYTON PARK o o t z o a J tu z n = z o U) o- postonicel@ BARRETT LANE t U) o J z o t @ tJJ o tr o ztu o ]U 166 otmoMES o o of Frlr Frlr 4 Unit 4 page 38 5 Unit 14 page 110 Reading Voeabulary Group B Student A .& Ask Student B when these days are. Write the dateJ. lmmacu late Conception, lta ly I came here a few years ago because of the war in my country. Of course, there is crime here - my house was robbed once - but it's not dangerous to walk in the streets. Before I came here, I was shotl When I got here, I had treatment in hospital for my injury. I heard complaints about the health service, but I thought it was good. The doctors were kind and _,,_-.' Ieachers LJay,Lhrna il;;;;,;i' r,, i",in o',,., lndependence Day, India Student B's birthday The next public holiday B Complete the dates below. Then answer B's questions. Creenery Day, )apan aduMay 3rd, Oc-trtlrct, Unity Day, Cermany Throne Day, Morocco 3)tl,vJd,y Father's Day fhP, fu'vt S w'\d.qt 0v J ww My birthday The next public holiday C A NTW LIFE Check with B that you wrote the correct dates. efficient, and it was free. When you talk to people here, they're nice and polite, but it's difficuit to really know them. I also don't think families are very close here. Most of my friends here are other foreigners. We play football in the park every Sunday. In my country, our house is always open to visitors. I really miss my own family and I speak to them every day and send money home. I've always found work doing cleaning or in construction. It's not what I want to do. I was the manager of a company back home, but you do what you have to do and, compared to my country, wages here are very high. What do I think of the weather? I like it! I know it rains quite a Iot, but actually, in my country, it's often too hot. Fne 6 Unit 11 page 88 Vocabulary Student A o,_@ Suc pistachios prawns ffi Frlr 7 Unit 13 page 104 Vocabulary rabbit sheep Frlr 8 Unit 11 page Student 88 Vocabulary B "s:*&:'&% OO oOL, G lentils f, almonds -,M strawberry 158 oUTCOMES g#- sardines />@ <J*) cumin Fne 9 Unit 3 page Student You 31 Conversation pnctice B want to go to a sports shop, a bank, a post office, an lnternet cafe and a chemist's o o t a o J i o o = z E. o a (L z o a J [rJ z z o t U) HENRY LANE tu o t(, z l'JJ o Lll Frlr 10 Frlr 1l Starter Unit 1 page 9 Vocabulary Unit 4 page Tell your partner the answer to their questions. this information: a coffee - f2.75 (two pounds fifteen) an orange juice - f2.37 a bottle of water - f 1.50 a cheese sandwich - t3.05 Student 38 Vocabulary B Use .A Complete the dates below. Then answer Student As questions. lm macu late Conception, lta ly an ice cream - LL.89 a portion of chips -t2.01 Teacher's Day, China Human Rights Day, South Africa lndependence Day, India Student My birthday The next public holiday B Ask your partner How much is ... Write down the answer. . a tea? . . B lotlv Septe,rd:er 27rt Marclv 7sLlvAug4.ttt Ask A when these days are. Write the dates. Creenery Day, Japan a cola? Unity a green salad? Th . a chicken sandwich? SLlvDere,rd:er Day, Cermany rone Day, Morocco Father's Day Your birthday . a hamburger? . an apple? The next public holiday C Check with A that you wrote the correct dates. |NFORi,IATTOI{ FIIES 169 Srantrn urrr 01 B: Northpark High. A: tsr.r zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twenty thirty fifty a hundred *st.z have any brothers and sisters? One brother and two sisters. How old is your brother? Yes. A: B: 39. A: Areyou B: leave home? A: How old are the children you teach? B: 14 to 18. Qsz.z marrred? l'm you're he's she's it's we're they're Yes. A: Doyou have anychildren? One boy and one girl. A: How old are they? B: The boy's 12 and the girl is eight. Doyou have any brothers and B: know it. How do you get there? B: Seven.We start at 8.30. A: Doyou B: I B: lwalk. A: How long does it take? B: 35 minutes. A: That's good.What time doyou UNrr 01 Yes. sisters? A: No. B: How old A: 25. St.t A: B: Hello. l'm Miguel. What's your name? Dasha. Hi. Nice to meet you. St.z are you? I=Ivy;M=Miguel l: &st.t Hi. Come in. Sit down. My name's lvy. l'm a teacher here. What's your name? A: Next! M: Miguel. B: Yes! A: Yes, sir? Right. Hi. Nice to meet you. And what's your surname, Miguel? M: Sorry? Your surname. Your family name. M: Oh, sorry. lt's Herna ndez. That's H-E-R-N-A-N-D-E-2. OK. And where are you from, Miguel? Spain? M: No, l'm not. I'm from Mexico. Oh, OK. Which part? M: Chihuahua. lt's in the north. l: l: B: Umm, it's a big order. A: OK. B: To drink... one coffee,three teas, an orange juice, four colas and two bottles of water. A: OK. One coffee, three teas, an orange juice,four colas and two bottles of water. B: B: Yes, I A: Yep. else? want two green salads, seven hamburgers, one cheese sandwich, one chicken sandwich and five portions of chips. B: And five apples. 5ure. So that's seven hamburgers, one cheese sandwich and one chicken sandwich,five portions of chips,two salads and five apPles. B: That's it. A: That's f69.64 altogether. $st.q 1 2 l: Yes. A: Anything A: l: Listen to the CD. tL t.s Argentina Brazil China Cermany ltaly .lapan Jordan Kenya Mexico Morocco Oman Panama Poland Thailand 9t.s 1 There's a cinema in the town. 2 lt's nice.There are lots oftrees and parks. 3 There are lots of hotels near the station. 4 lt's not very safe. There's a lot of crime. 5 lt's not a bad place, but there are too many people! 6 lt's a nice city, but there's a lot of trafficl 7 There are some nice shops and restaurants near here. 8 lt's OK.There's a nice beach and there are a few caf6s. Go there. 3 Read the article. 4 Talk to a partner. 4t.s 5 A: 6 Open the window, please. Write the answers. 7 Putyour book on thetable. Conversation 1 Hello. B: Hi. lt's Jan, isn't A: Yes. 8 Work in groups, please. B: What do you 9 The class finishes at eight. A: 10 What do you think? B: A: it? do, Jan? l'm a doctor. ReallyT Where do you work? ln a hospital in Warsaw. Sranren uNrr 02 Conversation 2 C: 5o, Lara, what do you do? 8sz.t 78 15 12,000 44 271 1.6 1,000 33 22 74 109 50 21 13 5,260 86 19 $sz.z A: What doyou do? B: l'm a teacher. A: Where do you work? B: ln a school near here. A: Which one? 170 ouTcoMEs !7 too 97 20 1,300 L8 65 D: l'm a teacher. C: Oh, really? Where do you work? D: ln a secondary school in Bristol. C: Do you enjoy it? D: Yes, it's great. C: What doyou teach? D: French. C: That's good. Sorry, I don't speak French! bz.t Conversation 3 E: Marta, what do you do? T = teacher; 51 = student 1; 52 = student 2; 53 = student 3; 54 = student 4 OK. Stop there! Now compare your answers with a partner. 51: Sorry. Can I go to the toilet? F: l'm a civil servant. E: Where do you work? F: ln a local government office in Brazil. E: Oh,yes.What part of F: ' Rio T: T: Brazil? 51: Branco- in the north. E: So do you enjoy it? F: Yes, it's OK. T: Oh, OK. S1: Thanks. T: Conversation 4 G: What do you do, Filippo? OK. Do you enjoy it? UNrr 02 $z.t B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: the answers. Number one OK. Let's check - match the words and S2: Teacher. T: Yes. S3: And two? Student. T: Yes. Three? 