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Дроздова Т. Ю. - Практическая грамматика английского языка. Учебное пособие - 2014

Т. Ю. Дроздова
+ Ключи
Учебное пособие
УДК 811.111
ББК 81.2Англ
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Дроздова Т. Ю.
Практическая грамматика английского языка : учебное пособие. – СПб. : Антология,
2014. – 400 с.
ISBN 978-5-94962-225-4
Учебное пособие предназначено для начинающих и продолжающих изучение английского
языка (уровень А1 и А2). Работа с изданием направлена на последовательное детальное
изучение основных разделов грамматики английского языка. Объяснения даются на русском
языке с использованием таблиц, схем и моделей. В издании более 500 упражнений, выполненных в виде рабочей тетради.
Книга содержит ответы-ключи, что позволяет успешно использовать пособие для самостоятельной работы.
УДК 811.111
ББК 81.2Англ
ISBN 978-5-94962-225-4
© Дроздова Т. Ю., 2014
© ООО «Антология», 2014
Если английская грамматика кажется Вам «туманным Альбионом», то, безусловно, эта книга
для Вас. Предлагаемое Вашему вниманию учебное пособие предназначено для начинающих и
продолжающих изучение английского языка (уровень А1 и А2). Работа с пособием направлена
на последовательное детальное изучение основных разделов грамматики английского языка.
Мы старались, чтобы этот учебник отличали:
– доступность изложения – грамматические пояснения даются на русском языке в
простой и доступной форме с использованием таблиц, схем и моделей, способствующих
лучшему пониманию и запоминанию материала.
– оптимальные условия усвоения – в пособии подробно рассмотрены 17 основных
грамматических разделов – большой объем информации разделен автором на более
мелкие тематические блоки. Количество нового материала в каждом из них учитывает
особенности работы человеческой памяти.
– большой объём тренировочного материала – в учебнике более 500 разнообразных
упражнений, основанных на оригинальных текстах и диалогах. Поскольку «всё познается
в сравнении», в каждый тренировочный блок включены упражнения на перевод с русского
языка на английский.
– психологическая комфортность – интересные современные тексты упражнений,
удобство расположения материала и визуальные «опоры» делают работу с пособием
приятной и эффективной. С учебником удобно работать – все упражнения выполнены в
виде рабочей тетради.
– контроль усвоения – для контроля и самоконтроля пособие завершается комплексными
тестами на все изученные грамматические темы.
– дополнительные возможности – упражнения в виде коротких рассказов, шуток и
диалогов можно использовать не только для изучения грамматических моделей. Связные
тексты позволяют применять поддерживающую методику «проговаривания» (пересказ,
вопросы и ответы), что значительно улучшает запоминание и способствует автоматизации навыка.
– повторение изученной лексики – лексическое наполнение упражнений соответствует
основным темам повседневного общения. Значительная их часть представляет собой
живые диалоги, которые одновременно с работой над грамматикой помогают развивать
разговорные навыки.
Учебное пособие «Практическая грамматика английского языка» выполнено так, что может
успешно использоваться как независимый учебник грамматики, а ответы-ключи помогут при
самостоятельной работе.
Желаю успеха!
The Verb..............................................................................................................................7
The Verb “to be” ..................................................................................................................7
The Verb “to be”. Forms and Meanings ........................................................................7
“To Be”: Questions and Negatives..............................................................................10
“There + Be” Construction ........................................................................................14
1.3.1 “There + Be”: Questions and Negatives ......................................................................15
The Verb “to have”..............................................................................................................18
The Verb “to have”. Forms and Meaning ....................................................................18
Questions and Negatives ..........................................................................................20
“Have”: Habitual and Repeated Actions ......................................................................24
“Have”: Actions ........................................................................................................26
The Simple Tenses ............................................................................................................28
The Present Simple Tense ........................................................................................28
Questions and Negatives in the Present Simple Tense ....................................29
The Past Simple Tense ..............................................................................................34
Questions and Negatives in the Past Simple Tense ........................................36
Habitual Actions in the Past – “Used to” ........................................................39
The Future Simple Tense ..........................................................................................42
The Continuous Tenses ......................................................................................................49
The Present Continuous Tense ..................................................................................49
Talking about the Future ..............................................................................54
The Present Continuous and the Present Simple ............................................58
The Past Continuous Tense ......................................................................................61
The Past Simple and the Past Continuous......................................................64
Talking about an Activity that Was Interrupted by an Event ..............................66
The Perfect Tenses ............................................................................................................68
The Present Perfect Tense ........................................................................................69
The Present Perfect and the Past Simple ....................................................................77
Review of Tenses ......................................................................................................79
The Past Perfect Tense..............................................................................................81
Questions and Negatives ............................................................................85
Review of Tenses: The Past Simple, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect. ..................86
The Future Perfect Tense ..........................................................................................88
Modal Verbs ......................................................................................................................89
“Can”. Forms and Meanings ......................................................................................89
“May”. Forms and Meanings......................................................................................94
“Must”. Forms and Meanings ....................................................................................99
“Must” and Its Equivalent “Have to” ............................................................101
Prohibition or Absence of Necessity: Mustn’t or (Not) Have to ......................104
The Functions of the Verb “Have” in a Sentence ..........................................106
“Should” ................................................................................................................108
6.4.1 Modal Verbs. Summing up ............................................................................110
Modals: Doubt or Uncertainty ..................................................................................112
Summing up: Questions and Negatives ..............................................................................116
Questions ..............................................................................................................116
“Yes/No” Questions ..................................................................................116
Wh-questions or Special Questions ............................................................119
Tag Questions ..........................................................................................123
Negatives ..............................................................................................................125
Reported Speech ............................................................................................................128
The Sequence of Tenses ........................................................................................128
Reported Statements..............................................................................................132
Reported Command and Request ............................................................................136
Reported Questions ................................................................................................138
Indirect General Question ..........................................................................139
Indirect Special Question ..........................................................................141
9. The Passive Voice ............................................................................................................145
Formation of the Passive Voice ................................................................................145
Use of Prepositions in Passive Constructions ............................................................151
Verbs with Prepositions in the Passive Voice..............................................................153
Some Difficulties in the Use of Passive Constructions ................................................155
10. Conditional Sentences ......................................................................................................157
10.1 The Future: Tenses after “if” and “when” ..................................................................157
10.2 Conditional Sentences ............................................................................................159
10.2.1 Real Condition: Type I Conditionals ............................................................160
10.2.2 Unreal Condition: Type II Conditionals ........................................................164
10.2.3 Questions and Negatives ..........................................................................166
11. Structures after Verbs: the Infinitive and the Gerund ............................................................169
11.1 The Infinitive ..........................................................................................................169
11.2 The Gerund ............................................................................................................171
11.2.1 Gerund after Verbs ....................................................................................171
11.2.2 Gerund after Adjectives..............................................................................177
11.2.3 Gerund after Some Set Expressions ............................................................180
11.2.4 Gerund after Nouns ..................................................................................181
11.2.5 Gerund after Prepositions ..........................................................................182
11.2.6 Gerund Passive ........................................................................................183
12. The Noun ........................................................................................................................186
12.1 Formation of Nouns ................................................................................................186
12.2 The Plural of English Nouns ....................................................................................190
12.2.1 Nouns Used Only in the Plural ....................................................................192
12.2.2 Nouns Used Only in the Singular ................................................................193
12.3 Countable and Uncountable Nouns ..........................................................................195
12.4 The Genetive or Possessive Case ............................................................................199
13. The Article ......................................................................................................................206
13.1 The Indefinite Article “A/An”and the Definite Article “The” ..........................................206
13.2 Use of Articles with Uncountable Nouns....................................................................217
13.3 Use of Articles with Geographical Names ..................................................................221
13.4 Special Difficulties in the Use of Articles....................................................................223
13.4.1 Use of Articles with the Names of Seasons and Meals, etc ............................223
13.4.2 Use of Articles with the Words School / College / University, Hospital, Work ....225
14. The Pronoun ....................................................................................................................227
14. 1 Personal and Possessive Pronouns ..........................................................................227
14.1.1 Subject and Object Pronouns ....................................................................229
14.2 Demonstrative Pronouns This/These, That/Those ....................................................231
14.3 Reflexive Pronouns ................................................................................................233
14.3.1 Pronouns Each Other ................................................................................235
14.3.2 Pronouns Other/Another ............................................................................237
14.4 Pronouns All, Everybody, Everyone, Everything, Both ................................................238
14.4.1 Pronouns Each, Every, Both ..........................................................................240
14.5 Pronouns Some and Any ........................................................................................243
14.5.1 Some/Any Compounds ..............................................................................245
14.6 Pronouns Much/Many, Little/Few ............................................................................247
15. The Adjective ..................................................................................................................251
15.1 Formation of Adjectives ..........................................................................................251
15.1.1 Adjectives Ending in -ing and -ed ................................................................256
15.2 Word Order: Several Adjectives + Noun ....................................................................257
15.3 Use of Adjectives after Verbs ..................................................................................259
15.3.1 Use of Adjectives with Adverbs Too and Enough ..........................................261
15.4 Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives ......................................................................263
15.4.1 Making Comparison More Emphatic ..........................................................269
15.4.2 Other Ways to Compare Things ..................................................................270
16. The Adverb ......................................................................................................................274
16.1 Formation of Adverbs ..............................................................................................274
16.2 Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs ..........................................................................277
16.3 Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs ..........................................................................281
16.4 Adverbs of Time......................................................................................................284
16.5 Adverbs of Frequency ............................................................................................288
16.6 Adverbs of Place and Direction ................................................................................290
16.7 Adverbs of Degree, Measure and Quantity ................................................................292
16.8 Adverbs of Probability ............................................................................................296
17. Linking Words ..................................................................................................................299
17.1 Prepositions ..........................................................................................................299
17.1.1 Prepositions of Place ................................................................................299
17.1.2 Prepositions of Space At, In, On ..................................................................302
17.2 Prepositions of Direction ........................................................................................305
17.2.1 Moving in Space ........................................................................................307
17.3 Prepositions with Forms of Transport ........................................................................311
17.4 Prepositions of Time ..............................................................................................312
17.4.1 Prepositions of Time At, On, In ....................................................................312
17.4.2 Prepositions of Time After, Before, By, Till/Until ............................................314
17.4.3 Prepositions In Time, On Time ....................................................................317
17.4.4 Prepositions of Time For, During, From, Since ..............................................319
17.5 The Grammaticl Meaning of Prepositions ................................................................321
17.6 Prepositions Expressing Abstract Relations ..............................................................323
17.7 The Place of Prepositions in a Sentence ..................................................................327
17.8 The Complex Sentence ..........................................................................................328
17.8.1 Defining Relative Clauses ..........................................................................328
17.8.2 Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses.................................................330
17.8.3 Contact Clauses ........................................................................................331
17.8.4 Object Clauses ..........................................................................................333
Tests ....................................................................................................................................336
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
English Tenses (Active) ......................................................................................342
List of Irregular Verbs ........................................................................................343
Some Verbs Used with Prepositions ....................................................................345
Expressions with Do and Make ............................................................................348
Keys ......................................................................................................................................349
Literature ..............................................................................................................................399
1. The Verb “to be”
1.1 The Verb “to be”. Forms and Meanings
Глагол “to be”. Формы и значение
Глагол to be имеет значение:
«быть, являться, находиться»
will be
• I am at work now
• Jack is my best friend.
• We were classmates.
Ex 1. Write these sentences again with the short forms.
Перепишите эти предложения, используя краткие формы.
1. What is your address?
2. My address is 14 Park Lane.
3. They are my classmates.
4. This is Daniel, and that is Marko.
Daniel is the best football player at our school.
5. Schwarz is my maiden-name.
I am Lindman now.
6. My brother is a police officer, he is very tall.
В разговорном английском языке в основном используются краткие формы глагола to be:
– с местоимениями: I’m, he’s,
she’s, it’s, we’re, you’re, they’re
– с именами и другими существительными: Sam’s tall. The dog’s
brown. Moscow’s the capital of
– с вопросительными словами:
What’s her name? Who’s she?
Where’re we?
Ex 2.
Complete the sentences according to the model. Use the words from the list.
Составьте предложения по модели, используя данные ниже слова.
actor  beautiful  worker  secretary  doctor  dancer
1. I’m a singer. (my brother)
My brother is an actor.
2. We were students. (he)
3. Nick and Mary are painters. (Nick’s sister)
4. She will be a nurse. (her friends)
5. Her brother was handsome. (her sisters)
6. You’ll be a designer. (your wife)
Ex 3.
A J☺ ke...
With my sunglasses on,
I’m Jack Nicholson.
Without them, I’m fat
and 60.
Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verb TO BE.
Заполните пробелы глаголом TO BE в соответствующей форме Present Simple.
I (1) ............... married and have two children. We
............... a happy family.
My husband Peter (3) ............... a good and honest
man. He (4) ............... very hard-working.
I (5) ............... very proud of my children, believe
(верить) me, they (6) ............... not like other kids.
Our son Matt (7) ............... twelve years old, he
............... very good at Math. Our daughter Kate
............... fourteen, but she (10) ............... very
serious-minded. She (11) ............... interested in
I (12) ............... very happy in my marriage and I’m
never bored.
Использование глагола “TO BE”
Мы применяем глагол to be, когда
– называем имя и национальность:
• His name is Richard. They are
– говорим о возрасте и роде занятий:
• She was 25 last year.
• She is a nurse.
– о цвете, цене:
• The dress is black.
• These shoes were only 25$.
– описываем чувства и состояния:
• They are happy. I am tired but
I am not hungry.
Ex 4.
Complete the sentences with one of
the verbs from the box.
Заполните пропуски одним из данных глаголов.
am  is  are  was  were
TO BE также используется:
– после THIS, THAT и безличного
• This is a nice house.
• That was a bad joke.
• It’s difficult.
– перед прилагательными:
• The boy is tall.
• The Morrises are very friendly.
1. The party ........... next Friday evening at Sandy’s
2. She ........... a very nice woman, but her late (покойный) husband ........... an unpleasant man.
3. ........... Mr James in? – No, I ........... sorry, he ........... here not long ago, but now he ...........
4. Today ........... 23 March: yesterday ........... the 22nd.
5. Her family name ........... Jones now, but it ........... Smith before she got married.
6. ........... Fred and Carmen at home when you called? – No, they ........... not, but they ...........
at home now.
7. I ........... sure the twins ........... 18 today: they ........... 17 last year.
8. Her dream ........... to dance with the Royal Ballet Company.
Ex 5.
Fill in the gaps with the Present or Past Simple form of the verb TO BE (positive
or negative).
Заполните пробелы положительной или отрицательной формой глагола TO BE
(Present или Past Simple).
Lily (1) ............... my best friend. She (2) ............... brilliant and very
beautiful. We (3) ............... very close. Lily (4) ............... single. She
............... interested in marriage. Her career (6) ............... the most
important thing for her. Now she (7) ............... the only black editor
(издатель) of a popular magazine, but she had a very hard start in life.
I remember the day she came to school. One morning the
headmistress (директор школы) was standing in the main hall and next
to her (8) ............... a new girl, thin and poorly dressed. “Girls”, said the
headmistress, “this (9) ............... Lily Jago. Now we must be very kind to Lily, because she
............... very poor”, she went on. Of course, the headmistress (11) ............... very kind.
Lily (12) ............... very angry and unhappy. Lily (13) ............... black, and of course the girls
............... kind to her at all. They called her “Lily White”. And when they realized how clever
she (15) ............... , they hated her for that as well.
I liked her because I (16) ............... an outsider too. My name (17) ............... Faith and the girls
nicknamed me “Faith Value” (эталон доверчивости), because they said I (18) ............... naїve.
But I (19) ............... naїve, I (20) ............... trusting. I always trust in things. I (21) ............... a natural
Ex 6.
Complete the dialogue. Translate the sentences.
Завершите диалог. Переведите предложения.
Back to School
Hello, there. Меня зовут Maкс Моррис. Это класс для занятий по французскому
языку (French course)? ...........................................................................................
ADELE: Yes, it is. Come in, моё имя Адель. Я учитель. ........................................................
I hope, он не очень трудный. Я – начинающий, .......................................................
you see. I’ve never studied French.
ADELE: Don’t worry Max. We’ll start with the basics, such as saying your name.
1.2 “To Be”: Questions and Negatives
“To Be”: Образование вопроса и отрицания
Образование вопроса в настоящем и прошедшем времени:
Соответствующая форма глагола to be (am, is, are, was, were)
выносится на первое место перед подлежащим.
He is Dutch.  Is he Dutch?
Dora was 20 last year.  Was Dora 20 last year?
Ex 7.
Transform these sentences into “YES/NO” questions. Give short answers.
Преобразуйте данные предложения в общий вопрос и дайте краткий ответ.
1. Barbara and George are retired. (Yes)
Are Barbara and George retired? — Yes, they
2. Oliver is a builder. (No)
3. Anne is self-employed (работает в собственной фирме). (Yes)
4. These trees are green. (Yes)
Краткий ответ «ДА/НЕТ»
1. Существительные  местоимение:
• Is Morris your family name? –
Yes, it is.
2. Сокращённая форма глагола используется только в отрицательных ответах:
• Was Edna in Russia? – Yes, she
was . / No, she wasn’t .
5. The twins Jessica and Jeremy were in the fifth
form last year. (No)
6. Maria is a student. (Yes)
Ex 8.
Read the sentences about Romy. Using
the prompts, complete questions 1–6.
Match the questions (1–6) to the
answers (A–F). Read the answers first.
Прочтите предложения о Роми. Используя данные слова, составьте вопросы (1–6) и подберите к ним ответы
Вопросы с вопросительными
словами (what, who, wherе,
when, why)
На такие вопросы невозможно
ответить ДА/НЕТ.
Вопросы такого типа служат
для получения дополнительной
Вопросительное слово (what,
who, where, when, why, how, etc.)
ставится в начале вопроса, за ним
следует соответствующая формa
глагола to be и подлежащее.
• Edna was in Russia.  Why was
Edna in Russia? – She visited her
The girl was named Romy.
She was born on the 22nd of March 1998.
Her mother was in her forties when she had Romy.
Romy’s brother was born in January 1988.
Romy’s brother is ten years older than her.
Romy isn’t of age yet.
 Who / be named after ? ........................................................................................
2.  When / Romy’s birthday ? .......................................................................................
3.  How old / Romy’s mother / she had her ? ....................................................................
4.  When / Romy’s brother / be born? ...........................................................................
5.  be older / he / than / Romy ? ......................................................................................
6.  be of age / Romy / yet ? .............................................................................................
No, she isn’t. She is only fourteen years old.
Romy was born in the spring of 1998, ten years after her brother was born.
In March 1998 Romy’s mother was forty-two years old.
Yes, he is. Romy is ten years younger than her brother.
She was named after the actress Romy Schneider. Her mother was a great fan of hers.
His birthday is on the 15th of January.
Ex 9. A. Write questions about the things underlined in the text.
Cоставьте вопросы к подчёркнутым фразам или предложениям.
A Long Name
John and Fred were two schoolboys. (2) They were twelve years old and (3) they were in the same
class at school. One day they had a fight in the class and (4) their teacher was very angry. He told
the boys to stay at school after class and write their names a thousand times.
Fred began to cry. The teacher asked him: “Why are you
crying, Fred?”
“Because his full name is John May and (6) my full name
is Frederick Hollingsworth,” answered the boy.
B. Give a short summary of the text, using the key-words:
Сделайте краткий пересказ текста, используя ключевые слова:
in the same class
had a fight
was angry
stay after class
a thousand times
began to cry
had many letters / was very long
Ex 10. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the first American President
George Washington. (Student A looks at Text A, Student B looks at Text B).
Задайте вопросы об американском президенте Джордже Вашингтоне и ответьте
на них. (Студент А смотрит в Текст А, студент В смотрит в текст В).
Text A
George Washington was (1) .................................. of the United States.
He was born on the 21st of February, 1732. He was a distinguished (выдающийся) general and
the leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War. He is often called
.................................. .
Washington is everywhere you look in the USA. His face is on the one-dollar bill and on the 25
cent coin. (3) .................................. are named after him.
This man is in fact so well-known and respected (уважать) that he can be
called “America’s first mega-celebrity.” (знаменитость)
1. (A) What was George Washington?
(B) — He was the first President of the United States.
2. What ...................................................................................................
3. What places ........................................................................................
Text В
George Washington was the first President of the United States. He was born (4) ..............
.................... .
He was a distinguished (выдающийся) general and the leader of the Continental Army in the
American Revolutionary War. He is often called “the father of America.”
Washington is everywhere you look in the USA. His face is on (5) .................................. .
Mountains, bridges, schools and the very capital of the country are named after him.
.................................. that he can be called “America’s first mega-celebrity”(знаменитость).
4. When ................................................................................................................................
5. What ..............................................................................................................................
6. Why ................................................................................................................................
Ex 11. Make the sentences negative. Use the
prompts and write true sentences.
Поставьте данные предложения в отрицательную форму. Используя данные
слова, напишите предложения, содержащие правильную информацию.
1. Barbie is a new doll. (one of the oldest and most
loved toys)
Barbie isn’t a new doll, it is one of the oldest
and most loved toys.
Oтрицательная форма глагола
to be образуется при помощи
частицы not, которая ставится
после соответствующей формы
Отрицание также может иметь
краткие формы: aren’t, isn’t,
wasn’t, weren’t.
• They are not (aren’t) from
Scotland, they are from Ireland.
• We were not (weren’t) there
2. Barbie is five years old. (more than 50 years)
3. Barbie was the work of a French artist. (be the idea of an American
businesswoman Ruth Handler)
4. Barbie doll is a copy of a famous American actress. (be inspired – вдохновлять by a German doll called Bild Lilli)
5. Barbie is the name of that actress. (be named after Ruth Handler’s daughter
6. Barbie dolls are all identical. (be different, wear different
A J☺ ke...
One day a father goes to a toy shop to buy a Barbie doll for his daughter.
The sales person:
We have Sports Barbie for $19.99
Shopping Barbie for $19.99
Beach Barbie for $19.99
Ballerina Barbie for $19.99
Librarian Barbie for $19.99
Flight Attendant Barbie for $19.99
Divorced Barbie for $249.99
The surprised father:
Why is the divorced Barbie $249.99 and the other Barbies are only $19.99?
The sales person:
Sir, the divorced Barbie comes with Ken’s car, Ken’s house, Ken’s furniture,
Ken’s boat, Ken’s TV and one of Ken’s friends.
1.3 “There + Be” Construction
Оборот “There + Be”
Эта конструкция используется, когда мы говорим о местонахождении предметов. В
русском языке такие предложения начинаются с обстоятельства места (где?). В английском языке эти обстоятельства, как правило, стоят в конце предложения.
• В классе много ребят. – There are a lot of children in the classroom.
Ex 12. Fill in the blanks with THERE IS, THERE ARE.
Заполните пропуски оборотом THERE IS, THERE ARE.
What Is in a Name?
Ed MacCall wrote a book about names, about what they mean, and how they can influence
(влиять) people’s life. In his book, which is called “The Game of the Name” he gives a lot of
interesting examples. Ed MacCall found out that people often choose the careers which reflect
their second name. In his book he analyses
thousands of cases (случай).
For example, (1) .................... a man called James
Judge who is a judge (судья), (2) .................... a
police officer called Andy Sergeant and a vicar
called Linda Church (церковь).
.................... also several bankers with the
surname Cash (наличные деньги).
It’s funny, but (4) .................... even a criminal Tony
Lawless (беззаконный).
.................... many other examples of this type.
The author thinks that these people took on the job
because of their family name.
And (6) .................... one more example – the author
himself. Ed MacCall wrote a book about people’s
В обороте “there + be” глагол to
be изменяется по временам:
there is/are
there was/were
there will be
Выбор формы глагола: is/was,
are/were (единственное или множественное число) зависит от
числа следующего за глаголом
существительного (а не общего
числа предметов).
• There was one boy and five girls
at my birthday party.
• There were five girls and one boy
at my birthday party.
1.3.1 “There + Be”: Questions and Negatives
“There + Be”: Вопросительные и отрицательные формы
При использовании этой конструкции вопрос и отрицание образуется так же, как и
все вопросы и отрицания с глаголом to be:
“Yes/No” Questions and Negatives
Общие вопросы и отрицания
Negative form
There are many books at our library. 
• Are there many books at our library?
There is/are/was/were + not 
There isn’t/aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t
• There aren’t any French books at our library.
There was snow on the mountains. 
• Was there snow on the mountains?
There is/are/was/were + no 
• There were no railways in the 18th century.
Ex 13. Use the prompts and ask questions according to the model.
Составьте вопросы с данными словами по модели.
1. a person with a “career” name / at your work place?
Is there a person with a “career” name at your work place?
2. a person with a rare name / among your friends?
3. many Svetas and Natashas / at your class?
4. an apple-tree / in your garden?
5. any children under age / in your family ?
6. anybody you know / in Paris?
Ex 14. Fill in the gaps with THERE or IT.
Заполните пропуски THERE или IT.
1. .................. will be a lot of fans at the match.
.................. is a very important football game.
2. .................. is a dog at our door, I think,
.................. is our neighbour’s dog.
3. .................. was a photo of this girl in a
magazine. .................. is nice to see a pretty
4. .................. is a good news. .................. will be
a new boy in our class.
5. .................. is a parcel (бандероль) for you, I
think, .................. is the book you ordered last
Ex 15. THERE or IT? Fill in the gaps with one
of these formal words.
THERE или IT? Заполните пропуски
одним из этих формальных слов.
Многие английские безличные
THERE или IT в качестве формального подлежащего. Выбор
THERE или IT представляет некоторую трудность.
Как сказано выше, THERE
используется при указании местонахождения предметов.
Безличное IT употребляется когда:
– мы говорим о погоде:
• It was cold yesterday. It’s raining
– указываем время, число, месяц:
• It’s five o’clock. It’s Monday. It’s
the 9th of May.
– для выражения мнения:
• It’s funny. It’s difficult/strange/
a pleasure.
– при идентификации предметов:
• What is it ? – It’s a book. Who is
it ? – It’s me.
More about Ed MacCall’s Book
Ed MacCall is often asked if (1) .............. is true
(относится ли это также) for first names. Does a
name influence a person’s character? (2) .............. are many examples of first names in his book
as well.
.............. are old virtue (добродетель) names, such as Faith, Grace, Charity (милосердие).
.............. were really awful names among them: Humility (покорность), Prudence
(благоразумие), Meek (кроткий).
These names were given mostly to baby girls, so that (чтобы) they would have those
characteristics. And (5) .............. is often true (верно). (6) .............. is impossible to be called Grace
and to be clumsy (неуклюжий), (7) .............. is unusual to see a depressive Hope (надежда) and
unhappy Joy (радость).
.............. was in fashion to name children after the places they were born in: Virginia, Atlanta,
Georgia. (9) .............. are also Chelsea and India. (10) .............. is difficult to believe that David
Beckham called his baby Brooklyn after a trip to New-York.
So, I think, (11) .............. is very interesting to read Ed’s book “The Game of the Name”.
Ex 16. Translate the sentences.
Переведите предложения.
1. Мистер Конклешил (Conkleshill) поэт. – Это его псевдоним? – Нет, это его фамилия.–
Но писать его имя трудно. ..............................................................................................
2. В моей группе есть молодой человек с необычным именем. – Как его зовут? – Арсений.
Его назвали в честь прадедушки. .....................................................................................
3. Твоя мама такая молодая! – Да, ей около тридцати. Я родился, когда ей было 19 лет. –
А сколько лет твоему отцу? – Он на 10 лет старше мамы. ................................................
4. Я не буду завтра в школе. Я больна. А ты будешь завтра в школе?
5. В классе моего сына много ребят из разных стран. – Это интернациональный класс? –
Да, ребята изучают русский язык. .................................................................................
6. Из каких они стран? – Есть мальчик из Японии, девочка из Испании, двое ребят из
Парижа. – А есть ребята из Китая? – Я не знаю. .............................................................
7. Мой отец строитель. Он строит мосты. Он сейчас в Индии.– А твоя мама тоже в Индии?
– Нет, она говорит, что в Индии очень жарко. – Через две недели мой папа будет в Токио.
Там будет выставка (exhibition). .....................................................................................
8. Я из Нью-Йорка. Это очень большой город. Это фотография моего дома.
9. Мой дедушка был врачом, мой отец врач, когда я вырасту (grow up), я тоже буду врачом.
2. The Verb “to have”
2.1 The Verb “to have”. Forms and Meaning
Глагол “to have”. Формы и значение
Основное значение глагола to have – «иметь».
Значение «иметь» передается в английском языке двумя способами:
Британский вариант
английского языка
Американский английский
have/has got
• We have got a big house.
• We have a big house.
• We had a cold winter last year.
will have
• The children will have nice presents for Christmas.
Современный вариант британского английского языка все более уподобляется
американскому варианту, и формы типа “I have a dog” используются все более широко.
Ex 1.
Write what these people HAVE GOT now and what they HAD some time ago. Use
the time words from the list.
Напишите, что есть у этих людей сейчас и чем они обладали в прошлом.
Используйте обстоятельства времени из данного списка.
now  last year  two/five years ago  before
1. Sally has got a big garden
now. (big/small)
Sally had a small garden two
years ago.
В разговорном английском языке
используются сокращённые формы:
I’ve got / he’s got
I’ve / he’s
• I’ve got a bike, but I haven’t got
a skating-board.
• He’s a nice smile.
2. John .......................................
............................... (new/old)
3. Mrs Irving ...............................
............................ (black coat/
red coat)
4. Nelly .....................................
.......................... (a dog/a cat)
5. Bob .....................................
.................... (a bike/a scooter)
Ex 2.
Answer the questions as in the model.
Ответьте на вопросы, как показано в модели.
1. Has Ann got a dog or a cat?
Ann had a dog but now she has got a cat.
Have you got many or few problems? ..................................................................................
Has he got a sister or a brother?........................................................................................
Has she got friends in Paris or in London? ............................................................................
Have they got a black or a red car? ......................................................................................
Ex 3.
Read the advertisements in the “Partnership” column. Write sentences about
what the people in the advertisements have got.
Прочтите объявления в колонке “Partnership.” Напишите, что имеют люди,
подавшие эти объявления.
1. The young American woman
has got long blond hair, ...........
Young American beauty with class
-- long blond hair/model figure/a lot of
charm -- is looking for a partner for life
2. ...............................................
European aristocrat with great
charisma. Intelligent, tall, energetic,
athletic build.
Owns (владеть) an island in the
Mediterranean, a wonderful house, and
a successful business in South America.
Wants to offer everything to the
woman at his side.
3. ...............................................
Pretty woman. Company director, 45,
1.68 m, long dark hair, blue eyes. Own
apartment. Divorced, no children, a pet
dog. Wants to meet a handsome,
successful man, 40–50 years old.
2.2 Questions and Negatives
Образование вопроса и отрицания
Британский вариант английского языка
Американский английский
have/has выносится
на место перед подлежащим
требуется вспомогательный
глагол: do/does
He has got a good job. 
• Has he got a good job?
He has a good job. 
• Does he have a good job?
They have got two children. 
• Have they got two children?
They have two children. 
• Do they have two children?
требуется вспомогательный глагол: did
We had a cold winter last year.  Did we have a cold winter?
will выносится на место перед подлежащим:
The children will have nice presents for Christmas. 
• Will the children have nice presents for Christmas?
Ex 4. Work in pairs. Student A is going to
ask questions and Student B is going
to answer them.
Работа в парах. Студент А задаёт вопросы, Студент В отвечает на них.
При использовании вспомогательных глаголов (do/does/did/
don’t/doesn’t/didn’t) глагол have
после подлежащего всегда стоит в
начальной форме (have).
Student A: You would like to get information
about your new neighbours that moved to your
house a week ago. Using the words and
phrases below ask Student B questions about
your new neighbours.
Student B: You are going to answer Student A’s
questions about your new neighbours. Look
through the words and phrases below, they will
help you to answer the questions.
Student A
Student B
1. Have they got any children?
1. Yes, they have. They’ve got two boys,
Mark and Peter.
2. Yes, a dog and a cat.
3. No car, but four bicycles.
4. Of course, both shop-keepers. They’ve got
a bookshop nearby.
5. Yes, loads of them.
6. Not sure, maybe. It’s better to ask them
in person.
2. pets?
3. a big or a small car?
4. jobs?
5. many books at home?
6. detective stories? books of my favourite
detective writer?
Ex 5.
Use the prompts and ask questions as in the model.
Составьте вопросы по модели, используя данные в скобках слова.
Daisy had a dog. (a cat / too) Did she have a cat before?
He had a lot of English books. (French magazines / as well) .................................................
We had a lot of friends in Prague. (relatives / too) ...............................................................
Sandy had a stepbrother. (stepsister / too) .......................................................................
Oliver had a cousin. (a brother) ..........................................................................................
Frank Walker had a large family. (big house) ........................................................................
Ex 6.
Ron, Maria’s new American friend, would like to know more about her family.
Complete his questions using the prompts below. Look at the Family Tree and
answer the questions.
Новый друг Марии – американец. Он хотел бы узнать больше о её семье. Посмотрите на генеалогическое дерево её семьи и ответьте на его вопросы.
The Walkers Family
The Family Tree
Barbara and George / more children? ..............................................................................
Oliver / brothers, sisters? ..............................................................................................
Oliver / parents? ............................................................................................................
Maria / brothers, sisters? ................................................................................................
Maria / aunts / uncles? ..................................................................................................
Образование отрицания
Британский вариант
английского языка
Американский английский
have/has + not got 
do/does + not have 
don’t/doesn’t have
• He doesn’t have a good job.
• They don’t have two children.
• He hasn’t got a good job.
• They haven’t got two children.
did + not have  didn’t have
• We didn’t have a cold winter last year.
will + not have  won’t have
• The children won’t have classes next week.
После don’t/doesn’t/didn’t/won’t
глагол have всегда стоит в начальной форме (have).
Ex 7.
Complete the sentences using HAVE GOT/HAVEN’T GOT, HAS GOT/HASN’T
Завершите предложения, используя HAVE GOT/HAVEN’T GOT, HAS GOT/HASN’T
1. ...................... you / an envelope (конверт)? I wrote a letter to my grandmother, she
...................... no computer.
– I think I ...................... some in my desk. Oh, sorry, I ...................... any.
2. How many brothers and sisters / you / ......................? – I ...................... just one brother.
3. Sally ...................... a new boy-friend. – But she ...................... a nice one before. What is
the new boy-friend like? – He is very good-looking. He ...................... big brown eyes and
blond hair. – ...................... he / a good personality? – Sally says he ...................... a terrible
temper. Yes, but he ...................... a very nice smile. – ...................... he / a good job?
4. ............. you ............. good teachers when you were at school? – We ...................... good
and bad teachers, you know.
5. ...................... you / a holiday in summer? – No, I won’t. I ...................... my holiday a month
Ex 8.
Translate the sentences.
Переведите предложения.
1. У него небольшая квартира у (by) моря.
2. У тебя есть мотоцикл (motorbike)? – У меня был мотоцикл три года назад. Сейчас у меня
3. У меня старый Porsche. Скоро (soon) у меня будет новая машина.
4. У него много (a lot of) денег, но у него нет семьи.
5. У тебя много родственников (relatives)? – Да, есть несколько. – У тебя есть братья и
6. У меня сегодня собрание в школе.
7. У тебя есть хороший зубной врач? – У меня был хороший зубной врач, но он сейчас на
пенсии (be retired).
8. У меня прекрасная идея. Давай (let’s) поедем в горы. У меня есть лыжи (skis). У тебя
есть лыжи? – Нет, я не умею кататься на лыжах.
2.3 “Have”: Habitual and Repeated Actions
“Have”: привычные повторяющиеся действия
В этом случае формы с “got” (have/has got) не используются. Регулярно повторяющиеся
действия передаются глаголами have/has в настоящем времени.
• We have meetings on Mondays.
• I have English class three times a week.
• She doesn’t have her dancing class on Wednesdays.
Ex 9.
Look at Anne’s weekly planner. Say what Anne does regularly in her free time
during the week.
Посмотрите на ежедневник Анны. Скажите, что она регулярно делает в свободное
время в течение недели.
19.00 – Fitness club
18.00 – Spanish class
11.00 – Garden Club meet
16.00 – massage
1. Anne has her Spanish class at six p.m. on Mondays.
Ex 10. Write questions about Anna’s free time activities during the week. Answer the
Спросите, чем занимается Анна в свободное время в течение недели. Дайте
ответы на эти вопросы.
1. Does Anne have her Spanish class on Tuesdays? — No, she doesn’t. She has her Spanish
class on Mondays.
2.4 “Have”: Actions
Выражения с глаголом “have”, обозначающие действия
В этих выражениях глагол have может употребляться в различных временных
Have breakfast / lunch / dinner / meals / tea / coffee/ a drink
Have a bath / a shower
Have a (good) rest / a holiday / a day off /a party
Have a walk / a swim / a ride / a game
Have a good time /fun / a nice evening / a good flight / a good trip
Have a talk / a quarrel / a chat / a sense of humour
Have an accident / an operation
Have good luck / bad luck / trouble / pain in
Have a baby
• In the evening my father and I usually have a game of chess.
• I’ll have a day off on Friday.
• The children had a nice holiday last winter.
Ex 11. Complete the text with the most suitable expression from the box.
Заполните пропуски соответствующим выражением из списка ниже.
have a good time  have a shower  have a swim (x2)  having a holiday
has coffee  have breakfast  have fun  have a game  have a walk  has beer
have lunch  has a good sense of humour  have a holiday  have a nice day
On Holiday
The Walkers (1) ............................. . The children love
............................. .
In the morning they don’t go to the bathroom to
............................. , they run to the beach and
............................. in the sea. Then the family
............................. on the terrace of the hotel. After
breakfast, they (6) ............................. on the beach. The
twins (7) .............................
again and then
............................. of draughts. Anne and Oliver usually sit in a small café on the beach. Anne
............................. and Oliver (10) ............................. . Oliver is very intelligent and
............................. and they always (12) ............................. .
Then they (13) ............................. along the water front. They look for a place to
............................. . They always (15) ............................. .
Ex 12. The Walkers are back from their holiday. They are having a garden party for their
parents and friends. Everybody wants to know about their holiday. The guests
ask a lot of questions. Translate their questions.
Переведите вопросы.
Вы обедали в отеле? ......................................................................................................
У вас был хороший отель? ..............................................................................................
У вас было много танцевальных вечеров? – Did you have many dancing parties?
Вы хорошо развлекались?
Вы хорошо отдохнули?
Вы купались в море?
Сервис в отеле был хорошим?
Вы хорошо долетели?
Ex 13. Fill in the right form of the verbs BE, HAVE, THERE + BE: in statements, question
or negatives.
Вставьте в предложения глаголы BE, HAVE, THERE + BE в соответствующей форме.
There Is Nothing on the Box
AMY: I ........... bored. ........... nothing on television tonight.
VICKY: Forget the telly. ................... any board games
(настольные игры) at your place? I’d like to play a board
game. It ................... fun.
AMY: I’ll ask mother, if ................... any board games at home.
I think we ................... any.
VICKY: I remember you ................... a couple
of board games. We played “Cluedo”*
some years ago.
AMY: I’ll call some friends then. Games
SOME/ANY – какой-нибудь, некотоevening ................... much more fun if
рый, несколько
................... some people playing.
some – в утвердительных повествовательных предложениях,
any – в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.
* xDâäeÇçsz настольная игра-детектив
3. The Simple Tenses
The Present Simple
The Past Simple
The Future Simple
ask(s), take(s)
asked, took
will ask/take
обычное, регулярное,
повторяющееся действие,
факт, истина
действие в прошлом:
воспоминания, хроника
• We usually go to school
• I lived in Kiev in 1941.
• Yesterday we went to the
by bus.
• He lives in Paris.
• The Earth moves round
the Sun.
Сокращённая форма:
I’ll, he’ll, we’ll ask
действие в будущем,
обещание, спонтанное
решение, просьба
• He will come soon.
• I will never do it again.
• It’s late, we will go by
• Will you help me, please?
3.1 The Present Simple Tense
Ex 1.
work + s
Put the verb in brackets into
the Present Simple Tense.
Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующей форме Present
1. He always .......................... (read) books
in the library. 2. We usually ..........................
(start) school in September. 3. She
.......................... (go) to university every
day. 4. Mother never .......................... (do
Правила чтения и правописания
Окончание -S читается:
1. xëz после глухих согласных:
speaks, starts
2. xòz после звонких согласных и гласных:
plans, stays
3. после s, ss, sh, ch, tch, ce, x, o  + -ES,
читается xáòz:
presses, wishes, watches, buzzes, goes
4. после «согласная + -y»  -IES читается
carry  carries, cry  cries
BUT! Play  plays: перед -y стоит
the shopping) on Sundays. 5. They .......................... (speak) French well. 6. My sister often
.......................... (help) me with my homework.
Ex 2.
Use the correct Present Simple
form of the verb in brackets.
Поставьте глагол в скобках
в соответствующей форме
Present Simple.
The Walkers (1)................ (live) in the city of
Cambridge where Oliver (2)................
(work) in the City Council. When Oliver is at
work one Tuesday morning, the secretary
................ (enter) his office and
................ (inform) him that the Mayor
................ (want) a meeting with him
personally in two day’s time.
This (6)................ (make) Oliver very
nervous. He (7)................ (not think) it’s
good news.
“(8)................ you ................ (know) what
the meeting is about?” he (9)................
(ask) the secretary. She (10)................ (not
know). So Oliver (11)................ (have) to
wait and see.
Сигнальные слова
The Present Simple всегда употребляется
со следующими обстоятельствами времени. Обратите внимание на их место в
They usually/always go home
by bus.
every day/
I go to the swimming pool
every week.
on Sunday
On Sundays,
She often/seldom helps her
He is never late.
She comes here sometimes.
She sometimes comes here.
we go to the
3.1.1 Questions and Negatives
in the Present Simple Tense
Общие вопросы и отрицания
Negative form
Do/does + Подлежащее +
+ Сказуемое...?
Подлежащее + don’t/doesn’t +
+ Сказуемое...
При использовании вспо• Does he live in Paris?
• He doesn’t live in Paris.
могательных глаголов (do/
• Do you go to school by bus?
• We don’t go to school
does/don’t/doesn’t) глагол
by bus.
после подлежащего всегда
стоит в начальной форме.
Transform these statements into questions and
Преобразуйте повествовательные предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.
Ex 3.
1. Tabitha teaches art at school.
Does Tabitha teach art at school? Tabitha doesn’t teach art at school.
2. The Walkers usually have a family dinner on Sundays.
3. Barbara and George meet many people at the club.
4. Anne always greets everybody with a smile.
5. Jeremy wants to introduce his girlfriend to his classmates.
Ex 4.
Read some rules of social behaviour in Britain and
the USA. Ask “yes/no” questions to the underlined
sentences and give short answers.
Прочтите некоторые правила поведения в СШA и
Великобритании. Cоставьте общие вопросы к
подчёркнутым предложениям и дайте краткие
1. On the Continent when people meet, they shake hands. Handshaking is rare in Britain.
2. When an Englishman passes a friend in the street he only touches his hat.
3. He doesn’t shake hands when he stops to talk. In the USA men shake hands only when they
are introduced.
4. Women usually don’t shake hands in this case. When a woman and a man are introduced,
shaking hands is up to the woman.
5. Americans rarely shake hands to say good-bye.
Do people on the Continent shake hands when they meet? — Yes, they do.
Вопросы с вопросительными словами или специальные вопросы
Question Word Order
Порядок слов вопросительного предложения
when they meet?
Сказуемое в таком вопросе всегда стоит в начальной форме: say/shake/live.
Вопросительные слова
WHO – кто?
WHOM – кому
WHAT – что/какой?
WHERE – где?
WHEN – когда?
WHY – почему?
WHOSE? – чей?
HOW – как?
HOW MANY/MUCH – сколько?
Ex 5.
Вопрос к подлежащему
Вопрос к подлежащему (Who? What?)
имеет «прямой порядок слов» (как в русском языке), вспомогательный глагол
• Who said it?
• What makes people happy?
Read the text and write questions for these answers.
Прочтите текст и составьте вопросы, соответствующие данным ниже ответам.
On a Farm
In a big old farmhouse there lives a big family: Alice and Sam
and their three children: Joe, Sue and Pam. Joe is married
to Sally. Sue is married to Kent.
It’s a close family and the adults divide up all the work
between them.
Sue does the cooking. Alice takes care of the animals. Joe
and Kent work in the fields.
Pam looks after the children when the parents are busy
working. Sam takes care of the garden.
They have some problems: the house needs some expensive repairs. A new tractor is very
important at the moment. So the biggest problem is money.
But they love their old farmhouse and don’t want to move to a big city.
.................................................................. – Alice, Sam and their three children.
.................................................................. – Sue does.
Who takes care of the animals? – Alice does.
.................................................................. – Joe and Kent do.
.................................................................. – Pam does.
.................................................................. – Sam does.
What needs expensive repairs? – The house.
.................................................................. – A new tractor.
.................................................................. – Money.
Ex 6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions to complete the text. (Student A
looks at Text A, Student B looks at Text B).
Работа в парах. Задайте вопросы, чтобы восстановить полный текст. (Студент А
смотрит в Текст А, Студент В смотрит в Текст В).
Small Talk
Text A
After (1).................................................. , English people usually make a little small talk.
They usually talk about weather, pets, sport, the Royal Family.
What things shouldn’t people talk about? Well, it isn’t a good idea to talk about (2)........................
.......................... . Many years ago money, especially the salary (зарплата), was a “taboo”. But
times are changing and now young people are happy to tell you that they are earning a big salary.
Some people might think that (3)..............................
.................... , but it’s not right. If you start talking shop
(говорить о деле) too quickly it seems (казаться) impolite
and unfriendly. It makes people feel uncomfortable.
1. ...............................................................................
2. ...............................................................................
3. ...............................................................................
Text B
After saying hello and asking how you are, English people usually make a little small talk. They
usually talk about (4).................................................. .
What things shouldn’t people talk about? Well, it isn’t a good idea to talk about someone’s age
and politics. Many years ago (5).................................................. was a “taboo”. But times are
changing and now young people are happy to tell you that they are earning a big salary.
Some people might think that small talk is a waste of time (потеря времени), but it’s not right.
.................................................. it seems (казаться) impolite and unfriendly. It makes people
feel uncomfortable.
4. ...............................................................................
5. ...............................................................................
6. What seems impolite and unfriendly? — It seems impolite and unfriendly if you start talking
shop too quickly.
Ex 7.
Read the text and make the sentences below negative. Write true sentences.
Прочтите текст и поставьте данные ниже предложения в отрицательную форму.
Напишите предложения, содержащие правильную информацию.
What Is the Best Man?
When Prince William married Kate Middleton in April 2011,
he appointed (назначать) Prince Harry his best man.
The best man is traditionally the male assistant to the groom
(жених) at the wedding. He is usually a brother or a close
friend of the groom. His duties are keeping the wedding
rings, acting as the witness (свидетель) to the marriage and
making a speech at the reception (приём).
The bride (невеста) has a maid of honour, who is usually the
bride’s sister or a close friend.
A maid of honour assists the bride to plan the wedding.
1. The best man is the most famous guest.
2. The Queen of the UK appoints the best man. – The Queen of the UK doesn’t appoint the
best man. The groom appoints the best man.
3. The best man accompanies the bride to the wedding.
4. The best man marries the maid of honour. .........................................................................
5. The maid of honour is the bride’s mother. ............................................................................
6. The maid of honour keeps the wedding rings. ......................................................................
Ex 8.
Translate the jokes from Russian into English.
Переведите эти шутки на английский язык.
A J☺ ke...
Пожилой человек говорит своему врачу:
«Я не пью, не курю, я никогда не хожу в кино
или театр, я не встречаюсь с женщинами, я
рано ложусь спать, я придерживаюсь диеты
(keep to a diet).
Завтра я буду праздновать (celebrate) свой
80-й день рождения»
«Но как?» – спрашивает врач.
A J☺ ke...
Почему ты к нам никогда не приходишь?
Мне жаль, но я очень занят. Я играю в
оркестре (band), и мы даём концерты в
ночном клубе каждый вечер (perform/
every night)
А днём (day-time) ты свободен?
Конечно, нет. Каждое утро у нас
репетиции (rehearsals xêfDÜbWëEèFäz).
Ты отдыхаешь между репетициями и
Конечно, нет. Днём я даю уроки музыки.
А когда же ты спишь?
Во время (during) репетиций.
3.2 The Past Simple Tense
Правильные глаголы + -ed
asked, worked, lived
Неправильные глаголы
took, spoke, wrote
(см. Appendix 2)
Правила чтения и правописания
Окончание -ED читается:
1. xíz после глухих согласных:
worked, washed, danced
2. xÇz после звонких согласных и
phoned, dived, smiled
3. xáÇz после t, d:
wanted, landed, decided
При добавлении окончания -ED происходят
изменения в написании некоторых глаголов:
1. «согласная + -y»  -IED
сarry  carried, cry  cried
BUT! Play  played: перед -y стоит гласная.
2. «одна гласная + согласная»  согласная удваивается:
stop  stopped, plan  planned
3. -r удваиваются после ударной гласной
prefeEr  prefеrred
4. -l удваивается после краткой гласной:
quarrЕl  quarrelled
Ex 9.
Form the Past Simple of the verbs below and write them in the correct column
of the chart.
Образуйте формы Past Simple от данных ниже глаголов и внесите их в таблицу
(V – глагол).
stay  open  worry  walk  rub  cry  listen  deny  stop
carry  stir  control  answer  refer  plan  pity  laugh
study  jump  try  copy  cancel  live  travel
V + -ed
V + двойная согласная + -ed
V + -ied
Сигнальные слова
The Past Simple употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени:
yesterday, last night/week/month/year
two days/months ago, long ago,
the other day, then, in 1825/1993.
Эти обстоятельства времени стоят в начале или конце предложения.
• I saw him yesterday.
• Last week, I met him at the club.
Ex 10. Read a sentence about the present and write a sentence about the past. Use
the prompts.
Прочтите предложение об обычных повседневных делах. Используя данные в
скобках слова, напишите предложения о том, что происходило в прошлом.
1. Oliver usually gets up at 6.30. (yesterday / oversleep / at 7.15)
Yesterday Oliver overslept and got up at 7.15.
2. Oliver always takes the twins to school. (yesterday / busy / by bus)
3. Every evening Anne cooks dinner for the family. (two days ago / work / Maria)
4. Oliver usually doesn’t watch talk shows on TV. (the other day / watch / about sport)
5. Now Jessica often goes dancing. (last year / not go)
6. On weekdays Anne and Oliver stay home in the evening. (last night / Barbara’s birthday)
7. Maria studies at college. (three years ago / at school)
Ex 11. These verbs are irregular. Complete the table with the correct forms of the
Глаголы, представленные в этой таблице, неправильные. Дополните недостающие в таблице формы.
The Past Simple
Participle II
3.2.1 Questions and Negatives
in the Past Simple Tense
Negative form
Did + Подлежащее +
+ Сказуемое..?
Подлежащее + didn’t +
+ Сказуемое...
• Did Anne work yesterday?
• Why* didn’t Anne work yesterday?
• Anne didn’t work yesterday.
• It was Sunday.
* Как и в Present Simple для образования специального
вопроса перед вспомогательным глаголом (did) ставится
вопросительное слово (см. с. 30–31).
При использовании вспомогательных глаголов (did/
didn’t) глагол после подлежащего всегда стоит в начальной форме.
Ex 12. Read the poem and ask questions to the words in bold type.
Прочтите стихотворение и задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
This is the Way It Was
I met him on Sunday
The meeting was grand.
The next day was Tuesday
And he held my hand.
Wednesday night
He met my Dad and Mother
And gave a nickel
To my little freckled-faced brother.
He kissed me on Thursday
At quarter to ten.
Then met me on Friday
And kissed me again.
And what’d you think happened
On Saturday night?
That’s right,
We met a preacher.
That’s right.
1. ............................................................
What was the meeting like?
2. ............................................................
3. ............................................................
4. ............................................................
5. ............................................................
6. ............................................................
7. ............................................................
Ex 13. Write questions to the underlined parts of the sentences.
Напишите вопросы к подчёркнутым частям предложения.
Sherlock Holmes
His trademark (символ) was his pipe and walking stick, his talent for deduction was legendary.
Together with (2) his assistant Doctor Watson, (3) the world’s most famous detective investigated
(расследовать) the most difficult cases in Britain. (4) Holmes lived in 221B, Baker Street, London,
where there is a museum now.
However, the ingenious detective didn’t exist, (5) his literary father was the author Sir Arthur Conan
What was Sherlock Holmes’ trademark?
Ex 14. Review: the Present Simple/Past Simple questions. Make questions from
these statements.
Превратите данные повествовательные предложения в вопросительные.
Peter often goes to the cinema. .........................................................................................
This class won the prize last year. .....................................................................................
Kevin tries hard at sport. ...................................................................................................
All birds fly south for winter. ..............................................................................................
My wife bought a small car. ..............................................................................................
Ex 15. The Present or Past Simple? Use the verbs in brackets in the right form.
Present или Past Simple? Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени.
A. The 21st of April 2011 (1) ......................... (mark) the 85th
birthday of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, who
......................... (be born) in April 1926. After George VI (the
father of Elizabeth) (3) ......................... (die), she (4) .........................
(become) Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. She
......................... (be) then 25 years old.
Each year the Queen also (6) ......................... (celebrate) her
official birthday in June. London always (7) .........................
(mark) this day by “The Trooping of the Colour” – a military ceremony.
The British public (8) ......................... (take) an active interest in the Royal Family.
Though (хотя) the British (9) ......................... (love) their Queen very much, they sometimes
......................... (say) that the British Queen (11) ......................... (reign – править), but she
......................... (not rule – управлять) the country.
B. The 29th of April (1) ......................... (mark) the wedding of Prince William to his bride,
Catherine Middleton. The service (2) ......................... (take place) at Westminster Abby in London.
Three billion people around the world (3) ......................... (watch) the ceremony. Thousands of
correspondents (4) ......................... (focus) on Kate Middleton, who (5) ......................... (be) the
first commoner to marry a future British King in over
350 years.
Now this day (6) ......................... (be) a public
holiday in the UK. When the newlyweds (7) ...........
.............. (appear) on the balcony of Buckingham
Palace, thousands of people, who (8) ..........
............... (gather) in the square, (9) ............
............. (cheer).
Ex 16. Complete the story, translate the phrases from Russian into English.
Чтобы прочесть рассказ, переведите фразы на английский язык.
Junona and Avos
It was long ago, at the beginning of the 19th century. Николай Резанов был офицером (officer).
Потом он работал в (for) Российско-Американской компании. В 1806 году Николай Резанов
поплыл (sail for) в Калифорнию. ..........................................................................................
on two ships that were called “Junona” and “Avos”.
В Сан-Франциско он познакомился с дочерью губернатора (the Governor) Кончитой. Ей
было тогда 16 лет. ................................................................................................................
........................................................................ Conchitta and Nickolay fell in love and wanted
to marry. Родители Кончиты были против (against) этого брака ............................................,
................................................................................ but Nickolay and Conchitta got engaged.
Николай уехал в Россию, Кончита обещала ждать его. .......................................................
....................................... She had been waiting for him for more than thirty years. Кончита не
знала .........................................................................., that on his way back to Russia Николай
заболел и умер (die) в городе Красноярске............................................................
Поэт Андрей Вознесенский рассказал о трагической (tragic) любви русского офицера и
американской девушки в поэме «Авось». Композитор Алексей Рыбников написал прекрасную рок-оперу «Юнона и Авось». .................................................................................
It is a very touching story about the people who lived and loved each other two hundred years ago.
3.2.2 Habitual Actions in the Past – “Used to”
Привычные, регулярно повторяющиеся действия в прошлом
“USED + TO-инфинитив” используется для
того, чтобы подчеркнуть, что привычные
регулярно повторяющиеся события в прошлом
(бывало, раньше), отличаются от событий в
настоящем или уже более не происходят.
• In the past people used to travel on horseback.
A journey used to take weeks.
• My brother doesn’t smoke now, but he used to
be a chain-smoker.
Для описания единичных действий или событий в прошлом
используется Past Simple.
• We went swimming last night.
Ex 17. Read the joke. A. Write questions about the things underlined in the
sentences. B. Use the prompts to write negative sentences.
А. Напишите вопросы к подчёркнутым фрагментам предложений. В. Используя
данные слова, напишите отрицательные предложения.
Paul saw someone in the street who he recognised as
his friend Woodal.
“Woodal,” he said, “what happened to you? You
used to be fat and now you’re thin. You (2) used to
have hair and now you’re bald.
You (3) used to have perfect eyesight and now you
wear glasses.”
The man looked at him in astonishment.
“Listen, Sir, my name isn’t Woodal. It’s Wain.”
“Oh!” Paul exclaimed. “You’ve changed your name too!”
1. Did Woodal use to be fat?
2. ........................................................
3. ........................................................
“USED TO” имеет вопросительную и отрицательную формы,
которые образуются по обычным правилам: при помощи
did/didn’t или never.
• I don’t play tennis now. – Did
you use to play tennis at
university? – I didn’t use to
play tennis at university.
• I never used to like coffee, I
always drank tea.
1. (thin) Woodal didn’t use to be thin.
2. (bald) ........................................................
3. (wear glasses) ...........................................
Ex 18. What did people used to do and didn’t use to do 30 years ago?
A. Group the words in the box into two columns. Write sentences with the
words in each column, using USED TO and DIDN’T USE TO.
Ask questions with the words in “didn’t use to” column.
А. Распределите данные в списке слова в две колонки. Составьте предложения
со словами из каждой колонки, используя USED TO и DIDN’T USE TO.
В. Составьте вопросы со словами из колонки “didn’t use to”.
send e-mails  talk on mobile phones  borrow books from the library  send telegrams
have big families  mothers / work  have only one child  read books in the Internet
go to rock concerts  mothers / look after the children  write long letters  listen to records
MODEL: A. My grandmother used to write long letters to her sister, she didn’t use to send
used to
didn’t use to
write long letters
send e-mails
MODEL: B. Did people use to send e-mails?
Ex 19. Complete the dialogue with USED TO or DIDN’T USE TO and the words from the
Дополните диалог глаголами USED TO или DIDN’T USE TO и данными ниже
spend  work (x2)  like  be
travel  kiss  have
Darling, I think you don’t love me any more.
Don’t be silly. Of course I love you.
No, you don’t. You (1) ... used to kiss ... me and to give me
small presents.
But you know, I’m so busy thinking about the new project.
Yes, I know, but you (2) .............................. so much before.
Don’t forget we have to pay for our new house.
That’s right, and you (3) .............................. so much of your
free time with your friends.
But I work a lot, I have to do sport.
You never (4) .............................. angry with me like you’re now.
I’m not angry, dear, but when we were young, you (5) .............................. my playing football.
I didn’t, I just pretended (притворяться) I did.
We (6) .............................. more free time then. We didn’t have the children and you
.............................. about the house so much as you do now.
That’s right, and we (8) .............................. a lot and go to parties.
It’s a pity we can’t do it so often now!
Ex 20. Translate the story. Show that it was a long-lasting situation that is quite
different now.
Переведите рассказ. Покажите, что это были привычные, регулярно повторяющиеся события в прошлом, которые отличаются от событий в настоящем.
Моя жена Роуз и я поехали в Йорк (York). Я хотел показать ей город, в котором мы жили,
когда я был маленьким.
Мы видели дом, в котором мы снимали (rent) квартиру, когда я ходил в детский сад. Мы
посетили парк, где я гулял с мисс Парксонс. Я показал Роуз озеро, где мы бывало купались
с отцом летом. Мы зашли (drop into) в магазин, где мама
всегда делала покупки (do the shopping).
Роуз даже познакомилась с хозяином магазина
(shopkeeper), который бывало давал мне конфеты
(sweets). Мы пообедали в кафе, в котором наша семья
обедала по воскресеньям.
Мы получили удовольствие (enjoy) от поездки (trip). Not
much had changed.
3.3 The Future Simple Tense
Will + Infinitive
Сигнальные слова
Вспомогательный глагол will используется для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа:
Для обозначения будущего действия
the Future Simple употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени:
tomorrow, the day after tomorrow
next week/year/Monday
in three days/a week, soon, in 2025.
will work 
Эти обстоятельства времени стоят в
начале или конце предложения.
• I’ll see him tomorrow.
• Next week, he’ll return back to Moscow.
I’ll/he’ll/we’ll/you’ll work
Ex 21. What are these New Year’s resolutions? Complete the sentences,
using WILL or WON’T.
Что вы обещаете сделать в Новом году? Дополните предложения
I ......................... stop smoking.
I ......................... eat so much sweets.
I ......................... go to bed so late.
I ......................... listen to my wife.
I ......................... do more sport.
I ......................... spend so much money.
Ex 22. Use the verb in brackets in the Future Simple.
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Future Simple.
The 80th Birthday
BOB: I don’t feel like going to this family meeting tomorrow.
ANNE: Your aunt (1)....................... (be) 80, you can’t miss it.
BOB: My mother-in-law (2)....................... (get) on my nerves with her stories of the farm.
ANNE: But we eat healthy food!
BOB: ... and cousin Steve (3)....................... (keep talking) about taxes the whole evening.
ANNE: Think we (4)....................... (try) your uncle’s old port again.
BOB: You’re right. Let’s make the best of it.
Ex 23. Complete the dialogue with the Present or Future Simple.
Дополните диалог. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present или Future Simple.
Changing of the Guard
In five minutes we (1)....................... (see) the Buckingham Palace.
CONNY: If we don’t hurry, we (2)....................... (miss) the changing of the guard.
....................... (not/worry), we (4).......................
(be) there just in time. Look, how many people
....................... (want) to see the show.
CONNY: ....................... they ....................... (not/start)
Punctuality (7)....................... (be) the thing that you
can rely on (положиться) here. It (8).......................
(not/start) one minute earlier or later.
Общие вопросы и отрицания
Negative form
will + not  won’t
• Dora will go to the beach tomorrow. 
Will Dora go to the beach tomorrow?
• Dora will not (won’t) go to the beach
Так же как и в Present и Past Simple для образования
специального вопроса перед вспомогательным глаголом will ставится вопросительное слово:
• Where will Dora go tomorrow? (см. с. 30–31)
Ex 24. Read the dialogue. Write questions about the things underlined in the
Прочтите диалог. Составьте вопросы к подчеркнутым фразам.
A Business Meeting
OLIVER: Here is the agenda (повестка дня) of the meeting. (1) We’ll start with Clive’s
presentation. After the presentation (2) we’ll have questions and answers. (3) We’ll finish
the meeting with our usual brainstorm (мозговой штурм).
CLIVE: Thanks, Oliver. Are we going keep the record (протокол)?
OLIVER: (4) My secretary will keep the minutes (протокол) today. (5) She’ll be here in five minutes.
What will they start the meeting with?
When ....................................................................................... ?
What ........................................................................................ ?
Who ......................................................................................... ?
When ....................................................................................... ?
Ex 25. Translate the verbs in brackets.
Переведите глаголы в скобках.
The New Friend
MARIA: I think I (1)....................... (поеду) to Glasgow with Brian next
JEREMY: Really? And who is Brian? Your conquest (завоевание) from the New Year ball?
MARIA: Yes, I hope he (2)....................... (представит) me to his parents.
JEREMY: Then I bet we (3)....................... (будем иметь) a Scotsman in the family soon.
MARIA: Shut your mouth, dear brother!
Ex 26. An 18-year-old school girl became the youngest Mayor of a British village in
history. Amanda Newbridge won the election (выборы) against the other
candidate, 60-year-old Fred Gardner of the Conservative Party. What did the
candidates promise?
Using the prompts, write the candidates’ promises.
Используя данные слова, сформулируйте предвыборные обещания кандидатов.
Amanda Newbridge won due to her election promise.
She said:
“We live in the most beautiful place in Shropshire. Make
sure / I’ll / village / that way / our / stays.
The Future Simple употребляется:
Fred Gardner:
“We / our / a big company / our / sell / farmlands / to.”
“We / in the area / big houses / build / with luxury flats.”
We / our village / a lot of money / get / for ”
 со следующими словами и выражениями:
probably: They’ll probably be
I’m afraid: I’m afraid I’ll be late
for dinner today.
I’m sure: I’m sure you’ll like the
I hope: I hope you’ll get well soon.
I think: I think you’ll pass the
I bet: I bet you’ll like her.
I suppose: I suppose we’ll hear
from her in a day or two.
I guess: I guess they’ll show up
Amanda Newbridge:
“I / outside interests / protect / from / our village.”
 в обещаниях:
I won’t do it again
I promise I’ll mail the letters
Why did Amanda win the election?
 чтобы сообщить о принятом «на
ходу» решении:
– There are no train tickets.
– I’ll fly then.
I’ll make sure our village stays that way”.
 в вежливых просьбах:
Will you help me to carry this
heavy box, please?
Ex 27. Decide what to do or not to do in these situations. Use the prompts in brackets.
Примите решение, что вы будете или не будете делать в этих ситуациях.
Используйте слова в скобках.
1. There is no Internet at the hotel. (call them) – We’ll call them.
2. The water in the lake is too cold. (go swimming / pool) – We won’t go swimming in the lake.
We’ll go swimming in the pool.
I have a lot of work to do tonight. (we / go to the cinema) .......................................................
It’s late evening. (I / have coffee) .........................................................................................
It’s very hot outside. (we / go jogging) .................................................................................
I don’t like travelling by train. (by car) ...................................................................................
I feel sleepy. (watch TV / tonight) .........................................................................................
Oh! I forgot to call Anne. (now) ...........................................................................................
Ex 28. Read the dialogue. Use the prompts and make polite requests.
Прочтите диалог. Используя данные слова, сформулируйте вежливую просьбу.
At the Department Store
Come on, Jess. You’ve been in those changing rooms (примерочная) for ages.
You / this dress /on / try? (1)... Will you try this dress on? ...
Aww Mum, not green! You know green isn’t my colour.
This is boring, mum. you / some trainers / for me /buy?
After we buy dresses for your sister, we’ll go to the sports department. We won’t
find a better bargain (выгодная покупка) than in these sales.
At the sports department.
You / these running shoes / me / show, please?
SALESMAN: Would you like to try them on?
Yes, please. Oh! They are too small. You /
bigger ones / me / to try on / give?
SALESMAN: Here you are.
Thank you. and some running pants and
jacket / you / me / show?
SALESMAN: These jackets are on special offer.
Great! Please / you / me / a jacket / bring / size 10?
SALESMAN: Just a minute.
Ex 29. Revision of tenses: use the verbs in brackets in the Present, Past or Future
Используйте глаголы в скобках в Present, Past или Future Simple.
Sarah’s Entry into Her Diary
Every year I (1).............................. (make) my New Year’s resolutions. Now I want to put down the
resolutions I (2).............................. (make) yesterday:
1. I (3).............................. (want) to study a foreign language. I (4).............................. (promise)
to do it a year ago, but I (5).............................. (think) next year I (6).................... definitely
(start) .................... studying French. It (7).............................. (be) great to go to Paris and
ask the way in French.
2. I’m sure I (8).............................. (find) a new job. I (9).............................. (make) this promise
last year, but I (10).............................. (fail – потерпеть неудачу). Next year with my
knowledge of French I bet I (11).............................. (find) a very good job. And I (12).............
................. (get) a very good salary, too.
3. I (13).............................. (hate) my old car. I know, I (14).............................. (dream) to buy a
new car in 2011 and in 2012. But next year with my good salary I (15).............................. (buy)
a new sport car.
4. In the year to come I (16).............................. (do) a lot of sport. It (17)..............................
(make) me fit and being fit, I (18).............................. (not/smoke) any more.
I’m sure all my dreams (19).............................. (come) true (осуществиться).
Ex 30. Complete the dialogue with the Present, Past or Future Simple form of the verbs
in brackets.
Дополните диалог глаголами в форме Present, Past или Future Simple.
Studies in Paris
ANNE: I ..................... (be) a little sad that you ..................... (move) to Paris soon.
MARIA: I ..................... (be) back for holidays in four months. What ..................... Dad always
..................... (say)? Students these days ..................... (have) too many holidays.
ANNE: Still! Why ..................... you ..................... (choose) the Sorbonne? You may study
here in Oxford.
MARIA: Marie Curie ..................... (study) natural sciences there. Perhaps I ..................... also
..................... (get) a Nobel Prize one day.
ANNE: We ..................... (miss) you.
Ex 31. Read the dialogue. Translate the phrases from Russian into English.
Прочтите диалог. Переведите фразы на английский язык.
Will You Stop Worrying?
So, James. Я положила адрес и телефон отеля на твой письменный стол вчера.
.................................................................................... . Пожалуйста, пообещай
...................................... to let us know, if anything is wrong?
JAMES: Я буду в порядке. Ты оставляла меня одного (alone) в прошлом году и всё было
ОК. .........................................................................................................................
Я знаю ................................., but it has never been for so long. Anyway, бабушка
заскочит (drop in) позже ......................................................... to make sure, что ты
в порядке ........................................ . Она приготовит тебе обед ...........................
....................................................... .
JAMES: Yes, Mum. Look, когда вы уедете? Всё будет здесь замечательно. Пожалуйста, ты
и папа, расслабьтесь и получайте удовольствие (enjoy) от отпуска. .........................
Ex 32. Read a fan’s letter to Gloria Martin, a popular TV star. The girl asked her brother
to write this letter for her, but then she added some questions herself. Correct
the mistakes in the questions.
Исправьте ошибки в вопросах.
Dear Gloria,
My name is Alberta. I’m from Cartagena in Chile. My English is very poor. I asked
my brother to write this letter to you. I’m a great fan of yours. I watch all your
films. I want to be an actress too. I want to know everything about you.
Will you write me a letter?
Love, Alberta
How old you? ................................................................................................................................
Where you are from? ................................................................................................................
Where you studied playing? .....................................................................................................
What you do in your free time? ..............................................................................................
Are you really have a swimming-pool in the garden? .............................................................
You have sisters and brothers? ..............................................................................................
What film you do now? ..............................................................................................................
In what film you star next year? ............................................................................................
4. The Continuous Tenses
BE + -ing
The Present Continuous
is doing
The Past Continuous
The Future Continuous
will be doing
She is talking to a customer.
Длительное действие,
совершавшееся в определенный момент или
период в прошлом.
• At 3 o’clock on Monday,
Длительное действие,
которое будет совершаться в определенный момент
или период в будущем.
• Please, don’t call us from
– Важное для говорящего
действие, протекающее в
данный период.
• Talking to his readers a
Mrs Brown was working
with customers.
• John was repairing his
car the whole day
1 to 3 o’clock. The child
will be sleeping .
– Длительное действие, процесс, протекающий в данный момент.
• She is busy at the moment.
writer says: “I’m writing a
new book now.”
– Описание текущих изменений.
• The climate of the Earth
is changing .
4.1 The Present Continuous Tense
am reading  I’m reading
He/she/it is reading  He’s reading
are reading  We’re reading
Правила правописания
При добавлении окончания -ing происходят
следующие изменения в написании глаголов:
1. немая “е” в конце слова опускается:
dance  dancing, rise  rising
2. если глагол заканчивается на “-ie” 
“y”+ -ing
tie  tying, lie  lying
3. если глагол заканчивается на: «гласная +
согласная», последняя удваивается
dip  dipping, travel  travelling
Ex 1.
Complete the sentences with the
Present Continuous form of the verbs
in the box.
Дополните предложение одним из
данных глаголов в Present Continuous.
eat  not/cry  plan  travel  make  die
carry  put on  rain  not/play  sit
1. Many people have nothing to eat nowadays,
they .................. of hunger.
2. What are you doing at the moment? – I
.................. and .................. a sandwich.
3. We won’t go out now, it .................. .
4. Our team .................. this season.
5. Look! He is the man who .................. his coat.
6. Can you hear me? I am not in London at present,
I .................. abroad.
7. I can’t help you with the box now, I ..................
the suitcases.
8. It’s an hour before the match, and they .............
still ............. the game.
9. The child is better today, he .................. .
10. Mother is upstairs. She .................. the beds.
Сигнальные слова
Present Continuous употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени:
now, at the moment, at present,
still, nowadays, today, tonight,
this season, etc.
В основном эти обстоятельства
времени стоят в конце предложения, кроме still, которое
следует после вспомогательного
глагола be.
• Nowadays the prices are
constantly rising.
• We can’t go out, it’s still raining.
О том, что действие протекает в
данный момент, может говорить
также и контекст:
Look! Listen! Don’t make noise!
• Don’t talk to father, he is driving.
Существует несколько групп глаголов, которые не обозначают действие.
В связи с этим они не могут употребляться в форме Continuous, например:
1. see, hear
2. know, believe, think, guess, mean, remember, forget, understand
3. want, wish
4. love, like, hate, prefer
5. weight, taste, smell, sound
6. be, have*, contain, belong, consist, need, own, include
* Устойчивые выражения с глаголом have (have dinner, have a walk, have fun, etc) обозначают
действие, поэтому они употребляются в форме Continuous.
• The family is having dinner. “I know you like this dish. It smells good,” says the husband to his
Ex 2.
Underline the correct form of the verb.
Подчеркните правильную форму глагола.
1. I am not seeing / don’t see the bird, but I can hear it. Listen! It sings / is singing beautifully.
2. They speak / are speaking English. I am understanding / understand them well.
3. I prefer / am preferring meat to fish.
4. My son doesn’t like / isn’t liking the cold winter. It gets / is getting colder and colder.
5. The food smells / is smelling delicious. Mother is cooking / cooks now.
6. He is owning / owns this house.
7. Don’t call them. They are having / have dinner now.
8. Are you hearing / do you hear me? I am talking / talk to you.
9. I want / am wanting that cake very much, Mum.
10. You are knowing / know what I mean.
Ex 3.
It’s a warm summer day. There are a lot of people in the park. Use the verbs
from the box to say what the people are doing at the moment.
Используя данные ниже слова, напишите, что делают люди в парке в данный
sit  stand  talk  walk
play  read  lie
The people are enjoying a warm sunny day.
Ex 4.
Translate the sentences using the words from the lists A and B.
Переведите предложения, используя слова из списков А и В.
study  make tea  sit (x2)
tell  watch TV  chat
the last week  on the sofa  her life in London
for everyone  with her mother
at college in London
The Day after Christmas
After Christmas parties, visits from relatives and plenty of turkey, the Walker family is having a
quiet day in.
1. Oliver, отец, готовит чай для всех (everybody).
2. Его жена Анна сидит на диване со старшей дочерью Марией.
3. Мария болтает с мамой. Она рассказывает ей о своей жизни в Лондоне.
4. She is at home on holiday. Мария сейчас учится в колледже в Лондоне.
5. The twins Jeremy and Jessica сидят на диване и смотрят телевизор.
6. Они наслаждаются последней неделей рождественских каникул.
Общие вопросы и отрицания
Задавая вопрос в Present Continuous, мы можем спросить:
– о том, что происходит в данный момент: Are you working now?
– о какой-либо временной ситуации: Are you staying at a hotel?
– об изменяющихся условиях: Is the weather getting hotter?
– о планах на будущее: Are you having a test next week?
Negative form
Am/is/are + Подлежащее + -ing..?
Подлежащее + am/is/are + not + -ing...
• I am doing the right thing. 
• I am not doing the right thing.
Am I doing the right thing?
• Anne is making tea. 
• Anne isn’t making tea.
Is Anne making tea?
Ex 5.
Use the words in brackets to
complete the questions.
Составьте вопросы, используя слова
в скобках.
Для образования специального
вопроса перед вспомогательным
глаголом (am/is/are) ставится
вопросительное слово (who/what/
when/where/why, etc.).
• What is Anne doing?
• Who is sitting on the sofa?
1. What ................................................. (you / watch) on television?
– It’s a documentary on the Silicon Fen.
2. Why ................................................. (Anne / not work) this week?
– Because she is on holiday.
3. Who ................................................. (you / talk) on the phone to?
– I’m talking to my mum.
4. What language ................................................. (they / speak)?
– Sounds (звучать) like French to me.
5. How is your English? ................................................. (it / get) better?
6. What ................................................. (you / do), Dad?
– I’m preparing for my meeting with the Mayor.
Ex 6.
Write questions about the things underlined in the dialogue.
Составьте вопросы к подчёркнутым в диалоге предложениям.
ANNE: What’s the matter? You’re crying.(1)
CONNY: I’ve just talked to my mother on the phone. My parents are
getting divorced. My father has got a new girlfriend.(2)
ANNA: How long have they been married?
CONNY: Almost 20 years.
ANNE: Just like Oliver and I. On Saturday we are celebrating our
wedding anniversary.(3) I was going to invite you.
CONNY: Thank you, but I am not coming. I’ll be crying all the time.
1. .....................................................................................................
2. .....................................................................................................
3. .....................................................................................................
4.1.1 Talking about the Future
Ex 7. Read the dialogue. Tick () the sentences in which Liz and Amy speak
about their plans.
Прочтите диалог. Отметьте предложения (), в которых Liz и Amy говорят
о своих планах.
Phew! It’s really hot! I’m going to the
Are you coming with
swimming pool.
Unfortunately not, I’m reading for my
You know, I’m having an exam in
Biology in two days.
But after a short break, you’ll remember
things better.
Well, yes, maybe you’re right. What are we
waiting for then?
I’m looking for a bathing suit for you.
Thanks. And when are we coming
Don’t be a bore, Amy.
Будущее запланированное
Помимо обозначения длительного действия Present Continuous
употребляется, когда мы говорим
о будущем запланированном действии, в осуществлении которого
мы практически уверены. Используя Present Continuous, мы
можем также спросить о заранее
намеченных действиях, планах. В
этом случае в предложении/
контексте обычно есть указание на
время совершения этого действия.
• They are getting married in
• Are they arriving on Monday?
Ex 8.
Translate the dialogue from Russian into English.
Переведите диалог на английский язык.
A: Давай пойдём в театр завтра.
B: Извини, мне бы очень хотелось, но я завтра работаю допоздна.
A: Тогда как насчёт среды?
B: Боюсь, я не могу. Я встречаю родителей в аэропорту.
A: Ну а что ты делаешь в субботу вечером?
B: Я играю в теннис в эту субботу.
A: Понятно. А в воскресенье вечером ты свободна?
B: В воскресенье у нас вечер встречи (reunion party) в школе.
Ex 9.
Say when you are going to do
Скажите, когда вы собираетесь сделать то, о чем вас спрашивают.
1. Have you finished packing? (just)
— Not yet. I’m just going to finish packing.
2. Have you done your homework, Jess? (after
3. Have you made the tea, Anne? (soon)
4. Have you washed the car, Jeremy? (after school)
5. Anne, have you called Maria? (in the evening)
Be going to используется, когда
мы говорим о намерениях/планах на будущее (собираться/намереваться).
• Are you going to watch the film
tonight? – No, I’ve already seen
it. And besides, I’m too tired. I’m
going to have an early night.
– Be going to можно также
использовать, когда речь идет о
прошлых намерениях  was/
were going to.
• I was going to call you, but I came
home too late yesterday.
– Если после be going to должен
следовать глагол “go”, последний просто опускается, чтобы
избежать повторения.
• We’re going to go to Manchester
on Saturday.
Ex 10. Answer the questions, using WAS/WERE GOING TO and the words in brackets.
Ответьте на вопросы, используя WAS/WERE GOING TO и слова в скобках.
1. Did you call Mark? (change my mind)
— No, I was going to call him, but I changed my mind.
2. Did you ask Conny to help you out? (find out / busy on Tuesday)
3. Did you visit the parents after work? (remember / do the shopping)
4. Did you send the letter? (decide / call them instead)
Ex 11. Use the prompts to complete the dialogue with the Present Continuous or BE
GOING TO future forms in the affirmative sentences and questions.
Завершите повествовательные предложения и вопросы в Present Continuous или
с использованием BE GOING TO.
OLIVER: Hi, Anne. What / you / do?
ANNE: I / to the country / for our trip / prepare everything
OLIVER: we / on Friday or on Saturday / leave?
ANNE: Of course on Friday. You / me / not be going to / help?
OLIVER: we / the tent / take / be going to / and our rain ponchos?
ANNE: Of course, we are. You never know what the weather’s going to be.
Расписание, программа, график
Когда мы говорим о будущем, но регулярно повторяющемся действии (расписании,
графике, программе), мы используем Present Simple, а не Present Continuous хотя это
действие заранее намечено/запланировано.
• The winter term starts on 7 January.
• The train to Liverpool leaves at 6.30 tomorrow morning.
Ex 12. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences dealing with timetable,
programme or schedule.
Используя слова в скобках, завершите предложения, касающиеся расписания,
графика, программы.
1. The shops here ............................ (open) at 7.00 and ............................ (close) at 5.30. It’s
very inconvenient. 2. The performance at our theatre ............................ (start) at 7.30. 3. What
time ............................ (the plane for Moscow /leave)? 4. When ............................ (the school /
start) in Germany? 5. The plane for Frankfurt ............................ (take off) at 4.30.
6. ............................ (the train arrive) at 7.00 or 7.30?
Ex 13. Complete the following dialogue using the Present Simple or the Present
Continuous forms of the words in brackets.
Завершите диалог, поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present
Simple или Present Continuous.
BARBARA: When ......................... (you go) on holiday?
JESSICA: We ......................... (leave) next Friday.
BARBARA: And how ......................... (you travel) there, by car or by
JESSICA: We ......................... (go) by car. The only direct train to
Blackpool ......................... (leave) at 6.20 a.m. and that’s too early.
BARBARA: And when ......................... (the school start) again?
JESSICA: In September.
Ex 14. Read Barbara’s letter to her friend Daisy. Translate the words in brackets. Don’t
forget that when speaking about plans we use the Present Continuous or BE
Переведите слова в скобках. Не забудьте, что, когда мы говорим о планах, мы
используем Present Continuous или BE GOING TO.
Dear Daisy,
When you (собираешься установить – get) ..................... your telephone answering machine? I can
never reach you by phone – so here’s a short note.
I think it’s wonderful that you (планируешь организовать – have) ..................... a weekend beach
party for Tom. I’m so sorry that we can’t come. That weekend we’re terribly busy. Maria
(представляет – present) ..................... her garden design for the new Сity Park on Friday. On
Saturday we (планируем помочь – help) ..................... at a sport + activity day for children.
I want to ask you for help in August. George and I (едем – go) ..................... on a walking tour. Could
I borrow your back-pack and rain poncho?
Call me – I have got an answering machine. Have a wonderful time at the party.
We (посылаем – send) ..................... George a present with the Hunts.
Love, Barbara
Ex 15. Read the dialogue. Translate the phrases from Russian into English.
Прочтите диалог. Переведите фразы на английский язык.
Grab the Bull by the Horns*
So, что ты делаешь в выходные, Jeremy? .........................................................
................................................ Have you got anything planned?
JEREMY: Yup. В субботу я с отцом иду на футбол. После матча мы собираемся перекусить
(have a bite) в городе. .....................................................................................
.................................................................................... What about you?
Я собирался попросить Джессику пойти со мной в кино, ....................................
.......................................................... but I’m sure she’ll say no.
JEREMY: Well, а ты не собираешься сначала (first) спросить её? ...................................
...................................... Come on, я помогу тебе ............................................ .
Hey, Jess…
* Хватать быка за рога.
4.1.2 The Present Continuous and the Present Simple
The Present Simple
The Present Continuous
Обычное, регулярное, повторяющееся действие, факт.
Длительное действие, процесс, протекающий в данный момент.
be + -ing
usually, generally, always, never,
• The Earth moves round the Sun.
• She lives in London.
• In summer they work in the
garden every day.
• The next train leaves at 19.25.
now, at present, at the moment
Listen ...; look; I see...; I hear...
Понятно из ситуации.
• Look, it is moving.
• She is living at her friend’s place now.
• They are working in the garden at
• I am leaving for Moscow tomorrow.
• Do you
Does he
work on Sundays?
• Are you
Is he
working now?
am/is/are + not
• They don’t speak French.
• You’re wrong, they aren’t speaking
French, they are speaking Spanish.
Ex 16. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form
to complete the sentences.
Завершите предложения. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму Present Simple
или Present Continuous.
1. Come in. I ............................... (not sleep). I never ............................... (sleep) in the
afternoon. I ............................... just ............................... (have a rest).
2. Max isn’t here. He ............................... (work) in the garden. He usually ...............................
(work) in his garden on weekends.
3. What ............................... (your mother do) now? – She ............................... (cook) dinner.
............................... (your mother cook) every day?
4. Where is your sister? – She ............................... (help) mother to clean the flat. She always
............................... (help) mother with cleaning.
5. Hello! Where ............................... (you go)? – Nowhere in particular. I ...............................
just (take a walk). I sometimes ............................... (take a walk) after dinner.
Ex 17. Complete the dialogue with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous of the
verbs in brackets.
Используйте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Simple или Present Continuous.
What Is on the Box?
Hi, Vicky, what ....................... you ....................... (watch)?
I ....................... (watch ) the news on channel one now, but in five minutes a
programme about global warming ....................... (start) on channel seven. I usually
....................... (watch) it.
It ....................... (sound) interesting, but I ....................... (prefer) something more
entertaining. OK, while you ....................... (watch) the programme, I’ll make us
something to eat.
You ....................... (not understand). There are a lot of things which constantly
....................... (ruin) our planet, it’s very important to know. I ....................... (like)
programmes like that.
Ex 18. Translate the phrases from Russian into English.
Переведите фразы на английский язык.
A Relaxing Day
OLIVER: Well, this is relaxing, isn’t it? Близнецы прекрасно (nicely) играют ...........................
.................................... with each other, ты читаешь книгу и я, наконец (finally)
начинаю ................................................................................... to put work out of
my mind.
Мы обычно чувствуем себя ....................................................................... like that
on holiday. Ты так не считаешь (think) .................................................................. ?
OLIVER: Ты не хочешь искупаться? Вода не холодная. ..................................................
........................................................................................... . Посмотри, некоторые
люди купаются (swim) ...............................
.............................................................. .
ANNE: No, not for me, thanks. But why don’t you
and the twins have a swim? А я собираюсь
пойти на прогулку вдоль моря (along the
promenade) ..............................................
and to look for a nice place to have lunch.
Ex 19. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English.
Переведите диалог на английский язык.
Are You in Love Again?
Что ты делаешь, Вики? ...........................................................................................
Я пеку Рождественское печенье (make Christmas cookies). ......................................
У меня один вопрос. У нас есть разные формы для печенья (cookie cutters). Почему
ты вырезаешь (cut) только сердца? Ты опять влюблена?........................................
Нет, конечно, нет. И я всегда использую эту форму (cutter) ................
Но почему ты краснеешь (blush)? .....................
Перестань болтать (talk) и помоги мне. .............
4.2 The Past Continuous Tense
Ex 20. Look at the underlined time words
and fill in the gaps with the right
form of the verbs in brackets.
Обратите внимание на подчёркнутые обстоятельства времени
и заполните пропуски соответствующей формой данных в скобках
was working
were working
• Maria was having a job interview at
11 o’clock on Tuesday.
• Oliver was painting the garage all
day long yesterday.
• Amy was writing e-mails to her
friends from 5 till 7 on Sunday.
We .......................... (play) computer games the whole evening yesterday.
Mother .......................... (clean) the flat from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., she was very tired then.
Maria .......................... (read) for her exams all day long yesterday.
Granny .......................... (not cook) at 4 o’clock yesterday, she .......................... (knit) the
5. The boys .......................... (play) football from
2 till 5 last Monday.
Сигнальные слова
6. We went to the disco yesterday evening, we
The Past Continuous употребля.......................... (dance) the whole night.
ется с обстоятельствами времени,
7. It wasn’t sunny yesterday. Oliver and Anne
которые указывают на момент или
.......................... (walk) along the beach from
период совершения действия в
9 to 12.
прошлом, например:
Ex 21. Daniel, the Browns eldest son, is fond
of taking pictures. Here are two of
the pictures he took last Sunday
afternoon. Look at the pictures and
say what all the members of the family
were doing at that moment. Use the
prompts below.
Посмотрите на фото. Используя данные слова, напишите, что делали все
члены семьи в момент съёмки.
at five o’clock yesterday,
from four to/till six yesterday,
the whole summer last year,
when he came in…
В основном эти обстоятельства времени стоят в конце предложения.
Mother/teach the elder daughter to bake a pie
they/make an apple pie  Father/ read a book
the children/listen to the story /look at the pictures
they/have a good time
Usually, the Browns don’t stay at home on Sunday afternoons, but that Sunday it was
raining and the family had a cozy day in. ..............................................................................
Ex 22. Translate the joke from Russian into English.
Переведите шутку на английский язык.
A J☺ ke...
Почему собака
так смотрела на него?
Петя сидел за столом. Он ел. Большая
собака сидела рядом с ним. Она
пристально смотрела (stare at) на Петю.
Петя был удивлён. Младший брат
объяснил ему, почему собака так (in such
a way) смотрела на него. Петя ел из
тарелки их собаки.
Вопросы и отрицания
Мы задаём вопрос в Past Continuous, чтобы узнать:
– какое действие протекало в данное время в прошлом:
• What were you doing yesterday morning?
– на каком фоне протекали указанные события в прошлом:
• Was it raining when you left the office?
Negative Form
Oliver was working at 5 yesterday. 
• Was Oliver working at 5 yesterday?
was/were + not working
• Oliver was not working at 5 yesterday.
Ex 23. Read the joke. Use the prompts and write questions about the things
underlined in the sentences. Answer the questions.
