ARTICLE IN PRESS Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 70 (2009) 1132–1136 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids journal homepage: Physical properties of the delafossite LaCuO2 B. Bellal, S. Saadi, N. Koriche, A. Bouguelia , M. Trari Laboratoire de Stockage et de Valorisation des Energies Renouvelables, Faculte de Chimie BP 32, 16111 Algiers, Algeria a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 16 June 2008 Received in revised form 25 April 2009 Accepted 18 June 2009 High-quality LaCuO2, elaborated by solid-state reaction in sealed tube, crystallizes in the delafossite structure. The thermal analysis under reducing atmosphere (H2/N2: 1/9) revealed a stoichiometric composition LaCuO2.00. The oxide is a direct band-gap semiconductor with a forbidden band of 2.77 eV. The magnetic susceptibility follows a Curie–Weiss law from which a Cu2+ concentration of 1% has been determined. The oxygen insertion in the layered crystal lattice induces p-type conductivity. The electrical conduction occurs predominantly by small polaron hopping between mixed valences Cu+/2+ with an activation energy of 0.28 eV and a hole mobility (m300 K ¼ 3.5 107 cm2 V1 s1), thermally activated. Most holes are trapped in surface–polaron states upon gap excitation. The photoelectrochemical study, reported for the first time, confirms the p-type conduction. The flat band potential (Vfb ¼ 0.15 VSCE) and the hole density (NA ¼ 5.8 1017 cm3) were determined, respectively, by extrapolating the curve C2 versus the potential to their intersection with C2 ¼ 0 and from the slope of the linear part in the Mott–Schottky plot. The valence band is made up of Cu-3d orbital, positioned at 4.9 eV below vacuum. An energy band diagram has been established predicting the possibility of the oxide to be used as hydrogen photocathode. & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: A. Oxides C. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) D. Electrochemical properties D. Semiconductivity D. Transport properties 1. Introduction Papers on the physical properties of the delafossites Cu+M3+O2 (where M denotes a rare earth) are rarely encountered in the literature [1]. So far, the only practical application, made in our laboratory, concerns the conversion of solar energy to chemical energy [2]. This was undertaken to circumvent the deep valence band (VB) of oxygen parentage of most oxides owing to its high electronegativity. Cu+ has a closed shell configuration and CuMO2 is expected to be a semiconductor [3]. By contrast, the transport properties can be modulated to some extent by either oxygen insertion [4] or by doping with altervalent ions onto the M-sublattice [5] and they are usually available as p-type specimen. Moreover, VB is made up of Cu-3d character and slows down the corrosion process considerably in aqueous electrolytes. Under irradiation and in the presence of appropriate electroactive species, the delafossites are remarkably stable particularly in basic media. However, some of them dissolve in acids and the oxidation state of copper was determined chemically. This work introducing LaCuO2 is part of our research program on the photoelectrochemistry and to our knowledge, no previous physical study has been reported. Here, for the first time, we report the synthesis in sealed tube, the physical properties and photoelectrochemical (PEC) characterization with the main Corresponding author. Tel.: +213 21 24 79 50; fax: +213 08263 24602. E-mail address: (A. Bouguelia). 0022-3697/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2009.06.011 features (Eg, DE, Vfb, ND, etcy) of p-LaCuO2 on the basis of absorption spectra, polarization curves and capacitance measurements. It seemed attractive to study this ternary oxide, since it is the only one among the isotypic CuMO2 congeners that was not characterized photoelectrochemically because of the impossibility to dope it onto the La-sublattice even with ions of similar size like calcium. 