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Устав клуба “Австралийских любителей поесть в шкафу”

The charter of the club “Australian enthusiast of eating in the wardrobe”
We, citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia, taking into account the
growing popularity of solitary eating in the wardrobe and the need to
protect its adherents, decided on May 13, 2023, to establish an open society of
Australian enthusiasts of eating in the wardrobe led by the founders
Anastasia Dorogina, Arina Subbotko, and Daria Krylasova.
Mission Statement of “Australian enthusiast of eating in the wardrobe”
We, the first organizers, created the club “Australian enthusiast of eating in the
wardrobe” for everyone who wants to join the culture of solitary eating in closets,
cabinets and other enclosed furniture. The goal of our organization is to create a
friendly and open community that helps its members to protect their interests, meet
with associates and spread the values of the club.
Rules of admission to the club
1. The future participant shall know one of the members of the club
2. The future participant shall add a new recipe to the club's cookbook
3. The future participant should not have claustrophobia
Rules for leaving the club
1. It is necessary to sign a document that confirms that a former member of the
club will not tell anyone about the club
2. It is necessary to hand over all the items received in the club
Supreme Eater is responsible for compliance with the rules of the charter by the
members of the club, responsible for amendments.
Master of food affairs is responsible for organization of the club meetings,
responsible for public relations and official organizations.
Inspector is responsible for the distribution finances of the club, collecting monthly
fines and purchasing necessary things for club meetings.
Meetings of the club: time and place
Meetings shall take place upon the fifth day of the month. The exception is the
months in which the fifth day of the number falls on Friday. The place shall be
assigned in advance three days before the meeting in a room in which the presence
of closets, cabinets and other enclosed furniture is mandatory.
Meetings of the club: purpose and activities
The purpose of the monthly meetings is to gather all enthusiasts of eating in the
wardrobe, as well as to discuss where it is better to carry out the act of eating food,
how much the act should be in time, what kind of food is better to eat. At the end of
each meeting, participants will be given the opportunity to eat alone in an individual
cupboard the food that was prepared at the meeting.
Amendment procedure
1. The person responsible for amending the articles of association is Supreme
2. Amendments are made subject to the consent of all members of the club.
3. Amendments are made to the charter by voting by members of the club.
Symbols of the club
1. Club members are not required to wear a dress-code to meetings, but it is
mandatory for club members to have their own extended set of cutlery, as well
as a special collar.
2. As a distinctive sign, club members shall use a special badge with an
inverted plate of spaghetti placed in a black square
Responsibilities of club members and organizers:
1. All members and organizers shall take part in activities of the Club;
2. All members and organizers shall adhere to the requirements of this
3. All members and organizers shall observe the norms of morality and
ethics of behavior
Rights of club members and organizers:
1. All members and organizers shall wear the club symbols at any time
and place.
2. All members and organizers shall attract everyone to the club.
3. All members and organizers shall eat outside the wardrobe before and
after club meetings.
4. All members shall run for the post of club organizer.
5. All members and organizers shall offer ideas and forms of club events
and take part in preparation.