Aquaculture ELSEVIER Aquaculture 138 (1995) 221-238 Production of juvenile redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens) (Decapoda, Parastacidae) I. Development of hatchery and nursery procedures Clive M. Jones Freshwcrter Fishertes md Aq~ac~lt~re Cmtre, Department ofPrimary Industries, Research St&m, Walkmnin, Qld. 4872. Australicr Accepted 8 April 1995 Abstract Procedures were developed for the controlled production of juvenile redclaw crayfish, Cherux in tanks over two seasons. These included broodstock handling methods and involved the definition of an in vivo ovary staging technique which permitted recognition of immature, maturing and mature females. Hatchery techniques were also defined which demonstrated that male:female ratios of up to I:4 were equivalent for successful mating and spawning. Up to 97% of females spawned and carried eggs through to hatching when held in tanks at between 24.5 and 27.6”C mean daily temperature and exposed to 14: 10 hours light:dark day length. A sequential series of seven egg stages was defined from egg release through to hatching, based on morphological characteristics. The mean duration of each stage was measured and cumulative statistics calculated, indicating a mean incubatory period of 72. I days (range 47 to 84) and 66.3 days (56 to 71), respectively, for the two hatchery runs. An exponential function was calculated which defines the relationship of fecundity and female size and which indicates that fecundity ranges from approximately 200 to 1000 eggs per female. Nursery procedures were developed which indicate difficulties with using the floating water plant Pistiu as juvenile habitat, and the benefits of using artificial shelters. Newly hatchedjuveniles stocked at between 980 and 1842 m*, and fed a combination of formulated flake food and fresh zooplankton, survived well (mean 52%) and increased in size by between 500 and 900% over 28 to 50 days. The research demonstrates that C. yuudricarinutus can be easily bred in captivity and juveniles reared successfully with relatively simple facilities and techniques. quudricurinatu.s Kevword.c Chrrax qurrdricarinutus; 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. SSDI cfi0044-84X6(95/00068-2 Hatchery production; Nursery production; Culture methods - crustaceans 222 C.M. Jones /Aquaculture 138 (1995) 221-238 1. Introduction There has been considerable interest in the development of hatchery and nursery technology for freshwater crayfish. This interest has been stimulated with different objectives in mind, for different species. In Europe, for example, decimation of native stocks ofAstacus astucus by crayfish plague, stimulated the notion of restocking programs. Development of hatchery systems was therefore necessary to produce young, disease-free crayfish (Huner and Lindqvist, 1987; Keller, 1987). These systems have been established and are currently producing significant numbers of juvenile A. astacus and other introduced species such as Pacifastacus leniusculus, under intensive conditions. In contrast, the substantial southern United States crayfish farming industry has developed without the application of intensive hatchery or nursery procedures, although they have been suggested and investigated (Nelson and Dendy, 1979b; Huner and Barr, 1984; Trimble and Gaude, 1988). Under the extensive methods applied in this industry it would appear that supplementation of natural pond production with intensively reared juveniles is not yet economically justified. Australian crayfish culture is represented by a variety of approaches, dependent to some extent on the nature of the species being cultivated. Hatcheries have been used, but generally to the extent of producing egg-bearing females which are stocked to grow-out ponds. Intensive production of egg-bearing females or of juveniles, in the cultivation of Cherax quadricarinatus, has been considered unnecessary. This species has a broad reproductive season which may extend for more than 6 months, it may breed successively throughout this season and has a relatively large reproductive capacity. Successful and sufficient production of juveniles has been achieved by maintaining reproducing populations of C. quadricarinatus in earthen ponds, from which the juveniles are periodically harvested. The most common practice is to distribute bundles of plastic mesh (onion-bag type material) throughout the pond. Juveniles make use of these ‘shelters’, and are harvested in considerable numbers by retrieving the bundles and shaking them out. An accurate measure of this systems efficiency is not possible, however, it is unlikely that survival is better than 5 to 10%. Moreover, production is unpredictable and growth is extremely variable. As the redclaw aquaculture industry develops, it is likely that more managed and predictable production will become increasingly important. Consequently, hatchery and nursery procedures appropriate for C. quadricarinatus were investigated. The primary objectives were to develop broodstock handling procedures, stimulate C. quadricarinatus to spawn, maintain egg-bearing females through the incubation period, and on-grow ‘hatchling’ crayfish to a size suitable for stocking. This last objective was considered necessary to ensure that juveniles were large enough to be bulk handled without significant mortality and to minimise predation mortality due to dragonfly nymphs and other predatory