Ponomarenko English School Англійська мова Home Alone Workbook ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School Home Alone Перейти ponomarenko_eng 1 Ponomarenko English School V 2 ocabulary Elementary quizlet 1 to hand up кидати слухавку to end a phone conversation by putting down the phone receiver or pressing the ‘end call’ button Hang up the phone and make me, why don’t you? 2 to shave голитися to cut hair from the skin, especially the face, using a razor Then how do I shave in France. 3 to pack складати, пакувати to put clothes, etc. into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home Go pack your suitcase. 4 suitcase валіза a case with flat sides and a handle, used for carrying clothes, etc. when you are travelling Go pack your suitcase. 5 to knock стукати to hit a door, etc. in order to attract attention D on’t you know how to knock, phlegm-wad? ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 6 evidence 3 докази the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true Not enough evidence to convict. 7 tip чайові a small piece of advice about something practical Pizza boy needs $122,50 plus tip. 8 on purpose навмисно not by accident; deliberately He ate my pizza on purpose. 9 to disappear зникнути to become impossible to see I wish they would all just disappear. 10 to wish бажати to want something to happen or to be true even though it is unlikely or impossible I wish they would all just disappear. 11 to line up шикуватись to stand in a line or row; to form a queue Line up in front of the van. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 12 purse 4 дамська сумочка, гаманець a small bag made of leather, plastic, etc. for carrying coins and often also paper money, cards, etc., used especially by women Put them in your purse! 13 joke жарт something that you say or do to make people laugh, for example a funny story that you tell Is this a joke? 14 helpless безпорадний unable to take care of yourself or do things without the help of other people You’re completely helpless. 15 trouble біда, клопіт a problem, worry, difficulty, etc. or a situation causing this There are 15 people, and you’re the only one who has to make trouble. 16 junk непотріб/шкідливий things that are considered to have no use or value Guys, I’m eating junk and watching rubbish. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 17 rubbish 5 сміття something that you think is of poor quality Guys, I’m eating junk and watching rubbish. 18 in a hurry поспішаючи very quickly or more quickly than usual You feel that way because we left in a hurry. 19 to lock up замикати двері to make a building safe by locking the doors and windows Did you lock up? 20 miscount прораховуватися to count something wrongly We didn’t forget him, we just miscounted. 21 emergency надзвичайна ситуація a sudden serious and dangerous event or situation that needs immediate action to deal with it It’s an emergency. We really have to make a call. 22 to book резервувати to arrange to have or use something on a particular date in the future; to buy a ticket in advance Book us a flight home. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 23 afraid 6 наляканий feeling fear; frightened because you think that you might be hurt or suffer Hey, I’m not afraid anymore. 24 throat горло a passage in the neck through which food and air pass on their way into the body; the front part of the neck Has the child ingested any poison or is an object lodged in his throat? 25 to worry турбуватися to keep thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or about problems that you have You’re not worried about Kevin? 26 to argue сперечатися to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them There was arguing. 27 neighbourhood район a district or an area of a town; the people who live there Let’s wait and see who it is. We work this neighbourhood too. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 28 7 підвезти to give a ride to drive, to take, to chauffeur somebody; to give somebody a lift You’d give me a ride? 29 instead замість in the place of somebody/something Please tell him instead of presents, I just want my family back. 30 silly дурненький showing a lack of thought, understanding, or judgement No, don’t be silly. 31 to bother турбувати to annoy, worry or upset somebody; to cause somebody trouble or pain It’s bothered me for years. 32 laundry прання clothes, sheets, etc. that need washing, that are being washed, or that have been washed recently I made myself go down to do some laundry. 33 to check out перевірити to find out if something is correct, or if somebody is acceptable We’ll check it out. You can come back for the truck. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 34 truck вантажівка a large vehicle for carrying heavy loads by road We’ll check it out. You can come back for the truck. 