РОСЖЕЛДОР Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения» (ФГБОУ ВПО РГУПС) Тихорецкий техникум железнодорожного транспорта (ТТЖТ – филиал РГУПС) Т.Е. Тагинцева УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ 3-ГО КУРСА ПО ТЕМЕ Тихорецк, 2016 1 УТРЕРЖДАЮ Заместитель директора по учебной работе Н.Ю.Шитикова ____ ______ 2015 г. Учебное пособие по дисциплине Иностранный язык по теме «Транспорт» для студентов 3-го курса Организация-разработчик: Тихорецкий техникум железнодорожного транспорта – филиал Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения» (ТТЖТ – филиал РГУПС) Разработчик: ТагинцеваТ.Е, преподаватель ТТЖТ - филиала РГУПС Рецензенты: Кривенко Г.В. - преподаватель высшей категории дисциплины «Иностранный язык» ТТЖТ – филиала РГУПС Рекомендована цикловой комиссией дисциплины № 1» Протокол заседания № 1 от 01.09.2016 г. №1 «Общеобразовательные 2 Содержание 1. Аннотация 1.1 Lesson 1Communications 1.2 Lesson 2 Rail Transport 1.3 Lesson 3 From the history of railway transport 1.4 Lesson 4 Early railways 1.5 Lesson 5 Great Siberian Route 1.6 Lesson 6 The Baikal -on -Amur line construction 1.7 Lesson 7 Russian Railways nowadays 1.8 Lesson 8 Railways of the world 1.9 Lesson 9 Modern vehicles 1.10 Lesson 10 Underground railways 1.11 Lesson 11Raod Transport 1.12 Lesson 12 Air transport 1.13 Lesson 13Water Transport 1.14 Lesson 14 City transport 2. Фонд оценочных средств 3. Приложение 1 Презентации Презентация 1 Назови слово Презентация 2 The First Railways in Russia Презентация 3 Participle Презентация 4 Early railways Презентация 5 What is hump yard used for Презентация 6 Early Railways advantages and disadvantages Презентация 7 Пассажирские перевозки Презентация 8 Исправь ошибки Презентация 9 I know how it works 4 Приложение 2 Видео Видео 1Russian Railways Видео 2 A Short History of Transportation Видео 3 1825 A Year of the Railway Видео 4 Listening Test Видео 5 Поездной диспетчер Видео 6 Controlling Trains Видео 7 Early Railway Видео 8 Nikolaev Railway 1855 to1864 Видео 9 Gerund or Infinitive Видео 10 Complex subject 5. Приложение 3 Аудио 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 34 39 43 47 51 55 60 62 66 3 Аннотация Учеьное пособие «Транспорт» предназначен для преподавателей английского языка средних специальных учебных заведений и студентов железнодорожных специальностей, изучающих английский язык на 3-ем курсе в железнодорожных техникумах и колледжах. Особенность пособия заключается в подходе к отбору материала с учетом железнодорожной тематики. Объем предложенного материала рассчитан на 30-36 академических часов, календарные сроки изучения: 6 семестр. Ключевые понятия: учебно пособие «Транспорт», содержащее тексты по истории и современности транспорта, его структуре, лексикограмматические задания, краткие грамматические комментарии, задания для проверки знаний; фонд оценочных средств; презентации к урокам; аудио и видеоматериалы. Цели и задачи: методическое обеспечение уроков по теме Транспорт изучение лексического и грамматического материала железнодорожной и транспортной лексики, обучение работе с текстами специальной направленности. Предлагаемый материал является базой для изучения иностранного языка по профилю железнодорожных специальностей. В результате освоения материала ведется дальнейшая работа с текстами профессиональной направленности на 4 –м курсе. 4 Lesson 1Communications Ex. 1 Read, paying attention to the rules ► -ture, -sure ▪ lecture, future, departure, mixture, expenditure, structure, puncture, fracture, manufacture, creature, fixture, curvature, feature, conjuncture, adventure, moisture; ▪ measure, pleasure, leisure, closure, disclosure, embrasure, treasure, treasury; ▪ BUT: sure, ensure, insurance. ► ea ▪ increase, conceal, mean, defeat, eager, treaty, feasible, heater, lead, reasonable, heaver, release, dean, dealer, leave, easy, beacon, lease, meaning, reach, treatment. ▪ BUT: overhead, headway, tread, ready, steady, spread, instead, treadle, measure, pleasure, weather, meant, heavy; break; really, create, realize. ► pay attention to the letters which are not pronounced: half, walk, talk, should, could, would, hour, high, height, straight, frighten, slightly, sight, alight, fight, might, midnight, freight, retighten, ought, weight, design, benign; sign, alignment, consignment, assign, what, wheel, wharf, whistle, wrong, wrist, write, wrench, shipwreck, deck, click, rack, reckon, stock, cockpit, know, knot, knock, knuckle, climb, comb. Ex. 2 Read a few pieces of information about means of transport that were discovered in different periods of time. What are the names of these methods of sea, ground and air transport? Fill in the web chart. 