Хамитова Р.Ф., Оспанова А.Б. для студентов специальности «Физическая культура и спорт» Учебное пособие 0 Хамитова Р.Ф., Оспанова А.Б. для студентов специальности «Физическая культура и спорт» Учебное пособие 1 УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ.яз. 73 Х 18 Хамитова Р.Ф., Оспанова А.Б. «Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык»: учебное пособие для студентов специальности «Физическая культура и спорт» – Алматы, КазАСТ, 2013. – 52 c. ISBN 978-601-7213-69-5 Учебное пособие «Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык» для студентов специальности «Физическая культура и спорт», предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Физическая культура и спорт», а также для факультетов физического воспитания педагогических ВУЗов. Рецензент: к.п.н., доцент КазУМОиМЯ им.Аблай хана Головчун А.А. к.ф.н., доцент КазАСТ Омарова Г.Е. Печатается по решению учебно-методического совета Казахской Академии Спорта и Туризма от 29 мая, №5 С Хамитова Р.Ф., Оспанова А.Б. ISBN 978-601-7213-69-5 2 Предисловие Учебное пособие «Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык» для студентов специальности «Физическая культура и спорт», предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Физическая культура и спорт», а также для факультетов физического воспитания педагогических ВУЗов. Учебное пособие является коммуникативно-ориентированным, в основу которого положен принцип интегративного обучения английскому языку, предполагающий комплексную организацию учебного материала и взаимосвязанное обучение по всем видам речевой деятельности. Учебное пособие рассчитано на 2 кредита (180 часов). Практические занятия направлены на изучение лексического материала, задания по СРСП и СРС ориентированы на закрепление и использование речевых моделей в ситуациях профессионального общения. Целью учебного пособия является обучение будущих специалистов в области «ФКиС», профессионально-ориентированному общению на английском языке, развитие у обучаемых умений и навыков устного и письменного общения в контексте будущей профессиональной коммуникации. Учебное пособие состоит из разделов, посвященных определенной теме. Каждый урок открывается дискуссией, нацеленной на активизацию мыслительной деятельности обучаемых и мотивацию изучения обсуждаемого материала. Далее студентам предлагается текст для чтения, перевода и пересказа или аннотирования, с заданиями до и после прочтения. Каждый текст снабжен вокабуляром, в который включены как основные термины по данной теме, так и наиболее трудные, интересные и употребительные слова и выражения данного урока. Работа после прочтения текста включает в себя лексические и коммуникативные упражнения, ориентированные на закрепление лексического материала, активизацию лексики в диалогической и письменной речи. Ролевые игры представляют собой реальные ситуации профессионального общения по спорту, благодаря чему английский язык становится не только целью, но и средством профессиональной подготовки студентов. Каждый раздел завершается созданием проекта, который основан на тематической лексике данного раздела и является самостоятельным творческим отчетом студента по пройденному материалу, что гарантирует систематический повтор изученного материала. 3 B. I hope, you have chosen the right profession. Good luck and see you. A. Good bye! Unit 1. MY FUTURE PROFESSION GROUP TALK 1. What should you take into consideration while choosing a career? 2. Where do people enter if they want to get a professional training? 3. Is it easy to choose a profession? 4. Why is teaching a very specific and difficult profession? Active vocabulary 1. form their views and characters – формировать чьи-либо взгляды и характеры 2. a great responsibility – большая ответственность 3. hard profession – трудная профессия 4. well-educated – хорошо образованный 5. a desire for knowledge – стремление к знаниям 6. are deeply respected – глубоко уважаемые 7. an obligatory subject – обязательный предмет 8. play an important part – играть важную часть 9. are not limited – не ограничивается 10. give the opportunity – дать возможность 11. developing physical and mental qualities – развивая физические и умственные качества 12. to be physically fit, swift, strong and agile – быть физически крепким, быстрым, сильным и ловким 13. arrange – устраивать (проводить) 14. take care of – заботиться о 15. carry out - выполнять 16. share with – делиться с 17. Determine - определять 18. Posses the qualities – обладать качествами 19. To devote oneself to – посвятить себя чему-либо 20. Right approach – правильный подход 21. To take into consideration – принимать во внимание 22. To make the right choice – сделать правильный выбор 23. To get a profession – получать профессию DIALOGUE Read memorize and dramatize the conversation A. Hello! Almat. I haven’t seen you for ages. B. Hello! Damir. I am glad we’ve met! How are you? A. I am fine, thank you. And what about you? B. I begin to think about my future profession. It is quite difficult to choose and make a decision. A. You are right. There are many professions in the world, but I never had a question, what I was going to do. B. Are you sure? A. Yes, I have known it since being a child. I began to take up sport at the age of seven. B. What sport do you go in for? A. I go in for gymnastics, then track and field athletics. I want to become a student of the Kazakh Academy of sport and tourism. B. What educational establishments train sport specialists, besides Kazakh Academy of sport and tourism? A. Oh, there are some physical education departments at higher educational establishments? B. What had you decided to be a physical education teacher or a coach? A. As for me I have decided to be a Ph.E teacher. 0 24. To combine knowledge and experience – сочетать знания с опытом 25. To learn special subjects – изучать специальные предметы 26. A large part of the study time – большая часть учебного времени 27. To improve one’s skill and proficiency – повышать мастерство и профессиональный опыт special subjects necessary for my future profession. A large part of the study time is devoted to different forms of sport. We participate in different competitions. The participation in different contests improves our skill and proficiency. After graduating from the Academy I’ll go to work to a secondary school or children’s sports school. I’ll conduct sport classes in gymnastics, track-and-field athletics, sports games and skiing. I want my pupils to be physically fit, swift, strong and agile. I’ll teach them to be good at sports. A successful coach and physical education teacher must have a deep knowledge of physiology of sports, theory of physical education, etc. A sports specialist must have knowledge of weight training exercise; understand training effects of circuit training. A sports specialist must be able to win respect and confidence of his charges. Text I. My Future Profession The problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important and difficult matter because it determines our future life in many ways. As for me, I had decided to be a physical education teacher or a coach. I think I possess the qualities necessary for being a good teacher or a coach. I want to devote myself to teaching different people, especially children. I will need to use all my knowledge, skills and imagination to find the right approach for every single student and make the process of studying as creative and interesting, as possible. While choosing a career one should take into consideration all main possibilities that his future profession might provide: the profession must be interesting, one have to be sure of his future (that means that one will be able to find a job after his graduation from the university or institute), a profession must be well – paid, otherwise you won’t be able to support yourself and your future family. To find out the best from the best, we should work a lot. To make the right choice, we should consider our possibilities, characters and abilities. I hope I’ve chosen the right profession. I am an undergraduate of the Kazakh Academy of sport and tourism. In two years I’ll graduate from the Kazakh Academy of sport and tourism and get a profession of a physical education school teacher or a coach. At the academy I get a profession which combines deep theoretical knowledge and sports experience. At the academy I learn Teacher of physical education. It is known that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. The teacher is a person who is learning as well teaching all his life. Teacher’s work is never done and evenings are usually spent in preparing for the next lesson. Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their students’ intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. It’s a great responsibility and the teacher must be a model of competence himself. I have already decided what to do. I’d like to be a teacher. I know that it is very difficult to be a good teacher. It is a hard profession. You should know perfectly the subject you teach, you must be welleducated and well-informed. A good teacher develops in his students a desire for knowledge and love for truth and beauty. It is a great responsibility to educate the children. I think that’s the reason why teachers are deeply respected. 1 Physical education is an obligatory subject at secondary schools, technical secondary schools and higher educational establishments. Physical education teachers and coaches play an important part in solving this problem. The activities of a physical education teacher are not limited to classes in physical education gives the teacher every opportunity of developing physical and mental qualities in his pupils. The teacher should train them to be physically fit, swift, strong and agile. Every physical education teacher should be able to organize sports sections, arrange and judge competitions. To achieve good results every teacher should study the interests of his pupils, to be able to carry out some social activities, to work as class organizer. He should take care of pupil’s progress and attendance and carry out extra-curricular work. The role of the physical educator is to encourage and motivate children to be active. One final way to motivate children to be active is for the physical education teacher to lead by example. A physically active and fit, physical education teacher has a positive influence. The physical education teacher should occasionally share with the students how physical activity fits into his or her life. 10. What should the teacher train in their pupils? 11. What should every teacher do to achieve good results? 12. What is the role of the physical educator? 13. Is the profession of physical education teacher a new one? Notes Make a decision – принять решение I never had a question – никогда не возникал вопрос As for me – что касается меня Hope - надеяться Text II. Profession of a coach. Modern society includes an especially distinguished group of people whose profession consists of promoting physical culture. One of them is the profession of a coach, a specific variety of the pedagogical profession which has common basic characteristic with a teacher. The profession of a coach is marked at present by two elements: the technical and social ones. The constant development of sport increases the society’s assessment of coaching activities, raises its social and professional prestige. The complexity of this prestige depends on such factors as the position of it in the society, the competitors and public opinion, coach’s family, referees, etc. These factors interfere most effectively at the time of a defeat, win or when teams are selected. Other important factors involve the attitude of the coach to referee’s verdict, the assessment of athletes. Every coach should perfect his skill and knowledge of psychology, physiology of sports, theory of physical education, and perfect his training methods. A successful coach studies the interests of his trainees, their character traits and temperament, their perspective abilities and other aspects of their mental make-ups. Questions 1. What does the physical education teacher’s work require? 2. Why have you decided become a physical education teacher? 3. Who(m) are physical education teachers / coaches supposed to work with? 4. Why is teaching a noble profession? 5. What kind of person can be a physical education teacher? 6. What should a good teacher know? 7. What a model must the teacher possess? 8. Why teachers are deeply respected? 9. Where is physical education an obligatory subject? 2 Coaches are respected in our country, because they play a major part in bringing up the youngsters. That’s why many coaches have been awarded orders and medals. The students of coaching department specialize in a particular sport and receive the qualification of a coach. The students have to study athletics, gymnastics, and team sports, swimming, skiing and weight-lifting. During the course of study the students spend some weeks in practice. All students must gain a first ranking in their chosen sport, and at least a third ranking in two other sports and a first-category referee’s certificate in their chosen specialty. Notes Include – включать The constant development – постоянное развитие Coaching activities – тренерская деятельность Must gain – должны получать Perspective abilities – перспективные возможности Perfect his training methods – совершенствовать методику тренировки Attitude of the coach – отношение тренера profession, education, teacher, specialist, imagination, graduation, participation, teaching, specific, establishment, important, physical, mental, education, attendance, motivate, positive, development. 