Используя данные слова, составьте вопросы
к подчёркнутым частям предложений.
Ответьте на вопросы.
Для образования специального
вопроса перед вспомогательным
глаголом (was/were) ставится
Young baby-sitters
вопросительное слово (who/
what/when/where/why, etc.).
Grandma was baby-sitting with
• What was Maria doing last at
the three-year-old and the five-year-old.
She was watching TV and fell asleep on the sofa.
Grandma was sleeping. The five-year-old decided to
7 p.m. last Saturday?
• Why was she smiling?
do something about it. He was tugging (тянуть) at her arm saying: “Wake up, Grandma, we
aren’t baby-sitting with you. You’re baby-sitting with us and we want to go to bed.”
Who was baby-sitting? — Grandma.
With whom / baby-sit ................................................ ? – ................................................
What / do ......................................................... ? – .........................................................
Sleep ........................................................... ? – ...........................................................
Why / tug (at) .................................................... ? – ......................................................
Ex 24. Look at some notes Anne made in her old weekly planner. Ask what she was
doing at the given time or when she was doing the things she had planned to do.
Answer the questions using the words in brackets.
Задайте вопросы о том, что Анна делала в указанное время или когда она делала
то, что запланировала. Ответьте на эти вопросы, используя данные в скобках слова.
Anne is self-employed and runs her own physiotherapy practice.
Her days are rather busy because she also takes care of her family.
9.00 Mrs Smart (examine
the leg)
10.00 Mrs Ivans
(give a massage)
15.00 meet the bank manager
12.15 school (talk / teacher
Mrs Clarks)
10.00 wait / delivery
14.00 Mr Pratt (show some
exercise for his back)
(new equipment)
17.30 Oliver (do the shopping/
8 p.m.!! cinema (watch /new film)
9 p.m. meet Bob and Conny
at Mario’s
9.00 call mum
MODEL: What was Anne doing at 9 o’clock on Monday?
– Anne was examining Mrs Smart’s leg.
When was Anne watching a new film?
– She was watching a new film at 8 p.m. on Tuesday.
4.2.1 The Past Simple and the Past Continuous
Present Simple
Past Simple
в прошлом
Past Continuous
действие протекало в
определенный момент
или период в прошлом
was/were working
every day
last week
3 days ago
in 1997
at 5 o’clock yesterday
from 5 to 6 yesterday
all day long/all year round
when I came in
• We often go to the theatre.
• We went to the theatre
• We met him when we were
Do you like the plays they
usually stage?
last week, but we didn’t
like the play.
• We were watching the soap
going to the theatre.
opera the whole evening.
Ex 25. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
This time last year I ..................................... (live) in Britain.
In 1954 he ..................................... (work) abroad.
He ..................................... (work) in the garden all weekend.
When he ..................................... (drive) home last night he ..................................... (see)
a strange animal on the road.
What ..................................... (you/do) at this time yesterday?
We ..................................... (buy) a puppy the day before yesterday. The children
..................................... (play) with the puppy all day long yesterday
Barbara’s friend Daisy ..................................... (celebrate) her birthday last Sunday. Barbara
and George ..................................... (give) her a nice vase.
Though (хотя) the guests ..................................... (not be) young, they ..................
..................... (dance) all evening long. They ..................................... (have a good time).
Ex 26. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs from
the box.
Заполните пропуски данными глаголами в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous.
shout  walk  have  see  wear  come up  think
smile  look  be  go  run (x2)  sit
He Was the First!
Mr Brown (1) ............................. in the park. He (2) ............................. a new suit and (3) ...............
.............. that everybody (4) .............................at him. But he (5) ............................. tired. At last
he (6) ............................. a bench! He also saw that an old man (7) ............................. to it, too.
Mr Brown (8) ............................. to the bench. “It is the first
who always wins”, he thought. The old man
............................. after him and (10) ...................
............... something. But Mr Brown was the first! He
............................. down. Oh, how happy he was. He
.............................. .
The old man (13) ............................. to him. He
............................. a notice in his hand: “Wet paint!”
(«Осторожно, окрашено!»)
Ex 27. Translate the joke from Russian into English.
Переведите шутку на английский язык.
A J☺ ke...
Симон сидел в пабе. Он пил пиво. Он ни с кем
не разговаривал.
«Симон, почему ты такой грустный (sad)?»,
спросил его хозяин (owner) паба.
«Я поссорился с тёщей не так давно (some
time ago). Она сказала, что не будет (wouldn’t)
разговаривать со мной месяц», – объяснил
«И почему это тебя так сильно расстроило
(upset / so much)?» спросил удивлённый
(puzzled) хозяин паба.
«Это было четыре недели назад. Сегодня
последний день».
4.2.2 Talking about an Activity
that Was Interrupted by an Event
Ex 28. Underline the correct form.
Подчеркните соответствующую форму глагола.
1. When Anne arrived / was arriving at the station the train
waited / was waiting.
2. While Oliver worked / was working in the garden he was
hurting / hurt his back.
3. Maria had / was having a nice dream when the alarm
clock was waking / woke her.
4. The sun was shining / shone so Jeremy and Jessica
decided / was deciding to go for a swim.
5. Ron waved / was waving to Maria from the bus but she
didn’t look / wasn’t looking his way.
6. Liz Taylor and Richard Burton first was meeting / met
when they starred / were starring together in the film
Часто в жизни в течение
одного действия вклинивается другое. Чтобы описать подобную ситуацию,
предложение строится по
Past Simple
Past Continuous
• When Oliver was driving
to work it started to rain.
• His mobile phone rang
while he was driving.
Ex 29. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. Oliver ................................ (clean) the car when the twins ................................ (come)
home from school.
2. While Jessica ................................ (vacuum) the inside of the car Jeremy .................
.................. (empty) the glove box.
3. Jeremy ................................ (break) a plate last night when he ................................ (do
the washing-up).
4. Maria ................................ (burn/сжечь) the meat when she ................................ (cook)
5. Oliver ................................ (hurt/поранить) his hand when he ................................ (build)
the fence (забор).
6. When Oliver ................................ (repair) the roof he ................................ (fall) off the
ladder (лестница).
7. The car ................................ (stop) on the road when Anne ................................ (go) home
from work.
Ex 30. Translate the story from Russian into English.
Переведите рассказ на английский язык.
Было 8 часов утра. Я собирался идти на работу. Я выглянул (look out of) в окно. Шёл
сильный дождь (hard).
Я хотел взять с собой зонт (umbrella), но все пять зонтов были сломаны (be broken). Я
решил отнести (take) все зонты в мастерскую (workshop). Когда я шёл на работу, я оставил
их в мастерской. Я обещал забрать (pick up) их вечером.
В 12 часов я пошёл в ближайшее кафе на ланч (for lunch). Дождь всё ещё шёл. Я сел за
столик, где ела ланч молодая женщина. Когда я собирался уходить (leave), я по ошибке (by
mistake) взял её зонтик. Девушка остановила меня и сказала, что это её зонтик. Я извинился
Вечером я забрал все свои пять зонтов. Когда я ехал домой на автобусе, я увидел
девушку, которую я встретил в кафе. Она ехала в том же (the same) автобусе.
Когда она увидела меня с моими пятью зонтами, она сказала:
“You have had a successful day today, haven’t you?”
Ex 31. Review of tenses: the Present Simple, the Past Simple or the Past Continuous?
Use the verbs in brackets in the right form.
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени: Present Simple, Past
Simple или Past Continuous.
A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot
What a bad day Monday was for me!
I (1) ....................... (wake up) late and (2) ....................... (not have) time to eat my breakfast.
I (3) ....................... (not see) my school bag and my cap in their places. I (4) ....................... (look)
for the bag everywhere and then I (5) ....................... (see) them under the table. My dog Pal
....................... (sit) on my cap.
The first lesson on Monday (7) ....................... (be) always Maths. I (8) ....................... (be) not
very good at Maths. I usually (9) ....................... (sit) behind Jane who (10) ....................... (be)
fat and silly, but she always (11) ....................... (have) good marks for Maths. While Jane (12)
....................... (do) the sums I (13) ....................... (take) her diary to read. I (14) .......................
(wait) for the answers to copy.
The teacher (15) ....................... (give) me a bad mark for that.
The second lesson that Monday (16) ....................... (be) French.
I (17) ....................... (like) French because you can talk to your
friends I (18) ....................... (talk) French to Peter when there
....................... (be) the bell – time for eleven o’clock tea.
Nell (20) ....................... (eat) a piece of cake, I (21) ......................
(look) at her and she (22) ....................... (share) her cake with
me. Nell (23) ....................... (be) a nice girl.
After dinner we (24) ....................... (have) a history lesson.
I usually (25) ....................... (not like) history, but I (26) .........
.............. (like) this lesson very much. We (27) ....................... (read) about the Battle of Hastings.
The last lesson was games, we (28) ....................... (play) football and Peter (29) .......................
(hit) me. But when we (30) ....................... (go) home from school, he (31) ....................... (buy) me
an ice-cream.
We (32) ....................... (listen) to the new records at Peter’s place when my mother (33) ..................
............. (call). She (34) ....................... (look) for me. She (35) ....................... (be) very angry.
5. The Perfect Tenses
HAVE + Participle II
Participle II
Правильные глаголы + -ed
asked, used, finished
Неправильные глаголы
taken, seen, heard
(см. Appendix 2)
The Present Perfect
The Past Perfect
The Future Perfect
had asked
will have asked
Действие закончилось
к определенному моменту
в настоящем, есть
результат этого действия.
Действие закончилось
к определенному моменту
или началу другого
действия в прошлом.
Действие закончится
к определенному моменту
в будущем.
• We have already done all
• We had finished the work
• We’ll have finished the
our Christmas shopping.
• I can’t walk, I have hurt
my leg. (результат: I can’t
by 5 o’clock yesterday.
• The lesson had already
started when he arrived.
• I will have already passed
work by Friday next week.
the exam by the time you
5.1 The Present Perfect Tense
Ex 1.
Negative form
 I’ve asked
has asked  He’s asked
have/has + not + Participle II 
haven’t/hasn’t asked
These verbs are irregular. Complete the table with the correct forms of the
Глаголы, представленные в этой таблице, неправильные. Дополните недостающие
в таблице формы.
The Past Simple
Participle II
* xêÉÇz
Ex 2.
Сигнальные слова
Complete the sentences with the time
words in brackets. Tick ()the right
Отметьте место (), где должно стоять
данное в скобках обстоятельство
 packed the things for our holiday  .
1. I have 
2. The manager hasn’t  arrived  . (yet).
3. Mr Rain has  called  . (just).
4. Has Oliver  paid the bill  (yet)?
The Present Perfect обычно используется с наречиями:
1. already, just, yet, ever, never,
Обратите внимание на место
этих обстоятельств времени в
• I have never/just met him.
• I have met him several times
• I have already finished the work.
• I haven’t finished the work yet.
5. Jessica has  written a postcard to Granny 
6. Have you  been to Scotland  (ever)?
7. They have  swum in the ocean  (never).
8. Have you  bought any new records 
9. I haven’t  eaten anything  (today).
10. Have you  been at the theatre  (lately)?
2. с наречиями, обозначающими
неоконченный период времени
(к моменту говорения):
today, this morning/ week/
• We haven’t seen Ann today.
• Mark hasn’t had a holiday this
«ещё не» в отрицании
• I haven’t spoken to her yet.
«уже» в вопросе
• Have you seen this film yet?
Present Perfect также используется со служебными словами for и since.
FOR + период времени
SINCE + начало действия
• I have known Frank for six years.
• I have known Frank since we studied
at University / since University.
Обратите внимание на употребление времен:
Present Perfect since Past Simple
• We have lived in Berlin since we moved to Germany.
Ex 3.
FOR or SINCE? Write the equivalents.
Укажите соответствия.
It’s 15 June 2013, Wednesday, 5 p.m. now.
for 100 years = since the 20th century
since January = for 6 months
since Monday = .........................................
for five years = ..........................................
since 1953 = .............................................
for two hours = ..........................................
since 10 a.m. = ..........................................
Ex 4.
Write sentences about these situations with FOR or SINCE.
Напишите предложения об этих ситуациях, используя FOR или SINCE.
1. Andy goes out with Conny. They met during their last holiday.
They have known each other for almost a year now.
2. Stavros has a Mercedes. He bought it five years ago in 2008.
3. Andy lives in Chicago. He moved there last year.
4. Sandra is ill. She fell ill a week ago.
5. I saw him last when we left school. It was ages (вечность) ago.
6. Anna and Oliver got married 20 years ago.
Ex 5.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Манос никогда не учил никакие иностранные языки.
2. Его жена изучает немецкий с момента переезда (move to) в Германию.
3. Привет! Я только что приехал (arrive). Как дела?
4. Я не видел Тома сегодня. – Он болен.
5. Недавно Анна посмотрела несколько хороших фильмов.
6. Джессика уже закончила писать сочинение (essay) и собирается на прогулку.
7. Джереми ещё не сделал уроки, он остаётся дома.
8. На этой неделе Джереми не играл в футбол.
9. Бабушка только что звонила. Она собирается приехать (come over).
10. Я очень рада. Бабушка и дедушка не приезжали к нам (come over) в этом месяце.
11. Я на этой работе (have this job) уже месяц.
12. Ты подавлена (be depressed). Вы поссорились (have a quarrel)?
13. Ты прекрасно выглядишь. – Я хорошо отдохнула.
14. Не приноси мне этот учебник (textbook), я его купила.
Образование общего вопроса
Have/Has + Подлежащее + done ............ ?
Jeremy has booked the tickets for a football match. 
• Has Jeremy booked the tickets for a football match? – Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
Ex 6.
Put the words in order to form a question.
Составьте вопрос из данных слов.
you / have / yet / the book / bought? ...................................................................................
found / nice stone / this / has / he? ......................................................................................
the cat / all the milk / has / drunk? ......................................................................................
finished / yet / has / he / the work? .....................................................................................
you / the football match / seen / have? .................................................................................
Ex 7.
Jeremy has got some good news for his father. Oliver is trying to guess what
has happened. Use the prompts and write his questions. Complete some of
Jeremy’s answers, too.
Оливер пытается угадать, что произошло. Используя данные слова, напишите его
вопросы и ответы Джереми.
Good News
JEREMY: Dad, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.
OLIVER: The good news first.
JEREMY: Have a guess (догадаться).
OLIVER: the exam / you / pass with flying colours? (1) ...........
JEREMY: No, that would be sensational news.
OLIVER: you / the school chess championship / win?
JEREMY: No, you know Mark always wins it.
OLIVER: a treasure / you / find? (3) ........................................................................................
JEREMY: Go ahead. You’re very near.
OLIVER: I give up.
JEREMY: versus Manchester United / I / two tickets / us / book / for / game / the Arsenal.
OLIVER: Great! What’s the bad news?
JEREMY: You have to pay for the tickets. money / spend / I / all my pocket.
Ex 8.
Oliver and Anne are going to have a surprise birthday party for the twins. The
preparations are in full swing. Oliver and Anne are checking if everything has
been taken care of.
Use the information below and write what each of them HAS ALREADY DONE or
Используя данную ниже информацию, напишите, что уже сделали или ещё не
сделали Анна и Оливер.
1. buy and wrap the presents / already
3. buy all the ingredients / already
5. make the cake / not yet
2. hang the balloons and the lights / already
4. put the tables in the garden / not yet
6. order the party popper* online / just
OLIVER: So, how are the preparations going, Anne?
ANNE: (1) .......................................................................... And what about
the decorations?
OLIVER: (2) .......................................................................... but (4) ........................
.................................................. You didn’t forget about the cake, did you?
ANNE: Of course, not. (3) .......................................................................... but (5) .................
......................................................... I’m going to make it tomorrow. And the party
popper, did you remember to order it?
OLIVER: Sure. (6) .......................................................................... the party popper online. It
will be delivered tomorrow.
ANNE: I’ve got the candles for the cake as well. Goodness me, I’m exhausted (быть без сил)
and the party is only the day after tomorrow.
* аппарат для приготовления воздушной кукурузы
В разговорном английском языке Present Perfect не используется в следующих предложениях:
• Что вы сказали? – What did you say?
• Я не слышал вашего вопроса. – I did not hear your question.
• Я забыл. – I forgot.
• Теперь я понял. – Now I understand.
В вопросах, начинающихся с
• Где вы купили книгу? – Where did you buy the book? WHEN никогда не используется
Present Perfect, т.к. в ответе
ожидается указание определенного времени в прошлом. В этом
Translate the questions from Russian
случае всегда используется Past
into English.
Переведите вопросы на английский язык.
• When did you see this film?
Ex 9.
1. Вы читали газеты в последнее время? –
Простите, я не слышал вашего вопроса.
2. Ты ел сегодня что-нибудь? – Я забыл.
3. Ты когда-нибудь готовила традиционные английские блюда?
4. Вы уже подали десерт? Когда вы подали десерт?
5. Мария купила чай? Где она купила этот чай?
6. Ты когда-нибудь пробовал настоящий английский завтрак?
7. Вы уже побывали в новом кафе? – Простите, что вы сказали?
Сигнальные слова
Сигнальные слова присутствуют не во всех предложениях, где по смыслу должен быть
употреблен Present Perfect. В таких предложениях использование Present Perfect
диктуется логикой – мы сообщаем о том, что уже свершилось, и результат этого действия
мы видим или ощущаем в настоящем.
К такому типу относятся сообщения о произошедших событиях или новости:
• A lot has changed in our family since we last met.
• Father has got a new job in Africa. I’ve passed my law exams.
Если мы хотим далее рассказать об этом событии более подробно, мы переходим на Past
• I have had a terrible day at the office today. We lost three contracts, and my secretary went
home sick.
Ex 10. Maria has come home for the weekend and asks her mum what has happened
since her last visit. Write Anne’s answers using the following words.
Напишите ответы Анны, используя данные слова.
So, What’s Happened Lately?
1. Dad / put up 3 kilos. ... Dad has put up 3 kilos. ...
He / decide / to take up jogging again. ... He decided to take up jogging again. ...
2 Jeremy and Jessica / pass / an important exam at school.
They / read for this exam / for a week.
3. Fiona / marry / an engineer from Canada.
They / have / a great wedding.
4. I / clean / the house from top to bottom.
Dad / help me / a lot.
5. We / not start / working in the garden yet. But we / already buy / a new wheelbarrow (тачка).
6. Mr Rain / get a new job in France. So our neighbours / move out.
Сигнальные слова
Ex 11. Translate the words in brackets.
Переведите слова в скобках.
Last Minute Preparations
So then, I положила в чемодан/упаковала наши купальные костюмы, фотоаппарат (1) .............................................
................................ and the guide book.
Good. Я уже попросил моих родителей
................................................ to keep
an eye on the house while we’re away. They
will water the plants and check the post.
Is there anything что мы забыли (3) .........
...................... ? Мы взяли (4) ...............
............................ the credit cards, driving
licences, insurance documents?
Рresent Perfect также употребляется без сигнальных слов в следующих случаях:
1. в предложении указано, к какому результату в настоящем
привело данное действие:
• Just fancy! I have lost the key.
How do I get into the flat?
(результат – человек не может
попасть в квартиру)
• Why aren’t you reading, Fred? –
I have left my book at home.
(результат: Fred isn’t reading)
2. результат указанного действия
• I have seen this film. I have read
the book. (результат: я знаю
Ты всё проверила (check)? (5) .............................................
Я взял адресную книжку (the address book) (6) ........................
.............................................................. so we can write some
postcards while we’re away.
Ex 12. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Посмотри! Кто-то разбил окно.
2. У Кевина нет машины. Он ее продал.
3. Ты очень стройная. Ты похудела (lose weight)?
4. Ой! Я съела все пирожные.
5. Машина такая чистая. Ты помыл её?
6. Почему ты не пишешь? – Я потерял (lose) ручку.
7. Почему девочка плачет? Что случилось (happen)? – Она заблудилась (lose one’s way).
8. Она очень расстроена (be upset). Она потеряла билеты в театр.
9. В холодильнике было три бифштекса (steak). – Я их съел.
10. Она счастлива, её сын окончил школу.
Open the brackets and read the joke.
A J☺ ke...
FATHER: I (1) ..................... (not see) Charlie for ages. He (2) ..................... (always
be) such a good friend of yours, and now we never see him at our place.
It’s but natural, dad, we were both bachelors then and now Charlie is a
married man.
FATHER: So what? What difference does it make?
You see, I gave him a present on his wedding day and he (3) .....................
(not / speak) to me since.
FATHER: What book was it?
The most appropriate (подходящий) one, dad. It was “Paradise Lost”.
5.2 The Present Perfect and the Past Simple
The Past Simple
The Present Perfect
Повторяющееся действие, факт в прошлом. Воспоминания, рассказ о прошлых
событиях, хроника.
Действие завершено к определённому
моменту в настоящем, имеется результат
yesterday, last week,
in 1990, 5 years ago
already/yet, just, ever/never,
recently/lately, this week/year, today
for, since
• I lost the key yesterday.
• I saw Margaret the other day.
• I didn’t have holidays last year.
• Brian lived in Ireland for 6 years (He no
• I have lost my key. What shall I do?
• I haven’t seen Margaret today.
• I haven’t had holidays this year.
• Brian has lived in Ireland for 6 years (He
longer lives there).
still lives there).
Ex 13. The Present Perfect or the Past Simple? Complete the dialogue. Use the verbs
in brackets in the right form.
Present Perfect или Past Simple? Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем
I Am in Pain!
So Mr Pratt, I see you ............................... (bring) the X-ray pictures from the
Yes, the doctor ............................... (make) the pictures two hours ago.
It’s clear, you ............................... (sprain – растянуть связки) your ankle
I ............................... (fall down) when playing volleyball in the morning.
How ............................... (you fall)?
On my side, it ............................... (already / happen) before,
but then everything ............................... (be) OK.
............................... (the doctor / do) anything yet?
No, he said I should have some exercise programme.
Don’t worry Mr Pratt, we’ll fix it in no time.
That’s wonderful! I ............................... (be) in so much
pain (боль) since I ............................... (fall down).
Ex 14. Oliver and Anne decided to go to Oliver’s brother who has got a farm in the
country. Jessica and Jeremy had to go with them.
Fill in the verbs below, using either the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.
Заполните пробелы данными ниже глаголами в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
be  do  feed (кормить)  get up  milk (доить)
relax  repair (ремонтировать)  come  want
................ you ................ the cows yet?
Yes, and we ................ all the animals, too.
Wow, that’s impressive. When ................ you ................?
Aunt Flora ................ to give us a knock at six, but believe it or not, we ................
both awake (не спать) when she ................ with the breakfast. And what about you?
What ................ you ................ to help so far?
Yesterday I ................ the fence. But apart from that I just (просто) ................ in the
sun. We are on holiday after all.
Ex 15. Translate the words in brackets.
Переведите слова в скобках.
DARREN: Hi James, я купил новый CD Эминема. Ты его уже
слышал? ...................................................................
Yes, я слушал его вчера .............................................
............................ It’s pretty good, isn’t it?
DARREN: Ты когда-нибудь видел Эминема? ............................
Yup. I have indeed.
DARREN: You’re kidding me! Когда ты его видел? Почему ты не пригласил меня? ................
Ex 16. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Волковы очень рады, что они, наконец (at last), закончили ремонт (repairs) дома. Они
начали этот ремонт в прошлом году. ................................................................................
2. Вчера Анна смотрела очень интересную ТВ программу. Она никогда раньше не видела
эту программу. ..............................................................................................................
3. Вы когда-нибудь были в Риме? – Нет, я ещё никогда не была в Италии, но два года назад
я совершила поездку (made a tour of) по Испании. ...........................................................
4. Вы уже получили письмо от своего друга? Когда вы его получили? ..................................
5. Посмотри! Какие красивые цветы она купила! На твой день рождения в прошлом году
она тоже купила замечательные цветы. ..........................................................................
6. Мы не катались на лыжах с прошлой зимы. В прошлом году мы ездили в Альпы (the Alps)
кататься на лыжах. .........................................................................................................
7. Я не танцевала целую вечность (for ages). Последний раз (last) я танцевала на свадьбе
сына. .............................................................................................................................
8. Я только что заметила эту ошибку и уже исправила (correct) ее. .....................................
9. Оливер не слушал радио сегодня. Он очень занят в последнее время. .............................
10. Анна уже закончила работу и едет домой. Она слушала радио утром и рассказала
Оливеру последние (latest) новости. ................................................................................
5.3 Review of Tenses
Ex 17. Read Barbara’s e-mail to her old friend Daisy. Put the verbs in brackets into the
right tense form.
Прочтите e-mail Барбары, поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени.
 Message (HTML)
File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help
great news for Daisy
Dear Daisy,
I have great news for you! My son (1) ........................... (buy) me a computer. Last
month I (2) ........................... (take) a computer course and now I can write and
send e-mails. So in the future we (3) ........................... (communicate) more often
over the internet – how modern!
Anyway, how are you? What (4) ........................... (your children do) at present?
Here in Bath things (5) ........................... (be) much the same as ever.
Last month we (6) ........................... (go) to Paris. We often (7) ........................... (not
understand) what people (8) ........................... (say).
So now George (9) ........................... (decide) to learn French, because we (10) ............
............... (dream) to go to the South of France.
Oliver (11) ........................... (do) well at his new job. The twins (12) ...........................
(study) at school as usual and Maria you know, (13) ........................... (study) at
University now.
Unfortunately the weather (14) ........................... (be) pretty bad and the days
........................... (get) shorter.
I hope the weather (16) ........................... (be) nicer in a month or two.
So, that’s enough for the first e-mail. I (17) ........................... (look forward) to
hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Ex 18. Translate the story about Nelson’s family. Use the Present Simple, the Present
Continuous; the Present Perfect or the Future Simple.
Переведите на английский язык рассказ о семье Нельсон, используя Present
Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Future Simple.
Роберт (Robert) и Айви (Ivy) живут в Лондоне. Они женаты уже 25 лет. У них двое почти
взрослых (almost adult) детей, Елизавета (Liz) и Давид (Dave). Лиз и Дейв учатся в школе и
все ещё живут с родителями.
Роберт – юрист (lawyer). Он работает в юридической фирме (lawyers’ firm). Айви библиотекарь (librarian). Сейчас она работает на неполный рабочий день (part-time). Но когда
дети уедут, она будет работать полный рабочий день (full-time).
Сейчас в семье Нельсон живёт девушка из Германии, Хана (Hannah). Хана изучает
английский язык в Лондоне. В следующем году Давид поедет в Германию, он будет жить в
семье Ханы и изучать немецкий язык.
Лиз только что сдала выпускные экзамены (final exams) в школе. Она хочет изучать
искусство (art) в Италии.
Ее брат Дейв увлекается (be keen on) спортом. Он любит играть в футбол, но не очень любит
учиться. Сейчас их команда (team) играет в Ливерпуле. Они уже выиграли (win) две игры.
Но Дейв не сдал последний экзамен. Родители очень огорчены (be upset).
5.4 The Past Perfect Tense
HAD + Participle II
by 5 o’clock yesterday.
She had finished cooking
before her husband arrived home.
• They had finished building this stadium by the end of 2005.
• The secretary had typed all the papers before the meeting began.
Ex 19. Use the prompts and complete the sentences.
Составьте предложения, используя данные слова.
Oliver was to present the plan for the City Park development (развитие) to the Mayor on March
10th. It was loads of work. He had planned everything carefully a long time before the presentation
date. So, everything had been done and double checked by March 9th.
In the evening after the presentation Oliver told Anne about his work on the project in detail.
1. Inspect the location / by January 15th.
Oliver had inspected the location by January 15th.
2. Make pictures of the area / by January 20th.
3. Consult garden designers / by the end of January.
4. Contact a building firm / by the middle of February.
5. Make the calculations / by the evening of
February 25th.
6. Check through everything / by the morning of
March 8th
Ex 20. When Paul visited an old friend he gave Paul the news about his family and other
people in the village. Use the Past Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets to
complete the sentences.
Завершите предложения, используя глаголы в скобках в форме Past Perfect.
MODEL: His father didn’t work in the bank anymore.
He (retire) had retired.
1. His parents didn’t live there any longer. They (go) ........................................ to live in the
country. 2. His sister wasn’t there, either. She (get) ........................................ married. 3. His
house was larger. He (build) ........................................ the third storey. 4. Your friends, Mike and
Brenda, were away. They (leave) ........................................ for Sweden.
Ex 21. Eric and Dolly’s mother works full-time. Sometimes she has to work on Saturday
when the children aren’t at school. Write what the children had done and what
they hadn’t done before the mother came home.
Напишите, что сделали дети и чего они не сделали до прихода мамы с работы.
Before their mother came home from work
on Saturday evening Eric and Dolly
При образовании Past Perfect выражения
с глаголом have (см. с. 26) вызывают неко... hadn’t had a shower ... (not/have a
торые трудности.
shower), they ... had watched ... (watch)
TV instead.
HAD HAD lunch / a bath, etc
They (3) .................................. (not/have
HAD + Participle II
breakfast), because they (4) ......................
.................... (have sweets) they found in
• He had already had a swim before it
the cupboard.
started to rain.
They ................................. (have lunch),
but they (6) ................................. (not/wash
up) the dishes.
Though the mother (7) .................................. (not
allow) them to go to the lake alone, they
.................................. (have a swim).
And finally they (9) .................................. (have a
Мы используем Past Perfect после
when, after, as soon as, by the time
that, чтобы показать, что одно
действие было полностью завершено до начала другого действия.
В основном эта функция Past
Perfect используется при согласовании времён и в косвенной речи. (см. c. 128–129)
Past Perfect
Past Simple
• When we came to the station, the train had
already left (т.е. до нашего прихода на
Ex 22. Use WHEN, AFTER or BEFORE to make one
sentence for each situation.
Опишите ситуацию, соединив два предложения в одно с помощью союзов WHEN, AFTER или
The Walkers had the builders in
Anne and Oliver decided to replace their old windows because
they let a draft (сквозняк) in.
1. Anne saw an advertisement on TV offering a discount (скидка) on new windows. Anne and
Oliver decided to have their old windows replaced.
After Anne had seen an advertisement on TV offering a discount on new windows, Anne
and Oliver decided to have their old windows replaced.
2. The Walkers got a loan from the bank.
They began studying the catalogues.
3. They studied several catalogues.
They were ready to place an order for the new windows.
4. Anne looked through lots of advertisements.
She chose a good but economical building company.
5. The new windows arrived.
The workers began removing the old windows.
6. The workers removed the old windows.
They started fitting (устанавливать) the new ones.
Ex 23. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Вчера я не ходил в библиотеку (library), я не прочёл книгу.
2. Мы пошли в бар «Домино», потому что мы ещё там не были.
3. Когда Джереми сделал уроки, он побежал на футбольное поле (pitch). Его друзья уже
были там.
4. Когда Мария приехала домой, близнецы играли в настольную игру (board game),
которую она подарила им раньше.
5. Когда я пришла домой, моя любимая ТВ программа уже началась.
6. Я поняла, что они не получили мое письмо.
7. Колумб открыл (discover) Америку 500 лет назад. Когда он вернулся в Испанию, он не
знал, что он открыл Америку.
8. В квартире было холодно. Сломалась (fail) система отопления (heating system).
Ex 24. Anne and Oliver were young when they bought the house they live in. They made
a lot of mistakes when they were buying their house. Use the prompts and write
sentences about what they HADN’T DONE before they finally signed the
Напишите, что именно не сделали Оливер и Анна
перед подписанием контракта о покупке дома.
Anne and Oliver didn’t notice that the house was in a bad state of
repair. Before signing the contract they…
1. study the plans for the development (развитие) of the area
– hadn’t studied the plans for the development of the
2. contact a consulting firm ....................................................
3. examine the windows .......................................................................................................
4. check the pipes/трубы ....................................................................................................
5. inspect the roof .................................................................................................................
6. think about the size of the garden ......................................................................................
5.4.1 Questions and Negatives
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения
Negative form
He had arrived by 7 p.m. yesterday. 
• The music was divine, I hadn’t heard it before.
• Had he arrived by 7 p.m. yesterday?
Past Perfect не используется, если речь идёт о
действиях, совершающихся друг за другом в тесной
последовательности. Эта
цепь или перечисление
действий описывается глаголами в Past Simple.
had + not + Participle II 
hadn’t asked
Past Simple
Past Simple
Past Simple
• He got up, had a shower, had breakfast and left for
Ex 25. Anne and Oliver made up their mind to redecorate the living-room. Oliver’s
friend Mike is a painter and decorator. He offered to help them. Oliver and Anne
had to prepare everything for him. Check if they HAD PREPARED everything
before Mike began working.
Спросите, подготовили ли они всё, прежде чем Майк начал работу.
1. remove (снять) the pictures from the walls
Had they removed the pictures from the walls?
2. empty (освободить) the shelves
3. pull the furniture into the middle of the room
4. cover everything with paper sheets (лист)
5. give away the old sofa
6. order a new sofa
Ex 26. The Past Simple or the Past Perfect? Use the right form for the verbs in brackets.
Past Simple или Past Perfect? Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем
1. After Maria .......................... (visit) her parents, she .......................... (take) the train back
to her house.
2. When I .......................... (come) to the airport to pick up my friends, their plane
.......................... (already / land).
3. Anne .......................... (decide) to cook dinner for the friends. She .......................... (go)
to the market and .......................... (buy) a lot of delicious things. She ..........................
(make) a wonderful dinner.
4. My cousin .......................... (only / be) abroad once before she .......................... (move) to
Australia last year.
5. My sister .......................... (get married) early, she .......................... (go) to University, and
then they .......................... (have) a nice baby.
6. Oliver .......................... (be) very angry with Jeremy because he .......................... (tell) him
to turn off the light thousand of times.
7. After Anne .......................... (save) enough money, she .......................... (be able) to
renovate her practice.
5.5 Review of Tenses: The Past Simple,
the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect
Ex 27. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect
form of the verbs in brackets.
Заполните пропуски глаголами в скобках в форме Past Simple, Past Continuous
или Past Perfect.
1. Oliver and Jeremy .......................... (wash) the car when Jessica .......................... (come)
home. She .......................... (be) glad that Jeremy .......................... (already clean) the
hood (капот) of the car. She .......................... (have a snack) and .......................... (begin)
helping them. By the time she .......................... (start) Jeremy .......................... (already/
clean) the windows. Jessica .......................... (have) only to vacuum the inside of the car.
2. Anne .......................... (invite) friends over for dinner. Before going shopping she
.......................... (look) through several cookery books to find something special. She
.......................... (copy) the ingredients and .......................... (run) to the supermarket. The
recipe .......................... (be) very complicated. It .......................... (take) hours to make the
dish. After she .......................... (chop) two onions and four pickles, she ..........................
(start) boiling the meat. While the meat .......................... (boil) she .......................... (fry)
the chopped vegetables and .......................... (add) them to the boiling meat. There
.......................... (be) still lots of things to do.
3. Oliver .......................... (drive) rather fast. They .......................... (already /cover /проехать)
100 km, but they still .......................... (not reach) the mountains. Anne ..........................
(understand) that Oliver .......................... (take) the wrong road.
Ex 28. Translate the story from Russian into English.
Переведите рассказ на английский язык.
Свифт, английский писатель, путешествовал верхом (on
horseback) со своим слугой. Была очень плохая погода, шёл
дождь, дороги были грязными (muddy).
Вечером путешественники приехали в гостиницу (inn).
Свифт приказал слуге почистить его ботинки. Слуга был
ленив, он не сделал этого.
Утром Свифт спросил слугу, почему он не почистил ботинки.
Слуга объяснил, что бесполезно (be no use doing smth)
чистить ботинки, потому что дороги (were) грязные.
Свифт решил продолжать путешествие, но слуга
запротестовал (object). Он ещё не позавтракал.
Then Swift explained to the servant that it was no use having
breakfast because they would be hungry again.
5.5 The Future Perfect Tense
will / won’t have + Participle II
by 5 o’clock tomorrow.
He will have finished his work
when I call him.
• My friends will have returned from South Africa when I come
there in summer.
• I will have passed my exam by Saturday.
• Maria won’t have finished her work in the City Park by the
time her family goes on holiday.
Ex 29. Complete the sentences with the Future Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.
Заполните пропуски глаголами в скобках в форме Future Perfect Tense.
By next Tuesday I .......................... (finish) painting the bedroom.
This afternoon at three the Wimbledon final .......................... (start).
By the time we arrive in Berlin, the dog .......................... (be) in the car for three hours.
By the end of the tour we .......................... (visit) five cities.
I .......................... (finish) my studies by the end of the next year.
By the middle of August the Walkers .......................... (return) from their holidays.
When the Walkers get home, the grass in their garden .......................... (grow) awfully.
By the end of their holiday they probably .......................... (gain) a few kilos each.
Next year Anne and Oliver .......................... (be married) for twenty years.
Ex 30. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Maria couldn’t go on holiday with the family because she had a summer job.
With the permission of her boss Maria decided to join the family for the final week of the holiday.
Jessica and Jeremy missed their elder sister and kept thinking about her missing the fun. They
kept saying:
1. К концу лета Мария закончит свою летнюю работу.
2. Когда приедет Мария, мы уже обойдём (make a tour of) весь остров.
3. К её приезду начнутся занятия парусным спортом (sailing lessons).
4. К концу первой недели мы уже поднимемся на вершину утёса (the top of the cliff).
5. Когда приедет Мария, мы уже посетим сводчатую галерею (arcades).
6. К её приезду мы уже проведём пикник на пляже.
6. Modal Verbs
Модальные глаголы
Модальные глаголы объединены в особую группу, так как они имеют ряд
специфических особенностей:
1. они не обозначают действие, а только показывают «отношение» к нему: умение,
возможность, приказ, совет, разрешение или запрещение. Эти «оттенки» передаются
разными модальными глаголами: can, may, must, should, need, etc.
2. модальные глаголы не могут употребляться самостоятельно, а только в сочетании с
другим глаголом;
3. модальный глагол стоит в этой группе первым, следующий за ним смысловой глагол
употребляется в начальной форме без частицы “to”: can write, may come in, must wait,
should be polite;
4. модальные глаголы имеют одну форму для всех лиц (I, you, he, she, it, we, they), они
не принимают окончаний -s, -ed, -ing;
6.1 “Can”. Forms and Meanings
“Can”. Формы и значения
to be able to...
able to...
able to...
will be able to...
“Can” выражает:
1. возможность
«могу, можно»
– физическую
– умственную
– по обстоятельствам
2. просьбу*
3. разрешение
4. запрещение**
Ex 1.
• I can run very fast, but I can’t jump.
• He can read, but he can’t do sums.
• You can get there by bus.
• Can I have a glass of water, Rosa?
• They can come and see me at any time.
• You can’t cross the street here.
в более вежливой просьбе в формальной речи используется глагол could
Could I have a glass of water, please?
это запрещение связано с отсутствием возможности совершить действие:
здесь нельзя переходить дорогу, т.к. здесь нет перехода.
Explain the meaning of CAN in these sentences: ability (A), request (R),
permission (P), prohibition (Pr).
Объясните значения модального глагола CAN в данных предложениях: возможность (А), просьба (R), разрешение (P), запрещение (Pr).
1. I can play the piano. 2. You can wait here. 3. My mother can play chess very well. 4. It’s raining
hard. Can I borrow your umbrella, Steve? 5. I like this hotel room. You can see the mountains from
the window. 6. Look, there is a sign. You can’t park your car here. 7. Can I have a piece of cake,
please? 8. You can use the public phone in the hall. 9. You must leave the dog at the entrance,
you can’t take it in.
Negative form
You can come early. 
Can + not  cannot / can’t
• Tom can’t help us today.
• Can you come early?
– Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
He is able to do it. 
• Is he able to do it? – Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
not able to…
Was/were +
Will + not be able to  won’t be able to
• They weren’t able to finish the work on time.
• He won’t be able to arrive in the morning.
Ex 2.
Extend the statements according to the pattern.
Завершите высказывание по модели.
My foot is aching. (walk) ... I can’t walk. ...
I’m very busy now. (talk) .....................................................................................................
I must go now. (stay) ..........................................................................................................
What language is he speaking? (understand) ......................................................................
Who is over there? (see) ..................................................................................................
Don’t ask George to write the letter. (write/well) He won’t be able to write it well.
Don’t ask John to speak at the meeting (attend) ..................................................................
Don’t ask Roger to visit Mary at the hospital. (find the time) ...................................................
Don’t ask Oliver to go to the doctor with you. (do / in the morning) ..........................................
Don’t expect Molly to invite you for dinner. (cook) .................................................................
Ex 3.
Ask questions according to the pattern.
Задайте вопросы по модели.
I can’t do it. (John) Can John do it?
The girls can’t make cakes. (their mother) ...........................................................................
I can’t walk with you to the station. (your brother) .................................................................
Maria can’t do it now. (today) ..............................................................................................
Tim can’t play football. (basketball) .....................................................................................
Ex 4.
Complete the sentences with CAN/CAN’T, COULD/COULDN’T and one of the
verbs from the box.
Заполните пробелы модальным глаголом CAN /CAN’T, COULD /COULDN’T и одним
из данных глаголов.
talk  understand  install  leave  go (x2)  use
look up  pay  smoke  take  remember
1. Jane is unwell, we ........................ to the theatre. 2. ........... I ........... here, Mrs Right? 3. She
was rather strange, nobody ........................ her. 4. What a shame, I ........................ his name.
5. You ........................ this programme without a password. 6. The teacher said we
........................ home. 7. You ........................ photos here. 8. ........... I ........... early today, sir?
9. We ........................ computer in the library. 10. You ........................ during the exam. 11. The
test was rather difficult and we ........................ words during the test. 12. I’m awfully sorry but
you ........................ by credit card here.
Ex 5.
Complete the sentences with WILL BE ABLE TO / WON’T BE ABLE TO, pointing
out all the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country.
Дополните предложения глаголами WILL BE ABLE TO / WON’T BE ABLE TO, чтобы
показать преимущества и недостатки жизни за городом.
The Cottage I’ve Bought Is Wonderful.
I Want to Move in Next Week
1. I’ll be able to get my vegetables from the farm nearby.
2. I ................................... cycle to work. It’s too far.
3. I ................................... visit my friends so often as it’s a long
way from the city.
4. I ................................... have friends here for
the weekend as I’ve got a spare room.
5. I ................................... sit in the garden when the weather is
fine but I ................................... go to my tennis club so often. It’s just too far away.
6. I ................................... enjoy peace and quiet when I need it. But it could be a bit too quiet!
Ex 6.
Complete the sentences, choose
the right verb.
В соответствии с ситуацией дополните предложения одним из
данных глаголов.
В отличие от обычных глаголов,
модальные глаголы имеют очень
ограниченное число временных форм.
Для компенсации недостающих форм
используются эквиваленты модальных
Значения модального глагола и его
эквивалента не совпадают полностью,
каждый из них имеет собственный
оттенок значения:
can (x2)  can’t (x2)  could (x2)
couldn’t  was able to  wasn’t able to
1. .................... I help you with those bags, Mrs
Right? 2. I .................... use my camera
because I’ve lost the instructions. 3. When I
was young, I .................... run a mile in 4
minutes, but it was 40 years ago. 4. You
.................... take food into the living-room,
Dina, it’ll drive my mother crazy (свести с ума).
5. I’m not a mechanic, but I .................... fix
(починить) my car, it saved me a lot of money.
6. .................... I take your pen for a moment,
Jack? 7. Peter has lived in Italy for five years, so
he .................... speak Italian fluently. 8. He
.................... answer two questions at the exam
yesterday, they were very difficult. 9. He had
read for the examination for ten days, but still he
.................... pass it.
Can – «могу, умею» am/is/are able to –
«быть в состоянии, быть способным».
• He is rather handy, he can do it.
(может, умеет)
• He is an honest man. He isn’t able to do
such a thing. (не способен)
Could – «мог» в прошлом (постоянная
способность), was /were able to – «смог,
сумел, удалось» (разовая возможность,
• Jack was an excellent tennis player. He
could beat anybody. (мог выиграть)
Once he had a difficult game against
Alf. Alf played very well but in the end
Jack was able to beat him. (смог
Ex 7.
Complete the dialogues, translate the phrases.
Прочтите диалоги, переведите фразы.
A Good Clear Out
So then family, вы можете помочь мне? (1) ...........
I want to clear out (очистить) the attic. For
example, Oliver, all these books. Ты можешь
выбросить (throw away) некоторые из них?
OLIVER: I don’t know. I tried once, но я не смог расстаться
с (part with) ними. Я могу перечитывать (reread)
их снова и снова. Но если ты настаиваешь (insist), я могу опять просмотреть (go
through) их. (3) .......................................................................................................
And what about this box, Jeremy? It’s full of your old toys. Мы можем избавиться от
(get rid of) них? (4) ...................................................................................................
JEREMY: Sure, Mum, I haven’t played with them for ages. A year ago Mark and I tried to play with
this railway но не смогли поиграть больше 10 минут. Это было очень скучно (rather
boring). Я могу отнести их в магазин красного креста (charity shop) (5) .............
DOCTOR: I’ll take the plaster cast (гипс) off your hand in two weeks. Тогда вы опять сможете
пользоваться этой рукой. (1) .............................................................................
PATIENT: That’s good news. Я смогу играть на пианино? (2) ...............................................
...................................................... .
DOCTOR: Yes, you will.
PATIENT: That’s very strange.
PATIENT: Well, потому что раньше я не мог играть на пианино (3) .......................................
...................................................... .
Ex 8.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Анна умеет водить машину, но сейчас у нее нет машины.
2. Она может купить машину, но она предпочитает ездить на велосипеде.
3. Джессика, мне нужна (need) твоя помощь. Ты можешь просмотреть (go through) эти
старые картины?
4. Через несколько лет компьютеры смогут думать лучше, чем мы.
5. Я смог переплыть (swim across) реку, но это было труднее, чем я ожидал (expect).
6. Он мог ходить, когда ему было только десять месяцев.
7. Я могу задать вам вопрос, мистер Моррис?
8. На этой улице можно парковать машину по воскресеньям?
9. В эту комнату нельзя заходить.
10. Профессор, не могли бы вы дать мне список (list) книг для моей работы? Я смогу
прочесть их во время летних каникул.
6.2 “May”. Forms and Meanings
“May”. Формы и значения
to be allowed to...
allowed to...
allowed to...
will be allowed to...
Ex 9.
Explain the meaning of MAY in these sentences: asking /giving permission (P),
prohibition (Pr).
Объясните значения модального глагола MAY в данных предложениях: спросить/
получить разрешение (P), запрещение (Pr).
1. May I leave after the lunch break today, Mr Pratt?
I have to go to the doctor’s.
2. You may get up, Jenny, but don’t get dressed. The
doctor says you may not leave your room.
3. May I go to the Youth Club dance tomorrow, Mum?
– No, you may not. You still have a temperature.
4. May Ann come over after school, Mum? – No, I’m
sorry dear, she can’t. You are having your piano
lesson in an hour.
“May” используется чтобы:
1. спросить/дать разрешение.
• May I help you, sir?
В ряду Can/could/may I…?
“may” самое формальное и
официальное: позвольте,
разрешите, не могу ли я
2. строго запретить что-либо –
may not: нельзя, не смей
• You may not leave your room
Эквивалент модального глагола “may” – “be allowed to” используется не только как
его заменитель при отсутствии соответствующих временных форм, но и для того, чтобы
показать, что разрешение или запрещение
исходит не от вас, а от «третьего лица» или
связано с правилами, законами.
• The employees are not allowed to smoke in the
He may read the letter. 
• May he read the letter?
– Yes, he may. / No, he can’t.
Yes, you may/can.
He is allowed to do it. 
No, you can’t/may not.
• Is he allowed to do it?
– Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
May I come in?
Negative form
Ex 10. Answer the questions in the negative.
Дайте отрицательный ответ на следующие вопросы.
1. May I see you later? — No, I’m afraid you can’t.
2. May I come an hour later?
3. May he come to the party too?
4. May I bring the book tomorrow?
May + not  may not
• Tom may nоt go to the night
+ not allowed to…
Will not be allowed to 
won’t be allowed to…
• The children weren’t allowed to
watch TV last night.
• He won’t be allowed to leave
school at 15.
May I ride Mark’s motorbike? ...........................................................................................
Are you allowed to stay out after ten p.m.? — No, we aren’t.
Is Jessica allowed to go to the night dance? ......................................................................
Were you allowed to go camping with your friends? ............................................................
Was Jeremy allowed to surf in the ocean? ..........................................................................
Ex 11. Fill in the gaps with the right form of (NOT) BE ALLOWED TO.
Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой (NOT) BE ALLOWED TO.
I ............................... to stay out until 10 p.m.
When we were children, we (not) ............................... to watch horror films.
Tom,................ you ................ to drive your father’s car tomorrow?
Our dog ............................... to sit on the sofa.
The people who live in this house (not) ............................... to keep pets.
................ Sheila ................ to wear make up to school?
................ Jeremy and Jessica ................ to go hiking next summer?
She was very weak. We ............................... to speak to her for two minutes only.
Ex 12. Study the information below and complete the sentences with BE ALLOWED TO
and (NOT) BE ALLOWED TO do something when a person is of age.
Прочтите данную информацию и напишите, что разрешается или запрещается
делать молодым людям, достигшим совершеннолетия.
According to the British Law a person can at the age of:
leave school
get married
drive a car
drive a taxi
1. When you are 16, you .............................. school. It seems silly
that you .............................. get married when you are only 16,
but you .............................. to drive a car until you are 17.
2. At 18 you .............................. to vote. .............................. a person .............................. to
get married at the age of 18? – Yes, he is. He .............................. to do a lot of things, but he
.............................. to drive a taxi.
Ex 13. BE ALLOWED TO or BE ABLE TO? Complete the sentences with the correct
BE ALLOWED TO или BE ABLE TO? Заполните пробелы соответствующими формами.
1. Zoologists are training monkeys. They ........................... help the
2. They .............................. open doors and windows.
3. ............... a blind person ............... choose the monkey he likes
best? – Of course, he will.
4. .............................. the monkeys .............................. cook meals
or read the newspapers?
5. No, they .............................. do any of these things.
6. ............... we ............... see how zoologists are training the monkeys?
7. No, you won’t. But you .............................. see how the monkeys work.
8. Julia can speak German very well. If she .............................. work here, she ..............
................ help us when the German visitors arrive.
Ex 14. Underline the appropriate modal verb.
Подчеркните модальный глагол, соответствующий ситуации.
1. Can/Might I have an apple, Mum? – Of course, help
yourself. 2. Excuse me, Sir. Can/May I leave the room? –
Yes, but don’t be too long. 3. Am I allowed to/May
I borrow these dictionaries for a moment, Sir? –
Certainly, take whatever you need. 4. Can/Might I use
your pen, Bob? – Of course, you may/can. 5. Can I/Am I
allowed to smoke in the office? – I am afraid you are not.
Мы можем спросить разрешение следующим образом:
Can/Could/May I make a phone
Can – наиболее простой и
наименее формальный способ.
Could – более вежливая
форма, чем can.
May – самое формальное и
официальное обращение.
Might – звучит ещё более
Complete the dialogue with the correct forms.
Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой глаголов CAN, BE ABLE TO или BE
Excuse me. It’ s warm in here. ....................... somebody open the window, please?
No, we are sorry, but we ....................... .
What does that mean? You ....................... open the window or you ....................... open it?
Both. All the windows are locked and we ....................... open them. Because of the airconditioning we ....................... open the windows.
Ex 16. Fill in the gaps with CAN (x3), CAN’T, BE ALLOWED TO.
Заполните пробелы глаголами CAN (x3), CAN’T, BE ALLOWED TO.
Can the Dog Have a Seat?
A woman with a dog got in a bus. It was a big dog and very dirty, too. “....................... dogs
....................... on a bus?” the woman asked the conductor. “Yes, they ....................... ,”
answered the conductor. “I’ll pay for my dog. ....................... it have a seat like people then?” she
went on. “Of course, it .......................”, answered the conductor. “The dog ....................... have
a seat like people, but like people it ....................... put its feet on the seat”.
Ex 17. Read the joke. Translate the phrases from Russian into English.
Переведите фразы на английский язык и прочтите шутку.
His Choice
“Oh, Mother, must I learn music?” sighed Dick.
“Yes, I insist, но ты можешь выбрать музыкальный инструмент.”
«Можно?» Дик был счастлив. «Тогда можно это будет граммофон?
(gramophone)» .................................................................................
Ex 18. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. В каком (At what age) возрасте разрешается в России получать водительские права
(a driving licence)?
2. Ты смог выучить какие-нибудь китайские слова, когда ты был в Китае?
3. Разрешите спросить (if), вы владелец (owner) этого магазина?
4. Во время экзамена не разрешается пользоваться калькуляторами и словарями.
5. Могу я взять (borrow) твою сумку, мама?
6. Нам не разрешат пойти в поход (go hiking), если ты не сдашь (fail smth) экзамен.
7. Можно я сделаю себе чашечку кофе, Джек? – Да, конечно, кофе на кухне.
8. Позвольте вас спросить, сколько вам лет?
6.3 “Must”. Forms and Meanings
“Must”. Формы и значения
have to...
had to...
will have to...
Ex 19. Explain the meaning of MUST in these sentences: command (C), insistent
adviсe (A), moral obligation (Ob), prohibition (Pr).
Объясните значения модального глагола MUST в данных предложениях:
“Must” выражает долженствоприказ (C), настоятельный совет (A),
вание (должен) и передаёт:
внутренний долг (Ob), запрещение (Pr).
1. приказ, указание, настоятельный совет:
1. You mustn’t enter the operating-room. 2. I’m
You must be there at 6 a.m.
rather tired. I must have a rest. 3. The boss said I
It’s a fantastic film. You must
must finish the work by Friday. 4. Campers mustn’t
see it.
play music after 10 p.m. 5. Marlin is a very interesting
2. осознание внутреннего долга:
person. You must meet her. 6. “You must wait for
• I must hurry, I mustn’t be late.
me at the entrance,” the teacher said. 7. You mustn’t
3. запрещение, продиктованное
touch this switch (выключатель). 8. It’s a very
обстоятельствами, законами,
important game, we must win. 9. You mustn’t tell
правилами (запрещается):
anyone what I said. 10. I must write to Ann. I haven’t
• Visitors mustn’t touch the
written to her for ages.
Ex 20. Rewrite each imperative with MUST.
Используя глагол MUST, напишите предложения, содержащие приказ.
Do it again! ... You must do it again! ...
Work faster! ..........................................................
Hurry up! ..............................................................
Stop talking! ........................................................
Listen to me! ........................................................
Ex 21. Ask questions as in the example
and give a negative answer.
Задайте вопросы по модели и
дайте отрицательный ответ.
I must do it.
• Must I do it?
Yes, you must.
No, you needn’t. *
* «не нужно» – отсутствие необходимости
1. (we / copy the text) ... Must we copy the
text? — No, you needn’t. ...
2. (we / go there today) ..................................................................................
3. (I / ring her up) ..........................................................................................
4. (he / come / meeting) ................................................................................
5. (I / have a pass / go there) ..........................................................................
6. (my secretary / bring the papers) ................................................................
Ex 22. Jenny is ill, she doesn’t go to school. Every day Tom rings her up to tell what the
teacher said: what she MUST DO at home and what she MUSTN’T DO.
Том звонит Дженни каждый день и рассказывает ей, что сказал учитель: что она
должна делать дома и что нельзя
Предложения, содержащие
1. Read the story on page 10.
2. Don’t use the
to translate the st
under the text.
3. Do the exercise
4. Don’t copy the sentences,
make your own sentences.
5. Do the sum
6. Don’t look up the answers in
the Key Section.
1. I’m afraid not. – «боюсь, что
нет» – говорящий скорее просит не делать что-либо.
• Can I borrow your car, Dad? –
I’m afraid, not. I need it today.
2. can’t – «нельзя» показывает
отсутствие возможности, связанное с обстоятельствами,
правилами, законами.
• You can’t park in this street.
• No, Jackie, you can’t play with
the knife.
1. You must read the story on page 10.
3. may not – «нельзя, не смей» –
строгое запрещение.
• You may not leave the room
until I say so.
4. mustn’t – «нельзя, запрещается», запрещение, исходящее не от говорящего. Связано
с правилами, законами, реже
• You mustn’t copy these papers.
6.3.1 “Must” and Its Equivalent “Have to”
“Must” и его эквивалент “Have to”
Мы можем использовать модальный глагол must только в настоящем времени.
В остальных случаях используется его эквивалент have to (had to, will have to).
• He lost his job last month. He had to travel to find work.
• I’m sorry, I can’t meet you tomorrow. I’ll have to work late.
Во многих ситуациях модальный глагол и его эквивалент взаимозаменяемы.
• Oh, it’s late, I must/have to go now.
• You must/have to get a visa to go to some foreign countries.
Have to имеет также собственный оттенок значения – он передаёт необходимость
совершения действия, вызванную определёнными обстоятельствами (вынужден, придётся).
• Anne’s eyes are not very good, she has to wear glasses for reading.
• I couldn’t clean the jacket myself. I had to take it to the cleaner’s.
Ex 23. Complete the texts with the correct forms of HAVE TO.
Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой глагола HAVE TO.
Last week Fiona and Hamish (1) ........................... help Mr Taylor. He (2) ........................... organize
the school Christmas concert this year. It’s an important job. He (3) ........................... organize it
last year, too. In fact the poor man (4) ... has had to ... do it for the last five years or so, and he,
probably, (5) ........................... do it for the next five years, too!
Для образования вопросительной и отрицательной формы эквивалента have to используются вспомогательные глаголы do/does/did/will, don’t /doesn’t /didn’t/won’t.
Negative Form
Do/does/did/will + Подлежащее + have to… don’t/doesn’t/didn’t/won’t + have to…
• Tom doesn’t have to work on Saturdays.
• Ann didn’t have to go shopping yesterday.
• When Amy is better, she won’t have to stay
I have to get up early on weekdays. 
• When do you have to get up?
I had to go to hospital. 
• Why did you have to go to hospital?
in bed.
Ex 24. Complete the questions for the given answers.
Используя данные вопросительные слова, задайте уточняющие вопросы.
Oliver had to show Anne how to do it.
They had to pay a lot of money for the windows.
The twins have to get up early.
We had to call the police.
Oliver will have to work on a new project.
The Walkers will have to repair the roof.
What ... did she have to do ...?
How much ..................................... ?
What time ...................................... ?
Why .............................................. ?
What project .............................. on?
When ............................................ ?
Ex 25. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of HAVE TO.
Заполните пробелы соответствующей формой глагола HAVE TO.
Before the Landing
What ................ we ................ do when we arrive in
You ................ fill in a form and show your passport.
................ we ................ open all our suitcases?
Yes, if the customs officer asks, you ................ open them.
................ we ................ speak Spanish at the airport?
No, you ................ speak Spanish because all the people
at the airport speak English, too.
Ex 26. Jill Sander is having a job interview. Complete the dialogue with the correct form
Джил Сандер проходит интервью для приёма на работу. Заполните пробелы
соответствующей формой HAVE TO.
What ................ you ................ do in your last job, Ms Sander?
I ................ write e-mails and answer the telephone.
................ you sometimes ................ speak Spanish?
Yes, some of the customers were from Spain and South America, so I sometimes ................
speak Spanish with them.
5. ................ you ................ visit customers?
6. No, I ................ do that, it wasn’t my job.
7. ................ I ................ visit customers in my new job?
8. No, you ................ do that while you are training.
9. ................ I ................ work at weekends?
10. Yes, you ................ sometimes ................ work on Saturdays,
but you ................ do it very often – perhaps two or three
times a year.
Ex 27. Translate the parts of the dialogue from Russian into English.
Переведите реплики диалога на английский язык.
Liz, while mum is in hospital мы все должны делать .....................................................
extra jobs at home.
Что я должна делать, Dad? .....................................................
Ты должна ухаживать (look after) ..................................................... за цветами и котом,
и тебе придётся ходить в магазин (do the shopping). ......................................
Но ты не должна готовить еду (cook the meals), .............................................. I’ll do that.
А что Сэм должен делать? .....................................................
Не волнуйся, твой брат должен выполнять ...................................................................
more jobs at home, too. Он должен убирать дом и застилать кровати. ....................
And the washing? Должен Сэм делать это? .....................................................
Нет, не должен ..................................................... That’s my job.
Ex 28. Read the dialogue. Translate the phrases.
Прочтите диалог. Переведите фразы.
BARBARA: Listen, Jeremy, now that your parents are away, I’ll be helping around.
JEREMY: Fine by me, Gran. What do you want me to do?
BARBARA: I’ve made a list of what (1) ... has to be done ... . Today, you должен помыть посуду
................................................., and tomorrow you должен будешь полить
цветы (3) .................................. in the garden.
JEREMY: But I can’t do the washing-up now, I должен
встретиться с Марком. (4) .................................
............................................. .
BARBARA: You не должен делать это сейчас. (5) ..............
....................................... . You can do it in the
evening. And когда ты должен встретиться с
Марком? (6) ......................................................
................ .Your parents said you mustn’t stay
out late.
Ex 29. Complete the sentences with MUST or HAVE TO in the correct form. Sometimes
two variants are possible.
Дополните предложения глаголами MUST или HAVE TO в соответствующей
форме. В некоторых предложениях возможны два варианта.
1. I .................... call my sister today, I want to wish her happy birthday.
2. In Britain many people ... must/have to wear ... uniforms to work.
3. Yesterday Oliver .................... leave work early because he had an appointment at the
4. After school Liz .................... help her mother because she has a baby-brother.
5. Are you short-sighted? .................... (you) wear glasses when you drive?
6. Don’t make so much noise. You .................... (not) wake the baby.
7. I’m glad I .................... (not) work night shifts.
8. The bus drivers are on strike tomorrow. We .................... go on foot tomorrow.
6.3.2 Prohibition or Absence of Necessity:
Mustn’t or (Not) Have to
Запрещение или отсутствие необходимости:
Mustn’t или (Not) Have to
(нельзя, запрещено)
(not) have to
отсутствие необходимости
(не нужно, не надо)
• May I read these papers, Mr Wall?
• I don’t work at weekends. So I don’t
– No, you mustn’t.
have to get up early.
• I won’t have to wait. I have an appointment
with the doctor.
Ex 30. Use the prompts and write what these prohibiting signs mean.
Используя данные слова, напишите, что обозначают эти запрещающие знаки.
1. take pictures
... You mustn’t take
2. pick flowers
pictures here. ...
3. smoke
4. fish
5. skate
6. litter (бросать мусор)
Ex 31. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using (NOT) HAVE TO.
Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя (NOT) HAVE TO.
1. Вам не нужно сегодня ходить туда.
... You don’t have to go there today. ...
2. Можете не говорить ему об этом.
3. Вам не нужно будет платить за гостиницу. Компания уже оплатила счёт.
4. Ему не надо платить за квартиру, он живёт с родителями.
5. Нам не нужно было покупать продукты. Холодильник был полон.
6. Нам не нужно было торопиться (hurry). У нас было много времени.
7. Завтра ей не нужно будет идти на работу. Она сможет заняться (take care of) своими
8. Вам не нужно идти пешком. Туда можно доехать на автобусе.
9. Твой брат хорошо учился. Мне никогда не приходилось напоминать (remind) сделать
домашнее задание.
Ex 32. Complete the sentences, using MUSTN’T or DON’T HAVE TO.
Заполните пропуски MUSTN’T или DON’T HAVE TO.
You .................... eat or drink on the bus. It’s a rule in Germany.
We .................... water the garden last month, it rained a lot.
Cars .................... be parked in front of the garage entrance.
You .................... pay for the tickets now. You can do it later.
Passengers .................... lean out (высовываться)of the windows.
6. We .................... go to London for a meeting. It was postponed (отложить).
7. Luggage .................... be left unattended (без присмотра).
Ex 33. MUST or HAVE TO? Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
MUST или HAVE TO? Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Я должна также помыть окна и двери, миссис Райт? – Да, конечно. Мы делаем это раз
в месяц.
2. Ты должен немедленно пойти (see) к врачу.
3. Я должен оплатить этот счёт (bill) наличными (in cash)? – Нет, не нужно. Вы можете
оплатить его по кредитной карте.
4. Здесь запрещено курить. Я должен выйти на улицу (outside)? – Нет, не нужно. На первом
этаже есть курительная комната.
5. Покупателям не разрешается оставлять велосипеды у витрины.
6. Дети должны спросить разрешение у родителей (parents’permission), чтобы прийти
домой после девяти часов вечера.
7. Здесь нельзя писать карандашом (in pencil).
6.3.3 The Functions of the Verb “Have” in a Sentence
Функции глагола “Have” в предложении
1. Смысловой глагол
2. Вспомогательный глагол
3. Эквивалент модального
глагола must
have + noun
• I have a dog.
have + Participle II
• I have done the work.
have + to-Infinitive
• I have to do this work
on time.
Ex 34. State the function of the verb HAVE in the sentences.
Определите функцию глагола HAVE в репликах диалога.
The Language Course
My first French lesson was an absolute disaster. I didn’t know anything.
But you (1) had six years of French at school.
I know, I (2) have forgotten most of it. And in four months I (3) have to sit the language
test at Sorbonne.
JEREMY: Well, my dear sister, you (4) will just have to start learning.
MARIA: You are just the right person to say that. You (5) have never studied hard in your life.
Ex 35. Review. Read Maria’s thank-you-letter to her Grandmother. Fill in the gaps
with the correct forms of CAN and Have TO.
Заполните пробелы глаголами CAN и HAVE TO в соответствующей форме.
 Message (HTML)
File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help
Thank you :)
Dear Gran,
Thank you once more for the wonderful day and for all the effort that you put
into your birthday party. It was a pity that we (1) ........................... stay any
longer, but dad (2) ........................... return to his office and Jeremy (3) ............
............... go back to school. He (4) ........................... train every day before the
game. I hope we (5) ........................... meet again before I go to study in Paris in
autumn. But, please, you (6) ........................... go into trouble and cook so much.
Dad sends regards and mum thanks you again for the two bottles of port that
you gave her.
See you soon.
Yours, Maria
Ex 36. Review. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the list.
Заполните пропуски данными ниже глаголами.
must  had to  could  was able to (x2)  couldn’t
Maria’s boss said that she (1) .......................... finish all the central flower-beds. So, Maria
.......................... go on holiday with her family. She (3) .......................... work till the end of
August. But when Maria wanted something very much, she (4) .......................... work hard. She
.......................... finish the work a few days earlier. So she was able to join her family at the
Ex 37. Translate the sentences from Russian into English, using CAN/CAN’T, MUST/
Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя CAN/CAN’T, MUST/
1. Мой брат не может ходить, он сломал ногу.
2. Учитель сказал, что мы должны прочесть рассказ к понедельнику.
3. Мы можем пользоваться мобильным телефоном в больнице?
4. Он так богат, что ему не нужно работать.
5. А тебе приходится зарабатывать на жизнь (earn one’s living), не так ли?
6. Я должен решить (make up one’s mind) это сегодня, мистер Вайт? – Нет, не обязательно.
Вы можете дать ответ через неделю.
7. Нельзя разговаривать с больным человеком таким тоном (in such a tone).
8. Я хочу забронировать гостиницу заранее (in advance). Я должна оплатить счёт сейчас?
– Нет, не нужно. Вы можете оплатить счёт после регистрации (check-in) в гостинице.
6.4 “Should”
Ex 38. SHOULD or SHOULDN’T? Use the
prompts and write some advice for the
people who:
SHOULD или SHOULDN’T? Используя
данные слова, напишите советы для
людей, которые:
Модальный глагол should имеет
одну форму для всех лиц (I, you,
he, she it, we, they should) и
1. совет
«следует, должен»
• You should be more careful.
• Peter should work harder at
A. make their holiday by the sea:
1. sit in the sun / long time
You shouldn’t sit in the sun for a long time.
2. wear sunglasses / protect your eyes
2. критику, неодобрение
«не следует, не должен»
• He shouldn’t miss classes.
• He shouldn’t spend so much
time with his friends.
3. put on sun block / lie in the sun
4. drink alcohol or coffee / be in the sun
5. fall asleep in the sun
B. want to be fit and healthy:
1. eat healthy food
2. drink coffee with cream and sugar
3. eat fatty things
4. be active and move a lot
Ex 39. Rewrite these sentences with SHOULD.
Используйте глагол SHOULD и напишите предложения, передающие тот же смысл.
1. If I were you, I’d write to her and tell her the truth.
I think you ................................................................... .
2. It’s a good idea to bicycle to work. It’s a good exercise.
3. My advice is to buy your son a pet. It’s a good friend.
4. In my opinion, it’s a good idea for you to go out more.
I think you ................................................................... .
5. It’s a good idea to buy a new dress. It’ll make you happy.
It’s very important / necessary to do something = MUST
It’s prohibited to do something = MUSTN’T
It’s not necessary or important to do something = (NOT) HAVE TO
It’s a good idea to do something = SHOULD
Ex 40. Fill in the blanks with MUST/MUSTN’T; HAVE TO or SHOULD/SHOULDN’T.
Заполните пропуски MUST/MUSTN’T; HAVE TO или SHOULD/SHOULDN’T.
1. Soldiers .................... obey orders.
2. You .................... eat more fruit and vegetables.
3. All children .................... go to school. It’s a law nowadays.
4. Usually children .................... go to school five days a week.
5. You .................... do sport to keep fit.
6. I .................... try to spend more time with my children.
7. You .................... enter a building site. It’s dangerous.
8. Children .................... do their homework in the evening. They are tired in the evening.
9. We .................... walk the dog three times a day. It’s a small dog.
10. When you are on holiday in a foreign country you .................... try local food.
11. I .................... baby-sit my younger brother. My mother works two evenings a week.
12. You .................... swim immediately after a meal. It’s not good for you.
6.4.1 Modal Verbs. Summing up
Выбор соответствующего модального глагола зависит не от его перевода на русский
язык, а от его функции в предложении. С помощью модальных глаголов мы можем:
– дать разрешение
• You can/may wait here.
– запретить делать что-либо
• Passengers mustn’t speak to the driver. You can’t park here.
– изложить просьбу
• May I speak to the head manager, please?
• Can I borrow your pen, Tom?
– рассказать, о том, что мы можем сделать
• Peter is handy. He can repair anything.
• Diaz can speak Spanish.
или должны сделать
• I must finish this project by Monday. (собственное убеждение)
I have to finish this project by Monday. (заставляют обстоятельства)
Эти различные цели обслуживаются разными модальными глаголами (см. с. 116).
Часто выбор глагола зависит также от стиля и уровня общения.
• Can I talk to you for a minute, Bill?
• Could I talk to the head manager, Mrs Green?
Ex 41. Look at the function and complete the sentence with a suitable modal verb.
Посмотрите на функцию и дополните предложение соответствующим модальным глаголом.
Внутренний долг
................. you help me with Math, Dad?
I ................. call mother more often, it makes her happy.
All the students ................. hand in their papers by Friday.
You ................. wear green more often, Anne. It suits you.
People ................. drink alcohol when driving a car.
Anne has “green” hands. She ................. make anything
grow (расти).
7. Разрешение
Yes, Tom. You ................. take my bike, if you want to.
8. Приказ
All officers ................. report to the Commanding Officer at
9. Вежливая просьба
................. I have some more of your cake, Mrs Small? It’s
10. Запрещение
I’m sorry, you ................. wait here, the room is for personnel
(отсутствие возможности) only.
11. Разрешение (офиц.)
Students ................. use this library on Fridays and
12. Совет (отриц.)
You ................. leave your bag in the waiting room.
13. Физическая возможность
I’m not as young as you, Jeremy. I ................. run so fast.
14. Разрешение (офиц.)
................. I stop work early today, Mr Morris?
15. Отсутствие необходимости When a student, he ................. rent a room, he lived with his
16. Возможность в будущем
When I graduate from university, I ................. to earn my living.
Ex 42. Review. Read the dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the modal verbs from the box.
Заполните пробелы данными в списке глаголами.
will be able to  can’t  had to  must  couldn’t  have to  should
JEREMY: I of all people (1).................. start the dance at the school ball with Maggie Sinclair.
Why you? You (2).................. even dance.
JEREMY: All the boys in my class said that they (3)..................
dance, and the decision (4).................. be made by
drawing lots (тянуть жребий).
You (5).................. take part in a quick dancing course.
JESSICA: I have a better idea. You (6).................. wear dad’s
shoes. With size 13 everyone (7)..................
understand why you are dancing so awkwardly.
Ex 43. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Миссис Браун, вы не могли бы присмотреть (take care of) за ребёнком, пока Линда больна?
2. Теперь, когда мама нездорова, я должна помочь ей с работой (with) в саду. Мне не
приходилось делать этого раньше.
3. Вам не следует так много работать, мистер Уокер.
4. После презентации вы можете взять свободный день (a day off).
5. Тебе разрешают пользоваться новым компьютером твоего папы?
6. Ты не видел своих одноклассников (classmates) 15 лет. Ты смог узнать (recognize) когонибудь?
7. Моя сестра могла играть на гитаре, когда ей было 12 лет.
8. Я запрещаю тебе входить (enter) в мою комнату.
9. Позвольте мне понести вашу сумку, миссис Краун.
10. Скажи Марку, что он должен немедленно (at once) убрать в своей комнате.
11. Боюсь, я никогда не смогу научиться (learn) водить машину.
12. В этой реке купаться нельзя, вода в ней загрязнена (be polluted).
6.5 Modals: Doubt or Uncertainty
Модальные глаголы: выражение сомнения или неуверенности
Ex 44. Give answers expressing uncertainty.
Ответьте на реплику, выразив неуверенность.
1. I can’t find Kitty. (in the garden)
She may be in the garden.
2. I can’t find Anne. (at the hospital)
They have computers, and
they may have other weapons
of mass destruction*.
(Janet Reno)
* массовое уничтожение
3. Do you know where father is? (in the garage)
4. Have you seen Mr Nelson today? – No, I haven’t.
(be on holiday)
5. And Ms Sweet? (be with him)
6. They can’t find the cat. (under the table)
7. Jessica can’t find Jeremy. (on the tennis court)
8. I haven’t seen Ms Jones since 5 p.m. (at the
Ex 45. Express the same idea replacing the
words possibly, perhaps by MAY.
Передайте тот же смысл, заменив
слова possibly, perhaps глаголом MAY.
В английском языке выразить
сомнение, неуверенность (может
быть, возможно) можно разными способами:
1. используя вводные слова: maybe,
perhaps, possibly – может быть,
• Perhaps we’ll be late.
2. may/might + смысловой глагол:
(может быть, возможно)
“might” говорит о ещё меньшей
• According to the radio, it may rain
today, it might even snow.
3. с помощью глагола “may” можно
также рассказать о предполагаемых планах:
• I may go to Italy this summer.
Maybe you’re right. I’m not sure. ... You may be right. ...
Perhaps George will help you if you give him a call. ........................................................
Possibly it is a mistake. ................................................................................................
Perhaps the TV set is out of order. ..................................................................................
It is possible that Jeremy’s team will win the game. ........................................................
Perhaps Maria will get five days’ holiday in August. ........................................................
Perhaps Mr Pratt is badly hurt. ......................................................................................
Ex 46. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Возможно, в следующем году мы сможем купить дом.
We might be able to buy a house next year.
2. На следующей неделе может быть довольно жарко.
3. Ты знаешь, где Джек? – Я не уверена (be sure). Он возможно в своём офисе.
4. Посмотри на эти красные облака. Завтра может быть ветрено (windy).
5. Возможно, мы увидимся на следующей неделе.
6. Осторожно! (Careful!) Ты можешь упасть.
7. Не уверен, но наша команда может выиграть этот матч.
8. Вы, возможно, встретите его на станции.
9. Она, может быть, напишет нам из Киева.
10. Линда, возможно, поймёт это позже.
Ex 47. Express the same idea replacing the
words probably, certainly, of course,
be sure by MUST.
Передайте тот же смысл, заменив
слова probably, certainly, of course, be
sure глаголом MUST.
1. I’m sure you can’t be serious. Are you joking?
You must be joking.
Значение «должно быть, вероятно», которое передаёт значительно
большую долю уверенности, чем
«может быть, возможно», может
1. словами probably, certainly, of
course, be sure,
2. модальным глаголом must.
• Of course, he is somewhere here. =
He must be somewhere here.
2. Of course, he is a nice person.
• You probably know him. = You
must know him.
3. He is certainly in by this time.
4. She probably knows the truth. .........................................................................................
5. Probably, the dog is very hungry. .....................................................................................
6. I’m sure the information is wrong. .....................................................................................
Ex 48. MAY or MUST? Choose the best word or phrase.
MAY или MUST? Выберите наиболее подходящее по смыслу слово или фразу.
1. Take an umbrella. It ...a... rain later on.
a) must rain;
b) might rain
2. The Nelsons always go on holiday to the same place. They ....... it here!
a) might like;
b) must like
3. Maria isn’t sure about the party. She ........
a) must not come;
b) may not come.
4. Let’s ask Oliver. He ....... know the answer.
a) might know;
b) can’t know
5. Hello! You ....... be George. I’ve heard a lot about you.
a) must be;
b) might be
6. I haven’t eaten since morning. You ....... as hungry as a wolf.
a) must be;
b) can’t be
7. His wife is in hospital. He ....... be worried.
a) may not;
b) must
Ex 49. Translate the words in brackets.
Переведите слова в скобках.
1. Barbara (возможно) ....................... be at home now. 2. She (вероятно) ....................... be
writing an e-mail to her friend Daisy. 3. She (возможно) ....................... be leaving tomorrow.
4. It (вероятно) ....................... be the right thing to do. 5. Her husband (может быть)
....................... go with her. 6. What is this person’s name? It (должно быть) ....................... be
Smith. 7. Does Oliver like fish? I’m not sure. He (возможно) ....................... do. 8. You
(наверняка) ....................... be mistaken. 9. I hear a strange sound from the wardrobe. It
(возможно) ....................... be a mouse. 10. Are you Oliver? – Yes, I’m. – You (должно быть)
....................... be Anne’s husband then.
Ex 50. Translate the joke from Russian into English.
Переведите шутку на английский язык.
Простите, сэр, какое мороженое вы
заказывали: фруктовое или банановое?
Я не могу сказать. Возможно, это было
фруктовое или, может быть, банановое.
На вкус (it tasted like) оно было как клей
Понятно, сэр. Это, вероятно, было шоколадное мороженое.
A J☺ ke...
7. Summing up: Questions and Negatives
Образование вопросительных
и отрицательных предложений
7.1 Questions
Способ образования вопроса зависит от формы глагола-сказуемого. С этих позиций
изученные глагольные формы можно классифицировать следующим образом:
1. Глаголы, образующие вопрос путем выдвижения на первое место перед подлежащим:
глагол be (am, is, are, was, were) в его основном значении (быть, являться,
находиться) и модальные глаголы: can, may, must, should.
Anne is a nice person.  Is Anne a nice person?
Oliver was at the Flower Show in June.  Was Oliver at the Flower Show in June?
The twins can play chess.  Can the twins play chess?
2. Простые глагольные формы (drive, reads, asked) для образования вопроса используют
вспомогательные глаголы do/does/did. В этом случае смысловой глагол после
подлежащего всегда стоит в своей начальной форме.
We study English.  Do you study English?
He works hard.  Does he work hard?
She went to school in Moscow.  Did she go to school in Moscow?
3. Сложные глагольные формы, имеющие в своем составе вспомогательный глагол
(is walking, was writing, have finished, will go). Вспомогательный глагол отрывается
от своего смыслового глагола и выдвигается на первое место перед подлежащим.
Jessica is using the Internet to write an essay.  Is Jessica using the Internet to write an essay?
She has found enough information to write her essay.  Has she found enough information to
write her essay?
She will present her work next Monday.  Will she present her work next Monday?
7.1.1 “Yes/No” Questions
Общие вопросы
Ex 1.
Ask questions as in the model. Use the words in brackets.
Составьте вопросы по модели, используя слова в скобках.
1. Masha is Russian. (John) ... Is John Russian too? ...
2. These boys are students. (those girls) ....................................................................
3. I’m happy. (he) ..............................................
4. We are busy. (they) ........................................
1. She has a son. (her sister) ... Does her sister
have a son? ...
2. London has many good museums. (York)
3. Towns have many theatres. (villages)
4. We have a computer. (she)
Общий вопрос – это вопрос, на
который можно ответить только
«да/нет». Он образуется выдвижением вспомогательного глагола
(или глагола be) на первое место
перед подлежащим. Вопросительное слово не требуется:
• Is he a pilot?
• Can he fly planes?
• Does he work for the British
I must stay here. (he) ... Must he stay here? ...
He must write a letter to his friend. (son) ...............................................................
We must give the answer immediately. (she) ..........................................................
They must sign the contract. (he) .........................................................................
You can go now. (he) ... Can he go now? ...
He can go there by bus. (metro) .............................................................................
They can call us now. (at noon) .............................................................................
We can buy meat here. (bread) .............................................................................
He is working in the garden. (his wife) ... Is his wife working in the garden? ...
I’m reading. (the boys) ..........................................................................................
They are doing the washing-up. (cooking) ...............................................................
It is raining. (snowing) .........................................................................................
We have ordered a taxi. (you) ... Have you ordered a taxi? ...
I have forgotten her address. (he) ..........................................................................
He has locked the garage. (the house) ...................................................................
We have seen the new film. (you) ............................................................................
Ex 2.
Using the chart above (7.1), transform these sentences into questions.
Используя данную выше таблицу (7.1), преобразуйте повествовательные предложения в вопросительные.
This is the correct bus to town. ........................................................................
My grandfather was a policeman. ...................................................................
He is watching a new thriller. ...........................................................................
In January London marks the 150th birthday of its underground.
5. Oliver has finished his City Park project. ...........................................................
6. Many people like jazz. ...................................................................................
7. The Walkers will go on holiday soon. ................................................................
8. The Walkers are at home on Saturdays. ...........................................................
9. They must get ready for the test today. ................................................................................
10. Jessica can dance well. .....................................................................................................
11. Anne worked as a nurse when she was young.
12. They were celebrating the end of exams the whole night.
Ex 3.
Translate the questions from Russian into English.
Переведите вопросы на английский язык.
1. Это дорогая машина? Is this an expensive car?
2. Анна работает по вечерам? ..............................................................................................
3. Оливер, ты сейчас работаешь над (on) новым проектом?
4. Дети сейчас в школе? .....................................................................................................
5. Оливер, ты нашёл свой мобильный телефон?
6. Они были на футбольном матче в воскресенье?
7. Ты позвонишь мне завтра? .............................................................................................
8. Джессика, ты можешь помочь Джереми решить задачу (solve the problem)?
9. Мы должны идти на это собрание? .................................................................................
10. Джереми и Джессика учатся в колледже?
7.1.2 Wh-questions or Special Questions
Вопрос с вопросительным словом или специальный вопрос
Порядок слов в специальном вопросе
Вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова (What? How? Why?) и требующие
развернутого ответа, называются специальными вопросами. Вопросительные слова
ставятся перед вспомогательным глаголом.
Вопросительное Вспомогательный Подлежащее Сказуемое
члены предложения
in London ?
* Вопрос к подлежащему является исключением и совпадает по структуре с вопросом в русском
языке (без вспомогательного глагола). Ответы на вопросы к подлежащему даются в краткой форме:
• Who works here? – My brother does.
• Who can do it? – I can.
• Who is standing by the window? – My friend is.
Ex 4. Read the poem. Complete the questions to the underlined words.
Прочтите стихотворение. Составьте вопросы к подчёркнутым словам.
I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me,
I give them all a rest.
(R. Kipling)
1. Who keeps six honest serving-men?
— The author does.
How many ........................................... ?
What ....................................................?
Where ................................................. ?
When .................................................. ?
Ex 5.
Write questions so that each line of this short
story was the answer to the question.
Напишите вопросы к каждой строчке рассказа
таким образом, чтобы данная фраза была ответом
на этот вопрос.
Who raised money?
A famous senator
shook hands and ate lunch
last week
at a restaurant in town.
He raised money for his campaign.
What ........................................................... ?
When .......................................................... ?
Where ...........................................................?
Why ............................................................ ?
prepare for the race of running 5 miles
every morning before school
around the neighbourhood.
You should always be prepared.
Who ............................................................ ?
What ........................................................... ?
When .......................................................... ?
Where ......................................................... ?
Why ............................................................ ?
Ex 6.
Anne is having a chat with her new friend. Her friend wants to know more about
Anne and her family. She asks Anne some questions. Make the questions as in
the example.
Составьте вопросы по образцу.
1. I moved to Cambridge because my husband got a job here.
— Why did you move to Cambridge?
I got to know him at a wedding. ..........................................................................................
We have three children. ..................................................................................................
Two of them still live at home. ..............................................................................................
The twins go to the Netherhall school. .................................................................................
My husband gave me that necklace for our anniversary.
7. We visited my sister-in-law at Easter. ...................................................................................
Ex 7.
WHAT? WHICH OF? WHOSE? HOW MUCH/MANY? Write questions about the things
underlined in the statements.
Задайте вопросы к подчёркнутым в предложениях словам.
1. I know two good hotels on the beach: the
Domingo and Waterfall. I think the
Domingo is much better than the Waterfall.
We had looked at many hotels before we
booked this one.
Which hotel is better?
После вопросительных слов What?
Which of? How many/ much? Whose?
ставится соответствующее существительное.
• How many brothers do you have?
• How much money do you need?
• Whose picture did you like best?
• What books do you usually read?
• Which of the twins is better at Maths?
2. We had dinner at one of the restaurants of
the hotel. There were three restaurants at
the hotel.
3. They serve French, Italian and local food there.
4. You can find all the details in the new catalogue.
5. I’m looking through this catalogue now.
6. Sorry, but I can’t give it to you, it’s Monika’s.
Ex 8.
Complete the dialogue. Put the words in order to form
Завершите диалог. Образуйте вопрос из данных слов.
A New Wonder Medicine
Good morning! How / help you / can / I? .....................
.............................................................................. ?
SALES REP*: Good morning, Mrs Walker. I’m here to introduce you to a new revolutionary cream
against rheumatism.
How /different from / it /other creams against rheumatism/ is? ............................
.......................................................................... ?
SALES REP: It is based on a secret biological formula.
Ok. leave me / you / a sample of the cream / can ? ............................................
................................................................ I’m sure to study the information.
* торговый агент
Ex 9.
Complete the dialogue. Write questions for the answers.
Завершите диалог. Составьте вопросы к данным ответам.
Preparations for the Celebration
ANNE: ............................................................................
OLIVER: Yes, dear. I phoned the party service three days ago.
ANNE: ............................................................................
OLIVER: Yes, of course. I have already picked the drinks up.
ANNE: ............................................................................
OLIVER: Certainly. I brought the beer glasses.
ANNE: ............................................................................
OLIVER: Yes! I have just put the sparkling wine on ice.
ANNE: ............................................................................
OLIVER: Damn! I forgot to pick up my suit from the cleaner’s.
ANNE: If I wasn’t there to think of everything!
Ex 10. Complete the mini-dialogues, translate the questions.
Завершите мини-диалоги. Переведите вопросы.
Good Old Days
1. JEREMY: Папа, где ты познакомился (get to know) с мамой? ...........................................
OLIVER: At a wedding. She was a friend of the bride.
2. JESSICA: Ты изучал иностранные языки в школе? ...........................................................
OLIVER: Yep, I learnt German and French.
JESSICA: Тебе нравилось изучать немецкий и французский? .........................................
OLIVER: I liked German because the teacher was very enthusiastic. But I didn’t like our
French teacher.
3. JEREMY: Папа, ты курил раньше? ...................................................................................
OLIVER: Your mother and I both used to smoke, but we gave it up.
JEREMY: Почему вы бросили курить? ............................................................................
OLIVER: We stopped smoking when we needed the money to buy the house.
Ex 11. The Walkers have got new neighbours, the Smalls. Anne discusses the
neighbours with Oliver. Translate her questions.
Переведите вопросы Анны.
Кто живёт в этом доме? ................................................................................................
Когда они переехали (move in)? .......................................................................................
Как они выглядят (look like)? ............................................................................................
Чем занимается мистер Смол? ......................................................................................
Есть у них дети? ...............................................................................................................
Почему они тебе не нравятся? ........................................................................................
7.1.3 Tag Questions
Разделительные вопросы
Разделительный вопрос представляет собой повествовательное предложение + краткий
общий вопрос.
Задавая разделительный вопрос, говорящий ожидает подтверждения своим словам (не
правда ли? не так ли? да?).
Структура вопроса/ответа
• She is very busy, isn’t she?
• You can swim, can’t you?
• Your sister went to Kiev, didn’t she?
Yes, she is.
Yes, I can.
Yes, she did.
No, she isn’t.
No, I can’t.
No, she didn’t.
• He hasn’t finished his work, has he?
• You shouldn’t stay in bed, should you?
• They aren’t sleeping, are they?
No, he hasn’t.
No, I shouldn’t.
Yes, he has.
Yes, I should.
Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.
Ex 12. Read the dialogues A and B. Complete the questions with the right tag.
Прочтите диалоги А и В. Добавьте к повествовательному предложению соответствующий краткий вопрос.
Краткий общий вопрос (tag)
строится по законам образования
A. An Interesting Proposal
общего вопроса, выбор вспомогательного глагола зависит от
ABBEY: Maria, you told me that the lease on your
формы глагола-сказуемого поflat is going to expire* soon, didn’t you?
вествовательного предложения
And Kirsty, your old flat mate, graduated in
(см. c. 116).
summer, (1) .................................... ?
MARIA: Yeah, what of it?
