ELECTRO-MAGNETIC REMOTE SENSING DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY CENTRE (EMRS-DTC) Forward scattering radar power budget analysis for ground targets V. Sizov, M. Cherniakov and M. Antoniou Abstract: An accurate approach to power budget analysis for forward scattering radar with application to the detection of ground targets is presented. A modification of the range equation is used, and the results of experimental testing for its confirmation are given. 1 Introduction Forward scattering radar (FSR) is a subclass of bistatic radar (BR), where the desired radar signal is formed via the shadowing of the direct (transmitter-to-receiver) signal by the target body [1]. The use of a target’s shadow as the signal is perhaps the main peculiarity of FSR. This has two important consequences: the FSR operational area is restricted to a relatively narrow spatial viewing angle along the transmitter–receiver baseline, and the system is robust to target’s reflection properties. Therefore even though the operational area of FSR is somewhat limited, this system has an inherent ability to detect stealth targets [2–5]. In some literature [4], the target signal in FSR is characterised by a target shadow pattern. As a first approximation, it corresponds to the gain pattern of a flat antenna whose aperture shape coincides with the target’s silhouette. Another mutually related pair of FSR features is the absence of range resolution and, consequently, the long coherence time of the received signals [4, 6]. As a result, FSR is sensitive to the presence of clutter created by foliage around the FSR location. At the same time, due to the absence of target fluctuations, it becomes possible to apply the so-called shadow inverse synthetic aperture algorithms (SISAR) [7], which possess a unique Doppler resolution and are the base for efficient automatic target recognition [7–10]. There are not many publications dedicated to FSR or FSR-related issues. Nevertheless, over recent years, the number of publications has increased, indicating a rising interest in this topic. Different aspects have been discussed for the further improvement in the FSR system performance through the use of multi-frequency [11] and wideband [12] modulated signals. The use of multi-static FSR was investigated in [13] and rather complex signal processing algorithms were proposed in [14]. Earlier research in FSR has mainly been concentrated around air targets detection [15 – 18], the estimation of their coordinates [19 – 21] and around automatic target classification [7 –10]. # The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2007 doi:10.1049/iet-rsn:20060174 Paper first received 14th December 2006 and in revised form 13th July 2007 V. Sizov is with the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Pas. 4806, Building 5, Zelonograd, Moscow 124498, Russia M. Cherniakov and M. Antoniou are with the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK E-mail: mxa042@bham.ac.uk IET Radar Sonar Navig., 2007, 1, (6), pp. 437 – 446 In a set of recent publications, forward scattering microradar for ground vehicle detection and especially automatic classification has been discussed [6, 22– 28]. In this type of radar, the transmitting and receiving antennas are positioned directly on the ground. It was demonstrated with the help of numerous experimental confirmations that ground vehicles crossing the baseline could be reliably detected and identified. In many practical applications, the operational range of this radar was shown to be hundreds of metres, due to the local horizon and the peculiarity of the landscape. Despite the fact that FSR has been around since the 1930s, and FSR measurements of ground targets such as ships [29] and air targets [5] have been addressed in literature for many years, practically all published work in this area describes different aspects of FSR assuming that the system operates with targets which are large in comparison with the radar wavelength. Under this assumption, the optical approximation may be applied for the target’s radar cross-section (RCS) consideration and the investigation of diffraction effects. In this paper, we focus on the power budget analysis in FSR for ground target detection. The difference in our analysis lies mainly with the FSR configuration employed; radar antennas are positioned directly on the ground, so ground reflections are taken into account. Furthermore, the targets considered have dimensions comparable to the radar operating wavelengths (from 4.5 to 0.35 m), so the geometric optics approximation is non-applicable. Such FSR configuration can be used in microsensors wireless networks for situation awareness, the concept of which is given in [30]. In spite of the short operational range of the system, a thorough power budget analysis is vitally important as the microsensors would be battery-operated. The modification of the conventional radar range equation is also considered, and confirmation of the power budget for ground FSR through experimental testing is provided. 