Unit 3 The Retail Travel Agent (Раздел 3. Работа туристического агента)

Unit 3
The Retail Travel Agent
(Раздел 3. Работа туристического агента)
retail travel agent
to distinguish
retail outlets
tourist products
to handle
to set up
to elaborate
to be an intermediary between
rental car
to give special care and attention
to set aside seats
to attend the vocational school
airline fares
high season
low season
hotel chain
computerized reservation system
rack of colourful brochures
tour packager
initial cost
to set up an agency
неосязаемый, неуловимый, непостижимый
туристический агент
различать, отличать
представительства турагентств
туристические услуги
работать с чем-либо, обрабатывать
быть посредником между
арендуемая машина
оказывать особую заботу и
резервировать (бронировать) места
посещать профессиональную
стоимость билетов на самолет
сезон наивысшей туристической
сеть гостиниц
компьютеризированная система
бронирования мест
стеллаж с красочными
туристическими буклетами
составитель тура, туроператор
первоначальные расходы, затраты
организовывать агентство
continuing overheads
steady clientele
текущие накладные расходы
постоянная клиентура
to operate retail outlets
представительство, филиал
to spend one's vacations
to keep up with
approximate figures
the off-season
great deal of
the best bargain
to get reliable information
to vary
opportunities for independent
содержать фирмы, осуществляющие
работу непосредственно с клиентами
комиссионное вознаграждение,
приблизительные цифры
мертвый сезон
большое количество, большой объем
доход, прибыль
проводить свой отпуск
быть постоянно в курсе дел
получать достоверную информацию
меняться, изменяться, варьировать
возможности работать
Warming up
Task 1 Work in pairs. Discuss the following points.
1. What do the terms: high season and low season refer to?
2. What kind of product is sold by retail travel agents?
3. What is a commission?
4. How does a commission relate to travel agents?
Vocabulary focus
Task 1 Read and translate the following international words:
Task 2 Match the words or word-combinations with their definitions.
Tour operator
Health resort
Independent traveller
a) things for sales; goods for trade
b) a town catering for those who wants to cure an illness
c) a tour on which you become acquainted with another
d) hotels, guest houses, holiday apartments etc.
e) one who assembles various services into one package
f) transportation to and from the airport
g) a tourist who is travelling on his own rather than a
member of a group
h) the place where the journey ends
Task 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable words or word-combinationi from the box below.
language skills
a great deal of
the entire range of
deal with
department stores
1. There is some difference in emphasis in the kind of businesi ______by travel agents
offered in the major tourist marketi and those in the major tourist_____.
2. In the market areas, the_____is on selling travel services tours to people who are going
to some other place.
3. The agencies in the tourist destinations often put_____emphasis on services the
traveller will need while he_____ in the area.
4. These services______local sightseeing tours, arrrangement for_____travellers and so
5. Since the agencies in some tourist areas_____many foreigners,_____are often more
important than in the market areas.
6. It should be noted that many places are both tourist and market areas that offer_____
travel services.
7. Amerісаn Express offices in such places as Paris and Rome may well be described as
Task 4 Match the words and word-combinations on the left with
their Russian equivalents on the right.
tangible goods
retail outlet
to be an intermediary be tween
to be compulsory
5) successful conclusion of one's training
6) corresponding growth
7) to offer inducement to smb.
8) to set up an elaborate network of
9) to use the services of smb.
10) one-stop convenience
11) low season fares
12) to absorb advertising cost
13) to be shared with smb.
14) large quantities of merchandise
15) initial cost of setting up an agency
16) to establish a steady clientele
17) to assure repeated business
18) to branch out
19) to be paid by means of commissions
20) to bring in higher returns
21) to offer the best bargain
22) to keep up with changing fares
23) to be on alert for
a) быть обязательным
b) быть посредником между
c) филиал турагентства
d) возможность оформления всего комплекса
услуг в одном месте
e) пользоваться услугами
f) стоимость билетов в сезон низкой
туристической активности
g) брать на себя расходы на рекламу
h) создавать постоянную клиентуру
i) гарантировать установление постоянных
контактов с клиентами
j) открывать филиалы
k) оплачиваться комиссионными
1) быть в курсе изменений в оплате за проезд
m) внимательно следить за кем-либо
n) предлагать наиболее выгодную сделку
o) приносить высокие доходы
p) создавать стимулы
q) соответствующий рост
r) материальные товары
s) успешное окончание обучения
t) быть поделенными между
u) большое количество товара
v) первоначальные расходы по созданию
w) создавать хорошо организованную сеть
Task 1 Read the text and translate it For help see the vocabulary
notes that follow the text.
Part I
Retail travel services are similar to department stores, except that they sell intangible
services rather than tangible goods. The retail travel agent sells all kinds of tourist products transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, and so on - to the general public. The term 'retail'
distinguishes him from the tour operator or packager, who can be considered the manufacturer or
wholesaler of the tourist industry. However some of the tour operators also operate retail outlets.
The travel agent is an intermediary between clients and principals (tour operators). He
works in travel agencies, with tour operators, in the tourist offices of spars and health resorts, in
communal tourist offices as well as in tourist information bureaus.
If you want to become a travel agent in one of the EU countries no special school
qualifications are compulsory. The training depends on your educational level, therefore your
contract of apprenticeship may be for two, two and a half or three years. During your training
you will attend the vocational school in special classes for travel agents. Lessons may be given
as day release or block release. The final examination of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce
certifies the successful conclusion of your training.
As with many other aspects of modern tourism, the growth of the airlines led to a
corresponding growth in the number of retail travel agents. The airlines offer inducements to
travel agents to handle reservation for them so that the airlines do not have to set up an elaborate
network of ticket offices in all the areas from which they draw passengers.
Even where the airlines do have ticket offices, many travellers still prefer to use the
services of an agent. The agent of course offers the customer one-stop convenience. The traveller
can make all the arrangements for his trip without having to go to separate places for his airplane
seat, his hotel reservation, his rental car, and whatever else he may want for his trip.
In return for the customers who -are brought by the agencies, the airlines give special
care and attention to the agents. The typical airline reservations office has one or more agents
who handle nothing but travel agency business. They may set aside seats on some popular flights
just for the agencies. They also give assistance to the travel agents in working out fares. Airline
fares have become very complex in recent years, with a great variety of special categories - high
season and low season fares, or 21-day excursions and 45-day excursions, family plans, and
many others besides the customary price difference between first-class and economy. The
problem becomes even more complicated when the trip has several legs - different segments of
the trip on different flights, often on different airlines. The routing of particular trip also
frequently makes a difference in the total fare.
Computerization caused fundamental changes in the travel agency business. The airlines
and the hotel chains all over the world and all resort areas now have computerized reservation
As packaged tours have assumed importance in the tourist industry, retail travel agents
have become the principal channel for selling tours to the general public.
