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My writing assignments

Is one of the IELTS essays types. In an advantages and disadvantages essay your task is to
describe the positive and the negative sides of a specific topic. You must include examples and
reasons to support your ideas. Sometimes you will also be asked to give your opinion.
My sample
Advantages and disadvantages of eating fast food
In our contemporary society most of individuals prefer fast foods to home-made foods. Eating
fast prepared food can save time and it is not expensive, while it may cause addiction and
several health problems.
To begin with, consuming fast prepared food is convenient to get anywhere and anytime for
low prices. If people will have a lunch at restaurants or at places with homemade foods on a
daily basis it would be little bit expensive for ordinary employees. Therefore, having a lunch,
consisting French fries with some ketchup, hamburger and cola is common for every second
person. Furthermore, eating junk food will not require a lot of time and is suitable for even
24/7 workers. Individuals need to go to near grocery and order some unhealthy food.
As it's said, every coin has two sides. Constant consuming non homemade food surely would
cause bunch of problems related to health of humans. Too much calorie, high quantity of sugar
and lack of components needed to our organism would be cause of obesity, insulin resistance,
type 2 diabetes, and various cardiovascular conditions. In addition, a person who eats fast food
almost every day become addicted to this kind of food and cannot antagonize with it. As an
example, nutrients included in mouthwatering hamburger or caffeine in the compound of cola
easily make people obsessed with such kind of food.
To conclude, despite the fact that consuming fast food is convenient and cheap in comparison
with high quality food, it would affect to our organism and several diseases will appear.
Crime story writing is a type of writing which explains story related to particular type of crime
and it gives information to reader.
My sample
Last night at California talented singer was executed during his performance by her former
girlfriend Selena Gomez.
By the report of a fan of Bieber it was clear that incident happened because of Hailey Bieber,
Justin's wife. Selena went to stage when Justin was singing innocently and threatened with a
knife for fruits, weapon was not as sharp as enough, therefore Justin loses enormous quantity
of blood.
"I have never seen such horrible scene before, Selena looked really dangerous and i think she
was under drugs" said Selena's best friend Taylor Swift.
Justin Bieber passed away in the hospital after two hours, Selena arrested for 9 years by US
government. Celebrities wishing R.I.P to Justin and soothing words to Mrs. Rhode- Bieber.
The descriptive essay is a genre of essay that asks the student to describe something—object,
person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. This genre encourages the student's ability to
create a written account of a particular experience.
My sample
My best friend's name is Gulnoza, she is my peer and a student of Webster University. I met her
in history course for the first time, five months ago, and i didn't even imagine how close we
would be.
I proudly can say that Gulnoza is the most beautiful girl I've ever meet. Her height is
approximately 174 centimeters and weight nearly 58 kg, her eyes are green and she has pretty
small nose with full lips.
She is really funny person; she always makes me smile. She is an ambivert, it means a mix of
introvert and extrovert. I can always ask for an advice from her, knowing that she will give me
an appropriate one.
She is creative person as me. Even if she doesn't know how to draw well, she plays on violin and
writes books little bit.
I appreciate this person, because she always brings a positive energy and carries only good
vibes. She always honest with me and able to give right navigation when i am in a trouble.
Therefore, I am happy to be a friend of this priceless human.
A cover letter is a one-page business letter that you submit when applying to a job, along with
your resume. As a piece of persuasive writing, your cover letter will aim to convey to the
employer why you're a great candidate for the role.
My sample
Dear Brian Dumbledore
I am writing to you regarding a pronouncement from "Hogwarts academy of Witchcraft and
Wizardry" for a vacancy of a teacher of potions.
My master's degree is from TIIAME OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY: English philology
and teaching methods.
I fluently speak in Russian, English, German languages, additionally practicing a Latin.
In addition, I have a channel on YouTube with approximately 5 million subscribers, where i post
educational videos every week.
Till now I've been teaching at Bristol University for 8 years.
I have several achievements in this field as well, like 9 band score from IELTS and C2 level in
If you require any further information, please contact me via email: best.teacher@gmail.com
Your sincerely
Yarasheva Shahzoda
Crime report: This type of report contains the general description and suspect information for a
crime. This can be a robbery, a burglary, a car-jacking, a kidnapping, etc. The crime report is
especially useful in the courts if it comes to prosecution.
My sample
-What Cybercrime means?
Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network or a
networked device. Most cybercrime is committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to
make money. However, occasionally cybercrime aims to damage computers or networks for
reasons other than profit.
CC becomes significant type of crime nowadays, but do you know that history of CC goes deep
to 80s. Actually, there was no real cybercrime until the 1980s. One person hacked another
person’s computer to find, copy or manipulate personal data and information. The first person
to be found guilty of cybercrime was Ian Murphy, also known as Captain Zap, and that
happened in the year 1981. He had hacked the American telephone company to manipulate its
internal clock, so that users could still make free calls at peak times.
There are different types of cybercrime:
~Phishing Scams.
~Website Spoofing.
~IOT Hacking.
And there are some types of hackers:
1)Hackers who want to steal money
2)Hackers who want to make a public message. This happens, for example, by hacking a bank,
only to prove that there are errors and leaks in the security system of that bank.
3)Hackers who are hacking and infiltrating systems for fun.
To sum up, in order to prevent hacking our digital devices and money online individuals should
be aware of their emails and do not tell their passwords to others.
A letter of introduction is a type of correspondence, usually email, used to introduce someone
you know to someone else. Introduction letters can help build professional relationships that
lead to job opportunities, business growth and collaboration.
My sample
Hi miss Nargiza
My name is Shahzoda Yarasheva from TIIAME University, 116 group. Couple of days ago our
tutor announced about an English Readers Club, which has been organized two months ago. In
addition, in our group chat it was discussed thoroughly. Therefore, I was really interested in.
The main reason why I want to join this club, is that I'm a big fan of reading different books, it is
kind of my hobby.
In recent days I don't have spare time to spend it with my favorite book and cup of tea, by
enrolling to Readers Club I hope I'll take a responsibility on me, and try to read, at least a book
in a month.
I will wait for your response
See you soon🙃
Shahzoda Yarasheva