5 Ex. 3 Scan the information about means of transport again and fill in the chart below. When? Where? Who? What? 1800 1807 the USA the USA, New York … John Fitch Robert Fulton steam-powered boat paddle-wheeled steamship ••• ... … 6 Grammar: The Infinitive. Simple Active to ask to go Continuous Perfect to be using to have used Частица to инфинитива. перед Формы инфинитива Passive to be asked to be gone Выражают действие, одновременное с действием сказуемого в предложении. to have been used глаголом является формальным признаком После модальных глаголов can/could, may/might, must и вспомогательных глаголов shall/should, will/would, do/did Инфинитив употребляется без частицы to The workers can get another qualification at the plant. Инфинитив может выполнять в предложении следующие функции: 1) подлежащего: To read is useful. - Читать - полезно. 2)составной части сказуемого: He began to work as an engineer last year. Он начал работать инженером в прошлом году. The train was to arrive at midnight. Поезд должен был прибыть в полночь. 3) дополнения: He loved to drive and was always interested in cars. Он любил водить машину и всегда интересовался автомобилями. 4) определения: Industrial systems to be built now perform many production tasks. Промышленные системы, которые создаются сейчас, выполняют многие производственные задачи. 5) обстоятельства: The car was too old to develop high speed. Автомобиль был слишком старый, чтобы развивать высокую скорость. Инфинитив может быть переведен на русский язык: 1) существительным: To design new machine-tools is the task of mechanical engineer. Проектирование новых станков - задача инженера машиностроителя. 2) неопределенной формой глагола: The task is to raise the reliability of robots. 7 Задача - поднять надежность роботов. 3) придаточным предложением: To be a good engineer one is to have technical knowledge. Чтобы быть хорошим инженером, необходимо иметь технические знания. Ex. 4 Translate into Russian To invent a new engine, to control the movement, to come to a station, to play an important part, to be widely used, to inform the driver, to be taken into account, to increase the efficiency, to have much in common, to be introduced, to invent the engine, to make an improvement, to be called, to travel by train, to be equipped. Ex. 5 Translate into Russian, find the infinitives. 1. I want to go to London. 2. I’d like to speak to him. 3. The problem is how to help him. 4. I hoped to arrive by noon. 5. He is expected to arrive in a few days. 6. He came into a room to shut the windows. 7. A railway station is the most difficult of all places to act in. 8.His phone number is easy to remember. 9. Thank you for your kind invitation to visit you. 10. The first steam coaches began to roll along the same dusty roads. 11. The new invention seemed to put an end to the steam coach. 12. We now have cars that can run on ploughed fields, climb steep hills and even cross rivers and seas. Ex. 6 Study the Vocabulary travois - телеги Highway – трасса, шоссе Frame - рама Load - груз to drag - тащить Animal-drawn – запряженный животными Vehicle – транспортное средство motor truck –грузовой транспорт wheeled - колесный Bogging – заболачивание motor transport - автомобильный Dust - пыль транспорт Embank – насыпать (дороги) Urban – городской drain away - вымывать Rural - сельский hard-topped –твердая поверхность Cobblestone - булыжник Concrete - бетон Paving - вымощенный tar-bound - пропитанный гудроном Extend - расширять Macadam щебеночное шоссе Involve – включать , состоять Ex. 9 Read and translate the text. Road transport The first earth tracks were created by humans carrying goods. As animals were domesticated, horses, oxen and donkeys became an element in track-creation. With the growth of trade, tracks were often flattened or widened to accommodate animal traffic. Later, the travois, a frame used to drag loads, was developed. Animal-drawn wheeled vehicles probably developed in Summer in the Ancient 8 Near East in the 4th or 5th millennium BC and spread to Europe and India in the 4th millennium BC and China in about 1200 BC. The Romans had a significant need for good roads to extend and