3. Give equivalents in your native language to the following words and combinations. Find and translate sentences with them in the text: 1. determines 2. take into consideration 3. to make the right choice 4. combines knowledge and experience 5. learn special subjects - 4. Make word combinations and find them in the texts: 1. teaching is to organize 2. spend to be physically fit, swift, strong and agile 3. form every opportunity 4. a hard an important part 5. a desire truth and beauty 6. love for for knowledge 7. coaches play profession 8. gives the teacher their views 9. train them in preparing 10. teacher should be able a very specific and difficult job Text work: Exercises 1. Answer the following questions: 1. Why is it difficult to choose the way in life (future profession)? 2. Why do you think your job will give you many opportunities? 3. Why is knowledge of your profession important? 4. What are your career prospects? 5. What might provide your future profession? 6. What qualities do you possess for being a good specialist? 5. Complete the following sentences using information from the texts: 1. Teacher’s work is never… 2. The teacher is a person… 2. Underline suffixes define a part of speech and translate them: 3 3. I know that it is very difficult… 4…. you must be well-educated and well-informed 5…. is an obligatory subject… 6…. play an important part… 7…. are not limited to classes… 8. Coaches are respected… 9. The constant development of sport… 10. Every coach should perfect… 11. While choosing a career… 12. At the academy I get a profession… 9. Translate an abstract from English into your native language: Technique of Physical and Sport Activity is the basic discipline among other special ones which form practical and methodological skills of graduating students’ specialty of Physical Culture for Physically Challenged Persons (Adaptive Physical Activity). Studying the discipline, students master pedagogical methods of influence upon physically challenged persons by means of physical exercises, healthful natural and environmental factors. Technique of physical and sport activity is the basis for practical and methodological training of students mastering their future profession. 6. Make up your own sentences using the following word combinations: 1. make a decision 2. possess the qualities 3. to devote oneself to 4. to get a profession 5. to be good at 6. a deep knowledge 7. a large part of the study time 8. to improve proficiency 10. Use underlined phrases as a plan and discuss with your partner about profession of a coach / teacher. 11. Explain why: 1. Why should we take our time while choosing our future profession? 2. Why is the profession of a teacher interesting and what is the advantage of this profession? 3. Why is teaching a noble profession? 12. Speak about: 1. What are the differences between teacher of physical education and a coach? 2. My profession as a part of school and college life. 7. Ask and answer working in pairs: 1. Who can help young people concerning future plans? 2. When do people understand that the time to choose future profession has already come? 3. Why is the profession of a coach interesting? 8. Imagine the following situation: You are going to become a coach. You don’t want become a physical education teacher because you are afraid to work at school with children. Ask your friend if he could prove opposite. Then thank him for the information he gives you. 13. Project work: Prepare the presentation, work out and try to describe your future profession. Say a few words about its advantages and attractive features of your profession, role of your profession in social life. 4 5 Unit 2. TRACK AND FIELD ATHLETICS Answer to the questions: 1. When did you begin to engage in track-and-field? 2. What events does it include? 3. What event are you training now? 4. Name the most famous jumpers (throwers, walkers, road running, race walking, cross country running, and mountain running) 5. Is it popular in your country? DIALOGUE Readandmemorize the dialogue. A: I wonder why of all sports you’ve chosen track-and-field. B: Why, it’s the Queen of Sport! An athlete is fit to engage in weightlifting, skiing, skating, practically in anything. A: I don’t see much purpose in it, though. I rather think track-and-field is tiring and not enjoyable. What with the cross-country race, the marathon race or the steeple-chase. The athletes look so exhausted by the end of the event. B: You are saying so because you have never tried to do it yourself. Just start with the sprint, or relay racing, or, say, hurdling and you’ll never be able to drop it. A: I think I should start with jumping. I’ve always admired the pole vault and the hop, step and jump. B: If you enjoyed watching the jumpers you’ll enjoy still more doing it yourself. And once you start you’ll begin to like every event of athletics. The more difficult it is the more enjoyable it proves. A.: I remember taking part in a speed race when I was a schoolgirl. I was ready to drop. В.: That was because you weren’t used to it. Naturally, it exhausted you as you had had no proper training. Take my word for it, track-and-field is worth your while. A: Shall I take part in the relay race tomorrow? B: You might as well begin with it and the coach will tell you what’s best to start with. I may give you the wrong advice. A: All right. I’ll talk with the coach then. B: By the way do you know who received gold medals in 100 and 200 meter races at the last Olympic Games? A: Sure I do. It was our sportsman___________, wasn’t it? B: Yes, and we hope that he will establish some more new world records. 0 NOTES is fit to engage in — может заниматься is tiring and not enjoyable — утомительная и не приносящая удовольствия or, say,— или, скажем, look so exhausted — выглядят такими измученными, утомленными You’ll never be able to drop it.— Ты никогда не сможешь бросить его. once you start you’ll begin to like it — стоит начать и тебе очень понравится I was ready to drop.— Я падала с ног. take my word for it — уж можешь мне поверить is worth your while — стоит, чтобы им заниматься TEXT 1 Active vocabulary 1. В. C. (before Christ) — до нашей эры 2. “Queen of Sport” — Королева спорта 3. sprint — бег на короткие дистанции 4. medium (middle) distance race — бег на средние дистанции 5. long-distance race — бег на длинные дистанции 6. steeple-chase — бег с препятствиями 7. relay race — эстафетный бег 8. cross-country race — бег по пересеченной местности 9. hurdling — барьерный бег 10. marathon race — марафонский бег 11. high jump — прыжок в высоту 12. long jump — прыжок в длину 13. hop, step and jump \ tripple jump- тройной прыжок 14. pole vault — прыжок с шестом 15. throwing — метание 16. discus throwing — метание диска 17. hammer throwing — метание молота 18. javelin throwing — метание копья 19. shot-put — толкание ядра walking — ходьба (спортивная) 20. meant specially for training — предназначенные только для тренировки 21. trial run — контрольный бег 22. running on toes — бег на носках 23. running in the curve — бег на повороте 24. jogging — разминочный бег 25. drive to accelerate — бег с ускорениями 26. final race — финальный бег 27. speed race — быстрый бег 28. squat jump — прыжок согнув ноги 29. running jump — прыжок с разбег 30. а success shall come your way — успех должен сопутствовать вам 1 1. Read and translate the text. TRACK AND FIELD ATHLETICS Track and field athletics is a world-wide sport that has grown in popularity since the days of the Greeks. Records of organized competitions in track events date back from the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C. it is sport in which techniques constantly change as stronger athletes taught by better coaches break through new record barriers. In our time track-and-field is called the “Queen of Sport”. Athletics is an exclusive collection of sporting events that involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking. The most common types of athletics competitions are track and field, road running, cross country running, and race walking. The simplicity of the competitions, and the lack of a need for expensive equipment, makes athletics one of the most commonly competed sports in the world. Athletics is mostly an individual sport, with the exception of relay races and competitions which combine athletes' performances for a team score, such as cross country. All international competitions must conform to the rules of the International Amateur Athletic Federation for men’s and women’s competitions. The “Queen of Sport” is not exacting any kind of stadium or sports grounds may become a fine training place for track- and-field athletes. Enjoy your sport and success shall come your way. ORAL TOPIC We are students of the Academy of Sport and Tourism. All the students of our academy began to go in for different kinds of sport before entering it. At the academy they get different sporting specialties. They specialize in swimming, diving, rowing, sailing, skiing, skating, figureskating, football, basketball, volleyball, handball, tennis, wrestling, boxing, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, weightlifting, track -and-field athletics and others. They dream of becoming first-class sportsmen and therefore they pay great attention to special training lessons in their favorite kinds of sport. After graduating from the academy they become coaches and teachers of physical culture. Track-and-field athletics is the leading sport in our country. Some millions of young men and girls train in the athletics sections and take part in competitions. It is hard to find a town or a village in our country where people do not go in for track-and-field. 2 Track-and-field athletes practice at the stadiums, in sports halls, Palaces of Sports, etc. This kind of sport includes: running, jumping, discus throwing, hammer throwing, javelin throwing, shot-putting, and walking. Sportsmen going in for track-and-field athletics are called accordingly runners, jumpers, throwers, walkers. Our track-and-field athletes are in good form and compete in all big national and international contests. They win gold, silver and bronze medals and occupy first places in different kinds events of track-and-field athletics. Athletics enjoys great popularity. It develops many excellent sporting qualities. Words and Word Combinations pentathlete —пятиборец decathlete —десятиборец runner — бегун jumper — прыгун thrower — метатель Questions for the Oral Topic: 1. What is your life record in jumping (running, javelin throwing, walking, etc.)? 2. When did you start competing in this event? 3. What distances do you know in track-and-field athletics? 4. Are you a runner? 5. What distance do you run? 6. What is your favorite distance? 7. What kinds of jumping events do you know? 8. What sporting qualities does track-and-field develop? TEXT II Read the text. TRACK EVENTS Both men and women participate in competitive track events, but the sexes do not compete against each other. At the Olympic Games and other high- level international competitions meets men participate in the 100-metre, 200-meter and 400-metre sprints; the 800-metre, 1500-metre, 5000-metre, and 10,000 meter runs; the 4 X 100-metre and 4 x 400-metre relays; the 100-metre and 400-metre hurdles, the 3000-metre steep le-chase; the marathon, and the 20-kilometre walk/ Women’s events include the 100-metre, 200-metre, and 400-metre sprints; the 800-metre and 1500- meter runs; the 4 X 100-metre and 4 X 400-metre relays; and the 100metre hurdles. Although the relays are the only official team events, most track meets are contests between or among teams. To this end, individual scores are added together to produce a team total. Generally speaking, however, men’s scores remain separate from women’s. In races which cover 800 meters or less, runners are assigned lanes at the starting line. They must remain in their respective lanes over the entire distances when competing in events under 800 meters in length. 