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Алиса в старне чудес

Chapter 1. Down the Rabbit Hole
Alice got bored of hanging around all day, "her thoughts flowed slowly and incoherently — the
heat made her sleepy." Suddenly she noticed a White Rabbit that was in a hurry somewhere.
The girl did not find it "particularly strange" that he had a vest pocket, a watch and also talked
on the run.
"Burning with curiosity," Alice rushed after the Rabbit and jumped into the hole after him
without hesitation. Inside there was a deep well, the walls of which "were lined with cabinets
and bookshelves." Alice fell very slowly and managed to take a good look at everything.
Once at the bottom of the well, Alice noticed a "glass table with three legs", on which lay a
small golden key. To open a tiny door for them and find herself in a magnificent garden, the girl
had to drink a potion and shrink in size.
However, Alice shrank so quickly that she did not have time to take the key from the table.
Then she ate a magic pie and began to grow up strenuously.
Chapter 2. The Sea of tears
Alice grew up so much that she "hit her head on the ceiling." She immediately grabbed the key
and ran to the cherished door, but she could no longer get through it. Alice began to cry so
bitterly that soon a large puddle formed near her.
At that moment, she noticed a White Rabbit always hurrying. The girl called out to him, and he
"dropped his gloves and fan" from fright. Alice picked them up and, thinking about life, soon
noticed how she had shrunk – the fault was the magic fan with which she was fanning herself.
Alice "fell into a puddle of tears, which she herself cried." She tried to get out of it, because it
was "getting tighter and tighter from all sorts of birds and animals that had fallen into it."
Chapter 3. Running in a circle and a long story
The wet birds and animals began to give advice on how to dry them all as quickly as possible.
The mouse began a long and tedious story, but only the Dodo gave the most sensible advice –
"you need to arrange a Run in a circle." Half an hour later, "everyone ran and dried out."
Chapter 4. The bill goes down the drain
Alice noticed the Rabbit again, who was frantically searching for "a fan and white gloves." The
rabbit confused the girl with his maid and ordered her to immediately go home for new gloves
and a fan, otherwise the Duchess would have him executed.
Frightened, Alice "rushed to do the errand." In the Rabbit's house, she couldn't resist curiosity
and drank some liquid from a bottle. This led to the fact that the girl grew to gigantic size and
quickly filled the whole house. She was able to decrease only thanks to the pies.
Having regained her former size, Alice ran away. Soon she saw a huge mushroom on which a
large blue caterpillar was sitting and "languidly smoking a hookah."
Chapter 5. The Blue Caterpillar gives advice
Alice began to complain to the Blue Caterpillar about her endless changes in growth, but she
did not show any interest in this. She only advised the girl to eat a piece of mushroom if she
wanted to grow or, conversely, shrink.
When Alice, with the help of a mushroom, achieved the growth she needed, she went to the
house that stood nearby.
Chapter 6. Piglet and pepper
Once inside, Alice found herself in a kitchen in which it was impossible to breathe from the
smoke and pepper. The cook was cooking soup in a huge cauldron, and the Duchess was sitting
next to her with a screaming baby. In the kitchen there was also "a huge cat that sat by the
stove and smiled from ear to ear." The Duchess explained to Alice that he was smiling because
he was Cheshire.
Unexpectedly, the Duchess "threw the baby to Alice," and she went "to change for croquet at
the Queen's." The girl was surprised to find that she was holding not a child in her hands, but a
real little pig.
Alice asked the Cheshire Cat to show her the way, but he replied that in this country "it doesn't
matter where to go." Then the Cat disappeared, and only his smile remained in the air.
Alice went to the March Hare and came to the beginning of the tea party.
Chapter 7. The Mad Tea Party
The table was large, but only the March Hare, the Dormouse and the Mad Hatter were sitting at
it. Alice found out that they were forced to drink tea continuously as punishment for killing
Time. After drinking a cup of tea, they immediately moved to the next one, because they didn't
even have time to wash the dishes.
The Hare and the Hatter began to mock the girl in every possible way, intimidate and ridicule
her. Unable to tolerate such rudeness, she "silently got up and walked away." Soon Alice "found
herself in a wonderful garden among bright flowers and cool fountains."
Chapter 8. Royal Croquet
The girl noticed how the gardeners were diligently repainting white roses in red – otherwise the
Queen would cut off their heads. Immediately there was a magnificent procession with the King
and Queen of Hearts. Alice realized that it was "just a deck of cards" and stopped being afraid.
The queen, who loved to execute her servants for the slightest offense, invited Alice to play
croquet. The game turned out to be strange – "hedgehogs served as balls, flamingos served as
hammers, and soldiers served as gates," and there were no rules in it.
Chapter 9. The Tale of the Mock Turtle
After learning that Alice knows nothing about the Mock Turtle, the Queen offered to listen to
his story. A long time ago, he was an ordinary turtle, lived at the bottom of the sea and went to
school, where he studied the "four actions of Arithmetic: Sliding, Lamenting, Tenderness and
Exhaustion", as well as other important items.
Chapter 10. Sea Quadrille
The Mock Turtle continued his story. He said, "how nice it is to dance a sea quadrille with
Lobsters." Alice decided that it "must be a very beautiful dance." The Mock turtle showed Ne
del how to dance a quadrille, and sang a song about Cod.
Chapter 11. Who stole the pretzels?
"The King and Queen of Hearts" arranged a trial of the Jack, who was accused of stealing
pretzels. While the witnesses were giving evidence, Alice felt that she began to grow again.
Soon the King summoned her for cross-examination.
Chapter 12. Alice testifies
Forgetting that she had grown considerably, Alice abruptly stood up and knocked over the jury.
The queen wanted to cut off her head, but the girl was not afraid of the cards, which suddenly
"rose into the air and flew into Alice's face." She started to fight back, but at that moment...
woke up.