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Руководство по GL Studio (Cockpit Tutorial)

Cockpit Tutorial
Exported on June 10, 2020
Prepared by:
The DiSTI Corporation
11301 Corporate Blvd., Suite 100
Orlando, FL 32817
Information in this document is the property of The DiSTI Corporation and should be considered confidential and
Copyright 2020 The DiSTI Corporation. All rights reserved.
Cockpit Tutorial
Table of Contents
Download the Completed Project........................................................................... 7
Download the Tutorial Resources........................................................................... 8
Creating a New Project for the Cockpit Tutorial .................................................... 9
Using the GL Studio Editor's New Project Feature ...................................................................... 9
The Project File structure: ........................................................................................................... 11
User-Created Workflow Bundles ................................................................................................. 11
ADI........................................................................................................................... 12
Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 12
Setting up the Project .................................................................................................................. 12
Object Development .................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 Create the Bezel ...........................................................................................................................................................13
4.3.2 Create the ADI Ball .......................................................................................................................................................18
4.3.3 Create a Light Source...................................................................................................................................................24
4.3.4 Create the Horizontal Bar ............................................................................................................................................26
4.3.5 Build and Run...............................................................................................................................................................27
Code Development ...................................................................................................................... 27
4.4.1 Add the Testing Property.............................................................................................................................................27
4.4.2 Add Properties to Handle Pitch/Roll...........................................................................................................................28
4.4.3 Calculate.......................................................................................................................................................................30
4.4.4 Including the Utility Functions of glsutil.h..................................................................................................................31
4.4.5 Build, Run, and Test.....................................................................................................................................................32
What You Learned ........................................................................................................................ 32
Altimeter................................................................................................................. 33
Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 33
Object Development .................................................................................................................... 33
5.2.1 Create the Bezel ...........................................................................................................................................................34
5.2.2 Create the Electric/Pneumatic Switch........................................................................................................................37
5.2.3 Create the Barometric Pressure Setting Knob ...........................................................................................................42
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Cockpit Tutorial
5.2.4 Create the Altimeter Needle ........................................................................................................................................46
5.2.5 Create the Altimeter Odometer...................................................................................................................................48
5.2.6 Create the Barometer Reading Odometer..................................................................................................................53
5.2.7 Create the Pneumatic / Electric Flag...........................................................................................................................56
5.2.8 Create the Gauge Shadows .........................................................................................................................................58
5.2.9 Build and Test ..............................................................................................................................................................62
5.2.10 Code Development ......................................................................................................................................................62
5.2.11 Add Testing Property ...................................................................................................................................................62
5.2.12 Add Properties to Handle Altitude and Barometer ....................................................................................................63
5.2.13 Initialize ........................................................................................................................................................................65
5.2.14 Calculate.......................................................................................................................................................................65
5.2.15 Including the Utility Functions of glsutil.h..................................................................................................................65
5.2.16 Object Callbacks ..........................................................................................................................................................66
What You Learned ........................................................................................................................ 69
MFD ......................................................................................................................... 70
Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 70
Object Development .................................................................................................................... 71
6.2.1 Build the Frame............................................................................................................................................................72
6.2.2 Create the MFD Buttons...............................................................................................................................................77
6.2.3 Build the Brightness Switch ........................................................................................................................................81
6.2.4 Create the Display Mutex Group..................................................................................................................................85
6.2.5 Add Page Changing Logic and Callbacks....................................................................................................................86
6.2.6 Generate, Build, and Test ............................................................................................................................................88
Build the MFD Pages .................................................................................................................... 88
6.3.1 PFD Page.......................................................................................................................................................................88
Create the Sky/Horizon Component...........................................................................................................................89
Build the Center Point .................................................................................................................................................95
Build the Roll Indicator ................................................................................................................................................98
Generate, Build, and Test .......................................................................................................... 101
6.4.1 Create the Pitch Ladder Component ........................................................................................................................101
6.4.2 Generate, Build, and Test ..........................................................................................................................................108
