SOCIAL MEDIA Telegram Who needs it? TELEGRAM IS DESIGNED FOR ANYONE WHO PREFERS FAST AND RELIABLE MESSAGING AND CALLING. Telegram's mission is convenient, safe and 100% free communication ! How old is Telegram? Telegram for iOS was released on August 14, 2013. The alpha version of Telegram for Android was officially released on October 20, 2013. WHAT DEVICES ARE SUPPORTED? Telegram can be installed on your phone, tablet, computer, or used online. Supported devices include iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows and many other operating systems You can sign in to Telegram on multiple devices simultaneously. There are no limits on the number of simultaneous sessions WHAT DOES THE APPLICATION LOOK LIKE INSIDE ? HOW SAFE IS TELEGRAM? Telegram is much safer than other similar messengers like WhatsApp or Line. Telegram is based on the MTProto protocol (see description and technical FAQ), created using time-tested algorithms and providing high speed and reliability. What if I'm paranoid? ? Telegram supports secret chats that use device-to-device encryption, leave no trace on our servers, know how to self-destruct after a period of time, and cannot be forwarded. TELEGRAM IS A SOCIAL NETWORK WHERE YOU CAN NOT ONLY COMMUNICATE BUT ALSO WORK, STUDY, WATCH MOVIES, LISTEN TO MUSIC AND MUCH MORE. IT'S A CONVENIENT, HIGH QUALITY PLATFORM MADE ESPECIALLY FOR PEOPLE OF THE 21ST CENTURY. TELEGRAM PLATFORM THAT I USE ! TRY IT YOURSELF