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V5 PreAlpha Scenario June2017

The Last Night
By Martin Elricsson, Ken Hite and edited by Karim Muammar
Berlin By Night
Nocturnal Berlin has a turbulent recent history. For half a century the city was defined by the
conflict between two princes – the unrepentant feudal lord Gustav Breidenstein in the east and his
childe Wilhelm Waldburg, styling himself an “enlightened” ruler in the west. Shortly after a famous
debacle involving a treacherous Elder masquerading as Caine himself, Gustav Breidenstein fell
victim to a terrifying blood plague that swept through the city (Trilogy of the Blood Curse). Wilhelm
left the Berlin, seemingly unable to function without his centuries old rivalry with his maker. In his
place a Malkavian Prince, Abraham Wolff, took power. Under Wolff the last remnants of the Sabbat
left Berlin. Some joined the growing ranks of Anarchs. Others went East, called to the crucible of the
Gehenna War. During this time the Church of Caine became popular among kindred looking to fill
the spiritual void of eternity without succumbing to Vaudlerie and aggression. The cult gained some
acceptance as Wolff remained a vocal Christian Prince throughout his short rule. In 2010, Waldburg
returned, declared the Church and the Anarchs “risks to the Camarilla” and excluded them from
court and Elysium. Since then his rule has become more and more similar to that of his Sire and
under the mismanagement of him and a corrupt and divided Primogen the city’s Camarilla has
become weak and unable to maintain power. But as the threat of revolt looms larger, a more
deadly storm is brewing. Disorder in the kindred world means risking exposure to the Second
Inquisition and the wrath of the mundane world as the Anarch attacks are framed as terrorist
threats by an ignorant mortal world.
The Anarch Uprising
For a lot of Berlin vampires, being Anarch is no special thing. It just means that you don't get invited
to Elysium and Camarilla vampires treat you like shit. And get away with it.
Sure, some among the Berlin Anarchs have what might be called Anarch identity. They believe in
the revolution and that a new order is possible. For most, however, such ideas seem improbable.
The Camarilla is eternal and can never be broken.
Until last night. The revolution was a surprise to most Anarchs in Berlin. They thought they had to
live in misery for the decades to come, but now it turns out the Camarilla has become a paper tiger.
If you’ve played Enlightenment in Blood, don’t be afraid to adapt the scenario to fit the outcome of the
larp or to just embellish it with your experiences. Have your character appear as an NPC, or let the
players witness a dramatic scene you yourself participated in.
Theme and mood
The theme of this scenario is fall from power and the mood is desperate survival. The player
characters are all (low-ranking, but still…) parts of Prince Wilhelms dictatorial regime, and like all
servants of tyrants in times of revolution they are about to face the consequences of their actions.
Recall all the stories from real-world history (some of it very recent) about dictators and their
cronies being hunted and lynched by the citizens they’ve oppressed and you have a great mood to
play with. Survival for the player characters should come with a certain guilt and a question – do
these characters really deserve to survive?
The Coterie - Die Penner
“Penner - colloquial derogatory term for “homeless person” (DE)”
Vampires are outsiders. Their curse isolates them. While many, including the Dramatis Personae of
our story, hide undetected in the middle of human social groups, their relationship to kine is always
that of predator and prey. Contempt, envy or at least condescending sympathy for the kine turn
social connections between the living and the dead into a masquerade without real emotional
depth. Kindred feel lonely among the kine and their surrogate family of monsters soon becomes
their only release from isolation. In the Camarilla, a beloved and obedient childe or a mutually
blood-bonded spouse is the ideal. These are gifts awarded the old and the loyal by the powers that
be. For those who are forbidden to embrace new kindred and are not trusted to build bonds
through marriage and blood, the coterie is the only way to alleviate the eternal loneliness. A coterie
is as often an artificial construct as it is built from emotional relationships - kindred forced into
hunting the same grounds, a primogen’s personal snitches or (as in this case) an ancilla and his
neonate blood-harem.
Dirty club kid André (Malkavian, 8th gen) has the sweetest blood in Berlin and he’s not above using
it. A lot. Officially Die Penner are a hunting club, watching each other’s backs as they stalk the
dangerous but very rewarding club-circuit of Berlin. Their hunting rights are impressive, covering
seventeen blocks of Friedrichshain including the gentrified techno club Tresor, the grimy Golden
Gate right across Spree river and the sex-club KitKat (close to Tresor). Of the major techno clubs in
Friedrichshain, only Berghein is off-limits to the Penner as it is a kind of Anarch-enforced “Elysium”
and the home of the Black Rose, the oldest Anarch gang in Berlin. In reality Die Penner are André’s
lovers or blood slaves. All are blood bonded to the seemingly insignificant druggie club kid and
none of them know the others are. Many of them are jealous as fuck and would be heartbroken and
violently offended if they knew André shares the bond with the others of the coterie.
Plot background and summary
The villain of the drama is one of the player characters. Bruno is André’s former lover and bloodslave. He is motivated by selfish jealousy and set off by a rare opportunity. The consequences of his
violent emotional reaction become the main plot and revealing him as the force behind the PCs’
problems the core mystery. As the Anarch revolution sweeps Berlin Bruno saw the opportunity to
get rid of his dysfunctional blood bond. If he can’t have the sweet blood of André, the elusive and
eternal club-kid he adores, no one will. He has hatched a plot to sell André out to the Anarchs and
let them destroy him.
What Bruno doesn’t understand is that the Second Inquisition is watching the events of the antigentrification riots closely for any sign of vampiric involvement. When he works up the willpower
(and is sufficiently drunk on hateful blood to temporarily break the bond) and gives up the address
to André’s current resting place, he does it to Victor Keller, an anarch and a terrorist suspect whose
phone and home is under surveillance by the KSA, the German equivalent to NSA. The Inquisition
acts quickly, attaching themselves to a strike team of GSG9 (German elite SWAT unit), bringing a
chaplain and phosphorus grenades to deal with the attackers. The SI (correctly) suspects the
attackers are “Schwartzkörper” (“Blackbodies,” the term the NSA / KSA are using for creatures that
show up as black blots on their stationary detector systems).
Summary: The players have met to discuss the Anarch uprising and what they will do next. As André is
attacked in the hours just before dawn by the Anarchs (and the SI), their blood-bonds scream for them
to intervene. Bruno knows where André is hiding and may reveal it to the rest of the Coterie, but as
soon as news of the attack hits the internet the location is pretty obvious. Burning with fear and bloodfuelled concern for André they rush to the scene.
The scene begins right where the coterie usually gathers - this week it’s All-Nite Glücklich, a 24/7
gambling hall (all digital one armed bandits and pick-me-games) in Tiergarten frequented by a mix
of older Turkish men and unemployed youth. The sound from the machines serves to drown out
their voices. The coterie hangs out in the small café area nursing mostly untouched cups of black
Turkish coffee. The subject of conversation is the extent of the Anarch rebellion and why they have
not heard from their superiors. Bruno slouches in – unusual, as he is mostly a loner these nights.
Bruno’s player chooses whether he reveals he knows about the Anarch strike (making him
immediately suspect) or plays it cool until the Blood-bond activates.
Let the players narrate what they know about the Anarch uprising (likely from having played or
heard about Enlightenment in Blood - there are notes on it in the characters in case they missed it)
and plan how Die Penner will act on behalf of the Camarilla. This is a good place to remind them of
the crimes they have committed against the Anarchs as a part of the Camarilla. The option to “just
join the Anarchs” could be on the table, but the more established Kindred consider this the
equivalent of suicide.
About 5 minutes into the scene a feeling of dread starts coming over the whole crew. Hint at it in
descriptions. This is their Blood Bond screaming at them, but this should not be immediately
apparent to the whole group. Crank up the ominousness of descriptions until you let the bomb
drop, as the Turkish proprietor turns up the volume on the flatscreen over the cigarette-machine.
“Amcik terörist” (fucking pussy terrorists) he mutters and starts closing the place down. Another
truck has plowed into a building -- this time it’s Golden Gate, an all-night house club just five blocks
away. At least one of the characters knows it’s André’s current hideout. The notes the players have
been given combined with the news should propel them in that direction. If they absolutely refuse
and escape to stay safe, see the note on Wayward Players below.
Read the first reports of the attack as the coterie makes its way to Golden Gate.
“Reports are just coming in that a truck has crashed into the packed dance-club “Golden Gate” in
eastern Tiergarten, setting the old building ablaze. At least five people are believed to be dead and it is
still unknown whether this is a tragic accident or the third truck-attack in the last year. The worrying
trend began in Marseilles in…”
Potential Victims
Cenk Yildiz, 51: The proprietor of All-Nite Glücklich, a heavyset, mature survivor. Blood provides:
First use of Fortitude in a Scene is free.
Harika Demir, 30: Cenk’s daughter, happily working here, carries a baby on her hip; she’s hopeful,
charismatic, in love. Blood provides: +1 dice on Presence-related rolls.
Ketifa Demir, 1: Harika’s adorable baby daughter, who starts crying if things get violent. Blood
provides: Blush of Life (appear human for one scene)
Evenk Yildiz, 16: Teenage son of Cenk, unhappily working here; afraid, conflicted, on speed. Blood
provides: First use of Celerity in a Scene is free.
These and future blood effects last until starved (Hunger 5) or until next feeding.
Recalcitrant players who decide to ignore their Blood Bond and leave André to his fate are still locked down in Berlin, still
hunted by the Anarchs and the SI, and still vampires.
On the first night, they all need to make a Willpower test (2 successes) to avoid rushing to André’s aid in the Golden Gate,
and then one more when the first responders find his body and move it to the morgue.
The first dusk, the coterie must Rouse the Blood once to wake up, with an optional extra Rouse to appear human, as usual.