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Cockpit Tutorial
6.4.3 Create the Airspeed Ladder Component ..................................................................................................................108
6.4.4 Generate, Build, and Test ..........................................................................................................................................116
6.4.5 Create the Altitude Ladder Component....................................................................................................................116
Generate, Build, and Test ..........................................................................................................................................120
Create the EHSI Component......................................................................................................................................120
Add Component Properties.......................................................................................................................................130
6.4.6 Generate, Build, and Test ..........................................................................................................................................131
6.4.7 ENG Page ....................................................................................................................................................................132
Create the Radial Gauge Component .......................................................................................................................133
Generate, Build, and Test ..........................................................................................................................................141
Create the Bar Gauge Component ............................................................................................................................141
6.4.8 Generate, Build, and Test ..........................................................................................................................................148
Place the Components into the Page .......................................................................................................................149
Initialize the Gauges...................................................................................................................................................150
6.4.9 Build the Bar Graph Frame ........................................................................................................................................153
Code Development .................................................................................................................... 154
6.5.1 Add the Component and Testing Properties ............................................................................................................154
6.5.2 Initialize ......................................................................................................................................................................157
6.5.3 Calculate.....................................................................................................................................................................158
6.5.4 Brightness Switch Callback .......................................................................................................................................159
6.5.5 SetGlow Method.........................................................................................................................................................160
6.5.6 Generate, Build, and Test ..........................................................................................................................................161
What You Learned ...................................................................................................................... 161
3D Cockpit Tutorial .............................................................................................. 162
Purpose....................................................................................................................................... 162
Object Development .................................................................................................................. 162
7.2.1 Import the 3-D Geometry...........................................................................................................................................163
7.2.2 Create Light Source....................................................................................................................................................165
7.2.3 Import Existing GL Studio Designs ............................................................................................................................166
7.2.4 Create the Eyepoints..................................................................................................................................................181
Import the Navigation Components ......................................................................................... 187
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Cockpit Tutorial
7.3.1 Create the Multi-View.................................................................................................................................................190
7.3.2 Create the Event-Catcher Group ...............................................................................................................................191
Code Development .................................................................................................................... 192
7.4.1 Add the Testing Property...........................................................................................................................................192
7.4.2 Class Variables ...........................................................................................................................................................193
7.4.3 Class Properties .........................................................................................................................................................194
7.4.4 Class Methods ............................................................................................................................................................198
7.4.5 Initialize ......................................................................................................................................................................200
7.4.6 Calculate.....................................................................................................................................................................201
7.4.7 Defining Global Variables in cockpit_3dApp.cpp .....................................................................................................203
7.4.8 Including the Utility Functions of glsutil.h................................................................................................................203
7.4.9 Object Callbacks ........................................................................................................................................................204
Generate, Build, and Test .......................................................................................................... 208
What You Learned ...................................................................................................................... 209
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Cockpit Tutorial
Creating a New Project for the Cockpit Tutorial
3D Cockpit Tutorial
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Cockpit Tutorial
1 Download the Completed Project
 Download Completed Cockpit Tutorial (Windows)
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 Download Completed Cockpit Tutorial (Linux)
Download the Completed Project – 7
Cockpit Tutorial
2 Download the Tutorial Resources
These resources are used in the creation of the ADI, Altimeter, and the MFD.
 Download Cockpit Tutorial Resources
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Welcome to the DiSTI Support Site. We are redeveloping our documentation for online use. If you have
suggestions for new content, or ideas for improving the existing pages, please contact us at
support@disti.com. Our goal is constant improvement!
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Download the Tutorial Resources – 8
Cockpit Tutorial
3 Creating a New Project for the Cockpit Tutorial
GL Studio supports two different development workflows:
1. An engineering workflow for software developers using GL Studio, typically working alongside a graphic artist
who supplies art assets. The engineering workflow assumes coding knowledge and is centered around a thirdparty tool such as Microsoft Visual Studio® or make for Windows and Linux, respectively.
2. A UI designer workflow for designers using GL Studio without coding, but typically working with a software
developer writing backend code, object behaviors, and scripts. Building, running, and deploying can be done all
within GL Studio itself.
Either workflow can also be used for cockpit creation, and this tutorial covers using the engineering workflow to create
a cockpit.
Additionally, GL Studio supports code generation for desktop, embedded, and safety critical systems. This tutorial
covers using desktop generation exclusively.
