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КИМ 8 класс английский

1. Match the words with their translation.
1. Freckles
a)Худощавое, вытянутое лицо
2 Obese.
3. Smart
c) Веснушки
4. Slim
d) Тучный
5. Round-faced
e) Круглолицый
6. Bald
f) Стройный
7 Thin-faced
g) Хорошо одетый, модный, изящный
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense (Simple or Continuous).
1. Cuckoos (not build) nests. They (use) the nests of other birds.
2. She usually (drink) coffee, but today she (drink) tea.
3. I’m busy at the moment. I (redecorate) the room.
4. – How you (get) to work as a rule? – I usually (go) by bus but tomorrow I (go) in Tom’s car.
5 You always (write) with your left hand?
6.This car (make) a very strange noise. You (think) it is alright?
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect tense.
1. – The post (come)? – Yes, it …
2. – How long you (know) Mr Pinky? – I (know) him for ten years.
3. – You ever (leave) a restaurant without paying the bill? – No, I …
4. – Why you (not do) your home task? – I (not have) time.
5. I often (see) her but I never (speak) to her.
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous tense.
1. Someone (use) my bicycle. The chain has fallen off.
2. He (study) French for two years and doesn’t even know the alphabet yet.
3. – Mary (cry)? – No, she (not cry), she (peel) onions.
4. She (speak) for an hour on the phone.
5. Mom (shop) all day and she hasn’t a penny left.
1. Choose an appropriate word to complete each sentence. There’s one extra.
raw/ fattening/ well-done/ fresh/ fizzy/ boil/salty
1.Biscuits can be very _________. 2. A healthy diet should contain plenty of _________ fruit
and vegetables. 3. He can’t cook. He doesn’t even know how to __________ an egg. 4. Avoid
________ snacks such as crisps and peanuts. 5. I’d like something __________, sprite or
lemonade for example. 6. She likes her steak ______________.
2. Transform the sentences and use either Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect
1. She has walked 10 km. – _________________________________________ (for 3 hours). 2.
I have been talking to Ann on the phone since 2 o’clock. –
___________________________(just). 3. Nick has learned this poem by heart! –
_________________________________ (all morning)! 4. Mummy has been cooking for 2
hours. – __________________________________ (yet);
3. Fill in the gaps with a, an or the if necessary.
1. There was ___ knock on___ door. I opened it and found ___ small dark man in ___ blue coat
and ___ woolen cap. 2. Peter thinks that this is quite ___ cheap restaurant. 3. He first went to
___ Red Sea in ___ Swedish ship, so as well as learning ___ navigation he had to learn ___
Swedish language. 4. Emma dreams of going to China and see ___ Great Wall. 5. John works
for ___ IBM. He used to work for ___ BP.
4. Complete the sentences with much/many/(a) little/(a) few/a lot/plenty.
1. He isn’t very sociable. He has ___ friends. 2. There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got ___ of
time. 3. She drinks ___ of tea. 4. We must be quick! We’ve ___ time. 5. I’m not busy these
days. I haven’t got ___ to do. 6. I didn’t take ___ pictures on holiday. 7. I can’t tell you the
final decision. I need ___ time.
1. Match the words with their translation
1 again and again
a)шаг за шагом
2. to examine elements b)получить степень магистра
3. step by step
c)снова и снова
4. to get Master’s degree d) изучать элементы
5.pay the bills
e)оплатить счета
2. Transform
1.By the time mum came home her son had cooked the dinner.
2.Sandra had been writing a report for three hours before she realized it was too late.
3. This bridge was built in 1953. .
4.Tom was reading a very interesting book while his dad was watching a football match.
3.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1.He ____________ (give) me the book back, ____________ (thank) for lending it to him and
much; I ___________
(know) that he __________ (read) it because most of the pages ___________ (be) still uncut.
2.He ____________ (keep) looking at her, wondering where he ____________ (see) her before.
3.I ____________ (put) the $10 note into one of my books; but next day it
(take) me ages to find it because I ______________ (forget) which book I _____________ (put)
it into.