A typical travel agency has a rack of colourful brochures that illustrate the delights
offered by a wide variety of tours. The cost of this kind of promotion is paid for almost entirely
by the tour packagers. They prepare, print, and distribute the brochures, and they also absorb the
national, or even sometimes international, advertising cost. The retail agencies may do some
local advertising, although even in this case costs may be shared with tour packagers or
transportation companies. The agencies also make direct mailings to lists of customers who
might be interested in particular travel offerings.
The travel agency business offers many attractions to people with experience in the
tourist industry. Unlike most other retail businesses, there is no need for the storage and display
of large quantities of merchandise. This means that the initial cost of setting up an agency and
the continuing overheads are low in comparison with other retail establishments. A good
location, however, is an important factor in the success of an agency, and so office space may be
expensive. Another factor in success involves establishing a steady clientele. The best customer
for a travel agent may be a corporation whose executives make a large number of business trips
every year. For customers who come in off the streets, satisfying their travel needs is the best
way to assure repeated business.
Some of the large travel companies have already operated on a chain basis, that is, with
several outlets for many years. Now the smaller agencies are also branching out. Some of them
have opened offices in different parts of the same city or its suburbs, while others have opened
offices throughout an entire region.
Vocabulary notes on the text
to offer іnducements to
one-stop convenience
to work out fares
several legs
principal channel
general public
delights offered by
wide variety
travel offerings
to absorb advertising cost
to share costs with
retail establishment
customers off the street
to satisfy one's travel needs
in the best way
to assure repeated business
to branch out
to handle reservation
to give special care and attention to
(the agents)
growth in the number of
зд. делать заманчивые предложения
зд. работа стажером
зд. возможность оформления
всего комплекса услуг в одном месте
зд. определять (рассчитывать)
стоимость проезда
зд. несколько этапов
зд. основной способ
зд. рядовые граждане
зд. иллюстрирующие
предлагаемые развлечения
большое разнообразие
предложения по турам
зд. брать на себя стоимость
рекламных услуг
нести расходы вместе с
малая туристическая фирма
зд. случайные клиенты
зд. удовлетворять запросы, касающиеся организации путешествий
наилучшим образом
зд. добиваться, чтобы клиент стал
зд. открывать, организовывать
новое представительство или филиал
зд. может заниматься бронированием и предварительной продажей
окружать (турагентов) особой
заботой и вниманием
увеличение числа
Task 1 Look through the text and find the English equivalents for:
продавать услуги
туристические услуги
отличаться от чего-либо
представительство турагентства
быть посредником между кем-либо
делать заманчивые предложения
турбюро в маленьком населенном пункте
быть обязательным
предмету в один день
сеть представительств
резервировать места
нести расходы вместе с кем-либо
текущие накладные расходы
повсеместно открывать филиалы
Task 2 Look through the text and give the Russian equivalents for
the following phrases:
intangible services
to operate retail outlets
spars and health resorts
successful conclusion
to offer inducements to
to handle reservation
to set up a network of
one-stop convenience
separate places
to set aside
to work out fares
in recent years
high season fares
hotel chain
the principal channel for
tourist product
to illustrate the delights offered
to absorb the national advertising
to share costs with
particular travel offerings
large quantities of merchandise
the continuing overheads
office space
to establish a steady clientele
to come in off the street
to assure repeated business
Task 3 Read the second part of the text and translate it. For help
see the vocabulary notes that follow the text.
Part II
The retail travel agent is paid by means of commission - percentages of sales made
through the agency. The commission varies from country to country and from time to time.
However, some approximate figures would be about 7.5% for sales of tickets on the scheduled
airlines, from 5 to 15% from hotels (although some resort hotels may pay even higher
commission, especially in the offseason), about 10% for tours on the scheduled airlines, and
about 5% for charter tours. These figures indicate a rather small margin, since they constitute the
bulk of the business for a great many agents. Some kinds of activity provide a higher rate of
return, however. Travel insurance, which many agents handle, may bring in commission of 25%
or more. Tour arrangements for independent travellers also bring in higher returns. The
transportation and
accommodation companies pay these costs directly to the agents. The retail travel
business involves a great deal of contact with the public, since travel agents are selling services
and not goods. Many of their customers expect them to either advise them on where they should
spend their vacations, or to advise them on hotels, restaurants, health problems, and so forth in
all parts of the world. Among the ways in which the agent Can serve the customer is by keeping
up with changing fares so that he can offer his customers the best bargain. He can also serve
them by knowing where he can get reliable information and by helping them to work out complicated fares.
The agent must keep up with changing government regulations for international travel via health regulations, customs information, airport taxes - so that he can give the traveller accurate information. The agent must even be alert for possible political problems in the tourist
destination countries. One of the primary necessities for recreational travellers is personal safety.
There are of course many rewards other than the financial ones for the travel agent. They
involve, for instance: an opportunity to do a great deal of travelling themselves, a possibility to
deal with the public and to serve their needs and opportunities for independent operation that
would not be found in a large corporation.
Vocabulary notes on the text
to constitute the bulk of the busi
complicated fares
and so forth
accurate information
to bring in higher returns
rather small margin
to be alert for possible political
зд. составлять основную часть
зд. комплексные расчеты платы
за проезд
и так далее
точная, проверенная информация
приносить более высокие доходы,
зд. Быть постоянно готовым к
возникновению проблем политического
зд. выгоды
Task 1 Look through the text and find the English equivalents for
the following phrases:
получать комиссионные
мертвый сезон
быть в курсе дела относительно
заключать выгодную сделку
приносить высокий доход
отдыхающие туристы
являться первейшей необходимостью
давать рекомендации относительно
возможность получения всего
комплекса услуг в одном месте
осуществлять страхование
быть постоянно готовым к чемулибо
возможность работать
офисные площади
Task 2 Look through the text and give the Russian equivalents for
the following phrases:
to be paid by means of commission
to give accurate information
to handle travel insurance tour
to be alert for
recreational traveller
high returns
primary necessities
a great deal of
to deal with
to offer the best bargain
to serve one's needs
to get reliable information
Task 3 Look through the whole text and match the words on the right with the
attributes on the left
1) retail
Z) department
3) tangible
4) tour
5) tourist
6) information
7) travel
8) level
9) vocational
10) final
11) successful
12) modern
13) elaborate
14) one-stop
16) special
17) airline
18) popular
19) high
20) customary
21) hotel
22) packaged
23) particular
24) initial
25) entire
a) operator
b) outlet
d) store
e) educational
f) agent
g) office
h) bureau
i) convenience
j) car
k) care
1) school
m) examination
n) conclusion
o) tourism
p) network
q) price difference
r) chain
s) tour
t) offerings
u) cost
v) region
w) season
x) flights
y) fares
Task Say what statements are true and what ones are false.
Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.
1. All retail travel agents also operate as tour packagers or operators.
Many travellers prefer to go to travel agents to conveniently make all their
arrangements at the same place.
3. The airlines treat travel agents just like any other customers.
4. Airline fares are so easy to figure out that there is never any need for a travel agent to
get expert help.
5. All transportation and accommodation companies now use computers to keep track of
their reservations.