aquatic insects which inhabit grow-out ponds. Preliminary information necessary to address these objectives was available in the literature. Studies of the reproductive biology of various freshwater crayfish provide useful information on maturation physiology, mating behaviour, egg laying and incubation processes and post-hatching aspects (Hopkins, 1967; Mason, 1970a, b, 1977, 1978; Morrissy, 1970, 1975; de la Bretonne and Avault, 1977; Pippitt, 1977; Ameyaw-Akumfi, 1981; Bechler, 1981; Lahti and Lindqvist, 1983; Woodlock and Reynolds, 1988a). In addition, CM. Jones /Aquaculture I38 (1995) 221-238 223 specific studies of induced spawning of various crustaceans were examined (Dendy, 1978; Quackenbush and Herrnkind, 1981; Lee and Fielder, 1982; Hedgecock, 1983; Aiken and Waddy, 1985; Browdy and Samocha, 1986; Huner and Lindqvist, 1985; Westin and Gydemo, 1986, Trimble and Gaude, 1988). These studies indicate that manipulations of temperature and photoperiod are the most effective means of stimulating un-seasonal spawning. Hatchery techniques applied to lobsters, Homarus (Chang and Conklin, 1983), freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Aquacop, 1983; Malecha, 1983) and various species of freshwater crayfish (Cuellar and Coil, 1979; Nelson and Dendy, 1979a, 1979b; Keller, 1987; Trimble and Guade, 1988) were considered in designing a system suitable for C. quadricarinatus. Similarly, juvenile rearing procedures employed for M. rosenbergii (Stern et al., 1976; Malecha, 1983; Mulla and Rouse, 1985) and other freshwater crayfish (Mason, 1978; Nelson and Dendy, 1979a, 1979b; Pursiainen et al., 1983; Trimble and Gaude, 1988; Celada et al., 1989) were evaluated before developing the systems trialled in this study. The procedures developed and described below, were generated over two years and two separate production seasons. Although the second season incorporated modifications and improvements over the first, and produced better results, all procedures proved instructive and both seasons are described. Some of this information has previously been released in the report by Jones ( 1990). Due to the inaccessibility of that report, the information has been reformatted for publication in this journal. 2. Materials and methods 1988 production Broodstock In excess of 500 male and female C. quadricarinatus were collected by trapping from a natural dam near Walkamin (Mitchell River Stock) in northern Australia ( 17.1 “S, 145.5”E). They were held in large outdoor concrete tanks, with shadecloth covers, aeration and continuous water replacement. Food was provided every few days, consisting primarily of aquatic vegetation (Vallisneria) and varying small quantities of prawn/fish flesh, liver, various vegetables and pelleted rations. A sample of approximately 70 females was used for developing an in vivo ovary staging technique. These females were dissected to determine the accuracy of the technique. Male and female crayfish were selected randomly from broodstock tanks for introduction to the hatchery. Care was taken to select only healthy and robust individuals and females were only selected if ovary staging indicated mature/maturing ovaries. Selected females were tagged with an individually numbered plastic label (Hallprint Australia) attached to the carapace with super-glue, and their weight and carapace length were recorded. Hatchery The hatchery consisted of a small building with floor space sufficient to incorporate six 2.0 m diameter fibreglass tanks. Each tank was provided with a 5 mm depth of fine river sand and various lengths of PVC pipe as shelter. Water was sourced from a bore and 224 CM. Jones /Aquaculture 138 (1995) 221-238 delivered to each tank by overhead lines. It was sprayed into each tank to provide aeration and a current sufficient to move debris towards a central overflow pipe. Flow-rate was adjusted to maintain an exchange of 100% twice per day. Depth was maintained at approximately 40 cm. Continuous compressed air aeration was provided in each tank. The bore water was characterised by a constant year-round temperature of 25 to 26°C. This temperature was 5 to 10°C warmer than the ambient water temperature of the broodstock tanks and the collection site at the time of initiating the hatchery procedures (JulyAugust). Fluorescent ceiling lights were connected to a time switch which enabled 14: 10 h 1ight:dark photoperiod, providing an additional 3 to 4 h of light over ambient conditions. These temperature and photoperiod modifications represented the controlled environmental conditions considered necessary to stimulate spawning. These conditions effectively mimic those prevailing naturally during summer at the broodstock selection site. Selected broodstock were introduced to the hatchery tanks over 24 h via a series of water baths of increasing temperature. Fourteen females were placed in each tank. Males were introduced at one of three ratios; 14: 14,7: 14 or 5: 14 (M:F), representing total densities of 8.9, 6.7 and 6.0 crayfish per m2, respectively. Crayfish were maintained in these tanks on a diet consisting primarily of Vallisneria weed. All females were checked regularly (2-3 times/week) and berried individuals were transferred to 80-l glass aquaria under similar environmental conditions. Fresh female broodstock were introduced to hatchery tanks to replace the berried ones removed. Males were replaced periodically. Frequent observations