maintain their empire and developed Roman roads. In the Industrial Revolution, John Loudon Mc Adam (1756-1836) designed the first modern highways, using inexpensive paving material of soil and stone aggregate (macadam), and he embanked roads a few feet higher than the surrounding terrain to cause water to drain away from the surface. With the development of motor transport there was an increased need for hard-topped roads to reduce wash ways, bogging and dust on both urban and rural roads, originally using cobblestones and wooden paving in major western cities and in the early 20th century tar-bound macadam (tarmac) and concrete paving were extended into the countryside. The modern history of road transport also involves the development of new vehicles such as new models of horse-drawn vehicles, bicycles, motor cars, motor trucks and electric vehicles. 1. Give the English equivalents 1. Путь, дорога, шоссе, мостовая, движение, транспорт, транспортное средство, автомобиль, телега, запряженный лошадьми, грузовой транспорт, поверхность земли, дороги с твердым покрытием, сельский дороги, городские дороги, железные дороги, современные шоссе. 2. Были созданы, были одомашнены, расширялись, были развиты, поддерживать и развивать, насыпать на фут выше, использовать булыжник и деревянное покрытие. 2. State the voice of the predicate. Make questions and negative forms. 1) The first earth tracks were created by humans carrying goods. 2) Tracks were often flattened or widened to accommodate animal traffic. 3) The Romans had a significant need for good roads. 4) John Mc Adam designed the first modern highways. 5) The modern history of road transport involves the development of new vehicles. 3. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Infinitives. 1. The Romans had a need for good roads to extend and maintain their empire. 2. He embanked roads a few feet higher than the surrounding terrain to cause water to drain away from the surface. 3. With the development of motor transport there was an increased need for hard-topped roads to reduce wash ways, bogging and dust on both urban and rural roads. 9 Lesson 2 Rail transport Ex.1. Practice the reading. ► ou, ow ▪ amount, council, dismount, announce, discount, fountain, soundproof, compound, layout, output, found, pronounce, about, bounty, accountancy, shout, proud, boundary, aloud, arouse, paramount, power, crowd, downtown, gown, glower, powder; ▪ owing, own, narrow, borrow, rainbow, arrow, shallow, blow, flow, follow, grow, below; ▪ BUT: group, route, could, would, should, acoustic; double, couple, trouble, country, touch, courage; soul. ► ere, ure, are, ire (yre), ore ▪ merely, atmosphere, here, sincere, adhere; ▪ cure, demure, premature, secure, endure, purely, mature; ▪ declare, software, carefully, beware, barely, prepare, compare, square, share, fare, rarely, mare, aware, stare, dare; ▪ desire, tire, tyre, entire, requirement, hire, firework, esquire, satire, wireless, retired, acquire, inquire; ▪ core, explore, moreover, restore, store, therefore, score, bore, semaphore, shore, adore. Ex. 2 Find the words with the same stem. 1. serve, severe, seventh, servant, serpent, service. 2. work, worth, workless, worst, worn, workable. 3. thank, than, think, thick, thanks, thankful. 4. power, poured, powered, powdered, powerful. Ex. 3 Give the initial forms of the words. 1. Nouns Possibilities, branches, volumes, networks, frequencies, losses, duties, gauges, supplies, abilities. 2. Verbs Made, fitted, powered, carrying, known, laid, surrounding, involves, is, apply, employed, carried. Ex 4. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs: Attentive, bad, brittle, careful, cheap, clever, close, comfortable, considerable, convenient, dangerous, difficult, dirty, dry, early, easy, expensive, famous, fast, good, happy, hard, heavy, high, hot, important, late, lazy, little, loud, lucky, modern, narrow, necessary, powerful, quick, rapid, reliable, sad, safe, simple, slow, small, soft, swift, suitable, useful, wide. 10 Ex.5. Compare the objects according to the model. Model: the new bridge – the old bridge (narrow). → The old bridge was much narrower than the new bridge. 1) an automobile – a bicycle (fast). 2) water – oil (light). 3) a steam engine – an internal combustion engine (small). 4) train tickets – airplane tickets (cheap). 5) to translate the text – to retell the text (easy). 6) reading – watching TV (useful). 