6. Even with a computer terminal in the office, it takes several days for a travel agent to
confirm reservations.
7. Packaged tours are sold only through large travel companies like American Express.
8. Advertising costs in the tourist industry are paid for entirely by local travel agents.
9. All travel agencies in all locations throughout the world emphasize the same kinds of
10. The initial cost of setting up a travel agency is very high.
11. The location of a travel agency is an important factor in its success.
12. Many travel agencies have begun to open branches within the same city or region.
13. The customer pays the travel agent directly for all the services that are purchased
through the agency.
14. A travel agent does not have any direct contact with the public.
15. One of the rewards of being a travel agent is the opportunity to do a great deal of
Task Insert the corresponding English word-combinations for the
Russian components in brackets.
1. The term retail distinguishes (туристический агент) from the tour operator or
packager, who can be considered the manufacturer or (организатор оптовой торговли) of the
tourist industry.
2. The travel agent is (посредником между клиентом) and tour operator.
Some of the tour operators also (содержат фирмы, осуществляющие
индивидуальную работу с клиентами).
4. If you want to become a travel agent in (одной из стран Европейского Союза) no
special school qualifications are (обязательны).
5. The airlines offer inducements to travel agents to (оформлять предварительные
заказы) for them.
6. Airlines do not have (организовывать разветвленную сеть билетных касс) in all
the areas from which they draw passengers.
The agent of course offers the customer (возможность оформления всего
комплекса услуг в одном месте).
8. The traveller can make all the arrangements for his trip without having to (ходить в
разные места) for his airplane seat, his hotel reservation and his rental car.
9. (В качестве ответной меры за) the customers who are brought by the agencies, the
airlines (окружают особой заботой и вниманием) to the agents.
10. The airlines also give assistance to the travel agents in (определение стоимости за
11. A typical travel agency has a rack of colourful brochures that
(иллюстрирующие предлагаемые развлечения) offered by a wide variety of tours.
12. (Первоначальные расходы) of setting up an agency and the (текущие накладные
расходы) are low in comparison with other retail establishments.
13. Another factor in (успех) involves establishing а (постоянная клиентура).
14. The retail travel agent is paid (при помощи комиссионных) - percentages of sales
made through the agency.
15. Some kinds of activity (приносят более высокие доходы), however.
16. (Страхование путешествия), which many agents handle, may (приносить)
commission of 25% or more.
17. Among the ways in which the agent can serve the customer is by (находясь в курсе
дел относительно) changing fares so that he can offer his customers the best (сделка).
18. One of the primary necessities for recreational travellers is (личная безопасность).
Reading and discussion
Task 1 Read the text and translate it For help see the vocabulary
notes that follow the text.
Make sure your customer has the best possible insurance every time he goes away.
Particularly in the case of trip abroad, the situation can arise which hardly anyone would have
thought possible before they went. But if you have advised your customer to take out travel
insurance before going, then you benefit, too.
There is nothing worse than being held responsible for situations outside your control. A
suitcase may go missing, a holiday may have to be cancelled but still paid for, someone may
have an accident far away from home - all situations designed to make life difficult; unless, that
is, you have sold your customer a travel insurance package to cover every eventuality.
The travel insurance packages valid for Europe or worldwide comprise the following
1. Health insurance
2. Personal accident
3. Personal liability
4. Luggage insurance
Financial compensation for medical
care abroad in the case of sudden illness or
In case of death, disability (loss of
one or more limbs and/or sight of one or
both eyes), permanent total disablement,
transport to hospital or back home (air
rescue service).
Indemnity against legal liability for
accidental injury to third parties or for
damage to their property.
Loss of or damage of personal
belongings during the journey.
5. Assistance service
Payment of the following expenses:
in case of illness/accident cost for the
arrangement and transport back home for the
ill or dead insured, the cost of burial in the
country abroad where death occured, the cost
advance and settlement for hospital
expenses, the cost for arranging for
relatives to visit the hospital, curtailment
and delayed return travel in case of
illness/accident, assistance and advance if
cash, travel tickets, passports are lost, legal
advice in case of arrest or problems with the
In order to complete the insurance protection the travel agent should recommend a
cancellation insurance. This relieves the client of the responsibility for the payment of
cancellation cost, and covers all additional expenses, should the client be forced to depart earlier
or later than planned. Moreover, it entitles the client to a refund of unused or partly used
services. This applies in case of illness, death, injury, or maternity, or illness of any member of
your close family at home or of the party travelling with you, or in case of fire, storm, floods or
malicious damage rendering the client's home uninhabitable.
Vocabulary notes on the text
to make sure
to be held responsible for
to be valid for
medical care
permanent total disablement
air rescue service
loss of sight
indemnity against legal liability
liability for accidental injury to
third parties
считаться ответственным за
быть действительным в течение
медицинская помощь
потеря трудоспособности, нетру
зд. спасательная служба авиалиний
потеря зрения
liability for damage to one's
loss of or damage of personal belongings
in case of illness/accident
страхование ответственности
ответственность перед третьими
лицами за причиненный вред здоровью в
результате несчаст ного случая
cost of burial
arranging for relatives to visit the
curtailment and delayed return
insurance protection (cover)
to depart earlier or later
cancellation insurance
to entitle the client to
refund of unused or partly used
давать клиенту право
in case of death, injury, or maternity
close family
to render one's home uninhabitable
ответственность за ущерб, причиненный
собственности пострадавшего
утеря или повреждение личных
при болезни или несчастном случае
застрахованный (гражданин)
стоимость похорон
организация посещения больницы
досрочное или более позднее
возвращение из турпоездки
ссуда денег
страховое обеспечение
уехать раньше или позже
расторжения договора страхования
возмещение стоимости
неиспользованных или частично
использованных услуг
в случае смерти, травмы или родов
близкие родственники
делать чей-либо дом непригодным для проживания
Additional reading
Task 1 Read the text and translate it. For help see the vocabulary
notes that follow the
According to data issued by the Finance Ministry, there are around 1,300 insurance
companies currently operating on the Russian market. The total volume of money paid for
insurance in 1999 was 2.3 times greater than in 1998. A very important contribution to the
insurance industry was the decree President Yeltsin signed in 1997. The decree made it
mandatory for all people travelling abroad to have insurance in case they had health problems or
encountered various other incidents while on their trip. Also, many countries in Europe, as well
as the US and Japan, require! Russian tourists to have an insurance policy.
Though these regulations have been in place since 1997, everyone knows that all
domestic transport providers — from long-distance buses to airplanes - are obliged to purchase
insurance to protect their passengers on routes that take the travellers more than 50 kilometers
from the city of departure. In case of an accident, the insurance company has to pay
compensation to the passengers who have suffered.
However, this mandatory insurance doesn't involve huge compensation packages - no
matter what happens, the amount of the insurance company is required to pay out to each
passenger cannot exceed 120 minimum wages.