4. Fill in correct preposition
1/ The smell of flowers always brings …. wonderful memories of holidays in France
2/ The concert brought… 900$ for charity
3/ She has just brought … a new detective
4/ She was unconscious and it took them ages to bring her …… .
5/ He was brought …. by her aunt
6/ What brought …. the change in education?
1. Match the antonyms.
1. small
2. straight
3. muscular
4. slim
5. thin
6. short
7. fair hair
8. skinny
9. wide
10. in fashion
a) overweight
b) fat
c) narrow
d) dark hair
e) tall
f) weak
g) big
h) frizzy
i) out of fashion
j) thick
2. Transform the sentences from Active into Passive.
1. They cancelled the flight to Rome.
2. Karl Lagerfeld designed these sunglasses.
3. My mum makes this salad with pickled cucumbers and fresh parsley.
4. They offered him a new job.
5. Somebody has cleaned the room.
3.Make these adjectives negative using prefixes IL-; IM-; IR-; IN-.
1. You shouldn’t attend the wedding wearing ________ clothes. FORMAL
2. There is no doubt that cannabis will remain an _____________ drug for the foreseeable future.
3. It is ____________ for you to finish the project on time. POSSIBLE
4. It would be __________ of me to pretend enjoying going out with David. POLITE
5. My brother Joseph can be __________ at times. RESPONSIBLE
4. Read the article and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Anti-fur protestor Heather Mills McCartney is threatening to stalk actress Jennifer Lopez. The
wife of ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney has targeted Ms Lopez because of the singer-actor’s love
of fur. Ms Lopez often attends movie premieres and awards shows wearing expensive fur coats.
She says she wants to be “educated” as to why she should not wear them. She has angered
animal rights activists for many years. They accuse her of making fur fashionable. She has made
it an attractive item for the young and wealthy to want to buy. Ms McCartney’s latest stalking
attempt ended painfully when she lost her prosthetic leg in a fight with security guards at the
New York offices of Ms Lopez’s fashion company. Ms McCartney wanted to deliver a DVD to
Ms Lopez, which contained a documentary of how animals were brutally killed or skinned alive
for their fur. Ms McCartney had to replace her artificial leg in a stairwell, as the guards refused
her entry to a restroom. She promised to continue her crusade against Ms Lopez, and to “show
up” at her home or “get a hold of her at her premieres”.
1. Jennifer Lopez has been arrested for wearing fur coats.
2. Jennifer Lopez makes fur trendy and popular.
3. Ms McCartney lost a leg in a fight with Ms Lopez’s security guards.
4. Ms McCartney promised to precede her crusade against Ms Lopez.
1. Match the words with their translation
1 civil disorder
a) поджог
2. power outage
b)общественный беспорядок
3. terrorism
c) преступление
4. radiation
d)потеря информации
5. arson
e) отключение электричества
6. data loss
f) радиация
7. war
g) терроризм
8 crime.
h) война
2.Put the verb in brackets into the correct form -ing/infinitive.
1.The denied ______________ the window. (break) 2.The baby began _____________ in the
middle of the night. (cry). 3. The decided _____________the homework. (do) 4. I don’t want
__________ to the cinema. (go) 5. Has it stopped ____________ yet? (snow)
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. Please remember ___________off the light when you go out. (turn) 2.She remembered
_____________ the door when she left. (lock) 3. Tom now regrets ____________ what he said.
(say) 4. I am absolutely sure I locked the door. I do remember _____________ it. (lock) 5. The
batteries in the radio need ______________. (change) 6. I need ____________ batteries in the
radio. (change)
4. Choose used to/be used to/get used to + a verb in brackets.
1. When I was a child I _______________ a lot of questions. (ask) 2. Sue lives alone. She It is
not strange for her. She ____________________ alone. (live) 3. Their neighbours are very
noisy, so they have to _________________ to the noise. 4. She’s been in Britain for three
months and she can’t ____________________ on the left. (drive) 5. Mike
_______________________his homework to music. (do) It’s a usual way he does it.
1. Match the words from the columns to make up word combinations on holiday
2. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1.“I am living in Berlin now”, he said.