52: Teacher. T: That's right. What does'turn off' mean? H: Not really. lwant a different job. C: Oh? What do you want to do? H: I don't know - maybe become a police officer. A: Do you like doing sport? B: No. l'm very bad at sport.What aboutyou? A: Yeah, it's great. I love playing tennis and basketball. Doyou till the end of class. pictures? H: l'm a waiter. C: Where do you work? H: ln a caf€ in thecentre oftown-nearthe cathedral- 6: There's only five more minutes I need to go now. like walking? No - it's boring. What about you? lt's OK. I like going to the park. Do you like playing computer games? No, not really. What about you? I love it. lt's really good fun. Do you like going to the cinema? Yes. lt's great. I love it too. Do you want to see Love Train? No. I don't like'love films'. I like horror films. S4: 'Close'. S3: Sorry, I don't understand. T: Close, stop a machine. Do you have a dictionary? S3: No, but Pepe has one. 52: Here. T: So it's opogar in Spa nish. 53: oK. T: OK, we need to finish. Here are the other answers: four, teacher; five, both; six, teacher; seven, both; eight, both; nine, teacher; ten, both. 52: Ten is both? T: Yes. 53: T: Sorry how do you say this word? ANSWEAR'? No.Answer'. S3: Answer. Thanks. T: OK.5o for homework do exercise 1, page 11 in your Workbooks. Any questions? 51: Oh, we finish?! B: Oh. Sz.e *z.z Conversation 1 A: Doyou like watchingfootball? B: Yeah. lt's OK. A: Do you scissors homework tissue mobile pronunciation social cathedral interesting manager strange REvrEw 01 want to watch the match on Saturday? B: Where? rD A: ln a cafd in town. lt's on W. south /0/ B: OK. A: Five. What time does the match start? B: 5o what time do you want meet? A: four OK? We want to get a seat. B: OK. Where do you want meet? A: Outside the Creen Street train station. B: That sounds good. So four o'clock outside Creen Street station. A: ls Yes. Conversation 2 C: Doyou like ltalian food? D: Yeah, I love it. C: Doyou wantto gofor lunch on Sunday?There's a really nice Italian restaurant near here. D: Yeah.That sounds good.What time doyou want to meet? C: ls one OK? D: Yes. Where? n:..r {9 lf I trees lzl man lml read lrl pen lpl she lll big lbl take ltl cat lkl bed /d/ 8o lsl like lll Asia lSl nice ln I walk lwl yes ljl good lal food lutl nr.z eat lil I bed lel bad lal great lerl town laul rD nr.t 1 5 9 park board fit lt| river lal fun lal write /ar/ boy l>rl 2 shop 6lunch 10 mother C: Outside the cathedral. D: OK. free sit ls I live lvl chat ltl I the 16l job l*l he lhl long lql busy work ltz I art lotl here lrcl go laul 3 7 lL meet news relax sport ltt I boss lol where /ea/ pure lual 4 wife 8 breakfast L2 stations tbnt.q Conversation I A: 5o, what do you do, Harriet? B: l'm a business manager. A: Oh really? Where do you work? B: For a company in France. We make and sell pens. AUDIOSCRIPT 171 B: What? A: OK. Do you enjoy it? B; Yes, it's good. Conversation 2 C: Where is it? D: ln the north - between Switzerland and Milan. C: ls it a nice place? D: lt's OK. lt's very small.There are only a few shops and one or two B: bars.The countryside is nice. lt's really beautiful. C: OK.And doyou work there? D: No. I work in Milan. Conversation 3 E: What's the answer to question F: A: I can't walk across it and not B: lt's not bad. A: Can you tidy it, please? B: Later. A: Now, please! B: But, mum! A: Now! break something! OK, OK. Conversation 2 C: Wh ... what te ,.. temperature is the air condltioning on? D: 17. C: Ca ... can you turn it down? l'm co... cold. D: lt's not cold. 6? 'To go'. C: E: Oh. Do you have a rubber? This is wrong. F: Yes, here. E: Thanks. P ... please. D: OK. C: Thanks. Conversation 4 Conversation C: What's your name? H: Ling. Hi. C: Hi, l'm Pat. H: Hi. E: What did he say? 3 F: 'lt's not you, it's me'. E: Oh ... and what was that? F: 'l don't love you anymore.' E: OK ... What? Can you turn it up? I can't hear it. F: lt's old age, Dad. ls that OK for you? E: Yes, thanks. G: Can you turn theTV down? I need to study and I can't concentrate C: Where are you from, Ling? H: China. C: Which part? H: Harbin - it's a big city in the north. .t3.3 Urrr 03 &z.t Conversation 1 A: I really need to get some shampoo. ls there a chemist's near here? B: Yes,there's one on New Street.There's a big bookshop on the right, and it's next to that. A: OK.Thankyou. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I can't sleep. Can you help me? Can I useyour bathroom? Can you turn up the music? I can't find my book. Can I wash some clothes? We can't come next week. He can't drive at the moment. Conversation 2 C: I really need to get something to eat. Are there any restaurants UNrr 04 near here? D: There aren't really many places in this area, but there is a nice caf6 $q.t on Dixon Road. They do good sandwiches and salads. C: Dixon Road? D: Yeah. Do you know it? Conversation 1 C: Yes, I think so. A: Hi, Helga. How are you? B: OK, but A: Oh. What did you do at tired! the weekend? B: We went to a rock festival. lt was fantastic. D: Well, it's on the left - opposite a shoe shop. C: Great.Thanks for that. A: Really? Who did you see? B: Oh, lots of bands! The Killers,The Stones.Who else now? Oh,yes. Conversation 3 E: lsthere a bookshop near here? I need to buy a dictionaryfor my English course. F: Yes,there's onejust near here. E: Oh, good. Conversation 2 F: lt's on the corner of C: E: F: D: Hi, how are you? Did you have a nice weekend? C: Yes, it was OK. Chester Street and Hale Road. OK.Sorry. Can you show me on the map? Yes, sure. Look. We're here - on Simpson Lane and there's Hale Road and that's Chester Street there. lt's on the left. lt's next to big supermarket. a Conversation D: What did you do? really. ldid some shopping on Saturday morning. played tennis, watched TV the usual things. D: lt sounds OK. C: Yeah, I needed to relax. 1 A: Simon! Conversation 3 B: What? E: A: F: Look at this room! B: What? A: It's a mess! 172 oUTCOMES Hello. C: Nothing much E: OK.Creat.Thankyou. St.z I sawThe Specials on Saturday night.They were good. A: Sounds great. B: Yeah, it was great, but I didn't sleep much. Did you have a good weekend? Not really. E: Oh! That sounds bad. What did you do? F: Nothingl lwas ill. lhad a bad cold. lstayed in bed allweekend. I E: Oh, no! Are you OK now? *nz.q F: Conversation 1 Yes, but I have to work now! Conversation 4 C: Detlev! Hil Howareyou? H: Cood. C: H: A: Did you have a nice weekend? B: Yes, it was OK. A: What did you do? B: Well, on Saturday I went shopping with my friend, Denise. Did you have a nice weekend? it was great. A: Oh yes? Did you buyanything nice? B: I didn't. I didn't see anyclothes I Iiked, but Denise bought a jacket Yes, C: What did you do? H: Well, sorae friends came to visit, so I showed them the C: That sounds nice. Where did you go? and some shoes. city- Conversation 2 H: Well, on Saturday, we went to the cathedral and for a picnic in the park, and in the evening we went into the old town. Then on Sunday, we went to the market in the morning, and then I cooked C: We need to buy some things to make sandwiches for tomorrow ls there a supermarket near here? D: Not really.There's a fruit and vegetable shop opposite the station lunch for everyone. C: That sounds great. H: lt was. lt was lovely. C: Oh,OK.Canyou show me on the map? te 4.2 C: OK.Thanks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 It's a ten-minute walk. D: Sure.We're here and this is Amwell Road.The shop is on the corner opposite the station, here. My friends visit me a lot. the cathedral. game of tennis with a friend. I tried to phoneyouyesterdayto arrange to playtennis. I wanted to go out last night, but it rained. I met a friend and we chatted all night. We often walk together and chat. We walked along the river and had a picnic. Last time, we visited Conversation 3 E: You're tall, Pete. Can you reach that big plate? I played a F: Sorry, I can't. E: Don't worry. Pass me that F: Here. E: Thanks. F: &c.t 1 2 3 4 5 6 Can chair, I can stand on that. you hold it? Sure. Conversation 4 the first October the nineteenth March the eighth Novemberthe second June the twenty-fourth the third Monday in January .January C: Did you go anywhere in the holidays? H: Yes, C: Really? That sounds nice. we got a cheap flight and H: lt was. C: What