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zz (03.02.2002)

Information about you:
zz (03.02.2002)
Personal Qualities
You cannot be in a positive and a negative state. On the positive side, everything is good, and you
feel wonderful. You live easily, are satisfied with everything and are happy. When a negative state
is expressed, it means that you “lost your way”. There may be negative situations and difficulties
in life. As soon as you go back to positivity, troubles end and life gets better.
In a Positive State
(3) You are the representation of luxury and earthy fertility, the energy of material goods, wealth
and prosperity. For you, success is important in every life component: family, home comfort,
public recognition. High social status is quite often necessary, so the desire for leadership is
always noticeable. You know how to earn money and be lucky in running the business. You are
distinguished by good taste and a passion for beautiful things. There is always a perfect order,
comfort, and a beautiful atmosphere in the house. You have the skill to get along with children
and not forget about yourself. You have the ability to always look stylish and well-groomed,
having an attractive appearance and powerful energy that attracts the opposite sex. You are
unbelievably charming, starting from a beautiful appearance to a special women's energy. Not
only individuals of stronger sex but also money are attracted to you like a magnet. You know how
to make money and always be in the company of wealthy and powerful people. You love
surrounding yourself with luxury and comfort in everything, starting from resting time to everyday
life. You accumulate the energy of wealth and prosperity by creating life benefits around yourself
and sharing them with loved ones. You equally manage the professional success, the skill of
being a true queen of a secular society and while being an ideal and caring hostess of the
household. Try delegating some of the affairs and using the energy wisely on what is really
important. It is also worth studying at home to soften the domineering notes, to inspire your
partner with your own charm, charisma and luxurious beauty. Your most important mission is to
care about loved ones and surround them with the energy of success.
(2) From childhood, you have an excellent ability to perform the role of a diplomat: skillfully
smooth out any dialogue, neutralise the negative emotions of the interlocutors. You are able to
see some things that many others fail to notice due to the ability to subtly feel and highlight
important things. At the same time, modesty and caution are revealed without a rush to express
your talents. Your character has different sides that fight each other, which gives the flexibility of
your personality while understanding and accepting the points of view of different people. You
have the ability to quickly calm the other and even relieve physical pain. Easy understanding of
people's feelings and problems allow giving wise advice. At the same time, there is no desire for
leadership. However, love can be constantly learned throughout life by collecting information and
then redistributing it, gathering people into harmonious collectives. There is also a passion for
nature and animals. Usually, you have a lot of friends, while having are few close ones since you
highly value personal space and do not let everyone into your life. Preference is given to proper
nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, up to the point that homemade cosmetics are used, and clothes
made of natural materials are worn. At home, there is also a desire to surround yourself with
things of natural origin.
In a Negative State
(3) If for some reason, there is no opportunity to develop as a specialist and become successful
in society, your character starts to deteriorate. Breakdowns on loved ones are present,
authoritarianism and despotic behaviour are manifested. You hate someone's weakness and do
not forgive mistakes. You try to do everything at once. However, it is often difficult for you to
simultaneously be successful specialists, leaders at work and masters of creating comfort at
home. If you do not cope, you begin to blame yourself and put in even more effort. Excessive
pride and arrogance towards others can also play a destructive role. You quite often consider
yourself better, smarter, more important than others. You interfere with other's life and
excessively control loved ones. At the same time, you demand a lot of attention to yourself. It
seems that surrounding people do not respect or appreciate you enough. The manifestation of
intolerance and the priority of material goods over everything is also a bad trait.
(2) A neutral attitude in any situation and isolation from busy events can sometimes lead to
laziness and apathy. You do not want to do anything, believing that everything will happen by
itself, and it is better not to interfere. Nevertheless, you can feel the inner dissatisfaction of
yourself as well as the life circumstances. Secrecy, distrust, indifference to others and a split
character keep growing inside you. Extensive knowledge about others make it tempting to
spread rumours and gossip. Gossiping behind people's backs leads you to change masks and
play different roles in front of every interlocutor. It is better to be prepared that the genuine
attitude towards people will one day be revealed. In the worst-case scenario, you may not
monitor your health, nutrition or choose the cheapest and low-quality products made of synthetic
materials. A disregard for themselves is then expressed.
(18) Despite the attraction of others, you do not feel comfortable in a large social circle. You
prefer interacting with a small group of people and, even better, one to one. You have a fine sense
of others but are not particularly interested in communication. You do not let many people in
your life keeping the distance. It is important not to isolate from society but rather consciously
keep in touch with people at least at a minimum comfortable level. You listen a lot and speak
less but always wisely. Everyone considers you a good and intelligent interlocutor. People are
attracted to you by mysterious magnetism and understatement.
Previous life
(9-18-9) Karmic debt from a previous life
In the previous life, you were a victim of someone's magical machinations. Perhaps, you
experienced not only an energetic impact but also found yourself under the powerful
psychological influence of a strong person. A lot of things have gone wrong in life since then.
However, you noticed negative changes, but the understanding of their causes did not come
In present life
You have an intense fear of becoming an object of someone else's influence and manipulation in
the new life. It is normal to avoid secret societies, extrasensory people and magicians. However,
there may also be the most painful states when you do not believe anything at all, so you become
hostages of your own (often unreasonable) fears. You do not trust any information, are in no
hurry to use your knowledge in practice. You almost have to reinvent the wheel to make sure that
a particular theory or knowledge work. This is the only way to feel genuinely confident and stable.
However, such an attitude is fraught with some hidden challenges. After all, it is impossible for
you to develop normally and at the right pace if completely denying other people's knowledge
and experience. You especially filter those parts of information that you do not understand.
There are attempts to experiment, avoid any influence and pressure. Thus, you put doubt even
the results of works of famous scientists from Aristotle to Pirogov. In a difficult situation, a visit
to a psychologist is also excluded since you have a very great fear of manipulation over yourself.
Lesson and recommendations
You are a person of a particular category and carry out a unique mission. The main goal is to find
your true purpose, invent something new and recreate unusual things. You should not try to
follow someone. Instead, your personality has its own way and perception about everything. It is
essential to learn to distinguish between a real threat of safety to your energy and the simple
results of suspicion (without actual influence).
Scenario of life (NEW)
<b>Strategy of being alert</b>
A person may attract situations where they are deceived or taken advantage of because they fear
being manipulated or influenced by others
The need to be alert
Discomfort around strangers
Tendency towards isolation
Excessive asceticism
Irritation from society
Lack of friends
Fake friendship
Difficulties in communication
Inability to defend personal boundaries
Religious fanaticism
Fear of punishment
Low energy levels
Constantly thinking about fears
False attitudes imposed by society
Rejection of esotericism and methods of self-discovery
Rejection of spiritual information
Strong adherence to principles
Weakness, inability to say no
Fear of disappointment
Emotional coldness
Fear of death and illness
Fear of homelessness
Exposure to magical influences and programming
Financial problems
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Joint diseases and hormonal disorders
Identity problems
Detachment from material possessions
<b>New strategy</b>
Becoming internally grounded and self-sufficient by acquiring knowledge, pursuing spiritual
experiences, engaging in self-development, understanding yourself, and forming personal values
and ethics.
<b>Steps to take</b>
Seek internal grounding through self-reflection and acquiring knowledge about the world
Overcome hesitation, anxiety, and doubt by critically analysing every situation
Confront and work through fears, viewing them as opportunities for personal growth and
Learn to replenish your energy levels
Learn to find your strength through travelling and connecting with like-minded individual
Spend more time outdoors and connect with animals
Take care of your physical body and learn to love it
Explore and express your feelings openly
Do not avoid your emotions and learn to set personal boundaries effectively
Heal and overcome the fear of relationships through various practices
Develop negotiation skills
Make conscious and empowered decisions about yourself and your life
Pursue intellectual growth
Strive for a balance between material and spiritual aspects of life
Do not save money at the expense of your own comfort and security
Allow yourself to dream
Talents from God
Harmony (2)
You have sharp hearing in the physiological sense of this quality. You know how to get
knowledge, information from space intuitively. The ability to hear what others do not hear sets
you apart from the rest. A beautiful voice helps to convey information to others. The talent of the
diplomat makes it possible to reconcile the warring parties. Feeling this gift, others are drawn to
you when they need to find harmony or come to terms with someone. You can adapt to any
situation. You feel the pain of others as your own (especially if it is the pain of a loved one) and
you can heal it. You are merciful, compassionate and willing to selflessly help people. It is the gift
of reincarnation, acting talent. One of the most interesting abilities is to manage people through
What is blocking your talents? This is lie, gossip, any distortion of information. If there are
grievances against the mother, conflicts with her or other women, talents will not be revealed.
With the wrong development of talent, you can become a gray cardinal-manipulator and
manipulate people and situations to their detriment.
Freedom (22)
Your talent is in adapting to any situation and being successful even in the most difficult
circumstances. You are able to feel easy, relaxed in conditions of bondage and limitations. You
know how to admit your incompetence and manage it. Working with children is for you, because
you feel as free as a child.
Don't violate other people's free will. This blocks your talent. Learn not to “do” good. Each person
has their own path and tasks.
Kin (20)
You know how to interact with subtle matter and with the help of this ability to reunite families, to
strengthen them. By creating and developing dynastic traditions, you can be useful to your
motherland or country. It is necessary to work with the family, through clairvoyance and dreams.