3 In the 800-metre run, runners must stay in their respective lanes until they pass the first curve. In the 4 X 400-metre relay, runners must stay in their respective lanes through the first three curves. After meeting these requirements, though, all runners are free to run in any lane of their choosing. They are also free to run in any lane when competing in events longer than 800 metres. In the steeple-chase event, competitors must go over all 28 hurdles and seven water jumps. A competitor risks disqualification if he goes around a hurdle or fails to go over or through the water. Hurdlers must go over all 10 hurdles in the 100-metre (women’s), 110-metre (men’s) and 400-metre (men’s) races. Knocking over a hurdle accidentally is not penalized, but a hurdler risks disqualification if he purposefully knocks one down with his hand or foot. Marathon runners cannot receive food or water during the race except at the official refreshment stations, positioned along the roadway every three miles (except for the first station which is seven miles from the starting point). Race walkers are watched closely because the rules specify that one foot must be on the ground at all times, and each leg must be straightened briefly while that foot is touching the surface. FIELD EVENTS Both men and women participate in high-level international field competition. In the Olympic Games the men’s events include the javelin, shot put, discus, hammer, high jump, pole vault, long jump, triple jump, and decathlon; women’s Olympic competition includes the javelin, shot put, discus, high jump, long jump. Generally, field events are held in conjunction with track competition, and the layouts for the various field events are located within the oval of the running track. The object in all field events is to propel some objects or one’s body higher or farther than anyone else in the competition can do. Participants draw lots to decide the order in which they will compete, and a thrower or jumper who misses a turn is generally not permitted to make it up. In the throwing events, competitors usually have six opportunities, with the winner being the thrower who achieved the greatest distance on any one of the six attempts. In the high jump and pole vault, competitors keep jumping as the crossbar is raised until they are eliminated by three consecutive failures. The winner is the last remaining competitor. The high jump er may take as long a run-up as desired, but must take flight off of one foot. 4 The long jump and triple jump are conducted in a manner similar to that used for the throwing events. Each competitor has six opportunities, and the one achieving the greatest distance on any of the jumps is the winner. Long jumpers can run as long as they want before coming to the take off board, but they cannot take a single step beyond it. In the decathlon and pentathlon competition participants earn a specific number of points for their achievement graded on a set standard in each event. The javelin must be thrown by its cord grip in an overhand manner, and the thrower is not allowed to turn his back to the throwing area until the javelin is aloft. The shot putter must start from a stationary position, and the one hand used for putting can never go lower than it is in the putter’s starti ng position. The discus thrower is allowed to hold and throw the discus in any manner, so long as he starts from a stationary position and never steps on or beyond the ring surrounding the throwing circle. He must wait inside the circle while the discus is in flight, and then leave from behind the line that bisects the circle. The hammer thrower must also begin from a stationary position. He grips the handle with both hands, one on top of the other, and swings the hammer in such a way that the high point of each swing occurs behind and the low point in front of him. The delivery then starts with the thrower making three rotations-while continuing to swing the hammer and moving from the back of the circle to the front. The release takes place after the final low point, and the hammer takes flight over the thrower’s shoulder. The thrower must never touch the ring around the circle of the ground beyond it during any movement between the starting position and the release. Following the hammer’s landing, the thrower must leave from behind the line that bisects the circle. TEXT WORK: I. Answer the following questions: 1. Is track-and-field athletics a worldwide sport? 2. From what activities did it derive? 3. Were running, jumping and throwing necessary activities for everyday living? 4. When and where did the first competitions in track-and-field take place? 5. What physical qualities does it develop? 6. What events does track-and- field include? 7. Where do jumpers, runners, shot-putters and hammer-throwers train? 8. Is track-and-field athletics popular in our country? 9. What are the major landmarks in the development of athletics? 10. When did athletes begin to surpass the world records? 11. What were the results of the Olympic debut? 12. Who of the athletes scored the most impressive victories? 13. Did you ever 5 engage in track- and-field? 14. Can we say that track-and- field is the leading sport in our country? II. Form the appropriate nouns of the following verbs: to match, to win, to increase, to record, to award, to run, to meet, to start, to form, to throw, to advance. III. Form the appropriate nouns of the following adjectives: confident, true IV. Construct and translate four sentences with the verb enjoyModel. Enjoy your sport and success must come your way. Любите спорт, и успех непременно будет. V. Insert prepositions wherever necessary: Make haste and get dressed or you’ll be late ... the competition. Don’t hurry me! It doesn’t take ... me as long as you. All right! I’ll jump ... bed first and have a quick wash and shave. What event are you taking part ...? It’s endurance race. I’m confident ... our success. You must not be so sure ... it. Our opponents are ... good form. We are facing ... a tough task. I’d better go, I suppose, and wait ... you ... the gym. I shall have got everything ready ... the time you get ... the institute. V I. Narrate the text. 1. Memorize the dialogue and reproduce it in pairs. 2. Form the adjectives of the following nouns by adding suffix -ous: courage, danger, labor, advantage. 3. Name the suffixes in the following adjectives: separate, adequate, disproportionate. VII. Project work: Make a presentation on the theme - “Track and field athletics” (Choose one event). 6 Unit 3. NATIONAL KAZAKH SPORT Answer to the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the national sports of Kazakhstan? What kind of national equestrian sports do you know? What can you say about kazaksha kures? Is toguz kumalak similar with chess? Compare it. DIALOGUE Read and memorize the dialogue. A. Hello, Marat! When you were telling me about wrestling you mentioned kazaksha kures. What kind of wrestling is it? B. Oh, it is a fine sport. The remarkable thing is that it combines the best defense and attack methods from various types of wrestling. A. When was the first national championship hеld? B. On December 15, 2000 in the Astana. A. What are advantages of kazaksha kures? B. It develops reaction, movements become more coordinated. If athletes hold perfectly balance, they learn to fall with the minimum injuries for health. A. Who are the well-known wrestlers of Kazakhstan? B. I know wrestlers as Erzhan Shynkeev, Beibyt Istybaev. And champion of Kazakhstan Barys 2013 year is Aibek Nugymarov. A. Thanks! It was very interesting for me. TEXT 1 Vocabulary 1. equestrian sport - конный спорт 2. revival -возрождение 3. integral part – неотъемлемая часть 4. ancient traditions – древние традиции 5. wrestling –борьба; wrestler- борец 6. defend – защищать 7. proud of – гордиться 8. world-known - известный 9. eager - нетерпеливый 10. honor - честь 11. to appreciate - ценить 12. to acquire - приобретать 13. weight- вес 7 14. stomach - живот 15. overhead - наверху 16. wrists - запястья 17. girdle - пояс 18. offspring - потомки 19. to estimate - оценить 20. to attract - привлекать 21. board - доска 22. stone - камень Read and translate the text. National Kazakh Sports The Association of National Kazakh Sports was established in May 2004. It consists of the Federations of National kinds of Equestrian sports: Kokpar Togyzkumalak Berkutchi Zhelmay Zhekpe-zhek Dzhigitovka Throughout Kazakhstan, there are about 500 000 members. The purpose of the organization - the revival of traditional sports as an important integral part of the culture of the Great Steppe. Besides the local members of the Federation of National kinds of Equestrian sports in Russia, Turkey, Germany and France. The International Federation of "Kobori" is organized as well! And 17 countries are members of the International Federation. Association engaged in carrying out the activities of national and international scale. Kures(wrestling) One of the ancient traditions of Kazakh people is wrestling. Kazakhs were proud of their famous singers, poets, folk singers, judges, batyrs (warriors) and athletes. Wrestlers would defend the honor of their clan for whom they wrestled. We are proud of our world-known wrestlers, like Baluan Sholak and Kazhymukan. Though there were few famous wrestlers remembered by name, Kazakhs were eager to train their boys to be wrestlers from very young age. Wrestling took place in large celebrations, holidays, and fairs. There, clans would point to the wrestlers who would defend their honor. Among the Kazakhs, wrestlers respected and appreciated each other. During wrestling if they were not able to win, they might pray and mutter in an effort to acquire more energy. It could become very noisy in the steppe when they did so, for winners might be given a camel, a horse, a cow or a sheep. 8 Nowadays wrestlers are selected according to their weight, and they are sponsored by different institutions and sports organizations. In earlier times, wrestlers were praised by people and sometimes sponsored by wealthy people who would take care of them since their success belonged to all the people. The rules of wrestling included grasping the stomach or torso and lifting opponents overhead. Sometimes a match would last for long hours. They would tie their wrists with a girdle and have wide pants. According to the rules they could only hold opponents by the girdles. In ancient times old men would gather on a big hill to have a chat, and talked about information from "Uzun kulak" (long ears). Their grandsons usually were with them, and when the old men were free for a while, they'd wrestle their grandsons and admire the scene. This was because our forefathers always thought about future generations, and they wanted their offspring to be strong. Toguz kumalak Toguz kumalak ("nine balls") is a game in the mancala family that is played in Central Asia by two players. It is known as Toguz korgool in Kyrgyztan, while in Kazakhstan (and most western countries) it is known as Toguz kumalak (sometimes abbreviated to 9Kumalak). The game is considered a national sport in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyztan. It is estimated that there are about 10,000 organized players and about 200 official trainers in Kazakhstan alone. Similar to chess, Go and checkers, there are world championships which attract players from all over the world. The Toguz Kumalak World Championships are held every two years, the last ones were in Pardubice, Czech Republic, in 2012. The current Toguz Kumalak World Champions are Asel Dalieva (women) and Khakimzhan Eleysinov (men). Best non-Asian player was Jurij Nold (Germany). There are many competitions on local, regional and national levels in Central Asia. In addition, there are annual tournaments in some European countries, including England (London), Germany (Schweinfurt), Switzerland (La Tour-de-Peilz), and the Czech Republic (Prague andPardubice). Board The game is played on a special board with two rows of nine holes. There are two "kazan" (literally "kettle") between these rows, which are used to collect captured stones of each user, separately. The players own the kazan in the opponent's side of the board. At the beginning there are nine stones in each hole, except the kazan, which are empty, so players need a total of 162 stones. Game start Board sides are labeled as black and white and the player sitting on the white side starts the game. "White" starts. 9 Playing toguz kumalak Players move turn by turn, by taking stones from a hole and distributing them to other holes. On his/her turn, a player takes all the stones of one of his holes, which is not a tuzdik (see below) and distribute them anticlockwise, one by one, into the following holes. The first stone must be dropped into the hole, which was just emptied. However, if the move began from a hole, which contained only one stone, this stone is put into the next hole. If the last stone falls into a hole on the opponent's side, and this hole then contains an even number of stones, these stones are captured and stored in the player's kazan. If the last stone falls into a hole of the opponent, which then has three stones, the hole is marked as a "tuzdik" ("sacred place" in Kazakh; or tuz in Kyrgyz, which means "salt"). There are a few restrictions on creating a tuzdik: 1. A player may only create one tuzdik in each game. 2. The last hole of the opponent (his ninth or rightmost hole) cannot be turned into a tuzdik. 3. A tuzdik cannot be made if it is symmetrical to the opponent's one (for instance, if the opponent's third hole is a tuzdik, you cannot turn your third hole into one). It is permitted to make such a move, but it wouldn't create a tuzdik. The stones that fall into a tuzdik are captured by its owner. He may transfer its contents at any time to his kazan. The game ends when a player can't move at his turn because all the holes on his side, which are not tuzdik, are empty. When the game is over, the remaining stones, which are not yet in a kazan or in a tuzdik are won by the player on whose side they are. The winner is the player who, at the end of the game, has captured more stones in their tuzdik and their kazan. When both players have 81 stones, the game is a draw. TEXT WORK Answer to the questions. 