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Dear student

Dear student,
The following email is sent to all selected students who have accepted the scholarship within the
Erasmus+ International Programme.
Please read the guidelines carefully.
Also, we will send you the following days 2 more emails:
a) one regarding your bank account to which you will receive the scholarship and information on the
Greek VAT number you will need to issue and
b) one with more information regarding the registration process to our Department as well as the courses
at AUTh.
You are all requested to check your inbox regularly. Thank you.
Also, due to the pandemic situation, we do not know if the borders will be open by the time of your
arrival and if Greek consulates will issue visa or not, so you are all kindly advised not to proceed to any
expenses before confirming with the Greek consulate that you will be able to get your visa.
Finally, you are all requested, when you reply to our emails to not delete the rest of the email text (which
is the previous correspondence with you) and, also, always write your name when you reply since we
receive hundreds of emails every day and this makes it easier to follow up your case.
Attached you will find your signed letter of acceptance. You need to contact a Greek consulate and apply
for a visa. The cost of the visa is covered by you.
You also need to ask them which are the required documents for the visa issuance (e.g.medical exams,
insurance, criminal record etc; also, there are consulates which ask for proof of accommodation so may
need to find a place prior to your arrival in Thessaloniki; if any consulate requests the learing agreement
signed by the Aristotle University, you will contact us so as to proceed accordingly).
Please note that we will inform the Greek consulate to which you will be applying regarding your
mobility and we will send them the letter of acceptance by email.
Once you get your visa, you need to send it to us by e-mail, in order to check that it’s the correct type
(D.4.3 which is for the Erasmus Programme).
The Programme's rules states that you need to have Health Care insurance.
The insurance document needs to be in English; if it’s not in English, we will ask you to sign a
declaration regarding its content.
Also, you can be insured if you wish for Personal Accident but this is not mandatory, so it's totally up to
you if you wish to do it.
The insurance needs to be valid in Greece during the period of your mobility so make sure to check the
duration of the document; the cost will be paid by you. There is not a minimum/maximum sum of money
that the insurance needs to cover so it's up to you.
Once you get your insurance, you need to send it to us by e-mail, in order to check it.
You need to book and pay your ticket by yourself before your arrival to the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki. You will be reimbursed after you sign the grant agreement.
For the reimbursement, check the following link
https://eurep.auth.gr/en/students/international/studies/scholarships The travel costs indicated in the link
are for a round-trip ticket.
Please note that you are not obligated to buy both tickets (arrival/return) right now if you don't know your
exact return date; in any case, you will still be reimbursement for travel costs when you come.
Once you book your ticket, you need to send them to us by e-mail.
You will sign the grant agreement after your arrival to Thessaloniki; it usually takes 15 days to complete
all procedures, so you need to have enough money to spend this time on your own resources.
According to the rules of the Erasmus+ International Programme, you will receive 2 payments in total:
the initial payment that will be made to the participants will represent 70% of the financial support from
Erasmus+ EU funds (70% of the scholarship and 70% of travel costs). The rest 30% of the payment will
be given within the last month of your mobility. Information on the amount of scholarships and the travel
costs can be found at https://eurep.auth.gr/en/students/international/studies/scholarships .
All Erasmus students are offered three free meals per day (7 days per week) at the University restaurant.
You will get more information upon your arrival.
You need to send your Learning Agreement (the one you submitted to your application and which is
signed by your Home University) to the Erasmus+ International Coordinator of the AUTh School so that
he/she signs it or propose changes. Once it’s signed, you need to send it to our Department by email. All
Coordinators can be found at the following link: https://eurep.auth.gr/en/coordinators/international .
Regarding the accommodation, our University does not offer accommodation to Erasmus students so you
need to find a place by yourself. You can find some suggestions of private flats and hostels on our
website http://new.eurep.auth.gr/en/accommodation-list .
This list works independently from our Department and interested students should directly contact the
Students can also contact the ESN (Erasmus Student Network) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as
they sometimes are able to assist and facilitate them. Students can reach ESN at auth@esnthessaloniki.gr .
Also, at the following link
https://www.facebook.com/groups/AccommodationInThessalonikiByESN/?fref=ts which is a facebook
group by the Erasmus Student Network, you can find more information regarding accommodation.
Please note that the standard practice is to pay 1 rent in advance and 1 more as a "guarantee" which will
actually be for the last month of your stay. Finally, please be alerted of any advertisements which may
seem "suspicious" to you (e.g. especially when non-Greek persons publish advertisements for apartments
in Thessaloniki and ask you to transfer money in another country which is not even the country of their
own nationality).
The exam period is in June for all students. You may have the option to submit papers, instead of taking
exams or maybe be examined orally but this is something you will arrange with the Professors when you
come at AUTh.
To sum up:
1. Your visa when you get it from the Greek consulate
2. Your insurance contract (for medical insurance) in order to check it
3. Your ticket
4. The learning agreement signed by the Erasmus+ International Coordinator of your School at the
Aristotle University
Wishing you a nice day, we remain at your disposal for anything further.
Kind Regards,
Konstantina Tolia
-Department of European Educational Programmes
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Thessaloniki 54124 - Greece
Tel: +30 2310-995292
url: https://eurep.auth.gr/