35 to look for шукати to try to find We’ve been looking for you guys for a long time. 36 винити себе to beat yourself up to blame yourself too much for something You’re beating yourself up there. 37 to cheer somebody up підняти настрій комусь to make somebody more cheerful I was just trying to cheer you up. 38 sweetheart м ил ий used to address somebody in a kind and loving way Merry Christmas, sweetheart. 39 to burn down спалити to destroy something, by fire It’s cool that you didn’t burn the place down. ponomarenko_eng 8 Ponomarenko English School 40 to tie зав’язувати to make a knot in a piece of string, rope, etc. He doesn’t know how to tie his shoe. Intermediate quizlet 1 jerk тупиця, дупа an offensive word for somebody who you think is stupid or often says or does the wrong thing He’s just being a jerk. 2 folks батьки the members of your family, especially your parents Are your folks home? 3 puke блювота food that you bring back up from the stomach through the mouth Excuse me, puke-breath. I’m small. 4 pit пахва an armpit (= the part of the body under the arm where it joins the shoulder) Is it true French babes don’t shave their pits? ponomarenko_eng 9 Ponomarenko English School 5 to wet the bed 10 намочити постіль (обісцяти постіль) to urinate in your bed by accident If he drinks, he’ll wet the bed. 6 to murder убивати to kill somebody deliberately and illegally In’58 he murdered his whole family and half the people on his block… 7 victim жертва a person who has been attacked, injured or killed as the result of a crime, a disease, an accident, etc. That’s where he keeps his victims. 8 to owe заборгувати to have to pay somebody for something that you have already received or return money that you have borrowed Good, because somebody owes me $122,50. 9 burglary крадіжка зі зломом the crime of entering a building illegally and stealing things from it There’s always a lot of burglaries around the holidays. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 10 scum покидьки an offensive word for people who you think are very bad Why do I get treated like scum? 11 погано поводитися to act up to behave badly You’re the only one acting up. 12 to hit the road вирушати в дорогу to start a journey Kid, I don’t know. Hit the road. 13 headcount перелік an act of counting the number of people who are at an event, employed by an organization, etc.; the number of people that have been counted in this way Do a headcount. Get everyone in the vans. 14 moron дебіл a rude way to refer to somebody that you think is very stupid B uzz, don’t be a moron. ponomarenko_eng 11 Ponomarenko English School to fasten 15 12 закріпити to close or join together the two parts of something; to become closed or joined together Fasten your seatbelts. imagination 16 уява the ability to create pictures in your mind; the part of your mind that does this It’s only my imagination. sickening 17 бридкий making you feel shocked or full of horror No clothes on anybody. Sickening. to figure out 18 з’ясувати, зрозуміти to think about somebody/something until you understand them/it But I got it all figured out. ridiculous 19 v ery silly or unreasonable T 20 смішно his is ridiculous. p oison отрута a substance that causes death or harm if it gets into the body H as the child ingested any poison or is an object lodged in his throat? ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 21 to ingest ковтати to take food, drugs, etc. into your body, usually by swallowing (= making them go down your throat) Has the child ingested any poison or is an object lodged in his throat? 22 безпечний secure where somebody/something cannot be harmed; that cannot be affected or harmed by something The house looks secure. 23 relief полегшення the feeling of happiness that you have when something unpleasant stops or does not happen Well, that’s a relief. 24 desperate доведений до розпачу feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others I’m desperate. 2 5 filthy с брудний, па кудний very dirty and unpleasant Keep the change, you filthy animal. ponomarenko_eng 13 Ponomarenko English School 26 runway злітно-посадкова смуга a long narrow piece of ground with a hard surface that an aircraft takes off from and lands on If I have to get on your runway and hitchhike… 27 to hitchhike подорожувати автостопом to travel by asking for free rides in other people’s cars, by standing at the side of the road and trying to get passing cars to stop If I have to get on your runway and hitchhike… 28 to get scammed бути обдуреним to be fooled I think we’re getting scammed by a kindergartener. 