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To the Head of Department
Department of English and America Studies
Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology
by Mavjuda Yuldosheva
Phone number: +998999467227
Email: mavjuda2988@gmail.com
Major: English Philology
Faculty number; 1557
MA Program: Foreign Language (English), Literature, Mass Media
I hereby request approval of the following topic for my MA thesis
(title in English): National and Pragmatic feature of English and Uzbek fairy tales.
Suprivisor: Assoc. Nozimjon Ataboyev.
Academic consultant: Prof. Alexandera Bagasheva
Date: 16.05.2022
Student’s signature: Mavjuda Yuldasheva
Supervisor’s (Consultant’s)signature.
CHAPTER I. Similarities and differences of nationality in Uzbek and English fairy tales………
CHAPTER II. The importance of pragmatics in Uzbek and English fairy tales…………………
LIST OF REFERENCE SOURCES……………………………………………………………...
A brief outline (in English)
National and Pragmatic features English and Uzbek Fairy tales
Fairy tales are the almost ubiquitous genre of folklore which combines features
of universal human traits and unique cultural values, attitudes and national
Fairy tales differs from other genres of folklore in that the reality of life is
depicted on the basis of fantasy and vital fiction, based on the means of magic and
sorcery, the events and actions take place in extraordinary circumstances, the
supernatural courage of the protagonists. In fiction, fiction is an important criterion
and forms the basis of plot events, providing a conflict resolution of dynamic
movement in the plot line. Different patterns of fiction performs an educationalaesthetic function, serving as a component of the genre. Fiction describes events and
happenings in the form of events that may or may not exist in life.
In scientific terminology, the term folklore ( English: folk, lore-knowledge,
wisdom) was first introduced in 1846 by the English scientist William Thomas, and
the term was used in Uzbekistan in 1932 by H. Zarifov, a major representative of this
field. The landscape of the world in folklore is manifested in socio-cultural,
communicative, cognitive and linguistic aspects. The fairy tale genre, which belongs
to the folklore epic genres, is also very common. A fairy tale is the main genre of folk
oral poetic creation, it is an epic artistic work of magical adventure and household
character based on text and fiction.
Table 1. The classification symbols of the fairy tale genre
Tissue image
creatures, animals
Prose, Rhyming
4. Social duty
To entertain
This table shows the classification symbols of the fairy tale genre. In the texts of fairy
tales, the possession of pragmatic content, the text is mainly aimed at the perception
of the universe not by humans, but by higher supernatural forces, the possession of
formal integrity, ritualism, as the subject of magical action, and the variety of
features. Stylization in fairy tales serves to strengthen the impression left by the
storyteller on the audience. The author of the fairy tale is mainly the people. This
genre is characterized by qualities such as traditional, spread by folk word, and many
variants. In all cultures, the concept of time and space was considered important for
telling and hearing stories. How serious the Uzbek people are to this genre, “Fairytale
is not fun, it does not mean that the storyteller came to his mouth”. Or it may be
known from folk proverbs such as “Epics are told during the day, tales are told at
night”, referring to the fact that the story is usually told at night.
In the English peoples, the main quiet or musical atmosphere was created to listen to
the fairy tale in a circle. When choosing a place, they usually chose under a tree or by
the water or often around a bonfire. The selected places also had special symbolic
meanings; Water, for example, was chosen because it was a symbol of purity that
washes away life and sickness and sins, while fire was chosen for wild animals.
Linguosemiotic interpretation of symbols in fairy tales.
The concept of semiotics is mentioned in the explanatory dictionaries as “ the science
of analyzing disease symptoms” and is called semiology. The American Scientist
Charles Sanders Peirce (1837- 1914) introduced the term semiotics as a synonym for
the term semiology, and is now used to describe the uniqueness of a certain sign
system. According to Peirce’s theory, the relational field of a sign consists of three
1. A sign is a relationship with a material appearance.
2. A tool that originates from the mind of the perceiver and describes the sign.
3. The object reflected in the sign.
Another American scholar, Charles Morris (1901-1979), defined semiotics as
the signifier, the signifier, and the interpretant. According to him, these terms indicate
something to a person and directly express undisclosed thoughts.
Based on his analysis and theories, the scientist divides semiotics into three
scientific areas, such as syntax, semantics and pragmatics. According to his definition,
syntactic is “ the study of the mutual syntactic relations of signs, separating them from
their relationship to the object or interpretive descriptor. Semantics, on the other hand,
analyzes the relationship of signs to the classes of objects represented by the sign, that
is, to the object represented by them, “ and finally, pragmatics is a science that
illuminates the relation to the user. According to these criteria, let’s analyze, for
example, the image of turtle. Tortoise is a symbol of slowness, in almost all cultures.
The relation between the expression “ slowness, slowness” is natural, because the
turtle moves slowly by nature, it has many elements, because the turtle is not only
slow to walk, but also slow to eat. It is also a symbol of longevity. We can also find
this symbol in the tales of two nations.
In the English fairy tale “Blue Beard”, the gold of the Blue beard, who killed
his wives one by one, was interpreted as a symbol of the day, the sun protecting the
killed wives, the stars that were destroyed by the Blue beard. In Uzbek fairy tales, the
sun is symbolic in the fairy tale “ Kenja Botir”. The sun described in the fairy tale
leaves its home every morning and rises to the sky, and returns to the earth to its
mother at night. This motive arose as a result of the mythological imagination of the
people based on the rising and setting of the sun. 1 The “Mysterious room” in the tale
of the bearded man, which the bearded man forbids his wife to enter, represents the
“Men’s house” in primitive societies, where women and unskilled servants are
forbidden to enter. A long beard is traditionally compared to a witch who tests a
newcomer to this house, kills him symbolically, and then puts on a show so that he
can be resurrected. The corpses of his ex-wives hung on the walls in the primitive
“Men’s room” hinted at the fame of the famous tribal leaders who sought protection
and inspiration from them.
In the tale of the King of England and his three sons2 the adventures of Oliver,
Valentine and Jacky, the sons of the King of England, are discussed. In the fairy tale,
it is said that the symbol of the “ Golden Apple” claimed the pain of the King. In
English, the Apple fruit is expressed in a magical sense. In this fairy tale, too, the
golden apple is the main symbol in the illumination of the fairy tale. And the black
castles and great places in it give an insight into the history of England. The symbol
of the Swan in the fairy tale is always represented as a symbol of help. “ When Jack
approaches London, he hears the ringing of all the bells mentioned in this passage are
symbols that indicate to the English that there is good news or bad news.
Also, in the Uzbek folk tale “ The Magic Pomegranate”, the beautiful daughter
of the King lies bald.3 Then the healer tells the princess that only magical
pomegranate juice can cure her. He says that a pure man will find the pomegranate.
Jurayev M, Folklorshunoslik asoslari. – Toshkent, 2008.
Joseph Jacobs, “More English Fairy tales” – Oxford, 1911.
“Uzbek xalk ertaklari” chapter II, - Toshkent, 2014.
And it is mentioned that the pomegranate grows in the Black Rocks. We can learn
that these black rocks also exist in the kingdom of England from the above tale. The
pomegranate was searched for by Gayrat and his brothers. It is similar to his betrayal.
The hero young man heals the princess and marries her. It is similar to the plot of the
above fairy tale. Only in English, apple is depicted as a magical fruit that gives life,
while in Uzbeks, pomegranate is depicted as a magical fruit.
Also, colors in fairy tales have different interpretations in two nations. For
example, if we recognize the red color by analysis. If we look at Uzbek fairy tales, the
color red is used positively, along with the meaning of blood, expressing different
beauty (red flower, crimson carpet, red necklace).
In English fairy tales, red is used in both positive and negative ways.
. In a positive sense- if it is expressed by the content of love, beauty, sun.
. In a negative sense, it is observed in the interpretation of human
characteristics such as ignorance, arrogance and quarrelsomeness. In the Uzbek folk
tale “Zumrad and Kimmat”, the old sorcerer gives a red chest to the industrious white
maid Zumrad. There were valuable jewels and clothes in it. Kimmat is presented with
there were white snakes. So in this fairy tale, the color red has a positive meaning. In
addition to China, India, The West and The East, in the ancient views of Asian
countries, the activity of white, black, and red colors is noticeable, while yellow,
green and blue colors are used relatively less.4
Through fairy tales, we can even learn about other people’s favorite food. It is
mentioned in the English fairy tale “ History of Tom Thumb”.5 Little Tom’s mother
made a pudding from the dough one day. Tom wanted to see the pudding being made,
but he slipped over the edge of the bowl and fell into the dough. His mother did not
notice it. In Uzbek fairy tales, in the last part of the happy ending, it is possible to find
out that the phrase “ forty nights and forty days he made dinner and feasts” refers to
Rizayeva M. “ Uzbek folklorida rang simvolikasi”. – Toshkent. 2018.
Joseph Jacobs. “English Fairy tales and More English”. –England. 1908.
the favorite dish of Uzbeks, plov.
In English and Uzbek folk tales, the image of a mother and a daughter is a girl.
A series of fairy tales of the step mother and step girl type have been attracting
readers with their sad motives for centuries. The system of images and motives of
fairy tales of the step daughter type is created around the real reality of step traditions
and the ancient concept and aesthetic functions. The main similarity between English
and Uzbek fairy tales is that the characters with four main functions participate in the
fairy tales of both nations. In “Cinderella” there is a magical fairy who provides
magical tools, but in “Zumrad and Kimmat” they disappear in the form of a loving
mother. If we compare the fairy tales of Zumrad and Kimmat and Cinderella, a
common idea is missing in both of them, that is, the girl as a symbol of goodness. The
main tasks of the images of Zumrad and Cinderella in the fairy tale are determined by
the opposition of kindness and injustice to evil. The peculiarity of the two folk tales is
that the nature of the fairy tales exaggerates and enlivens the world of magical events.
