151 High-density fluorescence in situ hybridization signal detection on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) chromosomes with improved probe screening and reprobing procedures Genome Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of Tennessee on 03/19/13 For personal use only. Akio Kato Abstract: The barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genome was screened to identify sequences that could be used for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). From 2000 transformed bacterium colonies carrying barley clones, 56 colonies were selected on the basis of the patterns that their PCR products produced when subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis. Among them, 42 (75%) exhibited fluorescent signals on barley chromosomes after in situ hybridization using the directly labeled PCR products. Sequencing revealed seven clones, pHv-365, pHv-177, pHv-1112, pHv-689, pHv-1476, pHv-1889, and pHv-1972, to be newly identified FISH-positive sequences. The remainder possess previously described sequences such as 5S, GAA microsatellite, centromere repeats, HVT01, and pHvMWG2315 (324 bp repeat). It is shown here that a combination of five probes, which produce strong signals on barley chromosomes, pHv-38 (5S), pHv-365, pHv-961 (HVT01), GAA, and TAG microsatellites, offer unequivocal recognition of each chromosome. The combination of three probes, i.e., pHv-1123 (barley 324 bp repeat), GAA, and TAG, decorated entire chromosomes with fine dotted signals and was useful for detecting the break points of aberrant chromosomes. The signals’ distributions of pHv-177, pHv-1112, and TAG were highly polymorphic. An improved reprobing procedure and its usefulness are also discussed. Key words: multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization, genomic TA cloning, reprobing, barley. Résumé : Le génome de l’orge (Hordeum vulgare L.) a été criblé pour identifier des séquences pouvant servir en hybridation in situ en fluorescence. À partir de 2000 colonies bactériennes transformées contenant des clones d’orge, 56 colonies ont été retenues en raison de leur amplicon PCR suite à une électrophorèse sur gel d’agarose. Parmi ceux-ci, 42 (75 %) présentaient des signaux fluorescents sur des chromosomes d’orge après hybridation in situ à l’aide des produits PCR marqués. Le séquençage a montré que sept clones, pHv-365, pHv-177, pHv-1112, pHv-689, pHv-1476, pHv-1889 et pHv1972, constituaient de nouvelles sondes FISH. Les autres clones contenaient diverses séquences déjà décrites comme l’ADNr 5S, le microsatellite GAA, des répétitions centromériques, HVT01, pHvMWG2315 (répétition de 324 pb). Les auteurs montrent qu’une combinaison de cinq sondes produisant de forts signaux d’hybridation sur les chromosomes de l’orge, pHv-38 (5S), pHv-365, pHv-961 (HVT01) ainsi que les microsatellites GAA et TAG, permettent d’identifier clairement chacun des chromosomes. La combinaison de trois sondes, soit pHv-1123 (répétition de 324 pb), GAA et TAG, permet de décorer les chromosomes entiers d’un signal ponctuel fin et d’ainsi détecter les cassures chez les chromosomes aberrants. La distribution des signaux obtenus avec les sondes pHv-177, pHv-1112 et TAG était très polymorphe. Les auteurs présentent également une méthode améliorée de re-hybridation des lames et discutent de l’utilité de celle-ci. Mots-clés : hybridation in situ en fluorescence multicolore, clonage génomique TA, re-hybridation, orge. [Traduit par la Rédaction] Introduction In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) (2n = 14), seven pairs of chromosomes were identified using an N- or C-banding technique in the late 1970s to early 1990s (Kakeda et al. 1991). Experiments to identify all barley chromosomes by Received 30 July 2010. Accepted 23 September 2010. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at genome.nrc.ca on 17 January 2011. Reposted on the Web site with correction on 3 February 2011. Corresponding Editor: P. Gustafson. A. Kato. Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, 1-5 Shimogamo Hangi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 606-0823, Japan. (e-mail: katoa@kpu.ac.jp). Genome 54: 151–159 (2011) fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were attempted in the late 1990s (Pedersen et al. 1996; Tsujimoto et al. 1997; Taketa et al. 1999). During that period, the 5S and 18S–25S ribosomal DNA probes proved to identify all the barley chromosome arms unambiguously (Pedersen and LindeLaursen 1994; Brown et al. 1999; Taketa et al. 1999). At that time, indirect probe-labeling procedures were used to detect fluorescent signals; namely, probes were labeled with biotin-dUTP or digoxigenin-dUTP, and the inflorescent haptens biotin