Uploaded by Екатерина Питинова

Analysis of the webinar

Analysis of the webinar "Teacher Assistant Documentation:
Principles of Conduct and Useful Tips"
By Katerina Pitinova
The speaker of this webinar is Ivashura Natalia - lecturer of the
Department of Special Education and Special Psychology of the
Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy, Defectologist of
the Novopokrovsky Inclusive Resource Center.
The webinar is divided into two parts:
1. Organization of cooperation with members of the
team of psychological and pedagogical support during
the creation of an individual development program.
2. Documentation by a teacher's assistant: examples
and design tips.
The speaker began with introducing our the
responsibilities of a teacher's assistant and
talking in detail about each of them.
After that she acquainted us with the composition of the support team and
how the cooperation between the team members should be organized.
there should be a clear
division of responsibilities
between members of the
support team,
the opportunity to discuss
issues of interest to you
with team members,
She stressed the
following provisions:
the ability to share information
about the child, its dynamics,
school policy, administration
decisions, events in the life of
the institution.
general behavioral and
communication strategies,
rules for teaching and
technical staff should be
discussed with team
The speaker presented in detail the main
documents of the teacher's assistant:
• annual work plan,
• teacher's work schedule,
• list of students with special educational needs,
• daily work plan of the teacher's assistant,
• journal of observations of a child with special
educational needs.
A table of student observations was demonstrated, and how to
use this table was discussed. This table records the observation
of the student during the day, namely the observation of his
emotional state during the lessons.
The speaker told how to use the ABC table. This
table is used by behavioral therapists. The table
will help to analyze what exactly, what factor
provoked the unwanted behavior of the child.
The speaker also
spoke about such
documents of the
teacher's assistant as:
development program
table of accounting for
consultations and
educational activities
the child's portfolio
I learned a lot of new and interesting things for myself as a
future specialist in the development of an individual
development program, what to use when creating it, how to
interact with parents and teachers during its creation.
The speaker provided a
lot of interesting
information about how the
assistant should work with
the parents of a child with
special educational
needs, how to better
establish contact with
them and how the
assistant can help them.
I really enjoyed watching this webinar, I liked how
the speaker conducted it, how she interacted with
the audience, answered additional questions. The
information and materials selected for the webinar
are very valuable and will be useful for future
teacher assistants and will help in the work of
specialists who are already working.