Cinderella makes it possible for her to go to the ball in the royal palace, and the girl
finds her happiness when she goes to this ball. The fairy old woman also helps
Zumrad to achieve hers wish. The plot of these two fairy tales is similar, only in it the
culture of the people is described as distinct and different. In Cinderella, the costumes
of the characters stand out. Zumrad is depicted with duppi on hers head, hers hair is
jamalak and she is wearing atlas. And Cinderella is a girl with long curly hear. And
she is depicted with a royal dress and elegant shoes suitable for the Queen of England,
and the national dance of England.
In English and Uzbek folk tales, we can get acquainted with national musical
instruments. In Uzbek folk tales about Alexander the Great, it is said he had a horn, so
he killed the barbers who cut his hair.6 Finally, because there were no barbers left, he
left one last barber unkilled. This barber, unable to keep the secret about Iskandar
inside, went to an old well and told him. One day, a shepherd grazing his cattle near
“Uzbek Xalk ertaklari”. Chapter II. – Toshkent. 2014.
this well made a pipe from a plant that grew from it, and the sound of “ Iskandar has a
horn” spread throughout the city. The flute is one of the national musical instruments
of Uzbekistan. It is said in the fairy tale that a secret was revealed through him.
In the English fairy tale “ Jack and the Bean stock”, the power of the magical
golden harp the power of the golden harp, giving life to nature, and turning everything
into green fields and flower gardens, is represented by images. From this tale, we can
learn that the Harp is the national harp of the British.
In English and Uzbek folk tales, numbers have a special significance. In the
tales of two nations, the number three is repeated many times. In English fairy tales,
three bears, three dogs, and three wishes are often found, while in Uzbek folk tales,
three princes, three roads, three questions, etc. can be found a lot. In English, it is
related to the Christian religion, and they show the belief in the unity of the father,
Son and Holy Spirit. In the tale of the Uzbek people called “ Golden Watermelon”, a
stork with a broken leg falls in the field of poor farmer. The farmer takes pity on the
bird and heals it. After the stork leaves three watermelon seeds to the farmer for the
kindness he has done to the farmer. The stork bird is related to the national character
of our people. Because among our people, the stork is considered a scared bird that
flies from Mecca. Among the Uzbek people, the origin of these images is related to
the ancient animastic totemistic, shamonistic worldview, which is directly related to
the Islamic faith of the people, with the concepts of mythological imagination.
The main difference in images in English and Uzbek fairy tales. The religious
and national religious views of the representatives of both nations are manifested in
their connection with the customs and traditions. For example, in Uzbek fairy tales,
the main characters are often performed with the help of “Erans”. These characters
include Khizr Chilton, old man with a white beard, Shakhimardan Pir, Khazrat Ali
and old Grandmother. This image is unique to the epic work of the Uzbek people and
is not found in English folklore. These characters are usually able to move freely on
the surface of the earth, the sky below the earth. Also, feathers, stones, wool, and
strands of hair donated by these characters can only be found in Uzbek national tales.
Here, in the folklore of the Turkic people, including the Uzbek people, it is
possible to recall the motive of Khizr’s support, usually invisible to people as an old
man with a white beard and white clothes. The English fairy tale “ Who is the best?”,
directly contains a unique poetic interpretation of such views. In it, a young man
named Jack achieves his goal with his agility, intelligence and courtesy. In this way, a
strange old man whom he accidentally met on his way became his main helper. In a
village, a poor woman had three sons named Bill, Tom and Jack, and she raised them
alone in order to earn money. On the way, the young man met an old man. When the
old man asked the young man where he was going, he disrespectfully ran away
without answering. When he went to the palace, he saw the old witch and
immediately thought that he would kill his, but he could not stop the witch and died.
The second woman also fell into the same situation because she disrespected the
handsome old man, he met on the road. Then, despite his mother’s objections, Jack
set off. Because his mother couldn’t even prepare food for him because he cried a lot,
jack took the bread that had hardened and went on his way. He greeted the old man he
met on the road and told him that he was looking for a land-based ship and his
purpose. Let’s have breakfast together, Grandpa took out the bread next to him. The
old man said to him, ”Don’t hurry, first take this stick, you go the way I came, a well
will come out, throw the stick into it and wait until the water turns into oil, there is a
silver cup on the beach, then you know what to do, the ship will be ready when you
come back. The young man said and brought a silver cup filled with flour. After they
had breakfast together, the old man told the young man that he should take everyone
he met on the road with the name of the best clairvoyant of all. As a result, each of
these people helped him in his fight with the witch. Jack married the King’s daughter
and achieved his dream goal. It can be understood from this tale that the helping hero
is often in the form of an old man or an old woman. Unexpectedly and in hungry state
in the main character’s house if he offends, he will be punished. On the contrary, if he
does good, he will fulfill his wishes.
Nationalism in English fairytales.
“Child Rowland”.
Merlin is mentioned
in the image of a
legendary magician.
“Jack and Bean”
For the English people, the
bean has been mentioned
for years in the form of a
magic plant.
“Mr. Vinegar”(Flore Annie
“If you have a door, you
have a house”. National
“History of Tom
Little Tom is a national
hero who overcomes
difficulties among the
Nationalism in Uzbek Fairy tales.
“Zumrad and Kimmat”.
Zumrad is mentioned as a neat,
smart and hardworking daughter of
the Uzbek people.
“Jononi kalon jonidan”,
This magical phrase in
the sense of caressing.
“Sohibjon with Ahmadjon”
It has been nationality
accepted that it is the duty of
every child to serve his parents.
The image of Evil is embodied in folklore as a negative hero, mainly in the role
of an opponent. American scientist Donald Haase says, that beggars sometimes act as
donors or helpers. “ Witches generally occupy the role of villain in folktales and fairy
tales, though they may also function as wise figures or helpers.7 “ The fairy tale witch
serves dual role as villain and as donor figure or helper. Good witches or women with
magical powers may function both as donors or helpers. Often the daughter of a
demon or a witch, the female protagonist uses a combination of talking objects and
transformation to escape with the male protagonist/ helper in these is usually not
explicitly referred to as a witch.
Magic can be found in the main plot of fairy tales. Magic, that is, sorcery, is a
part of magic and miracles that people cannot explain on his own, and the power of
the mind is unable to explain. The origin of magic as a form of human personality,
first of all, feelings, imagination, fantasy and imagination that fall into the unusual
sphere. Types of folk magic conditional on communicative-pragmatic, purposeharmful, military, romantic, healing or protective, hunting, weather and other
secondary types of magic; according to the mechanism of action, it is divided into
contact, initial or trans missive, imitative types. All types of folk magic appear in
English and Uzbek fairy tales.
The participation of imaginary and vital fictions, according to their place and
function in the plot line, Fairy tale based on imaginary fiction, is vital, in which real
events are described. In fairy tales basically three goals are narrated. In the first, the
courage of the ideal hero to defend the interests of the people against evil forces, in
the second, the main hero’s love for foreign princesses or concubines, freeing those
abducted by dragons and giants, and the third for injustice and oppression goals such
as oppositions.
Fairy tale genre interpretation of images, ideological content and conflict, plot
and composition, place and function of fiction, language and style, conditionally
about animals Fairy tales, Magic Fairy tales divided into domestic Fairy tales , comic
Fairy tales. One type of Fairy tales about animals are figurative Fairy tales lies a
Haase Donald. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folk Tales and Fairy tales. – London: Greenwood Press, 2008.
figurative meaning, allegorical images. Mas is represented by a fox, a cunning and a
bloodthirsty wolf, and a cunning and sly fox. In magical Fairy tale, the magic of
events is built on the basis of fantastic fiction. They glorify heroism and heroism
others Fairy tale are comic, some even have a humorous character, oppression and
ignorance, injustice, etc. are condemned, and the virtues of wisdom and
entrepreneurship are glorified.
Fairy tales are constantly told and retold and thus
certain features of the national character of the people who keep fairy tales circulating
are reflected in the imperceptible reshaping of the texts. Those subtle changes affect
both narrative structures, linguistic makeup and the perception of fairy tales. Each of
these aspects is worth exploring but for the purposes of this thesis I will focus on the
pragmatics of the linguistic structures that construct the world of fairy tales in two
cultures: English and Uzbek. Language is an all-embracing representational system
and as such is understood as a repository of cultural values and national
characteristics, some of which are derived through the cultural entrenchment of fairy
tales. These values and characteristics are then encoded in the types of linguistic
devices used in weaving the texture of fairy tales. By pragmatics of fairy tales against
this background we understand the specifics of language structures that are used to
introduce characters in the fairy tales, the speech habits of these characters and the
overall linguistic shaping of fairy tales which both reflect the cultural values and
national features of the people recycling these fairy tales, but are at the same time
conditioned by them.
The world’s folk scene is reflected in communicative, social, cultural, cognitive
and educational aspects. The cognitive aspects of folklore works specific to each
nation are characterized by the fact that they reflect traditional mythological views,
the depth and symbolism of their interpretation, and the embodiment of the aesthetic
ideals of the nation in the images and themes. Also, in folklore texts, linguistic
features such as the symbolic nature of the word, ownership of formal integrity,
rituality, and variant ownership are manifested. The roots of rituals, cosmological
symbols, numbers, colors and symbols in fairy tales go back to the mythological
thinking of the peoples about the movement of the moon and the sun, to the first
forms of ethics such as animism, totemism, shamanism, to the rituals typical of the
early social structures.