2 Generalised power budget equation for BR A simplified BR topology is shown in Fig. 1. It is also applicable to the FSR configuration. First, let us consider the system topology without the presence of a target (Fig. 1a). Here, the x and y axes specify the ground plane. The line between the transmit and receive antennas is the baseline. The origin of the coordinate system is on the baseline. The distances dT and dR denote the transmitter-to-origin and receiver-to-origin distances, so d ¼ dT þ dR is the transmitter-to-receiver baseline 437 In practice, all these parameters (except PT) depend on the system’s geometry or viewing angles (Fig. 1b) PR 4ps(aT , bT , aR , bR ) ¼ GT (aT , bT )GR (aR , bR ) PT l2 (2) LT (aT , bT )LR (aR , bR ) Equation (2) is quite accurate for BR and FSR regarding air targets, where the transmitter-to-target and target-to-receiver distances as well as the target’s height are much larger than the target dimensions [5]. In this case, the target can be considered as a point target, and both the incident wave to the target and the wave scattered from the target towards the receiver can be presented as plane waves. Additionally, such systems have antennas with narrow beams, pointed in the direction of the air target which is usually located far from the baseline. Hence, the direct leakage signal between the transmitter and the receiver may be neglected. It is known that ground reflections distort antenna patterns and deflect them from the ground at a higher elevation angle [1, 33, 34]. The ground-based FSR differs from the conventional BR and FSR on several major points. Fig. 1 BR and FSR topology a For leakage signal b For target signal length and hT and hR are the transmitting and receiving antennas’ heights relevant to the flat ground surface. Without the target’s presence, there are only two rays received, the direct ray R1 and the ray reflected from the ground R2 . The sum of these two rays creates a so-called leakage signal. The two-ray path (TRP) propagation model above flat ground is well known [1, 31– 34] and is used for a simplified system analysis. A more complex propagation scenario is also important for many real conditions, but it is beyond the scope of this article to consider this scenario here. In Fig. 1a, the ground-reflected wave is substituted with the direct wave from the mirror image of the antenna, having the same path length and viewing angles as the reflected wave. When a target is situated near the baseline (Fig. 1b), four additional rays are considered for the target signal: two direct rays, namely the transmitter-to-target (R3) and target-to-receiver (R5), as well as their reflected counterparts (R4 and R6). The angles bT and bR are the target’s azimuth angles viewed from the transmitter and the receiver, respectively, aT and aR are the elevation angles of the target with respect to the transmitter and the receiver. These angles will hereafter be referred to as the target’s ‘viewing angles’ and they are different for each ray. The generalised power budget or, equivalently, the range equation for any BR including FSR, can be written in analogy to the monostatic one [1] as PR 4ps ¼ GT GR 2 LT LR PT l (1) where PR is the power received from the target, PT the transmitted power, GT and GR the gains of the transmitting and receiving antennas in the target’s direction, l the wavelength, s the target’s RCS and LT and LR the propagation losses due to the transmitter-to-target and target-to-receiver paths, respectively. 438 The transmitting and receiving antennas (and microradar modules themselves), as well as the target, are placed on the ground’s surface, so, the target’s viewing angles are very close to 0 in elevation. The wave reflected from the ground has practically zero grazing angle. At low grazing angles, the propagation loss increases significantly (with 1/d 4 decay) as d increases [31]. For real ground, the propagation loss not only depends on the frequency, but also increases with frequency. Wave propagation properties dictate the use of operating frequencies in the VHF and UHF bands, practically not more than 1 GHz, and usually near 60– 400 MHz, with wavelengths in the order of metres. The dimensions of typical ground targets (people, cars) are comparable to these wavelengths. Therefore the conventional optical representation of target scattering as a wave shadowing caused by the target’s silhouette cannot be used. The description of a target as a small (point) one, with a practically isotropic RCS pattern is more applicable in this case and much simpler to analyse. The antennas’ patterns, as well as the target’s RCS pattern, are formed near the reflecting ground, in the near-field