Uploaded by alfiyakhaziyeva82

My world

The world around me
Everyone has his own world. My world consists of my family, my friends,
my school, my hobbies. Every part of my world means much to me.
The family is one of the main parts of my world. My family is not large. I live
with my mother, my father and my brother .My parents raised me. I must love and
respect them because they are my most valuable treasure. I believe my parents
always will support me. My brother is 7 years old and he goes to school. I like to
play with him. I like spending time with my family. We watch films, have a talk,
and celebrate holidays together. We are very friendly and happy together. I love
Friends are a joy of my life. Every day they give me a good mood. I spend
with my friends a lot of time. We often have a rest together. They became part of
my life. We always help each other. And sometimes we have disagreement. But we
soon forgive each other. I cannot imagine my life without them. I think my friends
I have many interests. When I have free time, I like to do many things. I like
to ride a bike, to play football and to read. I can play football very well. It is my
favourite hobby. I usually play it with friends in our yard. I also ride a bike in spring
and summer. I like to watch films, listen to music. I am fond of chess. Three times
a week I go to a chess club. Also I am interested in English. Twice a week I attend
an English language club. I can read and write well, but I can’t speak English well
Education take the main part of my day. In school I have 6 lessons each day.
Then all evening I do my homework. I like to go to school. I guess my life would
be worse and not such interesting if I did not study at school. At school I learn many
new things, I meet my friends. My favourite subject is English. Maybe I will connect
my future profession with this subject.
I value every moment in my life, because life is one for us and we should live
it not in vain. I love my world.