ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПОДГОТОВКИ К ЕГЭ - У -г•j5£>v Ж *Л* Г'*&А -Ж ? '«Г * ** * # • <*•• g rr^ V -^-. ** / *# • :&Б* w ^,*• а й й*~Л —Л^> ' C*4f\ ■* *•* <* ^ ^ Jf *0 ^ & .%, _L# -л *а <> >'•> , * > -^!* * ■** ** ^ ‘) ( х*-. . ■;. I V у Jt t ??4 *«'< ts#‘V ' ',_. j | *&Д> J 4*4 С «5? ■M-i С X ¥*v -^ : т t .* r 7 A 'г.-ул. •w- • V * Ш А - ■Х& боУЪДЪ щ ш mft Г, *-T У ' ‘ - - ^Г Щ Г - '^ { ff ш ,~*->■,*r* *v *- - JP #. *,•' *1/** *"фф•*#► ■<-*%# , / X ^ АНГЛИИСКИИ я з ы к ~ш**ш C.r Tr * *'.^TC *Лf* yc^ *> y'.j* ’ItJl. ,5L« y*- *<• ’ *1f" >4 А Л * ££ V -'*•=*'' ^ v «*^Л - r?*^4 ' ♦ *i/t* -*• !Лч* V— r*Ш .> . * # # « * ^ . * ГЛ е * jf, * *■✓*r / * *ж*' -и1 V *♦ ** ^ ^0 ^■»'■ - - . ^. ^. _^ ~ IjTmJ?*’/I, / ^ ^ „ ' 9- * *»w* T, '' ,• (7) - /v * /л ^ ' ■Л Q, g_! >* -Ф ^фгтг-ч ГА --r■ .j##->s*^ ' ■%•■***,*><Гш r**j?*~m *~/ f **J>-» r " /v ; *#•%c,-^* - - r'-*— *51•?i***•*? ^ О >< УДК: 373.167.1:811.111 ББК: 81.2 Англ.-922 А66 ПОБЕДИТЕЛЬ ВСЕРОССИЙСКОГО КОНКУРСА «НОВАТОРСТВО В ОБРАЗОВАНИИ» в 2016 году Авторы пособия выражают глубокую признательность председателю совета Академической Гимназии № 56, Народному учителю Российской Федерации Майе Борисовне Пильдес за понимание, поддержку и создание условий для творчества и внедрения педагогических инноваций в процесс обучения. Булатов О. А., Зенкевич Е. В., Решетникова А. С. А66 Технологии подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку: учебное пособие. - 3-е изд. -СПб., 2019.- 192 стр. ISBN 978-5-9909036-1-6 Данное учебное пособие предназначено для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ в контексте требований ФГОС. Учебное пособие ориентирует обучающихся на самостоятельное выполнение заданий и способствует формированию коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции, применяемой для успешной социализации и самореализации в качестве инструмента межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире. В пособие включены тексты для чтения и обсуждения, письменные задания по темам и образцы выполнения заданий в формате ЕГЭ, а также подробные инструкции по успешному выполнению заданий письменной части, таких как «Личное письмо» и «Сочинение-рассуждение» Тематика текстов полностью отвечает требованиям «Примерной программы обучения английскому языку». Кроме этого, пособие содержит технологии и образцы выполнения заданий 1,2, 3 и 4 устной части ЕГЭ в соответствии со всеми изменениями 2019 года. В пособии отражены современные подходы в обучении и учтены рекомендации предметной комиссии по иностранным языкам ЕГЭ. Построение материала и разнообразие заданий позволяют учителю использовать наряду с традиционными формами обучения новые: технологии коммуникативного обучения, разноуровневого обучения, индивидуализации обучения, критического мышления. Входящий в состав пособия мультимедийный комплекс на CD-ROM позволит максимально эффективно подготовиться к выполнению всех заданий устной части ЕГЭ в условиях, приближенных к реальному экзамену. Диск включает программу-имитатор устной части ЕГЭ с пробными заданиями ФИПИ и десятью уникальными вариантами. Программа позволяет записывать, сохранять и прослушивать ответы на экзаменационные задания. Также диск содержит инструкцию по выполнению заданий устной части с критериями оценки, образцами ответов и комментариями экспертов. © О.А. Булатов, Е.В. Зенкевич, А.С. Решетникова, 2019 © ООО «Британия-М», 2019 - оформление ISBN 978-5-9909036-1-6 ♦ ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Страница владельца пособия для подготовки к Е Г Э .......................................................................................................... 4 Рекомендации по написанию письма личного характера (задание 3 9 ).......................................................................... 5 Демонстрационный вариант личного письма............................................................................................................... 7 Лексика, необходимая для написания личного письма............................................................................................... 8 Дополнительная схема оценивания задания «Личное письмо»................................................................................. 9 Критерии оценивания выполнения заданий.................................................................................................................. 10 Рекомендации по написанию сочинения с элементами рассуждения (задание 4 0 ).................................................... 11 Формат и правила написания сочинения «Мое мнение»............................................................................ Демонстрационный вариант сочинения «Мое мнение».............................................................................................. 13 Лексика, необходимая для написания сочинения «Мое мнение».............................................................................. 15 Дополнительная схема оценивания сочинения «Мое мнение»................................................................................. 16 Критерии оценивания выполнения задания «Мое мнение»....................................................................................... 17 Рекомендации по выполнению заданий устной части ЕГЭ «Говорение» (задания 41,42,43,44).................................. 20 Работа с диском-приложением..................................................................................................................................................... 30 Тексты для подготовки устных и письменных высказываний 1. Education................................................................................................................................................................. 34 2. Global Problems of the W orld............................................................................................................................... 41 3. The Internet............................................................................................................................................................. 47 4. Eating O u t................................................................................................................................................................ 52 5. Books........................................................................................................................................................................ 57 6. Money and Purchasing........................................................................................................................................... 62 7. Scientific and Technological Progress.................................................................................................................. 66 8. Friendship and Friends........................................................................................................................................... 70 9. Teenagers and Sports.............................................................................................................................................. 74 10. Healthy Lifestyle.................................................................................................................................................... 79 11. Art: Paintings and Painters...................................................................................................................................... 83 12. Crime and Punishment............................................................................................................................................ 88 13. Clothes...................................................................................................................................................................... 96 14. The Role of Young people in Modem Society...................................................................................................... 103 15. At the Doctor’s ........................................................................................................................................................ 107 16. Living in a Big C ity................................................................................................................................................. 113 17. Entertainment and Leisure...................................................................................................................................... 118 18. Family Relations...................................................................................................................................................... 123 19. The Price of Fam e................................................................................................................................................... 129 20. Travel and Tourism................................................................................................................................................. 134 21. Mass Media in the Modem W orld......................................................... :............................................................. 139 22. Advertising.............................................................................................................................................................. 144 23. My Future Career............................................................. 148 24. Why English?.......................................................................................................................................................... 156 Основные сведения о словообразовании.............................................................................................................................. Упражнения для развития навыка словообразования............................................................................................. 162 166 Таблица для словообразования........................................................................................................................ Об авторах...................................................................................................................................................................................... 176 Использованная литература..................................................................................................................................................... 177 Ключи к упражнениям.................................................................................................................................................... 17 ♦ Страница владельца пособия для подготовки к ЕГЭ Name: Grade: My achievements TOPIC № 1 Education 2 Global Problems of the World 3 The Internet 4 Eating Out 5 Books 6 Money and Purchasing 3 Scientific and Technological Progress 8 Friendship and Friends 9 Teenagers and Sports 10 Healthy Lifestyle 11 Art: Paintings and Painters 12 Crime and Punishment 13 Clothes 14 The Role of Young People in Modern Society 15 At the Doctor’s 16 Living in a Big City 17 Entertainment and Leisure 18 Family Relations 19 The Price of Fame 20 Travel and Tourism 21 Mass Media in the Modern World 22 Advertising 23 My Future Career 24 Why English? Vocabulary check Speaking Writing Writing (Student card) (personal letter) (composi­ tion) Teacher’s signature Notes w 4 ^ W РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО НАПИСАНИЮ ПИСЬМА ЛИЧНОГО ХАРАКТЕРА ________ ___________________________________ (ЗАДАНИЕ 39) При написании личного письма необходимо придерживаться следующих правил. —» Не забудьте указать свой адрес в правом верхнем углу в следующем порядке: • город • страна Допускается указывать адрес в кратком виде, например: Saint Petersburg Russia или St Petersburg Russia —>Под адресом, пропустив строку, необходимо написать реальную дату письма: (если вы напишите дату, несовпадающую с датой экзамена, это будет считаться фактической ошибкой) September 7th, 2019 7 September 2019 или менее официально: 07/09/19 —> Письмо начинается с неофициального обращения. Представьте, что вы пишите настоящему другу, а знакомых людей обычно называют по имени. Dear Tim, Dear Rebecca, После обращения обязательно ставится запятая! —*■Разделите текст своего письма на несколько логических абзацев, каждый из которых начните с красной строки. 1. В первом абзаце вам следует поблагодарить своего друга за его письмо: Thanks a lot for your letter. I was glad to get your letter again. / It was great to hear from you again. Вы можете также извиниться за то. что не писали раньше: Sorry, I haven ’twrittenfor so long but... / Sorry, I haven been in touch for so lo I ’m sorry, I haven 4 answered earlier, but I have been really busy with my school work (studies). и/или упомянуть какой-либо факт из полученного письма: I ’m glad you passed your History test! Sounds like you had a great time in London! Great news about your...! 2. Основная часть письма Второй абзац: в нем вы должны быть даны полные ответы на все заданные ВАМ вопросы. Предполагается, что письмо должно быть написано в неформальном стиле, поэтому вы можете использовать неформальные слбва-связки, такие как asfor те, to be honest, to tell the truth, by the way, anyway, so, разговорные выражения типа Guess what? Или Wish me luck!, а также восклицательные знаки (не увлекаться их использованием). В соответствии с новыми требованиями к написанию личного письма разговорные выражения well и ‘cause употреблять НЕЛЬЗЯ. 5 Третий абзац: задайте вопросы вашему другу, если этого требует задание. Рекомендуется делать логичное вступление перед тем, как задавать вопросы. Например, в задании есть информация, что твой друг стал заниматься новым видом спорта и надо задать об этом 3 вопроса. Следовательно, логичный переход к вопросам про спорт будет следующим: Great, you’ve taken up a new sport! What kind o f sport is it? 3. В последнем абзаце следует объяснить, почему вы заканчиваете письмо: Sorry, I have to do my homework. I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up. I ’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show. и упомянуть о дальнейших контактах: Writeback soon. Take care and keep in touch. Drop me a letter when you can. Hope to hear from you soon. I can ’twait to hear from you! —> В конце письма на отдельной строке указывается завершающая фраза-клише. После нее всегда ставится запятая! Ниже приводятся несколько возможных вариантов: 1) All the best, 2) Best wishes, 3) Yours, —> На следующей строке под завершающей фразой указывается имя автора (без фамилии!). Например: Andrew или Kate Таким образом, письмо к другу имеет следующий вид: Адрес пишущего (указывается в правом верхнем углу) Дата написания письма (указывается под адресом) Обращение, Первый абзац: В начале письма автор обычно а) благодарит адресата за ранее полученную корреспонденцию; б) извиняется, что не писал раньше Основная часть письма. Второй абзац: В нем должны быть раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании (т.е. даны ответы на все заданные вам вопросы) Третий абзац: задайте все необходимые вопросы, если этого требует задание письма. Четвертый абзац: В конце письма автор обычно упоминает о дальнейших контактах Завершающая фраза, (используются фразыклише) Подпись автора (имя) 6 о ДЕМОНСТРАЦИОННЫЙ ВАРИАНТ ЛИЧНОГО ПИСЬМА This is a part of a letter from Sheryl, your English-speaking pen-friend. ... Myfriend and I are planning to start a new hobby, but we haven 7 decided yet what hobby to choose. Do you have any hobbies? Do you feel you have enough time for hobbies? What hobbies are popular with teenagers in your country? Are there any hobbies you ’d like to take up? As for my school exams, they are almost over and I ’m looking forward to my summer break... Write back to Sheryl. In your letter • • answer her questions ask 3 questions about her plans for the summer Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. St Petersburg Russia 8/09/2019 Dear Sheryl, Thank you fo r your letter. It was great to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven 7 been in touch fo r so long. In your letter you ask me about hobbies that are popular with Russian teens. Many teens are interested in music and playing computer games while others are into doing sports. As fo r me, my hobby is cooking. I collect traditional Russian recipes. To be honest, Ife e l I don 7 have enough time fo r my hobby as I ’ve got too much homework. I f I had more free time, I ’d take up photography. I t ’s great that school is nearly over! What are you going to do in summer? Are you going to spend time with your parents? Would you like to visit other countries? Sorry, I ’ve got to get ready fo r my piano class. Write back soon. All the best, Alina (147 words) 7 о ЛЕКСИКА, НЕОБХОДИМАЯ ДЛЯ НАПИСАНИЯ ЛИЧНОГО ПИСЬМА СТРУКТУРА РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПРИМЕРЫ Address Адрес Адрес пишущего указывается в правом верхнем углу. Saint Petersburg Russia Date Дата Под адресом дата. 9th September 2019 Greeting Обращение С новой строки письмо начинается с обращения, после которого ставят запятую. Dear John, Dear Mary, Introduction Начало письма - Ссылка на предыдущие контакты, где автор благодарит адресата за полученное ранее письмо; - Извиняется, что не писал раньше Thank you for your last letter. It was great/lovely to hear from you again. I’m sorry, I haven’t written to you... Great to hear from you again... Sorry, I haven’t written to you for so long. It’s been ages since I heard from you. Thanks so much for your long letter. Sorry for not replying to you sooner but I’ve been very busy with my school work. Sorry for not replying earlier. Main Body Основная часть письма В ней должны быть раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании, т.е. даны ответы на все вопросы письма. In your letter you asked me about... I was pleased to hear that... I was glad to hear that you... Conclusion Конец письма Автор упоминает о дальнейших контактах. Please write to me soon, and tell me all your news. If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line. That’s all my news for now. Write back soon. Please give my regards to your... And write and tell me all your plans for... I would really like to see you. Why don’t you come and visit me? Do write back soon. Ending Завершающая фраза письма Эта фраза зависит от степени близости автора и адресата, после нее ВСЕГДА ставится запятая. Best wishes, All the best, Yours, Personal Sign Подпись автора Личные письма подписывают без указания фамилии. Olga Misha Дополнительная схема оценивания задания 39 «Личное письмо» 2 & § з В a к „В ® 2в «a я s Э a о & Р с b w I К ^ а СЗ ч: а а о о Оч с о CQ о о сх а о а (D 3 а о а в а а ч: о о Оч а о а (D 3 а о а в ?£ «* & 3 а 0 Ч 5 3" s• § -© »8* йЯ е й <й g о о * ° за а« н аО н II i £ О g О. g <N оо ГЧ а O i е s 3 о 1 а» 3 I й 3 е So ч S g ч ^ о © а и° а.м .5 aH - o . S c © « м со м о с <5 3 о. :2 w ч 5S . c 3© 5 £ !t-5 i i i ! If^ г^-* s gCQ g*jQ ^ м Йg 5 !a 9! j« Q £os © a 5 я я я i g §с 5 ij«Q ч ® 3 < u ^ п © ^ К* с© £ 2ж н ^ йл 4 ■В Tf н и © s > ^ s аг*- q -и § § § " О 8 i = Я S p s § О ч, H в © Д . a a a 2 f f l a ^ £ 3 ® & ^ й © © а 2 h h h ® s £ — оS S So © 05 c q S a3 a I g Я л :S -3 2 § 3 g g g g g 00* g | f a г >£ S a S © §5 о Iа £ g g $ ? ? g * £ | p g g 5 3 § i la * g 3 C O ag аО a § a 5 £ o £ g 0 . . s г g а*ч s 5 b 0 а г S § § s £ £ s I-®« ач aa © ’§ 1 1 1 §. | § S Hg ,s О 3 a в .................................. Э . 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ST ГП 3S к >* я о н ЭЯ о оЗ Он 2 Н к о CL *& © 03 CQ Он з о g О 4 W © .с Д О ©Ю 5к °к © Я я о Я 523 оНЗ пн S3 5 2 © со о, © о н © © 4 © О н С о о Я s 3 ж о 24 о © у Я Я G Q\ © к Й 2 я24 ю* 2 >* © © w © с о £ 2 © я Яа Он н 2 © © н я id ! © © 5 О © я о а « я © яя >> и S Е —я> о Я 1 4 « © н 4 ©© ч © я >-> я 5О ю° gН О н с ю © м wS н ГО ГО ЗЯ © 05 Я о н я я о 4 * о © н 2 2 © G 2 © ^3 2Еа © с о 9^ -■ ю © я © я ч S © © 4 S о 4 ю 5 я н 2 m © н © о S £ © © н X о 4 о 4я G я 2 © X Он © © ч X о © © © о X X X * © ч я X © РО © о © я о © 4 Гч-Н н я © © © о © 4 24 я © © я И © я 4 4 я о ч © о н и *Г) о но о г—Н Он © © © © о © ч © я о о 4 © © я © Он я © § © © © со о н £ © я % о Он © я я я н я © о о :© И 1 н 2 © Он >_н © © ч" хS ю 2 о © с\ ч г~~{ © a s >. X X о N © ON O X оо © © 4 гг о о © ! © юо Н я © 2 W я >, 2 © Й © о ю © о я н © СXи о© я 4 4 О 2 О н ©Ян в © я © н © © н © н © © н © 5 © я © я н о Й о 4 © При получении экзаменуемым 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» все задание оценивается в 0 баллов о оз С ^ W РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО НАПИСАНИЮ СОЧИНЕНИЯ С ЭЛЕМЕНТАМИ РАССУЖДЕНИЯ В ФОРМАТЕ ЕГЭ (ЗАДАНИЕ 40) Формат и правила написания сочинения «Мое мнение» • • • • • • Сочинение «Мое мнение» пишется в нейтральном стиле. В данном типе сочинения требуется выразить свою точку зрения на заданную тему, а также привести противоположные вашей точки зрения других людей и объяснить, почему вы с ними не согласны. Ваше мнение должно быть четко сформулировано и подкреплено примерами или доказательствами. Объем сочинения 200-250 слов (минимум 180 слов, максимум 275). В сочинении должны активно использоваться конструкции типа “Inmy opinion”, “I think”, “I believe”. Необходимо использование вводных слов и конструкций типа “On the one hand.., on the other hand...” слов-связок (Nevertheless, Moreover, Despite...). He допускается использование сокращений наподобие “I’m”, “they’re” “don’t”, “can’t”, разговорной лексики (например, kids) и риторических вопросов. • Сочинение «Мое мнение» имеет строгую структуру, изменение которой при написании сочинения приведет к снижению балла. Сочинение «Мое мнение» состоит из 5 абзацев: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. make an introduction (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make (draw) a conclusion restating your position 1) Make an introduction Во вступлении необходимо четко сформулировать тему-проблему, указав, что существуют две противоположные точки зрения на проблему yeonle that mobile phones are very useful devices while others,arguethat life could be less stressful without them.). Вступление HE должно слово в слово повторять заданную тему сочинения, поэтому необходимо перефразировать данную вам тему сочинения. Рекомендуется первое предложение сделать обобщающим. Пример: There is по denying the fact that mobile phones have become an inseparable part o f our lives. 2) Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion Во втором абзаце вы должны придерживаться только ОДНОЙ точки зрения, Пример: Mobile phones, in ту opinion, are very useful devices. the mobile phone to be a harmful and useless invention. Необходимо привести 2-3 аргумента, подтверждающих вашу точку зрения, подкрепляя их примерами или доказательствами. Не забывайте использовать слова-связки и вводные конструкции для более структурированного высказывания, а также фразы, выражающие собственное мнение. 3) Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion. В третьем абзаце необходимо привести противоположные вашей точки зрения (1-2) с аргументами. Пример: However, some people think that mobile phones not only keep you in touch with your relatives andfriends but also provide you with a great number o f facilities. Помните, что абзац HE может состоять из 1 предложения. Должно быть 2-3 предложения. 11 4) Explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion В 4 абзаце вы должны объяснить, почему вы НЕ согласны с мнением или мнениями других людей и привести свои аргументы в поддержку собственного мнения. Ваши контраргументы мнению других людей НЕ должны повторять 2-ой абзац и должны быть логично связаны с 3-им абзацем. Рекомендуемое начало 4 абзаца: I cannot agree with the statement / statements above because... I do not support the above idea / ideas as... 5) Make (draw) a conclusion restating your position В заключении необходимо сделать вывод, обратившись к заданной в 1-ом параграфе теме. Укажите, что существуют 2 точки зрения на проблему, а также подтвердите собственную точку зрения. Пример: “All in all, there are different points o f view on this problem. I think that... или “Taking everything into consideration, there are two different points o f view on the problem of... . I believe that... ” Когда вы закончите писать сочинение, обязательно проверьте свою работу по следующей схеме: • • • • • • • • • • Объем моего сочинения не меньше 180 и не больше 275 слов. Во вступлении к моему сочинению четко поставлена проблема (указаны две точки зрения на проблему). Во втором абзаце моя точка зрения ясна и определенна; использовано достаточное количество примеров и аргументов, подтверждающих ее. В каждом абзаце присутствуют и правильно используются разнообразные средства логической связи. В третьем абзаце противоположная точка зрения четко сформулирована и подкреплена аргументами. В четвертом абзаце выражено несогласие с аргументами из третьего абзаца и четко объяснено почему. Пятый абзац - заключение начинается с вводной обобщающей фразы, обозначается наличие двух противоположных точек зрения и еще раз подтверждается мое мнение на проблему, поставленную во вступлении. Правильно использованы грамматические конструкции, времена глаголов, связь между подлежащим и сказуемым не нарушена, правильно использованы предлоги и артикли. Выбрана верная лексика, отсутствуют конструкции, характерные для неформального стиля. Орфография и пунктуация (точки в конце предложения, запятые между однородными членами предложения, после слов связок и вступительных конструкций) верна. Примечания: • не переписывайте задание как заголовок для вашего сочинения, потому что все слова на бланке ответа засчитываются как часть письменного задания. • В КИМах 2019 года есть возможность выбрать одну из двух предложенных тем сочинения. Внимательно прочитайте обе темы и выберете ту, на которую вы сможете придумать больше идей и аргументов. Тщательно обдумайте выбор темы, напишите свои идеи на полях КИМа или на черновике. Если вы передумаете, уже начав писать сочинение, вам может не хватить времени закончить работу. 12 о ДЕМОНСТРАЦИОННЫЙ ВАРИАНТ СОЧИНЕНИЯ «МОЕ МНЕНИЕ» Parents must be strict with their little children. What is your opinion? Do you agree with the statement? There is no denying the fa c t that all parents fe el responsible fo r their children. Some people think that strict rules are the only way to teach a child how to be polite, patient and kind. Others claim that kids should not be brought up under total parents ’ control. In my opinion, it is better to avoid being strict with little children. Firstly, almost all children try to disobey parents ’ rules, and every punishment only makes them angry and does not improve their personalities. Secondly, I think that parents ’ behaviour is the best example fo r their children and it cannot be compared with any rule since every kid wants to have much in common with his/her mother and father. However, some people claim that being raised in a strict fam ily lets a child have better future opportunities. They are sure that strict fam ily rules may help to shape a child’s personality in a proper way. I cannot agree with the above idea as these people fa il to understand that total control and strict rules only lead to mistrust and misunderstanding between parents and children. At this rate, kids cannot fe e l free to show their talents and desires which means that their personalities cannot be appropriately developed. Taking everything into consideration, there are two opposing points o f view on the problem o f strict attitude towards little children. As I see it, parents should not be strict and rude to their kids, they have to be tender and sympathetic. 246 words 13 о ДЕМОНСТРАЦИОННЫЙ ВАРИАНТ СОЧИНЕНИЯ «МОЕ МНЕНИЕ» Youth is the most wonderful period in a person’s life. What is your opinion? Do you agree with the statement? Adolescence is a very controversial period as this is the first time individuals not only make their own decisions but also become more responsible fo r the consequences o f their behaviour. Some people reckon that there is nothing better in our life than being young. Others claim that adolescents face too many problems to call their years the most exciting. In my opinion, youth is the best period in a person life. Firstly, when people are young more career-related opportunities arise. Most employees prefer to hire young people because they are more enthusiastic about learning new things. Secondly, adolescents fe el more comfortable nowadays as there are a lot o f modern technologies that adolescents can use and thus be in touch with a lot o f people and get all the information they need in seconds. On the other hand, some people suppose that youth is a very unpleasant period. These people are sure that adolescents face a lot o f difficulties that they cannot cope with. Dealing with these challenges can make young people frustrated and dissatisfied with their lives. I do not support the above opinion. I believe that adolescence is a period when the young have a wide circle o f friends who they can rely on. Teenagers can also turn to their fam ily fo r help if any problems arise. All things considered, there are two opposing points o f view on the issue o f being an adolescent. To my way o f thinking, youth is the most wonderful period in a person life as teenagers are exposed to numerous life opportunities. 258 words 14 о ЛЕКСИКА, НЕОБХОДИМАЯ ДЛЯ НАПИСАНИЯ СОЧИНЕНИЯ «МОЕ МНЕНИЕ» 1 абзац Вводные фразы • It is popularly believed that... • It is often suggested / believed that... • People often claim / are convinced that... • Some people argue that... • A lot of people think that... • Many people are in favour of the idea... • With the growing number of... the debate over... has intensified. • The issue / question of... is relevant nowadays but still it is rather controversial. 2 абзац Фразы, выражающие свою точку зрения: • In my opinion... • I think that... • I strongly believe that... • In my view... • To my mind... • To my way of thinking... Фразы, характеризующие преимущества обсуждаемой проблемы: • As already stated, I am in favour of... for a number of reasons... • There are many things to be said in favour of... • The best thing about....... is... Фразы, перечисляющие точки зрения: • Firstly, / First of all... • To start with, / To begin with, • Secondly, / Thirdly, / Finally, • Last but not least, Фразы, добавляющие новые аргументы: • Furthermore, / Moreover, / What is more, • In addition to this / that... • Besides, /...also... • Apart from this / that... 3 абзац Фразы, для выражения противоположной точки зрения • However, some people believe / claim that... • On the other hand, some people argue that... • It has become fashionable for some people to argue that... 4 абзац Фразы для выражения несогласия с противоположной точкой зрения • I do not fully support the above ideas because... • I cannot agree with the above idea(s) / opinion(s) as these people fail to understand that... • I disagree with this point of view (statement, opinion) because these people forget that... • As opposed to the above ideas, I believe that... • Contrary to what most people believe, I think that... 5 абзац Заключительные фразы • In conclusion, / To conclude, • On the whole, • To sum up, • All in all, • All things considered, • Finally, • Taking everything into account, • Taking everything into consideration, 15 Выражение личного мнения: • In my opinion, this subject is very controversial. • In my view... • To my mind... • To my way of thinking... • I feel strongly that... • It seems to me that... • As far as I am concerned... А Щ ю о. о« 53 £ Р Н 3S о К а д ик я S о Я О 1-н Он 5 Й 8- о §° I § S S x н 2 а Иe м I S § 5 i/^ i £ Я ■ ® Он 2 Ц ^ н ct 2 £ vg Q4 о н ° §я о ° я й ® (N оО _!< ci 3 £ Я о § * ч s о I 5о с 4 2 Он Щ Ф Е 2 о I S « О 3 ® Д 3Я Я 05 г, w * ° & с 5 § | 1 I щ Он ю ! | | И” (-Q нн ЭК нн | т ! S о § I о . Й ° R Й м Я м О Я * я о 1 1 2 ^ H H ^ ( D § g > , 2 0 02>чС й К о п О <D |=н с 133 гг* 2 оя оОн й R* S Й В й м н © 173 3 30Й3 3 s ? s j § J " S “ * й S R1 « яя-. 3 | § о § I ёо р,| ^и | ёОню| ан |^ § н и С ffl 2 й ® я I s В С О g m и S ю )Кг я S g - ; ( N r l ^ : 4« ' r i '0 © и ®й о £ 1 § 1 м 2 о w 03 « s s 3« ^ н 2 и ! 3 PQ о о м 99 Я о н н н н н - н н О M o w w b s w g w w j j i -ч я я я О я я 5 U п ^ о О сЗ PQ й © 3Э ® G G 2G 2G м* йG 2 C к l О j ^ hJQ ® S 5о Я tfl о )о О Й се и оО 33 0Q о о о о ^ о о Р Н ^! u® fc о 2 ^О Е о Е—1 t=t Я[ К К (ЗИНУЖсШЬ'ОЭ) иьсЛве ионяиызяинАиимоя э и н э ш э ^ ’! 16 кийяеи нш й о 3. ЛЕКСИКА (максимальный балл - 3) 4. ГРАММАТИКА (максимальный балл - 3) 5. ОРФОГРАФИЯ И ПУНКТУАЦИЯ (максимальный балл - 2) Дополнительная схема оценивания задания 40 «МОЕ МНЕНИЕ» х аЗ X 4 А 4I TIf я m ro H* 5 я § ч CD 5 CU § 6 С о . H 2о CD CD -- >> <4 Я Я t4 О CD X Я и О ж £ v‘ X щ CQ О со JQ X й о Ч <D CU CD я я CD X X H Я X X S ° S ° _ CD X CD 0 « H СЧ Я 1 H Я 2* H 4 ь^ CD эсо 5Я 0 Я И я я н S я S 3! К ^ Я О- я Ю -Q 2 5 Ч си о Я Ян И -е И о 1 ^ I О *^ В си я я X CD ^-н о ч о н D Я <D CD Ч Я н QJ 3 Я О £ о S я о я о X * QJ Jo Я О ч о с X CD W О Он 3 я О Я Я я я 3 Я РО Сн я ч: я я я ч я я я си я с*; Я Я 3 Я g о: QJ S ч ч я н CD X X ч X СП я я ч я я я о D О Я О ч н CD CD ос Н CD я S си CD ч о CD я ч 2 о Я ч ч Я 1-0 17 Н § CD О Я VO я о с я in я CD Е — CD Я Н н 2Я ю° о я я 2 А (D Си С н D X си н ЗЯ <D о ч s x x я с я н о о с о я я Г-н я о 2 о ч ч я о ю и о я _ Я Я' Я я О юсо X о д ч о X S ч X я п 1 3 я ня 0J X X я ч X СП CD со Я D V D (D Н О 3 о 3Я ” * я I § аt-> 0 5 С- я -А Ю Я я я 2 & я аЯ си я CD Я Я о. а Я X QD 3 О Я а- о X ч о X QJ X я н я X CD си си а я <D CU ЕD Я ss g3 ян ® Й 5Я D о о 5 £ I ° н S v8 Ч о ^ w я д си я “ 1 § ® S х д ^ О s g g се о CD CD . Н (D CD 2Я -cQ ^ о « е ^^ ии. ^Я' CD S я о н Я н д D Я с 3 си я CD я Я н CD СО я я я я я я я н я я о X CD н <D Я JS JQ CD X S X X « я я ео Я 2 о о ос Я о я я я 2 я: о п Я[ 2 О 5Г S CD 03 н CD Я[ <D Си О CD и О Я я о Я CD CD H Я Я У u О Я CD ■а Lр" CD Ч 1 1 С H <D о И S a 2 CJ X ч s CD я isi я ю я £ я я а ч 4J о си ч CD § CD CD ч о —# н CD .я. 'JL си я X 2 я я ч я я s о ° 3S t=! CD Й О я X 3 я со я * a vo 3 «“ §2 CD я Й H о S 0Q о i g CD Ж А -е я S s 3SQ ^Я -“ я ч я CD <D я CD CD S § а, 3 П зЯ Я (D т Я (D Он D Я D <D CD “ ан <D Я Я ^ Я = ко X О CO CD cu 4 w 'T m 3 я * £ я 4 CQ * ^ S5 2 ~ S Я 4! S co s S S я CU £0 H Я CD Я Я[ О 4 <D mh я S Я О я О О Т Я о H M CD К д Си Я w Я X D Я 2 c X я 2 2 1 »-N Я Я s к Л CQ X д' JQ X со О - :<D Я ^ <D я Я CD я 3 X H £ H <D CD н 42Xя * cd X <D 4 CD ^ 3 ЯГ ч CD о ч D х н 00 о CD Й H CD Н - я CU . ,v <D О 0Q X ьс С Я Н CD CD CD CD о 2 О as я н о 4 Ч CD си Я Я Н О 8 VO H Я CD Я Я Я чх н CD < и . Q. я Э о * « а> н 0D О a hh н CD s я" <яD S £ Я Й S (DEt CD VO я я PQ >Я О s4 s CQ CD § 3 Я O S CD CD X X X с к со 5? 3 О о о? я а < го Критерии оценивания выполнения задания 40 «Мое мнение» О Н я X CD CQ Я О со Я 4 О С о 5 <D 5н Я5 H Я CD я vr) s CD я ; CD Я ® я « gГ я5 >> & s ч £ 2 =S Й S 2 ^ D tC зЯ ^ 3 я ® IQ 3 Я CD я Я ® Йя и Я Я <D * S' н § о 2Ч од °^ ^& tjЯ * ° е яЯ vo о5 >> О »Р 4 я м S n ^ & с К Ь «я (D &Й S Н Я CD максимальное 275. Если в сочинении 179 слов - «0» за содержание, если слов более 276, то проверяется только 250 слов от начала. l_Q 3 Я Примечание: минимальное количество слов - 180, X 4 VO CQ s Я 3 3Ks о о of ия я У Я я £- 3 О Ч з и CQ H 4 3 *I D . DCV o я 5 b£l CO ч о 2 Баллы ЛЕКСИКА КЗ Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания; практически нет нарушений в использовании лексики (допускается 1 лексическая ошибка) Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, однако встречаются 2-3 лексические ошибки, ИЛИ словарный запас ограничен, но лексика использована правильно Используемый словарный запас не вполне соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 4 лексические ошибки Используемый словарный запас не соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5 и более лексических ошибок ГРАММАТИКА ОРФОГРАФИЯ И ПУНКТУАЦИЯ К4 К5 Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, нарушений практически нет ( допускаются1-2 не повторяющиеся грамматические ошибки) Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, однако в тексте имеются 3-4 грамматические ошибки Орфографические ошибки практически отсутствуют. Текст разделён на предложения с правильным пунктуационным оформлением (< 1 орфографическая 'И/ИЛИ 1 пунктуационная ошибка) Используемые грамматические средства не вполне соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5-7 грамматических ошибок В тексте имеются 2-4 орфографические И/ИЛИ пунктуационные ошибки Используемые грамматические средства не соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, имеются 8 и более грамматических ошибок В тексте имеются 5 и более орфографических И/ИЛИ пунктуационных ошибок о ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ 1. Максимальный балл за критерий «Орфография и пунктуация» в разделе «Письмо» - 2 балла. 2. При получении экзаменуемым 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» все задание оценивается в 0 баллов. О ОШИБКИ Средства логической связи: • Вводные слова и выражения, союзы; • Ошибки в употреблении местоимений. Грамматические: • Неправильное употребление времен; • Предлоги; • Артикли; • Порядок слов в предложении; • Неправильное употребление прилагательных или наречий с глаголами. Лексические: • Неверное употребление лексики; • Ошибки со словообразованием и в выборе части речи. Пунктуационные: • Заглавные и прописные буквы; • Отсутствие запятых между однородными членами предложения; • Отсутствие запятых после вводных конструкций; • Отсутствие точек в конце предложения. Повторяющиеся ошибки считаются за одну в рамках одной грамматической, лексической, орфографической или пунктуационной группы. Максимальный балл за письмо - 6 Максимальный балл за сочинение - 14 Общий максимальный балл за весь письменный раздел - 20 О ПРИНЯТЫЕ СОКРАЩЕНИЯ ПРИ ПРОВЕРКЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ Gr (grammar) - грамматические ошибки Lex / Voc (lexis, vocabulary) - лексические ошибки Coh (cohesion) - ошибки в использовании средств логической связи или местоимений Log (logic) - отсутствие логики в повествовании Link (linking) - ошибка в использовании вводных слов и конструкций Sp (spelling) - ошибки в правописании Р (punctuation) - ошибки в пунктуации WO (word order) - ошибки в порядке слов в предложении 19 ^ W РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ПО ВЫПОЛНЕНИЮ ЗАДАНИЙ УСТНОЙ ЧАСТИ ЕГЭ «ГОВОРЕНИЕ» (ЗАДАНИЯ 41, 42, 43, 44) «Говорение» представляет собой компьютеризированный тест. Все задания будут появляться одно за другим на экране компьютера, экзаменуемый наговаривает ответ в микрофон. В ходе экзамена запрещено вести какие-либо записи, на подготовку к каждому заданию дается 1,5-2 минуты. Это обусловлено стремлением проверить спонтанную, а не подготовленную речь. Устная часть Единого Государственного Экзамена состоит из четырех заданий КИМах они имеют обозначения как задание 41,42, 43, 44). Общее время ответа одного экзаменуемого (включая время на подготовку) - 15 минут. Каждое последующее задание выдаётся после окончания выполнения предыдущего задания. Всё время ответа ведётся аудиозапись. Постарайтесь полностью выполнить поставленные задачи, старайтесь говорить ясно и чётко, не отходить от темы и следовать предложенному плану ответа. Так вы сможете набрать наибольшее количество баллов. 0 ЗАДАНИЕ 1 (41) _______ Задание 1 - чтение вслух небольшого текста научно-популярного характера. Время на подготовку - 1,5 минуты. Время выполнения задания тоже 1,5 минуты, то есть за 90 секунд вы должны прочитать весь текст полностью. За успешное выполнение первого задания вы получаете 1 балл, при невыполнении задания - 0 баллов. Вы не получите балл, если вы: а) допустите более 5 любых ошибок в произношении; в) будете постоянно запинаться и делать паузы там, где их не должно быть, вследствие чего понимание вашей речи будет затруднено. Технология выполнения задания 1 • • Прочитайте текст задания про себя или шепотом; выделите трудные для произношения слова; подумайте об интонации; обращая внимание на слитность и беглость речи. Читая текст, избегайте необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставляйте ударения и правильно используйте интонацию, не нарушайте нормы произношения слов. Образцы задания 1 Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it. ... You don’t see many birds in winter. Most have left your area. Those that stay are not as active. Activity uses energy that is needed to keep warm. The worst problems for birds in winter are getting enough heat and holding on to the heat once it is made. These are problems for all birds. But it is especially true for very small ones. They cannot find enough food. The weather stays so cold for so long that they cannot eat enough to keep alive. But birds have many ways of fighting the cold. You shiver to keep warm. The heat that you make is made mostly in your muscles. The muscles make more heat when they are active. So one way of keeping warm is to move about, use your muscles. Another way is to shiver. When your body needs heat, the muscles tighten and loosen quickly. They become active. Just as you shiver to keep warm, so do birds. 20 Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it. People need food to live. We can get food from plants and animals. In the past, people ate raw food. Then people started to cook their food. Now cooking is an important part of food preparation. Cooking involves using heat. In most cases this changes the chemical makeup of food. It changes its texture, flavour, and the way it looks. People use different equipment for cooking. It includes ovens, microwaves, toasters, and grills. We also use pots and frying pans. There are also different cooking methods. They are boiling, simmering, steaming, and frying. We need to store food carefully. We also need to control its temperature. It will help you to avoid dangerous bacteria and viruses. We have fridges to keep our food there. If you are not careful enough, you may get ill. Around 70 million people suffer from food poisoning every year. о ТРЕНИРОВОЧНОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ __ Прочитай вслух слова: Horizon, carbon dioxide, vitamins, circumstances, consequences, extremely, particularly, similarly, huge, dehydrate, architecture, inarticulate, rightfully, motherhood, height, purchasing, technology, technician, politics, memorable, economics, wrongdoings, alternatively, alter, wrap, whole. Torture, islands, Edinburgh, although, environmentalists, conservation, abolition, appreciation, encouragement, declare, diversity, vary, recently, recyclable, 1945, 2017, 34505, wax, quarter, quarrel, avalanche, variety, comfortable, company, glove. Advancement, enthusiastic, honored, campaign, company, occur, addition, addiction, curricular, amphitheaters, era, edible, legitimate, bloodthirsty, luxurious, luxury, weight, fertilisers, psychology, physicist, flexibility, effect, flood, drought, occasional, vehicle, neighbourhood, harbour, there is, there are. Choir, sixth, particularly, rural, colonel, audible, pioneer, chimney, accelerate, parliament, pursue, mischievous, applicable, regime, suite, ballet, The Caucasus, through, for instance, though, knight, knitting, tough, muscles, police officer, gigantic, sign, sigh, hospitable. О ЗАДАНИЕ 2 (42) В задании 2 предлагается ознакомиться с рекламным объявлением и задать пять ПРЯМЫХ вопросов на основе ключевых слов. Время на подготовку - 1,5 минуты. Затем вы получите по 20 секунд на то, чтобы задать каждый вопрос. За правильно заданный вопрос вы получаете по одному баллу, а всего за задание - 5 баллов. Вы не получите балл за вопрос, если: а) вы задали вопрос не тот, который надо. (Например, в первом задании вам надо узнать дату отправления, а вы задаете вопрос о дате прибытия); б) вместо прямого вопроса вы задаете косвенный. Например, третий пункт требует от вас вопроса о завтраке. Правильный вопрос должен звучат следующим образом: Is breakfast included in the price of the room? Если вы скажете I’d like to know if breakfast is included, то не получите балл, так как вы задали не прямой вопрос, а косвенный; в) по вашей интонации не ясно, задаете ли вы вопрос; г) вы допускаете ошибки (грамматические и лексические), которые затрудняют понимание заданного вопроса. Артикли не считаются ошибками. 21 Технология выполнения задания 2 • Вопросы должны быть грамматически верными. Избегайте необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставляйте ударения, правильно используйте интонацию, не нарушайте нормы произношения слов. Внимательно изучите предложенную иллюстраций) и определите, что она рекламирует (это ключевое слово понадобится вам при построении вопроса). Обратите внимание, что многие формулировки не содержат непосредственно вопросительных слов. Помните, что слово place/location предполагает вопрос Where...?, слово time вопрос When...?, слово duration предполагает вопрос How long...?, слово cost/price предполагает вопрос How much... ?, слово availability предполагает вопрос Is/Are there... ? Помните, что в задании необходимо задавать прямые вопросы. Не начинайте свои вопросы с фраз Could you tell т е.../ 1 wonder.../1 wouldlike to know. He забывайте о том, что один и тот же вопрос можно задать разными способами. How much does the ticket cost? How much is the ticket? Если вы понимаете, что допустили ошибку, задайте тот же вопрос еще раз. За 20 секунд, которые отводятся на каждый вопрос, вы вполне это успеете. Однако не следует задавать несколько вопросов по одному и тому же пункту в надежде что хотя бы один окажется правильным. Засчитан будет последний произнесенный вариант. Если вы исправите правильное на неправильное, то балла не получите, т.к. второй (окончательный) вариант содержит ошибку. • • • • • Образец задания 2 You are considering staying a night at the hotel and you'd like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) special offers 2) local sights 3) number of available rooms 4) list of services they provide 5) if they have a website You have 20 seconds to ask each question. о ПРИМЕР ВЫПОЛНЕНИЯ ЗАДАНИЯ 2 (ВАРИАНТЫ ВОПРОСОВ) 1) Are any special offers available in your hotel? 2) Are there any local sights nearby? 3) How many rooms are available? 4) What services do you provide? 5) Do you have a website? О ПРИМЕРЫ ОТВЕТОВ НА ТИПИЧНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ В ЗАДАНИИ 42 О чем надо спросить hotel facilities availability of (something) courses available Как задать вопрос What facilities are available at the hotel? What facilities does the hotel offer? Is \ are (something) available? What courses are available at your school? 22 directions to the hotel \ gym discounts for groups \ party reductions discounts for students distance from the city centre duration of the course\ tour entrance fee online (advance) reservation \ booking if breakfast is included if textbooks are included location of the hotel \ gym \ club opening hours (of the club) refund for a ticket price of a three-week course age restriction photo permission\ taking pictures possible accommodation double\ single room price per night о How can I get to your hotel? Are there any discounts for groups? Are there any discounts for students? Do you offer any discounts for students? How far is the (hotel) from the city centre? How long is the course\ tour? How long does the course\ tour last? What is the entrance fee? How much is the ticket? How much does (...) cost? Can I book \ purchase a ticket online (in advance)? Is it possible to book a ticket online (in advance)? Is breakfast included in the price? Are textbooks included in the price? Where is your hotel \ gym \ club situated\ located? What is the address of the hotel\ gym? When does (the club) open and close? When does the club work? Can I get a refund for the ticket if I miss the concert? How much is a three-week course? How much do I have to pay for a three-week course? Is there any age restriction for this film? How old do you have to be to see the film? Is it allowed to take pictures during the tour? Can I take pictures during the tour? What kind of accommodation do you offer? How much does a double\ single room cost per night? ТРЕНИРОВОЧНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ 42 1. You are considering joining the Yoga Club and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) address of the club 2) opening days 3) if they offer classes for the aged people 4) fee per week 5) morning training programs 2. You have decided to celebrate your birthday in the restaurant and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) availability of table for 10 people for Sunday afternoon 2) if booking is free 3) kinds of meat dishes on the menu 4) variety of dessert they serve 5) place to dance 3. You are going to visit the fashion show and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) the quickest way to get to the show to get there 2) if you can book tickets online 3) price of the tickets 4) duration of the show 5) opportunity to buy any items of clothing 23 4. You are considering visiting a street show and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) place of the event 2) time of start 3) dress code for the show 4) security measures 5) if children under 10 can attend the event 5. You are considering visiting a museum and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) location of the museum 2) discounts for children 3) working hours 4) the most popular exhibit in the museum _______5) tours that they have______________________________________________________________________________ 6. You are considering buying the tablet and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) functions of the device 2) battery life 3) discount 4) things you get in the kit _______5) online booking service__________________________________________________________________________ ___ 7. You are considering visiting Natural history museum and you’d like to get more information. In1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) working hours 2) number of available exhibitions 3) services they provide 4) if they have a free internet _______5) if you can buy tickets online______________________________________________________________________ 8. You are considering buying a bike in a shop and youfd like toget more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) if you can get a discount card 2) full characteristics of the bike 3) warranty period 4) advantages of the bike 5) if they accept credit cards 9. You are calling the real estate company and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) if there are special offers for flats 2) services that are provided 3) online consulting service 4) duration of the meeting for one client 5) number of clients per day 10. You are considering buying a skateboard and you’d like to get more information from the shop. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) if there are extra wheels in the kit 2) a free delivery service 3) country producer 4) availability of other colours of the skateboard 5) warranty period 11. You are considering using the in-home tutoring service and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) age of children available for tutoring 2) price list 3) if they can leave their contacts 4) special offers 5) discount for regular customers 12. You are considering staying one night at the hotel and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) if they have available rooms 2) services they provide 3) sights nearby the hotel 4) special offers 5) discount for regular customers 24 13. You are going to buy some souvenirs made of straw. You are calling to the shop to make some clarifications. In 1.5minutes you are to ask 5direct questions to find out about the following: 1) distance from the city centre 2) opening and closing hours 3) if they sell a great range of accessories 4) price for a souvenir 5) season sales 14. You are considering visiting the restaurant and you'd like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) location of the restaurant 2) free Wi-Fi access 3) special dishes 4) if you can reserve a table 5) if they have English-speaking staff 15. You are considering starting dancing lessons at the dance studio and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) tuition fee 2) studio location 3) duration of the lessons 4) special clothes 5) evening classes 16. You are considering joining the Chess Club and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) qualifications of the teachers 2) training courses 3) membership fee 4) location 5) getting to the place 17. You are going to have fresh juice tasting in a fruit factory with your friends. You are calling to the maker to make some clarifications. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) location of the factory 2) opening and closing hours 3) price for a bottle of juice 4) duration of the tasting 5) if snack is included. 18. You are considering staying a night at the hotel and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) number of available rooms 2) Russian speaking staff 3) entertainment programs 4) museums and theatres nearby the hotel _______5) if they provide room service______________________________________________________________________ 19. You are going to visit a glass factory and nowyou are calling to aglassblowerto make some clarifications. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) location of the factory 2) if guided excursions are provided 3) entrance fee 4) availability of workshop sessions _______5) if blowing a vase is included______________________________________________________________________ 20. You are going to visit a local farm and you’d like to getmore information. In 1.5minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) feeding schedule 2) the possibility to become an animal guardian 3) entrance fee 4) kinds of animals ________ 5) if the overview excursion is provided______________________________________________________________ 21. You are going to the restaurant and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) booking online 2) if they accept credit cards 3) if vegetarian menu is provided 4) availability of a table for three people 5) average bill for a family of three 25 22. You are going to buy famous waffles in a cafe and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) location of the place 2) the ingredients of waffles 3) best type of waffles to choose 4) special offers for clients ________ 5) price of waffles_________________________________________________ _______________________________ 23. You are going to visit the mint and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes youare to ask five direct questions to find out the following: 1) entrance fee 2) location of the place 3) if shopping for souvenirs is provided 4) guided tour availability _______ 5) possibility of taking photos__________________________________________________________ 24. You are considering buying a cat at a pet breeding club and you’d like to get moreinformation. In 1.5minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) size of the animal 2) colours available 3) location of the club 4) if health certificates are included _______ 5) discounts_______________________________________________________________ 25. You are considering organising a party for kid sand you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) the duration of the party 2) cost per hour 3) experienced staff 4) if meal is included _______ 5) presents for children._____________________________________________________________________ 26. You are considering visiting a concert of traditional dance and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) the duration of the concert 2) age restriction 3) price of a ticket 4) time of beginning _______ 5) seats in the first row_____________________________________________________________________________ 27. You are considering joining the club and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) number of training sessions a week 2) duration of training sessions 3) if special clothes are necessary 4) safety measures 5) minimum age____________________________________________________________________________________ 28. You are considering visiting the museum and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) location 2) opening hours 3) exhibitions available 4) guided tours 5) if a visitor can have lunch there_____________________________________________________________________ 29. You are considering buying flowers for a birthday party and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) delivery service 2) opening hours 3) kinds of flowers in stock 4) if they sell pot plants 5) discounts for big orders________________________________________________ ________________________ 30. You are considering going to the camp and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following: 1) location of the camp 2) accommodation 3) camp activities 4) duration of the stay ______ 5) parents* visits__________________________________________________________________________________ _ 26 Ask Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. О 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. working hours (museum) accommodation options (tour) number of people (tour) price range (hotel) group discounts (courses) dates for departures duration of the lecture availability of the audio guides (tour) colours available (bike) warranty period (TV) delivery terms (new bike from the shop) possibility to purchase on credit (tablet) battery life (tablet) special outfit (rafting) medical insurance (rafting) range of clothes for kids (shop) sizes available (rings) if breakfast is included (hotel) 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. opening date (exhibition) venue of the lecture payment options (shop) size of the garden (house to rent) local shops and attractions nearby (hotel) public transport connection (theatre) membership fee (yoga club) qualifications needed (the job of a sales assistant) salary prospects (the job of a waiter) working hours (the job of a babysitter) frequency of the meetings (drama club) guarded parking-lot (hotel) literature in foreign languages (library) meetings with writers (bookstore) number of magazines available (newsagent’s) delivery service (furniture store) operation hours (bus tour) ЗАДАНИЕ 3 (4 3 )______________ ___________________ __________________________ Данное задание устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку также является заданием базового уровня сложности. В задании 3 предлагается выбрать одну из трёх фотографий и описать её на основе плана. Время на подготовку - 1,5 минуты. Время ответа 2 минуты. Рекомендуемое количество произнесенных фраз - 12-15. Максимальное количество баллов за задание - 7. Данное задание оценивается по трем критериям. Первый критерий - решение коммуникативной задачи, т.е. содержание высказывания. Максимальный балл по этому критерию - 3. Важно не только сказать необходимое количество фраз, но и раскрыть все пункты плана. Второй критерий - организация высказывания. Здесь проверяются наличие в высказывании средств логической связи и вступительной и заключительной фраз. Максимальный балл по этому критерию - 2. Третий критерий - это языковое оформление высказывания учащегося. Здесь учитываются лексические и грамматические ошибки. Максимальный балл по этому критерию 2 (итого 3+2+2=7). Технология выполнения задания 3 • В данном задании необходимо описать только ОДНУ картинку. Помните, что в ответе должны присутствовать вступительная (I have chosen photo number ... and I want to tell you about it. Would you like to have a look at my picture?) и заключительная фразы (That is all I wanted to say about this photo, I hope you liked it ИЛИ I guess that’s all I can tell you about this photo. I hope you liked it). • • • • Одна только фраза I have chosen photo number... не является вступлением, если к ней не присоединена еще какая-нибудь мысль. Стройте высказывание строго по предложенному плану. Не забывайте об использовании словсвязок. Для успешного выполнения этого задания по каждому пункту плана необходимо высказать 3 предложения-идеи (синтаксически распространенные фразы). Последовательно раскрывайте каждый пункт плана, предлагая аргументацию, где это необходимо. Не увлекайтесь слишком детальным описанием картинок, так как вам может не хватить времени. 27 Образец задания 3 These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about: where and when the photo was taken what / who is in the photo what is happening why you keep the photo in your album why you decided to show the picture to your friend You have to talk continuously, starting with: I’ve chosen photo number... О ПРИМЕР ВЫПОЛНЕНИЯ ЗАДАНИЯ 3________________________________________ Вступление: I have chosen photo number 1 and I want to say a few words about it. Would you like to have a look at my picture? 1. I took this photo when I went to Scotland with my friends. It was last summer in July. We were hiking then. 2. The people in this photo are my close friends. They are wearing casual summer clothes as the weather is nice and warm. In the background, you can see a beautiful lake which is situated on the top of the mountain. The colour of the lake is really amazing. 3. As you can see, my friends are sitting on the ground enjoying the breathtaking view of the mountain lake. They are having a short break as they have been hiking all day. They are talking to each other discussing the day and the places they have seen. They are posing for the camera because they all want nice pictures for their Instagram accounts. 4. I keep this photo in my album because I collect all photos from my joumeys\holidays\family eventsW of my mother \ brother\ friend etc. In addition, this day was the first \ last \ best of our trip, so I want to keep a memory of it. 5. I decided to show this picture to you because photography is my hobby as you know and I’m really proud of this picture, the colours of it are great. What’s more, I’m taking part in a school photo competition devoted to the topic “My summer holidays” and I wanted to know your opinion about it. Заключение: That is all I wanted to tell you about this photo, I hope you liked it. (I guess that’s all I can tell you about this photo, I hope you liked it). Универсальные фразы для 4 пункта remember the place /keep the memory/ show to friends and family / like the setting /be impressed by/ feel a thrill/ feel uplifted/ surprised at/by smth. / have pictures of all family members/ be able to show (prove) how enjoyable the trip was/to make our family tree/ illustrate the atmosphere / send to a pen-friend Универсальные фразы для 5 пункта show the place / learn the skill / show the monument /explain how it looked / share the emotions / tell about the experience / prove it is worth seeing (visiting) / persuade smb. to do smth. / trigger the memory of doing the... together / show how the place looks / be proud of / use the picture for the project / find it unusual / spectacular / prove he/she can do this activity / had never seen my ... before 28 О ЗАДАНИЕ 4 (44) ___ Данное задание является заданием высокого уровня сложности и призвано дифференцировать учащихся с высоким уровнем владения английским языком. В задании 4 ставится задача сравнить две фотографии на основе предложенного плана. Время на подготовку - 1,5 минуты. Время ответа 2 минуты. Технология выполнения задания • Внимательно прочитайте инструкцию к заданию. • Вступление: I have been offered two pictures to compare and contrast. They are united by the topic.../ I’d like to compare and contrast these two pictures / Let me talk about these two pictures. • Первый пункт плана: четкое и лаконичное описание картинок. Важно обозначить само действие и место, где оно происходит (action, location) In the first picture you can see... • Второй и третий пункт плана: необходимо назвать по два и более сходств и различий между картинками, придерживаясь главной темы картинок, например: хобби, профессии, экология, праздники. Важно при этом контролировать объем высказывания и избегать повторов. Использовать синонимы, обращать внимание на детали: эмоции, цвета, уровень занятий (любительский / профессиональный), общую атмосферу на представленных картинках, одежду, количество людей/предметов на фото, время года, помещение. Рекомендуемые фразы: - These two pictures have some aspects in common (As for the similarities between these two pictures,...) However, these two pictures have some differences (There are some differences between these two pictures...) • Четвертый пункт плана: внимательно прочитайте этот пункт, обратив особое внимание на время или грамматическую структуру, при помощи которой сформулирован вопрос (you PREFER / you’D PREFER / you PREFERRED AS A CHILD / YOU LIKE и т.д.). Используйте это при ответе. Выберете занятие, мероприятие, событие, предложенные на картинках, а не саму картинку. Правильно будет: «I’d personally prefer ballet dancing because...», а не «I prefer picture number...» ИЛИ «As a child I preferred the activities presented in picture №. . . for a number of reasons». • Пятый пункт: обоснуйте свой выбор, приведите 2-3 аргумента, подтверждающих ваш выбор. Используйте слова связки. Для разнообразия идей можно примеры из личного опыта. • Заключительная фраза: That’s all I wanted to tell you about these two pictures (photos). I hope I’ve managed to complete the task. • Используйте разнообразную лексику, соответствующую теме иллюстраций. • Помните, что время выполнения задания - 2 минуты. 