3.1 Using the GL Studio Editor's New Project Feature
The GL Studio Editor supports Project Bundles. These are used to begin a new project with a fully functional build
system and additional project customizable features, ready to use. This is the recommended approach for new GL
Studio users, unless one of the other mechanisms provides a necessary capability.
Step 1: Click the Create a New Project button
or select File → New Project to display the New Project dialog.
New Project dialogue
Step 2: From the New Project dialog, select the DefaultGlsProject.zip file from the Project Bundle drop-down
Step 3: In the Project name field, type the desired title for the project, the name entered cannot be the same as another
project in the selected project directory.
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Creating a New Project for the Cockpit Tutorial – 9
Cockpit Tutorial
Step 4: In the Project Directory field, browse to or type the path to the project directory then click Create.
The DefaultGlsProject.zip file is extracted and the contents coped to the project directory. The GL Studio editor
opens the default GLS file and the custom objects display in the Toolbox and Toolbar.
Step 5: Click the Run
button in the toolbar at the top of the screen. This will build and run the project.
 Note About Extended Unicode, ASCII Characters, and Network Paths
The Project Directory path cannot support extended Unicode and ASCII characters. Please specify directory
paths that do not use these characters. The Project Directory path also cannot support network paths.
Resources Provided In the DefaultGlsStarter Project
AddBehaviorPopup: Allows easily adding a behavior to the selected object.
ASEReference: Imports DSI/ASE files and updates when the file changes.
CopyPasteReference: Comprises python scripts to copy data describing the current selection for use by the
corresponding paste action. The paste action pastes a previously copied reference as an external reference.
DeploymentSupportCommon: Contains the Runner script which allows for starting and killing built programs
DesktopDeployment: Comprises environment scripts that will be invoked depending on the user's selection, to
build the project into an executable.
GenerationSupportDesktop: Desktop identifies all exported files from a GL Studio document for the Desktop C++
GenerationSupportES: Comprises Collectors which identifies all exported files from a GL Studio document for the
Embedded C++ generator.
EditorThreadUtil: Simplifies threaded access to the Editor
ExternalGLSRef: Duplicates the content of the specified GLS file into this catalyzer and refreshes when the source
file changes. Comprises ConvertToPrefab which moves selected objects to an external gls file and replaces them
with a reference to that file and CreateExternalRefObject which creates a catalyzer that refers to an external GLS
LocalObjectref: References: a local object in the same GLS file.
LocalWebServer: Sets up a web server on the specified port and serves specified directories and logs POSTs to
NineDotPng: Creates a GlsNinePatch object based on the data from the .9.png.
PregenSpheresAndCylindersToMeshes: Creates a GL Polygon sized to fit the specified texture file.
PSDImporter: Imports from Adobe Photoshop files and updates with changes when the PSD file changes.
WebGLDeployment: Creates a SCons Environment suitable for creating a WebGL/Emscripten target.
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Creating a New Project for the Cockpit Tutorial – 10
Cockpit Tutorial
3.2 The Project File structure:
The project created from CustomWorkflowStarter.zip is laid out like this:
- ArtAssets - Contains all the textures, 3D Models, and fonts to use in the example.
- Engineering\Deployments - This folder contains build scripts for several platforms, and this is the place to add a
new deployment platform.
- The Python-based build system found in these folders is called SCons. More information on SCons is available
at: http://scons.org/doc/production/HTML/scons-user.html
- Within each deployment folder (e.g., Desktop), there is an SConstruct file, which is the SCons analog to a
makefile. Users can add their own additional source files, libraries, etc. to it as needed. It then uses the
appropriate tool chain (e.g., Visual Studio, gcc) to build the project.
- Also within each deployment folder, the build scripts create a folder named dist and place all the files for
distributing the application – namely, the executable or RSO and the resources folder for
external images, GlsAdvancedMesh data, GL Studio ES's GLO files, etc. This folder is removed when the project is
cleaned. The build scripts should copy any additional resources that the application needs (e.g.,
application configuration files, translation lookup tables) from their permanent location into this folder at build
time so the application can find them when it runs.