ABBEY: Look, there is an advertisement in today’s paper. A shared
apartment** in 43 Newton Street. It is Kirsty’s appartment,
.................................. ?
MARIA: They need some people to move into that shared flat, (3) .........
............................ ?
And Newton Street isn’t far from University, (4) ................
....................... ? It’s a great opportunity, (5) ...............
........................ ?
ABBEY: Yes, it is. We can apply for the flat, (6) ..................................... ?
MARIA: It would solve a lot of problems,
..................................... ?
От формы глагола-сказуемого
ABBEY: We’ll call Kirsty tonight and ask.
также зависит, будет ли краткий
общий вопрос положительным
или отрицательным: если глагол в
повествовательном предложении
* истекает срок аренды на квартиру
имеет положительную форму,
** квартира, которую снимают несколько студентов
краткий общий вопрос будет отрицательным и наоборот:
• You have got a brother, haven’t
B. I want that job
• Peter works hard, doesn’t he?
OLIVER: You wanted a summer job, Maria, (1) ......
............................... ? You wouldn’t mind
being an assistant gardener for the New
City Park, (2) ..................................... ?
MARIA: That sounds perfect, (3) ..................
................... ? I can take the job, (4) ..................................... ?
OLIVER: I work for the City Council, but I can’t just give that job to you, (5) ............................... ?
You should go through the official application* procedure.
MARIA: I must send my resume via e-mail, (6) ..................................... ?
обращение за работой
Fixing an Appointment on the Phone
MR PRICE: Hello, this is Dave Price. I received your application for
the position of assistant gardener and I'd like to invite you to
an interview. Would Tuesday suit you?
MARIA: Good afternoon, Mr Price. Let me check my diary... I’m
sorry, I’m busy on Tuesday. I’m having a test at college. How
about Wednesday instead?
MR PRICE: OK, shall we say 10 o’clock?
7.2 Negatives
Способ образования отрицательного предложения также зависит от форм глагола-сказуемого, классификация которых остаётся такой же, как и для образования вопросов.
Простые глагольные формы
Сложные глагольные формы
be / can / may
must / should
work /works / worked
is working / has done / will go
doesn’t + verb
isn’t / aren’t working
haven’t / hasn’t finished
won’t go
am /is / are /
was / were
+ not
can / may
must / should
• He isn’t an engineer.
• We don’t know them.
• Tim hasn’t done the homework.
• You can’t park here.
• He doesn’t work at a plant. • They aren’t playing now.
• She won’t go to the party.
• You may not leave now. • She didn’t go to school.
Ex 13. To read the proverbs make the verbs negative. Think of Russian equivalents of
the proverbs.
Чтобы прочесть пословицы, поставьте глаголы в отрицательную форму. Постарайтесь вспомнить соответствующие русские пословицы.
A leopard (not / can) change its spots. ...............................................................................
All that glisters (not / be) gold. ............................................................................................
Beggars (not / should) be choosers. ...................................................................................
If the mountain (not / come) to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain.
5. Man (not /live) by bread alone. .........................................................................................
6. Oil and water (not / mix). ..................................................................................................
7. One swallow (not / make) a summer. ..................................................................................
8. If you (not / can) beat them, join them. .................................................................................
9. A house (not / be) a home. ...............................................................................................
10. Rome (not / be built) in one day. .........................................................................................
11. You (not / can) judge a book by its cover. ...........................................................................
12. (not / cross) the bridge till you come to it. ..........................................................................
Ex 14. Translate these mini-dialogues into English. Use the right tense form for each
situation described.
Переведите мини-диалоги на английский язык. Форма выбранного вами глагола
должна соответствовать описанной ситуации.
Мне очень жаль, в аудитории (lecture-hall) очень холодно, отопление (heating) не
Простите, профессор. У меня очень замёрзли руки, я не могу писать.
Вам не нужно (not have to) писать, вы сможете (be able) прочесть эту лекцию в
Интернете (online).
Питер, взгляните, пожалуйста, на мою машину, она вчера
не завелась (start).
Мистер Walker, вы не обслуживали (service) свою машину
с прошлой весны.
Конни, не могла бы ты отвезти меня на тренировку (to training) на маминой машине?
Иначе (otherwise) я опоздаю, а у мамы нет времени.
Я не знаю. Я не водила машину по левой стороне (on the left side).
Льёт ужасный дождь. Вода поднимается. Надеюсь, вода
не попадёт в наш подвал (celler).
Ex 15. Translate these jokes from Russian into English.
Переведите шутки на английский язык.
Молодая жена: Я хорошо готовлю, дорогой?
Я думаю, что очень хорошо.
А какое из моих блюд (which of my dishes) тебе нравится больше всего?
Банка консервированной фасоли (a can of beans), дорогая.
– Ты расстался (break off) с Мэри?
– Да.
– Ты рассказал ей о своём богатом дяде?
– Да, теперь она моя тётя.
Господин Рейн возвращается домой с работы, его жена плачет.
– Что случилось, дорогая?
– Это ужасно. У нашей соседки точно такое же (the same) пальто, как у меня.
– Ты полагаешь (suppose), я должен купить тебе новое пальто, не так ли?
– Но это же будет гораздо дешевле (much cheaper), чем переезжать (move to) на новую
квартиру, не так ли?
8. Reported Speech
Косвенная Речь
8.1 The Sequence of Tenses
Согласование времён
Сложноподчинённое предложение
Главное предложение
Придаточное предложение
Если сказуемое главного предложения – в настоящем времени, то сказуемое
придаточного предложения может быть выражено любым временем глагола.
• He says (that) he works for a big company.
• The city guide says (that) museums were closed
• They promise (that) they will come in time for dinner.
Однако, если сказуемое главного предложения – в прошедшем времени, в
английском языке, в отличие от русского, начинает действовать правило согласования
времён, которое заключается в следующем:
Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в прошедшем времени,
то сказуемое придаточного предложения («что»…) не может употребляться
в форме настоящего или будущего времени – оно должно быть выражено
одним из прошедших времён.
Это, однако, не означает, что в сложноподчинённом
предложении невозможно рассказать о настоящих и
будущих действиях. Здесь вступают в силу некоторые
условные соответствия. Входя в состав сложного
предложения, простое предложение превращается в
придаточное. В этом случае
время глагола в придаточном предложении
сдвигается на одну ступеньку вниз по отношению
ко времени глагола в простом предложении.
Простое предложение
 Придаточное предложение
Present Simple
We knew that ...
 Past Simple
He works in a shop.
he worked in a shop.
 Past Continuous
Present Continuous
He is working now.
he was working then.
Present Perfect
He has finished the work.
he worked yesterday.
he had worked the day before.
Future Simple
He will work tomorrow.
 could
 might
 should
he had finished the work.
 Past Perfect (или без изменения)
Past Simple
He worked yesterday.
 Past Perfect
 Future-in-the-Past
he would work the next day.
must  must/had to*
would  would
• He lives in Kiev.  Olga knew that he lived in Kiev.
• She is reading a book.  We saw that she was reading a book.
• She hasn’t met Sam yet.  I understood that she hadn’t met Sam yet.
• She would like to meet him.  She thought she would like to meet him.
* must (долженствование) сохраняется или меняется на had to:
• “I must catch an early train.”  He said he must/had to catch an early train.
• “You must remember this rule.”  The teacher said we must remember
that rule.
* must (должно быть, вероятно) остаётся без изменений:
• “John is very pale. He must be sick.”  He assumed that John must be sick.
Ex 1.
Complete the complex sentences in column B with the sentences in column A.
Use the right tense form.
Дополните сложноподчинённые предложения в колонке В предложениями из
колонки А. Используйте правило согласования времён.
She is looking at me.
Alice won’t come back.
Maria is very pretty.
Somebody has found my keys.
Something terrible has happened.
He is playing badly today.
She has sent the letter.
His wife is ill.
I noticed that ... she was looking at me ... .
I knew that ..........................................................
Everybody saw that ..............................................
I hoped that ........................................................
It was clear that ..................................................
Everybody noticed that ........................................
I was sure that ....................................................
Mr Watson explained that ....................................
Ex 2.
Use the information about the London underground to complete the sentences.
Используя информацию о Лондонском метро, завершите данные предложения.
1. The London underground was built 150 years
I heard that the London underground was built
150 years ago.
Правило согласования времен
можно НЕ соблюдать, если в придаточном предложении говорится о:
 общепринятом факте:
• Galileo proved that the Earth
2. It’s the world’s oldest underground.
moves round the Sun.
I read that .......................................................
• The speaker said that the
3. In 1863 people didn’t believe the idea of
underground railway.
 регулярно
I understood that .............................................
• Oliver explained that he usually
drives to work.
4. Since then the London underground has become
• The passenger asked what time
very popular.
the train leaves.
I was sure that ..................................................
 характеристике:
• We knew that he plays tennis
5. Londoners call their underground the Tube.
The guide told us that ......................................
В придаточном предложении
Past Simple НЕ изменяется, если
6. The engineering works are constantly going
в нём имеются обстоятельства
времени типа:
The public didn’t like the fact that .....................
.................................................................... .
in 1913, 50 years ago, yesterday,
last century, when he came, etc.
7. The Tube transports over one billion passengers
per year.
• Peter was at home yesterday. 
The newspapers wrote that ...............................
We knew that Peter was at home
8. The London underground consists of eleven
I didn’t know that ..........................................................
9. The London underground closes for a few hours at night.
The guide explained that ................................................
Ex 3.
Read an article about the famous
London Market. Put the verbs in
brackets into the right tense form.
Прочтите статью о знаменитом рынке
Лондона. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в
соответствующем времени.
В сложноподчинённых предложениях такого типа в главном
предложении обычно используются глаголы:
think, suppose предполагать,
remember, forget, hope, dream of,
decide, know, promise обещать,
deny отрицать, assume предположить, explain, see, hear,
notice замечать, be sure,
be sorry, be clear, etc.
1. Did you know that Camden Market ....................
(be) one of the most popular tourist attractions?
2. We read that it .................... (consist) of a number
of markets. 3. We heard that it .................... (offer)
everything from clothing to food from all over the
world. 4. My friend told me that it .................... (be situated)
near the Regent’s Park. 5. We understood at once that it
.................... (attract – привлекать) quite different people.
6. We noticed that Sunday .................... (be) the liveliest day
to visit. People .................... (enjoy) themselves. 7. We saw
that the people .................... (walk) from market to market.
8. Everyone hoped that he .................... (will find) a bargain
(выгодная покупка). 9. My friend promised that the area also
.................... (offer) a wide variety of nightlife.
Ex 4.
Translate the article about the British pub from Russian into English.
Переведите статью о британском пабе на английский язык.
Last Orders for the English Pub
1. Газеты писали, что старые английские пабы закрываются.
The newspapers wrote that old English pubs were closing.
2. Англичане думали, что это никогда не случится (happen).
3. Они надеялись, что правительство поддержит (support) эти
традиционные заведения (institutions). ........................................
4. Статистика (Statistics) показала, что в Великобритании каждую
неделю закрывается 25 пабов. .................................................
5. Эксперты объяснили, что пабы закрываются из-за кризиса и запрета на курение
(smoking ban). ..................................................................................................................
6. Многие англичане очень жалеют (be sorry), что не смогут провести вечер в своём
любимом пабе. ................................................................................................................
7. Мы слышали в новостях, что британцы борются (struggle for) за свои пабы.
8.2 Reported Statements
Повествовательные предложения
в косвенной речи
В косвенной речи практически всегда используется правило согласования времён, т.к.
мы передаём чьи-то слова о событиях, произошедших ранее.
При пересказе время и место действия отличается от оригинального высказывания.
Согласно логике, изменяется не только время глагола, но и местоимения, и обстоятельства времени.
(On Saturday evening) Bill:
“I don’t like this party.
I want to go home
(On Sunday morning) Peter: “Bill said that he didn’t like the party, and he wanted to go home right away.”
• “I’ll see you tomorrow” – He said he would see me the next day.
• “I’m sorry, the Browns don’t live here.” – She said that the Browns didn’t live there.
• “I’ll do it tomorrow.“ – She told me that she would do it the next day.
• “Do I have to come now?” – I asked if I had to come right away.
Изменение обстоятельств времени и места
say smth (to smb)
tell smb smth
tell a lie
tell the truth
Ex 5.
a year ago
last night
then / at that moment / right away
that day
the day before / the previous day
the next / following day
a year before
the previous night
that night
Choose the correct word from those in brackets.
Выберите один из данных в скобках глаголов.
My grandmother always .............................. me about her childhood. (says/tells)
“Don’t do that!” she .............................. them. (said/told)
Did she .............................. you where she had put my books? (say/tell)
When I was introduced to the actor, he .............................. a few words to me. (said/told)
That little boy is very bad. He ................................. a lot of lies. (says/tells)
She .............................. me she didn’t know what to do. (said/told)
He often .............................. things like that. (says/tells)
Ex 6.
Ben is a famous athlete. He runs the marathon and he has a lot to tell. Complete
the sentences. Report what Ben told the correspondent in his interview.
Дополните предложения. Передайте в косвенной речи, что рассказал Бен корреспонденту в своем интервью.
1. Ben: “I’m very busy because I’ve been preparing for the
Ben said that he ...................... very busy because he
...................... for the Olympics.
2. Ben: “I run ten miles every day.”
Ben claimed (заявлять) that he ...................... ten miles
every day.
3. Ben: “My last competition in March was a terrible failure
(неудача/провал) for me.”
He admitted (признать) that ...............................................................................................
4. Ben: “But I’m optimistic. I’ve worked out a new training schedule.”
He explained that ........................... optimistic because he ........................... a new training
5. Ben: “Believe me, I’ll never make this mistake again.”
He promised he ...................................... that mistake again.
Ex 7.
Liz studies in Paris. Before she moved to Paris, she had a problem. Read about
her problem. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense form.
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени.
Dad Will Sort It Out*
Liz told her father that her friend ....................... (can) get her a room in Paris from July.
Her father ....................... (notice) that her studies ....................... (not start) until October.
Liz explained to him that the room ....................... (be) cheap. But she added that it
....................... (have) to be renovated and she ....................... (have) two left hands.
Bob, her father, said that he ....................... (have) got nothing against a week in Paris.
“You are a darling!” exclaimed Liz.
* (зд.) решить проблему
Ex 8.
When Vicky, Anne’s friend, called her that day, Anne wasn’t in. Oliver told her
about Anne’s trip. Report what Anne said to Oliver this morning. Use the
reporting verbs from the box.
Передайте в косвенной речи, что
Обстоятельства времени и места
сказала Анна Оливеру. Используйте
в придаточном предложении не изданные ниже глаголы.
меняются, если период времени,
о котором идёт речь, ещё не заSALE
explain  remark
кончился или не изменилось место
inform  add
• Anne: “It is cold in London today.”
– (the same day) Anne said it was
1. “Christmas is fast approaching.” ... In the
morning Anna remarked that Christmas was
fast approaching. ...
cold in London today.
2. “I have to do my Christmas shopping.”
3. “There is an announcement about Christmas sales in today’s newspaper.”
4. “I’m going to London today.” ..............................................................................................
5. “I can’t buy what I want here in Cambridge.” ........................................................................
Ex 9.
When Anne came back from London that day, she called her mother and told
Barbara about her day in London. Some days later Barbara told her friend Daisy
about Anne’s shopping trip. Look at
the list of things Anna said and rewrite
При пересказе повествовательных
them beginning the way shown.
предложений наиболее часто исПрочтите, что сказала Анна и перепользуются глаголы:
дайте её слова в косвенной речи, начиtell, say, add – добавлять, remark,
найте предложения с данных слов.
notice – отмечать, explain,
inform, mention – упоминать,
1. “I’m tired. It was an awful day.” ... Anna said
repeat, guess – догадываться,
she was tired. It was an awful day. ...
confess – признаться,
complain – жаловаться.
2. “It isn’t easy to find suitable presents for
everybody.” Anne noticed ..............................
3. “But I’ve got everything I wanted.” Anne told me ..................................................................
4. “The shops were crowded this Friday.” Anne added .............................................................
5. “All people are looking for sales nowadays.” Anne pointed out ...............................................
6. “I bought a nice T-short for Jeremy.” Anne mentioned .........................................................
7. “I have no idea what to buy for Jessica.” Anne confessed ......................................................
8. “Every year Christmas shopping becomes more and more difficult.”
Anne remarked ...............................................................................................................
9. “Next year I’ll order everything online.” Anne promised .........................................................
Ex 10. Read the dialogue and report the underlined phrases. Use the reporting verbs
from the box below.
Прочтите диалог. Передайте подчёркнутые фразы в косвенной речи. В главном
предложении используйте данные в списке глаголы.
add  remark  say  notice
exclaim  tell  explain (x2)
Time-honoured Traditions
These old films are great.
With their strange wigs (парик), judges and lawyers looked funny in those days.
What do you mean “in those days?” (3) They still wear these wigs today. It’s an old
CONNY: Just like crime.
1. .........................................................................................................................................
2. ........................................................................................................................................
3. .........................................................................................................................................
Ex 11. Eliza’s American boyfriend, Ted, wants to find a job in
Manchester. One of Eliza’s friends asked her about Ted’s
plans. Translate what Eliza told her friend about Ted’s
Переведите, что рассказала Элиза своей подруге.
1. Элиза рассказала своей подруге, что Тед хочет стать менеджером по продажам (sales manager). .........................
2. Элиза объяснила, что он посещает вечерние курсы, чтобы усовершенствовать
владение компьютером (improve his computer skills).
3. Она добавила, что Тед уже обратился за работой (apply for) в несколько универсальных
магазинов в Манчестере. ..............................................................................................
4. Она также пожаловалась, что он отказался (give up) от работы в Америке.
5. Элиза упомянула, что он хочет найти хорошую работу.
6. Она сказала, что Тед настроен оптимистически (be optimistic).
Ex 12. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Он сказал, что он в данный момент занят. .........................................................................
Мария пожаловалась, что вчера потеряла зонт. ...............................................................
Дети ответили, что они сейчас не голодны. ......................................................................
Рон сказал, что он планирует поехать во Францию в следующем году.
Миша пообещал, что он поможет мне отремонтировать (fix) велосипед завтра.
Они написали, что они приезжают вечером. .....................................................................
Она призналась, что она ничего не понимает. ...................................................................
Мария сказала, что она познакомилась с Роном год назад.
8.3 Reported Command and Request
Команды и просьбы в косвенной речи
Ex 13. A group of students is going on an
exchange visit to England. You
will find here a few things the
teacher tells the students before
they go on their trip. Complete
the sentences. Report what the
teacher said.
Завершите предложения. Передайте слова учителя в косвенной
1. “Don’t speak Russian!” ... The teacher
ordered us not to speak Russian. ...
2. “Be nice to your host families.” The teacher
told us .....................................................
3. “Remember to say thank you.” The teacher
reminded us ............................................
4. “Don’t say that you don’t like the food.” The
teacher advised us ...................................
В косвенной речи мы передаём
повелительные предложения с помощью соответствующего глагола +
(not) to-Infinitive.
Глагол, стоящий перед инфинитивом, соответствует цели высказывания:
tell, order, command, instruct, advise,
ask, beg – умолять, offer, allow,
warn – предупреждать,
forbid – запрещать, remind –
напоминать, refuse – отказать etc.
• Father: “Remember to post these
letters.” – Father reminded me to post
those letters.
• The policeman: “Don’t run across the
street.” The policeman warned us not
to run across the street.
• Anne: “Will you give me a hand,
Jeremy?” – Anne asked Jeremy to help
5. “Keep your room clean!” The teacher instructed us .............................................................
6. “Make your bed in the morning.” The teacher also instructed us ...........................................
Ex 14. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Джереми сказал Марку, чтобы он поспешил (hurry up).
2. Полицейский приказал водителю припарковаться за (round) углом.
3. Рон попросил Питера представить (introduce to) его Марии.
4. Анна велела детям прекратить разговаривать во время этой ТВ программы.
5. Врач напомнил пациенту принимать таблетки.
6. Анна попросила Оливера принести ей чашку чая.
7. Оливер попросил Марию передать (pass) ему сахар.
8. Барбара сказала Джорджу выслушать её сначала (first).
Ex 15. Read the dialogue and report the underlined phrases. Use
the reporting verbs from the box below.
Прочтите диалог. Передайте подчёркнутые фразы в
косвенной речи. В главном предложении используйте
данные в списке глаголы.
warn  ask  call upon  say
At the Skatepark
It’s a good idea to go skateboarding, Darren, this is really good fun.
DARREN: When I heard about this new skatepark, I called you at once.
Well, prepare to be amazed. (2) Watch the jump! Oof! That didn’t go as planned.
Take care! That looked pretty painful. Now let me show you how the experts do it.
Wow, you are good. (4) Can you teach me how to do that?
1. .........................................................................................................................................
2. ........................................................................................................................................
3. .........................................................................................................................................
4. .........................................................................................................................................
Ex 16. Review: Reported Statement and Request. Maria is telling Vicky about her
argument with Amy. Vicky wants to know exactly what Amy said to her and what
she said to Amy. Read the underlined phrases (1–4) and write exactly what
Maria and Amy had said.
Прочтите подчеркнутые фразы и напишите их в прямой речи.
Borrow or Lend?
MARIA: Yesterday (1) I asked Amy to lend me her new Take That CD. But she refused to lend it to
VICKY: Really? How did she put it?
MARIA: She said (2) she was sorry, but I still hadn’t returned the last CD she lent me.
VICKY: And you? What did you say?
MARIA: (3) I just told her that I knew that but I really wanted to listen to that CD. I asked her again
to lend it to me.
VICKY: And she? Did she agree?
MARIA: Imagine, (4) she said that I could borrow it on condition
that I did all the washing-up that night.
borrow – брать на время
lend – давать взаймы
1. Can I borrow your new Take That CD?
2. .....................................................................................
3. .....................................................................................
4. .....................................................................................
8.4 Reported Questions
Косвенные вопросы
Поскольку косвенный вопрос представляет собой повествовательное предложение,
превращение прямого вопроса в косвенный предполагает разрушение вопроса и
возвращение к повествовательному предложению, а именно: передвижение вспомогательных глаголов обратно на второе место после подлежащего или удаление
вспомогательных глаголов do/does/did, которые использовались для создания вопроса
(см. c. 116).
Косвенный вопрос обычно следует после глаголов
ask, inquire, wonder, want to know, have no idea, didn’t know, etc.
8.4.1 Indirect General Question
Общий вопрос в косвенной речи
Для построения косвенного общего вопроса необходимо выполнить следующие шаги:
1. превратить вопросительное предложение в повествовательное (подлежащее +
2. при необходимости применить правило согласования времен;
3. поставить между главным и придаточным предложением связующее «ли» – IF:
Is he a student?  He is a student.  He was a student.  I wanted to know if he was a student.
Can I pay by cheque?  I can pay by cheque.  I asked if I could pay by cheque.
Did they come on time?  They come on time.  He inquired if they came on time.
Does she like him?  I wondered if she liked him.
Ex 17. Anne’s neighbour always asks a lot of questions. Rewrite her questions in
Indirect Speech.
Передайте эти вопросы в косвенной речи.
1. Have the Walkers come back from their holiday? The neighbour asked if the Walkers had
come back from their holiday.
Did Maria stay at home during her holidays? .........................................................................
Can Oliver dance well? .......................................................................................................
Will the Walkers get new windows in October? ......................................................................
Is Jessica good at sailing (ходить под парусом)? ................................................................
Ex 18. Read the dialogue and report the underlined questions. Use the reporting verbs
from the box.
Прочтите диалог. Передайте подчёркнутые вопросы в косвенной речи. В главном
предложении используйте данные ниже глаголы.
ask  wonder  want to know  inquire
A Roast Dinner
Hey, Maria, (1) have you got anything planned for the
MARIA: Nothing in particular. Why do you ask?
I was thinking, (2) could we cook something nice and
invite a few people over for dinner?
MARIA: Okay, why not? (3) Shall we cook a roast dinner?
Yeah, I’m pretty good at making Yorkshire pudding. (4) Have you ever roasted meat?
MARIA: Gran showed me how to do it once. (5) Do you want me to try my hand at it?
Maria wanted to know if they were going to cook a roast dinner.
Ex 19. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Марк спросил Олдена, видел ли он сегодня Питера.
2. Одлен поинтересовался, выиграли ли они футбольный матч.
3. Он также хотел узнать, уехал ли Джереми вчера.
4. Мария спросила Джессику, готовятся (read for) ли они к экзаменам.
5. Она поинтересовалась, знают ли они все ответы.
6. Она хотела узнать, много ли им приходится читать.
7. Мария спросила, нужна (need) ли им её помощь.
8. Мария не знала, скоро ли у них будет этот экзамен.
Ex 20. Review. Reported Statement, Request and General Question. Read the
dialogue and complete the sentences below using the underlined words.
Прочтите диалог. Завершите предложения, используя подчёркнутые фразы.
Hello, (1) Would you mind having a look at my car? It has become somewhat
MECHANIC: Can you tell me exactly what the problem is?
It sometimes refuses to start, especially on cold mornings.
MECHANIC: Leave the keys at the reception and I’ll have a look at it this morning.
Great. (5) Do you think it will be a great job?
MECHANIC: Well, it’s hard to say really. After I have checked it, (6) I’ll give you a call this afternoon.
1. Oliver asked ................................................................................................................
2. The mechanic wanted to know ......................................................................................
Oliver explained ............................................................................................................
The mechanic told ........................................................................................................
Oliver wondered ............................................................................................................
The mechanic promised ................................................................................................
8.4.2 Indirect Special Question
Специальный вопрос в косвенной речи
Для превращения специального вопроса в косвенный нужно выполнить те же шаги,
что и для образования косвенного общего вопроса. Однако в этом случае связующее “if”
НЕ требуется, эту роль выполняют вопросительные слова.
Прямая речь
“Where do you live?”
“When did she come?”
“What are you doing?”
“How have you done it?”
Косвенная речь
wanted to know
where I lived.
when she had come.
what I was doing
how I had done it.
Ex 21. Complete the sentences. Report the questions.
Завершите предложения. Передайте данные вопросы в косвенной речи.
How long have you known him?
What’s his name?
Why didn’t he come?
When will the show begin?
Why aren’t you going to the party?
What country would you like to live in?
Who is this child?
Where is the cloak room?
She wanted to know ..........................................
She couldn’t remember ......................................
We wondered ....................................................
He wanted to know ............................................
She asked me ..................................................
She inquired ......................................................
They had no idea ..............................................
They didn’t know ..............................................
Ex 22. Ted is lucky. He has been invited to an interview. In the evening Ted tells his
girlfriend about the interview. Write what he told Eliza.
Напишите, что рассказал Тед Эльзе об интервью.
1. “Where are you working now?” — The head manager asked me where I was working at the
2. “What work are you interested in?” ......................................................................................
3. “What work have you done before?” ...................................................................................
4. “What salary do you expect?” ..........................................................................................
5. “When will you come to Manchester?”
6. “When can you start the work?”
7. “When can I phone you for some more details?”
Ex 23. Read the dialogue and report the underlined questions. Use the reporting verbs
from the box below.
Прочтите диалог. Передайте подчёркнутые вопросы в косвенной речи. В главном
предложении используйте данные в списке глаголы.
ask (x2)  want to know  wonder  inquire
BARBARA: Here you are, Jess. This lemon tea will make you feel better. (1) Do you have a
JESSICA: Thanks, Gran. No, I don’t have a temperature. (2) What did mother tell you?
BARBARA: She told to call the doctor. I think you don’t have the flu. (3) What other symptoms do
you have? (4) Have you got a sore throat, a blocked nose or a headache?
JESSICA: Yes, all three, I’m afraid. (5) Have you called the doctor?
Ex 24. Review: Reported Statements, Requests, Questions. Vicky asks Maria about
her boyfriend Ron. Maria tells her about their last meeting.Vicky wants to know
exactly what Ron said to her and
what she said to Ron. Read the
Не забудьте, что вопросы на личные
underlined phrases (1–4) and
темы должны быть деликатными.
write exactly what Maria and Ron
Обычно такие вопросы формулируются
had said.
в виде разделительного вопроса : повестПрочтите подчёркнутые фразы и
вовательное предложение + краткий
напишите их в прямой речи.
общий вопрос. (см. c. 123–124)
Мы не задаём прямой вопрос, мы
ожидаем подтверждения своим
MARIA: This is life, eh? Relaxing in the sun
словам (не правда ли? не так ли? да?).
without a care (забота) in the world.
• You aren’t in love with him, are you?
VICKY: I wouldn’t describe myself as
• You have a date with Ron, don’t you?
carefree. But never mind, tell me
• You met Ron at university, didn’t you?
about Ron.
MARIA: There isn’t much to tell. (1) Ron came over the other day. (2) He gave me some flowers.
He said he had picked them in their garden. (4) I said “thank you” and how nice it was.
I looked surprised and wondered if he was going to ask me out. (6) I also mentioned that
we were just mates (друзья).
VICKY: You don’t date (встречаться с) him, do you?
MARIA: Of course not. (7) He also said we were just good friends. (8) He just remembered how
much I liked flowers.
VICKY: Since when do you give flowers to your mates? Mark my words, that boy is keen on
(интересоваться) you.
Hello, Maria, these are for you. ..............................................................................
MARIA: ..............................................................................................................................
Of course not. ......................................................................................................
Ex 25. When the exchange students came back from their visit to England they were
asked a lot of questions. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Люся спросила, сколько времени они были в Англии.
2. Владимир не знал, какую школу они посещали (attend) в Англии.
3. Саша поинтересовался, какая погода в Англии.
4. Наташа хотела знать, чем занимаются ребята в свободное время в Англии.
5. Маша спросила, где они жили.
6. Иван хотел знать, какие города они посетили.
7. Сергей спросил, что они ели на завтрак.
8. Учитель спросил, какое у них мнение (opinion of) об Англии.
Ex 26. Review: Reported Statements, Requests, Questions.
Mrs Baxter likes her job at the tourist office but at times she has some difficult
customers, for example Mr and Mrs Grumble. Translate what Mrs Baxter told
her husband about their visit to her office.
Переведите, что рассказала миссис Бакстер своему мужу об их визите в её
туристическое агентство.
Мистер и миссис Грамбл (Grumble) пришли в наше туристическое агентство. Они сказали,
что они ищут номер в гостинице на сегодня и завтра. Я спросила их, хотят ли они
остановиться в отеле в городе или за городом. Они объяснили мне, что они хотят комнату
на двоих с душем в городе. Они попросили меня найти
недорогой номер.
Я порекомендовала им отель «Красный лев». Тогда они
спросили, есть ли там гараж. В «Красном льве» нет
гаража. Тогда я предложила им гостиницу “The Lodge”.
Они поинтересовались, можно ли там платить по
кредитной карте (pay by credit card).
Я ответила, что эта маленькая гостиница принимает
только наличные (take cash), и предложила им большую
гостиницу у вокзала. Они не захотели остановиться (stay)
в этой гостинице, потому что там будет очень шумно (noisy). Они рассказали мне, что уже
останавливались в гостинице у вокзала. Они не спали всю ночь.
Тогда я рекомендовала (recommend to) им новую современную гостиницу на берегу моря.
Они были рады.
9. The Passive Voice
Страдательный залог
9.1 Formation of the Passive Voice
Образование страдательного залога
правильные глаголы + -ed
Be + Participle II
Действительный залог (Active)
Само подлежащее совершает действие
Страдательный залог (Passive)
Действие совершается над подлежащим
will ask
Они спрашивают/спрашивали/
будут спрашивать
will be
Их спрашивают/спрашивали/
будут спрашивать
неправильные глаголы
(см. Appendix 2)
will have
Они уже спросили/они спросят
have been
has been
have been
had been
will have been
Их уже спросили/спросят
Ex 1.
Rewrite these sentences in the passive. Start each sentence with the
underlined word.
Передайте тот же смысл, используя страдательный залог. Начинайте предложения с подчёркнутых слов.
1. Kenya produces Arabic coffee.
produced in Kenya. ...
... Arabic coffee is
2. Small farmers grow most of the coffee
3. Whole families pick the ripe beans.
4. The factories process and dry the beans.
The Passive Voice – это не просто
преобразование действительного залога
в страдательный, как это может показаться из таблицы.
Он используется, когда мы не можем
или не хотим сказать, кто совершает
действие, или стремимся сконцентрировать внимание на событии, а не на его
Глагол в страдательном залоге показывает, что действие совершается не
подлежащим, а над подлежащим.
Использование страдательного залога в английском языке значительно
шире, чем в русском. Не все английские предложения в страдательном залоге могут быть переведены на русский
язык с использованием страдательного
залога и наоборот.
• The criminal was followed by the police.
5. They built the bridge in 1996. ... The bridge
was built in 1996. ...
6. A famous journalist wrote this book.
7. They took the injured people to hospital.
8. They will deliver the letter tomorrow. ... The
letter will be delivered tomorrow. ...
9. They will redecorate the room soon.
10. They will sell the tickets on the day of the
– Полиция преследовала преступника.
• The dress was made by my mother. –
Это платье сшила мне мама.
11. They have cancelled our train. ... Our train has been cancelled. ...
12. Someone has broken the window. ....................................................................................
13. They have increased petrol prices. ....................................................................................
Ex 2.
Make sentences using one item from each column. Look at the words in the third
column (signal words) and use the correct tense form.
Напишите предложения, используя одну фразу из каждой колонки. Время глагола
должно соответствовать обстоятельству времени в третьей колонке.
This book
His new film
This play
My watch
Lots of new materials
Many new discoveries
next month
last year
in the 20th century
Правила изменения глагола по временам (и соответственно
сигнальные слова) для действительного и страдательного залогов
одинаковы, изменяется только направленность действия.
• Thousands of newspapers are sold every day.
• This house was built in 1547.
• The sofa will be delivered in three days.
• The apartment has been redecorated recently.
Ex 3.
Complete the advertisement with the Present Simple Passive of the verbs in
Дополните текст рекламного объявления глаголами в скобках в форме Present
Simple Passive.
Exclusive Offer!
The Royal Scotsman –
truly a Scottish rail vacation!
The journey on the Royal Scotsman is
one of the greatest travel experiences.
Ex 4.
The guests of this luxury train (1) .......................
(take) to the heart of the Highlands through the
mountains which (2) ....................... (reflect) in the
mirrors of the lakes.
This nostalgic train (3) ....................... (equip –
оборудовать) with exclusive sleeping and dining
cars from the 19th century. This journey in red
wagons for maximum of 36 passengers lasts five
days. Along the way the passengers (4) ...........
.............. (show) Scotland’s best places of interest.
They (5) ....................... (introduce) to the local
experts from fishing to whisky production.
Traditional national dishes (6) ....................... (serve)
every evening.
Experience the unforgettable trip!
Choose the right passive tense form of the verbs in brackets.
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени страдательного залога.
A Very Important Concert
Today jazz (1) ....................... (enjoy) by millions. It
....................... (consider– считать) an important musical
genre. Yet it wasn’t always the case. It (3) ....................... (bear
– родиться) in the African American communities of early 20th
century America.
First it (4) ....................... (play) in the illegal bars of the
prohibition (сухой закон) era America. Because of that it
....................... (think – считать) immoral and (6) ..........
............. (ban – запрещать).
This attitude (отношение) (7) ....................... (change)
since Benny Goodman’s first jazz concert. The concert (8)
....................... (perform) in New-York’s most prestigious
Carnegie Hall 75 years ago. It (9) ....................... (organize)
as a promotional event by Goodman’s publicist. The concert was
great success. The tickets (10) ....................... (sell out) weeks
in advance (заранее).
Today jazz (11) ....................... (play) everywhere, it (12) ...........
............ (arrive) in the mainstream (основное течение).
Ex 5.
I. Rewrite the sentences in column A in the passive.
II. Complete the complex sentences in column B with the sentences from
column A. Use the right tense form.
I. В колонке А перефразируйте предложения, используя страдательный залог.
II. Дополните сложноподчинённые предложения в колонке В предложениями из
колонки А. Не забудьте о правиле согласования времён.
1. Somebody has broken the window.
The window has been broken.
2. Somebody has moved my desk.
3. He has already signed all the letters.
4. They cancelled the flight.
5. They have switched off the electric current.
Oliver was given a day off. 
• Was Oliver given a day off?
The date of the flight has been changed. 
When we arrived home we saw that
the window had been broken.
I noticed at once that
When I came to the office
When we arrived at the airport we found out
that .......................................................
The building was dark
Negative Form
Oliver was + not given a day off.
The date of the flight has + not been changed.
• Has the date of the flight been changed?
Ex 6.
Put the words in brackets in order to form questions.
Составьте вопрос из данных в скобках слов.
Where is my bicycle? It is gone. – (stolen / it / been / has?) ... Has it been stolen? ...
There was a fight at the disco last night. (injured / anybody / was?) .........................................
Last night somebody broke into our shop. – ( anything / was / taken?) ....................................
This hotel is rather expensive. – (breakfast / is / included?) ...................................................
Have you heard the terrible news? The president is dead! – (he /killed /has / been?)
6. The room looks different. – (it / been / has / redecorated?) ....................................................
Ex 7.
Use the prompts to write questions. Complete the answers to the questions.
Используя данные слова, напишите вопросы. Завершите ответы на вопросы.
1. I’m not going to the party. – Why? – (you / invite?) Have you been invited? – No, I haven’t
been invited.
2. Brain was attacked in the street last night. – Oh dear! (he / injure?) ......................................
– No, ...................................... – He was just badly beaten.
3. Mother is coming in 20 minutes! (the dishes / wash-up / yet?) ...............................................
– No, .......................................... – Mother will be upset.
4. What a lovely dress! – (give / by your mother?) .....................................................................
– No, ................................................. It was sent from Paris by my aunt.
5. Many houses in this town are in ruin. – (destroy / storm?) ....................................................
– No, .............................................. There was a great fire during the storm.
6. All the boys were waiting for the results of the competition (состязание). – (Bill’s name /
call (называть)?) .............................................................................................................
– No, .............................................. I’m afraid he won’t get the prize.
Ex 8.
Translate the jokes.
Переведите шутки.
“What a beautiful bird”, says a little boy to his
«Да, – отвечает бабушка, – и она никогда не плачет».
“It’s because её никогда не моют,” – отвечает
One couple was secretly married in church. They were asked 5 pounds for the service.
The bridegroom was surprised:
– Мне сказал один джентльмен, которого обвенчали (marry) здесь в прошлом
месяце, что с него спросили только один фунт.
– That’s right, sir. Тогда нам заплатили только один фунт, так как ваш друг – наш
очень хороший клиент (customer). It’s the sixth time he has been married here.
Can /could
May /might
+ be done
Must / have to
Will / would
Ex 9.
Tigers and lions can be seen in zoos.
Teachers may be offered apartments in college.
All the data must be checked.
Application forms should be sent
by December the 12th.
All the customers will be informed by letters.
Complete the sentences using the passive.
Завершите предложения глаголом в страдательном залоге.
Must we inform him? – Yes, he must .................................. in any case (в любом случае).
You should tell your friend about the incident. He .................................. about it.
Who will take him to hospital? He .................................. by ambulance.
Tomorrow is Peter’s birthday. They will give him a lot of presents. He ..................................
a lot of presents.
Ex 10. Burglary* – What can be done? Complete the sentences.
Завершите предложения по модели.
When the Nelsons were on holiday their house was burgled (ограбить). They are talking to the
police officer what can be done to protect the house against burglary.
1. You must lock all the windows and doors. They must always be firmly locked.
2. Should we install (устанавливать) an alarm system (сигнализация)? – Yes, it should ............
3. Should we inform the neighbours before we go on holiday? – Yes, they ................................
4. Can a video system watch the house? – Yes, your house ...........................................
.......................................... by a video system.
* ограбление
9.2 Use of Prepositions in Passive Constructions
Употребление предлогов в страдательных оборотах
Чтобы показать, кем/чем совершается действие, используются предлоги:
Перед одушевленным предметом,
а также после глаголов типа: damage,
make, discover, write, etc.
Указывается, какой предмет, орудие,
инструмент использован для совершения
• The Smiley was designed by Harvey Ball.
• The building was destroyed by fire.
• He was killed with a knife.
• It was drawn with a stick.
Ex 11. BY or WITH? Fill in the right preposition.
BY или WITH? Вставьте в пробелы соответствующий предлог.
A J☺ ke...
– Mother, do you remember the
vase which was handed down
from generation to generation
– Yes, dear. What has happened?
– It has been broken down BY this
1. The music was composed ...... Beethoven. 2. Deserts
are covered ...... vast seas of sand. 3. The event was
attended ...... hundreds of people. 4. I understood that
the small statuette was carved (вырезать) ...... a knife.
5. New employees are always welcomed ...... the head
manager. 6. Our roof was damaged ...... a severe storm. 7. The criminal was followed ...... the
police. 8. These drawings on the pavement are made ...... special chalk. 9. These days, even the
most remote places on Earth are visited ...... tourists. 10. Our pet mouse has been eaten ...... the
neighbour’s cat. 11. The film was shot ...... a famous cameraman. 12. The window was opened
...... a screwdriver (отвёртка).
Ex 12. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Эта пьеса была написана Шекспиром (Shakespeare). ......................................................
Мы видели, что окно было разбито камнем. ....................................................................
Её платье было сшито (make) знаменитым дизайнером. ..................................................
Эти рисунки на камнях были сделаны костью (bone). ......................................................
Этот детектив написан Агатой Кристи. ...........................................................................
Эти старые письма написаны гусиным пером (goose feather). .........................................
Его фильмы смотрят миллионы людей. ............................................................................
Китайские иероглифы (hieroglyphs) писали кисточкой (brush). .........................................
Ex 13. Active or Passive? Use the right Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Active или Passive? Поставьте глагол в соответствующую форму Past Simple.
In Her Majesty’s Service
Probably the world’s best-known secret agent is James Bond. The
007 character (1) ...................... (invent) by the British author Ian
Fleming. The first Fleming novel (2) ...................... (film) in 1962
and James Bond (3) .......... ............ (see) for the firs time on the
cinema screen. The film “Dr No” (4) ........... ........... (mark) the
beginning of the most successful series in the history of cinema.
Ex 14. Active or Passive? Use the right tense form of the verbs in brackets.
Active или Passive? Поставьте глагол в соответствующем времени.
Our first restaurant ......................... (open) tomorrow. I’m very excited.
......................... (you/ prepare) everything for the opening last week?
I ......................... (buy) the water and the juice ......................... (deliver) yesterday.
Beer ......................... (sell) only in bottles, but the guests ......................... (give) glasses
to drink it.
5. ......................... (there be) many guests tomorrow?
6. It ......................... (be) full. Twenty people ......................... already (book).
7. ......................... (the big table / take) as well?
8. No, the big table ......................... (reserve) for special guests.
9. Oh, we have to put the signs that our guests ......................... (ask) not to smoke.
10. Smoking ......................... (not allow) in any restaurant in this country. Most people know that.
Ex 15. Read the dialogue. Translate the words in brackets.
Прочтите диалог. Переведите слова в скобках.
The Olympics Then and Now
DAVE: The first Olympic Games in modern times in 1896 also (1) ..............
.................. (проводились – hold) in Athens.
But back then (2) ................................ (их не смотрели по ТВ).
People (3) ................................ (не сидели) the whole day in front
of the box like you.
DAVE: There (4) ................................ (не было – be) no TV back then.
And there (5) ............... ................. (не было – be) no women in the Olympic Games either.
Equal rights (6) ........... ..................... (не были введены – introduce) then.
It reminds me, it’s your turn to do the shopping and washing-up.
Ex 16. Translate the passage from Russian into English using the words from the box.
Переведите текст на английский язык. При переводе вы можете воспользоваться
данными под соответствующими номерами словами.
1. design  2. artist  3. for a US insurance company  4. design something
5. foresee  6. popularity  7. to copyright the design  8. though
9. all over the world  10. since then  11. single.
Have a Nice Day!
The Smiley – a yellow circle with two black dots for the eyes and a black ark
for the mouth – is one of the most popular logos in the world.
Этот логотип был создан (1) художником (2) Харви Болом (Harvey Ball) в
1963 году. Харви Бол работал в американской страховой компании (3) State
Mutual. Его попросили создать какой-либо символ (4) to make the customers
feel good when they communicate with the company.
За 10 минут работы ему заплатили $ 45. Он не мог предвидеть (5) будущую популярность
(6) логотипа. Он не получил авторское право на свой дизайн (7). Хотя (8) смайлик широко
используется во всем мире (9), Болу с тех пор (10) не заплатили ни единого (11) доллара.
9.3 Verbs with Prepositions in the Passive Voice
Глаголы с предлогом в страдательном залоге
Обратите внимание на использование глаголов с предлогом в страдательном залоге:
Русский язык
Английский язык
Над тобой будут смеяться.
За доктором послали.
You wil be laughed at.
The doctor has been sent for.
Наиболее распространенные глаголы с предлогами:
hear of – слышать о
rely on xêfDä~fz – полагаться на
laugh at – смеяться над
send for – посылать за
make fun of – насмехаться над
speak of/about – говорить о
look after – ухаживать за
take care of – заботиться о
look at – смотреть на
talk about – говорить о
pay attention to – обращать внимание на
think of – думать о
refer to – ссылаться на
Использование предлогов в английском и русском языке не всегда совпадает:
Глаголы, используемые в английском
языке без предлога, в русском имеют
предлог: follow – следовать за,
influence – влиять на, watch – наблюдать за,
court – ухаживать за (девушкой)
В русском языке эти глаголы
НЕ сохраняют предлог: listen to – слушать,
look for – искать, operate on – оперировать,
explain to – объяснять
• She was operated on yesterday.
• The first experimental car was followed by
thousands of new cars.
За первым экспериментальным автомобилем последовали сотни новых машин.
Ей сделали операцию вчера.
Ex 17. Fill in the gaps with the right preposition after the verb.
Вставьте в пропуски предлог, который должен следовать за данным глаголом.
1. He is a very clever man. His advice is always listened ...... . 2. The child was very ill. The doctor
was sent ...... . 3. The child should be sent to hospital. He will be taken good care ...... there.
4. The old car is in excellent condition. It has been looked ...... very well. 5. This film is spoken much
...... . 6. He has never been made fun ....... 7. The young actress was thought ...... as a new star.
8. Why is the new railway station written so much ...... ? 9. He has never been heard ...... since the
accident. 10. I have never been spoken ...... like that before.
Ex 18. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Не волнуйся, за такси уже послали. Don’t worry, a taxi has already been sent for.
Почему над ней всегда смеются? ................................................................................
Ты видел новую пьесу? О ней много говорят. ..............................................................
Он пытался давать советы, но его никогда не слушали. ..............................................
В больнице за ней был прекрасный уход. ....................................................................
На эти цифры (figures) нельзя положиться. ..................................................................
На неё всегда смотрели с восхищением (admiration). ..................................................
На эту книгу часто ссылаются. ....................................................................................
Когда вас оперировали? ..............................................................................................
9.4 Some Difficulties
in the Use of Passive Constructions
Некоторые особенности использования страдательных оборотов
В английском языке при изменении залога не происходит изменение падежа слова, стоящего перед глаголом. Изменяется только форма глагола.
Я говорил
Мне говорили
Я писал
Мне писали
I spoke
I wrote
I was spoken to
I was written to
Наиболее употребительные глаголы, с которыми возможны
подобные конструкции:
аdvise – советовать
order – приказывать
allow – разрешать
pay – платить
ask – просить, спрашивать promise – обещать
deny – отрицать
refuse – отказывать
forbid – запрещать
show – показывать
forgive – прощать
teach – обучать
give – давать
tell – говорить
offer – предлагать
• He was given a ten days’ leave. – Ему дали десятидневный отпуск.
• Have you been shown the documents? – Вам показали документы?
• They were told to wait. – Им сказали подождать.
Ex 19. Use the prompts in brackets to write sentences and complete the mini-dialogues.
Завершите данные мини-диалоги. Составьте предложения, используя слова в
1. Is John looking for a job? – Yes, (he / offer / as assistant teacher), but he refused.
Yes, he was offered a job as assistant teacher, but he refused.
2. They have got a very good pronunciation. – (They / teach English / a native speaker.)
3. Why is this room locked? – (It / often / not use.) ....................................................................
4. Why did Jeremy fail («провалить») the exam? – (He / ask / very difficult questions.)
5. I haven’t seen Jane since Friday. – (She / take / hospital / on Saturday.)
6. How did Mrs Clean get into the office? – (She / give / the keys.) So, she let herself in.
7. Why did the policeman come to see the Walls? – (Jim / ask / come / police station.)
Ex 20. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Ей подарили букет (a bunch of) цветов. ........................................................................
Мне сообщили (tell) эту новость. ................................................................................
Нас разбудил стук (a knock at) в дверь. ........................................................................
Его не пригласили на вечеринку. ................................................................................
Это серьезная проблема. – Да, что-то надо с (about) этим делать.
Открыта (discover) новая планета. ..............................................................................
Билеты будут продаваться в день (on the day) матча.
Новая дорога будет закончена в следующем году.
Картина была куплена японским (Japanese) миллионером.
Ex 21. Translate the story from Russian into English.
Переведите рассказ на английский язык.
During the sea voyage за девушкой ухаживали (court) пять
молодых людей. Она не знала, кого (which one) выбрать (choose).
Ей посоветовали прыгнуть за борт (overboard) и выбрать того (the
one), кто последует за ней. На следующее утро, когда все пять
поклонников (admirers) были на палубе (on deck), она прыгнула в
За ней последовали четыре молодых человека. Когда их выудили
(fish out of) из воды, она не знала, что делать. «Что я буду делать с
четырьмя мокрыми (wet) молодыми людьми?» – Спросила она капитана. «Тогда выбирайте
сухого (the dry one)», – был его ответ. Девушка сделала, как ей сказали.
10. Conditional Sentences
Условные предложения
10.1 The Future: Tenses after “if” and “when”
Использование времён в придаточных предложениях
времени и условия (после “if” и “when”)
В английском языке, в отличие от русского, в придаточных предложениях времени и
условия (после when и if*) привычное для носителей русского языка будущее время
НЕ используется: будущее действие выражается одним из настоящих времён, will-future
употребляется только в главном предложении.
• I will see you again when I am next in London.
• If she passes the exam, I will be surprised.
• If Oliver is working on Saturday, we won’t be able to
come over.
• When I have read the book I’ll give it to you.
(Simple, Continuous,
Ex 1.
Put in WHEN or IF with the Present Simple of the verb from the box.
Заполните пробелы союзом WHEN или IF и одним из данных глаголов в Present
arrive  come  get  need  have
finish  turn  be paid
1. ............. he ............. , I’ll give him your message. 2. I’ll be at my office ............. you .............
me. 3. ............. I ............. time next week, I’ll fix the car. 4. ............. the light ............. red, all the
cars will stop. 5. ............. I ............. tomorrow, I’ll buy this dress. 6. ............. I ............. the work,
I’ll go to the cinema. 7. ............. we ............. there before you, we’ll wait for you. 8. ............. they
............. at the station, we’ll meet them there.
Ex 2.
Complete the sentences with the correct verb form: Present Tense or will-future.
Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую форму: Present Tense или will-future.
1. If Jeremy .......................... (not leave) now, he’ll miss the bus. 2. If you go to bed early, you
.......................... (not feel) tired in the morning. 3. When the snow .......................... (stop), we’ll
drive to town. 4. If you .......................... (wear) your coat, you won’t be cold. 5. We’ll start dinner
when the Nelsons .......................... (arrive). 6. If it is cold tomorrow, we .......................... (not
go) skating. 7. When I .......................... (need) your help, I’ll ask you. 8. If you go camping in
summer, I .......................... (go) with you. 9. I’m rather tired. When I .......................... (get)
home, I’ll go straight to bed. 10. I .......................... (be surprised) if Tom doesn’t get the job.
Союзы WHEN и IF «символизируют» придаточные предложения времени и
условия, поскольку в этом типе придаточных предложений они употребляются
наиболее часто. В придаточных предложениях времени и условия используются
также и другие союзы:
придаточные предложения условия: in case – в случае, on condition that/ provided
that – при условии, если; unless – если не;
придаточные предложения времени: as soon as – как только, after, before, until –
до того как, пока не, etc.
• I’ll lend you my car on condition that you let me have it back by Monday.
• There will be a football match at school unless it rains.
• We’ll give you a call as soon as we arrive to the hotel.
• She won’t leave you alone until you promise to help her.
Ex 3. Read the dialogue. Translate the parts of the dialogue from Russian into
Прочтите диалог. Переведите реплики на английский язык.
When are you going to pay me back the money you have borrowed, sir?
NEPHEW: Oh, presently, dear uncle. Я сделаю это, как только я получу деньги от издательства – publishing house. ...........................................................................
Когда ты их получишь, ...............
I would like to know?
Существительное MONEY в английNEPHEW: Я получу их, как только издатель
ском языке неисчисляемое и, соответ(the publisher) примет мой роман
ственно, не имеет множественного
числа. Глагол после money употреб(accept a novel) ...........................
ляется в единственном числе:
• Money doesn’t grow on trees.
• Money isn’t everything.
* вскоре
Do you think he will accept your novel, young man?
NEPHEW: No doubt. Он примет мой роман, когда я закончу
его. .........................................................................
Ты собираешься его скоро закончить, my boy?
NEPHEW: Of course, I am. Я начну писать его, как только найду
подходящий сюжет (a suitable subject). ...............................................................
Ex 4.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Когда Мария закончит свою летнюю работу, она пойдёт с друзьями в поход (go hiking).
2. Если будет плохая погода, они остановятся в гостинице. ..............................................
3. Когда закончатся (be over) каникулы, Мария начнёт свой третий семестр в университете. ..........................................................................................................................
4. BARBARA: Когда у нас будет компьютер, я смогу чаще общаться (communicate) со
своей подругой, которая живёт в Австралии. ...............................................
Ты сможешь делать это, если Оливер научит (teach) тебя пользоваться
электронной почтой. ....................................................................................
BARBARA: Если Оливер будет занят, Мария или Джереми покажут мне, как пользоваться Интернетом. ..................................................................................
10.2 Conditional Sentences
Типы условных предложений
Сложноподчинённые предложения с придаточным предложением условия описывают
возможные ситуации и их возможные результаты. Эти ситуации могут быть реальными
или воображаемыми, поэтому условные предложения, относящиеся к настоящему и
будущему времени, могут быть двух типов: реальное условие (Type I Conditionals) и
маловероятное условие (Type II Conditionals).
I. Реальное условие.
Относится к
If the project is
If Jeremy’s team is
playing in Oxford
Present Simple
II. Маловероятное
If you moved to the
Относится к
настоящему и
Past Simple
будущему времени.
Ex 5.
we will start the
building next month. Если проект будет одобрен,
мы начнём строительство в
следующем месяце.
we will go to watch
Если команда Джереми будет
the game.
играть в Оксфорде, мы поедем
смотреть игру.
will + verb
you would (could)
buy a house.
could + verb
Read the quotes and proverbs. Pay
attention to the use of tenses. Mark the
type of condition: Type I or II.
Прочтите высказывания и пословицы.
Обратите внимание на использование
времен. Укажите тип условного предложения: I или II.
Если бы вы переехали за
город, вы бы могли
купить дом.
1. If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse.
(Jim Rohn) 
2. Youth would be an ideal state if it came later in life. (Herbert Asquith) 
3. If you try to please all, you’ll please none. 
4. No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he had only good intentions; he had money
as well. (Margaret Thatcher) 
5. If you run after two hares, you’ll catch none. 
6. If we had no winter, the spring wouldn’t be so pleasant; if we didn’t sometimes taste of
adversity (бедствия), prosperity (процветание) wouldn’t be so welcomed. 
10.2.1 Real Condition: Type I Conditionals
Реальное условие: условные предложения первого типа
Условные предложения первого типа (Type I Conditionals) описывают возможные
реальные ситуации, которые относятся к настоящему или будущему времени.
Говорящий уверен, что подобная ситуация может привести к указанному результату.
Условное придаточное
предложение (if…)
Главное предложение
if + Present
will + verb
• If it is fine tomorrow,
• If it is raining,
• If I have finished the work by 5.
Ex 6.
• I will clean the windows.
• I will wash the floor instead.
• I will pick you up at the station.
Type I Conditionals: use the correct form of the verbs in
Условные предложения первого типа: поставьте глаголы в
скобках в соответствующую форму.
1. If it .................. (rain), the chairs in the garden .................. (be) wet.
2. If you .................. (go) to Manchester, you .................. (need) your
3. We .................. (deliver) the sofa tomorrow if you .................. (order) today.
4. If you .................. (not need) these books, I .................. (just / throw) them away.
5. If you .................. (not play) with the railway any more, I .................. (take) it to the charity shop.
6. I .................. (phone) you on Monday if I .................. (know) the answer.
Ex 7.
Complete the sentences with one of
the verbs from each box.
Заполните пропуски одним глаголом из
каждого списка.
can  must
will  won’t
dance  enjoy  listen to
shout  wear
1. If Mr Todd sees you in his garden, he will shout
at you.
2. If you go walking in the mountains, you
........................ warm clothes.
3. If you don’t like cheese, you probably
........................ a fondue.
4. If you don’t ask Samantha soon, somebody else
........................ with her.
5. If you bring all your CDs, we ........................
music all afternoon.
В главном предложении вспомогательный глагол will может
заменяться модальными глаголами (can, may, must, need),
которые в этом случае сохраняют
своё значение.
• If you buy a digital camera, you
can send photos with your email.
Если ты купишь цифровой фотоаппарат, ты сможешь посылать фотографии по электронной почте.
• If you talk to him, he may
change his mind.
Если ты поговоришь с ним, он,
возможно, изменит своё мнение.
Ex 8.
Connect the sentences by using Type I Conditionals.
Соедините предложения, используя условное предложение первого типа.
1. Please clean the windows. I’ll give you some money.
If you clean the windows, I’ll give you some money.
2. I think it will rain on Saturday. Then I won’t need to water the
plants. ...................................................................................
3. They are not interested in the house. So they won’t look at it.
4. Why don’t you give me your address? Then I may visit you.
5. We want our new house to have a garden. I will grow flowers.
6. I hope we arrive early. It will be easier to find a hotel.
Ex 9. Read the dialogue. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
Прочтите диалог, поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую форму.
Fun in the Snow
JESSICA: Hey, Jeremy, look at this. It’s snowing outside.
JEREMY: Wow! If it ....................... (keep) snowing, we ....................... (be
able to go) sledging this afternoon.
JESSICA: And what about a snowman? If the snow ....................... (not melt), we .......................
(build) a snowman in the garden in the evening.
JEREMY: No, snowmen are for kids. I’ve got a better idea. If the guys from school .......................
(come) to the park, we ....................... (have) a snowball fight. I’ll call them right away.
Ex 10. Read the dialogue. Translate the dialogue parts from
Russian into English.
Прочтите диалог. Переведите реплики на английский язык.
JEREMY: I’ve registered for my first marathon next year.
42 km, can you run that far?
JEREMY: Если я буду много тренироваться, я буду готов пробежать 42 км.
Если ты будешь хорошо учиться в школе, мы разрешим тебе
заняться этим (take it up). .......................................................
JEREMY: Если я стану очень хорошим атлетом, мне не нужна будет алгебра (algebra).
At least you should be able to write your name – for the autographs.
Ex 11. Translate the joke from Russian into English.
Переведите шутку на английский язык.
Мистер Браун собирается в магазин за покупками.
Мистер Браун: Ты думаешь, я должен взять зонт?
Миссис Браун: Я не знаю, дорогой.
Мистер Браун: Если начнётся дождь, он мне понадобится.
Миссис Браун: Конечно, дорогой. Если будет дождь, ты можешь промокнуть (get wet).
Мистер Браун: А если не будет дождя, зонт будет мне мешать (be in the way).
Миссис Браун: Если ты так думаешь, можешь его оставить (leave) дома.
Мистер Браун: Хорошо, я возьму его. Но если погода будет хорошей, я забуду его гденибудь. Нет, я не возьму его с собой.
Когда мистер Браун выходит из дома, он берёт зонт, заходит (drop in) в кафе рядом с домом
(nearby) и просит официанта сохранить (keep) зонт, пока он не вернётся.
A J☺ ke...
10.2.2 Unreal Condition: Type II Conditionals
Маловероятное условие: условные предложения второго типа
Условные предложения второго типа (Type II Conditionals) также относятся к
настоящему или будущему времени. Различие между Type I и Type II заключается в том,
что условные предложения второго типа описывают воображаемые, менее вероятные
ситуации, мечты. Вероятность осуществления этих условий довольно мала. Условные
предложения второго типа переводятся на русский язык в сослагательном наклонении
(в прошедшем времени с частицей «бы»).
• If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.
Если бы я выиграл в лотерею, я бы купил большой дом.
Условное придаточное
предложение (if…)
Главное предложение
if + Past Simple
would + verb
I/he/we would go  I’d, he’d, we’d go
• If we lived in a town,
our life would be easier.
Если бы мы жили в городе, наша жизнь была бы легче.
• If I knew her name,
I would tell you.
Если бы я знал её имя,
я бы сказал тебе.
Ex 12. Read what Marian dreams of. Cross out the wrong verb.
Выберите соответствующую форму глагола из двух предложенных.
If I win/won a million pounds, I would buy my parents a big house by the lake.
If we had a big garden, mum will/could keep chickens.
If we had/have a field and a stable, I could have a horse.
If I had a horse, I would/will ride it every day.
If we lived/live by the lake, Dad could buy a motorboat.
If he buy/bought a motorboat, he could go fishing every day.
But, if nobody worked, we will/could get bored very quickly.
And if we could have everything we wanted, will/would we be happier than now?
Ex 13. Type II Conditionals: Open the brackets. Use the correct form of the verb.
Type II Conditionals: используйте глагол в скобках в соответствующей форме.
1. If there ..................... (be) enough jobs, people ..................... (not emigrate) to other
2. You ..................... (can see) the monster if you ..................... (go) to Loch Ness.
3. If I ..................... (have) wings, I ..................... (fly) like a bird.
4. If you ..................... (come) in winter, we ..................... (go) skiing.
5. I ..................... (meet) you at the station if you
..................... (take) the train.
6. If you ..................... (see) her, you ..................... (love)
her, too.
7. If you ..................... (ask) me, I ..................... (come)
8. If I ..................... (win) the lottery, I ..................... (buy)
a yacht.
Ex 14. Read the situation and make Conditional II sentences as in the model.
Прочтите описание ситуации и составьте предложения второго типа по модели.
1. It is raining hard. We can’t go out. If it were not
raining so hard, we could go out.
Во втором типе условных пред2. Oliver doesn’t do any sport, so he doesn’t keep
ложений в британском варианте
fit. ...................................................................
английского языка глагол “be”
имеет форму “were” для всех лиц
3. Jeremy’s French isn’t very good. He can’t read
(в американском английском исFrench books in the original.
пользуются was/were как обыч.......................................................................
4. Jessica goes to bed late, so in the morning she
• If I were a millionaire, I would
can’t wake up in time.
try to help everybody.
5. Jeremy can’t understand his French teacher
because he speaks very fast.
6. Jeremy doesn’t get good marks at school. He often doesn’t do his homework.
10.2.3 Questions and Negatives
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения
Вопрос в сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточным условия образуется из
главного предложения по обычным правилам (см. c. 116).
Сказуемое главного предложения – сложная глагольная форма:
will /would / could / might + глагол
Согласно обычному правилу вспомогательный глагол выносится на первое место перед
подлежащим. Придаточное предложение следует за главным предложением без изменений.
• If he falls ill, he will call a doctor.  Will he call a doctor if he falls ill?
• If we went to London, we would visit the Tower of London.  Would you visit the Tower
of London if you went to London?
Ex 15. Use the prompts and form questions.
Образуйте вопросы, используя данные слова.
(go /with me) ... Will you go with me ... if they offer a tour of Siberia?
(we/ see /the Baikal) ................................. if we go to Siberia?
(you/ go) ................................. if they showed us the lake?
( What/ other places/we/ visit) ................................. if we go to Siberia?
They say you can meet aliens in Siberia. (what/you do) ................................. if you saw an
alien (пришелец)?
6. (you /get scared) ................................. if he approached (приблизиться) you?
7. (you/speak to him) ................................. if he looked friendly?
Ex 16. Jessica and Lucy are going on a trip to London with all the children from the
youth camp. Their mothers are worried. The girls think that they ask a lot of silly
questions. Translate their questions.
Переведите вопросы на английский язык.
1. Какие достопримечательности вы будете осматривать, если вы поедете в Лондон?
What sights will you do if you go to London?
2. Что вы будете делать, если вы потеряетесь (lose one’s way) в Лондоне? ......................
3. Люси, что ты должна делать, если ты потеряешь паспорт?
4. Если бы у вас было время, вы хотели бы посетить Парламент?
5. Если бы вам разрешили, вы бы пошли в старый паб?
6. Вы бы пошли куда-нибудь, если бы вам не разрешили?
7. Вы нам позвоните, если что-нибудь случится (happen)?
Ex 17. Review: Type I or Type II Conditionals? Translate the phrases in brackets.
Type I или Type II Conditionals? Переведите фразы в скобках.
1. Come on, let’s hurry. My aunt will be quite annoyed (раздражена) if we (не придём туда)
............................................... on time.
2. If I found a purse in the street, I (бы отнёс/take его) ............................................... to the
next police station.
3. If you (сядешь – take на поезд 2730), ............................................... you will arrive at 9.15.
4. We would move to London if my parents (смогли найти) ...............................................
jobs there.
5. If he (бы выиграл) ............................................... the lottery, he would buy a big sports car.
6. We will have a barbecue if the weather (будет хорошей) ............................................... .
into English.
Переведите шутку на английский
На твоём бы месте
Мистер N:
Его дочь:
Мистер N:
Его дочь:
Мистер N:
Его дочь:
Мистер N:
Его дочь:
Ex 18. Translate the joke from Russian
If I were you
на твоём/вашем
If I were in your shoes бы месте
• If I were you, I would take the job at once.
• If I were in your shoes, I’d get hurt (обидеться).
На твоём месте я бы не встречался с (go out with) этим молодым человеком.
Why? What’s wrong with him?
Если бы ты была старше, ты бы поняла.
Если бы ты был моложе, он мог бы тебе понравиться.
Я бы на твоём месте выбирал (choose) друзей осторожнее (carefully).
Если бы ты был на моём месте, ты тоже бы выбрал Джека.
Молодые люди сейчас совсем (quite) другие. Если бы я был министром
образования (the Minister of Education) я бы сделал с этим что-нибудь.
Если бы я была королевой (the Queen), я бы назначила (appoint) молодого
министра образования.
A J☺ ke...
Ex 19. Review. Complete the dialogue.You have to decide: Type I or II Conditionals?
Дополните диалог глаголами в скобках в соответствующем времени: Type I или II
JESSICA: If my father .................. (say) “yes”, I .................. (go) to the youth camp for two
weeks. My mother has already said “yes”. Why don’t you come with me?
Good idea! But if I .................. (not get) good marks in my report, my parents
.................. (not let) me go.
JESSICA: There is a camp where you can do horse-riding. I thought about going there. My Mum
says that if I .................. (enjoy) horse-riding, she .................. (let) me have more
horse-riding lessons here.
If I .................. (not improve) my grades, my mum .................. (never/allow me/ do)
that. She says I need to work much more in the afternoons.
JESSICA: Maybe she is right. Anyway, the camp is rather expensive. If I (be you) .................. ,
I .................. (find) a job, so that I could pay for the camp myself. If your parents (be
angry) .................. with you, they .................. (not pay) for the camp.
I’m sure they won’t.
JESSICA: You know, if I .................. (win) the lottery, I .................. (pay) for you.
If my uncle George .................. (come) to visit us, he .................. (give) me the money
and talk to my parents. He always does.
Ex 20. Read the dialogue. Translate the
dialogue parts from Russian into English.
Прочтите диалог. Переведите реплики на
английский язык.
к морю – to the seaside
сегодня вечером – tonight
постараться – give smth a try
разработать маршрут – work out
the rout
Sunday Trip to the Seaside
Listen, all of you. (Если завтра будет хорошая погода, мы поедем к морю1.)
All right. But (Я бы на вашем месте посмотрел прогноз погоды по телевизору
сегодня вечером.2) ............................................................................................
DAUGHTER: Well, I’m afraid (я не смогу встать рано завтра утром, если я пойду на вечеринку
к Дэну сегодня вечером.) ..................................................................................
You and your parties! (Если бы ты не ходила на вечеринки так часто, ты бы лучше
училась в школе.) ..............................................................................................
DAUGHTER: Oh, Mum! (Если бы ты всё время не говорила об учёбе, я бы, возможно,
постаралась.3) .................................................................................................
I’m sick of hearing about school! (Если ты дашь мне свой навигатор, папа, я
разработаю лучший маршрут4.) ........................................................................
11. Structures after Verbs:
the Infinitive and the Gerund
Грамматические формы, следующие за глаголом:
инфинитив и герундий
Инфинитив и герундий являются неличными формами глагола. Неличные формы
глагола не имеют лица и числа, поэтому в предложении они не могут играть роль
сказуемого. Инфинитив или герундий могут присутствовать в предложении рядом со
сказуемым, являясь дополнением. Выбор – инфинитив или герундий – заложен в
структуре языка, он не определяется какими-либо формальными правилами. Группу
глаголов и других частей речи, после которых следует герундий, необходимо просто
11.1 The Infinitive
Инфинитив или начальная форма глагола
Инфинитив, в функции дополнения, употребляется после большинства глаголов,
afford – позволять себе
allow – разрешать
agree – соглашаться
arrange – условиться
ask – просить, спрашивать
choose – выбирать
decide – решить
involve – включать (в себя)
forget – забывать
learn – научиться
manage – суметь, справиться
promise – обещать
recommend – рекомендовать
refuse – отказываться
threaten – угрожать
want – хотеть
Bare Infinitive*
Существуют глаголы, после которых
инфинитив употребляется без частицы “to”:
 Модальные глаголы:
can, may, must, should, etc.
 Глаголы:
dare – осмеливаться
help – помогать
let – позволять
make – заставлять
• If he calls, let me know (дать знать).
• Don’t you dare speak to me like that!
• What makes you think so?
* Инфинитив без частицы “to”.
Pr☺ verb
You can lead a horse to
water, but you can't
make it drink.
• We arranged to meet at six.
• Students can’t afford to rent a big flat.
• Anne was rather nervous, but she
managed to look calm.
Ex 1.
Insert TO where necessary.
Вставьте частицу TO, где это необходимо.
1. Geremy is learning ..... play the guitar, but he can’t ..... play the piano. 2. We arranged ..... meet
at six. I’m afraid I’m going ..... be late. May I ..... use your phone to make a call? 3. We didn’t manage
..... find this tiny station. These nice people helped us ..... find the way. 4. Why don’t you let me .....
help you, aunt Anne? I always help my mother ..... clean the house. 5. The schoolchildren wanted
..... talk to the headmaster, but they didn’t dare ..... enter his office. 6. Jeremy couldn’t ..... solve
the problem, but he hoped that Jessica would be able ..... do it. 7. Maria’s parents let her ..... have
a party, but they made her ..... tidy the living room up after the party.
Ex 2.
What did your parents LET/MAKE you do when you were at school?
Use the prompts below to write sentences.
Напишите предложения, используя данные слова.
do the washing up  read what I liked  iron my own clothes  drink beer
clean up my room  have parties  choose my own school
My parents let/didn’t let me stay up late. They made me do my homework.
Ex 3.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Молодой человек встречал эту девушку в парке каждый день. Он хотел познакомиться
с ней, но не осмеливался заговорить.
The young man met the girl in the park every day. He wanted to get acquainted with her,
but he didn’t dare speak to her.
2. Если ты хочешь помочь кому-либо, ты должен сказать: «Позвольте мне помочь вам.»
3. Я договорился встретиться с Мистером Слоу в этом кафе. Дайте мне, пожалуйста,
знать, когда он придёт.
4. Я решил полететь на самолёте, если я смогу позволить себе купить билет.
5. Надеюсь, я не заставил вас долго ждать.
6. Посетителю не понравилась еда, и он отказался платить за неё.
7. Я хочу играть в хоккей, но мама не позволяет мне играть в хоккей.
8. Он сказал, что ничто не заставит его изменить своё решение.
9. Полиция заставила молодого человека открыть свою сумку.
10. Некоторые студенты выбирают учить испанский вместо (instead) французского.
11.2 The Gerund
В русском языке такая часть речи отсутствует. В английском языке герундий образуется от глагола добавлением окончания -ing.
Наиболее распространенные формы герундия:
(Правила правописания при добавлении
being read
окончания -ing см. с. 49)
11.2.1 Gerund after Verbs
Герундий после глаголов
Ex 4.
Infinitive or Gerund? Use the verbs in
brackets in the correct form.
Infinitive или Gerund? Используйте глаголы в скобках в соответствующей
Online Research
Jeremy and Jessica have (1) .................... (give) a
presentation at school about global warming, but
they don’t know very much about the subject. Anne,
their mother, suggests (2) .................... (do) some
research online. She promises (3) ....................
(help) them with the research. Oliver, the father, also
Герундий всегда используется
после таких глаголов как:
admit – признавать
consider – обдумывать
deny – отрицать
imagine – представить себе
mind – быть против
remember – припоминать
suggest – предлагать
• We consider buying a house. Мы
обдумываем покупку дома.
• Tom suggested going to the
cinema. Том предложил пойти
в кино.
doesn’t mind (4) .................... (take) part. He decides
.................... (teach) the twins how to make the slide
show. They practice (6) .................... (make) slides and
.................... (use) the projector.
They are all surprised to hear that Jessica refuses (8) .........
........... (make) the presentation together with Jeremy. She
wants (9) .................... (research) the problem herself, she
likes (10) .................... (work) on her own. The parents are a
bit upset by their daughter’s decision; but they never make
their children (11) .................... (do) things. The
children begin (12) .................... (work). The
avoid – избегать
presentation is in a week.
begin/start – начинать
Ex 5.
Translate the verb and rewrite these
notes in complete sentences.
Переведите глагол в скобках и напишите предложение, используя данные слова.
finish – заканчивать
involve – включать
miss – пропустить, не заметить
postpone – откладывать
practise – практиковаться
risk – рисковать
stop – прекращать
• He avoided making the same
mistake again. Он избегал
1. (заканчивать) They ..................................... /
повторения той же ошибки.
work at ten. They finish working at ten.
• Could you stop making so much
2. (не отрицать) My Mum ................................ /
noise? Прекрати, пожалуйста,
have fun at her dancing club.
3. (избегать ) Children ..................................... /
tidy up their room.
4. (припоминать) I ..................................... / see you at the party.
5. (рисковать) He was afraid to ..................................... / lose his job.
6. (откладывать) They ..................................... / leave because of the weather.
7. (обдумывать) The Nelsons ..................................... / work abroad.
8. (представить себе) ..................................... / live in a country where it’s always warm.
9. (включать) Her work ..................................... / file and type.
После некоторых глаголов может следовать как герундий, так и инфинитив. Однако
эти сочетания имеют разное значение.
• He stopped to smoke.
• He stopped smoking.
Он остановился, чтобы закурить.
Он прекратил курить.
• I like to cook my meals myself.
• I like cooking.
Мне нравится готовить. (процесс)
Я люблю сама готовить себе еду.
(считаю это правильным)
• I hate to trouble you.
• I hate going to the opera.
Я терпеть не могу ходить в оперу.
• I remember posting the letter.
Я помню, что отправил письмо.
Ex 6.
Мне жаль, что я вас побеспокоил.
• Remember to post the letter.
Не забудь отправить письмо. (напоминание)
• I forgot calling you the day before.
• Don’t forget to call me tomorrow.
Я забыла, что я звонила тебе вчера.
Не забудь позвонить мне завтра.
• We agreed on/about making an
• We agreed to start early. (согла-
earlystart. (договориться)
Мы договорились выехать рано.
Мы согласились выехать рано.
Gerund or Infinitive? Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Gerund или Infinitive? Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующей форме.
Mr Miller is talking to his best friend on the phone. Here is what he says:
Are you sure I lent you some money last week? I don’t remember (1) ..........
.................. (lend) you any.
And another thing. Did you remember (2) ............................ (phone) your
sister? You told me to remind you. When you see Mandy, remember
............................ (give) her my regards (передать привет), won’t you?
No, I haven’t found my handbag, yet. I tell you, someone must have taken
it . I clearly remember (4) ............................ (leave) it by the window and
now it has gone.
I hate (5) ............................ (look for) things, it makes me nervous. I hate (6) ............................
(trouble). Mrs Steel with this problem, but I’ll have to ask her to look in my office again.
Ex 7.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Мы видели этот фильм в прошлом году. Ты помнишь, как мы смотрели его?
2. Он всё забывает. Он никогда не помнит, что надо запереть (lock) дверь гаража.
3. Ты не забыл отправить письмо? – Да, я чётко (clearly) помню, как посылал его.
4. Прекратите разговаривать, пожалуйста. Я пытаюсь закончить отчёт (report).
5. Мы не знали, как попасть (get) в Музей Пушкина. Мы остановились, чтобы спросить
дорогу (ask the way).
6. Анна любит готовить, но она терпеть не может мыть посуду.
7. Я всегда боюсь опоздать на поезд. Я люблю приходить на вокзал на полчаса раньше.
Ex 8. Read the dialogue. Translate the
verb in brackets and rewrite these
notes in complete sentences.
Прочтите диалог. Переведите глагол в
скобках и напишите предложение, используя данные слова.
Off to the Cinema
Герундий следует за глаголами,
описывающими наше отношение
к действию:
adore – обожать
dislike – не нравиться
dread – бояться
enjoy – получать удовольствие
fansy – иметь желание
hate – ненавидеть
like – нравиться
love – любить
resent – возмущаться
(иметь желание) Do you ... fancy going ... /
go to the cinema? They are showing a new
• I dread going to the dentist.
romantic film starring Hugh Grant.
Я боюсь ходить к зубному врачу.
VICKY: Cinema sounds like fun, Amy. (не любить)
• I don’t like writing letters.
But I ................................ / watch romantic
Я не люблю писать письма.
films. (предлагать) I ................................ /
see a horror film instead.
AMY: Nope, horror films give me nightmares. (Как насчет)
................................ / watch a comedy? (любить) Everybody
................................ / watch comedies, don’t they?
VICKY: Fine, I could do with a good laugh. And maybe afterwards we can
(пойти) ................................ / dance at the new club in town.
Ex 9.
Complete the sentences using the ideas below.
Закончите предложения, используя данные фразы.
being late for something  going to the dentist  going to the doctor
learning English  listening to rock music  playing football
lying in bed in the morning  reading  watching tennis on TV
1. I dread ................................. 2. I enjoy ................................. 3. I like .................................
4. I dislike ................................. 5. I really enjoy ................................. 6. I resent ....................
.................... 7. I hate ................................. 8. I adore .................................
Ex 10. Melissa has signed up for the Internet
chat club. She has to create her profile
so that people knew what she is
interested in. Use the verbs from the
two boxes and translate her profile.
Переведите информацию Мелисы о
hate  like (х2)
meet  talk  read
adore (x2)  love
+ look for  send  dance
dread  enjoy  go
discuss  watch (х2)
После глаголов “come” и “go”
мы часто используем герундий
в выражениях, связанных со
спортивными занятиями и активностью в свободное время:
go swimming / fishing / dancing /
riding / sailing / driving /
walking / shopping, etc.
• Let’s go skiing at the weekend.
• We go sailing every summer.
It’s fun.
1. Я обожаю знакомиться с новыми людьми.
2. Но я терпеть не могу посылать свою фотографию.
3. Я просто (just) люблю разговаривать с интересными людьми.
4. Я боюсь искать себе партнера в Интернете.
5. В свободное время я занимаюсь танцами и я обожаю смотреть фильмы.
6. Я – фанат кино. Я получаю большое удовольствие, когда смотрю хороший фильм.
7. Я люблю читать.
8. Я ищу друга, которому тоже нравится обсуждать книги и фильмы.
После глагола с предлогом всегда следует герундий:
accuse of – обвинять в
object to – возражать против
agree on – договориться (о)
prevent from – мешать, препятствовать
apologize for – извиняться за
succeed in – добиться успеха в
begin by – начать с
suspect of – подозревать в
blame smb for – обвинять кого-л. в чём-л.
spend on – тратить на
complain about – жаловаться на
talk of/about – говорить о
congratulate on – поздравлять с
thank for – благодарить за
dream of/about – мечтать о
think of/about – думать о
forgive for – простить за
worry about – волноваться о
insist on – настаивать на
• Thanks for your coming. Спасибо, что Вы пришли.
• I apologize for being late. Извините за опоздание.
Герундий употребляется после фразовых
глаголов, например:
give up – прекратить
go on / carry on – продолжать
put off – отложить
keep on – постоянно делать что-либо
• He gave up smoking. Он бросил курить.
• She kept on interrupting me while
I was speaking.
Она всё время прерывала меня, пока
я говорил.
J☺ ke
UNCLE JAMES: Well, Bobby, have you got
any prizes at school?
BOBBY: No, sir, the other boys have got
them all.
UNCLE JAMES: But you’ll keep on trying,
my boy, won’t you?
BOBBY: What the use of trying when the
other boys keep on doing the same!
Ex 11. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.
Вставьте соответствующие предлоги.
Thank you ......... helping my son. 2. We apologize ......... interrupting your work. 3.The dog
prevented them ......... entering the house. 4. The grandparents congratulated the twins .........
passing the exams. 5. I often dream ......... living on the uninhabited (необитаемый) island.
6. My wife insisted ......... going to the party. 7. The police accused him ......... stealing. 8. She
gave ......... smoking. 9. We can’t put ......... the meeting till Monday. 10. Nora kept .........
complaining ......... backache. 11. My girlfriend didn’t forgive ......... telling lies. 12. Did they
suspect the man ......... being a spy (шпион)?
Ex 12. Translate the verb and rewrite these notes in complete sentences.
Переведите глагол в скобках и напишите предложение, используя данные слова.
1. (обвинять)
They ......................... me / take the money.
They accused me of taking the money.
(договориться) We ......................... / leave early.
I ........................./ be late.
They ........................./ be hungry.
When I was a child I ......................... / fly to the Moon.
(обдумывать) He ......................... / study in America.
Mother ......................... / go to the opera, which we couldn’t stand.
(поздравлять) Everybody ......................... me / get the job.
(волноваться) My mother always ......................... / be late for the train.
Ex 13. Complete the sentences using a verb from the box. Fill in a suitable preposition.
Закончите предложения, подставив один из данных глаголов и соответствующий
succeed  begin  talk  start
complain  spend  prevent
1. In 1940s high prices ..................... people .......... going to restaurants. 2. The MacDonald
brothers ..................... .......... selling their hamburgers at a low price. 3. They ..................... ..........
attracting more and more customers to their restaurants.
4. Thousands of farmers ..................... their bisness ..........
selling potatoes and vegetables to fast-food restaurants.
5. McDonald’s ..................... a lot of money .......... advertising
on TV. 6. People ..................... .......... fast-food being
unhealthy. Parents ..................... .......... closing fast-food
11.2.2 Gerund after Adjectives
Герундий после прилагательных
Герундий также используется после выражений:
to be + прилагательное
be afraid of – бояться
be angry about – сердиться
be bad at – делать что-либо плохо
be famous for – быть известным
be fond of – любить
be good at – делать что-либо хорошо
be interested in – интересоваться
be in control of – следить за
be keen on – очень увлекаться, любить
be no use – бесполезно
be proud of – гордиться
be responsible for – отвечать за
be slow at – медленно делать что-либо
be sorry for – сожалеть
be surprised at – удивляться
be tired of – устать
be used to – привыкнуть к
be useful for – быть полезным для
be worth – стоит
• He is slow in doing sums. Он медленно решает примеры.
• He is keen on playing jazz. Он любит играть джаз.
• Is this film worth seeing? Этот фильм стоит посмотреть?
Ex 14. Maria applied for a summer job in the City Park. She is having a job interview.
Use the words in the boxes A and B to complete the sentences. Fill in the
prepositions where necessary.
Завершите предложения, используя слова в списках А и В. Где необходимо,
поставьте после глагола соответствующий предлог.
1. enjoy
2. be responsible
3. be interested
4. not object
5. not mind
6. be used
7. be worth
8. dream
9. not put off
10. be good
plant (сажать) and care
weed (полоть) and water
A Job Interview
MR PRICE: You wrote in your application that you (1)..................... ..................... with flowers.
So Maria, you will (2)..................... ...... ..................... the flower beds.
That sounds great, Mr Price. I /really (3)..................... ...... ..................... some
MR PRICE: I’m glad to hear that. Of course, you’ll have to do some other things, too.
I (4)..................... ...... ..................... any work. I (5)..................... .....................
plants. I (6)..................... ...... ..................... it in our garden.
MR PRICE: The pay isn’t great, I’m afraid. We can offer you 6 £ per hour. I don’t know if you will
find it (7)..................... ..................... for us.
Thank you, Mr Price. Money isn’t everything. The work means so much for me. I
..................... ...... ..................... in garden designing.
MR PRICE: Then I’m pleased to inform you that the job is yours. You (9).....................
..................... this central flower bed till next week, will you? I heard you
..................... ..................... these things.
Ex 15. Translate the words in brackets.
Переведите слова в скобках.
Mc Donald’s
1. Hungry customers (сердятся, что им приходится – have to) ..............................................
wait for a long time for their meal.
2. The two McDonald brothers had a very clever manager,
Ray Croc, who (был хорош в организации) ....................
....................... drive-ins all over the USA.
3. New machines were invented for McDonald’s, for example
a potato-peeling machine which (была полезна для изготовления) .............................................. French fries.
4. McDonald’s managers (гордятся тем, что продают)
......................................................... more and more
hamburgers every month.
5. The waiters (привыкли обслуживать) .......................... .................... hundreds of
customers a day.
Ex 16. Review. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Анна возражала против ремонта старой машины, но она была не против покупки новой.
2. Оливер избегает ссориться (argue) с женой. Они договорились купить новую машину.
3. Анна настаивала, что нужно больше двигаться. Она решила ездить на работу на
4. Оливер жаловался, что он набирает вес (gain weight). Анна предложила ходить в фитнес
5. Оливер отвечал за разработку (develop) плана для нового городского парка.
6. Оливер гордился, что он работает по графику (on schedule).
7. Мэр поздравил Оливера с окончанием работы и поблагодарил его за разработку очень
хорошего плана.
8. Оливер закончил работу над этим проектом, теперь он следит за строительством новой
11.2.3 Gerund after Some Set Expressions
Герундий после устойчивых словосочетаний
Ex 17. Melissa is a cinema fan. She often goes
to the cinema. Later, she tells her
friends about the films. Complete the
sentences with one verb in the right
tense and the other – -ing form.
Завершите предложения, используя
данные глаголы в соответствующем
времени + герундий.
Герундий следует после ряда
устойчивых словосочетаний, например:
feel like – хочется
couldn’t stand – не выносить
look forward to – ждать с нетерпением
have difficulty in – испытывать
It’s no use – нет смысла
can’t help – не могу не
how about – как насчёт…?
1. I ... had been looking forward to seeing ... (look
forward to / see) the film for weeks.
2. I saw it yesterday. The leading actress seems a
• I feel like having a holiday. Как
wonderful personality. I always ....................
хочется поехать отдохнуть.
• I’m looking forward to seeing
.................... (enjoy / watch) films she plays in.
you. С нетерпением жду встре3. There weren’t any good seats left, but I ...............
......................... (not mind / sit) in the back row.
4. But the film wasn’t dubbed, and sometimes I
........................................ (have difficulty (in) / understand) it.
5. It’s a romance, there were places I ........................................
(can’t help / cry).
6. I hope they ........................................ (keep on / show) the film
for another few weeks.
7. It was a beautiful film. I’d like to see it again. (How about / go)
........................................ with me?
Ex 18. Read the dialogue. Translate the parts of the dialogue using the phrases
in the box.
Прочтите диалог. Переведите реплики диалога, используя данные ниже выражения.
have difficulty in  it’s no use  look forward to  be good at
can’t stand  how about/get
OLIVER: I’m thinking about birthday presents for the twins. I have no idea what to get. You know
для меня большая трудность выбирать подарки ... I have difficulty in choosing
presents ... .
ANNE: А как насчёт скейтборда для Джереми? Он много катается на скейте. И платья для
Джессики? Она любит наряжаться (dress up). .......................................................
OLIVER: But we wouldn’t know which one to buy. We might give them vouchers.
ANNE: No, I don’t like it. Они с нетерпением ждут подарков. Я не выношу, когда детям дают
деньги вместо (instead of) подарков. ....................................................................
OLIVER: You’re right. We should put some thought into the presents. Нет смысла давать детям
деньги. Они их потратят и забудут о подарке. Анна, ты так хорошо умеешь
выбирать подарки. ................................................................................................
Can you think of something suitable?
11.2.4 Gerund after Nouns
Герундий после существительных
Герундий после существительных с предлогом
the advantage of – преимущество
the chance of – шанс
the danger of – опасность
the experience in – опыт
the hope of – надежда
the idea of – идея
the importance of – важность
the opportunity of – возможность
the possibility of – возможность
the reason for – причина
the risk of – риск, опасность
the way of – способ
the wish of – желание
• Mother always talks about the importance of studying. Мама всегда говорит, как важно учиться.
• He had no experience in putting up a tent. Он не умел (не было опыта) ставить палатку.
Ex 19. Match the two halves of the sentences.
Соедините начало и конец предложения.