Only you have the resource to heal it. You know how to restore the energy field of people, objects
and systems. You need to help your family to realize your talent.
The talent is blocked by resentment against relatives and refusal to help them.
Talents from mother
Love and relations (6)
You attract both people and events to you. People are drawn to you just to be around. This talent
is given to create loving and harmonious relationships. People around you reveal their best
qualities. You make everything around you beautiful and harmonious, complete. You value
friendship very much, are able to create strong bonds. With the help of delicate taste and inner
harmony, you implement your gift to create beauty. By creating beauty, you attract money.
Idealizing relationships, enhancing the image of the other person, and not being able to see your
real partner can block your talents.
World (21)
Your energy is the energy of the World, globalization, scaling. A person of the world, you feel
perfectly harmonious anywhere in the world. It is beneficial to work abroad, with foreigners or in
an international company. There is a talent for learning foreign languages. Global, limitless,
flexible thinking allows you to solve complex problems. Small, not promising projects are not for
you. You know how to bring elements of other cultures into your own life harmoniously. You are
able to develop traditions of the family. You decently represent their interests thanks to the talent
of a diplomat. The gift of a peacemaker makes it possible to successfully regulate any issue,
resolve conflicts.
Disrespect for your homeland blocks your talent.
Temptation (15)
You are a unique and extraordinary person. Your talent is to eradicate vices and help people
grow. But you do it in a very special way: tempting and revealing the dark sides. By acting so
consciously, using special practices, you can make it your profession. By acquainting a person
with their shadow or shortcomings, you help them transform, become better and more
successful. However, weak people can break down when faced with their vices. Thanks to your
charm and charisma, you can easily make money. You have an attractive sense of humor, though
sometimes your humor is on edge. Your inner strength is enough to help others overcome heavy
addictions. You get out of any situation without loss, thanks to the universal protection. Some
powers take care of you. You see right through people. For this you are both loved and hated.
Envy and negative manipulation of people block the realization. Do not use the charisma and
sexuality given to you for bad.
Talents from father
Archpriest (5)
You gather people around you, creating a circle of like-minded people with common values. You
teach them to live by the rules that you adhere to either. The knowledge you are interested in is of
a practical kind. And their final assimilation occurs during giving it to others. You pass knowledge
through your experience and research on other people's examples. Then you structure it
according to the scheme created earlier and share it with others in the form of a ready-made
algorithm. It is very important that the transferred knowledge is applied in life, bring results. This
is how you feel your full realization. A special gift is to create integrity around, order, and this is
what attracts people. Thanks to it, you can heal both body and soul. You are also capable of
extrasensory perception and of controlling other people.
To reveal your talents, you need to put everything in order. This will give a sense of harmony and
will allow your abilities to manifest themselves.
What can block your talents? They are conservatism, rough imposition of the rules on everyone
around but not just those who are interested. There is also disrespect for elders, teachers and
Prosperity (19)
You know how to be happy here and now. The ability to enjoy all aspects of life makes you a
positive person. Your energy is the energy of the sun. Like the sun, you illuminate everything
around. Activities that bring joy and pleasure will bring success, wealth and prosperity. You
always get your way and never give up. An interesting feature is the “third try rule”. Some of the
undertakings will only succeed after the third try. You are as direct as a child and carry positive
charges that help not to give up in difficult situations.
Areas of your self-realization are advertising, sales, marketing, any activity with children.
Feeling of guilt is contraindicated. The abuse of power can also hinder the development of talent.
And it is very dangerous to shine at one point, at one object. Like the sun, you may burn.
Soul (14)
You feel the desires of the soul. It is important to choose everything in your life to your liking:
work, partner, people around. And you know how to do it. Through creativity you help other
people connect with the soul. Abilities are revealed when you are alone with yourself, in a state of
peace and complete trust in the higher powers. The talent of clairvoyance helps to identify and
awaken the best qualities in people. People around you always feel good, calm and harmonious.
You can heal people with herbs and water. From birth you are rewarded with patience.
If you do not appreciate what you have now, impatient and insatiable, then this can block the
talent. You need to learn gratitude; this will contribute to –self-realization. Do not complain that
you have been given too little, do not be greedy.
Up to 40 years old you need to decide who you are, what you like and what you want to do. Tests,
complicated situations and difficulties are given to help you, overcoming which you find answers
to your questions. Some of the tasks can be very difficult. This is the time for personal growth in
all spheres of life. It is important to remember that maintaining a balance between spiritual,
internal improvement, and the development of skills that are necessary in the material world is
essential. Time from 20 to 40 years old is the best for starting a family, surrounding yourself with
friends and like-minded people. Good relationships with loved ones bring harmony, positive
emotions and happiness to your life. After 40 years, there comes a stage when it is necessary for
you to start sharing the accumulated experience and knowledge. When you begin to do this, then
material well-being will come to you. If you have found integrity, answers to your questions, know
who you are and your desires, have developed talents and skills, created a family, then your life
develop successfully and harmoniously. Throughout life, it is important to remember and pay
attention to your inner and spiritual development. This will help you find the strength to overcome
troubles in difficult moments and feel the support of higher power.
Destiny 20-40
(11) You are given a great physical and spiritual strength by nature. However, it is important that
you use it for peaceful and creative purposes. You need to learn to control your power and
influence. The best way is to build your own empire starting from the family to career. It is
possible for you to become a founder of a powerful energy flow through your work and with the
help of a team of like-minded people. It is good to do something that will involve many others
and will also bring universal benefit. Without knowing how to control your power, destructive
tendencies start to appear. This can include extra weight (in relation to health) to a breakdown in
relationships and loss of family and contacts with others. Even things in the surrounding space
will break down. The worst thing is when the situation comes to self-destruction, self-searching
and rejection, war with yourself.
(7) You require constant activity and always be on the move (including literally driving). It is
important for you to always keep going forward without deviating. It is good when the common
spiritual goals drive such activity when something is done not only for themselves but also for
the benefit of many others (for instance, buying a car not only for themselves but also for the
family). It would help if you express your leadership qualities yet not putting everything on
yourself. It is better to gather a team of like-minded people and learn how to delegate
responsibilities. You should choose peaceful ways of achieving goals, take care of family and
children's prosperity. Not following the rules of your destiny leads to a large amount of energy
being spent without getting any result. You constantly face obstacles on the way and are forced
to fight everyone literally out of nothing. Therefore, connection with good acquaintances and likeminded people gets lost. There are no children nearby, and relatives turn away. Your life may
pass without an aim in the struggle with yourself.
(18) It would be best if you overcame your inner fears, believe in yourself, develop your abilities to
heal, and help others undergo the same path. It is important that you discover extraordinary
talents and a magical gift while using them for a good reason. You should carefully watch out for
your thoughts as they materialise very quickly. Therefore, concentration should be on positive
thinking. If you do not develop a magical gift or use it for harmful purposes, life can unfold most
negatively. Inner fears will prevent personal realisation which can also turn into severe mental
illnesses. Hence the destruction of all areas of life, from personal relationships to work,
occupation and interaction with other people.
Destiny 40-60
(18) It would be best if you overcame your inner fears, believe in yourself, develop your abilities to
heal, and help others undergo the same path. It is important that you discover extraordinary
talents and a magical gift while using them for a good reason. You should carefully watch out for
your thoughts as they materialise very quickly. Therefore, concentration should be on positive
thinking. If you do not develop a magical gift or use it for harmful purposes, life can unfold most
negatively. Inner fears will prevent personal realisation which can also turn into severe mental
illnesses. Hence the destruction of all areas of life, from personal relationships to work,
occupation and interaction with other people.
(9) To reveal your life purpose and its successful implementation, it is essential to believe in your
strength and capabilities, develop your abilities (healing, the gift of foresight. You will have to
discover deep knowledge, for which every now and then it is necessary to remain alone with
yourself, to work in a calm atmosphere. Then it is useful to go out into society, share your
discoveries and knowledge, mentor students, pass on your experience. You will have to prepare
followers of your work who will be able to adopt and continue it. If you refuse to fulfill your
destiny, two extremes may develop. On one side, you may go away from the world, from people
into a voluntary hermit, comprehend some knowledge, but not share it. Therefore, spiritual
infertility and purposeless loneliness appear. The intelligence remains dead and unused,
experience is not shared with anyone. The other extreme is the lack of contacts and voluntary
isolation from excessive pride in the situation of owning special knowledge. In any case,
unclaimed knowledge has no value, and life passes without meaning.
Destiny Common
(9) It is important for you to find the middle ground in everything, including respecting the
balance of feelings and mind. Ruling others should be done wisely and using power only for a
benefit. Not fulfilling the destiny often leads to destructive solitude, financial problems, the
emptiness of spirit and physical possibilities. The desire to control everyone, to act arbitrarily and
despotically, can turn into a mental breakdown.
(8) It is worth getting income from coordinating different systems and processes. These can
relate to the management of stores and enterprises chain, as well as government service (law
enforcement, court authorities, executive power). Belonging to an extensive hierarchical system,
such as military, legal, economic one (for example, an accountant or a financier) is essential for
you. Management and development of your own business will also be successful, primarily
related to the mentioned categories.
