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Unit 1

UNIT 1.I'm a student. My future profession
Text 1.I'm a student
Let me introduce myself
surname (last name)
to be born
to be situated
to go in for…
to be interested in…
to do well
успевать (хорошо учится)
to want to be (become)
хотеть быть (стать)
be good at …
хорошо получаться
to enjoy … to like
first-year student
to get an education
получить образование
to try the best
делать все возможное
educational establishment
учебное заведение
fulltime student
студент – очник
external student
студент – заочник
to attend lectures and classes посещать лекции практические занятия
course of study
учебный курс
first year student
студент первокурсник
to graduate from the University
закончить университет
academic year
учебный год
to take a test
сдавать зачёт
to do a test paper
выполнять контрольную работу
research work
научная работа
1. Прочтите текст и выполните задания:
Let me introduce myself. My name is Alex, my surname is Voronin. I am
seventeen years old. I was born on the 2 nd of October in 2001 in Orenburg. I love
sport and music. I go in for football and hockey. I like to listen to modern music
and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I`m good at it.
This summer I have finished the secondary school. I did well in all the
subjects but my favourite were Computer Science and Mathematics. I also enjoyed
English lessons. I am very interested in learning English because I want to be a
successful specialist. I think that knowledge of foreign language helps in everyday
life and career.
Now I am a first-year student at the Orenburg State Agrarian University.
The University was established in 1930. It has 7 faculties and 1 institute. Half of
the students are fulltime students, the other are external students. The University
has 11 buildings which contain a great amount of study rooms, laboratories and 2
museums. The University City has 2 student hostels and a conference-hall. The
course of study runs for 4-5 years. Every year more a lot of students graduate from
the University.
I’ve entered the University in 2019. Now I am a first-year student of
Institute of risk management and integrated security. It trains IT specialists and
safety engineers. I am a full-time student and study in the day time. I do not work.
I get a scholarship. Our lectures begin at 8 o’clock. Every day we have about 2
lectures and seminars. The break between the lectures lasts 25 minutes. I attend all
the lectures and classes.
The students of our University attend laboratories, library and a reading hall.
The laboratories are provided with the most up-to-date equipment. A lot of
students do their research work there.
In four years I`ll be an engineer. I think that education is very important
nowadays. I`ll try my best to get a good education.
2. Выберите нужное слово и вставьте его в предложение:
1. This summer I have finished the …..school.
2. I think that …..of foreign language helps in everyday life and career.
3. The ….of study runs for 4 years.
4. Every year more a lot of students graduate ….the University.
5. The ….between the lectures lasts 25 minutes.
6. The laboratories are provided with the most…...
secondary, knowledge, course, from, break, up-to-date equipment
3. Скажите по английски:
спорт, современная музыка, средняя школа, информатика,
повседневная жизнь, аграрный университет, студенты очной формы
обучения, большое количество учебных комнат, ежегодно, Института
управления рисками и комплексной безопасности, исследовательская работа,
хорошее образование.
4. Скажите, являются ли предложения истинными или ложными:
1. I think that knowledge of foreign language helps in everyday life and
2. The University was established in 1950.
3. Institute of risk management and integrated security trains economists and
4. Our lectures begin at 8 o’clock.
5. The break between the lectures lasts 45 minutes.
6. The hostels are provided with the most up-to-date equipment.
7. I think that education is not very important nowadays.
5. Сопоставьте две части предложения:
1.I did well in all the subjects but my favourite1.helps in everyday life and career.
2.The University has 11 buildings
2.laboratories, library and a reading hall.
3.Now I am a first-year student of Institute of 3.which contain a great amount of study
risk management
rooms, laboratories and 2 museums.
4.The students of our University attend
4. and integrated security
5 I think that knowledge of foreign language 5.Computer Science and Mathematics.
6. Заполните пропуски словами из правой колонки:
1. Petrov is a second-year student. He is an … student.
2. Petrov studies in the day-time. He is a … student.
3. He … lectures regularly.
4. Is there a … between the lectures?
5. The … in all the institutes of our country lasts
from the first of September to the first of July.
6.Did your friend … in English successfully?
2.academic year.
6.pass the
7. Составьте предложения:
1. Chemistry, are, lectures, on, university, delivered, at, Professor, Smirnov, our,
2. Language, you, what, the, university, study, do, at?
3. In, the, students, experiments, make, yesterday, did, laboratory, the?
8. Переведите на английскйий без словаря:
1. Я учусь в аграрном университете.