What are the advantages of
We had no wish of
I hate the idea of
The prisoner saw his chance of
The McDonalds had great experience in
The employees understood the importance of
He had difficulty
in reading quickly.
working fast.
opening fast-food restaurants.
meeting this man again.
running away.
leaving you.
having a car?
Ex 20. Translate the words in brackets. Fill in the suitable preposition.
Переведите слова в скобках. Вставьте соответствующий предлог.
More about McDonalds
(Способ продажи) .................................... food in drive-in
restaurants is typically American. The brothers McDonald opened
their first restaurant in (надежде получить большой доход –
make a good profit) ............................................................... .
(Причина открытия) .................................... more and more
drive-ins was high competition (конкуренция). The manager
promised the employees that they had (возможность получения)
.................................... higher wages if they worked hard. That
is (преимущество работы) .................................... for McDonald’s. If you often eat at
McDonald’s there is (опасность поправиться – gain weight) .................................... .
11.2.5 Gerund after Prepositions
Герундий после предлогов
before, after
instead of
in spite of, for
Before going to bed I usually read for an hour. Перед тем, как лечь …
On entering the room I heard her voice. Войдя в комнату, я услышал…
They ran five miles without stopping. ...без остановки...
Instead of going out she watched TV. Вместо того, чтобы пойти...
You can find her address by looking it up in the directory. … заглянув в ...
This knife is for opening letters. … для разрезания писем.
Ex 21. Fill in the right preposition.
Вставьте соответствующий предлог.
1. .............. building big restaurants McDonald’s built small restaurants with large car parks.
2. .............. arriving at the car park the hungry customers could order food .............. getting out
of their cars. 3. They ordered hamburgers .............. using “speaker phones” which they could
find at every parking space. 4. The waiters could serve the customers in their cars very quickly
.............. going on roller skates to the parked cars. 5. Brothers McDonalds made a fortune
.............. running fast-food restaurants.
Ex 22. Read the sentence, then write a sentence with the same meaning. Use the
preposition in brackets to begin the sentence.
Прочтите предложения. Напишите предложения, передающие тот же смысл.
Используйте данные в скобках «предлоги + герундий».
1. Oliver phoned Anne and then he went out. (before)
Before going out Oliver phoned Anne.
2. They didn’t eat at home. They were going out for dinner. (instead of)
3. Oliver took more exercises and so he lost weight. (by)
4. Maria knew what she wanted to do after she left school. (after)
5. Mr Pratt hurt his leg but he managed to come to Anne’s practice. (in spite of)
6. One day Jessica couldn’t open the door. She tried again and was able to open it. (after)
7. Jeremy left for training. He didn’t finish his dinner. (without)
8. The twins were playing a board game. Anne saw it when she came home. (on)
9. Oliver bought a new knife. You can slice meat with it. (for)
11.2.6 Gerund Passive
Герундий в форме страдательного залога
Герундий имеет специальные формы для
действительного (Active) и страдательного
(Passive) залога. Active (reading) – само подлежащее совершает действие, Passive – действие
совершается над подлежащим (being read).
• The boy liked neither reading nor being read to.
Мальчик не любил читать сам, также он не
любил, когда ему читали.
being hunted
J☺ ke
Tiger Hunting
A man who had travelled in
Bengal was asked if he liked
tiger hunting. “Well,” said the
man, ”I certainly enjoyed
hunting tigers, but I must
confess I hated being hunted
by a tiger.”
Ex 23. Rewrite the sentences according to the model.
Соедините два предложение в одно по модели.
1. They climbed through the window. Nobody saw them.
They climbed through the window without being seen.
She shouts at me. I don’t like it. ........................................................................................
I can’t stand when somebody keeps me waiting. I object to it. ................................................
I’m often criticized. I resent it. ............................................................................................
The girls often laughed at him. He hates it. ...........................................................................
Someone followed me. I was afraid of it. ..............................................................................
The waiter watched me. I objected to it. ............................................................................
She needs to work without people disturbing her. .................................................................
Ex 24. Active or Passive? Choose the right form of the Gerund.
Active или Passive? Выберите соответствующую форму герундия.
1. My grandmother loves ........................ (help) people. She enjoys ........................ (need) by
everybody. 2. He remembered ........................ (ride) a bike to the market. But he didn’t
remember ........................ (knock down) by a car. 3. He was proud of ........................ (finish)
the work on time. He enjoyed ........................ (praise) by the head manager. 4. He failed the
exam. He complained about ........................ (give) the most difficult questions. 5. The teacher
doesn’t like ........................ (interrupt) when he is explaining something. He asked the students
to stop ........................ (interrupt) him. 6. The telephone kept on ........................ (ring). I didn’t
answer the calls. I hate ........................ (disturb) by some silly talk when I’m working. 7. The
thieves got into the house by ........................ (break) the window. They climbed through the
window without ........................ (notice) by anybody. 8. She didn’t feel like ........................ (go
out) that day, but enjoyed ........................ (invite) by Mike.
Ex 25. Review: Which verbs are followed by infinitive and which ones by gerund?
Make two lists, add prepositions where necessary.
За какими глаголами следует инфинитив, а за какими герундий? Сделайте два
списка. Добавьте к глаголам предлоги, где это необходимо.
+ Infinitive
think  admit  arrange
involve  thank  want
avoid  refuse  decide
adore  promise  resent
+ Gerund
+ Infinitive
help  prevent  dare
risk  ask  object
choose  succeed  allow
threaten  suspect
finish  learn  apologize
+ Gerund
Ex 26. Review: Gerund or Infinitive? Put in the right form of the verb.
Gerund или Infinitive? Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола.
1. He didn’t manage .............................. (come) on time.
2. Robert likes .............................. (be) treated like a king.
3. The manager hoped Tom didn’t mind .............................. (finish) a bit later.
4. Finally they decided .............................. (go out) to the cinema.
5. Where did you learn .............................. (drive) a car like that?
6. Our teacher promises .............................. (not give) us a test tomorrow.
7. My mum hates .............................. (fly).
8. We really enjoyed .............................. (travel) to Egypt last year.
9. I’m good at .............................. (write) compositions.
10. He wasn’t interested in .............................. (read) the article.
11. We are looking forward to .............................. (see) you tomorrow.
12. Ron and Maria agreed .............................. (talk) things over.
13. The museum is worth .............................. (visit).
14. The police gave up .............................. (look) for the man.
15. Did he really manage .............................. (pass) the exam?
12. The Noun
Имя существительное
Этот класс слов включает названия одушевлённых и неодушевлённых предметов,
названия веществ и абстрактные понятия. Каждый из названных видов существительных
имеет свои особенности, от которых зависит его практическое применение.
имена нарицательные
Class nouns
Nouns of
12.1 Formation of Nouns
Образование имён существительных
В английском языке некоторые слова используются только как существительные (table,
dog, bird, person, etc.) Однако большинство существительных образуется от других частей
речи с помощью суффиксов или префиксов. Знание суффиксов и префиксов помогает
узнать имя существительное в тексте, что значительно облегчает понимание смысла.
Чтобы сформулировать мысль, часто необходимо самостоятельно образовать существительное от других знакомых слов, используя продуктивные суффиксы или префиксы.
Суффиксы, используемые для образования существительных:
-er/-or: worker, director
-ist: telegraphist, dramatist
-ness: sadness, cleanness
-tion: formation, introduction
-sion: discussion, decision
-ant: assistant
-hood: childhood, manhood
-dom: freedom, boredom
-ship: friendship, membership
-ment: government, development
-ance/-ence: importance, dependence
-ty: property, honesty
-ure: literature, structure
Ex 1.
Underline suffixes in the following nouns. Try to remember a word it was made
from or look it up in the dictionary.
Подчеркните суффиксы в следующих словах. Попытайтесь вспомнить слово, от
которого, предположительно, могло быть образовано данное существительное,
или найдите его в словаре.
Examination ... examine ...
Happiness .................................
Friendship .................................
Popularity .................................
Ex 2.
Neighbourhood .................................
Form nouns from the given words with the help of suffixes -er, -or.
Образуйте существительные от данных слов, используя суффиксы -er, -or.
begin  compute  act  drive  explore  invent  direct
dream  lead  buy  sail  visit  produce  translate
leader ...
Ex 3.
Form nouns from the words below with the help of the given suffixes. If you are
not sure, use the dictionary.
Образуйте существительные от данных слов с помощью суффиксов в таблице.
Если вы не уверены, используйте словарь.
appoint  mad  science  enjoy  fit  capital  congratulate  entertain
quiet  material  suggest  move  agree  describe  forgive
elect  hesitate  column  dark  type
appointment ...
Ex 4.
Use the nouns you formed in ex 2 and ex 3 to translate the sentences from
Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя существительные,
полученные в упражнениях 2 и 3.
Это курс английского языка для начинающих. ..................................................................
Производители разговаривали с покупателями. ..............................................................
Посетителей просили подождать. ....................................................................................
Изобретателя космической ракеты (space rocket) называли мечтателем.
5. Мы послали американскому учёному наши поздравления.
6. У меня назначена встреча с врачом. ................................................................................
7. Тишина и темнота не испугали (scare) полицейского. Он вошёл (enter) в дом без
(without) колебания. ........................................................................................................
8. Моя сестра очень легкомысленная (light-minded). Она интересуется только развлечениями и удовольствиями. ..................................................................................
9. Лидер движения «зелёных» принял участие (take part) в выборах. ..................................
10. Предложение было очень интересное, но мы не смогли достичь (reach) соглашения.
Ex 5. Read the sentence. Use the given suffixes to form the word to fill in the gap
in the sentences.
Прочтите предложение. Используя данные суффиксы, образуйте соответствующее слово и заполните пробел.
-er  -tion  -ist  -ant  -ure  -ry
A person who smokes a lot is a chain-smoker.
I can’t play the piano. I’m not a ...................................... .
Sarah assists me. She is my .......................................
Columbus discovered America. It was an unexpected ................
...................... .
Holmes investigated the most difficult cases. Dr Watson helped
him in his ...................................... .
He was very attentive. He payed great ...................................... to what he was doing.
Mix the substances and add some sugar to the ...................................... .
A little boy fell into the lake. John didn’t hesitate, he jumped into the water without any
...................................... .
Our teacher calls the essay we write (compose) in literature a ...................................... .
10. The police came to inspect the place of the accident.
They were the police ...................................... . The
...................................... was very thorough.
11. Bill admired Lizzy. He looked at her with great
...................................... .
12. Adam has improved his writing skills. But it is just a
slight ...................................... .
Ex 6. A. Form nouns from the given words with the
help of the prefixes: MIS-, IN-, UN-, DIS-,
Match the word you formed with ist
А. Образуйте существительные от данных
слов при помощи префиксов: MIS-, IN-, UN-,
В. Выберите перевод полученного слова.
1. advantage
2. interpretation ............................
3. security
4. importance
5. honesty
6. connection
7. difference
8. understanding ............................
9. activity
10. approval
11. ability
12. fortune
13. comfort
14. belief
15. equality
Для образования существительных наиболее часто
используются следующие
Другие значения:
inter- interaction
a) неодобрение
b) неудобство
c) взаимосвязь
d) бездеятельность
f) неправильное понимание
g) неспособность
h) нечестность
i) неверное толкование
j) неважность
k) безразличие
l) недоверие
m) неравенство
n) неудача
o) небезопасность
p) невыгодное положение
12.2 The Plural of English Nouns
Множественное число английских имён существительных
Правила образования множественного числа имён существительных
в английском языке
1. Общее правило:
существительное + -s
books, tables, toys,
ties, months
2. Если существительное
заканчивается на:
-ss, -x, -z, -sh, -ch,
-tch, -o + -ES
classes, boxes, brushes,
benches, matches, cargoes
Исключения: pianos, photos, videos, zoos
3. Несколько существительных
следует запомнить
man – men,
woman Dïçãèå – women Dïfãfå
foot – feet, tooth – teeth,
goose – geese, mouse – mise
4. У некоторых существительных
формы множественного и
единственного числа совпадают
fish, sheep,
swine, deer, etc
J☺ ke
Irregular plurals – one thing
men and women have in common.
(иметь что-то общее)
Ex 7. Read the quotes. Прочтите выска-
При образовании множественного числа существительных окончание -S произносится как:
xòz после звонких согласных
и гласных: plans, cars,
xëz после глухих согласных:
maps, books, hats
xáòz после -S, свистящих и
шипящих: horses, bridges.
Write how we should pronounce the
ending -S in the underlined words.
A. Напишите, как произносится окончание -S в подчёркнутых существительных.
z or flashing lights  .
“True love comes quietly, without banners 
If you hear the bells , get your ears  checked.”
(Erich Segal)
Form the plural of the nouns in brackets.
B. Поставьте данные в скобках существительные
во множественное число.
“(Woman) ..................... and (cat) ..................... will do as they
please, and (man) ..................... and (dog) ..................... should
relax and get used to the idea.”
(Robert Heinlein)
Ex 8.
Правила правописания:
How do the following nouns form their
Как образуют множественное число
следующие существительные?
shelf ................. ,
church .................,
sheep .................,
................. ,
tomato ................. ,
radio ................. ,
tooth ................. ,
Ex 9.
................. ,
lorry ................. ,
photo ................. ,
baby ................. ,
berry ................. ,
pony ................. ,
................. ,
video ................. ,
wife ................. .
1. если слово оканчивается на
-S + -E  только -S:
rose – roses, house – houses
2. Согласная + -Y  -ies:
lady – ladies
Исключения: в именах и фамилиях -Y не меняется на -I
• The O’Connollys are our friends.
• There are three Marys in our
Translate the dialogue from Russian
into English.
Переведите диалог на английский язык.
Гласная + -Y  без изменений:
toy – toys
3. -F, -FE в конце существительных  -VE:
wolf – wolves, self – selves
Некоторые исключения:
roofs, hoofs, chiefs, beliefs, cliffs,
In the Design Museum
Посмотри на эти столы.
И эти старые радиоприёмники и старые фотографии людей с оленями. Они такие
Да…. Эти старые вещи, должно быть, стоят сегодня целое состояние (be worth a
Здесь нет ничего особенного. У бабушки кучи (pile) таких вещей на чердаке.
12.2.1 Nouns Used Only in the Plural
Существительные, используемые только во множественном числе
В состав этих существительных входят:
1. существительные, состоящие из двух или более
частей: trousers, shorts, jeans, boxers, tights,
binoculars, glasses/spectacles, scissors, scales, etc.
2. существительные, используемые в английском
языке только во множественном числе. В русском языке они имеют, как обычно, единственное и множественное число: clothes, goods,
stairs, contents, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions,
etc. (картофель, морковь ...)
3. в русском языке существительные gate, door,
sledge, watch, clock используются только во
множественном числе, в английском языке они
могут применяться в единственном и множественном числе.
• The trousers are too short for you.
Where are my spectacles?
• The goods were delivered yesterday.
The stairs were steep.
BUT: one potato, one onion
• The door is made of oak. There are
two doors in this room.
My watch is slow. Mr Swiss sells
watches and clocks.
Ex 10. Supply the missing words.
Заполните пропуски словами по смыслу.
1. The stairs ............... worn by thousands of visitors. 2. Where ............... the scissors? –
............... are in the first drawer on the left. 3. The scales ............... broken. 4. How much did
you pay for ............... trousers? – ............... were very expensive! 5. If your clothes ...............
dirty, please put them in the laundry basket. 6. His old grandfather’s watch ............... made of
Ex 11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Эти джинсы тебе велики. .................................................................................................
Шорты сделаны из хлопка. ..............................................................................................
Ты ищешь свои очки? Они у тебя на голове. ......................................................................
Не давай ребёнку ножницы. Они очень острые (sharp). ....................................................
Эта лестница имеет сто ступенек (step). ...........................................................................
Твоя одежда в спальне. .................................................................................................
У нас две пары саней для близнецов и два велосипеда. ...................................................
Мы подарили моему отцу часы на день рождения. .........................................................
9. Часы на кухне спешат (be fast) на 5 минут. ......................................................................
10. В аквариуме (fish tank) пять рыбок. Одна рыбка золотая (golden fish). ..............................
11. Картофель очень хороший в этом году. ..........................................................................
12.2.2 Nouns Used Only in the Singular
Существительные, используемые только в единственном числе
1. Существительные advice (совет/советы), information (информация/сообщения), knowledge (знание/знания),
progress (успех/успехи) употребляются в
английском языке только в единственном
числе, в то время как в русском языке
соответствующие существительные употребляются как в единственном, так и во
множественном числе.
2. Cуществительное news (новости) и
названия наук: mathematics, phonetics,
economics, а также существительные
gymnastics, politics, etc имеют форму
множественного числа, но употребляется как существительное в единственном числе (the news is, physics is).
Существительное money (деньги) в русском языке имеет форму множественного числа, а в английском единственного (money is/it is). Соответственно, с этими словами глаголы и
определители существительного (this,
that) употребляются в единственном
• He gave me some good advice. (... несколько хороших советов).
• А piece of advice (один совет)
• I have very little information on the
subject. (… мало сведений)
• I am satisfied with your progress. (… вашими успехами).
• What is the news? I haven’t heard this
news yet.
• Mathematics forms the basis of many other
sciences. It is often called the queen of
• Where is the money I gave you? – I’m
afraid I’ve lost it.
Ex 12. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Это не мои деньги. Эти деньги принадлежат (belong) моему брату.
2. Физика очень трудный предмет (subject). .......................................................................
3. Для тебя математика была трудной? ..............................................................................
4. Эти сведения были очень важными. ...............................................................................
5. Новости очень интересные, не так ли? ..........................................................................
6. Вы уже слышали эту новость? ........................................................................................
7. Ваших знаний недостаточно (enough), чтобы сдать экзамен. .........................................
8. Его знания математики всегда удивляют меня. ..............................................................
9. Я ничего не понимаю. Это физика или математика? .........................................................
10. Он дал мне хороший совет. ...............................................................................................
Ex 13. Underline the correct form of the verb.
Подчеркните соответствующую форму
1. The government of a country makes/make laws.
2. The Government have/has been discussing the law
for some hours already. They are rather tired. 3. When
we came, the team were/was practising on the field.
4. I think our team are/is the strongest. 5. The Swiss
police is/are great at finding people. 6. The Russian
army isn’t/aren’t professional. 7. The company are/is
a world famous. 8. The staff of the company are/is
rather big. 9. Our staff go/goes on holiday in August.
10. Our little group is/are complete again. 11. The
group are/is doing a laboratory work now.
Собирательные имена
Существительные типа family,
group, team, class, company, staff,
army, navy, crew, government –
собирательные. Они могут обозначать понятие как единое целое.
В этом случае они употребляются
с глаголом в единственном числе.
Если имеется в виду ряд лиц или
предметов, составляющих эту
группу или класс, собирательные
имена существительные употребляются с глаголом во множественном числе.
• His family is well known in our
city. My family are the most
important people for me.
• Manchester (football team) is
leading 1:0. Manchester are
attacking again.
Cуществительное the police всегда употребляется во множественном числе.
• The police were informed immediately.
12.3 Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые имена существительные
– обозначают предметы, которые можно
посчитать, они имеют форму множественного и единственного числа
• a book – 5 books
• a boy – many boys
– они отвечают на вопрос How many..?
• How many bottles of water have you
– обозначают предметы, которые не поддаются счету, всегда употребляются в
единственном числе:
1. некоторые пищевые продукты: meat,
food, butter, sugar, rice, etc.
2. жидкости: water, tea, oil, etc.
3. материалы: glass, plastic, wood, etc.
4. абстрактные понятия: beauty, love,
help, etc.
– они отвечают на вопрос How much..?
• How much water do you drink a day?
Ex 14. Tick () the words which normally have plurals in English.
Отметьте слова (), которые в английском языке имеют форму множественного
 wall
 tea
 friend
 glass
 air
 picture
 hour
 copper  cheese
 glass
 paper
 machine
 river
 teacher
 paper
 music
 coffee  armchair  gold
 ship
 milk
 ice
 furniture
 ink
 money  coin
 university  meat
 assistance  assistant  darkness  time (время)
 wood
 wood
Поскольку неисчисляемые
существительные невозможно
посчитать, они не могут иметь
форму множественного числа.
Они также не принимают
артикль a/an, обозначающий
один предмет.
Ex 15. Complete the sentences with the noun
in brackets using A/AN or a plural form
of the noun where possible.
Поставьте существительное в скобках во
множественное число или используйте
артикль A/AN, где это возможно.
Исчисляемые или
Некоторые существительные в
разных контекстах могут использоваться как исчисляемые и
неисчисляемые. Обычно они
имеют разные значения.
• She is looking for work. (заня-
1. You never have ........ (time) to talk to me. I called
you several ........ (time) yesterday.
2. Could you give me ........ (glass) of water, please?
тость – неисчисляемое)
My husband has to wear ........ (glass). I can’t
It’s a work of art. (предмет –
send this thing to you by post, it is made of ........
• Paper is made of wood.
3. I need a piece of ........ (wood). The cottage is
(материал – неисчисляемое)
I usually buy a paper on my way
located nicely. There is ........ (wood) and a lake in
work. (газета – исчисляемое)
the walking distance.
4. I’m allergic to ........ (chicken). I’ll draw you ........
(chicken) if you eat your porridge, Mary.
5. ........ (beauty) is a great force. Your younger daughter is going to be ........ real (beauty). All
my daughters are ........ (beauty).
6. Anne doesn’t eat ........ (cake), it’s too fattening, but she brought ........ (cake) and ........
(bottle) of wine to the party.
7. Is it made of ........ (iron) or plastic? I need ........ (iron) to press the suit.
Определители неисчисляемых существительных
Перед неисчисляемыми существительными могут использоваться различные
определители: some, any, the, this, that, his/her/their, etc.
the music, some water, this bread, his love, etc.
Местоимения some и any обозначают некоторое количество вещества («немного»)
или некоторую степень/качество («некоторый» или не переводится).
SOME употребляется в положительных повествовательных предложениях
ANY – в вопросительных и отрицательных.
• I bought some ham and cheese. – Я купила (немного) ветчины и сыра.
• Is there any butter in the fridge? – No, there isn’t any. We haven’t got any bread either.
• The news caused some excitement (волнение). Is there any hope?
Имеется смысловое различие между предложениями:
• Buy some bread. – Купи (немного) хлеба.
• Buy bread. – Купи хлеб (А не что-либо иное).
Ex 16. Complete the sentences with A /AN, SOME /ANY, THE and a word from the box.
Заполните пропуски определителями A /AN, SOME /ANY, THE и словом из списка.
wine (x2)  fly  food  snow  bread  e-mail
money  sandwich  restaurant  mountains
You don’t need to take ............ ................... on the trip.
I don’t normally have a big lunch, except for ............ ................... .
I found ............ ................... in my salad and left ............ ................... .
I’d like ............ ................... , please.
We went skiing at the weekend, but there wasn’t ............ ................... in ............
................... .
6. Can I use your computer, Jack? I need to send ............ ................... .
7. There is ............ ................... in the bottle if you want to try. ............ ................... is excellent.
8. Have you got ............ ................... left?
Ex 17. Read the dialogue. Fill in the gaps with A /AN, SOME /ANY, THE or (-)
according to the meaning.
Прочтите диалог. Заполните пропуски определителями существительного A /AN,
SOME /ANY, THE или (–) по смыслу.
I Can’t Abide Waste*
OLIVER: My goodness Anne, what are we going to do with all
............ leftover (остатки) food from Christmas? I
can’t abide ............ waste when there are so many
starving people in world.
We can’t throw ............ food away, can we? Let me
see what we have. ............ turkey, ............ bowl of
salad, ............ piece of ham, ............ cranberry sauce
and ............ dish of roast potatoes.
OLIVER: Do we have ............ pudding left? ............ children
love it.
I have ............ idea. If the twins invite a couple of their friends round for lunch, ............
food will be gone in no time. And now, Oli, do you fansy ............ coffee?
OLIVER: Thanks, but I prefer ............ tea, ............ cup of strong black tea.
And what would you say to ............ turkey sandwich?
* Я терпеть не могу потери
Ex 18. Complete the questions with MANY or MUCH.
Дополните вопросы местоимениями MANY или MUCH.
Kirsty has gained weight. She consults her doctor about a diet. The doctor asks her a lot of
DOCTOR: How .............. weight have you gained?
KIRSTY : How .............. kilos should I be?
DOCTOR: How .............. meals a day do you have?
DOCTOR: How .............. bread do you eat a day?
DOCTOR: How .............. lumps of sugar do you take with your
DOCTOR: How .............. butter do you eat a week?
DOCTOR: How .............. bananas and how .............. grapes do
you eat?
DOCTOR: How .............. kilometers do you walk a day?
DOCTOR: How .............. time do you sit in your office?
Ex 19. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Мальчик бросил камень в пруд (pond). Стена сделана из камня.
2. Мне нравятся эти фотографии. Сколько фотографий ты сделал (take)?
3. Механик починил (fix) машину. Он также добавил масла (oil).
4. Эта маленькая коробочка сделана из серебра. Ты носишь серебро, которое я тебе
подарил (give)? ................................................................................................................
5. Добавь молока в овсяную кашу (porridge). Она будет вкуснее (taste). Я люблю овсяную
кашу. ...............................................................................................................................
6. Я замёрзла. Чай есть? – Да, я только что сделала чай. Чай в чайнике (teapot).
7. Мне нужен человек с опытом работы (experience). Опыт, который у вас есть
8. Я устала. Я сделала работу по дому.
9. Купи, пожалуйста, хлеба, ветчины и сыра для бутербродов. Нам нужно немного еды,
чтобы перекусить (have a bite) в автобусе.
10. У нас есть клей (glue)? – Какой клей? – Клей для бумаги.
12.4 The Genetive or Possessive Case
Притяжательный падеж имён существительных
Английские одушевлённые существительные (и некоторые неодушевлённые) имеют
два падежа: общий и притяжательный.
Притяжательный падеж показывает, кому принадлежит данный предмет. Этот падеж
образуется добавлением ’S после существительного. Притяжательный падеж обычно
заменяет артикль перед словом, к которому он относится, но слово в притяжательном
падеже может иметь свой собственный артикль:
the car – Sue’s car, the boss’s car.
Нужно запомнить
простое правило:
Ex 20. Match the words. Make possessive
forms of the words in List 1 to combine
them with the words in List 2.
Образуйте формы притяжательного
падежа от слов в списке 1, в списке 2
найдите слово, сочетающееся с ним по
List 1 teachers  actress  Tom  hairdresser
children  our dog  doctor  women
girls  Anne and Oliver  Doris
parents  sheep
List 2 phone number  habit  last name
toys  surgery  school  club  home
wool  room  career  name  car
Tom’s last name.
Согласно установившейся языковой
традиции, после слов с ’S некоторые
существительные, а именно, название
места работы/магазина/дома, опускаются:
аt the doctor’s (surgery), at my mother’s
(house), at the butcher’s (shop).
’S добавляется ко всем одушевленным существительным,
кроме существительных во множественном числе, которые оканчиваются на -S.
Это значит,что ’S добавляется к:
a) существительным в единственном числе: Tom’s hat, boy’s ball,
family’s dog;
b) существительным и именам
собственным, оканчивающимся на -S: actress’s career,
waitress’s job, Doris’s letter,
James’s work;
c) существительным с неправильной формой множественного
числа: men’s hobbies, children’s
toys, deer’s horns;
d) если притяжательный падеж
образуется от группы слов или
сложного слова, ’S добавляется
к последнему слову: Anne and
Oliver’s children, my father-inlaw’s house.
e) просто (’) добавляется к существительным, имеющим во множественном числе окончание
-S: students’ books, our engineers’
Ex 21. Translate the article from Russian into English.
Переведите статью на английский язык.
The Royal Baby
Сын Кейт Мидлтон и принца Вильяма родился в понедельник,
22-го июля.
Это был замечательный сюрприз для родителей ребёнка.
Кейт и Вильям не хотели заранее (beforehand) знать пол (sex)
ребёнка. Они также не сообщали (announce) имя ребёнка.
Через 26 часов после рождения ребёнка счастливые
родители представили его общественности (public).
Люди собрались (gather) у входа в больницу, чтобы
приветсвовать сына герцога и герцогини Кэмбриджских – (The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge) будущего
короля Англии.
Принц Вильям улыбался и шутил. Он также отметил, что
ребёнок унаследовал (have got) приятную внешность
(good looks) матери.
Принц Вильям и Кейт поблагодарили штат (staff) больницы
за огромную (tremendous) заботу о матери и ребёнке.
Через 2 дня имя сына Кейт и Вильяма было объявлено –
George Alexander Louis. Официальное имя ребёнка His Royal
Highness Prince George of Cambridge. Ребёнка назвали в
честь (name after) отца королевы Елизаветы и прадедушки
Вильяма – короля Георга (George) VI.
Георг также второе имя отца ребёнка. Александр – любимое имя Кейт. Луис очевидно
(apparently) имя члена королевской семьи, погибшего (kill by) от бомбы ирландских
Маленький принц (The Infant) – наследник британского престола.
Ex 22. Rewrite two sentences as one sentence
using ’S.
Передайте данную информацию в
одном предложении, используя притяжательный падеж.
Притяжательный падеж образуется также и от некоторых неодушевленных существительных, имеющих особый статус.
Это слова, обозначающие период
времени (day, two weeks, today,
yesterday, etc), слова world, ship,
названия стран, городов, организаций (Paris, Spain, government)
1. We are going on a tour. The tour will last one week.
– We are going on a week’s tour.
2. There are a lot of theatres in Moscow. They are
world famous. – ........................................... are
world famous.
Today’s paper, three days’ trip,
3. There will be no lecture tomorrow. It has been
the world’s climate, the ship’s deck,
cancelled. – ........................................... has
London’s parks, Russia’s president,
been cancelled.
company’s rules.
4. The people don’t like the policy that their country
follows. – ...........................................
5. We liked the crew of the ship. They were very polite. – ................... ........................
6. It rained heavily last month. The rains caused floods. – ........................................... caused
7. The products the company produces are very popular. – ........................................... are
very popular.
8. The government made an important decision. – ........................................... was very
9. She had a rest from two to three. So she had ...........................................
10. In September I’ll receive my salary for two months. So in September I’ll receive ......................
Ex 23. Rewrite the words in brackets using ’S or OF THE…
Напишите группы слов в скобках, используя притяжательный падеж ’S или
существительное с предлогом OF.
Could you tell me .................................... (this
Мы используем притяжательstreet / the name)?
ный падеж ’S, если первое слово
Jeremy forgot to clean ....................................
в группе имя или профессия
человека, название живого су(the car / the windows). The police fined Oliver.
щества, страны, города, органиI didn’tlike .................................... (the author /
зации, обозначение отрезка
last book).
времени. В остальных случаях
The papers we full of ....................................
мы используем структуру с пред(news / today).
логом OF:
The doctor said that .................................... (the
the pages of the book, the door of
dog / leg) wasn’t broken.
the house, the leaves of the tree.
6. The chair rocked slightly. One .................................... (the chair / leg) was a bit shorter.
7. .................................... (this painter / pictures) decorate the hall of the house.
8. .................................... (a picture / this painter) is on the cover of the magazine today.
9. .................................... (the town / special atmosphere) charmed the tourists.
10. The aim of the space flight was to study .................................... (the planet / the
Имеется три способа сочетания существительных:
1. притяжательный падеж: my sister’s address, the writer’s novel;
2. структура с предлогом “of”: the top of the hill;
3. сочетание «существительное + существительное»: fruit juice, corn flakes.
В последней группе первое существительное выполняет роль определения.
Оно всегда имеет форму единственного числа, даже если второй член
сочетания во множественном числе: cowboy boots, book cases.
Строгие правила употребления модели «существительное + существительное» отсутствуют. Примение этой модели базируется на языковой
Ex 24. Express the same meaning using noun + noun combination.
Передайте то же значение, используя сочетание «существительное + существительное».
a cocktail made from fruits – a fruit cocktail
a garden having lots of flowers .............................................
paste for cleaning teeth
the door to the kitchen
a factory where glass is made .............................................
a shop that sells shoes
a story about love
soup made from chicken
industry to pump oil
Ex 25. Underline the correct noun group.
Подчеркните правильное сочетание существительных.
a cake of chocolate / a chocolate cake
bar soap / a bar of soap
Russia’s history / the Russia history
a telephone’s box / a telephone box
soup of vegetables / vegetable soup
6. the company office / the company’s office
7. the cat tail / the cat’s tail
8. disks of a computer / computer disks;
9. Mr Green music lesson / Mr Green’s music lesson
10. industry of oil / oil industry
Ex 26. Rewright each phrase using the correct genetive form.
Напишите фразы, используя в каждой из них соответствующую форму, обозначающую принадлежность предмета.
1. (Oliver) son – Oliver’s son;
2. (Canada) national football team
3. (the frame) picture
4. (a week) holiday
5. (bus) station
6. (Jeremy and Jessica) elder sister
7. (children) toys
8. (space) rocket
9. (the women) changing room
10. (the Walkers) party
11. (the key) the car
12. (fruit) tea
13. (the managers) meeting
14. (leather) shoe
Ex 27. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Ты видел статью во вчерашней газете? ..........................................................................
В Германии люди имеют четырёхнедельный отпуск. .......................................................
Я часто ношу одежду моей сестры. .................................................................................
Мы покупаем овощи в овощном магазине. .....................................................................
Самый высокий небоскрёб Америки находится в Чикаго.
6. Я провёл ночь в доме моего друга. ................................................................................
7. Это лучший оперный театр мира. .....................................................................................
8. Я возьму овощной салат и стакан фруктового сока.
9. Я не помню имя сестры моего друга. ..............................................................................
10. Дверь гаража была закрыта. ...........................................................................................
11. Я не знаю результат вчерашнего матча. ..........................................................................
12. Экипаж корабля был небольшой. .....................................................................................
13. Я поговорил с менеджером компании. ............................................................................
Ex 28. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English using the words in boxes I and
II. to render the underlined phrases. Choose the right way of combining them.
Переведите диалог на английский язык. Используйте слова из списков I и II для
перевода подчёркнутых словосочетаний. Выберите правильный способ их
sea  Oliver  traffic  time  construction  ship  name  speed
a new road  rocket  station  arrival  jams  port  sister
Привет! Куда ты мчишься (rush) со скоростью ракеты?
Я еду в Морской порт встречать Монику.
А кто эта Моника?
Сестра Оливера. Я спешу (be in a hurry), так как не знаю
точное (exact) время прибытия парохода.
Если ты так спешишь, не следует ехать на машине.
Строительство новой дороги создаёт (create) (транспортные) пробки.
Тогда я поеду на поезде. Как называется станция, где я должна выходить?
’S встречается в тексте не только в случае образования
притяжательного падежа: Jane’s feelings, a day’s work.
Oн используется также при стяжении (образовании
кратких форм):
he/she/it is  he’s /she’s /it’s;
he/she/it has done  he’s / she’s /it’s done.
Barbie's my fashion icon. People
think I'm Paris Barbie – and it's
a compliment. (Paris Hilton)
I've put in so many enigmas (загадка) and
puzzles that it will keep the professors
busy for centuries arguing over what I
meant, and that's the only way of insuring
one's immortality (бессмертие).
(James Joyce)
Ex 29. Which of these words with -’S can you write out in a long form? Expand the
contracted forms where possible.
Какие слова с -’S вы можете представить в развёрнутом виде? Где это возможно,
напишите полностью сокращённые формы.
A Talented Son
Look at this, George. One of (1) Colin’s ...... articles has
made the front page of (2) today’s ...... paper.
GEORGE: (3) What’s ...... it about?
It’s ...... about the art exhibition (5) which’s ...... in the city
GEORGE: (6) That’s ...... nice, dear, (7) he’s ...... a talented boy, our Colin. (8) He’s ...... written some
very good pieces this year. You collect our (9) son’s ...... articles, don’t you? Hmm, (10)
that’s ...... interesting…
Of course, I do. And (11) what’s ...... interesting?
GEORGE: Well, (12) there’s ...... an advertisement for French classes at the adult education centre.
I’ve always wanted to learn French. I may join the class.
Ex 30. The apostrophe (-’) key of the computer is out of order. Look at the words
ending in -S and put the apostrophe where necessary.
Посмотрите на слова, которые заканчиваются на -S и поставьте апостроф где это
Did you see the invitation to Lindas birthday?
Yes, I did. Was it her or her husbands idea to invite us?
I don’t know. We aren’t really friends. We are just Roberts colleagues.
Its going to be a really big party. She invited her husbands colleagues and their partners, too.
We need a nice present then. What about a womens
weekend at a fitness club?
I think thats too expensive for a colleagues wife. What about
breakfast at Tiffanys?
A good idea. My secretarys family went there last Sunday
and they liked the food and the waiters politness.
13. The Article
В английском языке существительное имеет артикль. Артикль – это не постоянно
закреплённая за существительным языковая единица: употребление артикля зависит от
типа существительного, контекста или ситуации, грамматической конструкции или
словосочетания, в котором используется данное слово.
В английском языке имеется два типа артиклей: определённый the и неопределённый
a/an. Отсутствие артикля, или так называемый нулевой артикль, также имеет
грамматическое значение: «нулевой артикль» показывает, что существительное
используется в общем смысле.
• I bought a book. (один /любой представитель данного класса)
• I bought the book you told me about. (выделение из всего класса подобных предметов)
• Books are my best friends. (в общем смысле: «книги», а не что-либо иное)
13.1 The Indefinite Article “A/An”
and the Definite Article “The”
Неопределённый артикль “A/An”
и определённый артикль “The”
The Indefinite Article “A/AN”
The Definite Article “THE”
Неопределённый артикль a/an произошёл от слова «один» – one. Соответственно, этот артикль употребляется только
с исчисляемыми существительными в
единственном числе.
 Неопределённый артикль a/an называют классифицирующим, т.к. его
основное назначение – показать, что
данный предмет – один из множества
предметов данного класса: «один»,
«любой», «какой-то», «некий».
• I’m looking for a blue T-shirt?
• I’ve got a postcard from Susan.
 Неопределённый артикль используется после глагола to be в описаниях,
характеристиках, и когда речь идет о
• George is a clever man. He is a nice man.
Определённый артикль the может
употребляться со всеми видами существительных в единственном и множественном числе, когда мы говорим о какомлибо конкретном предмете. Это значит,
что говорящий и слушающий знают, о
каком предмете идёт речь или это ясно из
• Excuse me, where is the reception, please?
(вопрос задан в холле гостиницы)
• Where is the key? (известно, о каком
ключе идёт речь)
• How did you like the play? (разговор в
театре или пьеса уже обсуждалась)
He is a teacher.
Ex 1.
Fill in A or AN.
Вставьте неопределённый артикль A или
1. ...... university
2. ...... nose
3. ...... umbrella
4. ...... ticket
5. ...... one-hour walk
6. ...... wall
7. ...... hand
8. ...... man
9. ...... honest man
10. ...... home
11. ...... unit
Ex 2.
12. ...... European
13. ...... elephant
14. ...... uncle
15. ...... book
16. ...... useful book
17. ...... aunt
18. ...... alphabet
19. ...... one-man play
20. ...... yacht
21. ...... event
22. ...... yard
Read the quotes and the short text.
Which article should be used with these
nouns: A or THE? Explain why.
Прочтите высказывания и короткий
текст. С каким артиклем следует использовать данные существительные: A или
THE? Объясните почему.
1. “It’s not hard to understand modern
art. If it hangs on ...... wall, it’s ......
painting, and if you can walk around
it, it’s ...... sculpture.” (Tom
2. “...... winner is ...... dreamer who
never gives up (сдаваться)”.
(Nelson Mandela)
A Family Portrait
As is the custom, every year ...... Walkers are at ......
photo studio having their portrait taken. ...... reason
for this is that Anne wants to send ...... photo to all
those people she tries to stay in touch with.
They sit on ...... coach and ...... photographer gets
them all to say “cheese,” before taking ...... photo.
Thanks to ...... digital photography they can see ......
results immediately.
Артикль “а” используется перед:
 согласными: a hat, a table,
a ball;
 “u” и “eu”, когда они звучат
как “you”: a European, a
university, a unit;
 “y”, которая имеет особый
статус – полугласная: a year;
a yellow shirt;
 словами, которые в произношении начинаются с согласной, хотя на письме
начинаются с гласной:
a one-pound coin xè Dï^å Dé~såÇ
a one-way street
“An” – разновидность неопределённого артикля, которая используется:
 перед гласными (a, e, i, o, u):
an apple, an egg, an orrange,
an uncle;
 перед “h”, когда оно не произносится: an hour, an honour,
BUT! a history
 перед словами, которые в
произношении начинаются с
гласной, хотя на письме
начинаются с согласной:
an MP xèå Dèãéfz,
an X-ray xèå DcâëêÉfz.
 если существительное имеет
определение, артикль ставится перед определением существительного. Форма артикля зависит от последующего
a woman, an ugly woman; a day,
an awful day.
Ex 3.
Complete the text with the words from the box. Use
the right article with these nouns.
Дополните текст данными ниже словами. Вставьте
соответствующий артикль.
play  stage  actors  theatre  curtain  plot (сюжет)
The Cultural Evening
Использование определённого артикля
с некоторыми группами слов
I’m glad we managed to come to .....
............. We hadn’t had a night out
for a long time.
OLIVER: So, what do you think of .....
............. so far? I think that .....
............. are really good, but .....
............. is a bit shallow (пустой).
ANNE: I can’t agree with you, I think… Oh,
..... ............. has gone dark and .....
............. is going up.
Хотя речь не идёт о каком-либо конкретном объекте, определённый артикль используется с некоторыми группами слов.
Подобных групп несколько, это:
 городские службы и учреждения:
the bank, the police, the fire brigade,
the post office, etc;
 различные формы развлечений
the theatre, the opera, the ballet,
the cinema/pictures/movie, the disco,
the weekend, etc;
 магазины и формы малого бизнеса
the supermarket, the shopping,
the baker’s, the butcher’s, the grocer’s,
etc; the doctor’s, the dentist’s,
the hairdresser’s, the chemist’s, etc.
A Frightfully Good Film
seats  aliens (пришельцы)
cinema (x2)  spaceships  screen (x2)
film (x2)
James and his friends went to ..... ............. to
watch ..... sci-fi ............. in 3D.
At ..... ............. they stocked up (запастись)
on popcorn and soft drinks and made their
way to ..... ............. .
..... ............. was great. The special effects were out of this
world. ..... ............. looked as if they were flying right out of
..... ............. and ..... ............. looked frightfully real.
Ex 4.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
В гостиной
Поздний вечер. Семья в гостиной. .................................................................................
Принеси мне чашечку чая, пожалуйста. ............................................................................
Пожалуйста, включи (switch on) телевизор. ......................................................................
Дети, не разговаривайте во время (during) программы.
5. Давайте (Let’s) послушаем новости и прогноз погоды (weather forecast).
6. Оливер читает газету, которую он купил утром.
Ex 5. Read the dialogue. Use the prompts
and translate the words from Russian
into English. Don’t forget to add the right
Прочтите диалог. Для перевода фраз
используйте данные ниже слова, добавив к ним соответствующий артикль.
(news)paper  pack of cigarettes  envelope
long day  can of Coke
Сохраняя своё исконное значение «один», неопределённый
артикль a/an заменяет числительное «один».
• I need a day or two to collect the
• Just a minute, please.
• A pound of apples, please.
Much More than News
NEWSAGENT: Morning, Oliver, how are you?
Not too bad, thanks, Fred. Could you give me газету, пачку сигарет и конверт.
....................... ............................................. , please.
NEWSAGENT: Certainly, here you go.
Oh, and I’d better have баночку
Кока-Колы ............................. , too.
.............................. ahead of me.
Ex 6.
A or THE? Fill in the correct article according to the situation.
Вставьте артикль A или THE в соответствии с ситуацией.
I. Maria is taking part in ..... guided tour of Kew Gardens. ..... tour
is very interesting because she can see ..... areas of ..... Gardens
which are not normally open to ..... public.
After ..... tour there is ..... questions and answers session (время
для вопросов и ответов) with ..... group’s guide.
II. Jeremy is not ..... big reader, so when his friend Mark lends
him ..... book, he decides to look through ..... book and tell Mark
that he has read it. However ..... story is a whodunit
(детектив) and Jeremy gets involved in ..... plot
(сюжет). ..... story races
Употребление артиклей в
along and before he knows
it, ..... evening has passed.
Неопределённый артикль a (an)
употребляется, когда речь идёт о
каком-нибудь одном лице или
предмете, упоминаемом впервые.
• I bought a radio and a CD player,
but the CD player doesn’t work.
Ex 7.
Определённый артикль the
употребляется, когда лицо или
предмет, названный ранее, снова
упоминается в беседе или тексте.
Cross out the wrong article.
Зачеркните неверный артикль.
At the Outdoor Swimming Pool
CONNY: Look at a/the guy (парень) up there on a/the diving platform.
The/a muscle man? I know him, he went to my school.
CONNY: Wow, what the/a great body! Would you introduce me to
Keep away from (–)/the guy! He is the/a show-off (воображала).
CONNY: But he looks so attractive…
... and has (–)/a new girlfriend every week.
Ex 8.
Translate the text from Russian into English. Use the right article: A, THE or
ZERO (–), where necessary. The words below will help you to translate the text.
Переведите текст на английский язык. Используйте соответствующий артикль
перед существительными: A, THE или (–). В списке ниже вы найдёте слова,
которые помогут вам перевести текст.
holidays  notebook  stationar’s  pensil box  compass  pad of paper
diary  calculator  pencil  trolley  pen  checkout
После летних каникул опять начался учебный год (school).
Десятого сентября Джереми и Джессика идут в школу.
Им нужны ручки, карандаши, тетради и некоторые другие вещи.
Они отправились в канцелярский магазин.
Джереми решил купить пенал, компас, пачку бумаги и несколько ручек и карандашей.
Джессика купила новую школьную сумку,
Отсутствие артикля
несколько тетрадей, новый дневник и новый
или нулевой артикль
Артикль не используется:
 c существительными во мно...........................................................................
жественном числе в общем
Они купили так много вещей, что им пона• Cities are polluted by cars.
добилась тележка, чтобы донести всё до кассы.
Shops are closed on Sundays.
• Oranges are good for you.
 c неисчисляемыми существительными в общем смысле:
• I like music.
• Chinese is difficult to study.
Add THE or ZERO article where
• Coffee is produced in Brazil.
 Мы используем определённый
Вставьте артикль THE или (–), где это
артикль “the” в специфическом, а не в общем смысле, с
существительными во множественном числе и с неисчис1. I don’t like reading ..... romantic novels. .....
ляемыми существительными:
romantic novels I read were rather silly.
• The oranges from Spain are sweet.
2. Without ..... music life would be a mistake.
• The soup you cooked yesterday
(Nietzsche) ..... music our children listen to is
was delicious.
just ..... noise and nothing more.
Ex 9.
3. I hate wearing ..... formal clothes. ..... formal clothes I wear are always black.
4. I dislike eating ..... spicy food. But ..... spicy food I had in India was just to my liking.
5. They say that ..... European cities are polluted by cars. ..... cities we visited in Germany weren’t
polluted, ..... air was fresh and clean.
6. ..... people usually think that ..... babies are sweet. ..... babies I took care of were constantly
7. When on holiday, give me ..... fruit, ..... books, and ..... fine weather and I’d be happy. But .....
books they gave me were boring, and ..... weather was too cold to swim.
8. ..... first frost fair on The Thames had ..... puppet shows, ..... food stalls and ..... ice bowling.
Now under Southwark Bridge, there are pictures of ..... first frost fair, of ..... puppet shows
and ..... ice bowling they had then.
The Indefinite Article “A/AN”
The Definite Article “THE”
С исчисляемыми существительными
неопределённый артикль a/an всегда
употребляется в следующих грамматических конструкциях:
Определённый артикль the мы ставим
перед такими определителями существительного как:
It is a…
This/that is a…
There is/was a…
I have (got) a…
He saw a…
She made a…
What a…!
такой же
Again you’re asking the same question.
wrong неправильный
We went in the wrong direction.
right правильный
He is not the right man for this job.
very тот самый
At the very minute the door opened.
next следующий
Who is the next on the list?
He has the last guest to leave.
only единственный
It is the only book of its kind.
whole целый
We spent the whole week sunbathing
on the beach.
It is a pen.
This is a horse and that is a
There is a new cinema in our
We have got a dog and a cat.
I saw an unusual bird.
I made a bad mistake.
What a nice girl!
(только с исчисляемыми
 Артикль a/an используется с исчисляемыми существительными после слов:
such (такой)
rather (довольно)
quite (довольно)
She is such a kind girl.
He is rather a dull person.
It’s quite a warm day
а также с:
 существительными, перед которыми
стоит прилагательное в превосходной
The longest bridge in Europe is in
 порядковыми числительными the fisrt,
the second и т.д.
Ex 10. Read the quotes. Fill in the right article A or THE.
Прочтите высказывания. Вставьте артикль А или THE.
1. “...... only way to catch ...... train I have ever discovered is to miss ...... train before.” (G. Keith
2. “Geniuses are ...... luckiest of men because what they must do is ...... same as what they most
want to do.” (W. H. Auden)
3. “When ...... man retires and time is no longer a matter of great importance, ...... colleagues
generally present him with ...... watch.“ (R. C. Sherriff)
4. “I like ...... man who can be ...... real friend, has ...... good sense of humour, ...... good pair of
shoes and ...... healthy gold card.” (Victoria Beckham)
Ex 11. Underline the correct article and explain why you have chosen it.
Подчеркните соответствующий артикль и объясните, почему вы выбрали именно
этот артикль.
An Old Acquaintance
Hi, I don’t know if you remember us. You took us on the/a fishing trip a year ago.
(–)/the Walkers, of course I remember you Mr Walker. You caught the/a biggest
cod I’ve ever seen.
Excuse me, when is a/the next train to London?
CONDUCTOR: I’m sorry Miss, there has been the/a/an accident on the/a railway. (–)/the trains
travelling to London are delayed.
Ex 12. A/AN or THE? Fill in the right article.
A/AN или THE? Вставьте соответствующий артикль.
Meet Emma and Richard Johnsons
..... Johnsons is ..... close family. Richard has ..... very good job in
London. He is ..... industrial manager.
Emma works at ..... bookshop. It’s ..... very stressful job, too. Mostly
Emma has to deal with (иметь дело) ..... customers. But at .....
beginning of ..... year she has to take ..... inventory of all ..... books
and to make ..... display of ..... new books they have got.
Fortunately, Emma has ..... nice colleague, Val, who is ..... very reliable
Ex 13. In the list below find the translation of the words in brackets. Use the right
article with these words.
Найдите в списке перевод слов в скобках. Вставьте соответствующий артикль.
kitchen  stove  dishes  cooker (х3)
refrigerator  kitchenette  sink
Own Household
MARIA: Mum, can I take ..... old .................... (тарелки) to Paris
with me?
ANNE: Yes. Do you have ..... .................... (кухня) in your new
MARIA: Yes, ..... .................... (очень маленькая кухня), but
there is only ..... .................... (холодильник) and ..... .................... (раковина) there.
ANNE: So, you’ll need ..... .................... (плита). Ask your Gran, she has got ..... old
.................... (плита) in her cellar.
MARIA: I need ..... electric .................... (плита), there is no gas connection. I was thinking of
..... old camping .................... (печка) I saw in our cellar.
ANNE: We’ll ask your Dad then.
Ex 14. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English.
Переведите диалог на английский язык.
Домашнее животное
CONNY: У вас большой сад, почему у вас нет домашнего любимца
Я бы хотел иметь собаку, а Лиз предпочитала кошку.
CONNY: И потому что вы не смогли договориться (reach/agreement), вам не разрешили
иметь домашнее животное?
Нет, у мамы аллергия на (to)
Определённый артикль the употребляется
шерсть животных (animal/
также при наличии индивидуализирующего
определения, отличающего лицо или предмет от всех лиц или предметов того же
класса. Индивидуализирующее определение
может быть выражено придаточным предложением или просто фразой.
u get from
• She was still thinking of the letter she had
“The a
on the
ou pose.”
questions y
(M. Atwood
received that morning.
• I’ll never forget the summer of 2003.
• The pictures in this book are made by a very
famous painter.
Ex 15. Complete the sentences with THE or A/AN.
Заполните пробелы соответствующим артиклем: THE или
Peter Pan
James Matthew was ..... Scottish author and dramatist, best known for
writing ..... epic tale of Peter Pan, ..... boy who would never grow up. .....
play “Peter Pan” was first performed in 1904.
In 1911 Barrie made this play into ..... novel “Peter and Wendy”. Since
then ..... book which was made into films and musicals had made Barrie
..... wealthy man, popular in London.
Ex 16. Translate the story from Russian into
English. Pay special attention to the
use of articles.
Переведите рассказ на английский
язык. Обратите особое внимание на
использование артиклей.
У друга богатого фермера
были очень хорошие яблони.
Однажды (one day) этот друг
подарил фермеру молодую
яблоню. Фермер был очень
рад (be pleased with) подарку.
Но когда он пришёл домой, он
не знал, куда посадить (plant)
яблоню. Он думал: «Если я посажу яблоню в
поле, соседи будут воровать (steal) яблоки. Если
я посажу яблоню у своего дома, дети будут есть
яблоки. У меня не будет яблок».
Наконец, он посадил яблоню в лесу, где никто не
будет видеть её. Но дерево не могло расти (grow)
без солнечного света, и погибло (die) в лесу.
Peter Pan statue in
Kensington Gardens,
Определённый артикль the всегда
употребляется с существительными:
 описывающими типы ландшафта или окружающую среду,
где живут, работают или отдыхают люди:
the city/town, the country, the
mountains, the sea, the seaside,
the forest/wood, the jungle, the
desert, the land, the plain, etc.
• We spent the holiday in the
country/in the mountains/at the
 называющими единственные в
данных обстоятельствах лица
или предметы:
the President, the Queen, the
King, the captain, the capital, the
director, the manager, etc
• In Russia the President is elected
every six years.
• The Queen was thrilled to welcome
her great-grandson.
 обозначающими уникальные
the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the
world, the Universe, the Solar
System, the Galaxy, etc.
• The Sun is the centre of our
• There are a lot of galaxies in the
Определённый артикль употребляется
с существительным в единственном числе
в общем смысле для обозначения типа/
класса предметов.
• The pine (сосна) grows in the North.
“All of the biggest technological
inventions created by man – the
airplane, the automobile, the
computer – says little about his
intelligence, but speaks volumes
about his laziness (лень).”
(Mark Kennedy)
Ex 17. Complete the sentences with the correct article: A/AN or THE.
Вставьте соответствующий артикль: A/AN или THE.
Sorry I’m late. I took ..... wrong bus.
..... captain of ..... ship welcomed ..... passengers on deck.
We don’t know how old ..... Universe is.
Duke Street? We live in ..... same street.
..... lion is ..... King of ..... jungle though it lives on ..... plain.
..... invention of ..... wheel (колесо) was ..... great step in the development of transport.
You shouldn’t ask questions if you already know ..... answers.
Paris is ..... capital of France.
Ex 18. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. В солнечной системе девять планет. ................................................................................
2. Телефон был изобретён Беллом. .....................................................................................
3. Я не приехал вчера, потому что я пропустил (miss) последний поезд.
4. Слоны самые большие животные, живущие на суше (land animals).
5. Это самый старый университет в мире. ...........................................................................
6. Вы можете получить этот адрес на почте. .......................................................................
7. Что вы думаете о директоре? Я терпеть не (can’t stand) могу эту женщину.
8. Ручей (stream) – это маленькая речка. ...........................................................................
9. Мы говорим об одном и том же человеке. .....................................................................
13.2 Use of Articles with Uncountable Nouns
Использование артикля с неисчисляемыми именами
Как правило, неисчисляемые существительные не используются с неопределённым
артиклем a/an. Они могут употребляться без артикля (–), с определённым артиклем the,
и с местоимениями some/any (см. с. 195).
Без артикля (–)
С определённым
артиклем (the)
С местоимениями
Речь идёт о веществе или
абстрактном понятии как
• Water is changed into ice
 Определённое количество данного вещества:
• I didn’t like the soup, but
by cold.
• Wolves feed on meat.
• His life is given to
 Повторное упоминание
в тексте ранее названного существительного:
• I love music, but I can’t
Some используется в положительных повествовательных предложениях.
Any – в отрицательных и
the meat was excellent.
stand the music my son
listens to.
 Существительное имеет
• Where did you put the
juice I bought yesterday?
Some и any обозначают:
 некоторое количество
• Do we have any coffee? –
I think there is some
coffee left in the blue box.
 некоторую степень/качество:
• There was some difference
between them.
 имеется смысловое различие между предложениями:
• Buy some bread. (Купи
• Buy bread. Купи хлеб.
(А не что-нибудь иное.)
(см. также с. 196)
Ex 19. Do the nouns in these sentences need A/AN? Add A/AN where necessary.
Нужно ли использовать артикль A/AN с существительными в данных предложениях? Добавьте артикль A/AN, где это необходимо.
1. We saw ..... beautiful silk and ..... cotton in Thailand.
2. You need ..... rice if you want to make a Chinese meal.
3. Can I take ..... apple and ..... plum after lunch, Mum?
4. ..... water in ..... well (колодец) is always cold.
5. Waiter, I’ve just found ..... button (пуговица) in my soup!
6. Will you buy ..... ham and ..... bread for me, please? ..... loaf of bread to be exact (точнее
7. There was ..... bottle of wine on the table, but I don’t drink ..... wine.
8. It’s excellent ..... work. One can say it’s ..... work of art (произведение искусства).
9. I’m going to cut ..... grass in the garden.
10. When we were in the village in summer, I slept on ..... grass mattress.
Ex 20. Read the quotes. Fill in the article where necessary.
Прочтите высказывания. Вставьте артикль, где это необходимо.
1. “..... weather is a great metaphor for ..... life, sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad, and
there is nothing much you can do about it…” (Terri Guillemets)
2. “..... life is like ..... jazz… It’s best when you improvise.” (G. Gershwin)
3. “..... success is not final, ..... failure (неудача) is not fatal, it is ..... courage to continue that
counts (иметь значение).” (Winston Churchill)
4. “Winter is ..... time for ..... good food and ..... warmth, for ..... talk beside ..... fire: it is ..... time
for ..... home.” (Edith Sitwell)
5. “..... utility (практичность) is when you have one telephone, ..... luxury is when you have two,
opulence (изобилие) is when you have three – and ..... paradise (рай) is when you have
none.” (Doug Larson)
Ex 21. Fill in the blanks with THE or the ZERO article.
Вставьте в пробелы определённый артикль THE, где это необходимо.
..... time is ..... money.
She was thinking about ..... time she was at university.
He couldn’t walk any longer. He gave up ..... hope. But ..... hope to see his family helped him.
The whole city was in ..... darkness. ..... darkness was total.
He was dreaming about ..... happiness of ..... home, ..... love and ..... warmth.
..... money can’t buy ..... happiness.
The top of Mount Everest is 29,029 feet above the sea level, ..... weather there is unpredictable
(непредсказуемый) and dangerous.
8. He hated ..... foggy weather.
9. I won’t have ..... fish. – I think you should try it, ..... fish is very fresh.
10. Though I don’t like ..... coffee, ..... coffee she made was excellent.
Ex 22. Read the article which appeared in
one of the English newspapers. Put in
THE where necessary.
Прочтите статью, которая появилась в
одной из английских газет. Вставьте
артикль THE, где это необходимо.
Если перед существительным
стоят слова а sort of…, a kind of…,
a type of…, то это существительное
употребляется без артикля.
• What sort of school did you go to?
• Have you done this type of work
• What kind of juice is this?
The Wrong Kind of Snow
In winter, the UK gets its share of ..... snow.
In 1991 British Rail said that it was ready for .....
snow, though ..... snow they had that year caused
great problems on the railways.
The director of the operations announced
(заявлять): “We are having problems with the
type of ..... snow.”
They couldn’t deal with ..... snow because it was
like powder and got into the railway’s electrical
The phrase “the wrong kind of snow” is used
today for a lame excuse (слабая отговорка).
Ex 23. Read the dialogue. Put in A/AN, THE, SOME where necessary.
Прочтите диалог. Вставьте артикли A/AN, THE или SOME, где это необходимо.
At the Baker’s
Can I have ......... roll with ......... cheese and ......... egg in it, Mum? And ......... slice
of ......... sweet pie, too, please.
What is in ......... pie?
ASSISTANT: ......... bananas, ......... biscuits and ......... jam. It’s
What do you want, Jessica?
I don’t know yet. What sort of ......... jam is in .........
ASSISTANT: It’s ......... strawberry jam.
Hurry up, Jes, and decide what you want. I’m
starving (умирать от голода)!
Ex 24. Read the instructions for making scrambled eggs. Cross out two wrong words
in italics.
Прочтите рецепт одного из видов омлета. В словах курсивом зачеркните два неверных варианта.
Scrambled Eggs
To make scrambled eggs, you need eggs/the eggs/them, milk/the
milk/ it and butter/the butter/it. Cut a slice of butter/the butter/it and
put butter/the butter/it into a heated saucepan.
Next pour some milk/the milk/it over butter/the butter/it. Then break
eggs/the eggs/them and pour eggs/the eggs/them into the pan. Season to taste
(специи по вкусу) and stir mixture/the mixture/it quickly until everything is solid (твёрдый).
Ex 25. Read the text. Put in A/AN, THE, SOME where necessary.
Прочтите текст. Вставьте артикли A/AN, THE или SOME, где это необходимо.
An English Secret
......... tea-drinking is ......... kind of ......... ceremony in Britain. It’s
......... certain philosophy of ......... life.
Here is ......... English secret of making tea. First you warm ......... pot
with ......... hot water and throw ......... water away. Then put in .........
teaspoonful of ......... tea for each person and “one for the pot”.
Now pour ......... boiling water on and let ......... tea stand for three-five
......... tea is taken with or without ......... milk and ......... sugar. ......... hot water is served
separately to make ......... tea less strong.
Ex 26. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Мне нужно немного масла для бутербродов. – Масло на столе.
2. Утром я пью только чай. – Я только что заварила чай. Чай горячий. Положи сахар в чай.
3. Ты кашляешь (cough). У нас есть молоко? Тебе нужно выпить немного горячего молока.
– Но я терпеть не могу (hate) горячее молоко.
4. Вчера я купила китайский чай. Чай я подарю твоей маме.
5. Ты видела шёлк, который я привезла из Индии? – Да, мне шёлк понравился.
Ex 27. Translate the joke from Russian into English.
Переведите шутку на английский язык.
A J☺ ke...
Соседка дала Бобби кусок хлеба с
маслом. Бобби поблагодарил её (thank).
«Ты хороший мальчик, Бобби. Мне
нравится слышать, когда маленькие
мальчики* говорят «Спасибо».
«Если вы хотите услышать это опять, вы
можете положить на масло варенье (jam).»
* hear smb do sth
13.3 Use of Articles with Geographical Names
Использование артикля с географическими названиями
Географические названия используются без артикля
или с определённым артиклем THE
Артикль не используется с названиями:
Определённый артикль THE
употребляется с названиями:
Континентов: Europe, Asia, Australia
Стран: France, Spain, Russia
Городов: Seoul, Moscow, Toronto
Горных вершин: Elbrus, Everest
Отдельных островов: Sicily, Madagascar
Исключения: the Congo, the Sudan, the
Netherlands, the Crimea
Стран, включающих слова Republic,
Union, Kingdom, States, etc: The United
States of America, The People’s Republic of
Океанов: The Atlantic Ocean, The Pacific
Морей: The Mediterranean, The Black Sea
Рек, проливов и каналов: The Thames, The
English Channel, The Suez Canal
Озёр: The Baikal, The Ladoga
Пустынь: The Sahara, The Gobi
Горных цепей: The Urals, The Alps
Архипелагов: The Bermudas, The Bahamas
Регионов: The Far East, The Middle East,
the North of England
Артикль не используется в выражениях
типа: western Canada, southern Spain
Ex 28. In each of the following sentences the article THE has been left out at least
once. Read the sentences and mark ( ) where THE should be. The number in
brackets tells you how many times THE should be used in this sentence.
В данных предложениях пропущен артикль THE. Отметьте места ( ), где должен
стоять этот артикль. Цифра в скобках указывает, сколько раз должен использоваться артикль THE перед именами собственными в этом предложении.
1. Volga is the longest river in Europe. (1)
2. Japan and United States are separated by Pacific Ocean. (2)
3. Mount Everest is in Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet, which
is a part of People’s Republic of China. (2)
4. I have been to United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands, but I have
never been to Spain. (2)
5. Suez Canal flows through north of Egypt, joining Mediterranean to Gulf of Suez
and Red Sea. (5)
Ex 29. Fill in THE where necessary.
Вставьте определённый артикль THE, где это необходимо.
1. Rising in ..... Cambrian Mountains and winding (виться) its way over 220 miles before falling
into ..... Bristol Channel, ..... River Severn is the longest river in ..... Britain.
2. On the 30th of June, 1997 ..... Britain gave its colony ..... Hong Kong back to ..... China after
ruling it for 156 years.
3. Nine miles from end to end and five miles wide, ..... Jersey is one of the islands that is included
into ..... Channel Islands and officially is the sunniest place in ..... British Isles.
4. In 1988 Stacy Allison became the first American woman to reach the top of ..... Mount Everest.
5. ..... Gobi desert covers parts of ..... northern China and .....
southern Mongolia. It is bounded (граничить) by ..... Altai
Mountains and the grasslands and
steppes of ..... Mongolia.
13.4 Special Difficulties in the Use of Articles
Особые случаи использования артикля
13.4.1 Use of Articles with the Names of Seasons
and Meals, etc
Употребление артикля с названиями времён года, приёма пищи и т.п.
без артикля
THE – при
наличии индивидуализирующ
его определения
A – при
I like summer.
We met in the
winter of 1995.
It was a beautiful
early/late spring
(autumn, winter,
I had lunch at
The lunch we had
yesterday was
very good.
We had a good
dinner yesterday.
to have a meal/ a
big meal (meal –
прием пищи)
Время дня
It was morning.
The morning
after Christmas
is always very
It was a nice
sunny morning.
– early/late
– at night;
– from morning
till night;
– by day;
– in the morning
“In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer quite the other way
I have to go to bed by day.”
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Ex 30. Add articles A/AN or THE where necessary.
Вставьте артикли A/AN или THE, где это необходимо.
1. What do you think of ........ full English breakfast? – I don’t really like it, but then again, I don’t
usually eat much for ........ breakfast.
2. ........ dinner (that) we had at Mario’s was excellent.
3. Is ........ spring a good time to visit Kew Gardens?
4. ........ winter (that) we spent in London was quite warm.
5. It was ........ nice sunny autumn and we stayed in the country.
6. Our school organizes trips to ........ cultural hot spots of ........ UK’s cities and abroad. In ........
summer of 2013, ........ kids went to Berlin for ........ weekend.
7. The office is open in ........ morning and in ........ afternoon.
8. If I work hard in ........ evening, I don’t sleep well at ........ night.
9. It was early ........ morning and everybody was sleeping.
Ex 31. Complete the dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the right articles.
Прочтите диалог. Заполните пробелы соответствующими артиклями.
Dinner or Supper?
JEREMY: I’m starving! What time is ........ dinner?
In about 30 minutes, but it’s not ........ dinner, it’s ........ tea. We had such ........ big
meal at lunchtime.
JEREMY: Yes, it was ........ big lunch, but can we have ........ supper in about two hours, too?
Ex 32. Translate the jokes from Russian into English.
Переведите шутки на английский язык.
В маленькой гостинице
– У вас есть холодная и горячая вода?
– Да, холодная вода зимой и горячая вода летом.
Мама, я хочу «тёмный» завтрак
– «Тёмный» завтрак? Что ты имеешь в виду (mean)?
– Вчера вечером (last night) ты сказала Мэри дать мне
«светлый»* ужин, и он мне не понравился.
* light – светлый, лёгкий
Друг пригласил доктора на обед в своём загородном доме.
Обед запаздывал, и доктор пошёл на прогулку.
There was an old churchyard (церковное кладбище) not far from his friend’s house.
Когда, наконец, подали (serve) обед, доктор ещё не вернулся.
The guests wondered where he had gone. The host was annoyed (раздражать). He
explained to the guests that the doctor went to the churchyard to visit his former
(бывший) patients.
13.4.2 Use of Articles with the Words School / College /
University, Hospital, Work
Употребление артикля со словами School / College / University,
Hospital, Work
Без артикля – когда существительное обозначает не конкретный предмет, а его предназначение.
Обычные правила употребления артикля, когда существительное обозначает предмет.
 to be at school, to go to school
(учиться в школе);
 to leave school (заканчивать
 to go to the school (прийти в
здание определённой школы).
• There is a school not far from
 to go to hospital (лечь в больницу);
 to be in hospital (лечиться в
• When our friend was ill we went
 to go to work (идти на работу);
 to be at work (работать)
• They like the work they are
our house.
to the hospital to visit him.
(ходили в определённую больницу как посетители)
doing now. It’ is a real work of
Ex 33. Add articles A/AN or THE where necessary.
Вставьте артикли A/AN или THE, где это необходимо.
1. ........ school in England usually begins at nine. ........ school Jessica and Jeremy go is no
exception (исключение).
2. Amy goes to ........ school by bus. She likes ........ school, although most days she has piles
of homework.
3. ........ school has a good reputation but ........ students there have their fun, too.
4. Mary Williams is still at ........ school. She plans to go to ........ university when she leaves ........
school. ........ school she goes to is rather strict, and Mary is looking forward to ........ freedom
of ........ university life.
5. They are building ........ new school not far from our house.
6. Why isn’t Anne at ........ work today?
7. The new generation doesn’t read ........ works of Shakespeare.
8. ........ hospital where Amy worked was in the East End.
9. Jack had an accident. He had to go to ........ hospital. He is still in ........ hospital now. We went
to ........ hospital to visit him.
10. Oliver has to wear a suit to ........ work. ........ work he does is quite stressful at times.
Ex 34. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. В деревне есть больница. – А школа в этой деревне есть?
2. Джессика и Джереми ходят в одну (и ту же) школу. Утром Оливер отвозит (take) их в
школу на машине.
3. Школа, в которую они ходят, большая.
4. После окончания школы мой брат начал работать в (for) компании своего отца. Работа
ему не нравилась. Он вынужден был работать с утра до ночи.
5. Мы закончили работу в полночь (midnight) и легли спать без ужина.
6. Ему только 14, он ещё не посещает колледж.
7. Простите, скажите, пожалуйста, как пройти к университету?
8. Я посещала вечернюю школу, потому что я должна была закончить работу, которую
начал мой отец.
Ex 35. Read the jokes. Fill in the gaps with suitable articles: A/AN, THE, ZERO.
Прочтите шутки. Заполните пробелы соответствующим артиклем: A/AN, THE,
A Weather Joke
..... tourist arrives at ..... hotel in ..... Scottish village on .....
cold, grey, drizzly day. ..... nasty weather remains ..... same
for two weeks. Finally, ..... tourist stops ..... little boy in .....
street. “Does ..... weather here ever change?” he asks.”
I don’t know,” replies ..... boy. “I’m only six.”
A Valentine’s Day Joke
..... woman woke up and told her husband: “At ..... night I dreamt you
gave me ..... beautiful diamond necklace for Valentine’s Day. What
do you think ..... dream means?”
..... husband smiled and replied: “You will know ..... tonight, my dear.”
In ..... evening, ..... husband came home with ..... small package and
gave it to his wife.
She was happy, she opened ..... package. It was ..... book entitled
“The Meaning of Dreams”.
14. The Pronoun
Мы используем местоимения вместо ранее упомянутых предметов и лиц, или чтобы
лично обратиться к кому-либо.
Существуют несколько классов местоимений.
14. 1 Personal and Possessive Pronouns
Личные и притяжательные местоимения
my – мой
You * – вы/ты
your – ваш/твой
He – он
his – его
She – она
her – ее
We – мы
our – наш
They – они
their – их
Неодушевлённый предмет
* см. пункт 1
** см. пункт 2
1. * В английском языке нет отдельных
форм для местоимений «ты» и «Вы». Эту
роль исполняет одно местоимение YOU.
Используя YOU, мы можем обращаться к
незнакомым, к старшим и близким людям.
В английском языке вежливость и
фамильярность обращения выражаются
другими способами.
• – Hi, Oliver, you have left your key at home.
– You will let me in, won’t you?
• How do you do, Lord Mayor?
• Good afternoon, Mr Walker. Thank you for
2. ** Местоимение IT обозначает любой неодушевлённый предмет, оно
также используется, когда мы говорим о животных и младенцах (babies).
• Monika has had a baby, I don’t know whether it is a girl or a boy.
• – We have got a parrot.
– Can it speak?
– Tweets knows a lot of words. He is very clever. (здесь используется “he”, т.к.
это любимое животное (a pet), «член семьи»)
(“It” употребляется также в безличных предложениях как подлежащее,
когда мы указываем время, дату, говорим о погоде)
• It’s cold today, isn’t it?
• What time is it? – It’s half past three.
3. Местоимения “you” и “they” используются, когда мы говорим о людях в общем смысле.
Это соответствует в русском языке
безличным предложениям.
“They say that time changes
things, but you actually have to
change them yourself.”
(Andy Warhol)
Ex 1.
Replace the subject by a personal pronoun.
Замените подлежащее соответствующим личным местоимением.
Sometimes Anne goes to work by bike. ... she ...
Oliver doesn’t have cornflakes for breakfast. ...........................
Berth the goldfish lives in a fish-tank. ...........................
Jessica and Jeremy learn to dance. ...........................
Amy and I want to go to a summer camp. ...........................
The Rolls-Royce is standing in front of our neighbours’ house. ...........................
Ex 2.
Fill in the gaps with possessive pronouns.
Вставьте в пробелы притяжательные местоимения.
1. Anne is self-employed and runs ................... own physiotherapy practice. Today she is
treating Mr Small who has hurt ................... ankle (лодыжка).
2. During recent years the UK has had ................... share (доля) of bad winter weather.
3. Oliver has taken ................... car for ................... annual service.
4. – ................... Mum and Dad decided to visit ................... uncle at Easter (пасха) and I have
to go with them.
– ................... uncle has got a farm in the country, hasn’t he?
5. – Good evening, sir, can I take ................... coat?
– Yes, certainly. Can I leave ................... briefcase, here too?
– Sorry, sir, ................... rules (правила) don’t allow us to
take bags and briefcases.
6. Mark, ................... idea of going camping by the lake was
great. Though it took me a while to dig out (откопать)
................... old family tent. Now I’m glad I did it.
14.1.1 Subject and Object Pronouns
Местоимения в роли подлежащего и дополнения
Ex 3.
I like Mary.
We meet Paul.
You know Peter.
He speaks to Ann.
She smiles at Mike.
They greet Nick.
Mary likes me.
Paul meets us.
Peter knows you.
Ann speaks to him.
Mike smiles at her.
Nick greets them.
Replace the names by a corresponding personal pronoun.
Замените имена соответствующими местоимениями.
We all like our teacher Miss Jones. ... her ...
Snoopy, our dog, ran after Mark. ...........................
The children love our parrot Tweets. ...........................
My mother is visiting Mrs Parker. ...........................
Jeremy is meeting Mark and Adam at the sport centre. ...........................
Mr Carter teaches Jeremy Maths. ...........................
A boy gave Amy a box of chocolates. ...........................
The policeman stopped the BMW. ...........................
Ex 4.
Put an appropriate pronoun in each
blank. These sentences are informal.
Заполните пробелы соответствующим
местоимением. Это предложения из
разговорного английского языка.
1. Are ........... leaving? – Yes, I’ve had enough of
this party. – ........... too.
2. Maria is four years older than Jeremy, but
........... is nearly as tall as ........... .
В кратких ответах в разговорном
языке используются местоимения в
объектном падеже me, him, her,
them, etc.
• Who is it? – It’s me.
– Кто это? – Это я.
• There was only John, Mark and me
in the room. – В комнате были
только Джон, Марк и я.
3. Who brought these flowers? – It was ........... .
They are from my garden.
4. I haven’t met your wife yet. Is ........... here? –
That is ........... over there.
Ex 5.
В формальном стиле в этом случае местоимения употребляются в
именительном падеже
Fill in the gaps with the pronouns
from the list. There are two extra
pronouns in the list.
Заполните пропуски местоимениями
из данного списка. В списке два
лишних местоимения.
I, he, she, they … +
соответствующий глагол
• I’m hungry. – I’m too. /So am I. –
Я тоже.
• I’ve got the same number as he has.
– У меня такой же номер как и у
I  my (x2)  me  you (x2)  your  he  his  him (x2)
she  her (x2)  we  our  us  they  their  them
A Bit of News
GRANDMA: How is ........... dear grandson?
JEREMY: Fine, thanks. Here is ........... newspaper. I hope I bought
the right one.
GRANDMA: Yes, it’s ........... favourite. The reporting style is good
and the comics make ........... laugh.
JEREMY: And where is Grandpa? I promised to help ........... with the computer and I need
........... help, too.
GRANDMA: ........... will be home in 15 minutes. While ........... are waiting for ........... I’ll show
........... the pictures ........... friends, the Nelsons, sent ........... from Spain. Do you
remember ........... ?
JEREMY: I’m afraid I don’t.
Русское местоимение «свой»
GRANDMA: But ........... should remember ...........
передаётся в английском языке
granddaughter Amber. You went to the
соответствующим подлежащему
kinder garden with ........... .
местоимением в притяжательном
JEREMY: Was ........... the girl with long red hair?
GRANDMA: That’s right. That was ........... .
• Она не хотела показать мне свою
фотографию. – She didn’t want to
show me her picture.
• Ты потерял свой билет? – Have
you lost your ticket?
• Они рассказали мне о своей
проблеме. – They told me about
their problem.
Ex 6.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Джон взял книгу и открыл её.
2. Он позвонил Мэри и пригласил её на (to) обед.
3. Вы уже видели новый французский фильм? – Да, но он мне не понравился.
4. Простите, вы уронили (drop) свой шарф.
5. Моника, ты пришлёшь нам фотографию своего дома во Франции?
6. В книжном магазине писатель подарил (give) мне свою новую книгу.
7. Они едут домой. Ты поедешь с ними?
8. Скажи Джереми, что я жду его у входа (entrance).
9. У них нет детей. Это её дочь от первого брака (by one’s … marriage).
10. Кто звонит? – Это он! Я не хочу разговаривать с ним.
11. Какой сегодня день и число? – Сегодня понедельник, 26 августа.
12. Нужно быть очень внимательным, если ты работаешь кассиром.
14.2 Demonstrative Pronouns
This/These, That/Those
Указательные местоимения
этот this
тот that
(здесь и сейчас) this
• Come and look
эти these
те those
at this picture.
(там и тогда)
• Get me that box
from the table.
Ex 7.
Complete the sentences either with pronouns THIS/THESE, THAT/THOSE.
Заполните пробелы местоимениями THIS/THESE, THAT/THOSE.
........... isn’t a very good party.
Do you like ........... chairs?
Thanks, ........... was a great meal.
Do you remember ........... people we met in New-York?
........... is my friend Paula.
Why am I living in ........... country?
Did you here ........... noise in the night?
I can’t believe you. Who said ........... ?
Who are ........... people?
Ex 8. Read the dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the pronouns from the list.
Прочтите диалог. Заполните пробелы указательными местоимениями из списка.
this (x3)  these (x2)  that  those (x3)
A Fancy Dress Party
.................. clothes are perfect for a fancy dress party. I can’t believe that my Granny
wore .................. flowered blouse.
AMBER: And I like .................. long skirt. It’s also your Granny’s, isn’t it? Can I put it on?
Sure. What about shoes? You can’t wear ..................
boots with the skirt.
AMBER: What would you say to .................. sandals?
Not bad, but I have a good idea. We won’t wear shoes.
Let’s go barefoot like real hippies of the 60s.
AMBER: Look at .................. hat, the flowers on the hat will match
.................. on your blouse, won’t they?
I guess .................. things were in fashion then. I’ll put it
on, too.
AMBER: I bet we are really into .................. dressing-up thing!
14.3 Reflexive Pronouns
Возвратные местоимения
I – myself
He – himself
She – herself
It – itself
You – yourself
You – yourselves
We – ourselves
They – themselves
1. Возвратные местоимения используются с некоторыми глаголам,
что соответствует в русском языке
возвратной частице -ся/-сь.
Это глаголы amuse, blame, cut,
hurt, dry, enjoy, introduce, defend,
turn off, etc.
Возвратные местоимения имеют
также самостоятельное значение
«сам, себе».
– You pushed my little boy over!
– He tried to kick me. I was just
defending myself.
– He was only trying to introduce
himself. He is a very friendly little
• Jeremy repaired his bike himself. –
Джереми сам починил велосипед.
• Emma made herself a cup of coffee. –
Эмма сделала себе чашку кофе.
2. Возвратность некоторых глаголов
в русском и английском языке не
совпадает. В отличие от русского языка, английские глаголы:
feel, wash, shave, dress, relax,
concentrate, worry, behave, agree,
quarrel, meet, turn, hide, etc
не являются возвратными, т.е.
после них не используются возвратные местоимения.
“The nicest thing is to
open the newspapers and not
to find yourself in them.”
(George Harrison)
Ex 9.
Complete the sentences with a
reflexive pronoun in the box.
Заполните пробелы одним из данных местоимений.
itself  themselves (x2)  yourself
herself  ourselves  myself
yourselves  himself (x2)
1. They all were enjoying ...................... . 2. He
poured ...................... a drink. 3. What can
these sick people do to help ...................... ?
4. I told ...................... it was just a dream.
5. You must do the homework .......................
• In the morning Oliver washes,
shaves and dresses very quickly. –
Утром Оливер умывается, бреется, одевается…
• They never meet. – Они никогда не
• They often quarrel. – Они часто
Однако, в наставлениях, просьбах,
командах эти глаголы принимают
возвратное местоимение:
• Wash, shave, dress yourself! –
Умойся, побрейся, оденься!
• Behave yourself! – Веди себя
6. Our neighbour, Mr Sykes, talks to ......................
sometimes. 7. When mother was at hospital we had
to look after ...................... for a week. 8. A lark came
to our garden. It made ...................... a comfortable
nest. 9. Jessica cut ...................... when making a
salad. 10. Emma, Richard, take your seats and make
...................... at home.
Ex 10. Fill in the gaps with reflexive pronouns
where necessary.
Заполните пробелы соответствующим
возвратным местоимением, где это
BY myself / himself / herself /
itself / yourself / themselves /
ourselves, etc
Мы используем возвратные
местоимения с предлогом “by”,
чтобы показать, что:
 что-то выполняется без посторонней помощи (сам, самостоятельно):
• She is only 14 months, but she
can eat by herself.
 кто-то один / в одиночестве:
• He hasn’t got a family. He lives
by himself.
Существует целый ряд устой1. Richard never cuts ...................... shaving – he
чивых словосочетаний с возвратuses an electric shaver.
ными местоимениями:
2. Come in both of you and make ...................... at
behave yourself; make yourself
at home; enjoy yourself;
3. Goodbye till we meet ...................... again.
help yourself (угощайтесь/
4. The children were playing hide-and-seek, and
Jeremy hid ...................... behind a tree.
5. You don’t have to turn the toaster off – it turns
...................... off.
6. The man turned ...................... and I saw that I took him for (принять за) Mike.
7. We agreed ...................... to start early.
8. I have nothing to blame ...................... for.
9. People with a sense of humour can laugh at ...................... .
10. Matilda defended ...................... against the wild dog.
Ex 11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Расскажите мне о себе. .................................................................................................
2. Они устали, но они заставили (make) себя продолжать (go on) путь /идти.
3. Я приготовила себе суп на обед. Ты хочешь супа? Пожалуйста, угощайся.
4. Музыка была замечательная. Она наслаждалась.
5. Доктор, я сегодня хорошо себя чувствую. Я могу пойти на прогулку?
6. Пожилая дама (elderly lady) жила одна. Она была очень слаба (weak). Она не могла
умыться и одеться.
7. Если ты не сможешь сделать это сам, я помогу тебе.
8. Наша дочь учится в университете в Париже. Она живёт одна.
9. Мой сын плохо ведёт себя в школе. Я постоянно говорю (keep telling) ему: «Веди себя
прилично!» .......................................................................................................................
10. Ты ездил в отпуск один? ................................................................................................
14.3.1 Pronouns Each Other
Местоимения Each Other
Ex 12. Use this “switchboard” and write 10 sentences.
Используйте слова из трёх колонок данной таблицы и напишите 10 предложений.
5. Let’s
each other a Christmas present.
each other with homework.
a photo of each other.
e-mail to each other.
each other’s answers.
each other’s CDs.
each other a meal.
horror stories to each other.
each other jokes.
each other postcards.
Местоимения EACH OTHER
относятся к двум лицам или предметам. Они имеют значение «друг
• They are looking at each other.
• They have known each other for
two years.
• They love each other.
Местоимения each other могут
употребляться в притяжательном
• Jeremy and Jessica always read
each other’s essays.
Ex 13. Complete the sentences either with a reflexive pronoun (MYSELF, HIMSELF, etc)
or pronouns EACH OTHER.
Заполните пробелы возвратными местоимениями (MYSELF, HIMSELF, etc) или
местоимениями EACH OTHER.
1. Tom introduced ........................ .
2. We often see ........................ in the school bus.
3. Our parents are on a bus tour today, so we have
to look after ........................ .
4. May I help ........................ to some salad?
5. Many people can laugh at ........................ .
6. Allan dresses ........................ rather smartly.
7. The sisters often help ........................ to put on
their clothes.
8. The two elderly ladies helped ........................
to climb(подниматься) the stairs.
9. We looked at ........................ and laughed.
10. You should think ........................ lucky!
11. When Jim and Lucy met, they kissed
........................ and hugged (обнять)
........................ .
Некоторые случаи употребления
местоимений EACH OTHER нужно
просто запомнить. Проблема в том,
что предложения, имеющие в
русском языке одинаковую структуру (глагол на -ся), переводятся
на английский язык по-разному:
• Они часто видятся. – They often
see each other.
• Они обнимаются. – They hug/are
hugging each other.
• Они развлекаются. – They amuse
• Они целуются. – They kiss/are
• Они никогда не встречаются. –
They never meet.
Ex 14. Complete the dialogue with the pronouns in the box where necessary. There are
three extra pronouns in the list.
Заполните пробелы, где это необходимо, данными ниже местоимениями. В
списке три лишних местоимения.
this  her  themselves  that  each other (x4)
yourself  him  himself  ourselves  yourselves
Five people? Please sit at .................... table. Help .................... from the buffet.
Can we have .................... table by the window?
Of course, you may. The table by the window is free.
Oh dear! Mrs Martin and Mr Brown are sitting opposite .................... !
Don’t they like .................... ?
She hates .................... and he can’t stand .................... .
Don’t worry ..................... They can hardly hurt
.................... with nasty looks.
We should seat them away from .................... and save
.................... trouble.
Calm down and relax ..................... I’m sure he’ll behave
.................... like a gentleman.
Ex 15. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Она посмотрела на себя в зеркало и улыбнулась. ...........................................................
Дедушка часто разговаривает с собой, когда работает. ...................................................
Дети любят готовить обед сами. ......................................................................................
Мы должны больше разговаривать друг с другом. ...........................................................
Эми очень любит себя! ...................................................................................................
Мы любим друг друга. .....................................................................................................
Они задавали друг другу множество вопросов. ................................................................
Я спросила себя, хочу ли я учиться в Париже. .................................................................
Нине никто не писал письма, она писала себе письма сама.
10. Сёстры могут носить одежду друг друга. ........................................................................
14.3.2 Pronouns Other/Another
Местоимения Other/Another
OTHER «другой» (второй из двух)
• The twins are very much alike, it’s
difficult to tell (отличить) one from the
• We have two bikes. One of them is mine,
the other is Jessica’s.
OTHERS «другие»
• Why are you alone? Where are the others?
• We caught ten fish. Father caught six, the
others are mine.
the other day – на днях
one after the other – один за другим
Местоимение OTHER в значении «другой» («остальной/
остальные») имеет единственное и множественное
число и относится к одушевлённым и неодушевлённым
предметам. В этом значении
оно всегда употребляется с
определённым артиклем THE.
Местоимение ANOTHER
также имеет значение «другой», но в смысле «ещё один»
и употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными
в единственном числе и с неисчисляемыми существительными.
«другой» (один из множества)
• Come another time.
• I don’t like this hat. Please, show me another one.
«ещё один»
• Without another word she left the room.
• It’s only eight o’clock. We can have another drink.
Ex 16. Cross out the wrong pronoun.
Зачеркните местоимение, которое не соответствует данной ситуации.
I’ve lost my pen. I must buy the other/another one.
The post office is on another/the other side of the street.
Will you have other/another cup of tea?
I’ve lost you in the crowd. Where are others/the others?
If I were you, I won’t have another/other cup of coffee. You won’t sleep.
Our son is seven. We are going to have another/the other baby.
My daughter has twins. When one is sleeping another/the other is crying.
It was a blind date (встреча незнакомых людей). Neither of them has seen the photo of
another/the other.
9. We met at the exhibition the other/another day.
10. When on holiday, he reads detective stories one after another/the other.
14.4 Pronouns All, Everybody, Everyone,
Everything, Both
Местоимения All, Everybody, Everyone, Everything, Both
Местоимение ALL относится к группе лиц или вещей в целом (все, весь, вся). Оно
используется с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными. All может также
использоваться как самостоятельный член предложения.
• All the doors were closed.
• He spends all his free time at the library.