In this MA thesis, I will analyze a corpus of some of the fairy tales of two
peoples (English and Uzbek) and explore the similarities and differences between the
cultures and traditions encoded in them. My main focus is on deriving national
characteristics, traditions and customs as these are linguistically depicted in the tales
of the two peoples. The analysis is operationalized by adopting the methods of
pragmatic analysis.According to Mey (1999, p. 12), literary pragmatics is a field of
inquiry which investigatesthesorts of influences that writers try to exert on their
audience seeking to establish communicative cooperation by employing the properties
of language. Since the “writers” of fairy tales are the members of a culture (speech
community), analyzing the language of fairy tales reveals both the creator’s and the
recipients deeply inbred values.
Each country has its own national fairy tales, the main purpose of which can
be roughly generalized to encoding the wisdom of traditional culture as to escaping
evil and living a good life. Both the beginning and the end of fairy tales are
represented by the same formulas “Once upon a time” and “Achieved X’s goal”. In
fairy tales, good and evil, magic, figurative heroes, and love-hate relations play an
active role.
Unable to explain the cause of the fear felt in the body of intuition, which is the
sixth sense of events, which weakens the power of the human mind, they are spread
by magic. The passion for the study of magic as a form of understanding the world
The antiquity of the origin of magic is explained in the fact that it is well processed in
human form, primarily through its constitutional features such as the perception of
emotions in all aspects of human personality.
Russian scientist, researcher of primitive culture S.A. Tokarev also gave his
own classification in the framework of generalized scientific ideas. It consists of two
large groups related to magic:
1. Aggressive-oriented.
2. Prophylactic-protective.
Based on the generalization of the scientists’ opinions, in our study we used
English romantic and Uzbek folk tales to show the types of contact initial or
transmission imitative, and cathartic magic according to the mechanism of action of
military romantics, hunting, weather and other secondary forms of magic that cause
conditional damage, let us consider.
In the discourse of English and Uzbek fairy tales, magic sentences are
semantically and structurally represented as follows. It is also possible to encounter
magical attributes of supernatural power in an exclusive way through a commandoriented verb. For example, Mislabu summons a white giant and tells you to take us to
Balkh. Giant took it until his closed they eyes. The magician orders Merlin to the
Dragon in the fairy tale Merlin. Release me quickly, sentences such as. Also through
the verb of desire . Jack licking Giant Jack on a bean stalk,” Jack please don’t go,
please back…”.
You can also see it in the Uzbek fairy tale Sahibjon and Ahmadjon. The fish
boy in the net cried to the owner, “Please let me go”… .
In English and Uzbek fairy tales you can see all kinds of folk magic. The
presence of elements such as the client agent and attribute, which are characteristic of
magic discourse, is the same in both folk tales. And their show reflects aspects of the
psyche and beliefs of both nations culture.
The most common magical power image in English fairy tales is the dragon.
This is not the case in Uzbek fairy tales, in Uzbek folk tales, the image of a fairy tales.
Uzbek Folklorist O. Kayumov began the traditional of dunlistic views in folk
mythology. Artistic means of depiction serve to vividly depict feelings and
experiences in the work, increase the imagery and emotion in it polish the language of
the work. English folk tales made effective use of artistic imagery. In particular, in the
fairy tale “The Rose Tree”, the description of the bird as a white bird, which embodies
the spirit of the protagonist, is a sign of purity, innocence, kindness. When a bird
sings, “It sang , and sang, and sang like an angel out of heaven”, the meaning is
reinforced by the use of repreated artistic means. The art of comparing a bird to an
angel in heaven has been created. The art of diagnosis was applied to the bird with the
ability to speak like a human.
“My wicked mother slew me,
My dear father ate me,
My little brother whom I love
Sits below, and I sing above
Stick, stock, stone dead.
There is an exaggeration in the fact the little bird has red shoes on one leg, a gold
watch on the other leg and a millstone on the neck of the chain. “It flew with the
millstone round its neck, red shoes in one foot, the shoes in the other. The
exaggeration was also used when the white bird came to the stepmother’s house and
hit the roof with a millstone several times. “It rattled the millstone against the eaves of
the house”.
“How Jack went to seek his fortune in the fairy tale, animals such as a cat, a dog, a
goat, a bull, a rooster enter into a conversation with the protagonist. An animation
tool was used to illustrate these assistants. In the fairy tale “Nix Night Nothing”, the
adjective “Bonny daughter”, is used in the image of the Giant girl who was the
assistant. The giants may not actually be cute, but the image is supposed to depict a
giant girl who can be beautiful, a positive image appropriate to the protagonist. It is
inconceivable that this girl would summon all the animals in the forest, all the birds in
the sky, and that they would appear in a minute and clean the seven-meter-wide,
seven-meter-long barn until the giant returned. Therefore, in this example, it seems
that the phrase is used.
The story of “Jack and the bean stock” depicts a strange appearance of bean seeds
called, “Strangle looking beans”. Such an image makes the reader wonder what this
strange seed story ends with. And hints that supernatural adventures await the bean
stalk grows up to the sky in one night, and its resemblance to a folding ladder gives us
a vivid picture. The compounds used in the description of the road in the sky formed
the metaphor of “long broad road going as straight as a dart”.
Instead of studying recurrent motifs and functions in fairy tales, I will focus on
the linguistic texture of fairy tales as a reflection of the pragmatics of interaction
between tellers and recipients of fairy tales. My goal is to interpret and analyze
passages from the tales of the two nations as depicting the peculiar attitudes of the
two nations towards certain phenomena as expressed through their linguistic
The presence of a stepmother
and experiencing hers
oppressive sufferings.
Both are
smart girls who
do housework.
Cinderella also
understands the
language of birds
Both heroes
will be
with luxurious
Both are a kind of fairy tale about
life and magic miracles.
1. Forty keys are assigned not to enter forty rooms
through the door.
2.In both tales, events take place in the royal palace.
3.The presence of flowers in the forbidden fortieth room.
4.That magic is an adventurous tales.
The main feature of my work is that it examines the cultural images in the fairy
tales of those two nations and discusses detected differences between them. A fairy
tale is a delicate depiction of the pragmatics of a culture and uncovering these requires
careful analysis.
In the second part, I give a brief account of how pragmatics is interpreted for
the purposes of the current analysis. I also describe the specific features of the fairy
tales I discuss and focus on how these features relate to cultural imagery and how
pragmatics is incorporated in the texture of fairy tales. The formation of a pragmatic
attitude to the text begins with the identification of micro- topics and the selection of
facts that define a common feature. Text subject continues by creating a unique
structural code through a set of keywords that regulates, interprets, and directs the
content of the denotative material to the mind of the author in accordance with the
intention of the author of the message. This process comes with a binding. The
author’s emotional and evaluative attitude should not A pragmatic attitude is
primarily a psychological condition because the original term “relationship”
originated in psychology, in connection with the unconscious processes of the human
psyche. “The decisive role of the mechanism of psychological regulation of a certain
functional state of the organism, developed in previous experience, is the direction of
each type and form of human activity, in creating a certain tendency, in it is readiness.
What is the Pragmatic?
- Pragmatics ( Greek pragma, pragmatos – work, action) –a section of semiotics
and linguistics that studies the effect of linguistic signs in speech; in other
words, a scientific network that studies the relationship of subjects using a
particular symbol system to that same symbol system. The main idea about
Pragmatic is that the was put forward by Pierce; another American scientist C.
Morris developed this idea and put into practice the term “Pragmatic”. As the
name of one of the branches of semiotics. Pragmatic the speech process,
covering the social activity of a person, is manifested through a specific
situation of communication. Lingual Pragmatic has a certain shape, not
appearance; it includes many questions related to the subject, the addressee,
their relationship in communication, Thus, the following questions were studied
in relation to the subject of the speech: explicit and implicit goals of the
statement reporting any
information or opinion, interrogation, command,
please, promise of advice, apology, congratulations, complaints, etc. Speech
tactics and types of speech etiquette the rules of the conversation the speaker’s
purpose speaker’s assessment of the addressee’s general knowledge base,
worldview, interests, and other characteristics, such as
the respondent’s
reaction to the message he or she describing.
Pragmatics is basically a set of conditions that come together by using the
semantics and symbols of speech in action. In this paper, a comparative analysis of
English and Uzbek literary tales is made. Literary discourse is a concept that performs
an aesthetic function. The effectiveness of a work is determined mainly by how the
much they contribute to the work.
Many scholars have been studying the aspects of language for more than a
decade, and linguists have studied the effects of speech as an important means of
human communication. Linguists have studied the effects of speech as an important
means of human communication. The output of one of the main of these pragmatics is
the interaction of the speaker and the observer with the rhetorical factors in literary
speech whose focus is on their point of view.
From the point of view of D.N. Uznadze’s theory, a person is forced to
establish a certain relationship with the external reality due to the motivation of some
need and in terms of this need. After that, he has, in general, the subject of this
relationship- a certain set of activities. Information coding of objective reality implies
an adequate view of the latter. However, the objectivity and adequacy of the material
reflecting a particular phenomenon does not mean that it is absolutely complete
information, which in practice cannot be achieved in principle.
Each utterance8 in a speech act is aimed at somebody. Combined together,
words make up a syntactic scheme of the sentence. They refer to specific events,
persons or object, acquiring, thus, a sense .
Concept of Pragmatics.