The first night, they need to make another Willpower test to resist rescuing André’s body from the morgue. If they go outside
to rescue André or to hunt, the PC with the highest Mental (Wits) + Stealth pool must test it at Difficulty 4 (Remember, in V5
the Difficulty number represents the number of Successful (6+) dice required for a complete success) on the way to their
destination. On a failure, someone finds them: roll on the Night Encounter Table.
On the way back from their destination the first night, the PC with the lowest Mental (Wits) + Stealth pool must test it at
Difficulty 4. On a failure, someone finds them: roll on the Night Encounter Table. Remember that Anarchs or SI might track
them to their haven, if any survive the encounter. The SI attacks in the daytime, of course; the Anarchs lay an ambush for
when the coterie returns that night.
On the second morning they are dragged awake by the sensation of André’s death at the hands of the SI. They must all
resist Frenzy as they feel the flames burn his flesh for the final time. Then the Blood Bond snaps as he turns to ashes.
On the second night (and every night thereafter), if they go out, the Difficulty of the Stealth test is 5, not 4.
Night Encounter Table
1-5: That number of Anarchs
6: Berlin police patrol (3-6 cops; roll 1d10, divide result by 2, add 1)
7: Three GSG9 troopers on patrol
8: SI chaplain in an SUV (and 3 GSG9 troopers)
9: Col. Recker in her SUV (and 2 SI specialists + chaplain)
10: Col. Recker in her helicopter (and 2 SI specialists + 6 GSG9 troopers)
If cops, GSG9, or SI survive to the second round, they call in the location; reinforcements (roll on this
table again ignoring 1-5 result) arrive in 3-6 turns. Depending on how fast the PCs escape, the
Storyteller may chase them.
Summary: After getting past the police cordon and seeing the anarch attackers arrested the coterie
brave the heat of the burning club and must outwit a squad of Second Inquisition SWAT police to
rescue the torpid body of their Regent - André. Compulsion and Frenzy rolls abound in this dangerous
scene and characters may very well die again in the fire and chaos.
Auspex: If they turn that discipline on inside the burning club they have -2 to all dice-pools
because they are overwhelmed by the fire and noise.
Frenzy: There are many potential Frenzy triggers in this scene. Fire. Bleeding victims. Flash-bang
grenades. Internal conflict. The goal with the scene is that everyone should roll against Composure
at least once to avoid Frenzy, showing the players that losing Composure has direct consequences.
The First Cordon
The location of the attack is not far. Let players describe how they make their way there and make
the appropriate rolls. (Streetwise to take the side-streets and arrive fast, Athletics to take to the
rooftops and arrive unseen and past the police cordon etc.)
They can smell fire and hear sirens all the way. The police are locking down the whole shitty railwaystation neighbourhood around Golden Gate as they arrive. Helicopters rush past overhead. A fire
truck shoulders past them (Athletics to get out of the way if you’re feeling nasty) and starts
unloading hoses.
Inside a grey SUV arriving at the scene is Colonel Amanda Recker (SI) with a 2-man KSA team and a IMSI “Stingray” catcher
that records all cell-phone traffic at the site. If the characters use cell phones in a 4 block area around the site of the attack,
the SI records and knows everything they say; the SI acts on any intel they uncover. Make notes on sensitive information
revealed in the calls and note that any phone used in the area will be tapped for the next three months as a part of the
investigation. The SI will be able to request this info but will have to cut through some red tape to get it, allowing you to
show mercy on less surveillance-savvy kindred.
First thing the group have to get past to get to the burning club is the outer police cordon as it’s
being set up (3 successes Social, 1 success Dominate / Presence if they use it in a smart way). The
setup is still overseen by local cops and a bit chaotic so any plausible story will get them past. Bad
stories / low successes ensures that a brave / stupid local cop follows them into the club. If they
approach from the rooftops they have to run 70 meters across the slanting roof of the railway
station Golden Gate lies under (Physical + Athletics / Stealth 2 successes / Obfuscate 1). If they fall or
make noise, they are spotted by the incoming GSG9 helicopter. A sniper on board opens fire after a
loud-hailer warning to surrender and come down from the roof. The sniper shoots to kill (8 dice
attack, +6 Superficial damage) but aims for the body, believing characters to be escaping terrorists.
If the PCs run into the club after this the SI will be gunning specifically for them and not issue
warnings when encountered inside.
Potential Victims
Any one of these may follow the characters into Golden Gate:
Officer Karla Braunstein, 32: Local traffic police woman (pregnant)
Blood provides: Blush of Life (appear human for current scene)
Lt. Wolfram Thiessen, 44: Drunk vice cop who happens to be in a brothel nearby
Blood provides: Drunk (-1 to resist Frenzy for current scene)
Doner Gulbekian, 58: Armenian refugee, bum sleeping on roof
Blood provides: +1 die on Obfuscate-related tests
The Second Cordon
Next they have to get past the panicked crowd that the police are trying to get under control right
outside the club. Many have friends / drugs still left inside and are demanding to be let in. No one
really knows what’s happened. Some think its a police raid gone wrong. Others know it’s ISIS. The
police are not happy about letting anyone get through them. (Difficulty 3
Physical(Strength)+Physique or a Social(Charisma)+Subterfuge flood of (fake) tears and “my
girlfriend is still in there” (Difficulty 1-3 depending on performance) should work).
Past the crowd is the site of the attack. Just as (or just before) the characters get through the throng
the cops holding the line suddenly break off and engage two men and a woman coming out of the
graffiti-covered side of the club. Three GSG9 troopers in full armor and combat visors burst forth
from a silver-grey SUV, screaming at the trio to get down on the ground. The woman cuts and runs
and the squad opens up, drops the woman with controlled short bursts to the legs, and keeps
shooting. The two men get down on their knees and look defiantly at the player characters.
Recognizing them for what they are, the Anarchs smile knowingly as they are violently brought
down. The leg-shot Kindred woman tries to get up and the troopers advance. One keeps firing at the
downed Anarch as the two others run up and empty their HK417 carbines into her head, which
begins smoldering as the tracer rounds in it ignite. It looks like gross police violence and the crowd
starts running up to the cops screaming in outrage. The players should realize that the GSG9
apparently know what they are fighting. Who the fuck are these cops?
Smart players use the distraction to get into the club, stupid players intervene and are arrested /
fight a masquerade-shattering battle they can’t win and lose the chance to grab André.
If the characters get caught, they might be able to escape. A lot depends on who caught them.
If the Berlin Police arrested the characters, they can just break out of the paddy wagon – possibly after feeding
on any protestors or random Middle Eastern men thrown in the back with them. It’s a Difficulty 5 test (Physical
(Strength) + Physique) to smash open the doors of the van from the inside.
Even breaking out of a Berlin Police station holding cell is not impossible: it’s a Difficulty 7 test (Physical
(Strength) + Physique) to punch out the heavy bulletproof glass window high in the cell wall, but it’s a
continuing task they can attempt three times that night. If they get seven total successes and no total failures,
they’re free! However, their fingerprints, ID, and biometric information are now stored, and the SI begins hunting
them specifically once the reports of the breakout emerge.
If the GSG9 arrested the PCs, they need to get out of the SUV before they get to the secure facility – because the
ghoul dogs there sniff out kindred and the SI takes over. This requires a Difficulty 6 test (Social (Manipulation) +
Empathy) to appear weak and harmless, like they were arrested by mistake really, no threat. (Difficulty 5 if the
character uses Blush of Life) Then they have to snap their zip cuffs (Difficulty 4 test (Physical (Strength) +
Physique)), completely overpower the GSG9 operator in the jump seat, smash open the door and run, all within
two rounds. If they kill the driver and co-pilot in that time, no radio message goes out alerting the SI to escaped
vampires. The SI don’t arrest vampires, they shoot them trying to escape.
Inside the Golden Gate
As they make their way into the graffiti-covered concrete building under the railway overpass they
notice a second GSG9 squad deploying on the roof from a helicopter, blowing a roof-access door off
its hinges and going in hard. The GSG9 are two stories above where the PCs are going in. They have
little time to find André before the “cops” find him. Play this scene as a tense series of minute-long
turns where each player can do one thing per turn. They have five to eight turns (five if the GSG9 / SI
see the characters as targets; eight if they see the PCs as bystanders) to find André and get out of a
back door.
Exiting the way they came costs the coterie their anonymity as police helmet-cams record them. If
you want to be extra harsh they have to fight their way past three GSG9 troopers covering the front
The back door leads to the rail tracks and a safe escape down a maintenance tunnel and out on the
There is no best way to deal with the situation but stealth or discipline use is advisable. Taking out a
full squad of specialists with state of the art weaponry head on is going to be tricky and probably
only works if the entire coterie coordinates to lay a trap for the descending squad.
The better option is to use the confusion and stragglers inside the burning club to avoid
confrontation altogether, perhaps feeding off some of the survivors trapped in the building. Players
should roll plenty during this scene - the goal is to have at least one of them lose Composure before
they have to roll the inevitable frenzy-check to jump through flame or get out from a collapsing
burning wall. The ideal is having players’ Beasts turn on each other in the chaos, leading to tension
and resentment in the coterie in later scenes. See the floor plan and description for tips on how to
run the scene.
The scene reaches its climax as players enter the cellar and find André’s improvised panic room. A
wide, fresh trail of smoking vitae leads the way to the door of an old WW2 bomb-shelter equipped
with a makeshift code-lock. Several characters know the code, but are they willing to let the others
know they are close to André? Inside André lies in torpor, covered in sticky vitae and third-degree
Nestled beneath the Jannowitzbrücke train stop, Golden Gate is one of Berlin's grittiest clubs. The interior is small, dark,
and mostly free of decoration. It's known for having exceptionally long operating hours, even for Berlin—most weeks
there's one party on Thursday night that finishes on Friday afternoon, then a second one that starts on Friday at
midnight and lasts until Monday morning. The club consists of one main dance floor, a small sitting area, a bathroom
section upstairs and a small garden in the summer. The music is mostly up-front tech house by Berlin-based DJs.