did you flewto Copenhagen. do? H: We walked round and did some sightseeing and had some nice meals. $q.a 1 2 3 C: Was the weather The night before, we made a fire on the beach with some friends. We sat round the fire all night and we drank and ate and sang songs and laughed. We had a great time. Some of my friends swam in the sea, but I didn't.The sea wasn't very warm.Then on the 24th, I slept till four in the afternoon. ln March, I was in London for work so I missed the holiday. They don't have this holiday in the UK. lt was sad. On Women's Day, men usually treat us very well.They do nice things and give us presents. But I didn't go out for dinner. I didn't get any flowers. Nobody said nice things to me. I sat in my hotel room and watched TV! lt wasn't very nice. On the holiday, we went to Snowshoe Mountain in West Virginia. The snow's good in January. We left on Saturday at three in the morning and we drove to the mountains. We got there at eight and spent the weekend skiing. lt was very clear and sunny.There wasn't a cloud in the sky. We had great views. We left on Monday afternoon, but the traffic was bad. We didn't get back home to Washington till two in the morning. Rrytrw02 bath lel fun change lt[ I miss lsl lpl wash lJ I pasr lt I 1 put 5 match OK? it was sunny but very cold.There was snow on the ground. Here, I have some photos on my phone. UNrr 05 Ss.t Conversation 1 A: Who's next? B: Me. A: What would you iike? B: Can I have some apples? A: These ones? B: No, those red ones. A: How many would you like? B: Six. A: OK. B: Yes. Those A: These? B: Yes. A: Peaches. Anything else, my love? things there. What do you call them? Doyou want theyellow orthe orange ones? A: Thereyou go.That's f3.10 altogether.Thankyou. turn lrl key tkt Ssz.z 4bxz.t Yes, B: Threeyellow ones. &xz.t lpl H: Itl lfl 2 cut 6 think Itl 3 7 I sofa photo tkt 4 8 Conversation 2 C: Those look nice. D: Mmm. That yellow one especially. C: Hello. Do you speak English? E: A little. C: Can we have some ofthatyellow show plates Next? cake? E: How much? Like this? D: A bit more. That's fine. AUDIOSCRIPT 173 C: And the brown one above it?With... isthatorange on top?What's that cake made of? E: Coffee, and yes, it's orange on top. C: OK. I'll have a piece of that. E: Like this? C: That's great. E: Five euros 46. F: English? C: Yes. F: Depends. Flve dollars, seven dollars fifty, ten dollars. How much are those? Oh, E: OK. we do, but it's in the Sports department. that's strange. F: Well, people use it when they go swimming, I suppose. E: OK. So, where is the Sports department? F: On the fourth floor. You can take the lifts from over there UNrr 06 $o.t Which do you like? C: How much is that red one? Conversation 1 A: 5o what do you do, Imke? F: This one? C: No, the other one, there at the top. With 'Egypt'on it. F: This one. B: l'm a student. A: Oh, OK. What're you studying? B: l'm doing a degree in Marketing. A: Right. And what year are you in? B: My first. I only started this year. Yes. F: Ten dollars. C: What size is it? F: Yes, E: F: And when you get out of the lift, it's on the left. E: Left. OK. Creat. Thanks for your help. F: My pleasure. Have a nice day now. Conversation 3 G: F: Any size.What doyou want? A: How's the course going? C: Can I have one in medium? Thanks. F: There. Medium. B: Really well. lt's great. Ss.z Conversation 2 C: So what do you do, Tom? Are you working? D: l'm a student at university. thirteen fourteen forty thirty sixteen sixty C: Oh, right. What're you studying? D: Ceography. $s.s ninety seventy thirteen two hundred and fifteen fifty thousand fifty Qs.q 1 They're having 2 C: eighteen nineteen thousand town. C: And how's it going? D: Not very well. lt's quite boringl F: No, l'm not, actually. l'm at the polytechnic. E: Oh, right. What're you studying? F: Engineering. E: Wow! OK.Whatyear areyou in? F: My third. lfinish next year. E: And how's it going? hopeyou're enjoyingthis class. Some friends are staying with me at the moment. My brother's studying at university. I F: OK, but it's quite difficult. It's a lot of work! E: l'm sure.Well,good luckwith it. &s.s Conversation 1 $e.z A: Excuse me. Do you sell radios? B: Yes madam.They're over there, by the Really? I didn't see No? Well, come 3 E: What do you do? Are you working? l'm not working very hard at the moment. A: B: Really? What year are you in? D: My second. Conversation a sale at a shop in 3 My mother's not here. She's doing the shopping. 4 The economy's growing fast at the moment. 5 My football team! doing very well now. 6 7 8 l'm really enjoying it. 1 What areyou studying? 2 What year are you in? till. them there. 3 Areyou enjoying with me. Let's see. Yes, look. There they are. On the bottom shelf. A: Oh, that was stupid! I walked past them B: Don't worry. lt's no problem. A: Well, thanks for your help. 4 5 a minute ago. B: You're welcome. 6 7 8 it? How areyou? Areyou hungry? Are you good at English? Where are you from? Where areyou staying? *s.z Conversation 2 C: Excuse me. Doyou sell shirts? D: Yes, of course, sir. ln the Menswear department. C: Right. OK. And where is that? D: on the second floor. lfyou go up the escalator here and turn right at the top, it's there. Next to 6aming and Computing. C: Great.Thanks foryour help. D: You're welcome. Conversation E: 3 Excuse me. Can you help me? F: Yes, ofcourse. E: l'm looking for some sun cream. I looked in the Beauty and Makeup department, but lcouldn't see any. Doyou sell it anywhere? 174 oUTCOMES A; What age doyou start school? B: Seven, but most children attend some kind of pre-school classes year before that. A: And when can you leave school? B: At 16 ifyou want to.You can then get a job or goto a special college to learn a trade, but lots of people stay until . A: And when does the school day begin? B: We start at half past eight in the morning. A: And how long each day doyou study at school? B: We usually have six - sometimes seven - lessons a day. Each class lasts 45 minutes. A: How many breaks do you get? B: Five - between the six lessons.They last between 15 and 25 minutes. for a 18. A: How much homework doyou Conversation 4 get? lot! lt depends on the age ofthe student, but usually between an hour and a half and three hours - and possibly more! We do a lot of writing and a lot of preparation for class. A: What kind of subjects do you study? B: O_uite a B: We do lots of differentthings -ten or more.We do Russian language, of course, as well as Russran Literature. We do English and maybe one other foreign language as well - usually French or Cerman. Then there's History, and plenty of science subjects too: Biology, Chemistry and Physics as well as Geography and lots of Maths. We do lT and, finally, we do PE as well. A: What's your favourite subjectT B: I likeforeign languages because lfindthem easyand I like my teachersl l'm doing two - English and French. C: You speak English very well. H: Yes, I go to a bilingual school in ltaly. G: Oh, really? ls your mum or dad English? H: No, they're both ltalian. They just want me to speak English well. C: So, are all the classes in English? H: No. Some are in ltalian. C: So, what subjects did you study in English? H: lt changes. One year we did Science in English, and the next year in ltalian. C: 5o, do you want to go to university in Britain? H: No, I want to study Engineering in Rome. UNrr 07 Qt.t Conversation REvrEw 03 l9 nr.r fish ltl seat lil I true lutl rst bread lel I luck lnl fi I put store t: half Qnz.z li"I ltl lu I agree la I match lal wrong lo I I lot I I >'. lu:1 li' I Do you have any brothers or sisters, Zoe? B: Yes, I do. I have A: How old lu I 1 A: two brothers. are they? B: My older brother's 28 and