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Words and phrases you may need for compiling a summary

Words and phrases you may need for compiling a summary
(for the structured compression of a text)
 The author investigates,
 The author is…
(observes, reports, studies, gives the
The authors are…
new idea of,
It is written by a scientist (a group of scientists)
informs the readers on a new approach to)
and his co-workers
the problem (of)
 It is published in a special journal
printed in a periodical
issued in an annual collections of works in 2001 discussion
in a scientific edition
the author proves that (agrees to, with;
It may be found on the web-site
disagrees, contradicts to, relies on /upon/ the
The article consists of some parts
point of view, supports an idea of, develops
the theory of, gives a new light to)…
 To support his/her idea the
is divided into
author appeals to…
These parts are: summary, introduction,
brings some data (equations, plots, formulas,
discussion, results,
 It appears that…
 The main idea of the article
It turns out that...
The main idea of the article is…
 The main idea of the author is the
The paper is about
The paper is devoted to…
The material deals with
His/her main interest is focused on;
The article touches upon…
He/she deals with….; He highlights...
The paper attracts the readers’ attention by…
 The results are in a good
The article gives prominence to…
agreement with a (famous,
The research treats and discusses …
popular, fruitful,
The purpose of the publication is to give the
authorized) theory...
reader some information on...
 The article is well illustrated with
the aim of the paper is to provide the reader with
pictures (figures, plots, tables,
some material (data) on…
 The contents of the article. Some
formulas, opinions.)
facts, names, figures.
 The article seems to be
a) The author starts by telling the readers (about,
arguments seem to be poor/ reasonable
he/she depicts…
b) The author writes (states, stresses, thinks,
 The results given (described,
points out…)
studied, discussed) are pure
The article describes…
theoretical, practical, may be
c) According to the text…
applied (used) in…
Further the author states (reports) that…
The article goes on to say that…
Next/subsequently he reports on…
Finally/ at the final stage he/she sums up…
d) In conclusion…