2.“ My mother isn’t very well,” she said.
3.“ I don’t know what Nina is doing,” said Nick.
4.“You can come and stay at my place,” said Tom.
5.“Don’t open the window!” said mother.
3. Match to form exchanges.
1. I got sunstroke.
a. My purse was stolen.
2. Hope it didn’t spoil your holidays. b. Yes, maybe next year.
3. What happened?
c. How awful!
4. You have to go to Paris one day. d. Really? What happened?
5. We had an awful experience.
e. No, not at all.
1. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb (must, may, can, need, to have to).
1.Sandra _________ not come to me tomorrow - I’ve done the job. 2.There is no need to
rewrite the essay completely – it’s quite good. You _____ only rewrite the third passage.
3. It’s so late, we _______ be going! 4. Students _____________ pay for their education
at private school. 5. You ________ stay at home today.
2. Complete the sentences (Phrasal verb GIVE away - up - up - back - up - away - in).
1.She won $ 500 and gave it all ________. 2.Never give ________, it’s such a wonderful
life! 3.Riding is getting too expensive, I’ll have to give it _______. 4.Tom gave
________ all the books he had borrowed. 5. After several days of freedom, the escaped
prisoner gave himself _______ to the police.
3. Read the text and mark the statements 1-6 True (T) or False (F).
The Attitude to Fast Food
It's OK to eat fast food occasionally but fast food is high in calories. So, if you often eat
hamburgers and chips you can easily become obese (тучный, толстый). You must eat
homemade food because it is healthier.
Everybody knows that fast food is cheap and quick. However fast food is not as tasty as
homemade food. Young people prefer to eat pizzas, hamburgers and French fries but they
should eat soup instead. Fast food companies spend lots of money to make people believe
that fast food is cool. The average American eats three hamburgers with French fries a
week. Is it surprising that many American teenagers are obese? Health care is devoted to
create new eating habits so that we can have a healthier generation.
Obesity can lead to other diseases such as diabetes and heart strokes. This is why
America now starting to fight back against the fast food companies. They are stopping
serving fast food in school cafeterias. Restaurants serving traditional food are opening
1. There's no problem if you sometimes eat fast food. __________
2. You can get fat if you eat hamburgers and chips frequently__________
3. Fast food is very expensive. __________
4. Schools are going to sell fast food, because it is popular. __________
5. Young people prefer eating homemade food. __________
6. Being fat can cause several diseases. __________
1. 1 skydiving.
2 rock climbing
a) ледолазание
b)катание на доске по песку
3. ice climbing
c)затяжные прыжки с парашютом
4. sandboarding
5. underwater hockey
e)катание на специальной доске по снегу
6. snowboarding
f)подводный хоккей
2. Complete the sentences using the words and phrases can’t am was goes were go
1. If I ____ not busy, I’ll visit her. 2.If he ____ attentive, he wouldn’t break things. 3.If she
____ slimmer, she would be much more attractive. 4.If a fire starts, the alarm system
_______ off. 5.If the weather improves, I _____ for a walk. 6.If you don’t give me more
time, I _____ complete the test.
3. Choose the correct word.
1. I think Kobe Bryant is the best basketball member/player.
2. The team swapped sides after the first section/half of the game.
3. Neil is so funny. He takes after/up his father.
4. The hikers used a helmet/climbing rope to pull themselves up the side of the cliff.
5. They were able to beat/win their opponents 3:2.
6. Sam is whizzed/addicted to extreme sports.
7. I’m keen on high jump. I’ve been doing/going it for ten years.
8. There some basketball courses/courts opposite my school.
9. Cricket is a(n) long-lasting/old-fashioned sport. In fact, the rules haven’t changed since
the 19th century.
Final Test
1) Put “the” where necessary.
1. They visited a village in ____ Alps.
2. Have you seen ____ Mount Fuji?
3. She went to ____ United Kingdom to study English.
____ Australia is really an enormous place.
We went to ____ Republic of Ireland and stayed in ____ Dublin.
I often go on holiday to ____ Canary Islands.