• When all was said and done…
Однако, в английском языке значение «все, весь, вся» не всегда передаётся местоимением all. Этот смысл передается разными словами в зависимости от последующего
существительного и функции слова «все» в предложении.
c исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и неисчисляемыми существительными
«все, весь, вся»
c исчисляемыми
в единственном числе
в функции подлежащего
и дополнения
all (the)…
the whole…
All the books have been
sold out.
All plants require water.
I’ve got all the information
we need.
Have you read the whole book?
Everybody (everyone) reads*
this book.
Ann knows everyone in her
Everything went wrong.
* употребляются с глаголом
в единственном числе
He didn’t say a word the whole
“You can fool all the people
some of the time, and some of the
people all the time, but you can’t
fool all the people all the time.”
(Abraham Lincoln)
После everybody /everyone/
everything глагол используется
в единственном числе.
• Everybody knows everything.
– Все всё знают.
• It had rained hard. Everything
on the balcony was wet. – Всё
на балконе было мокрым.
“To travel is to discover
that everyone is wrong
about other countries.“
(Aldous Huxley)
Ex 17. Match the words in the box with the pronouns WHOLE or ALL. Use THE in the
right place.
Соедините слова в списке с местоимениями ALL или WHOLE. Не забудьте об
артикле THE.
family  children  islands  bread  islands  Asia  musicians
week  vegetables  country  chairs  class  food
beauty  women  sweater  clothes  evening  orchestra
The whole family, all the children, .............................................................................................
Словосочетания «целый день, всю ночь, всю
неделю»… можно передать двумя способами:
all day / the whole day
all morning / the whole morning
all night / the whole night
all week / the whole week, etc.
Ex 18. Complete the sentences with
Местоимения ALL и WHOLE употребляются с определённым артиклем или
притяжательным местоимением.
Обратите внимание на место артикля
THE в этих сочетаниях:
Заполните пропуски местоимениями ALL, WHOLE, EVERYBODY,
THE whole
1. He spends ................ his money on books.
• The whole house was ruined.
2. She is very kind. ................ likes her. 3. He
• All the tickets have been sold out.
read the book from beginning to end, he read
................ book. 4. Our ................ family likes
После all артикль отсутствует, если
существительное имеет обобщающее
music. ................ in our family plays some
musical instrument. 5. When we were in
• All the people in the street smiled at me.
Scotland it rained ................ week. 6. We
• All people need food and water.
redecorated ................ rooms of the house.
................ house looks new. 7. ................ best
jokes came at the end of the programme,
................ laughed. 8. ................ children must go to school. 9. Thank you for ................ help you
gave us. 10. Jill is a pianist. She doesn’t do any housework. Her husband does ................ .
11. ................ is good in its season. 10. Nobody is perfect. ................ has his faults (недостатки).
14.4.1 Pronouns Each, Every, Both
Местоимения Each, Every, Both
«всякий, каждый»
используется для ограниченного числа лиц
или предметов:
• Each student in our
один из множества подобных предметов:
• I see him every day.
• Every university
has a library.
после местоимения both могут использоваться: the, my, his, our, etc
• Both (of) the brothers live in Moscow.
• Both my colleagues know English
• Each car in the
Both не используется в отрицательных предложениях, оно заменяется
• Both of us knew about it.
Мы оба знали об этом.
• Neither of us knew about it.
Мы оба не знали об этом.
После neither глагол – в единственном числе (is, reads)
• Both my sisters live with me. Neither
of them is married. Обе мои сестры
живут со мной. Они обе не замужем.
BOTH и NEITHER используются
с другими местоимениями:
We both = both of us
They both = both of them
Neither of us/them
Ex 19. Complete the sentences with the pronouns
in the box.
Заполните пробелы данными ниже местоимениями.
Мы используем EVERY,
чтобы сказать, как часто /с
какой регулярностью происходят события.
Every Monday
ten minutes
three days
• We go out every Friday.
• The buses run every ten
• Ann goes to see her mother
every three weeks.
every  the other  both (x4)  neither (x2)
all  another  each (x2)  herself
1. Emma and Richard love their .................. children equally.
2. .................. of Emma’s children is interested in shopping with Emma, so she’ll have to go by
.................. .
3. .................. children hate shopping.
4. The Olympic Games are held .................. four years.
5. Amber tried to phone Amy two or three times, but .................. time there was no answer.
6. They were walking slowly to .................. end of the garden.
7. There are six flats in Grandma’s block and .................. one has a large balcony.
8. Brendon looked at the two books. He didn’t know which book to choose. He decided to take
.................. of them.
9. Val is lucky. She went to .................. Spain and Italy this year.
10. .................. the teams are rather strong, but I don’t think England or France will win the
match, .................. of them.
11. Her family doctor sent her to .................. therapist.
Ex 20. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Все пять мужчин были отличными (hard) работниками.
2. У неё был хороший совет (advice) для каждого из нас.
3. Они боятся друг друга.
4. Старые дедушкины часы бьют (strike) каждый час.
5. Я пригласил обоих моих коллег на день рождения жены, но они оба не пришли.
6. Нам нужен ещё один день, чтобы закончить работу.
7. Каждый член клуба должен иметь пропуск.
8. Они все были одеты в (in) чёрное.
9. Он прожил всю свою жизнь в Лондоне.
10. Зеленый тебе не идёт. У них есть другой цвет?
11. Я сдаю свою одежду в химчистку (clean) раз в два месяца.
12. Вы сделали это самостоятельно?
13. Ведите себя как следует!
14. Этот нож тупой (dull). Ты можешь дать мне другой?
Ex 21. Review. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English. The number in
brackets stands for the translation of this word in the box.
Переведите диалог на английский язык. Номер в скобках указывает на перевод
данного слова в списке выше.
1. lipstick  2. suit  3. stunning  4. nail polish  5. match  6. make-up
7. Cool!  8. like this  9. wear make-up  10. go out  11. I see
A Girls’ Thing
Эта помада (1) идёт (2) мне?
Ты выглядишь потрясающе (3)! И этот лак (4) подходит по цвету (5)
к помаде.
Эта вся косметика (6) твоя (yours)?
Эти вещи мои (mine), а те моей мамы. Но мы пользуемся
косметикой друг друга.
Здорово (7)! Но я не могу идти домой в таком виде (8). Мои
родители убьют меня.
Твоя мама не носит косметику (9)?
Моя мама не пользуется косметикой каждый день, но она красится каждый раз, когда
идёт куда-либо(10).
Понятно (11). А ты?
Мы обе применяем мало косметики.
14.5 Pronouns Some and Any
Местоимения Some и Any
Местоимения SOME и ANY могут использоваться с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми
существительными. С неисчисляемыми существительными – в значении «некоторое
количество, немного, сколько-нибудь». Обычно в русском языке соответствующее слово
• Will you give me some water, please? – Дайте мне воды, пожалуйста.
• Buy some bread, please. There isn’t any bread at home. – Купи хлеба. В доме нет хлеба.
Употребление Some и Any с неисчисляемыми существительными
1. В утвердительных предложениях:
• I’d like some juice.
2. В просьбах:
• May I have some tea?
3. Предложение чего-либо в форме вопроса:
• Would you like some coffee?
1. В отрицательных предложениях:
• I don’t want any juice.
2. В вопросительных предложениях:
• Is there any milk in the fridge?
3. После if (если):
• Buy some meat, if you see any.
Ex 22. SOME or ANY? Underline the right word.
SOME или ANY? Подчеркните соответствующее местоимение.
1. Could you lend me any/some money, please? 2. This car doesn’t use any/some petrol, it’s
battery-powered. 3. I’d like some/any information on the hotels in Paris, please. 4. Is there
some/any soup left? – There is some/any in
the fridge. 5. I haven’t got some/any sun
crème. Have you got some/any? 6. I need
some/any milk to make pan cakes. – Sorry,
we don’t have some/any. 7. If we have got
some/any cake left, I’d like to take any/some
for lunch. 8. Have you got some/any news of
Местоимения SOME и ANY
с исчисляемыми существительными
C исчисляемыми существительными
во множественном числе местоимения
some и any применяются по таким же
правилам, как и с неисчисляемыми
SOME в утвердительных предложениях и вежливых просьбах, а ANY
в вопросительных, отрицательных и
условных предложениях.
Их значения в этом случае – «несколько, какие-то, какие-нибудь».
• He asked me some questions. – Он задал
Ex 23. Choose SOME or ANY to fill in
the gaps.
Заполните пробелы местоимениями SOME или ANY.
мне несколько вопросов.
• Have you got any interesting books? –
1. Jeremy has ............. sweets in his pocket,
Есть у вас какие-нибудь интересные
but he doesn’t need to give Jessica
............. because she has got ............. of
• I didn’t like the party. There were some
people I’d never met. – Там были какиеher own.
то люди, которых я никогда не встре2. Does Oliver have ............. brothers or
sisters? – Yes, he has got a sister but he
doesn’t have ............. brothers.
3. Anne bought Jeremy ............. new T-shirts.
Jessica also needs ............. new sandals.
4. Grandma is giving the cat ............. treats. – Not too many, Gran, or there won’t be left
............. !
5. Would you like ............. more cake? – Yes, please, and may I have ............. more tea?
Ex 24. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. В моём саду несколько старых деревьев. .........................................................................
2. После 11 часов вечера здесь нет никаких автобусов. .......................................................
3. В нашем районе нет никаких рек, есть только несколько небольших озёр.
4. Я видел каких-то странных людей у вашего дома.
5. В самолёте есть (какие-нибудь) врачи? ...........................................................................
6. Когда вы путешествуете по какой-либо стране, вы должны выучить несколько слов
языка этой страны.
14.5.1 Some / Any Compounds
Местоимения, производные от Some и Any
Some и Any в сочетании с one, body и thing образуют неопределённые местоимения,
которые употребляются как существительные и служат в предложении подлежащим
или дополнением.
Подобно SOME и ANY эти местоимения употребляются:
Something – что-то
Somebody/Someone –
Somewhere – где-то
Anybody/ Anyone
Nothing – ничего
Nobody/No one – никто
Nowhere – нигде, никуда
в утвердительных предложениях, в просьбах и
когда что-то предлагается
в отрицательных предложениях, в прямых и
косвенных вопросах, в
условных предложениях
(после if)
отрицательные местоимения, употребляются с глаголом в утвердительной
• Somebody is knocking at
the door. – Кто-то
стучит в дверь.
• Can you give me
something to read? – Дай
мне что-нибудь почитать.
• Nobody knew about it. –
Никто не знал об этом.
• Nothing special happened
there? – Вы видели там
yesterday. – Ничего
особенного не случилось
• If anything happens, let
me know. – Если что• He had nowhere to go. –
нибудь случится, дай
Ему некуда было идти.
мне знать.
• Did you go anywhere
yesterday? – Вы
куда-нибудь вчера
С местоимениями something,
• Did you see anybody
anybody, etc глагол употребляется в единственном числе.
• Don’t
Ex 25. Fill in the gaps with the pronouns in the box.
Заполните пробелы местоимениями из
something is wrong?
• There isn’t anybody there.
• Somebody has taken my
somewhere  anything  nowhere  something (x2)
anywhere  anybody (x2)  somebody
nobody  nothing
1. I haven’t got ..................... to eat. 2. Will you have ..................... to eat? 3. Is there .....................
in the room? 4. I was bored. There was ..................... to go in this small village. 5. I need
..................... to sleep tonight. 6. Could you give me ..................... to drink? 7. Is there
..................... here where I can hide this box? 8. Will ..................... help me, please? 9. I knew
..................... . ..................... told me about it. 10. He asked his secretary if ..................... was
waiting for him. I was bored.
Ex 26. Write sentences having the same
Перепишите предложения, сохранив их
NOBODY равно по значению
предложению с anybody, anyone,
anything c глаголом в отрицательной форме.
• We saw nobody there. = We
didn’t see anybody there. – Мы
никого там не видели.
• We read nothing about it. = We
didn’t read anything about it. –
Мы ничего не читали об этом.
1. I saw nobody in the library.
I didn’t see anybody in the library.
2. He said nothing about it in his last letter.
3. It was dark. We met no one in the street.
4. I heard nothing about it.
5. He expected nobody that day.
6. I called nobody yesterday.
Предложения с anybody,
anyone, anything и глаголом в
отрицательной форме употребляются чаще, чем с nobody, no
one, nothing.
В роли подлежащего могут
употребляться только nobody,
no one, nothing.
• Nobody knew his address.
Ex 27. Review. Complete the dialogue with
Nothing was known about his
the pronouns in the box.
Заполните пробелы местоимениями из списка ниже.
me  some  the other  my  both (x2)  anything  these  something
A Happy Customer
CUSTOMER: Do you have ................. by Margaret Atwood?
Yes, we have got ................. of her novels and short
story collection.
CUSTOMER: I’m actually looking for a book of her poems.
Well, ................. two are the most recent and
................. are the first edition.
CUSTOMER: Super, I’ll take one.
Would you like it gift wrapped?
CUSTOMER: No, thank you. I collect first editions.
You are lucky. We have got only two left.
CUSTOMER: This reminds ................. of a present for .................
friend. We ................. collect first editions. I’ll take
................. one, too. And I’d like it gift wrapped.
Here you are. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
CUSTOMER: I certainly will. I wish I could find ................. for my teenager son too.
Let me see…
Ex 28. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Он прислал мне несколько открыток (postcards) из Англии.
2. Ты пьёшь кофе с сахаром (take sugar with)? В кофе нет сахара.
3. Мы спросили гида, есть ли в этом маленьком городке достопримечательности (places
of interest/sights).
4. У нас есть соль? Добавь в суп немного соли.
5. Я посмотрел наверх (up) и увидел кого-то у окна.
6. Если кто-то позвонит, когда меня не будет (be out), попроси его оставить сообщение
(leave a message).
7. Кто-нибудь приходил, когда меня не было?
8. Я искала свой билет и нигде не могла найти его.
9. Вы что-нибудь слышали об этом? – Нет, я ничего не слышал.
10. Ты видел что-нибудь интересное сегодня? – Нет, я никуда не ходил.
14.6 Pronouns Much/Many, Little/Few
Местоимения Much/Many, Little/Few
Местоимения MANY/MUCH
Исчисляемые существительные
Неисчисляемые существительные
• How many children do the Walkers
• Do you spend much time on the
• I don’t think many people would like it.
• I haven’t much work to do today.
• We saw a lot of people on the platform.
• We have plenty of time.
• She knew a great deal more than she wanted to show.
Исчисляемые существительные
Неисчисляемые существительные
• Few people live to be 100.
• I have very little time for reading
• He says little. He is a man of few words.
on weekdays.
• He got very little help from his family.
• We are going away for a few days.
• I’d like a few more red roses.
• Will you stay a little time with me?
• He knows a little French.
Ex 29. MUCH or MANY? Read the proverbs. Fill
in the right pronoun.
MUCH или MANY? Прочтите пословицы.
Вставьте соответствующее местоимение.
1. .............. roads lead to Rome.
2. .............. ado about nothing. (Много шума из
3. .............. hands make light work.
4. There is .............. truth in it.
5. Too .............. cooks spoil the broth.
6. I love you so .............. !
7. .............. true words are spoken in a jest (шутка).
8. .............. water has flown under the bridge.
Many/much обычно употребляются в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях (со значением «немного», «мало»).
• There aren’t many apples on the
• You’re not right. There isn’t
much salt in the salad.
• Is there much work to do?
В утвердительных предложениях значение «много» в основном передаётся a lot of.
• In summer we eat a lot of fruit
and vegetables.
Ex 30. Can you find the correct word in these sentences? Cross out the wrong word.
Найдите соответствующее местоимение и зачеркните неверный вариант.
1. I haven’t got many/much tea left.
2. We used fewer/less electricity last year.
3. Would you care for a little/a few something?
4. Julia buys a lot of/ a bit of CDs every year.
5. Fellows like him are only a few/a little and far away (редко встречаются).
6. I need very little/few sleep and a few/little food.
7. When it happened I was only a few/few steps (шаг) away.
8. On their way they spoke very few/little.
9. Few/little is known about his childhood.
10. Several friends dropped in during (зайти, заскочить) the day, but only a few/a little stayed
for dinner.
Ex 31. Complete the sentences with the pronouns in the box.
Заполните пробелы местоимениями из списка ниже.
many (x4)  much (x7)  a lot of (x4)
lots of  a little  a few
Richard’s office has got a lovely view, but it hasn’t got .............. space.
How .............. children have Emma and Richard got?
The British drink .............. tea.
The journey doesn’t take .............. time, but it can take two hours when the trains are
cancelled. Emma doesn’t need it at all after .............. hours on feet at the shop.
5. There are .............. children in the swimming pool. But they aren’t making .............. noise,
they are busy swimming.
6. At work Richard has to make and take .............. phone calls. Some days he doesn’t have
.............. time to do his daily work.
7. We don’t have .............. books at home. They collect .............. dust.
8. Brendon has taken .............. photos of the kitten and you can see them on the Internet.
9. The shipment of paper is late. It has cost our customer .............. time and money. We have
to offer him .............. discount or to give them .............. additional packs of paper.
10. St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by .............. Irishmen in the USA, Canada, the UK, New Zealand
and even Japan.
11. Val has been on a diet for two days but she hasn’t lost .............. weight.
12. We’ve been here for a week already. There is so .............. to see.
Ex 32. Read the mini-dialogues. Translate the words in brackets.
Прочтите мини-диалоги. Переведите слова в скобках.
Did your parents use to have a car, Gran?
No, (мало) .............. people used to have cars back then.
We used to walk (много) .............. .
Oh, dear! The weather forecast sounds awful. This means that
we can’t do (много) .............. this weekend.
We have (много) .............. good films at home.
Can’t we just stay in and watch (несколько) .............. ?
What are we doing today?
I’d like to have my hair cut, but don’t cut too (много) .............. off,
just (немного) .............. trim, please.
Ex 33. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Сколько раз ты был в Париже?
2. Сколько времени отнимает (take) поездка в Париж на автобусе?
3. Сколько булочек ты купил? Сколько денег ты потратил?
4. У меня мало работы сегодня.
5. Мой сын проводит много времени у компьютера.
6. Мы пригласили несколько человек на обед.
7. Вы должны изменить свою диету. Вы едите мало фруктов и много хлеба.
8. Для этого торта нужно много яиц, а у нас есть только несколько.
9. Мало надежды, что наша команда выиграет.
10. Только несколько человек посетили меня в больнице, хотя у меня много друзей.
11. Очень мало студентов сдали этот экзамен, много студентов «провалили» (fail) его.
12. Это очень старый город, в нём мало новых домов.
13. У меня немного денег, но на автобусный билет хватит.
14. В Греции пьют много вина?
15. The Adjective
Имя прилагательное
Имя прилагательное – это слово, которое обозначает качества предмета и отвечает на
вопрос какой?/what?: a clever boy, a romantic novel, a helpful neighbour.
• What newspaper is it? – It’s a local newspaper.
Являясь определением, имя прилагательное сочетается с существительным, но в английском языке оно не изменяется ни по родам, ни по числам: a young man, a young
woman, young people.
15.1 Formation of Adjectives
Образование имён прилагательных
В английском языке некоторые слова используются только как прилагательные,
однако основная часть прилагательных образуется от глаголов или существительных
при помощи суффиксов или префиксов. Это полезно знать. Именно суффиксы и
префиксы помогают нам узнать прилагательное в тексте.
Имена прилагательные бывают простыми, производными и сложными:
не имеют суффиксов
и префиксов
big, short, tall, red
образуются при помощи
суффиксов и префиксов
useful, natural, countable
соединение двух слов
Ex 1.
Underline suffixes in the following
adjectives. Try to remember a word
it was made from or look it up in the
Подчеркните суффиксы в следующих
словах. Попытайтесь вспомнить
слово, от которого, предположительно, могло быть образовано
данное прилагательное, или найдите
это слово в словаре.
Dental – dentures
Adorable .....................
Beautiful ..................... Pleasant .....................
a dark-blue jacket,
a green-eyed girl,
a ten-minute walk.
Наиболее характерные суффиксы
и префиксы имён прилагательных
formal, central
-ant/ent important, different
beautiful, useful
famous, dangerous
dirty, rainy
helpless, useless
Funny .....................
Tactless .....................
Nervous ..................... Valuable .....................
Typical ..................... Lucky .....................
Convenient .................. Colourful .....................
Ex 2. A. Form adjectives from the words
(в основном имеют
отрицательное значение)
un- unusual, unpredictable
inincapable, inhuman
im- impossible, immoral
ilillegal, illogical
irirresistable, irresponsible
dis- dishonest, disposable
in the box with the help of the given
Match the word you formed with
its translation.
A. Образуйте прилагательные от слов в списке, используя данные суффиксы.
В. Выберите перевод полученного слова.
reason  cheer  dominance  noise
emotion  mystery  brain
- able
 a) авторитарный
 b) безмозглый
 c) весёлый
 d) шумный
 e) загадочный
 f) эмоциональный
 g) рассудительный
Ex 3. Read the sentence. Form an adjective using the word in bold type and one
of the suffixes in the box. Fill in the gap with the adjective you formed.
Прочтите предложение. Используя данные суффиксы, образуйте прилагательное
от слов жирным шрифтом и заполните пробел.
-able  -al  -ous  -y  -ant  -ful
1. With their mobile phones the newspaper editors can reach the editorial office from anywhere
in the world.
2. Barbara Streisand found fame in the 60s as a star of Broadway musicals. Now she is one of
the most ......................... movie actresses.
3. Her first musical was a success. She has been a very ......................... actress since then.
4. Mr Pratt has been working in this profession for 20 years. His ......................... experience
is invaluable (бесценный) for the company.
5. Anne’s mother is a great cook. You should taste her Yorkshre pudding. It is so
......................... !
6. Emma’s neighbour Mo helps her a lot with the garden. Mo loves gardening and she is a very
......................... person.
7. Thirty heads of state attended the Queen’s birthday to do her honour (почёт, уважение).
Queen Elisabeth II is the most ......................... person in the UK.
8. Good luck! I’m sure you’ll be ......................... and get the job.
9. There is a legend that a monster lives in Loch Ness, however nobody has ever seen the
......................... monster yet.
Ex 4. A. Form adjectives from the words in the box with the help of the given prefixes.
B. Use the words you formed to translate the sentences below.
A. Образуйте прилагательные от слов ниже, используя данные приставки.
В. Переведите предложения, используя полученные слова.
organized  practical  attentive  imaginable  regular  literate
un- 1. ........................
in- 2. ........................
im- 3. ........................
il4. ........................
ir5. ........................
dis- 6. ........................
1. Иногда Оливер покупает дорогие вещи, которые ему совершенно (really) не нужны. Он
может быть очень непрактичным.
2. Такую ситуацию трудно себе представить. Это невообразимая ситуация.
3. Марк никогда не приходит вовремя, он очень неорганизованный человек.
4. Ваш сын невнимателен на уроках. Ему нравится ходить в школу?
5. Сейчас в Европе трудно найти безграмотного человека.
6. В Норвегии много фиордов (fiord), береговая (coast) линия Норвегии довольно
неровная (regular).
Ex 5.
Read the weather forecast. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in the box.
Underline simple adjectives.
Прочтите прогноз погоды. Заполните пропуски данными ниже прилагательными.
Найдите среди них простые прилагательные.
bright  cold (x2)  dry  little  sunny
foggy  cloudy  high
Mostly .................... today (no rain) with .................... or
.................... spells («просвет»). .................... in the northern
areas where a .................... rain is possible. It will be rather warm.
We expect .................... temperatures tomorrow – 17–18
Tonight dry and rather .................... , 5–6 degrees. Tuesday night will be quite misty (пасмурный)
and .................... in places. Although there will be spells of sunshine on Wednesday, overall it will
tend to be .....................
Ex 6.
Complete the text with the adjectives in the box. Underline derivative
Заполните пропуски в тексте данными ниже прилагательными. Найдите среди
них производные прилагательные.
time-honoured  high  British  good
important  noble (благородный)
Car lovers who dream of .................. cars inevitably (неизбежно)
think of .................. cars.
Surely the most .................. of all is the .................. Rolls Royce,
but the name Bentley also has a .................. reputation in the world
of .................. society (общество).
Ex 7.
What are the opposites to these adjectives?
Подберите прилагательные, имеющие противоположный смысл (антонимы).
1. clean – dirty; 2. hard – ...............................; 3. rich – ...............................;
4. tall – ............................... ; 5. cold – ............................... ; 6. clever – .............................. ;
7. ugly – ............................... ; 8. long – ............................... .
Ex 8.
How many adjectives do you know? Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in the box.
There are three odd words in each list.
Сколько прилагательных вы знаете? Заполните пропуски данными прилагательными. В списках по три лишних слова.
cold  delicious  uncomfortable  friendly  pleasant
nasty  magnificent  beautiful
How was your holiday?
Well, where shall I begin? It was the most ....................... . The
place was ....................... , the people ....................... , the
scenery ....................... , and the food ....................... .
coordinated  healthy  good  inner  modern (x2)
strict (строгий)  interesting  flexible  exotic  classical
Amy wants to take a ....................... dance course at school. She knows that .......................
dance rejects (отвергать) many of the ....................... rules of the ....................... ballet. It
focuses on the expression of the ....................... feelings. Amy’s mother thinks it’s a
....................... idea. It will make Amy more ....................... and ....................... .
Ex 9.
GREAT, BIG, LARGE or TALL? Complete the sentences with the right word.
GREAT, BIG, LARGE или TALL? Дополните предложения соответствующим
1. Peter the ....................... ruled Russia from May 1682 until his death in
February 1725.
2. My father inherited (унаследовать) a ....................... house.
3. How ....................... are you? – I’m only 5 feet.
4. This pullover is too ....................... for you. Try on a size smaller.
5. This fish lives in ....................... rivers or lakes.
6. How was your holiday? – Oh, just ........................ !
7. Her husband was a ....................... man.
8. It is often simple ideas that lead to ....................... discoveries (открытие).
9. The yacht has a very ....................... mast.
15.1.1 Adjectives Ending in -ing and -ed
Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -ing и -ed
Ex 10. Translate the words in brackets by
choosing the right adjective from
the list below.
Переведите слова в скобках. Используйте для перевода данные в
списке прилагательные.
touched  interested  frightening
exciting  astonished  pleased
living  existing  disappointed
amazing  interesting
Прилагательные, оканчивающиеся
на -ing и -ed описывают:
 воздействие различных событий на
чувства человека:
alarming, amazing, astonishing,
boring, charming, depressing,
exciting, frightening, shocking,
surprising, welcoming,
worrying, etc.
• A charming house, an exciting news, a
boring film, a shocking clothes
 процесс, продолжающийся неко-
торый период времени:
1. Things will have to change. The ..................
ageing, decreasing, increasing,
(существующая система) doesn’t work.
dying, living, remaining, etc
2. ........................... (Это удивительно) what
• An ageing (стареющий) country, a
they can do nowadays.
3. .................. ................... (Я был поражён)
to see him there.
 чувства человека:
4. He was probably the most famous of the
alarmed, amused, disappointed,
world’s ........................... (живущий)
bored, delighted, depressed,
frightened, interested, excited, tired,
5. It was ........................... (волнующая ноtroubled, pleased, touched, worried,
вость), everybody .......................... (были
shocked, etc.
рады), only Tom ........................... (вы• Look worried/frightened, be depressed.
глядел разочарованным).
6. Mother was deeply ...........................
(тронута) with the presents the children
gave her.
7. I couldn’t look at ........................... (пугающие фотографии) they showed in the news that day.
8. The children said they ........................... (не заинтересованы) to see the exhibition. Nevertheless
(несмотря на это) we went there. They looked at the
exhibits and ........................... (нашли их интересными).
Ex 11. Use the verb in brackets to form -ing and -ed adjectives. Complete one of the
sentences with the -ing form and the other with the -ed adjective.
Образуйте прилагательные от данных в скобках глаголов с помощью суффиксов
-ing и -ed. Дополните одно из предложений прилагательным с суффиксом -ing, а
другое – с суффиксом -ed.
1. I hope you didn’t feel alarmed at the news. (alarm – тревожить)
I find it rather an alarming announcement.
2. We had a ......................... experience when hunting in Africa. (frighten – пугать)
She had big blue ......................... eyes.
3. She had a warm ......................... smile. (welcome)
That made everybody feel ......................... .
4. I had nothing to do. I was ......................... and lonely. (bore)
I didn’t read the only book I had with me. It was so ......................... .
5. Have you heard what has happened? Isn’t it .........................? (excite – волновать)
Everybody was ......................... by the news of the victory.
6. We were rather late. It was very ......................... ! (embarrass – смущать)
George made a fool of himself. I was awfully ......................... .
15.2 Word Order: Several Adjectives + Noun
Порядок слов: несколько прилагательных + существительное
В предложении прилагательные чаще всего стоят перед существительным в качестве
• She had a beautiful smile.
• We bought a loaf of soft white French bread.
В английском языке, если существительное имеет ряд определений, они располагаются в определённом порядке.
An attractive
An expensive
My favourite
French polished
Ex 12. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct place.
Поставьте слово в скобках на соответствующее место в ряду прилагательных.
1. a modern house (attractive)
–... an attractive modern house ...
2. a young girl (pretty) – .........................................................
3. a handsome man (young) – ................................................
4. a kitchen cupboard (oak) – .................................................
5. brown bag (leather) – .........................................................
6. an American film (old) – ......................................................
7. big eyes (blue) – ................................................................
8. a hot bath (nice) – ..............................................................
9. a new dress (cotton) – ........................................................
10. a red car (old/little) – .........................................................
11. a gold watch (small/antique) – ............................................
Ex 13. Translate the descriptions of the objects from Russian into English. Mind the
order of English adjectives.
Переведите описание данных предметов. Не забудьте, что порядок следования
прилагательных в английском языке отличается от русского.
зелёный маленький симпатичный коттедж .......................................................................
каменный старый английский особняк (mansion) .............................................................
новое чёрное шёлковое платье для вечера (party) ..........................................................
современные хлопчатобумажные белые шорты для тенниса ..........................................
бабушкино старое уродливое коричневое платье для школы ...........................................
маленький симпатичный (cute) чёрный щенок .................................................................
старый элегантный английский спортивный автомобиль ................................................
большой деревянный загородный дом ............................................................................
три красивые итальянские рамы для картин .....................................................................
15.3 Use of Adjectives after Verbs
Использование прилагательных после глаголов
Как правило, прилагательные следуют за глаголом TO BE:
be busy – быть занятым
be glad – радоваться
be happy – быть счастливым
be ready – быть готовым
be tired – быть усталым
be hungry – быть голодным
be thirsty – хотеть пить
be typical (of) – быть типичным (для)
be sure/certain (of) – быть уверенным
be right/wrong – быть правым/неправым
be good/excellent (at) – хорошо/отлично делать что-л.
• I am sure they are quite happy.
Некоторые сочетания be + прилагательное соответствуют в русском
языке простым глаголам. В английском языке эти прилагательные в основном используются с предлогом:
be angry (with smb for smth) – злиться
на, be late (for) – опаздывать на, be
sorry (for) – сожалеть о, be surprised
(at) – удивляться, be interested (in) –
интересоваться, be proud (of) – гордиться, be worried (about) – волноваться о, be ill (with) – болеть, be
asleep – спать, be awake – бодрствовать, be absent (at) – отсутствовать
на, be present (at) – присутствовать
на, be afraid (of) – бояться, etc.
Ex 14. Complete the sentences with
one of the following adjectives,
add the correct preposition.
Заполните пробелы одним из
данных прилагательных, добавив к нему соответствующий
angry  bad  excellent  impressed
tired  typical  late  present
surprised  interested
• The child is ill. – I am sorry for him.
She was asleep when I came home.
1. Anne was .................... .......... Jeremy
Anne was proud of her children
for not helping her with the housework.
though (хотя) she was often worried
2. She is .................... .......... doing
about their work at school.
everything herself.
3. It is .................... .......... Jeremy to
spend the whole evening on line.
4. Anne thinks that spending so much time in front of the computer is .................... .......... him.
5. She is, however, .................... .......... his computer skills.
6. She also thinks that he is .................... .......... solving her computer problems.
7. Jim was .................... .......... dinner again but nobody was .................... .......... the fact.
8. Roger wasn’t .................... .......... the lecture, he wasn’t .................... .......... the topic.
Ex 15. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Наша собака боится грозы (thunderstorm).
2. Оливер интересуется политикой (politics). Каждый вечер он
смотрит новости.
3. Оливер был удивлён последними событиями (latest events).
4. Семья Walkers гордится своими детьми.
5. Мария беспокоилась о результатах тестов. Она не была уверена в своих ответах.
6. Все были голодны, потому что Оливер оставил бутерброды дома. Анна рассердилась
на него. ............................................................................
7. Оливер был занят. Он не присутствовал на заседании.
8. Я не сплю, ты можешь войти.
9. Ты был прав. Мы можем опоздать на спектакль.
10. Я очень устала. Ребёнок болен, и я не спала (бодрствовала) всю ночь.
Особенности использования прилагательных после
некоторых глаголов
Некоторые сочетания «глагол + прилагательное» отличается от сходных комплексов в русском языке:
в русском языке после этих глаголов употребляются наречия (как?), в английском – прилагательные (какой?).
Эти глаголы нужно запомнить:
look –выглядеть
feel – чувствовать
seem – казаться
smell – пахнуть
sound – звучать
taste – быть на вкус
• Мыло хорошо пахнет. – The soap smells good.
• Том звучал (говорил) зло. – Tom sounded angry.
• Это блюдо на вкус ужасно. – The dish tastes awful.
Ex 16. Cross out the wrong word.
Вычеркните неподходящее слово.
Mm, this tastes deliciously/delicious. How did you make it?
You look nice/nicely in this hat. I haven’t seen it before.
The washing-machine sounds strange/strangely. Is there anything wrong with it?
What beautiful flowers! They smell well/good, too.
I like our new neighbours. They seem rather pleasant/pleasantly.
I can’t eat it. It tastes awful/awfully and there is too much salt.
Our holiday apartment was very good. We felt rather comfortably/comfortable there.
The new pullover feels very softly/soft.
15.3.1 Use of Adjectives with Adverbs
Too and Enough
Использование прилагательных c наречиями Too и Enough
TOO и ENOUGH используются с прилагательными, когда мы хотим сказать, что
данное качество предмета превышает желаемое или, наоборот, недостаточно.
Too + прилагательное
Прилагательное + Enough
• The prices in this shop are too high.
Цены в этом магазине слишком высокие.
• It’s too cold today to go skiing.
Сегодня слишком холодно, чтобы кататься
на лыжах.
• Peter, you are old enough to understand this.
Ты достаточно взрослый, чтобы понять это.
• I’m not rich enough to afford a new car.
Я недостаточно богат, чтобы позволить
себе новую машину.
Ex 17. Join the following pairs of sentences using TOO or ENOUGH. Group the sentences
into two columns.
Соедините предложения, используя TOO
предложения в две колонки соответственно.
I’m not strong. I can’t lift it. – I’m not strong enough to lift it.
He is weak. He can’t run so fast. – He is too weak to run so fast.
The discussion was boring. We didn’t listen to it. ...................................................................
She is young. She can’t get a driving licence. ......................................................................
The soup was hot. I couldn’t eat it. ......................................................................................
The water in the lake is cold. We can’t swim. .......................................................................
I wasn’t interested. I didn’t watch the film. ..........................................................................
8. The comedy wasn’t funny. We didn’t laugh. .........................................................................
9. Pam isn’t tall. She can’t reach the top shelf. .......................................................................
10. I can’t work today. It’s very hot. ...........................................................................................
I. TOO + adjective
II. ENOUGH + adjective
Ex 18. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Он был достаточно умён, чтобы понять ситуацию.
2. Анна не хотела разговаривать с Оливером, она была слишком раздражена (irritated).
3. Нельзя ходить по льду, он слишком тонкий (thin).
4. Ты недостаточно расторопен (quick), чтобы работать в «МакДональдс».
5. Я не могу сделать это упражнение, оно слишком трудное.
6. Нам придётся поменять квартиру, наша квартира недостаточно большая для нашей
7. Джереми плохо учится. Анна недостаточно строга (strict) с ним.
8. Я бы хотела купить эти туфли, но они слишком дорогие.
15.4 Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
Степени сравнения прилагательных
more beautiful
less important
most beautiful
least important
случаи, которые
• London is bigger than Manchester.
• Mount Everest is the highest point on the Earth.
• Anne is less practical than her friend Vicky.
* Прилагательные типа common, cruel, gentle,
handsome, narrow, pleasant, polite, simple, stupid образуют
степени сравнения двумя способами: добавлением
суффиксов -er, -est, или с помощью слов more, most:
narrower/more narrow, the narrowest/most narrow.
Исключение: прилагательные clever, quiet образуют
степени сравнения только при помощи суффиксов:
• It has got quieter outside.
• He was the cleverest boy in our class.
** Существительные с прилагательным в превосходной
степени всегда употребляются с определённым артиклем
• In the Crimea August is the hottest month.
• Question 3 in the test was the least difficult.
Для сравнения предметов мы
используем служебное слово
than – «чем».
• Better an open enemy than a
false friend.
Ex 19. Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.
Напишите данные прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени.
Easy ............................................................................................................................
Fat ................................................................................................................................
Expensive ....................................................................................................................
Quick ............................................................................................................................
Good ............................................................................................................................
Early ............................................................................................................................
Tired ............................................................................................................................
Large ............................................................................................................................
Much ............................................................................................................................
Little ............................................................................................................................
Heavy ..........................................................................................................................
Impressive ....................................................................................................................
Bad ..............................................................................................................................
Ex 20. Amy compares two computers. What
does she say? Form sentences.
Эми сравнивает два компьютора.
Напишите, что она говорит.
1. laptop – small – desktop
Laptop is smaller than desktop.
2. desktop – fast – laptop
3. laptop – pretty – desktop
4. desktop – large – laptop
5. desktop – expensive – laptop
Desktop is less expensive than laptop.
6. laptop – noisy – desktop
7. desktop – convenient to carry – laptop
Как видно из таблицы, мы
можем сравнивать предметы не
только по линии улучшения их
качеств, но и говорить об их
отрицательных особенностях:
less – «менее»
• Here in Europe their life got
less dramatic than in Africa.
the least – «наименее»
• He is the least experienced
person in our department.
Ex 21. Use superlatives to describe the things below.
Используйте прилагательные в превосходной степени,чтобы описать данные
a good film – The best film I’ve ever seen.
an amusing book ......................................................................
a very uncomfortable bed ............................................................
an exceptionally interesting lecture ..............................................
a very exciting tennis match ........................................................
a really awful singer ....................................................................
an extremely cheap computer......................................................
Ex 22. Compare the descriptions of Ben and Liz. Write sentences as in the model.
Сравните описания Ben и Liz. Напишите предложения по модели.
1. I’m 16.
2. I’m not very good at Maths.
3. I’m 1 meter 58 tall.
4. I start school at 8 o’clock.
5. I don’t work hard at school.
6. I don’t have much patience.
7. I’m not very friendly.
8. I’m not a very good dancer.
9. I’m very intelligent.
10. I speak English very well.
1. I’m 18.
2. I’m very good at Maths.
3. I’m 1 meter 70 tall.
4. I start school at 9 o’clock.
5. I work hard at school.
6. I have a lot of patience.
7. I’m very friendly.
8. I’m a good dancer.
9. I’m not very intelligent.
10. I don’t speak English very well.
1. Liz is younger than Ben.
2. ........................................................
3. ........................................................
4. ........................................................
5. ........................................................
6. ............................................................
7. ............................................................
8. ............................................................
9. ............................................................
10. ............................................................
Перевод слов больше/меньше
Подбор соответствующего слова зависит от ситуации:
LESS – сравнительная степень от little (мало)
• I have less time than you today.
SMALLER – сравнительная степень от small (маленький)
• Our house is smaller than yours.
THE LEAST – наименьший по размеру, количеству и степени.
• That is the least of my problems.
MORE – сравнительная степень от much/many (много)
• Maria bought the tickets to the cinema, the parents give her more pocket
BIGGER/LARGER – сравнительная степень от big/large (большой)
• Oliver is going to buy a larger family car.
Ex 23. Read the text and the dialogue. Translate the phrases in brackets from Russian
into English.
Прочтите текст и диалог. Переведите фразы в скобках на английский язык.
British cuisine (1) ................................... (имеет больше) to
offer than mint sauce and Yorkshire pudding. Variety is in (2)
................................... (более крупных городах). Thanks to
Britain’s colonial past one can find (3) ...................................
(более необычные блюда, чем) the British fish and chips.
................................... (Более молодые посетители –
customers) prefer trendy meals offered in modern snack bars.
But nowadays dining out (5) ................................... (становится
– get всё более и более дорогим).
At the Chemist’s
Chemist’s: This is ................................ (самое сильное – strong) cough medicine you can
buy without a prescription.
Customer: Thank you. I’d like also ................................ (самую большую коробку) of Kleenex
that you sell.
Ex 24. Complete the instructions with MORE, THE MOST, LESS, THE LEAST.
Дополните данные инструкции словами MORE, THE MOST, LESS, THE LEAST.
Here are some guidelines how to save money:
Bus fares usually cost (1) ........................ than train fares. So always take the bus. When you go
to a restaurant, always choose (2) ........................ expensive dish on the menu, otherwise you will
always pay (3) ........................ than necessary for a good meal. Spend (4) ........................ time
taking a shower so that you don’t use (5) ........................ hot water than you need. Make an effort
to save (6) ........................ money at every opportunity. Do (7) ........................ you can.
It’s (8) ........................ you can do.
Ex 25. Complete the sentences with the right form of the adjective in brackets. Add
the article THE where necessary.
Дополните предложения данными прилагательными в соответствующей форме.
Добавьте артикль THE, где это необходимо.
1. When they finaly arrived at their holiday appartment, they saw that it was even ........................
(good) than they had expected.
2. Jercey is officially ........................ (sunny) place in the British Isles. It also has one of the
world’s ........................ (large) tidal ranges (отлив) – the sea goes out a very ........................
(long) way every day.
3. The Sydney Opera House is one of ........................ (famous) art centres in the world.
4. The weather has suddenly taken a turn (измениться) for ........................ (bad).
5. This is ........................ (big) industrial trade show of the year.
6. As for meat, in Britain ........................ (popular) is still beef, especially as steak. Pork is
........................ (popular) meat in England.
7. The ........................ (significant – значительный) German airline is Lufthansa. What is the
name of ........................ (important) airline in Britain?
8. This is ........................ (beautiful) shell I’ve ever seen. – Cool! But I might find even a
........................ (big) one (than you).
9. It is ........................ (convenient) way of paying, that’s why it’s never used nowadays.
10. “........................ (good) way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once.” (saying)
Ex 26. Translate the readers’ letters to the local newspaper.
Переведите письма читателей в местную газетy.
1. Врачи говорят, что спорт полезен (be good for
smb). Движение (activity) помогает нам жить
This is complete nonsense! Если вы
посмотрите на природу, вы увидите, что
самые активные животные имеют самую
Однако, животные, которые двигаются
медленно или ведут (have) более спокойную
жизнь, живут самый большой период времени
(span of time), например, черепахи (the
tortoise) и слоны (the elephant).
Я думаю, что мы должны рекламировать
(advertise) спорт меньше.
Мr Br. Long
2. Я пишу, чтобы ответить на письмо мистера
Лонга. Мистер Лонг полагает, что живые
существа (living beings), которые не
двигаются или двигаются медленнее, самые
старые на нашей планете.
That’s completely wrong!
Врачи доказали (prove), что менее активные
люди более депрессивны (depressive),
едят и пьют больше, поэтому (that’s why) они
менее здоровы и умирают раньше.
Dr Paul MacNeil
употребляются для обозначения возрастных
отношений в семье: «старший»
• my elder brother (sister)
используются при сравнении возраста
• My elder brother is two years older than me.
используются, когда речь идёт о расстоянии: «дальше, самый дальний»
• You must go a little farther.
выражают значения «дальнейший, последующий, добавочный»
• further information/discussion/details
Вы должны пройти немного дальше.
дополнительная информация/дальнейшее
обсуждение/дополнительные детали
Ex 27. Underline the right word.
Подчеркните соответствующее прилагательное.
Is your house much further/farther from the station than ours?
Who is the eldest/oldest son in your family?
Who is the eldest/oldest player in your football team?
We have no farther/further information.
Jessica has less/smaller work than Maria today.
My dog is older/elder than yours.
Jessica also is going to get farther/further education.
Oliver’s computer is best/better than Jeremy’s computer.
15.4.1 Making Comparison More Emphatic
Придание большей выразительности сравнению предметов
Ex 28. Complete the sentences. Use A BIT /
A LITTLE / MUCH / FAR in front of
Заполните пробелы словами A BIT /
A LITTLE / MUCH / FAR + прилагательное в сравнительной степени.
Для усиления эффекта сравнения перед прилагательным в
сравнительной степени могут
использоваться слова:
much / far
гораздо, значительно, намного
• The Volga is much longer than
1. I’ve always felt that a gift diamond shines
the Thames.
film is far more interesting.
.............................. (good) than the one you
buy for yourself. (Mae West)
a bit / a little
2. Women usually work ..............................
(hard) than men because they have a job
• This way is a bit/a little shorter.
besides the housework.
3. A tourist saw a bull in the field and called out:
“Is the bull safe (безопасный)?” The farmer
answered: “I’d say it is .............................. (safe) than you are.”
4. It’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived .............................. (near).
5. His songs are .............................. (famous) than his operas.
6. You are making too much noise. Can you be .............................. (quiet)?
7. I found the museum .............................. (interesting) than I had expected.
Ex 29. Complete the dialogue. Translate the phrases from Russian into English.
Завершите диалог. Переведите фразы на английский язык.
In the Highlands
SALLY: Spending the long weekend in Scotland was ..................
............... гораздо лучшая идея than staying at home.
BOB: Yes, it was – the whisky ............................... .................... на
вкус (taste) здесь даже лучше, чем it does at home.
SALLY: Don’t you have any feeling for the romantic landscape?
BOB: I would be ................................................... гораздо
счастливее if I didn’t have to go hillwalking.
SALLY: Next time I’ll go alone.
Ex 30. Review. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Джереми обычно более голодный после школы, чем Джессика, но их кошка Мерлини
всегда самая голодная в семье.
2. Джессика хорошо плавает, но ее подруга Эми гораздо лучшая пловчиха (swimmer), Эми
самая лучшая пловчиха в их школе.
3. Когда подруги купаются в озере, Эми может плыть гораздо дальше, чем Джессика.
4. Бабушка в этот вечер немного скучает, дедушка скучает меньше, он смотрит ТВ. Их
кошка Мерлини скучает меньше всех, она играет с игрушечной (toy) мышкой.
5. Анна выше своих детей, но Оливер самый высокий в их семье. Он гораздо выше Анны.
6. Мария – старшая сестра, она старше близнецов на 4 года.
7. У Джессики мало сока в стакане. У Джереми меньше сока в стакане. Он говорит, что
Анна дала Джессике значительно больше сока, чем она дала ему.
15.4.2 Other Ways to Compare Things
Другие способы сравнения предметов
as ... as
так(ой) же ... как
• He is as young as my brother.
• He works as hard as you.
not as ... as
не так(ой) ... как
• She is not as beautiful as her mother.
• This train goes not as quickly as that one.
Ex 31. Translate the quotation.
Переведите высказывание.
You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubts,
as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear,
as young as your hope, as old as your despair.
Ex 32. Use the constructions AS … AS or NOT AS … AS to complete the proverbs.
Match the proverbs to their Russian equivalents (a–f).
Составьте пословицы, используя конструкции AS … AS или NOT AS … AS.
Подберите аналогичную русскую пословицу (a–f).
drunk / a lord.
innocent / a babe unborn.
like / an apple to an oyster.
old / hills.
sure / eggs is eggs.
welcome / flowers in May.
... As drunk as a lord. ...
Похоже как гвоздь на панихиду.
Такой же желанный, как цветы в мае. / Весьма кстати.
Как дважды два четыре.
Старо как мир.
Сущий младенец.
Пьян в стельку. / Пьян как сапожник.
Ex 33. Complete the sentences. Translate the words in brackets.
Завершите предложения. Переведите слова в скобках.
1. She is .......................................... (не так мила, как) she looks.
2. He doesn’t work .......................................... (так много, как) his father used to work.
3. The street we live in now is .......................................... (не такая шумная, как) the one we
used to live.
4. Our town is .......................................... (не такой большой, как) the town you live in, but
it’s very old.
5. I can try to arrange the meeting, though my friend is .......................................... (такой же
занятый, как) you are.
6. I’d like to buy a dress .......................................... (такое же модное – smart, как) yours.
7. I was .......................................... (был таким же усталым, как) the rest of the people I went
hiking with.
the + ср. ст. ... the + ср. ст.
чем ... тем
“Good timber (строевой лес)
doesn’t grow with ease; the
stronger the wind, the stronger
the trees.“
(John Willard Marriott)
• The more you work the better
you know the language.
• How much money do you
need? The more the better.
Ex 34. Use the construction “THE + сomparative, THE + comparative” to complete the
proverbs. Match the proverbs to their Russian equivalents (a–f).
Составьте пословицы, используя конструкцию “THE + сomparative, THE +
comparative”. Подберите аналогичную русскую пословицу (a–f).
1. high / the ape goes, much / he shows his tail.
... The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his tail. ...
2. much / haste, little / speed.
3. near / the bone, sweet / the flesh.
4. many, merry
5. much / you/ have, much / you want. ..............................................................
6. big / they are, hard / they fall.
a) Поспешишь, людей насмешишь.
b) В тесноте, да не в обиде.
c) Чем выше общественное положение человека, тем виднее его
d) Чем выше общественное положение человека, тем больнее он
e) Чем больше у человека имеетcя, тем больше ему хочется иметь.
f) Остатки сладки.
Ex 35. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
When is the party to begin?
Чем раньше, тем лучше. ...................................................
How many people are to come?
Чем меньше, тем лучше. ...................................................
Но чем больше, тем веселее. ............................................................. It seems you are
not looking forward to the party.
Because чем больше ты спрашиваешь, тем меньше она мне нравится. .......................
Ex 36. Review. Read the article. Translate the phrases in brackets.
Прочтите статью, переведите фразы в скобках.
Легче на пароме (ferry) ! ................................... !
On August 8, 1950, American swimmer Florence Chadwick swam across the English Channel
(32 km) in 13 hours and 20 minutes. (Она была самой быстрой) ............................................
and broke the world record.
(Это не было так легко, как ) ................................................... other
good swimmers might think. Because of the long distance, strong tides,
and the cold water the Channel is (одна из самых трудных дистанций
– swims) ................................................... in the world. In fact,
(меньше людей) ...................................................... have swum the
English Channel than have climbed Everest.
Ex 37. Review. Translate the article about the automobile in our life.
Переведите статью об автомобиле в нашей жизни.
Сегодня автомобиль стал очень популярным, таким же важным, как дом.
Благодаря (due to) автомобилю наша жизнь стала гораздо более удобной. Всё больше и
больше людей могут купить более большой дом в пригороде с большим садом. Чем дальше
от города, тем чище воздух. Воздух за городом значительно меньше загрязнён (polluted).
Таким образом, благодаря автомобилю жизнь людей стала гораздо лучше.
Хотя машина самый комфортабельный способ передвижения (means of conveyance),
экологи считают, что лучше пользоваться общественным транспортом (public transport).
Автобусы и поезда перевозят (transport) гораздо больше людей, поэтому загрязнение
окружающей среды гораздо меньше. Они производят (produce) не так много опасных
газов, как при использовании автомобиля большим количеством людей (when a lot of
people…). Правительство должно тратить больше денег на общественный транспорт.
16. The Adverb
Наречие указывает на различные обстоятельства, при которых протекает действие.
Оно относится к глаголу и показывает как, где, когда и каким образом совершается
• He works hard. / She doesn’t live here. / I haven’t met him lately.
Наречие может относиться также к прилагательному или другому наречию:
• He is a very good student. / She speaks French quite well.
16.1 Formation of Adverbs
Образование наречий
По форме наречия делятся на простые, производные, сложные и составные:
Слова языка:
here, there,
well, quite,
now, soon,
late, very
Образуются от прилагательных* при помощи
суффикса -ly: bad – badly,
slow – slowly, quiet – quietly,
а также суффиксов -wise:
likewise и -ward(s):
forward(s), backward(s)
nowhere, sometimes
everywhere, somewhat
Сочетание наречий с
before long, till now,
since then, for ever,
at once, so far, etc
* некоторые наречия образуются при помощи суффикса -ly от существительных,
обозначающих период времени: daily (ежедневно), weekly (еженедельно), monthly (ежемесячно) и от числительных: firstly (во-первых).
Правила правописания
In Love
I am
Completely, hopelessly, madly,
Passionately, deeply, confusingly,
Totally, absolutely, fully
Wholly, knowingly, desperately,
In love
With you
I think.
(Glynn Cook)
При добавлении суффикса -ly
происходят некоторые изменения
в правописании конечных элементов слов:
-le  -ly
gentle – gently
-y  -ily
easy – easily
-ic  -ically automatic –
-ue  -uly
true – truly
-ll  -lly
full – fully
Ex 1.
Form adverbs from the given adjectives and nouns and make up your own
sentences with them.
Образуйте наречия от данных прилагательных и существительных. Составите
предложения с полученными наречиями.
sweet – .................................................. ,
– .................................................. ,
usual – .................................................. ,
heroic – .................................................. ,
happy – ..................................................,
gradual – .................................................. ,
brave – .................................................. .
Ex 2.
careful – .................................................... ,
– .................................................... ,
calm – .................................................... ,
– .................................................... ,
– .................................................... ,
– .................................................... ,
Form adverbs from the adjectives in brackets and read the quote.
Образуйте наречия от прилагательных в скобках и прочтите высказывание.
“(Geographical) ................................... , Ireland
is a medium-sized rural island that is ................
................... (slow) but ...................................
(steady) being consumed (поглощать) by sheep.”
(Dave Barry)
Ex 3.
Choose the correct form of the words in italics.
Выберите из слов, написанных курсивом, правильный вариант.
1. He certainly has done good/well in his studies
this year. 2. It is not good/well for you to smoke.
3. I was angry/angrily at what he did. 4. He stormed
angry/angrily out of the room. 5. It isn’t bad/badly.
6. The child behaved very bad/badly at table. 7. He
dreamed of acting brave/bravely in emergency.
8. He is a brave/bravely man. 9. This is quite
clear/clearly. 10. I can clear/clearly see what you
После глагола be и глаголов
look, feel, seem, smell, sound,
taste употребляются не наречия
(как в русском языке), а прилагательные (см. с. 260)
• It is good, you’ve made dinner by
their arrival.
• It smells and tastes good, too.
Ex 4.
Rewright the sentences. Change the noun in italics into the verb and the
adjective into the adverb.
Переформулируйте предложения, сохранив их смысл: существительное курсивом преобразуйте в глагол, а прилагательное – в наречие.
His answer was very quick. ... He answered very quickly. ...
They gave a beautiful performance. ...................................................................................
She gave me a formal answer. ...........................................................................................
His was a heroic action. ....................................................................................................
He gave an accurate description of the incident. .................................................................
We heard their happy laugh in the room. ..............................................................................
The actors got a warm greeting from the audience.
8. Is she a fluent speaker? .....................................................................................................
9. He is a very fast swimmer. ..................................................................................................
Ex 5.
Find the sentences containing an
adverb and underline the adverb.
Найдите предложения, содержащие
наречия, и подчеркните эти наречия.
Не все слова, оканчивающиеся
на -ly, наречия. Некоторые прилагательные также оканчиваются
на -ly, например: friendly, lonely,
lovely, silly, lively, elderly, etc.
Мы не можем образовать наречие от этих прилагательных,
добавляя суффикс -ly; с этой
целью используется выражение с
предлогом: “in a … manner/way”.
1. Why were you so unfriendly when you spoke to
that girl?
2. Sue is terriblly upset about losing her job.
3. Tom’s French isn’t very good, but he speaks
German very well.
• Amy is a friendly girl, she always
4. Amy is very cheerful, she is as lively as a kitten.
greets everyone in a friendly way.
She is also full of life and spirit
5. Anne and Oliver are happily married and have
and does everything in a lively
three lovely children.
6. People in Africa are often colourfully dressed.
7. The elderly woman was waiting for somebody.
She seemed lonely.
8. There was an accident. The driver of the car was seriously
9. We didn’t go out because it was raining heavily.
10. Why don’t you like the girl? – Because she is rather silly.
16.2 Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs
Наречия и прилагательные – сложные случаи
Ряд наречий – fast, long, far, little, much, straight, early, etc – не
отличается по форме от прилагательных. Такие наречия можно отличить
от прилагательных по выполняемой ими функции в предложении:
прилагательные определяют существительное, а наречия – глагол, другое
наречие или прилагательное.
We took a fast train to Paris.
He returned from a long journey.
There was a low table by the sofa.
He drew a straight line.
Ex 6.
He speaks very fast.
Did he stay there long?
The birds fly low today.
Go straight ahead down the street.
Mark () the place in each sentence
where you should insert the word in
Обозначьте () место в каждом предложении, куда должно быть вставлено
слово в скобках.
Наречия образа действия (как?)
 после глагола-сказуемого
• He walked slowly.
• The sun shines brightly.
 после дополнения (если оно
присутствует) или перед глаголом:
• He answered the question calmly.
• He calmly answered the question.
 в сложной глагольной форме –
между вспомогательным и
смысловым глаголом:
• She was badly hurt.
• She has really done it.
1. Jack is a  walker. Why is he walking so ?
2. Anne isn’t lazy. She works at her physiotherapy
practice. (hard)
3. It’s a land. It’s damp (сырой) because it lies.
4. It was spring. The trees that year blossomed.
5. Monday was a day. Did it take you to finish the
work? (long)
6. The station was at the end of the long street. We went ahead. (straight)
В некоторых случаях наречие с суффиксом -ly отличается по значению от наречия,
совпадающего по форме с прилагательным.
Adverb with -ly
Adverb without -ly
He is a hard worker.
Он усердный работник.
He works hard.
Он работает усердно.
I could hardly understand him.
Я едва мог понять его.
He returned in late autumn.
Он возвратился поздней
I went to bed late yesterday.
Я лёг поздно вчера.
I haven’t seen him lately.
Я не видел его в последнее
He is studying the history
of the Near East.
Он изучает историю
Ближнего Востока.
He lives quite near.
Он живёт совсем близко.
It is nearly 5 o’clock.
Почти 5 часов.
The house is very high.
Дом очень высокий.
The plane flew very high.
Самолёт летел очень высоко.
It is a highly developed state.
Это высокоразвитое государство.
Ex 7. Complete the sentences with adverbs
formed from the adjectives in brackets.
Заполните пропуски наречиями, образованными от прилагательных в скобках.
1. «едва»
• I hardly know you.
2. «вряд ли»
• The rumours (слухи) were
1. Maria works ....................... (hard) at college. She
hardly true.
....................... (hard) has time for sport.
3. «не»
2. I got up ....................... (late) this morning. I have
• It is hardly surprising that
nobody shared his ideas. –
been working far into the night .......................
Неудивительно, что никто
не разделял его идеи.
3. Anne lives quite ....................... (near) her
practice. But because of the traffic jam it took her
....................... (near) an hour to get there the
other day.
4. Pine trees are usually very ....................... (high). These birds
build their nests very ....................... (high). We saw a
....................... (high) amusing film about those birds.
5. The rain was pouring so ....................... (hard) that we could
....................... (hard) see the cars.
6. They talked of ....................... (high) ideas.
7. We ....................... (high) appreciate (ценить) your help.
Ex 8.
Complete the sentences by choosing
the correct word in the box.
Дополните предложения, выбрав в
списке соответствующее слово.
perfectly  perfect  well (x2)  good (x2)
hard  hardly  happy  happily  late
lately  quick  quickly  bad  badly
 Well and good
Well – наречие (как?), good –
прилагательное (какой?).
Соответственно, well относится
к глаголу, а good является
определением существительного.
• Susan is a good pianist. She plays
1. Richard was badly wounded in the hunting
the piano well.
2. Amy isn’t a bad student, and she works
 Well + Past Participle
................... at school, too.
Well часто используется с Past
3. ................... done, Brendon. Your answer is
very ................... .
well-dressed, well-known,
4. Grandma looks very ................... with her daily
 Формулы повседневного обще5. She didn’t answer, just smiled at me
................... .
How are you? – I’m very well,
6. Emma’s French is ................... , which
thanks. (о здоровье: be well/unwell)
sometimes is useful in the bookshop.
How are you getting on? – Very
well, thank you. (get on well)
7. I’m not late. My watch works ................... well.
is life? – Very good, thank you.
8. Get dressed ................... , Emma. We mustn’t
(good life)
be ................... for the party. My boss hates it.
9. You have been rather absent-minded
................... .
10. Her ................... answer showed that she was ready for the question.
11. Tom was rather unfriendly last night. He ................... spoke to me.
12. Mr Shake is a ................... teacher, he is a ...................-educated man.
Ex 9.
Cross out the wrong word from those
in italics. In some cases both are
Зачеркните несоответствующее слово, данное курсивом. В некоторых
случаях возможны оба варианта.
1. She was high/highly respected in her village.
2. A new playground was badly/bad needed in this
3. The plane flew highly/high, it could be hardly/
hard seen.
 В разговорном английском языке наречия: loud(ly), cheap(ly),
quick(ly), slow(ly) часто используются без суффикса -ly:
• Don’t speak so loud(ly), the baby
is sleeping.
• We bought this house rather
cheap ten years ago.
4. The lake wasn’t near/nearly the village. We
near/nearly ran out of petrol.
5. Be careful, the lake is very deep/deeply.
6. I can’t understand a word. He doesn’t speak
loud/loudly enough for everybody to hear.
7. He wants to get rich quick/quickly, but I don’t
know any get-rich-quick/quickly methods.
8. She was deep/deeply hurt by his words but
didn’t say a word.
 Устойчивые словосочетания:
deeply hurt – глубоко оскорблён,
highly respected – глубоко уважаемый,
bitterly cold – ужасно холодно,
badly needed – остро необходим/
ужасно нужен.
• She sent an e-mail to her mother:
“A fur coat is badly needed. It’s
bitterly cold here.”
Ex 10. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Осень. Рано становится темно (get dark).
2. «Таймс» – ежедневная газета.
3. Она симпатичная дружелюбная женщина. Но она кажется (seem) такой одинокой.
4. Я понимаю нашего учителя немецкого языка очень хорошо. Он говорит очень медлено.
5. У тебя быстрая спортивная машина, но это не значит (mean), что ты должен ездить
6. Мне платят ежемесячно за мою работу.
7. Он бесшумно открыл дверь и быстро вышел.
8. Наш директор бегло говорит на пяти языках.
9. Мария делает всё очень аккуратно и тщательно.
10. Хотя Марк упорно работает в школе, он едва успел закончить тест вовремя (in time).
11. Машина была довольно дорогая, но нам пришлось продать её дёшево.
12. Было ужасно холодно. Мы едва могли разговаривать.
13. Я не выношу (can’t stand) людей, которые говорят громко.
14. Как ты себя чувствуешь? – Спасибо, хорошо. Как жизнь? – Спасибо, очень хорошо.
Ex 11. How many adverbs do you know? Fill in the gaps with the adverbs in the box.
There are two odd words in each list.
Сколько наречий вы знаете? Заполните пропуски данными наречиями. В списках
по два лишних слова.
highly  locally  firmly  originally (первоначально)
slowly  unfriendly
The Radio Producer Tells His Story
“The nationalwide radio programmes are still ... firmly ... in the hands of the BBC, but private
providers, who were ........................... only ........................... represented, are ..............
............. forcing their way into the national market.”
significantly (значительно)  officially  slightly (немного)
initionally  largely (в основном)  traditionally  badly  originally
The World’s Largest Castle
... Initially ... the Windsor Castle was a fortress. It was
........................... designed to strengthen Norman defences
(оборона) on the outskirts of London. It is the oldest and the largest
occupied castle in the world. ........................... it has been home to
almost all the monarchs of Great Britain. During more than ten
centuries its architecture hasn’t been changed ........................... .
The castle was ........................... damaged by fire in 1992. The repairs cost 37 million pounds
and were ........................... financed by the opening of Buckingham Palace to the public.
16.3 Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs
Степени сравнения наречий
Некоторые наречия имеют степени сравнения, которые образуются, практически, по
тем же правилам, что и степени сравнения прилагательных:
на -ly
... + -er
more/less + ...
less wisely
more beautifully
... + -est
most/least + ...
least wisely
most beautifully
Особые случаи
more often
more quickly
more slowly
most often
most quickly
most slowly
Ex 12. Fill in each blank with the comparative or superlative form of the word from the
Заполните пробелы данными наречиями в сравнительной или превосходной
beautifully  early  fluently  hard  carefully
late  peacefully  correctly
Andy is the most intelligent, but Sue works ...................... .
Mary sings ...................... than anyone else in our family.
8 p.m. is late – could you possibly get here any ...................... ?
Of all children, Helen writes ...................... .
I’d sleep ...................... if I weren’t worried about Tom.
Mark speaks French ...................... of all the boys in his class.
If we want to catch the 10.20 train, we should leave at 10.00 ...................... .
Oliver drives ...................... than Anne.
Эмоциональное подчёркивание при сравнении
Так же, как и в случае с прилагательными, для усиления эффекта сравнения перед
наречиями в сравнительной степени могут использоваться слова:
MUCH / FAR – «гораздо, значительно, намного»
• Poor Tom ate much more hungrily than other children.
• He used to be hungry far more often than other boys.
A BIT / A LITTLE – «немного»
• Could you walk a bit faster? We’ll never arrive on time.
Ex 13. Translate the words in brackets from Russian into English.
Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык.
1. To tell the truth, I liked the Mexican film ...................... (меньше) than the French one. 2. What
has happened to your сamera? Today I can see you ...................... (хуже) than yesterday. 3. I’m
sending this parcel by DHL mail, I hope you’ll get it ...................... (быстрее) than the previous one.
4. My grandson has moved to a new flat. It is ...................... (ближе) to my place and I can see him
...................... (чаще) than before. 5. My new computer works much ...................... (намного
быстрее) than the old one. 6. I’m not good at Math, this problem was ...................... (гораздо
труднее) to solve. 7. The critics wrote that the new producer staged this play ...................... (более
удачно – successfully). 8. I didn’t have enough time during the test, so I checked my paper
...................... (менее тщательно). 9. The bad news is that my new job begins ......................
(раньше) than the old one. 10. Could you drive ...................... (более медленно), please?
Ex 14. Use the construction THE + сomparative, THE + comparative to make the
sentences as in the model.
Составьте предложения по образцу, используя конструкцию THE + сomparative,
THE + comparative.
1. It got warm / we spent much time on the beach
The warmer it got, the more time we spent on the beach.
2. Near to the Church / far from God (proverb) .........................................................................
3. I know you well / I understand you little ...............................................................................
4. He eats much pizza / he gains weight
THE + comparative , THE + comparative
5. What time shall we leave? – soon / good
чем…, тем
6. Read many English books / know the
Мы используем эту «формулу», чтобы
language well.
показать, что выполнение одного дейст..........................................................
вия зависит от другого.
7. Walking is good for you. You walk fast /
Why study?
you get fit
The more I study, the more I know.
The more I know, the more I forget.
The more I forget, the less I know.
So why study?
Ex 15. Review.
sentences from Russian into
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Финансовая ситуация (financial situation) компании сейчас не очень хорошая.
2. Когда они начали свой бизнес, всё шло хорошо.
3. Эмма хорошо начитана, она много знает.
4. Мы получили много писем в последнее время.
5. Пожалуйста, не подходи близко к краю (edge) платформы.
6. Вчера мальчик чуть не упал (fall off) с платформы.
7. Она упорно работает, но вряд ли она сможет закончить работу сегодня.
8. Чем дольше я живу здесь, тем больше мне нравится это место.
9. На следующий день ему стало гораздо хуже.
10. Это был короткий звонок. Я не разговаривал с ним долго.
11. Он едва может дышать (breath), он бежал oчень быстро.
16.4 Adverbs of Time
Наречия времени
Мы используем наречия времени, чтобы указать, когда произошло то или иное событие.
Обстоятельства времени обычно стоят в конце предложения. Если необходимо особо
подчеркнуть время совершения действия, они могут выдвигаться в начало предложения.
В этом случае обстоятельство времени часто отделяется запятой.
• We lived in Wales then.
when (когда), now (сейчас), then
• Then, I knew nothing about it.
(тогда, потом, затем), while (в то
• She is working with the customers now.
время как), tonight (сегодня вечером);
• Now, I understand what you mean.
nowadays (в настоящее время, «сегодня»); before (прежде, раньше), after
(потом, после), afterwards (впоследствии), once (однажды), just (только
что, как раз), still (всё ещё, попрежнему), already/yet (yже), yet (ещё
не), since (с тех пор как), early (рано),
lately/recently (в последнее время),
suddenly (вдруг), soon (вскоре), long
(долго, давно), ago (тому назад), today,
tomorrow, yesterday, etc.
“Dream as if you’ll live
forever. Live as if you’ll die
today.” (James Dean)
Ex 16. Fill in the gaps with the adverbs from the box. There are two odd words in the list.
Заполните пробелы данными ниже словами. В списке два лишних слова.
tonight  ago  before  since  now  when  once  soon
yet  afterwards  early  then  after
1. ...................... did you have your holidays last year? 2. Have you been in New York
...................... ? – Yes, I visited my friends there a year ...................... . 3. Why do we have to
leave so ...................... ? It’s only 9 p.m. 4. ...................... we graduated from University he has
published around 50 books. 5. I’m coming to London on Friday, so we could meet ......................
. 6. I’m sure, you will find a job ...................... . And you will laugh ...................... how silly you
were. 7. His wife died and a year ...................... he went to live in France. 8. ...................... is the
opening night of the opera. 9. Mary has been to Manchester only ...................... before.
Ex 17. Translate the words in brackets from Russian into English.
Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык.
1. They are leaving ...................... (сегодня вечером). 2. She gladly talked to people (that) she
had never met ...................... (ранее). 3. I forgot the woman’s name. I met her only
...................... (однажды), briefly (кратко). 4. David didn’t want to explain why he had left London
so ...................... (внезапно). 5. She was struck by the news.What would come ......................
(после), she wondered. 6. Don’t get upset so much. ...................... (впоследствии) you will
remember this misfortune (неудача) as a funny incident. 7. ...................... (вдруг) we heard a
terrible cry and ...................... (затем) a shot. 8. I didn’t like the man at first, but ......................
(вскоре) we got rather friendly. 9. I haven’t seen Mr Meyer ...................... (с тех пор).
Многие наречия времени знакомы нам как «сигнальные слова», которыми мы
пользуемся для выбора формы глагола, соответствующей данной ситуации (см. с. 35, 42,
50, 69, 70).
The Past Simple
a year ago
The Future Simple
The Present Continuos
The Present Perfect
already /yet
Наречия still, already, just ставятся между вспомогательным
и смысловым глаголом:
• We have just finished the work.
• But the rest of the team are still working.
Наречия yet, lately/recently, today – в конце предложения:
• We haven’t finished yet.
• Nobody has seen him today.
Ex 18. Read the dialogue. Complete
the sentences with the time
words from the box.
Прочтите диалог. Заполните пробелы данными ниже наречиями
в вопросах
Have you seen
this film yet?
в течение долгого
много времени
тому назад
Have you been here It happened long ago.
We have lived in that
house for a long time.
then  still  ago (x2)  yet  after
yesterday  already
в утвердительных
I’ve already seen
this film.
Have you seen the London Eye
..................... ?
I think we went on it the day before, yes, it
was ..................... . It was great. I have
never been on some thing like that in my
I experienced it a year ..................... . It
в последнее время
в недалёком прошлом
is expensive but it’s worth it (стоит того).
We’ve been in London for a week
..................... . There is so much to see.
Have you seen him
The theatre was built
I am sitting here because I got very tired
not long ago.
..................... we’ve made our tour, but
my wife is ..................... walking around.
She is tireless.
Quite understand. So is my wife.
Have you ever visited Windsor Castle?
It was also a year ..................... , I took a boat there .................... .
I can recommend it.
Thanks for the tip!
«ещё (не)» (в отрицаниях)
«уже» (в вопросах)
yet (в вопросах)
already (в утверждениях)
Ex 19. Translate the words in brackets from Russian into English.
Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык.
We’ve had the kitten .................. (с тех пор, как) we moved to our country house. It is called
Merlini. It has .................. (уже) found a nice place to sleep – in a shoebox. We haven’t bought
Merlini a collar .................. (ещё не) because she’s too small. But we’ve .................. (только
что) bought her a toy-mouse. We’ve taken a lot of photos of the kitten .................. (в последнее
время) and you can see them in the Internet. Have you .................. (когда-либо) had a cat?
Ex 20. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Pay special attention to the
translation of the italicized words.
Переведите предложения на английский язык. Обратите особое внимание на
перевод слов курсивом.
1. Дети уже пришли? – Нет, они ещё не пришли. Не волнуйся, они уже сделали уроки.
2. Мои родители долго жили в Италии. Это было давно, до того, как я родилась. – Тебе
только 6 лет. Я думаю, что они вернулись в Англию совсем (quite) недавно.
3. В последнее время я уже несколько раз встречала здесь этого человека. – Неудивительно (no wonder). Это наш новый коллега. Он недавно начал работать в нашей
4. Ты сегодня будешь работать долго? Мы давно не ходили в кино. – Но мы недавно были
в театре. – Да, ты прав, но это было неделю назад.
В различных языках одно и то же слово может «обслуживать» разное количество
ситуаций. Например, русское слово ЕЩЁ, как видно из таблицы, употребляется в
совершенно не связанных между собой контекстах. В то время, как в английском языке,
для описания подобных ситуаций имеется несколько различных слов.
ещё не
ещё только
так давно, как
Это произошло
ещё в 1923 году.
всё ещё
в вопросах
Она ещё
Кого ещё
Он ещё не
ты знаешь? пришёл.
Дай мне ещё
одно яблоко.
Ещё только
7 утра.
She is still
Who else do
you know?
Can you give me
one more apple?
It’s only 7 a.m. It happened as early
as 1923.
He hasn’t
come yet.
Ex 21. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Pay special attention to the
translation of the italicized words.
Переведите предложения на английский язык. Обратите особое внимание на
перевод слов курсивом.
1. – Я получила ещё одно письмо от своей подруги Дейзи. ..................................................
– Что ещё она тебе рассказала? .....................................................................................
– Я его ещё не читала. Я всё ещё работаю. .......................................................................
2. Дети ещё не легли спать, они всё ещё смотрят телевизор.
3. – Кого ещё ты хочешь пригласить на день рождения, Мария?
– Можно я приглашу ещё двух друзей из Парижа? ..........................................................
– Конечно, дорогая, ещё только 5 марта. У тебя достаточно времени.
– Тогда дай мне, пожалуйста, ещё две открытки. .............................................................
4. – Твои друзья уже ответили тебе? ..................................................................................
– Жан уже прислал e-mail, что приедет, а Николь ещё не ответила. Я думаю, она всё ещё
сдаёт экзамены (do one’s exams). ....................................................................................
Ex 22. The English Tea. Complete the sentences with the adverbs in the box to show
the right order of events when making tea.
Настоящий английский чай. Заполните пробелы данными наречиями времени,
показывающими последовательность операций при приготовлении чая.
last of all  next  then (x2)  after (x2)
while (x2)  first of all
1. ................ fill the kettle with fresh water.
2. ................ put the kettle on to boil.
3. ................ the water is getting hot, use some of the hot water to
warm the teapot.
4. ................ put the tealeaves into the teapot.
5. ................ the water is still boiling, pour the water into
the teapot.
first of all – прежде всего/
6. ................ that stir the tea with a spoon.
в первую очередь
last of all – в последнюю
7. ................ let the teapot stand 3–5 minutes.
очередь/в самом конце
8. ................ waiting pour the tea into cups.
9. ................ add milk and sugar as required.
16.5 Adverbs of Frequency
Наречия частоты совершения действия
К этой группе наречий относятся: always (всегда), usually,
normally (обычно), generally (обычно, как правило), frequently,
often (часто), rarely, seldom (редко), sometimes (иногда), ever
(когда-либо), never (никогда).
Ex 23. Mark () the place in each sentence
where you should insert the word in
Обозначьте () место в каждом предложении, куда должно быть вставлено
слово в скобках.
1. He  goes to see his mother at the weekend
2. I went over there in the evening (sometimes).
3. I go to bed before midnight (never).
4. I am reading in bed far into the night (normally).
5. You can rely on him (always).
6. He is very punctual (generally).
7. I see Mark in the library after lunch (often).
8. I have liked her (never).
9. I drive my husband’s Jaguar (seldom).
10. Grandma has to pick up the children from school
11. They must go home by bus (normally).
Ex 24. Translate
Emma’s profile from
Russian into English. Pay special
attention to the translation of the
italicized words.
Переведите рассказ о работе Эммы на
английский язык. Обратите внимание
на перевод слов курсивом.
 перед основным глаголом:
• We usually spend our holiday by
the lake.
• We often went fishing last
 после глагола to be:
• We were normally at the lake at 6
 между вспомогательным и
смысловым глаголом или
между модальным глаголом и
• I have never swum in the ocean
• I will always remember it.
• You must never swim during a
 перед эквивалентом (must)
have to:
• We always have to walk there.
There is no bus.
 Sometimes может стоять перед
основным глаголом, в начале
или конце предложения:
• We sometimes drive there.
• Sometimes we drive there.
Books, Books and More Books!
Эмма работает в книжном магазине. Она ......................................................................
любит свою работу, но иногда работа бывает ......................................................................
довольно напряжённой (rather stressful).
Эмма обычно очень занята перед ......................................................................
Рождеством и в начале года. Перед ......................................................................
Рождеством в магазине всегда много ......................................................................
покупателей (customers). В это время года ......................................................................
(time of the year) люди, как правило, покупают ......................................................................
подарки. Перед Рождеством Эмма иногда ......................................................................
уходит из магазина очень поздно.
В начале января Эмма всегда делает ......................................................................
инвентаризацию (take an inventory) всех книг ......................................................................
в магазине. Эта работа часто занимает (take) ......................................................................
несколько дней. Эмме эта работа никогда не ......................................................................
К счастью, в этот период (that time of the ......................................................................
year) в магазине редко бывает много людей. ......................................................................
И у Эммы есть замечатетельная коллега Вэл, ......................................................................
которая всегда готова помочь.
Эмма как правило уходит домой в 5, так ......................................................................
как обычно она должна забирать детей (pick ......................................................................
up children from) из школы. Вэл никогда не ......................................................................
покидает магазин до закрытия (closing time). ......................................................................
16.6 Adverbs of Place and Direction
Наречия места и направления
В английском языке наречие места и направления часто совпадают по форме:
here (здесь, сюда), there (там, туда), where (где, куда), somewhere/anywhere (гденибудь, куда-нибудь), nowhere (нигде, никуда), far, far away (далеко), near (близко),
inside (внутри, внутрь), outside (снаружи, наружу), above (наверху, выше), below
(внизу, ниже), etc.
• I have never met you here before. Come
Наречие somewhere употребhere, Mukhtar!
в утвердительных предло• There is nothing inside the box. We came
а anywhere в вопросиinside, the room looked rather gloomy
тельных и отрицательных:
• – I left my umbrella somewhere.
– Have you looked for it anywhere?
– I can’t find it anywhere.
Ex 25. Complete the sentences with the
words from the box.
Заполните пробелы данными ниже наречиями места.
somewhere  anywhere  nowhere
1. He lost the scarf ..................... between the office and the station. 2. Are you going
..................... tonight? – If I’m not tired, we’ll go ..................... , but if I am tired, we’ll go
..................... . 3. Where did you go on holiday? – ..................... . 4. The petrol station must be
..................... near here. 5. I didn’t go ..................... yesterday. 6. You can find this poem
..................... in this book.
Ex 26. Translate the words in brackets from Russian into English.
Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык.
1. I’ve never been to Rome but I hope to be ..................... (там) next year. 2. .....................
(откуда) does she come from? 3. Put the box ..................... (здесь). I’ll find the right place for it
later. 4. Can I go ..................... (туда) and back in one day? 5. She would like to live in a country
..................... (где) it never snows. 6. I live ..................... (здесь), Mr Green lives .....................
(там) and Mr Brown lives on the other side of the road. 7. It’s easy to find. The building is painted
red ..................... (снаружи). 8. Is this coat worn with the fur ..................... (внутри) or
..................... (снаружи)? 9. I wonder ..................... (где) he lives now. 10. He has no occupation
..................... (вне) his office work.
«о протяжённости пути»
«на большом расстоянии»
Did you walk far yesterday?
Is the station far away?
She doesn’t like to walk far.
I don’t live far away.
We walked a long way yesterday.
The station is far from the city.
Ex 27. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Мы не пошли на озеро, потому что оно было очень далеко от деревни.
2. Я обычно гуляю с собакой (walk the dog) далеко. Я гуляю с собакой одна, потому что
мой друг не любит гулять далеко.
3. Тогда я жил далеко от города. ........................................................................................
4. Вы живёте далеко? .........................................................................................................
5. Его магазин довольно далеко отсюда. .............................................................................
6. Они вернулись очень поздно, так как ходили далеко.
7. Мы поехали на автобусе, так как этот замок (castle) находится далеко от города.
Ex 28. Write the sentences in the correct
Восстановите правильный порядок слов в предложении.
 Наречия места обычно стоят в начале или конце предложения:
• Mr Brown doesn’t live here.
• Outside it was cold and wet.
1. Regent’s Park is lovely in spring.
there / Carol / yesterday / her friends / met
 Если в предложении имеется наре................................................................
чие времени и места, то наречие вре2. now / doesn’t / he / there / work
мени следует за наречием места:
• Let’s meet here at the same time
3. long ago / light green / was painted / the
4. I’m not young and / walk / can’t / I / now /
far ..................................................................................................................................
5. The post / then / far from / very / our village / was .................................................................
6. tonight / anywhre / we / not going / are ................................................................................
7. didn’t see / yesterday / I / there / him ..................................................................................
16.7 Adverbs of Degree, Measure and Quantity
Наречия степени, меры и количества
К наречиям меры и степени относятся:
much (много), little (мало), very (очень),
extremely (чрезвычайно, крайне), simply
(просто), really (действительно), totally
(всецело, абсолютно), strongly (сильно),
awfully (ужасно).
Too (слишком), enough (достаточно)
(см. с. 261).
• It’s nearly 5 o’clock.
• I’ve almost finished my work.
• The film was quite good.
• The situation was rather unpleasant.
completely /absolutely
• I was completely surprised by her
• The girl is absolutely marvellous.
Ex 29. Use the phrases in the box to complete the sentences.
Заполните пробелы данными в списке фразами.
very happy  really angry  extremely intelligent
awfully tired  absolutely brilliant
You must be ......................... .You have been working all day.
I’m ......................... . I’m enjoying myself.
His new book is ......................... . I think it is one of his best.
The children behaved badly. Finaly their father got ......................... with them.
Mary may seem a bit slow, but she is actually ......................... .
Ex 30. Match the questions (1–7) with the answers (A–G).
Выберите ответы (a–g) для данных вопросов (1–7).
Were you very frightened?
Was it an exciting match?
Did she get very good exam results?
Is he a very good scientist?
Is it very big?
Were you very angry?
Was it an interesting play?
Yes.We were absolutely furious (в ярости). 1. f
Yes. It is huge (огромный) enough.
He’s very intelligent.
It was quite entertaining.
Yes. It was really thrilling.
Yes. We were completely terrified.
Yes. They were rather good.
Ex 31. Complete the responses, using VERY, VERY MUCH.
Заполните пробелы в ответах, используя VERY, VERY MUCH.
1. How was your holiday? – I enjoyed it very much .
2. Why didn’t you buy the dress? – I
can’t afford it. It’s .....................
относиться к:
3. How did your interview go? – I am
..................... afraid they won’t hire
me. But I won’t regret it. I didn’t like
my future boss ..................... . He
seemed ..................... snobish.
She is very nice.
She helped us a lot.
You have to work.
I didn’t like him very much.
4. You can’t swim in this lake. The water
very quickly here.
We very much** enjoyed
is ..................... cold.
the match.
5. Have you seen Susan’s paintings at
the exhibition? – Yes, they were
* обычно стоят после глагола или его дополнения.
..................... admired by the
** very much может стоять перед глаголами want,
prefer, enjoy.
6. Can you recommend the restaurant? – It’s ..................... modern, but I didn’t .....................
enjoy the meal.
7. Where does Richard work? – Richard has a ..................... important work in London. He is
always ..................... busy.
8. They say, it’s a ..................... interesting book. I ..................... want to read it.
9. The ambulance came ..................... quickly. I was ..................... worried about poor George.
10. Were her parents ..................... pleased? – Yes. They were ..................... happy.
Ex 32. Translate the words in brackets
from English into Russian.
Переведите слова в скобках на
английский язык.
 Наречия степени обычно относятся
к глаголу:
• I totally disagree. – Я полностью не-
1. I might have an accident today. I
..................... (почти врезался – crash)
• I can strongly recommend. – Я очень/
into a lorry.
сильно рекомендую.
2. Mr
 Они также могут стоять перед прикритиковал – criticize) the company’s
лагательными для особого эмоциоmanagement.
нального подчеркивания:
3. Seaford is ..................... (довольно
• I think he is absolutely wonderful. – Я
приятный) town.
думаю, он совершенно замечатель4. My father gave me .....................
(довольно большую) sum of money.
5. Richard has an ..................... (чрезвычайно важная) job in London.
6. Jack ..................... (совершенно забыл) to sign the cheque.
7. Oliver ..................... (очень хотел) a new car.
8. We ..................... (действительно понравился) the film.
9. You should ..................... (просто попросить), they’d gladly help you.
Ex 33. Review. Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs in brackets into the correct
Перепишите предложения. Поставьте наречие в скобках на соответствующее
1. Anne treats patients with back problems. Now she is examining Mr Pratt. (often, carefully)
2. Look, it is dark outside, it looks as if it’s going to rain.(almost, certainly)
3. I’m sorry, I have forgotten your name. (very, completely)
4. Do you have dinner so late? – Of course, no. We have dinner after 7 p.m. (always, seldom)
5. You had another accident! Why can’t you drive ? (almost, more carefully)
6. This is a nice restaurant. I liked the dish of the house. I can recommend it. But I should say
it’s expensive. (very, very much, strongly, rather)
7. Is he a bad student? – Yes, he is awful. (really, absolutely, very)
Ex 34. How many adverbs do you know? Translate the adverbs in brackets.
Сколько наречий вы знаете? Переведите наречия в скобках.
Well, I’ve finished for ..................... (сегодня). What about you,
COLIN: The boss wants this piece I am writing ..................... (в данный
момент) to be on his desk by ..................... (завтра).
STAN: ..................... (тогда), good luck. But don’t work .....................
(слишком долго).
VICKY: Amy! Are you ..................... (здесь)? It’s your mum on the phone.
AMY: Ohh! Don’t shout ..................... (так громко), I’m ..................... (плохо себя чувствую).
I was ..................... (ужасно) tired yesterday, ..................... (почти) collapsed
(свалиться от слабости). Please, tell my mum I’ve ..................... (только что) got up.
I’ll call her up ..................... (после того, как) I have a cup of coffee.
Amy is ..................... (обычно) a diligent student but she doesn’t think
that Math is ..................... (очень) interesting and .....................
(сегодня) the lesson is ..................... (чрезвычайно) boring.
..................... (Bдруг) the teacher turns round and writes on the
blackboard. Amy ..................... (быстро) whispers something to her friend Amber, who
..................... (довольно) likes Math although she doesn’t ..................... (всегда) understand
Ex 35. Complete the sentences with the
adverbs TOO, ALSO, EITHER.
Заполните пробелы наречиями
1. Most people from Ireland speak English as
their first language. But some of them
speak Gaelic ................... .
2. In the UK people drive on the left. This is
................... the case in Ireland.
3. With a population over 4 m people the
Republic of Ireland is not one of the most
populated states in the EU. But it isn’t one
of the smallest ................... .
4. Ireland is well known for its whiskey.
Guinness is ................... a famous Irish
5. In the USA it’s not allowed to drink alcohol
in public places, it’s not allowed to smoke,
................... .
6. The tour of the library was very interesting,
it was ................... quite educational.
Наречия TOO и ALSO имеют значение «также». Они употребляются в
утвердительных предложениях, в отрицательных они заменяются наречием either.
Too и either в значении «тоже» ставятся в конце предложения и отделяются запятой.
• – Is Jeremy’s friend Mark keen on
football too?
– Yes, he is. He plays football, too.
– But he can’t play regby, either.
Also oбычно следует:
 перед основным глаголом:
• Philip is very talented. He plays the
piano and he also plays the accordion.
 после be/have/can:
• He is also a good singer.
• He can also accompany a singer on the
 после вспомогательного глагола:
• He has also organized some charity
16.8 Adverbs of Probability
Наречия, выражающие вероятность совершения действия
Наречия evidently (очевидно), probably (вероятно), certainly, definitely (несомненно), really (действительно, в самом деле), possibly (возможно), perhaps,
maybe (может быть) используются для того, чтобы показать степень уверенности
говорящего в совершении действия.
Такие наречия не являются членами предложения, а представляют собой вводные
слова; в английском языке они не выделяются запятой.
Ex 36. Match the adverbs (1–6) with their translation (a–f).
Найдите перевод (a–f) наречий (1–6).
может быть
Наречия «вероятности» ставятся
перед основным глаголом, после вспомогательного или модального глагола:
• The taxi driver probably knows the
quickest way.