my younger one is 19. A: What do they do? B: Neil's a teacher and myyounger brother,Tim, A: What's he studying? is at university. B: Chemistry. lel lal Conversation 2 *ss.z 3 7 2 art 6 exam 1 please 5 important C: Did you go out yesterday? good worry 4 lose 8 college D: Yeah, I did. I met my cousin and his girlfriend for a drink. C: Oh, OK. ls he visiting? D: No, he Iives here. He is English. *xz.q C: Really? Conversation 1 D: Yes. D: C: D: C: D: 18. He's a yearyounger than me. Doyou have any other cousins here? No, ldon't, but I have 12 back in ltaly. A: What do you call that yellow fruit in English? B: What, these things? A: Yes. B: They're plums. A: OK. Can I have B: How many? A: Six. B: Anything a kilo and also some apples? My uncle Ciorgio met my aunt Ruth in London and they stayed in England. C: So, how old is your cousin? ReallyT How many aunts and uncles haveyou got? Nine. My dad has eight brothers and sistersl else? A: No,thanks. Conversation 3 B: That's f3.30, please. E: Conversation 2 C: What do you do? F; Yes, I am. 30 years next year. E: Really? F: Yep. 5o, are you married,Ted? D: l'm a manager in a bookshop. E: So, C: Do you enjoy it? F: She's a nurse. D: Yes, C: Do you like reading? D: Yes, I love it, it's great. what does your wife do? E: And doyou have any children? F: Yeah, just one son -Ted.Junior. C: That's good. *z.z D: Really? Really? Really? Yes, He's finishing college this year and I get free books. the only problem is, I hardly ever read them because I work very long hours! C: Oh. &t.z 1 Conversation 3 E: What doyou do? 2 F: 4 l'm a student. E; What're you studying? F: l'm studying to become a p(imaty school teacher. E: OK. How's it going? F: Creat. I'm really enjoying it. E: What yea r a re you in ? F: My third year. I have my final exams in June. 3 5 6 My dad has ten brothers and sisters. My brother's 15 years older than me. My wife is a nurse. lt's my birthday today. My grandma's 98. My sister's in her last year at school. $t.a 1 lohan and I grew up together.We first met at school and later we shared a house together in Malmo. He's very creative. He's a photographer and he lives in New York now but we're stillvery close. We talk all the time. We're friends for life, l'm sure. AUDIOSCRIPT 175 2 3 4 I only know Miguel because my husband works with him. I don't really get on with him very well, but what can I do? They were already friends when we met and I respect that. He likes going out a lot. He goes to parties all night. lthink he's a bit stupid. He's 38, but hethinks he's still 21! He also sometimes says stupid things about women. ln some ways, Claire and I don't know each other at all. She lives in Wisconsin and I live in Leeds. We never meet face-to-face. We only meet in chat rooms and we talk through Messenger. She's very sensitive and she really understands me. My friends think l'm crazy, but when I leave college, I want to go to the US and meet her in 5 Where areyou going to 6 stay? When are you going to leave? $e.s A: What're you doing later? Are you busy? B: No. Why? Do you want to meet somewhere? A: Yes. Creat. Where? B: How about in the main square, under the big clock? A: Yes, fine. What time? B: ls six OK? A: lt's quite early. person! B: Oh, sorry. Well, how about 7.30? Liu Bing - or Auntie Liu as I call her - isn't really my aunt. She's an old friend of my mum's. They went to school together and she came to our house a lot when I was a kid. She's a strong and A: Perfect! See you confident woman, and she made me feel good about myself. When I moved to Shanghai, she helped me find a place to live and a job, so now she's not only my mother's friend, she's mine as well! Uxrr 08 later. Bye. &a.s Speaker 1 l'm from the Czech Republic, but at the moment, l'm living in Manchester. l'm doing a degree here. I also work part-time and l'm saving money because, after university, l'd really like to go to China to study kung fu. I practise three times a week here, and ld like to take it to the next level. Qe.t Conversation 1 A: What're you doing now? Do you have time for a coffee? B: No, sorry, I don't. l'm going to study in the library and do some reading for my Literature course. A: Oh, OK. Maybe later? B: I can't. l'm going to go home and study. I have my exams next week. A: Speaker 2 I work for a big design company in Sio Paulo, but lU like to leave and start my own business sometime in the next two or three years. I don't like having a boss. ld like to work for myself. ld also like to start a family, have children, but maybe that has to wait! Oh, right. Well, good luck with them. What about after your exams? Do you want to go out somewhere? Maybe dinner one night? B: l'm really sorry, but I can't. I ... I have to work that night. Bye. A: But I didn't say which night! Conversation 2 C: What're you doing now? D: l'm going to look for an lnternet caf6. I have to check the details of my flight for next week. I need to write a few emails too. What Speaker 3 I retire next year, after working for 38 years. lt's going to be strange, but l'm looking forward to it. ld like to spend more time gardening. I have a small piece of land and l'd like to grow my own fruit and vegetables. l'd also like to spend more time with my wife and children Speaker 4 lU like to be really famous. lU like to have my own TV show and ld like to have lots and lots of money. ld like someone to drive me round in a big car and lU like to eat in expensive restaurants - and lU like everyone in the world to know my name! about you? What're you doing? C: l'm going to go running by the river I need to do some exercisel D: Me tool What're you doing later? Are you busy? C: No. Why? Do you want to meet somewhere? D: Yes,OK.Where? C: How about in the main square at eight? D: OK. Great. C: Then I can show you some nice places where there aren't too many tourists. Conversation 3 E: What're you doing now? Are you going to the meeting? F: No, l'm not. l'm going to meet some clients and have lunch with them. E: Oh, right. Where are you going to eat? F: A new French place in Harajuku. E: Oh,that sounds good. F: REvrEw 04 &es.t date lerl area leal soul lavl Ota.z t lel 2 lel t lrl 4 lel s lal 6 lol T lal S lutl What about you? What're you doing now? E; I have to give a presentation at the meeting, but after that l'm going to go out somewhere. Do you want to come? 1 F: Maybe,yeah. 5 tourist larl lrcl lul laul luel lal laa I I er1 lal lal lul lrl career lrcl cloudy lau I leal laul ltrl Yeah. Call me later, OK? E: OK. F: Great. Seeyou. 4e.z 1- l'm going 2 3 4 lrl lrl driver latl noise ltrl to go now. Sp.s.t 176 oUTCOMES 2 fa'. 6 notice 3 7 tour arrange ,4 8 clear client *xq.s Conversation 1 A: What do you do? B: Well, at the moment, l'm looking after my daughter Laura, but He's going to cook for me tonight. l'm not going to see you tomorrow. l'm not going to answer that question! loud enjoy A: worked for a car company before. Oh right. How old is your daughter? B: Ayearandahalf. I A: Lovely $s.z B: Yes. 1 - so she's walking and talking now lt's nice. A: Areyou going to go backto work? B: Yes, lU like to continue my career, but l'm happy at home with One weekend lastyear, I rented a house in the countryside with some old friends from universityfor a few days.We had a really lovelytime. I really needed it because of all the stress at work. We got up late every day, we had nice long breakfasts, we went for walks in the hills near the house and then we went swimming in the sea. lt was lovely. We were very lucky with the ra. La u Conversation 2 C: What are you doing now? D: l'm going to meet my brother for a drink. C; You have a brother? ls he older oryounger? D: He's a year older than me. We're quite close. 