Compared to travel-insurance policies in the West, which cover anything from suitcase
damage to medical evacuation by airlift, Russian travel insurance firms offer only a narrow set of
services to clients going abroad. The problem is the local mentality. Russians don't like to think
about what may happen in the future, and many people buy insurance just because it's required
by law. The insurance culture in Russia in still quite underdeveloped.
In comparison to many other insurance firms, East European Insurance Co. has a
relatively ample array of policies - at least for a Russian insured. Besides standard medical
insurance, EEIC sells a policy that will cover the costs of bringing children back to Russia if
something happens to the parents while they are travelling together. If the tourist intends to
travel by car, EEIC offers car-repair insurance, and the policy covers the passengers' return to
Russia if the car breaks down for good. Also, the car policy covers legal fees up to 5,000 dollars
if there's a car accident and the person has to go to court.
American insurer AIG (American Insurance Group), which has been operating on the
Russian market since 1995, besides medical insurance for tourists, also offers life insurance,
personal and third-party liability insurance and luggage insurance - a package akin to those
commonly offered in the West.
One of the largest Russian insurance companies, Pro-myshlenno-Strakhovaya
Kompaniya, caps compensation for lost or stolen luggage at $500, though it offers to help find
documents - such as passports - in case of their loss while travelling. These services are included
in the main insurance package, which costs $1.50 per day. PSK also sells policies to cover
situations when a tourist cannot go on his planned journey because of unexpected and serious
The types of cases insurers have encountered with their clients vary radically - from a
routine trip to the dentist to heart surgeries in remote destinations.
The Moscow Times, November 10, 2000
Vocabulary notes on the text
to make mandatory
domestic transport providers
long-distance buses
to suffer
to purchase insurance
to be obliged
mandatory insurance
to exceed
suitcase damage
to pay out to each passenger
medical evacuation by airlift
narrow set of services
to be underdeveloped
ample array of policies
car-repair insurance
to break down for good
legal fees
third-party (liability) insurance
for lost or stolen luggage
in case of their loss while travel ing
policy to cover situation when
в данный момент, сейчас
объявить обязательным, обязать
зд. российские транспортные
автобусы дальнего следования
зд. пострадать в результате несча
стного случая
приобретать страховку
быть обязанными
обязательное страхование
повреждение ручной клади
выплачивать каждому пассажиру
перевозка больного воздушным
транспортным средством
зд. скудный перечень услуг
быть слаборазвитым
зд. богатый выбор страховых
страховка на случай поломки
транспортного средства
of unexpected and serious circumstances
a routine trip to the dentist
in remote destinations
зд. полностью выйти из строя, не
подлежать восстановлению
судебные издержки
перед третьими лицами
в случае их утери во время
страховой полис на случай, если
из-за неожиданно возникших и
серьезных обстоятельств
обычный визит к зубному врачу
зд. в самых удаленных местах
Unit 4
Dealing with Customers
(Раздел 4. Работа с клиентами)
sales conversation
set pattern
to maintain rapport
sales environment
to deal with properly and in an
appropriate manner
to volunteer
to purchase
subsequent dealings
to find out exactly
to elicit
to investigate
to complain
to make a sensible suggestion
to establish (discover) the client's
priorities (needs)
to get value for money
to guess smth. from smth.
unless you feel that
price range
the holiday
to have the whole picture
to have smth in mind
to summarise the facts
to draw one's attention to
to appeal to the client
to create a desire in the client
the price chart
деловой разговор с клиентом
стандартная модель, образец
поддерживать психологический
атмосфера совершения сделки
запрос, просьба, пожелания
решать должным и соответствующим
обстоятельствам образом
проявлять готовность что-либо
последующие сделки
выявлять точно
ответ, реакция, реплика
выяснять, узнавать, определять
выяснять детали
предъявлять претензии, жаловаться
жалоба, недовольство, претензия
иначе, в противном случае
давать разумный совет, делать
разумное предложение
(потребности) клиента
получить качество, соответствующее
затраченной сумме денег
делать предположение о чем-либо
на основании чего-либо
пока вы не почувствуете, что
диапазон цен
отдых во время отпуска
иметь полное представление
собираться сделать что-либо
обобщать факты
привлечь внимание к
создавать у клиента желание
прейскурант цен
психологический контакт
привилегия, выдаваемая корпора цией
дилеру на право торговой деятельности в
определенном районе
Task 2 Match the words or word-combinations with their definition.
1) rapport
2) an open question
3) client
with 'yes' or 'no'
g) reservations made by guests
before they arrive
h) to agree to a booking, offering
4) a respondent
9) available
5) a closed ques tion
6) price chart
10) members of staff
11) to confirm
7) to deal with
12) advance reservations
8) customer
a) customer
b) the person who answer questions
c)the relationship with the customers
d) the question that can not be
answered with 'yes' or 'no'
e) price list
f) the question that can be answered
people who work in a firm,
ready for use
person using services of a travel
to work with, to handle
Task 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
to run
1. Some of the hotel corporations operate on a_____basis.
2. That means the hotel and its operation are_____by the corporation, but the
right_____it is sold or leased.
3. The operator then pays a percentage to the_____ corporation.
4. His franchise can be_____, however, if he does not_____ the standards that have been
5. Other hotel companies serve______as managers.
6. Large, modern hotels_____ not only guest rooms, but many other_____as well.
7. They usually contain restaurants and cocktail lounge, shops, and_____facilities such as
swimming pools or______clubs.
Many hotels also have facilities for_____functions, conventions, and conferences -
ballrooms,_____ meeting rooms, exhibit areas, and so forth.
Task 4 Match the words on the left with their Russian equivalents
on the right.
1) sales conversations
a) полный набор услуг
2) set pattern
b) обобщать факты
3) to build up the relationship with a customer c) соответствие курорта запросам клиента
4) to feel at ease
d) убеждать клиента
5) to establish the client's needs
e) состоять из четырех частей
6) to volunteer information
f) выявлять предпочтения клиента
7) a closed question
g) предлагать путевку на отдых
8) to force the respondent to do smth.
h) стандартная модель
9) an open question
i) деловой разговор с клиентом
10) to suggest a holiday
j) устанавливать с клиентом контакт
11) to establish the client's priorities
k) чувствовать себя непринужденно
12) to fall into four parts
1) общий вопрос
13) to keep within a budget
m) специальный вопрос
14) to get value for money
n) заставлять респондента делать
15) to persuade the client to
o) удовлетворять потребности клиента
16) suitability of a resort
p) привлекать внимание
17) to summarise the facts
q) создавать у клиента желание купить
18) a whole host of facilities
r) не превышать определенной суммы
19) to match the client's needs
s) получать качество, соответствующее
заплаченной сумме денег
20) to draw one's attention
t) добровольно делиться информацией
21) to create a desire in the client to buy
u) выявлять потребности клиента
Task I Read the text and translate it. For help see the vocabulary
notes that follow the text
Part I
All sales are made through the sales conversations.
