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1. What were her preconceptions about camp and how did they measure up to
reality? Describe the atmosphere at camp.
2. What does the speaker say about her decisions to socialize in crowded bars
and to become a Wall Street lawyer? Do you think she regrets about her
3. According to the speaker what percentage of the US population are introverts?
4. How is being introverted different from being shy?
5. Explain how introverts and extroverts react differently to stimulation
6. What does the speaker say about modern notions (взгляд, представление) of
creativity and productivity?
7. In what ways have schools began to favor extroverts and neglect the needs of
8. Why could people be more inclined to follow an introverted leader?
9. Who is Steve Wozniak and what relevance does he have to the topic of
10. Which parallels does the speaker draw between religious figures and
introverted behaviour?
11. How does the changing nature of self-help books reflect the changes in
societal attitudes towards extroverts and introverts?
12. What does the speaker tell us about her Grandfather?
13. What are her three suggestions to improve working conditions for introverts?
 Tell your partner about your childhood experiences and impressions of
summer camp
 Based on the speaker’s description, to what extent was her camp
experience similar or different to that of the typical Russian summer-camp?
 Do you support the speaker’s assertions about altering the corporate
environment to better suit the needs of introverts?
 To what extent does your company take into account the needs of different
personality types? Is it necessary to take steps to improve this aspect of the
company’s culture?