29 to swear присягатися to make a serious promise to do something You swear to it? 30 complicated складний made of many different things or parts that are connected; difficult to understand How you feel about family is a complicated thing. ponomarenko_eng 14 Ponomarenko English School 31 basement 15 підвал a room or rooms in a building, partly or completely below the level of the ground I was afraid of out basement. 32 no big deal нічого страшного used to say that something is not important or not a problem I was worried about it, but if you turn on the lights, it’s no big deal. 33 rumor чутки a piece of information, or a story, that people talk about, but that may not be true I have a friend who got nailed because there was a rumor he wore dinosaur pajamas. 34 to defend захищати to protect somebody/something from attack This is my house. I have to defend it. 35 nutritious поживний very good for you; containing many of the substances which help the body to grow Bless this nutritious, microwaveable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 36 armed озброєний involving the use of weapons The little jerk is armed. 37 to outsmart перехитрити to gain an advantage over somebody by being cleverer than they are We outsmarted you this time. 38 паяльна лампа blowtorch Blow his head with a blowtorch. 39 to drool пускати слини to let saliva come out of your mouth I didn’t fall asleep in the back and drool all over you, did I? 40 to hang around вештатися to wait or stay near a place, not doing very much What else did you do while we were away? Just hung around. ponomarenko_eng 16 Ponomarenko English School Advanced quizlet 1 fella чувак an informal way of referring to a man Big fella. Hey, little guy. 2 kennel псарня, буда a small shelter for a dog to sleep in No, we put the dog in the kennel. 3 goatee козляча борідка a small pointed beard that is grown only on the chin Grow a goatee. 4 to burn down the joint влаштовувати пожежу to burn down the place Did I burn down the joint? I don’t think so. 5 orphanage дитячий будинок a home for children whose parents are dead All kids, no parents. Probably a fancy orphanage. 6 to whine нити to complain in an annoying, crying voice The dope was whining about a suitcase. ponomarenko_eng 17 Ponomarenko English School 7 dope 18 дурень a stupid person The dope was whining about a suitcase. 8 gut кишка the tube in the body through which food passes when it leaves the stomach He just ate a load of mice guts. 9 phlegm-wad шмаркач a mass of the thick substance that forms in the nose and throat, especially when you have a cold Don’t you know how to knock, phlegm-wad? 10 shovel лопата a tool like a spade with a long handle and a broad metal part with curved edges, used for moving earth, snow, sand, etc. In’58 he murdered his whole family and half the people on his block… with a snow shovel. 11 to convict осуджувати to decide and state officially in court that somebody is guilty of a crime N ot enough evidence to convict. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 12 precaution 19 запобіжний захід something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger We’re checking the neighbourhood to see if the proper precautions are taken. 13 егг-ног eggnog an alcoholic drink made by mixing eggs, milk and sugar with alcohol such as rum or brandy Did you get some eggnog? 14 nuts божевільний crazy This house is just crazy. It’s nuts. 15 to dump on звалити все на to criticize somebody severely or treat them badly I’m getting dumped on. 16 partridge куріпка a brown bird with a round body and a short tail, that people hunt for sport or food; the meat of this bird i e boys, six girls, two drivers… and a partridge in a pear tree. F v ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 17 heel 20 погана людина a man who is unpleasant to other people and cannot be trusted Don’t you feel like a heel, flying first class with the kids in coach? 18 coach економ клас the cheapest seats in a plane Don’t you feel like a heel, flying first class with the kids in coach? 19 to pound товкти, колошматити to hit something/somebody hard many times, especially in a way that makes a lot of noise You better come out and pound me! 20 loaded багатий very rich It’s loaded. It’s got lots of top-flight goods. 21 top-flight першокласний of the highest quality, rank or level It’s loaded. It’s got lots of top-flight goods. 22 crowbar лом a straight iron bar, usually with a curved end, used for forcing open boxes and moving heavy objects Grab your crowbar. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 23 wimp 21 слабак a person who is not strong, brave or confident Only a wimp would be hiding under a bed. 24 hyper гіперактивний excited and nervous; having too much nervous energy There’s some hyper lady on hold. 25 to lodge застрягти to become fixed or stuck somewhere; to make something become fixed or stuck somewhere Has the child ingested any poison or is an object lodged in his throat? 