and digoxigenin were detected by fluorochrome-conjugated streptavidin or anti-digoxigenin antibodies. The signals could be amplified by the secondary fluorochrome-conjugated antibody. The indirect method works well; however, some detection and resolution limitations exist. Both streptavidin and antibodies are macromolecules and their ability to penetrate to the chromatin is not doi:10.1139/G10-098 Published by NRC Research Press Genome Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of Tennessee on 03/19/13 For personal use only. 152 good. Also, the unspecific binding of antibodies to the surface of the cells produces a background, and this background is amplified after an application of the secondary layer of antibodies. Recently, direct labeling procedures have become popular (Kato et al. 2004). Directly labeled DNA probes exhibit more discrete signals on chromosomes than those produced by indirect detection methods, and the signals are more consistent. A recent technical development has greatly improved the incorporation of fluorochrome into DNA probes so that direct label signal brightness is comparable to indirect methods (Kato et al. 2006). Cuadrado and Jouve (2007) revealed the microsatellite distribution on barley chromosomes using directly labeled probes. They reported that the TAG (ACT) sequences are located at discrete positions along various chromosome arms and that they contribute to the identification of all the chromosome arms on the barley cultivar Plaisant; however, most other microsatellites are simply enriched at pericentric regions. Even if all barley chromosomes are identifiable using 5S and 18S–25S ribosomal DNA probes, an increase of FISH landmarks on barley chromosomes is desirable for detecting break points of aberrant chromosomes and for identifying alien chromosome segments after interspecific crosses. High-density chromosome landmark detection will also make chromosome recognition possible at a highly condensed stage such as anaphase. Here I report on a genomic plasmid library that I constructed and screened for novel sequences that will contribute to the identification of barley chromosomes or chromosome arms. In my previous screening work on maize (Kato et al. 2004), FISH-positive probes were separated from randomly amplified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products; this time, DNase-I-digested barley genomic DNA was TA-cloned, and E. coli stbl4 cells were transformed and screened. Materials and methods Genomic library construction Genomic DNA was extracted from leaves of a Japanese local barley cultivar Minorimugi using the standard CTAB procedure. The DNA was purified using phenol–chloroform extraction and stored at –20 8C until use. The genomic DNA solution (1 mg/mL) was partially digested using DNase I (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) in the presence of MgSO4 (5 mmol/L). The digested solution was heated to 75 8C for 10 min to inactivate DNase I and to facilitate breaking of nicked fragile DNA sites. The irregular ends of DNA fragments were repaired using T4 DNA polymerase (New England Biolab, Ipswich, Massachusetts) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then, DNA was purified, precipitated, and resuspended in a TE buffer (10 mmol/L Tris-HCl, 1 mmol/L EDTA, pH 7.6). Adenosine addition was achieved by incubating DNA fragments in a dATPadded PCR buffer with standard Taq polymerase at 72 8C for 30 min. The ‘‘A’’-added DNA was loaded into a well of sterilized 1% agarose gel. The gel had a second row of wells that was 2–3 cm downstream from the first. This allowed for different DNA-fragment length fractions to be separated by successive sampling from the second row of wells. Aliquots Genome Vol. 54, 2011 Fig. 1. PCR products that showed smear or ladder patterns. From left to right, 100 bp ladder, pHv-38, pHv-365, pHv-689, pHv-875, pHv-961, pHv-1112, pHv-1123, and pHv-1889. PCR products of repeated sequence templates show smears or ladder patterns after electrophoresis. of fractions were electrophoresed, and the fraction containing 800–1200 bp DNA fragments was identified and TAcloned using the p-GemT easy vector system (Promega, Fitchburg, Wisconsin) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. An E. coli strain, stbl4 cell (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, California), was electroporated with the desalted p-GemT easy plasmid according the manufacturer’s instructions. PCR screening of repeated sequences Colony PCR reactions using Quick HS Taq DyeMix (Toyobo, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan) were performed on 2000 transformed bacterium colonies and electrophoresed. The forward and reverse primers were the p-GemT easy plasmid’s