• You couldn’t really see her yesterday.
• He has evidently consulted a lawyer.
Ex 37. Substitute the adverbs in bold type for the words in the list. There are two odd
words in the list.
Замените выделенные жирным шрифтом наречия на слова из списка. В списке
два лишних слова.
definitely  evidently  perhaps  truly  mostly  maybe  likely to be
Will they raise your salary? – Possibly.
What do you really think about it?
The thing was big, perhaps three feet long and almost as big.
He is probably the best-known living painter in the world.
He will certainly die if you don’t get a doctor soon enough.
Ex 38. Read the dialogue. Translate the adverbs in brackets.
Прочтите диалог. Переведите наречия в скобках.
This library is huge. It .................... (возможно) contains
every publication produced in the UK.
AMBER: The books .................... (вероятно) collect a lot of dust.
They .................... (несомненно) do. Millions of books! They
are .................... (очевидно) going to run out of space soon.
AMBER: I’m allergic to dust. I’ll .................... (определённо) start
sneezing soon. .................... (может быть) I should go to the gallery.
.................... (Возможно) there are books in the gallery, too. In my house we
.................... (в самом деле) have books on the terrace.
AMBER: Has your mother .................... (действительно) read them all?
She .................... (несомненно) has.
Ex 39. Review. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Я нигде не могу найти свою шапку. Я думаю, я где-то оставил её.
2. Я теперь буду часто навещать вас. Я, может быть, приду к вам (come over) в субботу.
3. В саду почти не было цветов. Но там было много деревьев. Я едва мог видеть дом.
4. Вы видели там кого-нибудь ещё? – Нет, я пришёл слишком поздно.
5. Вы были у врача в последнее время, мистер Прат? – Нет, я давно не был у врача.
6. Интервью продолжалось недолго. Вероятно, Джек им не понравился.
7. Я никуда не хочу идти сегодня вечером. Я действительно страшно устал.
1. В тот день мне пришлось много работать, хотя я чувствовал себя довольно плохо.
2. Чем быстрее машина приближалась (aprroach) к дому Кати, тем меньше я хотел
видеть её.
3. Вы живете далеко? – Да, мы живем далеко от метро. Из-за моей ноги я не могу далеко
ходить. Я обычно езжу на такси, хотя это довольно дорого в наши дни.
4. Кто ещё живёт в Сосново? Я подвезу вас (give smb a lift). Вы доберетесь туда гораздо
5. Ещё только 5 часов, а уже стало темно (get dark). – Да, совершенно темно.
6. Секретарь все ещё печатает моё письмо. – Тогда ещё чашечку кофе, мистер Моррис?
7. Я был очень занят в последнее время и совершенно забыл сообщить (let smb know)
Питеру о своём приезде. Я чувствовал себя ужасно неудобно (embarrassed).
8. Питер, несомнено, будет недоволен (displeased). Очевидно, я сделал ошибку.
17. Linking Words
Соединительные слова
Соединительные слова (предлоги и союзы) служат для связи слов и частей
предложения и создания логики высказывания. Это одна из наиболее сложных для
изучения тем, поскольку между английскими и русскими служебными словами нет
однозначного соответствия.
17.1 Prepositions
Предлоги служат для соединения слов в предложении. Они показывают, как
взаимосвязаны предметы и явления в пространстве и во времени; они могут также
выражать их абстрактные отношения.
Сложность изучения данной темы связана с тем, что один и тот же предлог может
переводится разными русскими предлогами и наоборот – одному и тому же русскому
предлогу могут соответствовать различные английские предлоги.
В некоторых случаях отсутствие соответствия усугубляется также тем, что многие
предлоги имеют несколько значений – совершенно различных или близких по смыслу.
• The table is at the window.
• The lessons begin at 8 o’clock.
• He works at a factory.
• They laughed at him.
Стол у окна.
Занятия начинаются в 8.
Он работает на заводе.
Они смеялись над ним.
• Книга на столе.
• Он посмотрел на меня.
• Я сержусь на него.
• Я поеду на юг.
• Я жил на севере.
• Я поеду туда на три дня.
The book is on the table.
Не looked at me.
I’m angry with him.
I’m going to the South.
I lived in the North.
I’m going there for three days.
17.1.1 Prepositions of Place
Предлоги места
IN FRONT OF (opposite)
• Their seats were in the first row, right in front of the stage.
(прямо перед сценой / напротив сцены)
• Mark is taller than Jeremy, in the line he stands in front of him.
(перед ним)
• The kitchen garden is behind the house. (позади дома)
• Walk close behind me. (Иди за мной.)
у/возле/рядом с
• We put the desk by the window. (у окна)
• Amy sits next to Natalie in class. (рядом с Натали)
• Our house is near to the station. (близко от станции)
• The dog hid itself under the sofa. (под диваном)
• The temperature was five degrees below zero. (ниже нуля)
над/ выше
• There is an awning above/over the table in the garden.
за (поворотом) / вокруг
• The baker’s is round the corner. (за углом)
• The Moon moves round the Earth. (вокруг)
на другой стороне
• My house is just across the street.
Ex 1.
(навес над столом)
(на другой стороне улицы)
• A lamp was hanging over the table.
• There was over a hundred people at the meeting.
через/над • You shouldn’t go over the bridge, turn left before the bridge.
Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.
Дополните предложения данными в списке предлогами.
round  under  behind  below  in front of
near  by  over (x2)  next to
1. Chkalov was the first pilot to fly .................... the North Pole.
2. To check his wife’s hearing (слух) he stood .................... her and said: “What is for dinner
3. Well, this is life! A night .................... the stars with an open camp fire.
4. They have a whiskey production centre in Scotland to the north
of Aberdeen, .................... Loch Ness.
5. Our summer cottage is .................... the river, and my
grandfather goes fishing every morning.
6. He wrote the poem because he was happy to see the American
flag still fluttering (развиваться) .................... the fort.
7. The man ran .................... the corner and disappeared.
8. In the park this small dog always sits on the bench ....................
its owner.
9. There is a great fountain .................... the palace.
10. The sun dipped .................... the horizon.
“Sandwich every bit of criticism
between two layers of praise.”
(Mary Kay Ash)
между (двумя предметами/лицами)
• There is a bedside table between the two
beds. (между двумя кроватями)
• Between you and me. (Между нами
Ex 2.
Underline the proper preposition.
Подчеркните соответствующий
среди (в массе)
• I saw him among the people in the crowd.
(среди людей в толпе)
1. He travelled regularly between/among
London and Rome.
2. They wandered between/among skyscrapers as if in a forest.
3. There was a cigarette between/among her red lips.
4. Here in the picture my mother is sitting between/among her students.
5. They made a brick path between/among the big flower beds.
6. The money the children inherited (наследовать) is the link among/between the past and the
7. The British man was found between/among the wounded.
8. What are the differences between/among British and American English?
Ex 3.
Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Не следует прятаться (hide yourself) под деревом, когда идёт
сильный дождь.
2. Я бы хотела иметь домик у озера. ....................................................................................
3. Перед нашим домом несколько берёз (birch). ..................................................................
4. Самолёт летел над облаками. ..........................................................................................
5. Земля вращается (move) вокруг солнца. .........................................................................
6. Мы не заметили его среди людей на платформе. .............................................................
7. Удобно (convenient) жить рядом с супермаркетом. ..........................................................
8. Мать держала зонт над коляской (carriage) ребёнка. .......................................................
9. В классе Марк не сидит рядом с Джереми. ......................................................................
10. Он сидит позади Джереми. ..............................................................................................
11. Мы увидели лодку на другой стороне реки. ......................................................................
17.1.2 Prepositions of Space At, In, On
Предлоги расположения предметов в пространстве
at the bus-stop
at the table/door
at the window/blackboard
около (вблизи) чего-либо
at the station/airport
at school/college/the lesson
at home/work
at the cinema/restaurant
at the office/plant
в общественном месте или
at 5 Weston Road
at Mike’s (house)
давая адрес с номером дома
дома у кого-либо
in Spain/in Europe
in the South of France
in the park/in the country
в стране, регионе, местности
in London/in York
in a village
в городе, посёлке, деревне
in a little box/in the house
внутри чего-либо
on the sofa/grass/page 7
on the top of the TV set
на поверхности чего-либо
on the A34 road
on the north coast
on the Volga
на поверхности чего-либо в виде
вытянутой линии (road, river, railway, coastline)
AT or IN
Ex 4.
в общественном месте
внутри здания
адрес с номером дома
название улицы
• I had a hard day at the office.
• I left my coat in the office.
• The University is at 25 Booth Street.
• They live in Garden Lane.
Translate the prepositions in brackets.
Переведите предлоги в скобках.
1. You’ll find this article .......... (на) page 2 of today’s newspaper.
2. Wiskey is stored .......... (в) wooden barrels (бочка) that give it its golden colour.
3. Jeremy and Jessica were .......... (на) the annual fair. The fortune-teller saw Jessica’s fortune
.......... (в) a crystal ball, and Jeremy went .......... (на) a ghost train.
4. They spent a wonderful evening .......... (в) the theatre.
5. Charlie Chaplin appeared .......... (на) stage when he was only 5 years old.
6. James is staying .......... (в) Darren’s house.
7. The BBC Prom concerts are held .......... (в) the Royal Albert Hall.
8. In English Parliament the Speaker sits ..........
(за) the table .......... (на) which there lies the
Мы используем предлоги AT, IN,
Golden Hammer.
ON в следующих выражениях:
9. Travel agent: I can offer you a two week
package holiday .......... (на) the south of
at the top/bottom of the page –
France or two weeks half-board .......... (в)
вверху/внизу страницы
at the end of the street – в конце
10. I caught cold .......... (в) the cinema, it was
at/on the corner of the street – на углу
very cold there. – Which cinema? – The one
which is .......... (на) Sadovaya Street.
at the front/back of a building/hall/
cinema/group of people – впереди/в
передней части/в начале; в конце/в
Fill in the gaps with AT, IN or ON.
задней части здания/позади...
Заполните пропуски предлогами AT,
at the traffic lights – у светофора
IN или ON.
at the seaside – у моря
in a row/in row five – в ряду/в пятом
1. The café is .......... the second floor.
2. The shoes are right .......... the back of the
BUT: on the front/back row – в
shop .......... the left hand side.
первом/последнем ряду
3. She learnt French .......... school. Now before
in a line/queue – в очереди
the test she has to practise a lot .......... home.
in an armchair – в кресле
4. Lynn is sitting .......... the table while her
BUT: on a chair – на стуле
husband Colin serves the lunch.
in a photograph/picture/mirror – на
5. Is there anything interesting .......... the
фотографии/на картине/в зеркале
in the sky – на небе
in the front/back of a car – впереди/
6. Turn right .......... the traffic lights.
сзади в машине
7. Who lives .......... this house?
in bed – в постели
8. – My mum and dad decided to visit my uncle
in hospital – в больнице
at Easter.
in prison – в тюрьме
– Is that the uncle who lives .......... the
in the water/sea/river – в воде/в море/
в реке
– Yes, he works .......... a farm.
9. Who is this man .......... the picture?
on the right/left – справа/слева
on the ground/first/second ... floor – на
10. He wrote his name .......... the top of the
первом/втором ... этаже
a small island – на маленьком
11. They say on the news that there is black ice
.......... the roads.
on the way to – на пути к
on a farm – на ферме
on the front/back of a letter/paper – на
лицевой/оборотной стороне письма/документа
Ex 5.
Ex 6. Review. Complete the text with the correct prepositions.
Заполните пробелы соответствующими предлогами.
Most of the Johnson family are (1) .......... home. Richard is reading the
newspaper but there is nothing interesting (2) .......... it. Emma’s (3) ..........
the kitchen. She is making supper and listening to the radio, which is
.......... the shelf. There’s a photo of Merlini (5) .......... the left of the radio.
.......... the photo she is playing with a cat toy (7) .......... the floor. Amy’s
.......... the garden watering the plants that are (9) .......... a straight row
near the fence. Brendon is (10) .......... his way home but he is chatting to his mate (11) .......... the
bus stop. Hurry up Brendon, supper is ready!
Ex 7.
Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Давай (let’s) встретимся на автобусной остановке в конце улицы.
2. Вы должны подписать этот документ (sign a paper) здесь внизу страницы.
3. Оливеру удалось (manage) достать билеты во втором ряду.
4. После обеда дедушка всегда сидит в кресле, а бабушка на маленьком низком стуле у
5. Когда я был в больнице, мне пришлось лежать в постели пять дней.
6. Когда мы отдыхали (были в отпуску) у моря, мы много времени проводили в воде. Мы
жили на маленьком острове.
7. Я терпеть не могу (hate) стоять в очередях.
8. На пути к маленькому городку на северном побережье Ирландии мы остановились в
очаровательной старой деревне на ланч.
9. Лиз хочет учиться в Сорбонне (Sorbonne).
10. Кэмбридж находится на реке Кэм.
11. Мои дети никогда не играют на улице, они играют на детской площадке (playground).
17.2 Prepositions of Direction
Предлоги направления
• He went to England / to the station / to his friend.
в (внутрь)
• Maria came into the hall and stopped at the door.
из (изнутри)
• Oliver got out of the taxi at the corner of the street.
к/в направлении
• The car was moving towards the forest.
на (в направлении на)
• He stepped onto the ice.
Он поехал в Англию /на станцию /к другу.
Мария вошла в зал и остановилась у двери.
Оливер вышел из такси на углу улицы.
Машина двигалась (по направлению) к лесу.
Он ступил на лёд.
• Suddenly the branch broke and he fell on to the ground.
Вдруг ветка сломалась, и он упал на землю.
Ex 8.
• I saw the advertisement when I was walking past the company’s
Я увидел это объявление, когда проходил мимо офиса
Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.
Дополните предложения данными в списке предлогами.
past  out of  off  into  onto
towards  to (x3)  on to  from
1. We didn’t go ............ the meeting.
2. Don’t wait outside, come ............ the house.
3. The thing is rusty because I took it ............ the water.
4. He was slowly swimming ............ the shore.
5. We travelled ............ Rome ............ London.
6. The boy jumped ............ the wall.
7. Take the lamp ............ the TV set, please.
8. The woman stepped ............ the banana skin and fell ............ the ground.
9. Each time I happened to go ............ the building, I admired its bay windows.
10. He never went ............ college.
• The knife fell off the
• Cut a bit off the rope,
Ex 9.
• The monkeys jumped from tree to tree.
it’s too long.
OFF or FROM? Fill in the right
OFF или FROM? Вставьте соответствующий предлог.
Обезьяны прыгали с дерева на дерево.
• The bus goes from the Station to
Этот автобус идёт от вокзала до
• The expedition started from Dover.
Экспедиция отправилась из Дувра.
с (чего-либо)
1. The Channel Islands are situated 150 km
............ the English coast.
• He fell off a horse.
Он упал с лошади.
2. During the storm some tiles (черепица)
have come ............ the roof.
• He wiped the paint off his face.
Он вытер краску c лица.
3. The boss asked Richard to entertain a
customer ............ China.
4. Could you get our travel bags ............ the
5. The girl fell ............ her small bicycle and started crying.
6. She hurt her arm when she was getting ............ the bus.
7. Snowmen are for kids. I’d better call some guys ............
school and we can have a snowball fight.
8. Wipe (вытирать) the chocolate ............ your face, Jessica!
9. When his mother entered the room, Jack quickly took his
feet ............ the desk.
10. JEREMY: Get ............ the curtains, Merlini (имя кошки)!
Mum will go mad (сойти с ума).
JESSICA: She just wants to see how everything looks
............ the ceiling.
11. We received a letter ............ Sam a few days ago.
12. He got into his car and drove ............ .
go to America
fly to Moscow
go to the bank
Translate the sentences from English into
be sent to prison
come to England
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
walk to work
go to a party
1. В субботу мы ложимся спать поздно, так как в
be taken to hospital
return to Italy
воскресенье нам не надо идти на работу.
drive to the station
go to the theatre
2. Я со школы мечтал поехать в Америку.
go to bed
Ex 10.
3. Мы едем во Францию на Рождество. Мы летим в Париж. Мы вернёмся в Лондон через
неделю. ..........................................................................................................................
4. Его забрали в больницу, он упал и сломал ногу, когда шёл в банк.
5. Трудный выбор (choice): пойти на вечеринку с Майком или пойти в театр с Бобом.
6. Он не вернётся в деревню. Говорят (they say), его посадили в тюрьму.
Ex 11. Review. Complete the text with correct prepositions.
Вставьте в текст соответствующие предлоги.
Oliver has taken the family car ............ the garage for its annual service.
............ the garage the mechanic drives the car ............ the workshop
and ............ the hydraulic ramp. He is going to check everything ............
headlights ............ the tires.
17.2.1 Moving in Space
Движение в пространстве
• I live across the road/river.
Я живу через дорогу/за рекой.
• They went across the field/the ice.
Они шли через поле/по льду.
через (что-то высокое)
• Не jumped over the wall.
Он перепрыгнул через стену.
через (сквозь, насквозь)
• The road went through a forest.
Дорога проходила через лес.
• The cat came through the window.
Кот проник через окно.
• We went along the street/the grass.
Мы шли по улице/траве.
• There are trees all along the road.
Вдоль дороги растут деревья.
• Lorries were moving noisily up and down the street.
Грузовики с шумом двигались вверх и вниз по улице.
по, вокруг
(без определённого
• We were walking around/about the town.
Мы гуляли по городу.
• He’s travelled about/around the world.
Он путешествовал по свету.
Ex 12. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.
Дополните предложения данными в списке предлогами.
around (x2)  on  through (x3)  to  up  across (x2)
in  along (x2)  down (x2)  over (x2)
1. Nobody believed that the boy could swim ............ the river.
2. A man with a dog was walking ............ the road.
3. The old woman enjoyed looking ............ the window and watch the people ............ the
4. We walked ............ the forest and then ............ the hill ............ the house.
5. The kitchen was ............ the ground floor and the waiters had to run ............ and ............
the stairs.
6. The wall ............ the prison was very high, nobody could get ............ it.
7. We were walking ............ this ancient town all day long.
8. He lived just opposite his office, he had only to go ............ the square.
9. In the show he had to jump ............ a tiger.
10. They took the shortest way ............ the park and then ............ the narrow streets of the old
prepositions in brackets.
OVER? Переведите предлоги
в скобках.
1. The old road goes ............ (через) a
2. At last we saw the lake and ran ............
(к) it ............ (через) the field.
3. The boys didn’t want to pay for the
ticket and climbed ............ (через)
the wall of the stadium.
4. The hill was rather high, I couldn’t ride
............ (через) it on my bike, so I
pushed the bike ............ (вверх на)
the hill and then bicycled ............
(вниз) the hill.
5. In early summer I enjoy walking
............ (по) the medow picking up
 по большому
ride across the
desert /Siberia
 движение
по воде:
in a boat across
the ocean
 от одного конца
к другому:
drive through
 через заполненную
чем-либо среду:
go through a forest
 с одной стороны
преграды на
come in through
the door/window
BUT: run through/
across a park
 сквозь полый обект:
through a pipe /
6. The Tower Bridge ............ (через)
the Thames is the emblem of London.
7. The legend tells that St. Ia floated
 движение
 с глаголами типа:
через препятствие:
............ (через) the Channel on a
the world/
the countryside
8. I jog ............ (по /через) the forest
............ (к) the lake, ............
 по мосту/виадуку:
go over the bridge
(вокруг) the lake and back.
ALSO: speak over the telephone
9. She passed a comb ............ her
curly hair.
10. While he was driving ............ (по) the
desert, his truck broke down.
11. The first speech was transmitted ............ (по) a telephone system in 1876.
12. They got into the house ............ the back door.
Ex 14. Look at the picture and write a sentence.
Посмотрите на картинку и напишите предложение.
Ex 15. Fill in the missing prepositions to complete the directions.
Завершите описание маршрута заполните пробелы данными предлогами.
for  opposite  next to  down  at (x3)  on (x2)
past  over  across  round
Go straight ............ then turn left ............ the corner. Continue ............
the road ............ two miles. Go ............ the bridge, and then ............
the square, then turn ............ the corner ............ the cinema. You will go
............ the car park ............ your left with a garage ............ it. ............ the end of this road there
is a bank and ............ the bank you will see the station.
Ex 16. Review. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Через эту маленькую речку не было моста.
2. Животное скрылось (disappear) среди деревьев.
3. Мы шли по узким тропинкам (path).
4. Мы плыли на пароходе (sail) в Саратов вниз по Волге.
5. Человек взобрался (climb) вверх по стене башни.
6. Многие английские слова пришли из латыни (Latin).
7. В Австрии поезда часто проходят через тоннели.
8. Он взял книгу с полки и положил её в свою сумку.
9. Шёл сильный дождь, и мы побежали к дому.
10. Она вынула из сумки кошелёк (purse ) и заплатила за такси.
11. Мужчина перепрыгнул через низкую каменную стену и побежал по полю.
12. Убери свои книги со стола, я собираюсь поставить на стол тарелки (plate).
13. Какой-то незнакомец (stranger) бродил по нашему дому.
14. Между двумя домами не было забора.
17.3 Prepositions with Forms of Transport
Предлоги с видами транспорта
Тип транспорта, используемый для
Нахождение пассажира в данном виде
(без артикля, притяжательного
местоимения или существительного
в притяжательном падеже перед
названием вида транспорта)
(используется с артиклем,
прилагательным, притяжательным
местоимением, существительным
в притяжательном падеже)
Ex 17. Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box.
Вставьте в пробелы данные ниже предлоги.
by  on  in
1. Do you often travel ....... air? – No, I prefer going ....... rail. You can read
or work ....... the train. I can’t relax when I’m ....... a plane.
2. Gran, did you use to go to college ....... car? – No, I went everywhere
....... foot, we didn’t use to jump ....... a car those days.
3. We went for a trip up the Nile ....... a big boat called Luxor.
4. It takes about half an hour to get home ....... my bike, and about twenty
minutes ....... bus.
5. We drove to the airport ....... a taxi.
6. Imagine, I met Lora ....... the morning train. She said it was the first time she went to work
....... train. She usually goes ....... her car, but it failed to start that
7. When I travel ....... air, I always watch films ....... the plane.
8. I moved the furniture to my new apartment ....... Nick’s van.
9. We can take five people ....... our car, the others will have to go ....... the
10. As a part of her fitness programme Lynn decided to go to work ....... bike.
Ex 18. Put in the correct prepositions.
Вставьте соответствующие предлоги.
1. If you go to the University, you should get
....... at the next stop.
2. Mr Ward got ....... his lorry and drove off.
3. He jumped ....... the car and ran towards the
4. The bus was overcrowded, it was hardly
possible to get ....... it.
5. He got ....... the train quickly before the police
appeared on the platform.
6. Jumbo jets fly ....... supersonic speed.
7. She could hardly get ....... the taxi with all her
Сесть в / Выйти из транспорта
Get in(to) / out of a car/taxi/lorry –
сесть в /выйти из машины/такси
• The men got into a car and drove off.
• I helped the old lady to get out of the
Get on / off bicycle/bus/train/plane –
сесть на / сойти с велосипеда, поезда
• We got on the train at Munich.
• Could you tell me where I should get
off the bus?
Travel at the speed of … – двигаться
со скоростью…
• The car was travelling at 100 km an
17.4 Prepositions of Time
Предлоги времени
17.4.1 Prepositions of Time At, On, In
Предлоги времени At, On, In
AT is used for:
1. exact time
2. meal times
3. points of time
4. festivals
5. age
6. moment/time
7. beginning/end
ON is used for:
1. days of the week
2. parts of the day
3. dates
4. anniversaries
5. festivals
6. particular
at 10 o’clock; at half past two; (at) what time..?
at lunch; at dinner
at night; at dawn
at Christmas; at Easter (BUT! On Christmas Day)
at the age of 14
at the moment / at present / at this/that time
at the same time / at the week-end
• at the end of the month/match/film/January
at the beginning of the game
on Monday(s); on Sunday
on Monday morning; on Sunday afternoons
on July 1st; on the 3rd of March
on your birthday
on New Year’s Day
on that day
IN is used for:
1. parts of the day
2. months
3. years
4. seasons
5. centuries
6. periods
• in the evening / in the afternoon
(BUT! On Monday morning)
• in May
• in 2050
• in (the) spring
• in the 20th century
• in two year’s time; in a few minutes; in the end
Ex 19. Complete the sentences with the prepositions AT, ON, IN.
Заполните пробелы соответствующим предлогом AT, ON, IN.
Grandma usually goes to the hairdresser’s ....... Thursday mornings ....... 11 o’clock and .......
the afternoon she has tea with her best friend Mary. It will be Mary’s birthday ....... the weekend
– ....... the 21st to be exact – but she will be with her family ....... her birthday so Grandma wants
to invite her to a special tea. They will go to the restaurant in the famous department store Fortnum
& Mason, which first opened its doors ....... 1707. Imagine that!
Ex 20. Put in the prepositions of time if necessary.
Вставьте предлоги времени, где это необходимо.
1. She has to pass a test ....... two months’ time.
2. They got married ....... 17 February .......
3. He is leaving ....... next Sunday.
4. Sometimes my car refuses to start especially
....... cold mornings.
5. We went to the theatre ....... last week.
6. Ema lets the kids to stay up late ....... Friday.
7. Will you be at home ....... this evening?
8. We are going to the theatre ....... the 14th of
February. We usually go out ....... that day.
9. The lessons usually start ....... 9 a.m.
10. What time do you usually come to work .......
the morning?
11. ....... Easter Sunday people go to church.
12. We’re going to visit my aunt ....... this
13. The fiest Academic Awards ceremony was
held in Hollywood ....... this day .......1929.
Мы не используем предлоги
AT/ ON/ IN перед:
this – this morning / this week / this
• Are you going out this Saturday?
last – last August / last week / last
• The garden was lovely last spring.
next – next Tuesday / next year
• We are going on vacation next week.
every – every day / every week
all, some, each, one, any, all day / each
night / any time / some years
• You can come over any time.
• One day all of them disappeared.
Ex 21. Translate the phrases in brackets from Russian into English.
Переведите фразы в скобках на английский язык.
1. Columbus discovered America .........................................
(в XV веке).
2. In England children go to school .........................................
(в возрасте пяти лет).
3. ......................................... (Летом) you can see lots of stars in the
sky ......................................... (ночью).
4. I’ll call you ......................................... (в понедельник вечером),
5. Nobody works ......................................... (на Рождество), it’s a holiday.
6. We are leaving ......................................... (через пять минут).
7. It’s difficult to understand when people speak ......................................... (одновременно).
8. I’m busy ......................................... (в данный момент), could you call me ....................
..................... (в конце дня) today?
9. Would you like to go to the cinema ......................................... (в пятницу вечером)? – Sorry,
I can’t make it ......................................... (в эту пятницу), I suggest going ...................
...................... (в следующую пятницу).
10. ......................................... (В этот день) we got up ......................................... (на
рассвете), we were going fishing.
17.4.2 Prepositions of Time After, Before, By, Till/Until
Предлоги времени After, Before, By, Till/Until
Ex 22. Complete the sentences with the
prepositions AFTER and BEFORE.
Заполните пробелы предлогами AFTER,
1. Richard has a very busy day – one
meeting ................ another.
2. Children hang their stockings
above the fire-place the evening
................ Christmas.
3. ................ the World War II the BBC was used as
the model for the German radio system.
4. ................ buying running shoes it is best to try
them out on a treadmill (движущаяся лента для
бега или ходьбы).
Prepositions AFTER, BEFORE
Каждый предлог употребляется с определённым лексическим
предлоги имеют не одно, а несколько значений.
 для обозначения времени –
• After signing the paper I
returned it to the lawyer.
 для обозначения места – «за»,
«вслед за»:
• The dog ran after me.
• They left the room one after the
5. May I watch a karate DVD ................ dinner,
6. Shut the door ................ Morris, please.
7. Customers began queuing (выстраиваться в
очередь) two hours ................ the opening hour.
8. The rule “Ladies first” means that ladies come
................ gentlemen.
9. People start buying presents some months
................ Christmas.
10. Oliver always flosses his teeth ................ each
“The only place success comes
before work is in the dictionary.”
(Vidal Sassoon)
Ex 23. In column B find the sentences (a–f)
that show what the sentences (1–5) in
column A mean.
В колонке В найдите предложения (a–f),
которые объясняют смысл предложений
(1–5) в колонке А.
 для обозначения времени –
«до», «перед»:
• Let’s have a walk before dinner.
 для обозначения места –
«перед» – особенно это касается порядка следования или
формальной организации чеголибо:
• In the alphabet B comes before C.
Prepositions BY, TILL/UNTIL
 как предлог времени обозначает срок, к которому совершается действие «к»:
• We had finished the work by
noon yesterday.
 предлог места (см. с. 300)
 действие должно произойти в
или до указанного момента –
«до», «пока»:
• You can have the car until
Oliver will be away until Friday.
Oliver will come back by Friday.
I’ll be working until 11 o’clock.
I plan to finish my work by 11 o’clock.
They should receive the letter by Monday.
Oliver will come back on or before Friday, on Friday at the latest.
Oliver will come back on Friday.
I’ll finish my work at or before 11 o’clock, at 11 o’clock at the latest.
I’ll stop working at 11 o’clock.
They should receive the letter on or before Monday, on Monday at the latest.
Friday evening.
• Let’s wait till the rain stops.
 Until чаще используется в
формальном стиле.
Ex 24. Complete the sentences with the prepositions BY and TILL/UNTIL.
Заполните пробелы предлогами BY, TILL/UNTIL.
I was tired this morning so I stayed in bed ................ half past ten.
The children were very tired ................ the evening.
Tom will be away ................ Monday.
................ the time you get there it will be dark.
Leave it to me. The report will be on your desk ................ tomorrow morning.
Don’t wait for me. I’ll be working ................ 10 p.m. I hope to finish the work ................ Friday.
– Can I stay ................ the weekend?
– Yes, but you’ll have to leave ................ Monday midday at the latest.
Ex 25. Translate the phrases in brackets from Russian into English.
Переведите фразы в скобках на английский язык.
Jessica and Jeremy aren’t allowed to go out .................................. (после 9 часов вечера).
I shall never speak to him .................................. (после этого).
Can you finish the work .................................. (к завтрашнему дню)?
It is said here that you can use this meat .................................. (только до завтрашнего
5. Your name comes .................................. (перед моим – mine) in the list (список) because
it begins with “A”.
6. The article says there won’t be any tigers left .................................. (к) the year 2050.
7. Can you repair my watch if I leave it .................................. (до субботы)?
8. The form must be returned .................................. (к) April 17.
9. He returned home .................................. (после 11 часов вечера).
10. .................................. (После большого обеда) Richard needs a nap.
11. He ought to be here .................................. (к этому времени).
12. I’ve been offered a new job. I have to make a decision .................................. (к пятнице).
I think I’ll wait .................................. (до пятницы) before making a decision.
Ex 26. BEFORE or IN FRONT OF? Read
the dialogue. Fill in the gap with the
right preposition.
BEFORE или IN FRONT OF? Прочтите диалог. Заполните пробелы
соответствующими предлогами.
DARREN: Hi, James, I wanted to phone you
.......................... our test tomorrow.
Feeling confident (уверенный)?
Prepositions BEFORE
Before используется для обозначения времени – «до, перед»
• People usually have lots of things on
their mind before the holiday.
In front of указывает на местоположение объекта – «напротив, перед»
• Father planted some birch trees in
front of our house.
Yes, I had to revise all day .......................... my
parents would let me watch TV.
DARREN: Yeah, me too.
JAMES: So, let’s meet .......................... the school tomorrow
morning .......................... the test and we can do
some last minute cramming (зубрить).
Ex 27. Review. Complete the texts with the right prepositions.
Прочтите тексты. Вставьте в пробелы соответствующие предлоги.
Golf originated ........... Scotland ........... the 12th century with shepherds
(пастух) knocking stones ........... rabbit holes (нора) ........... the place
where the famous Golf Club of St Andrews stands now.
What is certain is that ........... the 15th century the Scots were so crazy
........... golf that King James II had to ban (запретить) the sport.
George Willig climbed ........... the wall of the World Trade Centre Tower. He put his signature
........... its wall. The visitors of the tower could see his signature ........... the Tower was destroyed.
17.4.3 Prepositions In Time, On Time
Предлоги времени In Time, On Time
«вовремя», «в срок»
(как запланировано)
«к» определённому времени
(успеть к; не позже чем)
• The train left on time (according to the
• Will you be home in time for dinner?
Поезд отправился вовремя (согласно
• I’ll meet you at 7.30. Please, be there on
Я буду ждать тебя в 7.30. Пожалуйста,
приди вовремя (не опаздывай).
Ты будешь дома к обеду?
• I want to get home in time to see the
football match.
Я хочу прийти домой к началу футбольного матча (вовремя, чтобы посмотреть...).
Ex 28. Complete the sentences with IN TIME or ON TIME.
Заполните пробелы предлогами IN TIME или ON TIME.
1. You’ll be at home ..................... for dinner, Richard? – Yes, I’m going to leave work early.
2. Emma has just washed Brendon’s shirt. He wants to wear it this evening, so she hopes it will
be dry ..................... .
3. The film was supposed to start at 8 p.m. but it didn’t begin ..................... and that’s why
Brendon was late home.
4. Richard nearly missed the train this morning. He got to the station just ..................... to catch
the train.
5. Oliver’s boss insists that all the meetings start exactly ......................
6. The train to Manchester is supposed to leave at 7.49. But from my experience it is hardly ever
..................... .
Ex 29. Review. Translate the sentences from
Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский
Место предлога в предложении
Предлог может стоять перед существительным или местоимением:
• We arrived after midnight./We
1. Если мы уйдём (leave) сейчас, мы будем у
твоей мамы к 12 часам, как раз (just) вовремя
talked about her.
к ланчу. ............................................................
В английском языке он также
ставится перед частью речи,
2. Перед тем как уснуть (go to sleep), я читаю
которая в русском языке отнесколько страниц своей книги.
сутствует – перед герундием.
Герундий (условно) аналог рус........................................................................
ского отглагольного существительного, например:
3. Я не работаю по субботам, но в последнюю
После прочтения письма –
субботу я работал, так как в конце месяца у нас
reading the letter
обычно много работы.
катания на коньках –
After skating
Перед едой – Before eating
4. После окончания школы в 2006 я начала
Прежде чем ответить –
учиться в университете с 1 сентября 2007.
Before answering
• Before leaving, she switched off
the light.
5. До свидания! Я вернусь через три дня.
6. В выходные мы едем за город.
7. Я плохо спала (not sleep well) ночью, у соседей была шумная вечеринка.
8. Мой поезд не пришёл вовремя (по расписанию), и я опоздал на интервью.
9. – Вы можете починить (repair) мои часы, если я оставлю их до субботы?
– Нет, но мы можем сделать это к следующему вторнику.
17.4.4 Prepositions of Time For, During, From, Since
Предлоги времени For, During, From, Since
Ex 30. FOR or DURING? Fill in the gap with the right
FOR или DURING? Заполните пробелы соответствующим предлогом.
FOR + period of time
• He has studied at university
for five years.
• I haven’t seen you for ages
(целую вечность).
1. The children promised they would do the washing-up
................. two weeks.
DURING + noun
2. They met ................. the war.
• We skied in the mountains
3. He said nothing ................. a long time.
during the holiday.
• It rained during the night.
4. She has studied in America ................. two years.
5. They serve drinks ................. the interval.
6. My father was in hospital ................. six weeks
................. the summer.
7. I’ll drop in ................. a few minutes ................. the afternoon.
Prepositions SINCE and FROM
Предлоги SINCE и FROM
С, ОТ (какого-либо момента)
Действие началось в прошлом и всё ещё продолжается в настоящем.
Используется с Perfect Tenses (см. с. 70).
• I’ve been working since 12 o’clock. Я работаю с 12 часов (и всё ещё работаю).
• I haven’t seen him since Monday. Я не видел его с понедельника.
Указывает на время начала действия. Однако, в данный момент это действие
уже не происходит.
• Не works from eight till four. Tomorrow he’ll work from ten.
Он работает с 8 до 16. Завтра он будет работать с 10.
• Не studied English from the age of five. Он изучал английский с 5 лет.
with the right preposition.
SINCE или FROM? Заполните пробелы соответствующим предлогом.
Ex 31. SINCE or FROM? Complete the sentences
Предлог from используется
в устойчивых сочетаниях:
From begining to end
1. He has been here ................... ten o’clock.
From morning till night
2. The library is open ................... 9 a.m. ........... 8 p.m.
From time to time
3. The Morrisons have lived in London ...................
4. I’ve known her ................... university.
5. It usually rains here ................... November ................... February.
6. Helen has been learning Italian ................... her visit to Rome.
7. Anne’s practice is open ................... 10 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays.
8. They lived there ................... 1925 ........... 1930.
Ex 32. Translate the phrases in brackets from Russian into English.
Переведите фразы в скобках на английский язык.
1. I’ll be staying in Newcastle ........................................ (в течение нескольких недель).
2. Roger is my colleague ........................................ (из Rosco Global). He has retired
(уволиться) ........................................ (из компании), but we still see each other
........................................ (время от времени).
3. I’ve been waiting for you here ........................................ (с пяти часов).
4. George has already worked on the farm ........................................ (в течение пяти лет).
5. It’s a lot of work, he works ........................................ (с утра до ночи).
6. The baker’s is open ........................................ (с семи часов утра).
7. I’ve read the book ........................................ (с начала до конца) twice.
8. We have sport games outside ........................................ (c сентября до ноября).
Ex 33. Review. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Я надеюсь закончить книгу к концу года.
2. Боюсь, я не смогу остаться (stay) до конца совещания. Я должен быть в университете
к 14.30. Моя лекция начинается в 14.40.
3. Оливер заснул во время фильма. ....................................................................................
4. Они жили в Индии 4 года. ...............................................................................................
5. Я встречу тебя на станции в 7.30. – Пожалуйста, не опаздывай, приходи вовремя.
6. Я плачу за квартиру (rent) в конце месяца.
7. Ты не звонил мне с воскресенья. С тобой всё в порядке (okay)?
8. Доктор Моррисон – единственный (the only) врач в этом маленьком городке. Он
работает с утра до вечера.
17.5 The Grammatical Meaning of Prepositions
Грамматическое значение предлогов
Prepositions OF and TO
Предлоги OF и TO
В современном английском языке отсутствуют падежные окончания. Одним из главных средств выражения отношений между существительным/местоимением с другими
существительными или местоимениями являются предлоги, которые в данном случае
выполняют в предложении чисто грамматическую функцию. В этой функции пред предлог “of” выражает отношения
логи теряют своё лексическое значение и
между двумя существительными и
на русский язык не переводятся.
соответствует в русском языке родительному падежу (кого? чего?):
Ex 34. Translate the word combinations
(I–II) using the words from boxes
A and B. Don’t forget to supply
the nouns with the right articles.
Переведите словосочетания (I–II),
используя слова из списков А и В.
Не забудьте добавить к существительным соответствующий артикль.
power, walls, pictures,
letter, glass, branch
hotel, tree, house,
water, alphabet, wind
1. сила ветра – ... the power of the wind ...
2. стены дома – ..........................................
3. фотографии отеля – ...............................
The roof of the house (крыша дома);
the leg of the table (ножка стола); the
end of the street (конец улицы).
 предлог “to” показывает отношение глагола к дополнению. Его использование соответствует в русском языке дательному падежу:
• I showed the letter to the director (…показала письмо директору).
• The teacher explained the rule to the
students (…объяснил правило студентам).
 помимо уже обсуждённых значений, предлог “by” также обозначает средство или способ совершения
• You can improve your pronunciation
by reading aloud. – Вы можете
улучшить своё произношение, читая вслух.
4. буква алфавита – .....................................
5. ветка дерева – .........................................
6. стакан воды – ..........................................
explain, give, suggest,
send, show, recommend
doctor, foreigner, friend,
Mark, son, customer
1. подарить другу – ... give to the friend ... ; 2. послать сыну – .................................. ;
3. предложить Марку – .......................... ; 4. показать врачу – ................................ ;
5. рекомендовать клиенту– .................... ; 6. объяснить иностранцу – .................... .
Prepositions BY and WITH
Предлоги BY и WITH
Предлоги by и with употребляются после глагола в страдательном залоге для
обозначения действующего лица, действующей силы, орудия или инструмента, что
соответствует в русском языке существительному в творительном падеже (кем? чем?) без
предлога (см. с. 151).
 предлог “by” используется перед
одушевлённым существительным и
после глаголов типа: damage, destroy, ruin, break, etc
• The Palace was designed by Rossi.
• The docks were destroyed by storm.
 предлог “with” указывает, какой
предмет, орудие, инструмент использован для совершения действия:
• It was drawn with a stick (нарисован
Ex 35. BY or WITH? Fill in the right
BY или WITH? Вставьте соответствующий предлог.
1. He was brought up ........... his aunt. 2. The
dam (плотина) was ruined ........... floоd
(наводнение). 3. The window was broken
........... a stone. 4. The bag was cut ........... a
• The car was scratched with a nail
rasor (бритва). 5. The windows were cleaned
........... Mrs Tompson. 6. You can lose weight
........... keeping to a diet. 7. The man was killed
........... a gun. 8. This novel was written ........... Tolstoy. 9. He couldn’t cut that hard bone (кость)
........... a knife. 10. You can help the police ........... telling the truth. 11. This car is driven ...........
electricity. 12. I saw it ........... my own eyes.
Ex 36. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Пожар был погашен (put out) пожарниками. ................................................................
Они погасили огонь водой. ..........................................................................................
Он принёс подарок ребёнку. ........................................................................................
Мне нравится писать этой ручкой. ..............................................................................
Хотите чашечку чая? ....................................................................................................
Вам следует пожаловаться на шумных (noisy) соседей в полицию.
7. Сотни зданий были разрушены ураганом (hurricane). ..................................................
8. Было темно, я не видел лицо этого человека. ..............................................................
9. Вы можете похудеть (lose weight), бегая (jog) по утрам. ..............................................
10. Он заявил (announce) родителям, что уезжает (leave).
17.6 Prepositions Expressing Abstract Relations
Предлоги, выражающие абстрактные отношения
Ex 37. Find the corresonding English preposition for the preposition in brackets.
Выберите соответствующий английский предлог для предлога в скобках.
Prepositions ABOUT and ON
Предлоги О, ОБ
1. Are you still in contact ............. (со) your
2. My father wrote a textbook ............. (по)
3. They haven’t paid ............. (за) the dinner.
4. Mark boasted ............. (о) his new
5. The city council will have to pay .............
(за) the reconstruction of the buildings.
6. I’ve discussed the matter ............. the
7. Anne took the kitten to the vet .............
(на) a check-up.
8. I’d like to buy a mobile phone .............
(для) my son.
9. Amy goes to the swimming pool .............
(со) her friends.
a lecture/a textbook/
an article on…
• Children like books • He wrote a textbook
about animals.
on wild animals.
Prepositions LIKE and AS
Предлоги КАК
используется при обозначает «в качестсравнении «как»
ве, в должности»
• It was like a dream. • The old man acted
as a judge.
• She looks like
• She worked as a
a model.
model for Сhanel.
10. I need to buy lots of things ............. (для)
the holiday.
11. I saw a film ............. (о) elephants last
12. Today Maria is visiting Kew Gardens
............. (как) a part of her gardening
13. In summer the kids went to Berlin
............. (на) a week.
14. I’ll discuss buying you a computer
............. (с) your dad.
15. We don’t invite people ............. (как)
Preposition FOR
 «для»:
• There is a letter for you.
• The board is for cutting cheese.
 «за»:
• They fought for their country.
• I sent John for the doctor.
 «на»:
• I made an appointment for 5 o’clock.
• We’re going there for three days only.
Preposition WITH
используется со значением «с» в следующих случаях:
 соучастие в действии:
• Will you have dinner with me on Friday?
 наличие чего-нибудь:
• A book with pictures; a man with a suit-
Ex 38. Complete the sentences with
the prepositions ABOUT, ON,
Заполните пробелы предлогами
 описание обстоятельств, сопровождающих действие:
• She said it with a smile.
1. It’s a pleasure ............. me. 2. It looks
............. gold, but I’m not sure. 3. I know very
little ............. plants. – Then you should listen
to the lecture ............. plants next Tuesday. 4. The device is used ............. measuring pressure.
5. He spoke ............. the international situation. 6. He acted ............. a chairman at the meeting.
7. We’d like a table ............. two, please. 8. What is your opinion ............. the subject? 9. New
buses have space (место) ............. wheelchairs (инвалидное кресло). 10. They talked .............
some minutes ............. the incident. 11. He listened to me ............. interest. 12. Look, this is a
nice comfortable armchair ............. our living room. – This one is very expensive. Who is going
to pay ............. it? 13. She is dark-haired and tall, she doesn’t look ............. her mother.
14. Imagine, he works ............. a reporter for the local radio. 15. She is over there, the one
............. a big red ball.
Ex 39. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Это нож для резки хлеба. ............................................................................................
2. Наш поезд остановился на 5 минут на маленькой станции.
3. Она пишет письма своим родителям по воскресеньям.
4. Он послал за такси. Через 10 минут такси остановилось у дверей нашего дома.
5. Я купил для тебя несколько книг по компьютерам.
6. Его убило молнией (lightning). ....................................................................................
7. Я не мою лицо мылом (soap). ......................................................................................
8. Я поговорил об этом с моими друзьями. ....................................................................
9. Он читает (deliver) лекции по русской литературе.
10. Она не менеджер, она работает секретарём (to) менеджера.
11. Сколько вы заплатили за эти ботинки? ........................................................................
12. Поспеши (hurry up), ты идёшь как старик. ....................................................................
13. Она посмотрела на ребёнка с любовью. ......................................................................
14. Он живёт со своим братом. ........................................................................................
15. Я никогда не встречала таких (such) добрых людей, как твоя бабушка.
Предлоги входят в состав большого числа устойчивых сочетаний, например:
at once, by chance, for example, in fact, on business, at last, for ever, etc.
Во многих случаях употребление того или иного предлога зависит от предшествующего
слова – глагола, прилагательного или существительного, например:
complain about, wait for, smile at, look for; the chance of, the reason for;
(be) interested in, (be) slow at, (be) bored with, etc.
В таких случаях предлоги следует просто запомнить (см. с. 345–347).
Ex 40. Complete the sentences with the correct phrase
from the box.
Заполните пробелы данными в списке фразами.
looking forward to  on a diet  warn about  on TV
at 1000С  in the evenings  share with  on purpose
at a lower price  on skiing  came as
good at  in the past
1. Do you sometimes have to work ............................ ?
2. What are you watching ............................ ?
3. ............................ I used to go ............................ at least
once a year.
4. Water boils ............................ .
5. I’m sorry. I didn’t do it ............................ .
in the news
be in love
be interested in
be in hospital/prison
be in a hurry
pay in cash / in euros
on TV/radio/the Internet
be on the phone
go on a trip/journey
be on a diet
go on foot
go on business
be on fire
6. This car is far too expensive, but I would buy it .............
............... .
7. After summer holidays Jeremy isn’t ............................
8. The news ............................ shock to him.
9. They ............................ us ............................ the coming
10. I ............................ the appartment ............................
two students.
11. She is ............................ Maths.
12. I bought a new book ............................ .
Ex 41. Put in the right preposition. Make use of the
words in the box on the right and the verbs in
Appendix 3.
Вставьте соответствующий предлог. Используйте слова в рамке справа и глаголы из Приложения 3.
1. The box was full ............ gold.
2. You can’t blame Jack ............ it.
3. My aunt suffers ............ weak heart.
4. Oil prices have risen ............ 30% this year.
5. They went there ............ their car.
6. They can’t protect their business ............ the Mafia.
7. He did it ............ purpose.
8. That’s typical ............ them and their way of life.
9. Sorry. How stupid ............ me.
10. You should show more respect ............ her.
11. Can I send my application ............ e-mail?
12. He was jealous ............ Jack.
13. The ship asked ............ help.
14. I wasn’t invited ............ Ella’s party.
send by post
contact by e-mail/
rise by 10%
be surprised/impressed by
by chance/accident
pay by credit card
learn by heart (наизусть)
the reason for
use smth for
have respect for
be sorry for
nice/stupid of you
be proud of
be aware of
be typical of
be sure of
be full of
be jealous of (ревновать)
be tired of
be scared/afraid of
17.7 The Place of Prepositions in a Sentence
Место предлога в предложении
Ex 42. Complete
the questions to the
underlined words.
Составьте вопросы к подчёркнутым
1. I had dinner with my friends.
Who did you have dinner with?
Во всех рассмотренных примерах предлог стоит перед существительным или местоимением.
Если существительное имеет
определение, то предлог ставится
перед ним.
• The boy hid himself behind a
2. This book belongs to my mother.
Who .............................................................. ?
3. He was busy with the calculations.
What ............................................................. ?
4. The customers complained about the delivery.
What ............................................................. ?
5. We stayed at the new hotel.
What hotel ..................................................... ?
6. The children are arguing about the washing-up.
What ............................................................. ?
7. The bottle was filled with lemonade.
What ............................................................. ?
8. They named their girl after the famous actress.
Who .............................................................. ?
• Their small house stood among
big trees.
Однако, в отличие от русского
языка, в прямых и косвеных вопросах предлог стоит не перед
вопросительным словом, к которому он относится, а в конце вопросительного предложения:
• What are you looking at? – На
что вы смотрите?
• Who did you speak to? – С кем
вы говорили?
• Ask mother what we should
begin with. – Спроси маму, с
чего следует начинать.
Ex 43. Translate the questions from Russian into English using the verbs with
prepositions from the box.
Переведите вопросы на английский язык, используя данные глаголы с предлогом.
come from  economize on  tell about  end with  be proud of  consist of
laugh at  be interested in  insist on  depend on  feed on  fail in
Откуда вы родом? Where do you come from?
Из чего состоит это вещество (substance)? ................................................................
От чего зависит ваше решение (decision)? ..................................................................
Чем закончился фильм? ..............................................................................................
На чём мы можем экономить? ....................................................................................
На каком экзамене он провалился? ............................................................................
Чем питаются эти животные? ......................................................................................
На чём он настаивал? ..................................................................................................
9. Над чем вы смеётесь? ................................................................................................
10. О чём она вам рассказала? ........................................................................................
11. Чем интересуется ваш сын? ........................................................................................
12. Чем она так гордится? ................................................................................................
17.8 The Complex Sentence
Сложноподчинённое предложение
Сложноподчинённое предложение состоит из главного предложения и одного или
более связанных с ним придаточных предложений. Придаточные предложения присоединяются к главному предложению союзным словом*, выбор которого зависит от
типа придаточного предложения.
17.8.1 Defining Relative Clauses
Определительные придаточные предложения
Определительные придаточные предложения – один из видов придаточных
предложений. Они следуют непосредственно за определяемым словом в главном
предложении и соединяются с ним союзным словом, форма которого зависит от
определяемого слова.
Определительное придаточное предложение может относиться к:
какому-либо лицу
предмету или животному
who (который)
whom (кому, которому)
whose (чей)
that/which (который)
whose (чей)
• Have you read the letter that (которое) arrived
• The man who (который) wants to buy
our house is coming tonight.
• My cousin Emily whose (чьи) parents are
in hospital are staying with us.
• Where is the boy whom (которому) you gave
your ball to play?
this morning?
• Tom told a joke which (которую)nobody could
• I went to a meeting whose (чью) purpose
I couldn’t understand.
* Строго говоря, союзные слова who, whom, whose, that, which являются относительными местоимениями. В этом разделе используется упрощённая терминология, чтобы не перегружать объяснение излишней терминологией.
relative pronoun. In some sentences
two variants are possible.
Заполните пробелы соответствующими cюзными словами. В некоторых предложениях возможны два
Ex 44. Fill in the gaps with the correct
После all, everything, nothing,
the only, etc обычно используется
союз THAT.
• Women have their faults (недостатки). Men have only two:
everything that they say,
everything that they do.
1. I like people ...................... are like me.
2. I’ve got a penfriend in Australia ...................... name is Sydney.
3. “Mr Ed” is an old TV series about a horse ...................... can talk.
4. I have always enjoyed the meals ...................... my grandmother makes.
5. An orphan is a child ...................... parents are dead.
6. Is golf the game ...................... only rich people play?
7. Is Harry Potter the boy ...................... fought Darth Vader in “Star Wars”?
8. At university I learnt nothing ...................... was useful to me in life.
9. This is the only car ...................... I could find here.
10. I’ve told you all ...................... I know.
Ex 45. Join these sentences together as in the example. Add an appropriate relative
Соедините два простых предложения, как показано в примере. Добавьте соответствующее союзное слово.
1. A drill is a machine. It makes holes in wood and metal.
A drill is a machine which makes holes in wood and metal.
2. The young woman showed us around. She was very pretty.
3. The man was my brother. You met him yesterday.
4. Nurses and doctors are people. They save life.
5. Tamara has a sister. Her name is Nina. ............................................................................
6. These are photos. I took them in Italy. ............................................................................
7. I’m reading a book. I really enjoy ...................................................................................
8. The train leaves at 2.15. We are too late to catch the train.
Ex 46. Translate the parts of the sentences given in brackets.
Переведите слова, данные в скобках.
Amy, did you hear ................................ (о слоне, который) escaped from the zoo?
Has Richard telephoned ................................ (клиенту, который звонил) this morning?
That’s the man ................................ (чья дочь) won the lottery last week.
This is the house ................................ (который был построен) by our company.
Does Brendon know that ................................ (симпатичную девочку, которая работает)
in the café?
6. A nurse is someone ................................ (кто работает) in a hospital.
7. I’d like to see one of the pop-stars ................................ (которая живёт здесь).
8. He created “the little man” ................................ (который борется – fight) with the
difficulties of day-to-day life.
17.8.2 Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses
Индивидуализирующие, классифицирующие и описательные
определительные придаточные предложения
Как видно из названия, определительные придаточные предложения могут быть
разных типов:
– индивидуализирующие и классифицирующие определительные придаточные предложения (Defining) выделяют лицо или предмет из всего множества им подобных. Их
нельзя опустить, так как это нарушит смысл главного предложения. Они НЕ отделяются от главного предложения запятой.
• The woman who does my hair has just got married.
• Flowers which attract bees are good for gardens.
(Если такие придаточное предложение опустить, то будет не ясно о какой именно женщине/цветах идёт речь).
– описательные определительные придаточные предложения (Non-defining) служат для
сообщения дополнительных сведений о лице или предмете. Такие придаточные
предложения отделяются от главного предложения запятой и, при необходимости,
могут быть опущены без ущерба для смысла:
• Dorothy, who does my hair, has just got married. (Цель сообщения содержится в главном
Ex 47. Read some examples with non-defining relative clauses. Which is the right
relative pronoun here – WHO or WHICH?
Прочтите несколько примеров с описательным придаточным предложением.
Вставьте в пробелы соответствующее союзное слово – WHO или WHICH.
1. This book, ............. was written in 1980, is still the best one on the subject of volcanoes.
2. It was written by Professor Jenkins, ............. visited more than thirty countries.
3. His assistant, ............. was a Maori, spoke many languages.
4. They visited areas ............. had never been visited before.
5. And they discovered more than twenty active volcanoes ............. were new to science.
6. My younger brother, ............. lives in Texas, is getting married in December.
7. Bea’s mobile phone, ............. is prepaid, has run of credit.
8. I’ve finally found the bill ............. I’ve been looking for all day.
9. George’s dog, ............. is called Fido, is a mongrel (дворняжка).
10. The man ............. is standing over there is my brother.
Ex 48. Rewrite the sentences. Put the parts of each sentence into the correct order.
Перепишите предложения. Поставьте данные части предложений в правильном
1. daughter / lives in / a dentist / Walt’s / who / New-York / is
2. speaks French / is / Amber / very well / whose father / from France
3. gave his secretary / which was / Richard / in the blue folder. / the letter
4. who is 14 / Amy’s / good at karate / brother / is very
5. The head of / an expensive car / the company / very much / doesn’t have / whom Richard
respects ......................................................................................................................
17.8.3 Contact Clauses
Бессоюзные придаточные предложения
Союзные слова WHO, THAT, WHICH, соединяющие главное и придаточное предложение, в некоторых случаях могут быть пропущены. Чтобы определить, в каком
случае можно их опустить, применяется простое практическое правило:
1) если союзные слова who, that, which стоят перед подлежащим придаточного предложения, являясь просто связующим звеном, их можно опустить:
• The woman (who) we met at the market yesterday lives next door.
• The car (that) I wanted to buy was not for sale.
2) если союзное слово, условно говоря, «занимает место» подлежащего придаточного
предложения (т.е. стоит непосредственно перед сказуемым придаточного предложения), его пропуск невозможен:
• The man who lives next door is very friendly.
• They sent a bus which didn’t have enough seats.
Ex 49. Mark () the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted.
Отметьте предложения (), в которых можно опустить союзное слово.
 The thing that my husband liked about the house was its size.
 You are the only person here who knows me.
 The car which caused the accident drove off.
 There is ice cream that Mum made herself.
 What is the name of the actor who played James Bond?
 You shouldn’t believe all the things that you read about in the newspapers.
 Have you got back the things which were stolen?
 This is one of the songs that the Beatles recorded in 1966.
 Have you ever met Mary’s brother who lives in America?
 She was the woman whom I greatly respected.
1. 
Ex 50. Mark () the place where the word THAT is missing in these sentences.
Отметьте () место в предложении, где можно поставить пропущенное союзное
слово THAT.
The town in France () I like best is Sète.
It is on the part of the coast many tourists visit.
The fish they serve here is completely fresh.
You can see the people are hard-working.
But they also have a super music festival many visitors come to see.
I’m glad you are better.
Do you know he has got a new job?
Ex 51. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate relative pronoun. Leave the gap blank if it’s
possible to leave the pronoun out.
Заполните пробелы соответствующими союзными словами. Оставьте пробел незаполненным, если союзное слово можно опустить.
I read the article .............. you wrote for the school magazine about karate. Was it
you .............. took the photos? They are super!
BRENDON: Thanks. Um, have you seen the book .............. I was reading? I can’t find it.
Yes, it is there on the table .............. you put it.
BRENDON: Oh, thanks. Er… sorry but there is my drama teacher .............. class I’m in. I have to
talk to him about the part .............. I’m playing. Thanks for what you said about the
photos. See ya!
Ex 52. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. In your sentences underline
the relative pronouns which could be omitted.
Переведите предложения на английский язык. В полученных предложениях
подчеркните союзные слова, которые можно было бы пропустить.
1. Это Питер Тейлор, который работает с моей сестрой.
2. Я потеряла кольцо, которое подарил (give) мне Билл.
3. Она вышла замуж за (marry) человека, которого встретила в автобусе.
4. Женщина, которая убирает наш дом, сегодня больна.
5. Тебе понравилось вино, которое мы пили (have/drink) вчера у Тейлоров?
6. Вот (Here’s) человек, которого я хотела видеть.
7. Я учился в школе с человеком, который написал эту книгу.
8. Есть проблема, которую ты не понимаешь.
9. Мне не нравятся друзья, которых Джейн приводит (bring) домой после школы.
10. Он ненавидит работу, которую он выполняет (do).
17.8.4 Object Clauses
Дополнительные придаточные предложения
Дополнительные придаточные предложения также входят в состав сложноподчинённого предложения. Они относятся к сказуемому главного предложения. Наиболее часто
употребляемыми союзными словами, с помощью которых дополнительное придаточное
предложение соединяется с главным предложением, являются: THAT, WHAT, IF/
WHETHER (ли) (см. c. 132, 139)
• She said that she had been to Belgium. I asked if/whether she liked the country.
• I didn’t understand what she tried to tell me.
Дополнительные придаточные предложения НЕ отделяются запятой от главного предложения.
Союзное слово THAT, присоединяющее дополнительное придаточное предложение к
главному, так же, как и в определительных придаточных предложениях, может быть
• He said (that) he was tired.
• We were afraid (that) we might miss the train.
Ex 53. Fill in the right conjunction: THAT or IF.
Вставьте соответствующий союз: THAT или IF.
1. She asked me ........... I liked it here and said ........... she’d see me the next day.
2. Anne remarked ........... the meat tasted strange. She asked the waiter ........... the meat was
3. He wondered ........... I heard from Peter. I told him ........... Peter had called me the day before.
4. The woman wanted to know ........... the seats were taken. I explained to her ........... my
children went to get some popcorn.
5. She said ........... her brother was arriving that day and asked me ........... I could give her a lift
to the airport.
6. I could see ........... the letter had been opened. I asked my wife ........... she had read the
WHAT «то, что/что именно» – всегда под ударением; нельзя пропустить.
• I told you what I know.
THAT «что» – не бывает ударным; может быть пропущен.
• I told you (that) I know about the plan.
Ex 54. Join the beginnings and ends of the sentences using WHAT.
Соедините начало и конец предложений, используя союз WHAT.
The film wasn’t at all
Did you hear about
She just told us
You misunderstood
I wanted to know
I’ll pay for
I meant (иметь в виду).
I had expected.
she asked for.
I broke.
we had already seen in the news.
had happened to Harry.
Ex 55. Fill in the proper connective: WHAT or THAT.
Заполните пробелы союзами WHAT или THAT.
1. Show me, please, ........... you’re going to give Jeremy for his birthday. – I will, if you promise
me ........... you won’t let the cat out of the bag (проболтаться).
2. He mentioned ........... he had written a letter to Mr Brown, but he refused to tell me ...........
he wrote about the matter. I wanted to know ........... exactly he had seen.
I felt certain ........... I had seen him somewhere. I wondered ........... he thought about me.
I’d like to know ........... you told aunt Fiona. – Who told you ........... I had spoken to her?
Do you want to know ........... I’ve found out? – I’m sure ........... we will never find out the truth.
Did he show you ........... he brought from Paris? – No, but I noticed ........... his wife was very
7. He asked him ........... he thought of his work. His colleague didn’t want to tell him ........... he
didn’t like his project.
Ex 56. Review. Complete the sentences with the right connective from the box.
Заполните пробелы одним из данных союзов.
whether  if (x2)  what (x2)  that
which  whom  whose (х2)
1. I wondered ........... Mary’s parents liked me.
2. We have two weeks to decide ........... to buy the house or not.
3. I’ll explain to you all the things ........... you don’t understand.
4. A good parent is one ........... children are happy.
5. We asked the estate agent ........... he knows about the former owners of the house.
6. The actor, ........... name I forgot, played the leading part in the film.
7. The woman, ........... my sister knows, helps me about the house.
8. The car ........... my sister bought last month has broken down.
9. Father wanted to know ........... the postman had already been.
10. I couldn’t guess ........... the child wanted.
The Simple and Continuous Tenses
A. Choose the right form of the verb in the box.
1. Brendon often ............. (1) karate films.
At the moment he ............. (2) one about
Bruce Lee.
2. Emma ............. (3) breakfast when Brendon
............. (4) into the room.
3. I promise I ............. (5) you every Saturday.
4. Englishmen ............. (6) a very big breakfast.
5. Usually Richard ............. (7) at home.
But last Sunday before the presentation
he ............. (8) from morning till night.
1. a) watches, b) watched, c) is watching
2. a) will watch, b) is watching, c) watches
a) made, b) was making, c) makes.
a) come, b) was coming, c) came.
a) called, b) will call, c) call.
a) eat, b) ate, c) are eating.
a) won’t work, b) doesn’t work,
c) isn’t working.
8. a) worked, b) will work, c) was working
B. Use the right form of the verb in brackets to complete the text.
The Editorial Meeting
Collin (1) ............... (work) as a journalist for a newspaper in Bath where he (2) ............... (report)
on the news. Last week he (3) ............... (write) an article about the local council’s school budget.
He (4) ............... (work) hard the whole week, and the article turned out to be very interesting. The
newspaper (5) ............... (get) lots of readers’ letters. The editor says they (6) ............... (continue)
to run the story. This morning Collin (7) ............... (attend) an editorial meeting where he and his
colleagues (8) ............... (discuss) what they (9) ............... (include) in the next issue (выпуск).
С. Write questions to the underlined parts of the sentences.
1. Charly Chaplin was born 123 years ago. When ............................................. ?
2. The famous British actor grew up in a London family of actors.
Where ............................................. ?
3. Every Tuesday Brendon practises the disciplin of karate.
How often ............................................. ?
4. During the training he is wearing the white uniform. What ............................................. ?
5. Maria passed all her exams with flying colours. How ............................................. ?
6. Oliver is going to give Maria some additional pocket money.
What ............................................. ?
The Perfect Tenses. Reported Speech
A. Decide on the verb form – the Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1. I never ...................... (be) to the USA. – Realy? And I ...................... (go) there last year.
2. I just ...................... (meet) Nelly. I ...................... (see) her last a year ago.
3. We ...................... (be) at the theatre yesterday. I ...................... (enjoy) the play greatly. We
...................... (not/be) at the theatre lately.
4. I ...................... (not/pack) my things yet. – But you ...................... (begin) packing when I
left for work in the morning.
B. Complete the sentences. Select the correct verb form (a, b, c).
1. After Amy ............. (1) her suitcase,
she ............. (2) to find Emma.
2. Emma was busy, she ............. (3) the dishes
that the family ............. (4) for lunch.
3. Brendon ............. (5) Richard pack the car
because Emma ............. (6) him to.
4. As the ferry ............. (7) the harbour (порт),
the family ............. (8) goodbye to the island.
1. a) packed, b) was packing, c) had packed
2. a) was going, b) went, c) had gone
3. a) washed, b) had washed, c) was washing
4. a) had used, b) used, c) was using
5. a) was helping, b) had helped, c) helped
6. a) asked, b) had asked, c) was asking
7. a) left, b) had left, c) was leaving
8. a) waved, b) are waving, c) had waved
C. Report the dialogue. Complete the sentences.
How long is it going to take you to get the tent up?
Liz wanted to know ......................................................................................................
BOB: I’ll soon have the last peg (колышек) in the ground.
Bob answered ...............................................................................................................
It doesn’t look like it.
Liz thought ....................................................................................................................
BOB: Hand me the hammer (молоток), Dave.
Bob asked Dave ............................................................................................................
Don’t use the hammer! Last year you bent all the pegs.
Liz begged (умолять) him ......................................................................................... .
She reminded him .................................................................................................... .
ANNE: Can we stay at a hotel instead?
Anne wondered ........................................................................................................ .
Modal Verbs. The Passive Voice
A. Complete the dialogue using the suitable modal verb from the box. There are three odd
words in the list.
Excuse me, (1) ........................... I get through the automatic gate with
my ticket?
Let me have a look. Sorry but you (2) ........................... use the ticket
twice. I am afraid you (3) ........................... buy a new ticket.
And how do I get out of here?
You (4) ........................... use the gate on your right. And you
........................... bend the ticket. Or else you (6) ...........................
to get through the automatic gate.
Thanks. The London Tube is so complicated!
is able to
won’t be able to
will have to
B. Use the right passive form of the verb in brackets to complete the text.
Buses in London
The days of traditonal British buses (1) .............................. (number). Most of the good old
double-deckers (2) .............................. (replace) by modern buses. The times when late
passengers could jump on to the back platform (3) .............................. (go). The tickets could
.............................. (buy) from the conductor then. In new buses you must enter at the front
beside the driver. Nowadays the tickets (5) .............................. (sell) by the driver.
C. Decide on the correct form (A or B) to complete the text.
Witness for the Prosecution
Свидетель обвинения
This great film from 1958 (1) .......................... on a book
by Agatha Christie.
The defendant’s (обвиняемый) wife (2) ..........................
in court (суд) as the main witness.
But she (3) .......................... with murder of her husband
with the help of evidence (улика) that she (4) .............
................. herself.
Her husband (5) .......................... not guilty (виновный)
but he (6) .......................... by his wife in the court when
she (7) .......................... out that he had a lover.
A. based, B. was based
A. appeared, B. is appeared
A. charged, B. was charged
A. had been planted, B. had planted
A. was found, B. found
A. was murdered, B. murdered
A. was found, B. found
Conditional Sentences. The Infinitive and the Gerund
A. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
What (1) ........................... (you/do) when you finish your exams?
I’m not sure. If I (2) ........................... (do) well, I would go to university.
And I (3) ........................... (start) to look for work when we finish in June. I’m dreaming of travelling
to Australia. If I (4) ........................... (save) enough money, I would go there for six months.
Come on! If we (5) ........................... (study) hard now, we will go to university together.
If we found a good job after the exams, we (6) ........................... (travel) to Australia together.
B. Choose the right translation of the underlined words.
Если бабушка будет в Лондоне next week, we will go to the Zoo.
Если бы Том пошёл на вечеринку, he wouldn’t drink alcohol.
If the family won the lottery, они бы купили дом в деревне.
Когда они будут жить в деревне, the children will have a pony.
The children would take driving lessons, если бы они были
a) will be, b) is
a) went, b) would go
a) bought, b) would buy
a) live, b) will live
a) would be, b) were
C. Match the verb in column A with the right word (a or b) in column B. Add a preposition
between them where necessary.
be affraid
look forward
a) to meet
a) passing
a) taking
a) to steal
a) to fly
a) seeing
b) meeting
b) to pass
b) to take
b) stealing
b) flying
b) to see
(the man)
(the exam)
(the book)
(the car)
D. The -ing form or to-infinitive? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form.
I think Harry Potter is great. Once you start (1) ........................... (read) you can’t stop (2) .........
.................. (turn) the pages. Before I discovered the book my parents had (3) ...........................
(force) me (4) ........................... (read) anything. I preferred (5) ........................... (play) computer
games. They even suggested (6) ........................... (buy) me an e-book. But I refused
........................... (read) all the same. Now I’m keen on (8) ........................... (uncover) all Harry
Potter’s secrets. Mother promised (9) ........................... (get) me Joanne Rowling’s new book. I’m
looking forward to (10) ........................... (watch) the films as well.
The Noun. The Article. The Pronoun
A. Replace the underlined pronouns with the genetive of the words in brackets.
Her party was really good (my sister). .................................................................................
I didn’t realise that it was his pen (the boy). ........................................................................
I left my books in the garden. After the rain their pages were wet. .........................................
Their changing room was very small (men). .........................................................................
Their new house needs a lot of work (Nicky and Simon). .......................................................
Its leg was brocken ( the chair). .........................................................................................
B. Fill in the missing articles (A/AN/THE) where necessary.
........ term “doggy bag” describes (2) ........ container that is used to take (3) ........ home (4)
........ uneaten food from (5) ........ restaurant. In (6) ........ USA this is considered (7) ........ norm
by millions of (8) ........ people.
2. What do you think of (9) ........ full English breakfast? – I don’t really like (10) ........ breakfast
because it is made of (11) ........ stuff I never eat. In fact I don’t usually eat much for (12) ........
3. In (13) ........ UK (14) ........ 3d of March is Callop Monday – (15) ........ last day to cook and eat
........ meat before Lent. In Elizabethan times “callop” was another word for (17) ........ slice
of (18) ........ bacon. (19) ........ next day they used (20) ........ fat that was left in (21) ........ pan to
make (12) ........ pancakes.
C. Correctly complete the sentences with:
each  every  any
In London a burglary occurs ................. three minutes.
I’m ready to take ................. advice you can give me.
He was given three books for his birthday, ................. of them was beautifully illustrated.
Do you speak ................. foreign languages?
other  both  all  whole  another
................. the members of the team worked hard to win the victory.
................. his brothers play football.
The ................. country watched the game.
When the captain was on the ................. end of the field they scored ................. goal.
The Adjective. The Adverb. Linking Words
A. Choose the appropriate form of the words in italics (курсив).
On the Market
Emma loves to shop on the market. She buys (1) freshly /fresh vegetables and fruit.
Usually/Usual the sellers are (3) in a friendly way/friendly and (4) helpless/helpful. However their
mood can (5) quick/quickly change and their language can become (6) colourful/colourfully when
a customer touches a piece of (7) ripe/the riper fruit. The sellers are (8) proudly/proud to choose
the better/the best piece of produce themselves and (10) gentle/gently put it into your bag.
B. Write the correct form of adjectives in these sentences.
1. It is ........................ (hot) in Africa than in the south of Europe.
2. You are always looking for the ........................ (easy) way to do things.
3. I guess that in our family mother is ........................ (important) than father. Father has far
........................ (little) time to deal with our problems.
4. St. Petersburg is the ........................ (beautiful) city in Europe, but it has the ........................
(bad) climate in Europe.
C. In the box below find the right formal word to fill in the gaps. There are three odd words
in the list.
if  as  while  when  to  from  in (x3)  than
for  at (x2)  that  of (x2)  by  on
Britons Only Number Two
China is known (1) ............... the home (2) ............... tea, while the Britons are regarded (считаться)
as the most significant tea drinkers (3) ............... Europe. (4) ............... the first delivery of tea came
............... Europe (6) ............... the Far East (7) ............... the early 17th century the Duch rose
to become monopolists (8) ............... European tea import (9) ............... more (10) ............... 50
years, only then the English followed. Even (11) ............... this time the British founded a tradition
............... is still one (13) ............... the most important rituals (14) ............... the island: afternon
tea was introduced (15) ............... the court of King Charles II (17th century).
Appendix 1
English Tenses (Active)
Времена английского глагола (действительный залог)
... verb
be + -ing
have + III форма
– Регулярное повторяющееся действие.
– Факт.
– Будущее действие
(по расписанию,
– Действие в прошлом.
last week
3 days ago
in 1982
when I was a child ...
will ask
– Действие в будущем.
next week
in 3 days
in 2037
– Длительное действие (процесс), протекающее в данный момент.
now, at present,
at the moment
– Будущее запланированное
– Действие закончилось к
определённому моменту в
– Результат.
this week/today
by now/for/since
had asked
– Длительное дейcтвие (про– Действие закончилось к
цесс), совершавшееся в моопределённому моменту в
мент или период в прошлом.
at 5 yesterday
by 5 o’clock yesterday
from 5 to 6 yesterday
before he came
all day long/the whole day
by the end of the last year
when we came
– При согласовании времен.
will be asking
will have asked
– Длительное действие (процесс) которое будет совершаться в определённый момент или период в будущем.
at 5 tomorrow
from 5 to 6 tomorrow
for 3 days next week
all day long tomorrow
when he comes
– Действие закончится к определённому моменту в будущем.
by 5 o’clock tomorrow
when he comes
by next summer
Appendix 2
List of Irregular Verbs
Список неправильных глаголов
Base Form
Past Participle
Past Simple
awake xèDïÉfâz
be xÄgz
bear xÄcèz
beat xÄgíz
become xÄfDâ^ãz
begin xÄfDÖfåz
bite xÄ~fíz
blow xÄäèsz
break xÄêÉfâz
bring xÄêfkz
build xÄfäÇz
burn xÄbWåz
buy xÄ~fz
catch xâñ`z
choose x`eòz
come xâ^ãz
cost xâmëíz
cut xâ^íz
do xÇez
drink xÇêfkâz
drive xÇê~fîzz
eat xgíz
fall xÑiäz
feel xÑgäz
fight xÑ~fíz
find xÑ~fåÇz
fly xÑä~fz
forbid xÑèDÄfÇz
forget xÑèDÖÉíz
forgive xÑèDÖfîz
freeze xÑêgòz
get xÖÉíz
give xÖfîz
go xÖçìz
grow xÖêèsz
hang xÜñkz
have xÜñîz
hear xÜfèz
hide xÜ~fÇz
awoke xèDïèsâz
awoked xèDïèsâíz
was xïmòz
were xïbWz
bore xÄiz
beat xÄgíz
became xÄfDâÉfãz
began xÄfDÖñåz
bit xÄfíz
blew xÄäez
broke xÄêèsâz
brought xÄêiíz
built xÄfäíz
burnt xÄbWåíz
bought xÄiíz
caught xâiíz
chose x`èsòz
came xâÉfãz
cost xâmëíz
cut xâ^íz
did xÇfÇz
drank xÇêñkâz
drove xÇêèsîz
ate xÉíX Éfíz
fell xÑÉäz
felt xÑÉäíz
fought xÑiíz
found xÑ~såÇz
flew xÑäez
forbade xÑèDÄÉfÇz
forgot xÑèDÖmíz
forgave xÑèDÖÉfîz
froze xÑêèsòz
got xÖmíz
gave xÖÉfîz
went xïÉåíz
grew xÖêez
hung xÜ^kz
had xÜñÇz
heard xÜbWÇz
hid xÜfÇz
hit xÜfíz
hit xÜfíz
awoke xèDïèsâåz
been xÄgåz
будить; просыпаться
born xÄiåz
beaten xÄgíåz
become xÄfDâ^ãz
begun xÄfDÖ^åz
bitten xÄfíåz
blown xÄäèsåz
broken xÄêèsâåz
brought xÄêiíz
built xÄfäíz
burnt xÄbWåíz
bought xÄiíz
caught xâiíz
chosen x`èsòåz
come xâ^ãz
cost xâmëíz
cut xâ^íz
done xÇ^åz
drunk xÇê^kâz
driven xÇêfîåz
eaten xgíåz
fallen xÑiäåz
felt xÑÉäíz
fought xÑiíz
found xÑ~såÇz
flown xÑäçsåz
forbidden xÑèDÄfÇåz
forgotten xÑèDÖmíåz
forgiven xÑèDÖfîåz
frozen xÑêèsòåz
got xÖmíz
given xÖfîåz
gone xÖmåz
grown xÖêèsåz
hung xÜ^kz
had xÜñÇz
heard xÜbWÇz
hid xÜfÇz
hidden xÜfÇåz
hit xÜfíz
гореть, жечь
ловить, схватить
рисовать; тащить
ехать; гнать; везти
бороться, сражаться
замерзать, замораживать
получать; становиться
идти, ехать
расти, выращивать
висеть, вешать
ударять; поражать
Base Form
Past Simple
Past Participle
hold xÜèsäÇz
hurt xÜbWíz
held xÜÉäÇz
hurt xÜbWíz
held xÜÉäÇz
hurt xÜbWíz
keep xâgéz
know xåèsz
lay xäÉfz
lead xägÇz
learn xäbWåz
leave xägîz
lie xä~fz
light xä~fíz
lose xäeòz
make xãÉfâz
meet xãgíz
pay xéÉfz
put xésíz
read xêgÇz
ride xê~fÇz
ring xêfkz
rise xê~fòz
run xê^åz
kept xâÉéíz
knew xåàez
laid xäÉfÇz
led xäÉÇz
learnt xäbWåíz
learned xDäbWåÇz
left xäÉÑíz
lay xäÉfz
lit xäfíz
lighted xDä~fífÇz
lost xämëíz
made xãÉfÇz
met xãÉíz
paid xéÉfÇz
put xésíz
read xêÉÇz
rode xêèsÇz
rang xêñkz
rose xêèsòz
ran xêñåz
kept xâÉéíz
known xåèsåz
laid xäÉfÇz
led xäÉÇz
learnt xäbWåíz
learned xDäbWåÇz
left xäÉÑíz
lain xäÉfåz
lit xäfíz
lighted xDä~fífÇz
lost xämëíz
made xãÉfÇz
met xãÉíz
paid xéÉfÇz
put xésíz
read xêÉÇz
ridden xêfÇåz
rung xê^kz
risen xêfòåz
run xê^åz
saw xëiz
say xëÉfz
see xëgz
sell xëÉäz
send xëÉåÇz
shine xp~fåz
show xpèsz
sit xëfíz
sleep xëägéz
speak xëégâz
speed xëégÇz
stand xëíñåÇz
sweep xëïgéz
swim xëïfãz
take xíÉfâz
teach xíg`z
tell xíÉäz
think xqfkâz
throw xqêèsz
wake xïÉfâz
wear xïcèz
win xïfåz
write xê~fíz
sawed xëiÇz
said xëÉÇz
saw xëiz
sold xëèsäÇz
sent xëÉåíz
shone xpmåz
showed xpèsÇz
sat xëñíz
slept xëäÉéíz
spoke xëéèsâz
sped xëécÇz
stood xëísÇz
swept xëïÉéíz
swam xëïñãz
took xísâz
taught xíiíz
told xíèsäÇz
thought xqiíz
threw xqêez
woke xïèsâz
waked xïÉfâíz
wore xïiz
won xï^åz
wrote xêèsíz
sawn xëiÇz
said xëÉÇz
seen xëgåz
sold xëèsäÇz
sent xëÉåíz
shone xpmåz
shown xpèsåz
sat xëñíz
slept xëäÉéíz
spoken xDëéèsâèåz
sped xëécÇz
stood xëísÇz
swept xëïÉéíz
swum xëï^ãz
taken xíÉfâåz
taught xíiíz
told xíèsäÇz
thought xqiíz
thrown xqêèsåz
woken xïèsâåz
waked xïÉfâíz
worn xïiåz
won xï^åz
written xêfíåz
повредить, ушибать;
держать, хранить
оставлять, уезжать
зажигать, освещать
терять, проигрывать
делать; заставлять
ездить верхом
звонить; звенеть
бежать; вести дела,
говорить, сказать
сиять, светить
спешить; ускорять
обучать, учить
просыпаться; будить
Appendix 3
Some Verbs Used with Prepositions
Некоторые глаголы, используемые с предлогом
dance with – танцевать с
deal in/with – торговать/вести дела с
decide between/on – сделать выбор между/выбрать
deliver from – доставить из
depart from – отправиться из
depend on – зависеть от
destroy with – разрушить
differ from/in – отличаться от/расходиться во
discuss with – обсудить с
do with – терпеть, выносить
dream about/of – мечтать о
drink out of – пить из
drive through/to – ехать через/куда-либо
accuse smb of – обвинять кого-либо в
add to – прибавлять/добавлять к
address to – обратиться к
admire smb for – восхищаться кем/чем-либо за
agree to/with – согласиться на/с
announce to – объявить кому-либо
answer for/to – отвечать за/кому-либо
apologize about/for/to – извиниться за/перед
apply for – применять для
argue about/with – спорить/ругаться о/с
arrive at, in – прибыть в/на
ask about/for – спросить /попросить о
assist in – помочь в
bathe in – купаться в
begin with – начать с
believe in – верить в
belong to – принадлежать кому-либо
blame for – обвинять в
boast of – хвастать чем-либо
borrow from – заимствовать у
break into/with – вламываться в/разбить
bring from/to – принести/привезти из
busy with – заниматься чем-либо
buy from – купить у
eat with – есть чем-либо
economize on – экономить на
end with – кончаться чем-либо
escape from – бежать из
exchange with – обменяться с
exercise in – упражняться в
expect from/of – ожидать от/предполагать
explain about/to – объяснить
call for/on – призывать к / звонить по телефону
care about/for – заботиться о / питать интерес к
carry away/on – уносить/продолжать
change to/into – делать пересадку, переодеться в /
превратиться в
choose between – выбирать между
come into/to/with/from – войти/прийти к/с, происходить из
communicate with – общаться с
compare to – сравнивать с
complain to/of – жаловаться кому-либо на
concentrate on – сосредоточиться на
connect to – соединить с
consist in/of – заключаться в/состоять из
contribute to – вносить вклад в
cover with – покрывать
cure of – излечить от
cut from/with – отрезать от / чем-либо
fail in – провалиться на экзамене по
fall down/from/in/over – упасть с/в/споткнуться о
feed on – питаться чем-либо
feel for – сочувствовать
fight against/for/with – сражаться/бороться против/за/с
fill with – наполнить чем-либо
finish with – закончить/покончить с
float on – плыть на
flood with – затопить
forget about – забыть о
generate from – производить из
get to/over/through – добираться в/на, перейти/
перелезть, пройти через (см. c. 307)
give to – давать
glance at – взглянуть на
go to/into/out of/over/through – идти/ехать в/на,
выйти из, перейти через, пройти через
grow out of/up – вырасти из, становиться взрослым
hang on – висеть на
happen to – случиться с
hate for – ненавидеть за
hear about /from – слышать о, получить весточку от
help with, into, out of – помочь в, войти/выйти из
hope for – надеяться на
illustrate with – иллюстрировать
impress with – произвести впечатление
include in – включить в
increase by, in – повысить на
inform about, of – сообщить о
insist on – настаивать на
interest in – интересоваться чем-либо
introduce to – представить кому-либо
invite tо – пригласить на
join in – присоединиться к
judge by – судить по
jump at/down/over – броситься к, спрыгнуть с,
перепрыгнуть через
keep away from/on – держаться в отдалении,
прятать от, продолжать
kiss on – поцеловать в
kill with – убить чем-либо
knock against /at – постучать по /в
know about /from – знать о /от
laugh at – смеяться над
lead through/to – (про)вести через/к
learn about/from – узнать о/от
leave with – пропускать
lie in/on – лежать в/на
like for – нравиться за
listen to – слушать
live on/through/with – жить на, пережить, жить с
look at/through/for/into – смотреть на/через,
искать, заглядывать в
love for – любить за
make from/of – сделать из
mistake for – принять за
move into/from – въехать в, выехать из
name after – назвать в честь
nod at – кивнуть
object to – возражать против
occupy in/with – заниматься чем-либо
open to/with/for – открыть кому-либо/чем-либо/
part from/with – расстаться с
pass by/to – проходить мимо, передать кому-либо
pay for – платить за
play on/with – играть на/с
point at/to – указывать/показывать на
pour into – налить в
prefer smth to – предпочитать что-либо
present to/with – подарить кому-либо что-либо
prevent from – предотвратить
propose for – сделать предложение (руки)
protect from/with – защитить от/с помощью
protest against – протестовать против
put into/on to – положить в/на
quarrel about /over – ссориться из-за
question about – спросить о
react to – реагировать на
read about/of/for/to – читать о/кому-либо
receive from – получить от
recognize by – узнавать по
recover from – выздоравливать после
rely on – полагаться на
remark about – заметить (отметить) о
remember about – помнить о
remind of – напомнить о
repeat about – повторить о
rescue from – спасти от
respect for – уважать за
result in – привести к
return from/with – вернуться из/с
rule over – править
run off/away with/over/through – удрать, убежать с,
переехать кого-либо, просмотреть
sail in – плыть на
say about/to/over – сказать о/кому-либо, повторять
see to/through – позаботиться о, видеть насквозь
send for/to – послать за/кому-либо
separate from – отделить от
serve for /to – служить для, прислуживать
share among /with – разделить между, поделиться с
shine through – сиять сквозь
shoot at/from – стрелять в /из
shout at – кричать на
sit for, on, with – представлять, сидеть на/с
smell of – пахнуть
smile at/to – улыбнуться кому-либо
speak about/of/with/to/against – говорить о/с,
высказываться против
specialize in – специализироваться в
spend on – тратить на
star in – играть заглавную роль в
stop from – прекратить
struggle against, with – бороться против/с
study with – учиться с
succeed in – преуспеть в
suffer from – страдать от
suggest to – предложить кому-либо
take for/out of/off – принять за, вынимать из,
снимать (одежду)
talk about/to/with/into/out of – говорить о/с, уговорить, отговорить от
tell about/of – говорить о
thank for – благодарить за
think about/of/over – думать о, обдумать
translate from/into – перевести с …на
travel to/by/in/with – путешествовать (ехать) в/
trouble about/with – беспокоиться о
turn on/off/into – включить, выключить, превратиться в
understand about – понять в (знать о)
unite in – объединиться в
use for/in – использовать для/в
vote for/against – голосовать за/против
wait for – ждать, ожидать
walk through /with – идти через/сквозь/с
warn about /against – предупреждать о
wash off/up – смыть, мыть посуду
welcome to – радушно принимать
wonder about, at – удивляться чему-либо, интересоваться
work at/on/with – работать над/с
worry about – волноваться о
wrap in – завернуть в
write about/to/with – писать о/кому-либо/чемлибо
Appendix 4
Expressions with Do and Make
Выражения с глаголами Do и Make
~ one’s best/utmost
~ business with...
~ the cooking (shopping/washing/
~ damage to...
~ a favour
~ some gardening
~ (no) good
~ one’s hair
~ (no) harm
~ homework (an exercise)
~ science/engineering (at school)
~ a translation
~ wonders
~ an agreement
~ arrangement
~ an attempt
~ a bed
~ a phone call
~ a decision
~ a (some/no/not much)
~ a dress (a copy)
~ an effort
~ an excuse
~ eyes at smb
~ a fool of smb
~ a fortune
~ friends (with)
~ fun of
~ a fuss of
~ smb happy (sad)
~ haste
~ a good/bad impression
~ a journey
~ a living
~ a mess
~ up one’s mind
~ a mistake
~ a noise
~ a point of
~ smb a present
~ a profit
~ progress
~ a report (on)
~ a suggestion
~ a success of
~ tea/coffee
The Verb
1. The Verb “to be”
Ex 1
1. What’s your address?
2. My address’s 14 Park Lane.
3. They’re my classmates.
4. This’s Daniel, and that’s Marko. Daniel’s the best
football player at our school.
5. Schwarz’s my maiden-name. I’m Lindman now.
6. My brother’s a police officer, he’s very tall.
Ex 2 Supposed answers.
2. He was a worker.
3. Nick’s sister is a dancer.
4. Her friends will be doctors.
5. Her sisters were beautiful.
6. Your wife will be a secretary.
Ex 3
1. am, 2. are, 3. is, 4. is, 5. am, 6. are, 7. is, 8. is, 9. is,
10. is, 11. is, 12. am.
Ex 4
1. is, 2. is, was, 3. is, am, was, is, 4. is, was, 5. is, was,
6. were, were, are, 7. am, are, were, 8. is/was.
Ex 5
1. is, 2. is, 3. are, 4. is, 5. isn’t, 6. is, 7. is, 8. was, 9. is,
10. is, 11. wasn’t, 12. was, 13. was, 14. weren’t, 15. was,
16. was, 17. is, 18. was, 19. am not, 20. am, 21. am.
