Загрузил Михаил Мельников


15 MAY 2000-I
Clathrates as effective p-type and n-type tetrahedral carbon semiconductors
M. Bernasconi, S. Gaito, and G. Benedek
Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia and Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca,
Via Cozzi 53, I-20125 Milano, Italy
共Received 17 February 2000兲
Based on ab initio calculations, we predict that a carbon clathrate compound 共hexagonal C40) is suitable to
be n doped by Li insertion and p doped by substitutional boron. This material represents an example of n- and
p-type tetrahedral carbon semiconductor, alternative to the n-doped diamondlike films whose realization is still
in progress. Although this compound has not been synthesized so far, its study can also provide insights into
the properties of nanostructured carbon thin films, grown by supersonic cluster beam deposition techniques that
display local morphologies similar to the channels and fullereniclike cages present in the system here
The potential application of diamondlike carbon in electronic devices operating at high temperature has stimulated a
great deal of experimental and theoretical research on the
doping properties of diamondlike films.1,2 Considerable efforts have been directed mainly to the doping of crystalline
diamond, synthesized by chemical vapor deposition technique 共CVD兲,2–5 and of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films,
grown by implantation of energetic carbon ions on a
substrate.6 In the latter system, boron, nitrogen, and phosphorus doping7 have been studied, but they have not yet
reached sufficient efficiency for device applications. The
doping mechanism itself is still controversial. On the other
hand, it is well established that a boron atom can be incorporated in crystalline diamond to form a shallow acceptor
level 共0.35 eV above the top of the valence band兲 making
diamond an effective p-type semiconductor.2,5 Conversely
n-type doping in CVD diamond is still a challenging problem. Incorporation of group-V and -VI elements in diamond
have been studied extensively. Nitrogen is well-known to
induce a deep level 1.7 eV below the conduction band,2
while only very recently, phosphorus4 and sulfur3 have been
reported to induce shallow acceptor levels in CVD diamond
films 共0.56 and 0.38 eV below the conduction band for phosphorus and sulfur impurities, respectively兲. However, the realization of n-type diamondlike films with electrical properties suitable for device applications is still far from being
In this paper we propose an alternative form of tetrahedral
carbon suitable to be both p-type and n-type doped. Based on
ab initio calculations, we show here that the hexagonal C40
carbon clathrate8 共hex-C40 hereafter兲 is a tetrahedrally
bonded carbon material, p dopable by boron substitution and
n dopable by lithium insertion. The n doping is realized by
inserting the lithium atoms in the large cages of the clathrate
structure. The guest ion fully ionizes by donating its outermost electron to the host frame, which becomes metallic. In
fact, it is conceivable that the realization of cagelike structures is the route to the incorporation in a tetrahedral carbon
frame of ionized donor impurities that would otherwise bond
covalently to the host. The clathrates are tetrahedrally
bonded crystals that precisely provide such a frame.
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The synthesis of silicon and germanium clathrates dates
back to the 1960s.9 Their structures are analogous to type-I
and -II clathrate hydrates. Silicon and germanium clathrates,
doped by insertion of groups-IA and -IIA metal ions, have
recently attracted considerable interest for their superconductive properties10 and as potential thermoelectric materials.11
The carbon analogs of the Si and Ge clathrates have not been
synthesized so far. However, recent progress in the synthesis
of carbon films by supersonic cluster beam deposition
共SCBD兲 共Ref. 12兲 have shown that carbon nanostructured
thin films, grown by this technique, display a variety of
morphologies,13 which can be locally modeled as
schwarzites14 and eventually as clathrate structures. In fact,
the crystalline clathrates could be described as produced by
the coalescence of fullereniclike cages, which is reminiscent
of the growth conditions of carbon thin films produced by
cluster assembling in the SCBD technique. The study of the
electronic properties of carbon clathrates could therefore provide insights also on the properties of the nanostructured,
albeit disordered, thin films grown by SCBD.
In this perspective we have chosen to study the hexagonal
clathrate hex-C40 , proposed theoretically in Ref. 8, and
shown in Fig. 1. It belongs to the space group P6/mmm and
has 40 atoms per unit cell, the symmetry independent atoms
being five. The structure can be seen as resulting from the
coalescence 共by sharing hexagonal and pentagonal rings兲 of
two C26 , two C24 , and three C20 per unit cell, which gives
rise to a hexagonal array of parallel tubes, each tube being an
infinite pile of C24 cages. The tubes in turn are held together
by rings of C26 and C20 cages arranged on alternate planes
normal to the tubes.
