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Laposolle 1973

Particle Accelerators
1973, Vol. 5, рр. 61-65
Gordon and Breach, Science PuЫishers Ltd.
Printed in Glasgow, Scotland
Rutherford Laboratory, Chilton, Berkshire, England
Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications, Jssy-les-Moulineaux, France
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. USA
The emittance of а charged particle beam сап Ье considered as а measure of the disorder in the transverse motion of
the particles. The relation of this concept to the entropy of the distribution in transverse phase space is explored,
and а thermodynamic description of а beam as а 'two dimensional gas' is deve]oped. The connection with informa­
tion in beams which сап Ье focused to form an image is noted.
The concept of emittance has been widely used
to define а figure of merit for the quality of charged
particle beams. Although it can Ье given а precise
meaning in connection with certain idealized types
of beam, its interpretation is not always unam­
Ьiguous in many situations ofpractical importance.
It is indeed possiЫe to invent definitions which give
а unique value for irregular or filamented 'emittance
plots', but none of these is wholly satisfactory.
We suggest here that the closely related concept of
entropy provides а very appropriate measure of the
disorder in а charged particle beam, which is more
subtle than specifying the emittance. It enaЫes the
increased disorder arising from filamentation to Ье
precisely specified for example, and also assumes
an appropriately low value for ,а beam which con­
tains information Ьу virtue of а structure which
can Ье focused to form an image. Although it is
not suggested that changes Ье made in the way that
emittance is defined and used in practical situations,
the conceptual clarification is perhaps helpful.
The emittance concept since its introduction Ьу
Sigurgeirsson1 has become thoroughly familiar
in the accelerator literature; it is not generally
employed in the field of microwave tubes, though
in electron optics the closely related concept of
'Ьrightness' is used. In these disciplines, where
non-laminar flow arising from thermal velocity
distributions has been extensively studied, the
entropy is а quantity which may Ье linked naturally
to concepts such as the transverse temperature and
pressure of the beam. Again, in microscopy where
images are produced, the entropy of the beam is
closely related to the information contained in the
images. Aberrations cause increase of entropy, or
alternatively, loss of information.
Before calculating the entropy we review the
meaning of emittance as applied to particle beams.
It will Ье assumed throughout that trajectories
make а small angle with the axis, and that there is
no coupling between longitudinal and transverse
motion. This assumption implies that longitudinal
and both transverse degrees of freedom may Ье
considered independently; our concern will Ье
entirely with , transverse motion. Steady state
conditions are assumed (or average states in а noisy
or fluctuating beam).
The optical properties of the beam at а particular
value of z, the distance along the axis, can Ье
represented Ьу а density distribution of points in
transverse phase space. For simplicity we consider
а system with axial symmetry, and confine attention
to the projection of the four dimensional х, Рх, у, Ру
distribution on the х, Рх plane. The momentum
Рх is equal to f3ym0cx', and the area occupied Ьу the
points in the х, х' plane (multiplied Ьу 1/тс) is
known as the 'emittance' в of the beam. In general,
the points are dense near the origin, and the iso­
density contours form а set of closed curves, often
roughly elliptical in shape. Typically the area
occupied Ьу 90 per cent ofthe points may Ье several
times that occupied Ьу half of them, and only half
that occupied Ьу the total number. Under these
circumstances the area is not well defined, and it
has been suggested for example that instead of а
single figure, а plot of area against fraction of
points enclosed should Ье specified.2
An alternative definition is the rms emittance
proposed Ьу Lapostolle3 and Sacherer.4 This may
Ье written
and has properties useful in the study of beams in
which space charge forces are important. Even if
в is zero, i; may Ье finite. For an emittance plot
consisting of а straight line symmetrically placed
through the origin, в and i; are zero. For an S­
shaped Iine however в = О but i; is finite.
An important feature of density distributions in
х, х' space, or 'emittance plots', is that the density
of points in the neighbourhood of а particular point
is invariant unless Pz varies, in which case it is pro­
portional to Pz• This follows from Liouville's
Theorem, and is true in the presence of large scale
self fields, but not interparticle collisions.
Although вп = {Зув is strictly invariant, if measured
in terms of the area within а given contour, the
effective emittance can appear to increase in the
presence of aberrations, as а consequence of the
phenomenon of 'filamentation'.
А simple example is provided Ьу the development
of а beam launched from а point source in а focus­
ing channel uniform with z, in which the restoring
force is а non-linear function of amplitude. Suppose
particles are emitted uniformly over а small angle
± rx from а point source on the axis at z = О. Then
the 'emittance plot' at z = О is а straight line from
х' = - rx to х' = + rx. If the channel provides а
linear focusing force the line rotates in а clockwise
direction as z increases, making one revolution per
focusing wavelength. Its ends trace out an ellipse.
After an odd number of quarter wavelengths the
emittance line lies along the х axis, representing the
situation where all the particles move parallel to the
axis. The line has zero area, and so the beam has
zero emittance.
Ifnow the focusing channel is slightly non-linear,
the wavelength for particles with large rx differs
from that of particles which remain near,the axis.