1. What is purpose of Federations of National kinds of Equestrian sports? 2. Who were the first well-known wrestlers? 3. What are the criteria for selecting wrestlers? 4. What is the difference between wrestling by ancient traditions and nowadays? 5. What are the rules of kures? 6. How often are the championships of toguz kumalak held? 7. What is the procedure of the game? 8. How does the winner determine in toguz kumalak? 10 9. How many stones should be to finish the game? Project work: Prepare the presentation, work out and try to describe one of Kazakh National sports. Say a few words about its advantages and attractive features of it Unit 4. GYMNASTICS GROUP TALK 1. What can you say about our gymnasts? 2. Name the most outstanding gymnasts in our country. 3. Did our gymnasts take part in the Olympic Games? 4. What sports qualities does gymnastics develop? DIALOQUE A.: I’ve come to ask your advice. What sport should I engage in? B.: I should advise you to take up rhythmic gymnastics. It is best suited for women. A.: Is it the same as gymnastics? B.: No, I shouldn’t say that. It is rather a combination of gymnastics and ballet. A.: Do you think I’m fit for it? B.: Any young girl is fit for it. It cultivates grace and strength, stamina and courage. A.: Are the exercises performed without any objects? B.: There are exercises to be performed with and without objects to be used in rhythmic gymnastics are hoop, ball, scarf, ribbon and skipping-rope. A.: Is it essential to have a thorough warm-up before engaging in gymnastics exercises? B.: Of course, just as in any other kind of sport. A.: What parts of the body should be trained in particular? B.: Arms, shoulder girdle, neck and back muscles. It is necessary to place safety leaders during your training. A.: I’m sure to remember that. B.: Don’t forget to learn to fall with relaxed and tucked position. A.: Thanks a lot. You have been very helpful. B.: Not at all. I’ glad to be of some use to you. NOTES 1. to ask advice -просить совета 2. In particular -особенно 3. cultivates grace-развивает грациозность 4. I’m glad to be of some use-pад быть полезным. 11 TEXT1 Active Vocabulary 1. swinging — взмах, качание 2. hanging — висеть 3. vaulting — опорный прыжок 4. free exercises — вольные упражнения 5. balancing exercises — упражнения в равновесии 6. mass exercises — массовые упражнения 7. exercises for suppleness — упражнения на гибкость 8. compulsory exercises — обязательные упражнения 9. conditioning exercises— подготовительные упражнения 10. voluntary (optional) exercises — произвольные упражнения 11. exercises on apparatus — упражнения на снарядах 12. exercises with ribbons — упражнения с лентами 13. skipping-rope exercises — упражнения со скакалкой Read and translate the text. GYMNASTICS Gymnastics originally meant “to train in athletic exercises”. The term was first used in early Greece and it applied to all forms of athletic exercises such as running, jumping, throwing the javelin and wrestling. Formal gymnastics had its beginning in Germany early in the nineteenth century and soon spread throughout middle Europe. Since that time, gymnastic activities have been modernized and form an integral part of our physical education program. The exercises and movements, upon which gymnastics is based, are the natural activities such as swinging, hanging, jumping and vaulting. There are various exercises in gymnastics: hanging exercises, free exercises, balancing exercises, mass exercises, exercises for suppleness, compulsory exercises, conditioning exercises, voluntary exercises (optional exercises), exercises on apparatus, exercises with ribbons, etc. To perform these exercises one must have good body coordination, grace muscle strength and courage. Gymnastics serves as a basic activity in our modern physical education program. It consists of artistic gymnastics, tumbling and rhythmic gymnastics. Artistic gymnastics includes gymnastics without apparatus and gymnastics on apparatus. During free activity, safety leaders should be placed at all apparatus. It is essential to teach sportsmen how to fall with relaxed and tucked position if falls are unavoidable. Newly taught skills must be 12 practiced and learned thoroughly before proceeding to more complex skills, each skill being reduced to its basic components. ORAL TOPIC I’ve chosen gymnastics for my speciality, as it is one of the most aesthetic kinds of sport. Gymnastics forms an integral part of our physical education program. It develops good body coordination, grace and strength. Gymnasts exercise on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, uneven parallel bars, a beam, a horse with pommels, a horse without pommels, long-horse, side-horse, wall bars, a buck or vaulting buck, rings, still rings, a gym bench, a gym ladder, a rope ladder, etc. Gymnastics includes sports (artistic) gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and tumbling or acrobatics. Rhythmic gymnastics is a combination of gymnastics and ballet that is why only girls go in for it. They perform different exercises without any objects or with objects, such as: hoops, balls, scarves, ribbons, skipping-ropes and clubs. Words and Word Combinations 1. horizontal bar — перекладина 2. parallel bars — параллельные брусья 3. uneven parallel bars — разновысокие брусья 4. horse without pommels — конь без ручек 5. horse with pommels — конь с ручками 6. gym bench — гимнастическая скамейка 7. wall bars — гимнастическая стенка 8. beam — бревно 9. buck — козел 10. still rings — неподвижные кольца 11. long-horse — конь в длину 12. side-horse — конь в ширину 13. gym ladder-лестница 14. rope ladder —веревочная лестница 15. artistic gymnastics — спортивная гимнастика 16. gymnastics on apparatus — гимнастика на снарядах 17. rhythmic gymnastics — художественная гимнастика 18. tumbling — акробатика 19. hoop — обруч 13 20. scarf — шарф 21. club — булава 22. ribbon — лента 23. skipping-rope — скакалка Questions for the Oral Topic Are you a gymnast? 2. What events does gymnastics include? 3. What event do you go in for? 4. On what apparatus do you train? 5. What is rhythmic gymnastics? 6. Do you take part in combined competitions? 7. In what event have you achieved the best results? 8. Do you like gymnastics? What objects are used in rhythmic gymnastics? TEXT II In our country gymnastics is one of the most popular kinds of sport. To-day one can’t imagine a school or an institute without a gym. Gymnastics is quite rightly regarded as one of the best means of physical training. It includes several forms, each of which has its own specific tasks. Corrective and curative gymnastics are promoted on a big scale at medical institutions. Gymnastic exercises, sometimes called auxiliary gymnastics, are a compulsory element of the training in football, swimming, tennis, skating, skiing, track-and- field, weightlifting, boxing, rowing and so forth. They develop the human body harmoniously and all -sidedly. Gymnastic competitions are graded to accommodate all levels of participants, from high school to Olympic competitors. Both men and women compete, but in separate events. In national and international gymnastic competition, however, men compete in all six standard events: floor exercise, vaulting, pommel horse, parallel bars, horizontal bar and rings. National and international women’s competition involves four standard events: floor exercise, vaulting, balance beam, and asymmetrical bars. In most gymnastic contests, both men and women participate in team competition, individual competition, and all round competition. In individual competition, the winner is the gymnast with the best score for that particular exercise. For all-round competition, the scores of each event are totaled to produce an all-round score. The gymnast possessing the highest total score wins. Although essentially a sport for individuals, gymnastics frequently involves competition between six-member teams. Each of the 14 six gymnasts on a team performs both the compulsory exercises and an individualized routine for each event. The scores for the top five performers are then added together to provide a team score. Gymnasts are awarded points by a group of four judges. Each judge scores the event independently and then gives the score to another judge called the superior judge who throws out the highest and lowest of the four scores. NOTES one can’t imagine — нельзя себе представить is quite rightly regarded — совершенно справедливо рассматривается on a big scale — в широком масштабе and so forth — и так далее floor exercises — вольные упражнения vaulting — опорный прыжок all-round competition — соревнование на звание абсолютного чемпиона team competition = team event — командное соревнование individual competition — личное соревнование TEXT WORK I. Answer the following questions: 1. What did the term “gymnastics” mean originally? 2. Where was the term used for the first time? 3. Is gymnastics an integral part of our physical education program? 4. What gymnastic exercises do you know? 5. Why do we consider it a basic activity in our modern physical training? 6. What is the best way of forming new skills? 7. Why is gymnastics a compulsory element of the training in football, swimming, tennis, skating, track- and-field, weightlifting, etc.? 2. Form the verbs of the following nouns: origin, meaning, term, application, exercise, form, jump, throw, modernization, part, skip, place. 3. Form the nouns of the following verbs: to spread, to move, to base, to swing’ to balance, to coordinate, to serve, to lead’ to fall, to relax, to practice, to row. 4. Form the adjectives of the following nouns: compulsion, suppleness, base, coordination, grace, muscle, courage, strength, safety, relaxation, agility. 5. Give synonyms for: contemporary, increase, simple, various, basic, courageous. 6. Give antonyms to: increase, late, ancient, wrong, main, weakness, inaccessible, tiny. 7. Narrate the text. 8. Project work: Prepare presentation to the theme “Gymnastics” 15 Unit 5. WATER SPORT GROUP TALK 1. Do you like swimming? 2. What sports qualities does swimming develop? 3. Name the most famous swimmers in the world. DIALOGUE Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue. A.: I hear you have set a new record in swimming? B.: Yes, it seems so. I must say it was no easy matter, though. A.: I suppose you are lucky. You are a long-distance swimmer, aren’t you? B.: That’s right. ` A.: Well, what’s the advantage? B.: The advantage of free swimming is that you can use the kind of stroke you are good at. A.: And what are you good at? B.: I’m rather clever at breast-stroke, to say nothing of the dolphin stroke and the back stroke. A.: I dare say you never missed the chance of swimming for relaxation, the distance being so long. B.: But then I certainly did a lot of spring swimming and of duration too. A.: I see you are a great swimmer indeed. TEXT 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Active vocabulary starting block — стартовая тумбочка referee — рефери starter — судья-стартер chief timekeeper — главный хронометрист chief judge — главный судья / старший судья finish judge — судья на финише turn judge — судья на повороте style judge — судья по технике плавания breast stroke — плавание стилем «брасс» 16 10.butterfly stroke — плавание стилем «баттерфляй» 11.dolphin stroke — плавание стилем «дельфин» 12.back stroke — плавание на спине 13.front crawl stroke — плавание стилем «кроль» 14.competitive swimming — спортивное плавание 15.one-style swimming — плавание одним стилем 16.swimming with the legs only — плавание одними ногами 17.swimming for relaxation — плавание «на расслабление» 18.sprint swimming — спринт 19. swimming of duration — плавание на время 20.medley swim — комплексное плавание Read and translate the text. Swimming Swimming is a competitive sport for both sexes, but men do not compete against women. For the most part the events are the same for both sexes, but Women Olympic competitors swim an 800-metre freestyle race and a 4 X 100metre freestyle relay that men do not, and men swim a 1500-metre freestyle race and a 4 X 200 meter freestyle relay that women do not. All major international competitive swimming events —including the Olympic Games — are conducted in long-course pools, measuring 50 m in length. Short- course pools (under 50 meters) are used only for less significant forms of national swimming competition. A long-course Olympic pool must be at least 21-metres wide and 1.8 meters deep. It is divided into eight lanes, numbered 1 through 8 from right to left with ½ meter of non-competitive space between the side walls and the outside of lanes 1 and 8. Each lane is 2 ½ meters wide and marked by a dark line running down its centre at the bottom of the pool. One lane is divided from its neighboring lane to the right and left by ropes that are stretched the full length of the pool and tied at each end. Floats placed on the lane ropes keep them buoyant. The water temperature must be at least 76 degrees Fahrenheit. Starting blocks are to 3/4 of meter above the surface of the water and covered with nonslip material. The blocks cannot slope more than 10 degrees. Male swimmers wear tight fitting trunks, while female swimmers wear one-piece suit. Most swimmers do not wear caps. Sophisticated electronic timing equipment, required at the Olympics, is now becoming standard at many levels of national and international competitions. The swimming events at high-level international meets and the Olympic Games are controlled by a referee, a starter, a chief timekeeper, three timekeepers per lane, a chief judge, three finish judges per lane, one turn judge at each end of each lane and two style judges. The results of electronic timing and videotape equipment are final and overrule the judges and timekeepers. 