To become successful
(4) It is possible for you to become truly wealthy and successful people by developing your
leadership talents, managing wisely and fairly. You have to take care of your family and genus,
creating your own mini-empire. The money mainly comes through contact with men (customers,
partners). The ability to cooperate and accept help is necessary. It is worth carrying power over
the world and circumstances with good intentions showing mercy, and respecting others who are
weaker. You must not apply force for the sake of destruction or violence, using people for their
purposes. Otherwise, there is a risk of quickly losing everything that you have. Contact with
father and his help is important more or less up to the age of 20 years old. You also need to learn
to admit and correct your mistakes. It is good to develop valuable skills of forgiveness, gratitude,
unconditional acceptance of people and circumstances, the ability to compromise.
(22) Financial well-being will come to you through an occupation related to entertainment and
freedom. It is necessary to eliminate fixation on money and work efficiently and joyfully to
achieve stability and wealth. You need to use money freely, letting yourself spend it. Quite often,
there will be an opportunity to give liberty to people and teach them to abandon material and
other types of dependencies. It is essential that you are able to enjoy life, have fun, bring joy to
others. It is good to travel a lot worldwide, work with a human mind, help people fight food
addictions, psychological dependence on another person. Revealing the talent of an orator, a
psychologist, will help lead people to inner freedom.
(8) When striving for financial wealth, the critical point will be understanding the most general
patterns of life processes and acting fairly. Looking for justice in court about a variety of financial
situations will not be helpful. Some higher justice that you need to realise will be more valuable
than the formal law. You have to learn to abstract yourself. Instead, if there are difficulties,
understand why the specific situation happened, how it was attracted, why it happened, what
kind of experience it brings, and what a critical mission it has to fulfil. You will have to stay
extremely honest when it comes to financial matters, creating a system in everything around.
Your actions should be purposeful without being drawn into monetary gambles. It is essential to
work on your attitudes inherited from parents to reach positive life changes. When you stop
believing that money is always dirty and all rich people are criminals, then with the change of
mind, the financial situation will also get better.
(5-14-19) You can count on significant success in business or gaining well-being from other
family members. This is an opportunity for you to become very wealthy and successful. There is
richness in the money field as well as in other areas of life (relationships, children) simultaneously or appearing gradually. Thus, during a certain period of life, you can gain success
from the opposite sex and wealth in the following years. Your family can have many intelligent
and beautiful children. You should choose your partner very carefully because you have energy
with an exciting feature. You can transfer financial luck and prosperity to a close man through
intimate relationships. You will receive almost unlimited power and wealth in case of sincere and
mutual solid love. At the same time, it is essential to maintain a relaxed and happy relationship.
Financial Flow
- financial flow
Bad relationships with the father and men in general, inability to cooperate with them block
money aspect in the matrix of fate
Power used for selfish purposes and manipulation
Unwillingness to lead and take responsibility
Non-viable projects, non-compliance with the needs of the audience
+ financial flow
Business partnerships with men, good relationships with the father
Ability to negotiate and compromise
Development of your own business, leadership, working on responsibility and courage in making
important decisions
- financial flow
Fixed work schedule, strict rules, restrictions and requirements.
Irresponsible attitude to money, buying unnecessary things, loans, wasting money, petty scams,
Being attached to your home, work, activity and unwillingness to move forward.
+ financial flow
Free work schedule, freelance, working online.
Willingness to change everything and start from scratch anywhere, to show spontaneity, but also
Explore opportunities and options for passive income.
Face your fears. Watch your speech.
It is good to work with children or create something for them. Try yourself in a comedy genre.
Spending your money on something that gives you a feeling of lightness, fun and freedom.
- financial flow
Illegal activity, deception, violation of agreements
Distrust of people and high demands
Not paying attention and being irresponsible, as well as constant criticism and dissatisfaction
with their position
High responsiveness and burnout
+ financial flow
Honest earnings, compliance with rules and regulations, deadlines, punctuality. Paying taxes
Organising a daily routine and schedule, creating your own system in everything.
Impartiality and objectivity of decisions and judgments
Finding answers to your questions, studying causes and effects and transforming negative
Sacred Sacrifice (13-18-5)
There is an opportunity to get pleasure and success from life. At the same time, the person has
the ability to give up their advantages for the sake of others. They can experience deep
emotions. Nevertheless, rationality does not mix things up with manifestations of personal
feelings and pity. Without knowing the inner intentions of such a person, their character may
seem quite harsh.
Potential issues:
Manifestations of heartlessness expressed in some situations surprise others because, in other
cases, participation and assistance have already been shown. However, such moments when
another person feels terrible are unbearable for the individual on a subconscious level. For
example, they cannot stand a child crying or they take it out on someone offended and
complains. This is due to the psychological confusion between cause and effect. In fact, it is not
the people who are annoying, but the situation itself. The internal memory contains information
that the person has already sacrificed something vital for them (perhaps in a previous life), and
the reminder about this is unbearable.
The person should try to be more tolerant of people who suffer undeservedly and are looking for
support. It is necessary not to cut from the shoulder and take punitive actions against someone
who does not really deserve it. The individual will sometimes have to make some important or
purely symbolic sacrifice. This is the only way to achieve the best and reach a higher stage in any
area of life. By sacrificing something valuable, they get an opportunity to go further and
experience a new stage of development not only for themselves but also for others.
Binge Program (15-21-6)
The individual has a powerful vital energy that helps to achieve results in any activity. At the
same time, they have a broad soul and royal gestures: “if to love someone, then love a queen, if to
lose something, then lose a million.” They believe that some circumstances from the past give
them the right to have a rather cheerful, noisy life, full of friends and entertainment.
Potential issues:
The programme begins to be implemented often because of some resentment in youth. Such a
person was not appreciated and was not given love. Perhaps they had a difficult childhood.
Having received all the opportunities in adult life, they begin to compensate for the quality of life
and relationships with quantity. There are drinking buddies Instead of friends and a series of love
affairs instead of a normal relationship. The individual does not devote themselves entirely to
anything. They can become addicted to computer games, alcohol, drugs, constant promiscuous
It happens that a person craves this rampant lifestyle in themselves and consciously refuses it.
Then everything is going quite well. Anyone who has already stepped on the slippery path of
sensual pleasures and endless revelry can only be advised to calm down and look at their life
from the outside. It is worth changing the attitude towards people. They should start living
qualitatively, have feelings only for one person, and life will help them get everything they want
and implement a major project. There will be real support and gifts of fate.
Comfort (18-6-12)
This kind of individual has the ability to do a lot of things at the same time, to move forward
continuously. They love taking care of everything around them, even when it comes to small
things, and striving to bring any task to an ideal. Demanding from themselves is also reflected in
high demands from others. The wild activities sometimes simply make others confused.
Potential issues:
Instead of actual work, a lot of fuss occurs, which seems like a necessary thing to do and an
indicator of success. The person literally cannot let themselves relax and be in a state of peace
and comfort. They believe that hassle is a normal state of life, although a lot of energy is wasted
on something unnecessary. The habit of taking everything on themselves at once and not
finishing much is typical for such a person. It is as if they are not ready to complete the project or
their new point of growth.
It is necessary to let themselves live in comfort, take the place of an observer and delegate some
of their duties to others. It is helpful to allow some things to go their own way without constant
interference. Physical and mental comfort is what such a person aspires to. At the same time,
they cannot afford such a “luxury” due to some wrong beliefs. Therefore, it is worth reviewing
their life.
Program 4 (22-10-6)
Bad company/good company
When someone enters a space with a dominant personality who must be obeyed, it creates a
dictatorship. However, the arrival of a newcomer provides an opportunity for change and
rebellion, resulting in the overthrow of the leader. Eventually, a new, more capable leader emerges
while the old collective remains the same.
The purpose of the programme: not to fear a company even if its founder’s actions are scary.
Everyone waits for an opportunity to bring out the best in themselves. The positive prevails if you
give it the slightest opportunity to manifest.
How the programme manifests itself in relationships:
On the negative side:
–Ignoring the interests of a partner, abuse, rude talking and constant offences in deeds, that
have not been committed at all;
–Hypocrisy in public, playing the ideal partner, while compensating for these efforts behind
closed doors, criticising someone’s appearance, children, parents;
–Obeying to the one who sets the rules and demonstrates power. Complaining about fate and
thinking "Well, that’s the way it is, you have to endure it".
On the positive side:
– An opportunity to completely change your fate. Everything bad is forgotten and people treat
you with respect;
– A new family where people love and appreciate. A husband's relatives treat this person as if
they were their own;
– Having many children is a source of pride. Children are like a reward, they are wanted and
How the programme manifests itself at work:
On the negative side:
–The supervisor imposes a harsh dictatorship and there is no room for subordinates to voice
their opinions. The system of punishment is in place for any misconduct;
–The person engages in risky deals and links up with dubious partners, which often results in
losses. They hope not to get into a hopeless situation again;
– Creating dangerous and antisocial products, as well as parodies and hype on hot topics, solely
for the purpose of making money, without caring about the moral component or their
On the positive side:
– The work is based on high moral principles, and the product or service is chosen with
consideration for environmental sustainability and recyclable packaging;
– The company and its managers exemplify an aesthetic approach to work, and the product is
unique and of high quality. Company traditions, employee integrity, and a dress code are
– The company is based on the idea of its founders, with multiple contributors to its
development, preservation, and multiplication. Even if someone steps back from management
processes, they trust their colleagues and the company remains successful.