This means that points on the rotating line in the
emittance diagram rotate with different angular
velocities. After ¼ wavelength it becomes slightly
S-shaped; after many wavelengths it becomes а
spiral bounded Ьу the oval curve traced out Ьу the
points at the end of the line. If now the beam
emittance is measured with apparatus of poor
resolution, it appears to occupy the whole of the
enveloping oval; 'emittance growth' has occurred.
The phenomenon is essentially that of а set of
oscillators with frequency slightly dependent on
amplitude which are in phase at t = О. After а long
time, all phases are present, and on superficial
inspection the system 'looks more disordered'.
We now examine the entropy associated with а
distribution of points in the х, х' plane. То do this,
it is necessary to divide it into cells of area
А = дхдх', of sufficient size that each contains а
large number of points. The entropy of the dis­
tribution is then Ьу definition 5
S = klog W
where k is Boltzmann's constant and W is the
number ofways in which the points can Ье assigned
to the cells to produce the given distribution. If N
is the total number of points, n; the number in the
ith cell, and М the number of cells then
W= n1',nz '.... nм
For large N, п, Stirling's formula may Ье used to
Iog W = N Iog N - Iп; log n;,
i= 1
If А is sufficiently small, the summation may Ье
replaced Ьу an integral to give
S/kN = S0 = log N -
р log Ар dx dx'
where р = п/А is the density ofpoints in х, х' space.
The quantity S0, the normalized entropy, has been
introduced for simplicity.
Equation (5) will now Ье applied to two special
distributions, both of which have been extensively
studied. The first of these is the Kapchinskij­
Vladimirskij or 'normal' distribution6 in which the
density is uniform, and bounded Ьу an ellipse. The
area of the ellipse is тег.. F or this distribution
Eq. (5) simplifies to
= 1ogN-1ogAN/nг
= 1ognг-IogA.
Another well-known distribution is the thermal
beam emitted from а hot cathode. Such а beam
can Ье generated (ideally) Ьу placing а grid а small
distance z1 from а hot planar cathode of radius rc.
If the potential - qф on the grid greatly exceeds
kT/q where kT is the thermionic emission tempera­
ture of the cathode, and z1 rc then а beam is
produced with density distribution.
= 2p(x')dx'(r/-x2)112/nr/
(l п {т
p ( x )d x
ехр { -x'2mv//2kT}
where Jpdxdx' = N, ½mv/ = -qф.
То find S0 this is inserted into Eq. (5); after
some straightforward algebra and integration we
= 1og{п312
r{ : y
This may Ье more conveniently expressed in terms
of the rms emittance в defined in Eq. (1). For this
distribution в= 2rc(kT/mv/)112 so that
= 1ognв+½1og2n-1ogA.
Equation (9) contains two additive constants.
The first of these is associated with the form of the
distribution function, and is larger for а Maxwellian
than for а unif'orm distribution as might Ье ex­
pected. The second, related to the cell size, is more
fundamental. It would seem reasonaЫe to relate
it to the resolution ofthe apparatus used to measure
the emittance.
dimensional phase space distribution, the points
represent the particles of а two dimensional gas.
We examine now the thermodynamic properties of
this gas for а matched beam of circular cross
section. If the beam is so weak that self forces are
negligiЫe, then а matched beam represents an
equilibrium state which is not thermal equilibrium
though, as we see below, а temperature can Ье
assigned to it. When self forces are present the
self-consistency of the self fields and particle motion
must Ье ensured; when the selffields are sufficiently
large compared with the external fields the distribu­
tion may not Ье staЫe.7
Parameters of the beam are assigned in the
following way. The (two dimensional) volume and
temperature are defined as
2) +
2)) = п<r2)
V = те(
kT = ½mf32c2(<x'2) +<У'2)) = т<r'2)/32с2.
<х <у
where the z-axis is the beam axis and f3c is the
z-velocity of the beam. In the first instance we
confine attention to а beam with а Kapchinskij­
Vladimirskij distribution. Such а beam has
uniform density over ihe cross-section with а sharp
edge at radius r = а. The internal energy of the
beam is taken as the sum of the transverse kinetic
energy of the particles, and the electric and magnetic
energies associated with the charge and current.
This is legitimate provided that z х. The internal
energy is given Ьу
И= NkT+¼J(E2+B2)rdr
where N is the number of particles per unit length
of beam. Е, and В0 are given Ьу
E(r <а)= 2Nqr/a2,
E(r >а)= 2Nq/r }
B(r < а) = 2Nqf3r/a2, B(r > а) = 2Nqf3/r
If we consider the х-у projection of the four
so that from Eq. (11)
И= NkT-N2q2(1+ /32)1oga+const.
= NkT-½N2q2(1+ /32 ) log V
where the constant term has been omitted. Finally,
the pressure is defined as
-(д ) = -Nk(dT)+nN2г0q2(1+/32)
The quantity (дТ/дV)s is found from the adiabatic
invariant for the transverse oscillations. For an ·
adiabatic change, the action J = Jp dq is constant.
