Ratatouile is american full-length animated film, a comedy directed by Brad Bird. The eighth feature film created at Pixar. Winner of the Oscars and Golden Globes in the category "Best Animated Film". The picture took 379 place in the list of 500 Best films according to Empire magazine The plot is exciting. The script turned to be original after watching the soul rush of happiness and tenderness. A story that gives hope to everyone who ready to dream, overcoming difficulties and failrules. It does not matter who you are, where the main skill and knowledge of your work come from and everything else come gradually. The tracks in the cartoon where selected suitable, thet painted some scenes. Ratatouile is a cartoon is suitable not only for children but also for adults. When watching this cartoon yoy are immersed in the wonderful atmosphere of France. Personally, i like this cartoon. It can be reviewed many times