How the programme manifests itself in health:
On the negative side:
–Wrong diagnoses from incompetent specialists. It seems like the person finds such specialists
themselves and ends up in the hands of those who only do harm. As a result, the person has to
recover from harmful treatment;
– Collapsing with no symptoms, looking ill. It feels like the person is simply losing strength;
– An abundance of mucus that is difficult to eliminate from the body. Bacterial disease,
complications, long-term illness.
On the positive side:
– Lots of energy, getting up early in the morning
- Ease of movement, desire to move without stopping;
- Ability to go for a long hike.
Program 5 (22-4-8)
This person is patient and capable of withstanding asceticism. At the same time, they cannot
stand a lack of freedom (spiritual and physical). They can actively help others and take care of
others. This requires a complete state of happiness and harmony, inner freedom and a sense of
excess space, the ability to go anywhere.
Potential issues:
There may be restrictions in various ways in contrast to desires. In the worst-case scenario, this
can be an actual prison sentence. There can also be a severe injury or a disability that restricts
freedom of movement. This type of woman can feel unfree with childbirth or live with her
husband in a “golden age”.
Lack of freedom can manifest itself as a material issue when a person is limited in the usual
opportunities. This can also happen if there are problems of social adaptation, for example, when
the person arrive in another city and finds themselves without any friends, in isolation from
It is best not to bind themselves with obligations that imply a lack of freedom (loan, financial
responsibility). It is worth starting to work on the protection and liberation of people to solve the
problems. There is an opportunity to become an excellent human rights defender or a lawyer. It is
necessary to get rid of some kind of dependence inside themselves, for instance, to quit a bad
habit. The person should expand their horizons, break the usual patterns, travel around the world.
It is essential to understand that all the restrictions are only in their head. It is impossible to work
in those fields that involve financial responsibility. It is good to travel a lot and move around the
Prison Program (22-4-9)
This person is patient and capable of withstanding asceticism. At the same time, they cannot
stand a lack of freedom (spiritual and physical). They can actively help others and take care of
others. This requires a complete state of happiness and harmony, inner freedom and a sense of
excess space, the ability to go anywhere.
Potential issues:
There may be restrictions in various ways in contrast to desires. In the worst-case scenario, this
can be an actual prison sentence. There can also be a severe injury or a disability that restricts
freedom of movement. This type of woman can feel unfree with childbirth or live with her
husband in a “golden age”.
Lack of freedom can manifest itself as a material issue when a person is limited in the usual
opportunities. This can also happen if there are problems of social adaptation, for example, when
the person arrive in another city and finds themselves without any friends, in isolation from
It is best not to bind themselves with obligations that imply a lack of freedom (loan, financial
responsibility). It is worth starting to work on the protection and liberation of people to solve the
problems. There is an opportunity to become an excellent human rights defender or a lawyer. It is
necessary to get rid of some kind of dependence inside themselves, for instance, to quit a bad
habit. The person should expand their horizons, break the usual patterns, travel around the world.
It is essential to understand that all the restrictions are only in their head. It is impossible to work
in those fields that involve financial responsibility. It is good to travel a lot and move around the
The Millionaire Program (5-14-19)
There is potential for significant achievements in business or the acquisition of wealth from
other family members. This offers an opportunity to become rich and successful. Abundance
can manifest not only in financial aspects but also in other areas of life, such as relationships
and children. These manifestations may occur simultaneously or gradually over time. It is crucial
to choose a partner thoughtfully because the energy possessed by the woman can have an
interesting characteristic. Through an intimate relationship, she can transmit financial fortune
and prosperity to a close male partner. In the case of sincere and strong mutual love, this partner
will receive practically unlimited power and financial prosperity. Therefore, maintaining a relaxed
and happy state within the relationship is essential.
Finitude of being (9-13-4)
Everything old and obsolete takes on a second life in the hands of this person. It absolutely does
not matter what it is: an unused pair of trousers or outdated relationships. Such a person has
enough strength even to revive a business or a project that seemed to be a failure.
Potential issues:
There is a feeling that the life power of this individual is running out. They do not want to do
anything: neither work, dream, nor love. They even consider taking care of themselves useless
and unnecessary. It can be said that this person “died at 30 years old, but was buried at 70”. They
expect deception or a trick everywhere. They can live with certain attitudes. For instance, they
believe that to be happy, a person needs to be rich or getting a good position at work is only
possible by an acquaintance, etc. They live their life in a doomed state. Relatives find it
challenging to deal with such a person. The individual also does not enjoy life. There is a risk that
health problems can begin, in particular multiple sclerosis.
It is necessary to start using their talents to restore something. The person has to believe in
themselves. It is essential to repair, revive, give things and projects a second life.
(18-9-9) All the best moments of your relationships always remain in the past and connect you
with to the previous partner with invisible links. You choose a new person based on the criteria
that only you understand which one way or another connect them with a person from your
previous personal life. You want to repeat all the best things that happened before. This often
happens when the relationship suddenly stopped, so there was an understatement, etc. You
value the past more than the present, therefore robbing both yourself and your partner, taking the
main values beyond the limits of your relationship. You keep remembering some pleasant and
significant things from your past sexual experience and try to transfer them to a new partner, ask
them to please you in a certain way, as it was done in previous relationships. If for some reason
the partner cannot satisfy your desires, you can keep in touch with your exes and contact them
with a request for certain intimate caresses. It is important to work on the exact psychological
aspects, end the relationship with the previous partner and try to not look for a replacement in a
new relationship, still living with old experiences and feelings. It is good if the ex-partner fulfills
your request, but does it in a calm and friendly way. Then your emotions towards them and the
desire to repeat tactile sensations disappear. It is important to find some kind of feature in
intimacy with a new partner that hooks up both of you. You should be filled with the sexual
energy of your partner in the present time, and you will be able to build a good future for a long
Possible insult against parents (men)
(5) You have problems with creating a family and its preservation. You yourself usually bring
destruction to the family.
(13) There were tragic and unusual deaths in your family. To not repeat the generic scenario, you
should stop burning out life and not show physical aggression.
(18) You have many real fears and contrived phobias. You are afraid of loneliness and, at the
same time, try not to get close to people. The result is frequent depressive states.
(14) If a creative potential is not realised, a joyless existence and a constant dissatisfaction with
what is there await. You spend your life only connected to material needs. Greed and lack of
patience are strongly manifested in character.
(19) You are too fixated on money and work while your personal finances and realisation ate
work could be much better. There is a risk of problems with giving birth, and in case if children
are born, there may be issues with mutual understanding and raising a child.
(8) Your life is characterised by the repetition of negative situations that already existed in the
family. Intense disappointments and a harsh fate are likely.
(22) There may be a lack of freedom and dependence of various kinds in a negative
manifestation of this personality (alcohol, other people). You may lose your home, imprisonment
is possible.
Possible insult against parents (women)
(6) You have a massive fear of losing a partner while your relationships are quite superficial. You
idealise the partner and choose them based on appearance, for the sake of lustre, prestige and
creating a beautiful couple.
(12) There is a manifestation of excessive sacrifice. It is essential for you to constantly receive
love and a feeling of importance from the outside. There is a risk of you not letting children go
from yourself for a long time, due to which the kids will not be able to live their lives.
(18) You have many real fears and contrived phobias. You are afraid of loneliness and, at the
same time, try not to get close to people. The result is frequent depressive states.
(15) You are overwhelmed by various passions, from promiscuity in relationships to more serious
addictions. You are tended to show jealousy, scandals and physical aggression. There is a risk of
using special abilities in black magic.
(21) There could be a rejection of faith in the family, wars took place, aggression was
manifested. At the same time, you can live a negative generic program throughout your life, not
according to your purpose. There is a risk of a difficult financial situation, so they should avoid
living on loan.
Resentment against parents
(3) Mother has played an essential role in your childhood. She behaved herself very strict and
suppressed you with her authority. Mother did not trust men, so she took everything on herself,
including men's duties. Therefore, you did not have an example of a relaxed, loving and caring
mother, so in adulthood, you may have some problems with the role of a daughter or with your
own children. It is necessary for you to forgive and selflessly love your mother as well as try to
become a mother who unconditionally loves her children. You should learn to delegate and ask
for help instead of taking everything on yourself. You should be more gentle, generous and build
trusting and harmonious relationships with others.
(6) In childhood, you perhaps did not have enough love, and it seemed to you that other parents
are better, whereas your imperfect ones love somehow in a wrong way. Nowadays, you often
show pride, try to be perfect and better than others. It seems to you that you are underestimated
or disliked. Because of this, you have dependent relationships with a partner who morally gives
and says their needs. First of all, you need to learn to love yourself, understand and accept
yourself and be more confident, regardless of other people's opinions and external
circumstances. You need to find a common language with your relatives, accept your parents
and establish relationships with them. You should try to build harmonious relationships with
others, without idealisation, with a realistic approach. It is necessary to leave behind
perfectionism in life and people's perception, but at the same time learn to see the good and
beautiful in people.