were made of the berried females and in particular, the egg mass. Information was recorded on the colour and other morphological characteristics of the eggs as incubation progressed, enabling the definition of discrete stages. From this, a schedule of development was generated. The data permitted 2 approaches for defining incubation timing, (i) individual stage duration, when observations were sufficiently frequent to witness successive stages, and (ii) cumulative stage duration, when less frequent observations provided an interval between 2 non-successive stages. As eggs reached an advanced stage of development, just prior to release, females were transferred to a nursery tank. Nursery A simulated stream environment was prepared as a nursery for rearing the juvenile crayfish. This was achieved by constructing a long narrow (raceway) tank, consisting of a heavy plastic liner suspended from a framework of steel water pipe with fibre-plank walls. Dimensions were 1 m high by 1 m wide by 25 m long. Bore water was introduced at one end and a screened overflow pipe at the opposite end enabled a slow current to flow. Water depth was maintained at approximately 60 cm and the water surface was covered with the free-floating aquatic plant, Pistia stratiodes (water lettuce). The water depth was sufficient to leave about 10 cm of free space beneath the root system of the plants. Berried females were individually introduced into releasing chambers placed in the nursery tank. These chambers consisted of inverted plastic flower pots, with a plastic mesh bottom and attached floatation. Berried females were checked every 2 to 3 days and removed once all of the hatchlings had been released. C.M. Jones/Ayuaculture 138 (1995) 221-238 225 The nursery tank received no supplemental feeding. Harvesting occurred on one occasion only. All plants were removed and their roots flushed with water to remove juvenile crayfish. The tank water was siphoned through a fine mesh screen. 1989 production Based on the previous years experience and the completion of further experimentation (Jones, 1990; Jones, 1995)) hatchery/nursery procedures during 1989 were improved and streamlined, although otherwise were similar to those described above. Broodstock The majority of broodstock were gathered from a ‘broodstock’ pond at the Freshwater Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre, which had been stocked with 1988 broodstock crayfish and considerable numbers of wild stock (Mitchell River Stock). Those gathered were held in concrete tanks for a quarantine period of one week. Subsequent to this, individuals were selected according to their health and vigour, and ensuring that ovaries were either maturing or mature (stage 2 or 3). All females were tagged and their weight and carapace length recorded. Hatchery Tank and plumbing arrangements were as described above. Each tank was stocked in a similar manner, with 16 females and 4 males per tank, i.e. 6.4/m’. Tank stock were segregated according to their size, such that the largest 16 females were stocked together and so forth. Care was taken to provide males of nearest equivalent size to the females of each tank. Bore water temperature was increased by the installation of aquarium heaters to each tank. These resulted in a 1 to 2°C increase over that in 1988. Light regime was maintained at 14: 10 hours L:D. Fresh Vallisneria weed was provided weekly in sufficient quantity to provide excess food. Barastoc (TM) yabbie pellets were provided occasionally. Females were checked once per week, but otherwise not disturbed. Once individuals were known to be berried, their tag number was noted and they were left undisturbed for a period sufficient to allow incubation to proceed to just prior to egg hatching. Individual stage duration was therefore not determined, although total incubation period was. Females thought to be nearing egg hatching were checked and if confirmed, were transferred to nursery tanks. They were not replaced. As routine checking of females progressed, it was evident that changes in the state of the pleopods occurred prior to spawning. To ascertain the significance of this, 3 stages of pleopod condition were defined and recorded weekly for all unberried females. Nursery Nursery facilities were based on the results of previous juvenile nutrition/habitat experimentation (Jones, 1990; Jones, 1995). Sixteen fibreglass tanks, 1.8 m by 1.0 m, were installed in a greenhouse covered in shadecloth. Each tank had a double-layered shadecloth cover. Bore water was supplied by overhead lines and introduced at a rate sufficient to exchange 100% of tank water twice per day. Tanks were furnished with 5 mm of fine river 226 CM. Jones/Aquaculture I38 (1995) 221-238 sand and equipped with 2 shelter types to maximise surface area and available edges, as suggested for juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Smith and Sandifer, 1979). The first consisted of fibreglass fly-screen mesh strips, 3 cm wide, suspended from polystyrene floats. These occupied approximately 20% of the water volume. The second habitat type was that described by Smith and Sandifer ( 1979) as the most effective for juvenile M. rosenbergii. Each unit consisted of a timber frame 100 cm by 30 cm by 30 cm, with 3 cm wide strips of fibreglass fly-screen mesh woven horizontally through plastic trellis mesh attached to two of the longitudinal sides. Two units were installed in