Since all the oscillations are simple harmonic, J is
strictly proportional to ((х2)(.х2) )112•
Eq. (10) therefore, since (х2) = (у2) and (х'2) =
2) we have VT = constant for adiabatic changes.
This implies а thermodynamic у of 2, as expected.
Since VT is constant
so that Eq. (14), the equation of state for the beam,
For а general system the transverse oscillations
are not simple harmonic; the potential well in
which they move may change shape when the beam
expands, so that it is not strictly correct to set
Jpdq/((x2)(x'2))112 constant without а correcting
factor which depends оп the density distribution
and hence in general оп V. During the adiabatic
expansion this suggests that although tl1e entropy
may remain constant the emittance can change.
This corresponds to а change in the first constant
noted after Eq. (9), associated with the changing
form of the distribution function.
The entropy is found from the relation
TdS = dU+pdV.
From Eqs. (16) and (17)
= Nk log VT + const.
In terms of the rms emittance for а matched
beam, в= 4((х2)(х'2) )112, and normalized entropy
S0, Eq. (19) becomes
= 21оgв+С
which, for each transverse direction х or у, gives
the entropy term loge as in Eq. (6).
The question now arises, is the argument true for
а general non-liпear system in which the iпdividual
oscillators are not simple harmoпic? If so, what
сап Ье said about the coпstaпt С?
Lookiпg back over the various steps of the
argumeпt, Eqs. (10) апd (11) сап still Ье used to
defiпe Vaпd kT, апd И respectively. Equation (12)
does поt hold; пevertheless the iпternal energy сап
still Ье written as the sum of NkT and the self field
term which, for а giveп distributioп functioп, is а
fuпctioп ofthe volume аlопе. Proceediпg as before,
but not evaluating (дТ/дV)s, it turns out that the
self field term disappears iп the expression for the
entropy. Corresponding to Eq. (18)
{ Т--dV(
Т дV s
dS=Nk -
It would Ье iпteresting to extend these studies to
beams сараЫе of producing images. At an image,
the х, х' plane will have а density variation with х
but not with х'. The information in the image сап
clearly Ье quaпtified Ьу dividing the phase plane
iпto strips and allowing а finite number of discrete
densities, one to Ье associated with each strip. The
more detail in which this is done, the more re­
stricted is the number of ways the particles can Ье
distributed, and hence the lower the eпtropy. The
rms emittance however would not Ье affected
greatly, and is therefore а less appropriate measure
for the quality of such beams. А small amount of
aberration could seriously Ыur an image and cause
а coпsideraЫe iпcrease of eпtropy (loss of iпforma­
А thermodyпamic description of the transverse
motion of а charged particle beam acted uроп Ьу
an external focusing force, taking into accouпt the
self-forces arising from the collective electric апd
magnetic fields associated with the charge апd
current, has been presented. This shows а close
relation betweeп the eпtropy апd beam emittance,
and provides а better uпderstaпdiпg of the sources
of arЬitrariпess iп the latter concept. The con­
nectioп with iпformation is noted, but not explored
iп detail.
The eпtropy of collisionless plasmas has been
considered Ьу earlier authors.
Schmidt8 for
example, briefly considered the adiabatic Ье-
haviour of two and three dimensional gases in а
manner essentially the same as that of the present
paper. Minardi9 has developed а different and
more sophisticated approach in wl1ich the assign­
ment of entropy is made in а completely different
way. His method yields stability criteria which
should Ье applicaЫe to proЫems such as that
described in Ref. 7.
The existence of а link between emittance and entropy has
been recognized for а number of years Ьу several persons.
One of us (P.M.L.) recalls discussions on the subject with
С. S. Taylor in CERN about ten years ago; mention of it
was also made in а report in 1968.10 The major progress
occurred however in 1971 after discussions at CERN between
F. Sacherer and ourselves.
1. Т. Sigurgeirsson, CERN Report CERN-T/TS/2, un­
puЬ!ished, 1952.
2. Р. М. Lapostolle, Proc. Premiere Conference lnter­
nationale sur les Sources d'Jons, Saclay, 1969 (INSTN
Saclay, 1969), р. 165.
3. Р. М. Lapostolle, JEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-18, No. 3,
1101 (1971).
4. F. J. Sacherer, as Ref. 3, р. 1105.
5. А. Sommerfeld, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mech­
anics (Academic Press, N.Y. and London, 1955), р. 213.
6. I. М. Kapchinskij and V. V. Vladimirskij, Proc. lnt.
Conf оп Нigh Energy Accelerators and Jnstrumenta­
tion, CERN, 1959, р. 274.
7. R. L. Gluckstern, R. Chasman, and К. Crandall, Proc.
Linear Accelerator Conf, National Accelerator Labora­
tory, Batavia, lll., 1970, р. 823.
8. G. Schmidt, Pl1ysics о/ Нig/1 Temperature Plasmas
(Academic Press, N.Y. and London, 1966), р. 71.
9. Е. Minardi, Phys. Fluids, 16, 122 (1973).
10. Р. М. Lapostolle, С. S. Taylor, Р. Tetu, and L. Thorn­
dahl, CERN Report 68-35 (1968).
Received 13 April 1973