Загрузил Max Oulassevich

Blended Learning Sample Handouts

Handout Sample “Olympic Winter Sports”
1 How sporty are you? What summer and winter sports do you know? What’s your
favourite sport? What sport is the least favourite of yours? Why? S-S
My favourite sport is … because …
I’m not sure that I’m a sporty person. I like … and … but …
If I had a chance to take up a new sport, I think I would choose … because …
I can’t stand …ing so I don’t like … . It’s just not my cup of tea!
What about you? What’s your point of view? And you?
2 What winter sports do you know? What summer sports do you know? Brainstorm ideas
with a partner and note them down. You have 3 mins. (Здесь можно дать свой список лексики
для сортировки, или разбить класс на команды и превратить задание в соревнование (бегают к
доске и пишут слова под музыку), оставить задание для выполнения в парах, но дать временной
лимит 1-2-3 минуты, затем пары будут соревноваться, у кого больше слов, можно в парах дать им
одну ручку, за которую они будут держаться вдвоем и должны будут за время под музыку
написать как можно больше слов, можно вспомнить алфавит и на каждую букву алфавита
попросить вспомнить название вида спорта)
Summer Olympic Sports
Winter Olympic Sports
3 Use the link below and create a word cloud for a) winter sports, b) for summer sports.
Word cloud generator - http://www.wordle.net/
4 Choose a winter sport, use the link and prepare a presentation about it (not more than 5
slides) http://www.sochi2014.com/en
Handout Sample “Famous People”
1. Look at the pictures of the famous people (on the Board, around the room, on handouts).
What are their names? What are their jobs? (имена можно убрать или дать в
Arthur Conan Doyle
Agatha Christy
David Sichet
Hugh Laurie
2. Choose two of the people and make notes of any info that you know about them. Use one
shape for one person (This activity can be carried out 1) S>S-S, or 2) S-S)
3. Go to http://www.biography.com
4. Find the name of one of your famous people using the site engine.
5. Click on the name and read all about the person you’ve chosen. Make notes. Add some
more info to your shape.
6. Do the same for the second person.
7. Choose one famous person from your notes and tell about him/her to your partner.
8. Work with your partner. Listen to what he/she tells you about one of their chosen
celebrities and make notes of it.
9. Write a biography of that person (can be done as homework).