(21) Narrow thinking at different levels may hinder you from moving forwards and achieving
significant success. This starts from the physical level (loans, debts) to the spiritual (outdated
views, fears and self-restriction). Your parents restricted you in childhood (and perhaps even
now), often showed aggression towards you, manipulated obvious and imaginary diseases to
keep you around. You now need to learn to live in peace with yourself and trust the signs of the
universe. It is vital to think broadly, get out of the comfort zone, not be afraid to be open to
everything new. You need to travel more, learn languages, expand your horizons. It is good if you
will have a whole family with a large number of children.
(3) A child will teach you how to be a kind, gentle, loving and wise father, showing softness and
care. They will make you generous and trusting, control less and take responsibility, and give
other family members more power and tasks. If you follow these tips, you will have a
harmonious, loving relationship with your children.
(6) Relationships with a child will be full of love when you start seeing not only the appearance
(behaviour and attractiveness) but also their internal traits, will discover a personality inside
them. They will teach you a lesson that there is no need to idealise people to not get
disappointed in them. It is better to live in reality rather than in illusion.
(21) If you stop limiting the kids but rather start giving them freedom, your relationships will be
friendly and peaceful. They will colour your' everyday life and teach you to go beyond the usual
beliefs. They will also inspire an interest in understanding the whole world and lead a tolerant
attitude towards representatives of different cultures and religions. Because of your child, you
will be able to set global goals, get out of your comfort zone, want to master a new exciting
hobby or even a profession.
(13) There is no need to surprise if your partner is a real adrenaline lover throughout life. They
need strong emotions, experience or extreme situations, almost like the air. Being an easy-going
person and inability to stay at one place for too long or do routine work distinguishes the
character of your second half. These habits lead to emotional instability, mood swings,
unpredictability. Your relationship feels like being on a volcano, not knowing what will happen
tomorrow. At the same time, it is vivid, exciting and restless. It is also possible that your partner's
job will be of a travelling nature or associated with a constant risk for life (a lifeguard, an
employee of internal organs, a racer).
(9) A well-read and educated person who has a broad outlook will suit you. They literally draw
information from books and are ready to keep learning with joy throughout their life. Your ideal
partner is wise, laconic, observant, has an analytical mind and does not rush. From time to time,
it is essential to give space to the person and leave them alone. It is better not to bring them into
noisy companies, where they will be very uncomfortable.
(4) You need to find a successful and self-sufficient man who will provide for her, solve all the
problems and become trusted support. His workaholism and passion work will only be helpful
for their relationship because financial well-being is vital for the family. This kind of man will be
able to provide for the needs and arrange the big house fully. He is a talented director. It is also
crucial that the partner becomes a good father for his kids.
Ideal partner
Positive side: A brave and decisive partner who can surprise. You will never get bored around him
and will love changes and surprises.
Negative side: A harsh and straightforward person who does not care about others’ emotions. In
a relationship, he can resist changes and slow down his and his partner’s development.
Life Guidance
(3) Your most important traits are the strive for implementing your purpose, being wealthy and
generous, successful in society and wise in the family. It is better to take care of loved ones
without obsession and authoritativeness. You can indeed show your skills of creating a
harmonious and beautiful surrounding space, take care of the house, but at the same time not
only to take on routine household chores. It is helpful to split some tasks with other family
members. You will have to let go of unnecessary care and concern for your relatives, give them
an opportunity to develop independently and make decisions in your life. At the same time, you
have to support the family and always be ready to give valuable advice. It is necessary to treat
people equally, regardless of their status and financial situation. It is useful to learn not to cling
too much to material things and not to chase success. At the right time, success will come by
itself, thanks to talents and perseverance.
(2) You have to be sincere in your thoughts, actions and beliefs. You have to trust people and let
others in your life as reciprocity for your openness. You can help with advice, knowledge by
simply being able to calm down and create a warm atmosphere of spiritual comfort while not
expecting recognition and rewards in return. It is useful to develop healing skills, strengthen your
body while not forgetting about physical health. You will have to fight your fears and indecision in
life, build confidence in yourself and your abilities. To overcome passivity and duality, you need to
learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Global knowledge and the ability to
understand people will help to achieve this. In the same way, you will find the keys to yourself and
understand your true deep desires. You should not be afraid to take care and share the love with
those who truly need it.
(18) Developing artistic abilities and surrounding yourself with pleasant people will help to
produce positive emotions. It is valuable to listen to your feelings and intuition, try living
according to your natural rhythms. Visualisation can be actively used to make dreams come true:
from the computer screen background to the wish map. It is always important to control your
emotions, concentrating on positive moments. It is useful to interact with water more often as it
heals and fills with energy. It is recommended to drink enough liquid, maintaining its balance in
the body. You should not forget to thank fate for help, evolving your magical abilities for the
people's benefit and help others. It is crucial not to neglect mystical knowledge but always stay in
the real world. You need to live consciously with clear goals, having learned to distinguish the
necessary and vital things from the false and secondary ones.
Year's Forecast
(12) This period is difficult and fateful, and its challenges can become key turning points for
future life. Some issues with business, personal relationships can reach a new (more complex
and perfect) level after passing a number of tests. Or vice versa, they can suddenly go into
decline (collapse, divorce, losses). Everything depends on you but only halfway. About half of it
depends on your environment, the ability to listen and do the right thing, recognise the signs of
fate, be wise and deep. There are losses and gains ahead. You will have to leave someone or
something important in life.
It is good to listen to yourself and look closely at what is happening around you during such a
time. Sometimes there just will not be an opportunity to intervene or change anything in the
situations that are happening. The position of a careful observer will be advantageous. It is good
if you can inspire and transmit the same state to others around you. This state and the coming
changes are needed for something important.
You should not refuse to participate in charity, helping others, but at the same time, keep the
balance of your ability to give to others and receive in return. Your interests during this period
should still be taking priority. You should give someone from inner fullness and sincere desire,
and not expecting a reward, something in return or trying to earn love.
Do not forget to take care of your physical body, follow proper nutrition, regime and balance
everything. It is useful to learn new things, other points of view, comprehend wisdom and
knowledge about the laws of the universe.
Potential key events:
This is a relatively calm time with minor positive events, such as getting out of a crisis situation,
resolving different situations, small business growth, and appealing prospects in a variety of life
spheres. Healing after illness, spiritual development, reevaluation of values and the ability to let
go of the obsolete old. Accepting life and the current events with humility and faith in the wisdom
of fate.
Helping people, participating in charity projects. Time to accumulate strength, rest and relief. In
personal life, building relationships with the other half based on new principles, reviewing many
aspects, reaching a new level.
Uncertainty in life, being stuck in a difficult situation, the inability to solve problems, dependence
on someone/something. Losses in the financial sphere. There is generally a fear of change in life,
which results in stagnation of all processes. A variety of restrictions and challenges, from illness
or inability to move to forced restriction (prison, hospital).
Forced and often useless sacrifices for the sake of others: giving up a large sum of money, a
good job or a promising relationship. All kinds of addictions, bad habits.
Neurosis and stress in relationships, following the scenario of saving the eternal "victim". There
is a possibility of divorce, breakups, depression, suicidal thoughts.
(6) The period is primarily focused on relationships with others, external beauty and inner
harmony. It is important to keep all spheres in balance and listen to your feelings without
following the orders, desires and interests of others.
Organise the space around you and pay special attention to yourself, pampering and decorating.
During such a time, the need for tactility and love feels especially strong.
You want to show tenderness and affection and receive it in return from others. Attention and
care are important. During such a period, a person is inclined to fall in love and strive to find their
soulmate. If they have already found one, they focus on intimacy with a partner and the quality of
the relationship as much as possible. If there is not enough attention and affection from a loved
one, resentments and misunderstandings may arise. You should not withdraw into yourself and
suppress problems. You should manifest yourself and talk about what you want openly. There is
a possibility of planning the birth of children in the family.
Communicative abilities are actively revealed. There is a need to maintain good relationships
with others, to be liked by everyone. You really want to devote some time to hobbies, especially
creative ones (from floriculture to design).
If there is a misunderstanding with others, and especially the close ones, try to smooth out
conflicts and be the first one to offer reconciliation. This will have a positive impact on you first
of all.
Potential key events:
Meeting a lot of new people, communication and pleasant connections. Flirting and falling in
love, successful new relationships, engagement, wedding. Getting an inspiring job that you love,
implementing your plans, a successful business or making profitable deals. Realising yourself
creatively through a hobby that may become a potential job in the future. Harmonious
relationships with others and the team at work. Critical situations that can be crucial for your life.
Interest in the art field and short pleasant trips. If you had a disease, then there comes a period
of recovery.
Temptations and scandals, rudeness, quarrels, problems in relationships with the soulmate and
others, misunderstanding, a feeling of loneliness, lack of love. Cheating and the relationship
breakups, divorce, losses. Complicated relationships (for instance, a love triangle), intrigues,
missed opportunities in different areas of life. There is often a strong dependence on the others’
opinions because of the desire to please everyone. Living according to someone else’s scenario,
dissatisfaction with the current status of life and at the same time the inability to change
There are often lost deals, issues with contracts, problems with business partners and
colleagues. Choosing the wrong path in life. Exhausting and unloved work.
Personal brand (NEW)
The uniqueness of a person's personality gives additional value to their product or service. It
forms a personal brand that makes it possible to show their own opinion, vision and skills to
absolutely everyone. The originality and ease of broadcasting oneself is formed by combining
the diverse image of one's personality.