Any firefight in the building will bring reinforcements (3 GSG9 and 2 beat cops) two rounds after it begins, they will be
coming in through the windows on the ground floor. These reinforcements do not know enough to go for headshots
and are -2 dice down since they don’t have proper smoke-diving equipment on.
Too Little, Too Late
As the characters explore Golden Gate, make sure to describe the work of the fire-brigade and rescue workers that arrive
at the scene at the same time as the PCs. They wait for the GSG9 to sweep the building, then enter.
If the characters spend a long time waiting outside the first responders are inside the building as they enter and actively
try to evacuate them from the disaster area. 10 minutes after the characters arrive on site the building will be cleared
and crawling with fire-fighters attempting to dig out victims, put the fires out, and prevent a gas explosion as the fire
threatens to move to a nearby restaurant. Make these non-combatants call for the cops, be dominated, safe to feed
from or whatever you like; they should ideally be a minor problem and a source of realism.
If the players wait more than an hour the rescue workers find André’s panic room and cart off his body to the morgue
just before sunrise. The coterie have a last chance to claim his torpid body from the morgue (guarded by a beat cop and
two civilian attendants and staffed by a coroner and two medical students) early next night. The second morning after
the attack, the SI claims André and cremates him, and the coterie have lost their Regent. See the sidebar “Ashes to
Ashes…” for details on what happens if André meets Final Death.
Ground Floor / Main Club
The truck has blown through the left corner of Golden Gate’s dance-floor, the ceiling and the
balcony / bathroom level has caught fire. Stairs up and a door to “kitchen” / back-room (stairs down
into the cellar are found in here). The place smells rancid of burning chemicals, insulation and
vomit. Three bodies are trapped under debris on the floor. Someone is screaming from the second
level, where the bathrooms are located. The sound-system is still on, playing Ricardo Ferreira’s
“Railway” on eardrum-busting volume. Surreal shit.
Several bodies and injured clubbers lie under the burning rubble of the corner. Three are visible /
possible to reach without digging through the rubble. Of these three bodies are two very freshly
dead young girls in glitter and razorcut hairstyles. They never made it into Berghein and ended up
here; their blood still spatters the wall and its fear-smell hangs in the air.
The third is Martin Kanerva, a thin, elfin white-blonde techno-tourist from Stockholm. He’s still alive
and screams for the PCs to help him from the burning rubble. (Difficulty 4 Physical(Strength) +
Physique, two can cooperate. It takes one round to clear the burning rubble without burning
yourself; if the PCs try helping him out without clearing it first, they take +1 Aggravated damage. If it
takes more than 2 rounds Martin dies.) He is high as fuck and adds 1 die to any rescue attempt with
his coked-up self preservation. He really, really wants to live. The players must make a conscious
call to leave him to die … or to feed from him while he’s pinned and helpless, of course.
Potential Victims
Katja Sonnerstam and Anja Niebling, 16 and 17: freshly dead club kids, the girls’ blood still retains
the resonance of abject fear
Blood provides: +2 dice to Dread Gaze (Presence).
Martin Kanerva: Coked up, adrenaline pumping veteran club-fiend
Blood provides: First use of Celerity is free in each scene.
The stairwell is on the verge of collapse and will buckle under the weight of 2 adults on it at once,
collapsing to the left, crashing into a burning wall, dealing +1 aggravated damage. If characters are
on it when it goes down they take and must roll for Frenzy in the fiery inferno.
The stairwell is a great place for an ambush as the troopers will be exposed as they go down and
are only able to go down one after one not to risk the stairs collapsing.
It’s also a great place to pretend to be a victim rather than someone messing with the scene of the
Second Level /Bathroom Stalls
If the players make the perilous ascent they face a corridor where the left wall (where stalls are not)
is on fire. In the far end of the hall is a stairwell; any success at all on an Alertness roll carries sounds
of the GSG9 troopers coming down. They clearly hear a man screaming from one of the stalls. The
door is blocked by an I-beam that has dropped from the ceiling (Difficulty 2 Physical(Strength) +
Physique to get it out of the way). In the stall is Nik (Nicholaus) Kyller, the resident drug-dealer, and
his quite impressive stash.
Nik hid as the crash sounded, he took it for granted it was a police raid. As the door opens he barges
out, arms full of half melted gym-bag full of ziplock bags of coke, molly, speed and ketamine. He
rewards rescuers by pressing a handful of drugs and 50 EU bills in their pockets and starts running
for the panic-room in the cellar, screaming for them to follow. He is not interested in going out the
front. If they hesitate he screams “André’s down there!”
Potential Victim
Nik Kyller, 37: Drug dealer, so happy to be alive!
Blood Provides: +1 die on Presence-based rolls.
The stalls provide another possible ambush or hiding location. If the characters have nerves of steel
(and luck with their Frenzy rolls) they can hide in the stalls as the GSG9 rush past them. They
foolishly think no one could survive the smoke and fire without a gas mask. Even the SI specialist
doesn’t know Blackbodies don’t breathe and fire is a known weakness so they are sloppy in
checking the stalls, just throwing the first two open then shouting “clear” and going for the stairs.
Ground Floor/Kitchen
Golden Gate’s “kitchen” is really nothing but a beer and booze-storage. All eastern european
smuggle vodka and stacked canisters of weissbier and lager. A wide streak of blood is smeared
across the concrete floor, going down the stairs to the cellar. A metal staircase leads to the cellar.
The Cellar/Panic Room
The fire has not reached here. The cellar is pitch black and silent. There is a locked (Difficulty 3
Physical (Dex) + Larceny / (Strength) + Physique to open) door leading out behind the club and into
the cover of a park where the coterie can escape under rails and into a highly trafficked road into
Friedrichshain from here.
The smeared vitae leads to a metal shelf. Careful examination shows the blood-trail disappearing
under it. If characters search in the right place (several of them know it) they find a combination
lock hidden in a poorly camouflaged electrical box. The code is 1493. It opens a vault-like door:
Andre’s panic room.
Inside is André’s torpid body. He just managed to crawl inside, curl up in a ball and bleed out into
Torpor. Beside him is a suspiciously old, dead clubber woman in a skimpy minimalist grey outfit
that suits her sagging body poorly (his steady Ghoul Anita who suddenly aged 40 years after dying;
Amir recognizes her dress) with her wrists cut. She bled out all over his face in an attempt to save
him, but without success. André was on the main dance-floor when the anarch truck hit and got
burnt badly as the firebomb under the hood went off. He just made it into the Panic Room because
Anita helped him, and she paid the ultimate price for it.
The panic room is a great place to hide if the players dare. The GSG9 troopers go through the cellar,
shout “clear,” and assume the terrorists (if that is how they see the PCs following earlier
interactions) have escaped through the back door. The rescue workers who arrive 5 minutes later
are a different matter. They discover the door and oxy-torch it open, finding the characters and
immediately calling for GSG9 backup if they are hostile.
Dealing with André
What now? The players have a choice. All characters have strong opinions on what to do with André
so this is a first place the coterie could turn on itself. That’s cool. Basically they can try to revive him
on the spot (dangerous as hell and futile since he is in deep torpor from his wounds) or move the
body to a safe location such as one of their havens and deal with it the next morning. This is also a
good time to remind the players that sunrise is only an hour or so away.
If they try to revive André on the spot, they can try to feed him vitae. They know a lot of it is needed
to wake him up. Say that one of them has heard that two full bodies worth need to be sacrificed to
wake a sleeping kindred (this is bullshit, but such misconceptions are very common). That means
almost draining three of them dry unless they feed from the injured survivors / the GSG9 troopers.
Remember that feeding takes time. It takes three minutes (turns) to consume enough blood to sate
1 hunger. A human (irrespective of size or age - a life is a life) thus takes 15 minutes to empty
without tools. The fastest they can do it is 9 minutes (three kindred feeding at once and then
feeding André) plus the time they have taken to explore, meaning awakening André is almost
guaranteed to land them in a fight with the GSG9 - not a great thing.
To make things even worse André will not wake up no matter how much blood he is fed. He has
been burned into torpor and that means (Amelina knows this) he will be asleep for at least a week
before he can wake. In truth, André is not the most humane of vampires, meaning that his time in
torpor is about a month, no matter how much he is fed.
If the coterie carries André out, decide whether they make it without having to confront / hide from
the GSG9. If they have been fast and smart or made a useful ally of one of the bombing victims, let
them get away in the nick of time -- perhaps with a flashbang grenade going off behind them as a
final piece of fireworks.
Remember that any straight-up fight with the SI-assisted GSG9 is likely to end in the final death of
one or more of the coterie. They are not combat monsters but a social hunting coterie. It’s fully okay
to kill the PCs if they are aware of the risk they are taking by engaging the squad and you provide
options to violence. If they choose a fight they deserve what’s coming to them.
As the characters escape, describe the grey late night giving way to the purple of near-dawn and
how their hearts quiet down and stop as the need to pump blood to dead muscles fade. Remember
to roll for Hunger as the scene ends, weave in the results as they make their way…where?
Summary: Having narrowly survived the Second Inquisition and the fires of the anarch attack the
coterie make their way to a safe place to crash for the day. They wake up in a city in lockdown and
must decide on their next step.
The players are racing against dawn. Have them quickly decide where to go - one of their havens is
the obvious but not only choice. Letting others into their haven is a sign of trust or desperation. Let
the player controlling the haven describe it as they enter. If they choose another hiding place -- a
sewer, abandoned building or even the home of a living relative -- make them feel a bit nervous
about their lack of control. The escape through dawn Berlin as they sort through memories of the
last scene is quiet, almost poetic. Fire trucks going in the opposite direction. Berliners taking to the
streets to mourn the attack. Police helicopters. The future looks bleak. This is a great place for a
musical interlude to set the scene. Leonard Cohen’s “The Future” is a great choice.