A sales conversation is different from an ordinary conversation because it has an
objective, an aim, which is to sell the product, and so must follow a set pattern which always
includes the same four elements in this order. These are rapport, questioning, presentation and
Rapport is the relationship which is built up with the customers. They must feel at ease in
the sales environment and confident that the enquiry will be dealt with properly and in an
appropriate manner. Of course, rapport must be maintained throughout your dealing with the
customers, right through the sale and into any subsequent dealings. However it must be
established before questioning can take place.
Why do we need to question the client? We need to establish the client's needs. We can
not sell a holiday if we do not know what type of holiday he wants. Sometimes clients will
volunteer this information themselves, especially when they have already made their choice,
have chosen the product they wish to purchase. But in a real sale your first task is to find out
exactly what they are looking for and the best way to do this is to question effectively.
There are two types of questions: open and closed questions. The closed question is the
one that invites a 'no1 or 'yes' response. An open question is one that can not be answered with
'no' or 'yes'. For instance: 'Do you prefer to travel first class?' is a closed question, whereas 'What
kind of travel do you prefer?' is an open question. There are times when you will need to use
closed questions, especially when you are checking information, but in the beginning you will
find open questions much more effective. It forces respondents to give more information, to
explain more fully what they require. In this way you are able to elicit what they really want to
buy. An open question always begins with one of the seven W-words - so-called because they all
contain the letter W: when, where, who, how, which, what and why.
To be able to sell your product you need to be able to establish what their material and
human needs are. You'll discover the material needs by asking such questions as 'Who will be
travelling?', 'How long for?', 'When do you want to go?' Human needs are catered for with 'what'
questions: 'What sort of holiday do you want?', 'What are your hobbies?1 Human needs as well as
material needs must be part of your investigation before you suggest a holiday. Otherwise you
will not have the whole picture and will not be able to make a sensible suggestion.
You must also establish the client's priorities. Everyone considers one part of their travel
requirement to be the most important. These fall into four main types: people and their
requirements, the place, the price and the period.
Concerning price: of course it is often difficult to talk about money. But everyone tries to
keep within a budget and wants to feel that they are getting good value for their money. It's
unwise to guess from a person's appearance his financial standing. That's why it is advisable to
use questions such as 'What type of accommodation are you looking for?1 and 'What price range
do you have in mind?'
You will not need to ask the question 'why' unless you feel that it is necessary to persuade
the clients to change their views as to the suitability of a resort or holiday. Before beginning the
presentation stage you should always check the information and summarize the facts, then
present the holiday you wish to sell. Remember that when presenting the product, the particular
holiday that the client is not buying the hotel bedroom but what it can do for him. For instance,
the client who buys a two-week holiday in a hotel in Sochi is not buying the hotel bedroom so he
can admire the wallpaper but because it is near the beach, it has the facilities he needs to help
him relax for two weeks.
So match the client's needs with the holiday on offer, and concentrate on the features of
the facilities which the client requires. You may choose to show the client a hotel which has a
whole host of facilities but do not draw his attention to all of them. It will only confuse. Instead,
concentrate on those that will appeal to the client, those that you know he wants or would like. In
order to make product sound attractive and appealing, ideally suited to his needs, be selective. If
you include unnecessary information he may feel that this holiday is not suitable for him after
all. So present the
features in the brochure as benefits. A feature of a hotel is that it is only 200 meters from
the beach, while a benefit to the client is the fact that he can get to the beach easily as it is only
200 meters away. By personalizing the product in this way you create a desire in the client to buy
the product. It is not sufficient just to read out the facilities that the client requires out of the
brochure. However it should be referred to. But do not read it out to the client; rather talk about
the benefits to them as you point to photos of the hotel, the price chart, the temperature grids.
Use it as an aid.
Then once the client shows signs of commitment, or desiring to buy, you should stop
selling and close the sale. Remember that once the client agrees to the sale he is showing
Vocabulary notes on the text
to change one's view
temperature grid
to cater for
whole host of facilities
ideally suited to their needs
to get to smth. easily
to refer to smth.
to show signs of commitment
features of the facilities
to keep within a budget
to confuse
suitability of a resort
изменять мнение
шкала годовых температур
зд. обслуживать ...
зд. огромный перечень условий для
идеально отвечать потребностям
легко добираться до
зд. затрагивать что-либо
зд. выказывать признаки заин-
характеристики удобств
зд. сбивать с толку
зд. соответствие курорта запросам
Task 1 Look through the first part of the text and find English equivalents for:
деловые разговоры с клиентом
делать предположение о чем-либо
стандартная модель
на основании чего-либо
психологический контакт
считать что-либо для себя
чувствовать себя непринужденно
обобщать факты
отношения с клиентом
отдых в конкретном месте
предпочесть показать клиенту
ситуации манеру поведения
огромный перечень условий для
последующие сделки
выявлять потребности клиента
привлекать внимание
тип отдыха
казаться кому-либо привлекасделать свой выбор
общий вопрос
идеально отвечать потребностям
объяснять подробнее
легко добираться до чего-либо
выявлять духовные и материсоздавать у клиента желание чтоальные потребности
либо сделать
содержать в себе букву W
зачитать перечень оборудования
высказывать заботу о чем-либо
затрагивать тему
иметь полное представление о чемпрейскурант цен
выказывать признаки
получать качество, соответствующее
затраченной сумме денег
желание купить
Task 2 Look through the first part of the text and give the Russian
equivalents for the following phrases:
to show signs of commitment
a temperature grid
sale conversation
a set pattern
to persuade the client
to be unwise to guess from
a price chart
unnecessary information
to summarize the facts
to have the whole picture
to feel at ease
to deal with properly and in an
appropriate manner
to build up rapport with
to discover one's needs
to suit to one's needs
to relax for two weeks
to concentrate on the features of the
to create a desire in the client
to make product attractive and
a whole host of facilities
to draw one's attention to
the suitability of a resort
a price range
to keep within a budget
to maintain rapport with
to cater for
Task 3 Match the words on the right with the suitable attributes on the left.
1) sales
2) appropriate
3) subsequent
4) closed
5) first
6) material
7) human
8) sensible
9) client's
10) travel
11) financial
12) presentation
13) particular
14) unnecessary
15) price
16) temperature
a) class
b) needs
c) suggestion
d) conversation
e) standing
f) stage
g) dealings
h) manner
i) question
j) need
k) priorities
1) requirement
m) grids
n) chart
o) information
p) holidays
Task 4 Read the text and translate it. For help see the vocabulary
notes that follow the text.
Part II
There are some of the ways that travel agency can persuade the general public to have
confidence in it and to use its services.
Let's look first at staff appearance. It is important that all staff j are well groomed; that
their hair is neat and tidy, shoes cleaned and well polished, their uniform pressed. If a travel
agent looks pleasant and professional, people will be more willing to approach him and ask for
help. Many customers decide to come in on the off-chance because they have looked in the
window and are impressed by what they have seen inside the shop.