We have computed the structural and electronic properties
of the pure, Li- and B-doped compounds within densityfunctional theory in the local spin-density approximation
共LSDA兲.15,16 Only valence electrons are treated explicitly
and electron-ion interactions are described by normconserving pseudopotentials for carbon17 and boron18 in the
Kleinman-Bylander form.19 Nonlinear core corrections have
been added for lithium.20 The Kohn-Sham orbitals are expanded in plane waves up to a kinetic cutoff of 35 Ry. Geometry optimization have been performed either by simulated annealing in the Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics21
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©2000 The American Physical Society
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FIG. 1. Structure of the clathrate hex-C40 . 共a兲 View of the plane
perpendicular to the c axis. Chains of C24 cages form channels
running along the c direction, arranged in a hexagonal array in the
plane. 共b兲 Side view of one channel. 共c兲 Top view of one channel.
The position of the Li atom at the center of one of the C24 cages and
the most stable site for boron substitution in the largest hexagonal
ring of the C24 cage are shown. The position of the five symmetryindependent atoms in Cartesian coordinates 共Å兲 are (⫺1.529,0,0),
(⫺2.451,0,1.269), (⫺2.2,⫺1.27,2.106), (⫺1.446,⫺0.835,3.404),
or by using the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
algorithm.22 The simulation cell is the unit cell of the pure
system containing 40 atoms. The equation of state of the
pure and doped system have been computed by restricting
the Brillouin zone 共BZ兲 integration at the ⌫ point only. Refinement of the internal geometry at the equilibrium volume,
and band-structure calculations have then been performed by
extending the BZ integration over a uniform grid of 27 k
points in the irreducible part. This mesh turns out to be sufficient also to describe the structure of the metallic system
doped by lithium. The c/a ratio of the hexagonal structure
has been optimized at the equilibrium volume obtained in
previous tight-binding calculations8,23 共6.65 Å3 /atom兲 and
then held fixed to the resulting value of c/a⫽1.014 in the
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FIG. 2. Electronic energy bands of the Lix C40 compounds. 共a兲
the undoped clathrate. 共b兲 LiC40 with a Li ion at the center of one
C24 cage 关cf. Figs. 1共b兲 and 1共c兲兴. 共c兲 Li7C40 . A Li ion is at the
center of all the fullereniclike cages 共three C20 , two C24 , and two
C26 per unit cell兲. The Fermi level in panel 共a兲 is at the top of the
valence band at the ⌫ point 共9 eV兲. The reference zero of energy
corresponds to the average electrostatic potential as usual in bandstructure calculations. The band structure is reported along the highsymmetry lines of the irreducible Brillouin zone of the hexagonal
P6/mmm space group following the notation of Ref. 31.
calculation of the equation of state. The equation of state has
been fitted by a Murnaghan function,24 which gives an equilibrium volume25 of 6.65 Å3 /atom 共0.855 times the density of
diamond兲 which coincides with the result of previous tightbinding calculations.8 The bulk modulus is B⫽365 GPa and
the derivative of B with respect to pressure at equilibrium is
B ⬘ ⫽3.486. We have then optimized the internal structure at
the equilibrium volume by sampling the irreducible BZ over
27 k points. The resulting atomic positions differ by less than
0.01 Å with respect to the ⌫-point optimization. The cohesive energy of the clathrate turns out to be 0.17 eV/atom
smaller than the cohesive energy of diamond as computed in
the same framework and at convergence in the BZ
integration,26 a value not too far from the 0.214 eV obtained
in previous tight-binding calculations.8 The electronic band
structure along the high-symmetry directions of the BZ is
reported in Fig. 2共a兲. The clathrate is a wide band-gap insulator. The ⌫-A indirect band gap 共3.13 eV兲 is only 0.04 eV
narrower than the direct gap at ⌫. The real band gap is expected to be larger than the value reported here, due to the
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well-known underestimation of band gaps in LSDA.
We then turned to study the doping properties of the
clathrate by first considering p-type doping by insertion of
substitutional boron, which is known to be an effective p
dopant in diamond. We considered a boron concentration of
one boron per unit cell, i.e., the compound B1C39 . Among
the five possible inequivalent sites for boron substitution, we
find that boron preferentially lies in the larger hexagonal ring
as shown in Fig. 1共b兲. The boron insertion induces the formation of an acceptor state in the gap, 0.53 eV above the top
of the valence band. The acceptor state is mostly localized on
the boron atom and on the two first neighbors of boron,
which do not lie on the hexagonal ring.27 The bonds with the
latter atoms also display the largest changes in length with
respect to the pure system 共up to 0.15 Å兲. Therefore boron is
an effective p dopant in the hex-C40 clathrate as well.
In the search of possible n dopant, we inserted lithium in
the cages of the clathrate hex-C40 , in analogy with the insertion of groups-IA and -IIA metal ions already realized experimentally in the germanium and silicon clathrates.11 Electron transfer from alkali metals to the host carbon frame is
demonstrated in intercalated s p 2 structures such as graphite28
and fullerite.29 Here, we investigate the possibility to observe
a similar charge transfer in the clathrate structure, which, as
opposed to the formerly studied intercalated carbon
compounds,28,29 is a wide band-gap insulator and fully sp 3
hydridized. As already mentioned, there are three different
types of cages in the hex-C40 structure: the C20 共three per unit
cell兲, C24 , and C26 cages 共two per unit cell, each兲. Therefore,
we can easily study the lithium doping in the concentration
range from one to seven lithium atoms per unit cell, by still
using as a simulation cell the unit cell of the pure system. By
geometry optimization we find that the most favorable site
for Li insertion is at the centers of the largest C26 cages.