2 C: That's nice. D: Do you want to come and meet him? C: ld love to. Where are you going to go? D: The bar opposite here. C; I OK. Can I meet you there in 20 minutes? I have to finish some work. D: Sure. Conversation 3 E: Who are the other two people in the photo? F: The guy is my cousin, lames, and that's his girlfriend, Amanda. weather: it was nice and sunny and the evenings were warm, so we sat outside and chatted until late. lt was wonderfulto see everyone again. One day lastyear, I left work late,about nine o'clock. lt was dark and I was very tired. lt was summer and it was very hot so, opened my car window. I stopped at a traffic light and suddenly two men jumped into my car. One of them had a gun, and they told me to drive. I didn't want them to shoot me, so I drove! They took me to a poor part of town, and then they stole my car, all my cash and my credit cards, and my jeans. lt was awful, but, hey, l'm still alive! E: 5he looks nice. ",vg.z 1 I stopped at a traffic light 2 a poor part of town 3 lt was awful, but l'm still alive F: 4 lrentedahouse Yes, she is.5he's quiet, but she's very friendly. I like her. E: When isthe photofrom? 5 F: 6 7 From when we left school. We were all in the same class. Conversation 4 6: Did you know the government is going to expand the airport? H: Really? That's great. We sat outside and chatted until late I can speak a few words of ltalian. lt was about a week ago. He had an awful accident. lt was a really stressful experience. 10 She fell out of a window. 8 9 C: I don't agree. lt's going to be bad for the environment and it's going to cause a lot of noise. H: Maybe, but it's going to help local business. G: Well, Ithink it's a stupid idea. UNrr 09 UNrr 10 $to.t A Hello. l'm sorry. Do you speak English? B: Ofcourse. How can I help? A: *s.t Hi. We d like two tickets to Croningen, please. B: Croningen. Certainly. Travelling today? A: Have you been to lstanbul before? B: Well, it's my first time, but Harry's been here before. C: Yeah, once - but I didn't see much then. A: When did you arrive? B: Friday.We're really enjoying it. A: Where haveyou been? B: Well, today we went round the A: lf possible, please,yes. B: No problem.The nexttrain isat12.25, soyou A: Cood. have lots of time. B: A single or return? A: Bazaar. That was great. Then we Return, I think, but we're not sure when we're going to come back. B: Ah, so it's probably best to buy two singles. Return tickets only went over to 6alata and walked round there. A: Did you go up the Calata Tower? C: No.There was a long line of people and we didn't want to wait. A: Really? You get a great view from the top. C: Yeah, I heard. Another time maybe. A: Oh, OK. How much are the single tickets? B: First class is fifty-two euros fifty and second A: Have you been to Topkapi Palace? B: Yes, last one day. B: class is twentyseven euros ten. Two second class is fine, thank you. That's fifty-four euros and twenty cents, please. How would you we went there at the weekend. lt's amazing, and it's so big! A: I know. How long did you spend there? B: All day! We were tired at the end. A: Is B: Yes, C: Yeah, really tired! A: A: l'm sure. B: We also went to the Hagia Sophia. A: Did you? l've never been in there. B: A: But you live here! I know, but sometimes you don't think about visiting places when they're near. B: That'strue.We live in London and l've never been to Buckingham Pa A: lace. So, what are you doing later? C: We want to do something that's not sightseeing.Are there any films in English here? A: Sure. Have you seen that film Berlin? B: No, we haven't, but wed like to. A: Me too. They say it's good. A: like B: to pay? Visa OK? of course. Please enteryour pin. Creat.Thank you. Thank you. What platform does the train leave from? You need platform six, and you have to change at Hilversum. A: Oh, really? lt's not direct? B: No,there are no direct trains to Croningen from here. A: I see. How long doesthejourneytake? B: lt's about two and a half hours in total.You have to wait thirty minutes in Hilversum.You arrive around three otlock. A: OK.And it's platform B: Yes, six,yes. platform six at 12.25. A; OK.Thanks foryour help. C: Did you get the tickets OK? A: Yes, it's at twenty-five past twelve. What time is it now? Do we have time for a coffee? C: Yeah - plenty of time. lt's quarter to twelve. AUDIOSCRIPT 177 $*l 1 Quarter to seven. 2 Five to twelve. 3 Twenty-five to three. 4 Ten to ten. 5 Talk to me. 6 ld love to go to Thailand. 7 We have to change here. 8 | don't have to go to work today. Conversation 3 QM.s F: That's good. E: So,what doyou want to do today? F: Well, I haven't been to the city museum. How about going there? C: E: What time's your flight? F: place to eat? Iittle restaurant by the sea. lt's not the cheapest place in town, but the fish there is really excellent. C: Oh, that sou nds great. Do we need to book? A: I can do that for you, if you like. What time would you like your E: OK. Try Captain Nemo's. lt's a lovely table? B: About half past eight? Yes, that sounds fine. What's the easiest way to get there? Can we C: walk? really. lt takes about half an hour to walk there. lt's probably A: Not best to take a taxi. Would you like me C: A quarter to eight, so I need to get there at about six- How long does the train take to the airport? E: Oh, it's quite quick. lt only takes half an hour. A: Cood evening, sir, madam. How can I help you? B: Hi.Wed liketo go out for dinner.Where's the best A: Cash. D: That's f 32.45. C: That's awful. Yes, please. Conversation 4 C: Haveyou beentotheold partof town? H: Yes, G: Really? Why not? and I don't want to go there again! H: When I went there, someone jumped out in the street and stole my bag. I fell down and broke my arm. C: No! H: Yes- lt was awful! to book one for you? UNIT 11 That's great. B: Oh,there's one otherthing, before I forget.Wed like to buy some A: presents. Where's the best place to go shopping? There's a nice market in the main square tomorrow- They have B: A: some nice things. Try there. lt starts at around eight and goes on until about two. lt sounds perfect. Thanks for your help. No problem. lt's my pleasure. Qtt.t A: Hello. l'm sorry. Do you speak English? B: A little, yes. A: Creat. Can we have a table for two, please? B: Haveyou booked? A: No, I'm afraid B: Ah. We are very busy A: Yes. we haven't. tonight. Can you wait ten minutes? REvrEw 05 &ns.r bath lel ltl I the 16l edge l*l off lfl bus lsl catch alive trip lpl cash lt I bike lbl Asia ltl lv I bars lzl let lock died gun ltl lkl ldl lql chicken, but smaller. lt's very, very good. I recommend this. C: Oh. lU like to try that, please. Qns.z pay bath 6ns.: 1 5 C: Can we see the menu, please? B: Ofcourse. C: Ah. You don't have English menus? B: We don't.l'm sorry, but I can helpyou.This ischicken,this isfish but I don't know the name of the fish in English - this is steak, this is soup and this is a bird - I don't know the name - it is similar to a 2 6 born jump very map boss laugh fat I course cause 7 further visitor 4 8 arrive guard divorced B: Certainly, madam. And for you, sir? A: The fish, please. B: l'm sorry,sir, butthefish isfinished.Wedon't have any more. A: Oh, right. Well, can I get a steak, please? Well cooked. No blood. B: As you prefer. *ns.a B: did you arrive? Three days ago. B: Can I takeyour plates? C: Thank you. That was delicious. B: Would you Iike any dessert? A: Are you enjoying it? A: B: Yes, Conversation 1 A: When it's been great. A: Where haveyou been? Haveyou done any sightseeing? B: No, we've been nowhere! We've sat by the pool and eaten some nice food, and we've read a lot. We were both really stressed before we came here and we needed to do nothing for a few days Conversation 2 C: Can I have a single to Handford? D: When areyou going? C: Now.The train's going to two minutes. There's a delay with that train. lt's going to be leave in 35 D: Oh, sorry. minutes late. C: No! There isn't a train before that? D: There is, but it's not a direct train. lt's very slow. lt arrives at 12.38. C: l'm going to be late for my meeting. D: l'm sorry, sir. How would you like to pay? 178 oUTCOMES No, l'm fine. l'm really full. Can we have the bill, please? B: Of course. One moment. B: Hereyou are. A: Thanks. Does this include service? B: Yes, we add 15 per centl C: OK.Thankyou. $tt.z 1 A: l'm a vegetarian. B: Oh, really? You don't eat meat? A: No. No meat, no fish. Nothing that moves! 