region. The usual far-field assumption may not be applicable in these conditions, or at least this needs to be confirmed experimentally. The antennas used in microradar sensors have practically no directivity because of their small dimensions and must be omni-directional if they are distributed randomly in space (for instance, if they are dropped from an aeroplane or vehicle). The direct leakage signal in FSR exceeds any other signal, including the one scattered from the target as well as other objects (obstacles, trees, buildings etc.), and therefore plays a significant part in the power budget analysis for FSR. In the following sections, we will investigate how all these factors affect the power budget in FSR. 3 Propagation loss The analysis of propagation loss is well known for communication [31, 32] and radar [1, 33] systems. Two propagation models are usually considered: the free-space IET Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 1, No. 6, December 2007 model, assuming that there are no ground reflections, and the TRP model, which includes ground reflections. 3.1 uL ¼ Free-space model The received power in the free-space propagation model is defined as [1, 31– 33] l 2 PR ¼ PT GT GR ¼ PT GT GR LFS (3) 4pd where d is the baseline distance and LFS ¼ (l/4pd )2 is the free-space propagation loss. A target may be considered as the receiver for the incident wave and as the transmitter for the scattered wave. 3.2 TRP model (4) where G is the complex ground reflection coefficient, depending on the ground properties, as well as the grazing angle, wavelength and antennas’ polarisation. The reflection coefficient is derived from Maxwell’s equations as [31, 32] qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1g sin u 1g cos2 u qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi or G v (u ) ¼ 1g sin u þ 1g cos2 u (5) qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 sin u 1g cos u qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi G h (u ) ¼ sin u þ 1g cos2 u for vertically polarised (VP) and horizontally polarised (HP) waves, respectively, where u ¼ a2 ¼ arctan(hT þ hR)/d is the grazing angle (Fig. 1) and 1g ¼ 1r 2 j(s/2pf10) is the complex relative dielectric permittivity of the ground with relative dielectric constant 1r and conductivity s (different types of ground surface have different values of 1r and s; examples of typical ground parameters can be found in [31, 32]); 10 ¼ 8.85 10212 F/m is the dielectric constant. IET Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 1, No. 6, December 2007 l l e jw1 þ G(l, a2 ) e jw2 4pR1 4pR2 (6) and the propagation loss for the TRP model is the same as the received leakage power (with unity antennas’ gains and transmitted power) LTR ¼ PL ¼ juL j2 (7) It is easy to show [31] that for d . .hT , hR and perfect conductive ground (having G ¼ 21, i.e. independent from polarisation and wavelength), (7) reduces to LTR ¼ Let us consider the TRP model for the leakage power (Fig. 1a). The same consideration can be applied to the transmitter-to-target and target-to-receiver paths (Fig. 1b). In this model, the transmitted power arrives at the receiver via two different paths: a direct path (as in free space, R1 in Fig. 1a) and a reflected path from the ground (R2). The total received power is a result of the interference between these two waves, received with their own magnitudes and phases. For simplicity, it is assumed that the transmitting and receiving antennas are isotropic, and the transmitter radiates unit power, so that PTGT(aT , bT)GR(aR , bR) ¼ 1 in (1). Thep path lengths of the rays R1 and p R2 are equal to R1 ¼ (d 2 þ (hT 2 hR)2), and R2 ¼ (d 2 þ (hT þ hR)2), where all the variables were defined in Section 2. The absolute phases of these rays at the receiving point are proportional to their path lengths, w1 ¼ 2pR1/l and w2 ¼ 2pR2/l (supposing that w ¼ 0 at the transmitting antenna). The magnitude of the direct wave at the receiving antenna is decreased by the free-space loss associated with range R1 , that is, U1 ¼ l/4pR1 . The reflected wave, R2 , apart from the corresponding free-space loss U2 ¼ l/ 4pR2 , experiences changes in its amplitude and phase, caused by its ground reflection. Thus, the total direct signal is the sum of two rays uL ¼ U1 e jw1 þ G U2 e jw2 The direct leakage signal in (4) can then be re-written as h2T h2R d4 (8) so that the TRP loss depends only on the geometry. This approximation is widely used for the prediction of propagation loss in both communication [31, 32] and radar [35] systems. For real ground conditions, the ground reflection coefficient depends on the frequency. In this case, the TRP loss becomes frequency-dependent. As mentioned above, the TRP model is known and has been experimentally confirmed in communication systems with the antenna heights exceeding the wavelength. To confirm the applicability of this theory