Ex 6
Back to School
MAX: Hello, there. My name is Max Morris. Is it the right
class for the French course?
ADELE: Yes, it is. Come in, my name is Adele. I’m the
MAX: I hope it isn’t very difficult. I’m a beginner, you see.
I’ve never studied French.
ADELE: Don’t worry Max. We’ll start with the basics, such
as saying your name.
Ex 7
2. Is Oliver a builder? No, he isn’t.
3. Is Anne self-employed? – Yes, she is.
4. Are these trees green? – Yes, they are.
5. Were the twins Jessica and Jeremy in the fifth form?
No, they weren’t.
6. Is Maria a student? – Yes, she is.
Ex 8
1. Who was Romy named after? – E
2. When is Romy’s birthday? – B
3. How old was Romy’s mother when she had her? – C
4. When was Romy’s brother born? – F
5. Is he older than Romy? – D
6. Is Romy of age? – A
Ex 9
1. Were John and Fred schoolboys?
2. Were they 12 years old?/ How old were they?
3. Were they in the same class?
4. Was their teacher angry? / Why was their teacher
5. What was John’s full name?
6. What was Fred’s full name?
Ex 10
(A) 2. What is he often called?
(B) – He is often called “the father of America.”
(A) 3. What places in the USA are named after him?
(B) – Mountains, bridges, schools and the very capital
of the country are named after him.
(B) 4. When was George Washington born?
– He was born on the 21st of February, 1732.
(B) 5. What can you see his face on?
– His face is on the one-dollar bill and on the 25 cent
(B) 6. Why can he be called “America’s first megacelebrity?”
– This man can be called “America’s first megacelebrity”, because he is so well-known and
Ex 11
2. Barbie isn’t five years old, it’s more than 50 years old.
3. Barbie wasn’t the work of a French artist. Barbie doll
was the idea of an American businesswoman Ruth
4. Barbie doll isn’t a copy of a famous American actress.
It was inspired by a German doll called Bild Lilli.
5. Barbie isn’t the name of that actress. It was named
after Ruth Handler’s daughter Barbara.
6. All Barbie dolls aren’t identical. They are all different
and wear different clothes.
Ex 12
1. there is, 2. there is, 3. there are, 4. there is, 5. there are,
6. there is.
Ex 13
2. Is there a person with a rare name among your
3. Are there many Svetas and Natashas in your class?
4. Is there an apple-tree in your garden?
5. Are there any children under age in your family?
6. Is there anybody you know in Paris?
Ex 2
2. I had many problems but now I have (got) few
3. He had a sister but now he has (got) a brother, too.
4. She had friends in Paris but now he has (got) friends
in London, too
5. They had a black car but now they have (got) a red car.
Ex 14
1. there, it, 2. there, it, 3. there, it, 4. it, there, 5. there, it.
Ex 3
1. The young American woman has (got) long blond hair.
She has (got) a model figure and a lot of charm.
2. The European aristocrat has (got) great charisma and
athletic build. He’s (got) an island in the
Mediterranean and a wonderful house. He’s (got) a
successful business in South America.
3. The pretty woman has (got) long dark hair and blue
eyes. She has (got) a good job and her own
apartment. She hasn’t (got) any children, she has
(got) a pet dog.
Ex 15
1. it, 2. there, 3. there, 4. there, 5. it, 6. it, 7. it, 8. there,
9. there, 10. it, 11. it.
Ex 16
1. Mr Conkleshill is a poet. – Is it his pen-name? – No,
it’s his family name. – But it’s difficult to write his
name/ But his name is very difficult to write.
2. There is a young man with an unusual name in my
group. – What is his name? – Arseniy. He was named
after his great-grandfather.
3. Your mother is so young! – Yes, she is about thirty. I
was born when she was nineteen. – And how old is
your father? – He is ten years older than my mother.
4. I won’t be at school tomorrow. I’m ill. Will you be at
school tomorrow?
5. There are many children from different countries at
my son’s class. – Is it an international class? – Yes, it
is. The children study Russian.
6. What countries are they from? – There is a boy from
Japan, a girl from Spain, two children from Paris. –
Are there any children from China? – I don’t know.
7. My father is a builder. He builds bridges. He is in India
now. – Is your mother in India too? – No, she isn’t.
She says it’s very hot in India. – In two weeks my
father will be in Tokyo. There will be an exhibition
8. I’m from New-York. It’s a very big city. This is a photo
of my house.
9. My granddad was a doctor, my father is a doctor,
when I grow up I’ll be a doctor, too.
Ex 4
(A) 2. Have they got any pets?
(B) – Yes, they have. They’ve got a dog and a cat.
(A) 3. Have they got a big or a small car?
(B) – They haven’t got a car. They’ve got four bicycles
Continue as in the model.
Ex 5
2. Did he have many French magazines as well?
3. Did we have many relatives in Prague too?
4. Did Sandy have a a stepsister too?
5. Did Oliver have a brother?
6. Did Frank Walker have a big house?
Ex 6
1. Do Barbara and George have any more children? –
No, they don’t. Anne is their only daughter.
2. Does Oliver have any brothers or sisters? – Yes, he
does. He has a sister Monica.
3. Does Oliver have parents? – Yes, he does. He has
mother Karen and father Frank.
4. Does Maria have any brothers or sisters? – Yes, she
does. She has a brother and a sister. They are twins.
5. Does Maria have aunts or uncles? – Yes, she does,
she has aunt Monica.
2. The verb “to have”
Ex 1. Suggested answers.
2. John has got a new computer now.
He had an old computer two years ago.
3. Mrs Irving has got a new black coat.
She had a red coat last year.
4. Nelly has got a dog.
She had a cat five years ago.
5. Bob has got a bike.
He had a scooter before.
Ex 7
1. Have you got / Do you have an envelope? I wrote a
letter to my grandmother, she has (got) no computer.
– I think I have (got) some in my desk. Oh, sorry,
I haven’t got / don’t have any.
2. How many brothers and sisters have you got /do you
have? – I have (got) just one brother.
3. Sally has got / has a new boy-friend. – But she had a
nice one before. What is the new boy-friend like? – He
is very good-looking. He has (got) big brown eyes and
blond hair. – Has he got /does he have a good
personality? – Sally says he has (got) a terrible
temper. Yes, but he has (got) a very nice smile. – Has
he got / does he have a good job?
Did you have good teachers when you were at school?
– We had good and bad teachers, you know.
Will you have a holiday in summer? – No, I won’t. I had
my holiday a month ago.
Ex 8
1. He has / has got a small flat by the sea. 2. Have you got /
Do you have a motorbike? – I had a motorbike three years
ago. Now I’ve (got) a car. 3. I have (got) an old Porsche.
Soon I’ll have a new car. 4. He has (got) a lot of money, but
he hasn’t got / doesn’t have a family. 5. Have you got / Do
you have many relatives? – Yes, I have (got) some. – Have
you got / Do you have brothers and sisters? 6. I have a
meeting at school today. 7. Have you got / Do you have a
good dentist? – I had a good dentist, but he is retired now.
8. I have a wonderful idea. Let’s go to the mountains. I’ve
(got) skis. Have you got / Do you have skis? – No,
I haven’t / don’t. I can’t ski.
Ex 9; ex 10. Students’ own answers.
Ex 11
1. have a holiday, 2. having a holiday, 3. have a shower,
4. have a swim, 5. have breakfast, 6. have a nice day,
7. have a swim, 8. have a game, 9. has coffee, 10. has
beer, 11. has a good sense of humour, 12. have fun,
13. have a walk, 14. have lunch, 15. have a good time.
Ex 12
1. Did you have dinner at the hotel?
2. Did you have a good hotel?
3. Did you have many dance parties?
4. Did you have much fun?
5. Did you have a good rest?
6. Did you have a swim in the sea?
7. Did you have good service at the hotel?
8. Did you have a good flight?
Ex 13
There Is Nothing on the Box
AMY: I am bored. There is nothing on television tonight.
VICKY: Forget the telly. Are there any board games at your
place? I’d like to play a board game. It is fun.
AMY: I’ll ask mother, if there are any board games at
home. I think we don’t have/there aren’t any.
VICKY: I remember you had a couple of board games. We
played “Cluedo” some years ago.
AMY: I’ll call some friends then. Games evening is much
more fun if there are some people playing.
3. The Simple Tenses
Ex 1
1. reads; 2. start; 3. goes; 4. does the shopping; 5. speak;
6. helps.
Ex 2
1. live; 2. works; 3. enters; 4. informs; 5. wants; 6. makes;
7. doesn’t think; 8. Do you know; 9. asks; 10. doesn’t
know; 11. has.
Ex 3
2. Do the Walkers usually have a family dinner on
Sundays? – The Walkers don’t usually have a family
dinner on Sundays.
3. Do Barbara and George meet many people at the
club? – They don’t meet many people at the club.
4. Does Anne always greet everybody with a smile? –
She doesn’t always greet everybody with a smile.
5. Does Jeremy want to introduce his girlfriend to his
classmates? – Jeremy doesn’t want to introduce his
girlfriend to his classmates.
Ex 4
2. Does an Englishman touch his hat when he passes a
friend in the street? / Does an Englishman shake
hands when he passes a friend in the street? – Yes, he
does./No, he doesn’t.
3. Does he shake hands when he stops to talk? – No, he
4. Do women shake hands in this case? – No, they don’t.
5. Do Americans shake hands when they say good-bye?
– No, they don’t.
Ex 5
1. Who lives in an old farmhouse? – Alice, Sam and their
three children.
2. Who cooks the meals? – Sue does.
3. Who takes care of the animals? – Alice does.
4. Who works in the fields? – Joe and Kent do.
5. Who looks after the children? – Pam does.
6. Who takes care of the garden? – Sam does.
7. What needs expensive repairs? – The house.
8. What is very important at the moment? – A new
9. What is the biggest problem? – Money.
Ex 6
1. When do English people make a little small talk? –
English people usually make a little small talk after
saying hello and asking how you are.
2. What isn’t a good idea to talk about? – It isn’t a good
idea to talk about someone’s age and politics.
3. What do some people might think about small talk? –
Some people might think that small talk is a waste of
What do people usually talk about when making small
talk? – They usually talk about weather, pets, sport,
the Royal Family.
What topic was a “taboo” many years ago? – Many
years ago money, especially the salary, was a “taboo”.
Ex 7
1. The best man isn’t the most famous guest. He is
usually a brother or a close friend of the groom.
3. The best man doesn’t accompany the bride to the
wedding. He keeps the wedding rings and acts as the
witness to the marriage.
4. The best man doesn’t marry the maid of honour. He is
the grooms’ male assistant.
5. The maid of honour isn’t the bride’s mother. She is
usually the bride’s sister or a close friend.
6. The maid of honour doesn’t keep the wedding rings.
She assists the bride to plan the wedding.
Ex 8
1. An old man says to his doctor:
“I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I never go to the cinema or
theatre, I don’t meet any women, I go to bed early, I keep
to a diet. Tomorrow I’ll celebrate my 80th birthday.”
“But how?” asks the doctor.
– Why do you never / Why don’t you ever come to see
– I’m sorry, but I’m very busy. I play in a band, we
perform at the night club every night.
– Are you free in the day-time?
– Of course, not. We have rehearsals every morning.
– Do you have a rest between the rehearsals and the
– Of course, not. I give music lessons in the day-time.
– And when do you sleep?
– During the rehearsals.
Ex 9
V + ed
V + двойная
согласная + ed
V + ied
Ex 10
2. Yesterday Oliver was busy, and the twins went to
school by bus.
3. Two days ago Anne worked and Maria cooked dinner.
The other day he watched a talk show, it was about
Last year Jessica didn’t go dancing.
Last night they went out, it was Barbara’s birthday.
Three years ago Maria studied at school.
Ex 11
Ex 12
1. When did she meet him?
3. What did he do on Tuesday?
4. Who did he meet on Wednesday?
5. Who did he give a nickel to?
6. When did he kiss her?
7. When did they meet a preacher?
Ex 13
2. Who was Sherlock Holmes’ assistant? / Who did he
investigate his cases with?
3. What cases did the world’s most famous detective
4. Where did Holmes live?
5. Who wrote detective stories about Sherlock Holmes?
/Who was Sherlock Holmes’ literary father?
Ex 14. Suggested answers:
1. Does Peter often go to the cinema? / Where does
Peter often go to?
2. Did this class win the prize last year? / What did the
class win last year?
3. Does Kevin try hard at sport?
4. Do all birds fly south for winter? /Where do all birds fly
to for winter?
5. Did your wife buy a small car?/ What did your wife buy?
Ex 15
A. 1. marked, 2. was born, 3. died, 4. became, 5. was,
6. celebrates, 7. marks, 8. takes, 9. love, 10. say, 11. reigns,
12. doesn’t rule.
B. 1. marks, 2. took place, 3. watched, 4. focused, 5. is,
6. is, 7. appeared, 8. gathered, 9. cheered.
Ex 16
It was long ago, at the beginning of the 19th century
Nickolay Rezanov was an officer. Then he worked for a
Russian-American company. In 1806 Nikolay Rezanov
sailed for California on two ships that were called “Junona”
and “Avos”.
In San Francisco he met the Governor’s daughter
Conchitta. She was sixteen years old then. Conchitta and
Nickolay fell in love and wanted to marry. Conchitta’s
parents were against this marriage, but Nikolay and
Conchitta got engaged.
Nikolay went to Russia, Conchitta promised to wait for him.
She had been waiting for him for more than thirty years.
Conchitta didn’t know, that on his way back to Russia
Nikolay fell ill and died in Krasnoyarsk city.
The poet Andrey Boznesensky told about the tragic love
of a Russian officer and an American girl in his poem
“Junona and Avos”. The composer Alexey Rybnikov wrote
a wonderful rock-opera “Junona and Avos”.
It is a very touching story about the people who lived and
loved each other two hundred years ago.
Ex 17
A. 2. Did Woodal use to have hair?
3. Did Woodal use to have perfect eyesight?
B. 2. Woodal didn’t use to be bald.
3. Woodal didn’t use to wear glasses.
Ex 18
used to
write long letters
send telegrams
borrow books from
the library
listen to records
mothers / look after
the children
have big families
father and I used to have a swim in summer. We dropped into
the shop where mother used to do the shopping.
Rose even met the shopkeeper who used to give me
sweets. We had dinner in the café where our family used
to have dinner on Sundays.
We enjoyed the trip. Not much had changed.
Ex 21
1. will, 2. won’t, 3. won’t, 4. will, 5. will, 6. won’t.
Ex 22
1. will be, 2. will get, 3. will keep talking; 4. will try.
Ex 23
Changing of the Guard
DAVE: In five minutes we’ll see the Buckingham Palace.
CONNY: If we don’t hurry, we’ll miss the changing of the
DAVE: Don’t worry, we’ll be there just in time. Look, how
many people want to see the show.
CONNY: Won’t they start earlier?
DAVE: Punctuality is the thing that you can rely on (положиться) here. It won’t start one minute earlier or
didn’t use to
send e-mails
talk on mobile phones
read books in the Internet
Ex 24
2. When will they have questions and answers?
3. What will they finish the meeting with?
4. Who will keep the minutes?
5. When will the secretary come?
go to rock concerts
mothers / work
Ex 25
1. will go, 2. will introduce, 3. will have.
have only one child
Ex 26
Fred Gardner: “We’ll sell our farmlands to a big company.
We will build big houses with luxury flats in the area.
We’ll get a lot of money for our village.”
Amanda Newbridge: “I’ll protect our village from outside
B. Sentences – Students’ own answers
1. Did people use to send e-mails?
2. Did they use to talk on mobile phones?
3. Did they use to read books in the Internet?
4. Did they use to go to rock concerts?
5. Did they use to have only one child?
6. Did mothers use to work?
Ex 19
2. didn’t use to work, 3. didn’t use to spend, 4. used to be,
5. used to like, 6. used to have, 7. didn’t use to work, 8.
used to travel.
Ex 27. Supposed answers:
3. We won’t go to the cinema then.
4. I won’t have coffee.
5. We won’t go jogging.
6. We’ll go/travel by car.
7. I won’t watch TV tonight.
8. I’ll call Anne now.
Ex 20
My wife Rose and I went to York. I wanted to show her the
town where we used to live when I was a little boy.
We saw the house where we used to rent a flat when I went
to the kindergarten. We visited the park where I used to walk
with Ms Parksons. I showed to Rose the lake where my
Ex 28
2. Will you buy some trainers for me?
3. Will you show me these running shoes, please?
4. Will you give me bigger ones to try on?
5. Will you show me some running pants and jacket?
6. Will you bring me a jacket size 10, please?
Ex 29
1. make, 2. made, 3. want, 4. promised, 5. think, 6. will
start, 7. will be, 8. will find, 9. made, 10. failed, 11. will find,
12. will get, 13. hate, 14. dreamt, 15. will buy, 16. will do,
17. will make, 18. won’t smoke, 19. will come.
Ex 30
Studies in Paris
ANNE: I’m a little sad that you’ll move to Paris soon.
MARIA: I’ll be back for holidays in four months. What does
Dad always say? Students these days have too many
ANNE: Still! Why did you choose the Sorbonne? You may
study here in Oxford.
MARIA: Marie Curie studied natural sciences there.
Perhaps I’ll also get a Nobel Prize one day.
ANNE: We’ll miss you.
Ex 31
Will You Stop Worrying?
LYNN: So, James. I left our hotel address and the
telephone number on your desk yesterday. Will you
promise to let us know, if anything is wrong?
JAMES: I’ll be all right, Mum. You left me home alone last
year and everything was OK.
LYNN: I know, but it has never been for so long. Anyway,
Granny will drop in later to make sure you are OK. She
will cook dinner for you.
JAMES: Yes, Mum. Look, when will you go? Everything will
be fine here. Will you and Dad just relax and enjoy
your holiday?
Ex 32
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Where did you study playing?
What do you do in your free time?
Do you really have/have you really got a swimming-pool in
the garden?
Have you got / Do you have sisters and brothers?
What film are you doing now?
In what film will you star next year?
4. The Continuous Tenses
Ex 1
1. are dying, 2. am sitting and eating, 3. is raining, 4. isn’t
playing, 5. is putting on, 6. am travelling, 7. am carrying;
8. are still planning, 9. isn’t crying, 10. is making.
Ex 2
1. I don’t see the bird, but I can hear it. Listen! It is
singing beautifully.
2. They are speaking English. I understand them well.
I prefer meat to fish.
My son doesn’t like the cold winter. It is getting colder
and colder.
5. The food smells delicious. Mother is cooking now.
6. He owns this house.
7. Don’t call them. They are having dinner now.
8. Do you hear me? I am talking to you.
9. I want that cake very much, Mum.
10. You know what I mean.
Ex 3. Students’ own answers.
Ex 4
1. Oliver, the father, is making tea for everyone.
2. His wife Anne is sitting on the sofa with her/their eldest
daughter Maria.
3. Maria is chatting with her mother. She is telling her
about her life in London.
4. Maria is studying at college in London now.
5. The twins Jeremy and Jessica are sitting on the sofa
and watching TV.
6. They are enjoying the last week of their Christmas
Ex 5
1. What are you watching on television?
2. Why isn’t Anne working this week?
3. Who are you talking on the phone?
4. What language are they speaking?
5. How is your English? Is it getting better?
6. What are you doing, Dad?
Ex 6. Suggested answers:
1. (Why) are you crying, Conny?
2. Why are your parents getting divorced?
3. What are Anne and Oliver celebrating on Saturday? /
When are they celebrating their wedding anniversary?
4. Why isn’t Conny coming to the party?
Ex 7
LIZ: Phew! It’s really hot! I’m going to the swimming
pool.  Are you coming with me? 
AMY: Unfortunately not, I’m reading for my exam.  You
know, I’m having an exam in Biology in two days. 
LIZ: But after a short break, you’ll remember things better.
AMY: Well, yes, let’s go. What are we waiting for then? 
LIZ: I’m looking for a bathing suit for you. 
AMY: Thanks. And when are we coming back? 
LIZ: Don’t be a bore, Amy.
Ex 8
A: Let’s go to the theatre tomorrow.
B: I’m sorry. I’d love to but I’m working late tomorrow.
A: What about Wednesday then?
B: I’m afraid I can’t. I’m meeting my parents at the airport.
Well, what are you doing on Saturday evening?
I’m playing tennis this Saturday.
I see. Well, are you free on Sunday evening?
We are having a reunion party at school on Sunday.
garden design for the new city park on Friday. On Saturday
we are helping at a sport + activity day for children.
I want to ask you for help in August. Tom and I are going
on a walking tour. Could I borrow your back-pack and rain
Call me – I have got an answering machine. Have a
wonderful time at the party.
We are sending Tom a present with the Hunts.
Love, Barbara
Ex 9
2. Not yet, I’m going to do it after dinner.
3. Not yet, I’m going to make it soon.
4. Not yet, I’m going to wash it after school.
5. Not yet, I’m going to call her in the evening.
Ex 11
Ex 15
MARK: So, what are you doing at the weekend, Jeremy?
Have you got anything planned?
JEREMY: Yup. On Saturday I’m going to the football match
with my Dad. After the match we’re going to have a
bite in town. What about you?
MARK: I was going to ask Jessica to go to the cinema, but
I’m sure she’ll say no.
JEREMY: Well, aren’t you going to ask her first? Come on,
I’ll give you a hand. Hey, Jess…
OLIVER: Hi, Anne. What are you doing?
ANNE: I’m preparing everything for our trip to the country.
OLIVER: Are we leaving on Friday or on Saturday?
ANNE: Of course on Friday. Aren’t you going to help me?
OLIVER: Are we going to take the tent and our rain ponchos?
ANNE: Of course, we are. You never know what the
weather’s going to be.
Ex 16
1. am not sleeping, sleep, I’m just having a rest.
2. is working, works.
3. is your mother doing, is cooking, does your mother
4. is helping, helps.
5. are you going, am just taking a walk, take a walk.
Ex 10
2. No, I was going to ask her, but I found out she was
busy on Tuesday.
3. No, I was going to visit them, but I remembered (I
have) to do the shopping.
4. No, I was going to send the letter, but then I decided
to call them instead.
Ex 12
1. The shops here open at 7.00 and close at 5.30. It’s very
inconvenient. 2. The performance at our theatre starts at
7.30. 3. What time does the plane for Moscow leave?
4. When does the school start in Germany? 5. The plane for
Frankfurt takes off at 4.30. 6. Does the train arrive at 7.00
or 7.30?
Ex 13
BARBARA: When are you going on holiday?
JESSICA: We are leaving next Friday.
BARBARA: And how are you travelling there, by car or by
JESSICA: We are going by car. The only direct train to
Blackpool leaves at 6.20 a.m. and that’s too early.
BARBARA: And when does the school start again?
JESSICA: In September.
Ex 14
Dear Daisy,
When are you going to get your telephone answering
machine? I can never reach you by phone – so here’s a
short note.
I think it’s wonderful that you are having a weekend beach
party for Tom. I’m so sorry that we can’t come. That
weekend we’re terribly busy. Maria is presenting her
Ex 17
What Is on the Box?
AMY: Hi, Vicky, what are you watching?
VICKY: I’m watching the news on channel one now, but in
five minutes a programme about global warming
starts on channel seven. I usually watch it.
AMY: It sounds interesting, but I prefer something more
entertaining. OK, while you’re watching the
programme, I’ll make us something to eat.
VICKY: You don’t understand. There are a lot of things
which are constantly ruining our planet, it’s very
important to know. I like programmes like that.
Ex 18
A Relaxing Day
OLIVER: Well, this is relaxing, isn’t it? The twins are playing
nicely with each other, you are reading a book and I
am finally starting to put work out of my mind.
ANNE: We usually feel like that on holiday. Don’t you think
OLIVER: Do you /would you like to have a swim? The water
isn’t too cold. Look, some people are swimming.
ANNE: No, it’s not for me, thanks. But why don’t you and
the twins have a swim? And I’m going to have a walk
along the promenade and (to) look for a nice place to
have lunch.
Ex 19
Are You in Love Again?
AMY: What are you doing Vicky?
VICKY: I’m making Christmas cookies.
AMY: I have a question. We have different cookie cutters.
Why are you cutting only hearts? Are you in love
VICKY: No, of course not. I always use this cutter.
AMY: But why are you blushing?
VICKY: Will you stop talking and help me?
Ex 20
1. were playing, 2. was cleaning, 3. was reading, 4. was
cooking; wasn’t knitting, 5. were playing, 6. were dancing,
7. were walking.
Ex 21. Students’ own answers.
Ex 22
Why Was the Dog Looking at Him in Such a Way?
Peter was sitting at the table. He was eating. A big dog was
sitting near him. It was staring at Peter. Peter was
surprised. His younger brother explained to him why the
dog was looking at him in such a way. He was eating from
the dog’s plate.
Ex 23
2. With whom was grandma baby-sitting? – She was
baby-sitting with the three-year-old and the five-yearold.
3. What was she doing? – She was watching TV.
4. Was she sleeping? – Yes, she was. She fell asleep on
the sofa.
5. Why was the elder child tugging at her arm? –
Because the children wanted to go to bed.
Ex 24. Students’ own answers.
Ex 25
1. was living; 2. worked; 3. was working; 4. was driving,
saw; 5. were you doing; 6. bought, were playing;
7. celebrated, gave; 8. weren’t, were dancing, were having
a goodtime.
Ex 26
1. was walking; 2. was wearing; 3. thought; 4. was looking;
5. was; 6. saw; 7. was going; 8. ran; 9. was running; 10. (was)
shouting; 11. sat; 12. was smiling; 13. came up; 14. had.
Ex 27
The Mother-in-Law
Simon was sitting in the pub. He was drinking beer. He was
very sad.
“Simon, why are you so sad?” asked him the owner of the
“I quarreled with my mother-in-law a month ago. She said
(that) she wouldn’t talk to me for a month,” explained
“What’s so bad about it?” asked the puzzled pub owner.
“It was four weeks ago. Today is the last day.”
Ex 28
1. When Anne arrived at the station the train was waiting.
2. While Oliver was working in the garden he hurt his
3. Maria was having a nice dream when the alarm clock
woke her.
4. The sun was shining so Jeremy and Jessica decided
to go for a swim.
5. Ron waved to Maria on the street but she wasn’t
looking his way.
6. Liz Taylor and Richard Burton first met when they were
starring together in the film Cleopatra.
Ex 29
1. was cleaning, came; 2. was vacuuming, emptied;
3. broke, doing the washing up; 4. burnt, was cooking;
5. hurt, was building; 6. was repairing. fell; 7. stopped, was
Ex 30
It was 8 o’clock in the morning. I looked out of the window.
It was raining hard.
I wanted to take an umbrella with me, but all five umbrellas
were broken. I decided to take the umbrellas to the
workshop. When I was going to my work I left them at the
I promised to pick them up in the evening.
I went to the nearest café for lunch. It was still raining. I
sat down at the table where a young woman was eating
lunch. When I was going to leave I took her umbrella by
The girl stopped me and said it was her umbrella. I
In the evening I pick up my umbrellas. When I was going
home by bus I saw the girl who I met at the café. She also
was going home on the same bus.
When she saw me with my five umbrellas she said, “You
have had a successful day today, haven’t you?”
Ex 31
1. woke up, 2. didn’t have, 3. didn’t see, 4. was looking,
5. saw, 6. was sitting, 7. is, 8. am, 9. sit, 10. is, 11. has,
12. was doing, 13. took, 14. was waiting, 15. gave,
16. was, 17. like, 18. was talking, 19. was, 20. was eating,
21. looked, 22. shared, 23. is, 24. had, 25. don’t like, 26.
liked, 27. were reading/read, 28. were playing, 29. hit,
30. were going, 31. bought, 32. were listening, 33. called;
34. was looking; 35. was.
11. I have had this job for a month already.
12. You are depressed. Have you had a quarrel?
13. You look great. – I’ve had a good rest.
14. Don’t bring me the textbook, I’ve bought it.
5. Perfect Tenses
Ex 1
The Past Simple
read xêÉÇz
Participle II
read xêÉÇz
Ex 6
1. Have you bought the book yet?
2. Has he found this nice stone?
4. Has the cat drunk all the milk?
5. Has he finished the work yet?
6. Have you seen the football match?
Ex 2
1. I have  packed the things for our holiday  . (already)
2. The manager hasn’t  arrived  . (yet).
3. Mr Rain has  called  . (just).
4. Has Oliver  paid the bill  (yet)?
5. Jessica has  written a postcard to Granny  (tonight).
6. Have you  been to Scotland  (ever)?
7. They have  swum in the ocean  (never).
8. Have you  bought any new records  (recently)?
9. I haven’t  eaten anything  (today).
10. Have you  been at the theatre  (lately)?
Ex 3
3. for two days; 4. since 2008; 5. for 60 years; 6. since
3 o’clock; 7. for seven hours.
Ex 4
2. Stavros has had a Mercedes for five years.
3. Andy has lived in Chicago since last year.
4. Sandra has been ill for a week.
5. I haven’t seen him for ages.
6. Anne and Oliver have been married for 20 years.
Ex 5
1. Manos has never studied any foreign languages.
2. His wife has studied German since they moved to
3. Hello! I’ve just arrived. How are you (doing)?
4. I haven’t seen Tom today. – He is ill.
5. Anne has seen some very good films recently.
6. Jessica has already finished writing her essay. She is
going for a walk.
7. Jeremy hasn’t done his homework yet, he is staying
at home.
8. Jeremy hasn’t played football this week.
9. Grandmother has just called. She is going to come
10. I’m very glad. The grandparents haven’t come over
this month.
Ex 7
1. Have you passed the exam with flying colours?
2. Have you won the school chess championship?
3. Have you found a treasure?
4. I’ve booked us two tickets for the Arsenal versus
Manchester United game.
5. I’ve spent all my pocket money.
Ex 8
OLIVER: So, how are the preparations going, Anne?
ANNE: I’ve already bought and wrapped the presents.
And what about the decorations?
OLIVER: I’ve hung the balloons and the lights, but I haven’t
put the tables in the garden yet. You didn’t forget
about the cake, did you?
ANNE: Of course, not. I’ve already bought all the
ingredients, but I haven’t made the cake yet. I’m
going to make it tomorrow. And the party popper, did
you remember to order it?
OLIVER: Sure. I’ve just ordered the party popper online. It
will be delivered tomorrow.
ANNE: I’ve got the candles for the cake as well. Goodness
me, I’m exhausted and the party is only the day after
Ex 9
1. Have you read the newspapers lately? – Sorry, I didn’t
hear your question.
2. Have you eaten anything today? – I forgot.
3. Have you ever cooked any traditional English dishes?
4. Have you served the dessert yet? When did you serve
the dessert?
5. Has Maria bought tea? Where did she buy this tea?
6. Have you ever tried a real English breakfast?
7. Have you been in the new café yet? – Sorry, what did
you say?
Ex 10
2. Jeremy and Jessica have passed an important exam
at school.
They read for this exam for a week.
3. Fiona has married an engineer from Canada.
They had a great wedding.
I have cleaned the house from top to bottom.
Dad helped me a lot.
We haven’t started working in the garden yet. But we
have already bought a new wheelbarrow.
Mr Rain has got a new job in France. So, our
neighbours moved out.
Ex 11
1. I’ve packed our swimsuits, camera; 2. I’ve already
asked my parents; 3. that we’ve forgotten; 4. Have we
taken; 5. Have you checked everything? 6. I’ve taken the
address book.
Ex 12
1. Look! Somebody has broken the window.
2. Kevin hasn’t got a car. He has sold it.
3. You are very slim. Have you lost weight?
4. Oh! I’ve eaten all the cakes.
5. The car is so clean. Have you washed it?
6. Why aren’t you writing? – I’ve lost my pen.
7. Why is the girl crying? What has happened? – She has
lost her way.
8. She is very much upset. She has lost the tickets to the
9. There were three steaks in the fridge. – I’ve eaten them.
10. She is happy. Her son has finished school.
1. haven’t seen; 2. has always been; 3. hasn’t spoken.
Ex 13
I Am in Pain!
ANNE: So Mr Pratt, I see you have brought the X-ray
pictures from the hospital.
MR PRATT: Yes, the doctor made the pictures two hours
ANNE: It’s clear, you have sprained your ankle.
MR PRATT: I fell down when playing volleyball in the
ANNE: How did you fall?
ME PRATT: On my side, it has already happened before,
but then everything was OK.
ANNE: Has the doctor done anything yet?
MR PRAT: No, he said I should have some exercise
ANNE: Don’t worry Mr Pratt, we’ll fix it in no time.
MR PRATT: That’s wonderful! I’ve been in so much pain
since I fell down.
Ex 14
OLIVER: Have you milked the cows yet?
JESSICA: Yes, and we have fed all the animals, too.
OLIVER: Wow, that’s impressive. When did you get up?
JESSICA: Aunt Flora wanted to give us a knock at six, but
believe it or not, we were both awake when she came
with the breakfast. And what about you? What have
you done to help so far?
OLIVER: Yesterday I repaired the fence. But apart from that
I just relaxed in the sun. We are on holiday after all.
Ex 15
DARREN: Hi James, I’ve bought the new Eminem CD.
Have you heard it yet?
JAMES: Yes, I heard it yesterday. It’s pretty good, isn’t it?
DARREN: Have you ever seen Eminem?
JAMES: Yup. I have indeed.
DARREN: You’re kidding me! When did you see him? Why
didn’t you invite me?
Ex 16
1. The Volkovs are very happy, they have finished the
repairs of the house. They began the repairs last year.
2. Yesterday Anne watched a very interesting TV
programme. She has never seen this programme
3. Have you ever been in Rome? – No, I haven’t. I have
never been to Italy, but two years ago I made a tour of
4. Have you got/received a letter from your friend yet?
When did you get/receive it?
5. Look! What beautiful flowers she has bought! She
bought wonderful flowers for you birthday last year, too.
6. We haven’t skied since last winter. Last year we went
to the Alps to ski.
7. I haven’t danced for ages. I danced at my son’s
wedding last.
8. I have just noticed the mistake and I have already
corrected it.
9. Oliver hasn’t listened to the radio today. He has been
very busy lately.
10. Anne has already finished her work and she is going
home. She listened to the radio in the morning and
told Oliver the latest news.
Ex 17
1. has bought; 2. took; 3. will communicate; 4. are your
children doing…? 5. are; 6. went; 7. didn’t understand;
8. said/were saying; 9. has decided; 10. dream/are
dreaming; 11. is doing; 12. study; 13. is studying; 14. is;
15. are getting; 16. will be; 17. look /am looking forward.
Ex 18
Robert and Ivy live in London. They have been married for
25 years.
They have two almost adult children, Elizabeth (Liz) and
David (Dave). Liz and Dave study at school. They still live
with their parents.
Robert is a lawyer, he works in a lawyers’ firm. Ivy is a
librarian. Now she is working part-time. But when the
children leave, she’ll work full-time.
At present a girl from Germany, Hanna, is living/staying
with the Nelsons. Hanna is studying English in London.
Next year, Dave will go to Germany. He will stay with
Hanna’s family and study German.
Liz has just passed her final school exams. She wants to
study art in Italy.
Her brother Dave is keen on sport, but he doesn’t like to
study/he isn’t so keen on school.
His team is playing in Liverpool now. They have already
won two games, but Dave hasn’t passed his last exam.
The parents are very much upset.
Ex 19
2. Oliver had made pictures of the area by January
3. He had consulted garden designers by the end of
4. He had contacted a building firm by the middle of
5. He had made calculations by the evening of February
6. He had checked through everything by the morning
of March 8th.
Ex 20
1. had gone; 2. had got; 3. had built; 4. had left.
Ex 21
3. hadn’t had breakfast; 4. had had sweets; 5. had had
lunch; 6. hadn’t washed up; 7. hadn’t allowed; 8. had had
a swim; 9. had had a quarrel.
Ex 22. Suggested answers
2. After the Walkers had got a loan from the bank, they
began studying the catalogues.
3. They were ready to place an order for the new
windows only after they had studied several
4. Before Anne chose a good but economical building
company, she had looked through lots of
5. When the new windows had arrived, the workers
began removing the old windows.
6. After the workers had removed the old windows, they
started fitting the new ones.
Ex 23
1. Yesterday I didn’t go to the library. I hadn’t read the
book yet.
2. We went to the bar “Domino” because we hadn’t been
there yet.
3. When Jeremy had done his homework, we ran to the
football pitch. His friends had already been there.
4. When Maria came home for holidays, the twins were
playing the board game she had given them before.
When I came home my favourite TV programme had
already started.
I understood that they hadn’t received/got my letter.
Columbus discovered America 500 years ago. When
he returned to Spain he didn’t know that he had
discovered America.
It was cold in the flat. The heating system had failed.
Ex 24
Before signing the contract Anne and Oliver ...
1. hadn’t studied the plans for the development of the
2. hadn’t contacted a consulting firm;
3. hadn’t examined the windows.
4. hadn’t checked the pipes.
5. hadn’t inspected the roof.
6. hadn’t thought about the size of the garden.
Ex 25
2. Had they emptied the shelves?
3. Had they pulled the furniture into the middle of the
4. Had they covered everything with paper sheets?
5. Had they given away the old sofa?
6. Had they ordered a new sofa?
Ex 26
1. After Maria had visited her parents, she took the train
back to her house.
2. When I came to the airport to pick up my friends, their
plain had already landed.
3. Anne decided to cook dinner for the friends. She went
to the market and bought a lot of delicious things. She
made a wonderful dinner.
4. My cousin had only been abroad once before she
moved to Australia last year.
5. My sister got married early, she went to University,
and then they had a nice baby.
6. Oliver was very angry with Jeremy because he had
told him to turn off the light thousand of times.
7. After Anne had saved enough money, she was able to
renovate her practice.
Ex 27
1. Oliver and Jeremy were washing the car when Jessica
came home. She was glad that Jeremy had already
cleaned the hood of the car. She had a snack and
began helping them. By the time she started Jeremy
had already cleaned the windows. Jessica had only to
vacuum the inside of the car.
2. Anne invited friends over for dinner. Before going
shopping she had looked through several cookery
books to find something special. She copied the
ingredients and ran to the supermarket. The recipe was
very complicated. It took hours to make the dish. After
she had chopped two onions and four pickles, she
started boiling the meat. While the meat was boiling
she fried the chopped vegetables and added them to
the boiling meat. There were still lots of things to do.
Oliver was driving rather fast. They had already
covered 100 km, but they still didn’t reach the
mountains. Anne understood that Oliver had taken the
wrong road.
Ex 28
Swift, the English writer, was travelling on horseback with
his servant. The weather was very bad, it was raining, the
roads were muddy. In the evening the travelers came to an
Swift told the servant to clean his boots. The servant was
lazy, he didn’t do it.
In the morning Swift asked the servant why he hadn’t
cleaned the boots. The servant explained that it was no
use cleaning the boots because the roads were muddy.
Swift decided to continue the journey, but the servant
objected. He hadn’t had breakfast yet.
Then Swift explained to the servant that it was no use
having breakfast because they would be hungry again.
Ex 29
1. By next Tuesday I will have finished painting the
2. This afternoon at three the Wimbledon final will have
3. By the time we arrive in Berlin, the dog will have been
in the car for three hours.
4. By the end of the tour we will have visited five cities.
5. I will have finished my studies by the end of the next
6. By the middle of August the Walkers will have returned
from their holidays.
7. When the Walkers get home, the grass in their garden
will have grown awfully.
4. By the end of their holiday they will probably have
gained a few kilos each.
5. Next year Anne and Oliver will have been married for
twenty years.
Ex 30
1. By the end of the summer Maria will have finished her
summer job.
2. When Maria arrives, we’ll have already made the tour
of the island.
3. By her arrival the sailing lessons will have started.
4. By the end of the first week we’ll have already walked
to the top of the cliff.
5. When Maria arrives, we’ll have already visited the
6. By her arrival we’ll have already had a picnic on the
6. Modal Verbs
Ex 1
1. A, 2. P, 3. A, 4. R, 5. A, 6. Pr, 7. R, 8. P, 9. Pr.
Ex 2
A. 2. I can’t talk with you now. 3. I can’t stay. 4. I can’t
understand. 5. I can’t see.
B. 2. He won’t be able to attend the meeting. 3. He won’t
be able to find the time. 4. He won’t be able to do it in the
morning. 5. She won’t be able to cook it.
Ex 3
2. Can their mother make cakes? 3. Can your brother walk
with me to the station? 4. Can she do it today? 5. Can he
play basketball?
Ex 4
1. can’t go; 2. can I smoke; 3. could understand; 4. can’t
remember; 5. can’t install; 6. could go; 7. can’t take;
8. could I leave; 9. can use; 10. can’t talk; 11. couldn’t
look up; 12. can’t pay.
Ex 5
2. won’t be able to; 3. won’t be able to; 4. will be able to;
5. will be able to, won’t be able to; 6. will be able to.
Ex 6
1. could, 2. can’t, 3. could, 4. can’t, 5. was able to, 6. can,
7. can, 8. couldn’t, 9. wasn’t able to.
Ex 7
1. Can you help me?
2. Can you throw away some of them?
3. but I wasn’t able to part with them. I can reread them
again and again. But if you insist, I can go through
them again.
4. Can we get rid of them?
5. but we weren’t able to play more than 10 minutes. It
was rather boring. I can take them to the charity shop.
1. Then you’ll be able to use this hand again.
2. Will I be able to play the piano?
3. because I couldn’t play the piano before.
Ex 8
1. Anne can drive, but she hasn’t got a car at the moment.
2. She can buy a car, but she prefers to ride a bicycle /
to go by bicycle.
3. Jessica, I need your help. Can you go through these
old pictures?
4. In a few years computers will be able to think better
than we do.
5. I was able to swim across the river, but it was harder
than I expected.
6. He could walk when he was only ten months old.
7. Could I ask you a question, Mr Morris?
8. Can you park a car in this street on Sundays?
9. You can’t come into this room.
10. Professor, could you give me the list of books for my
work, please? I’ll be able to read them during the
summer holidays.
Ex 9
1. P; 2. P, Pr; 3. P, Pr; 4. P, Pr.
Ex 16
Can the Dog Have a Seat?
A woman with a dog got in a bus. It was a big dog and very
dirty, too. “Are dogs allowed on a bus?” the woman asked
the conductor. “Yes, they are,” answered the conductor.
“I’ll pay for my dog. Can it have a seat like people then?”
she went on. “Of course, it can,” answered the conductor.
“The dog can have a seat like people, but like people it
can’t put its feet on the seat”.
Ex 17
Ex 10. Students’ own answers.
Ex 11
1. I’m allowed to stay out until 10 p.m.
2. When we were children, we weren’t allowed to watch
horror films.
3. Tom, will you be allowed to drive your father’s car
4. Our dog is allowed to sit on the sofa.
5. The people who live in this house aren’t allowed to
keep pets.
6. Is Sheila allowed to wear make up to school?
7. Will Jeremy and Jessica be allowed to go hiking next
8. She was very weak. We were allowed to speak to her
for two minutes only.
Ex 12
1. When you are 16, you are allowed to leave school. It
seems silly that you are allowed to get married when
you are only 16, but you are not allowed to drive a car
until you are 17.
2. At 18 you are allowed to vote. Is a person allowed to
get married at the age of 18? – Yes, he is. He is allowed
to do a lot of things, but he isn’t allowed to drive a taxi.
Ex 13
1. will be able to; 2. will be able to; 3. Will a blind person
be allowed to; 4. Will the monkeys be able to; 5. won’t be
able to; 6. Will we be allowed to; 7. will be allowed to; 8. is
allowed to, will be able to.
Ex 14
1. Can, 2. May, 3. May;, 4. Can; can;, 5. Am I allowed
Ex 15
– Excuse me. It’ s warm in here. Can somebody open
the window, please?
– No, we are sorry, but we can’t.
– What does that mean? You aren’t able to open the
window or you aren’t allowed to open it?
– Both. All the windows are locked and we aren’t able
to open them. Because of the air-conditioning we
aren’t allowed to open the windows.
His Choice
“Oh, Mother, must I learn music?” sighed Dick.
“Yes, I insist, but you can choose the musical instrument.”
“May/Can I?” Dick was happy. “Then may/can it be the
Ex 18
1. At what age are you allowed to get a driving licence in
2. Were you able to learn any Chinese words when you
were in China?
3. May I ask if you are the owner of this shop?
4. You are not allowed to use calculators and dictionaries
during exams.
5. Сan I borrow your bag, Mum?
6. We won’t be allowed to go hiking, if you fail the exam.
7. Can I make myself a cup of coffee, Jack? – Yes, of
course /Sure, coffee is in the kitchen.
8. May I ask how old you are?
Ex 19
1. Pr, 2. Ob, 3. C, 4. Pr, 5. A, 6. C, 7. Pr, 8. Ob, 9. Pr,
10. Ob.
Ex 20
2. You must work faster. 3. You must hurry up. 4. You must
stop talking. 5. You must listen to me.
Ex 21
2. Must we go there today? – No, you needn’t.
3. Must I ring her up? – No, you needn’t.
4. Must he come to the meeting? – No, he needn’t.
5. Must I have a pass to go there? – No, you needn’t.
6. Must my secretary bring the papers? – No, she
Ex 22
1. You must read the story on page 10.
2. You mustn’t use the dictionary to translate the story.
3. You must do the exercise under the text.
4. You mustn’t copy the sentences, you must make your
own sentences.
5. You must do the sums.
6. You mustn’t look up the answers in the Key Section.
Ex 23
1. had to; 2. has to; 3. had to; 4. has had to; 5. will have
Ex 24
2. How much money did they have to pay?
3. What time do they have to get up?
4. Why did you have to call the police?
5. What project will Oliver have to work on?
6. When will the Walkers have to repair the roof?
Ex 31
2. You don’t have to tell him about it. 3. You won’t have to
pay for the hotel. The Company has already paid the bill.
4. He doesn’t have to pay for the apartment. He lives with
his parents. 5. We didn’t have to buy food. The fridge was
full. 6. We didn’t have to hurry. We had plenty/a lot of
time. 7. She won’t have to go to work tomorrow. She will
be able to take care of her roses. 8. You don’t have to walk
there. You can take a bus /go by bus. 9. Your brother
studied hard. I never had to remind him to do his
Ex 25
Before the Landing
What will we have to do when we arrive in Miami?
You will have to fill in a form and show your passport.
Will we have to open all our suitcases?
Yes, if the customs officer asks, you will have to open
Will we have to speak Spanish at the airport?
No, you won’t have to speak Spanish because all the
people at the airport speak English, too.
Ex 26
1. did you have to; 2. had to; 3. did you sometimes have
to; 4. had to; 5. did you have to; 6. didn’t have to; 7. will I
have to; 8. won’t have to; 9. will I have to; 10. will
sometimes have to, won’t have to.
Ex 27
– Liz, while mum is in hospital we all have to do extra
jobs at home.
– What do I have to do, Dad?
– You have to look after the flowers and the cat and you
will have to do the shopping.
– But you don’t have to cook the meals, I’ll do that.
– What does Sam have to do?
– Don’t worry, your brother has to do more jobs at
home, too.
– He has to clean the house and make the beds.
– And the washing? Does Sam have to do that?
– No, he doesn’t (have to do that). That’s my job.
Ex 28
2. have to do the washing-up, 3. will have to water the
flowers, 4. have to meet Mark; 5. don’t have to do it now,
6. And when do you have to meet Mark?
Ex 29
1. must; 2. must/have to; 3. had to; 4. has to; 5.do you
have to; 6. mustn’t; 7. don’t have to; 8. will have to.
Ex 30
2. You mustn’t pick the flowers. 3. You mustn’t smoke
here. 4. You mustn’t fish in the lake/river. 5. You mustn’t
skate here. 6. You mustn’t litter here.
Ex 32
1. mustn’t; 2. didn’t have to; 3. mustn’t; 4. don’t have to;
5. mustn’t; 6. didn’t have to; 7. mustn’t.
Ex 33
1. Must I clean the windows and the doors too, Mrs
Right? – Yes, of course. We do it once a month.
2. You must see/go to the doctor immediately.
3. Must I pay/Do I have to pay the bill in cash? – No, you
needn’t. You can/may pay by credit card.
4. You mustn’t smoke here. – Must I go outside? – No,
you needn’t. There is a smoking room on the ground
5. Customers mustn’t leave/aren’t allowed to leave
bicycles by the shop-window.
6. Children must ask/have to ask their parents’
permission to come home after 9 p.m.
7. You mustn’t write in pencil here.
Ex 34
1. смысловой глагол «иметь», 2. вспомогательный
глагол (Perfect Tenses), 3. эквивалент модального
глагола “must”, 4. эквивалент модального глагола
“must”, 5. вспомогательный глагол (Perfect Tenses).
Ex 35
1. couldn’t, 2. had to, 3. had to, 4. has to, 5. can, 6. don’t
have to.
Ex 36
Maria’s boss said that she must finish all the central
flower-beds. So, Maria couldn’t go on holiday with her
family. She had to work till the end of August. But when
Maria wanted something very much, she could work hard.
She was able to finish the work a few days earlier. So she
was able to join her family at the sea-side.
Ex 37
1. My brother can’t go to school. He has broken his leg.
2. The teacher said we must read the story by Monday.
3. May/Can we use a mobile phone at the hospital?
4. He is so rich that he doesn’t have to work.
5. And you have to earn your living, don’t you?
Must I make up my mind today, Mr Bright? – No, you
needn’t. You can give your answer in a week.
You mustn’t talk to a sick man in such a tone.
I want to book a hotel in advance. Must I/do I have to
pay/ to settle the bill now? – No, you needn’t. You
can/may pay after the check-in /you checked in.
My sister could play the guitar when she was 12 years
8. You mustn’t enter my room.
9. May I carry your bag, Mrs Crown?
10. Tell Mark that he must clean his room at once.
11. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to learn to drive.
12. You can’t swim in the river, the water is polluted.
Ex 38
A. make their holiday by the sea:
2. You should wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
3. You should put on sun block when you lie in the sun.
4. You shouldn’t drink alcohol or coffee when you are in
the sun.
5. You shouldn’t fall asleep in the sun.
Ex 44
2. She may be at the hospital. 3. He may be in the garage.
4. He may be on holiday. 5. She may be with him. 6. It
may be under the table. 7. He may be on the tennis court.
8. She may be at the theatre.
Ex 45
2. George may help you if you give him a call.
3. It may be a mistake.
4. The TV set may be out of order.
5. Jeremy’s team may win the game.
6. Maria may get five days’ holiday in August.
7. Mr Pratt may be badly hurt.
want to be fit and healthy:
You should eat healthy food.
You shouldn’t drink coffee with cream and sugar.
You shouldn’t eat fatty things.
You should be active and move a lot.
Ex 39
1. I think you should write to her and tell her the truth.
2. I suppose you should bicycle to work. It’s a good
3. I think you should buy your son a pet. It’s a good friend.
4. In my opinion you should go out more.
5. I think you should buy a new dress. It’ll make you
Ex 40
1. must; 2. should; 3. must; 4. have to; 5. should; 6. must;
7. mustn’t; 8. shouldn’t; 9. have to; 10. should; 11. have
to; 12. shouldn’t.
Ex 41
1. Can; 2. must; 3. must; 4. should; 5. mustn’t; 6. can;
7. can/may; 8. must; 9. Could; 10. can’t; 11. may;
12. shouldn’t; 13. can’t; 14. May; 15. didn’t have to; 16. will
be able to.
Ex 42
1. have to; 2. can’t; 3. couldn’t; 4. had to; 5. should;
6. must; 7. will be able to.
Ex 43
1. Mrs Brown, could you look after the child while Linda
is ill?
2. Now when mother isn’t well, I must help her with the
garden. I didn’t have to do it before.
3. You shouldn’t work so much, Mr Walker.
4. After the presentation, you can/may take a day off.
5. Are you allowed to use your father’s new computer?
6. You haven’t seen your classmates for 15 years. Were
you able to recognize anybody?
Ex 46
2. It may be rather hot next week.
3. Do you know where Jack is? – I’m not sure. He might
be in his office.
4. Look at these red clouds. It might be windy tomorrow.
5. We may meet next week.
6. Careful! You may fall down.
7. I’m not sure, but our team might win the match.
8. You may meet him at the station.
9. She might write to you from Kiev.
10. Linda might understand it later.
Ex 47
2. He must be a nice person. 3. He must be in by this time.
4. She must know the truth. 5. The dog must be very
hungry. 6. The information must be wrong.
Ex 48
2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. a; 7. b.
Ex 49
1. may; 2. must; 3. may; 4. must; 5. may; 6. must; 7. may;
8. must; 9. may; 10. must.
Ex 50
– Excuse me, sir, what ice cream did you order: fruit or
– I can’t say (for sure). It may be fruit or it may be
banana. It tasted like glue.
– I see, sir. It must be chocolate ice cream.
7. Summing up: Questions and Negatives
Ex 1
2. Are those girls students?
3. Is he happy?
4. Are they busy?
2. Does York have many museums?
3. Do villages have many theatres?
4. Does she have a computer?
2. Must his son write a letter to his friend?
3. Must she give the answer immediately?
4. Must he sign the contract?
2. Can he go there by metro?
3. Can they call us at noon?
4. Can we buy bread here?
2. Are the boys reading?
3. Are they cooking?
4. Is it snowing?
2. Has he forgotten her address?
3. Has he locked the house?
4. Have you seen the film?
Ex 2
1. Is this the correct bus to town?
2. Was your grandfather a policeman?
3. Is he watching a new thriller?
4. Does London mark the 150th birthday of its
underground in January?
5. Has Oliver finished his City Park project?
6. Do many people like jazz?
7. Will the Walkers go on holiday soon?
8. Are the Walkers at home on Saturdays?
9. Must they read for the test today?
10. Can Jessica dance well?
11. Did Anne work as a nurse when she was young?
12. Were they celebrating the end of exams the whole
Ex 3
2. Does Anne work in the evening?
3. Oliver, are you working at a new project now?
4. Are the children at school now?
5. Oliver, have you found your mobile phone yet?
6. Were they at the football match on Sunday?
7. Will you call me tomorrow?
8. Jessica, can you help Jeremy to solve the problem?
9. Must we go to the meeting?
10. Do Jeremy and Jessica study at college?
Ex 4
Who keeps six honest serving-men?
How many serving-men does the man keep?
What are their names?
Where does he send them?
When does he give them rest?
Ex 5
What did he do?
When did he shake hands and eat lunch?
Where did he eat lunch?
Why did he shake hands and eat lunch/ meet all these
Who prepares for the race?
What race does he prepare for? / What does he prepare
When does he prepare for the race /do the running?
Where does he prepare for the race/do the running?
Why does he do that ?
Ex 6
2. Where did you get to know him?
3. How many children do you have?
4. How many of them still live at home?
5. Which school do the twins go to?
6. Who gave you that necklace?
7. What did you do at Easter?
Ex 7
1. Which of the two hotels is better? How many hotels
had you looked at?
2. At what restaurant did you have dinner? How many
restaurants were there?
3. What food do they serve there?
4. In what catalogue can I find the details?
5. What catalogue are you looking through now?
6. Whose catalogue is it?
Ex 8
A New Wonder Medicine
ANNE: Good morning! How can I help you?
SALES REP: Good morning, Mrs Walker. I’m here to
introduce you to a new revolutionary cream against
ANNE: How is it different from other creams against
SALES REP: It is based on a secret biological formula.
ANNE: Ok. Can you leave me a sample of the cream? I’m
sure to study the information.
Ex 9
Preparations for the Celebration
ANNE: Did you phone to the party service?
OLIVER: Yes, dear. I phoned the party service three days
ANNE: Have you picked up the drinks yet?
OLIVER: Yes, of course. I have already picked the drinks
ANNE: Did you remember to bring the beer glasses?
OLIVER: Certainly. I brought the beer glasses.
ANNE: Have you put the sparkling wine on ice?
OLIVER: Yes! I have just put the sparkling wine on ice.
ANNE: Did you remember to pick up your suit from the
OLIVER. Damn! I forgot to pick up my suit from the
ANNE: If I wasn’t there to think of everything!
Ex 10
Good Old Days
Dad, where did you get to know Mum?
Did you learn foreign languages at school?
Did you like learning German and French?
Dad, did you use to smoke?
Why did you give up/stopped smoking?
Ex 11
1. Who lives in this house?
2. When did they move in?
3. What do they look like?
4. What does Mr Small do?
5. Have they got/Do they have any children?
6. Why don’t you like them?
Ex 12
A. 1. didn’t she? 2. isn’t it? 3. don’t they? 4. is it? 5. isn’t
it? 6. can’t we? 7. wouldn’t it?
В. 1. didn’t you? 2. would you? 3. doesn’t it? 4. can’t I?
5. can I? 6. mustn’t I?
Ex 13
1. A leopard can’t change its spots.
2. All that glisters isn’t gold.
3. Beggars shouldn’t be choosers.
4. If the mountain won’t come to Mohammed, then
Mohammed must go to the mountain.
5. Man doesn’t live by bread alone.
6. Oil and water doesn’t mix.
7. One swallow doesn’t make a summer.
8. If you cannot beat them, join them.
9. A house isn’t a home.
10. Rome wasn’t built in one day.
11. You can’t judge a book by its cover.
12. Don’t cross the bridge till you come to it.
Ex 14
– I’m sorry. It’s very cold in the lecture-hall, the heating
isn’t working.
– Excuse me, Professor, my hands are very cold, I can’t
– You don’t have to write, you’ll be able to read the
lecture online.
– Peter, will you look at my car? It didn’t start
– Mr Walker you haven’t serviced your car since last
– Conny, could you drive me to training in mum’s car?
Otherwise I’ll be late and mother hasn’t got any
time/has no time.
– I don’t know. I haven’t driven a car on the left side.
– It’s raining hard /It’s raining cats and dogs. The water is
rising. I hope the water won’t get into our cellar.
Ex 15
YOUNG WIFE: Do I cook well?
HUSBAND: I think you cook very well.
WIFE: Which of my dishes do you like best of all?
HUSBAND: A can of beans, dear.
– Have you broken off with Mary?
– Yes, I have.
– Did you tell her about your rich uncle?
– Yes, now she is my aunt.
When Mr Rein arrives home from work, his wife is crying.
– What has happened, my dear?
– It’s terrible! Our neighbour has got the same coat as
I have.
– You suppose I should buy you a new coat, don’t you?
– It will be much cheaper than to move to a new flat,
won’t it?
8. Reported speech
Ex 1
2. I knew that Alice wouldn’t come back.
3. Everybody saw that Maria was very pretty.
4. I hoped that somebody had found my keys.
5. It was clear that something terrible had happened.
6. Everybody noticed that he was playing badly that
7. I was sure that she had sent the letter.
8. Mr Watson explained that his wife was ill.
Ex 2
2. I read that it was the world’s oldest underground.
3. I understood that in 1863 people didn’t believe the
idea of underground railway.
4. I was sure that the London underground had become
very popular since then.
5. The guide told us that Londoners call/called their
underground the Tube.
6. The public didn’t like the fact that the engineering
works were constantly going further.
7. The newspapers wrote that the Tube transports/
transported over one billion passengers per year.
8. I didn’t know that the London underground consists/
consisted of eleven lines.
9. The guide explained that the London underground
closes/closed for a few hours at night.
Ex 3
1. is/was; 2. consists/consisted; 3. offers/offered; 4. is/
was situated; 5. attracted; 6. was; were enjoying; 7. were
walking; 8. would find; 9. offers/offered.
Ex 4
2. The Englishmen thought that it would never happen.
3. They hoped that the government would support these
traditional institutions.
4. Statistics showed that in the UK 25 pubs were closed
every week.
5. The experts explained that the pubs were closed
because of the crisis and the smoking ban.
6. Many Englishmen are sorry that they won’t be able to
spend an evening in their favorite pub.
7. We heard in the news that the British were struggling
for their pubs.
Ex 5
1. tells; 2. told; 3. tell; 4. said; 5. tells; 6. told; 7. says
Ex 6
1. was, had been preparing; 2. ran; 3. his last competition
in March had been a terrible failure for him. 4. he was, had
worked out; 5. would never make.
Ex 7
Liz told her father that her friend could get her a room in
Paris from July.
Her father noticed that her studies didn’t start until
Liz explained to him that the room was cheap. But she
added that it had to be renovated and she had two left
Bob, her father, said that he had got nothing against a
week in Paris.
“You are a darling!” exclaimed Liz.
Ex 8
2. Anne explained that she had to do her Christmas
3. She added that there was an announcement about
Christmas sales in today’s newspaper.
4. Anne informed me that she was going to London today.
5. She explained to me that she couldn’t buy what she
wanted here in Cambridge.
Ex 9
2. Anne noticed that it wasn’t easy to find suitable
presents for everybody.
3. Anne told me that she had got everything she wanted.
4. Anne added that the shops had been crowded that
5. Anne pointed out that all people are/were looking for
sales nowadays.
6. Anne mentioned that she had bought a nice T-short
for Jeremy.
7. Anne confessed that she had had no idea of what to
buy for Jessica.
8. Anne remarked that every year Christmas shopping
becomes/became more and more difficult.
9. Anne promised that she would order everything online
the following year.
Ex 10
1. Dave remarked that those old films were great.
2. Conny exclaimed that with their strange wigs, judges
and lawyers had looked funny in those days.
3. Bob explained that they still wore those wigs today. It
was an old tradition.
Ex 11
1. Eliza told her friend that Ted wanted to become a sales
2. Eliza explained that he was attending evening classes
to improve his computer skills.
3. She added that Ted had already applied for work to
several department stores in Manchester.
4. She also complained that he had given up his job in
the USA.
5. Eliza mentioned that he wanted to find a good job.
6. She said that Ted is/was very optimistic.
Ex 12
1. He said that he was busy at the moment.
2. Maria complained that she had lost the umbrella
yesterday /the day before.
3. The children answered that they weren’t hungry
then/at that time.
4. Ron said that he was going to France the following year.
5. Mike promised that he would help me to repair/fix the
bicycle the next day.
6. They wrote that they were coming in the evening.
She confessed that she could understand nothing /
didn’t understand anything.
Maria said that she had met Ron a year before.
Ex 13
1. The teacher ordered us not to speak Russian.
2. The teacher told us to be nice to our host families.
3. The teacher reminded us to say thank you.
4. The teacher advised us not to say that we didn’t like
the food.
5. The teacher instructed us to keep our rooms clean.
6. The teacher also instructed us to make our beds in the
Ex 14
1. Jeremy told Mark to hurry up.
2. The policeman ordered the driver to park round the
3. Ron asked Peter to introduce him to Maria.
4. Anne ordered the children not to talk during the
5. The doctor reminded the patient to take the pills.
6. Anne asked Oliver to bring her a cup of tea.
7. Oliver asked Maria to pass him the sugar.
8. Barbara told George to listen to her first.
Ex 15
1. James said it was a good idea to go skateboarding.
2. James called upon Darren to watch the jump.
3. Darren instructed James to take care.
4. James asked Darren to teach him how to do that.
Ex 16
2. I’m sorry, but you still haven’t returned the last CD I
lent you.
3. I know, but I really want to listen to this CD.
4. You can borrow it on condition that you do all the
washing-up tonight.
Ex 17
2. Anne’s friend wondered if Maria had stayed at home
during her holidays.
3. Anne’s friend wanted to know if Oliver could dance well.
4. Anne’s friend inquired if the Walkers would get the
new windows in October.
5. Anne’s friend asked if Jessica was good at sailing.
Ex 18
1. Amy asked if Maria had got anything planned for the
2. Amy wondered if they could cook something nice and
invite a few people over for dinner.
3. Maria wanted to know if they were going to cook a
roast dinner.
Amy inquired if Maria had ever roasted meat.
Maria wondered if Amy wanted her to try her hand at
Ex 19
1. Mark asked Olden if he had seen Peter that day.
2. Olden wondered if they had won the football match.
3. He also wanted to know if Jeremy had left the day
before/left yesterday.
4. Maria asked Jessica, if they were reading for the
5. She wondered if they knew all the answers.
6. She wanted to know if they had to read much.
7. Maria asked if they needed her help.
8. She didn’t know if they would have that exam soon.
Ex 20
1. Oliver asked the mechanic to have a look at his car.
2. The mechanic wanted to know exactly what the
problem was.
3. Oliver explained that sometimes the car refused to
4. The mechanic told Oliver to leave the keys at the
5. Oliver wondered if it would be a great job.
6. The mechanic promised to give Oliver a call that
Ex 21
1. She wanted to know how long I had known him.
2. She couldn’t remember what his name was/his name.
3. We wondered why he hadn’t come.
4. He wanted to know when the show would begin.
5. She asked me why I wasn’t going to the party.
6. She inquired what country I would like to live in.
7. They had no idea who the child was.
8. They didn’t know where the cloak room was.
Ex 22. Suggested answers:
2. He wanted to know what work I was interested in.
3. He inquired what work I had done before.
4. He wondered what salary I expected.
5. He asked me when I would come to Manchester.
6. He inquired when I could start the work.
7. He wanted to know when he could phone me for some
more details.
Ex 23
1. Barbara wanted to know if Jessica had a temperature.
2. Jessica wondered what her mother had told Barbara.
3. Barbara asked what other symptoms Jessica had.
4. Barbara inquired if Jessica had got a sore throat,
blocked nose or a headache.
5. Jessica asked if grandmother had called the doctor.
Ex 24
RON: Hello, Maria, these are for you. I picked these
flowers in our garden.
MARIA: Thank you Ron. That is so nice of you! You aren’t
going to ask me out, are you? We are just mates,
aren’t we?
RON: Of course not. We are good friends. I just
remembered how much you like/liked flowers.
Ex 25
1. Lucy asked how long they had been in England.
2. Vladimir didn’t know what school they had attended
in England.
3. Sasha wondered what the weather was like in
4. Natasha wanted to know what children did in their free
time in England.
5. Masha asked where they had lived.
6. Ivan wanted to know what cities they had visited in
7. Sergey asked what they had had/eaten for breakfast.
8. The teacher asked what their opinion of England was.
Ex 26
Mr and Mrs Grumble came to our tourist office. They said
that they were looking for a room at a hotel for that day and
the next day. I asked them if they wanted to stay at a hotel
in town or in the country. They explained to me that they
wanted a double room with a shower in town.
They asked me to find a room which wouldn’t be too
expensive/an inexpensive room.
I recommended the “Red Lion” to them. They asked if
there was a garage there. There is no garage at the “Red
Lion”. Then I offered them the hotel “The Lodge”. They
wondered if they could pay there by credit card.
I answered that that small hotel takes/took cash only. I
offered them a big hotel near the railway station. They
didn’t want to stay at that hotel because it would be very
noisy there.
They told me that they had already stayed at a hotel near
the railway station. They didn’t sleep the whole night. Then
I recommended a new modern hotel by the sea to them.
They were glad.
9. The Passive Voice
Ex 1
2. Most of the coffee beans are grown by small farmers.
3. The ripe beans are picked by the whole families.
4. The beans are processed and dried at the factories.
6. This book was written by a famous journalist.
7. The injured people were taken to hospital.
9. The room will be redecorated soon.
10. The tickets will be sold on the day of the performance.
12. The window has been broken.
13. Petrol prices have been increased.
Ex 2
1. This book was published last year.
2. His new film will be shown tomorrow.
3. This play will be staged next month.
4. My watch has already been repaired.
5. Lots of new materials have been invented recently.
6. Many new discoveries were made in the 20th century.
Ex 3
1. are taken; 2. are reflected; 3. is equipped; 4. are shown;
5. are introduced; 6. are served.
Ex 4
1. is enjoyed; 2. is considered; 3. was born; 4. was
played; 5. was thought, 6. was banned; 7. has been
changed; 8. was performed; 9. was organized; 10. were
sold out; 11. is played; 12. has arrived.
Ex 5
2. My desk have been moved. …. my desk had been
3. All the letters have been already signed. … all the
letters had been already signed.
4. The flight was cancelled. …. the flight had been
5. The electric current has been switched off. … the
electric current had been switched off.
Ex 6
2. Was anybody injured?
3. Was anything taken?
4. Is breakfast included?
5. Has he been killed?
6. Has it been redecorated?
Ex 7
2. Was he injured? – No, he wasn’t injured.
3. Have the dishes been washed-up yet? – No, they
haven’t been washed-up yet.
4. Was it given to you by your mother? – No, it wasn’t
given to me by my mother.
5. Have they been destroyed by storm? – No, they
haven’t been destroyed by storm.
6. Was Bill’s name called? – No, it wasn’t called.
Ex 8
“What a beautiful bird”, says a little boy to his grandmother.
“Yes,” answers the grandmother, “and it never cries”. “It
is because, it is never washed,” replies the boy.
I was told by one gentleman who was married here
last month that he was asked to pay only one pound.
That’s right, sir. We were paid only one pound then as
your friend is our good customer. It’s the sixth time he
has been married here.
Ex 9
1. be informed; 2. should be told; 3. will be taken; 4. will
be given.
Ex 10.
2. it should be installed; 3. should be informed; 4. can be
Ex 11
1. by; 2. with; 3. by; 4. with; 5. by; 6. by; 7. by; 8. with; 9.
by; 10. by; 11. by; 12. with.
Ex 12
1. This play was written by Shakespeare. 2. We could see
that the window had been broken with a stone. 3. Her
dress was made by a famous designer. 4. These drawings
on the stones were made with a bone. 5. This detective
story was written by Agatha Christy. 6. These old letters
were written with a goose feather. 7. His films are watched
by millions of people. 8. Chinese hieroglyphs were written
with a special brush.
Ex 13
1. was invented; 2. was filmed; 3. was seen; 4. marked.
Ex 14
1. will be opened; 2. Did you prepare; 3. bought, was
delivered; 4. is sold, will be given; 5. Will there be; 6. will
be, have already booked; 7. Was the big table taken; 8.
was reserved; 9. are asked; 10. is not allowed.
Ex 15
1. were also held; 2. they weren’t watched on TV; 3. didn’t
sit; 4. was; 5. were; 6. were not introduced.
Ex 16
Have a Nice Day!
The Smiley – a yellow circle with two black dots for the
eyes and a black ark for the mouth – is one of the most
popular logos in the world. This logo was designed by the
artist Harvey Ball in 1963. He worked for a US insurance
company State Mutual.
He was asked to design something to make the
customers feel good when they communicated with the
For 10 minutes’ work he was paid $ 45. He couldn’t/
wasn’t able to foresee the future popularity of the logo.
He did not copyright the design. Though the Smiley is
widely used all over the world, Ball has never been paid a
single dollar for his work since then.
Ex 17
1. to; 2. for; 3. of; 4. after; 5. about; 6. of; 7. of; 8. about;
9. of; 10. to.
Ex 18
2. Why is she always laughed at?
3. Have you seen the new play? It is much spoken
4. He tried to give advice, but he wasn’t listened to.
5. At the hospital she was taken good care of.
6. These figures cannot be relied on.
7. She was always looked at with admiration.
8. This book is often referred to.
9. When were you operated on?
Ex 19
2. They have been taught English by a native speaker.
3. It isn’t often used.
4. She was asked very difficult questions.
5. She was taken to hospital on Saturday.
6. She was given the keys. So she let herself in.
7. Jim was asked to come to the police station.
Ex 20
1. She was given a bunch of flowers.
2. I was told the news.
3. We were woken up by a knock at the door.
4. He wasn’t invited to the party.
5. It is a serious problem. – Yes, something must be
done about it.
6. A new planet has been discovered.
7. Tickets will be sold on the day of the match.
8. The new road will be finished next year.
9. The painting was bought by a Japanese millionaire.
Ex 21
During the sea voyage a girl was courted by five young
men. She didn’t know which one to choose. She was
advised to jump overboard and to choose the one who
would follow her.
The next morning when all five admirers were on deck she
jumped into the sea. She was followed by four young
men. When they were fished out of the water, she didn’t
know what to do. “What shall I do with four wet young
men?” she asked the captain. “Then choose the dry one,”
his answer was. She did as she was told.
10. Conditional Sentences
Ex 1
1. when he comes; 2. if you need; 3. if I have; 4. when the
light turns; 5. if I am paid; 6. When I finish; 7. if we get;
8. when they arrive.
Ex 2
1. doesn’t leave; 2. won’t feel; 3. stops; 4. wear; 5. arrive;
6. won’t go; 7. need; 8. will go; 9. get; 10. will be
Ex 3
UNCLE: When are you going to pay me back the money
you have borrowed, sir?
NEPHEW: Oh, presently, dear uncle. I’ll do it as soon as I
get the money from publishing house.
UNCLE: When will you get it, I would like to know?
NEPHEW: I’ll get it as soon as the publisher accepts my
UNCLE: Do you think he will accept your novel, young
NEPHEW: No doubt. He will accept it as soon as I finish
UNCLE: Are you going to finish it soon, my boy?
NEPHEW: Of course, I am. I will begin writing it as soon as
I find a suitable subject.
Ex 4
1. When Maria finishes her summer job, she’ll go hiking
with her friends.
2. If the weather isn’t good, they will stay at a hotel.
3. When the holidays are over, Maria will start her
third semester at university/her third university
4. BARBARA: When we have a computer, I’ll be able
to communicate with my friend who lives in Australia
more often.
ANNE: You’ll be able to do it if Oliver teaches you to
use the e-mail.
BARBARA: If Oliver is busy, Maria or Jeremy will show
me how to use the Internet.
Ex 5
1. I; 2. II; 3. I; 4. II; 5. I; 6. II.
Ex 6
1. rains, will be; 2. go, will need; 3. will deliver, order;
4. don’t need, will just throw; 5. don’t play, will take; 6. will
phone, know.
Ex 7
2. must wear; 3. won’t enjoy; 4. will dance; 5. can listen.
Ex 8. Students’ own answers.
Ex 9
Fun in the Snow
JESSICA: Hey, Jeremy, look at this. It’s snowing outside.
JEREMY: Wow! If it keeps snowing, we will be able to go
sledging this afternoon.
JESSICA: And what about a snowman? If the snow
doesn’t melt, we will build a snowman in the garden
in the evening.
JEREMY: No, snowmen are for kids. I’ve got a better idea.
If the guys from school come to the park, we will have
a snowball fight. I’ll call them right away.
Ex 10
JEREMY: I’ve registered for my first marathon next year.
ANNE: 42 km, can you run that far?
JEREMY: If I train a lot, I’ll be ready to run 42 km.
ANNE: If you study well at school, we’ll allow you to take
it up.
JEREMY: If I become a very good athlete, I won’t need
any algebra.
ANNE: At least you should be able to write your name –
for the autographs.
Ex 11
Mr Brown is going shopping.
MR BROWN: Do you think I must take the umbrella?
MRS BROWN: I don’t know, dear.
MR BROWN: If it starts raining, I’ll need it.
MRS BROWN: Of course, dear. If it rains, you can get
MR BROWN: If it doesn’t rain, the umbrella will be in the
MRS BROWN: If you think so, you can leave it at home.
MR BROWN: OK, I’ll take it. But if the weather is fine, I will
leave it somewhere. No, I won’t take it with me.
When he leaves home, Mr Brown takes the umbrella. He
drops in the cafe nearby and asks the waiter to keep his
umbrella until he comes back.
Ex 12
The correct verbs: 2. could keep; 3. had; 4. would ride,
5. lived; 6. bought; 7. could get bored; 8. would we be.
Ex 13
1. were, wouldn’t emigrate; 2. could see, went; 3. had,
would/could fly; 4. came, could/would go; 5. would meet,
took; 6. saw, would love; 7. asked, would come; 8. won,
would/could buy.
Ex 14. Students’ own answers.
Ex 15
2. Will we see the Baikal; 3. Would you go; 4. What other
places will we visit; 5. What would you do; 6. Would you
get scared; 7. Would you speak to him.
Ex 16
2. What will you do if you lose your way?
3. Lucy, what must you do if you lose your passport?
4. Would you like to visit the Parliament if you had the
5. Would you go to an old pub if you were allowed?
6. Would you go anywhere if you were not allowed?
7. Will you call us if something happens?
Ex 17
1. don’t come there; 2. would take it; 3. take train 2730; 4.
could find; 5. won; 6. is fine.
DAUGHTER: Well, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get up early
tomorrow morning if I go to Dan’s party tonight.
MOTHER: You and your parties! If you didn’t go to parties
so often, you’d study/do better at school.
DAUGHTER: Oh, Mum! If you didn’t talk about studies all
the time, I’d give it a try/ do my best.
SON: I’m sick of hearing about school! If you give me
your navigation system, Dad; I’d work out the best
11. Structures after Verbs:
The Infinitive and the Gerund
Ex 18
If I were you
MR N: If I were you, I wouldn’t go out with this young man.
HIS DAUGHTER: Why? What’s wrong with him?
MR N: If you were older, you would understand.
HIS DAUGHTER: If you were younger, you could like him.
MR N: If I were you, I’d choose your friends more carefully.
HIS DAUGHTER: If you were in my shoes, you’d choose
Jack too.
MR N: Young people are quite different now. If I were the
Minister of Education, I’d do something about it.
HIS DAUGHTER: If I were the Queen, I’d appoint a young
Minister of Education.
Ex 19
JESSICA: If my father says yes, I will go to the youth camp
for two weeks. My mother has already said yes. Why
don’t you come with me?
LUCY: Good idea! But if I don’t get good marks in my
report, my parents won’t let me go.
JESSICA: There is a camp where you can do horse-riding.
I thought about going there. My Mum says that if I
enjoy horse-riding, she will let me have more horseriding lessons here.
LUCY: If I don’t improve my grades, my mum will never
allow me to do that. She says I need to work much
more in the afternoons.
JESSICA: Maybe she is right. Anyway, the camp is rather
expensive. If I were you, I would find a job, so that I
could pay for the camp myself. If your parents are
angry with you, they won’t pay for the camp.
LUCY: I’m sure they won’t.
JESSICA: You know, if I won the lottery, I would pay for you.
LUCY: If my uncle George came to visit us, he would give
me the money and talk to my parents. He always
Ex 20
Sunday Trip to the Seaside
MOTHER: Listen, all of you. If the weather is nice
tomorrow, we’ll go to the seaside.
FATHER: All right. But If I were you I’d watch the weather
forecast on TV tonight.
Ex 1
1. to, (-); 2. to, to, (-); 3. to, (-); 4. (-), to; 5. to, (-), 6. (-),
to; 7. (-), (-).
Ex 2. Students’ own answers.
Ex 3
2. If you want to help somebody, you should say: “Let me
help you.”
3. I arranged to meet Mr Slow in this café. Could/Will you
let me know when he comes?
4. I decided to go by plane/to fly if I can afford the ticket/
to buy the ticket.
5. I hope I didn’t make you wait long.
6. The customer didn’t like the food and (he) refused to
pay for it.
7. I want to play hockey, but mother doesn’t allow me to
play hockey.
8. He said that nothing could/would make him change
his mind.
9. The police made the young man open his bag.
10. Some students choose to study Spanish instead of
(studying) French.
Ex 4
1. to give; 2. doing; 3. to help; 4. taking part; 5. to teach;
6. making; 7. using; 8. to make; 9. to research; 10. working;
11. do; 12. working.
Ex 5
1. They finish working at ten. 2. My Mum doesn’t deny
having fun at her dancing club. 3. Children avoid tidying
up their room. 4. I remember seeing you at the party.
5. He was afraid to risk losing his job. 6. They postponed
leaving because of the weather. 7. The Nelsons consider
working abroad. 8. Imagine living in a country where it’s
always warm. 9. Her work involves filing and typing.
Ex 6
1. lending; 2. to phone; 3. to give; 4. leaving; 5. looking for;
6. to trouble.
Ex 7
1. We saw this film last year. Do you remember seeing it?
2. He forgets everything. He never remembers to lock
the garage door.
3. Did you remember to post the letter? – Yes, I clearly
remember posting it.
4. Stop talking, please. I’m trying to finish this report.
5. We didn’t know how to get to Pushkin Museum. We
stopped to ask the way.
6. Anne likes cooking, but she hates washing-up.
7. I am always afraid of missing the train. So, I like to
come to the station half an hour earlier.
Ex 8
Off to the Cinema
AMY: Do you fancy going to the cinema? They are showing
a new romantic film starring Hugh Grant.
VICKY: Cinema sounds like fun, Amy. But I dislike
watching romantic films. I suggest seeing a horror
film instead.
AMY: Nope, horror films give me nightmares. How about
watching a comedy? Everybody loves watching
comedies, don’t they?
VICKY: Fine, I could do with a good laugh. And maybe
afterwards we can go dancing at the new club in
Ex 9. Students’ own answers.
Ex 10
1. I adore meeting new people.
2. But I hate sending my photo.
3. I just love talking to interesting people.
4. I dread looking for a partner in the Internet.
5. In my free time I go dancing and I also adore watching
6. I am a cinema fan. I enjoy watching a good film.
7. I like reading.
8. I’m looking for a friend who also likes discussing
books and films.
Ex 11
Use the lists of verbs to check your answers.
Ex 12
2. We agreed on leaving early.
3. I apologize for being late.
4. They complained about being hungry.
5. When I was a child I dreamt of flying to the Moon.
6. He considers studying in America.
7. Mother insisted on going to the opera, which we
couldn’t stand.
8. Everybody congratulated me on getting the job.
9. My mother always worries about being late for the
Ex 13
1. prevented from; 2. began by; 3. succeeded in;
4. began by; 5. spent/spend on; 6. complain about, talk
Ex 14
A Job Interview
MR PRICE: You wrote in your application that you enjoy
working with flowers. So Maria, you will be
responsible for planting and caring for the flower
MARIA: That sounds great, Mr Price. I’m really interested
in getting some experience.
MR PRICE: I’m glad to hear that. Of course, I’ll have to
do some other things, too.
MARIA: I don’t object to doing any work. I don’t mind
weeding and watering plants. I’m used to doing it in
our garden.
MR PRICE: The pay isn’t great, I’m afraid. We can offer
you 6 £ per hour. I don’t know if you will find it is
worth working for us.
MARIA: Thank you, Mr Price. Money isn’t everything. The
work means so much for me. I’m dreaming about
working in garden designing.
MR PRICE: Then I’m pleased to inform you that the job is
yours. You won’t put off planting this central flower
bed till next week, will you? I heard you are good at
doing these things.
Ex 15
1. are angry about having; 2. was good at organizing;
3. was useful for making; 5. are used to serving.
Ex 16
1. Anne objected to repairing the old car, but she didn’t
mind buying a new car.
2. Oliver avoids arguing with his wife. They agreed on
buying a new car.
3. Anne insisted on moving more. She decided to go to
work by bicycle.
4. Oliver complained about gaining weight. Anne
suggested going to a fitness club.
5. Oliver was responsible for developing a plan for the
new City Park.
6. Oliver was proud of working on schedule.
7. The Mayor congratulated Oliver on finishing the
work and thanked him for developing a very good
8. Oliver has finished working on this project and now
he is in control of building a new road.
Ex 17
2. enjoy watching; 3. didn’t mind sitting; 4. had difficulty
(in) understanding; 5. couldn’t help crying; 6. will keep
on showing; 7. How about going.
Ex 18
OLIVER: I’m thinking about birthday presents for the twins.
I have no idea what to get. You know I have difficulty
in choosing presents.
ANNE: How about getting a skateboard for Jeremy? He
goes skateboarding a lot. And a dress for Jessica?
She loves dressing-up.
OLIVER: But we wouldn’t know which one to buy. We might
give them vouchers.
ANNE: No, I don’t like it. They are looking forward to
getting presents. I can’t stand giving children money
instead of presents.
OLIVER: You’re right. We should put some thought into the
presents. It’s no use giving children money. They’ll
spend it and forget about the presents. Anne, you’re
so good at choosing presents. Can you think of
something suitable?
Ex 19
2. d; 3. f; 4. e; 5. c; 6. b; 7. a.
Ex 20
1. The way of selling; 2. the hope of making a good profit;
3. The reason for opening; 4. the opportunity of getting;
5. the advantage of working; 6. a danger of gaining
Ex 21
1. instead of, 2. on, without; 3. by; 4. by; 5. by.
Ex 22
1. Instead of eating at home they went out for dinner.
2. Oliver lost weight by taking more exercises.
3. Maria knew what she wanted to do after leaving
4. In spite of hurting his leg Mr Pratt managed to come
to Anne’s practice.
5. Jessica was able to open the door after trying again.
6. Jeremy left for training without finishing his dinner.
7. On coming home Anne saw that the twins were playing
a board game.
8. Oliver bought a new knife for slicing meat.
Ex 25
+ Infinitive
+ Gerund
think of/about
thank for
prevent from
object to
succeed in
suspect of
apologize for
Ex 26
1. to come; 2. being treated; 3. finishing; 4. to go out; 5. to
drive; 6. not to give; 7. flying; 8. travelling; 9. writing;
10. reading; 11. seeing; 12. to talk; 13. visiting; 14. looking;
15. to pass.
12. The noun
Ex 1
Examination – examine
Happiness – happy
Friendship – friend
Operation – operate
Popularity – popular
Ex 2
Collection – collect
Scientist – science
Neighbourhood – neighbour
Brotherhood – brother
Coldness – cold
Ex 23
2. I don’t like being shouted at. 3. I object to being kept
waiting. 4. I resent being criticized. 5. He hates being
laughed at. 6. I was afraid of being followed. 7. I objected
to being watched. 8. She needs to work without being
Ex 3
Ex 24
1. helping, being needed; 2. riding, being knocked down;
3. finishing, being praised; 4. being given; 5. being
interrupted, interrupting; 6. ringing, being disturbed;
7. breaking, being noticed; 8. going out, being invited.
Ex 4
1. This is the English course for beginners.
2. The producers talked/were talking to the buyers.
3. The visitors were asked to wait.
The inventor of the space rocket was called a
5. We sent our congratulations to the American scientist.
6. I have an appointment with the doctor.
7. The quietness and darkness didn’t scare the policeman.
He entered the house without any hesitation.
8. My sister is rather light-minded. She thinks only about
entertainment and enjoyment.
9. The leader of the “green” movement took part in the
10. The suggestion was very interesting, but we couldn’t
reach an agreement.
Ex 5
2. pianist; 3. assistant; 4. discovery; 5. investigation;
6. attention; 7. mixture; 8. hesitation; 9. composition;
10. inspectors, inspection; 11. admiration; 12. improvement.
Ex 6
A. 1. disadvantage, 2. misinterpretation, 3. insecurity,
4. unimportance, 5. dishonesty, 6. interconnection,
7. indifference, 8. misunderstanding, 9. inactivity,
10. disapproval, 11. inability, 12. misfortune, 13. discomfort,
14. disbelief, 15. inequality.
B. 1. p; 2. i; 3. o; 4. j; 5. h; 6. c; 7. k; 8. f; 9. d; 10. a; 11.g;
12. n; 13. b; 14. l; 15. m.
Ex 7
A. “True love comes quietly, without banners [z] or flashing
lights [s].
If you hear the bells [z], get your ears [z] checked”.
B. “Women and cats will do as they please, and men and
dogs should relax and get used to the idea”.
Ex 8
shelf – shelves, bus – buses,
church – churches, lorry – lorries,
sheep – sheep, photo – photos,
foot – feet, baby – babies,
hero – heros, berry – berries,
tomato – tomatoes, pony – ponies,
radio – radios, toy – toys,
thief – thieves, video – videos,
tooth – teeth, wife – wives.
Ex 9
In the Design Museum
LIZ: Look at these tables!
DAVE: And these old radios and the old photos of people
with deer. They are so funny!
LIZ: Yes, these old things must be worth a fortune these
DAVE: There is nothing special here. Gran has got piles of
such old things in the attic. There are piles of such old
things in the Gran’s attic.
Ex 10
1. are/have been; 2. are; they; 3. are; 4. these; they;
5. are; 6. is
Ex 11
1. These jeans are very big for you.. 2. The shorts are
made of cotton. 3. Are you looking for your glasses?
They are on you head. 4. Don’t give the scissors to the
child. They are very sharp. 5. These stairs have one
hundred steps. 6. Your clothes are in the bedroom. 7. We
have two sledges for the twins and two bikes. 8. We gave
my father a watch for his birthday. 9. The clock in the
kitchen is five minutes fast. 11. There are five fish in the
fish tank. One fish is a golden fish. 11. Potatoes are very
good this year.
Ex 12
1. This isn’t my money. The money belongs to my
2. Physics is a very difficult subject.
3. Was mathematics difficult for you?
4. This information was very important.
5. The news is very interesting, isn’t it?
6. Have you heard the news?
7. Your knowledge isn’t enough to pass the exam.
8. His knowledge of mathematics always surprises
9. I can’t understand anything. Is it physics or
10. He gave me a good piece of advice.
Ex 13
1. makes; 2. have; 3. were; 4. is; 5. are; 6. isn’t; 7. is; 8. is;
9. go, 10. is, 11. are.
Ex 14
wall, friend, glass (стакан), ship, machine, time (раз),
assistant, picture, hour, armchair, wood (лес), coin, river,
teacher, tree, unit, university.
Ex 15
1.time, times; 2. a glass, glasses, glass; 3. wood, a wood;
4.chicken, a chicken; 5. beauty, a beauty, beauties;
6. cake, a cake, a bottle; 7. iron, an iron.
Ex 16
1. You don’t need to take any food on the trip.
2. I don’t normally have a big lunch, except for a
3. I found a fly in my salad and left the restaurant.
4. I’d like some bread, please.
5. We went skiing at the weekend, but there wasn’t any
snow in the mountains.