2 A: lt's cash only, l'm afraid. B: You don't take cards? A: No, l'm afraid not.We don't have a machine. 3 Conversation A: l'm reallyfull. B: A: 4 A: B: A: 5 A: B: A: E: Are you don't want any dessert? No, l'm fine. Really. I can't eat anything else. We're very, very busy tonight. So you don't have any free tables? Not at the moment. Can you wait ten minutes? ld just like something non-alcoholic. OK.5o you don't drink alcohol? No. I don't like the taste. Yeah? You F: No, I feel a bit sick. E: Maybe you should go out and get some fresh F: Yes, lthink lwill. l'll be back in a moment. E: N: F: N: H: [coughs] Thanks.Just put them in the sink. I can dothe washing-up later. So, how did you cook the potatoes? They were really, really good. They're very easy to do. You just wash them, and then slice each one into five or six pieces. Put them on a plate and put some olive oil and some salt and pepper on them. Chop some garlic and add that and then roast everything in the oven for about 45 minutes. And how about the lamb? Well,you chop some onions and fry them for ten or 15 minutes in butter.Then chop the lamb and some tomatoes and fry them for five more minutes. Add some salt and pepper - and it's ready - C: Haveyou H: Honestly, it'll Conversation l: l; l: J: l: J: N: 2 F: Please. 1 A: Would you like to try a piece of this cake? B: Yes, please. lt looks delicious. Did you make it yourself? 2 A: Would you like me to do the washing-up? 3 4 5 6 B: No, it's OK. Don't worry. I can do it later A: Would you like to go out for dinner sometime? B: Yes, OK. Where do you want to go? A: Would you like a starter? B: No, thanks. l'm just going to have a main course. A: Would you like me to cook for you one evening? B: Oh,yes, please. l've never tried lranian food before. A: Would you like a cup of coffeeT B, No, thank you. lt stops me sleeping! reallythinkyou should be fine in a couple of days, 5 Are you OK? Yeah, l'm fine. My back hurts a bit, that's all. Maybe you shouldn't play tennis then. lt's OK. I told Kevin l'm going to. but areyou sureyou can play? Yeah, my back's just stiff. l'll be fine after I warm up. Yeah, $tz.z 1 rt !1.4 a very bad cough. I see someone. Maybe it's a chest infection. You make it sound easy. lt is easy. Would you like me to email you the recipe? N: Oh, by the way, l'm going to have a little party next Saturdayfor my birthday. Would you two like to come? D: lt depends. Are you going to cook? been to the doctor? H: No. lt's.just a cold. C: Areyou sure? You have to eat. F: your time. There's no rush. G: Are you OK? H: Yeah,yeah. N = Nicoletta; D = Domi; F = Frank N: Would you like any more, Domi? Frank? D: No, thanks. l'm really fu1l. F: Me too, but it was lovely, Nicoletta. Really delicious. Would you like me to put the plates in the kitchen? D: OK. Take air. Conversation 4 et L7.3 N: 3 OK? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I got the bus to work. I was Iucky because there was a seat. I sat and read my book. lt was quite a nice journey. When I gottowork,we had a meeting.The bosswas quiteangry. He shouted a bit and told us we need to work harder. I was a bit upset, but I tried not to cry. Afterthe meeting, I satand thought about everything I had to do. I got a headache. I sent a few emails and tried to concentrate. I had lunch with my aunt. She lives near work. She always makes me smile. I felt better after seeing her. ln the afternoon, I went to see some clients. lt was a successful afternoon. I sold a few things, and it's always nice meeting people. Back in the office, I had to answer about 30 emails. lt was slow and not very interesting. After work, I had to wait for the bus for half an hour and then it was full, so I couldn't sit and read. When I got home, I went for a run with my friend,Viv We're going to go on holiday together so we talked about that. lt was a lovely warm evening. After dinner, I watched the news on TV I wanted to watch a film as well, but I fell asleep on the sofa. Rsvrw O6 UNrr 12 *p.a.t meat li'./ warm /)il Stz.t Conversation 1 A: No, it's OK. I think l'm A: Areyou B: l3i/ Are you OK? B; Yeah, l'm OK. My stomach hurts a bit. A: Maybeyou should lie down. B: hurt /u|l /ai/ youth arm just hungry. sure? Honestly, l'll be fine after I have something to eat. Conversation 2 C: Hi, it's Johnny. D: Johnny! Howareyou? C: Basically, I'm OK, but I fell off my bike and l've broken my arm! D: Oh dear. Maybe we should cancel the meeting for tomorrow. C: No, it's OK. lt's my left arm, so I can write. D: Are you sure? C: Yeah, honestly, it's fine. lt doesn't really hurt. &xo.z lil lul lel It l lol bse.z 1 5 litl /bill/ lbean/ lutl /cook/ /soup/ lvl lat| lbed/ /cut/ tbndt /heart/ lt:l /chop/ /course/ stir interview 2 6 pork 3 seafood 7 asleep statue 4 farming 8 approve Qr.a.q Conversation 1 A: Are you ready to order? B: I think so. What's the'mussel chowder'? A: lt's a kind of potato soup with seafood. AUDIOSCRIPT 179 B: OK. I'll have that. A: Anything else? B: Just a glass of water, please. Conversation 2 C: This is nice. What's in it? D: Potatoes, a bit of onion, some cheese, and the outside is bits of bread. C: OK. How do you make it? D: You boil the potatoes and, when they're soft,you mix them with the onion and cheese, and then you cover it all with small bits of bread and fry it. lt's quite easy. C: Well, it's delicious. *tt.z Rachid Camels are found across north and east Africa, and the Middle East. ln Kuwait, the camel is our national animal. Camels are very important for us: they can travel for days across the desert without food or water; they can carry more than horses can, and they are quieter and more intelligent as well. Camels also provide milk. We believe the milk is very good for you and stops you getting ill. Camel meat is eaten by some people too. lt's high in protein and low in fat. Camel skins are sometimes made into leather as well. Camels also provide entertainment. Camel racing is very popular here, though people are now asking if it is right to use foreign children to ride them. Conversation 3 E: Are you OK? F: No, I feel a bit sick and my stomach hurts. E: Oh dear. Why don't you lie down? F: I think I will. I had some seafood today. Maybethat'sthe problem E: Maybe you should go to the doctor. F: l'll be OK. ljust need to lie down. Conversation 4 C: You look happy. H: I am. I passed my exams and I got good grades. C: Really? Well donel H: I can do the degree I want now. 6: That's great.What are you golng to study? H: Law. Urrr 13 13.1 One problem with camels is that they can really damage your car if you hit themlThat's why many cars now have camel radar - machines to tell you if camels are nearby! Morena The nationaltree of Brazil is called Pau Brasil. lt is often said that we took the name of our country from this tree. lt grows up to 15 metres high and has lovely yellow flowers. ln the past, it was found all along the Atlantic coast, but there was quite a big problem because lots of trees were cut down.The wood from the trees is very beautiful - it's a lovely orange-red colour - and it's very valuable. lt's used to make bows - to play instruments like violins with. A red dye was also produced from the tree and sold, but in the nineteenth century they started using chemicals to make these dyes in factories. That probably saved the tree! Pau Brasil has strong cultural, economic and historical importance for us Brazilians. lt's protected by law now and we really don't want to lose it. Conversation 1 A: What do you want to do tomorrow? B: I don't know. What's the forecast? A: lt's going to be quite hot. They said it might reach 35 degrees. B: Really? Why don't we go to the swimming pool? A: We could do. Which one? $tz.t 1 Thetowels are changed every day. 2 The towels are chanBed every day. We were met at the airport by a friend. B: The open-air one - and we can have lunch at the caf6. 