SIW-2 Raiynbek M.

Air pollution
Teacher: Tairova K.
Student: Raiynbek M.
Abstract 1
Original text:
The air quality in cities in Kazakhstan has been poorly investigated despite the
worsening conditions. This study evaluates national air pollution monitoring
network data (Total Suspended Particle-TSP, NO2, SO2, and O3) from Kazakhstan
cities and provides estimates of excess mortality rates associated with PM2.5
exposure using the Global Exposure Mortality Model (GEMM) concentrationresponse function. Morbidity rates associated with PM10 exposure were also
estimated. Annual average (2015-2017) population-weighted concentrations
were Kazakhstan cities was 157, 51, 29, and 41 μg m−3 for TSP, NO2, SO2, and O3
respectively. We estimated a total of 8134 adult deaths per year attributable to
PM2.5 (average over 2015–2017) in the selected 21 cities of Kazakhstan. The
leading causes of death were ischemic heart disease (4080), stroke (1613), lower
respiratory infections (662), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (434), lung
cancer (332). The per capita mortality rate attributable to ambient air pollution
(per 105 adults per year) was less than 150 in nine cities, between 150 and 204 in
nine cities, and between 276 and 373 in three industrial cities (Zhezkazgan,
Temirtau, and Balkhash).
Paraphrase text
Despite the deterioration of conditions, the air quality in Kazakhstan has been
poorly studied. This study examines data from the national air pollution
monitoring network from cities in Kazakhstan and provides estimates of excess
mortality rates. Morbidity rates associated with PM10 exposure were also
assessed. The average annual concentrations (2015-2017), weighted by
population, in the cities of Kazakhstan amounted to 157, 51, 29 and 41
micrograms m3 for TSP, NO2, SO2 and O3, respectively .A total of 8,134 deaths of
the adult population per year associated with PM2.5 (on average for 2015-2017)
in 21 selected cities of Kazakhstan were shown. The main causes of death were
coronary heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory tract infections, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer. Mortality per capita caused by air
pollution is less than 150 in nine cities, from 150 to 204 in nine cities and from
276 to 373 in three industrial cities such as Zhezkazgan , Temirtau and Balkhash.
Abstract 2
Original text:
Air pollution and exposure to weather conditions beyond certain thresholds have
a serious impact on public health. However, there is a lack of information on
broader aspects, including the role of some exposure modifiers and the
interaction between air pollution and weather. The purpose of this article is a
comprehensive review and summary of the literature on the relationship of air
pollution and weather with mortality and hospitalization; as well as to identify
gaps in the literature that require further research.
We conducted a literature review. A search in two databases (PubMed and Webof-Science) from 2012 to 2020 using three conceptual categories “environmental
factors”, “health outcomes” and “Geographical region” revealed a total of 951
entries. The descriptive synthesis included all original studies with time series,
cohorts, or cross-case analysis; with ambient air pollution and/or exposure to
weather conditions; and outcomes of mortality and/or hospitalization.
The final review included 112 articles, of which 70 related to mortality, 30 to
hospitalization, and 12 studies included both outcomes. It has been shown that
air pollution consistently acts as a risk factor for mortality from all causes,
cardiovascular, respiratory, cerebrovascular diseases and cancer, as well as
hospitalizations. High and cold temperatures were a risk factor for a wide range of
cardiovascular, respiratory and mental illnesses; nevertheless, in several studies,
an increase in temperature reduced the risk of hospitalization for pulmonary
embolism, angina pectoris, chest diseases and coronary heart disease. The role of
effect modification in the included studies was investigated in terms of gender,
age and time of year, but not in terms of ethnicity.
Air pollution and exposure to weather conditions beyond certain thresholds
negatively affect human health. The influence of modification of important sociodemographic indicators, such as ethnicity and the interaction between air
pollution and weather, is often overlooked in the literature. Our findings highlight
the need for further research into health and mortality behaviors related to air
pollution and weather to guide the planning of effective environmental
Paraphrase text
Air contamination and openness to weather patterns past specific edges truly
affect general wellbeing. Be that as it may, there is an absence of data on more
extensive perspectives, including the job of a few openness modifiers and the
collaboration between air contamination and climate. The motivation behind this
article is a complete survey and outline of the writing on the relationship of air
contamination and climate with mortality and hospitalization; as well as to
recognize holes in the writing that require further examination.
We directed a writing survey. A hunt in two data sets (PubMed and Web-ofScience) from 2012 to 2020 utilizing three theoretical classes "ecological
elements", "wellbeing results" and "Geological locale" uncovered a sum of 951
passages. The graphic combination incorporated all unique investigations with
time series, companions, or cross-case examination; with encompassing air
contamination or potentially openness to atmospheric conditions; and results of
mortality as well as hospitalization.
The last survey included 112 articles, of which 70 connected with mortality, 30 to
hospitalization, and 12 examinations included the two results. It has been shown
that air contamination reliably goes about as a gamble factor for mortality from
all causes, cardiovascular, respiratory, cerebrovascular infections and disease, as
well as hospitalizations. High and cold temperatures were a gamble factor for
many cardiovascular, respiratory and dysfunctional behaviors; in any case, in a
few examinations, an expansion in temperature diminished the gamble of
hospitalization for pneumonic embolism, angina pectoris, chest illnesses and
coronary illness. The job of impact alteration in the included examinations was
explored with regards to orientation, age and season, however not concerning
Air contamination and openness to weather patterns past specific edges
adversely influence human wellbeing. The impact of change of significant sociosegment pointers, like nationality and the connection between air contamination
and climate, is much of the time neglected in the writing. Our discoveries feature
the requirement for additional investigation into wellbeing and mortality ways of
behaving connected with air contamination and climate to direct the preparation
of successful ecological insurances.