The morning after the coterie wake up in a different world. The city is on lockdown, news show
airports, train-stations, highways, and bus stations patrolled by heavily armed police as they search
for a mysterious “fourth attacker”. Details on the attack are sketchy. The truck belonged to a
moving-company based in Hamburg and was reported stolen three days ago. The media and
interviewees have already made up their mind despite the fact that no arrests have been made
public -- this is another ISIS-inspired Islamist attack. This goes directly against what the coterie
witnessed at the scene of the attack and they should start getting paranoid over who is behind the
It’s likely the players will try to reach out to Camarilla contacts during the second night. No one is
picking up their phone. If they use any of their dead-drops, meeting places or other safe methods of
contact the silence is deafening. Tailor the scenes to the specific contact but bring home the
horrible truth: the Camarilla is gone, or at least has gone to ground. If they try hard, let one attempt
turn up a shitless ghoul carrying a message - “Wolff (the prince) is dead, the Primogen is gone. The
Anarch attack was just the start, several havens (insert relevant details about a contact and how
they were raided and destroyed) have been raided by GSG9 during the day. Get the hell out of town
and contact the Camarilla.” As they fail to contact the powers that be, make sure they encounter
people they could feed from along the way. See the sidebar “10 victims in Berlin”.
People: If the PC’s hide in a haven where they expect a retainer / ghoul to meet them, let them
describe their servant(s) and then act them out. They are nervous and anxious as the attack
threatens to change everything. Use retainers to prod the players into action if they seem paralysed,
and convey a sense of urgency. “Will they find this place? Where do we go now? Will you make me
one of you now? I can’t take this anymore, I must go check on my family, this is too dangerous.” Let
them work a bit (Social or Discipline rolls) to retain the loyalty of their retainers in this crisis. If they
succeed, the retainer attaches herself to the coterie -- a highly useful resource to get out of Berlin.
The Retainer: This depends on which of the coterie provide their haven to the others. For the
purposes of this scenario, the retainer has 2 dots in all Attributes and a floating pool of 6 dots in any
Skills their owner likes. That player can assign those dots in play as the need comes up. For
example, when giving the retainer 2 dots of Larceny: “Oh, Karl has always been something of a
sneak thief, haven’t you Karl you naughty thing?”
Decision Time
Action: Players have a big decision to make. Their clearest options are:
Sell out to the Anarchs -- André is obviously a great bargaining chip
Go to ground -- hope to hide from the Inquisition and the Anarchs until this all blows over
Escape – try to reach Hamburg, Brussels, Vienna, or even Paris.
The scenario assumes they have André and are considering selling out or escaping. See “Wayward
players” on ideas on how to play if they failed to rescue their Regent or plan to lay low. Make sure
you give the players time and space to play out the argument in character; almost like a small LARPscene. The characters have conflicting goals and ideas, so a lot of fun and dramatic play can come
from this scene. Trust your players to inject the scene with meaning and conflict.
Another obvious choice is to gather enough blood to wake up André, although that pins them in
place for at least a week. But blood sounds good right now: see the next scene.
Summary: After the debacle at Golden Gate last night, hunger is most likely an issue. Weather they
plan to wake up André or not, a group hunt is a very probable player action during the night after the
attack. This scene describes some obvious ways to score a lot of blood and scenario related problems
that could occur while they do this.
Begin the morning softly, describing daymares and blood-echoes as the kindred stir - burning
precious blood to reanimate and meet a new night. They most likely hunger. Let them describe how
their characters react to being hungry. Encourage them to think withdrawal rather than hunger for
food. Are they jumpy and paranoid, depressed, angry or focused and emotionless? Do they rouse
blood to appear human? Even if they are somehow sated, they have André to feed. They need
blood. Next, let them plan a hunt. Going at it alone is not only against the modus operandi of the
coterie, it is also very dangerous in a city that is becoming a battleground between the Camarilla,
the Anarchs and mortal police and anti-terrorist agencies. And the Second Inquisition.
Hunting Grounds
Below are three (one for each character except Nichole) ways to score blood. Many of them involve
permanently burning herd backgrounds by fucking up their usual hunting grounds. There is also the
possibility of striking out on their own or poaching on another kindred’s hunting grounds, if the
players do this, use the 10 Victims in Berlin sidebar and the descriptions below to create the
scene. No hunt should be without risk since the anarchs are stalking all the good spots, many bars
have closed after the attack and the police are out in force. No hunt is safe tonight.
Pursuing some of these options (like Amelina’s home for immigrant teenagers) should be so morally
repugnant that they create strong reactions and disgust. If players are callous about killing or
abusing mortals left and right this scene is a great place for degeneration rolls. Rules for Humanity
loss are outside the scope of this playtest, but feel free to narrate something suitably horrible, or use
the rules from any previous edition.
Ästhetic Berlin (Amir)
A cosmetic surgery clinic with overnight patients. Amir’s cover works here as a night-nurse and has
fed from the blood-and-fat refuse from liposuction a few times when he failed to score blood in a
club. It’s a dirty secret that he does this. If Amir has been spotted and connected to the scene of the
attack in any way, this is a bad choice. His Middle-Eastern appearance makes him the prime suspect
in the group and if he shows up in media, the conservative doctors have informed the police that he
works nights at the clinic.
He is slated to work tonight and if he doesn’t show up Dr Nicolai Noaca calls him and asks what’s
up. If he is a suspect, the police (4 GSG9 and 3 beat cops) wait in an ambush to arrest him for
questioning. If Amir is not a suspect, Dr Noaca is working late and the coterie must deal with / sneak
past him.
Potential Victims
Lana Rubenius, 45: Danish gallery curator, mother of two, has finally saved up correcting a vaginal
injury she sustained in giving birth to her daughter Lina 2 years ago.
Blood provides: First use of Fortitude is free for each scene
Berthold Zimmerman, 55: German businessman (car sales), overnight after liposuction and Botox
treatment. Is high on pain meds, can’t sleep and is watching porn, dreaming about the girls he will
score with his new flesh.
Blood provides: +1 die on Presence-related rolls
Agathe Irmuska, 26: Belarussian breast-cancer victim replacing a breast with silicone implant.
Sleeping heavily (sedated) and dreaming about her best friend and her running away together.
Blood provides: +1 die on Auspex-related rolls if fed from while dreaming. Otherwise nil.
Dr Nicolai Noaca, 62: Romanian plastic surgeon in a life-crisis. Believes he was destined to become
a cop and has wasted his life. Bitter.
Blood provides: No special blood effects.
KitKat (Bruno)
A massive sex-club open 24/7 with three floors, saunas, showers, a great electrotechno and
progressive house floor. Die Penner have a private room set aside; KitKat is a regular hunting
ground for the coterie. Tonight is Revolver XXL night - a strict male gay night catering mostly to
bears and cubs, but welcoming all schwule and their friends. This may complicate hunting for the
women in the coterie, but should make it really easy for Amir. Even Bruno gets lucky here
sometimes. It’s half empty since the attacks have turned down the party spirit enough to make a
difference. The crew that has made it out are pretty drunk and the vibe is a bit off despite heroic
efforts from a large happy hardbody group dressed like Spartans from the movie 300. The major
problem is that this is a known hangout of the coterie, so there will be an anarch kindred with
Auspex (Peter Fusch) watching the scene for Camarilla survivors. Going for such an obvious feeding
ground is risky but let the players figure that out themselves.
Potential Victims
Dietz Vormann, 21: Nervous wine-store clerk on his first big gay night out. Submissive. Blood
provides: +1 die for Dominate-related rolls.
DJ Clark Kent, 42: Worshipped, secretly straight, flirty and terribly busy. Hates rock music and goths
Blood provides: +2 dice for Awe (Presence)
Tavin Salim, 35: taxi-driver visiting his family, from Kolkata, huge dude with a booming laugh and
constant jokes about Europeans. Into blood-play it turns out.
Blood provides: +1 die for Presence-related rolls
The Spartans, 22-35: Twelve big burly hot men, mostly with beards and close-cropped hair and abs
extra defined by bodypaint. They could be a soccer team. They could be cosplayers. They could be
a stag party. No one knows since they stay “in character” all the time. They are all super-party and
are looking for well-trained men to join their last stand at Thermopylae. If you pull one, you pull five
and if they see anyone being attacked in the club they all jump in to help. They are dangerous in a
group and three of them have prop spears (made of wood) and leather shields they use with some
skill. If a fight breaks out they may well overpower the coterie or even stake one of them by
Physical 3, Melee 2: 3 spears doing +3 damage.
Blood provides: First use of Fortitude or Potence (roll randomly) free each scene
The Anarch
Peter Fusch: Comes on to the girls in the group, confiding that he feels lost as a sensitive bi-guy
among all the schwule. His tactic is to get one of them alone, then attack to kill. Stats like standard
Anarch + Auspex 3.
Bundesfachverband unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge (BumF) Centre
Berlin Ost (Amelina)
A reception centre for unaccompanied minors, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan. 23 kids ages 1218 live in a barracks building 20 minutes drive from Friedrichshain. This is Amelina’s secret feeding
ground and the safest but by far the least moral of all the feeding options available to the coterie.
Amelina has dominated the night watchman to let her and friends in; the staff think she is a crisis
psychologist there to care for the kids. The truth is pretty much the opposite.
The coterie can feed from the sleeping kids (for Auspex advantage) or wake them up and gather
them in the day-activity room (filled with books, comics, a pulpit for a teacher and walls covered in
art by the kids). Bring home the horror of what the coterie is about to do by coldly describing the
centre and the passive, pliant kids who do exactly as they’re told. They have all been trough terrible
things to get to Germany, many have seen their parents die or have had to kill or let their friends die.
This is another great place for some free-form Humanity loss.
Potential Victims
Reem Abadi, 12: survived repeated beatings by soldiers. Saw mom and dad drown off the coast of
Blood provides: First use of Fortitude free each scene
Bana Kabudi,14: proud and charismatic she holds her head high.