cloning site sequences, CGACGTCGCATGCTCCCGGCCGCCA and TGGTCGACCTGCAGGCGGCCGCGAA, respectively. Clones whose PCR products showed either a smear or multiple banding patterns on a gel (Fig. 1) were selected for successive FISH signal detection on Minorimugi chromosome spreads. Slide preparation Slides were prepared from root tips of seedlings of three barley cultivars, Minorimugi, Emir, and Plaisant, that were geminated either in a 30 8C incubator or in the greenhouse. The slide preparation procedure was as described in Kato et al. (2006) with minor modifications. The root tips were treated with 1.0 MPa nitrous oxide gas (Kato 1999) in an airtight stainless steel chamber for 2 h and fixed in 90% acetic acid for 5 min. Root tips were stored in 70% ethanol at –20 8C until use. Root tips were washed in a TE buffer. Four root meristems were cut and put into a 1.5 mL centrifuge tube containing 10 mL pectolyase Y-23 (1%) (Kikkoman Co., Tokyo, Japan) and cellulase Onozuka R-10 Published by NRC Research Press Genome Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of Tennessee on 03/19/13 For personal use only. Kato (2%) (Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd. Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan) in a citric buffer (sodium citrate 5 mmol/L, 5 mmol/L EDTA, pH 5.5). The tube was transferred to a water bath containing 37 8C water, and the root sections were digested for 80 min. After digestion, root sections were washed in a TE buffer. After aspiration of the TE buffer, 50 mL of 70% ethanol was added to the tube. Then the tube was agitated several times to disperse the digested cell sections into a suspension of single cells. The tube was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 2 min to collect the root cells. The 70% ethanol was discarded, and the cells were washed with 100% ethanol to remove any remaining moisture. The cells were again spun down and the ethanol was aspirated. The cells were resuspended in 30 mL of 100% acetic acid. Clean glass slides were placed in a humidity chamber, which was a small open top cardboard box (10 cm 10 cm 20 cm) lined on the sides and bottom with moistened paper towels with two wooden rods inside. Eight droplets (0.5 mL each) of an acetic acid cell suspension were dropped onto a clean glass slide in two lines of four droplets. The slides were allowed to dry slowly in the humidity chamber. The cell-spreads on the slides were fixed with a 10% formaldehyde solution for 5 min by dropping formaldehyde solution on the slide and covering with a tip of parafilm; this formaldehyde treatment prevented the loss of DNA from the chromatids during the following FISH procedure and reprobing. Identification and marking of chromosome spread for reprobing A phase contrast microscope was used to evaluate unstained chromosome spreads. Each slide was evaluated for the number and the quality of the cell spreads. Once a good cell spread was identified, its location was indicated on the back of the slide with a color marker. Later, the marks were made permanent by scratching with a tungsten carbide pencil and wiping away the color mark. With this procedure, the chromosome spreads were easily identified after reprobing. FISH procedure Amplified PCR products that had shown a smear or ladder pattern were labeled with Texas-red-dATP or fluoresceindATP by a modified nick translation procedure (Kato et al. 2006). Also used for the FISH trials were fluorescein or Texas-red-labeled synthetic oligos (30-mer) of GAA and TAG microsatellite sequences. A slide with a good chromosome spread was placed on a metal plate on ice. A probe mixture (e.g., 5 ng/mL fluorescein-labeled TAG and 10 ng/mL Texas-red-labeled pHv-38, total volume 2 mL) was dropped on the slide. Immediately, a plastic cover slip (4 mm 4 mm, rain X-coated) was applied. Two thick paper tips (1 mm in thickness, 1 cm 2 cm in size) were applied on both sides of the slide, and another clean slide was placed on the probe-applied slide. The slides were then clipped using double clips. The clipped slide set was placed upside down on a metal tray with wet paper in it and covered with a small plastic tray. The metal tray was allowed to float on slightly boiling water for 5 min to denature the chromosomal DNA and probes (100 8C). The 153 slide set was then placed back on ice, and the clips were removed. The slide was incubated in a sealed storage container with moist paper towel in it for 2–3 h at 55 8C. After a stringent wash (55 8C, 2 SSC, 1 mmol/L EDTA, 20 min), the slides were allowed to drain. A drop of Vectashield mounting medium with 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame, California) was applied and the cells were covered with a 24 mm 32 mm cover