Once they do approach the travel agent the way he reacts is also very important. It is not
necessary what he says but how he looks, it's what is called body language. Our facial
expression, the way we use our hands, our body to convey what we really feel. So a travel agent
has to try to maintain good eye contact with his client. This shows that he is listening. If he looks
away clients will think the travel agent is no longer paying attention to them. So he needs to lean
forward a little as this also shows he is concentrating on what is being said. He doesn't have to
lean back as this shows he is uninterested. And he has to try not to fidget, as it can be very
However, when a customer first walks into the agency he has to be given some personal
space. If you include unnecessary information they may feel that this holiday is not suitable for
them after all. Then the travel agent has to give the client his full attention.
Imagine you are a travel agent. Then you should remember the following. In order for the
customer to feel that you and the firm are efficient and reliable, listen carefully, and if possible
take notes so you can refer back to them later. Maintain a professional manner throughout: that
is, remember that everything that client tells you is in confidence. Never talk about one client in
front of others. He also expects ypu to be loyal to your company. So never blame anyone else for
an error, always give accurate information. If you are not sure of any of your facts, check them!
Don't be afraid to admit if you don't know something but show that you are able to find out what
is required. If you promise to find information, give it to the client at a later date, having told him
when you intend to do so. And above all, remember that a client will remember the person, or the
company, that not only does a good job, but who does something more than expected.
Vocabulary notes on the text
to have confidence in
to be well-groomed
to look pleasant and professional
to approach smb.
доверять кому-либо
facial expression
to maintain good eye contact with
to look away
to rush up to
to give the customer time to browse
to give the client his rail attention
to be reliable
to take notes
to be in confidence
to maintain a professional manner
to be loyal to one's company
to fidget
to come in on the off-chance
to talk about one client in front of
to blame smb. for smth.
at a later date
to convey
быть опрятно одетым
выглядеть приятно и профессионально
подойти (приблизиться) к
выражение лица
поддерживать хороший визуальный
смотреть в сторону
стремительно подбегать к
дать клиенту время осмотреться
уделять клиенту все свое вниманиє
быть надежным
делать пометки
являться конфиденциальным
манеры поведения
являться патриотом своей фирмы
ерзать, не сидеть спокойно
зайти по случаю
говорить о каком-либо клиенте в
присутствии других
обвинять кого-либо в чем-либо
зд. передавать (чувства)
Task 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
in disbelief
1. People gain a general_____of you from a combination of your_____expression and
head movements, your_____with your hands and arms, and the rest of your body including your
2. Your clients will tend to see you as_____if you avoid looking at them, clench your
hands or____your arms.
3. They will tend to see you as anxious if you blink______, lick your lips, keep clearing
your______, put your hands over your mouth while you are speaking.
4. People will tend to see you as_____ and overbearing if you stare at them, raise your
eyebrows_____, look at them over the top of your spectacles.
5. They also will tend to see you aggressive if you are seated, ____right back in
your_____with your hands behind your head and your legs splayed.
Task 2 Match the words and word-combinations on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right.
1) staff appearance
2) facial expression
3) persuade clients
4) to have confidence in
5) body language
6) to convey one's feelings
7) to maintain eye contact
8) to rush up to smb.
9) to be reliable
10) to be loyal to one's company
11) to blame smb. for an error
a) быть преданным своей компании
b) ругать за ошибку
c) осуществлять визуальный контакт
d) проявлять свои чувства
e) быть надежным
f) подбегать к
g) язык телодвижений
h) доверять
i) выражение лица
j) внешний вид персонала
k) уговаривать клиентов
Task 1 Look through the second part of the text and find
the English equivalents for:
в один из последующих дней
намереваться что-либо сделать
делать больше, чем ожидается
не бояться признать
ругать за ошибку
профессионального поведения
быть надежным осмотреться
подходить к кому-либо
подаваться (наклоняться) вперед
поддерживать визуальный контакт
передавать чувства
смотреть в сторону
зайти куда-либо по случаю
быть опрятно одетым
выглядеть приятно и профес
Task 2 Look through the text and give the Russian equivalents for
the following phrases:
persuade clients
the general public
to have confidence in
staff appearance
to be neat and tidy
to be well-groomed
to approach a travel agent
to come in
on the off-chance
to be impressed by
body language
facial expression
to convey one's feelings
to maintain eye contact with
personal space
to rush up to smb.
time to browse
to give smb. one's full attention
to be reliable
to be loyal to one's company
to blame smb. for an error
to give accurate information
to check facts
to find out what is required
at a later date
Task 3 Look through the text and match the words on the
right with the suitable attributes on the left.
1) general
2) staff
3) body
4) facial
5) eye
6) personal
7) professional
8) accurate
a) contact
b) information
c) space
d) manner
e) public
f) appearance
g) language
h) expression
Task Say what statements are true and what ones are false.
Comment on the true statements and correct the false ones.
1. A sales conversation is different from an ordinary conversation.
2. The aim of a sales conversation is to sell the product.
3. Rapport is the relationship, which exists between a boss and his subordinates.
4. Rapport must be established immediately at the very beginning of sales conversation.
5. The travel agent needs to find ouit the client's needs.
6. An open question is the one that invites a 'no' or 'yes' response.
7. The close question is the one ttfiat can not be answered with 'no' or 'yes'.
8. To be able to sell his tourist prcPduct the travel agent needn't to establish what client's
material and human needs are.
9. The travel agent must also establish the client's priorities.
10. There are three parts of customer's travel requirement.
11. It is always very easy to talk with clients about money.
12. The travel agent should match tbe client's needs with the holiday on offer, and
concentrate on the features of the facilities, which the client requires.
13. In order to make product sound attractive and appealing a travel agent has to be
14. What aid should the agent use to create a desire in the client to buy the travel tour?
15. Once the client agrees to the saJe they are showing commitment.
16. It is very important what the travel agent says dealing with his client.
17. Our facial expressions, the way we use our hands don't convey what we really feel.
18. The travel agent has to rush up to a customer the moment he walks in.
19. A client expects a travel agent to be loyal to his company.
20. A client won't remember the person who does something more than expected.
Task 3 Insert the corresponding English word-combinations for the
Russian components in brackets.
1. All sales are made through the (деловой разговор с клиентом).
2. In a real sale the first task of a seller is to (выяснить точно) what customers are
looking for and the best way to do this is to question effectively.
3. There are two types of questions: (открытый и закрытый вопрос).
4. (Важно, чтобы) all staff (был опрятно одет).
5. Many customers decide to come in (по случаю) because they have looked in the
window and (на них произвело впечатление) what they have seen inside the shop.
6. A travel agent has to (пытаться поддерживать хороший визуальный контакт) with
his client.
7. Open question (заставляет респондента) to give more information (объяснять более
полно) what they require.
8. With open questions you (способны выяснить) what your customers really (желает
9. An open question always begins with one of the seven W-words - so-called because
they (все содержат букву) W.
10. To be able to (продать ваш продукт) you need to be able to (установить) what their
material and human needs are.
11. Human needs as well as (материальные потребности) must be (частью ваших
исследований) before you suggest a holiday.