7) sleeping cars – open-type cars (comfortable). 8) the new engine – the old engine (powerful). 9) to go by airplane – to go by train (low). Grammar: The Infinitive Constructions. Complex Object. Объектный инфинитивный оборот, или сложное дополнение, состоит из существительного или личного местоимения в объектном падеже (me, him, her, us, you, them) и инфинитива, и употребляется лишь после глаголов, выражающих желание, восприятие, предположение, приказание, просьбу. Существительное /местоимение + Инфинитив В предложении он, как и положено дополнению, занимает третье место, то есть располагается за сказуемым. (1) (2) (3) оборот Подлежащее + Сказуемое + "сложное + дополнение" (4) второстепенные члены предложения Сложное дополнение обычно употребляется после глаголов, выражающих желание, требование, мнение, предположение, чувственное восприятие: to believe - полагать to expect - ожидать to want - хотеть to know - знать to hear - слышать to see - видеть Например: The designer expected the computer to perform over ten thousand operations every second. Конструктор ожидал, что компьютер будет выполнять свыше 10 тыс. операций в секунду. 11 They don’t consider him to be a good engineer. Они не считают, что он хороший инженер. We did not see the teacher enter the room. Мы не видели, как преподаватель вошел в комнату. Правило перевода: Оборот переводится придаточным предложением с союзами «что», «чтобы», «как». Инфинитив употребляется без частицы to после глаголов: to make в значении – заставлять, вынуждать, to let – разрешать, позволять. They made her come. Let me know when you are ready. Они заставили ее прийти. Дай мне знать, когда будешь готов. После глаголов, выражающих восприятие при помощи органов чувств. Как правило, переводятся глаголами совершенного вида: to feel - чувствовать to observe - наблюдать to hear - слышать to see - видеть to notice - замечать to watch – наблюдать I felt somebody touch my shoulder. Я почувствовал, как кто-то коснулся моего плеча. We watched the train arrive. Мы наблюдали, как подошел поезд. Ex. 6 Translate into Russian 1. The architects want the new lines to be beautiful and cheap. 2. The engineer ordered the work to begin at once. 3. They saw the train stop at the station. 4. We heard him speak English. 5. We want them to come here. 6. I want you to speak to the manager. 7. The teacher made us learn the poem by heart. 8. He wanted his letters to be sent at once. 9. Would you like your luggage carried upstairs? 10. I shall have your taxi kept at the door. 11. I expected him to understand my problem. Ex. 7 Complete choosing the required form in brackets. Add to if necessary 1. I want __(you\your) learn the poem by heart. 2. She wants ___(we\us) come a little later. 3. I’d like ___ (they\them) tell me the truth. 4. I saw ___(her\she) ran away with her friends. 5. The teacher makes ____ (we\us) work in pairs. 6. We expected __(he\him) arrive yesterday. 7. I heard ___(they\them) to laugh at the hall. 8. I expect____ (they\them) be punctual. 9. They wanted ____ (I\me) go with them. 10. I don’t want ____(you\your) go there alone. 12 Ex. 8 Study the Vocabulary rail - железнодорожный public - общественный train - поезд Intercity - междугородный alignment - выравнивание bed - полотно ballast -балласт solid concrete foundation –бетонная основа permanent way – верхнее строение пути right-of-way – полоса отвода rolling stock – подвижной состав resistance - сопротивление smooth -гладкий to roll -катить bogie/truck - платформа to haul - тянуть freight car/ wagon/ truck- грузовой вагон goods - товары scarce - дефицит commuter - пригородный steel - стальной cross-beams – поперечные брусья sleepers - шпалы ties -шпалы gauge - колея car/ carriage/ coach пассажирский вагон Ex. 9 Read the text Rail transport Rail transport is the transport of passengers and goods by means of wheeled vehicles specially designed to run along railways or railroads. Rail transport is a major form of public transport in many countries. In Asia, for example, many millions use trains as regular transport in India, China, South Korea and Japan. It is also widespread in European countries. Major U.S. cities have heavily-used, local rail-based passenger transport systems or light rail or commuter rail operations. Typical railway/railroad tracks consist of two parallel rails, normally made of steel, secured to cross-beams, sleepers (U.K.) or 'ties' (U.S.). The