_____ Greece gets very hot in the summer.
2) Choose the correct answer.
1. I haven`t _________TV since Sunday.
A. watch B. watched C. watching
2. She has been _________ table tennis since childhood.
A. playing B. played C. play
3. Beth and Jeffrey _____ last week.
A. meet B. meted C. met
4. When I came home, my mother ____ cooking dinner.
A. is B. were C. was
5. We ____ done our homework by three o`clock yesterday.
A. have B. had C. did
6. Have you ______ visited the United States? – No, I have never visited it.
A. ever B. yet C. already
7. I _______ the room while my cousin was listening to music
A. was entering B. enter C. entered
3) Choose the correct sentence.
1. A. If I have a lot of money, I would often travel.
B. If I had a lot of money, I would often travel.
C. If I had a lot of money, I would often travelled.
2. A. If my sister prepared for a test well yesterday, she would have got a
better mark.
B. If my sister had prepared for a test well yesterday, she would get a better mark.
C. If my sister had prepared for a test better, she would have got a better mark.
4) Match the sentence parts:
5) Read the text and complete the sentences choosing A, B or C.
Mass Media
The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and
especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful
possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see
the world and shape our views.
Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively,
but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable
It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to
be bad news. But people aren’t interested in ordinary events. That is why there
are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars,
murders and robberies. Good news doesn’t usually make headlines. Bad news
Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude
on people’s private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories
about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most
intimate moments. The question is - should this be allowed?
The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV
news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that’s an
important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it’s much more
difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of
Still, many people prefer the radio. It’s good to listen to in the car, or in the open
air, or when you do something about the house.
Newspapers don’t react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us
with extra detail, comment and background information.
The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its
main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in
real life and you don’t have to wait for news time on TV.
1) The term the mass media in English refers basically to........
A) TV and radio .
B) the newspapers , magazines, television, video and radio.
C) the newspaper, television and radio.
2) If a person wants......he reads newspapers and watches TV programmes.
A) to have an interview with somebody
B) to overcome fear
C) to be well-informed
3) Good and serious journalists and reporters provide people with.....
A) reliable information
B) gossips
C) advertisements
4) People are interested in.......
A) ordinary events that happen every day
B) current events, different reports and interviews and natural disasters.
C) VIP’s private lives.
5) How do paparazzi earn their living?
A) They ask celebrities a lot of questions and then make a film about them.
B) They follow celebrities, write sensational stories about them and take photos of
them in their most intimate moments.
A) They meet very important people and ask them to take part in their performances.
6) The main source of news for millions of people is.......
A) television B) magazines C) video
7) People like watching TV news more than listening news on the radio
A) TV programmes report the events more objectively than radio programmes
B) Seeing is believing
C) most radio news is bad news
8) ‘The news media’ tell us.......
A) what’s happening in the world
B) about mysterious stories which are untrue or half-true.
C) only about wars, murders and robberies, and crashes.
9) The main advantage of the Internet is......
A) that the news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life
B) that you have to have a computer at home
C) that multimedia web pages with photographs, music and video are very attractive
1.C;2.D;3.G; 4.F; 5.E; 6.B; 7.A;
1. Cuckoos do not build nests. They use the nests of other birds. 2. She usually drinks
coffee, but today she is drinking tea. 3. I’m busy at the moment. I am redecorating the room. 4. –
How do you get to work as a rule? – I usually go by bus but tomorrow I am going in Tom’s car.
5. Do you always write with your left hand? 6. This car is making a very strange noise. Do you
think it is alright?
1. – Has the post come? – Yes, it has. 2. – How long have you known Mr Pinky? – I’ve known
him for ten years. 3. – Have you ever left a restaurant without paying the bill? – No, I haven’t.
4. – Why haven’t you done your home task? – I haven’t had time. 5. I have often seen her but I have
never spoken to her.