Topics for opening up your personality
The key quality is softness. Even if it is your personal brand, even if you have a team, everything
should be full of the spirit of acceptance and life management in a light format.
Comfort, stability, and high cost are important to you. Your strengths are that you are able to
accept the abundance of the world, use money and manage the material gifts of the planet.
You can do a lot of things but it is extremely important to pay attention to delegating household
chores, in particular those that do not bring you pleasure. In this case, you should easily pass on
this chore or teach the audience how to do it.
It is important to keep an eye on and take care of yourself, aim to achieve comfort and status
and enjoy life!
There may be dissonance among others if you position yourself as someone with non-matching
style, luxury and also if everything around you will be ugly, uncomfortable and not chic.
It is necessary to learn how to organise your life, devote time to yourself and your career, take
care of your family, and also not forget about the creative side. Your example will be stunningly
attractive and promote great interest in your persona!
It is important to transmit abundance and realise your value, your needs and potential in the
material world in order to cover these needs.
Your public activities should focus on a female audience.
Your projects should be full of creativity. Show kindness to the viewer, be polite and plentiful with
customers and your audience.
You are the person who, on the one hand, can be creatively realised and on the other hand, you
feel the fear of expressing yourself and adhere to the principle of "I would rather hide".
Do not hide, your intuition will help you. You need to remove the illusions, for example, your fears,
that prevent you from showing up in the blog. In particular, the fear of "what will people think of
me". You need to understand that these are just illusions in your head that do not allow you to
manifest more.
Your various roles can be very interesting to the audience. Especially considering the fact that
you are a really creative person, who is also interested in esotericism. You are seen as a
mysterious person with your weirdness. All this is so harmonic in you that your followers are
used to it.
Pay attention to the lunar cycles, the change of mood and activity, and plan your work according
to the moon phases.
In your blog, you can talk about the topics of wishes, affirmations, visualisation and the power of
thought. Do not let your fears tie your hands. Take action!
You can look like a mystical person. People may get the feeling that you are difficult to
understand. You are distinguished by the ability to manage, convince, inspire and lead.
For other people, you may also be a strange person, but you are quite empathetic and sensitive,
and your sensitivity attracts people.
As a blogger, it is easy to understand you by the family you show. Through interaction with
relatives and family, you open up from the other side and become more understandable.
You can inspire people to find their destiny. In general, you will be able to promote any of your
products easily, the main thing is to show love for your family and Homeland.
Only tell the truth and encourage people to do good deeds.
Self-positioning topics
Mysticism, psychic, mystical stories, work with ancestors, transformational games, mental
arrangements, tarot, runes, oracle, family values, family psychology, ancestral patterns,
childhood, writing, journalism, linguistics, work with the father and mother figure, motherhood,
fatherhood, family traditions, home, recipes, traditional recipes, development of intuition, dreams,
prophetic dreams, clairvoyance, clairaudience, spiritual practices, healing, shamanism, calmness,
acceptance, dealing with grievances, generosity, interest in life, the ability to dream, dreams,
return of the taste for life, the search for a destination.
Inner child, games, fun, jokes, interactive exercises, positivity, travelling, wonders of the world,
reviews of places, new places, communication with children, child psychology and numerology,
responsibility, working with fears and boundaries, destruction of boundaries, creativity in all its
manifestations, art, pilgrimage, walks in nature, creativity, ecology, finding joy in small things,
openness, sincerity, self-sufficiency, naivety, dreaminess, inconsistency, changes.
Justice, law, taxes, jurisprudence, army, politics, meditation, balance, spirituality, karma, the fight
of good and evil, order, structure, consistency, friendliness, fearlessness, legislation, punishment,
past lives, regression, helping the weak, charity, judging others, responsibility, truth, honesty, trend
of being truthful, universe, space, creation, myths, legends, numbers, esotericism, burnout.
Luxury, self-care, gold, watches, precious stones, marble, brands.
Light or natural fabrics, a wide smile, fresh flowers, light colours, girly accessories, stones.
The image of a kind teacher, soft clothes, pastries, home comfort, caring for family and pets,
Provence style, various tools, artefacts, stones, maps
The brain, hair, upper part of the skull.
Health problems: Diseases can be both of cosmetic nature (hair problems) and more severe
level, for example, problems in the cranial region, brain disorders, etc. You behave chaotically on
a domestic level, have a lot of anxiety. You do not understand individual things and constantly
demand strict specificity.
Reasons: Material attachments prevent you from living a full life. You have been disillusioned
with your spiritual ideals and have become rigid pragmatists. You believe only in yourself and
count only on yourself. You often show anger and impatience to others, try to teach and educate
in the spirit of your beliefs. You can impose your opinion and do not accept the position of the
interlocutor. You do not see your path and global mission, so all efforts are aimed to achieve
exceptional material well-being. At the same time, you experience problems and lack of energy
because you think narrowly and are not ready to accept help from fate.
Solution: You will have to comprehend the higher laws of the universe, understand your life path
and purpose. It is also good to help other people with similar problems. You need to decide on
your primary mission and follow it. It is important not just to earn money for the sake of your
comfort and prosperity, but to do work that will help other people and serve an important idea.
Treating problems in life is easier when perceiving them as a useful experience. It is good to have
a regime, eat, exercise, work and rest regularly. Making a schedule and following it also helps. It
is helpful to have a relatively strict and moderate lifestyle, not indulge in excesses, and
participate in energy and spiritual practices.
Personal recommendations
(3) Your life is aimed at growth, fertility, creation and the increase of worldly goods. If you do not
create or do something and then keep the results without allowing things to develop
independently at the right time, problems arise in various areas. Your personal development is
hindered, weakness appears, and even depression is possible. It is good for you to do at least a
minor thing with a visible change to improve the overall condition. For example, to plant a flower
so that you can observe its growth.
(2) It is necessary for you to work with information not deeply but rather superficially, passing it
on. If you do not meet this condition (digging into something, holding information in yourself, not
passing it on), the organs that receive information from the outside world will suffer. These are
the eyes, nose, ears, tongue, mucous membranes and skin. You should not delve into important
information or absorb too much of it to eliminate the problem. You have to pass on important
knowledge further. It is generally worth having a more accessible view of life, allowing yourself
more entertainment, watching light movies and reading popular books.
(5) A significant delving into the essence of things and events into information for understanding
and passing on experience is your ideology. If you do not do this, look at the situation
superficially or not deepen into any issue, then severe failures up to diseases of internal organs
can begin in your body, the treatment of which requires surgical intervention. You need a deeper
look at things, considering problems from different angles for the correct solution. Life itself can
help them during the process by providing exciting meetings with the right people or giving you
the opportunity to read valuable books.
Occipital and temporal lobes of the brain, eyes, ears, nose, face, upper
jaw, upper jaw teeth, optic nerve, cerebral cortex.
Health problems: In this case, there are eye and ears diseases, frequent problems with teeth. The
loss of health may be associated with the occipital region or issues in the facial area. In a
broader sense, this is expressed in communication problems, lack of friends and logic, constant
protests against the systems you are present at (work, family, country).
Reasons: You live your own illusions and are very separated from reality. You are often very keen
on expressing protest against the outside world that can forget about work and family
responsibilities. You usually do not have enough time even for the most necessary things. At the
same time, you think and dream about global things that you cannot change. You do not accept
your own life and cannot build a future, take care of your destiny. You live as you can, almost like
going with the flow. Nevertheless, you are concerned about the feeling of existing not in your life
(in the profession, place of residence, personal relationships). You seem to be dual due to the
inner world not corresponding to external values. Hence there is the troubled life, the discord
between the deep desires (which they are afraid to comprehend) and the imposed stereotypes of
society. There may be problems with the mental state.
Solution: You have to expand your outlook and accept information from various resources, help
developing society, work on your inner "I" and deep consciousness. It is crucial to find your
purpose in life, unique energetic channel and follow it. You may have to change the values
system completely, get rid of illusions to which you were holding on. You should not be afraid to
be left alone with yourself to comprehend your life mission deeply. It is necessary to realise your
role, abandon bad habits, learn to manage time and money wisely. Self-discipline will become a
vital step for transforming life. It is essential not to forget about the constant development of
your personality.
Personal recommendations
(6) Your life purpose is uniting, cultivating information, energy, people’s actions. It is helpful for
you to do collaborative work or direct the team. In the worst case, the presence of multiple
diseases simultaneously is possible. A consultation with a number of specialists will also be
required. It is important to identify all health problems and solve them centrally since they have
the exact origin. In this case, the team professionals will also help eliminate the underlying cause
of various issues in the body.
(22) You have to treat everything material more simply. It is easier to live with an open heart and
not to take problems close to the soul. You should learn to enjoy the present moment, spend
time more cheerfully, not get attached to the benefits of life and remember the eternity of the
spiritual. If you give a significant place to the material world, then you can start losing what
attention is focusing on, including health. Diseases associated with restricted movement and
disability are not excluded. Spiritual liberation will help to go beyond physical unfreedom. You
need to understand and accept your condition and come to the conclusion that there are many
opportunities for development and everyday life. As long as you are free in soul and mind, it
means that there are no boundaries.
(10) You have to learn to accept help from the surrounding people, colleagues, friends, especially
from your genus and family. If you deliberately shut yourself out and show your independence,
the most severe problems with health up to the formation of cancerous tumours may arise.