Types of language sign users;
a) addresser (author) (receptor)
b) addressee
An utterance has a communicative effect on the receptor: it can inform a
receptor of something, or cause some feelings,
A communicative effect is virtual.
This will be the basis for the next two chapters, in which I examine in detail
the imagery of the fairy tales, in which I include an analysis of passages which reveal
the similarities and differences of the qualities and values deemed important by the
two nations. In the Conclusion, I once again emphasize the reflection of the lives of
Mehrinigor Ahmedova , Lecture N 8.
the two nations in The formation of a pragmatic attitude to the text begins with the
identification of micro- topics and the selection of facts that define a common
feature. Text subject continues by creating a unique structural code through a set of
keywords that regulates, interprets, and directs the content of the denotative material
to the mind of the author in accordance with the intention of the author of the
message. This process comes with a binding. The author’s emotional and evaluative
attitude should not A pragmatic attitude is primarily a psychological condition
because the original term “relationship” originated in psychology, in connection with
the unconscious processes of the human psyche. “The decisive role of the mechanism
of psychological regulation of a certain functional state of the organism, developed in
previous experience, is the direction of each type and form of human activity, in
creating a certain tendency, in it is readiness.
I will analyze “Sakhibjon with Akhmadjon” from the Uzbek9 national fairy tale.
If there is, then there is no, if he is hungry, then there is no. The beginning of the tale
began in the traditional way. That is, even in ancient times, this is how the fairy tale
began. The introduction of the fairy tale is the same as the beginning of English folk
tales. Once upon a time, there was an old man and an old woman. They are very poor.
This beginning also has the same content. When we read the fairy tales of many
peoples, there are many meanings that mostly old men, old women, and poor people
lived. The old man and he have no children, they are very hard on the child. After
that, the old man and the old woman earnestly begged God for a child. Their prayer
was answered, the hour of time arrived, and a woman met. They named him
Sakhibjan. The old man’s head reached the trunk. He said to his wife:”Oh, old lady,
we have reached our goal, now let’s educate this Sakhibjan well.” In this sentence –E
refers to the addressee as an old woman. And he said his intention. That is, the good
upbringing of Sakhibjan will make the old woman sleep for the winter. There is a
proverb that says, “From the good, there will be merit, and from the bad, there will be
Uzbek Xalk Ertaklari Ertaklar Yaxshilikka Yetaklar. Toshkent. 2018.
nothing.” If we raise our child well, we will receive thanks, if we raise our child
badly, we will receive a curse, he said. The proverb that good is better than bad is an
national proverb typical of the Uzbek people. We do not find this proverb in English
fairy tales. The child was educated and brought up. The owner is sixteen years old. He
became a tall, handsome boy. One day the old man said to him:”My son! I am getting
old.” Now you go hunting with me. He said, “If you are looking for fishing, you will
open your heart to the sea.” In this sentence, he refers to the addressee. That is, it
expresses the meaning of the offer. –Ok, father! I will do what you say with all my
heart, he said. This expression of consent is more vividly depicted in the fairy tale in a
pragmatic way. “I’ll do what you say or I’ll leave, I agree” he could also give the
answers. In order to express the speech in a beautiful way, that is, the child’s respect
for the father is described with this sentence, with the answer, “I will do what you say
with all my heart.” Father and son took the net and went to the river. The air was pure
and pleasant, the green grass was blooming, the birds were singing, the water of the
wide river was filling up and flowing softly. Father and son went along the river and
stopped under a plane tree. Through this picture of nature, we can learnt about the
beautiful nature characteristic of the climate of Uzbekistan. Also, the maple tree is the
name of a tree that grows in the lands of the people of the East. We do not find this
tree in English fairy tales. The owner in English fairy tale. The owner was watching
the horses, trees, and sparkling water on the bank of the river. At one point, something
seemed to move in the net in the water. When he looked, one fish’s baby in the net
was holding two young fish, and it was clinging to Sakhibjan’s face, as if begging.
The image of this fish supports human compassion in a figurative sense, and the
reader sincerely wants the fish to be released. Frees the fish. The old man came to
Sakhibjan and asked where the string was. Fishing and magic fish appear in almost all
nations have been using this profession since ancient times. –Father, the fish is like a
very big fish, he pulled the net and broke it, he said. The old man’s “Watermelon fell
from his hand. Here too, an Uzbek proverb typical of the Uzbek people is used. This
proverb is not found in English.
Seeing that the fish was freed from the net, the old man fell into his mouth. He
did not speak to his wife until he went home. This expression “He fell out of breath”
reflects the meaning of being upset and disappointed. Representatives of other nations
cannot understand the meaning of this sentence without looking at the text when
reading this tale, because this expression is unique only to the Uzbek nation. We can
also find pragmatics in the later parts of the tale. The old man did not care about the
old woman’s disdain, took the white blessing from them, took bread and flour in a bag
and said, “Yo huv, Yo manhu!”- he left the village. The old man and the old woman
prayed:”May God open your forehead! Take it, don’t take it off! Go to the sea and
come back healthy!” The incident of going on a journey with a white blessing
mentioned in this sentence is also found in English folk tales, also in Russian fairy
tales. So this sentence is familiar to people from other countries. He took a bag of
bread and Talkhan. And left the village saying, “Yo huv yo manhu.”
It is a food that is not eaten among foreign countries. And the phrase “My God
open your forehead” means “give you good luck”. The version of this phrase in other
languages is the phrase “let you be lucky”. Reading the next parts of the tale, you can
find semantics and pragmatics that are characteristic of the Uzbek nation. – The
service was copied by Akhmadjan “Let him take the beautiful princess!” said
Sakhibjan. Akhmadjan said: “No, my king! He is young in service and in great honor.
Sakhibjan said he should take her who is older than me. The girl was the one
Sakhibjan would take. The king announced the wedding in the city and started it.
Trumpets and Trumpets sounded. Cattle and sheep were slaughtered, food was served
to the people, fighting, and laughter heated up. The wedding lasted forty nights.
Continued during the day and ended. In this sentence, Uzbeks address the addressee
about the respect of young people for adults, as well as the national musical
instruments, trumpets, and the main livestock animals, cattle and sheep. Our national
and main dishes, palov and breads, are also mentioned. In the later parts of the fairy
tale, qualities specific to nationality are also described. One day, the couple got
together and went out to the street, wondering what to do next, when a poor man with
a cane came to them. – Yes, my children! “Why are you crying?” he said. The owner
told man was Khizr, who has long been believed to be savior of the Uzbek people, is
mentioned. This is an unfamiliar image for European peoples. The fairy tale ends with
a happy ending according to tradition. That is; The old man and the old woman ran
and hugged and kissed their brides. They rushed, not knowing where to go. The
parent met the bride and groom, spent a pleasant day, and all of them met their goals.
The power of words in their works, whether they are English or Uzbek, is very
important. Pragmatics mainly helps to manifest this power. In his story, Joseph Jacobs
talks about the power of words and how it affects people. This image is illustrated by
a crazy character. The story is “Stupid’s Cries”.
There was once a little boy, and his mother sent him to buy a sheep’s head and
puck; afraid he should forget it, the lad kept saying all the way along:
“Sheep’s head and pluck!
Sheep’s head and pluck!”
Trudging along, he came to a stile, but in getting over he fell and hurt himself,
and beginning to blubber, forgot what he was sent for. So he stood a little while to
consider: at last he thought he recollected it, and began to repeat:
“Liver and lights and gall and gall!
Liver and lights and gall and all”
Whereon the man laid hold of him and beat him, bidding him say:
“Pray God send no more!
Pray God send no more!”
The youngster strode along uttering these words, till he reached a field where a hind
was sowing wheat:
“Pray God send no more!
Pray God send more!”
This was all his cry. So the power began to thrash him, and charged him to repeat:
“Pray God send plenty more!
Pray God send plenty more!”
Off the child scampered with these words in his mouth till he reached a church yard
and met a funeral, but he went on with his:
“Pray God send plenty more!
Pray God send plenty more!”
The chief mourner seized and punished him, and bade him repeat:
“Pray God send the soul to heaven!
Pray God send the soul to heaven!”
Away went the boy, and met a dog and a cat going to be hung, but his cry rang out:
“Pray God send the soul to heaven!
Pray God send the soul to heaven!”
The good folk nearly were furious, seized and struck him, charging him to say:
A dog and a cat a going to be hung!
A dog and a cat a going to be hung!
This the poor fellow did, till he overtook a man and a woman going to be married.
“Oh! Oh!” he shouted:
A dog and a cat a going to be hung!
A dog and a cat a going to be hung!
The man was enraged, as we may well think, gave him many a thump, and ordered
him to repeat:
“I wish you much joy!
I wish you much joy!”
This he did, jogging along, till he came to two labourers who had fallen into a ditch.
The lad kept bawling out:
“I wish you much joy!
I wish you much joy!”
This vexed one of the folk so sorely that he used all his strength, scrambled out, beat
the crier, and told him to say.
“The one is out, I wish the other was!
The one is out, I wish the other was!”
On went young until he found a fellow with only one eye; but he kept up his song:
The one is out, I wish the other was!
The one is out, I wish the other was!”
This was too much for Master One-eye, who grabbed him and chastised him, bidding
him call:
The one side gives good light, I wish the other did!
The one side gives good light, I wish the other did!”