each tank, occupying approximately 50% of the water volume. A fine-mesh screen covered the outlet in the sump of each tank. Water level was controlled by an external standpipe situated above a drainage canal. Depth was maintained at 30 cm. Berried females of a similar late stage of egg development were introduced to the nursery tanks together, to minimise the difference in release time. Between 3 and 5 females were stocked to each tank. Release chambers were not used. Females were checked every few days and removed when all of the young had been released. Food consisted of fresh or frozen zooplankton harvested from earthen ponds, and a formulated flake diet (Frippak). Zooplankton consisted primarily of cladocerans (M&a species), copepods and chironomid larvae, and was provided each morning. Flake food was added each afternoon. Food was provided every day at an increasing rate based on observations of excess food. Because of the convenience of stockpiling frozen zooplankton and its ease of handling, 4 tanks received all of their zooplankton ration in frozen form, while others received frozen only when fresh was unavailable. Sampling of juvenile crayfish throughout the nursery period provided data for growth estimates. When the mean size of each tank population achieved 0.1 to 0.3 g or greater, the tank was harvested. Harvesting involved the removal of habitats, from which the juvenile crayfish were easily dislodged, and slow drainage of the water through a 2-mm sieve. Because the period of growth for each tank was different, direct comparisons of growth achieved were not valid. Consequently, growth data were transformed to a daily growth index where: daily growth index = (mean harvest size/growth period) X 1000 This index represents the mean daily growth increment in mg. Differences among tanks were then investigated using analysis of variance, and means comparisons were made with Duncan’s multiple range test. 3. Results 1988 production Broodstock A non-intrusive in vivo ovary staging technique was developed for staging crayfish prior to their selection for the breeding tanks. Using a concentrated fibre-optic light source, and viewing anteriorly into the cephalo-thoracic chamber, macroscopic features of ovarian development were discernible. Subsequent dissection of 70 staged individuals enabled CM. Jones/Aquaculture Table I Ovary stages of Cherux quadricarinattrs recognisable 138 (1995) 221-238 221 by an in vivo staging technique Characteristics Ovary stage Ovary stage number No ovary discernible Ovary visible, individual ova not discernible Ovary clearly visible (olive green), individual Immature Maturing Mature 1 2 3 ova apparent confirmation and clarification of features observed in vivo. Three stages of ovarian development were recognised (Table 1) . Using this technique, only maturing or mature females were chosen for the hatchery. Between 27 July and 7 October 1988, 198 females were introduced to the hatchery, ranging in size from 31.0 to 161.0 g. Hatchery Over the 127-day period from 27 July to 2 December 1988, 167 females (84%) successfully mated and produced eggs. There was no apparent difference in the mating success between tanks, with different ratios of male:female. The interval from introduction to the hatchery to spawning and egg-bearing ranged from less than 7 days to in excess of 100 days. A frequency distribution of number of weeks to spawning/egg bearing is presented in Fig. la. A major proportion of individuals spawned within a period 2 to 4 weeks after being introduced to the hatchery. Identification of berried females within the hatchery tanks was made relatively easy by associated behavioural changes. Newly berried females were considerably more passive and easily captured and were always observed to have their abdomen tightly curled ventrally, concealing the egg mass entirely. Females bearing eggs seldom had sperm remaining, suggesting that the spermatophore persists for a few days at most. Weeks Fig. 1. Percentage frequency of spawning of female Cherux quadricarinatus at weekly intervals after exposure to increased temperature and photoperiod within a controlled environment hatchery. 1988 (a) and 1989 (b) production seasons. CM. Jones/Aquaculture 228 138 (1995) 221-238 Table 2 Morphological characteristics and duration (days) of successive stages of fertilised egg and larval development for Cherax quadricarinarus (Mitchell River Stock), during incubation, at 25-26°C Egg stage Morphological characteristics of egg Olive green, elongated Dark brown, rounded Yellow/orange Red, eyes not visible Red, eyes visible Red, eyes and pereiopods visible Egg hatched but juvenile still attached to pleopod Mean duration (days) se. Maximum Minimum n 3.6 1.6 4.1 2.7 2.7 7.0 10.3 22 8 19 12 14 26 45 4 3 3 4 43 11 38 26 17 67 71 14.0 6.0 10.2 7.2 4.9 14.3 23.7 1 2 5 At egg release (stage 1) , eggs were olive green, opaque and approximately 2 mm long and 1 mm wide. Distinct colour changes and other morphological developments were evident as incubation progressed. Seven discrete stages were recognised and their mean individual duration estimated from the observations made (Table 2). In addition, where observations were less frequent, the interval between non-successive stages was recorded, providing a schedule of cumulative development time (Table 3). Over the period of hatchery production, 26 crayfish aborted their eggs (15.6%) and 1 mortality occurred. One