Загрузил Hussam Yusuf

ClassicXP 1980s Instruction Manual

Ditch the GPS. Take off into the Past.
1980’s V1.00 – 05th SEPTEMBER 2021
Please follow these instructions to avoid causing irreparable problems with your X-Plane
installation. Under no circumstances should you put our files into your default X-Plane
This is tested with X-Plane 11.53. It may work with other versions of X-Plane 11.5x, but Laminar
changes the file format every so often so chances are it will not work with older versions of X-Plane.
First step is to make a second (or third as appropriate) copy of X-Plane 11. This way all modifications
will be made to the copy and your primary installation, with all your payware scenery, etc. installed
will be safe and not liable to irreparable damage.
There are two ways to make a second copy.
a) Run X-Plane 11 Installer.exe, select “Install a Second Copy of X-Plane” and follow instructions
b) Manually make a copy.
Personally I go down the second route. It is more fiddly than doing it automatically, but because you
only copy what you need to it is quicker. I am assuming, of course, that you are comfortable with the
basics of file and folder copying.
Here are my tips.
“Aircraft” folder. You can save time and disk space by only copying the aircraft you need.
For example if you are running 1980s scenery then why would you want to be flying a
Boeing 777 or A330? I’m not sure if you absolutely need the Laminar Research aircraft. If
your main steed is a 3rd party aircraft like the FJS 727 or 732 or the Felis 742, I think you
will only need the Laminar Aircraft if you want to run AI aircraft or for training scenarios
“Custom Scenery” folder. My advice here is to ONLY copy the MisterX_Library. My
scenery should only be using Mister X objects, if you receive any error notices please send
me an email and I will make the appropriate corrections.
- Do not copy the Aerosoft airports.
- If you use Ortho scenery you DO NOT need to copy the folders from your default XPlane installation. You can simply link the folders from your main X-Plane installation,
it saves a huge amount of disk space and time!
- You need the “Global Airports” folder with the “Earth.nav data” sub folder, but this
folder should be empty. Don’t install any Global Airports or they will interfere with
the historic airport files.
“Global Scenery”. You will need the default X-Plane scenery installed for the regions to
which you wish to fly. If you have the world installed in your main X-Plane installation it’s
probably as easy to copy them across. You can of course download any geographical areas
at a later date if/as necessary.
Copy everything else, including the files in the X-Plane root folder. Create a shortcut of the XPlane.exe file and call it something more appropriate, eg X-Plane 1980. That way you can start the
historic sim directly from your desktop.
Each airport is contained in it’s own Zip file which can be downloaded from the Dropbox folder listed
on the 747classic forum. Unzip each airport and place the folder in the \Custom Scenery folder. SID,
STAR, Airport and Approach charts are contained in a pdf file within each airport folder. You can elect
to leave the pdf there or move it to a more convenient folder of your choice.
Unzip the ClassicXP80vX.XX.zip file into a dummy folder. All files are in folders with the same directory
tree structure and name as the appropriate folder in X-Plane, so it’s easy to transfer them. Because
you are doing all of this in a secondary installation and have your original X-Plane installation
untouched on your computer you shouldn’t need to back up any files, you can just copy and overwrite. It is good practice to take a couple of seconds to double check that you are working with your
“historic” X-Plane folders (not your original main X-Plane installation) before you copy anything, just
to be sure.
The files to be copied are:
\Resources\default data\earth_awy.dat
\Resources\default data\earth_fix.dat
\Resources\default data\earth_hold.dat
\Resources\default data\earth_msa.dat
\Resources\default data\earth_nav.dat
\Resources\default scenery\default apt dat\Earth nav data\apt.dat
There are 2 other files which need modification. As they contain Laminar data, I’m not including
modified files, I’d prefer you to edit then using Notepad.
File 1. The original \Resources\default data\earth_mora.dat remains. As all the .dat files need the
same cycle dates open the file with Notepad, and replace the first 2 lines with the following text:
1150 Version - data cycle 1611, build 20161011, metadata MORAXP1150. Copyright (c) 2020 Navigraph, Datasource Jeppesen
File 2. I found XP start-up errors pointing to the \Resources\default scenery\default atc dat\Earth nav
data\atc.dat file. By deleting everything except the 3 header lines and the first CONTROLLER to
CONTROLLER_END section (ie so that only the data for FACILITY_ID ZGD is left) the errors were
removed. This would only be an issue for you if you want to use the X-Plane default ATC.
That should be it, go ahead and run X-Plane!
Note: This is an early version of this manual. There may be issues with some of my files or with these
instructions. If X-Plane doesn’t run for you and the problem can’t be figured out straight away then
please post a query on 747classic.freeforums.net. Hopefully there aren’t any major problems, or we’ll
iron any errors out quickly, but please bear with me, I’m not a software developer and there are bound
to be some issues with distributing and transferring what’s been running only on my PC for the last
couple of years.
Airport charts are contained within the appropriate airport’s zip file as noted on the previous page of
this document. I will be working on how to provide enroute (airway) data shortly, either by way of
scanned charts or as a data file in XP itself. (See also the comments to follow about Magnetic
I would strongly suggest that you use a superb piece of software called Little Navmap (Google is your
friend). This will allow you to see the airport layout (or at the very basic level check that the airport
you intend to fly to is actually modelled!) and navaids. At some stage in the future I may add waypoint
and airway data in which case Little Navmap could be used as an enroute chart.
This scenery modification will remove all airports and navigation aids from X-Plane and replace them
with backdated information appropriate to the 1980s. It should work with both default X-Plane
scenery and ortho scenery.
Airports are 2D only. If you want eye-candy then this scenery will not be for you.
Some airports may not have any Gates. In such cases it is possible to start on a runway and slew your
aircraft onto a ramp to a more suitable position.
Start X-Plane with your aircraft at a runway end.
Open the map (press the M key) and in the top right-hand corner of the map window select “VFR
sectional” as the map Mode.
Now left mouse click on the Aircraft Symbol, which will turn yellow. You can drag it with the mouse
(holding the left button down) to any position on the airport and then use the Heading selector to
alter the aircraft orientation as you wish.
A MAJOR SHORTFALL OF X-PLANE is that the Magnetic Declination model is hard-coded into the sim,
and it is updated to current day. Magnetic Declination changes over time as the earth’s Magnetic
North Pole moves. This means that magnetic headings from 50-year old (or even 10-year old) charts
will not match what you see in X-Plane. There is unfortunately at present no way round this within XPlane.
I get around this limitation by using external instruments drawn by a 3 rd party software called Air
Manager (www.siminnovations.com). By using custom magnetic declination models appropriate to
the scenery what you see in your instrumentation will match what you see on the charts. I might add
more specifics to this manual, but for now more information is available at 747classics.freeforums.net.
I hope you enjoy using this scenery. If you have any corrections to or suggestions for this document
please contact me through the forum or email address noted on the cover page.