17 The referee controls the competition, telling the starter when to begin, disqualifying participants who break the rules as determined by the judge involved, i. e. turn judge, stroke judge, etc. and deciding any differences that arise among judges and timekeepers. It is the starter’s responsibility to make sure that each competitor doesn’t start before/the gun goes off, gaining an unfair advantage. He can order a restart if something happens to invalidate the original start. The common strokes' used in swimming are: the breast stroke, the butterfly stroke, the dolphin stroke, being its variety, the back stroke, the front crawl stroke. But we know other strokes such as: competitive swimming, onestyle swimming, swimming with the legs only, swimming for relaxation, sprint swimming, swimming of duration, medley swim, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ORAL TOPIC (MY SPECIALITY) My specialty is swimming. As a rule swimmers practice in swimmingpools. But in summer they prefer to do it in the river or sea. There are several kinds of swimming-pools: pools for teaching and sporting pools which may be indoor and outdoor ones. One must distinguish between such swimming strokes as the butterfly stroke, the dolphin stroke, being its variety, the breast stroke, the crawl stroke and the back stroke. Swimmers are called accordingly: a breaststroke swimmer, a crawl-stroke swimmer, a long-distance swimmer, a shortdistance swimmer, a middle-distance swimmer, a first relay swimmer, a last relay swimmer, etc. Swimming makes people strong and healthy; it develops all parts of the body. By and large sportsmen keep themselves in good form by training in swimming. There are some rules about swimming that are essential for all. The main elements in swimming are: body position, arm action, leg action, breathing, pull, push, etc. In the breast stroke breathing is closely connected with arm action. Inhalation takes place above water through the open mouth, but exhalation take place under water or on the surface through both nose and mouth. To me the needs of our sportsmen the government has built a great number of artificial indoor and open-air pools, the number of swimmers increasing from year to year. Now swimmers can train and compete all year round. Words and Word Combinations pool for teaching — бассейн для обучения indoor pool — закрытый (зимний) бассейн outdoor pool — открытый (летний) бассейн breast-stroke swimmer — пловец-брассист crawl-stroke swimmer — пловец-кролист long-distance swimmer— пловец-марафонец, стайер short-distance swimmer — пловец на короткие дистанции, спринтер 18 8. middle-distance swimmer — пловец на средние дистанции, средневик 9. first relay swimmer — пловец, плывущий на первом этапе эстафеты 10.last relay swimmer — пловец, плывущий на последнем этапе эстафеты 11.by and large — вообще говоря 12.arm action — работа рук 13.leg action — работа ног 14.all year round — круглый год 15.breathing — дыхание 16.inhalation — вдох, вдыхание 17.exhalation— выдох, выдыхание 18.pull — гребок 19.push — толчок Questions for the Oral Topic: 1. Are you a swimmer? 2. When did you begin to go in for swimming? 3. What swimming strokes do you know? 4. What stroke do you swim? 4. What is your life’s record in the 100 m free style? 5. Name the most resultative swimmers in our country. 6. Did you take part in the international contests in swimming? TEXT II THE TECHNIQUE OF THE BREAST STROKE Leg Action When the drawing up of the legs commences, during which the soles turn slightly inwards the knees spread apart in such a way that by the end of the drawing up the knees are away from each other at shoulder width or a little wider. Just before finishing the drawing up movement the lower legs and feet should be prepared for the drive. The feet are turned outwards and with knees bent to the maximum, they come quite close to the hips. In this position the feet and the lower legs press against the water with their inside area. With a thrust, moving quickly and forcefully backwards in a direction opposite to the recovery they exert pressure on the water. This series of movements begins with the straightening of the knees and simultaneous closing of the thighs. During propulsion the feet, which were turned outwards, now rotate inwards, while the soles press the water with their greatest possible area, the straightening of the legs is followed by the closing of the legs. At the end of closing of the legs the feet are stretching under the swimmer’s own momentum taking up the basic position. In this phase of movement the strength of push attenuates. Arm A c t i o n When arm action starts, the arms, loosely stretched, are in line with the head, just under the surface of the water. The hands are together, turned slightly inwards. The arm action starts from this position. The hands turn slightly 19 outwards and the arms move sideways and down and back simultaneously, keeping the movement absolutely symmetrical. The pull of the arm action starts when the swimmer feels a slight resistance of the water on his palms which gives support to his movement. Now, to produce an effective water grip the wrists bend slightly in and the cupped palms engage the water so as to pull the body forward to a limit where the pull goes over to a push. The pull ends just in front of the line of the shoulders, and with the gradual bending of the elbows passes into a push. During the push the elbows bend in more and more and the lower arm and hand approach the axis of the body. At the end of the action the hands, with palms turned inwards, come under the chest while a last forceful pressure is applied to the water. At the same time the elbows bend in even more and approach the chest. After finishing the push, the hands carry on under the chest till they are level with the chin, then glide forward into the starting position, waiting for the completion of the leg action. In this position the shoulders are thrown well forward so as to offer a small area to water resistance and thereby help the body to slide forward. One common fault in arm action is exaggerated spread of the arms. The result of this is that the balance of the body becomes uncertain and it glides jerkily. Another common fault is to do the opposite, a very small opening of the arms by which the swimmer omits the push almost entirely and finishes the stroke in front of the line of the shoulders. A minor fault but a common one is incorrect positioning of the hands when, after finishing the stroke, the hands do not glide flat but turn in the direction of advance, into the starting position. TEXT WORK I. Answer the following questions: 1. What makes swimming so popular? 2. Do you know the history of the modern swimming techniques development? 3. What are the most common strokes used in swimming? 4. Do you know any other strokes? 5. What strokes do you use when swimming? 6. Is the back stroke difficult to learn? 7. Who is called a first relay swimmer? II. Form the nouns of the following verbs: to stroke, to fascinate, to forget, to use, to fly, to swim, to relax, to sprint. III. Form the nouns of the following adjectives: long, durable, competitive, free. V. Form the verbs of the following nouns: part, form, coach, side, crawl, back IV. Give synonyms: sprint, stroke, modern, make, different. V. Give antonyms: front, fast, forget, never, begin, different VI. Insert prepositions or adverbs wherever necessary: 20 1. The central swimming pool which is ... the middle ... the city is ... use ... morning ... night ... summer and winter. 2. It admits ... more than 3,000,000 people every year. 3. It was built ... 1992 and is Almaty’s biggest pool. 4. Seven pavilions built ... glass blocks surround ... the pool, housing the dressing rooms, showers and doctor’s offices. 5. ... summer the roofs are used ... sun-bathing, and fine sea gravel is spread ... the water to make a beach. VII. Narrate the text. VII. Project work: Imagine yourself as coach. Explain some of the technique of the breast stroke. Unit 6. TEAM SPORTS GROUP TALK 1. Are you a football player? 2. What team do you play for? 3. When did you begin to go in for football (basketball, volleyball)? 4. Where is football(basketball, volleyball) played? 5. How many football players constitute a team? DIALOQUE Football Talgat: Hallo, Marat. Where are you going? Marat: To football match. The Kairat is playing against the Orda-Basy team in the final. Talgat: Oh, yes, I clean forgot about it. I wish I were a football fan. I seem to be missing a lot of excitement. Marat: Why, don't you care for football? I say, it's funny. All people cheer for some tea m. Talgat: May be it is because I do not know the rules of the game. Suppose you take me to this match and explain things to me? Marat: A grand idea. I am a Kairat fan. They have been champions of the Kazakhstan’s. Talgat: I know that a team has 11 players, each of whom has certain duties. Marat: And what about the score? Talgat: The team scoring the number of goals is the winner. Marat: You know a lot. All you have to do now is to match sharp and in no time you'll be caught by the general spirit. Talgat: But I don't know anything kicking the ball. Marat: That's best learned in the game, I'll tell you everything about trapping the ball, tricking your opponent, throwing-in, tackling and ball-control while we are watching it. Talgat: O.K. What was the score of the last match? 21 Marat: Two to one in favor of the Orda-Basy. Talgat: Congratulations. Active Vocabulary 1. left back — левый защитник 2. right back — правый защитник, right half-back — правый полузащитник 3. left half-back — левый полузащитник 4. outside right — правый крайний нападающий 5. outside left — левый крайний нападающий 6. right centre forward — правый центр нападения 7. left centre forward — левый центр нападения 8. left centre-back — левый центральный защитник 9. right centre-back — правый центральный защитник 10. goalkeeper — вратарь 11. reserve — запасной игрок 12. to head — бить (мяч) головой 13. to kick at goal — бить мяч в ворота 14. to hit — бить по мячу 15. to kick — бить (мяч) ногой, to kick in running — бить с разбега 16. to shoot from volley — бить с лета 17. squad — команда 18. wear — носить 19. spikes — шипы 20. shoe — ботинок 21. shorts — трусы 22. football shirt— футбольная майка 23. linesman— боковой судья 24. trapping the ball — остановка мяча (игроком) 25.ball-control — ведение мяча 26. tricking one's opponent — обманные движения 27. tackling — отбор мяча 28. throw-in — вбрасывание мяча 29. goalkeeping — технические приемы в игре вратаря 30. methods of kicking the ball — методы ударов по мячу 31. direct kick — прямой удар 32. place kick — удар с определенного места 1. Read and translate the text THE BASIC TECHNIQUE OF FOOTBALL The basic technique of football includes the various ways of playing the ball and forms the main element of the game. Its mastery is essential for good football. 22 Football technique is constantly developing and the improvement of one’s skill is an indispensable, useful and fascinating affair. Mastering and perfecting football technique plays a leading part in a player’s training. The fundamental points of football are: 1) kicking the ball, 2) trapping the ball, 3) ball-control, 4) tricking one’s opponent, 5) tackling, 6) throwing-in, 7) goalkeeping. Methods of Kicking the Ball Kicking is propelling the ball by some part of the foot with the required speed and in the required direction. Kicking may be either direct, so that the ball is propelled without a spin, or “sliced”, so that the ball takes on a spin. For the direct kick the ball should be hit in the centre. For the “sliced” kick the ball should be hit low at the side to make it spin on its axis. The ball spins in a forward direction. The ball may be kicked when it is dead (not moving), in flight, or rolling towards the player, to the side or behind the player. The player makes placekicks (i. e. from a given spot), or when running, in jumping, etc. ORAL TOPIC Football is a big sport in our country. It is my favorite kind of sport. The game is played by two teams. Each team consists of 11 players: left back, left half-back, right back, right half-back, outside right, outside left, left centre forward, right centre forward, right centre back, left centre back and goalie or goalkeeper. Besides these 11 players who play on the field there are some reserves. Every soccer player may head, kick at goal, hit, kick, shoot from volley, kick while running, etc. Every squad has its captain. All footballers wear football shirts, shorts and shoes with spikes. A referee is appointed to officiate in each game with two linesmen to assist him. Football players are trained at stadiums all year round. Questions for the Oral Topic 6. Are you a football fan? 7. What football team do you support? 