at very small antenna heights, experiments have been conducted at different operating frequencies in the VHF (151 MHz) and UHF (433 and 869 MHz) bands. VP antennas were used. Both the transmitting and receiving antenna heights were 30 cm above the ground. The experiments were done on a flat field (an athletic stadium) where the ground was wet and covered by grass (1r ¼ 25, s ¼ 0.05, typical values for wet ground, were used in our calculations). A comparison between the measured loss and the one predicted using (4) – (6) at each of the three used frequencies is shown in Fig. 2. The predicted analytical results are presented on the graph as solid lines and the measured data appear as a set of dots. Theoretical and experimental results are compared well at all frequencies. The same experiment was repeated a number of times with approximately the same output. This means that for our particular configuration, the TRP can be considered as an accurate model. Fig. 2 TRP path propagation loss 439 4 4.1 Target FS RCS Geometric optics hypothesis The geometric optics hypothesis assumes that 1. the target’s dimensions are much greater than the wavelength (for example, for a sphere with radius a, the condition 2pa/l . 10 should be satisfied [33]) and 2. the target is at the far-field of the transmitting and the receiving antennas. Under these conditions, the target’s FS RCS is equal to [4] sF ¼ 4p 2 SA l (9) where SA is the effective area of the target’s shape intercepting the transmitting antenna’s beam (hereafter referred to as the target’s silhouette). As demonstrated above, it appears that the FS RCS pattern sF (aT , bT , aR , bR) corresponds to the gain pattern of a flat antenna with the same shape as the target’s silhouette and aperture area SA . This definition of FS RCS is widely used in conventional FSR systems operating in GHz frequencies, where the wavelengths are much smaller than a typical target’s dimensions. 4.2 RCS in diffraction regions When the target’s dimensions are comparable to the wavelength (or smaller), the wave diffracted around the target illuminates the shadow behind the target, decreasing the FS RCS. The exact solution for this RCS value can be obtained analytically by solving Maxwell’s equations. This solution generally exists for a number of simple shapes with some kind of central or axis symmetry in the back-scattering (BS) direction [34, 36]. For targets with a complex shape, RCS measurements are usually performed on reduced (scaled) target models on an appropriately scaled (multiplied) frequency. This technique was used in some previous work [5, 22, 26]. In some cases, a direct RCS measurement of the actual target itself is possible [1, 33, 34]. The development of computer simulation techniques makes it possible to obtain a numerical solution of Maxwell’s equations for targets with a complex shape. The complexity of the model and the precision of the calculations are limited only by computing power computer. We used the three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation (3D EMS) package CST Microwave Studio to predict the FS RCS for both simple and complex targets. A detailed description of the simulation procedure is outside the scope of this article, but some examples can be found in the software documentation. Here we will briefly consider the RCS simulation results for a sphere as an example – the object which was used for our experimental testing of FSR power budget. The analytical equation for the BS RCS of a perfectly conductive sphere with the radius R is given in [35, 36]. In Fig. 3, simulated monostatic (BS) and FS RCS values for a sphere are plotted as functions of the normalised parameter p ¼ 2pR/l, which is the ratio of the sphere’s circumference to the wavelength. The analytical BS RCS is also plotted for comparison. The RCS values (given in dB) are normalised to the BS RCS of the sphere in the optical region (where p . 10), s0 ¼ pR 2. 440 We can see from Fig. 3 that the simulated BS RCS values (points) are in very good accordance with the analytical results (lines) for all values of p. So, it can be concluded that the EMS package provides a sufficiently precise tool for target RCS prediction. The FS RCS has practically no resonance oscillations and is in good accordance with its optical presentation (6) for short wavelengths ( p . 2). In the high frequency part of the resonance region ( p . 1.3) and the optical region ( p . 