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английский язык упражнения

Макаревич А.В.
Exercise 1. Present Perfect and Past Simple
1. Did you see the Bruce Lee film on TV last night?
No. But I have seen all his films on video already this year.
2. I have lived in Germany for five years now. I moved here in 1989.
3. I have lived in Portugal for a time, but I live in Rome now.
4. My Uncle Tom has met Winston Churchill.
That’s nothing! My Mum has met Prince Charles.
5. Where’s Jane?
She has gone to America. She left last week.
Really? Why has she gone there?
6. My father has worked in that shop for twelve years. Then he got a job in a bank.
He has worked at the bank for several years now, hasn’t he?
7. How long have you been learning Italian?
I will start learning the language when I I'm twelve.
Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Past Simple.
Ann Jones is one of the most interesting people I have ever met: she is only
twenty-five, but she travelled to over fifty different countries. Five years ago, she
was a typist in Birmingham, but she decided to give up her job and see the world.
Since then, her life has changed completely.
The first time she went abroad was seven years ago, when she was just eighteen.
She took a boat to France and then hitch-hiked around Europe for five weeks. She
has visited Europe many times since that first trip, of course, but this holiday was
the one which made her start travelling. She has never forgotten the excitement of
those five weeks – although it was not all enjoyable. When she was on a train,
somebody stole her purse: she lost all her money, and had to work in a restaurant for
a fortnight. She made some good friends there, however, and returned several times
since then.
How did she find the money for her travels? After her first trip abroad, she went
home and worked for two years, saving all the time. Now she travels continually,
finding work when her money gets low. She has made a lot of friends, she says, and
learned quite a few languages. Although she has had occasional difficulties and has
often been sick, she never thinks about giving up her travels. “The first time I went
abroad changed my life”, she says, “and I have wanted to travel ever since.
Exercise 1. Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous,
Present Perfect, Past Continuous, Past Perfect.
1. The kitten is hiding under the chair now.
2. He never does good to people.
3. He had eaten his lunch by the time they came.
4. I was talking with Sam when I saw you.
5. Where will you go soon?
6. They were on holiday last week.
7. I didn't buy clothes at the shop yesterday.
8. They had made dinner by that time.
9. I would like to begin a new life.
10. Oh! She has broken her leg.
11. He began doing his homework two hours ago.
12. What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday?
13. We were at the cinema last Sunday
Exercise 2. Translate into English:
1. В семь часов я писал письмо своей сестре.
I was writing a letter to my sister seven o'clock.
2. Когда вы вошли, фильм уже начался.
When you entered, the movie had already started.
3. Я не видел своего друга с тех пор, как он уехал из Москвы.
I haven't seen my friend since he left Moscow.
4. На лекции сегодня будет много народу.
There will be a lot of people at the lecture today.
5. Пять лет назад мы жили в Москве.
We lived in Moscow five years ago.
6. Читаешь ли ты книгу?
Do you read a book?
7. Осенью часто идут дожди.
It rains often in autumn.
8. Дожди идут каждый день.
It rains every day.
9. Идет снег.
It's snowing.
10. Вы будете ей звонить?
Are you going to call her?
11. Он уже сделал домашнюю работу, когда я позвонил ему.
He had already done his homework when I called him.
12. Дует сильный ветер.
A strong wind is blowing.
13. Он не был в театре с осени.
He hasn't been to the theater since the fall.
14. Что вы делали на уроке вчера?
What did you do in class yesterday?
15. Мы ждали вас в 5 часов вечера.
We were waiting for you at 5 pm.
16. Много новых домов строят в Москве каждый год.
Many new houses are being built in Moscow every year.