hundred and forty individuals (83.8%) completed their incubation. Nursery Berried females were introduced to the nursery tank over a 60-day period beginning 16 September and each was removed after the release of young. Based upon fecundity estimates, an estimated 45 000 juveniles were stocked. Harvesting took place on the 6 December. Approximately 6000 ( 13.3%) juvenile crayfish had survived and were removed, of which the majority were 0.4 g ( f 0.02 g). There were about 200 juveniles in excess of 2.0 g. Harvesting was extremely laborious. Individual Pistia plants required dismembering to ensure that well hidden juveniles were not overlooked. Organic debris, consisting primarily of fine root hairs, had accumulated on the tank bottom, making siphoning of the tank water very difficult. Table 3 Cumulative stage duration (days) in egg development of Cherar quadricarinatus during incubation at 25-26°C. S refers to spawning and egg release. Egg stages are distinguished by morphological characteristics explained in the text. Total indicates interval from spawning to detachment of young from the maternal pleopods Statistic Mean s.e. Maximum Minimum n Egg stage interval s to 3 s to4 s to 5 S to 6 s to 7 Total 16.1 4.2 24.0 10.0 48 26.9 4.7 34.0 16.0 66 33.0 5.2 42.0 20.0 29 35.1 3.3 45.0 30.0 65 49.6 8.8 72.0 34.0 82 72.1 7.5 84.0 47.0 56 CM. Jones/Aquaculture 138 (1995) 221-238 229 1989 production Broodstock Broodstock were removed from the pond in early May. Ninety-six females were selected for the hatchery ranging in size from 49.5 to 166.0 g and all of ovary stage 2 or 3 (Table 1) . Hatchery All crayfish were introduced to the hatchery tanks on the 29 May 1989. First spawning occurred 2 weeks later, although only 3 crayfish had spawned up to the fourth week (Fig. 1b) . Thereafter, spawning frequency was reasonably consistent, so that after 10 weeks, 85% of all broodstock had spawned. The hatchery was shut down on the 21 September 1989 at which time, all nursery tanks had been stocked, and 93 (97%) of the original 96 females had spawned. No mortalities were recorded, although 4 females did abort their eggs during incubation. Incubation period from spawning through to release of young ranged from 56 to 7 1 days with a mean of 66.3 days. There was little variability in incubation period between individuals. Water temperature in the hatchery ranged from a mean minimum of 245°C to a mean maximum of 27.6”C. A clear sequence of development in pleopod appearance was discernible for female broodstock prior to spawning. Because of the 7 day interval between observations, it was not possible to quantify the timing involved, however, it was clear that over a period of at least some days prior to spawning, the pleopods were groomed and cleaned thoroughly so that they resembled those of a newly moulted individual. The mechanism enabling this was not clear, however, it certainly did not involve moulting as the intact carapace tags confirmed. Fourteen females from the hatchery were sacrificed for fecundity estimation. Egg development stage at the time of counting varied from stage 1 to 6. Eggs were counted directly. Egg number appeared to be relatively reduced at stage 6, presumably due to mortality of the larvae approaching their first moult. A predictive function for fecundity was therefore generated (F = 12.7, P < 0.001, r2 = 0.56) for stages 1 through 5 only, representing the first half of the incubatory period (Fig. 2) ; log,,egg number = 1.899 X (log,,carapace length) - 0.466 Nursery Seventy-three berried females were stocked to the nursery tanks from 10 August to 21 September 1989. Between 1 and 3 weeks were required for juveniles to release, after which the females were removed. Release dates were recorded from when the last female of each tank was removed (Table 4). Numbers of juveniles stocked to each tank were estimated from the fecundity function described above, and ranged from approximately 1700 to in excess of 3500. These represent stocking densities of between 1000 and 1800 per m2. Feeding was initiated with 10.0 g (wet weight) of zooplankton and 1.0 g of flake daily. This represented a feeding rate of 22.5% and 2.2% of stocked biomass, respectively. This was equivalent to a total dry weight rate of 3.2% of biomass per day. Feeding rate was progressively increased and adjusted according to observed excess of food each morning. 230 CM. Jones /Aquaculture 138 (1995) 221-238 800 600 ‘“:L 40.0 (4%) 1 45.0 50.0 Carapace 55.0 Length (mm) 60.0 (1409) Fig. 2. Relationship between egg number and carapace length (mm) of Cherax quadricurinatus. Egg counts were made of the external egg mass (‘berry’) at egg stage l-5 (n = 12), representing the first half of the incubatory period. Final feeding rates prior to harvest indicate that the quantity of zooplankton increased to a mean of 81.3% of biomass, and flake food to 3.0%. This represented a total dry weight feeding rate of approximately 6.0% of biomass per day. Water conditions in regard to temperature and pH remained reasonably constant throughout the production period. Mean maximum and minimum temperatures were 25.7 and 22.1”C, respectively. pH ranged from 7.6 to 7.9. Due to the high exchange rate, water quality problems were not encountered. Table 4 Production statistics for nursery phase of Cherm quadricarinatus fed a combination of zooplankton and a prepared flake diet Tank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I.5 