10), the FS RCS exceeds the BS RCS. In the Rayleigh region ( p , 0.5), the FS RCS has the same decay of 240 dB/decade, but is about 10 dB less than the BS RCS. This is caused by wave diffraction around the sphere at low frequencies. Diffracted waves partially light up the shadow region behind the target and decrease the FS RCS. Hence, the usual view that the FS RCS is bigger than the BS RCS [4] is only true for short wavelengths. If the wavelength is longer than the target’s characteristic dimension (the sphere’s circumference in our example), the FS RCS is less than the BS RCS. 5 TRP model for target signal Let us consider the target as a receiving antenna for the incident waves and as a transmitting antenna for the scattered waves towards the receiver. The TRP propagation model is applied for both of these cases. For the signal received from the target, we should consider four waves R3 2 R6 (Fig. 1b). The waves R3 and R4 are the direct incident and reflected waves to the target, respectively, and R5 and R6 are the direct and reflected waves scattered from the target to the receiver. The wave p R3 has a path length R3 ¼ ((dT 2 y)2 þ (z 2 hT)2 þ x 2), a free-space loss factor U3 ¼ l/4pR3 and a path phase shift w3 ¼ 2pR3/l. This wave is incident on the target at viewing angles a3 ¼ arctan ((z 2 hT)/R3) and f3 ¼ arctan x/(dT 2 y). Similarly, the path lengths, loss factors, phases and viewing angles for waves R4 2 R6 can be found to be qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi R4 ¼ (dT y)2 þ (z þ hT )2 þ x2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi R5 ¼ (dR þ y)2 þ (z hR )2 þ x2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi R6 ¼ (dR þ y)2 þ (z þ hR )2 þ x2 Fig. 3 RCS of the sphere IET Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 1, No. 6, December 2007 2pRi , l Ui ¼ a4 ¼ arctan z hT , R3 a6 ¼ arctan z þ hR R6 wi ¼ b4 ¼ b3 ¼ arctan l , 4pRi where i ¼ 3, 4, . . . , 6 a5 ¼ arctan x , dT y z hR , R5 b6 ¼ b5 ¼ arctan x dR þ y (10) As seen in Fig. 1, each of the incident waves (R3 and R4) produces two additional waves (R5 and R6) scattered from the target. As a result, the transmitted signal arrives at the receiver via four different transmitter – target – receiver paths: R3 – 5 , R3 – 6 , R4 – 5 and R4 – 6 . By applying (1) to all these paths, the corresponding components of the target signal may by written in a complex form as pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4psF (l, a3 , b3 , a5 , b5 ) j(w3 þw5 ) u3–5 ¼ U3 e U5 l pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4psF (l, a3 , b3 , a6 , b6 ) u3–6 ¼ U3 e j(w3 þw6 ) U6 G(l, a6 ) l pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4psF (l, a4 , b4 , a5 , b5 ) j(w4 þw5 ) u4–5 ¼ U4 e G(l, a4 ) U5 l pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4psF (l, a4 , b4 , a6 , b6 ) j(w4 þw6 ) u4–6 ¼ U4 e G(l, a4 ) l U6 G(l, a6 ) (11) The total target’s signal is utg ¼ u3–5 þ u3–6 þ u4–5 þ u4–6 (12) and the total target’s received power is Ptg ¼ jutg j2 (13) If we consider the point target having an isotropic RCS pattern, the target’s RCS does not depend on viewing angles and is a constant, sF(l, ai , bi , ai , bi) ¼ sF , so (11) and (12) may be significantly reduced to pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4psF [U3 e jw3 þ G(l, a4 ) U4 e jw4 ] utg ¼ l [U5 e jw5 þ G(l, a6 ) U6 e jw6 ] Comparing the previous equation with (6) and (7), the power received from the target is 4psF jU3 e jw3 þ G(l, a4 ) U4 e jw4 j2 jU5 e jw5 l2 4ps þ G(l, a6 ) U6 e jw6 j2 ¼ 2 F LT tg LtgR (14) l Ptg ¼ jutg j2 ¼ where LT2tg is the TRP loss for the incident wave to the target and Ltg2R the equivalent loss for the scattered wave from the target to the receiver. For the point target approximation, (14) coincides with (1). Because of the fact that the TRP propagation loss occurs twice in the target signal according to (14), the received target’s power decreases dramatically with distance, with IET Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 1, No. 6, December 2007 a decay of 1/d 8. The TRP loss for the leakage signal is proportional to 1/d 4 (8). Let us consider, for example, an FSR with a carrier frequency of 150 MHz or a wavelength of 2 m. The baseline distance d is 200 m. A target is situated on the middle of the baseline, so dR ¼ dT ¼ 100 m. Let us suppose now that the transmitting and receiving antennas have heights hT ¼ hR ¼ 0.3 m, and the target’s height is htg ¼ 1 m. For simplicity, isotropic antennas with GR ¼ GR ¼ 1 are used. We also assume that the target has an RCS of 10 dB sm, and the transmitted power equals 1 mW. For perfect conductive ground, the leakage power is defined by (8) PL ¼ PT GT GR h2T h2R 0:34 ¼ 1 1 1 ’ 113 dBm d4 2004 The power received from the target is calculated by (14) 2 2 Ptg ¼ PT GT GR ¼111 2 2 4ps hT htg htg hR 4 4 dT dR l2 12:56 10 0:34 14 ’ 166 dBm 1008 22 For real ground conditions (average ground with 1 ¼ 15, s ¼ 0.005), the leakage power must be calculated by (5) – (7), which gives PL ’ 2 94.4 dBm. The target power, calculated by (10) – (13), is Ptg ’ 2 136.8 dBm. So, the target’s power is much less than the direct leakage power. The leakage power exceeds the target power from 40 to 60 dB in many practical situations. In this case, the detection of a static target in the background of the leakage signal is practically