So he did, to be sure, till he came to a house, one side of which was on fire. The
people here thought it was he who had set the place a-blazing, and straightway put
him in prison. The end was, the judge put on his black cap, and condemned him to
In this fairy tale, the words of a mentally retarded child without thinking and
understanding make people angry and describe the negative feelings of humanity. The
mentally retarded child’s words that he death. In this case, the writer used pragmatics
very carefully in describing negative qualities. This tale is completely different from
Uzbek folk tales. The plot is also very sad. The fact that society condemns a naughty
young boy to death because of his speech is very exciting for the readers. The end of
the fairy tale is completely different from the Uzbek folk tales and has a happy ending
with a tragic ending. It makes the students teary and felt sorry for them.
In modern linguistics10 the text and its semantics, the study of the pragmatic
features of the language are widely studied in linguistics, cognitive linguistics,
pragmatic linguistics and other fields. Pragmatics, in the linguistic term, refers to
1) Material existence;
Levinson S.C. Pragmatics.- Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1984.-P.113
2) The content of the message;
3) While expressing his attitude towards the addressee, he notes the importance
of elements such as communicative content (trust, indolence, persistence, inattention,
fear, suspicion, anger, joy and surprise) using linguistic units, and using non-verbal
means, and gives additional information about communicants, pragmatic status of
language skills of speakers and general knowledge of the object of speech situation,
language skills of speakers and general knowledge of the object of speech. Factors
such as the speech situation, mental and spiritual closeness of the speaker and the
listener in the clarification of the pragmatic content in speech communication are the
main factors that ensure the realization of this content. The researcher separates the
linguistic indicators of the text phenomenon and emphasizes its belonging to
categorical groups. The grammar of the text includes the text’s structure, semantic
integration, lexical-grammatical division, compositional structure, the coherence of
the sentences in its content, language units that from the text. On the other hand, the
precise timing of the two processes in the context of the text is studied in a direct
relationship with certain temporal and aspectual semantics in general pragmatics
studies the aspects of the practical use of language together with the speech situation.
English linguist S. Levinson emphasizes the need to study the factors that are
important in language usage. In particular, pragmatic linguistics is widespread in the
field of science dealing with the relationship between language and context. At the
same time, issues related to sociolinguistics and psycho linguistics studies are being
neglected. Pragmatics studies context and speech movements, meaning related to the
content and their types in speech communication. It is important to identify the
semantic bases that appear in sentences and texts. The semantic indicator is formed by
means of the linguistic features of the involved in the sentence, the text, and the
pragmatic aspect is manifested in the speech situation. It includes the communicative
intention, social and psychological conditions, time-space location, and other
conditions of the participants of the conversation.
From the point of view of D.N. Uznadze’s theory, a person is forced to
establish a certain relationship with the external reality due to the motivation of some
need and in terms of this need. After that, he has, in general, the subject of this
relationship- a certain set of activities. Information coding of objective reality implies
an adequate view of the latter. However, the objectivity and adequacy of the material
reflecting a particular phenomenon does not mean that it is absolutely complete
information, which in practice cannot be achieved in principle.
Pragmatic content differs from semantic content in that it is clearly referenced
in nature incentive and other intentions, is the focus of the semantic content itself and
the impact potential of the text: it is formed on the basis of a pragmatic attitude and
develops it, a certain be confused with the general emotional-assessment method
specific to the original facts of reality, particular author or a particular publication, or
even represent a particular message delivery method style; tone, and not a meaningful
assessment of the facts presented in the message.
As one of the main units of communication, the world not only expresses the
concept, but also means aspects related to the philosophy and psychology of the
national culture, national spiritual values, that is, it expands due to specific semantic
components. The concept of pragmatics first appeared in semantics , and it is
understood as a conveys the functional properties of various signs in the semiotic
system. Researching issues related to semiotics Ch. Morris distinguishes three
sections with in this discipline. Syntax, which examines the relationship between
signs, syntax, which examines the relationship between the sign and the one who
supports, constructs, and understands it, is pragmatics.
The scientific justification of the opinions put forward by the scientist, the
formation of language pragmatics, later Dj. Austin, Dj. Stabilized with Searle.
Pragmatics examines linguistic tools used in various human activities. Pragmatics is
interpreted as a science that examines the relationship of linguistic units between the
user and the signs used in the communication process for the communicative purpose
set in certain speech situations.
Pragmatics is actually a philosophical concept, which means “ work “ and “
activity” in Greek, and its lexical meaning is determined by the content of practical
work. So, the content of pragmatics as a science is the functional use of language
signs in one or another form of speech. Its content is expression of thought in the
process of communication and its acquisition and manifestation in accordance with
the criteria of understanding. Pragmas are one of the main concepts of pragmatics.
Pragmemes are units related to different levels of language, which are pragmatically
oriented and intended to control human behavior. A unique system of relations has
been formed among pragmas. Linguist scientist Sh. Safarov emphasizes that the study
of the pragmatic features of linguistic activity and the factors that create these
features is important for determining the social essences of language. This makes it
possible to find evidence confirming the realization of language communication in
accordance with social and psychological laws and thus the development of the
language system. The starting point of the development of the language system begins
with pragmatics. Speech communication has a dynamic nature that is constantly
changing and developing. What is the communicative purpose, to whom the speech
addressed and under what conditions it is carried out determines the nature of the
communication. The age, social status, gender, knowledge, and experience of the
speaker are important. These provide an opportunity for the speaker to choose the
expressions of the language units that are typical and acceptable for the speech
situation and to use them subject to their communicative purpose in order to express
the subjective attitude of the speaker. Communication situations are unstable, the
pragmatic structure is shifting from simplicity to complexity, and the pragmatic shell
is expanding accordingly. Therefore, relying on pragmatic principles in linguistic
analysis gives the intended result. The pragmatic framework includes the speaking
subject and the person to whom the speech is directed, listening subject, the sender of
a message- the addressee, their interconnection in communication, and issues related
to communication situations. Attitude words used in mutual communication are
functionally characterized to a certain extent to affect the person to whom the speech
is addressed. The complex nature of such linguistic units requires to consider the
theory of communication as one of the most urgent issues of pragmatics. Modeling
of the existing communication process is always connected with a pragmatic
Professor Sh. Safarov explains that “ Pragamatics is a special field of
linguistics, in which the selection of linguistic units in the process of communication,
their use, and the effect of the units in the process of communication participants are
discussed “ and defines the specific issues related to the speech, situation, the subject
of speech, situation, the subject of speech of linguistic pragmatics. Linguistic
pragmatics makes it possible to understand the nature of the formation and
manifestation of the functioning of language units in the study of problems.
Pragmatics deals with the issues of speech subject adjuster, addressee-listener,
strategies and tactics of speech problems, as well as problems related to speech
manifestation and performative thoughts.
As well as recognized in linguistic studies, the center of observation is always
the person, the linguistic person, and the language is an important characteristic of it.
Language, in turn, is closely related to the concept of activity, and the two cannot be
separated from each other. In this sense, language is considered as an activity
underlying pragma linguistics, which is one of the modern directions of linguistics.
Studying the pragmatic situations, features and factors causing these features is
important for studying the role, essence, and use of language in social life. In this
place, the realization of the language in accordance with the psychological laws of the
person and its ability to influence the psyche reveals the social nature of
communication and thus contributes to the development of the language system.
Pragmatics, based on the study of the social essence of language, includes the speaker
and the person to whom the speech is directed, or the addresser and the addressee, as
well as the means of communication, communication and relations between them.
These tools lead to the modeling of pragmatics according to the level of influence on
the person to whom the speech is directed during the communication process. After
all, the complex nature of such linguistic units is one of the main issues of pragmatics.
The main goal of linguistic pragmatics is to learn, apply and apply the language in a
situational, social context, using examples as a means of communication.
Based on the grammatical construction in Uzbek as well as in English, when
narrating the speech of fairy-tale heroes, the form of the verb is adapted depending on
who is in the center of the dialogue and the tone of the words. “My dear friend, I
bought you and trained you when I was young, I raised you more than myself, I
taught you all kinds of trades. You even learned the weapons of war better than the
army of some kings. I will be with you, I will not change my promise” , he consoled.
In the excerpt from the “G’ulombachcha” Uzbek folk tale, my friend is kind to the
addressee, the words “I bought, taught, trained, and taught” belong to the subject, and
the possessive participle strengthens the meaning. The amount of verbs used in the
sentence can be increased or decreased by replacing it with another one in terms of
content. Grammatically, it can be replaced by another. Grammatically, This is not
considered a mistake, only the content changes. However, the words addressed to the
addressed cannot be replaced. Changing the place of the subject causes the creation of
an incorrect grammatical structure. We cannot deny that cognitive linguistics does
not pay much attention to such mistakes in grammar. However, we should not forget
that the text will take place in the reader’s heart when it is made with grammatical and
syntactical mistakes.
The idea content, and images of fairy tales are very similar among different
peoples. In addition, in English and Uzbek fairy tales. Linguistic scientists show this
as the reason that fairy tales are a product of folk oral creation, and people have
repeated the tales they heard from foreign countries in their own countries since
ancient times. Indeed, the cognitive-semantic meaning and content of fairy tales in
different languages are very close to each other. For example, the fairy tale “Zumrad
and Kimmat” in Uzbek language, “ Cinderella” in English and “Zolushka” in Russian
seem to be connected with each other due to the images of a wise girl and a
stepmother. Nevertheless, we cannot deny the existence of the essence of the original
origin of fairy tales. The fact that fairy tales are similar in content, in turn, proves that
the form expressing the meaning, that is, the text, is also close to each other in
different languages. From a comparative typological point of view, belonging to
different families of languages allows us to observe the differences and similarities of
the lexical, grammatical and syntactic tools used in the text. Deixis is one of them.