16 Release date 24/8/89 5/ 10189 819189 819189 13/9/89 13/9/89 21/9/89 IO/IO/89 lo/lo/89 3/10/89 3/10/89 15/10/89 2719189 15/10/89 13/9/89 2119189 Number stocked Density ( n/m2) Harvest date 1784 3315 2173 1860 1831 1911 2466 3121 2391 2084 2326 2596 2677 2311 2119 1764 991 1842 1207 1033 1017 1062 1370 1734 1328 1158 1292 1442 1487 1321 1177 980 13/10/89 16/11/89 17/10/89 16/10/89 17/10/89 20/10/89 27/10/89 8/11/89 16/11/89 15/11/89 15/11/89 15/11/89 8/l l/89 S/11/89 23/10/89 23/10/89 reared in tibreglass tanks, at 22. I-25.7”C. Period Harvest (days) (n) Mean size (g) Survival (%) 50 42 39 38 34 37 36 28 37 43 43 30 41 23 40 32 660 144 687 1016 779 914 1756 1057 888 177 1326 2183 1401 1320 1280 1100 0.305 0.119 0.267 0.370 0.167 0.236 0.156 0.168 0.367 0.077 0.108 0.135 0.427 0.198 0.254 0.168 37.0 4.3 31.6 54.6 42.5 47.8 71.2 33.9 37.1 8.5 57.0 84.1 52.3 55.5 60.4 62.4 and CM. Jones/Aquaculture 231 138 (199.5) 221-238 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (days) Fig. 3. Relationship between weight and age of juvenile C. quadricarinatus under intensive nursery conditions. Based on periodic sampling of all nursery tanks. Growth curve represents ‘best fit’ exponential function where, weight(g) = 0,022,x e(o.05561 XaS(daYsl)~ 1001 0 1 20 Percent 40 60 80 100 Frozen Zooplankton Fig. 4. Relationship between survival and proportion of zooplankton of nursery growth of juvenile Cherux quudricarinatus. in diet which was frozen. Based on results Periodic sampling of tanks provided mean size at time data which were incorporated with mean harvest weight data to generate a growth plot (Fig. 3). Growth of juvenile crayfish was successfully explained by an exponential function of the form; weight (g) =0.0221 x e(O-OS.561 Xage(days)) The spread of data in the growth plot (Fig. 3) suggests considerable variability in growth between tanks. This was also reflected in the variability between tanks in survival and mean size at harvest (Table 4). Two tanks performed particularly poorly and were excluded from the analyses. These were tanks 2 and 10 which suffered from a sudden and heavy infestation of Corixid bugs (‘water-boatmen’). It is assumed that these predatory bugs (Williams, 1980) were inadvertently introduced with the fresh zooplankton. Survival in the other tanks ranged from 31.6 to 84.1% with a mean of 52%. There were no clear reasons for the mortality, and it was attributed to natural processes. 232 C.M. Jones/Aquaculture 138 (1995) 221-238 Table 5 Mean daily growth index (mg) statistics and ANOVA results for juvenile Cherux quadricarinurus reared under intensive nursery conditions. Tanks 2 and 10 excluded. Means sharing the same letter are not significantly different (P<O.Ol) Statistics Daily growth index Pairwisecomparison n Tank Tll T7 T12 T5 T16 T8 Tl T15 T6 T3 T14 T4 T9 T13 2.5 a 65 4.3 b 74 4.5 b 75 4.9 b 71 5.3 b 70 6.0 b 84 6.1 b 67 6.3 b 92 6.4 b 65 6.8 b 55 8.6 c 68 9.7 c 96 9.9 c 56 10.4 c 86 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 1 0.1 (a) . . ’ I I f 5 - 0.5 Gl 0.4 : 3‘6 0.3 z 0.2 0.1 (b) :. I ,__ t r 0.5 0.4 E I * 0.3 1 0.2 I 0.1 0 7 14 1 21 Age I ’ 28 35 03 42 (days) Fig. 5. Mean weight (g) and 95% confidence limits (vertical bar) at weekly intervals, for juvenile C. quadricarinatus reared under intensive nursery conditions. Graphs indicate variability in growth performance amongst tanks. Tanks chosen represent the range of harvest mean weight and survival. Tank 11 (a), tank 9 (b) and tank 13 (c). It was apparent through the nursery production period that those tanks receiving a preponderance of frozen zooplankton (rather than fresh) had relatively greater numbers of crayfish. Correlation analysis (Spearman rank) indicated a significant positive correlation between proportion of zooplankton diet frozen and survival (P < 0.02) (Fig. 4). There was no equivalent correlation with growth. Growth, expressed as the daily growth index, was significantly different between tanks (P < 0.01) . Means comparisons (Table 5) indicate 3 reasonably well demarcated groups. (i) Tank 11 with a low growth index value of 2.5, (ii) tanks 1,3,5,6,8,12,15,16 with growth indices in the range of 4.5 to 6.8 and (iii) tanks 4,9,13,14 with high index values in excess of 8.6. There were no clear reasons for these differences, although variability in physical conditions may have been greater than general observations suggested. The importance of frozen zooplankton to survival was not clearly reflected in growth. Although tanks 13 and 14, which received 100% frozen zooplankton, performed very well, tank 11 which received 99% frozen zooplankton displayed poor growth. Feeding rate is likely to have contributed to the variability. CM. Jones/Aquaculture 138 (1995) 221-238 233 There was also considerable variability in growth between individuals within each tank. Fig. 5 illustrates the progressive increase in both size and variance (expressed as the 95% confidence interval) of crayfish over time, in 3 of the nursery tanks. This variance is likely to be at least partly genetically based, although nutritional and behavioural influences would also contribute. In crayfish as young as 42 days, there may be as much as a 40% difference between the smallest and largest individuals. Over a full grow-out period, this sort of difference may be commercially significant. There is clear value therefore in researching the genetic base of such variability with a view to selective breeding (Jones and McPhee, 1993). 