impossible in FSR. One practical consequence of the leakage power calculation is that the receiver must have a big enough dynamic band to avoid saturation from the leakage power. Another observation which can be made from this example is the appreciable dependence of the target received power with frequency at real ground conditions, when compared with the perfect ground approximation. At 151 MHz, the calculated value of the leakage power for real ground exceeds the value for perfect ground by 18.6 dB. This seemingly mysterious analytical result, however, fully coincides with the experimental measurements of propagation loss shown in Fig. 2. The difference between real and ideal ground models for target power at this frequency is about 29 dB, which confirms the advantage of using lower frequencies for ground target detection. This is because the real ground reflection properties for higher frequencies are closer to the perfect ground approximation (Fig. 2). When the target is moving, its location changes with time. Consequently, the path lengths for the transmitter-to-target and target-to-receiver rays also vary with time. So, the phase of the target signal is varying as well, causing amplitude and phase modulation in the total signal due to the interference between the target and the leakage signals. This effect is also known as the Doppler effect. Let us now consider the FSR geometry when the target is moving (Fig. 4a). For a moving target, the target signal utg(t) is a function of time, and so is the total received signal uR(t) uR (t) ¼ uL utg (t) When the target crosses the baseline at the same height as the antennas at a time moment t ¼ 0, both the path length 441 Fig. 4 Doppler effect for a moving target in FSR a Target trajectory (azimuth plane projection) b Total received power (dBm) and phase difference between the leakage signal and the target signal is equal to 0, but the target signal’s phase is opposite to that of the leakage signal, and the total signal magnitude UR has a minimum at this point UR ¼ UL Ugt where UL and Utg are the magnitudes of leakage uL and target utg(t) signals defined from (6) and (12), respectively. As the target continues to move, the path differences increase, and the target signal phase reachesp. At this moment, the target signal is in phase with the leakage signal (taking into account that the target signal phase is 2 p compared with the incident wave), and the total signal magnitude reaches its maximum of UR ¼ UL þ Utg . As time progresses, the path phase difference is further increased and reaches 2p at another point, the total signal becomes minimal again and so on. This is illustrated in Fig. 4b. The points of equal path phase with p-steps lie on an ellipsoid surface (the projections of these surfaces in the azimuth plane are shown in the figure as ellipses). As the total signal is the vector sum of the leakage signal and the target signal (Fig. 4b), it has an amplitude and phase modulation when the target is moving. This modulation can be extracted in the receiver, even if it has a very small ratio. The receiver hardware must have an amplitude or phase detector, or alternatively a fast power sensor. If the receiver detects the aforementioned power variations, both the leakage power and the target power can be calculated from the input power’s maximum Pmax ¼ (UL þ Utg)2 and minimum Pmin ¼ (UL 2 Utg)2 values as pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ( Pmax þ Pmin )2 2 PL ¼ UL ¼ 4 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 ( Pmax Pmin ) Ptg ¼ Utg2 ¼ 4 6 (15) (16) Power budget experimental confirmation For the verification of our power budget analysis, experiments were conducted with small, moving targets. Metal spheres were used as calibrated targets with diameters of 13 and 21 cm (Fig. 5a). The RCS of the spheres can be calculated or simulated accurately for all scattering directions. The experiments were performed at 869.8 MHz (l ¼ 34.5 cm). Because of the small dimensions of the spheres, their FS RCS patterns are wide and practically constant for solid viewing angles within 308, so we can consider each of our spheres as a point target in our power budget calculation. At bigger viewing angles, this approximation is incorrect. The simulated FS RCS is 216 dBsm for the smaller sphere and 28.7 dBsm for the bigger one. These values may be obtained from Fig. 3 by using the re-normalisation s ¼ s0 þ 10 log(pR 2). We can see from Fig. 3 that both spheres have dimensions corresponding to the resonance region of diffraction and do not fulfill the geometric optics assumption. They can be considered as small (point) targets, whose location is the same as the location of the geometric centre of the sphere. Such a target has an isotropic RCS pattern, whose value is constant for different viewing angles. Under this assumption, all equations Fig. 5 Pendulum