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P AFL 325 RW 03 running up ready for depature

P AFL 325 RW 03 running up ready for depature
P Cleard for take of runway 03 then airborne with depature 121.35
BEGISHEVO GROUND AFL 135 GOOD MORNING STAND ALFA 6 request atc clearance to Moscow
information Y
AFL 135 Begishevo ground GOOD MORNING cleared for destination via N2E departure climb initially
6000ft squawk 5439
Cleared to my destination via flight route N2E departure initially climb 6000ft squawk 5439
read back correct for pushback and taxi with apron 121.9
BEGISHEVO APRON SYAND A6 ready for start up information Y
AFL 135 begishevo apron start up approved
starting up AFL135
AFL135 stand A6 Ready for pushback
pushback approved
pushing back
AFL135 ready for taxi
AFL135 via taxiway C to holding point runway 03R
taxiway C to holding point runway 03R AFL135