However, the other site at the center of the C24 cages is only
0.08 eV higher in energy. The position at the center of the
C24 cage is indicated in Figs. 1共b兲 and 1共c兲. The Li ion is
confined in the cages by a very high energetic barrier for
diffusion across the hexagonal rings. For instance, the energy
barriers for the diffusion across the large and small hexagonal rings of the C24 cages are 1.97 and 3.97 eV, respectively.
The large energy barriers prevent Li diffusion up to very
high temperature and therefore assure the thermal stability of
the Li doping. On the other hand, the presence of high diffusion barriers imply that Li, and a fortiori larger alkali ions,
cannot be inserted by electrochemical means, but must be
implanted or introduced in the growth process as done for
instance in the synthesis of the Si and Ge clathrates. We
computed the equation of state of the system with a Li ion in
one or two C24 cages and with seven Li ions per unit cell
occupying the centers of all the available cages. The c/a
ratio and the equilibrium volumes are essentially unaffected
共the changes are less than 1%兲 by increasing the Li concentration. Analogously, B decreases only slightly by increasing
Li content from 358 GPa 共one Li/cell兲 down to 356 GPa
共seven Li/cell兲.
The electronic band structures of the LiC40 compound
with Li ions at the center of the C24 cages is shown in Fig.
2共b兲. The band structure of the Li7C40 compound is shown
instead in Fig. 2共c兲. The reference zero of energy corresponds to the average electrostatic potential as usual in band-
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structure calculations. At low Li content (LiC40), the band
structure does not change significantly with respect to the
pure compound, but for the shift of the Fermi level inside the
conduction bands and a small downward shift in energy of
the lowest conduction band at the ⌫ point. Therefore, the
electronic properties of the system at low Li content can be
described in the rigid-band approximation where the Li is
fully ionized and donates its outermost electron to the host
without changing the band structure. This picture is a fortiori
valid at Li content lower than those studied here. The insertion of Li thus makes the clathrate metallic. At low Li content the electronic conductivity is mainly due to a pocket of
electrons at the A points of the BZ 关cf. Fig. 2共b兲兴. In conclusion, Li can be considered an effective n dopant in the clathrate hex-C40 .
A similar charge transfer from the guest ion to the host
has been proposed also for the Nax Si136 silicon clathrate.30
However, in the latter compound a Jahn-Teller distortion is
expected to drive a metallic-insulator transition and a breakdown of the rigid-band approximation. At high Li content
the rigid-band approximation is inadequate for hex-C40 as
well: also when the smaller C20 cages are filled, the shape of
the lowermost conduction bands are drastically modified
with respect to the pure compound indicating a stronger Lihost interaction 关cf. Fig. 2共c兲兴. By increasing the Li content
the Madelung energy is expected to decrease, at fixed ionicity of Li. In fact, the insertion energy 共computed as the difference between the sum of the energies of the pure hex-C40
and of isolated Li atoms and the energy of Lix C40) increases
from 0.87 eV/atom in LiC40 to 1.13 eV/atom in Li2C40 when
only the C24 cages are filled. In Li7C40 the insertion energy is
still 1.2 eV, the latter value coming, however, from an average over all the different sites. While the computed change in
the insertion energy with Li content is expected to be quantitatively correct, an error of the order of 0.1 eV is expected
for the absolute values 共cf. Ref. 15, p. 715兲. This is due to the
well-known deficiencies of the LSDA in the calculation of
the cohesive energies that mainly come from an overestimation of the total energy of the isolated atoms. Nevertheless,
the insertion energy quoted above 共0.87 eV兲 is so much
lower than the cohesive energy of metallic Li (⬃1.7 eV, cf.
Ref. 15, p. 715兲 that we can safely expect that the insertion
by electrochemical means from a metallic Li anode is energetically disfavored, besides the kinetical hindrances already
mentioned. Lithium should therefore be introduced by implantation. In this respect the hex-C40 structure might be a
more suitable choice than the cubic clathrates.9 In fact, channeling along the tubular structures might reduce the implantation damage in hex-C40 .
In conclusion we have shown that the theoretically proposed carbon clathrate hex-C40 is suitable to be n doped by
Li insertion and p doped by substitutional boron. Therefore
this material represents an example of n- and p-type tetrahedral carbon semiconductor. These findings can help in the
study of the doping properties of the nanostructured carbon
thin films grown by SCBD techniques that display similar
channels and fullereniclike cages, able to host intercalant
This work was partially supported by the INFM Advanced Research Project CLASS and by MURST, through
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