12. (Прежде чем начать) the presentation stage you should always (проверить и
обобщить информацию).
13. A travel agent has to (согласовывать потребности клиентов) with the holiday on
offer, and concentrate on the (характеристиках удобств) which the client requires.
14. If the agent includes (ненужную информацию) his clients may feel that this holiday
is (не подходят им) after all.
15. If the agent (смотрит в сторону) clients will think the travel agent is (больше не
обращает внимания на них).
16. So (никогда не ругай) anyone else (за ошибку), always give accurate information.
17. A client will (запоминать человека), or the company, that not only does a good job,
but who does (нечто большее, чем требуется).
18. The travel agent has to (уделять все свое внимание клиенту).
Reading and discussion
Task 1 Read the following text and discuss in pairs.
The functions of different travel staff.
The rights of a client in case of defects, not proper service, etc,
Legal Conditions
Travel agent
Tour operator
makes a booking for flight and
The retail agent is only liable for wrong information or advice, i.e. for his own activities.
He is, however, not liable for defects which are the responsibility of the tour operator (e. g.
journey, board and accommodation). If the service, e. g. the holiday apartment does not
correspond to the condition offered by the tour operator the tourist can claim remedy. He has,
however, to allow for an adequate period to cure the defect, e. g. in case the apartment has not
been properly cleaned, or there are fewer beds than expected, etc.
Sometimes the tour operator has to offer another hotel or apartment, and the tourist
cannot reject a reasonable offer even if it differs slightly from the original one.
If the tour operator does not deal with the situation satisfactorily the tourist can take
action or cancel the journey and return home, and in each case the tourist is entitled to claim
damages. If minor defects occur, e. g. insufficient kitchen facilities or a polluted beach the tourist
can claim a reduction in the price.
Vocabulary notes on the text
to claim remedy
to cure the defect
to reject a reasonable offer
to be entitled to claim damages
polluted beach
заявлять о своих претензиях на
возмещение убытка
исправить дефект, ошибку
отклонить разумное предложение
иметь право потребовать возместить
зд. заваленный мусором пляж
Task 2 Read the following dialogue and translate it.
Travel agent:
Good morning, Madam, can I help you?
Good morning, Sir. I'm thinking about a destination for our summer holiday
in the South, I'm dreaming about sun and of warm sea.
Travel agent:
Have you already been to any southern destination?
Yes, once we went to Spain, to Benidorm, for a weekend break by coach.
But that wasn't the right place for us, and the long trip by coach was very
Are you thinking about flying this time?
And how long do you want to stay?
For a fortnight, at the beginning of July.
Are you travelling with others?
Yes, with my husband.
What kind of accommodation would you prefer, a hotel or a holiday
We thought about a medium-priced hotel.
O.K. Would you prefer half-board or only breakfast?
You told me that you disliked Benidorm, am I right in supposing that you're
now looking for quieter destination where you can relax.
Yes, a nice beach and maybe the possibility of making a few sightseeing
What about a quiet beach hotel on Majorca? Have a look at this brochure,
please. Here you can see a newly refurbished hotel. It's a medium-priced and
provides restaurant, a bar, spacious lounges, a swimming-pool, and a fitnessroom with sauna. In front of the hotel you can see a small beach, next one is
500 m away. The next town can be reached by bus or taxi in a few minutes.
That sound great. Can you give me the brochure, so that I can discuss your
offer with my husband?
Yes, certainly. You should, however, remember that you want to travel in
July, you know, that's peak season and package tours to Majorca are heavily
booked. I would recommend taking an option for 5 days. That doesn't
commit you in any way, it secures your booking and you have time to
discuss it with your husband. If you decide that this is the right holiday for
you, you only have to confirm the reservation and pay the deposit. Shall I
find out whether this arrangement is still available?
Yes, please, for the beginning of July.
You're lucky, you can get an outbound flight on the 2nd of July and an
inbound flight on the 16th of July. Shall I book this option for you now?
Yes that's fine.
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Task 3 Discuss with your partner:
• how the sales conversation has been made;
• the professional skills of a travel agent;
• how the travel agents fulfils the requirements mentioned in the text about sale
conversation, etc.
Task 4 Read the following dialogue and translate it
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Good morning. I'm interested in the 16-night Classical tour of Nepal. How
much does it cost?
When would you like to go?
March. Let me see - the price is $2250 for 16 nights.
Are internal flights included?
Yes. The price includes the return flight, internal flights in. Nepal, all airport
taxes, transfers to and from the hotel, and the hotel accommodation itself.
Do I have to pay extra for a single-room?
Yes, sir. There is a single-room supplement of $30 a night.
What about visas?
You have to have a visa for Nepal and India. I suggest you apply as soon as
you book the holiday.
When do I have to confirm? Can I do a provisional booking?
You needn't confirm straight away. I can keep an option open on the holiday
for seven days. But after that you must confirm and pay a deposit. The balance
is due eight weeks before the departure.
Task 5 Work in pairs. Discuss the following points.
Is the customer sure of his wishes?
Has the client determined his needs before coming to the agency or not?
Have any of his desires been changed after the conversation with the agent?
Task 6 Read the previous dialogue once again and entitle it.
Task 7 Read the following dialogue and translate it
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel Agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agents:
Right. Your booking is confirmed. Two adults and one child of 20 months to
India for two weeks.
Thank you. Could you tell me what I need to do now? Is there a deposit?
Yes. You have to pay of $180 per person now.
Do I have to pay a deposit for the child, too?
No. You don't have to pay a deposit if the child is under 2.
What do I have to do about balance?
You have to pay the balance seven weeks before the departure.
I'd like to hire a car. What documents do I have for that?
You must have a full, valid British driver's license.
Will my wife be permitted to drive, too? She's 23.
No, drivers have to be 25 years old or over.
Now, what about a passport? I have a British passport, valid for the next five
months. Is that O.K.?
No, it has to be valid for at least six months (for travel to India).
Can my wife use her British Visitor's Passport?
No, she must have a full passport.
Do we have to have any other documents?
You must have visas. We can organize them for you.
Thank you. Just one other thing. Could you tell
me about vaccination?
Your doctor can give you advice on vaccinations.
Thank you very much. I'll try much to arrange all that. Good bye.
Task 8 Read the previous dialogue once again and entitle it.
Task 9 Discuss the following points.
The profile of the client.
The problems that the agent has to overcome in his talk with the client.
Say what this client will tell his relatives at home about his visit to the agency.
Compare your story with that of your partner. See the differences and similarities.