29 Образец задания 4 Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs: • • • • • give a brief description of the photos (action, location) say what the pictures have in common say in what way the pictures are different say which of the concerts presented in the pictures you’d prefer explain why You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously. О ПРИМЕР ВЫПОЛНЕНИЯ ЗАДАНИЯ 4 • Вступление;.I have been offered two pictures to compare and contrast. They are united by the topic “Music”. 1. In picture number one we can see a band playing. Perhaps, they are playing jazz music in a club or a concert hall. In the second one we can see a kid playing the piano. He might be having a musical exam in the school. 2. These two pictures have a lot in common. To begin with, both pictures were taken during some performance. Furthermore, in both pictures people are playing musical instruments on stage. The musicians look focused. The atmosphere in both photos is positive and full of inspiration. 3. However, there is a difference between these two pictures as well. In the left picture, we see the audience, in the right one - only the performer. Besides, the first one shows us some professionals earning their living, whereas the boy looks like a student in a musical school. 4. I would prefer the concert presented in picture number 2 (for a number of reasons). 5. To begin with, I used to attend classes in the musical school and I remember how hard it was to play alone on stage. Each exam and each concert was a big challenge for me and my parents. Moreover, I love playing the piano and going to such type of concerts. This type of music is my favourite one. It helps me to relax and get a lot of pleasure. Last but not least, classical music broadens my mind and is great for personal development. • Заключение:That is all I wanted to tell you about these two pictures (photos). I hope I’ve managed to complete the task. 30 Образец задания 4 Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs: • • • • give a brief description of the photos (action, location) say what the pictures have in common say in what way the pictures are different say which of the ways of spending free time presented in the pictures you preferred as a child • explain why You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously. О ПРИМЕР ВЫПОЛНЕНИЯ ЗАДАНИЯ 4 • Вступление;.I have been offered two pictures to compare and contrast. They are united by the topic “Leisure activities”. 1. In picture number one we can see a group of children running. Perhaps, they are playing some ballgame in the local park. In the second one we can see a kid reading a book. He might be at home in his bedroom. 2. These two pictures have some similarities. The most striking one is that in both pictures we can see children of the same age. I guess they are 10 or 11 years old. It also should be mentioned that both pictures are good examples of what can be done for entertainment. Furthermore, in both pictures children are dressed casually as they are wearing shorts and T-shirts. 3. However, there is a difference between these two pictures as well. In the left picture, we see that children are moving, in the right one the boy is lying on the sofa and reading a book. What is more, in these pictures we spot different types of activities. The sport activity is shown in the right picture, whereas in the left one the boy is involved in the intellectual pastime. Besides, the first picture was taken outdoors, the second - indoors. 4. As a child I preferred the way of spending free time presented in picture №1. 5. To begin with, I have always loved running and jumping. Any ball games with my friends were my favourite ones. We had great times together. What is more, I loved spending time in the open air, especially in the park. I-went there with my friends nearly every day after school. • Заключение.That is all I wanted to tell you about these two pictures (photos). I hope I’ve managed to complete the task. 31 о ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ ДЛЯ ПОСТРОЕНИЯ ОТВЕТА К ЗАДАНИЯМ 3 И 4 Describing the picture • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The picture shows / depicts... In this picture the action is taking place in. (a house; a living room; a gym; a swimming pool; a theme park etc.). In this picture we can see... There is... in the picture. In the background of this picture there is / are; I can see / make out (some pieces of furniture; sports equipment; some people doing shopping etc.). In the foreground I can see (some children; a family; a shop assistant etc.). The people in the picture are... Looking at these people I get the impression that they are (having dinner; watching a fdm; having a break; doing their homework etc.) What the people look like, (age / height / build / hair / eyes / nose / mouth / special features / general impression). What the people are wearing. (Casually / formally-dressed; the description of pieces of clothes). The people in the picture look... bored / annoyed / upset / sad / miserable / lonely / unhappy / depressed / confused / furious / angry / relaxed / concentrated / worried / happy / tired / interested / puzzled / confident / interested / excited / calm / pleased / thrilled / relieved / amazed because... The people in the picture seem sad / happy because... The general atmosphere in the picture is positive because... The picture was taken in... The season / weather. The weather in the picture is... I think / suppose / guess it's summer spring / winter / autumn since... Talk about the atmosphere. The atmosphere in the picture is (friendly, peaceful, relaxing, tense, busy, warm, cosy, happy etc.). Comparing and contrasting • • • • Both photos show... In both pictures the people are... One similarity is that... What both these pictures have in common is... • • • • • • • However, there are also some differences between the pictures. The picture on the left is more... than the other one. The situation shown in picture 1 is more ... than the situationin picture 2. The people in the first picture are less... than the people in the other one. This man looks... while the other one is rather... The main difference is (that)... Another important difference is that... 32 ♦ РАБОТА С ДИСКОМ-ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕМ Обучающий диск-приложение к пособию - это мультимедийный комплект, предназначенный как для работы в классе, так и для самостоятельной подготовки учащихся к сдачи устной части ЕГЭ. Диск содержит программу-имитатор устной части ЕГЭ 'Test Recorder’ с десятью уникальными вариантами и системой записи ответов, критерии оценки и рекомендации экспертов по выполнению заданий устной части. Все файлы доступны из интерактивного меню. На большинстве компьютеров меню запускается автоматически при вставлении диска в дисковод. Если этого не произошло, вы легко можете запустить меню сами двойным щелчком по файлу ‘autpnm.exe’, содержащемся на диске. Технологии подготовки к Ь ГЭ по английскому языку 1Щ Установка программы-тренажера TEST RECORDER (§►) Рекомендации экспертов и варианты (Ц) Критерии устной части ЕГЭ (§►) Помощь Приработе с программой вам потребуются микрофон и наушники или колонки с подключением к звуковой карте вашего компьютера. Работа с диском не требует никаких дополнительных программ и оптимизирована под все актуальные на данный момент версии Microsoft Windows ®. В случае возникновения технических вопросов вы можете обратиться к разделу «Помощь» в меню диска или связаться с разработчиком по e-mail testrecorder@vandex.ru. 33 Тексты для подготовки устных и письменных высказываний Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ EDUCATION Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world Nelson Mandela Education plays a paramount role in the modem technological life. It is a key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs and succeed in life. Education gives us knowledge of the world around. It introduces us to different cultures, religions and thought processes that we may never be exposed to otherwise. Education helps build social, problem-solving, decision-making and creative thinking skills. Education cultivates us into mature individuals capable of planning for the future and taking the right decisions in life. It makes us self-confident and develops our abilities to think, analyse, and judge. The information we are constantly bombarded with, cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Being educated is the most important thing not only for success in one's life, the better educated population plays an important role in making a nation more successful and well rounded. Schools and other educational institutions define the basic framework of education. Schooling gives us the fundamentals. We specialise in fields of our interest during degree courses. Educational systems vary in different countries, but the general structure is about the same everywhere. The whole education is divided into three institutions such as the primary education, secondary education and higher secondary education. Before going to primary school, some kids attend kindergartens or pre-schools. Our education usually begins with primary or elementary school at the age of 6 or 7. In most countries, it is compulsory for children to get a primary and secondary education. Primary and secondary schools together comprise 11 years of study. The boundary between primary and secondary education varies from country to country. In Russia, children go to secondary school at the age of 10 or 11. Depending on the system, schools for this period or a part of it may be called gymnasia, lyceums, middle schools or colleges. Children can attend either state or public (private) schools. In some countries, children also get the possibility of homeschooling or online schools where teaching and learning take place outside a traditional school building. The purpose of secondary education can be to give common knowledge in many different school subjects, to prepare for either higher education or vocational training. To go to a higher educational institution, all applicants are required to pass the State exam on the subjects they choose and then submit the results to the appropriate institution where they will be considered for the enrolment. Higher secondary education or post-secondary education is the non-compulsory educational level following the completion of secondary education. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide higher education. I study at Academic Gymnasium № 56 which is located in Petrogradskiy district. Our school is the biggest school in St. Petersburg as it consists of 5 buildings and contains more than 2500 students and more than 300 teachers. It has been twice awarded the prize as the best school in Russia as it is wellknown for its high standards in education, long-lasting traditions, qualified teachers and well-equipped classes. Except for the wide range of subjects and educational profiles, we have a lot of extracurricular activities such as sport clubs, drama clubs, dancing and singing studios. What I especially like about my school is......... My favourite subjects are because......... 34 о STUDENT CARD Givea 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic Remember to talk about: • • • • “E d u c a t i o n ”. The role of education in our life The stages of the educational system in Russia The place you study Whether you have any favourite subjects and why Answer the question: Do you think it is essential to have higher education nowadays? Why/ why not? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD classroom canteen gym school yard hall or auditorium offices library computer lab cloakroom principal / headmaster recess dormitory / hall of residence term WORD academic \ non-academic graduate curriculum assignment qualify / qualification co-educational revision cheat take \ pass \ fail \ resit an exam literacy illiterate primary (elementary) education higher (tertiary) education attend classes meet \ miss deadlines tuition fee DEFINITION a room in a school where lessons take place, may be specialised for certain subjects, such as laboratory classrooms for science education and workshops for industrial arts education a cafeteria, dining hall where students eat lunch and often breakfast and snacks an athletic field, playground and/or track place where students participate in sports or physical education practice an all-purpose playfield typically in elementary schools a place where student theatrical and musical productions can be staged and where all-school events such as assemblies are held rooms where the administrative work of the school is done a place where students ask librarians reference questions, check out books and magazines and often use computers a place where computer-based work is done and the Internet accessed a place where students leave their coats or other outwear someone who is in charge of a school the break time between classes a large building at a college or university where students live two or more divisions in the school year EXAMPLE I am inclined to believe that schools should concentrate on teaching students the academic subjects that will be useful for their future career besides helping the graduates to find better jobs, a university can do much more than that schools must ensure they have an excellent curriculum assignment can be a beneficial tool to help students apply certain concepts that they have learnt good qualifications are really important if you want to get a well-paid job co-educational schools prepare students for their future better than single-sex schools the revision and exam period will inevitably involve stress cheating on tests often results in students losing interest in the classes which they choose to cheat in It is true that some students are successful in resits just by reflecting hard on what went wrong and changing their study habits literacy rates have declined considerably in western countries over the last decade many children in the poorest countries are illiterate good primary education is crucial for a child's development 60% of children now go into higher education after they finish school in my school, students need to attend classes six times a week even though you are unlikely to suffer personally for missing the deadline, others may suffer tuition fees are usually less if you take a distance learning course. However, you have to be very motivated 35 to play truant bachelor's / master’s degree schedule eager beaver face-to-face classes compulsory \ voluntary uniform full-fledged o most of students play truant because of negative peer influence; they follow their friends who skip school master's degree is often important to find a job with high salary distance learning is more flexible than traditional education because students do not have to attend classes and can schedule their timetables as they want my friend is an eager beaver, he studies everything with pleasure and gets great marks nowadays a myriad of educational establishments offer online courses and individual tuition as an alternative to face-to-face classes the benefits brought about by compulsory education are beneficial and is a vital factor in the society's development although requiring students to wear school uniforms may violate their self-expression in some ways, a uniform is supposed to be looked upon as a positive thing the role of school cannot be underestimated when we talk about children as full-fledged members of society ________________________________________________________ VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Put each o f the following words in its correct space in the sentences below approach dean tolerance boarding school day school motivation skills issues headmaster 1. Reading and writing are two of the which are considered to be the most important to life. 2. The Parent-Teacher Association meets monthly to discuss____________________ concerning the school. 3. A complex subject is best taught using a simple____________________ 4. Miss Dean has so m uch____________________ that she can handle even the most difficult students. 5. Teaching a subject in a lively, interesting way increases a student’s ____________________ to learn. 6. T h e____________________ of the arts faculty used to beth e of a primary school. 7. When I went to the____________________ I only saw my parents during the holidays, but now that I go to the____________________ I see them every night. 2. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct space in the passage below state primary secondary private seminar tutorial academic co-educational compulsory graduate grant lecture fees terms nursery school degree break up When children are two or three years old, they sometimes go to a , where they learn simple games and songs. Their first real school is called____________________ school. In Britain children start their school at the age of five. The____________________ year in Britain begins in September and is divided into three_____________ . Schools____________________ for the summer holiday in July.____________________ education begins at the age of about eleven, and most schools at this level are , which means boys and girls study together in the same classes. In Britain education i s from 5 to 16 years of age, but many children choose to remain at school for another two or three years after 16 to take higher exams. Most children go to ___________________ schools, which are maintained by the government or local education authorities, but some children attend____________________ schools which can be very expensive. University courses normally last three years and then students____________________ which means they receive their____________________. At university, teaching is b y ____________________ (an individual lesson between a teacher and one or two students),____________________ (a class of students discussing a subject with a teacher),____________________(when a teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students) and of course private study. Most people who receive a university place are given a by the government to pay their_____________________and living expenses. 36 3. Look at the list o f qualities below. Which, in your opinion, are the most important ones needed to be a good teacher? A good teacher should: speak clearly establish a friendly relationship with students have a lot of confidence in front of a large group understand student’s individual needs encourage students to be creative keep tight control of a group of students give students a lot of praise and support attend refresher courses regularly spend time preparing lessons thoroughly punish students who do not work hard enough Make sentences using phrases expressing personal opinion (In my opinion, to my way of thinking, I believe...) 4. Put each of the following words in its correct space in the sentences below cloakroom lab private school art room canteen comprehensive school 1. It is necessary to pay school fees in order to go to a ____________________, whereas a ____________________ is run by the state and therefore is free. 2. Today in the____________________they had my favourite meal: steak and chips. 3. You should put your hats, scarves and coats in the___________________ 4. John nearly blew up the science____________________ last week when he mixed the wrong chemicals together. 5. The walls of the____________________ are covered in pictures which have been painted by the pupils. o WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. Young rebel Stephen Murray’s teenage years were difficult. He never managed to gain the ____________________(approve) of his teachers at school. He ignored repeated warnings to change his attitude or be expelled. He was widely considered a n ____________________ (intelligence) pupil wasting his opportunities b y ____________________(behave) in class. His parents received regular ____________________(complain) about their son but in spite of their own experience of Stephen’s ____________________(rebel) behaviour, it was their belief that the school was as much to blame as Stephen was for the____________________ (understand) that arose from time to time. They reacted angrily to any____________________(suggest) that the boy’s ____________________ (bring) was in any way____________________ (respond) for Stephen’s lack of discipline. 2. School then and now Parents and teachers are always making____________________ (compare) between the time when they w ere____________________(child) and the present_____________________ (generate). They say everything was better than it is today, especially in ____________________(educate). For example, they say they used to work much____________________ (hard) in school, and that nowadays, we aren’t very interested. I ____________________(agree), because we spend hours every day doing homework after our lessons or '________________ (revise) for ____________________ (examine). I wonder if our parents really had to study so much after school every day. In my opinion, it is n o (exaggerate) to say we have forgotten how to play. I think one reason why kids (behave) in class is because they need to get rid of stress. 37 3. Teaching children at home It is compulsory for children to have an education, but you may find i t ____________________ (surprise) that the teaching doesn’t always have to take place in the school building. As long as they have the ____________________ (necessity) paper (qualify), parents themselves can teach their children at home. They may make th e ____________________ (decide) to do this because they are____________________ (happy) with a particular school, or because they feel that they have more (know) of their own child’s needs than teachers at school. However, there may be _____________________ (criticise) of parents who make this ____________________(choose) because some people feel that children who are taught at home find it difficult to mix (social) with young people of their own age. However, ___________________ (support) of the idea disagree with this. They think it is a better way of teaching children what is really important. 4. Is it never too late to learn? My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been____________________ (successful) so far and I am wondering whether I am simply____________________ (able) to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not____________________ (patient) and neither I am ____________________ (intelligent), so why have I found it almost____________________ (possible) to leam more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is ____________________ (adequate) beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is____________________ (satisfy) to say the least. I suspect I sound very____________________ (polite), too. Recently I met a Cuban tourist in a cafe and ____________________(fortune), I must have said something____________________ (appropriate) because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table. 5. In a class of your own Like any form o f (educate), the self-taught course has its advantages as well as its ____________________ (draw). On the one hand, you are_____________________ (autonomy); no classroom, no timetable and so no risk of getting a bad ____________________ (attend) record. You are able to study at your own pace; at home, in the car or wherever your Walkman takes you. On the other hand, can you really trust yourself to b e ____________________ (suffice) motivated without some form of external stimulus? I procrastinated____________________ (dread) before beginning my first Spanish course. I made coffee, did domestic chores that were anything b u t___________________ (press); I even watched daytime television. However, once I got started, I found the course surprisingly engaging. The multimedia formats, colourful textbooks and____________________ (imagine) teaching methods all drew me into the excitement of learning a new language. Of course, if your aim i s ____________________ (expert) in the language, nothing can beat actually going to the country concerned. Round-the-clock____________________(immerse) is clearly always going to be more effective than the odd half hour with a set of tapes. But that odd half hour will give you an (value) head start when you step out onto the streets. 6. How to learn vocabulary Students are under enormous ____________________ (press) to leam huge amounts of vocabulary but they are rarely given____________________ (guide) as to how to go about it. They have ____________________ (tend) to try and leam long lists by heart, but this is hardly the most ____________________ (efficiency) approach to the problem. The golden rule is to do lots of ____________________(revise) at regular intervals. Secondly, students should concentrate on words with the highest (frequent), particularly everyday words which also improve the students’ spoken _____________________ (fluent). They also should take every ____________________ (opportune) to use the words in communication - there is considerable ____________________ (psychology) evidence that learners who like using foreign languages improve their oral____________________ (perform). 38 о WRITING Ознакомьтесь с правилами написания личного письма (см. раздел Рекомендации по написанию письма личного характера) и выполните задание 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Jenny, your English pen-friend. ... I am getting ready for my А-levels at the moment. IPs rather difficult for me to remember all the necessary facts and figures. And when do you have exams in Russia? Do you find it easy to revise? Do you study at night? And another thing! My parents say you could come and visit us in summer. Would you like to? I have to go now as I have loads o f homework to do. Drop me a line when you can. • • write back to Jenny answering her questions ask 3 questions about your trip to England Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. o GUIDED WRITING Ознакомьтесь с правилами написания сочинения с элементами рассуждения (см. раздел Рекомендации по написанию сочинения «Мое мнение») и выполните задания 40 1. Study the ides about getting higher education; agree or disagree with them and add your own ones • It is better to continue education to get necessary knowledge for our future profession. • It is better to start working right after leaving school to find out what your interests are to choose your future career. • If you start working right after school, you will become independent of your parents quicker. • At university, you will be able to make good friends who share your interests. • • • ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Use the arguments above to complete composition on the following topic jT Getting university education is essentialfor everyone after leaving school. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position 39 PARAGRAPH 1 Some Manyroads are open for school-leavers therefore it is not easy for them to make the right choice. students claim that __________________ However, others believe that PARAGRAPH 2 In my opinion, (2-3аргумента с подтверждениями или примерами) PARAGRAPH 3 On the other hand, some people argue that (противоположная точка зрения с аргументами) PARAGRAPH 4 I disagree with the above idea(s) because (объяснить, почему не согласен с идеями из параграфа 3, подтвердить аргументами, не повторяющими параграф 2) PARAGRAPH 5 Taking everything into consideration, there are two points o f view on getting higher education. To my way o f thinking,_______________________________________________________________ Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. Getting marks does not motivate students to study. 2. Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad. 3. Learners themselves should be responsible for their learning results. 40 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF THE WORLD Human use, population, and technology have reached that certain stage where mother Earth no longer accepts our presence with silence Dalai Lama XIV Nowadays the humanity faces a great number of various problems. The scientific and technological progress has changed the life on our planet, and as a result, our natural resources are exhausted, the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed, many thousands of species are at risk of disappearing forever, pollution threatens everything alive. However, the environmental problems are not the only ones. Every year thousands of people suffer or even die because of wars of annihilation, terrorist attacks. different diseases, natural disasters, social problems (poverty, unemployment, corruption, famine. overpopulation) and in different terrible accidents (airplane crashes, shipwrecks, explosions). Today’s rapid changes have made countries more interdependent than ever before, shrinking the world into a global village. As the world grows smaller, events in any area have a more significant impact on other parts of the world. National borders do not limit the effects of pollution or environmental destruction. Even poverty in some areas affects other areas because of migration and its impact on the world economy. There is no doubt that the environment is in trouble. The first problem is pollution of air, water and soil. Industry and motor vehicle exhausts are the number one pollutants. Factories bum fossil fuels which produce acid rain, and this kills trees. At the same time, greenhouse gases rise into the air, cause holes in the ozone layer and contribute to global warming which threatens to melt the polar ice cap. Cars pump out toxic emissions which we all have to breathe in posing a threat to the quality of life and public health. Human activity is leading to the extinction of species and habitats and loss of biodiversity. The population of the planet is reaching unsustainable levels as it faces shortage of resources like water, fuel and food. To address the problem, individuals can improve recycling and waste disposal; they also can volunteer to clean up shorelines and nearby public locations. Under the governmental control businesses should reduce the number of chemicals and other waste they put into the air, soil and water supplies. Globally, people must take efforts to shift to renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, biogas. Biodiversity loss can be controlled if we protect animals in danger by law, open more natural reserves and stop deforestation, introduce harsher punishment for poachers and raise public awareness about endangered species. Scientists say that recent extreme weather is due to global warming. Bad weather threatens our homes and even our life. One of the worst weather hazards is the storm known as a hurricane or cyclone. Another terrible thing is a tornado. It is extremely difficult to forecast where they are likely to strike. People also suffer from earthquakes, floods, drought and avalanches. In recent decades, international terrorism has become one of the main concerns. Repeated deadly terror attacks result in public fear and the sense of insecurity. Lately, other forms of terrorism such as "suicide terrorism" and bombing have become a real threat. Genuine and effective international cooperation is essential to fight terrorism. There are also diseases that still cannot be cured. One of them is AIDS. This devastating disease strikes the body’s immune system. Millions of people have already died of AIDS. Other examples of incurable diseases are different forms of cancer and heart disorders. To overcome this problem we need further progress in science and personal responsibility. We have the time, the money and even the technology to repair the damage. We can prevent tragedies if the government hires responsible specialists who do not overlook human or computer errors, look after the buildings, roads and transport, keep nature under a strong control and develop an ability to resist any terrorist activity. It is important for everyone to be involved. Every individual is more or less directly concerned with the problems of the world. The best hope for the survival of society thus lies in thousands of small, wise decisions by millions of ordinary people a's they realise what is happening. We must recognise that the possibilities of positive change reside in the motivations and the values that determine our behaviour as individuals - the behaviour of nations and societies ultimately reflects that of their responsible citizens. 41 Study the list o f environmental issues. Which one/ones do you consider to be the most serious, why? Loss of biodiversity Deforestation Ozone layer depletion Urban sprawl Genetic engineering Air, water, soil pollution Global warming Overpopulation Natural resource depletion Climate change It is believed that every person can help contribute to a more environmentally conscious andfriendly place to live. Think o f five steps which can be taken to become more environmentally friendly (vocabulary and word formation exercises can help you): 1. At home:___________________________________________________ 2. In the street:____________________________________________________ 3. In your neighbourhood: __ 4 . _________________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________ o STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “GlobalProblems o f the World”. Remember to talk about: • • • • What global problems of the world are and what causes them Threats to the environment and protection of the environment The measures which should be taken to survive If you personally do anything to help the planet Answer the question. Are there any ecological problems in the area where you live? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD developing countries the industrialised world the global economy cooperation local \ national \ domestic shortage homeless / homelessness aid \ charity nuclear survive / survivor / survival casualty refuge / refugee spread EXAMPLE poverty is still an issue in many developing countries it is the responsibility of the industrialised world to provide financial support one feature of the global economy is that countries are affected by economic problems in other parts of the world a lot of problems require international cooperation just because they reach beyond the borders of any one country if we are to find a solution to world poverty, it is necessary to look for domestic solutions and not just international aid drought is one of the most common causes of food shortages in the world homelessness is a growing problem in cities all over the world. In addition, there is the problem of poor housing foreign aid might encourage a mentality of welfare, expecting everything to be given, promoting dependence, without any effort to resolve the problem permanently while virtually the whole world stands against the development and use of nuclear weapons, attitudes vary when it comes to the development and use of nuclear energy in certain regions, diseases are killing people at such a massive rate that it even questions human survival in some settings terrorism continues to destroy the lives of people all over the world, with an ever-increasing number of casualties of the many global issues that occupy international political decision-makers, the world refugee problem is perhaps the most complex along with international trade and travel comes the risk of spreading infectious diseases, a growing problem in today's global economy 42 break out / outbreak suffer (from) prevent / prevention conserve energy dump \ reduce (industrial) waste litter / trash / rubbish chemicals and fertilisers carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide contaminate disaster / disastrous consequence cope with prevent о the UN has often been called upon to prevent disputes from escalating into war or to help restore peace when armed conflict breaks out millions of people suffer from health issues caused by infections, poor living conditions and a lack of access to basic health services all countries must have free and timely access to the technologies needed to prevent natural disasters without energy conservation, the world will deplete its natural resources a greater emphasis on energy efficiency and reducing waste would undoubtedly mean that less fuel is consumed whether the litter is intentional or unintentional, large or small, it can drastically affect the environment for years to come in many parts of the world, the quality of the water is not good because rivers have been contaminated by chemicals and fertilisers the root cause of much global warming is the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere water has been contaminated by the release of toxic chemicals into the rivers it is not an exaggeration to say that the effects of global warming are disastrous the effects of our use of fossil fuels today may last for generations, and it is almost certain to have long-term consequences for humanity global cooperation is necessary as only international bodies will be able to cope with climate change the only way to prevent a disaster is to reduce harmful emissions to zero VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Fillin the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box earthquake floods refugees emergency famine aid drought charity disease injuries 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The crops have failed again and is widespread. The latest San Francisco measured 4.5 on the Richter scale. In case o f____________________break the glass and push the button. Half a million____________________have now crossed the border in an attempt to find food. I never give to ___________________ I think it should be the government’s responsibility. The present government has given more in ____________________ to needy countries than any other in living memory. 7. Many children have sufferedterrible____________________ as a result of the fighting. 8. A n ew _________________hasbeen discovered which causes partial blindness and skin problems. 9. There has been a ____________________ in certain parts of the country due to the lack of rain. 10. There has been so much rain that some rivers have burst their banks and there have been____________________. 2. Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with the correct words clean endangered climate irreparable global community alleviating hunger shortages poverty line warming renewable harming homeless margins welfare fossil Jim: If I'm elected, my number one priority will b e ____________ poverty. A large portio of our country's population lives below the________________ . My opponent, on the other hand, wants to cut funding for the_________________ program and leave millions of people without help. George: I believe it is a mistake to focus on our country alone; we must remember that we are part of a _________ _______ . Opening up more_________________shelters is not a long-term solution to help those on th e _________________ of society. However, investing i n _________________ energy will enable us to grow our economy without_________________ the environment. This will benefit our country and our world. Jim: That's a noble goal, but we have more pressing problems. I seriously doubt our citizens who are dying o f _________________care about protecting__________________ species and preventing 43 global . Plus, it's not scientifically proven that humans can even cause _________________damage to the planet. George: Don't you see that the two issues are related? Due to _________________ change, the rain patterns have changed and our agricultural sector is not as strong as it once was. This results in food_________________. It's only going to get worse unless we end our dependence on _________________fuels and start using______________ ’___resources. 3. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below water cycle conserve suffer from deforestation biodiversity used up windmill recycle pesticides abuses carbon dioxide protect 1. There is a growing concern over the protection of species habitat and____________________. 2. The earth's resources are being____________________at an alarming rate. 3. The greenhouse effect is an increase in the amount o f____________________ and other gases in the atmosphere which is believed to be the cause of a gradual warming of the surface of the Earth. 4. The energy generated by the is both very efficient and clean. 5. There have been many reports about____________________ which is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest. 6. The Japanese____________________more than half their waste paper. 7. We’re not doing enough to ____________________ the environment from pollution. 8. Terrible____________________ to the environment have been headlined on TV and in the press. 9. Scientific farming produces crops that are grown without____________________. 10. Our cities air pollution. 11. The is made of the process of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. 12. Everyone should leam to ____________________ energy. Using lamps only when needed is a good way to do this. o WORDF ORMATION____________________________________ ______ Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. Problems in a global context It is no exaggeration to say that the world has become a global village. Modem methods of (communicate) have made the world much smaller and the problems we face such as ______________ (pollute) are not restricted to one country. T h e (destroy) of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone’s problem and the______________ (starve) which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. T h e______________ (extinct) of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and th e ______________ (exhaust) of oil supplies will shake the ______________ (found) of the world’s economy. The______________ (protect) of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However, uncontrolled economic ____________ (compete) between strong and weak nations leads to creation of great______________(equal) between the rich and poor nations of the world. 2. Madagascar hit by a cyclone The island of Madagascar was in a state of to ta l______________ (devastate) yesterday after hurricane Geralda wrecked millions of dollars worth of land and property over two-day period. The island was lashed b y ______________ (torrent) rain and winds of up to 350 km per hour. Seventy people were killed and 500,000 were le ft______________ (home). In the city of Toamasina alone, 80,000 people lost their homes. The main______________ (commerce) port of the island was almost destroyed and 70 per cent of the island’s farmland was completely______________ (flood). There were ______________ (heartbreak) scenes as people returned to the mins that were once their homes. Hurricanes gather speed and______________ (strong) over water, and Geralda travelled over a large area of water before it hit the island of Madagascar. This is part of the reason why the storm struck so ______________ (severe). 44 3. Environmental protection Nowadays more and more people are worried about our environment.______________ (journal) discuss these problems on the pages of their newspapers. Scientists hold special conferences in order to find a ______________ (solve) and make the right______________(decide) how to help our planet. If we want to continue living happily on our planet, we should understand the ______________(important) of environmental protection. First of all, we ought to find an opportunity to reduce the amount of air pollution and build special water______________(treat) facilities. We must also stop_____________ (lawful) killing of birds and animals and we should not destroy their natural habitats in order to build homes or to make farmlands. Finally, we m ust______________ (sure) the safety of nuclear power plants as nuclear accidents have______________(disaster) consequences. If we do not take any action now, the life on our planet may end______________(tragic). 4. Future of our planet These days it i s _________________(possible) to open a newspaper without reading about the damage we are doing to the environment. The earth is being________________ (threat) and the future looks bad. What can each of us do? We cannot clean up our_________________ (pollution) rivers and seas overnight. Nor can we stop th e _________________ (appear) of plants and animals. However, we can stop adding to the problem while _________________ (science) search for answers, and laws are passed in nature's _________________(defend). It may not be easy to change your lifestyle_____________ (complete) but some step easy to take: cut down the amount o f _________________ (drive) you do, or use as little plastic as possible. It is also easy to save energy, which also reduces________________ (house) bills. We must all make a personal_________________ (decide) to work for the future of our planet if we want to _________________(sure) a better world for our grandchildren. О WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Tom, your English pen-friend. ...My auntlives in Arkansas, and last week her house was ruined by a tornado. What do you think are the most horrible natural disasters, why? Which o f them are typical o f the place where you live? What can people do to protect themselves from them? Soon I'm going on vacation, and I can't decide what books to take with me... Write back to Tom. In your letter • • answer all his questions ask 3 questions about his favourite books Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 45 40 Argumentative composition Global environmental issues are the responsibility o f rich nations. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Zoos have no useful purpose. People will never conquer the nature. Man-made climate change poses a real threat to human life. It is useless to change one’s personal lifestyle to save the environment. Nature should be fully exploited for human betterment. 46 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ THE INTERNET The Internet is becoming the town square fo r the global village o f tomorrow Bill Gates The Internet is so far one of the greatest inventions of all time. We are using it almost every now and then. In a way, it has revolutionised the development and face of the world. The global recognition of the Internet marked a new beginning - the beginning of the Information Age. The Internet has proven to be very useful and has come with lots of advantages. To start with, the Internet has made it easy for people to communicate with others because it is cheap and convenient. Diverse chat and messenger services have helped people from geographically segmented countries to interact and share ideas. The Internet acts as a common global platform where people explore various cultures without limitation. Moreover, the Internet is swamped with information about anything and everything. Multiple search engines have made it easier for Internet users to find information. It is now common for people to look for free advice from the Internet on all sorts of issues. People can also get the latest news, breakthroughs in all domains of science and even research publications at the click of a mouse. The Internet also provides surfers with tools for fast information sharing. One cannot imagine a social life without VKontakte, Facebook or Twitter. These portals have become our means to stay connected with friends and family and keep in touch with the latest happenings in the world. Social networking enables us to connect with like-minded individuals and become a part of interesting groups and communities. In addition, the Internet has become a source of entertainment for millions of people around the world. Finding the latest updates about celebrities and exploring lifestyle websites have become day-today activities of many Internet consumers. Internet gaming is a huge business and allows enthusiastic gamers to compete against each other in online games. Last but not least, people can also shop online. There are many online stores and sites that can be used to look for products as well as buy them using a credit card. Customers do not need to leave their houses and can do all their shopping from the convenience of their homes. A variety of other services and options is also available through the Internet including booking tickets or hotel reservations. Thanks to numerous monetary services, we can perform all our financial transactions online. While the Internet has made life easier for people in many ways, it has also caused some problems for its users. Firstly, the use of the Internet for banking, social networking, or other services, often makes our personal information vulnerable to theft. Unscrupulous hackers can access our private data by using phishing software. Secondly, spam can be a problem. Spamming is the sending of unwanted and useless e-mails to random people. These e-mails are illegal and can cause frustration because they make it hard for people to access their e-mail accounts. Bots are used to bombard the inbox with endless advertisements. Luckily, most e-mail service providers have a security system to prevent spam e-mails from going to the inbox. The third thing to be mentioned is virus threat. A virus is a program, which disrupts the normal functioning of the computer system. Computers connected to the Internet are more prone to virus attacks, and they can end up crashing. Finally, some people spend more than their fair amount of time on the Internet. Internet addiction is an increasingly prevalent problem that affects a lot of people. It can have serious effects on the mental and emotional health of addicts, leaving them lonely, anxious, and depressed. With some medical help, people addicted to the Internet can overcome this challenge. All in all, today’s society is in the middle of a technological boom. The Internet is a very powerful tool. Its advantages far outweigh the disadvantages and millions of people each day benefit from using the Internet for work and for pleasure. However, internet surfers should always be conscious of the potential risks, as doing so helps them stay more secure. 47 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic Remember to say: • • • • “The The reasons why the Internet is important for the contemporary society About advantages of the Internet About disadvantages of the Internet About your attitude to the Internet Answer the question: What do you mainly use the Internet for? О USEFUL VOCABULARY EXAMPLE WORD innovation / innovative the cloud is one of the latest innovations in computer technology advance one major advance is in the use of computers in transport regulation develop / development it is not easy to predict how this technology is going to develop progress the 21st century has already seen considerable progress in computer technology revolution / revolutionary / revolutionise it is undeniable that computers have revolutionised our lives change it goes without saying that the computer revolution has changed all our lives affect / effect generally speaking, most technology has had a beneficial effect on our lives influence / influential few inventions have had a greater influence on mankind than the computer impact it remains to be seen what the long-term impact of this technology will be cutting-edge one such cutting-edge innovation is the concept of the cloud state-of-the-art it is not always, however, necessary to have the latest state-of-the-art technology modern modern technology has changed the way in which we lead our lives and communicate with one another advanced more advanced technology is not always the best high-tech an example of this is how some high-tech solutions are less reliable than the technology they replaced outdated the pace of change in the computer industry means that both software and hardware can become outdated within the space of 2 years technology / technological one of the disadvantages for consumers of modem technology is that it rapidly becomes obsolete technophobe \ technophile there are a minority of people who remain technophobes and do not have computers and do not know how to surf the Net computer technology / ICT nowadays one of the core subjects on any school’s curriculum is ICT, and it is essential for school-leavers to be computer literate digital native young people have an advantage by being digital natives and having grown up with laptops and mobile phones computer literate / literacy it is now almost impossible to work in an office if you are not computer literate installation installation of the new anti-virus software takes only several minutes cyber exploring the cyber world has become the favourite pastime of the young access mobile access to the Internet is common among teens, and the cell phone has become an especially important access point for certain groups 48 о VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Puteach o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below bookmarks address bar crashed viruses clicked upgraded hyperlinks broadband 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. hardware upload firewall download Type the website in the____________________ at the top of the screen. My computer is protected against_____________________. I'm going to _____________________ my photos of the wedding to my website. I save my favourite sites in m y_____________________. I’v e my e-mail to the newest version. I _____________________ the button to enter the website. The______________________help you to move quickly around the website. I often______________________ music from the Internet. My brother's bedroom is full of computer_____________________ . My stops viruses from reaching my computer. Unfortunately I had to stop work when my computer_______________ My internet connection is faster with_____________________. 2. Choose the best word to complete the sentences cutting-edge digital native internet connection outdated e-books ICT technophobes 1. Sometimes simpler forms of technology are more effective than_________________ solutions that can be less reliable. 2. One difficulty for consumers is that if they invest in new technology, it may quickly become _________________or obsolete. 3. Given the importance of computer literacy in the modem world,_________________ should be compulsory in all schools. 4. The _________________ generation has a considerable advantage people from an older generation who sometimes find it difficult to adapt to new technologies. 5. Not everyone, however, is equally enthusiastic about these advances and some _________________even refuse to own a mobile phone. 6. One example of how new technology can harm more traditional industries is the negative impact _________________are having on old-fashioned publishing. 7. Progress can be seen by how in just 20 years most people expect to have a(n) _________________and are disappointed if it is not broadband. o WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. Computers that play games Computers have had th e ______________ (able) to play chess for many years now, and their ______________ (perform) in games against the best players in the world has shown steady ___________ • (improve). However, it will be years before the designers of computer games machines can beat their______________(big) challenge yet - the ancient board game called Go. The playing area is_____________ (consider) larger than in chess and there are far more pieces, so that the ______________(combine) of moves is almost_______________ (end). The game involves planning so many moves ahead that even th e ______________ (impress) calculations of the fastest modem computers are______________(sufficient) to deal with the problems of the game. In a recent______________ (compete) for computer Go machines, the best machine beat all its computer rivals, but lost_____________ (heavy) to three young schoolchildren, so there is obviously still a lot of work to do! 49 2. Computer games To get an idea of the ____________ (art) and technical skill that goes into a computer game, you only need to visit the Los Angeles studio of Electronic Arts, the world’s largest and most ______________ (influence) gamemaker. The firm’s ______________ (create) team have just started work on the latest version of one of their most popular games. As you enter the building, you see a(n) ______________ (impress) display of photographs that help you to imagine what the game’s particular look and style will be like. The______________ (develop) of the game will involve engineers, technical experts and______________ (music) and will cost more than $10 million. These days, there is a great deal o f (similar) between making a game and making a Hollywood movie, and it’s a big business. According t o ______________ (economy), Americans spend more than $70 billion on computer games each year, or in other words, they buy two games per household. Part of the ______________(explain) for the success of the games is th e _______________ (expect) rise in the number of adults who are buying them, not as gifts for teenagers, but for their own ______________(person) use. 3. E-mail There can’t be many people who are_____________ (aware) of e-mail, even if they have never actually sent one. Although there are some_____________ (similar) between e-mail and letters, there are also many differences. The first is that e-mail is delivered______________(instant), so it can be a very __________ (effect) means of communication when speed is important. This speed means that e-mail is more______________ (practice) for communicating over large distances. Another difference is that e-mail tends to b e ______________ (relative) informal. People are much more likely to use language which they would consider (suit) for a formal letter. Words spelled ______________ (correct) in an e-mail are less likely to be checked than in a letter. One ______________ (explain) for this is that an e-mail seems to be less permanent than something written on paper. We can be sure that the future______________ (develop) of e-mail will have all kinds of ______________(expect) effects on the way we communicate. 4. Staving safe online One of the most______________ (surprise) features of the computer age is the huge amount of time that young people spend communicating with each other. Whereas a generation ago children would go home after a ______________ (tire) day at school and watch TV, nowadays they are likely to do something much more______________ (society), such as chat online with their friends. Others exchange information on______________ (increase) popular social networking sites such as Facebook. What some parents find rather (worry), however, is the ease with which they can make online “friends” who they have never actually met. They are also ______________ (concern) about the amount of information that their children are so ______________(enthusiasm) putting onto these websites for anyone to see. Parents are right to b e (anxiety), but with many children spending hours a day online it is simply______________ (practice) for adults constantly to watch over them. All they can do is advise them to be extremely______________ (caution) about contact with strangers, and to warn that it i s ______________ (fool) and dangerous to put personal information such as their phone number or home address online. 50 о WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Barbara, your English pen-friend. ... What a happy day was yesterday! My parents bought me the laptop I had dreamt about. But today I've faced the problem that I can't use it for online purchases because I'm not sure that my Internet connection is secure. Do you prefer shopping in stores or online, and why? What do you do to protect у о urselffrom identity theft? What other online services are popular among Russian teens? By the way, next week we are preparing a concert for our teachers... • write back to Barbara answering all her questions • ask 3 questions about the concert Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. | 40 | Argumentative composition Some people claim that the Internet should be a subject o f government scrutiny. What is your opinion? Should the Internet be under governmental control? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Arguments that can help you: For: • • • • some issues can endanger national security we should use censorship to protect children from violent and inappropriate content some computer games involve killing people or committing crimes information spread on the Internet by irresponsible users can be harmful Against: • • • • censorship compromises freedom of speech and freedom of the press political parties around the world can use media censorship for their own benefit curiosity is human nature it is impossible for the government to control everything we see Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. The Internet is the biggest evil of our time. 2. In the future traditional shops will disappear and all shopping will be online with home delivery. 3. Digital literacy is the key to success in any occupation. 51 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ EATING O U T _______________________________ 4 A restaurant is a fantasy - a kind o f living fantasy in which dinners are the most important members o f the cast Warner LeRoy Over the past twenty years the number of people eating out on a regular basis has increased dramatically. There are several reasons for this. The first reason is that there have become much more available types of restaurant concepts and a variety of cuisines to choose from. However, the main and the most obvious reason to go out is a good feeling to be able to dress up, look good and be waited on with excellent food and service and not having to worry about cleaning up afterwards. You can celebrate different important occasions, meet friends, have dates, organise social events and business meetings or just go to eat if you are bored with cooking at home. Dining in ethnic restaurants can become an alternative that offers you the opportunity to sample something different which you never cook yourself. When you’re dining in a restaurant, the topics of conversation are endless. In some restaurants you can listen to live music and watch different performances. When planning to visit a restaurant consider the following: if you have a particular type of food in mind, what your price range is, if you are thinking of a formal or casual atmosphere. One of the hottest trends at the moment is which is slightly more upscale (and therefore more expensive) than fast food. Open kitchens are popular with fast-casual chains, where customers can see their food being prepared. Customers can order their food from a counter and serve themselves or be offered table service. Family or casual Шк.diningoffers moderately priced entrees from menus f classics cuisines, individualised with sauces or other toppings. Casual style restaurants offer tableside service and non-disposable dishes. Fine diningoffers the finest food, service and atmosphere. It is also the highest priced type of a restaurant you can visit. Fine dining restaurants are usually unique, even if they are owned by the same person or company. Usually, if you are going to visit such a restaurant, it is advisable to book a table in advance and tig after you pay the bill. Fast foodis the most familiar restaurant to young people. Fast food service attracts customers fo its speed, convenience, and low prices. Modem fast-food restaurants not only serve their regular greasy foods but also healthy alternatives such as different salads. Fast-food restaurants are usually global chains. However, there are a lot of people who claim that eating out is more complicated and stressful than it looks like. People spend time standing in the food queues, waiting for their meal to be cooked and finding an appropriate place to sit and serve their meal. The meal itself can be sometimes over-cooked toverdone) or under-cooked (underdone). The atmosphere in a restaurant can be far from relaxing and intimate with crying babies or noisy companies. Visiting a restaurant is usually more or much more expensive than just cooking at home. In addition, people find eating at home more nutritious and healthier because they can choose the best ingredients to cook which are usually lower in fat and calories and control the portions they get. To sum up, eating out at a restaurant is really good as long as it's completed in moderation. The problems arise when eating out turns into an everyday habit. Restaurant food is just not healthful and must in no way be regarded as one's only supply for meals. Uncover the balance and eating out turns into really worth it. 52 STUDENT CARD о Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ Remember to say: • • • • Eatingout”. Why people eat out Where you can eat out Disadvantages of eating out About your last visit to the restaurant Answer the question: What are the popular places for eating out in your city? Why? О USEFUL VOCABULARY EXAMPLE WORD dine in \ out dining out was once reserved for the wealthy or a special occasion, but not anymore eating habits a serious concern nowadays is how our eating habits can affect our health ' cuisine national cuisines are delicious and full of nutritious ingredients - but there are still some dietary pitfalls to watch out for speciality eating out in national restaurants people can try local specialities overeat you may be at higher risk of overeating in a full-service restaurant than when eating at home quality justifies the bill food in some restaurants may be quite expensive, but its quality justifies the bill chore many people consider cooking at home more of a chore than a pleasure take-away / takeaway some takeaways and restaurants now list calories on their menus, which lets you make a healthier choice ingredients besides the time an individual has to spend in the kitchen, cooking a meal also requires one to make a trip to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for the dish overpriced \ overrated some popular restaurants are overrated and have nothing to satisfy customers’ taste vegetarian nowadays there are a lot of vegetarian restaurants offering delicious, convenient, and affordable plant-based foods home-cooked food preparing home-cooked food is a good way to make a balanced meal grab a bite to eat conveniently, there is a fast-food restaurant on just about every street comer, which makes it easy to stop and grab a bite to eat beverage soft drinks aren’t the only beverages served in mega-sized containers: additive-packed smoothies, fat-filled shakes, and sugar-loaded coffees also come in these gigantic sizes fussy eater many people choose to eat out because it is convenient and suits even fussy eaters nutritional value nothing can beat home-cooked food when it comes to nutritional value or the closeness of a friend dinner in the comfort of one's home slap-up meal scientists associate eating a slap-up meal at a table-service restaurant with a higher energy intake as diners consume extra calories delicious some restaurants offer a delicious variety of meals, including foreign menus that we could not make at home on our own course ordering multiple courses in a restaurant can result in subconscious overeating recipe some families keep recipes of their own dishes one is unable to find in any fancy restaurant tuck into there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing people you love tucking into something you’ve cooked yourself 53 о VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Puteach o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage recipe cookery books fast food menu eat out take-away ingredients waiter bill snack tip dish I’m a terrible cook. I’ve tried hard but it’s no use. I’ve got lots o f , I choose a(n) _______________ I want to cook, I read the _______________, I prepare all the necessary _______________and follow the instructions. But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick_____________ _ . So I often . I don’t like grand restaurants. It’s not the expense; it’s just that I don’t feel at ease in them. First th e _______________ gives me a _______________which I can’t understand because it’s complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end of the meal when I pay the I never know how much to leave as a _______________. I prefer places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like places, where you buy a meal in a special container and take it home. 2. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage snack chefs recipes saucepans meal raw ingredients dishes cooker dairy Cookery books are usually written by famous _______________. These books are full of _______________, telling you how to cook different . They usually tell you what _______________ you need first. These might be meat, vegetables, or _______________products like milk and butter. Then, they tell you what equipment you need, such as _______________or bowls. When you’ve got everything, and you’ve turned the________________on, you just follow the instructions in the book. Anybody can cook! Whether it’s a complete _______________or just a _______________ , all you have to do is follow the advice of an expert. It’s easy with the right book. o WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. The ABC of cooking It's a _________________ (marvel) idea for children to do some cooking at an early age. Generally _________________(speak), most children can't wait to help in the__________________(prepare) of their meals. They should b e (courage) to do so, and care should be taken to _________________(sure) they enjoy the experience. It is important to show them how to do things _________________(correct) but they shouldn't be criticised too much. Although the finished result may not be quite to your (like), the young cook will undoubtedly find it quite the _________________(tasty) food he or she has ever eaten. Kitchens can, of course, be (danger) places and so the absolute _________________(important) of keeping an eye on children at all tines cannot be emphasised too _________________(heavy) - sharp knives, for example, should be avoided until children are old enough to handle them_________________ (safe). 2. Take-away food in Britain The fish and chip shop is the m ost_________________ (tradition) form of British take-away, a place which sells_________________ (afford) hot meals at lunch time and in the evening. However, the last thirty or forty years have seen the rapid spread of foreign fast food restaurants, and there are now few towns without Chinese, Indian and Italian restaurants, as well as many other __ 54 (vary) of food. Despite the constant_________________ (innovate), the concept is always the same: _________________(economy) meals to eat in or take-away for clients who don’t have the time or energy to cook for themselves. Restaurants such as McDonald’s pioneered the idea of fast food to be eaten whilst sitting down in the restaurant itself, and also developed ways o f_________________ (sure) their customers ate (quick) and left. Visitors to Britain are advised to try everything at least once,_________________ (special) the foods which are not common in their own countries. They are also warned not to make _________________(compare) with the food they eat at home; the pizza and pasta which is served in London, is very__________________(like) to be a s (taste) as the dishes available in Naples or Rome. 3. The origin of the potato crisps The potato crisp was the_________________ (invent) of George Crum, in 1853. He worked as a chef at a popular resort in the USA. One day a _________________ (custom) decided that he didn’t like the (thick) of his fried potatoes, and sent them back to the kitchen. Crum made some more, but the man _________________ (turn) these as well, making the same _________________(complain). Crum got angry and, hoping to annoy the man, he made a third batch which were much _________________ (thin) and could not be eaten with a fork. To his _________________(amaze) the man loved them - and so potato crisps were invented. Since then, their _________________(popular) has increased_________________ (drama), and they are eaten all over the world. But George Crum was_________________ (aware) at the time that his invention would cause great_________________ (confuse) in the future between the Americans (who call them chips) and the British (who call them crisps). 4. Coffee houses Coffee houses are a ________________ (special) of Viennese life. Each one serves a huge _________________(select) of exotic coffees, so you should consult the menu. The most popular coffee is Brauner, which is _________________ (similarity) to espresso. The waiters are ___________ (extreme) polite and must be spoken to _________________(respect). Most regular sit for hours over one cup of coffee and do not feel obliged to order further_________________(refresh). Tourists often cause_________________ (annoy) and are seen a s (invade) who try to strike up conversations. The Viennese do not go to coffee houses to b e _________________ (social); they go to be seen in public. Upon leaving, it isn’t _________________ (necessity) to leave a very large tip. T he_________________ (knowledge) coffee drinker usually rounds the bill up to the nearest schilling. o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Susie, your English pen-friend. ...As youare going to visit us soon I ’d like to kno What do you think o f fast food like McDonald’s? Do you think you could cook us some national dish for us? I have to finish now. Tomorrow my parents are coming home after their holidays, and I have to clean the flat. write back to Susie answering her questions, ask 3 questions about her parents’-holiday trip. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 55 о GUIDED WRITING 1) Readthe arguments about fast-food restaurants. What can you add? 2) Use the cues to write your composition For: • • • • • The service is quick and you don’t have to wait. The food is cheap, especially for young people. They are the same everywhere, so you know what to expect. The restaurants are usually clean and the waiters wear special uniforms. They do their best to attract children, they organise parties and it saves a lot of time for busy parents. _ • Against: • • • The food contains a lot of fat and all is placed in a bun —that is unhealthy. You don’t really sit down to eat. The food is the same everywhere you can’t order the dishes you enjoy or get used to. • 140 Argumentative composition Fast-food restaurants are the best places to eat in modern cities. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. Cooking food at home is a waste of time. 2. Eating out cannot be a hobby for a person. 3. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. 56 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ BOOKS A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading William Styron Reading is a crucial practice in contemporary life. Reading helps us to make ourselves better by educating our minds, enriching our knowledge, and exposing us to new and diverse ideas and perspectives, not to mention different lifestyles, concepts, and ways of being. This exposure to diversity and difference, in turn, helps us to understand better, not just ourselves, but the world around us. Reading is a trend that is slowly diminishing as other media that seem more attractive are taking its place. Several steps can be made to cultivate young people’s interest in reading. Firstly, parents can play their part in encouraging their children to read by setting an example. Parents can bring their children to a bookstore and allow them to browse on their own and select the books which genres are to their preference. Secondly, schools can play their part in fostering their students’ interest in reading by inviting famous authors to share their experiences of reading and writing with the students. Lastly, young people can encourage themselves by finding books that really grip them. Even if they are not literary masterpieces, they make teens want to read. If they have no idea on the specific books or a specific genre that they are interested in, they should ask their friends or teachers for recommendations. Nowadays libraries try to change their role in the modem society and again attract young readers under their roofs by making library space more interactive and familiar for children and teenagers. Some people still describe libraries as treasuries and protectors of the artistic and intellectual heritage. For others, libraries seem outdated in a world in which most, if not all, books in print exist digitally. As I see it, libraries are very useful institutions. To start with, it is not possible for everybody to purchase books on every subject. In the library people can read a large number of books at a very little cost or even no cost. In addition, libraries at schools and other educational establishments provide support for education as not all students are able financially to provide themselves with the required reference books and other sources of information. What is more, many modem libraries create electronic data archives which give access to an endless world of the intellectual heritage and are really easy to use. Audiobooks are popular with people who spend a lot of time in cars getting to work and being stuck in traffic jams. For some of them, it is the only opportunity to appreciate books in our hectic lifestyle. The advent of electronic publishing and the Internet means that much new information is not printed in paper books, but is made available online through a digital library, on CD-ROM, or in the form of e-books. Some people think that electronic books are great. You can store thousands of books on an e-reader, whereas paper books take up lots of space at home. Furthermore, you do not need to go to a bookshop because you can buy and receive books online instantly. On the other hand, printed books are still very popular. Some people prefer to hold a "real" book and like to touch paper pages. You can lend a favourite book to a friend, but you cannot borrow your friend’s e-reader for a couple of weeks. Besides, electronic books are quite expensive. Electronic books are undoubtedly a really useful invention. Many people use them, but they will not replace paper books in the future. No matter in which form you appreciate books, they are the building blocks for a better future. They foster the imagination, expand our understanding of the world, empower and comfort us, and fuel a lifelong love of learning. 57 о STUDENT CARD Give a2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “Books”. Remember to talk about: • • • • The role of books in our lives Libraries in modern society Advantages and disadvantages of e-books The book which is your favourite or which you have recently read Answer the question: Will, in your opinion, books continue to exist with the development of the Internet resources? Why/ why not? o USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD be engrossed in check out hardback (hardcover) \ paperback (softcover) read from cover to cover bedtime reading e-reader big reader heavy-going \ easy to read come highly recommended page-tumer setting put down flick through plot screen version / screen adaptation reading habit read silently \ incessantly \ greedily \ laboriously EXAMPLE good readers get engrossed in their reading and let it trigger their imagination libraries of the future could be places we go not to just check out books, but to check out each other - to participate, face-to-face, in cultural activities in a way we cannot do over the Internet hardcover books are made for durability. They are an excellent choice when it comes to reference texts. On the other hand, paperback books are great when you take them with you on public transportation today’s teenagers are not into reading books from cover to cover and prefer summaries scientific studies provide a good indication that people who want to do a little bedtime reading should stick to paper books, not e-readers while not printed on paper, many e-readers have been formulated to look just like the pages of a printed book even if you are not a big reader, you can always find some interesting, fun, engaging books that can help you develop your reading habit despite being at times heavy-going, reading classic works of literature gives us direct access to the creations of the finest minds of previous generations some books come highly recommended by our teachers to facilitate the process of studying perhaps the main reason people do not find "classics” to be a page-turner is that the language of the "old" authors is archaic science fiction writers use imaginary setting to identify problems in the real world some people have to finish every book they start reading. Others put down a book if they lose their interest or cannot become emotionally invested in the characters reading the whole text is much more effective for deeper understanding than just flickering through it people often say that there are only a certain number of basic plots in all of literature, and that any story is really just a variation on these plots the director is the creative force responsible for turning the words of the book into images on the screen. If he manages to do it successfully, the screen version is sure to come out not worse than the book it is based on the advent of new technologies has changed some of our reading habits reading can be a laborious process for small children there is a close correlation between the amount that a person reads and the extent to which he/she was encouraged to read at home as a child, as heavier readers tend to come from families where at least one parent was also a keen reader although ghostwriting has been historically accepted, it has been undergoing some criticism ghostwriter / ghostwriting recently that it is considered a form of plagiarism while blogs and online forums have opened the conversation to anyone with a keyboard and an Internet connection, professional critics fiercely guard their status as informed arbiters of literary criticism literature many people believe that watching television discourages reading encourage \ discourage absorbing; amusing; captivating; controversial; dense; depressing; delightful; disturbing; dull; fascinating; gripping; moralistic; obscene; outrageous; profound; whimsical; unputdownable avid / alert/ keen reader 58 о VOCABULARY EXERCISE 1. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below check out catalogue librarian due date late fees categories scanned card front desk borrow directories You don't have to buy books. You can go the library and_____________________ books for a specified amount of time. If you want to use the library resources and take books home with you, you have to get a library _____________________. If you want to borrow a book, you have to (it) _____________________ from the library. A person who works at a library is called a _____________________. Whenever you borrow a book, you are given a _____________________ . This is the date that specifies when the book must be returned. Libraries are organised and separated into various _____________________. Some books are put into the non-fiction section and others are separated into fiction sections. A card _____________________ is an alphabetical list of books. Librarians separate books according to category and title in this type of system. When you find the books you want, you have to go to the _____________________ in order to have the ISBN bar codes _____________________for you. Then, you can take it home with you for a period of time. Microfiche and microfilm systems are archival library________________ . In fact, specialised machines are needed to read the archival information. When you borrow a book from the library, you have to return it on time. If you don't, you will have to pay_____________________. o WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. A popular writer Emma Harte, in Barbara Taylor Bradford's novel, was a poor (lone) girl who became the_____________________ (wealth) owner of an international chain of stores. Like the woman she writes about, Ms. Bradford is beautiful and (ambition). She left school at sixteen and became a _____________________ (journal). After twenty-three years of this work, she made th e (decide) to start writing novels. She is now one of the most_____________________ (high) -paid novelists in the world. Was Emma Harte's story based on Ms. Bradford's own _____________________ (credit) successful life? “I'm afraid not,” she said w ith_____________________ (amuse). “My life has been quite different from Emma Harte's. She w as_____________________(luck) to be bom into a poor family. I came from a middle-class home and I'm _____________________ (happy) married to a rich American film producer. The only thing I share with my heroine is her___________________ (able) to work hard.” 2. Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray were the most (signify) novelists of the Victorian Era as well as the greatest realists of England. They _____________________ (skill) combined serious criticism of life with _____________________ (imagine) presentation of characters. They influenced the development of the realistic novel in many other countries as well. (doubt), they were inspired by the social problems of the times and did a lot to reform the society. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was bom in a suburb of Portsmouth, where his father held a clerkship in the office. He spent his youth in London where he had to submit to a life of great _____________________ (hard). His father being_____________________ (prison) for debt, the boy was, for a time, a packer in a blacking warehouse. The boy’s education was mainly achieved by _____________________ (extend) reading and keen observation of people and thing s around him. Before long he wrote short_____________________ (describe) essays on the London scenes familiar to him. In Dickens's greatest masterpieces, the novelist's satire is transformed into a sweeping _____________________ (indict) of the whole system, of the very_____________________ (found) English society rests upon. 59 3. Tennessee Williams Tennessee Williams was bom in 1914 and spent his (child) in ___________(east) Mississippi. His real name was Thomas Lanier Williams, but like many people in th e ___________ (pursue) of fame, he adopted a pen-name. During h is______________ (young) he worked in various _____________(occupy) including a period as a shoe salesman. However, it was of course as a ________ (drama) that he becamefamous. His best work was based on the (live) of southern American society with its pretence of well-mannered and (elegance) behaviour. His most famous_____________(achieve) include “A Street Car Named Desire” and “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’. Both display a __________ _ (combine) of social awareness and emotional tension. Many____________(success) films have been made, based on his plays. 4. The Hunger Games Author Suzanne Collins says that th e (inspire) to write “The Hunger Games” came from channel surfing on television. She saw people__________________ (compete) on a ____________________ (real) show and on another she saw footage of the ____________________ (invade) of Iraq. The two “began to blur in this very unsettling way”, and the idea for the book was formed. The Greek myth of Theseus served as the basis for the story, with Collins describing Katniss as a ___________________ (future) Theseus, and the ____________________(Rome) gladiatorial games formed the framework. The sense of ____________________(lose) that she developed from her father’s service in the Vietnam War also affected the story, whose____________________(hero) lost her father at age 11, five years before the story begins. Collins stated that the deaths of the young characters and other “dark ____________________(pass)” were the hardest parts of the book to write, but she had accepted them a s ____________________ (dispense) parts to the story. She considered the moments where Katniss reflects on happier moments in her past to be the more____________________(enjoy). О WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Mary, your English pen-friend. . . . I like summer because I can give as much time as I want to my hobby - reading. I know it sounds strange nowadays. Do you think that teenagers read less than their parents did and why? What kind o f books do you like reading? What book could you advise me to read? By the way, I am thinking o f joining our school’s Literature Club... • • Write back to Mary answering her questions Ask 3 questions about her school’s Literature Club Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 60 40 Argumentative composition Watching a screen version o f a book is much better than reading the book itself. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E-books will eventually make traditional books obsolete. Reading detective stories is a waste of time. Some people say that reading a book without illustrations is boring. The best books should be read more than once. Libraries will disappear in the future. 61 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ MONEY AND PURCHASING A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart Jonathan Swift "Money makes the world go round". "Money oils the wheels of the world". There are numerous sayings about money which all mean the same: we can’t live without money because we deal with it every day. We earn, make, win, lose, spend, waste, donate, inherit, borrow and lend money. Money provides the roof over our head and the food we eat. Beyond those basic needs, however, our individual money experiences can differ dramatically. The bigger difference is how we relate to money. While money is necessary, it doesn’t buy life satisfaction. Money is a tool. For some, life enjoyment and money are linked: for their entire lives, their financial well-being can drive their emotions, personality, and sense of self-worth. Much of our "money sense" comes from observation as a child - how our parents manage their money, how money is used by our families. Money messages can come from television shows, advertising, computer games, friends and acquaintances. Some people become "star-struck" about money, basing economic decisions on what other people own. The money supply of a country consists of currency: banknotes and coins and types of bank money (the balances held in savings accounts, and other types of bank accounts). In shops we usually pay tin) cash or by a credit or debit card outright. In case we want to buy something we can’t afford at the moment we can buy it on credit, but this time we should remember that we need to pay interest. If we want to return the item back to the shop and get a refund or exchange it, we should keep the receipt. Sometimes we can be offered a discount or a reduction on something we buy in the shop. For many people shopping is a nightmare: the crowds, the queues, walking from shop to shop just for something that matches their new outfit or for a special birthday present. The situation has changed greatly with the establishing of huge shopping centres or shopping malls as they are called in the USA. Shopping has become a sort of entertainment for the whole family. Numerous departments with clothes, shoes, perfume, furniture, electrical appliances and toys; restaurants and cafes; cinemas and discos; children’s playgrounds and sport centres provide a family weekend under one roof for all tastes and wallets. The Internet can be a great source for shoppers looking to expand their choices of products to buy and an invaluable way for saving money. While shopping online, it is very easy to do price comparisons for a given item. Online shopping does not restrict you geographically. Online stores are available twenty-four hours a day all year long. However, we should keep in mind that the additional shipping and delivery costs can make the overall cost of purchasing online much more expensive. Unlike retail stores. purchasing online will require some patience after we place our order. Some people are concerned about the potential security risks of storing and sharing of their personal data and credit card numbers with online retailers not always knowing if a site is legitimate and safe to shop. Not every teen can do online shopping as most of them don’t have a credit card or web money. While talking about teenagers and money, their first economic experience is dealing with pocket money - the money teenagers get from their parents or earn doing part-time jobs. Teens spend their pocket money on their own needs. Pocket money helps teach children and teenagers money management about having to make choices, saving up and waiting for things they want, in other words, to be more responsible and sensible. By working to earn money teens can learn about the value of things as well as the world of business. Letting children make a few mistakes is a part of a learning process. Some parents think that it is ok to put limits on what their children spend their money on while other parents give freedom to their children claiming that it makes children feel independent. Some parents pay their kids pocket money without expecting jobs to be done to earn it, while others expect pocket money to be paid for particular jobs around the house or good marks at school. As for my money management, I usually spend my pocket money on... 62 о STUDENT CARD ____ Give a2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ and Remember to talk about: • • • • ”. The role of money in our life Money and the ways of payment Shopping and online shopping Pocket money Answer the question: Should teenagers get part-time jobs? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD bank statement bankrupt borrow budget credit \ debit card currency debt withdraw bargain purchase receipt shop assistant income wage salary make ends meet luxury / luxurious shop (a)round window shopping profit waste of money wealth hard-earned taxpayers product / produce service retailer / retail outlet wholesaler / wholesale manufacturer / manufacture supplier / supply consumer EXAMPLE most people view bank statements online these days supermarket giants like Wal-Mart have sprawling global resources that make it possible for them to offer lower prices, as a result, small shops lose their customers and go bankrupt I believe that borrowing money from a friend could harm the relationship if s important to stick to your budget in order to save money nowadays, most people pay for daily expenses using a debit card the introduction of a single currency for many separate countries presents a number of advantages and disadvantages for the participating nations too much debt can ruin your life mobile money is gaining popularity nowadays as people do not need to make long lines to withdraw some people hate it when the sales are on and crowds of people are trying to snap up a bargain purchasing things that we do not need is a habit that makes us greedy and imprudent the warranty or guarantee could be on your receipt, in an e-mail or given to you as a separate leaflet shop assistants who try to give you the hard sell when all you want to do is look around can be very annoying low-income earners are unable to afford things and may turn to crime to get money art time jobs tend to pay hourly wages many companies have a policy against discussing salaries with your colleagues more and more people are finding it difficult to make ends meet these days people are becoming more consumptive and materialistic these days, as many of them purchase luxurious goods or things that they do not really need by going shopping round you will be able to forget the things which burden you the term “window shopping” was bom when shopping established itself as a free time activity companies should not be run with the sole aim of maximising profit; they have a wider role to play in society smoking cigarettes is bad for your health and a waste of money in my opinion, people spend too much time focusing on wealth the best way to feel good about any purchase is if it’s been made with hard-earned money it's not right to waste taxpayers’ money on projects that benefit those who are already wealthy one reason why supermarkets are popular is that they have a far greater range of products than high street shops in many industrialised countries the market is dominated by the service industry many smaller retailers are being put out of business by the trend for out of town hypermarkets one possible economy would be to buy in bulk from wholesalers a sensible suggestion would be to require that manufacturers should be banned from building any new factories hear urban areas in this day and age, it is also important to consider how many companies use the Internet to supply goods and services perhaps there should be more legislation to protect the rights of the consumer 63 о WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. Public finance The _________________ (govern) collects money from citizens through taxes. _________________ (come) tax is the tax collected on wages and salaries. _________________ (inherit) tax is collected on what people inherit from others. Customs have to be paid on goods _________________(import) from other countries. VAT or value added tax is a tax paid on most goods and _________________ (serve) when they are bought or purchased. Companies pay _________________(corporate) tax on their profits. If you pay too much tax, you should be given some money back, a tax rebate. 2. Part-time jobs for students It is important that_________________(adolescence) leam that money doesn’t grow on trees that they have to earn it._________________(type) and obvious part-time jobs for teenagers in the USA and the UK include _________________ (work) in a fast-food restaurant, working as a shop _________________(assist) or stacking shelves at a (market). However, for many teenagers there are a _________________ (vary) of problems associated with getting a job. You may not be old enough, you may lack (rely) transportation. You may not have time available or a regular enough schedule. You might b e _________________(able) to find a job in your _________________ (enjoy) area. But the benefits from a part-time job can be great. 3. The origin of plastic payment cards In 1954, Stanley Dashew’s company was facing serious _________________ (finance) difficulties. With a large tax bill to pay and a _________________ (supply) demanding immediate payment, it looked_________________(like) to meet its next payroll. However, not only did the California-based Dashew business machines survive its cash-flow crisis, it went on to bring the world one of the banking sector's m ost (endure) successful innovations: the embossed plastic card. At the time, most everyday consumer_________________ (transact) were settled in cash, whilst larger payments involved the use of handwritten cheques. Although charge cards were already in _________________ (exist) these were paper-based, and so_________________(easy) tom or defaced. At the time, Dashew business machines was making data-imprinting equipment for the US government and Stanley saw a possible new_________________(apply) of the existing technology. He developed a machine that could emboss a plastic bank card with the account holder's name and other details, a technological_________________(break) which was to lead directly to the development of the world’s first credit card. 4. Market economy Society has to find some way what, how, and for whom to produce._________________ (west) economies rely heavily on markets and prices to allocate resources between uses. A market is a set of (arrange) by which buyers and sellers are in contact to exchange goods and services. There are different kinds of markets. But they perform the same_________________ (type) function. They determine prices that ensure that the quantity people wish to buy equals the quantity people wish to sell. Price and quantity cannot be considered_________________ (separate). The essential feature of a model of a _________________ (economy) market are demand, the behaviour of buyers, and supply, the behaviour of sellers. The _________________ (interact) of these forces demonstrates how a market works in _________________ (practical). 5. Superlative vacuum cleaners We all know how_________________(exhaust) housework can be and sweeping the carpet must be one of the m ost_________________(tire) o f (house) chores. We think we have come up with a _________________(solve) to backbreaking carpet cleaning - our new range of 64 state-of-the-art vacuum_________________ (clean) provide a quick and_________________ (effect) answer to dust, however deeply ingrained. We would be happy to send you _________________ (inform) about our new vacuum cleaners. Our leaflets contain a complete _________________ (describe) of the latest models, and if you would like a _________________ (demonstrate) of how they work why not to take up our free_________________ (try) offer today with n o _________________ (oblige) to buy. Just send off the form below or ring us on 101 243679 now. О WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Andrea, your English pen-friend. ...My Dad often complains that I spend too much money on shopping. To tell you the truth, I like to buy beautiful things and spend all my pocket money on small souvenirs. What do you spend your pocket money on? What do your parents think o f the way you spend it? Do you have to "earn "your pocket money in any way or do your parents just give it to you? ...Unfortunately, my mum has fallen • • write back to Andrea answering all her questions ask 3 questions about her mother's health Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 40 Argumentative composition Wealth and material possessions are the keys to happiness and success in life. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one of the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. The best things in life are free. 2. Shopping makes people feel better. 3. Shopping cannot be regarded as entertainment. 65 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS Technology is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other Charles Percy Snow The impact of technology on society is undeniable. Technology and science have played a central role in human history and help shape entire civilisations. The XXI century seems to have intensified the impact of technology on society. Genetic engineering, nanotechnology. 3D printing, wireless powered devices, augmented reality and artificial intelligence are among the many new technologies we are witnessing today. There is no doubt that nowadays technology has a huge impact on the way we communicate, live and work. Science is everywhere in today’s world. It is a part of our daily lives, from cooking and gardening, to recycling and comprehending the daily weather report, to reading a map and using a computer. We cannot escape the significance of science in our world. Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people. All the developments mentioned above are but the results, the outcomes of this intellectual activity. Science and technology have revolutionised our way of life. To start with, industrial societies heavily rely on technological progress. We can feed a fast-growing world population thanks to the continuous innovation in production techniques. New inventions help foster the production, storage, treatment and transportation of goods. Moreover, modem technologies made information easily accessible. People can now work from home and collaborate with teams located in other towns, countries or even continents. News of events cross the globe in seconds. Furthermore, technology has allowed humans to travel faster and trade goods all over the world. Thanks to technology, we can have holidays in remote locations. Last but not least, thanks to new technologies, alternative forms of entertainment and art have developed during the last century. Photography, radio, movies, television shows, music and video games occupy a central spot in people's lives. Science has minimised our hardship and has increased pleasures and comfort. Now it cures our maladies, shortens distances and helps us understand mysteries of nature. However, every medal has its reverse. Nowadays we realise that the rapid scientific progress has aroused a number of global problems. Firstly, it has given birth to destructive weapons. Technology has given us atomic bombs, nuclear weapons, drones, and so on. The threat of their abuse and misuse is not only limited to physical warfare but also biological one. Weaponisation of viruses could create a serious security threat. Secondly, scientific and technological progress threatens nature. Different kinds of pollution, holes in the ozone layer, acid rains and greenhouse effect are the result of it. A lot of inventions are harmful for our environment and the future of our generation. Thirdly, human cloning technology is a reality and in addition to some obvious advantages, can bring some risks. Human cloning will be difficult to regulate and will bring concerns regarding its interference with nature and religious beliefs. Finally, scientific experimentation might create enormous dangers for society. Risky experiments may go wrong. Researchers are currently mutating microorganisms in order to find cures to diseases. By accident these diseases could escape the laboratory and spread. Experiments with particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider, also entail some serious risks. All in all, what we must do is to make sure that the positive effects of scientific progress are encouraged and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible. I think that by means of science it is feasible to find harmless technologies, produce environmentally friendly products and develop alternative sources of energy. However, solutions to these problems need further research and greater investment in science. 66 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “Scientificand Technological Remember to talk about: • • • • ”. The role of scientific and technological progress in our life Benefits that science and technology have brought Possible threats of scientific and technological progress What can be done to find the right balance between the technological progress and the safety of life Answer the question: Can you think of anything you would like to see invented that will make your life easier? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD experiment gene genetic engineering / modification Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) clone geoengineering theory hypothesis (pi. hypotheses) phenomenon (pi. phenomena) paradigm breakthrough research / researcher benefit (from) significant / significance О EXAMPLE scientists are conducting experiments to test the effectiveness of the new drug doctors think genes are an important factor in personality development some plants have been genetically engineered to be resistant to herbicides. However, there is evidence that genetically modified food is harmful to humans most commercialised GMO crop plants are insect resistant and herbicide tolerant I believe that cloning humans is unethical controlling the weather by geoengineering is a possible solution to climate change, but it is controversial both scientific laws and scientific theories could be shown to be wrong at some time if there are data to suggest so nowadays scientists are constantly proposing new hypotheses that could add new dimensions to their debate the current phenomenon of deforestation should be of serious concern to scientists although paradigms are helpful in many ways, the very nature of a paradigm can slow or even keep valuable information from being accepted. It is hard for people set in their ways to accept an idea that is completely different as science is more concerned with confirming already established theories due to breakthroughs in medical science and improved diets, people are living much longer than in the past undertaking scientific research is imperative if countries want to progress and compete in a globalised world society has greatly benefited from technological advancements not all of history’s most significant scientists were college graduates when they began their works VOCABULARY EXERCISE 1. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below sponsorship technologically improvements dependent experiments saving commercially automation curiosity findings conditioned rational devices for our homes. on machines like computers. advanced as the USA. 1. Technology provides us with many labour2. We are becoming quite 3. Not every country is as 67 4. Improvements in the science o f ____________________ have resulted in factories almost completely run by robots. 5. Science has always depended o n ____________________to determine if theories are really correct. 6. There have been huge____________________ in our lives as a result of scientific developments. 7. T he__________ of scientists in California have changed the way we think about space and the stars. 8. Scientists believe that there must be a(n) explanation for everything. 9. Our behaviour is by our environment. We change to suit the place we are living in. 10. Most successful scientific laboratories receive____________________ from companies and governments. 11. It takes many years of development before new hi-tech products can become ____________________ successful. 12. One of the most important qualities for any scientist is ____________________. o WORD FORMATION Use the wordgiven to form a word that fits each space 1. Working in Science Many people are attracted to a career as a (science) and it can certainly be very rewarding. Finding (solve) to problems that affect people’s lives can be very ____________________ (create) and give you a real sense of____________________ (achieve). If you are one of the lucky ones, you might even come up with something that i s ___________________ (benefit) to large numbers of people around the world. At the same time, though, it’s important to realise that success in science demands____________________(dedicate) and a lot of hard work. Behind every great (discover) lie long hour of work in the laboratory, not to mention years o f ______________ (expense)education.It'sa b ig (invest) of time and money, but the chance to be involved in the latest (develop) makes it worthwhile. 2. The microwave oven One of the m ost __________________(use) and convenient of all our domestic appliances is the microwave oven. Its (able) to heat and cook food fast has made it an indispensable item for busy people with little time to cook, and the well-equipped kitchen would be (complete) without one. The person to thank for this modem cooking miracle is (invent) Percy LeBaron Spencer, who produced the ‘Radarange’ oven for industrial use in 1947. Eight years____________________(late), in 1955, the first domestic microwave made its ____________________ (appear). This rather bulky contraption needed both an ____________________(electric) and a plumber to install it and was the same size as a fridge. At over $1,000, it was not an immediate success. It wasn't until 1967, when the countertop model became widely available, that sales started to show a n ____________________ (improve) as the microwave grew in ____________________ (popular). It went on, of course, to become a common feature in ____________________(west) homes. 3. A technological nightmare I had a really____________________ (dread) weekend last month. In forty-eight hours, almost every____________________ (electric) appliance in the house broke down. The computer was first. A message appeared saying “Disk____________________ (fail)” and I just had to switch it off and call the (technical) for help. Next was the washing machine. I heard a terrible noise like a n (explode) and when I went to check, the laundry was full of smoke. I managed to (plug) the machine just before it caught fire. 68 ____________________(believe) as it may seem, the fridge stopped working the same day. It started to ____________________(frost) itself for no reason and there was water all over the kitchen floor. By then I was a ____________________(nerve) wreck, so I decided to lie down for a while. I was just falling ____________________ (sleep) when my electric toothbrush started buzzing ____________________(loud). Somehow it had switched itself on! WRITING О 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Mark, your English-speaking friend, who writes: ... Nextweek we’re presenting orally the results of our individual projects in scie My project is good, but I hate oral assessment in general and afraid I won present my project well. Do you have projects? How often do your teachers ask you to make projects in different subjects? What do you prefer: written reports or oral presentations, and why? As for the latest news, my elder brother Tom has entered university... • • Write back to Mark answering his questions Ask 3 questions about his brother Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing 40 Argumentative composition Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Technological progress makes societies less human. Advances in science are impossible without taking risks. Scientific progress cannot be made without performing experiments on animals. Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past. The more technology improves, the lazier and weaker humans will become. 69 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ FRIENDSHIP AND FRIENDS_____________________ A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow William Shakespeare People say that friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend who has known you forever is a treasure. A real friend is incredibly hard to find. If we try to define what a friend is, it will be not an easy task. A dictionary defines a friend as a person who you know and like very much and enjoy spending time with. But what about people who, for example, study together and spend most of their time sharing the same activities at school sometimes for several years. Can we call them friends or are they just classmates? Or the other situation, when people were friends for ages at school or university and then have not seen each other for 10 years. Are they still friends? Since childhood, people socialise by interacting with a great number of individuals. Kids are likely to befriend someone similar, who is often of the same sex, age and ethnicity and shares similar interests, social skills and sometimes academic achievement. Similarity attracts as children may enjoy the same activities in the positive emotional environment. With ageing, friendships become more complex and meaningful. Adolescents typically spend more time with their peers than they do with their parents, siblings or other social contacts. Therefore, friends dramatically influence many aspects of a teenager’s life. Teens try to copy their friends’ behaviour, manners, learning attitude and not always this influence benefits a person. At school children and teenagers usually have one or two "best friends" who they consider to be the most close and reliable ones, and they also have a wide circle of other friends - 20-30 is not uncommon. The main reasons for this are time and shared experience. Adults usually say they have one or two close friends - those who they can always rely on in difficult times and the others are just acquaintances or colleagues. In adulthood, as people grow up and go away, friendships are the relationships most likely to take a hit. People tend to lose the sense of a shared interest when their former friends start working in different fields or spending time in different ways. Nowadays many people claim that the development of social networking sites allow people to make friends easier and to keep close relationships for years. However, psychologists insist that social networking is a very controversial thing as it may create an illusion of a real friendship leading to stress and offline relationship problems, and decreasing face-to-face communication skills. Successful friendship requires both people in the relationship to feel the same way about the other person. We are often surrounded by ‘fair-weather friends’, people who you consider to be your friends but prove themselves not to be when things get tough. Therefore, the most important thing about friendship is to find a person who will stay ‘in need’ with you and will support you in the most difficult period of life. If you have a person to find pleasure in your joy and share sorrow in your grief, then you are really lucky. Quarrels The importance of close friendship especially during the teenage years is universal, but friendships do not always last - especially for children and teenagers. Sometimes friendships end in angry accusations and hurt feelings. Sometimes friends just drift apart over time. Perhaps the most painful end to a friendship is the one-sided rejection - one friend turns away or chooses someone else as a close friend, and the other child or a teenager is left feeling abandoned and wondering why things fell apart. The end of a friendship is often sad, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it is just an unavoidable result of teenagers growing up in different ways or at different rates. Sometimes certain pairs of children or teenagers tend to bring out the worst in each other, and they are better off finding new friends. Often the end of one friendship makes more room for other friendships to grow. 70 STUDENT CARD о Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ Remember to say: • • • • Friendshipand What a friend is What friends we meet during our life What the influence of social networks is What your friend is like, what he or she looks like, what you like doing together Answer the question: Why is it important to have the best friend? o USEFUL VOCABULARY EXAMPLE a true friend is an inseparable companion in any form of misfortune an acquaintance is not automatically considered a friend. Just because you know someone acquaintance does not mean there is an instant friendship good communication in office may be the start of a valuable friendship, but one has to be colleague careful before considering colleagues as friends getting together with a friend helps strengthen your friendship get together nowadays teens use a wide range of communication tools to get in touch with their friends get in touch with somebody although the Internet is a convenient means of communication, it should not be overused. Young people should participate in activities that allow them to socialise, make new friends socialise and maintain friendships a friend is someone who is tolerant and loyal and someone who deserves the same qualities loyal in return extroverts tend to have a wide circle of friends and put a lot of energy into those friendships extrovert \ introvert which are ‘current’ in today's busy, fast-paced world, fair-weather friendships are becoming more and more fair-weather friend common keypal friendship influences views on foreign culture, communicative abilities, and comfort keypal / pen-friend levels communicating with English speakers as years go by, school friends often drift apart drift apart a true friend is someone who is always there during the ups and downs ups and downs once you find the person you can trust with your life and all of your secrets, that is when you soulmate truly know you have more than just a best friend; you have a soulmate Hair / hairstyle: long, short, shoulder-length, cropped, curly, straight, wavy, brown, blond, permed, dyed; white, grey; thick, fine; unkempt, never a hair out of place; braid, ponytail, mohawk, fringe, bob, receding hairline, shaved, bald WORD companion Eyes: small, large, slanting, blue, green, hazel, almond-shaped Mouth: small, thin/full lips Nose: straight, crooked, hooked, broad, narrow, snub, bulbous Height: tall, of medium height, short B uild/ constitution: slim, slender, skinny, small-boned, well-built, wiry, muscular, stout, fat, plump, overweight, curvy Age: teenage, in one’s (early, mid, late) twenties, forties, old, middle-aged, a senior citizen Face / complexion: oval, square, round, heart-shaped, pointed, tanned, tawny, pale, fair, freckled, wrinkled Special features: dimples, scar, mole, limp, tattoo, high cheekbones, moustache, beard Virtuous characteristics, good-humoured, kind, communicative, sociable, friendly, modest, generous, attentive, thoughtful, earnest, sincere, enthusiastic, calm, quiet, self-possessed, honest, patient, sympathetic, respectable, intelligent, easy-going, devoted, loyal, courageous, industrious, hardworking, sweet, gentle Evil characteristics: unkind, reserved, uncommunicative, unsociable, haughty, arrogant, greedy, tactless, insincere, false, vulgar, double-faced, dispassionate, dishonest, cruel, intolerant, capricious, insensible, obstinate, stubborn, coarse, rude 71 о VOCABULARY EXERCISE 1. Puteach o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below unfriendly (x2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. o unfriendliness friendliness friendly friendless (x2) friendship (x2) Totally____________________, he wasn’t sure who he could turn to for help. The staff in the shop were and unhelpful. I won’t go there again. Their____________________dates back from their first year in school. The group always attracts lots of members because it is well known for its____________ Oh, it was a lovely, warm and _________________ place. Our is very important to me. I don’t want to lose it. I found that when I became the supervisor of the team, I was also I was shocked by how____________________people were when I first arrived. The people in the village were very distant. I was surprised by their___________ WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word thatfits each space 1. The perfect friend Because (friend) is one of the few kinds of relationship we have control over, it is a n (interest) area of research for sociologists. Although we can’t usually choose o u r_________________ (relate), bosses o r _________________ (teach), we can choose our friends. But how do we choose them, and why is it that we find some people’s _________________ (person) more_________________(attract) than others? We are all looking for similar qualities in our friends, such as________________ (honest), a good sense of humour and__________________ (kind). However, what each of us means by ‘a good sense of humour’, for example, i s _________________ (differ). We are all unique, and so the perfect friend for one person may seem a little _________________ (bore) to someone. 2. Acquaintance vs friend Who is your acquaintance and who is your friend?_________________(suppose), telling the difference is quite easy. However, there are still m any_________________ (divide) who easily get fooled by others that make them believe they are their real friends. T his_________________ (form) will guide you in distinguishing between a friend and an acquaintance. Firstly, you can measure the level of your_________________ (relate) with someone in terms of the depth of your (act). Deep_________________(communicate) doesn’t imply frequent. In fact, the truest of friends are those who, despite________________ (distant), still manage to catch up with each other_________________ (occasion) and talk as if time has not passed by. Secondly, with regard to th e ________________ (provide) of favours, a friend is someone who either asks for one, or gives favours. Acquaintances are those who ask one-sided favours from you, and almost nothing else just wishing to benefit the most from any_________________ (change). 3. A gifted friend M y_________________ (favour) composer is Chopin and I am fortunate enough to have a friend who is also a very gifted _________________ (piano). As a _________________ (profession) musician, she believes strongly that_________________ (music) ability is mostly something you leam, not a (character) that you are bom with. She thinks th at_________________ (industry) students can improve their ability enormously. I feel really_________________(envy) when I hear my friend perform and the ecstatic________________ (respond) that she gets from her audience at the end of a (perform). Both the public a n d _________________ (criticise) agree that she is one of the country's most talented (art). The huge amount of money she earns gives her the_________________(free) to do almost anything that she likes, which I, as a humble_________________ (poem), cannot compete with. 72 4. Making friends Everyone wants to have friends, but building up new _________________(relate) is not always easy. A few people are bom with outgoing _________________ (personal); they have a natural _________________(able) to make new friendswherever they go. However, not many people are ____________________ (complete) at ease in a room fullof strangers. Most of us feel_ (nerve) when we meet new people, and this can occasionally make us appear_________________ (friend) when in fact we are just shy. In any case, the_________________(develop) of new friendships is a gradual process - it doesn't just happen overnight. Long-standing friendships_________________ (general) have several things in common. The friends enjoy the same sorts of_________________ (act), and share similar beliefs and values, they are_________________(honestly) with one another, and have similar_________________ (expect). They_________________ (confidence) in each other, when they have problems. Friends never share a _________________(boredom) time with one another and are usually very _________________ (appreciation) of each other. It sometimes is _________________(appearance) that they are friends by their looks because some share a taste in clothes. Having a close friend helps you gain _________________ (strong) in terms of _________________(confide). In order to be a __________________ (truth) friend there are a few _________________(require) such a s________________ (tolerant) and_________________(assist). o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from your English pen-friend. ...I ’ve hadan argument with my best friend, Linda, and we are not talking other. I ’m really upset about it. Do you ever argue with your bestfriend? What kind o f things do you argue about? What do you think I should do to become friends with Linda again? Have you ever been in a similar situation? Anyway, I visited an interesting exhibition the other day... • • Write back to Christine answering her questions Ask 3 questions about the exhibition Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. [~40~ Argumentative composition Classmates make the best friends. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • make an introduction, (state the problem) • express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion • express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion • express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion • make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. It is better to make a present yourself than to buy it. 2. School friendship cannot last forever. 3. A person may have only one best friend. 4. Communication in social networks is only a substitute for real friendship. 73 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ TEENAGERS AND SPORTS Sports do not build character. They reveal it Heywood Broun Many parents neglect the importance of sports. They push their children to study and direct them towards money-making careers such as medicine and computer science. However, playing a sport is not a waste of time. It is a great extracurricular activity that can provide many benefits and keep teens away from many troubles. Firstly, sport minimises the risk of health problems. Teens that engage in regular physical activity are less likely to experience health problems. Not only will they stay fit, but it will drive them to pay more attention to their diets. More and more kids are becoming overweight. Joining a team sport will help a teen get out and get some exercise without feeling pressured to lose weight or get in shape. Moreover, athletes must also abide by strict health standard, and they are made aware that certain bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol can affect their performance. Secondly, sport keeps teens off the streets and virtual life. Teens who practice any type of sport are less likely to waste time on the streets where they can get into serious problems. By engaging in sports they cultivate healthy social connections and are less likely to adhere to dangerous entourages. What is more, with TV, movies, computers, and video games it has become so much easier for teens to be by themselves rather than going out with friends. Getting teenagers into a sport gives them an opportunity to go out and socialise. Thirdly, sport helps teenagers’ self-esteem. Most teenagers experience self-esteem problems, and practising a sport is a great accomplishment that helps their self-esteem, especially if teens participate in competitions. Seeing your name on the scoreboard and hearing the crowds cheering for you are positive reinforcements that will make any teen feel proud of themselves. Last, but not least, sport builds character in positive ways. Playing sports teenagers learn to cooperate with others, work together for a common goal, respond appropriately to victory and defeat, and grow in virtues like courage, humility, patience, and perseverance. Finally, sport provides positive identity. During their teen years, children are always looking to belong to a cool group or community. Being a part of a team, teens gain a sense of positive identity, and they are proud to represent their communities. Teen athletes also tend to be very popular among their peers, which can also improve their confidence. All things considered, playing sports has many benefits for all teenagers and parents as well. Parents should encourage their kids to play any sport. Although academic achievements are important, children need a way to unwind, and sports are the best way to do this. These days, it is becoming harder to show children that parents love and support them. A great way to do this is by showing up to their children’s games, helping them practise, cheering for them. These are also great ways to spend time with children and talk to them. Therefore, parents should participate in their children’s sport lives and be grateful that their children are engaged in a healthy activity instead of wasting their time on the streets or in social networks and virtual life. 74 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ Remember to talk about: • • • • Teenagersand ”. Why some parents neglect the importance of sports Health and social benefits of sport If a sport builds character Benefits of teens’ sport for parents Answer the question: Do you play any sport? If you do, in what ways does it help you? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD pitch court course track rink referee umpire WORD throw \ head \ pass \ hit \ kick \ catch a ball personal bests strenuous exercise treadmill opponent to experience the adrenaline rush to push oneself (to) mental \ physical limit intense emotions overcome fear live on the edge to be / get hooked on to pose a threat to extensive \ sufficient training injury (meet) safety standards measure outweigh DEFINITION an area for playing football, rugby, hockey and cricket an area for playing volleyball, basketball, tennis, squash and badminton an area for playing golf a piece of ground which athletes, cyclists, cars, or horses race around. It can also be used for skiing a specially prepared area with a smooth surface where people can skate an official in football, rugby and hockey an official in tennis, cricket and baseball EXAMPLE in addition to teaching a child important sports skills such as throwing, catching, dribbling, kicking, and aiming for a target, a ball play can give a child an introduction to sport and extracurricular activities some people might be driven to sports in order to excel; they want to set records or get personal bests people who aren’t used to physical activity should avoid strenuous exercise, so things like circuit training are definitely out of the question good treadmills provide an indoor workout experience as natural as the outdoors usually, when playing against stronger opponents, you can become better because you're learning the popularity of extreme sports has continued to grow steadily over the last decades as people all over the world have the possibility to express themselves in a new way and experience the adrenaline rush adventurers and risk-takers like pushing themselves to the limits of human endurance one of the reasons teenagers take part in sports is that they look for intense emotions sports help you overcome your fears and show that you are capable of doing much more than you’ve ever dreamt of some people oppose the idea of “living on the edge” due to the dangers and risks that come with adventurous sports sometimes, people get hooked on the buzz of the extreme without worrying about the harmful consequences they may face dangerous sports should be banned as they pose a threat to people's lives and health risky sports should be performed after sufficient training and under the supervision of professionals it is irrefutable that some sports can cause injury or even death to the individuals. However, banning such sports is not the answer the government should ensure that the companies or centres which provide the facilities for sports should meet the required, legal safety standards as a measure to preVent the hazards associated with extreme sports, a set of personal safety guidelines should be issued to all participants beforehand it all depends on each individual to decide whether the benefits of participation in extreme sports outweigh the potential negative costs 75 о 1. VOCABULARY EXERCISES Puteach o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below orientation climbing conquer adrenaline rush physical exertion daredevil caution risk-takers bare hands overcome safety A little____________________ moment never hurt anybody. At least, that is how some people would justify such moments of sheer . Outdoor sports are risky; at least the kind that requires contact with nature like jumping out of an airplane o r ____________________ dangerous cliffs. The risk that comes with such an extreme outdoor activity is just as great as the ____________________needed to complete such a task. Bungee jumping is a definite adrenalinerush due to the fact that you jump over a cliff as if you are free falling but with the knowledge of a ___________________ cable, that is attached to your body or legs. Sky diving is not only for ____________________, some people even do this to ____________________their fear of heights. Rock climbing is considered an extreme and risky sport because of the fact that you are trying to ____________________ the contours of the earth with ___________________ and raw upper and lower body strength. There are a lot more of extreme outdoor sports that can be dangerous, but risks are fun to take once in a while and definitely with____________________. Be attentive duringthe____________________ and listen to the instructor. 2. GO, PLA Y, DO collocate with the sports below. Fill in the table to make the correct collocations Cricket, rugby, horse-riding, ice skating, baseball, snorkelling, archery, water-skiing, parachuting, volleyball, weightlifting, motor racing, basketball, tennis, sailing, snowboarding, fishing, hang-gliding, surfing, football, cycling, badminton, diving, golf, skiing, hockey, water polo GO o WORD FORMATION PLAY DO __ _____________________ _______________ _____ 1. Use the word given to form a word that fits each space Adventure sports have increased greatly i n _________________ (popular) over the last few years. More and more people are looking fo r________________(excite), perhaps because they feel their lives are_____________ (interest). Take, for example, a man who sits in his office all day from Monday to Friday, but on Saturday he is a n __________________ (adventure) risk-taking hero who participates in the m ost______________(danger) of sports. Fie looks for th e ______________ (high) cliff to jump from, strapped in a hang glider harness, or he is one of the crew______________(race) down a river moving a t_____________(terrify) speeds. He is not difficult to recognise because he is the one who is often heard______________ (talk) about what he has been doing at the weekend. He is always looking for an unsuspecting_____________ (strange) to tell his stories to, and he is always looking for the next thing he can do, which he thinks people will b e (impress) by. 76 2. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form o f the words given in brackets Why are some people risk-takers? What makes them take part in _______________(danger) or even life-threatening activities? There are different_______________(explain) for this. Car racers love th e _______________(excite) of speed, while climbers get their thrill from ________________ (face) challenge of high mountains. Millions of years ago, when people faced danger daily, risk-taking was essential for_______________ (survive). Although living in today’s world is____________(easy) than it was in those days, perhaps that_______________ (base) instinct still remains. However, taking risks can become a very_______________(healthy) obsession. Some people can even become addicted to danger, and are unable to stop looking for it. It is also_______________(interest) that the majority of risk-takers seem to be men. Is this because men are more_______________(curiosity)? Or do women think twice about taking risks because they are more_______________ (sense)? 3. Use the word given to form a word that fits each space What makes extreme sports really ‘extreme’? The key word is risk - extreme sports all share an element of _______________ (dangerous) usually combined with acrobatic stunts. All these _______________(active) often involve speed, _______________ (high), a high level of physical exertion and highly_______________ (specialise) gear. In terms of dealing with the potential risks involved in these ‘extreme sports’, there a re _____________(vary) measures which can be taken to ________________(sure) that all controllable risks are reduced. The most obvious one is to ensure that these sports are carried out under the correct _______________ (supervise), by experienced and _______________ (qualify) personnel in a well-suited environment. All possible _______________(safe) precautions should be taken whenever necessary to guarantee the safety of both _______________(participate) and spectators. 4. Use the word given to form a word that fits each space Running is excellent exercise. Before you start running, you should warm up first, using slow _______________(move) that make all your muscles work. But b e _______________ (care)! If you stretch when your muscles are cold, you m ight_______________(injury) yourself. Always wear _______________(comfort) clothing and make sure your________________(train) are in good shape. If you wear shoes that give good support to your whole foot, you will p u t_______________ (little) pressure on your knees. You should start exercising______________ (slow), at a pace you can keep up for about 15-20 minutes. Try to exercise on soft ground as this will_______________(protection) your knees and hips from too much tension. 5. Fillin the spaces in the following text using a suitable form o f the words given in brackets Events like city marathons a re _______________(increase) popular. You don't have to be a _________________(compete) person to take part in (athlete), though you do need to be fairly (energy) and reasonably fit. You can build up fitness by jogging. It's not the _______________ (distant) that matters, but how long your jog for. You can improve your _______________(perform) gradually over a period of weeks. In _______________(prepare) for a long race like a marathon it's________________(necessity) to run more than a couple of kilometers most days. (success) marathon runners work on the (phychology) aspects of running long races. Mental _______________(strong) is just as important as being physically fit. 77 о WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Paul, your English pen-friend. ... At school we are doing projects on sports that are popular in different countries. Could you tell me about two kinds o f sports that are popular with Russian teenagers? Why are they popular? Do you have enough time for sportsduring your academic year? By the way, I am thinking o f joining our school drama club. Is that a good idea? • • write back to Paul answering his questions ask 3 questions about his school drama club Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 40 Argumentative composition Extreme sports help to build character. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your opinion Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Victory in a sporting competition is more important than honesty and health. Some people think that the government should prohibit dangerous sporting activities. Hosting an international sporting event brings more problems than benefits. Sports stars have an obligation to behave as role models for the young people. All children should play team sports. 78 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AND HEALTHY E A T I N G ___________ To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life William Londen You hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general, a healthy person does not smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthily and exercises. The trick to healthy living is making small changes... walking, adding fruit to your daily menu, having an extra glass of water... these are just a few ways you can start living healthy without drastic changes. First of all, you can regulate your diet and exercise. Doing sports on a regular basis has a number of positive effects. It can reduce the risk of heart disease, improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Exercising you lose weight, bum off calories and tone up vour muscles. However, working out too long, too often or with too much intensity can increase your risk for injury. In general, a physically fit person has a much greater chance of being mentally fit. You are able to process information faster. You are more alert and energetic. Your overall appearance becomes more admirable and respectful. Staying healthy also requires enough sleep. It is occasionally normal to go to bed late, but if you cut down on vour sleep regularly, it will have a bad effect on your overall health. It will also affect your appearance. Lack of sleep can cause acne or dry skin. Stay active during the day; if you do not get enough exercise during the day, you may end up sleepless all night. The next important part of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. People today are probably more concerned about food than ever before. Dieting (or being on a diet) does not mean that you should cut all your favourite foods, it just means eating sensibly. Eat a variety of foods from all food groups to get the nutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates) your body needs. Eating vitamin-rich food boosts immunity and fights illness-causing toxins. A proper diet reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes. In addition, eating sensibly means consuming fewer calories and more nutrient-dense foods, keeping weight in check. Wholesome meals give you more energy and help you look better, resulting in a self-esteem boost. It is all connected - when your body feels good you feel happier inside and out. Vegetarian lifestyle has become very popular today. Some people say that generally excluding meat, fish and chicken from their diet can offer many health benefits, as well as addressing environmental and ethical concerns they may have regarding eating animals. According to them, being a vegetarian benefits the body in many ways. Well-planned vegetarian diets are healthy and help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, aiding in the prevention of heart disease. Additionally, vegetarian food is fibre-rich which helps in weight loss and maintenance as it keeps you full for longer. Furthermore, fruit and vegetables, an integral part of this diet, provide the body with vital vitamins and minerals that promote general health, immunity and a glowing complexion. However, before making the switch to a meat-free lifestyle, it is good to get a sense of not only pros but cons as well. To start with, cutting out dairy, meat, fish, and poultry reduces your intake of vitamin В12 (necessary for nerve transmission), calcium (for strong bones, among other functions), iron (for blood), and zinc (for immunity). Besides, living in a big city may provide you with endless veggie options, while a small-town lifestyle may make it more difficult to find healthy substitutions for meat. Finally, you may have difficulty explaining your eating habits to family and friends. While it may seem that being a vegetarian is relatively mainstream, certain cultures leave little room for plant-based eaters. To be healthy, people should break their bad habits. It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Everyone should remember that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain. Besides, according to statistics most crimes are committed by people under the influence of drugs and alcohol. It is also important to consult doctors regularly, practice good hygiene and develop a positive attitude to life. On the whole, we must remember that moderation in eating and drinking, reasonable hours of studying, working and sleeping, regularity in exercise, recreation and rest and many other essentials lav the foundations for good health and long life. 79 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ Remember to say: • • • • H Lifestyle and Healthy If exercising and good sleep are important What healthy eating is If being a vegetarian is beneficial If avoiding bad habits is necessary Answer the question: What do you personally do to be healthy? О USEFUL VOCABULARY EXAMPLE WORD fast / junk food eating too much junk food can lead to health issues later in life nutrition / nutrient there is a clear connection between what people know about nutrition and their eating habits healthy \ poor \ special balanced diet trying to maintain a healthy diet while eating out can be very challenging, but it is possible if you are strategic about what you order ready meals as most customers do not have much time to cook, ready meals are people's priority to purchase healthy weight reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and can help you prevent and control many diseases overweight 70% of the population is now overweight according to official figures obesity / obese obesity is now a real problem for teenagers eating disorder bulimia and anorexia are types of eating disorder, both are becoming more common allergy allergies are becoming more common, and this could be connected to diet additive while additives can help make food last longer, look nicer and taste better, some people prefer to avoid them due to concerns about health vegetarian / vegetarianism in fact, it is just as easy to be an unhealthy vegetarian as it is to be an unhealthy omnivore fibre a diet that is high in fibre is important in order to maintain a healthy body regular regular physical exercise is important for good health diabetes diabetes is becoming much more widespread among children health education health education is very important if we are to prevent illness and reduce medical costs as fit as a fiddle if you want to be as fit as a fiddle, you ought to do some sport moderate nowadays people only care about delicious food but also balanced and moderate eating organic food most organic food simply tastes better than the pesticide-grown counterparts health-conscious mass media should bring more health knowledge to the people and make them more health­ conscious o VOCABULARY EXERCISES____________________________________________ 1. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below confidence exercise weight sensibly overweight regular used to extra diet I've always wanted to lose _________________, but mostly to boost my own ________________ , not just because of what other people have said. I no longer look at it as a _________________, I just think about eating_________________. Children and teenagers need to be taught that during your younger years dieting is not the answer to weight problems. A balanced diet and_________________ healthy exercise is the way to go. Dieting is stupid. M ore_________________ is better. I __________________be bullied, because I am a bit _________________. Now I'm trying really hard to lose the_________________pounds! 80 2. Complete the paragraph below using the correct form o f one of these verbs. go for cut out join put on get make cut down on If you want to stay healthy,_________________ sure you have a healthy diet. Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and salad and_________________salt, fat and processed sugar. And if you want to avoid _________________weight, it’s probably best to _________________ .junk food completely, because it contains all those things. And whatever your age, it’s important to _________________ enough exercise, so think about a gym, or_________________ a regular walk or run. o WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. Stress In today’s world people seem to be very_______________ (anxiety) and suffer from stress. This stress is often (harm), and people need to seek medical______________ (treat) in order to recover. However, a more_______________ (effect) solution is to leam to relax. This can be achieved through a (vary) of leisure _______________ (active) such as sport, reading, music or even gardening._______________(Emphasise) is placed on people spending time doing things that they enjoy, ultimate aim being_______________ (relax). Unfortunately, some people find this_______________ (possible) and therefore need to take drugs prescribed by their doctor. These drugs are called_______________ (tranquil). They calm people down, but can be dangerous if taken for long periods of time. Alternative methods are much better in terms o f_______________ (safe) and have no side effects. 2. Natural remedies that really work Just a few years ago, most of us wouldn’t consider taking echinacea or another herb to cure a cold or an_______________ (infect). Today many of us swear by the_______________(heal) properties of these herbs. _______________ (science) studies prove that such natural remedies are entering the mainstream of medicine. A _______________ (grow) number o f_______________ (physics) are now recommending alternative (treat) along with (tradition) therapies. Of course, for your own good health, never begin any_______________(herb) or vitamin therapy without the _______________ (direct) of a medical professional. To help you choose _______________(wise), we have selected some remedies that are backed up by a _______________ (stagger) amount of anecdotal evidence. So stock your shelves with these simple cures and have a _______________(health) lifestyle. 3. Staving healthy In today's hectic world people are always searching for more ways of keeping fit and _______________(health). Running is an excellent exercise for achieving this goal. Before you start, however, you should warm up and concentrate on slow (move) that make all your muscles work. But be careful! If you stretch when your muscles are cold, you might actually risk an _______________(injure). Always w ear_______________ (comfort) clothing and make sure your _______________(train) are in good shape. Wear good shoes that will put less_______________ (press) on your knees. Standing, sitting and walking badly can make you look ____________ (heavy) than you really are. Stand in front of the mirror with your feet apart._______________ (straight) out your legs and pull in your stomach. Check that your ears, shoulders, hips and knees are in line with each other. You should be feeling and looking better already! Most of us live in cities with a high_______________ (pollute) level. If we got more fresh air, we would look healthier and more_______________ (attract). A quick walk is one of the best things you can do for your_______________ (cirpulate) and looks. Walking slowlyis_______________ (use) but a quick pace gets more oxygen into your lungs. So don't just go for a pleasant walk, try and find a green area and get_______________ (move). Many young people feel_______________ (guilt) about eating too much chocolates and sweets, and some even admit a(n) (addict) to it. However, there is no______________ (prove) 81 to support this. But chocolate does contain a lot of fat, and addicts would do better to eat less. If your diet is balanced you need not feel guilty: eating chocolate (moderate) is fine but don't eat it instead of a proper meal. 4. Healthy diet In the past, any mother would be (pride) if her children were round and slightly fat. Those days are gone._______________ (research) have now reached th e _________________ (conclude) that too much fat and sugar in children’s diets are a major factor in th e _______________ (develop) of heart diseases and other_______________ (ill) when they are older. However, growing children need to eat a wide range of foods, and their health could b e _______________ (danger) by cutting out particular ones. Psychologists say that the_______________(solve) is not to change eating habits too fast, but to do i t __________(care), so that children do not lose muscle in addition to fat. Parents should present food a little_______________ (different), spread butter thinly and avoid putting sugar on the table. Children should also b e (courage) to take part in sports: this way they will be using calories that they have eaten. o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Andy, your English pen-friend. ... I ’mstarting to feel really unfit! Do you exercise a lot? How often do you exerci What should I do to get fit? I ’m thinking ofjoining a gym. Is that a good idea? What else can you recommend? We have two new classmates. They have just moved to our town... • • Write back to Andy answering his questions Ask 3 questions about his new classmates Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. | 40 Argumentative composition Modern lifestyle has made it harder for people to live a healthy life. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. Every child should attend school PE lessons. 2. Vegetarian diet is the only healthy way of eating. 3. Stress can ruin one’s life. 82 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ ART: PAINTINGS AND PAINTERS ______________ Art offers two great gifts o f emotion - the emotion o f recognition and the emotion o f escape. Both emotions take us out o f the boundaries o f self... Duncan Phillips People say that they need art as a way of understanding the world around them and a way of expressing their feelings and emotions. What is art? The answer to this question has been controversial for centuries. There are several different interpretations of what is considered to be a work of art. Some believe that anything and everything in the world is art, while others claim that it takes talent and creativity to produce a true masterpiece. Art can be a reflection of one's idea brought into the world through literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, drawing, music, dance, theatre, cinema, and many other ways. Art, in its broadest sense, is a form of communication. The purpose of works of art may be to communicate political, spiritual or philosophical ideas, to create a sense of beauty, to explore the nature of perception, or to generate strong emotions. Its purpose may also be seemingly nonexistent. People define different forms of art. Fine Art is made by artists and exhibited in art galleries and museums. Fine art may consist of paintings, sculptures, drawings, printmaking, photography, performance, installation, sound art, conceptual art, digital and video art and the decorative arts. Fine Art is also called the Visual Arts. Commercial Art includes advertising, graphic design, branding, logos, and book illustration and its purpose is to sell products, while fine art’s purpose is to be an aesthetic object to be appreciated for its fine and unique qualities. However, by the 1960s, the art movement known as Pop Art substituted and merged those diverse aims. The Pop artists such as Andy Warhol mass produced images using the tools of a commercial artist. The meaning of art is often culturally specific, shared among the members of a given society and dependent upon cultural context. Today many people argue if it is possible to call graffiti a work of art or it is just an act of vandalism. By definition, graffiti is "an action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property" and cities all over the world have passed laws with strict fines often accompanied by community service-hours that offenders spend cleaning up graffiti. There is a basic idea that a highly tagged neighbourhood has been overrun by criminals - or that it is simply an area of a city that is not worth caring about. While tags are probably the most popular forms which have little aesthetic appeal, graffiti is much more than that. Larger pieces require planning and imagination and contain artistic elements like colour and composition in each case making a statement and showing its rebellious spirit. Graffiti as a part of street culture is well-known for being provocative, appealing, bold and uncompromising. Like all other art forms, graffiti has experienced movements or changes in style. This is further proof that graffiti is a form of art and not just a result of random acts of vandalism. Probably the most prominent graffiti artist is Banksy, a famous pseudo-anonymous British artist whose works focus on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics. His art has appeared in cities around the world and even exhibited in famous art galleries. Recognition by the art world and inclusion in galleries and auctions is a way that graffiti art is legitimised as "real" art. Today, there are many urban art festivals around the world, created to promote street art everywhere and to encourage young creators to pursue their dreams. Many of them are cityfunded as well, with a scope of beautifying the environment with some extraordinary artworks. In cities like Stockholm you can find the world’s most famous legal graffiti walls areas, where tagging and writing are actually required. The vast majority of modem young people do not experience the arts. They get their culture from popular music, television, cinemas. Galleries and museums should be braver in mixing items from their collections with popular everyday items of mass culture. Moreover, sometimes even a graffiti piece of work may bring teens closer to the world of art. 83 A planfor the picture description: 1. The general effect (the title and the name of the artist; the time of the picture creation; genre; the general atmosphere or the theme of the picture) 2. The contents of the picture (place, time and setting) 3. The composition and colouring (background, what colours predominate in the picture; how the objects are located) 4. Interpretation (feelings and ideas the painting evokes in the viewers) Study the example o f a picture description The Mona Lisa is 16th-century oil painting created by the renowned Leonardo da Vinci. The name of the painting stems from the name of the woman in the portrait, Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy businessman in Florence. The work of art depicts an enigmatic woman gazing at the viewer, and it is said that if you move across the room while looking into her eyes, they will follow you. The Mona Lisa is a portrait. The dark colours of Mona's dress and hair in the foreground contrast with the lighter background landscape. The composition is triangular. Another important aspect of the work is the use of perspective, with all lines leading to a single vanishing point behind Mona Lisa's head. The woman's hands and face stand out because they are light and luminous which draws the viewer's eye around the painting, but always back to the face and hands. Mona Lisa’s facial expression - the direction of her eyes and the smile, are what creates the effect of intrigue and mystery. The world-famous art museums and galleries: Russia: The Hermitage, The State Russian Museum, The State Tretyakov gallery Great Britain: The National Gallery, Tate, The British Museum France: The Louvre Spain: The Prado (Madrid) Italy: the Uffizi Gallery (Florence), the Vatican Museums (Rome) The USA: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), The Smithsonian (Washington DC) STUDENT CARD_________________________________ ____ o Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic Remember to say: • • • • “A ”rt. What art is What types of art you know Whether graffiti is a piece of art What your favourite painting is Answer the question: Should children and teenagers have Art lessons at school? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD drawing painting landscape seascape cityscape still life genre painting fine arts visual art performing art performance art DEFINITION the art or skill of making pictures or plans with a pen or pencil the art or skill of making pictures or plans with paints a picture representing a tract of country with the various objects. In the context of art, landscape generally denotes a picture and not a view depicted there. When speaking of the view use scenery, countryside a painting or other artistic representation of the sea an artistic representation of a city or an urban area a painting of such unanimated subjects as fruit, flowers and other decorative things a painting that represents scenes from everyday life in a more or less realistic way famous and highly recognised forms of art especially paintings or sculptures art opposed to literature or music which you look at art forms such as dance or drama which involves doing things a type of art that can combine acting, dance, painting, film to express ideas 84 EXAMPLE art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder beholder researchers have reported that culture vultures tend to have better physical and mental health culture vulture because cultural activities are defined as creative and receptive if museum visitors are influenced by philistine prejudices regarding modem art or art in philistine general, this can spoil their impression art is supposed to be the inspiration and reflection of the good and bad in society reflection the Mona Lisa gives a glimpse of immortality in an anonymous lady glimpse sometimes beauty is not the artist's ultimate goal. In these cases, aesthetics may be an aesthetic / aesthetics irrelevant measure of "beautiful" art Mona Lisa captured the imagination of humanity as there is something in the painting that transcend transcends the ordinary human consciousness works of art are tools, but they have been made bizarre, and that is the source of their power bizarre the nature of art in the contemporary world is very eclectic and allowing for all eclectic experimentation possible when initially introduced to art criticism, many people associate negative connotations with criticism the word itself even in modem art, artists use methods based on calculation, as long as these elements give balance balance and harmony to any work of art multiple modem artistic forms are diverse but connected by certain characteristics: ironical emphasis / emphasise and playful treatment of a fragmented subject and an emphasis on image and spectacle colour schemes of most master artists are subtle, restrained, and harmonious, yet have a scheme powerful impact on the spectator the figures look as if they exist in three dimensions dimension not all artists have the intention of highlighting the beauty that leads man to a more authentic highlight experience of himself and the world in the Western tradition, we tend to view art as something that should depict the world around depict us, express our emotions, and teach moral or ethical truths to reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim reveal graffiti usually depicts a scene or well-known characters with some sort of slogan scene an artist combines form and colour into harmonious unity harmony / harmonious the introduction of new materials and techniques helped drive change in art during the XX technique century galleries and museums need to charge their customers not only to survive but to update their exhibition exhibitions and make new purchases many museums do not have admission fees admission fee societies with a heritage in the "arts" have long been considered culturally sophisticated and heritage / legacy advanced not everyone in society appreciates art appreciate some avant-garde works can be shocking to the general public avant-garde Painting: moving, lyrical, romantic, poetic, disappointing, impenetrable, unsurpassed masterpiece Colours: light, dark, vivid, warm, cool, strong, soft, bright, cheerful, gloomy Positions: in the foreground \ in the middle ground \ in the background; on the top \ on the bottom; in the right \ left-hand comer WORD о VOCABULARY EXERCISE Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below alarm cases creative curator display guide preserve masterpiece admission fee exhibition original reproductions gallery restored 1. The museum published a useful____________________ which will help you find your way round. 2. Until I visited Peter’s house I had never seen a(n)_____________________ Picasso in a private house. 3. T he_____________________ of the museum was anxious to maintain the building in the best possible condition. 4. The critics recommended everyone to visit the current_____________________ at the gallery. 5. Constable produced many good paintings but this is considered to be his 6. All the museum exhibits were kept in glass_____________________ . 7. This museum owns so many objects that they only have a small amount of thecollection on _____________________ at any one time. 8. This is a small museum with only one main_____________________ . 9. The artist is s o _____________________ that it’s difficult to imagine what he will think of producing next. 10. All visitors to the museum are required to pay the_____________________. 11. We have two main aims in the museum - to ______________________ theobjects inour careand to educate the public who come to see them. 12. The painting was badly damaged in a flood and has not yet been_____________________. 13. Mary’s little boy touched the painting and set off the_____________________. 14. The shop does a good trade in of the museum most popular paintings. o WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. On becoming an artist The key to being a ___________________ (profession) artist is to understand what the art world wants and then produce it. The ___________________ (success) artist needs to have a (recognise) style and to make works of art that other people find ___________________ (desire). It takes an artist (end) practice to develop their own style but the___________________ (finance) rewards can be amazing. People don’t just want art. They want___________________ (expense) art because they think that themore__________________ (value) a painting is, the better it is. Often, that is true, but sometimes bad art sells for an _________________(believe) price. Many__________________ (fame) artists made very little money from their art, but now we can see how important their________________(create) really are. 2. Art _ What is art? At first_____________________ (see) the answer to that question seems obvious. Art is poetry, _____________________ (literate), drama, sculpture, painting and so on. It is the _____________________(express) of an artist, designed to produce emotion, to make us see the world in a certain way, or to provide _____________________ (entertain). We are probably all in (agree) so far. Problems arise, however, when it comes to _________________________ (part) work of art. If a poet publishes his n e w __________________________ (collect) of poetry, and one of the poems appears to be merely a _____________________(shop) list, it is quite likely that the poet will be criticised. Many people feel uncomfortable when objects from our_____________________(day) lives are presented as art. Artists may do this to provoke a _____________ (react). They want to challenge all our_(believe) about art, once again to make us see the world in a different way. 3. Ballet _ _ This form of dance gained_____________________(popular) at the court of Louis XIV in 1661 where it was called classical ballet. Although the _____________________ (form) style required rigorous training, it created the_____________________(appear) of effortless grace. What made ballet so different was its__ ___________________ (combine) of dancing, music and acting. Other (attract) were the beautiful costumes and___________________________________________(scene). Simply by using their bodies,dancers expressed emotions like joy, sadness and (angry). In this way their movements told the story without the (assist) of narration. Dresses were worn long until the 1720s when they were ______________________ (short) to reveal the ankles. The early 1800s saw the (arrive) of the now traditional calf-_____________________(long) white dress along with the style of dancing on the toes, both characteristics of romantic ballet. 86 4. Comprehending art I have been once to an art_____________________ (exhibit). In fact, the Tate in London was my _____________________ (introduce) to modem art, but although the gallery was quite interesting, I found the pictures difficult to _____________________(stand). The_____________________ (paint) in the exhibition were by famous (art) from all over the world. Our guide told us about each painting, and I listened carefully to her_____________________ (explain). After she had given us a (describe) of a painting by Picasso, I asked her what it all meant. She said we should not look for meaning but f o r _____________________ (please), as the most important thing was to enjoy the shapes and colours._____________________(person), I found this advice a complete_____________________(reveal). o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Annabel, your English pen-friend. ... Lastmonth our class went to New York tovisit the Metropolitan It was my first visit there and it was fun! How often do you go to museums with your class, if at all? Which museum is your favourite and what museum would you like to visit? Why do you think people should go to museums or art galleries? This summer we plan to go hiking with my parents... • • write back to Annabel answering her question ask 3 questions about her hiking plans Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 140 Argumentative composition Government should support art galleries and museums. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Visiting museums is a complete waste of time. Artistic talent is an exceptional gift of few people. An artist should be allowed complete freedom of expression. A great work of art should be understood by everyone. The primary purpose of art is to contribute to social change. 87 Museum Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Crime has always been a regrettably consistent element o f human experience Mark Frost o VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Match the criminals with the descriptions 1 . thief 2. robber 3. burglar 4. mugger 5. forger 6. kidnapper 7. arsonist 8. shoplifter 9. vandal 10. hijacker 11. blackmailer 12. smuggler 13. murderer a. b. c. d. e. f. gh. i. jk. . 1 m. someone who kills somebody else on purpose someone who steals things from shops someone who takes a person by force and demands ransom in order to set them free someone who steals things from a bank, post office, shop, etc., often using threats and force someone who uses force to take control of an airplane, train, etc. someone who takes things which do not belong to them someone who damages other people’s property on purpose. someone who attacks people in the street in order to steal something someone who sets fire to property on purpose someone who breaks into people’s houses to steal things. someone who demands money or favours from someone by threatening to tell secrets about them someone who takes something illegally to another country someone who illegally copies something, especially something printed or written on paper, to make people think that it is real 2. Match each punishment to the description a life sentence a fine community service a suspended sentence 1. When you are given this sentence, you don’t go to prison. If, however, you commit anothercrime in the near future, you will be sent to prison.___________________ 2. When you are given this sentence you have to pay some money to the court.___________________ 3. When you are given this sentence, you have to do something for your localarea. The workyou are given might be connected to the crime you committed.______________ 4. When you are given this sentence, you are sent to prison for a very long time for committing a serious crime._______________________ 3. Go through the list o f offences. Then look at the forms o f punishment and decide which is appropriate for each offence. Write sentences as in the example OFFENCES • • • • • • Murder Hijacking an aircraft Kidnapping Littering Writing graffition a public building Stealing a car • • • • • • Pickpocketing Stealing sweets Making noise late at night Being on a bus without a ticket Violent behaviour in a football match Toxic waste pollution PUNISHMENT To be sentenced to life imprisonment, to be sent to prison, to be fined a large/small amount of money, to be given a suspended sentence, to be put on probation, to do community service, to be given a warning, to be given corporal punishment, to be sentenced to death penalty or capital punishment. e.g. Murder is a major offence. I think that someone who murders somebody should be sentenced to life imprisonment. 4. Complete the following chart Noun Translation Verb accuse vandalise smuggle start a fire deliberately blackmail commit a crime hack into a computer hijack imprison kidnap kill mug commit an offence pickpocket rob shoplift stalk steal suspect forge Person accused vandal arson blackmailer crime hacking prison \ imprisonment kidnapping hijacker prisoner mugger offence pickpocket shoplifter stalking thief suspicion forger 5. Match the crimes in the box to the descriptions (1-10) arson robbery burglary forgery hijacking mugging shoplifting smuggling vandalism pick pocketing domestic violence 1. 2. I caught him just as he was taking my wallet from my back pocket.___________________ The gang was arrested while trying to get diamonds and drugs into the country illegally. 3. 4. Terrorists ordered the pilot to fly the plane to another country._______________ The teens smashed windows and sprayed graffiti on the walls of the youth centre. 5. The thieves were holding the bank manager at gun-point while they were taking the cash. 6. 7. When he broke the back window to get in, the alarm went off._________________ He was found guilty of copying classic paintings and trying to sell them as originals. 8. The gang of youth was arrested for attacking the woman and taking her handbag. 9. The two girls were found guilty of taking the item from the supermarket without paying for it. 10. 11. He has set fire to the forest just for fun._________ The woman was often seen with bruises on her face. 89 6. Match the words from the box with the definitions the accused 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. o witness policeman jury judge defence lawyer prosecutor somebody who has been charged with committing a crime a professional who decides how a criminal should be'punished a professional who speaks for the accused and advises him/her in court someone who has seen the crime happen a group of people in court who decide whether somebody is innocent or guilty somebody who is to deter people from committing crimes and to arrest those who break the law a professional who represents the law in court READING Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss CRIME and PUNISHMENT Some might define crime as an act of offence towards the morality of humans. Others might regard crime as an act that harms the universal human rights. First of all, however, crime is an offence made towards the law. There are many reasons why people may commit crimes, and it depends on the type of person they are. Social scientists suggest that criminal behaviour is a result of social issues like unemployment, poor housing and lack of education. If a person remains unemployed for a long time, it becomes difficult for him to support him/herself. Some people may turn to crime as an easy way of making money. Another reason may be advertising. TV advertising makes you want things you don’t really need. Some people end up stealing things they want, but they can’t afford. Some TV programs also play their role in the rise in crime among teenagers. Seeing violence so often on the television makes young people think that it’s all right, and makes them more likely to act in a violent wav in real life. What’s more, criminals are often shown in a way that makes them and their lifestyle look glamorous and desirable. The nature of crime is clearly changing nowadays. Recent research highlighted that more traditional crimes, such as burglary, theft, and street violence have dropped significantly over the past couple of decades, but technology-enabled crimes such as fraud and cyber-crime are steadily increasing. In addition, the threat is hard to deal with as these new offenders can launch attacks from anywhere in the world. International cooperation has become an important tool to prevent and punish global crimes such as terrorism and cyber crimes. When a crime is committed, the police begin investigating it. If they are a success, the criminal is arrested and faces the trial. The jury finds him/her guilty or not guilty. If the accused is found guilty, the judge passes the sentence on him/her. The accused has the right to apply to the higher court where his or her case will be heard again. In many countries the capital punishment or death penalty is abolished, so life sentence is the most severe punishment. Probation puts the convicted criminal under the supervision of the state and is typically used for nonviolent offenders. Criminals sentenced to community service are often nonviolent offenders, too. It is true that some criminals commit crimes again after they have been punished. There are two main reasons for re-offenders. Firstly, the prison system can make the situation worse. Criminals put together in prison and they make friends with other offenders and exchange information about what they had done before they came to the prison or they may plan crimes with other inmates. Secondly, offenders often do not have any other means of earning money. They are poor, uneducated; and a criminal record makes finding a job difficult as people usually avoid hiring ex-convict. To solve this problem, governments should focus on rehabilitation of criminals. Above all, prisons need vocational training which makes inmates prepare for life outside the prison. They can leam practical skills such as computer programming, car maintenance and graphic design. Crime has fallen significantly over the last 20 years, but there remain too many victims, and crime itself is also changing. We need effective crime prevention which remains relevant as new crime emerges. Crime prevention means risk reduction. A close working relationship among the police, authorities and ordinary citizens is essential to eliminating crime risk. 90 What makes people commit crimes? Do you agree? Add some more reasons • • • • • Social conditions: poverty and drug/alcohol addiction Homeless teens steal in order to eat The gap between the living conditions of different classes The rich commit crimes for the sake of easy money and to be wealthier Young people often grow up without any firm idea about the difference between right and wrong, because parents are too busy working to guide their children • The police may also be to blame. There are cases when the offender may not be punished at all or may be given a fine o STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ Remember to say: • • • • and Punishment”. Why people commit crimes What types of crime you know What types of punishment you know What your attitude to rehabilitation of criminals is Answer the question: What is the criminal situation in the place you live? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD abduction (^kidnapping) arson assault burglary fraud hijacking (un)premeditated murder genocide euthanasia smuggling white collar crime violate legislation deter / deterrent offender punish prevention commit criminal EXAMPLE parents should prevent kidnapping by teaching their children about how to be safe with strangers and by making sure they are prepared before they go anywhere without adult protection according to psychologists, arson is often committed by someone who is retarded but also angry many people consider that having a handgun makes them feel safer, others oppose this statement since they believe that having weapon increases aggravated assault urban area has higher rate of burglaries, robberies and car thefts compared to the countryside the lack of safety in term of fraud have led some people to avoid online transactions stopping the hijacker from getting on the plane in the first place has to be the supreme method of keeping passengers in the friendly skies it is impossible to imagine how the threat of any punishment could prevent a crime that is not premeditated genocide implies an intention to completely exterminate the chosen group. Genocide is therefore both the gravest and the greatest of the crimes against humanity euthanasia, or mercy killing, has been a controversial issue for many years introduction of harsher penalties for those caught smuggling is the only way to stop the practice unlike street crimes, white collar crimes only in very rare cases become the object of criminal repression serious verbal threats may constitute a violation of the Criminal Code there need to be changes to crime-related legislation tougher prison sentences may be a deterrent to other would-be offenders prison should not be used for first-time offenders those responsible for serious crimes must be punished the government should focus on the prevention of crime rather than introducing harsher prison sentences people who commit serious crimes should be given long prison sentences criminals who commit violent crimes should not be given probation 91 sentence probation forfeiture revoke a license non-custodial detention corporal punishment rehabilitate guilt jury witness evidence convict fine imprisonment community service justice law-abiding victim joint effort о there are benefits of giving offenders longer prison sentences probation is a good way to reduce prison overcrowding, but it must only be used for those who have committed minor crimes in addition to fines, courts may forfeit offender’s property permanent license revocation for persistently drunk and dangerous drivers is the best way to make our roads safer introducing a wide range of non-custodial sentences as an alternative to prison can reduce the number of prisoners offenders on home detention must complete programmes designed to address the causes of their offending corporal punishment for adult offenders is as ethically wrong as it is for juvenile offenders it is important to rehabilitate criminals while they are in prison otherwise they may re-offend when they are released if jurors find a defendant guilty, then that person must be punished to ensure fairness in a criminal trial, there must be a jury witnesses of crime play a vital role in helping police to solve crimes and in making sure justice is served some scientific theories are so sophisticated that judges admit evidence relating to them at trial without requiring proof that they are reliable people convicted for petty crimes should not be treated the same way as serious crimes convicts motorists should be given a fine if they are caught speeding there is growing recognition that imprisonment does not achieve some of its most important stated objectives community service is a good alternative to prison for minor offences those who commit assaults must be imprisoned because the victims want justice proper socialising of children is the best way to encourage a more law-abiding society the victims of crime often need help and support to recover from their bad experience crime reduction can be attributed to a joint effort between countries VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Read the text below and decide which answer А, В, best fits each gap The young man lived in a slum area of the city all his life, and it was just a matter of time before he was in _____________ (1) with the law. At school, which he hardly ever attended, not only did he _____________(2) the school property but he was also a bully, frightening and beating up other children. When he was fifteen, he was_____________(3) for breaking into a local shop. At the age of sixteen, he w as_____________ (4) with assault. He got off with two years’ _____________ (5) for this and was set free. Within six months, he was back in _____________(6) after he had been arrested for stealing cars. This time, he w as_____________ (7) to two years in prison. After his release, he again turned to crime. This time it was bank robbery. At his trial he pleaded_____________ (8) despite the fact he had been caught red-handed. He was found _____________ (9) and the judge sentenced him to ten years ( 10). School sociologists blame his background, while others say he was just bad. . 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A A A A A A A A A A problems mug accused charged punishment court punished guilt suspicious prison В В В В В В В В В В С С С С С С С С С С defence vandalise charged accused bail probation accused suspicious guilty probation 92 trouble thieve sentenced released probation jail committed innocent illegal offence D D D D D D D D D D court rob arrested suspected fine trial sentenced free against imprisonment 2. Complete the word patterns with words from the box accuse charge 1. 3. suspect apologise get away somebody with a crime. somebody 5. somebody of (doing) something. 7. somebody of (doing) something. o sentence blame 2 . with a crime. 4 J v / l l l v U v U 6. somebody to time in prison. 8. for (doing) something. Г• with a warning. let off somebodv for a crime Y I v l U v l l i l l v i WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. Criminal behaviour The increase in city crime is a _________________(globe) phenomenon. Some people say that a lot of crime in this country is because o f (migrate) and the new people arriving from other countries bring different_________________(culture) values and attitudes to the law. It can be accepted that their_______________ (poor) is also connected to crime. I don’t agree with this idea because the most common crimes are ____________ (local) produced and not imported from other countries.__________(vandal) is one of the biggest crimes in my city with bus shelters and shop windows being popular targets. Another popular crime is _________________ (pay) parking fines, which is unlikely to be because of immigrants because most of them do not own cars. The__________(oppose) point of view is that young local people feel angry when they can't get a job and in order t o ________________ (hand) the change in their environment, they strike out at easy targets. This would explain why bicycle_______ (thief) is more common than car crime these days,especially in rich_________________ (neighbour) where most cars are protected with electronic alarms.Another reason, though, for so many bicycles getting stolen might be that the _________________(punish) is not very severe compared to car stealing which can land you in prison for a number of years. 2. Polygraph A polygraph (popularly referred to as a lie detector) measures and records several _________________ (physiology) indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin _________________ (conduct) while the subject is asked and answers a series of questions. The __________________ (believe) is that deceptive answers will produce physiological _________________(respond) that can be differentiated from those associated with non-deceptive answers. The polygraph was invented in 1921 by John Augustus Larson, a _________________ (medicine) student at the University of California at Berkeley and a police officer of the Berkeley PoliceDepartment in Berkeley, California. According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, the polygraph was on its2003 list of greatest_________________ (invent), described by the company as ones that "have had profound effects on human_________________ (exist) for better or worse." Many members of the _________________ (science) community consider polygraphy to be pseudoscience. Nonetheless, in some countries polygraphs are used as an _________________ (interrogate) tool with criminal suspects or candidates for sensitive public or private sector _________________(employ). US federal government_________________ (agent) such as the FBI and the CIA and many police departments such as the LAPD use polygraph_________________ (examine) to interrogate suspects and screen new_________________(employ). 3. The police line-up The main role of the police in ;___________ (crime) investigations is to uncover (evident) which will lead to a prosecution. Sometimes, this is in the form of a _________________(describe) the culprit by an eyewitness. The police use this________________ (form) to track down a likely suspect, 93 and then approach people who have a similar_________________ (appear). They ask them to take part in a line-up. The suspect and the other people line up in a room. The witness enters with a police officer, and usually the suspect’s _________________ (law). The witness must look_________________ (care) at each person and say who they saw committing the crime. T heir_________________ (choose) is extremely important. If they don’t pick out the suspect, he may well be given h is________________ (free) and the police will have to start the investigation again. The best_________________ (advise) for potential witnesses is to always tell the (true) and only choose someone if you are absolutely certain it was them you saw. 4. White collar crime White collar crime is defined a s (legal) acts committed by middle or upperclass people while at work. The term gained_________________ (popular) in 1940 when it was first used by the American criminologist Edwin H. Sutherland. Sutherland argued that there were important sociological_________________ (different) between conventional crimes such as_________________ (burglar) and murder, and white collar crimes such as fraud and income ta x ________________ (evade). In general, the latter are committed by persons o f (relate) high social status and are treated more leniently than are m ore________________ (convention) crimes. White collar crime has become a n (increase) problem. The authorities are now dealing with such crimes more severely because of a growing feeling that an effort must be made to establish _________________(equal) before the law for all citizens - __________________(regard) of money, power or social status. o A TOPIC FOR DISCUSSION Read and discuss arguments for and against sending people to prison. What is your opinion? Arguments for imprisonment: • • • Prisons protect us from those who might harm us A chance to realise what a person has done; analyse his/her previous life To feel the price of freedom Arguments against imprisonment: • • • о Horrible conditions, inadequate medical care, abuse by guards Criminals learn in prison how to commit worse crimes People are released with only a few rubles in their pockets and a perspective of being unemployed WRITING 39 Personal Letter You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Peter, who writes: ...for two weeks somebody had been breaking street lamps in our street. Yesterday they were caught at last. We were absolutely shocked to learn that they all were 11-year-old kids. They said they had been doing it just for fun. What do you think o f the boys ’ behaviour? Why do you think they acted in such a silly way? What should be done to prevent something like that in future? As for my news, I took part in a rock festival - a s a spectator, o f course ... • • Write back to Peter answering his questions. Ask 3 questions about the rock festival he took part in. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 94 о GUIDED WRITING 140 Argumentative composition 1. Readand discuss arguments supporting and denying the fact that the rise in the crime rate and violence shown on TV are connected Arguments supporting the idea: • Children become more aggressive after watching violent shows. • Young people tend to imitate crime techniques watched on TV. • Teenagers are likely to be arrested for criminal acts after watching crimeseries. Arguments rejecting the idea: • TV just reflects the increase in violence and crime in society. • Crime programs can stop people from breaking the law as they usually show that crime doesn’t pay. • Teenagers learn about the consequences of crime so they will think twice before committing any crime. • The main reason for committing crimes is poverty and bad education, not TV programs. 2. Use the clues to complete your composition. Comment the following statement Violence on TV and crime in society are clearly related. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. Some people believe that youth subcultures are always connected with crime. 2. The death penalty is the best way to control and reduce serious crime. 3. It is generally believed that it is the fault of the parents if a child commits a crime. 95 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ CLOTHES Those who make their dress a principal part o f themselves, will, in general, become o f no more value than their dress William Hazlitt We hear sayings like "dress for the job you want; not the job you have" and "look good, feel good" all the time. Most people do not really believe in them, but research into the impact of clothes on behaviour now suggests that there may actually be a grain of truth in these sayings. Science says that the clothes we wear affect our behaviour, attitudes, personality, mood, confidence, the way we interact with others and even the way how people behave towards us. In early civilisations, the key purpose of clothing was to keep people warm and relatively dry. Today clothes have become a social marker: they affect the way we see ourselves and the impression that we convey to others, our social status. We consider some clothes to be powerful, some to be fun, and so on. Studies have found that people tend to be less open and find it more difficult to relax when they wear formal clothes. On the other hand, a casual and relaxed dress code helps us become more friendly and creative. What we wear could affect how we cope with days when we are depressed, anxious and stressed. Research says the quickest little fix for a bad day is to wear brightly coloured clothes. We associate bright colours with happiness, sunny days, and carefree times. On the other hand, we associate deep and dull colours with low energy, being tired and a more sombre mood. There are many reasons why we wear what we wear. Protection from cold, rain and snow: mountain climbers wear high-tech outwears to avoid frostbite, for example. Physical attraction: dressing in a particular outfit might be a way of saying, "This is what I think is nice, and I believe it makes me look more attractive." Emotions: we dress "up" when we are happy and "down" when we are upset. Religious expression: Islamic women cover every part of their body except eyes. Identification and tradition: judges wear robes, people in the military and the police wear uniforms, brides wear long white dresses. Clothing can activate our knowledge and expectations about how people from different professions and social groups should behave. For example, wearing uniforms can make people more conscious of their duties and encourage them to pay more attention to their jobs. And this is not just for the adults. Some people believe that a school uniform can improve learning by reducing distraction. sharpening focus on schoolwork and making the classroom a more serious environment, allowing students to perform better academically. Uniforms give students a sense of belonging to a particular school and create an identity for the school in the community. School uniforms deter bullying. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and parents. A strict uniform gives the impression that rules are strict too, perhaps helping maintain a sense of order at school. However, opponents contend that school uniforms violate a student’s right to freedom of expression. Children can be very specific about what they are comfortable wearing. Some kids are sensitive to certain materials while others are opposed to buttons, zippers, and restrictive clothing. Some children are also uncomfortable wearing certain styles of clothing. Although wearing a school uniform is less expensive than buying a whole wardrobe of outfits, uniform can still be pricey. All in all, fashion and clothes are revealing. Clothes create a wordless means of communication that we all understand. Remember, dressing to impress really is worthwhile and could even be the key to success. 96 Which statements are • • • • • • for you?. It is important for me to feel comfortable. I do not care what I wear. I love spending money on different clothes. Looking smart is very important for me.' I realise that different situations need different clothes. My taste in clothing has changed: I used to wear... and now I prefer wearing... o STUDENT CARD Give a2-2.5 minute talk on the topic Remember to talk about: • • • • “C ”lo thes. If clothes influence people’s behaviour Why people choose different styles of what they wear Pros and cons of school uniforms If there is your special style; why/why not Answer the question: Can you judge a person by what he or she wears? Why? / Why not? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD accessories stereotypes sew subconsciously to meet needs to match affordable clothes urban fashion appeal to items of clothes peer pressure to evaluate business casuals to put smb in the right frame of mind to dress smartly chain stores self-image EXAMPLE our shoes, accessories and jewellery all tend to create an impression of our social class and personality styles show who you are, but they also create stereotypes and distance between people every day, millions of workers design, sew, glue, dye, and transport clothing to stores ads on buses, billboards and magazines give us ideas about what to wear, consciously, or subconsciously to really meet our needs, the wardrobe must be planned in relation to the kinds of things we do and kinds of places we go we have to match colours and styles young people tend to wear comfortable, practical and affordable clothes which have probably been designed by somebody young urban fashion has taken over the world today we tend to dress based on the way clothes appeal to our personal taste my favourite items of clothes are baggy jeans, hoodies and sweatshirts a uniform means students don’t have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes it would seem that we evaluate ourselves and our roles based on what we are wearing at a particular time; because of the way clothes make you feel the idea of wearing business casuals on Friday is great since colleagues are most likely to take out time to socialise and let their hair down on the last workday of the week it seems that wearing formal office wear and structured clothes puts us in the right frame of mind to conduct business uniforms help students to prepare for the time when they leave school and may have to dress smartly a group of shops that belong to a single company, have the same appearance and sell similar goods, ZARA, for example whether you are male or female, your fashion choices can affect your self-image 97 VOCABULARY: CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES Clothes: women's / men’s / children’s / baby / sports clothes / clothing, winter / summer clothes, casual / formal clothes; expensive / cheap / nice /shabby clothes; designer / tailor-made / handmade / ready-made clothes; work / working clothes, uniform, protective clothing; footwear, headgear, underwear, sportswear, swimwear, sleepwear; clothes, clothing, garments, wear, dress, outfit; fashion, style, vogue, haute couture. Outer garments: winter / warm / fur / sheepskin /waterproof coat, raincoat, parka, snowsuit. Women's clothes: cocktail /evening dress, evening gown; business suit, pants suit; maternity wear, sweater, jersey, cardigan, jacket, vest; blouse, shirt, tunic, T-shirt, skirt, pants, trousers, jeans, shorts; swimsuit, bathing suit, bikini; jumpsuit, training suit. Men's clothes: business suit, tuxedo, tail coat; trousers, jeans, shorts; jacket, blazer, vest; sweater, turtleneck sweater, pullover, jumper, sweatshirt; shirt, polo shirt, T-shirt; swimming trunks, work clothes, overalls. Underwear, sleepwear, robes: underwear, lingerie; panties, bra, slip, briefs, underpants, undershirt; pantyhose, tights, leggings, stockings; socks, knee-high socks; pajamas (BrE: pyjamas), nightgown, sleepshirt; housecoat, robe, bathrobe. Parts of clothes and their types: collar, turtleneck collar, stand-up collar, V-neck, collarless; sleeve, long sleeve, short sleeve, sleeveless; long-sleeved, short-sleeved; cuffs; pocket; hem. Fabric and material: fabric, cloth, material, textile; cotton, linen, silk, wool, mohair; velvet, corduroy, denim, suede, leather; synthetics, nylon, polyester; artificial fur, natural fur, knitted garments, knitwear, knitted cap (socks, sweater, etc.); embroidery, embroidered dress (blouse, shirt, etc.) Patterns and colours: floral pattern, floral print, striped, checked; bright colours, colourful, pastel colours, soft colours. Accessories: belt, suspenders, button, zipper, buckle, hat, beret, cap, hood, headband, helmet; scarf, shawl; gloves, mittens, earmuffs; tie, silk tie, bow tie; handkerchief, sunglasses, glasses, contact lenses; laces. Shoes: boots, hiking / rubber boots; evening shoes, high-heel shoes, low-heel shoes, flat-heel shoes; sandals, open-toe shoes, slippers, sneakers, trainers. Articles of clothing: a piece of clothing, an article of clothing, an item of clothing; several articles / items / pieces of clothing; a set of clothes; a change of clothes; a pair of trousers, a pair of jeans, a pair of pants, a pair of shorts; a pair of gloves,a pair of mittens, a pair of socks; a pair of shoes, a pair of boots, a pair of slippers. Verbs: to wear, to put on, to take off; to dress, to undress; to be dressed in,...,to button, to unbutton; to zip, to unzip; to tie, to untie; to lace, to unlace; to buckle, to unbuckle. 98 о VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Complete sentences using the correct form o f the words in the box current glimpse fit modern suit clothing new match appearance look glance cloth 1. If you care about your_______________ too much, people might start to think you’re vain. 2. It’s quite a nice skirt, but I don’t think it really_______________ my shoes. 3. My mum always looks quite_______________and tries to keep up with the latest fashions. 4. The ancient Romans wore items o f_______________ quite different from today’s fashions. 5. As I went into the designer’s office, I caught a _______________ of her drawings before she hurriedly put them away. 6. I know long skirts were in fashion last year, but th e_______________ fashion is to wear them quite short. 7. I’ve got to buy some_______________ shoes for the wedding on Saturday. 8. I didn’t get the coat in the end because it didn’t _______________ me under the arms. 9. The shirt is so expensive because it’s made out of special that has gold in it. 10. I don’t think this jumper you because you’ve got blue eyes and pale skin. 11. The designer_______________at my designs and told me that they needed more work. 12. Long dresses and high heels are quite a good_______________ for you. 2. Choose the correct answer 1 I don’t like doesn’t suit me. A 2 В makes в do away apply plain wearing at С in get handing D for D from her new outfit. С to works in of art. С D jobs objects a tendency to follow fashion without thinking about what suits в С make в D have D down D dress of style, do you? с out get off your makeup with a soft brush, like this one. В В с construct decorate pattern, you’ll look like a chessboard! с striped shiny You always seem to look so formal. If only you would A D combination with a blue top is such a good idea. If you wear that shirt with the A 9 on Make sure you A 8 В С I don’t think T-shirts and jeans will ever go A 7 on I wish people didn’t them personally. A 6 trying I think some modem designs are more like A 5 В Everyone complimented Kitty A 4 putting I’m not sure a green skirt A 3 on clothes in shops because I don’t want people to see me in something that В с set 99 put D checked your hair down! D let 10 11 The latest trend footwear is to wear very simple, traditional shoes. A В on D from Edgar’s example and wear a tie to work? set с В make My dad asked me whether his clothes were years ago! A in clothes and we wear each other’s things all the D on С for В of in Why can’t you A 13 С My sister and I share the same taste time. A 12 of in follow fashion and I said they were - about twenty С on в from D do D of 3. Circle the correct word 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. . О Do you think the average / everyday person is interested in fashion? I wish Dad would get a new costume / suit to wear for his job interview. I’ve got red hair, so I never put on / wear red clothes, or I’d look silly. John got a really cool blouse / top in town yesterday with Eminem on it. India supplies / produces the world with cheap clothes. I’m going to get my nails dyed / painted tomorrow. During the design / manufacture of the clothes, lasers are used to cut the material accurately. Which costume / suit do you think I should wear to the fancy - dress party - the cowboy or the vampire? WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. The language of clothes We don’t only choose clothes to make us look____________________ (attract) we also use them to tell the world about our ____________________ (person). The clothes we wear and our ____________________ (appear) as a whole give other people ____________________ (use) information about what we think and how we feel. If we fe e l (cheer), we usually w ear (colour) clothes and if we feel depressed we sometimes put on (teenage) wear black s o ___________________ dark clothes. But why d o __________ (misery) all the time? This is unlikely to be (frequent)? Is it because they feel____ (fashion) to wear black. the case. It is probably just because it is 2. Designer brands vs store brands (compare) between designer and store brand If we make an overall______ products, we would b e _____________ (deceive) you if we said that there is no difference in quality. Most designer brands p u t _________ ______ (significant) on what kind of material they use for ________ (produce), trying to make sure that their customers will know that they are getting a quality product. T h e ______________ (differ) in price between designer and store brand clothes __________________(symbol) high quality of a product to a certain extent but mostly represents designer’s logo and name. Store brand products like Guess, H&M and others, use complex marketing strategies to achieve wholesale profits._____________ (Like) these, designer branded clothes are usually so ld _______________(exclusive) and that is why they add more dollars to the price of a product. Nevertheless, because store brands sell cheaper products, in the battle with designers, they are forced to use_________________ (nation) marketing strategies to generate larger sales and income. 100 3. Cutting uniform costs Recently the Liberal Democrats in the UK held a conference about the cost of school uniforms across England. Many schools have a specific (supply), and wearing cheaper _________________ (alter) can result in (punish) if the black skirt you're wearing isn't exactly the right black skirt. Finding uniform that fits you,_________________ (special) if you're limited to one shop, can also be a struggle. The education minister David Laws is to issue new _________________ (guide) to end the practice of using a single uniform supplier, _____________________ (able) parents to shop around for uniform. If schools decide to change their uniform, for example with a new emblem or colour, changes should be restricted to one or two items, _____________________ (prefer) with sew-on logos. Changing from a one-supplier system could help families with the cost of school uniform. 4. Dress code UK companies have received____________________ (critic) from a business forum for what their report refers to as a rather narrow-minded attitude towards the dress code for office workers. This follows a case in which a male____________________ (employ) working in the post room of a large company in the United Kingdom received a ____________________ (suspend) for wearing jeans to work. Whilst the report accepts that there is a need for people dealing w ith____________________ (custom) to look well dressed, it questions whether employees who work behind the scenes ____________________ (necessary) need to dress formally. The authors of the report made a ____________________ (compare) between the UK and other European nations where employers seem ____________________ (concern) about the need for their workers to wear smart clothes in the office. Their ____________________ (argue) is based on research that claims workers are far more ____________________(product) when they have the____________________ (free) to dress in a way that they feel most comfortable in. o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Sheryl, your English pen-friend. ... Do you ever argue withyour parents about what you wear? My parents and I don 4 seem to agree about clothes at all! Is it important for you to be fashionable? What sorts o f clothes do you like wearing? Why? Do you think I should wear what my parents tell me to? Have you got any advice? By the way, next week I ’m going to a big school party. I ’m looking forward to hearing your opinion. Best wishes, Sheryl • • Write back to Sheryl answering her questions Ask 3 questions about the party she is going to visit Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 101 о GUIDED WRITING 40 Argumentative composition Mostpeople believe that it is important to look nice. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Use the clues below to plan and write your composition. Positive aspects: Clothes show someone’s personality. We feel better and more comfortable if we know we have good clothes on. Then, clothes are fun, and young people like shopping, but they do not like to look like everybody else. They try to have their own style, clothes that fit their personality and mood. Negative aspects: Some people become crazy if they cannot change clothes every day or they do not have the things that are in fashion now. Besides, some people spend too much money on clothes. For many of them to look fashionable is the greatest joy in life. Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. School uniforms are useless. The choice of clothes influences the way people behave. We can judge people by what they wear. Buying fashionable clothes is wasteful. It is always best to wear a business suit when you have a job interview. 102 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss THE ROLE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN MODERN SOCIETY What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease o f loneliness can be cured Kurt Vonnegut Adolescence is a vital period in life as this is the first time individuals can truly make their own decisions. The relationships teenagers have with their peers, family, and members of their social sphere play a vital role in the social development of an adolescent because teenagers can be easily influenced by the people they develop close relationships with. The role of the family in a teenager’s life changes dramatically. Some psychologists say about the generation gap. Generation gap is the difference in ideas, feelings and interests between older and younger people which is often characterised by the lack of understanding. Arguments often concern minor issues of control, such as acceptable clothing, and the adolescent's right to privacy, which teenagers may have previously viewed as issues over which their parents had complete authority. Social media has also played an increasing role in teenager and parent disagreements. While parents never had to worry about the threats of social media in the past, it has become a dangerous place for children. Many parents have very little knowledge of social networking sites and this further increases their mistrust. Despite changing family roles during adolescence, the home environment and parents are still important for the behaviours and choices of teenagers. Teens who have a good relationship with their parents are less likely to be engaged in various risk behaviours, such as smoking, drinking, fighting, and/or unprotected sexual intercourse. In addition, parents influence the education of adolescents. Most modem teenagers realise what role education plays in the modem world, so they tend to get higher education for better chances of career development. Of course, the amount of time adolescents spend on work and leisure activities varies greatly, but more and more teenagers are spending more time in school or working and less time on leisure activities. The growing number of teens try to find some part-time jobs in summertime as the problem of pocket money exists. Some parents are too strict and control how their children spend money. Adolescence is the period when teenagers often become heavily emotionally invested in friends. Friends demonstrate a greater impact on one another, so it is common for teens to copy friends in different situations. Peer groups can have positive influences on an individual, such as on academic motivation and performance. Unfortunately, they can also have negative influences, like encouraging experimentation with drugs, drinking, vandalism, and stealing. So the social environment which can be created for a teenager is very important. Within the past ten years, the amount of social networking sites available to the public has greatly increased. A lot of teens have become "heavy" social media users, meaning they use several types of social media each and every day. Some psychologists have indicated that electronic communication negatively affects adolescents' social development, replaces face-to-face communication, impairs their social skills, and can sometimes lead to unsafe interaction with strangers. However, other researchers suggest that Internet communication brings friends closer and is beneficial for socially anxious teens, who find it easier to interact socially online. Adolescence is a period full of uncertainties: therefore, teenagers feel the need to find somebody that they can cling to, who would make them feel like they belong somewhere or to something in the society. The role which a teenager should never play is a desperate, lonely person, and this is everyone’s responsibility. The chance should be given- to everyone. 103 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic Remember to say: • • • • “TheRole o f Young People in Modern ”. What role the family plays in a teen’s life What the attitude of teenagers to education is What role friends play How teens use social media Answer the question: What problems as a teenager do you face? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD peer influence appearance go out with / date phubbing outcast heavy / hyper- texting \ messaging criticise / criticism hang out with bullying self-esteem unrealistic expectations lonely / loneliness resentful falling grades / drop in grades violence emotional attachment (to parents, low) EXAMPLE many adolescents suffer peer pressure from the other members of the group most teenagers are concerned about their appearance and self-image teenagers face strong pressure to date from peers, and teenagers might not be emotionally prepared to handle the demands of a relationship phubbing harms relationship satisfaction, which, in turn, negatively affects one’s overall happiness if a teen feels like an outcast, it can have an effect on his or her self-esteem social scientists strongly believe that hyper-messaging among teenagers leads to social problems constant criticism may cause him or her to feel unloved when teenagers hang out with problematic people, parents should first of all gently talk to them and explain their concerns bullying includes a wide variety of behaviours, but all involve a person or a group repeatedly trying to harm someone who is weaker or more vulnerable low self-esteem and hopelessness are clear signs of stress sometimes teenagers feel pressures from unrealistic expectations. Parents and teachers may expect too much of them, a teenager can, at some times, be his or her own hardest critic loneliness in teens is becoming more of a problem since so many teens think that they can use technology to get friends inability to overcome resentment over minor issues can lead to further misunderstandings within the family drop in grades can be a warning sign of serious emotional disorders violence can be prevented by learning nonviolent ways to control anger and solve problems emotional attachment to parents can be an important part of the mutual support and emotional development There are some ways to a happy life. Read the pieces o f advice and discuss them: • • • • • • • • • Love yourself. Almost no one is satisfied with the way he or she looks. Remember that you are you and you are unique. Be yourself. You cannot be "cool" all the time. And who determines what is cool? The advertising companies? MTV? The happiness from following the crowd is not lasting. Don’t sacrifice yourself to be with someone who doesn’t respect you. Believe in yourself - if you don’t, how can you expect others to? If you set yourself goals, always set goals that you can reach. If you have done enough, then award yourself. Smile at your face in the mirror and say: “I did great today”. Say it three times and mean it. Leam the power of colour. Blue is calming, red gives you energy, orange makes you more optimistic, turquoise makes you less shy and more confident in yourself. Believe dreams can come true; it’s the first step on the road to making them happen. 104 • Learn to say "No". If you really don’t want to do something, say so... If this is difficult for you, say “This isn’t easy, but I have to say 'no'”. • Eat breakfast. People who make time for it are slimmer and healthier. • Exercise! It’s really worth the time and effort it takes. Exercise is fun. It strengthens your muscles. It’s a good way to meet people and make friends. It helps to get rid of pent-up emotions and anger, and it can lift your mood. • Beware of watching too much television. Once on, the TV can be difficult to turn off. • Get eight hours to sleep at night - you’ll feel and look better after it. • Feeling low? Meet a friend, listen to music or just have a good sleep. Reading something really gripping can also help. • Expect to fail sometimes. It happens to everyone, no matter how successful. The important thing is to learn some useful lesson from your disappointments. • Learn the power of positive speaking - sounding optimistic makes you feel that way. • Worried about something? What advice would you give to your best friend? Take that advice yourself. • Be social. People with friends live longer than loners. • Join something - a sports club or a drama society. People who feel involved are more optimistic and more successful. • Crying is an important way of getting rid of stress-generated chemicals that would otherwise build up in your body. • Feeling shy? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being shy. But it wouldn’t hurt to make an effort to be more social. • Do sport. It can give you energy to live. 0 WORD FORMATION _____________________ _______ Usethe wordgiven to form a word that fits each space 1. Transitional period Every day we have to make important (decide). It is very hard to make them in _(young), because we are not children, for______________________ (who) the world is so simple and not yet adults, who have life experience. In this_______________ (transit) period teenagers are very _____________(change), full of self-criticism, frequent changes of mood,_______________ (satisfy) with their appearance. Teenagers are also easily (influence) by others. And just in this period a great number of people begin to smoke, communicate with_____________ (differ) groups. But 1 think we should love ___________ (we) in order to find the right way in life and the place in ______________(social). 2. How play has changed The way children play has changed______________ (consider) over the last fifty years. In the past, parents did not have to fear th e______________ (safe) of children if they went out to play. Most ______________(neighbour) were communities in which everyone knew everyone, and children could be left to play______________(supervise) by adults. In _______________(add), there was hardly any traffic, and a street could b e ______________ (easy) transformed into a football pitch or used for a game of tag.______________(fortunate), things are very different today. Apart from the fact that our streets are much more______________(danger) than they were in the past, the last fifty years have seen the ______________(create) of more and more sophisticated games,______________ (include), of course, the thousands of computer games on the market. Too much time spent alone with a computer may damage the child’s ______________ (able) to form friendships with other children. 3. Tips for teenagers for life skills During adolescence, we often forge important _________________ (friend). However, the learning experience continues well into (adult). Making friends and influencing people is a gift that some_________________ (luck) people seem to be bom with, while for others it is 105 a skill that has to b e (acquire) through practice and hard work. It is, however, _________________(comfort) to know that most skills, particularly social skills, can be learnt in whatever environment you find yourself in the future. It is possible to make yourself more popular and even to be the centre o f_________________ (attend) at parties if you follow the____________ (advise) in this leaflet. If someone makes a mistake, try to avoid being_________________ (critic) of them. Instead, pretend you haven’t noticed the mistake or say something_________________ (courage). We all get depressed at times and most people are willing to listen (sympathy) but it does get a bit tiresome hearing someone grumble all the time. Being_________________ (cheer) helps! o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Pam, your English pen-friend. ... I don’t think it’s fair to make children do household chores because we are too busy at school. And what about you? Do you help your mum about the house, how often do you do it? What kind o f things do you have to do? Do you have enough time to do chores? As for my plans for the summer, I ’m going to Italy with my friends. We’ll be studying Italian at a summer school. I t’s really great! • • write back to Pam answering her questions ask 3 questions about her trip to Italy Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 140 Argumentative composition Young people enjoy life more than older people do. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Youth is the most wonderful period in a person's life. Some people think that social networks can substitute real-life communication. The personal challenges that young people face today are the same that their parents faced in the past. The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership is by cultivating the sense of cooperation. 106 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ AT THE DOCTOR’S People pay the doctor fo r his trouble; fo r his kindness they still remain in his debt L. Seneca Your relationship with a doctor is one of the most important you have. Let us face it: if you are spending time at the doctor's office, you are not always at vour best. People have lots of reasons to see their doctors. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and cancer do not develop overnight and can in fact begin many years before they are diagnosed. A regular check-up is less troublesome, a sudden pain is more unpleasant. Typically, the entry point into the healthcare system is a physician. Many doctors make appointments, so if possible you should try and call in advance to schedule and book an appointment. Almost every time you go to the doctor, they can ask you to fill out a medical history and a complaint form and you may be asked to show vour health card. This is especially true for a first-time visit. They will also want to know if you have any previous diagnoses, if you have been in the hospital or had surgeries performed. If you have any prescriptions or medications which have been given to you before by other doctors, it is better to let the doctor know about them as well as the information about your allergies on medicaments. Be specific and truthful. Let your doctor know everything that is going on with you. It is vital to your health for your doctor to be fully aware of anything medical related. Remember all of your medical problems, and the name of each drug, the dosage you are taking, and the number of times a day you take it. Also, let the doctor know about medications you have tried that caused side effects or did not work. Tell the doctor everything that you are doing that could affect vour health: if you are on a diet or how much exercise you get, or if you have any bad habits. The doctor will sound vour chest, take vour pulse, test your blood pressure, and look at your tongue. You might be asked to be x-raved or MRIed. or have vour blood and other labwork done. They can prescribe you a special treatment. It can include taking pills, getting injections, having physiotherapy or just having a rest. You also can get a medical certificate, which gives you an opportunity to stay at home for some time instead of working as usual (sick leave). Ask for clarifications. If you miss something or do not understand something, speak up during your visit. As a patient, it is perfectly reasonable to ask for a copy of any of your records if you want them. You have the right to that information. If you travel abroad, you should know your medical insurance policy. You should understand what is covered and what is not. You need to make sure that a doctor or a hospital accepts your insurance. In some countries you might have to pay the doctor or the hospital directly for treatment, even though you may not normally do that in your home country. It is important to remember that some hospitals abroad do not cater for children so you should make sure that you are directed to the correct hospital or medical centre. Remember, a doctor abroad will not have your full medical history - you should make them aware of any medical conditions you and allergies such as penicillin you have. If you are not sure about the medication you are being prescribed with, then ask what each medicine is for and what it will do. Always keep receipts for any medical treatment you receive or for any medicines you have to pay for and present these to your travel insurer when you come home. If an operative procedure is recommended, seek a second opinion where it is appropriate to do so and in any event, speak with your insurance company as quickly as possible. By following these simple rules, you maximise your chances of a quick recovery. And remember, as the proverb says: good health is above wealth. 107 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “At the Remember to talk about: • • • • Doctor What physicians do while treating patients What patients should do while visiting doctors What you should keep in mind while travelling abroad What you do to stay healthy Answer the question: Do you believe that regular visits to doctors can improve your health? Why? О USEFUL VOCABULARY EXAMPLE WORD health practitioners dangers of smoking have always been a source a concern among health practitioners conventional medicine benefits of alternative forms of medicine, also known as complementary medicine, have not been proven yet and thus are not trustworthy \ alternative to recover from it is generally accepted that meditating is the best way to recover from stresses o f work and everyday life acute \ rampant disease ТВ was one of the most rampant diseases of the twentieth century to prevent diseases it makes more sense to prevent diseases than to cure them as some of maladies cannot be defeated contagious nowadays, there is increasing concern about previously unknown dangers to people's health, now that traditional killers (particularly contagious diseases) can usually be dealt with by modem medical science epidemic obesity is now a major global epidemic vulnerable fast foods affect our health and children are particularly vulnerable to this threat diagnose (with) \ diagnosis research has shown that about eighty per cent of heavy smokers are generally diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and heart diseases to be prone to people who are unlikely to do exercise regularly are more prone to gain more weight sedentary lifestyle many of the diseases which afflict people who do office jobs are the direct result of a sedentary lifestyle ( cardiac, plastic, neuro-) surgery \ surgeon allowing teenagers to go through plastic surgery may make them overestimate physical appearances over inner characteristics common cold \ flu while it is impossible to completely prevent the spread of colds, there are steps you can take to reduce your and your family's chances of becoming infected (to make) an appointment if you feel it is time to take charge of your health, the first thing to be done is to call to a clinic and to schedule an appointment with a physician a runny \ blocked nose sneezing, coughing, runny nose and temperature are typical symptoms of a mild infection like the common cold pharmacy \ pharmaceutical big pharmaceutical companies are no longer providing the service they once did as in the past 10-20 years there has been very little breakthrough in innovation ward some people think it is better for their recovery if they are at home with their family rather than in a hospital ward Health, sick / unwell, symptom, pain, sore, illness, rest, diet, exercise, parasite, virus, bacteria, injection, swollen, rash, itchy, blood pressure, infection, dizziness, fainting, cold, influenza, allergy, diabetes, cancer, tumor, fracture, disease, broken bone, sprain, temperature, cramp, fever Common vaccinations: Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis Organs and parts of the bodv: brain, throat, liver, bowel, kidney, lungs, stomach, skin, blood, heart, bones, veins, intestine, muscle, ankle, arm, belly, button, chest, chin, ear, elbow, eye, fingers, foot, hand, head, heel, hip, knee, leg, mouth, nose, neck, shin, shoulder, thigh, toes, waist, wrist 108 Practice the phrases you may need while visiting a doctor: Doctor asking about the patient: • • • • How can I help you? What seems to be the trouble? What seems to be the matter? Have you been here before? Describing what is wrong • • • • • • • • • I have a pain in my chest. I have a runny nose. I’ve got a migraine. I’ve been vomiting all night. I can’t sleep at night. I’m having trouble with my knee. I’ve got a sore throat and an earache. I’ve got a rash all over my body. I feel dizzy when I stand up. Asking for more information • • • • When did this start? How long have you had these symptoms? How long has this been going on? Have you been taking any medicaments? Giving advice • You should rest and take a day off work. • I need to send/refer you to a specialist (cardiologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist. gastroenterologist, etc.). I’ll write you a referral. • You shouldn’t scratch yourself. You should apply theointment twice aday. • You will need to do some tests (blood and urine test or labtests,X-ray, MRI). • Take this prescription and show it to the chemist. • You don’t need antibiotics for a cold. You need to restin bed, have lots of fluids and take Panadol to keep your temperature down. If you don’t feel any better in two days, come back and see me. I’ll write you a doctor’s certificate until then. "o ______________________________ VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Fill in the blanks with the words given • • • • • • • cough prescriptions treatment toothache ambulance throat hurts recover physician complaints stomachache - What is troubling you? - It________________here. I have a bad_______________. I want to have this tooth filled. You have a bad_______________. Hasn’t anyone advised you to give up smoking? I’m afraid n o _______________will help my aching tooth. It has to be pulled out. You should follow the doctor’s . It will help you_______________ soon. - What are your_______________? - I’ve got a sore_______________ and a cough. I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you. Let’s call for the_______________. May I make an appointment with the ? I’ve got a _______________ . 109 2. Complete the sentences using the suggested words • • • • • • • • • bleeding broken earache dangerous fit plaster healthy injured sore well A __ diet includes lots of vegetables and fruit. John is very ill and won’t go to school until he is _______ . Helen’s leg w as_______________ so the doctor put'it in plaster for a month. It is to take more than 4 of these tablets in 24 hours. George has cut his hand and now it’s _______________. David keeps_______________ by doing exercises in the gym twice a week. Edward walked all day in his new shoes and now his feet are_______ . The bus crashed into a tree, but luckily nobody w as_______________. You should put a _______________ on that cut. Little Jimmy was crying because he had a n _______________. 3. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words The doctor_______________his patient very carefully and________________some medicine. • The flu usually begins w ith_______________. • Let me check your_______________ . • If you want______ , you must follow the doctor’s advice. • This is very good for cough. • You have all the of the flu. • She caught_______________ when she was skiing. • Your forehead is hot, let me take your_______________. 4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. operation illness treatment prescription waiting room ward temperature lungs appointment symptoms thermometer receptionist examine pulse chemist’s When I go to the doctor, I tell the my name and take a seat in the _______________. My doctor is very busy, so I have to make a n _______________ first before I go to see him. He asks me what’s wrong with me. I tell him the_______________ of m y_______________ , for example high temperature, difficulty in breathing, or pains, and then he will usually _______________ me. He will listen to m y ________________ with his stethoscope, he will hold my wrist to feel m y _______________, he’ll take m y _______________ with h is_______________ . The problem is usually quite simple and he might give me a for some medicine, which I take to th e _______________. Of course, if I need someserious , I’ll have to go to hospital. There I’ll be put in a bed in a _______________ with other people. If there were something seriously wrong with me, I might need a(n)_______________. o WORD FORMATION _____ _____________________ Read the text below. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits the gap 1. Don’t catch cold According to recent_______________ (search) at least some of the advice about health that was passed down to our grandparents by previous generations may actually contain some_______________ (true). A good example is the_______________ (relate) between feeling cold and catching a cold. My grandmother was convinced that being outside when the temperature is low, or simply dressing in _______________ (suit) clothes for the cold weather, was a sure way of catching a cold. Now, as we know, colds are caused by viruses. Therefore, in th e______________ (absent) of a virus, you cannot catch a cold - no matter how low the temperature or how ______________ (appropriate) your clothing. However,_______________ (science) now think that we may have viruses in our bodies already, which are just waiting for the chance to turn into a cold. In cold weather, for example, blood vessels in the nose get smaller to stop heat escaping._______________ (fortunate) this also allows the cold virus to attack the nose or throat more_______________ (easy). So, perhaps, Granny was right! 110 2. Pharmacy services Pharmacists play a n _______________ (essence) role in providing quality healthcare. They're experts in medicines, and use their clinical_______________ (expert), together with their practical _______________(know), to advise you on common problems. Most people don't make_______________ (effect) use of their local pharmacy and go straight to their doctor for_______________ (treat) as soon as they get any kind o f_______________ (ill). You should trust your pharmacist though and not b e _______________ (suspect) of his or her abilities. Pharmacists can help with many problems from_______________ (inflame) of various parts of the body to swollen ankles. Some people would prefer to leave these problems_______________(treat) but depending on th e _______________(severe) of the condition a quick visit to the pharmacy is usually the only_______________ (assist) that you'll need and it will cause the minimum_______________ (disrupt) to your day. 3. Antibacterial soap A (consider) number of people feel that washing with antibacterial soaps is the _______________(sense) thing to do. Unfortunately, their_______________ (ignore) has led them to believe that these soaps are_______________ (prefer) to normal ones. However, research has shown that there is no real _______________ (differ) between washing with ordinary soap or soap _______________(contain) antibacterial agents. It has also been proved that being too clean actually has_______________ (desire) effects, as our bodies do notbecome_______________ (resist) to germs. T his_______________ (discover) has come as a surprise,_______________(special) to those who believe that bacteria have to be fought with every means known to man. 4. Modern medicine presents a problem Until the 20th century, most doctors were general_______________(practice). Of those who _______________(special), the majority were________________(surgery) - not regarded with much respect in many countries. Experts in other fields were found_______________ (primary) on the staff of medical schools. Progress in science brought about_______________(consider) changes to this situation. Modem science has made previously_______________ (imagine) developments possible. These include the production of standardised dmgs, the_______________(analyse) of the constituents of blood and body tissues, and the use of X-rays. The introduction of these and other______________ (revolution) techniques and practices led to a requirement for sophisticated facilities staffed by highly trained doctors a n d _______________ (assist). This has plainly b e e n ________________ (benefit). However, as treatments multiply and life _______________ (expect) rises, financing these _______________(increase) expensive facilities has become problematic for governments worldwide. o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Andrea, your English pen-friend. ... Guess what! I ’mgoing to have teeth out? Is it painful? My parents say I need to go to the dentist at least twice a year but I ’m really afraid o f doctors and hospitals and I don’t understand the necessity o f going there if you have no pain and aches. What do you think o f it and why? Do you visit your dentist regularly? By the way, I ’m going to join a yoga class... • • write back to Andrea answering her* questions ask 3 questions about her yoga class Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. Ill 40 Readthe passage, pick up some ideas and write your essay In my opinion, the government should provide free public health services for all citizens. Firstly, the economy benefits from a healthy population. People free from disease or health problems can devote more energy to their daily working lives. Secondly, health services must undoubtedly be available to all because the entire nation is paying taxes and, therefore, should not be excluded from any service. However, there are people who believe that individuals should take responsibility for preventing illnesses. They state that people who are grossly obese often do not exercise, and, as a consequence. become unhealthy. These obese or unhealthy individuals must take care of themselves. Considering both viewpoints, healthy lifestyle of citizens in a country is a combination of individual choice and government initiatives and policy. Thus, each person should choose a healthy lifestyle while the government of a country should ensure proper facilities to make it easier. Argumentative composition Public health should be the responsibility o f the government What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan:: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Increasing the number of sports facilities is the best way to improve public health. People should not be allowed to have cosmetic surgery before the age of 18. Women pay more attention to their health than men. People pay enough attention to their health today. The prevention of health problems and illnesses is more important than treatment and medicine. 112 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ LIVING IN A BIG CITY A city is a place where there is no need to wait fo r next week to get the answer to a question, to taste the food o f any country, to fin d new voices to listen to and familiar ones to listen to again Margaret Mead A place where you live can have a huge impact on your lifestyle. There are many reasons to be taken into consideration while choosing a residence. Cost, weather, demographics, crime rate, school performance, and proximity to work may affect your choice on which neighbourhood is best for you. Check out some financial, cultural and lifestyle benefits and drawbacks of living in the city. To many people a megalopolis (a metropolis) seems an incredibly exciting place to live. A big advantage is an access to rich cultural life. You can regularly go to museums, art galleries and see all the latest films. The residents of big cities are exposed to the diversity of people, they see other cultures and are enriched by that. What ismore, this diversity allows you to broaden vour spectrum of personal and professional relationships. In a big city you can get everything at vour fingertips and anything that you want is available 24 hours a day. You can have a lot of fun on the budget, get countless job opportunities and be advanced in education. Big cities provide many convenient services for different ages of people from daycare, pre­ school and universities to night learning classes. Living in the city gives unique dining and shopping experiences from ethnic food stores and restaurants to boutiques and special department stores. Public transportation provides long hours services to satisfy residents’ living requirements. Living in a city allows the opportunity to get care in major medical institutions and services and assistance for seniors. Getting help in a large city can occur more quickly and even more specialised in a city rather than a suburban or rural area. However, with the good also comes the bad. Although a big city has more job opportunities, there are also more people competing for a single job. This can make your job search frustrating. You will see hundreds, if not thousands of jobs available but you still might get unemployed. The cost of living is typically higher in big cities, and it can cost you an arm and a leg for a small apartment in a decent area of the city. Although the diversity is a good thing, the amount of people can be a bit overwhelming. There will always be crowds and always be people around. Some people even mention the aggressive nature of the residents which can make the life in a city rather uncomfortable. Pollution and noise are a sad reality for a big city and one of the biggest disadvantages. A huge cloud of smog hovering over the downtown skyline is a typical picture of any cityscape. Car alarms go off through the night, police sirens too. It is hard to get a good night’s sleep. There is always more crime in a big city, so you are more likely to be a victim living in a big city than in a small town. Children who are brought up in big cities do not have the freedom to go out in the street and play. Everything has to be supervised and arranged in advance. “A nightmare!” you will say. For some people the disadvantages are outweighing the advantages, and they really consider moving out of a megalopolis in search of a slower pace of life and friendlier people in the suburbs or in the country. However, most city dwellers, who enjoy the hustle and bustle and want to be close to the action and new possibilities, feed off the city’s energy and would not live anywhere else. 113 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on “ Remember to talk about: • • • • Livingin a Big ”. Advantages of living in a big city Disadvantages of living in a city The houses and living conditions in the city The place you live in Answer the question: What can you say for and against living in the country? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD resident urban \ rural urbanisation large-scale landfill overcrowding urban sprawl heavy / severe traffic / traffic congestion living cost / rent poverty slums employment opportunities \ unemployment rate scattered fragments of greenery the prospect of water/oxygen shortage EXAMPLE one of the problems which big cities residents face is not having an open space for them to stay and fresh air to breathe widening inequalities tend to be more visible in urban than rural areas whereas urbanisation has been an instrument of economic, social and political progress, it has led to serious problems most worryingly, in today’s hyper-connected world, it is easier for diseases to be carried from one city to another with potential for large-scale outbreaks most cites do not have proper arrangements for garbage disposal, and the existing landfills are full to the brim overcrowding is a logical consequence of overpopulation in urban areas urban sprawl is rapidly encroaching on the precious agricultural land traffic congestion has eased in recent years as a result of the introduction of more flexible work hours large cities may lack affordable housing and rents might be too high for an average income much urban poverty is created by the rural poor's efforts to get out of poverty by moving to cities the rapid urbanisation in conjunction with industrialisation has resulted in the growth of slums high unemployment rate can also quickly lead to urban violence and social unrest preservation and enhancement of the scattered fragments of greenery in cities should be a matter of concern for every citizen supply of water started falling short of demand as the cities grew in size and number most jobs are located in the city, so if you live in the suburbs you will have to commute to the centre every day as cities expand rapidly, there is a risk that infrastructure will not keep pace with their growth infrastructure or the increased expectations of their populations ultimately, the growth of megalopolis creates opportunities but also increases risks, and the megalopolis {pi speed at which it is happening challenges our capacity to plan and adapt megalopoli) / metropolis Types o f houses: a detached house (not joined to another house), semi-detached (a house that is joined to another house on one side), a bungalow (a small house that has all its rooms on the same level), a terraced house (a house in a row of houses), a block of flats, a skyscraper, a cottage (a house in the country), a 5 storey building Types o f fla ts/ apartments: a bed-sit (a rented room for living in),a studio (one small flat with one main room); a onebedroom/ two-bedroom flat, condominium apartment, communal apartment, a penthouse, on the ...floor / ground floor, to overlook something Location: an area in the city centre, not far from..., on the outskirts of the city (the furthest parts from the centre), the suburbs (an area away from the centre where many people live) Characteristics: overcrowded, shabby, spacious, poky (very small), cosy, tiny Living conditions: all modem conveniences: central heating, running cold and hot water, home security system, wi-fi, builtin cupboards commute / commuter 114 о VOCABULARY EXERCISE Read the text below and decide which answer А, В, C, D best fits each space Dear Trevor, I know it’s been________ (1) since I wrote to you, but I’ve been very busy________ (2) we decided to move to the country. The house is in the village is not quite ready (3) but as you can imagine___________(4) the last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve __________(5) got a long way to go. It’s been such a long time since w e___________(6) work on it I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been exactly. We must have started it about seven years ___________ (7) and we’ve ______________ (8) spent a small fortune on it. We are (9) living in our rather cramped flat where you______________ (10) us a few years ago but it____________ (11) to get unbearable and w e _____________ (12) forward to moving out. We are still (13) around from morning ___________ (14) night and it’s been particularlyhectic_____________ (15) the last week. Anyway, ________________ (16) all this was going on Karen fell and sprained her ankle that was the last thing we needed! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. О A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A long time every time still for yet have started before still already were visiting begun have looked rush and during in В sometimes В ever since В already в as в already в start в ago в not в still в have visited в is beginning в looked в rushed в into в from в during С С С С С С С С С С С С С С С С ages while yet while nearly did start previous already yet had been visited begins will look rushing till in while D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D lately before soon since still started since yet longer visited begin are looking be rushed through while for WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. A growing city Beaumont, Georgia’s newest city, is a (plan) city. It is a _________________ (love) place all year round because of the great_________________ (vary) of flowers and trees which grow in the city centre. No one can b e _________________ (satisfy) with such natural surroundings. The _________________ (quick) growing population includes not only the many _________________ (foreign) who work there for an international computer company, but also local officials. The_________________(live) conditions are excellent and all types o f_________________ (entertain) and sport are available. There are m any (history) buildings to visit nearby and the wooded countryside which is (peace) and particularly beautiful in spring offers hours of cycling and walking. A _________________ (sight) will come back again and again to sample the pleasures Beaumont has to offer. 115 2. A house in the country When Ann decided to move house, it was mainly because she was tired of the_________________ (neighbour) she lived in. It was crowded, there was a _________________ (short) of parking places, and the view from h er_________________(stair) windows was of distant factory chimneys. Luckily she arranged the _________________ (sell) of her' house very easily, and with a small _________________(lend) from the bank, was able to buy a house in the country. It was an old farm building, which had been_________________ (build) and turned into a modem house. After loading all her belongings into a van, Ann managed to get them into the new house_________________ (damage). She_________________ (furniture) most of the rooms with what she already owned. Even her curtains were the right (long) for the windows and she only had to buy a new _________________(cook) for the kitchen. It seemed too good to be true. 3. Migration issues In an effort to escape from their hectic and_________________(material) city lives, more and more Northern Europeans are buying houses in rural areas of France, Spain, Italy and Greece. Some relocate permanently in search of a more_________________ (meaning) existence. Those who cannot afford to give up their jobs seek a _________________(therapy) respite from their_________________ (stress) lifestyle by relaxing for a few weeks each year in their second home in the sun. However, many of those who relocate permanently find that life in the country is not as quiet and _________________(event) as they had anticipated. Aspects of village life which seemed delightfully _________________(sphere) in the context of a two-week holiday can grate on the nerves when you live with them on a daily basis. Recently a group of British residents in an Italian village took local farmers to court because they found the smell of the villagers’ pigs_________________ (taste). In other cases, foreigners have complained to neighbours about the _________________ (enthuse) earlymorning crowing of their cockerels, or to village priests about the regular tolling of church bells. _____________________ (understand), the local inhabitants are somewhat _________________(resent) of these attitudes. They argue that the foreigners have an _________________(real) view of what country life is like and that, since no one forced them to come and live in a village, they are being (critic) by now complaining about the _________________(convene) of rural life. o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Jane, your English pen-friend. ... Myhometown is rather small, but I like it. The people are here very friendly a they try to keep our town clean and beautiful. And do you enjoy living in a big city? How do you spend your free time there? Anyway, I ’m thinking of travelling to Russia next summer. Could you tell me what weather to expect? • • write back to Jane answering her questions ask 3 questions about her hometown Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 116 о GUIDED WRITING 40 1. Readsome arguments about the life in a big city and in the countryside. What can you add? LIVING IN A BIG CITY: negative sides positive sides • • • • • • • comfortable flats with all modem conveniences a lot of cultural centres, more entertainment more chances to be employed / to enter this or that university shopping facilities sports facilities developed transport system life is more anonymous • • • • • • • air and noise pollution cost of living is high crime level is high traffic jams / car crashes / rush hours / constant queuing always in a hurry litter and garbage stressful life LIVING IN THE COUNTRYSIDE: negative sides positive sides • • • • • • • • • • cost of living is lower life is safer less crime less traffic fresh air and beautiful nature difficult living and working conditions no entertainment problem of employment it takes too much time to get to town life is less anonymous 2. Use the arguments above to complete a composition on the following topic It is betterfor children to grow up in the countryside. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one of the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. City living in the 21st century is stressful and offers no benefits. Cars should be banned from the centres of all major cities. Cities are the safest places to live. Show me your room and I will tell you who you are. 117 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ ENTERTAINMENT AND LEISURE The best intelligence test is what we do with our leisure. Laurence J. Pete Leisure is defined as freedom from the demands of studies, work or duty. Everybody needs leisure in their lives to balance the stress of work and life. Leisure helps re-energise and relax so that people can perform activities well in their everyday routine. People use their free time (leisure time) in a variety of different ways: engaging in outdoor activities and sports, entertainment, doing and appreciating arts, socialising with family and friends, or just having time to themselves. There is no universally accepted way to categorise leisure activities. There are many factors which you can take into account: age, marital status, gender, families, etc. The range of leisure time activities has been becoming wider increasingly in the changeable and inconstant world. In fact, all leisure activities reduce overall stress, provide a sense of purpose and different experiences, increase the sense of self-value. Unfortunately, in our society it is getting more and more difficult to find time to relax and take a break from our stressful lives. The main reason that leisure time is important is that it improves one's physical and emotional health. Quality leisure time is also important because it has the ability to enhance one's communication skills and self-esteem. By engaging in group leisure activities based on shared interests, such as book clubs, craft clubs or exercise groups, a person broadens his or her circle of friends. Group activities also can benefit those who are shy or introverted. Being involved in a variety of leisure activities is also a good role model for children. It helps to teach them about valuable life skills, such as socially acceptable behaviour, communication and relationships with other people. When something seems monotonous to you, it means you should try something new. To do that, expand your horizon by leaving the comfort zone. It will allow you to explore the world full of opportunities and possibilities. Leisure time is not only the time that makes us relaxed but also the time that we spend doing something when we can obtain a sense of happiness or success. Read a book you have been wanting for ages, go watch a movie that you have been anticipating, arrange some time with friends eating out, jump with a parachute and overcome your fear of heights. Take a challenge, face your fears and experience the massive benefits of it. When it comes to hobbies, luckily for us, there are a number of ways to enjoy and pass our leisure time. From dancing and singing to painting and music, there are literally tons of ways to make the most of our free time and do what stimulates our mind, body and soul. Hobby is not just a way to pass the time; it can also improve the quality of your life. A hobby gives you something to look forward to. Usually people have a list of hobbies that interest them, but feel like they do not have the time or willpower to develop the necessary skills to enjoy the activity. It is good to identify what moves you and tends to hold your attention the most. Find out what hobbies your friends and family are already doing and join them. Many hobbies can be social and require partners; most people are enthusiastic about introducing someone to a new hobby if they think it will become their passion. There may be something that you have always dreamt of doing. Research who does it in your area, and try it out. There are likely to be community centres run by the city, or district or privately that put on a whole calendar of events. Remember, a hobby is nourishing for the heart, the soul and the brain. Use your free time to learn something new, expose your brain to different ideas and perspectives. Use this time to learn, to be curious, to wonder, to question, to pause and think. Being good to yourself simply means knowing what helps you to relax, what can charge your batteries, what makes you happy. This depends on your personal interests, your passions, as well as your personality; it depends on how well you know yourself. Remember, the better you organise your leisure time, the better you balance your overall life. 118 Study and discuss some activities and things you can do in your leisure time. Do you agree with them? Can you add any to the list? • Read good books - it will enhance your vocabulary and increase your knowledge bank. • Learn how to communicate - try practising how to speak fluently. If you can, learn a foreign language. • Indulge in sports - even if you are not a part of school teams, try out any sport. • Participate in competitions - it will help you get over stage fear and boost confidence level. • Dance /sing /paint - these three arts are considered to be best at improving creativity level in a child. • Solve puzzles - it will help in increasing your intellectual level to a supremeextent. • Take Olympiads - prepare for and take Olympiads to test yourself. • Meditate - it will help you learn the art of staying calm. • Think about goals - plan your life and see if you are making the choices wisely or not. While choosing a hobby consider these general questions: • • • • • • • • • • o Do you like to work with your hands, or are you more cerebral, and most inspired by things that make you think? Do you like to work indoors or outdoors? Are you more artistically inclined or mechanically inclined? Do you like to work alone or in small groups? Are you more athletic or sedentary? Do you want to travel or stay put? Are you more into collecting things or throwing things away? Are you more outgoing or introverted? Do you like to read more or watch TV? Are you good with words and language or more of the silent type? _________________________ STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic Remember to say: • • • • Entertainmentand If it is important to have leisure time, why/why not What factors influence the choice of a leisure activity What major steps can be taken to find a hobby A few words about your leisure time Answer the question: Have you got a hobby? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD go to the movies blockbusters art and crafts gardening EXAMPLE some film categories are: Comedy, Drama, Horror, Thriller, Action, Science Fiction (Sci-Fi), Fantasy, Documentary, Musical cinema goers try not to miss new Hollywood blockbuster movies there are many arts and crafts that you can learn and practice. You can paint, draw, sew, crochet, knit, sculpt, engrave, make furniture, make jewellery you can plant flowers, vegetables or herbs and maintain your garden by watering it, pulling the weeds and feeding it with fertiliser 119 play a musical instrument play video games watch TV fiction non-fiction diary venue surf the Internet play sports do sports go + sports to go on a quest о leam to play the piano, guitar, violin, cello, flute, piano accordion, mouth organ, panpipes, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, etc. You can play on your own or with a group, such as a band or an orchestra you can play games on your computer or on game consoles, like PlayStation, X-Box, Wii, PSP, Gameboy, etc. different types of television programs are: The News, Soap Operas, Criminal Investigation Dramas, Medical Dramas, Reality TV, Situation Comedies (Sit-Coms), Talk Shows, Documentaries, Cartoons, Game Shows, Sports programs, Movies, Political programs, Religious programs if you like fiction, you can read novels, short stories, crime fiction, romance, etc. if you like non-fiction, you can read biographies, autobiographies, or books on history, science, philosophy, religion many people like to write in their diary. Another name for a diary is a journal the venue for the lecture will be announced later on the Internet, you can research a topic you are interested in using a search engine, visit your favourite websites, watch music videos, create your own video and upload it for other people to see, maintain contact with your friends using a social networking site, write your thoughts in a blog, leam what is happening in the world by reading news websites, etc. you can play football, basketball, netball, etc. (all of them are team sports) you can do martial arts (judo, karate), gymnastics, archery, weightlifting you can go swimming, cycling, skiing (downhill and cross-country skiing), snowboarding, hang-gliding, parachuting, horse-riding quest is a search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something VOCABULARY EXERCISE 1. Puteach o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the text below enjoyable laughter happiness funny delight photographer peaceful amusement humorous pleasant a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) o She spends too much money playing games in the_____________arcade. My friends think that men who knit are hilariously____________ . One of my most_______________ hobbies is playing a musical instrument. It is so to lie on the beach doing absolutely nothing. We could hear loud___________ coming from the flat downstairs. The_____________________ asked us to smile at the camera. He kept the children amused with his__________________ stories. Her new novel is sure to ______________ her readers. It is so______________ to sit by the sea and watch dolphins playing My idea of a total_______________ is a shopping trip to Milan. WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. Belly dancing Belly dancing is a form of dancing which_________________ (origin) comes from the Middle East; it involves a lot of movement of the waist and the arms. Belly dancing is a n ________________ (intrigue) dance; it is beautiful, enchanting, a n d ________________ (hypnotise). Belly dancing is definitely a great hobby for a person to have. Not only will you be having a lot of fun and helping others be ______________(entertainment) when you are belly dancing, but you will also be doing something that will help you to stay in shape. There really is a lot o f _________________ (move) involved in belly dancing. The hips will do a certain_________________ (shimmer) movement and the arms will swing and really help to compliment the dancer and the moves. It can be a very exciting and ________________ (health) hobby for a woman to take on. Plus, you get to wear those _________________(gorge) outfits, what else could a person ask for in a hobby? 120 2. Scrapbooking Scrapbooking is taking things like photos, printed pictures, decorative mediums, and _________________(colour) paper and arranging them_________________ (art) in an album to create a sort of memorabilia. A scrapbook in itself can be considered as an extra fancy photo album. One of the greatest things about taking up scrapbooking as a hobby is that anyone can do it. Not only is scrapbooking a great hobby, but you can also create_________________(thought) personalised gifts for people. It doesn’t matter what your budget is, how much time you have available to _________________(dedication) to it, or even how artistic you are. Beginners can start slow and on a small scale with simple, _________________ (expensive) projects. Those who are more _________________(enthusiast) have just the sky as their limit when it comes to creating scrapbooking memories. There are hundreds of occasions and_________________ (differ) reasons for a person to create a scrapbook. The most popular themes have to do with family and holidays. 3. Photography In the past few years the hobby of photography has been_________________ (revolution) unlike any other hobby. With the_________________ (develop) of the digital SLR camera, cell phone cameras, and amazing_________________(advance) in point and shoot cameras there really is no excuse you can’t get out and pursue a hobby in photography. Not only have there been _________________(improve) in photographic__________________ (equip) but also in showcasing technology like digital picture frames and photo sharing websites like Flickr. There are many reasons people love photography. Some want to capture their kids as they grow up. Others have a n _________________ (art) passion that drives them to take thousands and thousands of pictures. Others still spend their spare time in nature capturing _________________ (amaze) landscapes and the intricacies of the world we live in. 4. Busking _ _ Street _________________ (perform), or ‘buskers’, help make any city centre a place of _________________(entertain). In any major city, you can find young,_________________ (employ) people juggling, playing the guitar or even doing magic tricks for money. All they need is a (suit) place to perform and a good crowd. Some people might ____________________ (approve) of busking, but most people agree that it’s a n _____________________ (enjoy) break to have a n _________________ (expect) show when you’re out shopping. Some young people,_________________(able) to afford a luxury trip around the world, busk in order to travel. It’s ________________ (comfort), but it is cheap. Unless you are (luck), a few hours playing will pay for a bed. The ________________________________________ (advantage) is that you need to have some talent or you might go hungry! 5. Reality shows Love them or hate them ,_________________ (real) shows are very popular. Why are we so interested in th e _________________(relation) and in th e __________________ (argue) of ordinary people? It’s because they are just like us. We all have strong (feel) towards the people we live and work with. Often, we find it hard to g e t_________________ (advise) on any problems we are having. By watching th e_________________ (decide) they make on our screens, we g ain _________________ (know) about how people react to stressful situations. It is almost like a _____________________ (psychology) experiment. We can see when they are ____________________ (succeed) and make the situation worse. This_________________ (inform) helps us in our own lives. As always, TV is much more than ju st_________________ (entertain). 121 6. Holiday tips Holidays are meant to be a time of_________________ (relax) and fun but unfortunately this isn't always the case. There are some_________________ (predict) problems such as delayed flights and the usual_________________ (frustrate) of waiting at airports. However the (anticipate) of spending two or three _________________ (wonder) weeks in the sun on a n _________________ (spoil) island is enough to make most people think the delays are worth it. It's best to make a reservation at a hotel so that you can leave home _________________ (confidence) knowing that at least your _________________(accommodate) is secure. Finally, it's best to travel with a friend to avoid _________________(homesick) and loneliness. o WRITING I 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Andrea, your English pen-friend. ... Guess what! I ’mill with the chickenpox, and the doctor says I have to sta at least the next two weeks. It’s awful! Have you ever stayed in bedfor so long because you were ill? What can I do for two weeks in bed? I ’m going to miss such a lot o f school work, too. How will I manage to catch up? By the way, my parents are coming back from Japan... • • Write back to Andrea answering her questions Ask 3 questions about her parents’ trip Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. | 40 | Argumentative composition Life without a hobby is meaningless. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one of the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. Reality shows are gaining more and more popularity with teenagers. 2. Watching television is a good way to relax. 3. Visiting social networking sites is the main entertainment of modem teenagers. 122 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ FAMILY RELATIONS In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future Alex Haley The family is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life and is equally one of the most crucial factors in determining how a child turns out as an adult. The family defines who we are as personalities. Family enables us to feel a sense of belonging. It is a source of comfort and support, warmth, security and protection and it helps us to make sense of the world in which we live. Families in the 21st century come in all shapes and sizes: nuclear (a mother, a father and children), single-parent, extended with several generations living under one roof, a stepfamilv - just to name a few. Research affirms that the quality of family relationships is more important for children’s well-being than the size or composition of the family. No matter what "type" of family you have, there are going to be highs and lows - good times and bad. It is understandable that families quarrel and experience conflict sometimes. Families vary in the expectations they hold regarding children’s behaviour and the roles of parents. This leads to differences in family relationships and communication styles. Many beliefs about what makes strong family relationships are influenced by the values and experiences that parents were exposed to in their own families while growing up. For those of us fortunate to have been part of a loving, caring and supportive family unit, it provides us with a solid example and support when it comes to bringing up our own family. Cultural, religious and economic background can also have an impact on the values and goals adults have for children’s development. It is true that family relationships change during adolescence. Many people think that families become less important to children as they move into the teenage years when peer influences and relationships play a crucial role in teens’ life. There are a lot of issues that can cause tension between teenagers and parents: homework, sibling fights, boundaries and trust. Some teenagers feel their parents need to show more trust and give them more independence. It is normal for teenagers to be moody or seem uncommunicative, but they still need a family. For teenagers, parents and families are a source of care and emotional support. Families give teenagers practical, financial and material help. Most teenagers want to spend time with their families, sharing ideas and having fun. Conflicts and rows and how a family resolves their differences is one of the most important elements of family life as it sets up the younger members to gain an understanding of how they might deal with conflict when they become adults. Each family needs its own special set of rules and guidelines. These rules are based on the family members' greatest understanding of one another, not forces. The guidelines pass along from the adults to the children by example, with firmness and fairness. Still, some people believe that children ought to obey their parents in any situation, and if they disobey, they should be punished. Such principles will not do a lot of good. The fear of punishment may result in selfishness, cruelty and lies. Strong families can work together to establish their way of life, allowing children to have a voice in decision-making and enforcing rules. When children are raised in families with appropriate rules, they do better in school and are less likely to get involved in risky activities when they are teenagers. Fair rules and reasonable consequences help children leam boundaries they can use in other areas of their lives - for example, boundaries at home can help children with following mles at school. The important aspect is that each member should feel that they can express their opinions openly and that their voice is as important as any other family member’s. Members of families should spend a lot of time talking to each other about the small, trivial things as well as the deep, important issues of life. Building a strong family is serious business in which care, mutual support and understanding are the keystones, and love is the heart. 123 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ Remember to say: • • • • Family”. If it is important to have a good family, why/why not What factors influence the relationships between the members of the family What major steps for building a strong family should be taken A few words about your family Answer the question: Does your family help you to solve your problems? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD nuclear \ extended family single-parent relative sibling strict birth control bring up / upbringing child development divorce emotional security well-adjusted responsible parent formative years overprotective helicopter parents spoilt adolescence / adolescent cope with generation gap EXAMPLE if you live with your extended family, they can help to look after the children some people believe that it is not good for children to grow up in a single-parent household relatives, such as grandparents, can play an important role in helping to raise children sibling relationships make up a child’s first social network and are the basis for his or her interactions with people outside the family some parents believe that they have to be very strict with their children to ensure they behave well one of the reasons for the falling number of births in developing countries is birth control children should be brought up to respect their parents there is no doubt that there are factors external to the family that significantly impact on a child’s development divorce is very common these days the most important factor leading to a fulfilled and happy life for a child is emotional security a child brought up by responsible parents and provided with emotional security will grow up to be very well-adjusted if you are going to have children, it is very important to be responsible parents if things go wrong for someone in their formative years, it can have an impact on their adult life children who have had overprotective parents do not build up a strong character to deal with the outside world on their own having helicopter parents means you never have independent life children who are given everything that they demand from their parents may become very spoilt adolescents continue to count on their parents even as they seek more independence every family has problems. Personalities clash and power struggles happen as parents and children learn how to cope with each other habit of frequent and open communication can go a long way towards bridging the generation gap What makes a family strong and happy: Communication - listening to each other and communicating with openness and honesty. Togetherness - sharing similar values and beliefs that create a sense of belonging and bonding. Sharing activities - spending time together doing things they enjoy, for example, sports, reading, camping, playing games. Affection - showing affection and care on a regular basis through words, hugs, kisses and thoughtfulness. Support - offering and being able to ask for support, with family members knowing they will receive assistance, encouragement and reassurance from one another. Acceptance - understanding, respecting and appreciating each family member’s unique personal qualities. Commitment - seeing family well-being as a first priority and acting accordingly with dedication and loyalty. Resilience - being able to withstand difficulties and adapt to changing circumstances in positive ways. 124 Study and discuss some things and activities which can make a family life better. Do you agree with them? Can you add any to the list? • Use everyday time together to talk and share a laugh. • Have one-on-one chats with each family member to strengthen individual relationships. It can just be five minutes before each child goes to bed. • Do regular, fun things together as a family. This can be as simple as a family soccer game at the local park on Saturdays, or a family board games night each week. • Make decisions together about what to do for special events like birthdays. Even young children can be part of these decisions. • Share household chores. • Include children in decisions about things like family activities, rules and holidays. Family meetings can be a good way to do this. • Let children make some of their own decisions. • Work together to solve problems. This involves listening and thinking calmly, considering options, respecting other people’s opinions, finding constructive solutions, and working towards compromises. • Think of some family rituals. Rituals are moments and activities that are special and unique to your family. They can be simple things, like reading bedtime stories, playing games or going camping during school holidays. Rituals give everyone a sense of history and belonging. • О VOCABULARY EXERCISES _________________________ 1. Fill in the blanks with the words given uncle husband parents grandmother wife family grandparents widower A nuclear family consists of only a and a and children. In my country, an extended___________is more common. It consists of not only o f_______________and children but also o f ______________, aunts, uncles and cousins. M y _______________ lives with us and loves looking after her grandchildren. My mum’s brother, m y George, is a _ and has lived with us since Aunt Helen died. He is also my Godfather. 2. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the text below divorced responsible adolescence running wild siblings foster family brought up authoritarian well-adjusted formative years upbringing Bob's problems began during his . His parents got ____________________when he was young, and neither of his parents wanted to raise him or his brother and sister, so he was____________________by a chosen by his parent's social worker. Unfortunately, his foster father was a strict and often beat him. Bob rebelled against this strict____________________, and by the time he was eight, he was already ____________________, stealing from shops and playing truant. By the time he reached ____________________, sometime around his thirteenth birthday, he had already appeared in court several times. The judge blamed his foster parents, explaining that children needed ____________________parents who would look after them properly. The foster father objected to this, pointing out that Bob's ____________________ - his two brothers and sister - were children who behaved at home and worked well at school. 125 о WORD FORMATION Use the wordgiven to form a word that fits each space 1. Family values _ _ As your children move towards _____________ (depend) it’s important to make sure they understand what decent values are. To prevent them from becoming (spoil) and (greed) you shouldn’t indulge them too much. To make sure they grow up well(manner) they should b e _________________________(teach) to be polite from an early age. Children should be scolded for bad_____________ (behave), which will be an_j_____________(effect) way of helping them t o _____________ (distinct) right from wrong. You need to reward your children when they do things well to give them a sense o f _____________ (proud). You should try to make your children ___________ (tolerate) and _____________ (respect) of other people’s ____________ (believe) by exposing them to ____________ (differ) races and cultures. Parents should try to place great ________________ (important) on setting a good example to their children, as children’s __ (behave) is often a(n)________________________ (imitate) of their parents’. 2. Same family, different people The three children grew up in the same home, with the same rules and values, but for friends of the family th e ____________________ (fascinate) thing is that now, as young adults, they all have very different____________________(personal). Grace, 23, always has to be busy. She never seems (relax), even in her spare time. Ever since she was a young girl, she has always been highly____________________ (motive) to succeed, and now that she is working in a business environment she makes no secret of how ____________________(ambition) she is: her aim is to be managing director before she is 30. Whereas Grace can sometimes appear rather____________________ (emotion), even cold, Evie has strong feelings about almost everything. She can also be quite____________________(sense) to what others say, particularly if she feels their comments are unfair. But she is always kind to her friends, and____________________(sympathy) whenever any of them calls round to talk about their problems. Daniel, just 19, is far less sociable and hates being indoors for long. He's the ____________________ (adventure) one of the three. He's mad about sports and loves riding motorbikes a t (terror) speeds. He takes too many risks and he gives his family a lot o f ____________________(anxiety) moments, but somehow he always manages to get home safely. 3. Two sisters _ Although my two sisters and I have____________________ (differ) mothers we are definitely (like). This is not just a matter o f____________________________________ (appear). Although we are all small with curly hair and a tendency t o ____________________(eat) and put on weight, the resemblance goes much further than that. Throughout o u r____________________ (child) we were brought up to be v ery ____________________(adapt) and our ability to accept change is another ____________________ (character) we share. Another would b e____________________(shy). We all hate parties where you have to walk into a ___________________ (room) of strange faces. Being (conscious) like this means we are all interested in wearing (fashion) clothes. We often share our clothes.____________________ (fortunate), this causes arguments. We really should come to some ____________________ (agree) about who can borrow what from whom and when. 126 о WRITING 39 | Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Christine, your English pen-friend. ... Do your parents criticise you when you don do well at school? Mine seem to put me under so much pressure. What can I do? Do you think I should tell them that it’s making me unhappy? How can I explain to my parents how I feel? I try my best at school but I just never seem to get top marks. By the way, next month my parents are going on holidays and suggest I should go with them. • write back to Christine answering her questions • ask 3 questions about the holidays her parents are going to Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. o GUIDED WRITING 140 1 Argumentative composition Many parents encourage their children to study well by giving them extra pocket money for each good mark. Do you think that being given extra pocket money will help children to study better? )C 1 omplete the text with the missing words and phrases 2) Put the paragraphs in the right order however, firstly, while, in my opinion, secondly, to sum up, moreover, A. , parents should not give their children money in order to encourage them to study better. Getting extra pocket money may become their main target and students may start cheating so as to get good grades._________________, children may get upset when they do badly at school not because of their poor knowledge but because they will get no money. B. It cannot be denied that money oils the wheels of the world. Many parents see pocket money as a way of encouraging their children to do well at school. Some people believe that pocket money can really improve school performance,______________ others claim that it will never work if a child has no desire to get knowledge. C. I completely disagree with the above opinion. , it is normal to expect pupils to do their homework properly because it is their duty as are household chores._________________, many teenagers nowadays try to get part-time jobs and in my opinion, this is the best way to understand that getting money is hard work. D . _________ , some teenagers say that getting extra pocket money for good school grades teaches pupils that money does not grow on trees and develops a sense of how much has to be done to earn it. They claim that studying is really hard work, so it is fair to be rewarded for their efforts. E . __________________ , there ar,e two points of view on the problem of getting extra money for good studying. As I see it, this practice has more bad than good sides and pupils should be ready to learn for learning’s sake. 127 1. . 4. 5. 2 3. | 40 | Argumentative composition Teenagers over 18 should be able to live independently from their parents. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. Sharing one’s plans and ideas with parents contribute to a family mutual understanding and harmony. 2. Families should have more than one child. 3. It is believed that family traditions unite the members of a family. 4. Modem people regard family meals and celebrations as unimportant. 5. Childhood is the safest period of human life. 128 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ THE PRICE OF FAME ______________ The postman wants an autograph. The cab driver wants a picture. The waitress wants a handshake. Everyone wants a piece o f you John Lennon Most people find the idea of being famous attractive. The common perception is that celebrities and famous personalities have everything in life. The truth is that there are as many downsides and disadvantages of being a celebrity as there are a number of benefits. Among major advantages of being a celebrity firstly the fact should be mentioned that celebrities get special treatment wherever they go. From special seats at theatres to special tables at restaurants, celebrities are given the advantage of being the preferred customers everywhere. Secondly, one of the very obvious advantages of being famous is that fame generally brings with it lots of fortune. Celebrities and other famous people are generally richer than the average person. Luxurious homes and cars, fancy gifts, expensive clothes and other such materialistic pleasures of life convert from a dream to reality when people become famous. Furthermore, when people become famous, more opportunities arise in life whether career-related or not. Being famous definitely opens many doors in life which would have remained shut if fame had not been achieved. Last but not least celebrities are recognised everywhere they go. This is an advantage because people often draw a massive ego boost when random bystanders recognise them. Fans are the people who adore their celebrity idols. Fan mail and other forms of appreciation that celebrities receive can be inspirational, motivational and very humbling. But would you actually want to be famous? Many people would, but they do not always realise how many disadvantages there are for those who live in the public eve. The mass media have created ‘the cult of celebrity’. They just show the enjoyable things about being a star, or the financial benefits, and ignore the problems that go along with it - things like having photographers around you wherever you go, and journalists publish unreliable information and spread rumours. The deepest secrets of you and your family may become public property. Paparazzi follow famous people around in order to take unflattering photos of them in their most intimate moments making it impossible for them to have a private life. The life of a celebrity can be spoilt by stalkers who want to know everything about their favourite star. Famous people are often followed or harassed by phone, e-mail or messages by followers who cross the line and become obsessed. Obsession can turn into threats and even physical harm. For example, John Lennon, a famous British singer and a songwriter and a member of "the Beatles" was shot by a crazy man in New York City. That is why famous people often have to disguise themselves and spend much money on security. However, sometimes even these measures do not help. Everybody knows the sad story of Princess Diana’s death whose car was pursued by some paparazzi through Paris before the fatal crash. The paparazzi took pictures of the wrecked car before any of them called for help. Very often celebrities get tired of their stressful lifestyle and feel depressed. They begin smoking, drinking and taking drugs. These are used as an escape or a temporary wav of "switching off' - but they do not solve their problems. There are many examples of famous people who died because of alcohol or drugs such as Kurt Cobain or Amy Winehouse. Publicity does not only lead to fame, success, admiration and richness. It is also the reason of envy. rivalry, jealousy, stress, extreme fatigue and the impossibility to escape public attention. Famous people cannot do things that the average person can, cannot afford themselves little pleasures of life, which can be very frustrating indeed. With this kind of pressure, some people do regret making the decision to seek fame. Once you have become well-known, you cannot go back. Some people have to pay a high price for publicity. So is it actually worth it? It is a personal choice. 129 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic Remember to talk about: • • • • Price o f ”. What the positive aspects of being famous are What the negative aspects of being famous are A famous person you know If you would like to be famous Answer the question: What do you think about child stars? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD stalkers perks spotlight celebrity terms if fame or fortune could satisfy, why do so many celebrities end up in rehab or broken relationships? rehab fleeting to set privacy boundaries recognition to spell doom stardom to be a shoe-in contribution to become famous overnight to be a household name has-beens О EXAMPLE we have all heard about those nasty cases of celebrity stalking that have gone out of control being famous certainly seems to have its perks: plenty of adoring fans, the ability to get almost anything you want thanks to things like social media, it is easier than ever to get 15 minutes in the spotlight anything is treated in celebrity terms, whether it is a pop star, a politician, or a private citizen fame is fleeting; it can last a lifetime or a minute if there is a way to set privacy boundaries that actually work then fame will be awesome personally, I would want to live fame through achievement recognition like awards or being the best at what I do the Internet has spelt doom for celebrities when it comes to privacy because they really do not have control over who posts what on the surface being a celebrity looks glamorous, and intriguing, but it takes a lot more for a celebrity to get to that status, and the road to stardom is not an easy one if someone recognises you, you are automatically a shoe-in and can instantly gain access to any VIP section available there are two kinds of fame: the Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian type where someone becomes known for ’’being known” rather than for any contribution to society he is just one of the thousands who became famous almost overnight and appeared on TV programmes to be a household name means to be a famous person whose name is well-known this highlights the temporary nature of fame which means the X Factor stars of today may just become the has-beens of tomorrow VOCABULARY EXERCISE Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below interviews in the public eye privacy entourage break-up bodyguards pressures fans celebrity autographs Being famous, being a _________________ can mean wealth, recognition and being surrounded by a n _________________of helpers, secretaries and agents. It can mean giving_________________ to admiring________________ and_________________ to the press. Butbeing_________________ also has its disadvantages. Famous entertainers suffer from a lack o f _________________ They need _____ to protect them. The constant on them can lead to the _of their marriages. This is the price of fame. 130 о WORD FORMATION Use the wordgiven to form a word that fits each space 1. The life of a famous person Many people who think they have a ____________________ (profession) future in films go to Hollywood only to find____________________ (disappoint) instead of success. They often have to give up the m o re ____________________ (enjoy) aspects of their chosen career to play parts in ____________________(advertise) because these provide_____________________(finance) security - but they are not satisfying. For many actors, even basic____________________ (survive) can be difficult. Some do not earn enough to pay their rent o r____________________ (electric) bills, and the time and money they invest in th e ____________________ (prepare) of a portfolio for interviews is often wasted. Of course there is a possible____________________ (explain) for why only 1% of actors are really____________________ (succeed). There are just too many people who believe that their next ____________________ (perform) will be the one that makes them a star! 2. Becoming a star Talent shows are nothing new in the UK but not every star has a bright future ____________________(head) of them. "You come from nothing and then the next minute you are literally thrown into the lights o f____________________ (star)," says Paul Bomman who won a talent show. "It makes you believe that you are important, it really does." He’s just one of thousands who became famous alm ost____________________ (night) and appeared on TV programmes, released music and were pretty much (house) names in their time. "Winning the lottery couldn't beat it." says talent show____________________(final) Vinnie Cadman who claims he was ____________________ (constant) harassed for autographs after appearing on TV and went on to make over a £lm in his first year. At his peak he employed a chef, a ____________________(drive) and even someone to iron his socks.____________________(hard) a day went by without his face appearing in _______________(day) newspaper gossip columns. 3. The end of a career ____________________ (fortune) for Vinnie, fame does not always last and a couple of years later his ___________________ (book) dried up and his money with it. When he asked his ____________________ (manage) what had happened he just replied "welcome to show ____________________(busy) kid". 6 months later he was back to his old job as if nothing had ever happened. This____________________ (light) the temporary nature of fame which means the X Factor stars of today may just become the has-beens of tomorrow. For every Madonna in the world there are probably at least a million____________________ (fail) and it’s not always about talent as some talent show ____________________ (contest) can sing better than many pop stars. "There’s a lot more to becoming and staying famous than most people think" argues Tom Marsh, manager to ____________________(count) celebrities. "It requires constant_____________________(dedicate)". Whether the new stars of today have this kind o f (commit) only time will tell. 4. Clothes for celebrities People in the world of _____________________ (entertain) have to be very ____________________(observe) in the way that they dress. It's a n _______________ (refute) fact that image is more than just a case o f____________________(decorate) for a celebrity. How they present themselves is all part of their artistic personality. It would be ___________ (fool) though to think that somebody can be a successful celebrity just because of the clothes theywear. They don't____________________ (necessary) have to w ear____________________ (alter) clothing but they do need to be talented a n d 1 communicative and they also need to have an ____________________(appreciate) of their fans who make them successful. They also need to be ____________________ (adapt) so that they can cope with all the public attention. 131 о WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from George, your English-speaking friend, who writes: ...At school we are doing projects on famous people in different countries. Could you tell me about a famous Russian person? What is he or she famous for? Would you like to become famous? As for my school trip to London last week, it was wonderful... • • Write back to George answering his questions Ask 3 questions about his trip to London Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing o GUIDED WRITING | 40 | Argumentative composition 1) Study the example and complete the exercises 2)Underline the link words and expressions 3jComplete the gaps with the sentences A,B,C or D Positive and negative aspects of being an actor. Have you ever dreamt of being an actor? The acting profession may sound glamorousto most of us, but the truth is that there are advantages and disadvantages to life in acting. The main positive side of being an actor is that it is a creative job. 1_______As a result, many of them come to terms with the bad aspects of their character and develop the good ones. Furthermore, many people are impressed by actors. 2___________ However, the greatest drawback is lack of privacy. 3_________.What is more, at the beginning of their careers they have to struggle with low pay and long hours. 4________ All in all, being an actor means little or no privacy and long hours of practice for little reward. However, it can help you discover many things about yourself and one day you might play the leading role in a film or in the theatre. A. They often envy their lifestyles and fame. B.For example, they have to go to a lot of auditions before they get a small part in a play or film. C. It is quite common to see famous actors being mobbed by their fans while having dinner or coffee. D. An actor, by playing different characters during his/her career, has the chance to express different aspects of his / her own personality. 4) Replace the words / phrases from the text with the expressions listed To sum up, This way, One point o f view in favour..., For instance, In addition to this, On the other hand, 132 Finally, 40 Argumentative composition Everybody dreams o f being famous. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Being a child star is a key to a successful future life. Being famous can ruin a person’s life. To become really famous you need to accomplish something meaningful in life. Media is paying too much attention to famous people. Famous people deserve high salaries. 133 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ TRAVEL AND TOURISM One's destination is never a but a new way o f seeing things Henry Miller Travelling is an activity that can be enjoyed by anyone. It can bring a new sense of life into a person and give a completely new view of the world. People travel for various reasons. Some travel for work, others for fun, and some for finding mental peace. Though every person may have his/her own reason to go on a journey, it is essential to note that travelling has some inherent advantages. For one, getting away from everyday routine can be a pleasant change. It refreshes not only one's body, but also mind and soul. Travelling to a distant place and doing exciting things that are not thought of otherwise can make a person feel the strength to take on new and more difficult challenges in life and work. It makes people forget their worries, problems, frustrations and gives them a chance to think wisely and constructively. Travelling also helps to heal; it can mend a broken heart. For many people, travelling is a way to attain knowledge, and perhaps, a quest to find answers to their questions. For this, many people prefer to go to far-off and isolated places. They might or might not find what they are looking for, but such an experience certainly enriches their lives. In many countries, tourism is one of the fastest growing industries which has become a maior source of their income and seriously affects their economy. Tourists spend money on local goods and services and so provide locals with work. Hotels, bars, transport, shops and restaurants all need staffing. and because of tourism demand, people can get much-needed employment. Tourism can provide an incentive for investment in the development of infrastructure such as roads and rail networks, as well as for funding local medical and education facilities. What is more, tourism is the way of showing off national and local heritage. Millions of tourists go sightseeing around museums and archaeological sites and hope to absorb some of the culture of the place they are visiting to broaden their mind. Unfortunately, there is a flip side of tourism. If the development of the country is uncontrolled, unplanned or happens too quickly, it can pose a threat to the natural environment. Moreover, ancient buildings, monuments and cathedrals often struggle to cope with the vast amounts of tourist traffic and suffer wear and tear or damage. Very often, if you are on a package holiday, very little money goes to local people. Although often jobs are created by tourism, they are quite commonly seasonal and insecure with no extra benefits, such as pensions, sick pay, or health care. Most of the profits go to the foreignowned companies that run the biggest resorts. Quite an upsetting fact is that tourists can often lack respect for local traditions and culture, not following local dress standards, for example. Martin Jacques, a famous British journalist, once said that ‘television and tourism have made the whole world accessible and thus have created the illusion that we enjoy the knowledge of other places when we barely scratch the surface’. He may be right, as it is simply impossible to learn anything meaningful about a culture in just two weeks. The travel industry is in a permanent change to be up-to-date and to come up with new ideas. In the XXI century, travel and tourism will become the world’s largest industry overtaking information technologies in terms of money. In comparison to the holidaymakers of the XX century who mostly chose beach holidays, the XXI century tourists prefer travelling on their own, choosing self-catering accommodation and visiting more than one country during one holiday. With the access to the Internet, people are becoming much more aware of what is available to them in terms of holiday choices. People are willing to be more adventurous and independent jumping at any chances to explore the world. 134 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ Remember to say: • • • • Travand Tourism”. What makes people leave their homes andvisit far-away places What the advantages of tourism are What the disadvantages of tourism are If you like travelling and how you prefer to do it Answer the question: What trip was the most successful and memorable for you? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD travel \ trip \ journey \ voyage package tour / holiday sightseeing off the beaten track / path places of interest guided tour resort self-catering picturesque peak (high) season \ off­ season destination horde / crowd tourist trap all-inclusive bed and breakfast single \ double room \ suite book \ make a reservation check in \ out amenities arrive \ depart О EXAMPLE all in all, travelling can be an extremely enchanting and enriching experience that may help improve the quality of your life popularity of package holidays is on the rise among families keen to save money tourists arriving in a country bring in valuable foreign exchange because they spend money on accommodation and sightseeing destinations that are off the beaten path can really help you save money and stay within your travel budget growing tourism sector poses a threat to scenic spots and places of interest guided tours are a great chance to be shown around and take photographs some people prefer to spend their holidays in resorts where everything is organised for them, and they take little interest in the country they are visiting self-catering holidays tend to be cheaper to book and suit those who are good at sticking to a budget while they are away I fear that if we act like spoilt consumers when we travel, we will ruin the picturesque places we love the most the opportunity for cost savings is one of the greatest advantages of travelling in the off­ season tourism provides financial support for the conservation of ecosystems, making the destination more authentic and desirable to visitors travelling independently, you can get to know the people as they actually live and leam about their culture without the influence of hordes of tourists tourist traps, where information, goods or services are sold at greatly inflated prices, may become common in most visited tourist areas even though all-inclusive deals usually come with higher price tags, the extra cost might be well worth it with a great number of international guests preferring bed and breakfast accommodations, many boutique hotels are now adopting this format suite guests commonly enjoy more amenities and personalised service for an exceptional vacation experience when you book a reservation online, you have the freedom to shop around for the best price some hotels are getting rid of traditional check-in and -out times to cater to a new kind of traveller hotels located downtown are usually close to all of the amenities many developing countries have seen their tourist arrivals increase significantly VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Circle the odd word out • airplane: seatbelt, wing, deckchair, cockpit • car: windscreen, boot, brake, anchor • bicylepedal, : saddle, exhaust pipe, chain • train: buffet car, track, handlebars, luggage rack • ship: deck, bonnet, bridge, cabin 135 2. Decide which o f thefollowing words are connected with a) planes, b) ships, c) trains, d) buses. Some words can be used more than once Locomotive, mast, runway, harbour, driver, flight, attendant, carriage, life-jackets, dashboard, platform, co-pilot, engine-room, radar, boarding pass, purser, number plate, wagon, horn, level crossing, compartment, rear view mirror. 3. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below departure lounge departure gate departures board hand luggage announcement security check immigration officer security guard excess luggage conveyor belt check-in desk check board check in taxi trolley runway on board duty free passengers take off When you travel by air you have to get to the airport early in order to (1)_______________ about an hour before your flight. If you have a lot of luggage, you can put it in a (2 )_______________ and push it to the (3)_______________, where someone will (4)_______________your ticket and weight your luggage. If you have (5 ) , it can be expensive. Your heavy luggage is put on a (6)_______________ and carried away. A light bag is classed as (7)_______________ and you can take it with you on to the plane. An (8) looks at your passport and a(9)_______________ checks your hand luggage before you go into the (10) to wait till your flight is called. If you want to, you can buy some cheap (1 1 ) goods here. Then you see on the (12)________________oryou hear an (13)______________ that you must (14)________________your plane. You go through the (15)_______________, and then there is sometimes a (16)_______________ before you actually enter the plane. When all the (17)_______________ are(18)_______________ , and when the captain and his crew are ready in the cockpit, the plane begins to (19)_______________ to the end of the (20)_______________. Finally, permission is received from the control tower and the plane moves faster and faster in order to (21)_______________. 4. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below destination self-catering 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. stopover resort souvenir jetlag adventure holiday abroad brochure If you stay in ___________________ rooms, you have to cook your own food. A is a kind of small magazine that often advertises holidays. A is a town where lots of people go on holiday. You suffer from when you arrive in a country where the time is very different from the country you left. Your____________________ is the place you are going to. A is a break in the middle of a very long flight. ____________________s are fun for people who enjoy physical exercise and trying new activities. When you go____________________ make sure you take your passport with you. I got a model of the Acropolis as a ____________________of my trip to Athens. 5. Fillin the correct wordfrom the list trip route voyage tour flight journey travel , especially if you are driving 1. It’s a good idea to take breaks during a long way. 2. My daughter is going on a school____________________ next week. 3. The____________________ from London to New York takes about eight hours. 4. I felt seasick during th e____________________. 5. Do you prefer to by car or train? 6. My parents have just come back from a ____________________ of Scotland. 7. I had to take a different____________________ to work this morning due to road works. 136 о WORD FORMATION 1. Usethe word given to form a word that fits each space 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Beijing has changed so much in the last few years that it’s almost_____________ (recognise). The new trains run on a _______________(complete) different system from ordinary trains. The number of cars_____________ (world) is about a billion and it is increasing all the time. Living in a foreign country really does (broad) your horizons. I can’t find a _____________ (direction) flight from London to Delhi so I’ve booked one that changes in Frankfurt. 6. All passengers must complete a visa form upon_________(arrive) at Singapore airport. 7. You can still see old milestones by the side of the road in England, showing th e ___________ (distant) to the nearest town. 8. The Museum of Transport has a full-sized jet plane next to the_______________(enter). 2. Tourism It is not always easy being a (tour). You spend half of your time making _________________(arrange) for your holiday and the other half worrying about sticking to the _________________(time). I think it’s relaxing sometimes to spend a holiday at home. There are no ____________________ (culture) problems, you do not need someone to be th e _____________________ (photograph) and you know that the local_________________(inhabit) are friendly. 3. World’s fastest train A new type of train may soon be in ________________ (operate) in Germany. So far tests have been _________________ (success) and it is hoped that in 10 years’ time _________________ (commute) will be able to travel from Hamburg to Berlin in less than an hour. The Transrapid train is _________________(actual) the world’s lowest-flying aircraft. It has been designed to travel at up to 420 km per hour, and it has neither wheels nor a motor. Instead of rails, a series o f _________________ (magnet) units powers the train, allowing it to “fly” one centimeter above the tracks. Since it is suspended in the air, it can turn sharp comers at very high speeds without creating any _________________ (notice) disturbance inside the train. _________________(environment) have serious__________________ (object) to the train, however, as it is _________________(significant) noisier that normal trains. Nevertheless, it seems that the new train will soon be a popular (alternate) to travelling by plane between cities in Germany. 4. The Paradise Hotel Can you imagine a more_________________ (relax) way to spend one's summer holiday than in a _________________ (marvel) hotel? The hotel which we had booked was beside a lake and surrounded by_________________(spectate) mountains. Imagine how_________________ (appoint) we felt when we arrived at the Paradise Hotel and found that we had been given a room with a view over the kitchens and not the natural mountain_________________ (scene) we had been expecting. Then when we went down for dinner the first evening feeling_________________ (hunger) after our long journey we found that a coach tour had arrived and the restaurant was so _________________ (crowd) that we had to wait for a table. It was really_________________ (noise) with so many people talking and when we finally sat down for dinner the waitress was tired,_________________ (irritate) and generally_________________ (polite). So the next day we made a _________________ (decide) to move to a smaller and quieter hotel just down the road. Fortunately we were right because we had a thoroughly (joy) stay there. 137 о WRITING 39 Personal Letter You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Carla who writes: ... Myclass went on a one-day trip to Stratford-on-Avon last week. I really enjoyed though travelling by bus was long and tiring. Do you often go on school outings? Do you enjoy these trips, why or why not? What was the most interesting trip? My grandfather was 70 last week, and we had a family gathering... • • write a letter to Carla answering her questions ask 3 questions about her family gathering Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. | 40 1 Argumentative composition Comment the following statement. Tourism ruins everything it touches. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Study the clues on Travelling and Tourism which may help you in your writing: • • • • • • • Tourism can bring economic gain to the development of the country. Tourism is extremely beneficial as it provides people with jobs. Most popular resorts are polluted and overcrowded. Tourism brings cultures and people closer. Travelling is a part of people’s education; it broadens minds. Many ancient monuments are destroyed by crowds of tourists. The increasing number of tourists damage the local environment. Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Visitors to other countries should follow local customs and meet national standards of behaviour. Some people think that the best way to travel is in a guided group. One should read about historical sites before sightseeing. The most interesting places to visit are always exotic. Young people enjoy travelling more than senior citizens. 138 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ MASS MEDIA IN THE MODERN WORLD_______ Mass media bombard people with sensation. That substitutes fo r thinking Ray Bradbury Mass media is communication - whether written, broadcast, or spoken - that reaches a broad audience. Communications industry includes television, radio, advertising, movies, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and films. Mass media is a significant force in modem culture. Modem media not only reflects but also creates the culture. The general public typically relies on the mass media to provide information regarding political issues, social issues, entertainment, and news. Media messages promote not only products and news, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. Mass media makes possible the concept of celebrity: without the ability of movies, magazines, and news media to reach across thousands of miles, people could not become famous. The mass media has evolved significantly over time. The newspaper was the original platform for mass media. For a long period of time, the public relied on writers and journalists for newspapers to provide them with the latest news on current events. People still read papers to know the latest news. Nowadays we can say that broadsheet newspapers are seeing a serious drop in circulation while tabloid newspapers are in no danger of dying out. Bold headlines, appealing photos, low prices and colour supplements make tabloids the perfect choice for millions seeking some escape from real life. Television is the most effective platform to reach the general public. Programming is increasingly diverse with shows aimed to please all ages, incomes, backgrounds, and attitudes. This widespread availability and exposure make television the primary focus of most mass media discussions. Teenagers are watching less TV because of the services which allow them to watch a program when they want. If they watch TV, they prefer programs coming on in seasons, series or football matches, for example. Mass media also plays a critical role in educating the public; there are many educational television stations that you could learn from, like National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel, and the History Channel, to name a few. Today, the Internet is the most relevant form of mass media and has become a major tool for news outlets. Since the evolution of the Internet, the general public is now able to access those same news outlets in an instant with just a click of a mouse, instead of having to wait for scheduled programs. Everybody can easily get some access to the Net, be it at school, work or home. On the Net people can find the information for a variety of topics, get the latest news and do the shopping without leaving home. Internet media provide many mass media services, such as e-mail, websites, blogs, and Internet-based radio and television. The Internet also plays an essential role in educating the general public. With the information on the Internet, one could learn anything from something as simple as how to tie a tie, to the more complex like how to build a computer. Most teenagers are heavily active on a combination of social networking sites. E-mail communication and social networks have become one of the most popular ways of keeping in touch as one can interact with friends on a wide scale. In many cases, the mass media is the only source that the general public relies on for news. Many people say ‘I believe it because it has been reported on TV’. Unfortunately, media does not always use its power responsibly. The media has a lot of power, and it does not always appreciate the extent to which it can affect things. Through mass media, news outlets have a major influence on the general public and a major impact on the public's opinion on certain topics, especially in politics and business. Public or official government opinion quite often doesn’t stimulate creative thinking and makes people dependent on the views expressed by others. Now with things like Twitter people can spread the news, but it does run the risk that it’s not always correct. So to be responsible mass media consumers, we should get the information from different sources and be critical of what we hear and read. 139 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ Remember to say: • • • • Media in the Modern About the role of mass media in modern life About different types of mass media What the positive effects of mass media are What the negative effects of mass media are Answer the question: Where do you prefer to get information from? Why? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD computerize camcorder paparazzo (pi. paparazzi) one-directional remote control fake advice / agony column gossip column invasion of privacy censor \ censorship freedom of speech coverage blog \ blogging \ blogosphere investigative journalism yellow journalism media literacy \ content prime time product placement propaganda agenda setting EXAMPLE in principle, there is no longer any need for other forms of media, since all could be subsumed in the same computerized communication centre while not directly supporting mass communication, new possibilities for private ‘mediamaking’ (camcorders, cameras, mobile phones, etc.) have expanded the world of media and forged bridges between the spheres of professional and amateur paparazzi photography presently constitutes the largest genre of visual celebrity news traditional mass communication was essentially one-directional, while the new forms of communication are essentially interactive new means of storage and retrieval have nowadays expanded the range of possibilities, and even the remote control device has played a part fake news is thriving in the new media environment, presenting a threat to our society which we underestimate at our peril outside of one-sided letters to the editor, advice columns allow for an “unedited” window into the thoughts and feelings of readers in recent years, mass media have increased the amount of human-interest stories. In a sense these reports can be considered as media gossip with recent technological advances, the question of when the coverage and reporting of news becomes an invasion of privacy has appeared as a difficult one, especially for photographers and videographers the extent to which broadcast media should be censored for offensive language and behaviour is a complex issue every human possesses some guaranteed basic freedoms and rights, whether it is the freedom of speech, or the freedom to express themselves modem media coverage - the main means of mass communication - gives us news from around the globe, allowing us to develop an informed understanding of the world and its issues blogosphere is perceived as a newly emerging alternative media form of grassroots journalism, which is able to challenge the mainstream mass media the most significant development in investigative journalism in the 21st century has been the global investigations carried out by cooperating news organisations and freelancers across the globe while media critics cite outright fabrication as part of the yellow journalism phenomenon, they recognise that fake news is only a part of a larger problem of sensationalistic headlines, intrusive reporting, and journalism that places sales over accuracy concerning the fact that everyone is exposed to media influence, it is essential to form a critical attitude towards media content which is being offered to us the existence of dedicated channels should not be seen as a reason to relieve the commercial broadcasters of their obligation to show material during prime time that is suitable for all ages while the advantages of product placement to moviemakers and to corporate brands are clear, the benefits to consumers are more elusive whether propaganda has a positive or negative effect on society and culture depends on the motivations of mass media that use it and the understandings of those who receive it agenda setting describes a very powerful influence of the media - the ability to tell us what issues are important 140 о VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Puteach o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage opinion daily celebrities literate headlines information stand events types political It is probably true to say that the majority o f _____________________ people around the world receive____________________ from newspapers almost every day of their lives. As well as the hundreds of millions who buy a _____________________paper, there must be at least as many who get the chance to read a paper bought by someone else, or who just glance at th e_____________________ as they walk past a newspaper_____________________. Of course there are many different_____________________ of newspaper, from those that only contain ‘serious’ news to those that fill their pages with scandals and gossip, often involving the personal lives o f____________________ . However, most of them contain some political and economic news, along with a section giving opinions on recent_____________________. Of course, the line between fact and____________________ is not always clear, as the choice of which stories to include and how to report them often reflects the____________________ perspective of the newspaper in question. 2. Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below journalism talking nothing at all amount provocative advertisements facts exercise 1. ‘The man who reads____________________is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers. ’ (Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826, 3rd President o f the United States) 2. ‘It’s amazing that th e ____________________of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.’ (Jerry Seinfeld, American comedian) 3. ‘____________________ contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.’ (T. Jefferson) 4. ‘ largely consists of saying “Lord Jones is dead” to people who never knew that Lord Jones was alive.’ (G. K. Chesterton, 1874-1936, English writer) 5. ‘I would rather___________________ than read a newspaper.’ (Kim Alexis, American model) 6. ‘A good newspaper is a nation____________________ to itself.’ (Arthur Miller, American playwright) 7. ‘Once a newspaper touches a story, th e ____________________are lost forever.’ (Norman Mailer, American writer) 8. ‘I think a newspaper should b e ____________________. Stir 'em up, but you can't do that on television. It's just not on.’ (Rupert Murdoch, Australian-American media executive) О WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. On the box What do you need to become a _________________ (success) TV personality? The people who are usually chosen to host TV quiz shows and chat shows seem to have a few_________________(qualify) for the job apart from having an _________________ (attract) appearance; in the case of women, this means being blonde and_________________ (beauty). A certain level of intelligence and education i s _________________ (essence) but most people who work in the media do not seem to be very_________________ (talent) in any other respects. The sad thing is that TV personalities have a__________________ (power) influence on viewers and it is _________________ (nature) for young viewers to admire these charming people, wearing the _________________ (late) fashion and always smiling. However, today’s youth deserve (good) role models than these. 141 2. Internet: how it affects us One of the most ________________ (value) functions of the Internet is its (information) function. The Internet keeps people informed about current events, as well as about the latest (achieve) in science and culture. You can even find out how to pass from th e _________________ (ground) station to the house of your girlfriend, who has _________________ (recent) moved to London. Recently the system of _________________ (distance) learning has become _______________(popularise). You can study foreign languages and even study in universities. Individual_____________ (educate) program can be developed_________________(especial) for you. The Internet is also_________________ (wide) used in business. Thanks to the Internet we have rapid_________________ (connect) with partners from all comers of the world. You can even conduct ______________ (negotiate), hear and see your contacts, a n d _________________ (change) graphic and textual information. 3. The digital era The Internet has changed_________________ (communicate) as we know it. From education to _________________, (advertise) this n e w _________________ (technology) advance has affected _________________(practical) every aspect of our lives. Magazines, newspapers and even books are online and can be read on the computer. You can find_________________ (inform) on any topic - the __________________ (possible) are _________________ (end). The Internet can _________________(instant) connect you to other computers, allowing you to chat with people all over the world. It’s actually very easy to leam how to use the system, and once you’re online, you’ll never want to turn the computer off. The_________________ (develop) of such technology has come a long way. These_________________ (amaze) electronic devices have changed many people’s lives forever. 4. Politics on TV I love watching (discuss) programmes, and I love politics, so you'd think I’d enjoy watching_________________(politics) being interviewed on TV. But I don't. All too often, _________________(journal) ask them the most_________________ (ridicule) questions, and, when they do get an interesting question, I sit there watching in (believe) as some of the m ost_______________ (power) people in the country give totally_________________ (convince) responses. It is as if they don't care whether their reply is _________________ (believe) or not. Often, they're very poor _______________ (communicate), and they're frequently even more (inform) about key issues than I am. I don't expect them to be particularly _________________(humour) - they are serious people, after all - but at least they could say something interesting_________________ (occasion). It makes me want to stand for election myself! 5. Around the globe National Geographic Magazine is a _________________ (month) magazine of geography, archaeology, anthropology, an d _________________ (explore), providing the armchair traveller with literary and (fact) accounts and unexcelled photographs and maps to comprehend those_________________(pursue).The magazine was founded in 1888 and is still published by a non­ profit corporation, the National Geographic Society. The original_________________(intend) of the society was for the_________________ (period) to be oriented towards the United States, but the nature of its articles soon made it a magazine with a _________________ (globe) view. Under the editorship of Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, it attained a _________________ (circle) of 1,000,000 by 1926. National Geographic was one of the first magazines t o _________________ (produce) colour photographs of undersea life, views from the stratosphere, and animals in their natural habitat. The magazine became world famous for its_________________ (beauty) illustrated articles of the various geographic regions of the world. Its features include_________________ (substance) information on the environmental, social, and cultural aspects of the areas covered and their peoples. Proceeds from the magazine help support its_________________ (science) expeditions. 142 6. Make money from being on TV You can make a career from____________ (real) television. Some of these television programmes will pay for a n ____________ (appear) on their_shows; others will reward th e ____________ (win). Your____________(succeed) depends on the____________ (perform) you make because these shows are all about____________ (entertain) the audience. You may even get a chance to appear on other shows. One star of Castaway, for example, has a regular job in a big London____________ (music). However, there a re ____________ (advantage) too. In a programme like Pop Idol you have to beat the other____________ (compete) and in shows like Big Brother, th e _________ (produce) will be filming you around the clock. In some scenes you will probably be saying something you are not ____________(particular) proud of. Nobody other than th e ____________ (contest) will know how severe the situation can be. If you are____________ (fortune), you may become famous, but it will not be the kind o f (famous) you want. О WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Nicole, your English pen-friend. ...I ’m doing a report on the media in one o f my classes. I was wondering about your experience with the media. Where do you get your news? Do you find the news that you , watch or listen to reliable and why? What is your opinion on thefuture o f TV as mass media? I ’ve got to go now as I have to meet my sister from her music class. Drop me a line when you can... • • write back to Nicole answering his questions ask 3 questions about her relations with her sister Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 40 Argumentative composition Television, radio and newspapers have changed our lives for the better. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your opinion Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. Mass media does not use its power responsibly. 2. Online news sites are always factual, trustworthy sources of information. 3. Parents should not allow their children to watch TV during school weeks. 4. Watching soap operas is a waste of time. 5. Tell me what programmes you watch and I will tell you who you are. 143 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ ADVERTISING Advertising is the art o f convincing people to spend money they don 7 have fo r something they dcfn 7 need Will Rogers Although an average citizen is usually annoyed by all the advertisements printed in newspapers and magazines and the commercials broadcast on TV. the impact of the whole advertising industry on a single person is immense. Advertising absorbs vast sums of money, but it is useful to the community. What are the functions of advertisements? The first one to mention is to inform. A lot of the information people have about household devices, cars, building materials, electronics and appliances, cosmetics, detergents and food is largely derived from the advertisements they read or watch. Advertisements introduce them to new products or remind them of the existing ones. What is more, advertisements allow for greater social awareness and accessibility. Advertisements present a chance for ordinary citizens to act and actively engage in the betterment of their communities. The second function is to sell. The products are shown from the best point and the potential buyer, on having entered the store, unconsciously chooses the advertised products. One buys this washing powder or this chewing gum because the colourful TV commercials convince him/ her of the best qualities of the product. The aim of a good advertisement is to create a consumer demand to buy the advertised product or service. Furthermore, advertising draws attention to new ideas and so helps enormously to raise standards of living. Thirdly, advertising helps the economy and gives jobs to many people. Without advertising some free radio and TV channels would not be able to exist. We pay less for newspapers and magazines since the majority of advertisements are printed in our press. Sporting and other events are sponsored by ads. Ticket prices would be higher without advertisements. Moreover, it has been proved by some researchers that children who are exposed to a lot of advertising are educated about a particular lifestyle: they are educated about living in a consumer society, they leam about the importance of money, what products are needed, how they are used. Last but not least, the public advertising seen on street hoardings, railway stations and buildings makes people's life more joyful. Moreover, all those small ads in the press concerning “employment”, “education” and “for sale and wanted” columns, help ordinary people to find a better job or a better employee, to sell or to buy their second-hand things and find services, or leam about educational facilities, social events such as, concerts, theatre plays, football matches, and to announce births, marriages and deaths. However, some people stress the negative influence of advertising on people’s minds and lifestyle. They say that through advertising, people sometimes buy products that they may not need and often cannot afford. This leads to a higher personal debt. It also leads to a throwaway society - goods are thrown away, and more pollution and waste is produced. Furthermore, advertisements today are not as much about the products but rather about the character of the consumers and how they should feel when they possess the advertised product. Advertisements try to influence our emotions making us believe that our dreams will come tme if we use their products. Even cigarettes or sweets or alcohol are associated with the good values of human’s life such as joy, freedom, love and happiness, and just those associations make a person choose the advertised products. The companies do not have anyone’s moral or social well-being in mind. They just think about the profit. Children are very often the main target of advertisers. Advertisements cause children to start making demands. Children’s personal preferences can be targeted and changed by TV advertising. It is difficult to explain to kids the reasons why they cannot have everything which according to ads - is ‘for them’. They sometimes do not know which products are good for them and buy the wrong things. Fast-food and snack companies show ads, which lead to obesity and diabetes. Being naive, children cannot evaluate what is truthful and what is exaggerated. That is why in many countries there are strong regulations concerning the adverts aimed at children. In some countries such adverts are even banned. Nevertheless, despite our dissatisfaction when being bombarded by all the advertisers' information, we must admit that advertising performs a useful service to society as it strengthens the freedom of choice of people which makes advertisements an essential part of our everyday life. 144 STUDENT CARD о Givea 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “ Remember to say: • • • • Advertising What are the advertising functions What the positive aspects of advertising are What the negative aspects of advertising are If advertising is necessary for you, why or why not Answer the question: Have you ever bought anything after seeing (or hearing) an advertisement? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD commercial spot billboard flyer small / personal ads trailer product placement promotion endorsement sponsorship witty / humorous memorable persuasive misleading word-of-mouth regulation advertising agency target consumers brand awareness prime time brand loyalty О EXAMPLE the BBC is perhaps unique for not carrying any commercials radio stations make most of their revenue by selling airtime in the form of radio spots most major highways now have billboards by the roadside advertising everything from soap to gas it can be very effective to hand out flyers not all advertising is commercial; many newspapers carry small ads for personal services the trailer, as often as not, is actually better than the film itself we are not always aware that we are being "sold" a product; for instance, when products are placed in a film the two for the price of one promotion can often be very misleading many sports stars earn the majority of their income from endorsing various products it is unarguable that tobacco firms should not be allowed to sponsor sports events the idea is that if you can make someone laugh with a witty advert, then he or she will be more likely to buy the product almost all the best adverts are memorable in some way some ads are extremely persuasive, and as a result we buy products we do not really need although there are regulations against this, many adverts are still misleading it is frequently said that the most effective form of advertising is word-of-mouth advertising most people would accept that the advertising industry needs some form of regulation advertising agencies frequently do extensive market research to discover what attracts consumers the difficulty comes when adverts target young children who are too easily influenced by them it can also be argued that consumers are able to decide for themselves what to buy advertising is essential for companies that need to build their brand awareness everybody hates commercial breaks during a film as it really spoils the flow, especially when during prime time viewing they squeeze even more ads in than usual a creative and well-executed ad has the power to persuade the consumers regarding their purchase decisions and establishes brand loyalty VOCABULARY EXERCISE ^ _ Put each o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below logos promote inundated ' regulate encourages consumers exposure advertising television flyers product In today’s material world, we are____________________ with various forms of advertising. In my view, this can be dangerous as i t ____________________ us to spend without thinking and young people, in particular, need some protection from it. 145 There are nowadays so many different ways companies____________________ their products and services, ranging from ____________________ commercials to simple____________________ that we cannot escape it. If, for example, you watch a football match on television, you will see the ____________________ of the tournament sponsors. Likewise, if you watch the latest blockbuster movie, very probably you will see a i placed in the film by some ____________________ agency. The volume of this advertising means that we, as ____________________, tend to be profoundly influenced by it and buy without thinking. It is not easy to decide how t o advertising. Parents should, however, ensure that young people are protected from too much____________________ to advertising. This can mean simply explaining that it is not in fact necessary to buy the newest X-Box, or simply turning the television off. o WORD FORMATION Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. Advertisements It cannot be denied that (advertise) does have its drawbacks. Some advertisements show life ____________________ (real) and give (true) information. In adverts all people seem to be happy____________________(consume), all kids seem to be ____________________ (health) and well off. But this is not true at all. In ____________________ (add), adverts do not talk about products defects. What is more, advertising increases prices for consumers and p u ts____________________ (press) on them making them buy things they do not need. It is also must b e ____________________(forbid) to advertise alcohol and cigarettes as these____________________(produce) are really_____________________(harm). 2. First women in advertising At the turn of the century, there were few career____________________ (choose) for women in ____________________ (busy); however, advertising was one of the few. Since women were responsible for most of the ____________________ (purchase) done in their household, ____________________(advertise) and agencies recognised th e _____________________ (valuable) of women's insight during th e ____________________(create) process. In fact, the first American advertising to use a sexual sell was created by a woman - for a soap________________ (produce). Although tame by today's standards, the (advertise) featured a couple with the message "The skin you love to touch". 3. TV adverts Many television ____________________ (commerce) feature songs or melodies ("jingles") or slogans____________________ (design) to be striking and (memory), which may remain in the minds of television____________________ (view) long after the span of the advertising campaign. Some of these ad jingles or catch-phrases may take on ____________________(life) of their own, spawning gags that appear in films, television shows, magazines, comics, or literature. These long-lasting advertising elements may be said to have taken a place in the pop culture history of th e ____________________ (generate) to whom they appeared. Examples are the____________________ (endure) slogans, such as "I ¥ New York", "Just do it" (Nike) or "Because you are worth it" - L'Oreal Cosmetics. 4. Super Bowl In the United States, the TV advertisement is____________________ (general) considered the most ________________________(effect) mass-market advertising format, and this i s ________________________ (reflection) by the high prices TV networks charge for commercial ___________________ (broadcast) airtime during popular TV events. The annual Super Bowl American football game is known as much for its commercial advertisements as for the game itself, and the average cost of a single 30second TV spot during th is____________________(legend) game (seen by 90 million viewers) has 146 reached US$3 million. As a result, watching and discussing the broadcast's commercials has become a ____________________ (signify) aspect of the event. In addition, many popular singers and _____ ______________(music) have performed during the event's pre-game and halftime ceremonies because of the____________________ (expose). o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Brian, your English pen-friend. ...I decided to sell myold laptop, so I placed an advert in my local think, is it effective? What are the best ways for ordinary people to advertise something they want to sell in your country? Do you pay attention to the classified ads section of newspapers, why? By the way, this year I ’ve started studying Italian... • • write back to Brian answering his questions ask 3 questions about his language course Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 140 1 Argumentative composition Recommendations from friends are the most credible form o f advertising. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A great product needs no advertising. Advertisements that target children should be banned. Advertising is common throughout the world. However, not all people consider it helpful. Most advertisements make products seem much better than they really are. Advertising discourages people from being different individuals and makes them want to be or look the same. 147 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ MY FUTURE CAREER Work to become, not to acquire Elbert Hubbard Choosing a career is one of those important decisions that can change the course of our life. Some people can decide to follow in the footsteps of a parent or take over a family business. For others, career is the pursuit of a passion or lifelong dream. Whether one’s path is clear or uncertain, careful planning may lead to the job of a lifetime. There is a high competition in the world of careers and professions. The lack of guiding services and ever-increasing unemployment have complicated the decision-making process. Most of the young men and women feel confused, indecisive and frustrated in search of suitable jobs. If you have an idea of the career path you want to pursue, it can help you make the best decisions about your training and education. Many lines of work require specific degrees and certifications, which can take years to achieve. Understanding the requirements of your chosen profession will allow you to prepare yourself for the career you want. High school students are at the stage in their lives when they have to decide upon a career path. No doubt, school plays an important part in the decision-making process as it teaches us different subjects, and helps us discover our special talents and communicate with other people. Teachers provide helpful guidelines and make objective assessments for a high school student. Parents are very keen to help their children make good career decisions. Opinions of our friends and relatives are also very important. Choosing an appropriate career involves making an honest self-evaluation of your talents, abilities and interests. While your decision may change over time due to different circumstances, having a professional objective will help you make critical decisions. Nowadays, there are more factors for people to take into consideration when choosing a job. In addition to the salary prospects, many people may consider job satisfaction, promotion options, and the balance between life and work as other important motives when selecting a workplace. Some people argue that financial gain is essential for a person when he or she selects a career, while others disagree with it. Of course, money is important. There are lots of things money can buy, including social status and convenience of life. Even when choosing jobs, many people look at the pay before considering what the job actually involves. Everyone wants to meet the needs of their family and children. However, if you enjoy your work, you are more likely to succeed in your career. You may not get a high salary in the beginning, but your passion and efficiency will help you develop professionally. On the other hand, if you are in a career that you do not like, you will not have the motivation to go to work. This lack of enthusiasm will limit your chances of professional growth. Worse, it could lead to stress and many health problems. Throughout your career, you must be able to summarise your work history, outline your skills and emphasise traits you have for future work. The ability to make a professional qualifications statement such as a resume or CV is very important nowadays. Finally, when you are given the job of your dreams try to remember everything you know, be punctual, hardworking and do your best. 148 о STUDENT CARD Give a 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic Remember to say: • • • • “MyFuture Career”. Whether it is an easy task to choose afuturecareer and why What important things you should keep inmindchoosing a future job If job satisfaction is important What job you are going to choose Answer the question: What role does school play in the choice of a profession? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD CV (Curriculum Vitae) letter of application perks oddjobs aptitude entrepreneur income standard of living wage employee to resign | to quit | to retire to be dismissed to be fired to get fired to be sacked to get the sack to get the chop to get your P45 to lose your job to be made redundant incentive strike apprentice trainee intern occupation earn your living DEFINITION personal information, information about your education, qualifications, skills and experience description of your personal qualities, qualifications and skills required for a particular job, written in the form of a formal letter an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job small jobs of different types, especially those that involve repairing or cleaning things ability that is innate or acquired; talent; intelligence one who organises and manages a business or enterprise the amount of money or its equivalent received during a period of time in exchange for labour or services the level of subsistence and comfort in everyday life enjoyed by a community, class, or individual a payment to a worker for labour or services one who works for another, usually for wages or a salary To leave your job = to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health to be asked to leave a job, usually because you have done something wrong or badly, or sometimes as a way of saving the cost of employing you to lose your job because your employer no longer needs you monetary or other reward offered as motivation a period of time when workers stop work in order to force an employer to agree to their demands a person who learns a job or skill by working for a fixed period of time for someone who is very good at that job or skill a person who is being trained for a job a student or recent graduate who works for a period of time at a job in order to get experience the work that a person does; a person’s job or profession to get (money, a salary, etc.) for work that you have done People look for jobs at different places. One can: • be employed by the governmentor a company • work / be freelance We often speak of: • full-time jobs • part-time jobs • regular jobs • odd jobs 149 Jobs can offer some prospects: • promotion • financial reward • • perks and bonuses good job opportunities Jobs can be attractive and unattractive. These are some qualities that make them such. Attractive jobs creative challenging exciting fulfilling interesting pleasant popular prestigious Unattractive jobs backbreaking boring dangerous exhausting messy monotonous not respected tiring satisfying skilful rewarding well-paid Different jobs can require: special knowledge accuracy courage a good imagination a lot of (little) experience meeting people physical strength special training working from home/ travelling a lot working late (long) hours working night shifts Are these jobs popular? Describe them and explain why you consider them popular? Accountant, architect, (auto)mechanic, barber, carpenter, chef, chemist, database administrator, designer, flight attendant, dentist, interpreter/translator, interior decorator, journalist, lawyer, judge, librarian, model, musician, nurse, photographer, police officer, programmer, art restorer, editor, electrician, engineer, estate agent, fashion designer, firefighter, hairdresser, receptionist, secretary, social worker, sport instructor, surgeon, teacher, travel agent, technician, vet, pharmacist, plumber, tailor, mason. Here is a list o f ts, which you mightfind important when you are looking for a job. Which are the poin 3 most important and the 3 least important for you? Give your reasons outdoor work top wages no special qualification needed opportunity to use your own ideas regular working hours on-the-job training when you begin flexible working hours further training work in a team with friendly people health insurance opportunity to become self-employed chance to help other people short way from home opportunity to become well-known Study the vocabulary, fill in the missing words Use: I am very... accurate adaptable cooperative creative flexible energetic organised persistent ...is one of my strong points adaptability creativity flexibility organisation 150 punctuality punctual responsible tactful determined intelligent tact These are the most common questions asked in a normal interview with some ideas o f how to prepare an answer. Think how you can answer these questions following the guidelines given: Tellme about yourself. What were your main responsibilities in your last job? What is your biggest accomplishment? What are your greatest strengths / weaknesses? Why do you want to workfor this company? Why do you want to leave your current job? Or Why did you leave your last job? When can you start? О It is your chance to give an overall impression of who you are. Research the company to get an idea of the skills and experience they are looking for, work those into your response. Make sure you concentrate on who you are, your work experience, and relate everything to show that you would be a great candidate for the position. Be specific and positive about what you did in your current / previous job. Try to relate them to the job you are being interviewed for. Give an example that relates to the job you are interviewing for. Your ability to work well under pressure, prioritising skills, problem-solving skills, professional expertise, leadership skills, team spirit. Be prepared to give real-life examples. Be honest about a specific weakness, but show what you are doing to overcome it. Be positive. Research the organisation and relate what they offer to your long-term ambitions. Never say anything bad about your previous employers. Think about leaving for a positive reason. Straight away. I need to give x weeks’ notice. VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Choose the right word 1. A (n )_________________ repairs car engines, whereas a (n )__________________ uses scientific knowledge to develop machines, (mechanic / engineer) 2. A(n)_________________ is responsible for the preparation and publication of a newspaper, book or magazine, while a(n)_________________ prints them ready to be sold, (publisher / editor) 3. _________________work on beaches or in swimming pools and save people from drowning, but _________________are hired to protect famous people, (lifeguards / bodyguards) 4. _________________work in places from which you can buy books, whereas_________________ work in places from which you can borrow books, (librarians / booksellers) 5. A _________________writes articles for newspapers or magazines, while a _________________ presents news stories on television or radio, (journalist / newsreader) 6. A n is a scientist who studies the stars and planets, but a n _________________ makes predictions by studying the positions of stars and planets, (astrologer / astronomer) 7. A informs people about the weather on the TV or radio, whereas a _________________studies weather cbnditions so that the weather forecast can be given, (weather presenter / meteorologist) 8. ________________catch fish which are then sold t o __________________ who sell them in their shops, (fishermen / fishmongers) 151 2. Puteach o f the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below references fill in short-list interview vacancy qualifications application forms applicants experiences apply Applying for a job _ _ In times of high unemployment there are usually very many _________________ when a is advertised. Sometimes large numbers of people__________________________________ , and send o f f _________________ for a single job. It is not unusual, in fact, for hundreds of people to to a firm for one post. This number is reduced to a __________________________________ of perhaps six or eight, from whom a final choice is made when they all attend a n _________________. Very possibly the people interviewing will be interested in th e_________________ the candidates gained at school or university and what_________________ they have had in previous jobs. They will probably ask for_________________ written by the candidates’ teachers and employers. 3. Instructions as above commute pension salary ambitious prospects perks promotion increments retire commission Choosing the right job Job satisfaction is important but I have a wife and a baby so I have to think about money too. If a job interests me, I need to know what________________ it offers and whether there are regular annual increases, called . I want to know if I will receive a _________________ when I _________________at the age of 60 or 65. If the job is selling product, I ask if I’ll receive a percentage of the value of what I sell, called_________________. It is also important to know if there are extra advantages, like free meals or transport, or the use of a car. These are called_________________ or fringe benefits. Are the future_________________good? For example, is there a good chance of _________________to a better job, with more money and responsibility? Is the job near my home? If it isn’t, I’ll have t o _________________ every day and this can be very expensive. I’m very keen to be successful. I’m very_________________ I don’t want to stay in the same job all my life. 4. Fill in the blanks. The first letter o f each missing word has been given There is a lot of u nowadays so it is getting more and more difficult to get the kind of j_________________you really want. Then you have to decide what is more important to you how much you e_________________ or job satisfaction? Do you prefer to work with your hands (called manual work) or do you prefer to work in an office (called clerical work)? Do you prefer to work indoors or о_________________? Besides, certain professions require different qualities and abilities. Salespeople need to be p to get people to buy their products. Receptionists should be p________________ in order to make people feel welcome. Surgeons must be very a_________________ as they shouldn’t make mistakes in their work. A secretary has to be e_________________and с__________________ in order to do her work quickly and accurately. And what qualities will you need in your future profession? 152 о WORD FORMATION Read the text and put the words in brackets into the correct form 1. A job advertisement A New Opportunity in ________________ (inform) Technology! Are you looking for a change? Are you_________________ (bore) with your present job? Do you need more_________________(vary) in your work? Are you_________________ (energy) with good people skills? Stop! A.T. Computers is offering a n _________________ (excite) new job in our Sales Department, organising a new _________________ (advertise) campaign in the USA. It’s a _________________ (challenge) position which involves travelling and a lot o f _________________ (responsible). If you are _________________ (interest) and have necessary experience and (qualify), we will be very_________________ (please) to hear from you. 2. A letter of inquiry Dear Sir or Madam, I read your (advertise) in International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry _________________ (require) for the course in English Language. Could you tell me what language_________________ (qualify) are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know i f _________________ (accept) on the course depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am a n _________________ (account) for an international company, I would be interested in a course which focuses on language_________________ (develop) for both social and _________________ (busy) purposes. I would also like to know the (distant) from the college to London and i f _________________ (attend) at all classes is obligatory, or whether an occasional_________________ (absent) for purposes of travel be acceptable. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Nelson Fernandez 3. A challenge for Europe Although recently there has been a small (reduce) in the number of people out of work in Europe,_________________(employ) is still the number o n e _________________ (society) problem facing the fifteen member states of the European Union. Moreover, _________________ (equal) of opportunity between men and women is still an issue that _________________(political) in many countries have not come to grips with. In _________________ (profess) such as the law and engineering women are still noticeable by their absence. _________________(employ) still discriminate against fem ale_________________ (employ) in a number of ways even if their_________________(qualify) are the same as those of men. It would be a pity if the _________________ (achieve) of the EU on an economic level were marred by _________________(fail) in the vital area of social policy. 4. Job interviews Many people feel v e ry _________________ (nerve) about job interviews but remember the interviewers must have liked your_________________ (apply), so you only have to live up to their _____________ (expect)! Before you go into the interview room, take a few deep_________________ (breathe). If you think about something nice, that brings you a feeling o f_________________ (happy) then you will smile, and give an impression o f ________________ (confident). Make sure that you take all the right papers with you - if you forget something, you could look _________________ (profession). If they ask why you left your last job,-do not give a long_________________(explain). You have a right to your_________________(private) and so do your previous employers. Any future employer will like it if you show_________________ (loyal) to your old boss. Take your time to answer questions, and relax. If you follow this_________________ (advise), you have a good chance of getting the job! 153 о WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Sheryl, your English pen-friend, who writes: ... I needsome money to go on holiday with my friends at the end o f August. Do think I shouldfind a job? Have you or any o f your friends done summer jobs? I am thinking o f working as a waiter for a few weeks. Do you think it is a good idea? What other jobs do you think I could do? And what do you think the problems might be? Let me know what you think. Write back soon. Best wishes, Sheryl • • Write back to Sheryl answering her questions Ask 3 questions about the holiday she is going on with her friends Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing, o GUIDED WRITING 140 1 Argumentative composition Some teenagers would like to have a highly paid job. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Complete the text with the missing words and phrases: To start with, However, What is more, On the other hand, Firstly, In conclusion, Besides, Secondly Nowadays young people have various job opportunities. No wonder that it is difficult for them to choose their future occupation. Some teenagers believe that job satisfaction should be the major reason while choosing a job. (1)________________, some teenagers argue that money is the keystone in every job. I believe that the major concern when choosing a job should be our interests and talents. (2)_________________, a future career should fit our personality, otherwise it is not going to be fulfilling. (3) , it is unlikely that a job will be done properly unless we are interested in it. Our attitude will surely have a negative impact. (4) _________________, some teenagers claim that the more money they get the more they will be respected. (5)__________________, they believe that getting much money they will be able to buy what they want and it will make them happy. I totally disagree with the above statements. (6)_____________________, if you only work to earn money your life will soon become extremely boring. (7)_______________, if you really enjoy your job, you will achieve success and get the reward and respect that you truly deserve even if you don’t earn much money. (8) ___________________ , there are two points of view on the problem of the choice between money and job satisfaction. I want to stress that while salary is important, teenagers should not consider earnings as a primary factor when choosing their future occupation. I 40 I 154 Argumentative composition 1. Readand discuss positive and negative aspects o f teenagers at work. What is your opinion? Positive aspects Working teenagers: • • • • • • • get a taste of work at an early age earn extra pocket money get experience of a workplace and society learn to handle money gain the sense of independence and self-respect become reliable many parents cannot support their children at university or college; by working part-time students can help their parents with their burden Negative aspects If you have a part-time job: • • • • 2. you will be tired, you will not be able to concentrate at university or college and you won’t be so healthy you will not have enough time to do your homework and your results will suffer you will not have time to relax, to spend on hobbies or with your friends you will not have a carefree youth (there is plenty of work when you graduate) Use the arguments above to write an argumentative composition on the following topic: 40 A degree can open the door to better employment prospects. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Work is the most important thing in life. People should change their jobs every few years. Most jobs require specific knowledge and skills. In any occupation discipline is more important than talent. Teenagers should be able to do part-time jobs in their free time. 155 Read the text, learn the vocabulary and discuss ♦ W HY ENGLISH? With hard work, learning English, and getting involved, there is no limit on what you can achieve Arnold Schwarzenegger Language is our primary source of communication. It is the method through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. Some people even say that language is what separates us from animals and makes us human. There are thousands of languages in this world. Countries have their own national languages in addition to a variety of local languages spoken and understood by their people in different regions. Some languages are spoken by millions of people, others by only a few thousand. The usage of English language has become significant in our daily life. It is a fact that English is the language that is used globally in the world nowadays. The importance of learning English cannot be overstated in an increasingly interconnected and globalised world. To start with, English is the third most widely spoken native language in the world (after Chinese and Spanish), and in terms of a sheer number of speakers, it is the most spoken official language in the world. It is the primary language used in international affairs, science, medicine and aviation. The English language has official status even in nations where it is not the primary spoken language, in Sweden, for example. English is indisputably the primary language of global trade, commerce and tourism. In many countries, most tourism authorities and other officials speak English to interact and engage with tourists. Moreover, English is essential to the field of education. In many countries, children are taught and encouraged to leam English as a second language. Even in countries where it is not an official language, we will find many curricula in English. English also opens doors to the academic world. Many of the best institutions in the world teach in English, so knowing it well gives you the opportunity to get the best training and credentials. Studying and teaching, attending international conferences and publishing in foreign journals are some of the key steps to success in academia. In order to speak at these conferences or publish in these journals, excellent English is essential. Most multinational companies require a certain degree of English proficiency from potential employees so in order to get a position with a top company people are learning English. Much of the technical terminology is based on English words. Last but not least, most information on the Internet is in English, thereby proving again the significance of learning English. Since globalisation is increasing, having one global language seems very accommodating for everyone. It can be predicted that one day the English language will predominate all other languages and may eventually lead to their disappearance. Having one language will certainly aid global understanding and improve economic scenario, but it will also bring along with it some drawbacks. Firstly, if local languages vanish, there must be a negative impact on local traditions and history. All other languages will disappear, and along with them the cultures they bring along with. Secondly, it would result in the collapse of tourism because there will be no reason of travelling if all countries have the same language and culture. This may lead to devastating economy of counties which rely solely on tourism. However, there are many economic benefits of having a single global language. Travelling and trading across the boundaries will be eased and promoted by using global language. With all people speaking the same language, there will be fewer communication barriers, and therefore trade would flourish between countries which would result in healthier world economy. All in all, English as a single speaking language in all countries can promote international trade and learning, but there are some possible threats towards preserving traditional customs and languages. Maintaining local culture should be prioritised in order to ensure a rich world heritage for future generations. 156 STUDENT CARD о Givea 2-2.5 minute talk on the topic “Why English?” Remember to talk about: • • • • Importance of the English language nowadays Advantages of having one global language in the world Disadvantages of a single global language Best ways to study a foreign language Answer the question: Do you think that all children should learn a foreign language at school? О USEFUL VOCABULARY WORD lingua franca (non)-native speaker first \ second language local \ national international (global) spoken language bilingual \ multilingual language of instruction borrow / borrowing derive / derivative (non)-verbal communication: intercultural be fluent in / fluency converse / conversation negotiate / negotiations intelligibility / (un)intelligible meaningless translator \ interpreter \ \ EXAMPLE despite being welcomed by some and deplored by others, it cannot be denied that English functions as a global lingua franca English is being shaped at least as much by its non-native speakers as by its native speakers the world is an increasingly globalised place where individuals are communicating among multiple, so the importance of learning a second language becomes self-evident the influence of the United States and Great Britain on political affairs and international relations has ensured the acceptance of English as the primary spoken language in many countries many countries and markets recruit professionals with multilingual skills but also expect the candidates to have good English-speaking skills in universities and colleges, which attract the most number of international students, the primary language of instruction is English English easily borrows words from other languages and has coined many new words to reflect advances in technology openness of vocabulary in English implies the ready creation of compounds and derivatives though non-verbal communication is an essential part of communicative situations, it is sometimes a neglected issue in foreign language teaching one of the goals of foreign language teaching is to help students to become intercultural speakers researchers have shown that study abroad is not always the golden ticket to language fluency that it is thought to be people should learn as many languages as they can because language is a necessary tool to have conversations with foreign people and learn about their cultures being able to communicate and negotiate successfully with clients who speak English makes your skill-set more attractive to companies who conduct business internationally mutual intelligibility, great career opportunities and reduced administrative costs are some of the advantages a global language would give it is a widespread opinion that every European citizen should have meaningful communicative competence in at least two other languages in addition to his or her mother tongue translators and interpreters enhance communication by conveying information accurately from one language to another in different countries across the world Facts about English: • • • • There were only 30 000 words in Old English. Modem English has thelargest vocabulary in the world - more than 600 000 words. There are about 60 000 words in common use. About 450-500 words are added to the English vocabulary every year. 70 per cent of the English vocabulary are loan words and only 30 per cent of the words are native. 157 • • • • • The longest word in the English language is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (a lung disease). The most overworked word in English is the word It has 126 verbal uses and 58 noun uses. The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" includes every letter of the English alphabet. The words "month", "orange", "silver", or "purple" have no rhymes. The largest English-language dictionary is the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary, with 21 728 pages. Here are some ways Explain Your choice: youcan practice^ your English skills. Which ones seem most help 1. Podcasts. There are many podcasts that are made especially for ESL or EFL learners. 2. Videos. You can practice your English comprehension by watching YouTube videos; there are a lot of English instructors making videos designed to assist you with listening comprehension, pronunciation and grammar. 3. Music. Listening to current recordings helps you leam phrases and proper slang usage, and it keeps your head in the language. 4. Exercises. You can find thousands of free English exercises online. English teachers post them on their sites as a service to new students. 5. Games. There are many good games for learning English that you can play with your family, friends or classmates at home or school including Boggle, Scrabble, and trivia games. There are many online versions of these games too, so you can play with other players or play alone. 6. Films and TV shows. If you are watching an English film, turn off - or try to ignore - the subtitles. You’ll be amazed by how much you understand. 7. Books and newspapers. Look up the words you don’t know. You may want to get a written and audio version of the same book, using them together. 8. Move to an English-speaking country. If you’re able to do it, the world will be your classroom. Once there, try your best to speak only in English, even when hanging out with friends who speak your native language. o VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. Fill in the blanks with the words given capacities instruction naturally hallmarks foreign fluency bilingual expand confusion cross-cultural approach enables The ability to speak several languages is considered one of the____________of a cultured person. From this perspective, foreign language should begin as early as possible in order to achieve near-native____________. The reasons behind this____________ are intellectual, social and professional. Intellectually, learning a ____________ language at a young age enables children to develop their brain. At this age, their____________ are limitless. They have less biases against learning different subjects. They can leam one, two or three languages without____________; it would only serve to ____________ their minds. Socially, learning a foreign language____________ a young child to enter a wider cultural world. By learning to speak, think and understand a different language, the child develops greater____________ awareness. Professionally, in today's increasingly globalised world,____________ individuals are in high demand. The child who achieves this fluency____________ and easily at a young age already has the edge over others in the job market. 158 2. Readthe text below and decide which answer А, В, С or D best fits each gap The BBC English Dictionary The BBC, in the form of the language-teaching arm of the World Service, and Harper Collins have (1)__________forces to publish the BBC English Dictionary, "A Dictionary for the World". It is (2)__________at the 120 million listeners to the World Service who cannot find the expressions in (3)__________dictionaries. (4)__________ on 70 million words broadcast at least ten times a year on the World Service, the compilers, (5) by Prof. John Sinclair, have included(6)__________ expressions and word usage, without judging whether they are being used (7 ) . Elizabeth Smith, the BBC's Controller of English Services, said: "Our language is (8) __________on statements by real people, like politicians and (9) which the BBC has accurately recorded. As broadcasters, we try to use a few idioms and metaphors but only to show that we (10)__________ in the real world." 1 2 3 4 A A A A 5 A 6 A 7 A 8 A 9 A 10 A o connected pointed functional Counting headed recent correctly designed so many inhabit В В В в в в в в в в joined directed traditional Trying chaired current truly made thus far live С С С с с с с с с с attached trained conventional Drawing dictated nowadays sincerely formed as to stay D D D D D D D D D D fixed aimed partial Bearing treated late finely based so on be WORD FORMATION 1. Read the text below. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits the gap 1. Second language learning There has been much debate in recent times about when young people should take up a second language. This has been especially fuelled in recent times by the increasing _________________ (important) placed on the English language. It is now commonplace to see parents providing a substantial amount o f__________________ (funding) on additional tuition on language lessons to give their children every__________________ (competition) edge. In the past decade, language institutes have sprung up in __________________ (number) urban centres, all claiming to provide rapid _________________ (advanced) in English. There has been a push by many parents to expose their children to English in their _________________ (formation) years. This, many claim, will make the language more _________________ (instinct) and ensure that all pronunciation errors can be avoided. There is some evidence which points to youngsters who have been raised in__________________(language) families, where the language spoken at home is different to the one that they__________________ (conversation) with in their external environment. While these children can switch between two languages with greater __________________(easy), it remains to be seen whether this i s ___________________(advantage) when learning additional languages. 159 2. English students and culture shock Culture shock is a feeling o f (confuse) experienced by someone visiting a new country and being confronted with an __________________ (familiar) culture. It is experienced by many of the thousands of students who leave home to study English in an English-speaking country. These students have to cope withchanges in Weather, food, language and behaviour. (search) have found that there are several stages of culture shock and that adjusting to life in a new country is an _________________ (go) and gradual process. Initially, students may feel__________________ (excite) and delight at the new culture. They take to theirlanguage studies with enthusiasm and make significant progress. Once the _________________ (novel) of being in a foreign place wears off, feelings of _________________ (anxious), depression and homesickness may arise, and homesick students may call home repeatedly. _________________ (communicate) problems, due to locals speaking too quickly and using strange idioms and slang, are also very common.__________________ (add), stress may be caused by racial discrimination,_________________ (finance) problems or safety concerns. During the next stage, the student is more__________________ (real) and begins to accept the positive and negative aspects of both cultures. They begin to feel at home and realise that problems are also _________________ (learn) opportunities. 3. Disappearing languages Many of the world’s languages are disappearing at a n __________________ (alarm) rate due to political o r __________________ (economy) reasons. It is estimated that as many as half of all known languages may disappear by 2100. The_________________ (appear) of some elements of a language is a natural result of the __________________ (pass) of time, but now that we all live in a _________________ (globe) village, this process is speeding up. As language is an essential part of a people’s culture, if one disappears it is a terrible_________________ (lose) for all humanity. Sometimes local languages co-exist with the dominant language, but they are _________________ (eventual) replaced as older speakers die and younger ones adopt what they consider to be the more_________________ (use) tongue. Although interest in language__________________ (preserve) is on the rise, many people have an equally strong interest in stamping o u t_________________ (minor) languages. It is essential, therefore, for language (commune), language professionals and _________________ (govern) to work together to try to stop them from doing this. o WRITING 39 Personal Letter This is a part of a letter from Rosie, your English pen-friend. ...I haveserious problems with my Spanish. I learn new words and grammar r easily, but unfortunately, I cannot use these rules at all. That’s why I make lots o f mistakes when I speak or write. What would you recommend me to advance in my language studies? Are there any useful tips to avoid grammar mistakes? Do you think I have a chance to speak a foreign language fluently? By the way, I've decided to send you a book in English for your birthday... • • write back to Rosie answering her questions ask 3 questions about her birthday present Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. 160 40 Argumentative composition A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • • • • • make an introduction, (state the problem) express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion express why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion make a conclusion restating your position Choose one o f the topics and write an essay following all the rules and recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten. As computers translate quickly and accurately, learning foreign languages is a waste of time. It is impossible to speak a second language as perfectly as native speakers. The best way to leam a foreign language is to speak with native speakers. Having only one global language will be beneficial for our planet. Not anyone who knows a foreign language can be an interpreter. You can never become fluent in a language unless you have spent time living or working in that country. 161 ♦ ОСНОВНЫЕ СВЕДЕНИЯ О СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИИ В английском языке словообразование осуществляется: • • • • • о без каких-либо суффиксов и префиксов, так называемое корневое образование; при помощи чередования гласных; при помощи чередования ударений; при помощи словосложения; при помощи аффиксации. КОРНЕВОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ (КОНВЕРСИЯ) __ ___ __________ Этот способ словообразования характерен для английского языка в силу аналитического характера его строя. Суть конверсии состоит в том, что происходит переход слова из одной части речи в другую без изменения формы. Глагол Существительное О hand рука to hand передавать mark отметка to mark отмечать help помощь to help помогать milk молоко to milk доить dress одежда to dress одеваться СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ ПРИ ПОМОЩИ ЧЕРЕДОВАНИЯ ГЛАСНЫХ Существительное О Глагол food корм, еда to feed кормить blood кровь to bleed обескровливать, кровить СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ ПРИ ПОМОЩИ ЧЕРЕДОВАНИЯ УДАРЕНИЙ Глагол Существительное О 'export экспорт to ex'port экспортировать increase ['inkri:s] рост, прибавление to increase [in'kri:s] расти, возрастать СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ ПРИ ПОМОЩИ СЛОВОСЛОЖЕНИЯ black board- классная доска cornflower- василек о wall - обои whitewas'/z - белить _____________ АФФИКСАЦИЯ Аффиксация включает в себя суффиксацию и префиксацию то есть образование новых слов при помощи суффиксов и приставок. 