Blood provides: +1 die to Dominate-related rolls
Jonny Korda, 16 (really 20): Abducted by ISIS, brainwashed and forced to walk across a mine-field.
Addicted to methamphetamines and has constant nightmares. Acts tough and talks like a
radicalised islamist but is constantly afraid.
Blood provides: First use of Celerity free each scene
Summary: Just after the coterie have fed André / themselves they need to act. A message from a
contact conclusively proves that Prince Wolff is dead and both the anarchs and the second inquisition
is coming for them. Their havens are no longer safe. Will they use André as a bargaining chip and sue
for peace - hoping for anarch mercy, or will they abandon the city that has become a part of who they
are? The characters are under a lot of preassure and the argument is likely to reveal terrible secrets to
the coterie as a whole or even end in internal division or even player-versus-player combat / frenzies.
The Message Pass
As they make their way back to their haven after the night’s feeding -- perhaps with a victim or two
in tow -- they are accosted by a chugger (fundraiser) wearing a blue vinyl parka with a “PERGIDA”
logo on the back. She shoves a writing-board in their faces asking Amir to sign a petition to close
down a Mosque in Friedrichshain: “A centre for Islamist radicalization” as it says on the top of the
paper. It makes no sense for her to go for the Turkish guy. She keeps up her xenophobic rant on how
Muslim culture is destroying the spirit of the German people as she hands Amir the pen and board
and a flyer.
Apparently she can’t see the short message scrawled over the flyer in black marker. It reads:
“You’re compromised. You have a leak. Stay off phones. Havens will be raided by police midday. Avoid
Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain. W is dust. London is gone, Paris and Brussels closed. Prague is safe, A
has connect.”
After they hand back the board she thanks them and leaves, whether they have signed it or not.
Amir recognises his sire’s handwriting immediately. This is a message from Antoinette, who
apparently cares for her childe even though they haven’t met for the better part of a decade.
The message doesn’t only tip them off to where they may be able to run, it also tells them where
they can find the Anarchs (Kreuzberg or right here in Friedrichschein).
New Haven
It’s likely the party’s first order of business will be to move André’s body from one of their havens to
a new location unknown to the anarchs / SI / whomever. Let them come up with a location and play
out the process step by step and pay attention to detail without dragging out the scene more than
needed. Unless they suggest something blindingly stupid – “Let’s check into a hotel, I use my
platinum card!” -- let them get away with finding a temporary haven, but circumstances should
indicate it will not be safe very long. Use the presence of police and club-kid-like strangers following
them (could be anarchs!!!) to remind players that their characters are apparently under some kind
of surveillance or they have a rat in the group. How else could their havens be compromised?
This may be enough to trigger an internal conflict / investigation in the group. Both Amelina and
Amir are ruthless about policing internal threats, if not for other reasons then for covering up their
own guilt. The scenario may well end in internal strife. That’s perfectly fine - in fact this is a great
time for it. Smart use of intimidation, interrogation, persuasion, Dominate, Presence, or just plain
old torture may force Bruno to fess up and spill the beans. Remember that if he talks, he will reveal
that everyone is blood-bound to the charred corpse in front of them. Bruno’s defence could be that
he really only tried to set them all free. The discussion / brawl between the player characters over
what to do with Bruno and / or André should be encouraged; do whatever you can to fan the flames
without removing freedom of action from the player characters.
“Ashes to Ashes …”
The blood bond is weaker now that André is dead to the world. A Willpower roll (Difficulty 2) is required for any character to
perform a violent act against their Regent. If it fails they stop just short of doing any real harm. Also, in response to any
attempt at violent action against their Regent, roll for Frenzy for other characters that witness the attempt to violate their
sleeping master.
If the group manages to break their Blood Bonds and kill André, they have no bargaining chips with the anarchs – but
escaping becomes much, much easier. Of course, it’s unlikely that all the PCs break their Blood Bonds at the same time, so
here come those Frenzy rolls.
In a way, it’s easier on the players if the SI captures André from the panic room and dusts him the next day – which is why
André’s Blood Bond exists to prevent that outcome.
Be aware of where the interrogation takes place. If it escalates too quickly, the characters could be
interrupted: by a security guard, homeless person, urban explorer, photographer, etc. No place is
completely safe from intervention from the kine. Remember that a mortal interrupting an intense
argument between kindred is a perfect excuse for a Frenzy roll.
The message names Prague as the safest place in Europe for refugee kindred. If players what they
know about the domains of Europe remind them that communication between cities is sparse and
unreliable since the Second Inquisition were revealed to sometimes intercept Camarilla electronic
communications in 2006. No paranoid elder in power takes the risk of phone-calls or e-mail
between cities. A lot could have happened but characters may have heard things from couriers in
Elysium or through personal contacts. Bruno has had dealings with the Tremere and knows what’s
left of Vienna is not welcoming to outsiders. Amelina and Amir know for certain that London has
fallen to the SI but Bruno refuses to believe it (“that’s just Mithras’ latest ploy”), Amir is welcome in
Paris but knows the Camarilla there is becoming increasingly xenophobic and elitist. The others
would likely be killed on sight unless they had something very valuable to offer Prince Villon or the
Ashirra that dominate a few Paris suburbs.
Who is Buying?
If the coterie consider selling out to the anarchs they may ask if they have any anarch contacts. They
do. These are the same kindred they have committed crimes against. Their only anarch contacts are
the ones that hate them the most. This both brings home the theme of the story and will help
making the selling out scene tense and dangerous.
Possible Victims
Ilja Mlinac, 42: Homeless ex-military with an undefinable Balkan accent, a shitty prosthetic arm, and
an uncaring attitude toward vampires.
Blood provides: First use of Fortitude free each scene
Adelina, 33: Homeless addict, survivor of years of humiliation but not the least bitter or broken.
Fucked up and with a battery of weird tics.
Blood provides: +1 die for Auspex-related rolls
Henrich Böll, 25: Urban explorer and adrenaline junkie.
Blood provides: First use of Celerity free each scene
Summary: If the player characters choose to go against their blood bond and sell out to the anarchs,
their unlives may be spared. It all depends on how they conduct themselves when they hand over
Contacting the anarchs is not hard. It’s well known that the centre of the revolution is in the RAW
Gelände area in Friedrichshain, and just walking around there at night will bring a gang of watchful
rabble down on them. Personal contacts may be contacted in ways defined on the character
sheets. No matter if they are dragged before the anarchs by a gang or come accompanied by one of
their contacts (former victims), the scene plays out pretty much the same.
Arraignment by Jan
Before they are allowed to see the revolutionary council they are brought to Raumklang and into a
bicycle-storage cellar where a vampire introducing himself only as Jan asks why they should be
spared. Jan’s cover is a 12 year-old Roma boy but he is really a rich upper-class Brahmin youth (16)
from Varanasi. He has been undead since 1991. (Stats as Gangrel Anarch + Auspex 4 (reads minds)
and Dominate 3). Lying to him is simply impossible. Silence or truth are the only options. If they
arrive with a contact they have hurt in the past, Jan allows this anarch to witness the interrogation.
If not he brings one of the characters’ anarch victims in to watch. He explains that the coterie
cannot lie and that their fate is in the hands of the people they have oppressed. If they accept, he
proceeds. If they don’t, he allows them to leave before calling out to a hunting party of anarchs.
The hunters relentlessly pursue and try to kill the coterie at the first opportunity they can get away
with it (without breaking the masquerade). Use a mix of Brujah firebrands and a Gangrel (all
neonates) to make the encounter suitably deadly. The rest of this scene assumes the player
characters stay and tell the truth.
If the characters try to hide André’s existence and use other bargaining tactics, Jan is not impressed.
He asks the last character straight up: “Where is André - I see him in your blood”. Jan tells them to
bring André to the revolutionary council in the squat right across the street from the bar where they
have gathered. The anarch victim follows them to make sure they don’t do something stupid like
trying to cut and run. This is an excellent opportunity to confront the characters with the contempt
of one of the vampires they have oppressed and neglected for years.
Gang of Four
When they have André, Jan and the anarch victim lead them before the revolutionary council. The
“council” is an odd gang of four in a guarded grafittied concrete room in the cellar - no windows and
a heavy armored door they close behind the players. As they enter they step right into a shouting
match between Karla, a dedicated secular anarch and Bastian Retzlaff, a religious Caine-worshipper
screaming “none of us deserve to live like they did -- the only thing that will make this better is if we
stop toying with actual, living people’s salvation. I will gladly face the sun and God’s judgement but
not before I make sure your “revolution” respects the sanctity of every fucking church in Berlin,”
nodding to the Ashirra councillor “…and mosque, blessed be the prophet and praise to cursed
An older anarch in business casual and a bullet-proof vest replies “The point of all this was to get
away from the bad old ways so why…” The shouting becomes incomprehensible at this point.
When the coterie is introduced by Jan, the two punk anarchs unceremoniously attack Amelina and
throw her to the floor, pinning her. The Ashirra representative walks over, speaking in Arabic. Amir
can translate. “This one is ours. We know what she has done to the young of the Umma.” If the other
characters ask, Samira switches to German and tells them about Amelina’s herd of underage
refugees and how Amelina has fed from them for several years, killing at least five children. “Is
anyone prepared to shoulder her guilt?” If no one steps up they destroy Amelina then and there.
Struggle is hopeless. Then they get on with dealing with André.
They unpack André, put him on a foldout table and tells the closest character to stake the torpid
elder (if he is not staked already). Any blood-bonded character must roll Willpower to go through
with it. If they refuse they are destroyed unceremoniously. When André is staked the four ask the
victim if the coterie should be allowed to live. The victim is doubtful, looking to her oppressors. They
have a few minutes to convince the anarch that they should be allowed to continue to exist in
Berlin. Some arguments that could work:
• “We will drink from you and bond ourselves to you.” The anarchs loathe the blood bond as
biochemical brainwashing but the irony is too good to miss out on so she accepts unless the
coterie have recently antagonised their victim.