4. Discussion Procedures and facilities necessary to successfully hold broodstock, stimulate spawning, incubate eggs and grow juveniles of C. quadricarinatus were found to be simple and straightforward. Production achieved was comparable to, or in excess of that documented for other freshwater crayfish species. While ovary staging proved to be reasonably straightforward and reliable, its effectiveness in gauging the proximity of spawning was not particularly good. Accurate in vivo identification of mature ovaries may be an advantage in maximising of spawning success, but it appears to contribute little to synchronisation of spawning. Recognition of discrete macroscopic ovary stages has been previously documented for a freshwater crayfish (de la Bretonne and Avault, 1977), although an in vivo method has not been previously described. Success of spawning stimulation can be measured by the proportion of broodstock which respond positively, and the synchrony of this response. Elevated water temperature and increased photoperiod resulted in successful mating and subsequent egg release in 96% of female C. quadricarinatus held, although the response was protracted over 14 weeks. By comparison, only 22% of female Procambarus clarkli spawned under similar conditions (Trimble and Gaude, 1988). Under more natural conditions, without artificial stimulus, Pursiainen et al. ( 1983) reported that 95% of femaleAstucus astacus released eggs. Morrissy ( 1970) indicated that 39 to 63% of C. tenuimanus spawned under natural conditions within a normal spawning season. It is apparent that the success of stimulated spawning may depend upon the species natural tendency to spawn and the ease with which appropriate spawning conditions can be simulated. Lack of synchrony in the spawning of C. quadricarinatus may indicate that the stimulus was less than ideal. In addition, the variable period between stimulus and spawning may reflect a varying requirement for conditioning of the ovaries to attain spawning readiness. Increased synchrony of this conditioning period and subsequent spawning may be possible through more accurate assessment of ovary maturity prior to induction, more finely controlled environmental manipulations which mimic natural fluctuations on a greatly abbreviated time scale, and possibly additional nutritional stimulus. Equivalent mating success during the two seasons in tanks with sex ratios ranging from 1: 1 to 1:4 (M:F) indicated that pair-bonding (male-female) does not operate, other than at a temporary level, and that increased efficiency of hatchery management can be achieved by maintaining the proportion of male broodstock at approximately 25% to 30%. Sex ratios 234 C.M. Jones/Ayuuculture 138 (1995) 221-238 of this magnitude have been successful in breeding A. astacus (Keller, 1987)) Austropotamobius pallipes (Woodlock and Reynolds, 1988a) and Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Malecha, 1983). The cleansing of the pleopods prior to egg release is likely to involve a chemical process, however, there was no macroscopic physical evidence of organs or glands which may contribute to such a process. The glair or cement glands which are known to facilitate spermatophore dissolution and pleopodal egg adhesion in the Astacidae and Cambaridae (Stephens, 1952, Thomas and Crawley, 1975, Holdich and Lowery, 1988) have not been identified for the Parastacidae. Given that sperm release and egg adhesion appears to be similar in the Parastacidae, equivalent glands are likely to be present, and may have the additional function of facilitating the cleaning of the pleopods prior to egg release. The incubation period for C. quadricarinatus was intermediate to those described for other crayfish species. de la Bretonne and Avault (1977) indicated that the incubation of eggs for P. clarkii may be as short as 14 to 15 days. Although increased water temperature may shorten the incubation period (Cukerzis et al., 1979; Hessen et al., 1987), the 66 to 72 days incubation of C. quadricarinatus is significantly greater. By comparison, the New Zealand Parastacid crayfish Paranephropsplanifrons incubates its eggs for 112 to 119 days (Hopkins, 1967). Morphological development of the eggs throughout incubation was conveniently categorised, primarily by colour changes. Although this staging is somewhat artificial, in that the incubatory process is entirely continuous, it does provide a useful management tool. Similar colour and morphological development sequences have been described elsewhere (Hopkins, 1967; Malecha, 1983). Other studies of C. quadricarinatus have indicated quite different colour changes through incubation (Sammy, 1988; King, 1993). This suggests possible genetic differences between redclaw from different river systems, and more probably, differences caused by environmental factors. The variability in colour between individuals and within each recognised stage, and the inconsistent appearance in particular of stage 2 (dark brown), are likely to be a reflection of egg quality and possibly the nutritional state of the female during ovary maturation. Recognition of egg colours likely to result in inferior young would be another useful management tool. Further investigation of incubation characteristics, particularly for different river stocks of C. quadricarinatus and their causes is warranted. Fecundity estimates