Uploaded by Елена Короташ

D A I R Y P R O D U C T S2

Dairy products are made from animal (cow, goat, sheep) milk and include butter,
cheese, cream, yogurt, clabber, ice cream, curd, etc. Dairy products combine great taste with
nutritional value.
Sixteen essential nutrients are found in milk including protein, vitamins and selenium.
The dairy products that Russians consume have changed over time:
• The amount of whole milk has gone down.
• The amount of lower-fat milk has increased.
• The amount of ice cream and butter has gone down.
• The amount of cream, yogurt, cheese has increased.
Today we should know that many health problems are associated with eating dairy
Most milk comes from cows that eat high-protein soybean meal and growth
Conventional milk is pasteurized, a process that exposes milk to high
temperatures and results in destruction of milk proteins, making them less usable and even
harmful to your body.
Destruction of vitamins B12, B6, C, enzymes (help your body absorb calcium
from milk), friendly bacteria.
Even if you can find a local source of healthy milk, it may not be a healthy choice for
you. Many people are unable to digest milk because they lack an enzyme called lactase, which
breaks down lactose - the natural sugar in milk.
Many people have can not digest casein, a major protein in milk. Eating casein with
food can cause acne, eczema, a variety of autoimmune illnesses, and even cancer.
Fermenting or souring milk to form yogurt, kefir, and clabber helps to breakdown
lactose and pre-digest casein, making these foods healthy choices for such people.
Butter contains very little lactose and casein.
Cheese is very rich in casein, so only people, who do not
show signs of intolerance to casein, can eat butter.
Keep in mind that many brands of yogurt, kefir, butter
are made with unhealthy milk. Make sure that store-bought dairy
Why do you think the consumption of these products has