Let’s look at the following examples to prove our point: If there is, if there is not, if it
is open, if it is full, if the wolf is hungry, if the fox is busy, if the crow is a crow, if the
sparrow is a bird etc. He is trumpeter, a duck is a trumpeter, a turtle is a scale and a
frog owes him. As shown in the above example, typical of many Uzbek fairy tales,
although the beginning of the fairy tale is not close to the text of the fairy tale
presented to the reader in terms of semantic content, the author prefers to choose such
an introduction according to tradition. Also, in this example, there is an anaphoric
phenomenon characteristic of deixes, and the word “turtle” is explained by the word
from in the rest of the sentence. It should ne noted that this given example belongs to
the group fixed expressions according to its grammatical and syntactic content. As
soon as the reader reads these sentences, he immediately realizes that it is about a
fairy tale. The beginning of fairy tales in this way is also typical of fairy tales in
English: Once upon a time, and a very good time it was, when pigs were swine and
dogs ate lime and monkeys chewed tobacco, when houses were thatched with
pancakes, streets paved with plum pudding, and roasted pigs ran up and down the
streets with knives and forks in their backs crying “ come and eat me . In the above
example taken from the text of the English fairy tale, deixis is used to fully convey the
content to the reader, the pronoun dog explaines the sentence that comes after it and
points to the time of the incident.
It is known more that first person deixis is divided into inclusive first person
deixis. The exclusive first person deix refers to a group that does not include
addressees. Inclusive first –person deixis is a type of deixis that includes addressees.
The text of this fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen allows us to observe the
division of the first person pronoun deixis. The above example uses the first person
pronoun “we” which belongs to the Exclusive group of deixis. Although we seem to
express the plurality of the speaker in the first person, it does not indicate the plurality
of the speaking person, but this plurality consists of more than one person. The
pronoun We is used in different styles and for different purposes. For example, it is
used in fairy tales to mean more modesty, and in colloquial speech it is used to
express pride and arrogance. The text of the following Uzbek Fairy tale is the proof of
our statement. G’ulombachcha was happy until the end of his life and reached his
desired goal. Let us reach the goal, you also reach the goal, let those who read and
hear also reach the goal and let the enemies be ashamed.
The pronoun we does not represent the plurality of the addressee, because the
author is the only one in this text. He conveys his thoughts to the reader using deictic
means. In general, the use of deixis in the texts of English and Uzbek fairy tales and
the mutual cognitive-semantic features are not only characteristic of the introduction
of the fairy tale, but such closeness is also observed at the end of the fairy tale.
Usually, fairy tales always end well. This unique form of artistic style, different from
other genres such as stories, novels, and epics, invites the reader to do good deeds and
definitely achieve his intention.
The term pragmatics is a new form of linguistics, and it is a science that
examines the purpose of human speech activity, the content of such activity, the place
of words in the speech act, the communicative effect, and the expression of various
relationships in the listener’s speech in linguistic signs. Pragmatics is a research
discipline of linguistics that studies the movement of language signs in speech. To
draw the listener’s attention, to have a communicative effect on them, to attract or
vice versa, to distract, to excite, to persuade, to convince or to deceive. There was a
need for research. When the speaker creates a speech, it intends to convey some
information to the recipient, tell his past, convey the news that is happening around
us. Through this, the regulator has a certain effect on the receptor. With the help of
actual pragmatics, the information in the speech is delivered to the higher nervous
system of the receptor, where it is received and influenced by the senses. If we listen
to a fairy tale but do not understand its content, this fairy tale loses its interest for us.
Therefore, the importance of pragmatics is very necessary not only in fairy tales, but
also in everyday speech. Speech in the text without pragmatics loses its effectiveness.
For example, if we look at some pragmatic sentences in “ History of Tom Thumb 11“,
a favorite English fairy tale, during the time of King Arthur, Merlin, the most skilled
wizard in the world, lived in England. Merlin could enter in any guise he wanted. One
day he was traveling in the guise of a poor old man and a tried farmer asked him to
stop by his house for food. The farmer’s house called a beggar magician. And his
wife, a very kind woman, brought Merlin water in a wooden bowl and a plate of black
bread. Merlin liked the kindness of the farmer and his wife, and noticed that they were
unhappy. The reason for this was childlessness. The poor woman said with tears in
her eyes, “If I had a little girl as small as my finger, I would be the happiest person in
the world. Here we can understand that pragmatics arose from the intention of desire.
In a depressed state, she expresses her desire in a humble tone and sentences. Such
desire and pleading tone it is impossible not to be affected. The pain of a person
gnawing at his insides is conveyed by the pragmatic sentences in the text. The woman
could have expressed her thoughts to Merlin,” I want, body to be like my finger, and
then I would be the happiest person in the world , wouldn’t make a secret.
After a while, the woman’s wish was granted. Due to the wizard Merlin, the
woman got a baby finger size. He named him Tom. As time went by, Tom become
smarter and more cunning, but he was still a big boy. One day her mother made
Joseph Jacobs. “ English Fairy tales and More English” England. 1908.
pudding. Tom wanted to see the pudding being made, so he slipped over the edge of
the bowl and fell into the dough. His mother did not notice. He put the dough in a
mold and put it in a pot to boil. The dough started to rise, the mother thought that
there was some magic in it, took the dough and threw it out the door. Tom rolled the
dough into balls and went to his mother.
In the above sentences, the text is described more clearly through the
participation of pragmatics. In this sentence, there is a hint of pudding. This word is
not used in the Uzbek language. In order for the reader to understand what it is, the
author gives the following definitions. That is, he described this dish and how it is
mixed with flour and cooked in a pot.
Then the mother and child went to herd the cows. Tom’s life was in danger
there too. The cow put Tom in her mouth along with the leaves. Then Tom called his
mother with all his voice: “Mom! My Mom! ”
In this context, we can understand the words spoken with a feeling of fear,
excitement, and need for help. In this case, Tom’s fear can be conveyed to the reader
by describing the pragmatics.
-Where are you, Tom, my dear Tom?
The writer is here, - Tom Where are you? But he clearly delivered questions,
fear and love to excite the readers. He took Tom from the cow’s mouth and pressed it
on his stomach.
Pragmatics is a concept that understands speech communication as a whole
system. It is connected with all the linguistic and non-linguistic factors and the
science of ethics, aesthetics, cultural studies and linguistics. The stylistic
characteristics of language units may or may not be compatible with each other from
stylistic and pragmatic aspects in different languages. This feature of languages
allows to make a decision on the choice of lexical tools. The first task of pragmatics
in fiction is to have an aesthetic effect on the reader. If there is no pragmatic effect in
fiction, the text of fairy tales or other literary genres cannot evoke any kinds of
reaction in the listener and reader. The purpose of pragmatics is determined by the
intended communicative effect on the reader.
We know that the main task of scientific and technical texts is not to influence,
but to convey information.
The role of pragmatics is:- actually conveying information accurately.
Pragmatic features have a great importance and role in fiction. The role and
importance of pragmatics is as follows.
1. Explanation of the content of the text.
2. Effect on the receptor:
a. Make a positive impact.
b. Negative influence.
c. Neutral effect.
3. Delivery of certain information.
4. Definition of cultural differences.
Pragmatics, on the other hand, not only describes cultural differences, but also
explores them. For example, in the national fairy tale of the Uzbek people,
“Mislabu”,12we can find a lot of the cultural life of the Uzbeks and the things that
correspond to them. Hearing the description of the beautiful Mislabu from his parrot,
the King fell in love with her in absentia. The King faints when he sees the girl’s
picture. In this sentence we can also see an image of pragmatics. The power of love is
illustrated by the king’s fainting. This means that it is a very strong feeling. After a
while, when he regained consciousness and turned to the magical grandfather, the
grandfather disappeared from sight. In this sentence, there is a cultural aspect, that is,
beautiful girls are compared to fairies in the Uzbek people.
The king got up and walked across the stream and met an old witch who was
spinning a wheel. As it can be seen from this sentence, the professions of spinning
wheel, which is mainly suitable for the women of the Uzbek people, is mentioned.
“Uzbek Xalk Ertaklari”. CHAPTER II . Toshkent. 2007.
Through this pragmatic sentence, the Uzbek people are given an understanding of
their national profession.
The old woman cast a spell and made the king’s dove fly away. The pigeon
flew and landed on the wall. But he was not able to see Mislabu. He went to the old
woman told the king. “You are make Lakhim, You come out from under a red apple
tree in Lakhim Mislabu’s yard” said. This sentence refers to the Lakhim word.
Speakers of other languages who read this sentence alone do not understand what it
means. Because this word is only about the Uzbek people. Then the judge will come
and make the meaning of the sentence understandable. And this will help other
people’s students. The king did not remove the forty kokil of the girl. Forty kokil
word is also unique to the Uzbek nation. The King of the Mislabu tied her hair and
forced the girl to say the words “Jononi Kalon Jonidan”. If a girl said this, she would
be deprived of the magical properties of a pretty. The girl said impatiently. This
Janoni Kalon Jonidan words is also characteristic of our people and is said
affectionately to a lover. In fairy tales, the spirits of ancestors are described a lot. In
this tale, we also meet the character of the Pigeon. Pigeon is a symbol of love, letter
carrier and peace among Uzbeks. Janoni kalon Jonidan words is also a sentence
inherited from our ancestors. Through this sentence, one can remember the Uzbek
saying “Whatever comes your way”.
Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that studies the behavior of language signs
in speech. The inability of semantics to adequately explain the socio-linguistic and
other non-linguistic components of oral speech leads to the emergence of pragmatics.