for C. quadricarinatus indicated that as for other crayfish species (Hopkins, 1967; Morrissy, 1975; de la Bretonne and Avault, 1977; Mason, 1977; Trimble and Gaude, 1988; Woodlock and Reynolds, 1988b), egg number is a function of female size, and total fecundity (for eggs < stage 5) is in the range of 200 to 1000 eggs per female. It is clear from this literature that considerable attrition of eggs may occur between the release of eggs from the ovary and the hatching of young after incubation. Such attrition was evident for redclaw. In 1988, berried females were transferred to release chambers within a nursery tank. Although this method was straightforward, it is likely to have stressed the females, because of the close confinement and the difficulty of introducing food. In addition, it was likely to have interrupted the natural post-natal relationship between mother and offspring because the hatchlings were unable to return to the release chamber. There is considerable information which suggests the importance of a post-natal period for freshwater crayfish during CM. Jones /Aquuculture 138 (1995) 221-238 235 which the young become progressively independent (Mason, 1977; Mason, 1979; Bechler, 1981; Cukerzis, 1986; Jonsson, 1987). In 1989, berried females were released freely into the nursery tanks so that the processes of juvenile release could operate more naturally. These females were only removed when there was no evidence of associated young. This approach may have contributed to the increased productivity over the 1988 trial. Provision of nursery conditions in 1988 was based on the premise that juvenile C. quadricarinatus utilised aquatic vegetation as habitat within stream environments. Use of a living plant within this system was considered advantageous because of: (i) stabilization of water temperature; (ii) absorption of nitrogenous wastes; (iii) provision of natural food organisms associated with the plant; (iv) suppression of excessive light; (v) the spatial complexity of the root system, providing a high carrying capacity. Although the low production and difficulties in harvesting associated with this system do not support its use, inclusion of alternative living plant material in nursery systems may be worth further investigation. The wide variability in size of the juveniles harvested is likely to have significantly influenced survival. The polarised size distribution suggests that the approximately 200 crayfish in excess of 2.0 g predated heavily on smaller crayfish as they were released from the females above. The result also suggests that the Pistia provided insufficient or inappropriate food and shelter to prevent this from happening. The nursery facilities provided in 1989 were quite different and based primarily on the results of a juvenile nutrition/habitat experiment (Jones, 1995). The most significant characteristics were: (i) use of many small tanks ( 1.8 m*) to enable batching of in-coming crayfish, so that each tank had juveniles of similar size; (ii) provision of artificial shelters; (iii) frequent feeding with both fresh zooplankton and a formulated diet. Results were considerably improved over the 1988 production and compare favourably with those documented for intensively reared juvenile crayfish. Despite the positive results achieved, there were aspects of the strategy for which improvements were immediately apparent, suggesting that greater productivity may be possible. The increase in survival using frozen zooplankton suggests that it should be used in preference to fresh. This advantage was attributable to the zooplankton being more accessible in frozen form, because it settles to the bottom, while live zooplankton may have been flushed through with the flow of water, and lost. However, live zooplankton is likely to have some nutritional superiority (Eagles et al., 1984)) and at a greater density may have produced a better result. Although juvenile crayfish are known to have limited innate behavioural abilities suited to food location and capture (Doroshenko, 1979; Cukerzis, 1986; Burba, 1987), personal observation of juvenile redclaw suggests they are adept at capturing live planktonic organisms. Thorough observational studies will be required to clarify this. Regardless of what type of food is used, its accessibility can be increased by minimising the depth of the water in the system and thereby increasing relative food density. Alternatively, if juvenile production was performed in an earthen pond, zooplankton availability could be maximised through active management of water quality, nutrient levels and organic inputs. Although a range of stocking densities was employed in the nursery tanks, there was no clear indication of an optimal density. Because juveniles occupy the shelters provided, 236 C.M. Jones/Aquaculture 138 (1995) 221-238 density is a three-dimensional issue rather than two-dimensional as for adults. On this basis, shelter is likely to be closely tied to carrying capacity and its configuration and abundance are likely to have a significant influence on survival. Mason ( 1978) demonstrated improved survival of P. Zeniuscdus with the provision of particular habitat. Of the two habitats provided in this study, the ‘float’ type appeared to be preferred. Similar studies are justified for C. quadricarinatus to evaluate optimal habitat requirements for juveniles. 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