experimental setup a Spherical targets b Experimental setup 442 IET Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 1, No. 6, December 2007 Fig. 6 Pendulum parameters considered above can be applied to calculate the power budget in our case. Each sphere was hung from a beam between two vertical columns, and then swung as a pendulum (Fig. 5b). In our experiments, the ground surface was flat concrete with typical values of e ¼ 7, s ¼ 0.002. The baseline length was 9 m, with the pendulum located along the baseline at 3.9 m from the transmitter (i.e. dT ¼ 3.9 m and dR ¼ 5.1 m). Both the transmitting and receiving antenna heights, hT and hR , were 30 cm. Monopole quarterwavelength antennas EB-608 [37] were used with a gain of about 1.5 dB (measured in free-space conditions at distances of 1, 2 and 3 m, and then averaged). A standard pair of transmitter (TX3A-896-64) and receiver (RX3A-869-10) modules [38] was used. The narrow-band (10 kHz bandwidth) receiver was calibrated to measure input power using its received signal strength indicator output. The output power of the transmitter was attenuated to 23 dBm, so that the factor PTGTGR equals 0 dBm in the power budget equations considered above, and this factor was used for the prediction of experimental data values. The pendulum dimensions are shown in Fig. 6. The hanging point has a height H ¼ 3.35 m. The pendulum’s length L depends on the pendulum’s minimal height ht over the ground surface: L ¼ H 2 ht . The pendulum height, ht , was varied from 0.1 to 1 m in a number of experiments. It is known from basic physics that the pendulum’s period of oscillation is defined as sffiffiffi L T ¼ 2p g where g ¼ 9.81 m/s2 is the acceleration of gravity; it is noted that the pendulum coordinates are time-dependent, so that x(t) ¼ Aeat sin 2pt , T z(t) ¼ ht þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi L2 A2 , y(t) ¼ 0 Fig. 7 Power variation in the pendulum experiment: sphere 13 cm, ht ¼ 1 m a b c d Simulated, ht ¼ 0.1 m Experimental, ht ¼ 0.1 m Simulated, ht ¼ 1 m Experimental, ht ¼ 1 m IET Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 1, No. 6, December 2007 443 Fig. 8 Power variation in the pendulum experiment: sphere 21 cm a b c d Simulated, ht ¼ 0.3 m Experimental, ht ¼ 0.3 m Simulated, ht ¼ 1 m Experimental, ht ¼ 1 m where A is the initial magnitude of the pendulum’s oscillations and a a loss coefficient describing the decrease of the swing’s magnitude due to the resistance of the air. The received power was collected as a data file on the hard drive of a PC. The initial pendulum magnitudes varied from time to time in the experiments and were between 1 and 1.15 m. The loss coefficient was experimentally measured. Its value was a ’ 0.015 and a ’ 0.02 for the 13 and 21 cm spheres, respectively. The measured data are presented in Figs. 7 and 8 and Table 1, in comparison with the predicted signals calculated by (11) – (13). We can see from the figures that the total received power has small oscillations around the value of the leakage power. The measured magnitude of such oscillations is used to estimate the target power by (15) and (16). A comparison between the estimated and measured data is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Comparison between the estimated and measured received power Sphere, cm 13 The measured values of leakage and target power coincide with our theoretical expectations. Let us consider more carefully the character of the predicted and measured total signal’s variation with time. Returning to Fig. 4, let us suppose that the magnitude of the pendulum swing is small, and the phase difference between the target and leakage signals does not exceed p. According to Fig. 4b, the variations in the total received power will have a magnitude proportional to the magnitude of the pendulum swing – a bigger swing will give a bigger magnitude of power variations. The frequency of such variations is constant and equal to the pendulum resonant frequency. This is the principal difference from the conventional view on Doppler effect creation for a moving target, even though the pendulum velocity gradually changes from maximum to zero while the pendulum is swinging. No other frequency components are created in the target signature spectrum – only the pendulum’s ht , m 0.1 L, m 3.25 T, s 3.617 Leakage power, dBm Target power, dBm Target-to-leakage ratio, dB Predicted Measured Predicted Measured Predicted Measured 257.5 257.1 287 286.6 229.5 229.5 13 1 2.35 3.076 257.5 256.8 279.7 279 222.2 222.2 21 0.3 3.05 3.504 257.5 258.2 278.2 278.9 220.7 220.7 21 1 2.35 3.076 257.5 257.8 272.7 273.1 215.2 215.2 444 IET Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 1, No. 6, December 2007 frequency of oscillation. This effect is the result of the short distance travelled by the target during its swinging. We can see this frequency on Figs. 7c and d and 