162 НАИБОЛЕЕ УПОТРЕБИТЕЛЬНЫЕ СУФФИКСЫ ГЛАГОЛОВ СУФФИКС ЗНАЧЕНИЕ (сущ. +) -ise (ize) (прил. +) -еп делать(ся) таким, как на то указывает основа harden - делатъ(ся) твердым (сущ. +) -ify, -fy превращать в, делать то, на что указывает основа gasify - превращаться) в газ; electrify - электризовать подвергать воздействию, превращать в то, на что указывает основа vaccinate - делать прививку; granulate - гранулировать (сущ. +) -ate ПРИМЕР Summarise (ize) - суммировать -er whisper - шептать -ish establish - устанавливать НАИБОЛЕЕ УПОТРЕБИТЕЛЬНЫЕ СУФФИКСЫ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ СУФФИКС ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПРИМЕР (гл. +) -er, -or обозначение деятеля worker -рабочий (гл. +) -ing действие в процессе boiling - кипячение (прил. +) -ness свойство, качество whiteness - белизна состояние, условие, качество акт или факт действия activity - деятельность breakage - поломка содержание чего-либо (единиц измерения) percentage - процентное содержание (прил. +) -ty, -ity (гл. +) -age (сущ. +) -age (гл. +) -ment treatment - лечение (гл. +) -апсе, -епсе resistance - сопротивление (гл. +) -апсу, -епсу expectancy - надежда (прил. +/сущ. +) -dom (гл. +) -ion, -tion, sion,-ssion отвлеченные понятия (абстрактные существительные) freedom - свобода revision - повторение pressure - давление -ure childhood - детство -hood -ship friendship - дружба length - длина -th 1) национальность; 2) профессия American - американец, librarian - библиотекарь -ism какое-либо течение (например, политическое) communism - коммунизм -ist 1) принадлежность к какомулибо течению; 2) профессия communist - коммунист', artist —художник -an, -ian 163 НАИБОЛЕЕ УПОТРЕБИТЕЛЬНЫЕ СУФФИКСЫ НАРЕЧИЙ И ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫХ СУФФИКСЫ ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫХ СУФФИКСЫ НАРЕЧИЙ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПРИМЕР СУФФИКС ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПРИМЕР таким образом, способом entirely всецело -teen количественное числительное от 13 до 19 fifteen пятнадцать -ward(s) направление движения backwards - назад -ty десятки seventy семьдесят -wise в таком направлении, таким способом clockwise - по часовой стрелке -th порядковое числительное fourth четвертый СУФФИКС (прил. +) -iy НАИБОЛЕЕ УПОТРЕБИТЕЛЬНЫЕ СУФФИКСЫ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫХ СУФФИКС ПРИМЕР ЗНАЧЕНИЕ central - центральный (сущ. +) -а1 (сущ. +) -ic (сущ. +) -ical patriotic - патриотический (сущ. +) -OUS famous - известный (сущ. +) -ful ( г л . +) -able, -ible useful - полезный +) -ant, -ent (г л . geological - геологический expressible - выразительный наличие признака, свойств и качеств, выраженных основой dependent - зависимый +) -ive (сущ. +) -ly active - активный (сущ. +) -у (г л . +) -ite grainy - зернистый (г л . friendly - дружелюбный favourite - любимый -агу pecuniary - денежный -ate fortunate -удачный -ed cold-blooded - хладнокровный -less отсутствие качества, признака useless - бесполезный -ish 1) наличие признака в слабой степени; 2) принадлежность к национальности reddish - красноватый', Polish - польский -ese -ian, -an -like -ern принадлежность к национальности Japanese - японский сходство принадлежность к одной из сторон света birdlike - птицеподобный Egyptian - египетский 164 northern - северный НАИБОЛЕЕ УПОТРЕБИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРЕФИКСЫ И ИХ ЗНАЧЕНИЯ ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРЕФИКСЫ ПРЕФИКС UI1- ПРИМЕР unable неспособный in- inactive бездеятельный im- impossible невозможный ii- illegal незаконный ir- irregular неправильный mis- misunderstand неправильно понять dis- disapproval неодобрение ДРУГИЕ ПРЕФИКСЫ ПРЕФИКС ЗНАЧЕНИЕ re- (+ гл.) вновь сделать то, на что указывает основа remake переделывать en-, е т (+ гл.) придавать качество embody воплощать избыточная степень качества или выполнения действия overproduce перепроизводить недостаточная степень качества или выполнения действия underestimate недооценивать over- (+ гл.) under- (+ гл.) 165 ПРИМЕР ♦ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ НА РАЗВИТИЕ НАВЫКА СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЯ 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы: Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, antibody, decompose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, antifascist, cooperation, coexistence, interaction, superhuman, ultraviolet. 2. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ег или -or: То lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose. 3. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса -ist, -ism, -ian: Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India. 4. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ment: Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave. 5.0бразуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -ful и -less: Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -able, -ible: Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect. 7. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к какой части речи эти слова относятся: British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom. 8. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса -еп: Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp, strength. 9. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у: Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy. 10. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при помощи следующих суффиксов: al, -ful, -ous, -у, -able, -ible, -ic, -less, -ish: Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home. 166 11. Usethe correct negative prefixes (or suffixes) to give the following words an opposite meaning WORD TRANSLATION WORD convenient capable correct credible employed decisive expensive obedient experienced fair obey formal effective approve friendly like healthy agree honest legal belief probable necessary possible pleasant familiar behave polite perfect understand punctual satisfactory patient successful legible tidy regular usual responsible well rational personal literate welcoming spell appropriate mature calculate bearable accurate complete expected sensitive decent frequent logical aware use believable known care harm able help efficient end ■ 167 TRANSLATION 12. Usethe wordgiven to form a word that fits each space 1. Tied of ceaseless pressure of the (compete) business world, Andrew decided to leave it and take over a small_________ (news) shop in the country. 2. Usually Luke is very___________ (please) an d _____________ (reason), but there are times when he gets very bad-tempered and almost violent. He is a James Bond__________ (person). 3. Laura sounds_____________(impress) when she talks about adventures and______________ (achieve), but it’s all fantasy. 4. Barbara’s manner w a s_______________ (deceive) casual, but in fact she was a serious and (decide) person. 5. Robert was a brilliant_______________ (journal) who had a good nose for news. 6. If you take a _____________ (decide), you must stick to it. 7. The government had an______________ (intend) of taking very serious measures against this_______________ (interfere) in the country’s affairs. They do not rule out the______________ (possible) of military action. 8. You must make your________________(suggest) to the director. He will be pleased to hear it. 9. David ______________(temporal) acted as a headmaster until someone was appointed ______________(permanent). 10. Nobody believed in Sean’s _____________ (innocent). He had been accused of th e ________ (thief) of a____________ (value) jewellery. 11. Mother thought that he might have eaten something____________ (poison) or caught some kind o f ____________(infect) disease. The doctor was sure it was nothing serious and he hadn’t caught an (cure) disease. He suggested that he should have som e____________ (treat). 12. The teacher told Alex that he was____________(polite) because he interrupted her. 13. He is said to have stolen Martha’s gold necklace. He is considered to b e_____________ (honest). 14. Helen has left her job on an________________ (advertise) company after th e _____________ (agree) with her boss. 15. Jerry is v ery______________ (fashion), he always wears the latest styles and never wears casual clothes, even on an__________ (formal) occasions. 16. Bryan began his career as a last-minute___________(place) for a speaker who failed to turn up. Later he learnt to ___________ (straight) his tie and read the speech which hadbeen prepared by h is____________ (person) speech-writer. 17. To my great_______________ (embarrass) I can’t use a computer. 18. Should the ______________ (popular) carry on declining, there will need to be more ______________(immigrate) into_____________ (west) Europe. 19. Today some old customs have survived. In a (tradition) Japanese _____________(house) if a guest admires a particular object in the house the host will give it to the guest_______________ (straight). 20. Andy wasn’t lucky enough to get much financial (assist). He complained that authorities never showed him great _____________ (generous).That’s why sometimes he experienced terrible____________ (lonely). 21. Playing with one string is a great___________ (invent) of a famous Italian_____________ (violin) Niccolo Paganini. 22. Mobile phones are very______ (use) gadgets, but many people find them___________ (annoy) and complain about receiving________________(necessary) text messages which sometimes require great _____________ (patient) on the part of the reader because they written so _________ (bad). 23. The magazine was (response) to reveal the secret______________ (inform) about the celebrity. Many facts about her private life were____________ (accurate). 24. Sport h as (doubt) made huge____________ (finance) gains from business _______________(sponsor). 25. Sometimes a new_____________(invent) or the________________ (introduce) of a new piece of technology fails to make the________________(impress) on our lives that people thought it would. 168 13. Usethe word given to form a word that fits each space 1. It's totally______________ (understand) that you stayed home when you were sick 2. Don't laugh at his stupid jokes! You'll only______________ (courage) him to say them again. 3. That sidewalk is (slip), I almost fell! 4. After Monday, I will no longer be a foreigner- 1 amreceiving m y_______________ (citizen)! 5. Arthur will be very lonely unless you______________ (friend) him. 6. Every afternoon, the cooks______________ (sharp) their knives in preparation for dinner. 7. I hate being around Mary Lou, she is so ______________ (friendly). 8. The stock market crash of 1929 left my great-grandfather______________(penny). 9. I have a class at 8:00 a.m. but I always_____________ (sleep). 10. The groom m ay______________(veil) the bride only when their vows have been exchanged. 11.1 think we should try something else. That strategy seems way too______________ (risk). 12. My father's death left me with a great______________ (empty) in my heart. 13. George W. Bush is pretending that he attacked Iraq to ______________ (liberty) the Iraqis. 14. Americans fought hard to earn their______________ (free) from Britain. 15. When you work at a nuclear power plant, youhave tobe extremely______________ (care). 16. Every time I think I've beaten you, you_____________(do) me! 17.1 had to take three months off when I was pregnant, but my boss has been very______________ (understand). 18. He w ill______________(cork) the wine as soon as we are ready for dinner. 19. You need to work on your orthography, so you don't______________ (spell) these words. 20. The weather______________ (cast) looks bad for a picnic - rainy and windy! 14. Complete this fairy tale by forming the correct words from the words in brackets. Mind the tenses as well! Cinderella Once upon a time, there was a (beauty) girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters. They _______________ (treatment) Cinderella very _______________(bad). One day, they w ere________________ (invitation) for a grand ball in the king’s palace. But Cinderella’s stepmother would not let her go. The wicked stepmother made Cinderella sew new party gowns for her stepmother and stepsisters, and curl their hair. They then went to the ball, leaving Cinderella_______________ (lonely) at home. Cinderella felt very sad and _______________ (beginning) to cry. Suddenly, a fairy godmother ______________ (appearance) and said, "Don’t cry, Cinderella! I will send you to the ball!" But Cinderella was sad. She said, "I don’t have a gown to wear for the ball!" The fairy godmother waved her magic wand and changed Cinderella’s old clothes into a beautiful new gown! The fairy godmother then ______________ (touch) Cinderella’s feet with the magic wand. And lo! She had beautiful glass slippers! "How will I go to the grand ball?" asked Cinderella. The fairy godmother______________ (finding) six mice playing near a pumpkin, in the kitchen. She touched them with her magic wand and the mice became four (shine) black horses and two coachmen and the pumpkin turned into a _ _ ____________(gold) coach. Cinderella was oveijoyed and_______________ (departure) for the ball in the coach drawn by the six black horses. Before leaving the fairy godmother said, "Cinderella, this magic will only last until midnight! You must______________ (reachable) home by then!" When Cinderella (entrance) the palace, everybody was struck by her ____________ (beautiful). Nobody, not even Cinderella’s stepmother or stepsisters, knew who she really was in her_______________ (pleasure) clothes and shoes. The handsome prince also saw her and fell in love with Cinderella. He went to her and asked, "Do you want to dance?" And Cinderella said, "Yes!" The prince danced with her all night and nobody _______________ (recognition) the beautiful dancer. Cinderella was so happy dancing with the prince that she almost (forgetful) what the fairy godmother had said. At the last moment, Cinderella_______________ (remembrance) her fairy godmother’s words and she rushed to go home. "Oh! I must go!" she____________ (outcry) and ran out of the palace. One of her glass______________ (slip) came off, but Cinderella did not turn back for it. She reached home just as the clock struck twelve. 169 Her coach turned back into a pumpkin, the horses into____________ (mouse) and her fine ball gown into rags. Her stepmother and stepsisters reached hom e____________ (short) after that. They were talking about the beautiful lady who had been dancing with the_____________ (principal). The prince had_______________ (love) Cinderella and wanted to find out who the beautiful girl was, but he did not even know her name. He found the glass, slipper that had come off Cinderella’s foot as she ran home. The prince said, "1 will find___________(she). The lady________________ (who) foot fits this slipper will be the one I marry!" The next day, the prince and his______________ (serve) took the glass slipper and went to all the houses in th e (king). They wanted to find the lady whose feet would fit in the slipper. All the women in the kingdom tried the slipper, but it would not fit any of them. Cinderella’s stepsisters also tried on the little glass slipper. They tried to squeeze their feet and push hard into the slipper, but the servant was afraid the slipper would break. Cinderella’s stepmother would not let her try the slipper on, but the prince saw her and said, "Let her also try on the slipper!" The slipper fit h e r_______________(perfect). The prince recognised her from the ball. He married Cinderella and together they lived_______________ (happiness) ever after. 15. Usethe word given to form a word that fits each space 1. George Clooney was awarded a Golden Globe for his in The Descendants (perform). 2. Some vegetables and fruits are known because of the of the New World (discover). 3. My husband doesn’t know how to fix the washing machine, so I’ll have to phone for a ______________________ (technique). 4. Susan usually does the_____________ up after lunch (wash). 5. Tony is a really_________________ teenager. He wants to become an astronaut (ambition). 6. Waka-Waka has made Shakira’s _________________ increase enormously (popular). 7. Some of the most prestigious______________will take part in the research on cancer (science). 8. Since Peter is responsible for the company, he’s becomea ; he works all day long even at weekends (work). 9. My grandmother needs a hearing-aid due to her______________ (deaf). 10. Sally’s ______________is really difficult to understand. She has to type all her essays (write). 11. Owing to a serious______________ Paul and Susan has broken up (misunderstand). 12. The excuse Sam gave me was completely , I won’t forgive him (use). 13. The first holiday with my friends was a/an experience. I enjoyed all of it (forget). 14. Are we supposed to write the phonetic______________ (transcribe)? 15. Paul was charged with drug______________(traffic). 16. The______________Carol was given proved to be quite .She feels much better now (treat / success). 17. Susan became a rewarded In fact, she was in charge of the research department (investigate). 18. I don’t think you’re right. I’m afraid I completely_____________ with you (agree). 19. This essay is far too long. You have to ______________it (summary). 20. Why are you wearing such a _____________ coat? You’d better wash it (filth) 21. The Oscar’s ceremony is the most_________________yearly event of Los Angeles (glamour). 22. Pam is the most person I’ve ever known (affection). 23. You can trust Susan. None of my friends is more______________than her (rely). 24. The criminals were caught by the police a few hours after the______________ (rob). 25. I think I’ve got the right_____________ for the job you’ve advertise (qualify). 26. Can you put the letter in that_____________ cabinet, Miss Sullivan? (file). 26. The article was so that I didn’t finish reading it (interest). 27. What’s the______________of this skyscraper? (high) 28. The teacher said I had cheated in the exam, which w as______________ of her (fair). 29. ______________is in danger in some countries (democrat). 30. How______________ Peter behaved! We were ashamed of his (responsible / behave). 31. I’m afraid I can’t eat the stew. It’s too______________for me (salt). 32. The students were really_____________ to know their exam results (patient). 170 16. Usethe correct negative prefixes to give the following adjectives an opposite meaning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. If you are_________________ (experienced), you shouldn't apply for this job. Everybody thinks that John and his brother are_________________ (pleasant) guys. It's quite_________________(possible) to please her. This was one of the most (organised) conferences I've ever participated in. John and Mary are_________________(separable) friends. She was fired because she w as_______ (efficient). We couldn't understand why he made such_________________ (personal) remarks. It's_________________ (polite) to shout at people in the street. That teacher feels awful when________________ (expected) visitors come to attend her class. Something that is ________________ (adequate) is not good enough. A person who can't read and write is _________________ (literate). If somethingis ________________ (edible), it means it cannot be eaten. Something that is ________________ (reversible) cannot be changed back. If somebodyis _________________(reliable), you cannot trust or depend on them. If somethingis _________________(legitimate), it means it is not allowed or accepted. A person who is ________________ (honest) cheats others. Something that is ________________ (measurable) is too big to be measured. If somethingis _________________(perfect), it is not completely correct. If your love i s _________________(requited), it means that the person you're in love with doesn't love you. 20. If you are________________ (loyal), you betray your friends or your country. 17. Use the correct negative prefixes to give the following adjectives an opposite meaning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. She was_________________(able) to take the test because she was really sick. I can't go out today. I just got back from vacation and I really need to___________(pack). This horrible heat is going to _________________ (hydrate) the poor players. Are you_________________(sane)? If you do this jump you're going to die. So you are simply going to _____________(regard) everything I told you about him and just go on this date. 6. I find it highly_________________(probable) that he will come to your party. He doesn't like crowds. 7. The accident caused________________ (reparable) damage to his car. 8. The worst enemy in a relationship is ________________ (trust). 9. I'm absolutely sure it wasn't Kate. She’s _________________ (capable) of something like that. 10. I don't think the police will be able to (arm) the drug dealers. 11. Oh, Mary, you're so ________________ (grateful)! He's always done so much to help you. 12. It's extremely (likely) I'll do well on this test. I didn't study a thing. 13. Her father________________ (approved) of her dating John. He thinks John is a bad influence. 14. I believe this information is _________________(accurate). This cannot be true. 15.1 don't understand anything he says; he's so ________________ (articulate). 16. This table is (steady). I believe one of the legs is crooked. 17. I'm not sure if it's_________________ (legal). Why don't you ask your lawyer friend? 18. I love Jane! She's so fun and________________ (complicated). 19. Oh, come on. You must agree this is absolutely_________________ (moral). 20. When you're done using the computer make sure to _________________ (connect) it. 171 18. Usethe correct negative prefixes to give the following adjectives an opposite meaning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The politician was accused of being_________________ (honest). His story was so _________________ (believe) I thought he was crazy. She looked at him in _________________(believe) when he told her the shocking news. Many people are_________________ (aware) of the'dangers of mobile phones. He's invited me to his party. It would b e (polite) to say no. Too many children nowadays are growing u p _________________ (literate). That's not what I said! You've____________________ (understand) me. My dog is completely________________(harm) I promise he won't bite. The medicine w as_________________ (effect): he didn't recover. His answers were very_________________ (accurate) so he failed the maths exam. It's_________________ (likely) that people will ever live on the moon. He waited_________________ (patient) for the train. It's_________________ (legal) to smoke in public places nowadays. I would never teach children. They always_________________ (behave). The shirt he's wearing is completely_______________ (appropriate) for a job interview. His speech w as_________________(end).I thought he'd never stop talking. 19. Use the correct negative prefixes to give the following adjectives an opposite meaning. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate adjectives relevant stable legitimate practical offensive logical precise reversible 1. I don’t believe you! She’s such a shy_________________ woman. She couldn’t possibly have done it! 2. It would b e _________________ to call her every time the baby doesn’t want to eat. 3. Her arguments don’t make sense. They’re completely_________________. 4. John spent the whole class making_________________ remarks. I wish the teacher would have shut him up. 5. He was very . He could have had a better grade if he had been more accurate. 6. They are always calling him names. They say he’s a n _________________ son. His parents are married to someone else. 7. The accident caused him brain damage, I’m afraid. 8. I’m sorry. His medical condition is highly_________________. 20. Use the correct negative prefixes to give the following adjectives an opposite meaning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Whether the book is well or badly written i s __________ (material) to me - it has an important message. The benefits from pure research are often_________________ (direct). She's_________________ (certain) whether to go to Australia or not. Lucy came back from holiday in France with a trendy_________________ (symmetric) haircut. It's totally_________________(rational), but I'm frightened of mice. We're living in an _________________ (perfect) world. I love high heels but they're rather_________________ (practical). It is a(n)_________________ (logical) statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false. He makes these (modest) statements of his own brilliance. The new house is not_______________ (similar) to our old one except that it's a bit bigger. He was short and overweight and generally fairly_________________ (attractive). His sisters thought that his autobiography w as_________________ (loyal) to the family. 172 21. Complete the word in each sentence by adding an appropriate prefix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I didn't pay the bill, and now the electricity has been______ connected. There is a law against dropping litter, but it is rarely______ forced. When the cassette finishes, don't forget to _______wind it. I thought the effects in the film were rather_______done. The rumours about the minister's death were completely_______ founded. Anyone with a _______ ability may qualify for a special pension. I am _______ debted to you for all the help you have given me. When a currency is _______valued, it is worth less internationally. I found the instructions you gave us very_______leading. John rents the house and I let a room from him. 22. Use the word given to form a word that fits each space 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Normally I prefer tall girls, but my wife’s _________________ (short) isn't a problem. The news report covered the economic crisis in _________________ (deep). A healthy diet w ill_________________ (long) your life expectancy. If they_________________ (wide) this road, there would be fewer accidents. I think I’l l _________________ (large) this photograph. The airport has_________________(tight) security at passport control. I do yoga to _________________ (strong) my back. There is a water_________________(short) nearly every summer in the south of England. The moment I left work I _________________ (loose) my tie and started to relax. When I (weight) myself, I found out I’d lost 10kg! The_________________(bright) of my computer screen gives me a headache. I'm afraid o f________________ (high) so I couldn't live on the 10th floor. The lights went out and the room was plunged into_________________ (dark). I'm afraid of the_________________(darken) so I sleep with the lights on. The government are going to (low) the legal drinking age to 18. His long illness has_________________ (weak) him. 173 ♦ ОБ АВТОРАХ БУЛАТОВ ОЛЕГ АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ Педагогический стаж - 16 лет. Учитель английского языка, методист отдела научного сопровождения Академической гимназии № 56. Эксперт-универсал ЕГЭ, лауреат Всероссийских конкурсов «Новаторство в образовании 2016», «Гражданин и патриот России 2017», «#1Учитель 2018». Победитель всероссийского конкурса «Педагогический рейтинг рунета 2014» в номинации «Образовательное пространство». Главный редактор научно-методического журнала “NOVA”. Администратор нескольких педагогических сайтов. Имеет научные публикации и методические разработки. ЗЕНКЕВИЧ ЕЛЕНА ВЛАДИМИРОВНА Педагогический стаж - 20 лет, учитель английского языка высшей категории, методист, эксперт-универсал ЕГЭ, лауреат Всероссийского конкурса «Новаторство в образовании 2016», обладатель Гран-при (в составе творческой группы) конкурса инновационных продуктов «Петербургская школа 2020». Имеет научные публикации и методические разработки. РЕШЕТНИКОВА АННА СТЕПАНОВНА Педагогический стаж - 23 года. Заместитель директора Академической гимназии № 56 по иностранным языкам, старший методист, учитель английского языка высшей категории, эксперт-универсал ЕГЭ, победитель конкурса лучших учителей Российской Федерации в рамках Приоритетного национального проекта «Образование» в 2013 году, лауреат Всероссийского конкурса «Новаторство в образовании 2016», обладатель Гран-при (в составе творческой группы) конкурса инновационных продуктов «Петербургская школа 2020». Имеет научные публикации и методические разработки. 176 ♦ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1. Афиногенова А.И. Практикум по разговорному английскому языку и переводу. Учебное пособие. СПб., «Союз», 2004. 2. Беспалова О.Г. Developing communication skills in English. СПб., СМИО Пресс, 2005. 3. Боярская Ю.А. Английский язык. Руководство для подготовки к экзамену. М., «АСТ», «Астрель», 2004. 4. Вербицкая М.В. Раздел «Говорение. ЕГЭ». 2014. 5. Дроздова Т.Ю., Ларионова И.В. Английский для подготовки к экзаменам. СПб., «Антология», 2006. 6. Киреева Т. Пособие для подготовки и ЕГЭ по английскому языку (говорение, письмо). СПб., 2005. 7. Киреева Т. Пособие для подготовки к единому государственному экзамену по английскому языку. СПб, Вторая Санкт Петербургская гимназия, 2004. 8. Миньяр-Белоручева А.П. Сборник разговорных тем по английскому языку. М., 2004. 9. Музланова Е.С., Кисунько Е.И. Английский язык. Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Грамматика и лексика. М., «АСТ», «Астрель», 2008. 10. Музланова Е.С., Кисунько Е.И. Английский язык. Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Письмо. М., «АСТ», «Астрель», 2009. 11. Музланова Е.С., Кисунько Е.И. Тесты по английскому языку для подготовки к экзаменам. М., «АСТ», «Астрель», 2004. 12. Павлоцкий В.М., Храмова М.А. 20 topics for free conversation: учебное пособие. СПб., «Каро», 2001. 13. Павлоцкий В.М. Учебное пособие для 10-11 классов и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. СПб., «Каро», 1999. 14. Павлоцкий В.М. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для 10-11 классов гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. СПб, 1996. 15. Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny. Enterprise 4. Express Publishing, 2002. 16. Evans Virginia. Round-up Grammar Practice 6. Longman, 2007. 17. Harris Michael, Mower David, Anna Sikorzynska. Opportunities Upper Intermediate. Longman, 2002. 18. Mann Malcolm, Taylor-Knowles Steve. Laser Pre-FCE. Macmillan, 2004. 19. Mann Malcolm, Taylor-Knowles Steve. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Grammar and Vocabulary. 2006. 20. Newbrook Jacky, Acklam Richard, Wilson Judith. New First Certificate Gold. Longman, 2004. 21. Prodromou Luke. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate. Longman, 2007. 22. Rimmer W., Vinogadova O., Kozhevnikova L.Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку “Exam Success”, Cambridge University Press, 2013. Словари: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dictionary of Contemporary English. New Edition for Advanced Learners. Longman, 2010. Dictionary of contemporary English. Pearson education limited, 2003. Longman Exam Dictionary. Pearson Education, 2006. Thomas B.J. Intermediate Vocabulary. Longman, 1999. Updated Edition of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 5th Edition. Longman, 2009. Интернет-источники: 1. Википедия - свободная энциклопедия (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/) 2. Официальный информационный портал единого государственного экзамена (http://www.ege.edu.ru/) 3. Портал информационной поддержки единого государственного экзамена в Санкт-Петербурге (http://www.ege.spb.ru/) 4. Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере образования и науки «Федеральный институт педагогических измерений» (http://www.fipi.ru/) 5. Фото / картинки: https://www.google.ru/ 6. Cambridge University Press (http://www.cambridge.org) 177 ♦ КЛЮЧИ К УПРАЖНЕНИЯМ TOPIC: EDUCATION VOCABULARY EXERCISES L 4. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. skills issues approach tolerance motivation dean, headmaster boarding school, day school 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. nursery school primary academic terms break up secondary 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. co-educational compulsory state private graduate degree 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. tutorial seminar lecture grant fees 1. private school, comprehensive school canteen cloak room lab art room 2. 3. 4. 5. WORD FORMATION 1. Young rebel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. approval intelligent misbehaving complaints rebellious misunderstandings suggestion upbringing responsible 2. School then and now 3. Teaching children at home 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10i. comparison(s) children generation education harder disagree revising examinations / exams 9. exaggeration 10. misbehave surprising necessary qualifications decision unhappy knowledge criticism choice socially supporters 4. Is it never too late to learn? 5.]In a class of vour own 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.. 11.. unsuccessful unable impatient unintelligent impossible inadequate unsatisfactory impolite unfortunately inappropriate 6. How to learn vocabulary education drawbacks autonomous attendance sufficiently dreadfully pressing imaginative expertise immersion invaluable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. pressure guidance tendency efficient revision frequency fluency opportunity psychological performance TOPIC: GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF THE WORLD VOCABULARY EXERCISES . 1 1. famine 2. earthquake 3. emergency 4 . refugees 5. charity 6. aid 7. injuries 8. disease 9. drought 10. floods 2 . 3, 1. alleviating 2. poverty line 3. welfare 4. global community 5. homeless 6. margins 7. clean 8. harming 9. hunger 10. endangered 11. warming 12. irreparable 13. climate 14. shortages 15. fossil 16. renewable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. biodiversity used up carbon dioxide windmill deforestation recycle protect abuses 9. 10. 11. 12. pesticides suffer from water cycle converse WORD FORMATION 1. Problems in a global context 1. communication 2. pollution 3. destruction 4. starvation 5. extinction 6. exhaustion 7. foundations 8. protection 9. competition 10. creation 11. inequality 2. Madagascar hit by a cyclone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3. Environmental nrotection 1. devastation torrential homeless commercial flooded heartbreaking strength severely 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 178 journalists solution decision importance treatment unlawful ensure disastrous tragically 4. Future of our planet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. impossible threatened polluted disappearance scientists defence/defense completely driving housing/household decision ensure TOPIC: THE INTERNET VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. address bar viruses upload bookmarks upgraded clicked hyperlinks download hardware firewall crashed broadband cutting-edge outdated ICT digital native technophobes E-books Internet connection 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. WORD FORM ATION 1. Computers that play games 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ability performance improvement biggest considerably combination endless impressive insufficient competition heavily 2. Computer games 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 3. E-mail 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. artistic influential creative impressive development musicians similarities economists explanation unexpected personal unaware similarities instantly effective practical relatively unsuitable incorrectly explanation development unexpected 4. Staying safe online 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. surprising tiring sociable increasingly worrying concerned enthusiastically anxious impractical cautious foolish TOPIC: EATING OUT VOCABULARY EXERCISES E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. cookery books dish recipe ingredients snack eat out 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. waiter menu bill tip fast food take-away 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. chefs recipes dishes ingredients raw dairy products 7. 8. 9. 10. saucepans cooker meal snack WORD FORM ATION 1. The ABC of cooking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. marvellous speaking preparation encouraged ensure correctly liking tastiest dangerous importance heavily 2. Take-away food in Britain 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 3. The origin of the potato crisps traditional affordable varieties innovations economical ensuring quickly especially comparisons unlikely tasty 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 179 invention customer thickness returned complaints thinner amazement popularity dramatically unaware confusion 4. Coffee houses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. sp e cia lity selection similar extremely respectfully refreshments annoyance invaders socialised / sociable 10. necessary 11. knowledgeable / acknowledged TOPIC: BOOKS VOCABULARY EXERCISE WORD FORMATION 2. Charles Dickens an d . 1. A popular writer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. borrow card check out librarian due date categories catalogue front desk scanned directories late fees lonely wealthy ambitious journalist decision highly incredibly amusement unlucky happily ability 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3. Tennessee . Williams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. significant skillfully imaginative undoubtedly hardship imprisoned extensive descriptive indictment foundations childhood eastern pursuit youth occupations dramatist life elegant achievements combination successful 4. The Hunger Games inspiration competing reality invasion futuristic Roman loss heroine passages indispensable enjoyable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. TOPIC: MONEY AND PURCHASING WORD FORM ATION 1. Public finance 2. Part-time iobs for students 3. The origin of plastic payment cards 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. government income inheritance imported services corporation adolescents typical working assistant supermarket variety reliable unable enjoyable financial supplier unlikely enduringly transactions existence easily application breakthrough 4. Market economy 5. Superlative vacuum cleaners 1. western 2. arrangements 3. typical 4. separately 5. economical 6. interaction 7. practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. exhausting tiring household solution cleaners effective information description demonstration trial obligation TOPIC: SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS VOCABULARY EXERCISE WORD FORM ATION 1. Working in science 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. saving dependent technologically automation experiments improvements findings rational conditioned sponsorship commercially curiosity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. scientist solutions creative achievement beneficial dedication discovery expensive investment developments 180 2. The microwave oven 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. useful ability incomplete inventor later appearance electrician improvement popularity western 3. A technological nightmare 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. dreadful electrical failure technician explosion unplug unbelievably defrost nervous asleep loudly TOPIC: FRIENDSHIP AND FRIENDS VOCABULARY EXERCISE WORD FORM ATION 1. The perfect friend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. friendless unfriendly friendship friendliness friendly friendship friendless unfriendly unfriendliness 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. friendship interesting relatives teachers personalities attractive honesty kindness different boring 2. Acquaintance vs friend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 4. Making friends 3. A sifted friend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. supposedly individuals information relationship interaction(s) communication distance occasionally provision exchange favourite pianist professional musical characteristic industrious envious response performance critics artists freedom poet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. relations personality ability completely nervous unfriendly development generally activities honest expectations confide boring appreciative apparent strength confidence true requirements tolerance assistance TOPIC: TEENAGERS AND SPORTS VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L L daredevil adrenaline rush climbing physical exertion safety risk-takers overcome conquer bare hands caution orientation 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. WORD FORMATION 2. popularity excitement uninteresting adventurous dangerous highest racing terrifying talking strangers impressed 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. dangerous explanation excitement facing survival easier basic unhealthy interesting curious sensible 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 4. danger activities height specialised various ensure supervision qualified safety 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. 1. movements careful yourself comfortable trainers less slowly protect 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. increasingly competitive athletics energetic distance performance preparation necessary successful psychological strength TOPIC: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AND HEALTHY EATING VOCABULARY EXERCISES 2. L 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. weight 2. confidence 3. diet 4. sensibly 5. regular exercise used to overweight extra 1. make 2. cut down on 3. putting on 4. cut out 5. get 6. joining 7. going for WORD FORM ATION 1. Stress 1. anxious 2. harmful 3. treatment 4. effective 5. variety 6. activities 7. emphasis 8. relaxed 9. impossible 10. tranquil(l)izers 11. safer 2. Natural remedies that reallv work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. infection healing scientific growing physicians treatments traditional herbal direction(s) wisely staggering healthy 3. Staving healthy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ' 10. healthy movements injury comfortable trainers pressure heavier straighten pollution attractive 181 4. Healthy diet 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. circulation useful guilty addiction proof moderately 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. proud researchers conclusion development illnesses endangered solution carefully differently encouraged TOPIC: ART: PAINTINGS AND PAINTERS VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. 4. guide original curator exhibition 5. 6. 7. 8. masterpiece cases display gallery 9. 10. 11. 12. creative 'admission fee preserve restored 13. alarm 14. reproductions WORD FORM ATION 1. On becoming an artist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. professional successful recognisable desirable endless financial expensive valuable unbelievable famous creations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 4. Comprehending art 3 Ballet 2. Art 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. sight literature expression entertainment agreement particular collection shopping daily reaction beliefs popularity formal appearance combination attractions scenery anger assistance shortened arrival calf-length TOPIC: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT VOCABULARY 2. L 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. f d j h m с i b g e к 1 a 1 . 2. 3. 4. a suspended sentence a fine community service a life sentence 4. Verb Noun Person accuse vandalise smuggle start a fire deliberately blackmail commit a crime hack into a computer hijack imprison kidnap kill mug commit an offence pickpocket rob shoplift stalk steal suspect forge accusation vandalism smuggling accused vandal arson smuggler arsonist blackmailing blackmailer crime hacking criminal hacker hijacking hijacker prisoner prison or imprisonment kidnapping killing mugging kidnapper killer mugger offence offender pickpocketing robbery shoplifting pickpocket stalking stalker robber shoplifter theft thief suspicion suspect forgery forger 182 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. exhibition introduction understand paintings artists explanations description pleasure personally revelation 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. pickpocketing smuggling hijacking vandalism robbery 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. burglary forgery mugging shoplifting arson domestic violence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the accused judge defence lawyer witness jury policeman prosecutor VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. С В D A 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. С A D С В D 1. charge let smb. off accuse suspect get away blame sentence apologise 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. WORD FORMATION 1.Criminal behaviour 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. global immigration cultural locally vandalism unpaid opposing handle theft neighbourhoods punishment 2. Polygraph 4 White collar crime 3. The nolice line-un 1.physiological 2. conductivity 3. belief 4. responses 5. medical 6. inventions 7. existence 8. scientific 9. interrogation 10. employment 11. agencies 12. examinations 13. employees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. criminal evidence(s) description information appearance lawyer carefully choice freedom advice truth 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. illegal popularity difference burglary evasion relatively conventional increasing equality regardless TOPIC: CLOTHES VOCABULARY EXERCISES 3, 2. L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. appearance matches modem clothing glimpse current 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. new fit cloth suits glanced look 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. В С A В D В A 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. D D С A С A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. average suit wear top supplies painted manufacture costume WORD FORMATION 1. The language of clothes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. attractive personality/ies appearance useful cheerful colourful teenagers frequently miserable fashionable 2. Designer brands vs store brands 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3. Cutting uniform costs comparison deceiving significance difference production symbolises Unlike exclusively international 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 183 supplier alternatives punishment especially guidance enabling preferably 4. Dress code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. criticism employee suspension customers necessarily comparison unconcerned argument productive freedom TOPIC: THE ROLE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN MODERN SOCIETY WORD FORM ATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3 Tips for teenagers for life skills 2. How the play has changed 1. Transitional period decisions youth whom transitional changeable dissatisfaction influenced different ourselves society 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. considerably safety neighbourhoods unsupervised addition easily unfortunately dangerous creation including ability 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. friendships adulthood lucky acquired comforting attention advice critical encouraging sympathetically cheerful TOPIC: AT THE DOCTOR’S VOCABULARY EXERCISES 4. 2. L 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. hurts toothache cough treatment prescriptions recover 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. complaints throat ambulance physician stomachache 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. healthy well broken dangerous bleeding fit sore injured plaster earache receptionist waiting room appointment symptoms illness examine heart pulse 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. temperature thermometer prescription chemist’s treatment ward operation WORD FORM ATION 1. Don’t catch cold 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. research truth relation suitable absence inappropriate scientists unfortunately easily 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4. Modern 3. Antibacterial soap 2. Pharmacy services essential expertise knowledge effective treatment illness 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. suspicious inflammation untreated severity assistance disruption 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . medicine presents a problem considerable sensible ignorance preferable difference containing undesirable bodies resistant discovery especially 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. practitioners specialised surgeons primarily considerable unimaginable 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. analysis revolutionary assistants beneficial expectancy increasingly TOPIC: LIVING IN A BIG CITY VOCABULARY EXERCISE 1. 2. С В 3. 4. С A 5. 6. D D 7. 8. В С 9. В 10. D 11. С 12. D 13. С 14. С 15. А 16. С WORD FORM ATION A growing city 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. planned lovely variety dissatisfied quickly foreigners 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. living entertainment historic peaceful sightseer Migration issues A house in the country 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. neighbourhood shortage upstairs sale loan 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 184 rebuilt undamaged furnished length cooker 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. materialistic meaningful therapeutic stressful uneventful atmospheric distasteful 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. enthusiastic understandably resentful unrealistic hypocritical inconveniences TOPIC: ENTERTAINMENT VOCABULARY EXERCISE L f. photographer g. humorous h. delight i. peaceful j. happiness a. amusement b. funny c. enjoyable d. pleasant e. laughter WORD FORM ATION . 1 Belly dancing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. originally intriguing hypnotic / hypnotising entertained movements shimmering healthy gorgeous 2. Scrapbooking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. colourful / coloured artistically thoughtfully dedicate inexpensive enthusiastic different 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5. Reality shows 4. Busking 3. Photography revolutionised development advancement improvement equipment artistic amazing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 1. performers entertainment unemployed suitable disapprove enjoyable unexpected unable uncomfortable unlucky disadvantage 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 reality relationships arguments feelings advice decisions knowledge psychological successful information entertainment 6. Holiday tips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. relaxation unpredictable frustration anticipation wonderful unspoilt confidently accommodation homesickness TOPIC: FAMILY RELATIONS VOCABULARY EXERCISES h 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Family values 2. wife husband family parents grandparents grandmother uncle widower WORD FORMATION 1. formative years 2. divorced 3. brought up 4. foster family 5. authoritarian 6. upbringing 7. running wild 8. adolescence 9. responsible 10. siblings 11. well-adjusted 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. independence spoilt greedy well-mannered taught behaviour effective distinguish pride tolerant respectful beliefs different importance misbehaviour imitation 2. Same family. different people fascinating personalities relaxed motivated ambitious unemotional / emotionless 7. sensitive 8. sympathetic 9. adventurous 10. terrifying 11. anxious 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GUIDED W RITING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. l.B 2. A 3. D 4. С 5. E 185 while in my opinion moreover however firstly secondly to sum up 3 Two sisters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. different alike appearance overeat childhood adaptable characteristic shyness roomful self-conscious fashionable unfortunately agreement TOPIC: THE PRICE OF FAME VOCABULARY EXERCISE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. WORD FORMATION 1. The life of a famous person celebrity entourage autographs fans interviews in the public eye privacy bodyguards pressures break-up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ahead stardom overnight household finalist constantly driver Hardly daily 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. professional disappointment enjoyable advertisements financial survival electricity preparation explanation successful performance 4. Clothes for celebrities 3. The end of a career 2. Becoming a star Unfortunately bookings manager business highlights failures contestants countless dedication commitment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. entertainment observant irrefutable decoration foolish necessarily alternative appreciation adaptable GUIDED W RITING The main positive side... - One point of view in favour... For example, - For instance, As a result, - This way, 1. l.D 2. A 3. С 4. В 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Furthermore, - In addition to this, However, - On the other hand, What’s more, - Finally, All in all, - To sum up, TOPIC: TRAVEL AND TOURISM VOCABULARY EXERCISES U 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 4. 3, deckchair a) runway, flight, attendant, co-pilot, anchor dashboard, engineexhaust room, boarding pass, pipe handlebar lifejacket bonnet b) mast, harbour, attendant, life-jackets, dashboard, engine-room, boarding pass, compartment c) locomotive, carriage, dashboard, platform, wagon, compartment d) radar, number plate, horn, level crossing, rear view mirror. 1. check in 2. trolley 3. check-in desk 4. check 5. excess luggage 6. conveyor belt 7. hand luggage 8. immigration officer 9. security guard 10. departure lounge 11. duty free 12. departures board 13. announcement 14. board 15. departure gate 16. security control 17. passengers 18. on board 19. taxi 20. runway 21. take off 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. selfcatering brochure resort jetlag destination stopover adventure holiday abroad souvenir 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. journey trip flight voyage travel tour route WORD FORM ATION 2. Tourism L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. unrecognisable completely worldwide broaden direct arrival distance entrance 4. The Paradise Hotel 3. World’s fastest train 1. tourist 2. arrangements 3. timetable 4. cultural 5. photographer 6. inhabitants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. operation successful commuters actually magnetic noticeable 7. 8. 9. 10. environmentalists objections significantly alternative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. relaxing marvellous spectacular disappointed scenery hungry TOPIC: MASS MEDIA IN THE MODERN WORLD VOCABULARY EXERCISES 2, L 1. 2. 3. 4. literate information daily headlines 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. stand types celebrities events opinion political 1. 2. 3. 4. 186 nothing at all amount advertisements journalism 5. 6. 7. 8. exercise talking facts provocative 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. crowded noisy irritable impolite decision enjoyable 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. On the box successful qualifications attractive beautiful essential talented powerful natural latest better 2. Internet: how it 3. affects us 1. 2. 1. valuable 2. informational 3. 3. achievements 4. 5. 4. underground 6. 5. recently 7. 6. distant 8. 7. popular 9. 8. educational 10. 9. (e)specially 10. 11. 12. 13. The digital era 4. Politics on TV discussion politicians journalists ridiculous disbelief powerful unconvincing believable communicators uninformed humorous occasionally communication advertising technological practically information possibilities endless instantly development amazing widely connection negotiations exchange 6. Make money from being on TV 5.Around the Globe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1. monthly 2. exploration 3. factual 4. pursuits 5. intention 6. periodical 7. global 8. circulation 9. reproduce 10. beautifully 11. substantial 12. scientific reality appearance winners success performance entertaining musical disadvantages competitors producer particularly contestant fortunate fame TOPIC: ADVERTISING VOCABULARY EXERCISE WORD FORMATION 1. Advertisements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. inundated encourages promote television flyers logos product advertising consumers regulate exposure advertising unrealistically untrue consumers healthy addition pressure forbidden products harmful 2. First women in advertising 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4. Super Bowl 3. TV adverts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. choices business purchasing advertisers value creative product advertisement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. commercials designed memorable viewers lives generation enduring generally effective reflected broadcasting legendary significant musicians exposure TOPIC: MY FUTURE CAREER VOCABULARY EXERCISES 2. Applving for a iob L 1. 2. 3. 4. mechanic / engineer editor / publisher lifeguards / bodyguards booksellers / librarians 5. 6. 7. 8. journalist / newsreader astronomer / astrologer weather presenter/ meteorologist fishermen / fishmongers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3. Choosing the right iob 4. salary increments pension retire commission perks prospects promotion commute ambitious 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. applicants vacancy fill in application forms apply short-list interview qualifications experience references WORD FORMATION 1. A iob advertisement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Information bored variety energetic exciting advertising challenging responsibility interested qualifications pleased 2. A letter of inauirv 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. advertisement requirements qualifications acceptance accountant development business distance attendance absence unemployment job earn outdoors persuasive polite accurate efficient careful GUIDED W RITING 3. A challenge for Europe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. reduction unemployment social inequality politicians professions employers employees qualifications achievements failure 187 4. Job interviews 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. nervous application expectations breaths happiness confidence unprofessional explanation privacy loyalty advice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. However, To start with, What is more, On the other hand, Besides, Firstly, Secondly, In conclusion, TOPIC: WHY ENGLISH? VOCABULARY EXERCISES L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. hallmarks instruction fluency approach foreign capacities confusion expand enables cross-cultural bilingual naturally The BBC English Dictionary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 В D С С A В A D D В WORD FORMATION 1. Second language learning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. importance funds competitive numerous advancement formative instinctive bilingual converse ease advantageous 2. English students *and culture shock 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. confusion unfamiliar Researchers ongoing excitement novelty anxiety Communication Additionally financial realistic learning 3. Disappearing languages alarming economic disappearance / disappearing 4. passage 5. global 6. loss 7. eventually 8. useful 9. preservation 10. minority 11 . communities 12. governments 1. 2. 3. УПРАЖНЕНИЯ НА РАЗВИТИЕ НАВЫКА СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЯ L Untrue - неправдивый, prehistoric - доисторический, ultramodern - ультрасовременный, postwar - послевоенный, ex­ champion - экс-чемпион, antibody - антитело, decompose - разложить на части, decode - раскодировать, deform деформировать, depart - отбывать, discover - обнаружить, disappearance - исчезновение, reread - перечитывать, reconstruct - реконструировать, coauthor - соавтор, unequal - неравный, misunderstand - неправильно понять, undress - раздеваться, disarm - разоружать, antifascist - антифашист, cooperation - сотрудничество, coexistence - сосуществование, interaction - взаимодействие, superhuman сверхчеловек, ultraviolet - ультрафиолетовый. 2. leader, writer, reader, visitor, speaker, sleeper, actor, director, conductor, driver, fighter, miner, reporter, singer, skater, swimmer, teacher, traveller, sailor, inventor, founder, composer. 3, Specialist, socialism/socialist, artist, capitalism/capitalist economist, internationalist / internationalism, pianist, technician, mathematician, statistician, politician, musician, electrician, Russian, Hungarian, Canadian, Indian. 4. Development, achievement, movement, arrangement, treatment, government, require, measurement, announcement, pavement. L Beautiful, thankful/thankless, hopeful/hopeless, doubtful/doubtless, careful/careless, aimless, useful/useless, shapeless, fruitful/fruitless, powerful/powerless, thoughtful/thoughtless, harmful/harmless, colourful/colourless. 6. Changeable, convertible, preventable, breakable, comparable, desirable, profitable, readable, comfortable, respectable, expectable. 7. British - adj, foolish - adj, understandable - adj, heartless - adj, pitiless - adj, successful - adj, experiment - n, function - n, musician - n, socialist - n, artist - n, capitalism - n, professional - adj, fundamental - adj, industrial - adj, doubtful - adj, useful - adj, different - adj, treatment - n, creative - adj, attractive —adj, peaceful-adj, dangerous - adj, elementary - n, childish - adj, active - adj, economic - adj, director - adj, worker - n, passage - n, marriage - n, silence - n, freedom -n, kingdom - n. 8. Redden, tighten, soften, deepen, shorten, darken, brighten, weaken, blacken, whiten, sweeten, sharpen, strengthen. 9. Badly, firstly, partly, quickly, strongly, shortly, silently, rapidly, widely, extremely, cruelly, kindly, happily. 10. Reasonable, beautiful, hopeless, doubtful/doubtless, careful/careless, aimless, useful/useless, desirable, boyish, successful, hearty/heartless, experimental, formal, official, dangerous, famous, electronic, basic, natural, cloudy/cloudless, sunny, childish, Scottish, historic, homeless. 188 statement, improvement, agreement, equipment, 11. WORD inconvenient incorrect unemployed inexpensive inexperienced unfair informal unfriendly unhealthy dishonest illegal unusual unwell impersonal 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. competitive / newsagent’s pleasant / reasonable / impersonated impressive / achievements deceitfully / decisive journalist decision intention / interference / possibility suggestion temporally / permanently innocence / theft / valuable poisonous / infectious / incurable / treatment impolite dishonest advertising / disagreement fashionable / informal replacement / straighten / personal embarrassment population / immigrants / western traditional / household /straightaway assistance / generosity / loneliness invention / violinist useful / annoying / unnecessary / patience / badly irresponsible / information undoubtedly / financial / sponsorship invention / introduction / impression 20. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. inaccurate unexpected indecent unaware unbelievable unknown dis/unable inefficient immaterial indirect uncertain unsymmetrical irrational imperfect 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. lh 14. Cinderella 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. understandable encourage slippery citizenship befriend sharpen unfriendly penniless sleepy unveil risky emptiness liberate freedom careful outdo understanding uncork misspell forecast unable unpack dehydrate insane disregard improbable irreparable distrust incapable disarm ungrateful unlikely disapproved inaccurate inarticulate unsteady illegal uncomplicated immoral disconnect Ui 1. 7. impractical 2. 8. illogical 3. 9. immodest 4. 10. dissimilar 5. 11. unattractive 6. 12. disloyal 7. '8. 9. 10. WORD WORD incapable incredible indecisive disobedient disobey ineffective disapprove dislike disagree disbelief improbable illiterate inappropriate immature 13. lh 1. 2. WORD WORD unnecessary unpleasant misbehave misunderstand unpunctual un/dissatisfactory unsuccessful untidy 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 12i 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. beautiful treated badly invited alone began appeared touched found shining golden departed reach entered beauty pleasant forgot remembered cried out slippers mice shorty prince fallen in love her whose servants kingdom perfectly happily inoffensive impractical illogical irrelevant imprecise illegitimate irreversible unstable WORD impossible unfamiliar impolite imperfect misspell miscalculate impatient insensitive unbearable incomplete illogical illegible irregular irresponsible irrational unwelcoming infrequent useless careless harmless helpless endless 15. 16. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. performance discovery 3 technician washing ambitious popularity scientist workaholic deafness handwriting misunderstanding useless unforgettable transcription trafficking treatment investigator disagree summarise filthy glamorous affectionate reliable robbery qualifications filing uninteresting height unfair democracy irresponsibly, behaviour 32. salty 33. impatient . inexperienced pleasant impossible disorganised inseparable inefficient impersonal impolite unexpected inadequate illiterate inedible irreversible unreliable illegitimate dishonest immeasurable imperfect unrequited disloyal_____ 18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. dishonest unbelievable disbelief unaware impolite illiterate misunderstood harmless ineffective inaccurate unlikely impatiently illegal misbehave inappropriate endless 22. disconnected unforced unwind undone unfounded disability indebted devalued misleading sublet 189 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. shortness depth lengthen widened enlarge tightened strengthen shortage 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. loosened weighed brightness heights darkness dark lower weakened Учебное издание Олег Александрович Булатов, Елена Владимировна Зенкевич, Анна Степановна Решетникова ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПОДГОТОВКИ К ЕГЭ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ (в комплекте с CD) Учебное пособие четвертое издание Отпечатано в типографии ООО «ПСП-Принт» адрес: 192236, г. СПб, ул. Белы Куна, д.32, лит. А, помещение 15-Н, №13. Заказ № 3200 Тираж 1500 экз. I ISBN 978-5-9909036-1-61 9785990903616 9 '785990 903616 Санкт-Петербург ул. Малая Конюшенная, 5 (ст. м. «Невский проспект», выход на Канал Грибоедова) Тел.: (812) 380-73-00, 571-93-13 E-mail: info@bookhouse.ru www.bookhouse.ru