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of the 21st Century
The Hydrogen Powered
This is something that the humans have designed
which if brought into considerable use can
completely change the statistics of pollution of
the planet Earth. The cars have the ability to use
hydrogen in the combustion chamber and leave
just a puff of water vapour. But the main
disadvantage of the vehicle is the fact that they
might just be a lot costly for normal use.
Existence of Dark
In 2006, a team of researchers has
found an evidence that proves the
existence of dark matter. They inferred
the presence of dark matter by
measuring the bullet clusters or the
location of mass in the collision of
galaxies. According to Maxim
Markevitch of the Harvard-Smithsonian
Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge,
the dark matter can be proven by the
bulk of visible matter in the clusters that
have been disconnected to the rest of
the mass. According to NASA, it is still a
complete mystery. What they can
prove for now is that 68% of the
universe is composed of dark energy.
This is something that the modern day scientists of
the 21st Century have been working alone for
long. According to the very latest results in various
experiments, it has been proved that robots can
be efficiently used in order to do certain stuffs that
were previously done by men. This can have a
great impact in the military section of a country.
This is also a type of robotics where in different
factories that is especially used for assembling
purposes. With the development in robotics,
automation is also expected to be developed.
This in turn will simply work in the favor of
development of industries.
If we speak about the facts of classical physics, it
is a truth that magnetic monopolies cannot exist.
But this is what the dangerous humans have
made possible with the experiments that they
have conducted with the magnets. Many people
see this as a prospect according to which one will
not have to depend on wheels anymore.
of the
Most of us make exact copies of
our signature when going for
official signature purposes. But the
scientists have made possible the
impossible feat of copying
humans. After a few experiments
and alterations with the genes,
the scientists have found out the
way by which you can grow new
organs and even a complete new
human. This can completely
change the position of the
medical system making an age of
200 a genuine possibility.
Arguably this is the most
fascinating advent in the field of
technology. The subject deals with
the extremely small microscopic
particles which are so fine that
they can be injected ted into the
system and repairs can be done
to the human organs. This feat is
still far away from becoming a
reality but the prospects are great.
Artificial Intelligence
Have you ever thought of the fact that if your toy
robot had the intelligence to understand when
you want to play with it. This is what the
development in the field of artificial intelligence
deals in. They will actually imbibe some
intelligence into your robot. The technology has its
best prospects when robotics actually come and
paces up with the speed of this development.
Free Energy
Energy is literally the main cause that puts up a lot
of disturbances. In the past we only knew of the
fossil fuels. But the scientists of the 21st Century
have made it possible enough for extraction of
energy from various other sources like wind,
water, Geo – thermal heat, etc. With proper
guidance, these things can turn out to be an
extremely efficient form of energy.
The way we travel by aircraft has
completely changed in this
century. This is more due to the
fact that there has been a prime
development in the area of
Hypersonic transportation. Now
you have planes and a train that
travels very much equal to the
speed of light. With proper
development of the technology it
is not far away when we will
seriously be able to travel all the
countries of the world in just 80
Genetic Engineering
This is arguably one of the greatest achievements
of the scientists. We have not only been able to
unlock the information in the gene of the animals,
at the same time we also have merged the
information and made new beings that are much
better and stronger than their parents.