sleepers maintain a constant distance between the two rails; a measurement known as the 'gauge' of the track. To maintain the alignment of the track it is either laid on a bed of ballast or else secured to a solid concrete foundation. The whole is referred to as permanent way (UK usage) or right-of-way (North American usage). Railway rolling stock, fitted with metal wheels, moves with low frictional resistance when compared to road vehicles. Rail transport is an energy-efficient and capital-intensive means of mechanised land transport and is a component of logistics. Along with various engineered components, rails constitute a large part of the permanent way. They provide smooth and hard surfaces on which the wheels of the train can roll with a 13 minimum of friction. As an example, a typical modern wagon can hold up to 125 tons of freight on two four-wheel bogies/trucks (100 tons in UK). The vehicles travelling on the rails, known as rolling stock, are arranged in a linked series of vehicles called a train, which can include a locomotive if the vehicles are not individually powered. A locomotive (or 'engine') is a powered vehicle used to haul a train of unpowered vehicles. In the U.S.A., individual unpowered vehicles are known generically as cars. These may be passenger carrying or used for freight purposes. For passenger-carrying vehicles, the term carriage or coach is used, while a freight-carrying vehicle is known as a freight car in the United States and a wagon or truck in Great Britain. Ex . 10. Give the synonyms to the words: Railway, local, sleepers, permanent way, vehicle, modern, typical, wagon, truck, engine, carriage Ex . 11 Make the words using prefixes un-, im-, ir-, il-, un-, in-. Power, happy, real, possible, logical, regular, to do, interesting, to dress, Ex . 12 Choose the right answer 1. The word ‘transport’ means to carry people or goods from place to place. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 2. Railroads spread rapidly in the eastern and southern United States. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 3. The combination of rails, sleepers and ballast is known as permanent way. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated 4. The terms ‘carriage’ and ‘freight car’ mean the same. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Ex . 13 Match the words and their definitions, find the objects in the picture. 1. Permanent way 1. The distance between the rails 2. rails 2. the combination of rails, ties and ballast 3. gauge 3. the mechanism which moves the trains from one track to another 4. Ties (sleepers) 4. long steel bars on which the train runs 5. Switch 5. the place where the ends of the rails meet in the track 6. joint 6. wooden supports for rails 14 Lesson 3 From the history of railway transport Ex.1. Practice the reading. ► i before nd, gh, gn, ld ▪ mind, humankind, behind, find, highly, light, delight, highway, sight, might, tight, frighten, flight, alignment, design, sign, wild, mild. ► о before n, v, m, th ▪ front, among, money, won, ton, month, tongue, wonder, none, glove, above, cover, dove, lovely, some, company, accompany, other, another, nothing; ▪ BUT: move, prove, improve, approve, involve ► a before l+ consonant ▪ talk, already, also, call, alter, always, salt, almost, alternative, walk, although, bald. Ex. 2 Make new words using the suffixes-tion, -ance, - able –ly, -er(or). Conduct, calculate, product, excavate, load, differ, resist, exist, simple, local, able, response, rely, rapid, main, strong, total, transport. Ex. 3. Make the sentences Passive. 1. He published countless monographs and articles on a wide range of topics. 2. They began Trans-Siberian Railway in 1891. 3. They created Department of Railways in 1842. 4. The activity didn’t stop there. Grammar: The Infinitive Constructions. Complex Subject. Субъектный инфинитивный оборот, или сложное подлежащее, состоит из существительного или личного местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива, обозначающего действие. Эта конструкция разделена на две части глаголом-сказуемым в личной форме, причем последний чаще используется в страдательном залоге. Субъектный ▼ Существительное или личное местоимение инфинитивный оборот ▼ Глагол + сказуемое - + Инфинитив Субъектный инфинитивный оборот представляет собой сложное подлежащее и на русский язык переводится сложноподчиненным предложением с вводными словами (как