• “We will swear oaths of fealty, offer a life-boon etc.” Just brings laughter and derision. “This is
2017 man, not an episode of Game of Thrones, okay?”
• “We will give you Antoinette / infiltrate Paris / Prague etc.” Works if they really mean it.
Remember, Jan is in the room, so lies are off the table.
• “We need to unite and strike back against the Second Inquisition!” Works if they show proof they
have any idea how to even begin doing that: if they have a GSG9 / SI hostage or have Dominated
one of the Inquisitors for instance.
As the victim nods and spares them, the scenario draws to a close. The last scene before the curtain
call is the four revolutionary councillors throwing themselves over André’s body, utterly consuming
him before their eyes. Dripping with André’s fresh blood the Cainite priest walks over and offers his
wrist to one of the player characters. THE END
Brujah Anarch
Mental 2
Physical 4
Social 3
Alertness 2
Combat 3
Other 1
Celerity 2
Potence 2
Willpower 2
Health 9
Composure 2
Gangrel Anarch
Mental 3
Physical 3
Social 2
Alertness 3
Combat 3
Other 2
Health 8
Composure 2
Mental 3
Physical 2
Social 4
Alertness 4
Combat 2
Other 2
Auspex 2
Celerity 2
Willpower 2
Health 7
Fortitude 3
Willpower 3
Toreador Anarch
Composure 3
Summary: There are four basic routes out of Berlin - by road (car or bus), rail, plane or foot. This
section deals with making the escape from lockdown Berlin the climax of the story and presents a final
confrontation with the Second Inquisition.
Berlin is under a dual lockdown. Anarchs watch the traditional routes out of and into the city,
posting every single kindred and ghoul with Auspex they have in their ranks to use their heightened
senses to detect and intercept fleeing Camarilla supporters. These watchers masquerade as
ordinary people waiting for transit, homeless sleeping on benches, or even train-conductors,
ensuring they will check every single traveller.
On top of this all of kine society – not just the police but regular Berlin citizens and anyone with a
camera in their phone -- searches for the “fourth terrorist” reported to have escaped the scene.
Unless the player characters flawlessly avoided using their phones and social media, and stayed off
helmet and dashboard cams during Scene Two, they are on a widely distributed police watch list.
They may only be wanted for questioning primarily as witnesses, but that matters little since any
contact with the police will place them in custody until they can give their statements. At noon. In a
room with large windows.
The last threat comes from within the coterie itself. Bruno has already fucked up by naming the
members of the coterie to his anarch contacts. This phone call was intercepted and recorded by
Col. Recker and the KSA who promptly distributed Bruno’s identity and the “aliases” of the
members of the coterie to the SI and to GSG9 as “probable suspects”. The names they ordinarily use
in the coterie are now known. After 24 hours these names and possibly the Personalausweis ID
numbers and biometric data attached to these identities have given police and SI their pictures, if
any such records could plausibly exist. Only if they use their very best alternate cover identities (only
Amir and Amelina have alternate covers this good, and they have other problems: Amir’s middleeastern heritage and Amelina’s low Humanity) and have IDs that do not match the names they use
with Bruno do they have a chance to pass through a police checkpoint.
In short - this is not going to be easy.
Stealing an SUV, stuffing André in the trunk and getting the hell out of Berlin may seem like a way to
short-circuit this entire scenario. If things were only that simple. All major roads have 24/7 police
checkpoints where a squad of beat cops and volunteers check drivers’ licenses against watch lists
and reports. Let the players feel the pleasure of outwitting you as they drive past city limits and
come closer to the Autobahn and freedom. Just as they are about to turn onto a major highway
they see a short line of cars in front of the amber flashing lights of a checkpoint. If they reverse and
try to get away they are in for one hell of a car-chase as the cops call the runaway car in. Before you
know it, that GSG9 helicopter is overhead, with a full tactical SI squad commanded by Col. Recker
on board.
The only chance the coterie have is to dump the car and somehow hide from their SI GSG9
pursuers, who use dogs to track them - dogs that have been fed kindred blood. Present the players
with options of fleeing through a wooded area or hole up in a farm next to the road. The forest leads
them on a chase through the heavy undergrowth with lights from their pursuers flashing like
lightning behind them and the baying of the hounds coming ever closer. Here they are forced to
make a desperate stand against the four blood-starved hounds. If they can kill the dogs in less than
two rounds they have a chance to evade Col. Recker and the SI – if they leave Andre behind.
Otherwise, the GSG9 fan out, set up a perimeter, and begin to close in backed up by an endless
supply of Bundespolizei and Berlin Police. Perhaps the players can confront Recker as she leads the
hunt, and gain a semblance of closure by killing her before they are cut down.
If they stay in the car and come up to the checkpoint the police check their ID. There are dogs (of the
non-blood addicted variety) smelling the cars. Unless the characters manage to dominate / charm
the two checkpoint cops and deal with the dogs (who bark like crazy if they get close to a car with
even a single kindred without Blush of Health - like the torpid body of André) the police arrest them.
Allow one shot at escape as the PCs are handcuffed and driven back to the closest police station.
If the cops find André’s body in the car (they take it apart if the dogs bark) they call for immediate
backup from GSG9 and the characters gain an escort: a determined Col. Recker who locks her “I
know what you are” stare at them and makes sure the GSG9 have their guns trained at the coterie at
all times during the transport. The final scene if players are arrested will be the interrogation by Col.
Recker where they are given a chance to deliver their final defiant speech or repent and confess
their sins to a military chaplain before being left in a cell with windows facing east. As they burn the
question “is this not exactly what we deserve” should ideally be on the players’ minds. THE END
Similar to the above, but the final confrontation with the SI happens inside a moving railway car.
However, if the PCs can evade the first search (likely by moving under the train and avoiding the
dogs sniffing the bottom of the cars), the police allow their train to pass the checkpoint: the
terrorists must still be in the city! However, again, Andre’s body attracts canine attention – the
coterie may have to choose between true death with their master or unlife without him. THE END
Getting tickets without ID / under a false identity requires an exceptional plan, especially with the
whole city on lockdown:
Find a contact who can provide fake IDs: Mental(Intelligence) or Social(Maniulation +
Streetwise (Difficulty 6)
Find a hacker who can get into both the airline computer and the airport Bundespolizei
computer to turn off any flags on the coterie’s current IDs: Mental(Intelligence) or
Social(Charisma) + Investigation or Streetwise (Difficulty 8)
Both of the above can be continuing challenges: 3 successes per day. But every day they wait, the
cordon gets tighter (see Wayward Players).
Other plans might go for the simple approach:
Kill airline or airport personnel and replace them (wearing their uniforms or coveralls) to get
into the secured section, then kill passengers who roughly match the PCs’ descriptions and
take their tickets and IDs.
Hang out in an airport bar and Dominate or otherwise coerce a small-plane charter pilot
into flying you to Prague. (The coterie still has to pass a security cordon and climb some
cyclone fencing to get onto the tarmac, but that’s easier than going through all those metal
As always, checking a large coffin-sized box through baggage claim puts up its own red flags.
Players have to get creative against a ticking clock.
It is exceptionally hard to clear security -- the extra security measures after the attack include new
“metal detectors”: Chaoscopic scanners that reveal any kindred (Blackbody) that tries to pass
through. Options include:
Covertly sabotaging the machinery somehow: Physical (Dexterity) + Technology (Electronics)
(Difficulty 5)
Hacking the scanner’s onboard computer: Mental (Wits) + Technology (Computers)
(Difficulty 5)
The advantage to this approach is that the airport security personnel really trust their fancy new
GSG9-approved scanners.
This is the weirdest one. If the coterie just sneaks into the wild to walk to a smaller town past the
lockdown and steal a car there, they encounter -something- hunting for them. It’s a Get of Fenris
Lupine from the Grunewald Sept. They can run, but the wolf never loses their scent.
Lupine Tracker
Mental 2
Physical 5
Social 2
Alertness 2
Combat 5
Other 1
Potence 3
Fortitude 3
Rage 8
Willpower 3
Health 9
Composure 1
The Lupine tracker can spend Rage to gain extra actions (up to two extra per round) and
regenerates one point of Superficial damage each turn. It does not suffer wound penalties and its
claws and bite deal aggravated damage. Good luck! THE END
Roll randomly on this list or pick by circumstance when you need a random Berliner for the PCs to feed on. Change names
and descriptions after you’ve used them but keep the blood gifts the same for simplicity’s sake.
1. Dro Forberg, 59: German accountant, sixth sense for phony books, on his way home or back from getting strong Turkish
Blood provides: +1 die for Auspex-related tests
2. Suleiman Erdogan, 24: Turkish street thief, fast and cunning hands and feet
Blood provides: First use of Celerity free in each scene
3. Otto Karsten, 39: Austrian marathon runner, out for a jog
Blood provides: First use of Celerity free in each scene
4. Curt Stolko, 43: Bosnian boxer and thug, works as an enforcer for a local crime boss
Blood provides: +1 die for Dominate-related tests
5. Marion Howard, 62: American tourist caught up in all this and she doesn’t approve of these foreign behaviors AT ALL,
product of generations of Beacon Hill Boston aristocracy and incapable of understanding that life isn’t designed for her
Blood provides: +1 die for Dominate-related tests
6. Rafaella Pinarello, 48: Italian cancer survivor, in Berlin for a medical conference, sneaking a cigarette where nobody can
see her
Blood provides: First use of Fortitude free in each scene
7. Konrad Wyznocki, 40: Polish home builder who does all the work himself to save up his money, hasn’t had a day off since
the Wall came down because he’s an amphetamine and gambling addict, out on a job or a drug run
Blood provides: First use of Potence free in each scene
8. Raisa Westarp, 18: German Instagram model, taking “urban decadence” selfie
Blood provides: +1 die for Presence-related tests
9. Natassja Klausenberg, 33: Salesperson of the month nine times running at the cosmetics counter at KaDeWe, on a date
with a rich idiot (Volker, full of useless blood)
Blood provides: +1 die for Presence-related tests
10. Hanna Lahr, 10: Innocent child lost in all the confusion trying to find her mommy (her mommy is a cop so take that Good
Samaritan vampires)
Blood provides: Blush of Life for one scene
As usual, each bonus lasts until next feeding or until starved (Hunger 5).