glass. Fluorescent signals from each of the three channels (DAPI, fluorescein, and Texas red) were captured through a 100 plan apochromatic oil objective using a BX60 epifluorescence microscope (Olympus, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan) with an EOS Kiss X2 camera (Canon, Ootaku, Tokyo, Japan) and a camera adaptor provided by MeCan Imaging, Inc. (Fujimino-shi, Saitama, Japan, http://www. mecan.co.jp/index.html). Computerized background reduction and image feature intensification were applied using the curve command of the Photoshop software (Adobe Systems, San Jose, California). Reprobing procedure After capturing images, the cover slip was removed, and the slide was washed gently with flashing water from a distilled water-filled washing bottle. The slide was submerged in a boiling 2 SSC buffer (100 8C) for 5 min. The slide was washed again with distilled water and then rinsed with 100% ethanol briefly and air dried. One drop of a 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO)-based antifade mounting medium (a mixture of 0.233 g DABCO; 200 mL 1 mol/L TrisHCl, pH 8.0; 800 mL distilled water; 9 mL glycerin; 15 mg DAPI) was applied to the marked position of the chromosome spread. The chromosome spread was observed using the epifluorescence microscope to confirm the disappearance of the fluorescent signals. If there was any remnant of fluorescent signals, the chromosome spread was exposed to a blue excitation light for a few minutes to quench the fluorochrome. The slide was washed with distilled water and rinsed with ethanol as described before. The dried slide was observed using a phase contrast microscope to confirm the integrity of the chromosome spread. If so, the slide was ready for another round of in situ hybridization. This study uses internationally agreed upon chromosome nomenclature (Linde-Laursen et al. 1997; Cuadrado and Jouve 2007). Results Among 2000 colonies, 56 had PCR products that showed a smear or ladder pattern after gel electrophoresis (Fig. 1). Texas-red-labeled FISH trials showed that 42 clones produced probes that exhibited distinctive or smear fluorescent signals on the Minorimugi chromosome spreads (Table 1). Among these FISH-positive repeated sequences, pHv-365 (GenBank accession No. HM536200), pHv-177 (HM536201), pHv-1112 (HM536206), pHv-689 (HM536203), pHv-1476 (HM536208), pHv-1889 (HM536209), and pHv-1972 (HQ213972) were newly identified clones. The clone pHv-177 shows distinctive signals on the short arm of 1H on Minorimugi but not on the 1H chromosomes of Emir or Plaisant (Fig. 2). This clone also distributes to the centromere regions of all chromosomes, Published by NRC Research Press 154 Signal distribution or homologous sequence Chromosome 1H, 2H, 4H, and 6H GAA simple sequence repeat related 5S ribosomal DNA Chromosome 1H short-arm tip and centromere Subtelomere HVT01 H. vulgare repetitive sequence pHvMWG2315 Centromere Chromosome 1H long-arm tip, 70 bp repeat Pericentric diffused signal Clone No. pHv-365ab pHv-90, pHv-607, pHv-888, pHv-889, pHv-890, pHv-1053, pHv-1453, pHv-1503, pHv-1659, pHv-1966, pHv-1993 pHv-38a, pHv-413, pHv-660, pHv-1744 pHv-177ab pHv-961a, pHv-1457 pHv-496, pHv-580, pHv-874, pHv-1123a, pHv-1390, pHv-1468, pHv-1631, pHv-1982 pHv-619, pHv-654, pHv-869, pHv-875a, pHv-986, pHv-987, pHv-1110, pHv-1234, pHv-1253 pHv-1112ab pHv-689b, pHv-1216, pHv-1476b, pHv-1889b, pHv-1972b Note: Sequences presented here are registered in GenBank as accession numbers, HM536200 to HM536209 and HQ213945 to HQ213972. a Sequences used in the FISH signal detection in this report for karyotyping. Newly identified FISH positive sequences in barley. b Genome Vol. 54, 2011 Fig. 2. Signal distribution of the newly identified FISH-positive sequences pHv-177 and pHv-1112. (a) Minorimugi: distinctive signals of pHv-1112 (1H long-arm tip, green) and pHv-177 (1H shortarm tip, red) are observed. The FISH probe pHv-177 also produces signals on the centromere region on all chromosomes at various degrees; the chromosome 3H shows relatively stronger centromeric signals than the others. (b) Plaisant: the 1H short-arm tip pHv-177 signals are not observed. (c) Emir: neither pHv-177 nor pHv-1112 chromosome 1H tip signals are observed; however, centromeric signals of pHv-177 are observed. Bar = 10 mm. Published by NRC Research Press Genome Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of Tennessee on 03/19/13 For personal use only. Table 1. List of 42 FISH-positive clones identified in this study in barley. Kato 155 Genome Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of Tennessee on 03/19/13 For personal use only. Fig. 3. Probe combination and assignments of pseudo-colors to each probe on the root tip chromosomes