8. What sporting qualities does football develop? 9. How many foot ball teams are there in our country? 10. How many football teams play in League “A”? 11. Name the most resultative football players in our country (in the world)? 12. What is the duty of linesmen? 13. When did our national football team win the title of the Olympic champion? 14.When is the game termed a “draw”? 15. How long do football players train? 16. Where are they trained? D I A L O G UE A: Basketball is an extremely enjoyable sport, isn’t it? B: Yes, very. It is attractive both to men and women. 23 A: I believe it is one of the most effective sports. What splendid qualities it develops! B: Every basketball player is sure to grow tall and well built. A: Besides this attractiveness, it cultivates one’s endurance, accuracy and dexterity. B: I watched you playing with the visiting team yesterday. I couldn’t but admire your lay-up shot. A: You did, did you? Well, it’s our coach’s credit mostly. B: I shouldn’t say your jump or pivot shots were bad either. A: Personally, I am not yet very good at the set shot. But I mean to perfect it this summer. I guess, I need additional training. B: Never noticed you play a wrong shot. You are too hard on yourself. A: Oh, no. I certainly know my ABC’s, but that’s not enough. B: When are you leaving for the European Cup? A.: In a few days. ORAL TOPIC Basketball is rapidly gaining popularity among the youngsters. It is played on the court by two teams of five players each: two forwards, one centre, and two guards. The purpose of each is to throw the ball into the basket of the opponent and to prevent the other team from securing the ball or scoring. The object of the game is quite simple. To win you must put the ball through the hoop more often than your opponent. This means the basketball player must learn to shoot effectively. All the players may take part in both the attack and the defense. The game begins by tossing up the ball between 2 players standing in the centre circle, one player of each team. There are five basic shots in basketball: the lay-up shot, the set shot (chest shot), the jump shot (throw on the jump), the pivot shot (shot with pivot), and the foul shot (penalty, free throw). The game for men lasts 40 minutes and consists of two 20 minutes halves with an intermission of 10 minutes. Basketball develops many good qualities such as quick reaction, accuracy, dexterity, agility, endurance and the like. Notes: 1. to prevent the other team from securing the ball or scoring — не давать другой команде завладеть мячом или забить гол 2. to shoot effectively — бросать мяч эффективно 3. lay-up shot — бросок в корзину одной рукой в прыжке 4. set shot (chest shot) — бросок двумя руками от груди 5. jump shot (throw on the jump) — бросок в прыжке 6. pivot shot (shot with pivot) —бросок на повороте 7. foul shot (penalty, free throw) — штрафной бросок 8. with a break of 10 minutes accuracy — точность 24 9. dexterity— проворство, ловкость 1. Questions for oral topic 1. Are you a basketball player? 2. What made you play this game? 3. Where is the game played? 4. How many players constitute a team? 5. What players take part in the defense? in the attack? 6. How long does the game last? 7. What is the object of the game? 8. What would you say about our basketball team? 9. Who is the best basketball player in our country? 10. What team do you play for? 11. What basketball team is the best in our country? 12. Name the most resultative players in your institute team. 13. How long does the intermission last? 14. What are the duties of the players? 15. How many basic shots are there in basketball? 16. What are the basic shots? 2. Make up a presentation to the theme “Volleyball” Unit 7. TENNIS GROUP TALK 1. What is the difference between doubles game and singles game? 2. Describe a tennis court. 3. What qualities does tennis develop? DIALOGUE A: Come and have a game of tennis. B: All right. I don’t mind a knock-up. The trouble is, my racket has lost its spring. Let’s toss for sides. A: Well, I’ll stay in this court and you can serve. B: What’s wrong? Some of your services are unplayable. A: I’ve strained my wrist, so I shall have to serve underhand. I wish I were in better form. B: Well, was that in or out? A: It was a fault, just over the baseline. B: Oh, hang, another fault. Right into the net this time. A: It’s my service A: You got in a good smash at the net, when I sent you that last lob. B: What’s the score? A: Forty. Notes 1. I don’t mind a knock-up — Я не прочь сделать разминку. 2. Let’s toss for sides — Давай бросим жребий — кому на какой стороне играть. 3. Some of your services are unplayable — Некоторые твои подачи совершенно невозможно отбить. 4. I’ve strained my wrist — У меня растяжение запястья. 5. I shall have to serve underhand — Мне придется подавать снизу. 6. Was that out? — Мяч ушел за пределы площадки? 25 7. You got in a good smash at the net —Тебе очень хорошо удался удар «смэш». Active vocabulary 1. Service court — поле подачи 2. back court — задняя часть площадки 3. alley — коридор 4. doubles game — парная игра 5. singles game — одиночная игра 6. right service court — правое плечо подачи 7. to deliver the ball —подавать мяч 8. server— подающий 9. receiver — принимающий (игрок) 10.choice of sides — выбор стороны (поля) 11.right to be server — право подавать 12.to toss — проводить жеребьевку 13.toss— жеребьевка 14.to toss up — подбрасывать мяч при подаче 15.base-line — задняя линия 16.fault — неправильно поданный мяч 1. Read and translate the text. Lawn Tennis The court is divided across its middle by net and includes four service courts, two back courts and two alleys. The alleys are used in playing doubles game (two on a side) but not in playing the singles game (one on a side). Singles court is used for singles game, doubles court is used for doubles game. It is divided into two equal parts by a line, so that on each side of the net there are two courts: a right court and a left court. A net is attached to the posts at a height of 0.91 m or 1.06 m and must be 1 m in its centre. The players must stand on opposite sides of the net; the player who first delivers the ball is called the server, and the other the receiver. The choice of sides and the right to be server or receiver in the first game shall be decided by toss. The player winning the toss may choose or require his opponent to choose a) the right to be server or receiver, in which case the other player shall choose the side; or b) the side, in which case the other player shall choose the right to be server or receiver. To begin a game one player tosses up a ball and bats it over the net with his racket. This is called serving. The server must serve first from the right- hand side of the court standing with both feet back of the base-line, and must bat ball so that it 26 will fall in the service court diagonally opposite him; if he fails to do this it is called a “fault” and he immediately tries again. If he serves a fault twice in succession, a point is scored to the opponent (0:15). When the first point is won or lost the same player serves again, this time from the left side and he continues to serve alternately from right and left sides until the game is finished. The service ball must not be hit back over the net before it has touched the ground. Any player to whom a ball is returned must return it in like manner. Play continues after each service until one of the players fails to return the ball. The ball must not be played until it has passed over the net. After the first point is made up, a player counts fifteen, the second fifteen making thirty, the third ten making forty and the fourth wins the game. Experienced tennis players must use different tactics against every opponent. Experts say that a tennis player’s style reflects his character. ORAL TOPIC THE KIND OF SPORT I LIKE BEST OF ALL (MY SPECIALITY) Tennis is the kind of sport I like best of all and therefore I decided to choose it as my sporting speciality. Tennis is a very beautiful game and our students willingly go in for it. It is played with a small ball and rackets on a level court. The court is divided into two parts by a net. One or two players make a team. The object of the game is to bat the ball over a net with a racket, so that it will fall in the opponent’s half of the court and if possible so that the opponent cannot return it. There are three chief strokes in tennis from which all others originated. They are: the forehand ground stroke, the backhand ground stroke and the service first stroke. Players who are only beginning to go in for tennis must practice these strokes. Later other strokes must be practiced, such as: the volley, the half-volley, the smash, the lob and others. Tennis develops strength, agility, speed and stamina. An umpire and linesmen are appointed to conduct the contest in tennis. Words and Word Combinations 1. forehand ground stroke — удар справа по отскочившему от земли мячу 2. backhand ground stroke — удар слева по отскочившему от земли мячу 3. service first stroke — удар, вводящий мяч в игру 4. volley — удар с лета 5. half-volley — удар с полулета 6. smash — «смэш», удар над головой по высоко летящему мячу 7. lob — удар «свеча» 8. to choose — выбирать 9. willingly охотно 27 10.racket — ракетка 11.level— ровный 12.court — площадка, корт 13.object— цель 14.to bat — бить 15.opponent — противник 16.to return — возвращать 17.umpire— судья на вышке 18.linesman— судья на линии 19.stroke— удар 20.strength — сила 21.agility — ловкость, быстрота 22.speed— скорость 23.stamina— выносливость TEXT WORK 1. When did you begin to go in for tennis? 2. What is tennis played with? 3. Where is it played? 4. Is the court divided into two parts by a net? 5. How many players make a team? 6. What is the object of the game? 7. How many strokes are there in tennis? 8. What chief strokes do you know in tennis? 9. What kinds of play are there in tennis? I. Answer the following questions: 1. What does и player do to begin a play? 2. What do we call serving? 3. How long does play continue? 4. Why do experts say that a tennis player’s style reflects his character? 2. Form the appropriate verbs of the following nouns: opponent, receiver, server, requirement, failure, choice 3. Form the appropriate nouns of the following words: regular, special, to point, to appear, to make, to surprise, to perform, to register, to defeat, to score, to speed, to show, to stretch, to jump. 4. Form the appropriate adjectives of the following words: success, final, opponent, to differ, to steady, experience, to fit. 5. Insert prepositions wherever required: Jim entered the garden carrying a racket ... his hand. ... a few minutes he began practicing... the house wall. He says that tennis is the best kind ... exercise. He can stay ... the garden ... hours. The way he bats ... the ball, lets it touch ... the ground and then roll is simply splendid. I think it’s a trick ... his. I tried to do it several times but failed. I suppose, I couldn’t turn the racket quickly enough ... my hand. The result was that the ball jumped ... the ground, instead ... rolling. 6. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the negative meaning of till, until, unless: 8. Memorize the dialogue and reproduce it in pairs. 9. Name the suffixes in the following words. State what part of speech they form: 28 service, playing, player, opposite, opponent, diagonally, immediately, succession. UNIT 8. WINTER SPORTS GROUP TALK Are you a skier? What kind of skiing do you go in for? 3. When did you begin to take up skiing? 4. In what skiing competition did you participate? 5. What can you tell about biathlon? SKIING Skiing is very popular in the world. Tens of thousands of young men and women go in for skiing, participating in skiing competitions. Skiing is good for one’s health. It develops many excellent sporting qualities: strength, stamina, endurance, persistence, etc. Skiing has a great effect on the body. It strengthens the muscular system. Skiing consists of two broad categories: Alpine and Nordic. Alpine skiing consists of downhill, slalom, and giant slalom races. Nordic skiing consists of cross-country races and ski-jumping. There are different kinds of skis such as: racing skis, skis for jumping, downhill skis, slalom skis and others. Skiing includes different races such as cross-country race, flat ski race, relay race, ski-lift and also biathlon which are a combination of cross-country race and rifle-marksmanship. The biathlon is a 20 km race combined with rifle-shooting in four stages. The shooting is at a range of 150 m from the prone position, standing, again prone and standing (5 rounds each 29 time). The skiers not only cover 20 km at top speed but also display crack marksmanship. 