26 funeral похорон a ceremony, often a religious one, for burying or cremating a dead person Santy don’t visit the funeral homes, buddy. 27 to rot гнити to decay, or make something decay, naturally and gradually We’re here rotting in this apartment. 28 to give a whirl спробувати to try something to see if you like it or can do it I’ll give them a whirl. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 29 22 вбити to blow away to kill somebody by shooting them One blew the other one away. 30 to finger звинуватити to accuse somebody of doing something illegal and tell the police about it Suppose the cops finger us for a job… 31 perpetual нескінченний continuing for a long period of time without stopping or being interrupted This is Christmas! The season of perpetual hope. 32 to lose temper втрачати самовладання to fail to control your anger We lost our tempers, and I said I didn’t care to see him anymore. 33 to give it a shot спробувати to try to do something Just give it a shot. For your granddaughter anyway. 34 to get nailed бути заарештованим to get arrested I have a friend who got nailed because there dinosaur pajamas. was a rumor he wore ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 35 brat нахаба a person, especially a child, who behaves badly No, not this time, you little brat. 36 creep гадина a person that you dislike very much and find very unpleasant You little creep, where are you? 37 cojones яйця a man's testicles I’ll snap off your cojones and boil them in motor oil. 38 to snap off відірвати to break a piece from a whole I’ll snap off your cojones and boil them in motor oil. 39 corpse труп a dead body, especially of a human Apparently, he was there all day with the corpse. 40 resilient стійкий able to recover quickly after something unpleasant such as shock, injury, etc. Kids are resilient like that. ponomarenko_eng 23 Ponomarenko English School 24 Tasks Part 1 Turn off the subtitles. Watch the movie from [1.08.00 ] to [1.13.00] and write down the missing words OLD MAN MARLEY: — Merry Christmas. May I _____ _____? There's my granddaughter up there. The little _____-_____ _____. She's about your age. You know her? KEVIN: — No. OLD MAN MARLEY: — You live next to me, _____ _____? You can say hello when you see me. You don't have to be _____. There's a lot of things going around about me, but none of it's _____. Okay? You've been _____ _____ _____ this year? KEVIN: — I think so. OLD MAN MARLEY: — You _____ to it? KEVIN: — No. OLD MAN MARLEY: — I had a feeling. Well, this is the place to be if you're _____ _____ about yourself. KEVIN: — It is? OLD MAN MARLEY: — I think so. KEVIN: — Are you feeling bad about yourself? ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 25 OLD MAN MARLEY: — No. KEVIN: — I’ve been _____ _____ _____ _____ lately. I said some things I shouldn't have. I really haven't been too good this year. OLD MAN MARLEY: — Yeah. KEVIN: — I’m kind of _____ because I really like my family, _____ _____ sometimes I say I don't. Sometimes I even think I don't. Do you _____ _____? OLD MAN MARLEY: — I think so. How you feel about your family is a _____ thing. KEVIN: — Especially with an older brother. OLD MAN MARLEY: — _____ _____, you'll always love him. But you can forget that you love him. You can _____ _____, and they can hurt you. That's not just because you're young. You want to know _____ _____ _____ why I'm here right now? KEVIN: — Sure. OLD MAN MARLEY: — I came to hear my _____ sing. And I can't come hear her tonight. KEVIN: — You have plans? OLD MAN MARLEY: — No. I'm not _____. KEVIN: — At church? ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 26 OLD MAN MARLEY: — You’re always welcome at church. I'm not welcome with my son. _____ _____, before you and your family moved on the block, I _____ _____ _____ with my son. KEVIN: — How old is he? OLD MAN MARLEY: — He’s _____ _____. We _____ _____ _____, and I said I didn't care to see him anymore. He said the same, and we haven't spoken to _____ _____ since. KEVIN: — If you miss him, why don't you _____ him? OLD MAN MARLEY: — I’m afraid if I call that he won't talk to me. KEVIN: — How do you know? OLD MAN MARLEY: — I don't know. I'm just afraid he won't. KEVIN: — _____ _____, but aren't you a little old to be afraid? OLD MAN MARLEY: — You can be a little old for a lot of things. You're never too old to be afraid. KEVIN: — That’s true. I've always been afraid of our _____. It's dark, there's weird stuff down there, and it smells funn; that sort of thing. It's _____ me for years. OLD MAN MARLEY: — Basements are like that. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 27 KEVIN: — I made myself _____ _____ to do some _____, and I found out it's not so bad. All this time I've been worried about it, but if you _____ _____ _____ _____, it's no big deal. OLD MAN MARLEY: — What’s your point? KEVIN: — My point is, you _____ call your son. OLD MAN MARLEY — What if he won't talk to me? KEVIN: — At least you'll know. Then you could stop worrying about it. Then you won't have to be afraid _____. I don't care how mad I was, I'd talk to my dad ad. Especially _____ _____ _____. OLD MAN MARLEY: — I don't know. KEVIN: — Just _____ _____ _____ _____, for your granddaughter anyway. I'm sure she misses you, and the presents. OLD MAN MARLEY: — I send her a check. KEVIN: — I wish my grandparents did that. They always send me _____. Last year I got a _____ with a big bird knitted on it. OLD MAN MARLEY: — Oh, that's nice. KEVIN: — Not for a guy in the _____ _____. You can get beat up for something like that. OLD MAN MARLEY: — Oh? ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School KEVIN: — Yeah. I have a friend who _____ _____ because there was a rumor he wore _____ _____. OLD MAN MARLEY: — You better run along home where you belong. Think about what I said. _____ _____? KEVIN: — Okay. OLD MAN MARLEY: — It’s nice talking to you. KEVIN: — Nice talking to you. What about you? OLD MAN MARLEY: — Me? KEVIN: — Yeah. You and your son. OLD MAN MARLEY: — We’ll _____ _____ _____. Merry Christmas. KEVIN: — Merry Christmas. Choose True or False 1 Kevin has 4 brothers and sisters. 2 They were always convinced that Marley was a good person. 3 His parents intentionally left him alone at home. 4 Buzz is a very sweet and friendly guy. ponomarenko_eng 28 Ponomarenko English School 29 5 Kevin's family is religious. 6 Marley was not on very good terms with his son. 7 Kevin's mom decided to wait for the morning flight to fly to her son. 8 Kevin has set up a lot of traps to stop the robbers. 9 The old man called the police and saved Kevin. 10 Kevin's family didn't make it on time for Christmas. Match the words with their translations 1 victim А багатий 2 loaded В стійкий 3 burglary С нескінченний 4 resilient D підвал 5 bother E валіза 6 perpetual F безпечний 7 trouble G жертва 8 suitcase H крадіжка зі зломом 9 basement I біда 10 secure J турбувати ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 30 Complete the sentences with the given words relief, disappear, top-flight, nuts, afraid, in a hurry, get scammed, moron, folks, precaution 1 These problems won't just _______ by themselves. 2 Dad was _______ to beat the storm, so she had said nothing as the car backed out of the drive. 3 Melissa is _______ of flying, so she takes a train from Boston to visit her brother in Chicago. 4 Don't leave it there, you _______! 5 After the exam, I felt an incredible sense of _______. 6 I argue with my _______ every day so I decided to move out. 7 Umbrellas are a good _______ in case of rain or too much sun. 8 The project continues to attract _______ talents. 9 You must think I’m _______ to be dressed up like this. 10 It's easy to _______ on the Internet if you aren't prepared for this type of shopping experience. ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School 31 Tasks Part 1 Who said that? 1 Bless this highly nutritious, microwaveable macaroni and cheese dinner, and the people who sold it on sale.” 2 “Is it true French babes don't shave their pits?” 3 “Now we know each and every house that you've hit.” 4 “We lost our tempers, and I said I didn't care to see him anymore.” 5 “5 families gone on one block alone. They all told me from their own mouths.” 6 “If he's the shovel slayer, how come the cops don't arrest him?” 7 “That's it. I forgot to close the garage.” 8 “I'm desperate. I'm begging you.” 9 “Are you here all by yourself?” 10 “I'm not going out the window.” ponomarenko_eng Ponomarenko English School А Police officer В Harry С Peter D Buzz E Kelly (the cashier) F Marv G Kevin H Kate I Marley J Rod What happened next? 1 After saying he doesn't want to see his family, Kevin wishes “ _______________”. 2 After counting the heads, _______________. 3 After talking to her husband on the plane, Kate remembers _______________. ponomarenko_eng 32 Ponomarenko English School 4 After stealing a toothbrush at the shop, Kevin _______________. 5 After offering the elderly couple first-class tickets, they finally _______________. 6 After Kevin got home from shopping, the bags _______________. 7 After finding Santa, Kevin asks him _______________. 8 After talking to the old man, Kevin wishes him _______________. Characters Who: 1 goes upstairs with Kevin? 2 wants to get his $122,50? 3 sets traps around the house? 4 enters McCallister’s house undercover? 5 does a headcount? 6 tries to calm down Kate on the plane? ponomarenko_eng 33 Ponomarenko English School 7 is afraid of dark but denies it? 8 wants to reconcile with his family? Character’s personality Who: 1 is very resilient and brave? 2 is very protective and loyal to the family? 3 is very dumb and bad? 4 is a bit smarter but still bad? 5 is very wise but hurt? ponomarenko_eng 34