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William I

William I also known as William the Conqueror or William the Bastard was born in
1028 in the city of Falaise which was part of the Duchy of Normandy. His father
was the powerful Robert I, Duke of Normandy, but his mother was the daughter of a
local tanner. His parents weren't married, making William an illegitimate child.
Despite being an illegitimate child, William was raised as the future Duke of
Normandy. When William was seven years old, his father decided to go on a
pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Since William was his only son, Robert assembled his
nobles and had them swear that William would be his heir. When Robert died on his
return trip from Jerusalem, William was made Duke of Normandy.
William was crowned Duke of Normandy in 1035. Because he was only seven years
old and an illegitimate child, many people challenged his right to rule as Duke. Over
the next several years there were many attempts on William's life. For a time his
great-uncle, the Archbishop Robert, looked after William. After the archbishop died,
it was mostly King Henry I of France's support that helped William to keep his title.
It was when William was older, around twenty, that he nearly lost the title to his
cousin, Guy of Burgundy. Guy had gathered the support of a number of nobles and
formed an army to defeat William. William met Guy at the Battle of Val-es-Dunes in
1047. There he defeated Guy and began to establish his control over Normandy.
In 1050 William married Matilda of Flanders. This was a political marriage that
allied William with the powerful duchy of Flanders. Matilda and William would
have four sons and five daughters.
The King of England, Edward the Confessor, died in 1066. He did not leave any
heirs to the throne, but William was related to the king through Edward's uncle,
Richard II. William also claimed that Edward had promised him the crown.
However, there were other men who also claimed the crown of England. One of
them was the most powerful noble in England at the time, Harold Godwinson. The
people of England wanted Harold to be king and crowned him King Harold II on
January 6, 1066, the day after King Edward died. Another man who claimed the
English throne was King Hardrada of Norway.
When King Hardrada of Norway invaded England and King Harold II went to meet
him in battle, William saw his chance. He gathered an army and crossed the English
Channel making camp near the city of Hastings.
After King Harold II defeated the Norwegian invaders, he turned south to face
William. However, William was ready for battle. William had brought archers and
heavily armored cavalry called knights. Harold's foot soldiers were no match for
William's forces and William won the battle and King Harold II was killed by an
William continued to march across England and eventually captured the city of
London. Shortly after, on December 25, 1066, William was crowned king of
William spent the first several years of his reign putting down revolts. At one point
William became so angry with the revolts in Northern England that he ordered much
of the countryside destroyed. His army burnt farms, destroyed food, and killed
livestock throughout the area. This act became known as the "Harrying of the
North" and caused the death of at least 100,000 people.
One of William's most lasting legacies was his castle building. He built castles
throughout England in order to maintain control. He built Colchester, Corfe,
Hastings, Stafford and many more castles. Perhaps the most famous castle William
built is the White Tower of the Tower of London.
Colchester Castle
Corfe Castle
Hastings Castle
In 1085, William ordered a full survey of the landholdings of all of England. He had
men go around the land and record who owned the land and all the property they
had including such things as livestock, farm equipment, and mills. This information
was all put into a single book called the Domesday Book.
William died while leading a battle in Northern France in 1087. His oldest son
Robert Curthose became Duke of Normandy and his second son William II became
king of England.