1. What kinds of skis do you know? 2. What categories does skiing consist of? 3. What does Alpine (Nordic) skiing consist of? 4. What races do you know in skiing? DIALOGUE A: Hello! Would you like to go with me and watch a skiing competition? B: With pleasure. I like it very much. Unfortunately I don’t know the skiing rules in detail. Would you tell me the major ones? A.: Gladly. Without knowing the rules, it will be very difficult for you to watch the competition. It is essential to know that a number of methods are used to determine the winner in various ski events. In downhill racing, for example, the fastest racer down the hill wins, providing he stays within the bounds of the course. B.: What about slalom? Men’s giant slalom in particular? A: In both slalom and men’s giant slalom, each racer generally receives two official runs down the course, and the winner is the one with the lowest aggregate time. B: Is there anything specific about the women’s giant slalom and cross-country skiing? A: Only one official run is used in the women’s giant slalom. The winner in cross-country skiing is the skier with the best time over the course. B.: How many official jumps does each skier receive in ski jumping? A: Two. The winner is determined by the highest score based on total distance down the slope and jumping, style. B: What are the rules for biathlon? I guess, they must be really complicated. B: In biathlon competition skiers race over 20 km, during which they fire four shooting events of five shots each. Skiing times and shooting scores are- added together. A: T hank you. It’s been nice talking to you. SPEED SKATING DIALOGUE A: Are you familiar with speed skating? B: Yes, I am. Some years ago I went in for it but didn’t succeed much. A: Could you tell me some rules concerning this beautiful sport? First of all you must know that both men and women participate in competitive speed skating, competing in four events. For women; 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m, 3000 m. For men: 500 m, 1500 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m. A: How does the race start? 30 B: To start a speed skating race one of the racers takes the inner lane, the other the outer lane. With the shot or whistle they start racing. A: Which racer takes the inner lane? B: Which racer takes which lane is decided by lot? A: How does the competitive site look like? B: A proper track for international speed skating competition should be 400 m in length. The oval track consists of two lanes that traverse two curves and two straight ways. Each lane is four to five meters in width and separated from the other lane by a painted line or some form of physical barrier. Each curve must be of 180 degrees. A: What are lines on the track painted for? B: To mark the pre-start area, starting line, finishing line and each of the last five meters in front of the finishing line. A: What a pity. I’ve got to hurry up. Let’s meet some time to-morrow and have a long talk about it. B: What about 2.30 in the afternoon? A: O.K. Words Word Combinations 1. speed skating — скоростной бег на коньках 2. long-distance race — бег на длинные дистанции 3. medium-distance race — бег на средние дистанции», 4. sprint — бег на короткие дистанции 5. to be inclined forward from the hips — наклоняться вперед от бедер 6. swift and clean starting — быстрый и четкий старт 7. straight run — бег по прямой 8. run in the curve — бег на повороте 9. single skating — одиночное катание 10.pair-skating — парное катание , 11.free-skating — произвольное катание, произвольная программа 12.ice-dances — танцы на льду 13.racing skates — беговые коньки 14.to incline — наклоняться 15.to clasp— сжимать 16.swift— скорый, быстрый 17.Memorize the following terms in skating: spin— вращение 18.one-foot spin — пируэт combined event — многоборье 19.fall— падение 20.pivot— поворот 21.jump — прыжок 22.split— шпагат 23.trace— след 24.double spin — парное вращение 31 25.lay-back spin — стоящий пируэт с наклоном назад 26.blade — лезвие конька 27.sprinting — бег на короткие дистанции (на коньках) 28.long-distance racing — бег на длинные дистанции 29.lane — дорожка 30.inner lane (course) — внутренняя дорожка 31.outer lane (course) — внешняя дорожка 32.“Ready!" — «На старт!» 33.racing in a counter-clockwise position — забег в направлении против часовой стрелки on a curve — на повороте 34.deliberate foul — преднамеренная ошибка 35.I didn’t succeed much - успехов 36.competitive site — место соревнований 37.that traverse two curves and two straightways — которые пересекают два поворота и две прямые линии 38.pre-start area — предстартовая площадка SPEED SKATING Many years ago skating came into our life as means of communication but later it became a form of recreation. Now skating is a very popular sport in our country. Skating is divided into speed and figure skating. There is difference between speed skating and figure skating. The skates used are different. Speed skates have a straight blade, while figure skaters are curved. Both men and women participate in competitive (Olympic level) speed skating. In speed skating two skaters at a time race in a counter-clockwise direction a- round a track. Races for both men and women are held over varying distances. Men and women compete in four events (500 m, 1500 m, 5000 m, 10,000 m —for men; 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m, 3000 m—for women. Points are given in relation to the skater’s time in each event, and the distance; winner is the skater who achieves the fastest time. The overall winner is the skater who wins the majority of the races, or who has the lowest total points. The best overall racers — men and women — for the four events are declared the champions. Since distances range from 500 to 3000 metres for women, the best racers must be adept at both sprinting and long-distance racing. At the Olympics, each country can have no more than 12 men and 8 women on its speed skating team. To start a speed skating race one of the racers must take the inner lane, and the other racer must take the outer lane. Which racer takes which lane can be decided by lot or in accordance with previous performance, the inside lane going to the skater who did less well than his opponent in the preceding event. Skaters stand between the pre-start and starting lines; no portion of a skate can cross the starting line before the shot or whistle to start racing. 32 The skaters assume a starting position on being given the command: “Ready”. With the shot or whistle, they start racing in a counter-clockwise position. In the event of false start, they are called back, and the starting procedure is repeated. A speed skater who commits three false starts is disqualified for that event but may participate in races of other distances. He or she may also be disqualified from a particular event for having changed lanes on a curve, colliding with the opponent when changing from the inner to the outer lane, or for committing a deliberate foul. During the race itself —except for the first straight of the 1000-metre or 1500- metre races on a 400-metre track — the skaters must change lanes every time they enter a crossing line having come out of a curve. A racer is timed from the starting shot or whistle to the time his or her lead skate crosses the finish line. Then the time is converted into a specific number of points. Skating has a great effect on the organism improving the activity of the nervous system. It strengthens the muscular system. Stamina and good styles are very important for a speed skater. (MY SPECIALITY) Skating is a very popular winter sport in our country. It is an important factor in the development of valuable qualities, such as speed, strength, endurance, etc. Skating includes speed skating and figure skating. Men and women participate in speed skating competitions and compete in four events: 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m, 3000 m for women; 500 m, 1500 m, 5000 m, 10,000 m for men. Speed skating includes the long-distance race, the middle-distance race and the sprint. In speed skating the body of the skater should be inclined forward from the hips. He may swing his arms freely, or clasp them behind his back. The essentials for speed skating are First. Swift and clean starting. Second. A straight run. Third. A run in the curve. Figure skating includes: single skating, pairs-skating, free-skating and ice- dancing. Accordingly there are two kinds of skates: racing skates and those for figure skating. In our country there are some world record-holders among speed-skaters both long-distance skaters and short-distance skaters and figure skaters. EXERCISES 1. Answer the following questions: 1. Who may participate in speed skating competition? 2. How many events do men and women compete in? 3. How many competitors can each country have at the Olympics? 4. Describe the start of speed skating race. 5. Which racer takes the inner (outer) lane? 6. How many meters in length should a proper track 33 be for an international speed skating competition? 7. What are lines on the track painted for? 8. What position do the skaters assume on being given the command “Ready”? 9. In what position do the skaters start racing? 10. Are they called back in case of false start? 11. What effect does skating have on the organism? 12. What are its benefits? 2. Form the nouns of the following verbs: to snow, to call, to step, to forget, to increase, to relax 3. Form the verbs of the following nouns: rank, figure, dance, movement, class, step 4. Form the adjectives of the following words: thrill, to like, enthusiast, excitement, smoothness, recently, smoothly 5. Memorize the following groups of synonyms: lane — path-course, inner lane — inner lane course, outside lane — outer lane course, drawing lots — sortition, spin — rolling spin —rotation, airplane spin — camel spin, one-foot spin — pirouette -upright spin, ice-rink —skating-rink, combined event—combined competition, fall —drop, pivot —roll-turn, jump — lift, split —split jump, glide — slip —slide, trace —line, double spin — waltz spin — combined spin, lay-back spin — back-bend spin. 6. Give antonyms to: rough, repulse, uncertain, forget Unit 9. INDIVIDUAL SPORT GROUP TALK 1. Are boxing contests really enjoyed by public? 2. Who are the famous boxers that have won the world title? 3. What are the boxing weights? DIALOGUE A: I’m lucky to have met you. I’ve made up my mind to take up boxing. B: Not a bad idea. I guess you want to make the most of its effects on the body. It, certainly, will help develop your physique. A: I’ve a good background for it. I’ve been engaging in gymnastics for 4 years, so I suppose I have the required fitness. B: You, certainly, have. Boxing really enhances the agility of one’s mind and body splendidly. A.: And one’s stamina too, I should think. When I was a boy I couldn’t help admiring the boxers. They seemed to be the strongest men to me. B. If you keep regular hours, and practice on the punching bag every day in addition to regular training with the coach, you will succeed, I am sure. What shall I start learning first? A. I think the positions should come first. They are many but you’ll begin with the fundamental, defensive and offensive positions. Having learnt these you’ll proceed to stances. 34 B. If you have any time to spare this week I shall be happy to start learning with you. A. I might be able to spare you an hour, say on Wednesday evening. B. Thanks. I’d really appreciate it. ACTIVE VOCUBULARY 1. amateur boxing — любительский бокс 2. Real boxing is a far cry from it. — Настоящий бокс ничего общего с этим не имеет, 3. sparring — вольный бой, спарринг 4. exhibition bout — показательный бой 5. close fighting or infighting — бой с ближней дистанции, ближний бой, 6. outfighting — бой с дальней дистанции, аут 7. shadow boxing — бой с воображаемым противником 8. sparring position — позиция в вольном бое 9. defensive position — позиция защиты 10.offensive position — позиция нападения 11.fundamental position — стойка боевая 12.crouching on guard — стойка закрытая 13.left-hand stance — стойка левосторонняя 14.crouch —стойка низкая 15.crouch open on guard — стойка открытая 16.right-hand stance — стойка правосторонняя 17.hammer — удар в подбородок сверху butting — удар головой 18.illegal blow — удар запрещенный 19.left to the head — удар левый в голову 20.left to the body — удар левый по корпусу 21.straight blow — удар прямой 22.hit with open glove — удар открытой перчаткой 23.stop hit — удар останавливающий BOXING. Boxing has always been and still is one of the most popular kinds of sport in our country. Hundreds of young men go in for boxing. Some people think that boxing is a cruel, savage thing. But real boxing is a far cry from it. It is a fascinating and interesting kind of sport. We know two kinds of boxing: amateur boxing and professional boxing. There are different kinds of bouts in boxing: sparring, exhibition bout, close fighting or infighting, outfighting, shadow boxing, etc. Positions and stances in boxing can be different. In general we distinguish between some kinds: sparring position, defensive position, offensive position, fundamental position, crouching on guard, left-hand stance, crouch open on guard, right-hand stance and others. There are many kinds of hits in boxing: hammer, butting, 35 illegal blow, left to the head, left to the body, straight blow, hit with open glove, stop hit, etc. Here is a description of stance or sparring position. Arms Left elbow is bent close in to the body and behind