of cultivar Emir. Lane 1, the combination of five probes: pHv-38 as red, TAG as green, pHv-961 as purple (pseudo-color), pHv-365 as yellow (pseudo-color), and GAA as light blue (pseudo-color). Lane 2, distribution of the three sequences alone, i.e., pHv-38, pHv-365, and GAA. Lane 3, distribution of the two sequences TAG and pHv-961; the red signals are the centromere sequence of pHv875. Lane 4, distribution of pHv-1123 sequence (yellow, pseudo-color). A chromosome distal-enriched distribution pattern is observable. Lane 5, signals of GAA (green) and TAG (red, pseudocolor) are overlaid. Chromosome identifications become easier. Lane 6, DAPI staining. Secondary constrictions of chromosome 5H and 6H are conspicuous on this photo; however, these features are difficult to observe at a more condensed state. Bar = 10 mm. but 3H is clearly stronger than other signals. This clone is 764 bp in length, and the sequence, which is unique in barley, is partially (75–129 bp) homologous to cDNA clones in wheat (AK333442), barley (AK249337), and a microsatellite sequence in rye (EU339055). The clone pHv-1112 shows distinctive FISH signals at the tip of the long arm of 1H on Minorimugi and Plaisant but not in Emir (Fig. 2). This sequence is 504 bp and consists of seven tandem repeats of 70 bp units. This sequence is homologous to several rice genomic sequences. The clone pHv-365 shows distinctive FISH signals on 1H, 4H, and 6H centromeric or pericentromeric regions, plus a faint signal on the short arm of 2H (Fig. 3). All the chromosomes exhibit a slight background signal, which indicates a wide distribution of this sequence across the entire barley genome. This clone is 604 bp in length and includes three repeats of a 119 bp sequence. This pHv-365 sequence was identified in two barley contigs; one was 518 kbp (EF067844) and the other was 155 kbp (FJ477091). BACs of Triticum spp. also contain homologous sequences. The clones pHv-689 (168 bp), pHv-1476 (776 bp), pHv1889 (281 bp), and pHv-1972 (194 bp) showed a diffused pericentric-enriched signal on all barley chromosomes (data not shown). The pHv-689 clone had homology to sequences Published by NRC Research Press 156 Genome Vol. 54, 2011 Genome Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of Tennessee on 03/19/13 For personal use only. Fig. 4. A chromosome spread of the barley cultivar Emir. (a) The combination of the five probes, sequences, and color assignments are the same as those in Fig. 3. (b) The combination of the three probes. Bar = 10 mm. found in both the 518 kbp (EF067844) and 155 kbp (FJ477091) barley contigs. The clone pHv-1476 is 776 bp in length and consists of similar 366 bp and 372 bp sequences. Clone pHv-1972 is a part of either the 366 or the 372 sequence of clone pHv-1476. Half of the sequence is basically composed of GA, GAA, and GAAA motifs with low complexity but is different from the GAA simple sequence repeat. These sequences are found in a 518 kbp (EF067844) barley contig and a 115 kbp barley BAC clone (AY485643). The sequence of pHv-1972 is 84% homologous to a rye microsatellite sequence (275 bp, EU338794). The remainder of the FISH-positive clones had sequences that were already reported and well characterized. Four clones possessing the 5S repeat (Gerlach and Dyer 1980; Fukui et al. 1994) were isolated. Eleven clones possessed the GAA microsatellite and nine had centromere sequences; most of the latter were the AGGGAG repeat (Hudakova et al. 2001). The FISH signal positions of the GAA microsatellite motifs corresponded with the C bands of barley (Kakeda et al. 1991; Pedersen et al. 1996). Two clones had the HVT01 telomere sequence (Kilian and Kleinhofs 1992; Brandes et al. 1995; Pedersen et al. 1995), and eight clones possessed the pHvMWG2315 (324 bp) repeated sequence (Busch et al. 1996). This last repeat is homologous to wheat pAs1 and pTa1 sequences (Nagaki et al. 1995; Tsujimoto et al. 1997; Taketa et al. 2000). Four clones obtained in this current study, pHv-38 (HM536200), pHv-365, pHv-961 (HM536205), and pHv1123 (HM536207), and two synthesized microsatellite sequences, GAA and TAG (Cuadrado and Jouve 2007), were selected to develop an efficient karyotyping procedure. The procedure involved reprobing Emir chromosome spreads. First, a probe mixture of fluorescein-labeled TAG microsatellite and Texas-red-labeled pHv-38 was hybridized and imaged. After striping, the spreads were rehybridized with a probe mixture of fluorescein-labeled GAA and Texas-red-labeled pHv-365. A third hybridization was made with a probe mixture of fluorescein-labeled pHv-961 and Texasred-labeled pHv-1123. A final hybridization was made with a Texas-red-labeled centromere repeat sequence pHv-875 (HM536204). The images