3 We were met at the airport by a friend. The tree's mainly found in the mountains. 4 The tree's mainly found in the mountains. The game was won by Canada. A: OK. Let's do that. Conversation 2 C: What do you want to do today? D: I don't know.What's theforecast? lt looks a bit cloudy. C: lt said it might rain this morning, but it's goingto be drythis D: C: D: C: afternoon. OK. Well, why don't we relax this morning and then go for a walk this afternoon? Could do.Where? How about taking the car and going to the hills? OK. Let's do that. We haven't been to the hills recently. 5 6 7 8 The game was won by Canada. The skins are sold for leather. The skins are sold for leather. Most of the work was done by my dad. Most of the work was done by my dad. My bank card details were stolen. My bank card details were stolen. The meat's usually eaten with rice. The meat's usually eaten with rice. UNrr 14 Conversation 3 E: Doyou want to go away at the weekend? F: l'm not sure. What's the forecast? E: lthink it's goingto be cold.Theysaid it might snow. F: Really? Why don't we just stay here? I don't want to drive if there's snow or ice on the roads. E: That's true. Maybe we should do some shopping for Christmas. F: We could do. When exactly? E: Early on Saturday morning. We can take the train. F: Can we be back before the football starts? E: Maybe. What time? F: lt starts at three. E: I guess - if we go early. F: OK. Let's do that. We have to do it sometime. 180 ouTcoMEs Qts.t Conversation 1 A: Haveyou ever seen a film called zB Days Laterl B: No, I haven't. l've heard of it, but l've never seen it. What's it like? lt's brilliant. lt's really, really scary. lt's about a terrible disease that makes people hungry for blood, and they want to kill. B: Really? lt sounds very violent! A: Yeah,it is,but it's greatl lt's a verycleverfilm. lt's not a normal horror movie. lt's also about the environment and politics and everything. B: lt sounds terrible - definitely not my kind of film! A: No, it's great! Honestly! A: Conversation 2 erR7.3 C: Haveyou seen that new musical Dogsyet? D: Yes, I have. I saw it Iast week, actually. C; Oh really? We went to see it last night.What did you think of it? D: lt was OK, Nothing special. lt was quite entertaining in places, 1 I suppose, but the story was stupid. C: Really? Doyou think so? lthought it was brilliant - one of the best things l've seen in a long time. D: Yeah? OK. C: The dancing and the music were great and it was very funny. I couldn't stop laughingl D: But what about the ending? lt was so predictablel C: Not for me! I found it really sad. I started crying! D: Really? Oh well. I suppose we just don't share the same tastes. ,t is expected to be the closest in many years. Both the People's ?arty and the Popular Front are optimistic and say they expect to win, but most people think that they will probably have to share power. Voting starts at seven in the 2 morning and closes at ten, with the final result expected early on Monday morning. The country's largest chemicalcompany, NBE, has announced that it is going to cut five thousand jobs. The company lost 385 million dollars lastyear and now plans to close its two biggest factories in the north ofthe country 3 Abroad, peace talks between Adjikistan and Kamistan 4 5 and there are worries that war will now follow. The two countries disagree about where the border between them should be. Both countries receive funding and military help from their powerful local neighbours. Next, pop music. Last year's TV ldol winner, Shaneez, has got engaged. The singer is planning to marry her boyfriend of two months, actor and model Kevin Smith. And finally, France go into their important World Cup match against Brazil tonight without their captain and star player, Florian Mendy. Mendy injured himself in training yesterday and may now miss the rest of the competition. 1 lt'll be fine. It'll be fine. won't vote this year. probably won't vote this year. I probably I 3 lt won't be easy. 4 5 6 7 tt 15 15.1 Conversation 1 A: Doyou know much about computers? B: A: A: bit. Why? I'm thinking of buying a laptop. Can you recommend anything? Well, it depends. How much do you want to spend? l'm not sure - about five or six hundred pounds. ,A B: OK.Well,forthat price,try a Bell.They have quite a lot of memory, they're not too heavy and the battery lasts quite a long time. A: That sounds perfect.Thanks. Conversation 2 C: What happened toyour phone? D: Oh, I dropped it last night and broke the screen. C: Oh no! Howannoyingl D: I know. l'll need to replace it, but l'm actually thinking of getting one ofthose smart phones. C: Oh, OK. D: Do you know much about them? C: Yeah,a bit.The new Kotika one is great. lt's amazing. lt can do everything that a small laptop does. lt's very easy to use and it a full keyboard, so it's good if you send a lot of emails. D: Wow. OK. l'll try to have a look at that one. E: Hi. How're you? F: Oh hi.What'reyou doing here? E: l'm trying to find a birthday present for my brother. lt's taking We won't win. We won't win. F: It me ages. F: What kind of thing rain lnl wild lwl sr ng yet l\l tjt $az.z 2 6 once unusual but I don't know Well, Bonny does a really good one. You can use lots of online games with it,the sound is great, it looks great on the screen and it's not too expensive either. E: OK. Well, that sounds good. .tR7.! huge protein a games console, anything about them! REvrEw 07 me lml rest lrl are you looking for? E: Well, l'm thinking of buying him won't killyou. You'll live. hide lh I lock /l/ has Conversation 3 It won't be easy. lt won't cost much. It won't cost much. I think he'll have a few problems. I think he'll have a few problems. We'll probably be a bit late. We'll probably be a bit late. 8 lt won't killyou. You'll live. t 5 Urrr B: have failed ,t L4.3 2 5Un Cream. The pop singer, Shaneez, is going to divorce her husband, the actor and model Kevin 5mith. The couple got married in Las Vegas four months ago. Shaneez was recently seen with the French football star, Florian Mendy. l4.z 1 Tomorrow's general election A man has appeared in court for shooting an eagle.The man, a farmer, said the bird was killing chickens on his farm.The eagle is protected by law and the farmer might go to prison. A new musical calledThe Field has closed after just three weeks. The theatre was almost empty after reports said the story was strange and depressing and the songs were terrible. The theatre says it has lost five million dollars. Temperatures for the holiday weekend may reach 40 degrees.The police are expecting a lot of traffic as people try to escape the city and go to the beaches and countryside. The Department of Health has said people should not stay in the sun too long and should