2. Университет был образован в 1930 году.
3. В университете 7 факультетов и три института.
4. Я поступил в университет в прошлом году и окончу его через ( in ) четыре
5. Студенты-очники занимаются днём и получают стипендию.
6. В университете есть читальный зал, лаборатории.
9. Скажите о себе:
1. What is your name?
2. Are you Russian?
3. When and where were you born?
4. When did you finish school?
5. Did you do well at school?
6. What is your hobby?
7. What are you going to be?
8. Do you live together with your parents?
9. Is your family large or small?
10. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
11. What is your father?
12. What does he look like?
13. Your mother is an energetic woman, isn’t she?
14. How old is your sister (brother)?
15. Have you got any other close relatives?
16. Do you like to spend time together with your family?
Text 2.My future profession: IT specialist
to be keen
computer techniques
компьютерные технологии
программное обеспечение
внештатный сотрудник, фрилансер
to possess
skills and personal qualitie
sнавыки и личныекачества
to solve the problem
high paying salary
высокая зарплата
1. Прочтите текст и выполните задания ниже:
In the future, I want to be anIT specialist because I am keen on trying
computer techniques and working with computers is always fun and exciting for
People withprofessionin the career field of IT use computers, software,
networks, servers, and other technology to manage and store data. There is
growing demand in the field of information technologies nowadays.
It is important to understand that the work of the IT specialist can be
different: some of them work for a small agency, some for a bigcompany, others
are freelance or have their own business. I’d like to work for a big company.
In order to be a successful IT specialist you must possess some skills and
personal qualities. The most important ones are the following: being able to think
logically, love to solve problems, persistence and patience. AnIT specialist must be
able to find the most efficient way to solve the problem.
I want my future job be interesting and well-paid. People say that money
isn’t everything, but it certainly does help because it gives independence and
freedom. I’d like to combine a good satisfying job with a high paying salary.
2. Составьте слова и переведите:
Ralyas, tocupmre ,afeoswtr, tuiliyqa, lkisl, leacefnre, caneitpe, aatd
1. computer
a. the problem
2. high paying
b. job
3. personal
c. demand
4. growing
d. company
5. big
e. qualities
6. well-paid
f. techniques
7. to solve
g. salary
3. Сопоставьте начало и конец фраз, переведите на русский:
4. Продолжите предложения:
a) There is growing demand in various jobs in the field of ……………….
b)In order to be a successful IT specialist you must ………………………
c) An IT specialist must be able to find ……………………………………
d) I’d like to combine a good satisfying job ……………………………….
e) I want my future job …………………………………………………….
5. Скажите, являются ли утверждения истинными или ложными.
Исправьте ложные утверждения:.
a) People use computers, software, networks, servers, and other technology only to
play different games
b) There is growing demand in the field of information technologies nowadays.
c) In order to be a successful IT specialist you must know chemistry perfectly well.
d An IT specialist must be able to find the most efficient way to solve the problem.
e) It is impossible to combine a good satisfying job with a high paying salary.
6. Расставьте предложения по порядку их следования в тексте::
a) I’d like to combine a good satisfying job with a high paying salary.
b) It is important to understand that the work of the IT specialist can be
c) People say that money isn’t everything, but it certainly does help because
it gives independence and freedom.
d) There is growing demand in the field of information technologies
e) I want my future job be interesting and well-paid.
f) People with jobs in the career field of IT use computers, software,
networks, servers, and other technology to manage and store data.
g) An IT specialist must be able to find the most efficient way to solve the
7. Ответьте на вопросы::
a) Why do people use computers?
b)Is there growing demand in the field of information technologies nowadays?
c)What must a successful IT specialistpossess?
d) What are the most important skills and personal qualities of IT specialist?
e)Is it possibleto combine a good satisfying job with a high paying salary?
8. Перескажите текст.
9. Прочтите и переведите текст письменно:
What are pros and cons of being an IT specialist?
The advantages of being an IT specialist are the following:
relativelyhigh paying salary;
growing demand on the labor market;
constant learning;
companies often welcome professional growth of their employees and pay for
trainings, conferences and courses;
good working conditions;
it is usually quiet and comfortable in an office;
the work is often creative;
solving non-standard tasks using wit is exactly what programmers are paid for
can work remotely;
it allows to choose a comfortable place to live and work.
The negative sides are:
sedentary work in front of computer screen;
the work can be boring
there is not much communication;
in small projects, you have to be a jack-of-all-trades person.