2. Experimental LaCuO2 was synthesized by heating stoichiometric amounts of extra pure La2O3 and Cu2O (purity499.9%). The reactants were ground in an agate mortar, compacted into disks under a pressure of 4 kbar and sealed under dynamic vacuum (o1 mbar) in silica tube. The tube was heat treated at 960 1C and air quenched. The same procedure was repeated twice to get a single phase. Unreacted Cu2O was removed by soaking the powder in NH4OH (5 N). La2O3 was fired at 800 1C in air and Cu2O dried at 500 1C under vacuum just before use. The starting oxides were handled in an argon-filled box. Because of its strong moisture sensitivity, La2O3 converts to La(OH)3 under wet air atmosphere. We were unsuccessful in obtaining CuLa0.98Ca0.02O2 by a similar method. The X-ray diffraction pattern, taken with a monochromatized CuKa radiation, revealed a homogeneous single phase. The data were recorded for 10 s at each 0.021 step over 2y interval 10–751. The lattice constants were refined by the least-square method ARTICLE IN PRESS B. Bellal et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 70 (2009) 1132–1136 are determined by Cu-3d levels; the conduction band CB (LUMO) consists of empty antibonding s* hybridized 3dz2/4s wave functions whereas the non-bonding Cu–t2g orbital constitutes VB (HOMO). The electro positive character of lanthanum promotes a high degree of covalency for Cu–O bond, which tends to decrease the Cu–O length (0.1825 nm) in LaCuO2 with respect to CuAlO2 (0.18611 nm) [7]. This raises the band s* leading to an increase in the optical gap of LaCuO2, which possesses a large Eg among delafossites (see below). This energetic scheme confers to LaCuO2 its semiconductivity and is compatible with the chemical inertness. The latter is corroborated by the semilogarithmic plot (Fig. 2), where an exchange current density (0.07 mA cm2) and a corrosion potential (0.858 V) have been determined. Copper exhibits three oxidation states and the Cu+–Cu+ distance is large enough to accommodate oxygen species up to 0.62 ions per unit formula because of the large channels parallel to the basal plans [8]. The DSC plot (insert, Fig. 3) gives the recording in air of the thermal heat flow (dH/dT), where one can easily detect the presence of intermediate compounds during the heating process. The area enclosed by the peak is directly proportional to the enthalpy change. The endothermic peak is indicated by upward direction, i.e. an increase in enthalpy. By contrast, in the TG plot under reducing atmosphere (H2/N2:1/9), 012 1000 800 600 116 024 010 202 110 113 107 104 015 006 101 200 018 400 003 Intensity (a.u) using silicon as internal standard. The density was determined by the displacement method in toluene because of its wetting property. The compactness of the pellets was approximately 95% with good mechanical properties. The infrared spectrum was obtained by employing the KBr disk technique in a Perkin–Elmertype spectrum (resolutiono2 cm1). The formal oxidation state of copper was evaluated by iodometry and ~60 mg of powder was dissolved under nitrogen atmosphere in HCl (3 N) solution containing KI in excess. The liberated iodine was accurately titrated by a standard Na2S2O3 solution using starch as indicator. The elemental analysis was performed by inductively coupled plasma emission (Vista-Pro CCD ICP-OES), the La/Cu was equal to unity within the experimental errors. The oxygen content was determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) with an accuracy of 70.01 under reducing atmosphere (10% H2/N2). In this way copper was reduced to Cu0 whereas La3+ kept the same oxidation state La2O3. For corrosion tests, Cu2+ was analyzed by atomic absorption (Pye Unicam SP9). The diffuse reflectance spectrum was recorded with a Jasco V-530 spectrophotometer attached to a reflectance accessory that goes from 200 to 800 nm. The magnetic susceptibility was measured down to liquid helium under a field of 18,000 G. The w(T) values were corrected by subtracting the core diamagnetism of relevant ions [6]. The conductivity s was determined on sintered pellets by using the two-probe method. All the temperature measurements are referred to a digital calibrated chromel–alumel (type-K) thermocouple. The thermopower S ( ¼ DV/DT) was determined on sintered pellets, thanks to a household equipment. Electric contact on pellets was made with silver paint, a copper wire was soldered to the contacting surface and the electrode was mounted in a glass holder using epoxy resin. The PEC characterization was performed in a standard three electrode cell equipped with a loose cover that positions the electrodes. The potential of the working electrode (geometric area, 0.5 cm2) was monitored by a Voltalab PGP 201 potentiostat. A large Pt sheet served as an emergency electrode and all the potentials were scaled with respect to a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The support electrolyte KOH (0.5 M) was deoxygenated by continuous bubbling with nitrogen. The light source was a 600 W halogen lamp equipped with a water filter to remove IR light. 