6. Can I use your computer, Jack? I need to send an
There is some wine in the bottle if you want to try. The
wine is excellent.
Have you got any money left?
Ex 17
I Can’t Abide Waste
OLIVER: My goodness Anne, what are we going to do with
all this/the leftover food from Christmas? I can’t abide
waste when there are so many starving people in the
ANNE: We can’t throw the food away, can we? Let me see
what we have. Some turkey, a bowl of salad, a piece
of ham, some cranberry sauce and a dish of roast
OLIVER: Do we have any pudding left? The children love
ANNE: I have an idea. If the twins invite a couple of their
friends round for lunch, the food will be gone in no
time. And now, Oli, do you fancy some coffee?
OLIVER: Thanks, but I prefer tea, a cup of strong black tea.
ANNE: And what would you say to a turkey sandwich?
Ex 18
DOCTOR: How much weight have you gained?
KIRSTY: How many kilos should I be?
DOCTOR: How many meals a day do you have?
DOCTOR: How much bread do you eat a day?
DOCTOR: How many lumps of sugar do you take with your
DOCTOR: How much butter do you eat a week?
DOCTOR: How many bananas and how much grapes do
you eat?
DOCTOR: How many kilometres do you walk a day?
DOCTOR: How much time do you sit in your office?
Ex 19
1. The/A boy threw a stone into the pond. The wall is
made of stone.
2. I like the photos. How many photos have you taken?
3. The mechanic has fixed the car. He also added some
4. This small box is made of silver. Do you wear the silver
I gave you?
5. Add some milk into the porridge. It will taste better. I
like porridge.
6. I’m cold. Is there any tea?/Do we have any tea? – Yes,
I’ve just made some tea. The tea is in the teapot.
7. I need a person with some experience. The experience
you have isn’t enough.
8. I’m tired. I’ve done the housework.
9. Please, buy some bread, ham and cheese for
sandwiches. We need some food to have a bite on the
10. Have we got / Is there any glue? – What kind of glue?
– The glue for paper.
Ex 20. Suggested answers:
Teachers’ room; actress’s career; Tom’s last name;
hairdresser’s phone number; our dog’s name; children’s
toys; doctor’s surgery; women’s club; girls’ school; Anne and
Oliver’s car; Doris’s habit; my parents’ home; sheep’s wool.
Ex 21
The Royal Baby
Kate Middleton and Prince William’s son was born on
Monday, 22 July.
It was a wonderful surprise for the baby’s happy parents
as Kate and William didn’t want to know the baby’s sex
beforehand. They also didn’t announce the baby’s name.
26 hours after the child was born the happy parents
introduced him to the public. The people gathered at the
hospital entrance to greet the son of the Duke and
Duchess of Cambridge – England’s future King.
Prince William smiled and made jokes. He also mentioned
that the child has got his mother’s good looks.
Prince William and Kate Middleton thanked the staff of the
hospital for the tremendous care of the mother and the baby.
Two days later the name of Kate and Prince William’s son
was announced to the public – George Alexander Louis.
The official baby’s name is His Royal Highness Prince
George of Cambridge.
The child was named after Queen Elisabeth’s father and
Prince William’s great-grandfather – King George VI.
George is also the second name of the baby’s father.
Alexander is Kate’s favourite name and Louis is apparently
the name of the Royal family member killed by the Irish
Republicans’ bomb.
The infant is Britain’s throne successor.
Ex 22
2. Moscow’s theatres are world famous.
3. Tomorrow’s lecture has been cancelled.
4. The people don’t like their country’s policy.
5. The ship’s crew were very polite.
6. Last month’s rains caused floods.
7. The company’s products are very popular.
8. The government’s decision was very important.
9. So she had an hour’s rest.
10. So in September I’ll receive two months’ salary.
Ex 23
1. the name of this street; 2. the windows of the car; 3. the
author’s last book; 4. today’s news: 5. the dog’s leg;
6. one leg of the chair; 7. this painter’s pictures; 8. a
picture of this painter; 9. the town’s special atmosphere;
10. the atmosphere of the planet.
Ex 24
2. flower garden; 3. tooth paste; 4. the kitchen door; 5. a
glass factory; 6. a shoe shop; 7. a love story; 8. chicken
soup; 9. oil industry.
Ex 25
1. a chocolate cake; 2. a bar of soap; 3. Russia’s history;
4. a telephone box; 5. vegetable soup; 6. the company’s
office; 7. the cat’s tail; 8. computer disks; 9. Mr Green’s
music lesson; 10. oil industry
Ex 26
2. Canada’s national football team;
3. the frame of the picture;
4. a week’s holiday;
5. a/the bus station;
6. Jeremy and Jessica’s elder sister;
7. children’s toys;
8. a space rocket;
9. the women’s changing room;
10. the Walkers’ party;
11. the key of the car;
12. fruit tea;
13. the managers’meeting;
14. leather shoe.
Ex 27
1. Have you seen the article in the yesterday’s paper?
2. In Germany people usually have four weeks’ holiday.
3. I often wear my sister’s clothes.
4. We buy vegetables at the greengrocer’s.
5. America’s highest skyscraper is in Chicago.
6. I spent the night at my friend’s.
7. It is the world’s best opera theatre.
8. I’ll take a vegetable salad and a glass of fruit juice.
9. I don’t remember the name of my friend’s sister.
10. The garage door was locked. / The door of the garage
was locked.
11. I don’t know the result of yesterday’s match.
12. The ship’s crew wasn’t big.
13. I spoke to the company’s manager.
Ex 2
1. “It’s not hard to understand modern art. If it hangs on
a wall, it’s a painting, and if you can walk around it, it’s
a sculpture.”
2. “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.”
(Здесь во всех случаях используется неопределённый артикль a/an в общем смысле в значении «любой, каждый», один из множества подобных предметов)
3. A Family Portrait
As is the custom, every year the Walkers are at the photo
studio having their portrait taken. The reason for this is that
Anne wants to send the photo to all those people she tries
to stay in touch with.
They sit on the coach and the photographer gets them all
to say “cheese”, before taking the photo. Thanks to the
digital photography they can see the results immediately.
(Здесь во всех случаях используется определённый
артикль THE: фамилия с определённым артиклем –
обозначение семьи, далее речь идёт о конкретных
предметах, связанных с описываемым фотосеансом,
фотографией и фотографом)
Ex 28
– Hi! Where are you rushing with the speed of a rocket?
– I’m going to the Sea Port to meet Monica.
– And who is Monica?
– Oliver’s sister. I’m in a hurry because I don’t know the
exact time of the ship’s arrival.
– If you’re in a hurry, you shouldn’t go by car. The
construction of a new road creates traffic jams.
Ex 29
3. what is; 4. It is; 5. which is; 6. that is; 7. he is; 8. he has;
10. that is; 11. what is; 12. there is.
Ex 30
– Did you see the invitation to Linda’s birthday?
– Yes, I did. Was it her or her husband’s idea to invite us?
– I don’t know. We aren’t really friends. We are just
Robert’s colleagues.
It’s going to be a really big party. She invited her
husband’s colleagues and their partners, too.
We need a nice present then. What about a women’s
weekend at a fitness club?
I think that’s too expensive for a colleague’s wife.
What about breakfast at Tiffany’s?
A good idea. My secretary’s family went there last
Sunday and they liked the food and the waiters’
13. The Article
Ex 1
1. a university, 2. a nose, 3. an umbrella, 4. a ticket, 5. a
one-hour walk, 6. a wall, 7. a hand, 8. a man, 9. an honest
man, 10. a home, 11. a unit, 12. a European, 13. an
elephant, 14. an uncle, 15. a book, 16. a useful book,
17. an aunt, 18. an alphabet, 19. a one-man play, 20. a
yacht, 21. an event, 22. a yard.
Ex 3
I. The Cultural Evening
ANNE: I’m glad we managed to come to the theatre. We
hadn’t had a night out for a long time.
OLIVER: So, what do you think of the play so far? I think that
the actors are really good, but the plot is a bit shallow.
ANNE: I can’t agree with you, I think... Oh, the stage has
gone dark and the curtain is going up.
II. A Frightfully Good Film
James and his friends went to the cinema to watch a sci-fi
film in 3D.
At the cinema they stocked up on popcorn and soft drinks
and made their way to the seats.
The film was great. The special effects were out of this
world. The spaceships looked as if they were flying right
out of the screen and the aliens looked frightfully real.
Ex 4
In the Living-Room
It’s late evening. The family is in the living-room.
Bring me a cup of tea, please.
Switch on the TV, please.
Children, don’t talk during the programme.
Let’s listen to the news and the weather forecast.
Oliver is reading the newspaper he bought in the
Ex 5
Much More than News
NEWSAGENT: Morning, Oliver, how are you?
OLIVER: Not too bad, thanks, Fred. Could you give me a
paper, a pack of cigarettes, and an envelope, please.
NEWSAGENT: Certainly, here you go.
OLIVER: Oh, and I’d better have a can of Cola, too. I’ve got
a long day ahead of me.
Ex 6
I. Maria is taking part in a guided tour of Kew Gardens.
The tour is very interesting because she can see the
areas of the Gardens which are not normally open to the
After the tour there is a questions and answers session
with the group’s guide.
II. Jeremy is not a big reader, so when his friend Mark
lends him a book, he decides to look through the book to
tell Mark that he has read it. However the story is a
whodunit and Jeremy gets involved in the plot. The story
races along and before he knows it, the evening has
Ex 7
At the Outdoor Swimming Pool
CONNY: Look at the guy up there on the diving platform.
LIZ: The muscle man? I know him, he went to my school.
CONNY: Wow, what a great body! Would you introduce me
to him?
LIZ: Keep away from the guy! He is a show-off.
CONNY: But he looks so attractive…
LIZ: ...and has a new girlfriend every week.
Ex 8
After the summer holidays, school has started again.
Jessica and Jeremy are going to school on the 10th of
They need pens, pencils, notebooks and some other
They went/ made their way to the stationer’s.
Jeremy decided to buy a pencil box, a compass, a pad of
paper and some pens and pencils.
Jessica bought a new schoolbag, some notebooks, a new
diary and a new calculator.
They bought so many things that they needed a trolley to
carry everything to the checkout.
Ex 9
1. I don’t like reading romantic novels. The romantic
novels I read were rather silly.
2. Without music life would be a mistake. (Nietzsche)
The music our children listen to is just noise and
nothing more.
3. I hate wearing formal clothes. The formal clothes I
wear are always black.
4. I dislike eating spicy food. But the spicy food I had in
India was just to my liking.
5. They say that European cities are polluted by cars.
The cities we visited in Germany weren’t polluted, the
air was fresh and clean.
6. People usually think that babies are sweet. The babies
I took care of were constantly crying.
7. When on holiday, give me fruit, books, and fine
weather and I’d be happy. But the books they gave
me were boring, and the weather was too cold to
8. The first frost fair on The Thames had puppet shows,
food stalls and ice bowling. Now under Southwark
Bridge, there are pictures of the first frost fair, of the
puppet shows and the ice bowling they had then.
Ex 10
1. “The only way to catch a train I have ever discovered
is to miss the train before.”
2. “Geniuses are the luckiest of men because what they
must do is the same as what they most want to do.”
3. “When a man retires and time is no longer a matter of
great importance, the colleagues generally present
him with a watch.”
4. “I like a man who can be a real friend, has a good
sense of humour, a good pair of shoes and a healthy
gold card.”
Ex 11
I. An Old Acquaintance
OLIVER: Hi, I don’t know if you remember us. You took
us on a fishing trip a year ago.
FISHERMAN: The Walkers, of course I remember you Mr
Walker. You caught the biggest cod I’ve ever seen.
MARIA: Excuse me, when is the next train to London?
CONDUCTOR: I’m sorry Miss, there has been an
accident on the railway. The trains travelling to
London are delayed.
Ex 12
Meet Emma and Richard Johnsons
The Johnsons is a close family. Richard has a very good
job in London. He is an industrial manager.
Emma works at a bookshop. It’s a very stressful job, too.
Mostly Emma has to deal with customers. But at the
beginning of the year she has to take an inventory of all
the books and to make a display of the new books they
have got.
Fortunately, Emma has a nice colleague, Val, who is a
very reliable person.
Ex 13
Own Household
MARIA: Mum, can I take the old dishes to Paris with me?
ANNE: Yes. Do you have a kitchen in your new flat?
MARIA: Yes, a kitchenette, but there is only a refrigerator
and a sink there.
ANNE: So, you’ll need a cooker. Ask your Gran, she has
got an old cooker in her cellar.
MARIA: I need an electric cooker, there is no gas
connection. I was thinking of the old camping stove I
saw in our cellar.
ANNE: We’ll ask your Dad then.
Ex 14
The Pet
CONNY: You have a big garden, why don’t you have a
DAVE: I’d like to have a dog, and Liz preferred a cat.
CONNY: And because you couldn’t reach an agreement,
you weren’t allowed to have a pet?
DAVE: No, Mum has an allergy to animal hair.
Ex 15
Peter Pan
James Matthew was a Scottish author and dramatist, best
known for writing the epic tale of Peter Pan, the boy who
would never grow up. The play “Peter Pan” was first
performed in 1904.
In 1911 Barrie made this play into the novel “Peter and
Wendy”. Since then the book which was made into films
and musicals had made Barrie a wealthy man, popular in
Ex 16
A rich farmer’s friend had very good apple-trees. One day
this friend gave the farmer a young apple-tree. The
farmer was pleased with the present, but when he came
home, he did not know where to plant the tree. He
thought: “If I plant it in the field, the neighbours will steal
the apples. If I plant it near my house, my children will eat
the apples. So, I will have no /won’t have any apples.”
At last he planted the apple-tree in the wood where
nobody would/could see it. But the tree could not grow
without sunlight and died in the wood.
Ex 17
1. Sorry I’m late. I took the wrong bus.
2. The captain of the ship welcomed the passengers on
3. We don’t know how old the universe is.
4. Duke Street? We live in the same street.
5. The lion is the King of the jungle though it lives on the
6. The invention of the wheel was a great step in the
development of transport.
7. You shouldn’t ask questions if you already know the
8. Paris is the capital of France.
Ex 18
1. There are nine planets in the Solar System.
2. The telephone was invented by Bell.
3. I didn’t come/arrive yesterday because I missed the
last train.
4. Elephants are the largest land animals.
5. It is the oldest university in the world.
6. You can get the address from the post-office.
7. What do you think of the director? I can’t stand the
8. A stream is a small river.
9. We are talking about the same person.
Ex 19
1. We saw beautiful silk and cotton in Thailand.
2. You need rice if you want to make a Chinese meal.
3. Can I take an apple and a plum after lunch, Mum?
4. Water in a well (колодец) is always cold.
5. Waiter, I’ve just found a button (пуговица) in my soup!
6. Will you buy (some) ham and bread for me, please? A
loaf of bread to be exact.
7. There was a bottle of wine on the table, but I don’t
drink wine.
8. It’s excellent work. One can say it’s a work of art
(произведение искусства).
9. I’m going to cut the grass in the garden.
10. When we were in the village in summer, I slept on a
grass mattress.
Ex 20
1. “Weather is a great metaphor for life, sometimes it is
good, sometimes it is bad, and there is nothing much
you can do about it…”
2. “Life is like jazz… It’s best when you improvise.”
3. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the
courage to continue that counts.”
4. “Winter is the time for good food and warmth, for a talk
beside the fire: it is the time for home.” (Edith Sitwell)
5. “Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when
you have two, opulence is when you have three – and
paradise is when you have none.”
Ex 21
1. Time is money.
2. She was thinking about the time she was at university.
3. He couldn’t walk any longer. He gave up hope. But the
hope to see his family helped him.
4. The whole city was in darkness. The darkness was
5. He was dreaming about the happiness of home, love
and warmth.
6. Money can’t buy happiness.
7. The top of Mount Everest is 29,029 feet above the sea
level, the weather there is unpredictable and
8. He hated foggy weather/the foggy weather. (погода
в тот момент)
9. I won’t have fish. – I think you should try it, the fish is
very fresh.
10. Though I don’t like coffee, the coffee she made was
Ex 22
The Wrong Kind of Snow
In winter, the UK gets its share of snow.
In 1991 British Rail said that it had been ready for snow,
though the snow they had that year caused great
problems on the railways.
The director of the operations announced: “We are having
problems with the type of snow.”
They couldn’t deal with the snow because it was like
powder and got into the railway’s electrical systems.
The phrase “the wrong kind of snow” is used today for a
lame excuse.
Ex 23
At the Baker’s
JEREMY: Can I have a roll with cheese and egg in it, Mum?
And a slice of the sweet pie, too, please.
JESSICA: What is in the pie?
ASSISTANT: Bananas, biscuits and jam. It’s deliсious.
ANNE: What do you want, Jessica?
JESSICA: I don’t know yet. What sort of jam is in the pie?
ASSISTANT: It’s strawberry jam.
JEREMY: Hurry up, Jes, and decide what you want. I’m
Ex 24
Scrambled Eggs
To make scrambled eggs you need eggs, milk and butter.
Cut a slice of (the) butter and put it into a heated
Next pour the milk over the butter. Then break the eggs
and pour them into the pan. Season to taste and stir the
mixture quiсkly until everything is solid (твёрдый).
Ex 25
An English Secret
Tea-drinking is a kind of ceremony in Britain. It’s a certain
philosophy of life.
Here is the English secret of making tea. First you warm
the pot with hot water and throw the water away. Then put
in a teaspoonful of tea for each person and “one for the
Now pour some/ (-) boiling water on and let the tea stand
for three-five minutes.
Tea is taken with or without milk and sugar. Hot water is
served separately to make the/(-) tea less strong.
Ex 26
1. I need some butter for (the) sandwiches. – (The)
butter is on the table.
2. In the morning I have only tea. – I’ve just made some
tea. The tea is hot. Put some sugar in your tea.
3. You’re coughing. Have we got any milk? You should
have/drink some hot milk. – But I hate hot milk.
4. Yesterday I bought (some) Chinese tea. I’ll give the tea
to your mother.
5. Have you seen the silk I brought from India? – Yes, I
have. I like the silk.
Ex 27
The neighbour gave Bobbie a piece of bread and butter.
Bobbie thanked her.
“You are a good boy, Bobbie. I like to hear little boys say
“thank you.”
“If you want to hear it again, you can/might put some jam
on the butter.”
Ex 28
Volga is the longest river in Europe. (1)
2. Japan and United States are separated by Pacific
Ocean. (2)
Himalayas on the border
3. Mount Everest is in
between Nepal and Tibet, which is part of People’s
Republic of China. (2)
4. I have been to United Kingdom, Germany, France,
Netherlands, but I have never been to Spain. (2)
Suez Canal flows through north of Egypt, joining
Mediterranean to Gulf of Suez and Red Sea. (5)
Ex 29
1. Rising in the Cambrian Mountains and winding its way
over 220 miles before falling into the Bristol Channel,
the River Severn is the longest river in Britain.
2. On the 30th of June, 1997 Britain gave its colony Hong
Kong back to China after ruling it for 156 years.
3. Nine miles from end to end and five miles wide, Jersey
is one of the islands that is included into the Channel
Islands and officially the sunniest place in the British
In 1988 Stacy Allison became the first American
woman to reach the top of Mount Everest.
The Gobi desert covers parts of northern China and
southern Mongolia. It is bounded by the Altai Mountains
and the grasslands and steppes of Mongolia.
Ex 30
1. What do you think of a full English breakfast? – I don’t
really like it, but then again, I don’t usually eat much
for breakfast.
2. The dinner (that) we had at Mario’s was excellent.
3. Is spring a good time to visit Kew Gardens?
4. The winter (that) we spent in London was quite warm.
5. It was a nice sunny autumn and we stayed in the
6. Our school organizes trips to the cultural hot spots of
the UK’s cities and abroad. In the summer of 2013,
the kids went to Berlin for the weekend.
7. The office is open in the morning and in the afternoon.
8. If I work hard in the evening, I don’t sleep well at night.
9. It was early morning and everybody was sleeping.
Ex 31
Dinner or Supper?
JEREMY: I’m starving! What time is dinner?
ANNE: In about 30 minutes, but it’s not dinner, it’s tea. We
had such a big meal at lunch time.
JEREMY: Yes, it was a big lunch, but can we have supper
in about two hours, too?
Ex 32
I. In a Small Hotel
– Do you have/have you got cold and hot water in your
– Yes, we do/have. (We have) cold water in winter and
hot in summer.
– Mother, I want a “dark” breakfast.
– A “dark” breakfast? What do you mean?
– Last night you told Mary to give me a light supper, and
I didn’t like it.
A friend invited the doctor to dinner in his country house.
The dinner was late, and the doctor went for a walk.
There was an old churchyard not far from his friend’s
When the dinner was served at last, the doctor hadn’t
returned yet.
The guests wondered where he had gone. The host was
annoyed. He explained to the guests that the doctor went
to the churchyard to visit his former patients.
Amy goes to school by bus. She likes the school,
although most days she has piles of homework.
3. The school has a good reputation but the students
there have their fun, too.
4. Mary Williams is still at school. She plans to go to
university when she leaves school. The school she
goes to is rather strict, and Mary is looking forward to
the freedom of university life.
5. They are building a new school not far from our house.
6. Why isn’t Anne at work today?
7. The new generation doesn’t read the works of
8. The hospital where Amy worked was in the East End.
9. Jack had an accident. He had to go to hospital. He is
still in hospital now. We went to the hospital to visit him.
10. Oliver has to wear a suit to work. The work he does is
quite stressful at times.
Ex 34
1. There a hospital in the village. – Is there a school too?
2. Jeremy and Jessica go to the same school. In the
morning Oliver takes them to school in his car.
3. The school they go to is big.
4. After leaving school my brother began working for his
father’s company. He didn’t like the work. He had to
work from morning till night.
5. We finished working at midnight and went to bed
without supper.
6. He is only 14, he doesn’t go to college yet.
7. Excuse me, please, could you tell me the way to the
8. I went to an evening school, because I had to finish
the work my father started.
Ex 35
I. A Weather Joke
A tourist arrives at a hotel in a Scottish village on a cold,
grey, drizzly day. The nasty weather remains the same for
two weeks. Finally, the tourist stops a little boy in the
street. “Does the weather here ever change?” he asks. “I
don’t know,” replies the boy. “I’m only six.”
II. A Valentine’s Day Joke
A woman woke up and told her husband: “At night I dreamt
you gave me a beautiful diamond necklace for Valentine’s
Day. What do you think the dream means?”
The husband smiled and replied: “You will know tonight,
my dear.”
In the evening, the husband came home with a small
package and gave it to his wife.
She was happy, she opened the package. It was a book
entitled “The Meaning of Dreams”.
Ex 33
1. School in England usually begins at nine. The school
Jessica and Jeremy go is no exception.
11. What day and (what) date is it today? – It’s Monday,
the 26th of August.
12. You/one should be very careful if you are a cashier.
14. Pronoun
Ex 1
1. she; 2. he; 3. it; 4. they; 5. we; 6. it.
Ex 2
1. her, his; 2. its/their; 3. his, its; 4. my, my, your; 5. your,
my, our; 6. your, our.
Ex 3
2. him; 3. it; 4. her; 5. them; 6. him; 7. her; 8. it.
Ex 4
1. Are you leaving? – Yes, I’ve had enough of this party.
– Me too.
2. – Maria is four years older than Jeremy, but he is
nearly as tall as her.
3. – Who brought these flowers? – It was me. They are
from my garden.
4. – I haven’t met your wife yet. Is she here? – That is her
over there.
Ex 5
A Bit of News
GRANDMA: How is my dear grandson?
JEREMY: Fine, thanks. Here is your newspaper. I hope I
bought the right one.
GRANDMA: Yes, it’s my favourite. The reporting style is
good and the comics make me laugh.
JEREMY: And where is Grandpa? I promised to help him
with the computer and I need his help, too.
GRANDMA: He will be home in 15 minutes. While we’re
waiting for him I’ll show you the pictures our friends,
the Nelsons, sent us from Spain. Do you remember
JEREMY: I’m afraid, I don’t .
GRANDMA: But you should remember their granddaughter
Amber. You went to the kindergarden with her.
JEREMY: Was she the girl with long red hair?
GRANDMA: That’s night. That was her.
Ex 6
1. John took the book and opened it.
2. He called Mary and invited her to dinner.
3. “Have you seen the new French film yet? – Yes, I have,
but I didn’t like it.
4. Excuse me, you’ve dropped your scarf.
5. Monica, will you send us a photo of your house in
6. At the bookstore/shop the writer gave me his new
7. They are going home, are you going with them?
8. Tell Jeremy I’m waiting for him at the entrance.
9. They have no children. It’s her daughter by her first
10. Who is calling? – It’s him/he. I don’t want to talk to him.
Ex 7
1. this; 2. these; 3. that; 4. those; 5. this; 6. this; 7. that; 8.
that; 9. these.
Ex 8
A Fancy Dress Party
AMY: These clothes are perfect for a fancy dress party. I
can’t believe that my Granny wore this flowered blouse.
AMBER: And I like that long skirt. It’s also your Granny’s,
isn’t it? Can I put it on?
AMY: Sure. What about shoes? You can’t wear these
boots with the skirt.
AMBER: What would you say to those sandals?
AMY: Not bad, but I have a good idea. We won’t wear
shoes. Let’s go barefoot like real hippies of the 60s.
AMBER: Look at this hat, the flowers on the hat will match
those on your blouse, won’t they?
AMY: I guess those things were in fashion then. I’ll put it
on, too.
AMBER: I bet we are really into this dressing-up thing!
Ex 9
1. themselves; 2. himself; 3. themselves; 4. myself;
5. yourself; 6. himself; 7. ourselves; 8. itself; 9. herself;
10. yourselves.
Ex 10
1. Richard never cuts himself shaving – he uses an
electric shaver.
2. Come in both of you and make yourselves at home.
3. Goodbye till we meet again.
4. The children were playing hide-and-seek, and Jeremy
hid himself behind a tree.
5. You don’t have to turn the toaster off – it turns itself off.
6. The man turned, and I saw that I took him for Mike.
7. We agreed to start early.
8. I have nothing to blame myself for.
9. People with a sense of humour can laugh at themselves.
10. Matilda defended herself against the wild dog.
Ex 11
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. They were very tired but they made themselves go on.
3. I made myself (some) soup for dinner. Would you like
some soup? Please, help yourself.
4. The music was wonderful. She enjoyed herself.
5. Doctor, I feel well today. Can I go for a walk?
6. The elderly lady lived by herself. She was very weak,
she couldn’t wash and dress.
7. If you can’t do it yourself, I’ll help you.
8. Our daughter studies at university in Paris, she lives
by herself.
My son behaves badly at school. I keep telling him:
“Behave yourself!”
10. Did you go on holiday by yourself?
Ex 12
1. Let’s take a photo of each other.
2. Let’s cook each other a meal.
3. Let’s read horror stories to each other.
4. Let’s tell each other jokes.
5. Let’s write e-mail to each other.
6. Let’s send each other postcards.
7. Let’s help each other with homework.
8. Let’s check each other’s answers.
9. Let’s buy each other a Christmas present.
10. Let’s borrow each other’s CDs.
Ex 13
1. Tom introduced himself.
2. We often see each other in the school bus.
3. Our parents are on a bus tour today, so we have to
look after ourselves.
4. May I help myself to some salad?
5. Many people can laugh at themselves.
6. Allan dresses rather smartly.
7. The sisters often help each other to put on their
8. The two elderly ladies helped each other to climb the
9. We looked at each other and laughed.
10. You should think yourself lucky!
11. When Jim and Lucy met, they kissed and hugged
each other.
Ex 14
– Five people? Please sit at this table. Help yourselves
from the buffet.
– Can we have that table by the window?
– Of course, you may. The table by the window is free.
– Oh dear! Mrs Martin and Mr Brown are sitting opposite
each other!
– Don’t they like each other?
– She hates him and he can’t stand her.
– Don’t worry. They can hardly hurt each other with
nasty looks.
– We should seat them away from each other and save
ourselves trouble.
– Calm down and relax. I’m sure he’ll behave like a
Ex 15
1. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.
2. Grandpa often talks to himself when he is working.
3. The children like to cook dinner themselves.
4. We should talk to each other more.
5. Amy loves herself very much!
6. We love each other.
They asked each other a lot of questions.
I asked myself, if I wanted to study in Paris.
Nobody wrote letters to Nina, she wrote the letters
10. Sisters can wear each other’s clothes.
Ex 16
1. I’ve lost my pen. I must buy another one.
2. The post office is on the other side of the street.
3. Will you have another drink?
4. I’ve lost you in the crowd. Where are the others?
5. If I were you, I won’t have another cup of coffee. You
won’t sleep.
6. Our son is seven. We are going to have another baby.
7. My daughter has twins. When one is sleeping the
other is crying.
8. It was a blind date. Neither of them has seen the photo
of the other.
9. We met at the exhibition the other day.
10. When on holiday, he reads detective stories one after
the other.
Ex 17
All the bread I brought / all bread produced, all the islands,
the whole Asia, all the musicians, all week/the whole week,
all vegetables, the whole country, all the chairs, the whole
class, all the food, all the beauty, all women, the whole
sweater, all the clothes, all evening/ the whole evening, the
whole orchestra.
Ex 18
1. He spends all his money on books. 2. She is very kind.
Everybody likes her. 3. He read the book from beginning to
end, he read the whole book. 4. Our whole family likes
music. Everybody in our family plays some musical
instrument. 5. When we were in Scotland it rained the
whole week. 6. We redecorated all the rooms of the house.
The whole house looks new. 7. All the best jokes came at
the end of the programme. Everybody laughed. 8. All
children must go to school. 9. Thank you for all the help you
gave us. 10. Jill is a pianist. She doesn’t do any housework.
Her husband does everything. 11. Everything is good in its
season. 12. Nobody is perfect. Everybody has his faults.
Ex 19
1. Emma and Richard love their both children equally.
2. Neither of the children is interested in shopping with
Emma, so she’ll have to go by herself.
3. All children hate shopping.
4. The Olympic Games are held every four years.
5. Amber tried to phone Amy two or three times, but
each time there was no answer.
6. They were walking slowly to the other end of the garden.
7. There are six flats in Grandma’s block and each one
has a large balcony.
Brendon looked at the two books. He didn’t know
which book to choose. He decided to take both of
9. Val is lucky. She went to both Spain and Italy this year.
10. Both the teams are rather strong, but I don’t think
England or France will win the match, neither of them.
11. Her family doctor sent her to another therapist.
Ex 20
1. All five men were hard workers.
2. She had good advice for each of us.
3. They are afraid of each other.
4. Old Grandfather’s clock strike every hour.
5. I invited both my colleagues to my birthday party, but
neither of them came.
6. We need another day to finish the work.
7. Each member of the club should have a pass.
8. All of them were dressed in black.
9. He has lived all his life in London.
10. Green doesn’t suit you. Have they got another colour?
11. I clean my clothes every two months.
12. Have you done it by yourself?
13. Behave yourself!
14. This knife is dull. Can you give me another one?
Ex 21
A Girls’ Thing
Does this lipstick suit me?
You look stunning and this red nail polish matches the
Is all this make-up yours?
These things are mine and those are my mother’s. But
we use each other’s make-up.
Cool! But I can’t go home like this. My parents will kill
Doesn’t your mother wear make-up?
My mother doesn’t wear make-up every day, but she
wears make-up every time she goes out.
I see. And you?
We both wear little make-up.
Ex 22
1. Could you lend me some money, please? 2. This car
doesn’t use any petrol, it’s battery-powered. 3. I’d like
some information on the hotels in Paris, please. 4. Is
there any soup left? – There is some in the fridge. 5. I
haven’t got any sun crème. Have you got any? 6. I need
some milk to make pan cakes. – Sorry, we don’t have
any. 7. If we have got any cake left, I’d like to take some
for lunch. 8. Have you got any news of him?
Ex 23
1. Jeremy has some sweets in his pocket, but he doesn’t
need to give Jessica any because she has got some
of her own.
Does Oliver have any brothers or sisters? – Yes, he
has got a sister but he doesn’t have any brothers.
Anne bought Jeremy some new T-shirts. Jessica also
needs some new sandals.
Grandma is giving the cat some treats. – Not too
many, Gran, or there won’t be left any!
Would you like some more cake? – Yes, please, and
may I have some more tea?
Ex 24
1. There are some old trees in my garden. 2. After 11 p.m.
there aren’t any buses here / there are no buses here.
3. There are no rivers in our region, there are only some
small lakes here. 4. I saw some strange people near your
house. 5. Are there any doctors on the plane / on board the
plane? 6. When you are travelling in some country, you
should learn some words of the country’s language.
Ex 25
1. I haven’t got anything to eat. 2. Will you have something
to eat? 3. Is there anybody in the room? 4. I was bored.
There was nowhere to go in this small village. 5. I need
somewhere to sleep tonight. 6. Could you give me
something to drink? 7. Is there anywhere here where I can
hide this box? 8. Will somebody help me, please? 9. I knew
nothing. Nobody told me about it. 10. He asked his
secretary if anybody was waiting for him.
Ex 26
2. He didn’t say anything about it in his last letter. 3. We
didn’t meet anyone in the street. 4. I didn’t hear anything
about it. 5. He didn’t expect anybody that day. 6. I didn’t
call anybody yesterday.
Ex 27
A Happy Customer
CUSTOMER: Do you have anything by Margaret Atwood?
EMMA: Yes, we have got some of her novels and a short
story collection.
CUSTOMER: I’m actually looking for a book of her
EMMA: Well, these two are the most recent and both are
the first edition.
CUSTOMER: Super, I’ll take one.
EMMA: Would you like it gift wrapped?
CUSTOMER: No, thank you. I collect first editions.
EMMA: You are lucky. We have got only two left.
CUSTOMER: This reminds me of a present for my friend.
We both collect first editions. I’ll take the other one,
too. And I’d like it gift wrapped.
EMMA: Here you are. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
CUSTOMER: I certainly will. I wish I could find something
for my teenager son too.
EMMA: Let me see…
Ex 28
1. He sent me some postcards from England.
2. Do you take sugar with your coffee? There isn’t any
sugar/is no sugar in the coffee.
3. We asked the guide if there were any places of
interest/sights in this small town.
4. Do we have any salt? Add some salt to the soup.
5. I looked up and saw somebody at the window.
6. If anybody calls when I’m out, ask him to leave a
7. Did anybody come when I was out?
8. I looked/was looking for my ticket and couldn’t find it
9. Did you hear anything about it? – No, I didn’t hear
anything about it.
10. Have you seen anything interesting today? – No, I
didn’t go anywhere.
Ex 29
1. Many roads lead to Rome.
2. Much ado about nothing.
3. Many hands make light work.
4. There is much truth in it.
5. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
6. I love you so much!
7. Many true words are spoken in a jest.
8. Much water has flown under the bridge.
Ex 30
1. I haven’t got much tea left.
2. We used less electricity last year.
3. Would you care for a little something?
4. Julia buys a lot of CDs every year.
5. Fellows like him are only a few and far away.
6. I need very little sleep and little food.
7. When it happened I was only a few steps away.
8. On their way they spoke very little.
9. Little is known about his childhood.
10. Several friends dropped in during the day, but only a
few stayed for dinner.
Ex 31
1. much space; 2. many children; 3. a lot of tea; 4. much
time, many hours; 5. a lot of children, much noise;
6. many phone calls, much time; 7. many books, a lot of
dust; 8. a lot of photos; 9. much time and money, a little
discount, a few additional packs of paper; 10. lots of
Irishmen; 11. much weight; 12. much to see.
Ex 32
– Did your parents use to have a car, Gran?
– No, not many people used to have cars back then. We
used to walk much.
Oh, dear! The weather forecast sounds awful. This
means that we can’t do much this weekend.
We have a lot of good films at home. Can’t we just
stay in and watch a few?
What are we doing today?
I’d like to have my hair cut, but don’t cut too much
off, just a little trim, please.
Ex 33
1. How many times have you been to Paris?
2. How much time does a trip to Paris by bus take?
3. How many rolls have you bought? How much money
have you spent?
4. I don’t have much work today.
5. My son spends a lot of/much time at the computer.
6. I invited a few people to dinner.
7. You should change your diet. You don’t eat much
fruit and you eat a lot of bread.
8. You need a lot of eggs for the cake, and we have only
a few.
9. There isn’t much hope that our team is going to/will
10. Only a few people visited me at the hospital, though
I have a lot of friends.
11. Very few students passed the exam, a lot of students
failed it.
12. It’s a very old town. There aren’t many new houses
in it.
13. I have a little money, but it’s enough for the bus
14. Do they drink much wine in Greece?
15. Adjective
Ex 1
Dental – denture
Beautiful – beauty
Funny – fun
Nervous – nerve
Typical – type
Convenient – convenience
Adorable – adore
Pleasant – pleasure
Tactless – tact
Valuable – value
Lucky – luck
Colourful –colour
Ex 2
-able 1. reasonable
2. emotional
3. cheerful
-ous 4. mysterious
5. dominant
-less 6. brainless
7. noisy
1. g; 2. f; 3. c; 4. e; 5. a; 6. b; 7. d.
Ex 3
1. editorial; 2. famous; 3. successful; 4. professional;
5. tasty; 6. helpful; 7. honourable; 8. lucky; 9. legendary.
Ex 4
un1. unimaginable
in2. inattentive
im3. impractical
il4. illiterate
ir5. irregular
dis6. disorganized
1. Sometimes Oliver buys expensive things which he
doesn’t really need. He can be very impractical.
2. It’s difficult to imagine such a situation. It’s an
unimaginable situation.
3. Mark can never come on time. He is a very
disorganized person.
4. Your son is inattentive at the lessons. Does he like
going to school?
5. Now it’s difficult to find an illiterate person in Europe.
6. There are a lot of fiords in Norway. Norway’s coast line
is rather irregular.
Ex 5
Mostly dry today with bright or sunny spells. Cloudy in the
northern areas where a little rain is possible. We expect
high temperatures tomorrow – 17–18 degrees.
Tonight dry and rather cold. Tuesday night will be quite
misty and foggy in places.
Although there will be spells of sunshine on Wednesday,
overall it will tend to be cold.
Ex 6
Car lovers who dream of noble cars inevitably think of
British cars.
Surely the most important of all is the time-honoured Rolls
Royce, but the name Bentley also has a good reputation
in the world of high society.
Ex 7. Suggested answers (если слово употребляется в
разных ситуациях, оно может иметь разные антонимы).
2. hard – soft; 3. rich – poor; 4. tall – short; 5. cold – warm;
6. clever – silly; 7. ugly – beautiful/handsome; 8. long –
Ex 8
I. Suggested answers
– How was your holiday?
– Well, where shall I begin? It was the most pleasant.
The place was beautiful, the people friendly, the
scenery magnificent, and the food delicious.
Amy wants to take a modern dance course at school. She
knows that modern dance rejects many of the strict rules
of the classical ballet. It focuses on the expression of the
inner feelings. Amy’s mother thinks it’s a good idea. It will
make Amy more flexible and coordinated.
Ex 9
1. Peter the Great ruled Russia from May 1682 until his
death in February 1725.
2. My father inherited a large house.
3. How tall are you? – I’m only 5 feet.
4. This pullover is too big for you. Try on a size smaller.
5. This fish lives in large rivers or lakes.
6. How was your holiday? – Oh, just great.
7. Her husband was a big/tall man.
8. It is often simple ideas that lead to great discoveries.
9. The yacht has a very tall mast.
Ex 10
1. Things will have to change. The existing system
doesn’t work.
2. It’s amazing what they can do nowadays.
3. I was astonished to see him there.
4. He was probably the most famous of the world’s living
5. It was exciting news, everybody was pleased, only
Tom looked disappointed.
6. Mother was deeply touched with the presents the
children gave her.
7. I couldn’t look at the frightening pictures they showed
in the news that day.
8. The children said they weren’t interested to see the
exhibition. Nevertheless we went there. They looked
at the exhibits and found them interesting.
Ex 11
1. I hope you didn’t feel alarmed at the news.
I find it rather an alarming announcement.
2. We had a frightening experience when hunting in
She had big blue frightened eyes.
3. She had a warm welcoming smile.
That made everybody feel welcomed.
4. I had nothing to do. I was bored and lonely.
I didn’t read the only book I had with me. It was so
5. Have you heard what has happened? Isn’t it exciting?
Everybody was excited by the news of the victory.
6. We were rather late. It was very embarrassing! George
made a fool of himself. I was awfully embarrassed.
Ex 12
2. a pretty young girl; 3. a handsome young man; 4. an oak
kitchen cupboard; 5. a brown leather bag; 6. an old
American film; 7. big blue eyes; 8. a nice hot bath; 9, a new
cotton dress; 10. a little old red car; 11. a small antique
gold watch.
Ex 13
1. a lovely little green cottage;
2. an old English stone mansion;
3. a new black silk party dress;
4. modern white cotton tennis shorts;
5. Grandmother’s ugly old brown school dress;
6. a cute little black puppy;
7. an elegant old red English sports car;
8. a big wooden country house;
9. three beautiful Italian picture frames.
Ex 17
I. TOO + adjective
3. The discussion was too boring to listen to.
5. The soup was too hot to eat.
6. The water in the lake was too cold to swim.
10. It’s too hot today to work.
II. ENOUGH + adjective
4. She isn’t old enough to get a driving licence.
7. I wasn’t interested enough to watch the film.
8. The comedy wasn’t funny enough to laugh.
9. Pam isn’t tall enough to reach the top shelf.
Ex 14
1. Anne was angry with Jeremy for not helping her with
the housework.
2. She is tired of doing everything herself.
3. It is typical of Jeremy to spend a whole evening on
4. Anne thinks that spending so much time in front of the
computer is bad for him.
5. She is, however, impressed by his computer skills.
6. She also thinks that he is excellent at solving her
computer problems.
7. Jim was late for dinner again but nobody was
surprised at the fact.
8. Roger wasn’t present at the lecture,he wasn’t
interested in the topic.
Ex 15
1. Our dog is afraid of thunderstorm.
2. Oliver is interested in politics. He watches the news
every evening.
3. Oliver was surprised at the latest events.
4. The Walkers are very proud of their children.
5. Maria was worried about the test results. She wasn’t
sure of her answers.
6. Everybody was hungry because Oliver left the
sandwiches at home. Anne was angry with him.
7. Oliver was very busy. He wasn’t present at the meeting.
8. I’m not aslleep, you can come in.
9. You were right. We may be late for the play.
10. I’m very tired. The child is ill and I was awake the whole
Ex 16
1. Mm, this tastes delicious. How did you make it?
2. You look nice in this hat. I haven’t seen this hat before.
3. The washing-machine sounds strange. Is there
something wrong with it?
4. What beautiful flowers! They smell good, too.
5. I like our new neighbours. They seem rather pleasant.
6. I can’t eat it. It tastes awful and there is too much salt.
Our holiday apartment was very good. We felt rather
comfortable there.
The new pullover feels very soft.
Ex 18
1. He was clever enough to understand the situation.
2. Anna didn’t want to talk to Oliver, she was too irritated.
3. You mustn’t walk on the ice, it’s too thin.
4. You aren’t quick enough to work in MacDonalds.
5. I can’t do this exercise, it’s too difficult.
6. We will have to change the flat, our flat isn’t big
enough for our family.
7. Jeremy doesn’t study well. Anne isn’t strict enough
with him.
8. I’d like to buy these shoes, but they are too expensive.
Ex 19
more expensive
more tired
more impressive
most expensive
most tired
most impressive
Ex 20
1. Desktop is faster than laptop.
2. Laptop is prettier than desktop.
4. Desktop is larger than laptop.
5. Desktop is less expensive than laptop.
6. Laptop is less noisy than desktop.
7. Desktop is less convenient to carry than laptop.
Ex 21. Students’ own answers.
2. the most amusing book; 3. the most uncomfortable
bed; 4. the most interesting lecture; 5. the most exciting
tennis match; 6. the most awful singer; 7. the cheapest
Ex 22
2. Ben is better at Math than Liz.
3. Ben is taller than Liz.
4. Ben starts school later than Liz.
5. Ben works at school harder than Liz.
6. Ben has more patience than Liz.
7. Ben is friendlier than Liz.
8. Ben is a better dancer than Liz.
9. Liz is more intelligent than Ben.
10. Liz speaks English better than Ben.
Ex 27
1. Is your house much farther from the station than ours?
2. Who is the eldest son in your family?
3. Who is the oldest player in your football team?
4. We have no further information.
5. Jessica has less work than Maria today.
6. My dog is older than yours.
7. Jessica also is going to get further education.
8. Oliver’s computer is better than Jeremy’s computer.
Ex 28. Suggested answers:
1. much better; 2. much harder; 3. far safer; 4. a bit
nearer; 5. far more famous; 6. a bit quieter; 7. much more
Ex 23
I. 1. has more; 2. the larger cities; 3. more unusual dishes
than; 4. younger customers; 5. is getting more and more
II. At the Chemist’s
CHEMIST’S: This is the strongest cough medicine you can
buy without a prescription.
CUSTOMER: Thank you. I’d like also the largest box of
Kleenex that you sell.
Ex 24
1. less; 2. the least; 3. more; 4. less; 5. more; 6. more;
7. the most; 8. the least.
Ex 25
1. better, 2. the sunniest, the largest, long; 3. the most
famous; 4. worse; 5. the biggest; 6. the most popular, the
least popular; 7. the most significant, the most important;
8. the most beautiful, bigger; 9. the least convenient;
10. the best.
Ex 26
1. Doctors say, that sport is good for us. Activity helps us
to live longer. This is complete nonsense! If you look at
nature, you will see that the most active animals have the
shortest life, for example, the hummingbird.
However, the slowest animals or the animals which have a
quieter life live the longest span of time, for example, the
tortoise and the elephant.
I think that we should advertise sport less.
Мr Br. Long
2. I’m writing to answer Mr Long’s letter. Mr Long
believes that living beings which don’t move or move
slower are the oldest on our planet. That’s completely
Doctors proved that less active people are more
depressive, eat and drink more. That’s why they are less
healthy and die earlier.
Dr Paul MacNeil
Ex 29
In the Highlands
SALLY: Spending the long weekend in Scotland was was
a far/much better idea than staying at home.
BOB: Yes, it was – the whisky tastes even better here than
it does at home.
SALLY: Don’t you have any feeling for the romantic
BOB: I would be much happier if I didn’t have to go
SALLY: Next time I’ll go alone.
Ex 30
1. After school Jeremy is usually hungrier than Jessica,
but their cat Merlini is always the hungriest in their
2. Jessica is good at swimming, but her friend Amy is a
much better swimmer, Amy is the best swimmer at
their school.
3. When the friends swim in the lake, Amy can swim
much farther than Jessica.
4. Grandma is a bit bored this evening, Grandpa is less
bored, he is watching TV. Their cat Merlini is the least
bored, she is playing with a toy mouse.
5. Anne is taller than her children, but Oliver is the tallest
in their family. He is much taller than Anne.
6. Maria is an elder sister, she is four years older than the
7. Jessica has little juice in her glass, Jeremy has got
less juice in his. He says that Anne gave Jessica much
more juice than she gave him.
Ex 31
Вы так молоды как ваша вера, так стары как ваши
так молоды как ваша самоуверенность, так стары
как ваш страх,
так молоды как ваша надежда, так стары как вашe
Ex 32
2. As innocent as a babe unborn.
3. As like as an apple to an oyster.
4. As old as hills.
5. As sure as eggs is eggs.
6. As welcome as flowers in May.
2. e; 3. a; 4.d; 5. c; 6. b.
Ex 33
1. She is not as nice as she looks.
2. He doesn’t work as much as his father used to (work).
3. The street we live in now is not as noisy as the one we
used to live.
4. Our town is not as big as the town you live in, but it’s
very old.
5. I can try to arrange the meeting, though my friend is
as busy as you are.
6. I’d like to buy a dress as smart as yours.
7. I was as tired as the rest of the people I went hiking with.
Ex 34
1. The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his tail.
2. The more hast, the less speed.
3. The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh.
4. The more, the merrier.
5. The more you have, the more you want.
6. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
1. c; 2. a; 3. f; 4. b; 5. e; 6. d.
Ex 35
– When is the party to begin?
– The earlier, the better.
– How many people are to come?
– The less, the better.
– But the more, the merrier. It seems you are not looking
forward to the party.
– Because the more you ask about it, the less I like it.
Ex 36
Easier by Ferry!
On August 8, 1950, American swimmer Florence
Chadwick swam across the English Channel (32 km) in 13
hours and 20 minutes. She was the fastest and broke the
world record.
It wasn’t as easy as other good swimmers might think.
Because of the long distance, strong tides, and the cold
water the Channel is one of the hardest swims in the world.
In fact, fewer people have swum the English Channel than
have climbed Everest.
Ex 37
Today the automobile has become very popular, as
important as the house.
Due to the automobile our life has got/become much more
comfortable. More and more people can buy a larger
house in the suburbs with a bigger garden. The farther
from the city, the cleaner the air. The air in the country is
far less polluted. So, due to the automobile the life of
people has become much better.
Although the automobile is the most comfortable means
of conveyance, the ecologists think, that it is better to
use public transport. Buses and trains transport much
more people that’s why the air pollution is far less. They
produce not as much dangerous gases as when a lot of
people use the automobile. The Government should
spend more money for public transport.
16. Adverb
Ex 1. Students’ own answers.
Ex 2
“Geographically, Ireland is a medium-sized rural island
that is slowly but steadily being consumed by sheep.”
Ex 3
1. well; 2. good; 3. angry; 4. angrily; 5. bad; 6. badly;
7. bravely; 8. brave; 9. clear; 10. clearly.
Ex 4
2. They performed beautifully. 3. She answered formally.
4. He acted heroically. 5. He described the incident
accurately. 6. They laughed happily. 7. The actors were
warmly greeted. 8. Does she speak fluently? 9. He swims
Ex 5
2. Sue is terribly upset about losing her job.
3. Tom’s French isn’t very good, but he speaks German
very well.
5. Anne and Oliver are happily married and have three
lovely children.
6. People in Africa are often colourfully dressed.
8. There was an accident. The driver of the car was
seriously injured.
9. We didn’t go out because it was raining heavily.
Ex 6
1. Jack is a fast walker. Why is he walking so fast? 2. Anne
isn’t lazy. She works hard at her physiotherapy practice.
3. It’s a low land. It’s damp because it lies low. 4. It was
late spring. The trees that year blossomed late. 5. Monday
was a long day. Did it take you long to finish the work?
6. The station was at the end of the long straight street.
We went straight ahead.
Ex 7
1. Maria works hard at college. She hardly has time for
I got up late this morning. I have been working far into
the night lately.
Anne lives quite near her practice. But because of the
traffic jam it took her nearly an hour to get there the
other day.
Pine trees are usually very high. These birds build their
nests very high. We saw a highly amusing film about
those birds.
The rain was pouring so hard that we could hardly see
the cars.
They talked of high ideas.
We highly appreciate your help.
Ex 8
1. Richard was badly wounded in the hunting
2. Amy isn’t a bad student, and she works hard at
school, too.
3. Well done, Brendon. Your answer is very good.
4. Grandma looks very happy with her daily paper.
5. She didn’t answer, just smiled at me happily.
6. Emma’s French is perfect, which sometimes is useful
in the bookshop.
7. I’m not late. My watch works perfectly well.
8. Get dressed quickly, Emma. We mustn’t be late for
the party. My boss hates it.
9. You have been rather absent-minded lately.
10. Her quick answer showed that she was ready for the
11. Tom was rather unfriendly last night. He hardly spoke
to me.
12. Mr Shake is a good teacher, he is a well-educated
Ex 9
1. She was highly respected in her village.
2. A new playground was badly needed in this area.
3. The plane flew high, it could be hardly seen.
4. The lake wasn’t near (to) the village. We nearly ran
out of petrol.
5. Be careful, the lake is very deep.
6. I can’t understand a word. He doesn’t speak loud/
loudly enough for everybody to hear.
7. He wants to get rich quick/quickly, but I don’t know
any get-rich-quick/quickly methods.
8. She was deeply hurt by his words but didn’t say a
Ex 10
1. It’s autumn. It gets dark early.
2. The Times is a daily newspaper.
3. She is a lovely friendly woman, but she seems so
4. I understand our German teacher very well, he
speaks very slowly.
You have a fast sport car, but this doesn’t mean (that)
you should drive fast.
6. I’m paid monthly for my work.
7. He opened the door quietly and left quickly.
8. Our director speaks five languages fluently.
9. Maria does everything very neatly and carefully.
10. Though Mark works hard at school, he could hardly
finish the test in time.
11. The car was rather/quite expensive, but we had to
sell it cheap.
12. It was bitterly cold. We could hardly speak.
13. I can’t stand people who talk loud(ly).
14. How are you? – I’m very well, thanks. How is life? –
Very good, thank you.
Ex 11
I. The Radio Producer Tells His Story
“The nationalwide radio programmes are still firmly in the
hands of the BBC, but private providers, who were
originally only locally represented, are slowly forcing their
way into the national market.”
II. The World’s Largest Castle
Initially the Windsor Castle was a fortress. It was originally
designed to strengthen Norman defences on the
outskirts of London. It is the oldest and the largest
occupied castle in the world. Traditionally it has been
home to almost all the monarchs of Great Britain. During
more than ten centuries its architecture hasn’t been
changed significantly.
The castle was badly damaged by fire in 1992. The repairs
cost 37 million pounds and were largely financed by the
opening of Buckingham Palace to the public.
Ex 12
1. Andy is the most intelligent, but Sue works the hardest.
2. Mary sings more beautifully than anyone else in our
3. 8 p.m. is late – could you possibly get here any earlier?
4. Of all children, Helen writes the most correctly.
5. I’d sleep more peacefully, if I weren’t worried about
6. Mark speaks French the most fluently of all the boys in
his class.
7. If we want to catch the 10.20 train, we should leave at
10.00 the latest.
8. Oliver drives more carefully than Anne.
Ex 13
1. less; 2. worse; 3. quicker; 4. nearer, more often/oftener;
5. much faster; 6. much harder; 7. more successfully;
8. less carefully; 9. earlier; 10. more slowly.
Ex 14
2. The nearer to the Church, the farther from God.
3. The better I know you, the less I understand you.
The more pizza he eats, the more weight he gains.
What time shall we leave? – The sooner, the better.
The more English books you read, the better you know
the language.
Walking is good for you. The faster you walk, the fitter
you get.
Ex 15
1. The financial situation of the company isn’t very good
2. When they started their business, everything was
going well.
3. Emma is well-read, she knows a lot.
4. We’ve received a lot of letters lately.
5. Please, don’t go near the edge of the platform.
6. Yesterday a boy nearly fell off the platform.
7. She is working hard but she will hardly be able to finish
the work today.
8. The longer I live here, the more I like the place.
9. The next day he got much worse.
10. It was a short call. I didn’t talk to him long.
11. He can hardly breath, he ran very quickly/fast.
Ex 16
1. when; 2. before, ago; 3. early; 4. since; 5. then; 6. soon,
afterwards; 7. after; 8. tonight; 9. once.
Ex 17
1. tonight; 2. before; 3. once; 4. suddenly; 5. after;
6. afterwards; 7. suddenly, then; 8. soon; 9. since then.
Ex 18
– Have you seen the London Eye yet?
– I think we went on it the day before, yes, it was
yesterday. It was great. I have never been on
something like that in my life.
– I experienced it a year ago. It is expensive but it’s
worth it.
– We’ve been in London for a week already. There is so
much to see.
– I am sitting here because I got very tired after we’ve
made one tour, but my wife is still walking around. She
is tireless.
– Quite understand. So is my wife.
– Have you ever visited Windsor Castle?
– It was also a years ago, I took a boat there then. I can
recommend it.
– Thanks for the tip!
Ex 19
We’ve had the kitten since we moved to our country
house. It is called Merlini. It has already found a nice place
to sleep – in a shoebox. We haven’t bought Merlini a collar
yet because she’s too small. But we’ve just/already
bought her a toy-mouse. We’ve taken a lot of photos of
the kitten lately/recently and you can see them in the
Internet. Have you ever had a cat?
Ex 20
1. Have the children come home/arrived yet? – No, they
haven’t come back yet. But don’t worry, they have
already done their homework.
2. My parents lived in Italy for a long time. It was long
ago, before I was born. – But you are only 6 years old.
I think they came back to England quite recently/not
long ago.
3. I’ve met this man here several times lately. – No
wonder, he is our new colleague. He began working
for our company not long ago.
4. Are you going to work/will you work long today? We
haven’t been to the cinema for a long time. – But we
went to/were at the theatre not long ago. – Right you
are /You are right, but it was a week ago.
Ex 21
1. – I’ve got one more letter from my friend Daisy.
– What else did she tell you?
– I haven’t read it yet. I’m still working.
2. The children haven’t gone to bed yet. They are still
watching TV.
3. – Who else do you want to invite to your birthday party,
– Can I invite two more friends from Paris, Mum?
– Of course, dear. It’s only March the 5th. You’ve got
enough time.
– Then will you give me two more postcards, please.
4. Have your friends answered you yet? Jean has
already sent an e-mail, saying that he is coming. And
Nicole hasn’t answered yet. She is still doing her
exams I think.
Ex 22
1. first of all; 2. next; 3. while; 4. then; 5. while; 6. after;
7. then; 8. after; 9. last of all.
Ex 23
1. He usually goes to see his mother at the weekend.
2. I sometimes went over there in the evening
3. I never go to bed before midnight.
4. I am normally reading in bed far into the night.
5. You can always rely on him.
6. He is generally very punctual.
7. I often see Mark in the library after lunch.
8. I have never liked her.
9. I seldom drive my husband’s Jaguar.
10. Grandma rarely has to pick up the children from
11. They must normally go home by bus.
Ex 24
Books, Books and More Books!
Emma works in a bookshop. She loves her job, but
sometimes the work is rather stressful.
Emma is usually very busy before Christmas and at the
beginning of the year. Before Christmas there are always
a lot of customers. At that time of the year people
generally buy presents. Before Christmas Emma
sometimes leaves the shop very late.
At the beginning of January Emma always takes an
inventory of all the books in the shop.
The work often takes several days. Emma has never liked
the work.
Fortunately, at that time of the year, there are seldom many
people at the shop.
And Emma has a wonderful colleague Val who is always
ready to help.
Emma generally leaves the shop at 5 p.m. as she
usually/normally has to pick up the children from school.
Val never leaves the shop before closing time.
Ex 25
1. somewhere; 2. anywhere, somewhere, nowhere;
3. nowhere; 4. somewhere; 5. anywhere; 6. somewhere.
Ex 26
1. there; 2. where; 3. here; 4. there; 5. where; 6. here,
there; 7. outside; 8. inside, outside; 9. where; 10. outside.
Ex 30
1. f; 2. e; 3. g; 4. c; 5. b; 6. a; 7. d.
Ex 31
2. Why didn’t you buy the dress? – I can’t afford it. It’s
very expensive.
3. How did your interview go? – I am very much afraid
they won’t hire me. But I won’t regret it. I didn’t like my
future boss very much. He seemed very snobbish.
4. You can’t swim in this lake. The water is very cold.
5. Have you seen Susan’s paintings at the exhibition? –
Yes, they were very much admired by the public.
6. Can you recommend the restaurant? – It’s very
modern, but I didn’t very much enjoy the meal.
7. Where does Richard work? – Richard has a very
important work in London. He is always very busy.
8. They say, it’s a very interesting book. I very much want
to read it (very much).
9. Fortunately, the ambulance came very quickly. I was
very much worried about poor George.
10. Were her parents very pleased? – Yes. They were very
Ex 32
1. almost crashed; 2. strongly criticized; 3. rather
a pleasant; 4. quite a large; 5. extremely important;
6. completely forgot; 7. very much wanted; 8. really liked;
9. simply ask.
Ex 28
1. Carol met her friends there yesterday. 2. He doesn’t
work there now. 3. The kitchen was painted light green
long ago. 4. I’m not young and I can’t walk far now. 5. The
post was very far from our village then. 6. We are not going
anywhere tonight. 7. I didn’t see him there yesterday.
Ex 33
1. Anne often treats patients with back problems. Now
she is carefully examining Mr Pratt.
2. Look, it is almost dark outside, it certainly looks as if
it’s going to rain.
3. I’m very sorry, I have completely forgotten your name.
4. Do you always have dinner so late? – Of course, no.
We seldom have dinner after 7 p.m.
5. You almost had another accident! Why can’t you drive
more carefully?
6. This is a very nice restaurant. I liked the dish of the
house very much. I can strongly recommend it. But I
should say it’s rather expensive.
7. Is he really a very bad student? – Yes, he is absolutely
Ex 29
1. You must be awfully tired. You have been working all
2. I’m very happy. I’m enjoying myself.
3. His new book is absolutely brilliant. I think it is one of
his best.
4. The children behaved badly. Finally their father got
really angry with them.
5. Mary may seem a bit slow, but she is actually
extremely intelligent.
Ex 34
STAN: Well, I’ve finished for today. What about you, Colin?
COLIN: The boss wants this piece I am writing at the
moment to be on his desk by tomorrow.
STAN: Then, good luck. But don’t work too long.
VICKY: Amy! Are you here? It’s your mum on the phone.
AMY: Oh! Don’t shout so loud(ly), I’m not well. I was
terribly/awfully tired yesterday, almost/nearly collapsed.
Ex 27
1. We didn’t go to the lake as it was very far from the
village. 2. I usually walk the dog a long way. I walk the dog
alone as my friend doesn’t like walking far. 3. I lived far
from town then. 4. Do you live far away? 5. His shop is
rather far from here. 6. They came back very late as they
went a long way. 7. We took a bus as the castle is far from
the city.
Please, tell my mum I’ve just got up. I’ll call her up
after I have a cup of coffee.
III. Amy is usually a diligent student but she doesn’t think
that Math is very interesting and today the lesson is
extremely boring. Suddenly the teacher turns round and
writes on the blackboard. Amy quickly whispers
something to her friend Amber, who quite likes Math
although she doesn’t always understand everything.
Ex 35
1. too; 2. also; 3. either; 4. also; 5. either; 6. also.
Ex 36
1. d; 2. f; 3. e; 4. b; 5. c; 6. a.
Ex 37
1. Will they raise your salary? – Perhaps.
2. What do you truly think about it?
3. The thing was big, maybe three feet long and almost
as big.
4. He is likely to be the best-known living painter in the
5. He will definitely die if you don’t get a doctor soon
Ex 38
AMY: This library is huge. It possibly contains every
publication produced in the UK.
AMBER: The books probably collect a lot of dust.
AMY: They certainly do. Millions of books! They are
evidently going to run out of space soon.
AMBER: I’m allergic to dust. I’ll certainly start sneezing
soon. Maybe I should go to the gallery.
AMY: Perhaps there are books in the gallery, too. In my
house we really have books on the terrace.
AMBER: Has your mother really read them all?
AMY: She certainly/definitely has.
Ex 39
1. I can’t find my hat anywhere. I think I’ve left it
2. Now, I’ll often visit you (now). Perhaps I’ll come over
on Saturday.
3. There were almost no flowers in the garden. But
there were many trees there. I could hardly see the
4. Have you seen anybody else there? – No, I came too
5. Have you seen the doctor lately, Mr Pratt? – No, I
didn’t see/go to the doctor for a long time.
6. The interview didn’t last long. They probably didn’t
like Jack.
7. I don’t want to go anywhere tonight. I’m really awfully
That day I had to work a lot, though I felt/was rather
The faster the car approached Kate’s house, the less
I wanted to see her.
Do you live far away? – Yes, we live far from the metro
station. Because of my leg I can’t walk far. I usually go
by taxi though it’s rather/quite expensive nowadays.
Who else lives in Sosnovo? I’ll give you a lift. You’ll get
there much quicker.
It’s only 5 o’clock and it has already got dark. – Yes,
completely dark.
The secretary is still typing my letter. – Then, (would
you like) one more cup of coffee, Mr Morris?
I’ve been very busy lately and I completely forgot to
let Peter know about my arrival. I felt/was awfully/
terribly embarrassed.
Peter will certainly be displeased. I’ve evidently made
a mistake.
17. Linking Words
Ex 1
1. over; 2. behind; 3. under; 4. near; 5. by; 6. over;
7. round; 8. next to; 9. in front of; 10. below.
Ex 2
1. between; 2. among; 3. between; 4. among; 5. between;
6. between; 7. among, 8. between.
Ex 3
1. You shouldn’t hide yourself under a tree when it is
raining hard.
2. I’d like to have a house by a lake.
3. There are some birches in front of our house.
4. The plane was flying above the clouds.
5. The Earth moves round the Sun.
6. We didn’t notice him among the people on the platform.
7. It’s convenient to live near to the supermarket.
8. The mother was holding an umbrella over the child’s
9. Mark doesn’t sit next to Jeremy in class.
10. He sits behind Jeremy.
11. We saw the boat across the river.
Ex 4
1. You’ll find this article on page 2 of today’s newspaper.
2. Whiskey is stored in wooden barrels that give it its
golden colour.
3. Jeremy and Jessica were at the annual fair. The
fortune-teller saw Jessica’s fortune in a crystal ball,
and Jeremy went on a ghost train.
4. They spent a wonderful evening at the theatre.
5. Charlie Chaplin appeared on stage when he was only
5 years old.
James is staying at Darren’s house.
The BBC Prom concerts are held at the Royal Albert
8. In English Parliament the Speaker sits at the table on
which there lies the Golden Hammer.
9. Travel agent: I can offer you a two week package
holiday in the south of France or two weeks half-board
in Dorset.
10. I caught cold in the cinema, it was very cold there. –
Which cinema? – The one which is in Sadovaya Street.
Ex 5
1. The café is on the second floor.
2. The shoes are right at the back of the shop on the left
hand side.
3. She learnt French at school. Now before the test she
has to practise a lot at home.
4. Lynn is sitting at the table while her husband Colin
serves the lunch.
5. Is there anything interesting in the newspaper?
6. Turn right at the traffic lights.
7. Who lives in this house?
8. – My Mum and Dad decided to visit my uncle at Easter.
– Is that the uncle who lives in the country? – Yes, he
works on a farm.
9. Who is this man in the picture?
10. He wrote his name at the top of the page.
11. They say on the news that there is black ice on the
Ex 6
1. at; 2. in; 3. in; 4. on; 5. on; 6. in; 7. on; 8. in; 9. in; 10.
on; 11. at.
Ex 7
1. Let’s meet at the bus-stop at the end of the street.
2. You should sign the paper here at the bottom of the
3. Oliver managed to get the seats in the second row.
4. After dinner Grandfather always sits in an armchair
and Grandmother on a low chair by the fire-place.
5. When I was in hospital I had to stay in bed for five days.
6. When we were on holiday at the seaside, we spent
much time in the water. We lived on a small island.
7. I hate standing in a queue /line.
8. On the way to the small town on the north coast of
Ireland we stopped in a charming old village for lunch.
9. Liz wants to study at Sorbonne.
10. Cambridge is on the river Cam.
11. My children never play in the street, but often in the
Ex 8
1. to; 2. into; 3. out of; 4. towards; 5. from…to; 7. off;
8. onto…on to; 9. past; 10. to.
Ex 9
1. The Channel Islands are situated 150 km from the
English coast.
2. During the storm some tiles have come off the roof.
3. The boss asked Richard to entertain a customer from
4. Could you get our travel bags from the attic?
5. The girl fell off her small bicycle and started crying.
6. She hurt her arm when she was getting off the bus.
7. Snowmen are for kids. I’d better call some guys from
school and we can have a snowball fight.
8. Wipe the chocolate off your face, Jessica!
9. When his mother entered the room, Jack quickly took
his feet off the desk.
10. JEREMY: Get off the curtains, Merlini! Mum will go
JESSICA: She just wants to see how everything looks
from the ceiling.
11. We received a letter from Sam a few days ago.
12. He got into his car and drove off.
Ex 10
1. On Saturday we go to bed late, as we don’t have to go
to work on Sunday.
2. I have dreamt/been dreaming to go to America since
3. We are going to France at Christmas. We are flying to
Paris. We are going to return to London in a week / a
week’s time.
4. He was taken to hospital. He fell down and broke his
leg when he was going to the bank.
5. It’s a difficult choice: to go to the party with Mike or to
go to the theatre with Bob.
6. He won’t return to the village. They say he was sent to
Ex 11
Oliver has taken the family car to the garage for its annual
service. At the garage the mechanic drives the car into the
workshop and onto the hydraulic ramp. He is going to
check everything from headlights to the tires.
Ex 12
1. across; 2. along; 3. through; 4. through, down, to; 5. on,
up, down; 6. around, over; 7. around/about; 8. across;
9. over; 10. through, along.
Ex 13
1. through; 2. towards, across; 3. over; 4. over, up, down;
5. across; 6. over; 7. across; 8. through, to, round;
9. through; 10. across;11. over; 12. through.
Ex 14
1. go past the church; 2. go under the arch; 3. go along
the street; 4. go over the bridge; 5. go up the hill; 6. go
through the park; 7. go down the stairs/steps; 8. turn
round the corner; 9. go between the two houses;
10. cross the street / go across the street; 11. go round
the parking; 12. go across the field
Ex 15
Go straight on then turn left at the corner. Continue down
the road for two miles. Go over the bridge, and then across
the square, then turn round the corner at the cinema. You
will go past the car park on your left with a garage next to
it. At the end of this road there is a bank and opposite the
bank you will see the station.
Ex 16
1. There was no bridge across this small river.
2. The animal disappeared/escaped among the trees.
3. We walked along narrow paths.
4. We sailed /were sailing to Saratov down the Volga.
5. The man climbed up the wall of the tower.
6. A lot of English words came from Latin.
7. In Austria trains often go through tunnels.
8. He took a book from the shelf and put it into his bag.
9. It was raining hard and we ran towards the house.
10. She took a purse out of her bag and paid for the taxi.
11. The man jumped over the low stone wall and ran
across the field.
12. Take your books off the table, I’m going to put the
plates on the table.
13. A stranger wandered/was wandering around our
14. There was no fence between the two houses.
Ex 17
1. Do you often travel by air? – No, I prefer going by rail.
You can read or work on the train. I can’t relax when
I’m on a plane.
2. Gran, did you use to go to college by car? – No, I went
everywhere on foot, we didn’t use to jump in a car
those days.
3. We went for a trip up the Nile on a big boat called
4. It takes about half an hour to get home on my bike,
and about twenty minutes by bus.
5. We drove to the airport in a taxi.
6. Imagine, I met Lora on the morning train. She said it
was the first time she went to work by train. She
usually goes in her car, but it failed to start that
7. When I travel by air, I always watch films on the plane.
8. I moved the furniture to my new apartment in Nick’s
9. We can take five people in our car, the others will have
to go on the train.
10. As a part of her fitness programme Lynn decided to
go to work by bike.
Ex 18
1. off; 2. into; 3. out of; 4. on(to); 5. on; 6. at; 7. into
Ex 19
Grandma usually goes to the hairdresser’s on Thursday
mornings at 11 o’clock and in the afternoon she has tea
with her best friend Mary. It will be Mary’s birthday at the
weekend – on the 21st to be exact – but she will be with
her family on her birthday so Grandma wants to invite her
to a special tea. They will go to the restaurant in the
famous department store Fortnum & Mason, which first
opened its doors in 1707. Imagine that!
Ex 20
1. She has to pass a test in two months’ time.
2. They got married on 17 February in 1933.
3. He is leaving next Sunday.
4. Sometimes my car refuses to start especially on cold
5. We went to the theatre last week.
6. Emma lets the kids to stay up late on Friday.
7. Will you be at home this evening?
8. We are going to the theatre on the 14th of February.
We usually go out on that day.
9. The lessons usually start at 9 a.m.
10. What time do you usually come to work in the morning?
11. On Easter Sunday people go to church.
12. We’re going to visit my aunt this weekend.
13. The first Academic Awards ceremony was held in
Hollywood on this day in 1929.
Ex 21
1. in the 15th century; 2. at the age of five; 3. In summer,
at night; 4. on Monday evening; 5. at Christmas; 6. in five
minutes; 7. at the same time; 8. at the moment, at the
end of the day; 9. on Friday night, this Friday, next Friday;
10. On that day, at dawn.
Ex 22
1. Richard has a very busy day – one meeting after another.
2. Children hang their stockings above the fire-place the
evening before Christmas.
3. After the World War II the BBC was used as the model
for the German radio system.
4. Before buying running shoes it is best to try them out
on a treadmill.
5. May I watch a karate DVD after dinner, mum?
6. Shut the door after Morris, please.
7. Customers began queuing two hours before the
opening hour.
8. The rule “Ladies first“ means that ladies come before
9. People start buying presents some months before
10. Oliver always flosses his teeth after each meal.
Ex 23
1. b; 2. a; 3. d; 4. c; 5. e.
of the tower could see his signature before the Tower was
Ex 24
1. I was tired this morning so I stayed in bed till half past
2. The children were very tired by the evening.
3. Tom will be away until Monday.
4. By the time you get there it will be dark.
5. Leave it to me. The report will be on your desk by
tomorrow morning.
6. Don’t wait for me. I’ll be working till 10 p.m. I hope to
finish the work by Friday.
7. – Can I stay until the weekend?
– Yes, but you’ll have to leave by Monday midday at
the latest.
Ex 28
1. in tme; 2. in time; 3. on time; 4. in time; 5. on time; 6. on
Ex 25
1. Jessica and Jeremy aren’t allowed to go out after 9 p.m.
2. I shall never speak to him after this.
3. Can you finish the work by tomorrow?
4. It is said here that you can use this meat only until
5. Your name comes before mine in the list because it
begins with “A”.
6. The article says there won’t be any tigers left by the
year 2050.
7. Can you repair my watch if I leave it until Saturday?
8. The form must be returned by April 17.
9. He returned home after 11 p.m.
10. After a big dinner Richard needs a nap.
11. He ought to be here by this time.
12. I’ve been offered a new job. I have to make a decision
by Friday. I think I’ll wait until Friday before making a
Ex 26
DARREN: Hi, James, I wanted to phone you before our test
tomorrow. Feeling confident (уверенный)?
JAMES: Yes, I had to revise all day before my parents
would let me watch TV.
DARREN: Yeah, me too.
JAMES: So, let’s meet in front of the school tomorrow
morning before the test and we can do some last
minute cramming (зубрить).
Ex 27
I. Golf originated in Scotland in the 12th century with
shepherds knocking stones into rabbit holes on the place
where the famous Golf Club of St Andrews stands now.
What is certain is that by the 15th century the Scots were
so crazy about golf that King James II had to ban the
II. George Willig climbed up the wall of the World Trade
Centre Tower. He put his signature on its wall. The visitors
Ex 29
1. If we leave now, we’ll be at your mother’s by 12 o’clock,
just in time for lunch.
2. Before going to sleep I read a few pages of my book.
3. I don’t work on Saturdays, but last Saturday I worked
because we usually have a lot of work at the end of the
4. After leaving school in 2006 I began studying at
university on the 1st of September 2007.
5. Goodbye! I’ll be back in three days.
6. We are going to the country at the weekend.
7. I didn’t sleep well at night, the neighbours had a noisy
8. My train wasn’t/didn’t arrive on time, and I was late for
the interview.
9. – Can you repair my watch if I leave it until Saturday?
– No, but we can do it by next Tuesday.
Ex 30
1. The children promised they would do the washing-up
for two weeks.
2. They met during the war.
3. He said nothing for a long time.
4. She has studied in America for two years.
5. They serve drinks during the interval.
6. My father was in hospital for six weeks during the
7. I’ll drop in for a few minutes during the afternoon.
Ex 31
1. He has been here since ten o’clock.
2. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
3. The Morrisons have lived in London since 2008.
4. I’ve known her since university.
5. It usually rains here from November to February.
6. Helen has been learning Italian since her visit to Rome.
7. Anne’s practice is open from 10 a.m. on Mondays and
8. They lived there from 1925 till 1930.
Ex 32
1. I’ll be staying in Newcastle for a few weeks.
2. Roger is my colleague from Rosco Global. He has
retired from the company, but we still see each other
from time to time.
3. I’ve been waiting for you here since five o’clock.
4. George has already worked on the farm for five years.
5. It’s a lot of work, he works from morning till night.
The baker’s is open from 7 a.m.
I’ve read the book from beginning to end twice.
We have sport games outside from September to/till
Ex 33
1. I hope to finish the book by the end of the year.
2. I’m afraid I won’t be able to stay until the end of the
meeting. I must/have to be at the university by 2.30.
My lecture begins at 2.40.
3. Oliver fell asleep during the film.
4. They lived in India for four years.
5. I’ll meet you at the station at 7.30. – Please, don’t be
late, come on time.
6. I pay the rent at the end of the month.
7. You haven’t called me since Sunday. Are you okay?
8. Doctor Morrison is the only doctor in this small town.
He works from morning till night.
Ex 34. Suggested answers
I. 2. the walls of the/a house; 3. the photos of the hotel; 4.
a letter of the alphabet; 5. a branch of a/the tree; 6. a glass
of water.
II. 2. send to the son; 3. suggest to Mark; 4. show to the
doctor; 5. recommend to a/the customer; 6. explain to
a/the foreigner.
Ex 35
1. He was brought up by his aunt. 2. The dam was ruined
by floоd. 3. The window was broken by a stone. 4. The
bag was cut with a razor. 5. The windows were cleaned
by Mrs Tompson. 6. You can lose weight by keeping to a
diet. 7. The man was killed with a gun. 8. This novel was
written by Tolstoy. 9. He couldn’t cut that hard bone with
a knife. 10. You can help the police by telling the truth.
11. This car is driven by electricity. 12. I saw it with my
own eyes.
Ex 36
1. The fire was put out by the firemen. 2. They put out the
fire with water. 3. He brought the present to the child.
4. I like to write with this pen. 5. Would you like a cup of
tea? 6. You should complain about the noisy neighbours
to the police. 7. Hundreds of buildings were damaged by
the hurricane. 8. It was dark, I couldn’t see the face of the
man. 9. You can lose weight by jogging in the morning. 10.
He announced to the parents that he was leaving.
Ex 37
1. with; 2. on; 3. for; 4. about; 5. for; 6. with; 7. for; 8. for;
9. with; 10. for; 11. about; 12. as; 13. for; 14. with; 15. like.
Ex 38
1. It’s a pleasure for me. 2. It looks like gold, but I’m not
sure. 3. I know very little about plants. – Then you should
listen to the lecture on plants next Tuesday. 4. The device
is used for measuring pressure. 5. He spoke on the
international situation. 6. He acted as a chairman at the
meeting. 7. We’d like a table for two, please. 8. What is
your opinion on the subject? 9. New buses have space
for wheelchairs. 10. They talked for some minutes about
the incident. 11. He listened to me with interest.
12. Look, this is a nice comfortable armchair for our living
room. – This one is very expensive. Who is going to pay
for it? 13. She is dark-haired and tall, she doesn’t look
like her mother. 14. Imagine, he works as a reporter for
the local radio. 15. She is over there, the one with a big
red ball.
Ex 39
1. This knife is for cutting bread. 2. Our train stopped for
five minutes at a small station. 3. She writes letters to her
parents on Sundays. 4. He sent for a taxi, and in ten
minutes it stopped at /in front of the door of our house.
5. I bought some books on computers for you. 6. He was
killed by lightning. 7. I don’t wash my face with soap.
8. I talked about it with my friends. 9. He deliveres lectures
on Russian literature. 10. She isn’t a manager, she works
as a secretary to the manager. 11. How much did you pay
for the boots? 12. Hurry up, you are walking like an old
man. 13. She looked at the child with love. 14. He lives
with his brother. 15. I’ve never met such kind people like
your grandmother.
Ex 40
1. in the evenings; 2. on TV; 3. In the past, on a diet; 4. at
1000C; 5. on purpose; 6. at a lower price; 7. looking
forward to; 8. came as; 9. warned us about; 10. share with;
11. good at; 12. on skiing.
Ex 41
1. of; 2. for; 3. from; 4. by; 5. in; 6. from; 7. on; 8. of; 9. of;
10. for; 11. by; 12. of; 13. for; 14. to.
Ex 42
2. Who does the book belong to?
3. What was he busy with?
4. What did the customers complain about?
5. What hotel did you stay at?
6. What are the children arguing about?
7. What was the bottle filled with?
8. Who was the girl named after?
Ex 43
2. What does this substance consist of?
3. What does your decision depend on?
4. What did the film end with?
5. What can we economize on?
6. What exam did he fail in?
7. What do these animals feed on?
8. What did he insist on?
9. What are you laughing at?
10. What did she tell you about?
11. What is your son interested in?
12. What is he so proud of?
Ex 44
1. who; 2. whose; 3. that; 4. that/which; 5. whose; 6. that/
which; 7. who; 8. that; 9. that; 10. that.
Ex 45
2. The young woman, who was very pretty, showed us
3. The man who/whom you met yesterday was my brother.
4. Nurses and doctors are the people who save life.
5. Tamara has a sister whose name is Nina.
6. These are the photos that/which I took in Italy.
7. I’m reading a book that/which I really enjoy.
8. We are too late to catch the train that leaves at 2.15.
Ex 46
1. Amy, did you hear about the elephant that/which
escaped from the zoo?
2. Has Richard telephoned the client who called this
3. That’s the man whose daughter won the lottery last
4. This is the house which/that was built by our company.
5. Does Brendon know that pretty girl who works in the
6. A nurse is someone who works in a hospital.
7. I’d like to see one of the pop-stars who lives here.
8. He created “the little man” who fights with the
difficulties of day-to-day life.
Ex 47
1. which; 2. who; 3. who; 4. which; 5. which; 6. who;
7. which; 8. which; 9. which; 10. who.
Ex 48
1. Walt’s daughter, who lives in New-York, is a dentist.
2. Amber, whose father is from France, speaks French
very well.
3. Richard gave his secretary the letter, which was in the
blue folder.
4. Amy’s brother, who is 14, is very good at karate.
5. The head of the company, whom Richard respects
very much, doesn’t have an expensive car.
Ex 49
Cоюз можно опустить: 1; 4; 6; 8; 10.
Ex 50
1. The town in France that I like best is Sète.
2. It is on the part of the coast that many tourists visit.
The fish that they serve here is completely fresh.
You can see that the people are hard-working.
But they also have a super music festival that many
visitors come to see.
I’m glad that you are better.
Do you know that he has got a new job?
Ex 51
SARA: I read the article (that/which) you wrote for the
school magazine about karate. Was it you who took
the photos? They are super!
BRENDON: Thanks. Um, have you seen the book (that) I
was reading? I can’t find it.
SARA: Yes, it is there on the table where you put it.
BRENDON: Oh, thanks. Er… sorry but there is my drama
teacher whose class I’m in. I have to talk to him about
the part (that) I’m playing. Thanks for what you said
about the photos. See ya!
Ex 52
1. This is Peter Taylor who works with my sister.
2. I’ve lost the ring that/which Bill gave me.
3. She married the man who/whom she met on the bus.
4. The woman who cleans our house is ill today.
5. Did you like the wine that/which we had at the Taylors’
6. Here’s the man who/whom I wanted to see.
7. I studied at school with the man who wrote this book.
8. There is a problem that/which you don’t understand.
9. I don’t like the friends who/whom Jane brings home
after school.
10. He hates the job that/which he does.
Ex 53
1. if, that; 2. that, if; 3. if, that; 4. if, that; 5. that, if; 6. that,
Ex 54
1. b; 2. f; 3. e; 4. a; 5. c; 6. d.
Ex 55
1. Show me, please, what you’re going to give Jeremy
for his birthday. – I will, if you promise me that you
won’t let the cat out of the bag.
2. He mentioned that he had written a letter to Mr Brown,
but he refused to tell me what he wrote about the
matter. I wanted to know what exactly he had seen.
3. I felt certain that I had seen him somewhere. I
wondered what he thought about me.
4. I’d like to know what you told aunt Fiona. – Who told
you that I had spoken to her?
5. Do you want to know what I’ve found out? – I’m sure
that we will never find out the truth.
6. Did he show you what he brought from Paris? – No,
but I noticed that his wife was very pleased.
He asked him what he thought of his work. His
colleague didn’t want to tell him that he didn’t like the
Ex 56
1. if; 2. whether; 3. that; 4. whose; 5. what; 6. whose;
7. whom; 8. which; 9. if; 10. what.
Test Yourself
A. 1.a; 2. b; 3.b; 4. c; 5.b; 6.a; 7. b; 8. c.
B. 1. works; 2. reports; 3. wrote; 4. was workng; 5.got;
6. will continue / are going to continue;
7. is attending; 8. are discussing; 9. will include/are going
to include.
1. When was Charly Chaplin born?
2. Where did the famous British actor grow up?
3. How often does Brendon practise karate?
4. What is he wearing during the training?
5. How did Maria pass her exams?
6. What is Oliver going to give Maria?
A. 1. have never been, went; 2. have just met, saw;
3.were,enjoyed, haven’t been; 4. haven’t packed, began.
B. had packed; 2. went; 3. was washing; 4. had used;
5. helped; 6. had asked; 7. was leaving; 8. waved.
Liz wanted to know how long it was going to take Bob to
get up the tent.
Bob answered that he would soon have the last peg in the
Liz thought it didn’t look like it.
Bob asked Dave to hand him the hammer.
Liz begged him not to use the hammer. She reminded him
that he had bent all the pegs the year before.
Anne wondered if they could stay at a hotel instead.
A. 1.can; 2. can’t; 3. will have to; 4. should; 5. mustn’t; 6.
won’t be able to.
B. 1.are numbered; 2. have been replaced; 3. are gone;
4. be bought; 5. are sold
C. 1. B; 2. A; 3. B; 4. B; 5.A; 6. A;7. B
A. 1. will you do; 2. did; 3. will start; 4. saved; 5. study;
6. would travel.
B. 1.b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b
C. 1. avoid meeting the man; 2. congratulate on passing
the exam; 3. deny taking the book; 4. suspect of stealing
the car; 5. be afraid of flying; 6. look forward to seeing you.
D. 1. reading; 2. turning; 3.to force; 4. to read; 5. playing;
6. buying; 7. to read; 8. uncovering; 9. to get; 10. watching.
A. 1. my sister’s; 2. the boy’s; 3. the pages of the books;
4. the men’s; 5. Nicky and Simon’s; 6. the leg of the chair.
1) 1. The; 2. a; 3. -; 4. -; 5. a; 6. the; 7. the; 8. -;
2) 9. a; 10. the; 11. the; 12. -;
3) 13. the; 14. the; 15. the; 16. -; 17.a; 18. -; 19. the;
20. the; 21. the; 22. -.
C. 1.every; 2. any; 3. each; 4. any; 5. all; 6. both; 7. whole;
8. other, another.
A. 1. fresh; 2. Usually; 3. friendly; 4. helpful; 5. quickly;
6. colourful; 7. ripe; 8. proud; 9. the best; 10. gently.
B. 1. hotter; 2. easiest; 3. more important, less; 4. most
bautiful, worst.
C. 1. as; 2. of; 3. in; 4. when; 5. to; 6. from; 7. in; 8. in;
9. for; 10. than; 11. at; 12. that; 13. of; 14. on; 15. at.
Alexander L. G. Longman English Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students. – Longman, 1992. – 296 pp.
Clarke Simon. Macmillan English Grammar in Context. – Macmillan Publishers Ltd, 2008. – 233 pp.
Debray Peter, Lehnen Tomas, Oldham Peter. Besser in English, Gymnasium, 10. Klasse. – Cornelsen Scriptor,
2012. – 112 pp.
Helleger-Jone M. A., Lampater P. Grammar in Profile. – Ernest Klett Verlag: Stuttgart, 1991.
Klimmt Robert. Besser in English, Gymnasium, 9. Klasse, Gymnasium, Cornelsen Scriptor, 2012. – 104 pp.
Klimmt Robert. Besser in English, Gymnasium, 9. Klasse, Realschule, Cornelsen Scriptor, 2012. – 112 pp.
Murphy R. English Grammar In Use (A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students). –
Cambridge University Press, 1992. – 328 pp.
Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use. – Cambridge University Press, 1994. – 259 pp.
Nettle M., Hopkins D. Developing English in Context. – Cambridge University Press, 2003. – 328 pp.
Preedy Ingrid. Besser in English, Gymnasium, 8. Klasse, Realschule, Cornelsen Scriptor, 2012. – 112 pp.
Swan M., Walter C. How English Works. – Oxford University Press, 2002. – 358 pp.
Vince M. Elementary Language Practice. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Ltd, 1999.
Werner Eva Besser in English, Gymnasium, 8. Klasse, Gymnasium, – Cornelsen Scriptor, 2012. – 112 pp.
Willis Dave. Student’s Grammar. – London : Harper Collins Publishers, 1991. – 263 pp.
English Guides: Prepositions. Справочник по английскому языку. – М.: АСТ Астрель, 2004. – 382 с.
Sprachkalendar English. Harenberg, 2011, 2013, 2014.
Sprachkalendar English. Bartelsmann, 2012.
Дроздова Т. Ю. Elementary Vocabulary + Grammar. СПб.: Антология, 2012. – 312 c.
Дроздова Т. Ю., Ларионова И. В. Английский для подготовки к экзаменам. СПб.: Антология, 2010. – 408 с.
Дроздова Т. Ю., Маилова В. Г., Берестова А. И. English Grammar: Reference and Practice. СПб.: Антология,
2010. – 464 с.
Дроздова Т. Ю., Маилова В. Г., Николаева В. С. Read and Speak English. СПб: Антология, 2008. – 320 с.
Уокер Сильвия. Связующие слова: Справочник по английскому языку. – М. : Астрель, 2004. – 236 с.
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Дроздова Татьяна Юрьевна
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