4. 1. Someone has been using my bicycle. The chain has fallen off. 2. He has been studying
French for two years and doesn’t even know the alphabet yet. 3. – Has Mary been crying? – No,
she hasn’t been crying, she’s been peeling onions. 4. She has been speaking for an hour on the
phone. 5. Mom has been shopping all day and she hasn’t a penny left
1.1. fattening 2. fresh 3. boil 4. salty 5. fizzy 6. well-done
2. 1. She has been walking for 3 hours. 2. I’ve just talked to Ann. 3. Nick has been learning this
poem all morning! 4. Mummy hasn’t cooked lunch yet.
3. 1. A, the, a, a, a. 2. a 3. the, a, – , the 4. the 5. the, the
4. 1. few 2. plenty of 3. a lot of 4. little 5. much 6. many 7. a little
1. 1.c;2.d;3.a;4.b;5.e;
2. 1.By the time mum came home her son hadn’t cooked the dinner. 2.What had the son done
by the time mum came home? 3.Sandra hadn’t been writing a report for three hours before
she realized it was too late. 4.What had Sandra been doing before she realized it was too la
te?5.This bridge wasn’t built in 1953. 6.When was the bridge built? 7.Tom wasn’t reading
a very interesting book while his dad was watching a football match. 8.What was Tom’s fa
ther doing while he was reading a very interesting book?
3. 1.He gave me the book back, thanked for lending it to him and said that he enjoyed it very
much; I knew that he hadn’t read it because most of the pages were still uncut. 2.He kept l
ooking at her, wondering where he had seen her before.3.I put the $10 note into one of my
books; but next day it took me ages to find it because I forgot which book I had put it into.
4. 1.The financial crisis has brought the prices down. 2.She was a real success though she ha
d to bring through a lot of obstacles on her way. 3.Emily, you’ve brought forward an excel
lent idea! 4. The fireman brought off an eleven‐year‐
old girl yesterday. 5.Please, don’t bring on troubles saying things like that! 6.I tried to brin
g her over but she was as stubborn as a mule.
1.1.g;2.h 3.f;4.b;5.j;6.e;7.d;8.a;9.c;10.i;
2. 1. The flight to Rome was cancelled. 2.These sunglasses were designed by Karl Lagerfeld.
3.This salad is made with pickled cucumbers and fresh parsley. 4. He was offered a new job./A
new job was offered to him. - The room has been cleaned.
3. 1. informal; 2. illegal; 3.impossible; 4. impolite; 5. irresponsible;
4. 1.F; 2.T; 3.F; 4.T
1. 1.b; 2.e; 3.g; 4.f; 5.a; 6.d; 7.h; 8.c;
2. 1. breaking; 2.crying/to cry; 3. to do; 4. to go 5.snowing
3. 1.to turn; 2. locking; 3. saying; 4.locking; 5.changing; 6.to change
4. 1.used to ask; 2.is used to living; 3.get used to; 4.get used to driving; 5.is used to doing
1. meet the locals, buy souvenirs, visit museums, lie on the beach, all day, go on guided
tours, see famous landmarks, try the local cuisine
2. 1. He said he was living in Berlin then. 2. She said her mother wasn’t very well. 3. He
said he would like to have a dog. 3.He said he didn’t know what Nina was doing. 4.Dean
said I/we could come and stay at his place.
3. 1.c; 2.e; 3.a; 4.b; 5.d;
1. 1.need; 2.can; 3. must; 4. have to; 5. May
2. 1.away; 2. up; 3. up; 4.back; 5.up;
3. 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. F; 5. F; 6. T
1. 1.c; 2.d;3.a;4.b;5.f;6.e
2. 1.If I am not busy, I’ll visit her. 2.If he was attentive, he wouldn’t break things. 3.If she
were slimmer, she would be much more attractive.4. If a fire starts, the alarm system goes
off. If the weather improves, I go for a walk. 5.If you don’t give me more time, I can’t
complete the test.
3. 1. player; 2.half; 3.after; 4. climbing rope; 5. win; 6.addicted; 7. doing; 8. courts;9. oldfashioned
1) 1. The 2. – 3. The 4. – 5. The; - 6. The 7. –
2) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C
3) 1. B 2. B
4) 1.C; 2.E; 3.D; 4.A; 5.B
5) 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.A