1133 0 10 3. Results and discussion 30 40 50 2θ (degree) 60 70 Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of LaCuO2. -0.8 log J (μA cm-2) Very pure LaCuO2 has been synthetized under oxygen-free atmosphere to preclude the formation of La2CuO4. Standard analysis showed the product composed of 70.13 wt% of La2O3 and 29.87 wt% of Cu2O, a composition very close to the theoretical one ( 69.48 wt% and 30.51 wt% respectively). The X-ray pattern (Fig. 1), virtually free from impurties, is indexed in a hexagonal unit structure where all the peaks are assigned to the delafossite phase. The refined lattice constants ah ¼ 0.3833(3) nm ch ¼ 1.7109(6) nm are in perfect agreement with the published data [7]. The experimental density dexp (5.10 g cm3) agrees with that calculated on the basis of three formula weights per unit cell (5.36 g cm3). The formal oxidation state, determined by iodometry (1.02), corresponds to oxygen over stoichiometry of ~0.01 and corroborates the formulation found from magnetism. The crystal structure consists of sequences of layers of Cu–O–La–O–Cu, where the oxygen is surrounded by a tetrahedron of 3 La and 1 Cu. It belongs to the centro-symmetric space group R3̄m (D53d), visualized as a close packed layers of La3+ octahedra sharing common edge infinite [LaO6]N layers. Octahedra, belonging to two adjacent layers, are linked to each other by Cu+ in linear coordination forming {CuO3 2 } ‘‘dumb-bell’’ parallel to the c-axis. As mentioned in the introduction, the electronic bands of CuMO2 20 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 Volt (Vsce) Fig. 2. Semilogarithmic plots for Pt electrode in KOH at a scan rate of 5 mV/s. ARTICLE IN PRESS B. Bellal et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 70 (2009) 1132–1136 the first weight loss at 310 1C is originated from the removal of oxygen excess (de-intercalation process, arrow D in Fig. 3. The second one starts at ~440 1C and ends at 630 1C after which a plateau region is reached. It corresponds to the reduction process 60 2LaCuO2+H2-2Cu+La2O3+H2O. 40 w ¼ w0 þ Cc =T 0.01 0.00 100 -0.02 -0.03 98 DTG (%) TGA (%) -0.01 D -0.04 97 -0.05 96 -0.06 200 400 600 800 T (°C) 1000 1200 1400 Fig. 3. TGA/TDA plots of LaCuO2 under reducing atmosphere (H2/N2:1/9). Differential scanning calorimetry of LaCuO2 (insert). χ = 50x10-6 (emu CGS mol)-1 12 8 105 χ (emu CGS/mol)-1 103 χT (emu CGS/ mol)-1 °C 100 20 50 10 λ0 = 448 nm 4 0 -4 -8 30 20 10 0 0 100 400 450 500 λ (nm) 550 600 0 650 Fig. 5. Diffuse reflectance spectrum of LaCuO2. for the green emission (550 nm) upon UV excitation [9]. The diffuse reflectance spectrum is given in Fig. 5; the precise Eg value (2.77 eV) was obtained from the derivative curve. Some authors have proposed a critical interionic distance in transition metal oxides, above which a localized electron behavior is expected [10]. The Cu+–Cu+ separation ( ¼ a-parameter) is greater than the interatomic length in copper metal (0.255 nm)1 [6] and LaCuO2 is predicted to be a semiconductor. However, the semiconducting properties of delafossites depend on the deviation from stoichiometry. The impossibility to synthesize CuLa0.98Ca0.02O2 in spite of the closeness of ionic radii of Ca2+ (0.100 nm) and La3+ (0.103 nm) in six-fold coordination [11] cannot be explained by the consideration of size. The conversion of LaCuO2 to p-type SC is achieved through oxygen insertion and would induce mixed valence states Cu+/2+ [12]. In delafossites, the conduction process occurs predominantly by small polaron hopping [13] and is dominated mainly by holes as the thermo power S remains positive (Fig. 6). The decrease of S with temperature up to 390 K indicates that the mobility m is thermally activated rather than the hole density NA. The acceptors are no longer completely ionized and in such a case, S is given by [14] S ¼ k=efDE=kT þ Bg ¼ ðk=eÞlnðNo =NA Þ ð2Þ The dimensionless constant B can be neglected when EgbkT. The density of polaron sites No is assimilated to Cu+ concentration (1.32 1022 m3), deduced from the density dexp. The activation energy DE (0.28 eV) is evaluated from S300 K (930 mV K1). The ratio NA/No (2 105) determined from relation (2) indicates that most holes are trapped in surface hole