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Mikhail Petrochenkov
Germany | +4917667109744 | mishokwork@yandex.com | linkedin.com/in/mishok2503 | github.com/mishok2503
Constructor University Bremen
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bremen, Germany
February 2023 – June 2023
Higher School of Economics (GPA 9.26/10.0)
Bachelor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
St.Petersburg, Russia
August 2020 – January 2023
Actian | TODO
TODO | Developer
Remote, Germany
September 2023 – Present
JetBrains | Mobile Robot Algorithms Lab
Intern | Researcher
Bremen, Germany
March 2023 – September 2023
SLAM algorithms research.
Dempster-Shafer theory research.
• ROS integration.
VK | Dzen Video Hosting
C++ Developer
SPb, Russia
July 2022 – March 2023
Redirect for specific uuids (103 rps, 107 videos)
”Continue watching” service. Reading from the message broker, reading and writing to YDB
• Logger for main service
Huawei R&D | Test Auto-Generation Team
Intern | C++, LLVM, Assembly
SPb, Russia
March 2022 – July 2022
Assembly→LLVM IR lifters resarch.
KLEE external calls research.
• PR to call inline assembly as an external function.
Yandex | Runtime Video Hosting Team
Intern | C++ Backend
Moscow, Russia
July 2021 – October 2021
Rewrote the handler to a micro service architecture and added a real-time access to the database.
Add new features to this handler and speed up its work by 15-20%
• Unit and integration tests.
Portal engine | C++, OpenGL
• 3D-engine based on OpenGL from scratch
• Mathematics and logic of drawing portals
• Simple physics engine that supports portals
MVL | C++
• Development of an educational programming language
• Flex lexer, Bison parser
• Syntax highlighting and tools in vim
January 2021 – June 2021
October 2021
Olympiads and other achievement
International Mathematics Competition(IMC) | Silver Medal
JetBrains personal scholarship | For excellent academic performance
16 school olympiads (Math, Programming, Physics) | Winner, medalist
July 2021
September 2020 - Present
October 2019 - April 2020
Technical Skills
Languages: C++(17), C, Assembly, Java, Python, Bash, Haskell, SQL (Postgre)
Math skills: Algorithms and Data Structures, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Graph theory, Complex analysis, Probability
theory, Statistics, Number theory, Distributed systems