Therefore, pragmatics is a new field of research is a new field of research that also
deals with semantics in some sense. J. Lyons tries to define the subject of pragmatics
and says: “ Pragmatics describes the use of appropriate linguistic units in
communication for the purpose of encouraging the listener to accept the transmitted
information as intended by the speaker. This pragmatics is concerned with
determining the role of linguistic tools in interpersonal communication” means to say.
Pragmatics, on the other hand, not only describes cultural differences, but also
explores them. Just as a story with the same content has different effects on different
people, the receiver’s reaction to the information he receives is also different. The
pragmatic relationship of the recipient of information to information depends not only
on the text, but also on the recipient’s personality, scientific knowledge, life
experiences, mental state, and other similar characteristics. So, the pragmatic and
communicative effect of the text can be determined by different effects on people at
different levels. For example, if we pay attention to the fairy tale in the following
sentence, which is given in the English fairy tale.
“for dessert you got Brawn Betty, which nobody ate, that is, it is said that apple
pudding was served on the table, but nobody ate it. The addition of apple pudding
sauce frees the Uzbek reader from the confusion of what is Malla Betty served as a
dessert. In some cases, necessary additional comments can be given in the text or at
the bottom of the page. –How the jawbone is to the ground, as if it were Cain’s
jawbone. Cain is the first-born son of Adam and Eve and the murderer of his brother
Abel, according to the Bible, which is considered the holy book of Christians. In some
cases, it is necessary to explain some elements of the pragmatic potential of the
original text that are unknown to the reader.
There were plus and medicine all over the place and everything smelled like
Vick’s Nose drops. In this case, the name of the drug drop, which means nothing to
the Uzbek bookmaker, is omitted from the translation, called Vicks.
“ Also he would find flour not much –a piece of bacon and some beans.13
The word “bacon” used in this fairy tale is as familiar as it is to the readers of
America, Great Britain and many other countries, but it is so unfamiliar to Uzbek
readers. Because Uzbeks do not have such a product, that is a have such a product,
that is a smoked product made from the a pig. This product is forbidden is Islam. That
is why this product did not enter our people.
Joseph Jacobs “English Fairytales and More English. England. 1911.
“A swept yard that was never swept where Johnson Grass and rabbit tobacco
grew in abundance. In this fable sentence, we are talking about an alien wild grass
that grows in the southern states of the United States. Uzbek readers are completely
unaware of the plants named “Johnson grass” and “rabbit tabocco”. In addition,
through this text, he can explain to the reader not what kind of grass overran the yard,
but how the yard become abandoned.
It is known that any literary work is primarily intended for the public of readers
who speak the language in which it is written. For this reason, they describe the
events related to the social, political cultural, household-lifestyle, clothing, food, and
traditions of this nation. When reading fairy tales, the reader is forced to make the
necessary changes in order to achieve a complete understanding of the text in the
appropriate places, taking into account the pragmatic inconsistencies of the two
nations. The extent to which the pragmatic potential is reflected in the fairy tales is
determined by the influence of the fairy tales on the reader, their artistic value, and
their ability to attract many readers. With the help of actual pragmatics, the
information in the text is delivered to the higher nervous system of the receptor,
where it is received and influenced by the relevant senses. So, any information,
whether it’s just someone’s speech, a text or a fairy tale, has some degree of
influence. That is why when a person reads a work of art, when people
something new , happy or sad, laughs or cries. Even the tune has pragmatics. What is
the purpose of bringing all these up? In the structure below, we can see another
example of pragmatics in a fable sentence. That is, several different answer options to
the same question are pragmatics. The main purpose of this is to show the impact of
pragmatics on people’s minds, feelings and moods. Just as the third person who
comes later does not understand the communication between two people, the receiver
of the text, does not understand the text, but with the help of pragmatics people
understand the original.
Any language symbol usually embodies three types of relations. They are
semantic syntactic pragmatic relations. Semantic relationship-reflects the relationship
between the language sign and the object it represents. Syntactic relationship –
connects the language sign with other signs related to this system. Pragmatic
relationship is the relationship between the language sign and the people who use it
in the process of communication. Pragmatic features; There are many ways to
implement this rhetorical intention using different tools. Here, we will give an
example from fairy tales: We will consider that there are possibilities to realize the
intentional speech of a person directed to something or a person’s thoughts using
means in different ways. We can understand this in a passage from
“Mohairasta’s” fairy tale.14 Which is included in Uzbek Folk Tales. “Yes, guest,
come!” he said. Shavkat Humbly greeted and asked. This man said:”What is the
service, guest?” Shavkat said :”I got tired on the way, I came to take a rest as your
place is cool, I entered this garden without your permission, forgive my sin!”- Get up!
Please follow me!” said the man. Shavkat went into various dreams and asked: Where are we going? – Follow me, don’t worry about your horse, there are people
who will take care of your horse, - he said and walked towards the door from which
the paint came out. We can find pragmatic speech in this fairy passage. Yes, guest,
let’s analyze it. The sense of irony is evident in this sentence. Because Shavkat took a
rest in his garden without permission now it was possible to use the word “man” in
different ways. –“Who are you, come and introduce yourself” meaning. In the next
sentence, the sarcastic word “ what is the guest” is saying. There is also the meaning
of humbleness and kindness, but in this passage, the meaning of the word is lost.
Shavkat asks where are we going. Here the meaning of fear is stronger than the
meaning of questioning.
“Uzbek Xalq Ertaklari” CHAPTER II. TOSHKENT , 2014.
We know that most of the words in the language have two different meanings,
denotative and connotative. If the pragmatic character of the original text is assigned
to such words, then it is natural to ask how to recreate them in the translation. The
point is that in order to give the pragmatic nature of the words in the original
meaning in the translation, the translator must first be aware of the original text and
the sequence of events in it. After knowing the meaning of a word in the original,
people chooses the corresponding equivalents in the translated language. For
example, in the Uzbek language, the expressions “gray hair” or “white hair” are used
for the hair of old people. The word “white” is used figuratively. If we translate this
Uzbek phrase into English word for word, then this phrase should be in the form of
“white hair”. But such a translation becomes incomprehensible to the English reader,
and the original phrase loses its pragmatic character in the translation. In this case, to
preserve the original pragmatic feature, it is appropriate to translate it with the English
equivalent of “gray hair”. In the same way, re-creating words related to literary or oral
speech used in the original in the translation with the same words allows to preserve
the pragmatic potential of the original in the translation. For example, English words
such as despite the fact, in the matter of, a long period of time, in the capacity of
resembling in nature, reach a decision speech, and their meaning is Synonyms in
speech are although, about, a long time, as, like and decide. The choice of the
necessary meaning and the necessary word ensures the complete communicative
similarity of the translation to the original. In some cases, the translator is engaged in
the translation of artistic works created in a certain historical period, in addition to the
works created in the period in which people lives. This also created a number of
problems for the translator in recreating the pragmatic features of the original. First of
all, the fact that the original language belongs to a certain historical period should be
reflected in the translation. In this case, there is a need to use some historical, archaic
words that exist in the native language, are rarely used, but are understandable to
readers. But these archaisms are also required to be free of national characteristics of
the translation language, that is, they should have a neutral character. In addition to
using archaic words in the translation, in order to ensure the historicity of the original
text, the translator must be careful not to use words belonging to the current stage of
language and culture, which are not typical of the period being described in the
original. So, pragmatic factors are considered to be a structural element of
equivalence, and their re-creation creates a complete communicative compatibility of
the translation with the original. As a result, the translation acquires an alternative
stylistic feature, and the reader who reads it gets it from the reading of the work of the
original owner.
Linguistic tools that represent people’s concepts of life are realities. Linguistic
tools that reflect concepts, things and events specific to a certain people, nation and
nation are considered to be the main tools that determine the national character of an
artistic work. Therefore, any artistic-ideologically perfect work is distinguished by the
fact that it embodies both internationality and nationalism at the same time.
Internationality is manifested in the content and idea of the work, and nationalism in
its form. The form of the work of art includes its language along with a number of
aspects, especially the vocabulary, the national pragmatic feature of the work is
mainly created with the help of lexical and phraseological units, a material reflection
of the material and social life of the language community to which people belongs,
such as national customs and traditions, geographical imagination, spirituality and
worldview, religious beliefs , moral standards, way of thinking makes The difference
between languages is usually explained by the fact that certain concepts, events, and
customs that exist in the material life of one people do not occur in the way of life of
the other people, and because of this, their names are not naturally present in the
language of the same people. In addition, some pairs of two languages that are in the
relationship of lexical equivalence may differ from each other in some features. This
situation hinders their mutual exchange in translation at the level of determining the
national character of language units. As the originality of the originality is mainly
determined by the national character of the linguistic means in its composition, the
restoration of the artistic-ideological ground of the originality is related to the recreation of the national color of the work. That is why the issue of restoration of the
national character in translation has recently attracted the attention of both translators
and translation defects correspond to the share of language tools that reflect the
national character. After all, most of the mistakes and shortcomings that are still
being made in the practice of translation are related to the restoration of the national
character in the translation, and this issue has not yet been satisfactorily resolved both
theoretically and practically. In the scientific literature, there is no single opinion
about when the lexical units that express people’s concepts of life should be
interpreted by means of tested methods of translation practice.