polarons, localized on Cu2+ sites. Low polarons have high concentration and low mobility and behave as heavy pseudoparticles that polarize the surrounding coordination and enhance the electron effective mass. At room temperature, the low mobility (7.4 107 cm2 V1 s1), calculated from the relation s ¼ (NA mh e), is inferred to the narrow valence band of Cu-3d-character, which does not exceed 2 eV. This leads to an enhanced effective mass m* (~2mo) calculated from DE.2 The intensity potential J(V) relationship is traced in an effort to elucidate the electrochemical processes in LaCuO2. Fig. 7 shows C = 3.25x10-3 16 30 350 101 0 150 ð1Þ with w0~50 106 (emu CGS mol)1. The susceptibility can be regarded as a magnetic titration owing to the Cu2+ dilution effect. The Curie constant (Cc ¼ 3.25 103) comes from the odd number of Cu2+ ion (3d9) generated by oxygen insertion to achieve the charge balance. Cc is ~1/100 of the value for of free spins Cu2+ (S ¼ 12, Cc ¼ 0.374, ~1%) leading to LaCuO2.00, a formulation close to that obtained from the chemical analysis. LaCuO2 has a yellowish color and the photoluminescence involves 3d94s-3d10 inter-configurational transitions responsible 99 T (%) A total weight loss of 3.46% allowed us to evaluate the oxygen content at exactly 2.00 per unit formula. Cu+ ion has a filled inner shell (3d10) and stoichiometric LaCuO2 is expected to be diamagnetic. However, the thermal variation of the magnetic susceptibility (Fig. 4) is well described by the Curie–Weiss law: 200 50 Differential (a.u.) 1134 200 T (°C) -12 0 50 100 150 T (°C) 200 250 300 Fig. 4. Thermal variation of magnetic susceptibility (wT) of LaCuO2. 1 Calculated from the lattice constant of copper, which crystallizes in a body centred cubic. 2 DE ¼ e4m*/8(eeoh)2, e being the electron charge, h the Planck constant and eo the dielectric constant of free space. ARTICLE IN PRESS B. Bellal et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 70 (2009) 1132–1136 1135 0.2 1.2 J (mA/cm2 ) S (mVK-1) 1.0 0.8 0.6 -0.5 0.4 0.1 Vfb = 0.14 V/sce 0.0 0.0 0.2 -0.1 0.5 V (Volt/sce) 1.0 In the dark Under illumination 0.0 0 30 60 90 120 Temperature (°C) 150 180 Fig. 6. Thermal dependence of Thermopower S of LaCuO2. Ox A value of 0.14 V was obtained in KOH solution, very close to that of the isotopic CuYO2 [15], because of the similarities of electronegativity of lanthanum and yttrium [6]. Over time, the decrease of Jph is due to the photocorrosion of LaCuO2, since the solution does not contain any redox couple. The exchange of majority carriers between the oxide and the solution occurs in a direct way and the interface is approximated by a plate condensator: 0.2 0.0 0 J (mA/cm2 ) -1 Fig. 8. The J(V) curve of LaCuO2 in the dark and under illumination in 1 M KOH solution scan rate of 5 mV/s. 1 2 Volt (V/ecs) -0.2 C ¼ eeo A=d 1 1 þ CSCR C 1 ¼ Cdl Red -0.4 Fig. 7. Cyclic voltammetry in the dark of LaCuO2 in KOH solution. Scanning rate 5 mV/s. the cyclic J(V) curves plotted in KOH media; the use of NaOH gave a similar results. The potential was initiated from the cathodic side and the curve exhibits an oxidation wave at ~ 0.54 V (Ox). Because of the layered crystal lattice, oxygen can be intercalated electrochemically and electrons are coming out from the basal Cu2O plans. The electroneutrality condition implies a partial oxidation of Cu+ to Cu2+ and the reaction can be written as LaCuO2+2eOH-LaCuO2+e+eH2O+2ee where e stands for the amount of oxygen incorporated. On the reverse scan, the oxide undergoes reversible reduction at 0.98 V (red) corresponding to oxygen de-intercalation. Below 1.4 V, the current shoots up considerably owing to H2-evolution. LaCuO2 works as photosensitive electrode. The shape of Jph(V) characteristic (Fig. 8) is clearly that of p-type semiconductor, i.e. an increase of the photocurrent Jph along the cathodic direction. Jph increases slowly and saturates at ~0.16 V, the magnitude of which is found to depend only on light intensity, a behavior ascribed to a zero electron–hole (e/h+) pair recombination. The potential Von corresponds to the onset photocurrent; it was taken as the potential above which no photocurrent could be observed and can be assimilated to the flat band potential Vfb. ð3Þ where A is the surface of the electrode and d the thickness. The total capacitance C consists of a double layer (Cdl) in the electrolyte side and SCR (CSCR): ð4Þ The density NA (see below) leads to a depletion