- After the project is built a Visual Studio project is automatically created in
the Engineering\Deployments\Desktop\visualc directory. This project can be used for debugging and
developing non-generated code.
• Command line build and run scripts
• Files that enable the users to add external code without additional effort
• Anything GL studio generates as part of the project, for example human readable code or art assets brought
in via drag-and-drop
• Alternate classes that encapsulate custom behaviors for objects
• Scripts to create custom objects in GL Studio (for example, the Catalyzers)
• Project scripts to handle drag-and-drop functions, and external file connection
- Layout - Contains all the GL Studio design files for the example
- default.glsproj – Describes project specific buttons. New buttons can be added here as needed.
- ProjectConfiguration.py – Contains specifics of the directory layouts, some settings, etc.
3.3 User-Created Workflow Bundles
The user may create their own custom starter bundles that contain the starting .gls files, a custom set of packages,
and other assets for new projects. The file bundle must be saved in the .zip format and must contain a Layout folder.
For Windows, store the custom bundle.zip file in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\DiSTI\GLStudio7.0\projects.
For Linux, store it in ~/.local/share/ DiSTI/GLStudio7.0/projects. The user-created bundles will be available
from the Project Bundle drop-down menu.
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Creating a New Project for the Cockpit Tutorial – 11
Cockpit Tutorial
4.1 Purpose
This section will guide the user in creating an ADI instrument using basic techniques within the GL Studio Editor. Some
of the concepts demonstrated are:
Creating GL Studio Primitive objects
Using texture mapping primitives
Creating GlsLightSource objects
Using Gouraud Shading
Using lighting for a scene
Creating User Defined Class Properties
Completed ADI
4.2 Setting up the Project
To begin, create a project named CockpitTutorial. For information on how to set up the project in Windows and
Linux, refer to Creating a New Project.
Inside the project directory, navigate to the ArtAssets/Textures folder and copy over everything from
the CockpitTutorialResources/textures folder which can be downloaded on the Cockpit Tutorial Page. Then paste those
items into your corresponding GL Studio folder.
Next Navigate to the ArtAsset/3DModels folder of your project and copy over everything from
the CockpitTutorialResources/3DModels folder. Then paste those items into your corresponding GL Studio folder.
Finally navigate to Layout folder of your Project and copy over all of the .gls files from the CockpitTutorialResources/
Layout folder. Paste those itms into your corresponding GL Studio Folder.
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ADI – 12
Cockpit Tutorial
4.3 Object Development
The ADI is the simplest instrument to create in these tutorials. It is comprised of three GL Studio primitives and a
single GlsLightSource object and gives a good introduction into the concepts GL Studio employs to create
increasingly complicated content.
Step 1: In the Geometry tab, click on the group WizardCreated_PleaseDelete and press the Delete key to remove
the group. Do the same with the object title main view, leaving an empty design.
Step 2: Open the Application tab. Change the window title to adi, and set the initial size of the window to 512x512.
Step 3: Open the Document Preferences dialog box by clicking on the small arrow button to the right of the Toggle
Grid button.
In this dialog box, set the background color to white, set the grid spacing to 1.0, and
uncheck Show Grid.
ADI Document Preferences
4.3.1 Create the Bezel
The surrounding bezel is comprised of a single GLPolygon object with a texture applied to it.
Step 1: Select the Rectangle
tool from the Toolbox. Notice that the mouse cursor now changes to a
crosshair when moved over the 3D Canvas tab window.
Step 2: Create a square 512 by 512 units by clicking and dragging in the 3D Canvas tab window. Holding the Shift key
while dragging will ensure that the polygon created is a perfect square. Look at the base of the main window to see the
object size as its being drawn. Alternatively, select Tools→Transform→Scale to enter the dimensions manually.
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ADI – 13
Cockpit Tutorial
'adi_panel' Polygon
A good way to create a polygon of an exact size is to first create a polygon of any size. Ensure you have Selection Mode
. Then, right-click on the polygon in the 3D Canvas and select Transform→Scale... from the pop-up
menu. You can then input an exact size for the polygon.