8 at the time interval between 15 and 20 s. This time corresponds to a small pendulum swinging length, decreasing in time due to air resistance. The period of oscillation is exactly equal to the value predicted from the pendulum geometry (Fig. 6) and the pendulum length L given in Table 1. As the pendulum’s swinging increases, the path difference between the direct (leakage) and target paths also increases, causing a proportional rise in the phase difference between the two corresponding signals. If, at some time instants, the phase difference goes through p or 2 p, we can see the pendulum’s frequency of oscillation double. This can be seen in Figs. 7c and d and 8, in the time interval from 0 to 10– 15 s, and in Fig. 7a and b between 15 and 20 s. The magnitude of this second harmonic also depends on the magnitude of the pendulum swing – a bigger magnitude of the second harmonic corresponds to a bigger swinging magnitude. Next, if the swinging magnitude is big enough to create a phase shift of more than 2p between the target and the leakage signals, the third harmonic of the pendulum frequency appears (Fig. 7a), and so on. Thus, in our pendulum experiments, we cannot see continuous ‘Doppler’ spectra corresponding to different pendulum velocities at different pendulum positions, but only a number of harmonics of its resonant frequency. These harmonics are also clearly seen in the measured signals despite the additional noise and clutter signals, as well as the imperfections of the pendulum’s movement caused by wind in real experiment conditions. So, not only the power variations, but also their character is very similar to the predicted one, confirming the validity of the analytic equations derived. 7 Conclusions We have presented here an accurate approach to the power budget analysis for FSR with application to the detection of ground targets. Wave propagation near the ground is well described by the TRP model. This has been experimentally confirmed, even when both antennas are situated on the ground surface with heights less than the radar wavelength. The power received from the target is considered as the interference of several direct and reflected waves. The generalised range equation is applied to each of these rays separately to define their magnitudes. The phases of the rays are determined from their path length. Additionally, for the reflected waves, their complex signal amplitude is weighted by the ground reflection coefficient. Finally, for different rays, different values of FS RCS must be taken into account, since the viewing angles vary for each ray. An additional feature of this consideration is the possibility to predict not only the target power, but the power (and phase) variations in the total received signal for a moving target, in other words the calculation of its Doppler signature. For the point target approximation, where the target’s RCS pattern is isotropic, the equations derived turn into the generalised range equation for BR. The advantage of the proposed technique is the utilisation of the antennas’ patterns and the target’s FS RCS pattern as defined in free space, where they can be either measured or simulated. A 3D EMS software was used to predict the target’s RCS. It was shown that for a target with dimensions comparable IET Radar Sonar Navig., Vol. 1, No. 6, December 2007 to (or less than) the wavelength, the FS RCS can be less than the BS one. Power budget experiments were conducted for a small moving target, approximated as a point target. The measured value of the target’s received power fully coincides with the one predicted from the TRP model. The accurate TRP propagation model under real ground parameters gives a much more optimistic view on the minimum power that can be transmitted in such a configuration. It gives up to 30 dB higher target received power (at 151 MHz) than that obtained using the conventional perfect ground model. So, the transmitting power may be significantly reduced in the microradar module, increasing the battery lifetime. We can therefore draw the conclusion from the above that, in terms of power, the proposed FSR configuration can be used in a microsensor wireless network of FSR nodes, serving as an electronic fence for situation awareness with a long operational lifetime. This network is potentially capable of detecting ground targets such as humans and also of detecting and classifying targets such as vehicles [22 – 28]. 8 Acknowledgments The work reported in this paper was funded (project 2-65) by the Electro-Magnetic Remote Sensing (EMRS) Defence Technology Centre, UK. CST Microwave Studio is a trademark of Computer Simulation Technology, Gmbh. 9 References 1 Barton, D.: ‘Modern radar system analysis’ (Artech House, 1988) 2 Ufimtsev, P.Ya.: ‘Blackbodies and shadow radiation’, Sov. J. Commun. Technol. 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