Загрузил duisebaev700


Hello, everyone,and I'd like to talk to you about the weather.
I really like the Sunny and warm weather,as it cheers me up.In Sunny and warm
weather, you can always easily get dressed. Weather information I see on the
Internet or you can decide looking at the sky at night
Warm weather always affects the mood,because in warm weather you can go out to
play football,volleyball,basketball,you can go swimming.
Warm weather always affects the mood,because in warm weather you can go out to
play football,volleyball,basketball,you can go swimming.My lifestyle is associated
with warm weather as I love to run cross-country and play sports.I feel great in
Sunny weather,as it is a great reason to wear sunglasses.
I like activities such as going out of town for barbecue.You can also make a good
picnic,fishing.Do some General sports exercises in the morning,charging all the
energies for the whole day.In any case, you can go abroad in hot countries.
I was born in Kazakhstan,in our country there are often hurricanes,heavy
rains,abnormal heat,there are sharp warming and poholadaniya,I think as well as in
any CIS country,so there is nothing particularly interesting to tell.
I think that everyone should love the weather for what it is,since it's nature it is very
beautiful in its own way despite the rain,heat,cold, so I think everyone has their own
interests to the weather and preferences.