The words that represent people’s concepts of life undoubtedly form the
national color of the artistic monument, its uniqueness. There are other factors that
determine the national quality of the work, which are related to the national-cultural
mentality of the people. Ignoring such features in translation leads to failure of
pragmatic adequacy. In recent years, many fairytales from different countries
(England, America, Russia, etc.) have been shown. A number of aspects such as the
customs and mentality of the people whose life is depicted in these fairy tales do not
fail to attract the attention of the audience. For example, to the person who entered the
house through the door, “What are you doing here?”, “Why did you come here?” it is
said. As such treatment is usual for the owners of the fairy tale it does not cause any
objection. But the Uzbek usually greets anyone who comes to the door with “Come!”
invites him inside. This is a national tradition related to the hospitality of our people.
Even if you don’t intend to let the visitor in for some reason, you should still say
“Come!” is said you then “Well, service!”is addressed to him. At such a time, the
word “come” gives sincerity to the communication, softens the languages of the
person who came and removes people embarrassment. Therefore, the translation of
such traditional Uzbek paintings enriches the imagination of foreign readers with the
unique way of life of our people.
Some of the realities that express national ideas can be found in the languages
of other nations, in addition to the original language. Such words are more common in
the language of peoples who are close to each other in terms of territory, living
conditions, and are in constant contract and communication. This frees the translation
from practical difficulties. Sometimes the translators interpret the realities that mean
certain concepts of folk life by means of transliteration. Transliteration is one of the
most effective methods of re-creating the realities specific to certain peoples in
translation, with the help of which the national character of the original is narrowly
interpreted. Although in the translated language sometimes there are meaningful units
that are close to the meanings of the original linguistic means, they differ from their
conditional alternatives either in terms of character-characteristics or form-character
aspects. This difference does not allow them to be exchanged in translation. For
example, the transliteration of words representing many concepts such as money and
units of distance, household items, clothes, food, etc… is reflected in the work, it
ensures that the unique environment and conditions come alive before the eyes of the
reader. Replace the United States “dollar”, the English “pound”, the German mark
and the Indian “rupee”, without transliteration, with the Uzbek “sum” It is equivalent
to putting on the Uzbek “doppi” instead of the English “hat” on the head, and “to’n”
or “yaktak” instead of the “coat” or “plash” on the back. Thus, the transliteration
method of the translation method of the practice opens a wide way for the enrichment
of national languages, increases their ability to think, creates adequate, at the same
time expressions that bring the national color off the original to life in front of the
reader’s eyes. Nowadays, the Uzbek language has become one of the rich and
powerful languages of the world, and one of the factors that brought it to this level
was the transliteration method of linguistic means that represent the life concepts of
most foreign peoples in the language can express any subtle idea. It is because people
overestimated their ability to communicate. Pragmatic features are recreated taking
into account the following. First, the conditions and environment described in the
work, secondly, the era and the spirit of the heroes of the work, fourthly, the specific
contexts of the lexical units used in the original, fifthly, the political, educational,
cultural, economic characteristics and so on. When re-creating the pragmatic features
of the original in the translation, the translator is required to be neutral to the original
text. Otherwise, the personal attitude of the of the translator may damage the content
of the original in the translation and the desired result may not be achieved.
Sometimes, in order to preserve the original pragmatic meaning, a perfect knowledge
of the language is not shown in the dictionaries, and sentences with such words it has
to be translated based on the context. That is, the meaning of such words can be
learned by studying the context. Even if the translators who have just entered the field
of translation of some words used in the text in some situations, they understand how
they acquire meaning based on the context. Such understanding is called contextual
What system can be used to describe and classify the intention of the speaker.
(Speech intention).- In what way is the intention “transferred” to the language? What
are the possibilities of expressing a certain intention through language? – What
influences the choice of speech samples suitable for a given conversation situation? –
What are the motivations for interview participants? With the help of Pragmatics, it
became possible to create a plan for teaching the use of language as a means of
communication. The purpose of this plan is to learn to use what was learned in the
lesson as quickly and effectively as possible in everyday situation. Especially from
the point of view of pragmatics, the speech intention system has received great
attention in foreign language education, and at the same time, it has had a significant
impact on the organization of educational materials. The list of “Speech intentions” is
given in the appendix. Example: The speaker’s speech intention to express whether he
likes or dislikes something belongs to the “evaluation and reaction” and “evaluation
and interpretation” sections of the topics in this regard. If someone says “I think the
picture is ugly”, it means that he or she does not like it. If person gives an explanation
along with saying the sentence, then person will satisfy the requirement of the
“valuation and interpretation part of speech activity. Dislike can be expressed in
German by various means of language: -I think this (picture) is ugly! – Terrible! (And
pointing to the picture) I don’t like this (picture) at all! – This picture does not meet
the requirements at all! –Do you like this (picture)? – And so on. Which of the above
tools can be used in which conversation situation, whether it is often encountered in
this situation, to whom it is said (to a well-known person or a stranger). Whether it is
directly in front of the picture (can it be shown) or talking about the picture in another
The world’s view of the world is reflected in communicative, social, cultural,
cognitive and linguistic aspects. The cognitive characteristics of folkloric works are
characterized by the reflection of myphological traditional views in them, the depth of
their interpretation and symbolism, the embodiment of state ideals in the images and
themes, and the quality of the frame. Also, the symbolic nature of the word, the
similarity to the formal integrity, the rituality, and the variantness of the language are
shown in the literary texts.
The roots of rituals, cosmological symbols, numbers, colors and animal
symbols in ideas of the peoples about the movement of the moon and the sun, to the
first forms of art such as animism, totems, shamanism, to the rituals typical of the
early social structures.
For example; “ Mr. Venegar”15 fairy tale, inanimate objects such as doors and
trees move in unusual ways. He helps the hero and his wife to hide from the monsters.
The main character, who lost his home, takes his wife and the door of his wife and the
door of his house and goes on the road. Here, it is possible to see the nationalism in
the image of the door in the fairy tale, and more precisely, it reminds me of the
common English proverb “If Your door is open, your home is”. Therefore, the owner
of the house takes the door with him. In the evening, when the woman was lying on a
tree in the forest above the door, the robbers came under this tree and began to divide
the required wealth among themselves. At that moment , the door slammed and the
robbers ran away. In this sentence, the image of the door falling and causing fear to
used in a beautiful pragmatic way. And he was able to convey this to the students.
“Husband and wife get wealth left over from robbers.”
Pragmatic translation, which is a special type of inter language communication,
ensures that the texts of different languages are equally valuable in terms of content.
The correspondence between the content of the original and translated texts shows
Joseph Jacobs. “English Fairy Tale and More English”. England. 1911.
that equivalence is the main condition of translation. Only a translation practice and is
thoroughly armed with its theory can create translation equivalent to the original. A
translation considered equivalent to the original also embodies the pragmatic features
of the original. J. Lyons defines pragmatics and says: “Pragmatics describes the use of
appropriate linguistic units in communication for the purpose of encouraging the
listener to accept the transmitted information as the speaker wants. This means to say
that pragmatics deals with determining the role of linguistic tools in interpersonal
communication. Translation is the re-creation of a foreign language text based on
native language materials, while pragmatics is the delivery of the original meaning of
the re-created text. Through pragmatic features, the meaning expressed in the context
is used and analyzed to reveal the “true” meaning. The translator should be
pragmatically neutral in relation to the original text in expressing pragmatic features
in the translation. The pragmatic potential of the text is expressed by the content and
form of information. Content and form are means of expression already present in the
language, and the author uses them only appropriately. Sometimes some explanatory
words are used to express the specific pragmatic features of the translation. Such
explanations exist in the original language, but help the people of the original
language, who are unfamiliar to the Uzbek reader, to better understand the realities of
their living conditions.
No one can deny that the globalization processes taking place at the world level
at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century have created
unprecedented opportunities for the development of all peoples and nations on earth,
especially for the young generation. First of all, today we can all witness that the
advanced achievements of science and technology, modern information and
communication technologies, in particular, the Internet system, open the borders
between different countries and regions, and make a great contribution to the
development of mutual cooperation and integration. We are doing the development of
relations with different countries undoubtedly requires a perfect knowledge of the
languages of those countries. This creates a basic for the development of translation
by increasing attention to language learning.
Any scientific analysis needs to provide accurate information about the studied
object, its properties that exist in a certain reality. Conclusions of scientific and
practical importance are formed on the basis of the collected data. The conclusions
reflect the basic, true essence of the object and the features identified in the process of
knowing it. Therefore, the researcher in search of the essence of real knowledge relies
on the ontological value of epistemological phenomena. For the same reason, in this
treatise I aim to follow the principle of “free thinking” in the analysis of pragmatics
phenomena. Such freedom in scientific thinking allows different approaches to the
solution of the discussed problem without avoiding the essence of the analyzed object
from the ontological point of view, the used methods are different.
The text of fairy tales in Uzbek and English are cognitively close, and the
understood meaning has the same purpose in both languages.
Tales in both languages encourage goodness in terms of content, believe in the
future, reward, be kind to animals, respect elders, respect children, protect nature,
return evil with goodness, reveal the spiritual worldview of the people where the
author lived.
The difference between them is mainly manifested in the structural aspect of
the images in delivering speech activity to the reader.
We have considered it above in a pragmatic way. In short, we appreciate the
culture and of the artistic wealth of each nation. In the process of reading them, we
learn about their lifestyles. If there are instructive parts, we can take an example.
Fairy tales lead to goodness. We have lived in the world of fairy tales since we
were young. We used to imagine that they have magical images in our lives. We
would learn from positive characters in fairy tales. On the negative side, it is a fairy
tale that encourages people not to do what they do and to abandon vices that are
considered bad for everyone. A fairy tale is an eternal genre that lives for years. At
the same time, there is a great demand for fairy tales on various topics.
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