use 3 7 young valuable 4 ending 8 &ts.z l bcdegptv 2 f lmnsxz 3 a h jk 4 quw s iy 6o 7r econom ic AUDIOSCRIPT 187 &tE"s 1 A: www.peiterzx.co.gu. That's p-e-i-t-e-r-z-x dot co dot g*u. B: OK, p-e-i-t-e-r-z-x dot co dot g u. 9 a Cet angry, shout and jump up and down - until someone tells me I need to plug it in. b Check it's plugged in and, if it is,call someoneto repair it. c Check everything is plugged in.Turn it off and on again - and if it still doesn't work, I repair it myself. A: Yes. 2 A: My email's nomashy@jmal.com.That's j*m*a*l dot com. B: n*o*m*a*s-h1 at OK n-o-m-a-s-h-y, that's all one word, right? jmal dot com. A: Flat four,65 Farquhar Drive.That's 10 How often A: Yes. At 3 What doyou do if you have a problem with a machine or piece of tech nology? f-a-r-q-u-h-a-r a and b d-r-i-v-e. B: OK. Flat four, A: That's 65 Farquhar Drive - f-a-r-q-u-h-a-r. c right S s.q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 UNrr 15 many computers do you have in your home? long is your computer on every day? often doyou checkyour email? many emails do you get every day? What kind of mobile phone do you have? What doyou useyour phone for? Haveyou ever done anything stupid on your computer? lfyou buy a new piece of technology, like a digital camera, how doyou learn to use it? What doyou do if you have a problem with a machine or piece of tech nology? How often doyou buy a new piece oftechnology? How How How How 2 &x"t Conversation I A: Did ltellyou Owen's going to move in with his girlfriend? B: ldidn't know he had a girlfriend!How long havethey been together? A: Two or three months, I think. B: That's not long! What's she like? A: She's nice, and she's very good-looking! B: Lucky him, So, where are they going to A: Pickwick somewhere. live? How many computers do you have in your home? Conversation 2 C: Did I tell you my brother Cerrard is going to get married? D: No. When's the weddingT a $ts.s 1 do you buy a new piece of technology? Hardly ever. Why do I need it when my old things workT Sometimes. Some things are better, and I change when my old things break. All the time. I like to have all the latest things. None. One. C: Next May sometime. b c Two or more. C: D; That'll be nice. So what's his partner Iike? She's quite annoying, actually. We don't really get on. D: Oh dear. How long is your computer on every day? Maybe an hour or two - if I turn it on. b Four or five hours. Most ofthe evening, a c 3 I never Conversation How often doyou checkyour email? Maybe once a day, maybe less. b Two or three times a day. c I check it all the time through my phone. How many emails do you get every day? a nought to ten a 4 3 E: Did ltellyou Fiona and Kieran are goingto get divorced? F: No! Why's that? E: I think she wanted kids, but he didn't. F: Oh, that's sadl How long have they been married? E: Not very long. Fouryears, I think. F: What a shame.They're both such nice people. E: I know. I hope we can stay friends with both of them. turn it off b ten to thirty Conversation 4 c thirty to a hundred. C: Did I tellyou I have a 5 What kind of mobile phone do you have? a The most basic pay-as-you-go phone. b Quite a good camera phone. c One ofthe best, latest phones. H: No. Who with? C: A guy in my French H: So what's he like? 6 What doyou useyour phone for? C: a What do you mean? Phoning people of course! b I use the camera, music, and I sometimes play games. c Apart from the camera, I use the diary, Facebook, maps 7 B oUTCOMES class. He seems very nice. He's quite quiet, but he's funny. H: ls he good-iooking? 6: all kinds of thlngs. lcan't list them all. Haveyou ever done anything stupid on your computer? a Yes. l've deleted files on my computer by mistake, b Yes. I sent an email to the wrong person once. c No, of course not. lf you buy a new piece of technology, like a digital camera, how do you learn to use it? a I ask someone to show me the very basic things. b I read the instructions and learn to do a fewthings. l'm not interested in the complicated things. c I just start playing aboutwith it and teach myself.Tofind out more detailed things, I look at the instructions or their website. 182 date on Friday? Yeah, not bad. He's quite tall and he has lovely eyes. H: OK. So what are you going to do? C: We're going to have a drink together and then we're going to meet some of his friends for karaoke. $rcl 1 A: How long have you been together? B: Three years. 2 A: How long haveyou been married? 4 B: 15 years now. A: How long have they known each other? B: Not very long. A few months, I think. A: How long have you lived in this house? 5 A: How long has she worked there? 6 B: Ages. A; How long have you had your car? B: Two weeks. 3 B: AII my lifel 16.3 Conversation 4 1 C: Did I tellyou Rebecca's pregnant? H: No. Really? I thought she and Clive were breaking up! 2 My husband and I spenttwoyears lookingforthe right placeto Iive. We weren't looking seriously to begin with, but then I got pregnant and we had to find somewhere fast.We saw five houses every weekend for four months, but didn't like any of them. One day, we were driving home from another appointment when suddenly we saw it - the house of our dreams! And, incredibly, it was for sale. We knocked at the door and offered the price they were asking for it immediately. When I was growing up, I always loved music and musical instruments. For my twelfth birthday, my uncle gave me a guitar and it was love at first sight. He was playing in a band at the time, and this had a big influence on me. After that, the guitar became the centre of my world.l played it 24hovrs a day, seven days a week. Later, I studied music at university and now I make guitars for a living. All because ofthat special day! I love Second Life, an online world where you create virtual characters -you design them, choose their names and then create lives for them. Last year, I was spend ing a lot of time on line and one night, I met my future husband. I was working in a Second Life nightclub, he came in and it was love at first sight. His'character' soon asked my'character'to marry him and I said yes.We were marrled online in July. Hethen asked me in the realworld and accepted. We haven't actually met yet, but he's the one for me. C: No!They're fine.They had a blg argument a few months ago, but they're getting on fine now. H: Obviouslyl 5o when is the baby due? C: Next March. H: Wow, that's great news. - 3 I *to.+ 1 5orry. I wasn't listening. 2 She wasn't feeling very well, so she went home. 3 I couldn't hear because you were talking. 4 We weren't getting on so we broke up. 5 I was working in Creece when we met. 6 I lost because I wasn't trying. Rrvrew 08 ?ne.r forget machine target protect remove marriage power method &ee: 2 remain 6 diary 1 threaten 5 advantage 3 development 4 effective 7 document 8 negotiate fD ne.g Conversation 1 A: What's that burning smell? B: lt's the hairdryer. lt just has some dust or dirt in it. lt sometimes has that smell, but then the smell goes. A: Really? B: Yes, Areyou sure it's safe? it's fine. I don't need a new one. Conversation 2 C: Doyou know anything about computers? D: A bit. Why? C: My laptop is quite slow and it always has a problem when I use this software. D: I don't know. Maybeyou have a virus oryou don't have enough memory for the program. C: Maybe I need a new computer. D: Not really. Conversation Can you recommend anything? 3 E: Did I tellyou Jack and Gayle are thinking of moving? F: Really? How long have they been there? E: Not long. They only got married last year, but they're thinking of having a baby. F: Right. Do you know where they're going to E: Not far.They just want something bigger. move to? AUDIOSCRIPT 183