Vocabulary notes on the text
на туристическом автобусе
на две недели
полупансион, завтрак и ужин
обновлять, ремонтировать
по умеренной цене
экскурсионный тур
просторная комната отдыха
тренировочный зал
добираться куда-либо на автобусе
или на такси
сезон пик
peak season
воспользоваться другим вариантом
to take an option for.... days
отдыха сроком на .... дней
to commit
гарантировать забронированные
to secure one's booking
подтверждать выполнение предваto confirm the reservation
рительного заказа
рейс до места отдыха
outbound flight
рейс из места отдыха
inbound flight
остаток (суммы)
Task 10 Reproduce the dialogues. Use the following phrases.
by coach
for a fortnight
to refurbish
to provide
sightseeing tour
spacious lounge
to reach smth. by bus or taxi
to pay a deposit
to pay the balance
valid British driver's license
to organize visas for
to have a full passport
Task 11 Make up your own dialogues on the basis of the above ones.
Task 12 Work in pairs. A travel agent is giving a customer some
information about car hire in Italy. Put the sentences of the dialogue in proper order.
The first one has been done for you.
Something small, like a mini.
Yes, Visa and Amex. If you pay now I'll give you a voucher and you can pick the
car up from Rome Airport.
We haven't got any Minis, but we do have Fiat Pandas.
How much do they cost for a week?
Can you give me some information about car hire?
Yes, we can. If you could wait a moment, I'll go and get a form and arrange
Yes, of course. What kind of car would you like?
I see, and does that include insurance and so on?
They're $240 for seven days.
Oh good! I don't like paying extra for mileage. I'll book it now if that's O.K. Do
you take credit cards?
Can I leave it there when I come back?
Thank you. I'll wait over here.
Yes. For $240 you get Personal Accident Insurance and CDW, tax, and
unlimited mileage.
Task 13 Work with your partner. Read the dialogue once again
and try to guess the agent's occupation.
Task 14 Read the text and translate it. For help see the
vocabulary notes that follow the text.
If your client is going to spend his vacation in Germany and to hire a car you have to
inform him about the following:
Germany has a huge network of highly efficient, toll-free motorways (Autobahnen) with
24th-facilities. Tourist information is available at every lay-by. Speed limits for cars without a
trailer are 50 km/h in built-up area and 100 km/h elsewhere except on motorways where 130
km/h is the recommended maximum. Front and rear seat belts must be worn by law. Children
under 12 must sit in the rear. The maximum permitted blood/alcohol level is 80mg/100ml.
Dipped headlights are obligatory in poor weather. Driving on parking lights is prohibited. Thirdparty insurance is compulsory. If you do not have an International Motor Certificate (Green
Card) you must obtain a temporary insurance certificate at the border. Emergency patrols cover
all motorways and major roads. Assistance in the event of breakdown is rendered free of charge.
Call from an emergency telephone and ask for Strassen-wachthilfe.
Vocabulary notes on the text
toll-free motorways
speed limits in built-up areas
front and rear seat-belts
dipped headlights
third-party insurance
to be compulsory
temporary insurance certificate
emergency patrols
in the event of breakdown
an emergency telephone
Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)
ограничение скорости в населенных
ремни безопасности на передних и
задних сидениях
ближний свет
перед третьим лицом
быть обязательным
local added tax
with 24th-facilities
временный страховой полис
служба экстренной помощи
в случае поломки
телефон экстренной прмощи
придорожное место для парковки
страхование от ответственности за
ущерб в случае столкновения
местный налог на добавленную
зд. работающие круглосуточно
Task 15 Read the previous text once again and entitle it
Task 16 Read the following dialogue and translate it.
I'd like to hire a car for 10 days.
Oh, fine, which car make do you have in mind?
I'm looking for a reliable medium-sized car, the make isn't so important.
May I see your driver's license, please?
But what for?
I'm afraid I'll have to check if you fulfil the conditions of the car rental. The
minimum age for a small or medium-sized car is 21 and for a bigger one is 25. For
you, that's no problem you've just turned 21. The next thing I'll have to check is
whether you've held the license for at least 12 month. That's O.K. too.
Are there any other special conditions for younger people?
Yes, for drivers under 23 years of age a CDW is mandatory.
What's that, a CDW?
That's a Collision Damage Waiver. In the event of collision damage to the rented
car it should relieve your liability.
But that's pretty expensive, isn't it?
You're right. But I can offer you a CDW with DM 600 deductible. That makes the
insurance cheaper.
Do I have to take out any other insurance?
The third-party liability insurance with unlimited cover in property damage and
personal damage is already included in the rental charges. A Personal Accident
Insurance is optional; it covers accidental death and medical expenses for the renter
and all passengers in the vehicle.
No, that's not necessary for me. I've already got comprehensive travel insurance. Is
there anything else I have to pay for?
The rental charge includes unlimited kilometers, the Local Added Tax, servicing,
oil consumption and wear-and-tear repairs. An extra cost is fuel. Our cars are
fuelled and they have to be returned with a full tank.
And how much are the rental charges?
Task 20 Read the dialogue and translate it.
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Travel agent:
Good morning, Sir, what can I do for you?
Listen, I'm really angry. I arrived at the meeting point for the coach to
Prague, and what I saw signposted: departure 8.25 h. And what does it say
here in the travel documents? Departure 9.25 h. If that isn't reason enough to
fly off the handle...
You are right. I'm terribly sorry, that was my fault. I've inserted the wrong
departure time.
And what are you going to do about it now? I've been looking forward to this
weekend trip and now it's all been spoilt.
I do apologize. I can understand very well that you are so angry. The only
thing I can do now is to return your money. The next tour to Prague will be
in 2 weeks, perhaps you can travel then? The weather might be warmer.
I've got to think about that first.
Can I phone you in a few days to secure the booking in case you are
Yes, you can. My office number is 432 567.
Task 21 Discuss with your partner:
Travel agent:
what has happened to the client;
the way the agent has behaved;
the actions the client will do after the talk.
Task 22 Read the following text and translate it.
Dear Sirs!
I am writing to complain about the terrible service I received from your travel agency. In
April I called to ask about a holiday in Italy and spoke to your clerk, Mr. Quinzo. I told him that
my wife and I were both 70, and that we wanted a suitable holiday. He suggested a hotel in
Palermo, and I paid by credit card.
When we arrived at the airport, it was clear that something was wrong. We were on an
18-25 Fun Club' tour, and all the other people on the tour were teenagers or in their twenties.
They were loud and aggressive, and at the hotel in Italy they got drunk and had fights. Most of
them were also rude to us, and even the waiters at the hotel called my wife and me 'the
dinosaurs'. I would be grateful if you could explain why Mr. Quinzo suggested this tour, and
look forward to hearing what you will do about it.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. P. Father
Task 25 Read the following text. Fill in the blanks with suitable
April 29, 2003
Dear Mr. Brown,
1. Thank you____your letter_____25 April concerning the weather_____your skiing
holiday to Switzerland.
2. I am_____that the snow conditions were not satisfactory, and that you were not____to
3. However, I am sure you realize that this problem was_____our control.
4. We do not guarantee snow in April at the resort that you_____and this is reflected in
5. As a gesture of goodwill, I____enclosing next year's brochure and a voucher for $40
which can be used in part-payment of a holiday_____any of our resorts.
6. I hope that you will travel_____us again.
Yours sincerely,
Bill White.