Scale mode in the transform pop-up menu
Step 3: Rename the object to adi_panel by first selecting the newly created GLPolygon in the Geometry tab and then
clicking again to edit the name. By default, GL Studio objects are given a generated name that is the type of the object
appended by the next available number. For instance, creating three GLPolygons will result in the generated
names polygon, polygon1, and polygon2.
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'adi_panel' Geometry Tab
Step 4: By default, GLPolygon objects are created with the Draw Mode property set as Outline. Change the Draw
Mode property in the Object Properties tab to Filled. This will eliminate the outline drawn at the outer extents of the
'adi_panel' Polygon
Step 5: Applying a texture to the adi_panel object is done by selecting the object in the Geometry tab and clicking
the Choose... button next to the Texture Chooser property in the Object Properties tab.
Texture Chooser's Ellipses Button
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Cockpit Tutorial
This will open the Texture Chooser dialog.
Texture Chooser Dialog
Choose a texture to load into the editor by selecting the Add Texture button. This will bring up a File Chooser dialog
that will load the selected textures into the editor. Navigate to the ArtAssets/Textures folder and select
both adi.png and adi_ball.png by holding Ctrl, and click Open. The two textures have now been loaded into
the editor.
Select the adi.png image in the Texture Chooser window and click OK.
'adi.png' Texture Selected
Step 6: The texture should now be applied to the adi_panel object, but the aspect ratio is distorted. To correct this,
click the Actual Size button in the Texture Adjustment property in the Object Properties tab. This will map the texture
1:1 in the editor.
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Texture Adjustment Property
Adjustments to the placement of the texture can be made by selecting Texture Placement Mode
Canvas' mode section.
in the 3D
This will place the editor into Texture Placement Mode, which allows the texture location to be dragged along the
object’s surface. Use the mouse cursor to position the section of the texture that contains the bezel surround to the
center of the adi_panel object.
'adi.png' Texture Mapped and Positioned
If the texture is larger than the geometry it is applied to, a ghost image of the currently applied texture will display
anywhere there is not geometry for it to be drawn on. This is to aid in the texture placement for objects.
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Cockpit Tutorial
Step 7: On the Object Properties tab in the Appearance Settings section, change the Pick Mode property for
the adi_panel object to Unpickable. Since nothing on the bezel itself is interactive, setting this object
to Unpickable will optimize the run-time picking algorithm by skipping this object when determining which object was
picked in a scene. It is good practice to do this for any object that does not explicitly handle any input from the user at
4.3.2 Create the ADI Ball
The next step is to create the ADI ball by using a textured GlsSphere object.
Step 1: Select the Sphere
tool from the Toolbox. This will create a sphere object when clicking and
dragging in the 3D Canvas tab. Click and drag to create a GlsSphere object near to the center of the bezel where the
ball would fit. Size is not important when first creating the sphere. Fine adjustments to the object will be made in
the Properties table of the Object Properties tab.
'adi.png' Texture Mapped and Positioned
Step 2: Rename the object to adi_ball.
Step 3: The next step is to fine-tune the properties for adi_ball on the Object Properties tab.
Change the Draw Mode to Filled in the Object Properties tab.
Change the Radii values to 172.00. This is the size needed to properly fill the adi_panel object.
Change the Stacks property to 50.
Change the Slices property to 50.
Change the Texture Minification to Linear Mipmap Linear.
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Draw Mode, Enable Lighting, Gouraud Shading, Radii, Slices, and Stack properties in 'adi_ball' Object Properties
Fine-Tuning the Properties for 'adi_ball' on the Object Properties Tab with Minification and Mapping properties
Change the Mapping Technique to Modulate. This will ensure lighting and Gouraud Shading are drawn properly.
Be sure and leave the Enable Lighting property unselected for now. Turning this property on now will result in a black
sphere, because there are no light sources in the scene to illuminate the object. This will be turned on once there is a
light placed in the scene in the next section.
Check the Gouraud Shading property to enable Gouraud Shading.
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Step 4: The next step is to apply the appropriate texture. Click the Choose... button for the Texture Chooser property
and select the adi_ball.png texture.
Choosing the adi_ball.png Texture
This will map the texture to the sphere. Expand the Texture Adjustment property, if it is not already expanded, and click
the Stretch To Fit button.
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ADI – 20