Загрузил Мария Тарасова

Final test English (итоговый тест по английскому языку 8 класс)

Final test
1. You will hear six texts twice. Choose the correct answer (A-D)
1. What is the speaker giving advice about?
A Making life decisions
B Studying for test
C improving your work
D planning your time
2. What is true about Amy?
A she`s leaving her family
B she`s starting work
C she`s leaving her home town
D she`s going on holiday
3. The presenter is asking for opinions about
A a new story
B a holiday
C a charity
D a new lottery
4. What does Lucy do?
A gives advice
B asks about an event
C recommends a style of music
D reminds someone about an event
5. What is the speaker advertising?
A the best bands to see in August
B the range of food to buy at music events
C different places to make money in the summer
D the chance to work at a music festival
6. Who is the speaker?
A a student discussing schoolwork
B a teacher giving advice on a trip
C a tour guide welcoming visitors
D a weather presenter on TV
2. Listen to the conversation. Decide if the statements are true or false
1. Lucy has a relative living in Spain_____________
2. Ben prefers the town to the country_____________
3. Ben prefers to relax when he is on holiday__________
4. Ben`s uncle can teach Lucy Spanish cooking____________
5. Lucy tells Ben about a good hotel to stay at____________
6. Lucy is planning to return to Spain in September_____________
1. You will hear six texts twice. Choose the correct answer (A-D)
1. What is the speaker giving advice about?
A improving your work
B planning your time
C Making life decisions
D Studying for test
2. What is true about Amy?
A she`s leaving her home town
B she`s going on holiday
C she`s leaving her family
D she`s starting work
3. The presenter is asking for opinions about
A a charity
B a new lottery
C a new story
D a holiday
4. What does Lucy do?
A recommends a style of music
B reminds someone about an event
C gives advice
D asks about an event
5. What is the speaker advertising?
A different places to make money in the summer
B the chance to work at a music festival
C the best bands to see in August
D the range of food to buy at music events
6. Who is the speaker?
A a tour guide welcoming visitors
B a weather presenter on TV
C a student discussing schoolwork
D a teacher giving advice on a trip
2. Listen to the conversation. Decide if the statements are true or false
1. Ben has a relative living in Spain_____________
2. Lucy went to Spain with her friends___________
3. Ben hasn`t been to Spain___________
4. Lucy loved Spanish cuisine__________
5. Ben`s dad taught him how to cook__________
6. Ben isn`t going to Spain because he is busy__________
1. You will hear six texts twice. Choose the correct answer (A-D)
1. What is the speaker giving advice about?
A Studying for test
B improving your work
C Making life decisions
D planning your time
2. What is true about Amy?
A she`s starting work
B she`s leaving her home town
C she`s leaving her family
D she`s going on holiday
3. The presenter is asking for opinions about
A a holiday
B a charity
C a new story
D a new lottery
4. What does Lucy do?
A asks about an event
B recommends a style of music
C gives advice
D reminds someone about an event
5. What is the speaker advertising?
A the range of food to buy at music events
B different places to make money in the summer
C the best bands to see in August
D the chance to work at a music festival
6. Who is the speaker?
A a teacher giving advice on a trip
B a tour guide welcoming visitors
C a student discussing schoolwork
D a weather presenter on TV
2. Listen to the conversation. Decide if the statements are true or false
1. Lucy went to a big city near Malaga in Spain___________
2. Ben`s relative lives in Spain_________
3. Malaga is a calm place_______
4. People weren`t hospitable in Spain___________
5. Lucy didn`t like Spanish cuisine_________
6. Lucy is looking for a job_________