Statistics only include the bare minimum for combat or other encounters. Damage expressed in
terms of damage to vampires. Apply Agg damage “on top of” regular damage: a Glock 17 doing +3
damage (+1 Agg thanks to those dark-ignition tracer rounds) does 2 points of superficial damage
and 1 point of Aggravated damage on a hit.
The Second Inquisition
The SI uses dark-ignition tracer rounds in their weapons: hollow-point bullets filled with white
phosphorus that ignites (in effect) on impact. Like regular tracers, they can start fires if they hit
something flammable.
The Inquisitor
Col. Amanda Recker, KSA (German equivalent to the NSA) an undercover hunter. A fervent Catholic
and former SIGINT officer; her career stalled due to her “delusions” of a conspiracy in high places.
Recently an SI recruitment team had her transferred to “counter-terrorism” and gave her a chance
to redeem herself, to prove that the Enemy (as she calls the kindred) really is out there.
Mental 4 (Wits)
Physical 3 (Stamina)
Social 2 (Manipulation)
Alertness 3
Brawl 2
Intimidation 2
Firearms 3 (Pistol)
Leadership 2
Investigation 4
Melee 2 (Stake)
Willpower 4
Stealth 3
Composure 4
.357 SIG Glock 32: +4 damage (+2 Agg; dark-ignition tracer rounds)
Stake: +3 damage (beat vampire in contest by 4 successes to hit the heart and paralyze vampire)
Willpower 4
Initiative: 8
The Chaplain
Fr. Arnold Oxner
Mental 3 (Intelligence)
Physical 3 (Stamina)
Social 4 (Charisma)
Alertness 2
Brawl 2
Empathy 2
Awareness 3
Firearms 2 (Pistol)
Leadership 4
Occult 2
Melee 3 (Baton)
Persuasion 4
Willpower 4
Stealth 2
Composure 3
9mm Glock 17: +3 damage (+1 Agg; dark-ignition tracer rounds)
Baton: +2 damage
True Faith 3 (can hold off vampire with crucifix by contest of True Faith vs Willpower)
Willpower 5
Initiative: 6
SI Troopers
Mental 3 (Perception)
Physical 4 (Dexterity)
Alertness 3
Brawl 4
Firearms 4 (Assault Rifle)
Willpower 3
Melee 4 (Knife)
Composure 3
Stealth 4
HK417 7.62mm carbine: +7 damage (+2 Agg; dark-ignition tracer rounds); can fire three-round
bursts (+2 dice to contest) or full-auto (+8 dice to contest, every extra success does 1 more point of
Agg damage); can only fire full-auto twice before reloading. SI troopers in GSG9 are trained in fast
reloading, however, and carry lots and lots of spare ammo: on the turn in which they reload, they
can still get off a three-round burst.
Underbarrel stake launcher (beat vampire in contest by 4 successes to hit heart and paralyze
vampire); +3 damage
Flash-bang grenades: noise and blinding flash (Difficulty 5 Mental + Willpower test to act that
round), can set fires (+2 Agg), can trigger Frenzy
Combat knife +3 damage, can behead a vampire
Tactical combat armor: -4 to Agg damage; -2 dice to Physical pools
Willpower 3
Initiative: 7
Ghoul Dogs
Fed on vampire blood.
Mental 3 (Perception)
Physical 4 (Strength)
Alertness 4 (Smell)
Athletics 3 (Run)
Brawl 4 (Bite)
Survival 3 (Tracking)
Bite: +3
Willpower 3
Initiative 7
Mortal Law Enforcement
GSG9 Troopers (Regular)
Mental 3 (Perception)
Physical 4 (Stamina)
Alertness 3
Brawl 4
Firearms 4 (Assault Rifle)
Willpower 2
Melee 4 (Baton)
Composure 3
Stealth 3
MP5 submachine gun: +5 damage; can fire three-round bursts (+2 dice to contest) or full-auto
(+8 dice to contest, every extra success does 1 more point of damage); can only fire full-auto twice
before reloading. GSG9 are trained in fast reloading, however, and carry lots and lots of spare
ammo: on the turn in which they reload, they can still get off a three-round burst.
9mm Glock 17: +3 damage
Flash-bang grenades: noise and blinding flash (Difficulty 5 Mental + Willpower test to act that
round), can set fires (+2 Agg), can trigger Frenzy
Combat knife: +3 damage, can behead a vampire
Tactical combat armor: -4 to Agg damage; -2 dice to Physical pools
Willpower 3
Initiative: 7
GSG9 Sniper (on helicopter)
Mental 4 (Perception)
Physical 5 (Dexterity)
Alertness 4
Brawl 3
Firearms 5 (Sniper Rifle)
Willpower 3
Melee 3 (Baton)
Composure 4
Stealth 4
DSR-1 sniper rifle (+2 dice to contest for accuracy, scope, etc.): +7 damage – if Col. Recker or the
chaplain is with him, he’s loaded with dark-ignition tracers, +2 Agg damage
Tactical Vest: -2 to Agg damage, no Physical pool penalty for trained operator
Willpower 4
Initiative 9
Berlin Police
Mental 2 (Wits)
Physical 3 (Stamina)
Social 2 (Charisma)
Alertness 2
Brawl 2
Intimidation 3
Firearms 2 (Pistol)
Persuasion 2
Investigation 2
Melee 3 (Baton)
Streetwise 2
Willpower 2
Stealth 1
Composure 3
9mm H&K P8: +3 damage
Baton: +2 damage
Tactical Vest: -2 to Agg damage, -1 die to Physical pools
Willpower 3
Initiative 6
The Coterie - Die Penner
“Penner - colloquial derogatory term for “homeless person” (DE)”
Vampires are outsiders. Their curse isolates them. While many, including the Dramatis
Personae of our story, hide undetected in the middle of human social groups, their
relationship to kine is always that of predator and prey. Contempt, envy or at least
condescending sympathy for the kine turn social connections between the living and the
dead into a masquerade without real emotional depth. Kindred feel lonely among the kine
and their surrogate family of monsters soon becomes their only release from isolation. In the
Camarilla, a beloved and obedient childe or a mutually blood-bonded spouse is the ideal.
These are gifts awarded the old and the loyal by the powers that be. For those who are
forbidden to embrace new kindred and are not trusted to build bonds through marriage and
blood, the coterie is the only way to alleviate the eternal loneliness. A coterie is as often an
artificial construct as it is built from emotional relationships - kindred forced into hunting the
same grounds, a primogen’s personal snitches or (as in this case) an ancilla and his neonate
Characters and coterie backstory
Berlin has two kinds of vampires: Those who matter and those who don't. The Anarchs, as this
lower class of vampire is often called, are often quite funny in their desperate struggles to
bring meaning to their dreary pointless lives. Indeed, you feel that you bring them a blessing
every time you kick one in the face. After all, they get the gift of inspiration of one of their
The Camarilla in Berlin is bigger than just your group. You know the Anarchs better than most
because you like to go slumming sometimes. You play games: A classic is to make an Anarch
believe you've fallen in love with him, and then humiliate him publicly. Hilarious!
In recents years, maintaining the Masquerade has become harder and harder as mortal
surveillance systems have become increasingly sophisticated. Air travel is difficult and
electronic communication risky. The Camarilla has devolved into a network of autonomous
regions, some more successful than others.
Berlin has not been one of the more successful ones. The two Princes, Gustav Breidenstein
and Wilhelm Waldburg, wasted effort and resources battling each other long before the
Camarilla as a whole started to weaken. Breidenstein is now rumored to have died, but
Waldburg has had a very hard time retaining power, sabotaged from all directions by
supposed allies.
When the Anarch revolution hits, Waldburg is "on vacation". Nobody has seen him in Berlin for
at least half a year. Camarilla vampires who face the revolution know that he won't be there to
save them.
The fall of the Camarilla in Berlin is a terrifying shock to you. It's not something that should
happen. You are so close to Prince Wilhelm, one of the two competing Princes of Berlin, that
you have a hard time believing the Unbound will spare you if they find you.
Your name is Amelina Bentheim and you're an Ancilla of 80 years. You love the young. A
vampire who's only a few years old has an energy, a quality that you can't get enough of. You
want to be in their company, fuck them and taste their blood, and you say whatever you need
to say to make that happen. You may have opinions and you may even have values, but most
of all you have an addiction. In an Anarch party, you're never in the spotlight and your young
friends might not even know who you are, but when morning comes you'll be the one licking
your lips. This came to bite you in your figurative ass as you now find yourself blood bound to
a powerful member of the primogen council, masquerading as a simple club kid.
This secret is that even though you revel in your freedom and power as one of the lords of the
night, you are a slave. A few years or decades ago you met a homeless, powerless kindred
hunting the clubs of Fredrichschein - André - he was a dirty disgusting bottom-feeder but
there was something about him. The way he didn’t give a shit. The way he never changed. The
way his vitae (blood) spoke to you. When he offered you a sip you were too curious to say no.
The second time you gorged yourself on the sweetest, most intoxicating blood you’ve ever
tasted. The third you almost attacked him to get to the blood. Over the last years you have fed
from André at least once a year. This means you are blood-bonded to him. It’s an obsession.
Like a really bad love-affair (and sometimes you think that is what it is) that refuses to end.
You can’t hurt André or leave him to die. You want to keep him for yourself and you’re prone
to attacks of mad jealousy. If someone else knew you were bound to the filthy old Primogen
your position would be compromised and you would be shamed. Try to keep your secret, but
when push comes to shove helping your Regent is more important than saving face.