the left glove which is held with the thumb uppermost. Right glove is just below the chin with knuckle part toward opponent with right elbow tucked in. Legs Comfortably apart with weight of the body balanced evenly on both feet, left leg slightly bent. Body Left shoulder directed toward opponent: chin tucked in. Feet Left foot pointed in the direction of opponent; right heel raised. Left heel may be raised or ready to be raised; weight of the body equally on the ball of each foot. The target Blows must land on the front or sides of the head or body above the belt. Blows on the arms do not score. ORAL TOPIC (MY SPECIALITY) I’ve always had a fancy for boxing. That’s why I’ve chosen boxing for my speciality. I go in for amateur boxing. As a matter of fact there are two kinds of boxing: amateur boxing and professional boxing. Boxers exercise with a punching ball and punching bag. If a boxer begins with simple exercises he will get the necessary freedom of movements. It is necessary for a boxer to wear gloves during his training or a bout. Every boxer knows three distances in boxing: close quarter or close range, striking distance and long distance. Correct footwork and arm work are very important in boxing. You must remember some of the main kinds of hits used in boxing: the lead hit, the hook, the swing, the counter, the knockout, the left uppercut, the right uppercut. There are the following weight-divisions in boxing: fly-weight, bantam-weight, featherweight, lightweight, light-welter-weight, welter-weight, light-middle-weight, middle-weight, light-heavy-weight and heavy weight. Boxers train in a boxing hall. Boxing requires the many-sided physical training of a boxer and such mental qualities as courage, resolution, persistence, endurance, etc. All these mental and physical qualities are developed in the process of training in boxing. Words and Word Combinations 1. punching ball — подвесная груша 2. punching bag — подвесной мешок 36 3. close quarter or close range — ближняя дистанция 4. striking distance — боевая дистанция 5. long distance — дальняя дистанция 6. lead hit — удар атакующий 7. hook — удар боковой с ближней дистанции, 8. swing — удар боковой с дальней дистанции, свинг 9. counter — удар ответный, удар встречный 10.knockout — удар нокаутирующий 11.left uppercut — удар снизу левой 12.right uppercut — удар снизу правой 13.weight-division — весовая категория 14.fly-weight — наилегчайший вес 15.bantam-weight — легчайший вес 16.feather-weight — полулегкий вес 17.light-weight — легкий вес 18.light-welter-weight — первый полусредний 19.welter-weight — второй полусредний 20.light-middle-weight — первый средний 21.middle-weight — второй средний вес 22.light-heavy-weight — полутяжелый вес 23.heavy-weight — тяжелый вес 24.glove — перчатка Questions for the Oral Topic 1. Are you a boxer? 2. When did you begin to go in for boxing? 3. What weightdivisions in boxing do you know? 4. What kinds of boxing do you know? 5. Is it necessary for a boxer to wear gloves during boxing? 6. What distances in boxing do you know? 7. What is important in develop in a boxing? 8. Where does the boxer train? 9. What main hits do you know in boxing? 10. What kind of boxing do you go in for? 11. Did you take part in any contests in boxing? 12. What qualities does boxing develop in boxer? UPPERCUT Uppercuts — with left or right hand — are useful damaging blows, but not easy to land. Damaged knuckles may result from incorrect delivery. They should be used sparingly. Position of Arm The punch must be delivered with the elbow bent, like a hook, glove being above the elbow. Position of Feet Immediately before the blow the right foot must be brought up almost level with the left. Position of Hand 37 Palm of hand must be turned in towards body to hit with the large knuckles. The uppercut can be used in attack from the inside position. Delivery of Blow The right hip should turn quickly towards the opponent as the blow is delivered raising right heel, and a lifting movement of shoulder to give weight to punch. It can be also used in defense against an opponent who rushes it with head down and wild blows or as a counter to a left lead, by side stepping and upper cutting with left or right. EXERCISES I. Answer the following questions: 1. What are the two kinds of boxing that you know? 2. What bouts are distinguished in boxing? 3. Enumerate the kinds of position that are used in boxing. 4. Try to recall the kinds of hits that a boxer is allowed to use. 5. What physical and mental qualities are developed in the process of training in boxing? 6. What does boxing require of a boxer? Form the verbs of the following nouns: box, exhibition, shadow, duration, position, difference, distinction, defense, offence, weight, balance, guard. 2. Form the nouns of the following verbs: to remember, to lead, to swing, to hammer, to punch, to blow, to head, to stop, to hit, to knock, to cut, to tuck. 3. Form the adjectives of the following adverbs: equally, comfortably 4. Give synonyms for: to educate, to rush, to require, resolution, persistence, to cry. 5. Give words opposite in meaning to: a. equally, interesting, friendly, clean attentive, fit, necessary, real; b. harmful, helpful. 6. Narrate the text. 7. Memorize the dialogue and reproduce it in pairs. 8. Tell your friend about a boxing contest you saw in recent months. 38 Wrestling Wrestling is a sport practically as old as civilization and is popular with people of all lands. It is one of the finest forms of exercise bringing into play all the muscles of the body, and is also a wonderful mental stimulant. Many adults find this sport useful in a recreative sense. It i s strenuous, however, and only those who are training should be allowed to enter tournament. Wrestling is an example of a group of games in which personal combat is the main feature. This fact is often overlooked, since people think of team games as the type and forget that tennis singles, checkers and chess are games, although there is but one contestant on a side. The essential features of a game, including strategy, deception and free choice of manner of attack, are conspicuous in combats, making them games rather than simple contests. There are many distinctive types of wrestling, the most important of which are free-style and the Greco-Roman style, judo and sambo. With free-style wrestling, which has evolved from the “Lancashire” and “catch-as-catch-can” styles, any fair hold is allowed, but in the case of the Greco-Roman style no holds are allowed below the waist and the use of the legs for attack or defense is not permitted. Wrestlers are divided into the following weight classes: up to 48, up to 52, up to 57, up to 62, up to 68, up to 74, up to 82, up to 90, up to 100, over 100. Judo evolved from the old schools of ju-jutsu (jiu-jitsu). Sambo is very popular among the Kazakh people. Sambo means “self-defense without arms”. The best defense and attack methods from different types of the national wrestling became the basis of sambo which originated in the 1930’s. It is a fast and dynamic kind of sport. Judo and sambo differ in the rule, costume and the mattress on which the contest is held. At the same time, however, these two kinds of sport have many points in common. They are both intended to make the human being stronger and more- beautiful and to help him protect himself at the moment of danger. NOTES to bring into play — приводить в действие the “Lancashire” and “catch-as-catch-can” styles wrestling is also a mental stimulant — стили «Ланкашир» и «хватай как можешь» борьба развивает также духовно fair hold — правильный прием personal combat — единоборство Greco-Roman wrestling — классическая 6opьба 39 DIALOGUE A: Yesterday you told us about wrestling but you didn’t tell anything about judo. B: Oh, it is a very interesting sport. Judo has become so popular in recent years that it was made an Olympic Sport in 1964. A: What are its rules based on? B: They are based on an essential combination of strength and balance, and contests are won by displaying superior holding and throwing techniques. A: I’d like to know about weight limits in judo. B: In judo there are the following weight limits: lightweight 63 kg, light middleweight 70 kg, middle weight 80 kg, light heavyweight 93 kg, heavyweight over 93 kg, open- any weight. A: And what about the competitive site? B: In international competitions the contests area is a 9m-square green mat around which there is a 1 m-wide red danger area. This is surrounded by a safety area of green matting to prevent injuries. The entire competition area measures 16 X 16 m. A: I know that a contest is governed by the referee and two judges: Is that right? B: Yes, but you must know that the referee generally remains within the contest area and conducts the bout, and the two judges assist the referee from their positions at opposite corners of the safety area. A: Tell about the start of the contest, please. B: At the beginning of the bout contestants face each other at a distance of 4 m, make a standing bow and begin when the referee calls “hajime”. Movements must begin in a standing position within the contest area. A: How are the contestants judged? B: Contestants are judged on throwing technique (nagewaza) and holding technique (katamewaza). Violations are also a determining factor. A: And what about penalties? B: The referee has the power to award four penalties of increasing gravity: shido, chuikeikoku, and hansoko- make (disqualification). A: When does the wrestler receive a caution? B: Cautions are warnings by the referee to wrestlers for passivity, foul holds, and any other violations of the rules of wrestling. A wrestler who receives three cautions during a match automatically loses that match, although he is not disqualified from further participation in the competition. ORAL TOPIC. My future speciality is wrestling. I fancy it because it develops all parts of the body and strengthens the muscles. There are many types of wrestling but the most important are Greco-Roman, freestyle, judo and sambo. 40 Accordingly, wrestlers are called freestyle wrestlers and Greco-Roman wrestlers. Both styles are popular in our country. Wrestlers train in a special wrestling hall. To avoid injury the walls of the hall are padded with a soft covering. Any wrestler may wrestle in a kneeling position or in a standing position. Besides regular training in weightlifting wrestlers resort to some additional means of training such as: rings, climbing rope, wall bars, etc. The training program consists mainly in different holds; head lock, double hold, double leg 1 leg hold, double body hold, etc. The costume for a wrestler is very simple; it includes wrestling shoes and wrestling suit. Words and Word Combinations 1. free-style wrestling — вольная борьба 2. hold — захват 3. a free-style wrestler — борец по вольной борьбе 4. head lock — захват головы 5. a Greco- Roman wrestler — борец по классической 6. double hold — двойной захват 7. борьбе double leg hold — захват ног 8. to wrestle in a kneeling position — бороться в пapтере 9. leg hold — захват ноги 10.double body hold — захват туловища 11.to wrestle in a standing position — бороться в стойке Questions for the Oral Topic 1. Are you a wrestler? 2. What style of wrestling do you go in for? 3. When did you begin to go in for wrestling? '4. What styles are there in wrestling? 5. How many weight classes are there in wrestling? What are they? 6. What additional means of training do wrestlers use? 7. What the wrestler’s training program consists of? 8. Why should a wrestler train parts of his body? 9. What costume a wrestler need? 10. What sporting g have you got in wrestling? EXERCISES I. Answer the following questions: 1. What makes wrestling popular with people of all lands? 2. What is its main feature? 3. Which types of wrestling are the most important? 4. What is the difference between the “catch-as-catch- can” style and the Greco-Roman one? 5. Where does the difference between Judo and Sambo lie? 6. What do they have in common? 7. When was Sambo originated? II. Form degrees of comparison of the following adjectives: fair, strenuous, strong, human, free III. Form nouns of the following verbs: 41 evolve, wrestle, distinguish, deceive, include, combat, contest, popularize, protect, permit. IV. Memorize the following groups of synonyms: to allow — to permit; combat — fight; hold —grip — catch; outstanding —famous; to protect — to defend. V. Memorize the following groups of antonyms to forget — to remember; lax — tense" unimportant — important — significant; to forbid — to allow — to permit; to notice — to overlook — to disregard; weak—strong; plain — beautiful. VI. Narrate the text. VII. Memorize the dialogue and reproduce it in pairs. VIII. Tell your friend about a wrestling contest you saw recently. IX . Name the suffixes in the following words. Note their meanings: national, personal, mental, popular, beautiful, wonderful, distinctive, re creative, conspicuous, strenuous, important, Japanese. X. Name the prefixes in the following words. Note their meanings: recreative, recover, reproduce, distinctive, intend, pretend, essential, evolution, deception, reception, competition, contest, combat. XII. Make a presentation about your favorite boxer or wrestler. 42