width Wo expressed by [16]: Wo ¼ f2eeo ðVfb VÞ=eNA g1=2 ð5Þ A value of ~63 nm is deduced for a band bending (VfbV) equal to 0.3 V. Hence, the value of CSCR is much larger and CECdl. The Mott–Schottky plot gives the differential capacitance dependence of SCR on the electrode potential [17]: 1 2 kT ¼ 7 V V ð6Þ fb AeNA ee0 e C2 The linear characteristic C2V over the potential range (0.35 V) implies a uniform density NA, whereas the negative slope confirms the extrinsic p-type conductivity (Fig. 9). The permittivity e is not available in the literature and its value (~10) was determined independently from the dielectric measurement. The extrapolation of the fitted line at C2 ¼ 0 corresponds to the potential Vfb from which a value of 0.15 V was determined. This value is very close to the potential Von and this indicates a quasi-absence of surface states within the gap. The density NA, evaluated from the slope, was found to be 5.8 1017 cm3 in agreement with that determined from the thermopower (2.8 1017 cm3). The position of VB is given by P ¼ eVfb þ DE þ eVh þ 4:74 ¼ 5:1870:05 eV ð7Þ This value is typical of oxides in which VB derives from Cu-3d character, instead O2; 2p orbital as is the case for most oxides. ARTICLE IN PRESS 1136 B. Bellal et al. / Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 70 (2009) 1132–1136 confirmed by the semilogarithmic plot. LaCuO2 can be made p-type conductor by hosting oxygen in the two-dimensional lattice followed by oxidation of copper to maintain the charge neutrality. The optical transition is directly allowed and the valence band is made up of Cu-3d wave function. The results of Mott–Schottky plot and the cyclic voltammetry showed that the electrochemical response of the moderately doped electrode is characteristic of a classical semiconductor. LaCuO2 will serve as a starting material for further heat and chemical treatments to synthesize two new phases to be used for H2 photogeneration. 5 10-10 C-2 (F-2 cm4) 4 3 2 Acknowledgements 1 Vfb = 0.15 V/sce 0 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 V (V/sce) Fig. 9. Mott–Schottky plot of LaCuO2. Hence CB (7.95 eV/3.2 V/s) is positioned far below the H2O/H2 level and this should lead to a spontaneous H2-evolution in strong alkaline media. The PEC field is open to further explorations into the photointercalation mechanism. LaCuO2 will serve as a starting material to prepare a new copper lanthanum oxide hardly distinguishable trough XRD patterns from those prepared previously; the results are under way and will be reported in the next paper. 4. Conclusion Delafossite LaCuO2 of high quality has been prepared by direct reaction in silica tubes. LaCuO2 is a low-mobility, hopping-type semiconductor with a hole mobility thermally activated. The electropositive character of lanthanum leads to a stronger covalency of Cu–O bond resulting in a destabilization of antibonding CB of hybridized Cu-3d/4s orbital and an increase of Eg-value. The magnetic susceptibility comes from localized Cu2+ moments. The low deviation from stoichiometry results from a slight variation in the transport properties. The material possesses a high degree of corrosion resistance in aqueous electrolytes This work was financially supported by the Faculty of Chemistry (Algiers). The authors would like to thank Mr. D. Bouteldja for his technical assistance and are also grateful to Ms. S. Omeiri for her help and fruitful comments. References [1] M. Elazhari, A. Ammar, M. Elaatmani, M. Trari, J.P. Doumerc, Eur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem. 34 (1997) 503. [2] S. Saadi, A. Bouguelia, H. Derbal, A. Aider, M. Trari, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A 97 (2007) 187. [3] M. Younsi, S. Saadi, A. Bougelia, A. Aider, M. Trari, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 91 (2007) 1102. [4] N. Koriche, A. Bouguelia, M. Trari, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 31 (2006) 1192. [5] Y.-C. Liou, U.-R. Lee, J. Alloys Compd. 467 (2009) 496. [6] D.R. Line, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 78th ed., 1997–98. [7] J.P. Doumerc, A. Ammarn, A. Wichainchai, M. Pouchard, P. Hagenmuller, J. Phys. Chem. 48 (1987) 47. [8] R.J. Cava, W.F. Peck, J.J. Krajewski, S.W. Cheong, Q. Huang, J. Mater Res. 9 (1994) 314. [9] P. Boutinaud, D. Garcia, C. Parent, M. Faucher, G. Le flem, J. Phys. Chem. 56 (1995) 1147. [10] J.B. 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