You have carried on an unlife of privilege and power for as long as you have been inside the
Camarilla. You have been pretty low on the Cam-ladder, but it’s a lot better than being a
fucking anarch and have no rights to power, no rights to feed and no control of your future.
You have kicked downwards and licked ass upwards for most of your undead existence.
The worst thing you ever did to an anarch was when you destroyed Nimad Zahirs childe.
Perhaps he made a childe without permission, or maybe he did have the agreement of one
Prince but not the other back in the ’80’s. Whatever the situation, his childe was executed as
illegal. You carried out the investigation and the sentence.
Blood: You have the blood of Kings, your Sire is Wilhelm Waldburg - the rightful Prince of
Ventrue feeding restriction: You only feed off children and very young teenagers.
Cover: Mel Bentheim (assumed identity of murdered mortal descendant), semi-famous
elusive young adult writer.
Influence: Through your Camarilla position you have huge influence over Pergida groups in
Berlin and right-winger police in Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg. Personally you control a refugee
centre for solitarily arrived children. Through a loyal ghoul you have access to the shelter at all
times. This influence is unknown to others.
Vam111re: the Masquerade
�AA "Mel" �Ul
80 (Looks 40)
I ••ooo
I ••ooo
I •••oo
I 00000
I 00000
I 00000
I •oooo
I 00000
I •oooo
I •oooo
I ••000
I 00000
I 00000
I 00000
I •oooo
I 00000
Back1 rounds
Blood Roused
The Last Night
Connoisseur of the Young
••••• ••000
00000 00000
••••0 00000
Other Traits
Hun er
Nicholas Dietz
Your name is Nicholas, an orphan and the lover of André, an unlikely but powerful member of
the primogen of Berlin. Although you were Embraced just a few years ago and know very little
of your kind, you've managed to parlay your relationship with the primogen into significant
status inside the Camarilla. You've come a long way fast, from a street kid to a member of the
Camarilla elite, and the idea of all that being taken away is terrifying. You have carried on an
unlife of privilege and power for as long as you have been inside the Camarilla. You have been
pretty low on the Cam-ladder, but it’s a lot better than being a fucking anarch and have no
rights to power, no rights to feed and no control of your future. You have kicked downwards
and licked ass upwards for most of your undead existence.
Your darkest secret is that even though you revel in your freedom and power as one of the
lords of the night, you are a slave. A few years or decades ago you met a homeless, powerless
kindred hunting the clubs of Fredrichschein - André - he was a dirty disgusting bottom-feeder
but there was something about him. The way he didn’t give a shit. The way he never changed.
The way his vitae (blood) spoke to you. When he offered you a sip you were too curious to say
no. The second time you gorged yourself on the sweetest, most intoxocating blood you’ve
ever tasted. The third you almost attacked him to get to the blood. Over the last years you
have fed from André at least once a year. This means you are blood-bonded to him. It’s an
obsession. Like a really bad love-affair (and sometimes you think that is what it is) that refuses
to end. You can’t hurt André or leave him to die. You want to keep him for yourself and you’re
prone to attacks of mad jealousy. If someone else knew you were bound to the filthy old
Primogen your position would be compromised and you would be shamed. Try to keep your
secret, but when push comes to shove helping your Regent is more important than saving
The worst thing you ever did to an anarch was when you attacked Hanna Schlichter and
staked her in her Haven, ostensibly as part of an investigation into a violation of the
Traditions. She was left staked in a basement for a year before one of the Sheriff's ghouls
found her and kicked her back to the street. No explanation, no apology. You know where
Hanna’s haven is (the same cellar you kept her in) and you have thought about making
amends. But it never happened.
Blood: You have been told you have the blood of Kings, you were made by Amelina - she
wants to be your lover but you loathe her.
Motive: You want André to survive and Amelina to die and the chaos of the uprising is the
perfect opportunity to get your sick Sire. If you stay or go is the same to you, as long as André
is safe and Amelina dead. You need to be careful - Amelina is old, powerful and has many
Cover: Hip arrogant urban culture blogger for VICE Berlin.
Ventrue feeding restriction: Nicholas feeds only on Vegans, and claims he can smell them (or
rather non-Vegans) across the room.
Influence: You know Amelina desires you and André still loves you. No mortal influence but a
lot of pull among Kindred because your recent associations with the elite.
Vam 01re: the Masquerade
Nicholas Dietz
The Last Night
Cutting-edge journalist
5 (30)
Blood Roused
Other Traits
••••• ••000
••••• •oooo
Amir Mansour
Your name is Amir Mansour, and you've been a vampire for over twenty years. The son of a
wealthy Paris family, your route into a wealthy elite always seemed a done deal, something
you never had to question. You studied, fucked around, had the kind of fun a young wealthy
person can have, and caught the attention of a vampire who wanted to Embrace someone
who fit the right social profile and was young enough to stay pretty through the ages. Since
then, you followed your sire to Berlin. Your life has been remade, but one constant remains:
Your family has kept you in a cocoon. Yet now the blood in your veins sings for violent release
and you know the story the Camarilla told you is not all there is to being a vampire. You
wanted to see the brutalities the city has to offer beyond the polite environs of the Elysium.
There's something more, something meaningful out there. You have carried on an unlife of
privilege and power for as long as you have been inside the Camarilla. You have been pretty
low on the Cam-ladder, but it’s a lot better than being a fucking anarch and have no rights to
power, no rights to feed and no control of your future. You have kicked downwards and licked
ass upwards for most of your undead existence.
Your darkest secret is that even though you revel in your freedom and power as one of the
lords of the night, you are a slave. A few years or decades ago you met a homeless, powerless
kindred hunting the clubs of Fredrichschein - André - he was a dirty disgusting bottom-feeder
but there was something about him. The way he didn’t give a shit. The way he never changed.
The way his vitae (blood) spoke to you. When he offered you a sip you were too curious to say
no. The second time you gorged yourself on the sweetest, most intoxocating blood you’ve
ever tasted. The third you almost attacked him to get to the blood. Over the last years you
have fed from André at least once a year. This means you are blood-bonded to him. It’s an
obsession. Like a really bad love-affair (and sometimes you think that is what it is) that refuses
to end. You can’t hurt André or leave him to die. You want to keep him for yourself and you’re
prone to attacks of mad jealousy. If someone else knew you were bound to the filthy old
Primogen your position would be compromised and you would be shamed. Try to keep your
secret, but when push comes to shove helping your Regent is more important than saving
The worst thing you ever did to an anarch was when you made Kenny Bohler your servant for
a decade (oh the 90’s). You told him it was an infraction of the Tradition of Domain. He made
his Haven in a neighborhood that belonged to Die Penner. Maybe it was true, maybe not. How
would he know? It's not like there's a map with all the domains hanging on a wall somewhere.
You graciously let Kenny live if he agreed to serve you for a year. You did. It was the most
degrading year of his life.
Blood: You have the blood of a Diva, the cineaste Antoinette Kellmann is your Sire. She has
kept you by her side for 25 years, but now she is gone - fled or properly dead.
Motive: You want to keep existing and get out of Berlin as fast as possible. If you weren’t so
truly, deeply in love with André you would turn tail and leave, but his presence makes the
choice so much more difficult.
Cover: Usually Aydin Baram, successful Turkish surgeon practicing in Tiergarten. Also has the
fake passport and papers marking you as Bashir Mahmoud, a Syrian illegal immigrant if you
need to go low profile.
Vam111re: the Masquerade
Amir Mansour
25 (25)
The Last Night
Wealthy Inheritor
I •••oo
I ••ooo
I 00000
I 00000
I •oooo
I •••oo
I ••ooo
I 00000
Back1 rounds
Blood Roused
Other Traits
••••• •0000
••••• ••••o
You, an obsessed neonate known only as Bruno has been bonded to André ever since you
tasted his blood as a young mortal at the club Ostgutt in 1988, a year before you were chosen
to join the ranks of the kindred. You were a disappointment to the Toreador in general and
your Sire Amir in particular. You had problems controlling your impulses, and Amir arranged
for you to be permanently bound to André, just like him. The idea was that the common bond
would bring you closer to each other. The result was the opposite. You would always be a
degenerate, a neonate nobody - doomed to exist as a bottom-feeder for eternity. Amir
probably should have killed you when you turned out rotten, but pity is a powerful emotion,
even among the dead. Instead you became the sworn servant of ”Die Penner”, in exchange for
promises of bloody excess with André on the wild club circuit of Berlin. The promises were
quickly forgotten and you settled in a state of permanent bitterness and subjugation. You
have carried on an unlife of privilege and power for as long as you've been inside the
Camarilla. You are pretty low on the Cam-ladder, but it’s a lot better than being a fucking
Anarch and have no rights to power, no rights to feed and no control of one’s future. You have
kicked downwards and licked ass upwards for most of your undead existence.
The worst thing you ever did to an Anarch was when you destroyed Otto Brezler’s family. Otto
kept in touch with his mortal family after he was Embraced. Otto was careful, and they didn't
know Otto was a vampire. He knew it was risky, but he loved them too much to let go. You
found out, and every single person in Otto’s family was murdered "to protect the
Masquerade”. While you watched.
When the Anarch revolt started you haven't tasted André for more than a year and have grown
desperately envious of your high-status coterie-members. They may think you slow, but you
know an opportunity when you see one. If you can't have André, then no one will. An
anonymous phone call to the Anarchs sealed the fate of your lost lover. Now all you have to
do is wait and play your cards close to the chest.
Cover: Eternal clubber. You know every bouncer in Berlin and have cultivated a small but
useful herd among the kine club kids of the city.
Motive: You want to stick around to make sure André is well and finally dead without giving
away your responsibility in the matter. You find pleasure in watching the other prisoners of
Andrés blood wallow in their misery, but struggle with your own remaining bond.