Загрузил Aq Jol

IKT lab

upload the same answer for lab 3 –
in DL and in Okudemia (level 3)
Read/watch all lectures materials/videos,
pass all control tests of current weeks
before lab lessons, otherwise -10%
1) cheat/plagiarism = 0
2) After deadline = 0
3) Upload several documents for every task =0 (need to collect all answers in
order in 1 .doc/.docx/.pdf)
4) Upload different extensions (except for .doc/.docx/.pdf) =0
5) Do not change the title of the document according to the example:
Name_surname_groupnumber_lab3.doc/docx -0
6) Completed only – 1 sentence – 5% for every question in part 3
7) bonus for justification +5 points
Witten by: Akzhol Gylymbek
Variant - 3
Part - 1
You are given sentences that were encrypted using Caesar cipher. Decipher all
of them. (use key-6, shift right)
1) Eua ynuarj rkgxt lxus euax iusvkzozux, haz tkbkx iuve. Iuve gtj eua jok. Pgiq
You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you
die. Jack Ma
2) Znk cuxrj oy g huuq, gtj znuyk cnu ju tuz zxgbkr xkgj utre g vgmk.
Gamayzotk ul Novvu
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
Augustine of Hippo
3) He lgorotm zu vxkvgxk, eua gxk vxkvgxotm zu lgor. Hktpgsot Lxgtqrot
(Znoy oy utk ul se lgbuxozk lgsuay wauzk. Rkgbk g xkvre nkxk gtj rkz sk
qtuc cngz’y euaxy!)
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin (This
is one of my favorite famous quote. Leave a reply here and let me know
what’s yours!)
You are given sentences that were encrypted using Caesar cipher. Decipher all
of them. (use key=5, shift left)
1) D’qz avdgzy jqzm viy jqzm viy jqzm vbvdi di ht gdaz viy ocvo dn rct D
npxxzzy. Hdxcvzg Ejmyvi
I've failed over and over over and over again in my life and that is why I
succeed. Michael Jordan
2) Bj xjiadyziogt di ocz ydmzxodji ja tjpm ymzvhn. Gdqz ocz gdaz tjp cvqz
dhvbdizy. Czimt Yvqdy Ocjmzvp
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams live the life you have
imagined. Henry David Thoreau
3) Hvsdhph Nxmdko Nduz. Ocz hvsdhph nduz di wtozn ja v ndibgz nxmdko. Ocz
nduz dn nzo wt ocz Jmvxgz Vkkgdxvodji Zskmznn vyhdidnomvojm viy xviijo wz
xcvibzy amjh rdocdi ocz Rjmfnkvxz.
Please, identify the key (number) is used to encrypt the text, and decipher the
following text.
1) Ocz rduvmy xmzvozn v nkzxdadxvodji viy wjyt rdoc dinzmo, pkyvoz,
yzgzoz, viy BZO VKDn ajm ocz nzgzxozy ovwgzn. Ijoz ocvo tjp cvqz ocz
jkodji oj ncjr jm yjrigjvy ocz nkzxdadxvodji jm wjyt
Key - 21 (shift right)
The wizard creates a specification and body with insert, update, delete, and
GET APIs for the selected tables. Note that you have the option to show or
download the specification or body.
2) Wfcwe Wigjcfy ni wigjcfy nby wollyhn juweuay. Wigjcfcha ly-wlyunym nby
ivdywn ch nby xunuvumy. Cz nby wigjcfy zucfm, uh yllil gymmuay xcmjfus
uvipy nby wixy
Key - 20 (shift right)
Click Compile to compile the current package. Compiling re-creates the
object in the database. If the compile fails, an error message display above the
Part - 2
You are given sentences that were encrypted using Vigenere cipher. Decipher
all of them.
1) Pvyic bmi pfuscb xgcqux. Pvyic bmi yiri lvi tlbm sq bmi dkwmab ys tuuscb
nr epj Mxxtve nnpp nniwl, tv ntngv Jwshaj xz ttglbj xsm xgcqux. (key – life)
Enter the export script. Enter the name and path of the script to import
in the import file field, or click browse to locate the script.
2) Glzgvyo azns xyy tqgicx. Tftgb Hpbk nz mdjzvk nsi jwcmgnd me nsi
jjpgzztiu yitfle wtlttk. Szy tuy vvptin nsi ccdxvx dgicaxj nz mdjzvk. (key-rule)
Proceed with the import. Click next to import the scripts in the specified
export script. You can review the listed scripts to import.
3) Kwm uib iumo lps fozahb zvyqlk qb gtm umzfrzb ogzyfbiuw wb gtm Kuzwcf
Ymgbof biyw. Bc iumo lps Fozahb Ehabsk xotq (key-mission)
You can view the script limits in the current workspace on the script
quotas page. To view the script quotas page
Part – 3
1) Differences between Caesar & Vigenere ciphers
This is an encryption method that uses various "Caesar ciphers" based
on the letters in the keyword. The character in the plain text is replaced by a
character located at some constant number of positions to the left or to the
right of it in the alphabet.
2) Give definition of encryption, decryption, Private Key Encryption
Encryption is a technology for encoding and decoding data.
Private key - a key known only to its owner. Only keeping the user's
private key in secret guarantees the impossibility of forging a document and
digital signature by an attacker on behalf of the certifying person.
Decryption - obtaining open data over encrypted data in conditions
when the decryption algorithm and its secret parameters are not fully known
and decryption cannot be performed in the usual way.
3) What is the impact of emerging technologies?
Thus, we can conclude that modern technologies affect human life in
different ways. But it all depends solely on the personality. If she can preserve
spiritual and family values even with the latest phone model in her hands, then
she has the right to talk about the positive impact of modern technologies.
Otherwise, people simply do not notice that when immersed in the world of
virtual reality, they cease to be people, they forget about their loved ones.
4) How emerging technologies are having an impact on everyday life?
Modern technologies have made it possible to make a number of major
breakthroughs in the field of medicine and save hundreds of thousands, rather
millions of lives. High-precision equipment made it possible to carry out
complex operations, which no one dreamed of a decade ago.
Technology has a positive impact on society. This is the conclusion reached
by British scientists who have conducted a variety of studies to confirm this
postulate. It is difficult to disagree with their conclusions. It is enough just to
remember your day to make sure they are right. Computers, laptops,
smartphones, music players, cars, industrial equipment and wireless networks
have all become an integral part of our daily life.