were pseudo-colored and overlaid (Figs. 3 and 4). From the results, the author proposes two karyotyping probe combinations. The first combination allows for the instant identification of each chromosome, and it consists of pHv-38 (5S), pHv-365, pHv-961 (HVT01), and the two synthesized microsatellite sequences GAA and TAG. The second probe combination is for high-density chromosome labeling; it is a mixture of pHv-1123 (barley 324 bp repeat) and the two synthesized microsatellite sequences GAA and TAG (Figs. 3 and 4). When the five probes pHv-38 (5S), pHv-365, pHv-961 (HVT01), GAA, and TAG were tested against chromosome spreads from Emir and Minorimugi, they yielded consistent chromosome identification for those cultivars as well (Fig. 5). Even so, there was considerable variation especially for the TAG microsatellite signals (Fig. 6). The signal strength of pHv-38 (5S) was variable among lines. The 5S signal of the 4H long arm was not observable on Minorimugi; instead, the 5S signal on the long arm of 2H was brighter than that of Emir or Plaisant. The signals of pHv365 and pHv-961 were consistent between lines. The signals of the GAA microsatellite were relatively consistent but with some variability. With this probe, chromosome 4H was easily identified in all cultivars. The features of each chromosome are as follows using the color scheme on Fig. 5: Chromosome 1H. A pHv-365 signal (yellow) is present at the centromere region, and this is the smallest chromosome. Published by NRC Research Press Kato 157 Genome Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of Tennessee on 03/19/13 For personal use only. Fig. 5. Signal distributions of the barley cultivars Emir, Plaisant, and Minorimugi. The combination of the five probes (upper), sequences, and color assignments are the same as those in Fig. 3 (pHv-38 as red, TAG as green, pHv-961 as purple, pHv-365 as yellow, and GAA as light blue). Seven pairs of chromosomes are clearly identified. TAG green signals are polymorphic. The Minorimugi 5S 4H long arm signal was not detectable. In the combination of the three probes (lower), the chromosome arms are labeled with fine clusters of three color dots (pHv-1123 yellow, GAA green, and TAG red). The chromosomes are cut from a single chromosome spread. Bar = 10 mm. Chromosome 2H. A pHv-38 (5S) signal (red) is at the distal region of the long arm; a signal for pHv-961 (purple) at the long-arm tip is absent or very weak, and a diffused pHv-365 signal (yellow) is present at the proximal region of the short arm. Chromosome 3H. A pHv-38 (5S) signal (red) is present in the distal region of the long arm, but unlike 2H a pHv-961 (purple) signal is present at the tip of the long arm. Chromosome 4H. There are abundant GAA (blue) signals in the pericentric region and a strong pHv-365 (yellow) signal at the proximal region of the long arm. Chromosome 5H. A secondary constriction is present at the short arm, and the signal of pHv-961 (purple) at the tip of the long arm is absent or very weak. Chromosome 6H. This chromosome also has a secondary constriction of the short arm, but the pHv-961 (purple) signal is present at the tip of the long arm. In addition, a pHv-365 signal (yellow) is present on the proximal region of the short arm. Chromosome 7H. A pHv-38 (5S) signal (red) is present on the proximal region of the long arm. The second probe combination of pHv-1123 (barley 324 bp repeat), GAA, and TAG yielded high-density labeling on three cultivars (Fig. 5). The pHv-1123 signals are abundantly distributed throughout all chromosomes and enriched at the distal ends of barley chromosomes. Finely dotted granular structures were observed on the interstitial region of chromosomes. The sequence pHv-1123 is particularly densely distributed on chromosome 7H. Discussion The DNase-I-digested genomic TA cloning procedure presented here is highly effective to separate FISH-positive repeated sequences. A tandemly repeated DNA sequence often lacks restriction sites and the use of DNase I for digestion is preferable. DNase-I-digested DNA fragments are very fragile because of the presence of nicks along the digested strands, which tend to produce shorter fragments during hanPublished by NRC Research Press 158 Genome Vol. 54, 2011 Genome Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of Tennessee on 03/19/13 For personal use only. Fig. 6. Polymorphic nature of TAG microsatellite sequence distribution. On chromosomes 4H, 5H, and 6H the distributions are polymorphic. Bar = 10 mm. dling. Heat treatment just after digestion facilitated fragmentation and alleviated further fragmentation after cooling. The TA cloning procedures prevented ligations among digested genomic DNA fragments, thus preventing the