There may also be other diseases that restrict the freedom of movement and whole life so that
you will be forced to ask close ones for help. It is worth learning to trust people, recognising
yourself as part of the family, feel support and protection. You should not be alone with problems
and need to accept help with gratitude. In this way, health will begin to improve.
Thyroid gland, trachea, bronchi, throat, vocal cords, shoulders, arms,
seventh cervical vertebra, all cervical vertebrae, lower jaw, lower jaw
Health problems: Throat diseases are frequently repeated, problems with the pancreas, the lower
jaw may appear. Shoulders and arms are usually in pain. On a domestic level, you do not tell the
truth, lie to yourself and others. There is perhaps an inability to express thoughts,
miscommunication or vice versa, constant interruption of the speaker.
Reasons: You are afraid to tell the truth and even the information or experience which you are
sure about and have lived it through your own experience. You want to share it, but at the same
time, you are scared because there may be some consequences in the future. You behave
stereotypically and think the same, are not ready to reveal your creative beginning, unique
personality. Being afraid of judgement and disapproval leads to problems with communication,
isolation, weak self-esteem, inability to express yourself and talk properly (swallowing of words,
mispronouncing voice). You are trying to follow all the understandable dogmas, have many
preconceptions that are very common among society, are scared to stand out from the crowd. At
the same time, you dream a lot and do not tell the truth, hence health problems arise. You lie not
only to others but also to yourself.
Solution: You have to reconsider and analyse past experiences. You have to pass on all its value
and realised truths to people in wordy, verbal form. It is essential for you to start talking. It can be
a video on YouTube, a song in karaoke, first-ever toast in a big company. You have to say your
opinion at meetings and work when decisions need to be made altogether. You can sing in the
shower, speak about something with their friends. However, it is essential to start talking about
your emotions, experience and opinion. You should tell the truth and avoid lying in any form, use
hints of life and listen to yourself to achieve success, do creative self-expression.
Personal recommendations
(21) You are a person of the world who should not fixate on particular views or the place of living.
You have to step up on a much broader level than previously to solve the problems. If you follow
a narrow framework and rigid views, severe health problems begin (oncology and severe
hereditary diseases). It can be challenging for you to get cured by traditional methods, or doctors
may incorrectly diagnose the condition, prescribe the wrong medications. This happens so that
you remove the internal framework and begin to interact with the world, to look for non-traditional
methods of treatment to solve your health problems. You will have to understand that there is
always an option for healing. There is no need to stop at one hospital, doctor or treatment
(20) You can undergo deep processes of transformation in all systems. A considerable effort is
required for this, a long transformation of lifestyle and mind. At the same time, many things hold
you back from the past. It is terrible if there is a moment when looking back you realise that you
lived a correct but very standard and boring life without bringing anything valuable and
memorable to the world. Problems with physical and emotional health will begin. It is possible
for you to get rid of this and heal with the support of relatives, making a breakthrough and an
effort on yourself. With the love of close ones, significant transformations of life are available.
Everything is in your own hands (especially when there is nothing to lose), from changing the
place of residence to religion. With the rebirth of your personality, a new stage of the life of the
surrounding people will begin.
(5) A significant delving into the essence of things and events into information for understanding
and passing on experience is your ideology. If you do not do this, look at the situation
superficially or not deepen into any issue, then severe failures up to diseases of internal organs
can begin in your body, the treatment of which requires surgical intervention. You need a deeper
look at things, considering problems from different angles for the correct solution. Life itself can
help them during the process by providing exciting meetings with the right people or giving you
the opportunity to read valuable books.
Heart, circulatory system, respiratory system, lungs, bronchi, thoracic
spine, ribs, shoulder scapular area, chest.
Health problems: There are usually problems with the heart, lungs, bronchi. Rib injuries and all
diseases associated with the chest are possible. This is seen on a domestic level: something
almost hinders you from opening up your chest and breathing fully. There are many plans but no
energy for their realisation.
Reasons: You are in the most significant depression and almost have no energy. You have no
strength to move forward and always refer to some situation in the past. You usually feel guilt
and remorse. You almost want to secure yourself from troubles but do not know how. Therefore,
you are scared to keep going, implement your ideas, and help others create a better future. At the
same time, you also do not feel enough love for others inside yourself, as if you are full of
nothing. The present does not make you happy, and it is not clear how to continue living and
escape the state of a deep physical and spiritual fall. This can be seen in the total indifference
and desire to be left in absolute calmness and expressed in an excessive sacrifice towards
others. You give away a lot and get nothing in return, energy is wasted, and you are not satisfied.
You sometimes wait for lucky help from the outside to solve all your problems.
Solution: It is helpful to talk through everything that tortures you with your loved ones, likeminded
people and psychologist. Let it be a kind of confession, revealing your wrong actions and
character traits that you are ashamed of. In this way, you can even create groups to share
knowledge and experience of building happy, harmonious relationships. You need to produce a
new picture of the world for yourself, learn to believe and love mutually and happily. You have to
learn something new and always have a comfortable space where you can be yourself and relax
with your loved ones. You should analyse your environment and communicate with true friends,
without wasting time on empty contacts, be real and try to express your emotions openly. It is
also useful to shift the focus from your problems to the general tasks of your social circle. You
have to learn to accept people and yourself with all the light and dark sides. Thus, at the right
moment, you will be able to get yourself together and become self-sufficient, without blaming
yourself and others and depending on someone else's approval or help.
Personal recommendations
(12) Your physical body serves as a tool for interaction with others, uniting, demonstrating the
general state in the group and possible problems. You can experience various ailments, complain
about malaise. At the same time, everyone immediately gathers around you and begins to
express your best qualities, including each other. Therefore, internal problems are revealed and
solved, difficulties in relationships are clarified. You serve people as a kind of assistant, signalling
with your illnesses that everything around is terrible. It is necessary for you to work with the
environment, open and show problems in time to prevent your ailments.
(11) You are given a large amount of energy to implement large scale projects, solve significant
issues. If you accumulate and do not give the energy away, spend most of it, cannot accept or
recharge yourself, then internal systems diseases develop dramatically. Individual organs suffer
the most in which energy is improperly distributed and strikes almost like lightning. You need to
learn to control your energy, accumulate it and correctly distribute it, direct it to strategically
essential decisions in time. You have to act not because of physical activity outbreaks and not
waste energy for no reason. It is crucial to properly manage your internal potential and fill
yourself with power for further activity. Going to the gym can help you cope with excess energy,
and spending time in nature can recharge you.
(5) A significant delving into the essence of things and events into information for understanding
and passing on experience is your ideology. If you do not do this, look at the situation
superficially or not deepen into any issue, then severe failures up to diseases of internal organs
can begin in your body, the treatment of which requires surgical intervention. You need a deeper
look at things, considering problems from different angles for the correct solution. Life itself can
help them during the process by providing exciting meetings with the right people or giving you
the opportunity to read valuable books.
Gastrointestinal tract, abdominal organs, pancreas, spleen, liver,
gallbladder, small intestine, central part of the spine.
Health problems: There may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The middle part of the
spine is often affected. This is expressed in aggression, irritability and inadequacy at the
behavioural level. Indifference can suddenly turn into anger and demand. You lose something
valuable and do everything to keep it, even using illegal methods, violating all norms of morality
and law.
Reasons: You experience a solid attachment towards a person or things, circumstances, lifestyle.
At the same time, you fill them with valuable for yourself qualities. It is important for you to
control and possess everything. You are often arrogant and ambitious, love showing your parade
side of life and being proud of your success. You do not see undignified methods for the sake of
achieving results. At the same time, you can be irresponsible. You do not have contact with
people of a lower social status or who are dependent (for instance, employers at work) at all. At
some point, life begins to take away the most important things so that you start to act, develop,
and get out of your comfort zone. However, instead of this, you complain and show aggression.
You do not want to change and grab what is being taken away from you by any means. You will
have to face yourself internally and understand that not everything depends on you and is subject
to your influence. As soon as you can let it go, the threat of loss will go away.
Solution: You need to determine new boundaries of life, remove the old limits and keep
developing yourself. It is worth reevaluating the environment and accepting the world as it is,
without pride and arrogance. You should take spontaneous actions, get rid of your own
insecurities, and do something unusual for yourself (an unexpected trip or a radical image
change). It is better to start building relationships with different people and not only with those
who benefit you. It is not a bad idea to start doing charity. You should discipline yourself and
develop your commitment through sports, proper nutrition, compliance with the regime. You can
also get rid of limits and your own dissatisfaction, frustration, aggression, become the master of
your body and emotions.
Personal recommendations
(18) A clear understanding of your desires is necessary. Your successful ideology is deep cause
of the processes, the acceptance of two opinions into a single one. If there is a manifestation on
the physical level, then you are lost (today, there is one picture of the world, tomorrow is another
one ). Today the arm hurts, and tomorrow it does not, and the next day the person does not
understand whether it hurts or not. Without realising what is happening, it is difficult to isolate
and draw a general picture of the processes. There are always two sides, two people who advise
something, two relatives, two phases, two diseases. There is a twofold incomprehensible feeling
in some areas of your life, which causes confusion in your head. As a result, today, things happen
this way; tomorrow, they are different. It is vital that you listen to yourself, find the strength to
hear both opinions and identifies the only true middle ground.
(9) A state of solitude, a deep inner work of the intellect and soul, characterise you. Hence you
often do not want to change. At the same time, you experience both the fear of solitude and the
search for it simultaneously. Intuitively, you have an understanding that it is necessary to balance
calmness, the loneliness of the working process and communication at other times, the transfer
of knowledge and the exchange of experience with people. If you consider yourself too selfsufficient and avoid communication, then your development will not occur. It will be more and
more challenging to discover new knowledge since it does not help to dig into the information.
Instead, you need to expand your horizons. You can reach the point of losing energy, start to fade
away while not understanding what is happening. There are no visible causes of illness, and it is
not easy to make a diagnosis immediately. Problems with the function of internal organs usually
arise. You need to find like-minded people who will help you understand yourself, get out of
isolation, realise your life purpose and start moving on while sharing the knowledge you have
Drenal glands, uterus and ovaries, kidneys, intestines, prostate gland in
men, lumbar spinal column.
Health problems: On the physical level, you can suffer from illnesses of organs like kidneys, liver,
large intestine, genital area, adrenal glands, lumbar region. At the domestic level, this is reflected
in a constant feeling of guilt, lack of love, irritability, lack of joy in everything. You can avoid
responsibility or excessively seek profit in everything when there is a lack of results from your
activities. No one raises your salary, and there are no orders. You start saving and searching for
benefit, falling into an even greater depression.
Reasons: Everything often comes from childhood, when parents did not pay enough attention to
you, sometimes underestimated or disliked. When you face a similar situation in adult life, that
offended child wakes up inside you. You immediately block yourself and refuse to take further
actions. This is followed by a feeling of guilt that you did not fulfil your obligations or did
something wrong. This is repeated many times until a serious crash in life happens (for example,
losing a job). You do not have the strength for creativity to produce some results of your work.
You do not have children, because internally you are still quite infantile and have not given
enough to your inner child. There is no energy, strength or knowledge from where to take
inspiration for a life push.
Solution: You should accept your parents and love that underestimated child inside you. You
have to allow yourself to live as you want, realise your desires one after another. It is worth
finding like-minded people and make friends with who you can talk and solve your emotional
problems. You have to refuse extremes, for instance, too much shopaholism or savage
accumulation of values. You should get rid of the inner shame in front of yourself and your loved
ones. It is better to let yourself be realised in a creative direction. You should look for a source of
energy in pleasant things. It can be massage, organising events, taking care of your appearance,
any retreat. It is essential to find a favourite occupation and work in a comfortable space where
you can open up as much as possible.
Personal recommendations
(9) A state of solitude, a deep inner work of the intellect and soul, characterise you. Hence you
often do not want to change. At the same time, you experience both the fear of solitude and the
search for it simultaneously. Intuitively, you have an understanding that it is necessary to balance
calmness, the loneliness of the working process and communication at other times, the transfer
of knowledge and the exchange of experience with people. If you consider yourself too selfsufficient and avoid communication, then your development will not occur. It will be more and
more challenging to discover new knowledge since it does not help to dig into the information.
Instead, you need to expand your horizons. You can reach the point of losing energy, start to fade
away while not understanding what is happening. There are no visible causes of illness, and it is
not easy to make a diagnosis immediately. Problems with the function of internal organs usually
arise. You need to find like-minded people who will help you understand yourself, get out of
isolation, realise your life purpose and start moving on while sharing the knowledge you have
(22) You have to treat everything material more simply. It is easier to live with an open heart and
not to take problems close to the soul. You should learn to enjoy the present moment, spend
time more cheerfully, not get attached to the benefits of life and remember the eternity of the
spiritual. If you give a significant place to the material world, then you can start losing what
attention is focusing on, including health. Diseases associated with restricted movement and
disability are not excluded. Spiritual liberation will help to go beyond physical unfreedom. You
need to understand and accept your condition and come to the conclusion that there are many
opportunities for development and everyday life. As long as you are free in soul and mind, it
means that there are no boundaries.
(4) It is crucial that you always to control the situation. When it is impossible, you begin to apply
obstacles and restrictions to other people or circumstances. This usually does not bring you the
desired result, but it affects your physical condition in the form of boils, abscesses, tumours of
various kinds. Therefore, it is useless to control a specific narrow area and not let go of
something. It would be more suitable to launch projects on a global scale, some super-tasks.
This way, you can feel more comfortable and predictable without being distracted by the control
of current trifles.
Urogenital system, lower limbs, large intestine, tailbone, sacrum, legs.
Health problems: On the physical level, issues with the legs, the genitourinary system, and the
sacrum area begin. On the life level, the illnesses are followed by material hunger, the collapse of
life, a constant lack of money, a feeling of abandonment and unappreciated. You experience
fatigue and a sense of hopelessness in the situation.
Reasons: You are too fixated on the past, live in it, constantly return there with memories. There
are two possible options. Once your life was perfect. You had well-being, happiness, prosperity.
Now it is terrible, and you cannot accept the situation, so you live with memories from the past.
Or vice versa - in the past, there were several recurring situations with problems, failures,
betrayal. You cannot forget it and move forward. You constantly spin like a squirrel in a wheel,
but nothing changes. This causes fatigue, fear on the verge of survival. You save on everything
and continuously restrain yourself. You already want to give up the movement since there is no
energy and no result. You are waiting for a "magic wand" that will solve everything for you.
Solution: You should reconsider your values and attitude to the past. You have to be able to see
good things in the present. Even in the most unsuccessful past, you have to find positive
examples and lessons. You need to be ready for changes and make the present more valuable
for yourself than the past. All problems are not forever, life goes on, and situations change. You
have to be ready to catch a favourable moment. It is helpful to do something fascinating and
interesting, even if at first it does not bring a lot of money. Free yourself from the past at the
elementary and domestic levels. If possible, make repairs in the house or change part of the
furniture, remove old photos and things.
Personal recommendations
(9) A state of solitude, a deep inner work of the intellect and soul, characterise you. Hence you
often do not want to change. At the same time, you experience both the fear of solitude and the
search for it simultaneously. Intuitively, you have an understanding that it is necessary to balance
calmness, the loneliness of the working process and communication at other times, the transfer
of knowledge and the exchange of experience with people. If you consider yourself too selfsufficient and avoid communication, then your development will not occur. It will be more and
more challenging to discover new knowledge since it does not help to dig into the information.
Instead, you need to expand your horizons. You can reach the point of losing energy, start to fade
away while not understanding what is happening. There are no visible causes of illness, and it is
not easy to make a diagnosis immediately. Problems with the function of internal organs usually
arise. You need to find like-minded people who will help you understand yourself, get out of
isolation, realise your life purpose and start moving on while sharing the knowledge you have
(4) It is crucial that you always to control the situation. When it is impossible, you begin to apply
obstacles and restrictions to other people or circumstances. This usually does not bring you the
desired result, but it affects your physical condition in the form of boils, abscesses, tumours of
various kinds. Therefore, it is useless to control a specific narrow area and not let go of
something. It would be more suitable to launch projects on a global scale, some super-tasks.
This way, you can feel more comfortable and predictable without being distracted by the control
of current trifles.
(13) Your primary role is to change processes, transform the way of working of the whole
collectives, destroy old, reconsider values and start everything from scratch. When everything
gets boring, bland, monotonous and burdensome in your own life, but at the same time there is
no possibility to change something, then illnesses appear. You almost show that it is necessary
to radically eliminate everything old (from changing weight, cutting hair, to changing the country
of residence). The illness can even deprive you of life if you do not carry out significant
transformations in your lifestyle, views on the world or change your body.
Circulatory system, nervous system, lymphatic system, immune system,
those organs that are found throughout the body, general failure of the
Personal recommendations
(14) You need to have a certain degree of inner freedom from the materiality of the world, filling
with energy, life with emotions that can be expressed in creativity. If you live everyday life without
following the rhythms of the energies of the surrounding world, without spiritual development,
problems with the energy filling of the body begin. Various fluid systems suffer from this:
circulatory, lymphatic. Questions about your life purpose may start to torture you at the initial
stage before the expression of diseases. At this moment, you have to listen to yourself, find your
way in life, start something creative, get out of the routine in order to live unlike everyone else.
Thus, health problems can be avoided. It is good to learn to feel subtle energies, get inspiration
from the outside, and listen to yourself. It will be possible to materialise energy messages and
essential information in the form of paintings, poems and other works of art.
(10) You have to learn to accept help from the surrounding people, colleagues, friends, especially
from your genus and family. If you deliberately shut yourself out and show your independence,
the most severe problems with health up to the formation of cancerous tumours may arise.
There may also be other diseases that restrict the freedom of movement and whole life so that
you will be forced to ask close ones for help. It is worth learning to trust people, recognising
yourself as part of the family, feel support and protection. You should not be alone with problems
and need to accept help with gratitude. In this way, health will begin to improve.
(6) Your life purpose is uniting, cultivating information, energy, people’s actions. It is helpful for
you to do collaborative work or direct the team. In the worst case, the presence of multiple
diseases simultaneously is possible. A consultation with a number of specialists will also be
required. It is important to identify all health problems and solve them centrally since they have
the exact origin. In this case, the team professionals will also help eliminate the underlying cause
of various issues in the body.