emergence of plasmids with chimeric DNA inserts. The stbl4 cell, a specifically engineered cell to keep tandem or inverted repeats, also contributed to the current results. Among the 56 PCR selected clones, 42 were FISH positive (75%). In a preliminary experiment, only 1.5% (3/200) of all barley clones were FISH positive; consequently, the PCR–gel assay effectively identified repeated sequences and improved the screening efficiency. The reason that PCR products of directly repeated sequences appear as a smear or a ladder in electrophoresis is because in each PCR cycle, not only do the primers anneal to the denatured template strands, but the denatured PCR products also anneal to each other. In addition, because DNA polymerase synthesis can stop at random points, incomplete strands anneal to each other in various ways if they include repeated sequences. They then produce shorter or longer chains that are multiples of repeated unit lengths. Among the 42 clones that yielded FISH signals, 35 possessed known sequences and the distributions of their FISH signals have been reported. Of the seven clones that had newly identified sequences, pHv-177, pHv-365, and pHv1112 produced discrete signals on chromosomes. The pHv177 and pHv-1112 signals are variable between lines; to some degree, they can be used for chromosome 1H landmarks. The pHv-365 clone clearly contributes to the identification of barley chromosomes. Its signal distribution is more consistent than that of the TAG microsatellite in this study. This is why it was included in the first probe combination (five probes) for the immediate identification of barley chromosomes. The second probe combination (three probes) is proposed to be useful in identifying break points of rearranged chromosomes or incorporated segments of alien chromosomes. In this experiment, somatic metaphase chromosomes, which are in the most condensed state, were used. If less condensed or more stretched chromosomes were used (Valárik et al. 2004), the GAA and pHv-1123 signals would be seen as fine granular structures along the chromosome arms. Only two probes, pHv-365 and pHv-38 (5S), are necessary to identify all of the barley chromosomes and their orientation on the three lines tested here; however, they showed no signal on 5H. In the current screening work, the TAG microsatellite, 18S–25S rDNA (Leitch and HeslopHarrison 1992; Taketa et al. 1999), and TTTAGGG telomere repeat were not isolated as plasmid clones. Use of the 18S–25S gene as a FISH probe will improve the immediate recognition of chromosomes 5H and 6H. Early in the development of FISH in barley and wheat, reprobing was employed (Heslop-Harrison et al. 1992; Mukai et al. 1993). Using directly labeled probes, FISH signals are very discrete, and it takes only 5 h from slide preparation to image taking. As a result, it is possible to complete two to three FISH rounds daily on the same slide. The formaldehyde treatment and the procedure to prevent dehydration during denaturing (glass slide sandwich structure) make it possible to conduct up to six hybridizations on the same chromosome spread. The success rate of each reprobing is about 80%. The reasons for failure are various: slide scratches, dust or cell debris overlapping, chromosomes swelling, insufficient fluorescent signal intensity, etc. The chromosome dimensions increased 5%–20% during trials; consequently, a precise signal position comparison was not possible among trials. The reprobing procedure presented here makes it possible to achieve high-quality image capturing using a standard three-channel epifluorescence microscope with a common digital camera. An alternative procedure that has been used to distinguish chromosome segments is to use a collection of probes where each one has been labeled with a distinct mixture of fluorochromes. The images must be analyzed using sophisticated systems, such as Spectral Karyotyping (SKY), Published by NRC Research Press Kato Genome Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by University of Tennessee on 03/19/13 For personal use only. products from MetaSystems or Applied Spectrum Imaging, which use computerized image processing systems and gives a pseudo-color to each spectral combinations. These systems work better for animal chromosomes than for plants. In plants, FISH probes using repeated sequences frequently cause the computer image-processing systems to produce artifacts. The repeated reprobing procedure presented in this paper is one solution for capturing discrete FISH images on pseudo-colored multiple channels. There is potential to capture 12 channels if hybridizations are repeated six times on the same chromosome spread. 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