известно, по-видимому и пр.) 15 Complex Subject употребляется страдательном залоге с глаголом-сказуемым в (Passive): She was announced to be the winner. They are reported to arrive in two days. I was supposed to meet him. Было объявлено, что она победила. Сообщают, что они прибудут через два дня. Предполагалось, что я встречу его. С глаголом-сказуемым в действительном залоге (Active): He appeared to know her new Оказалось, что он знает ее новый адрес. address. He seems to know us. Кажется, он знает нас. He proved to be a good friend. Оказалось, что он хороший друг. Со сказуемым выражено прилагательным с глаголом-связкой: He is likely to come. He is unlikely to help you. They are sure to come soon. Вероятно, он придет. Вряд ли он поможет тебе. Они, несомненно, скоро придут. Ex. 4 Translate into Russian. 1. The train is expected to come at the station at 6 o’clock. 2. The first locomotive is known to have been built by the Cherepanovs. 3. The work is expected to be completed in March. 4. New car are known to be under construction. 5. The railroad transport was considered to be the best way of communication. 6. The average freight turnover was stated to have been reduced. 7. He was said to be a good engineer. 8. The device was known to have been designed in that laboratory. 9. His invention is reported to be of a great importance. Ex. 5 Use the passive form of the verb in brackets and translate the sentences into Russian. Model: . He _____(expect) to arrive in about two years. He is expected to arrive in about two years. 1. She _____ (think) to have been a good doctor. 2. They _____ (suppose) to know these things. 3. The boy ______ (believe) to be very good at Math. 4. The doctor _______ (suppose) to have prescribe you some medicine. 5. I ____ (tell) to give more attention to my spelling. 6. The scientist ______(suppose) to have made a very important invention. 7. A car ______(hear) to stop outside the door. 16 8. These devices_______ (consider) to be effective. Ex . 6 Study the Vocabulary Vocabulary Ministry of Communications – Department of Water CommunicationsМинистерство Путей Сообщения Департамент Водного Сообщения to supervise – руководить, управлять Track – путь to establish – устанавливать, Freight груз, грузовой основывать Construction – строительство to transport - перевозить Edict –указ to make service – производить обслуживание to absorb – поглощать to issue – выпускать (в обращение) Means –средство Code- закон Countless бесчисленный to comprise - вмещать, состоять to lay – укладывать to concern - сосредотачивать to link up связывать to improve - усовершенствовать Route – маршрут Donets Basin – Донецкий угольный бассейн Length - длина to extend - расширять Ex . 7 a) Read and translate the text History of railways in Russia The Ministry of Communications of Russia was officially founded in 1865, but the Government had started improving the country’s transport system as early as 1649, when Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich issued a Code on the Protection of Navigation. His son, Peter the Great, established a Commerce College to supervise roads, and in 1798, Paul I established Department of Water Communications. The Department of Railways was created in 1842 and supervised the construction of Russia’s first railway line, which linked the imperial capital St. Petersburg with Moscow (1842-1851). In 1862, railway lines were completed between St. Petersburg-Warsaw and Nizhny Novgorod. On 15 June 1865, an edict of Alexander II established the Ministry of Communications, which absorbed the Department of Railways. Russia’s first Minister of Communications, Pavel Melnikov, was not only an outstanding scientist, talented engineer and manager, but also a superb publicist for the new means of transport. Melnikov was instrumental in developing Russia’s railway system and wrote the first book On Railways in Russian. He also published 17 countless monographs and articles on a wide range of topics concerning railways, helping the Ministry of Communications to become one of the most respected ministries in Russia and to make service on the railways highly prestigious. Melnikov’s activity didn’t stop there. He also educated a galaxy of excellent railway engineers, including Konstantin Pos’et, who went on to become Russia’s Minister of Communications from 1874 to 1888 and build railways in the European part of Russia and beyond, extending the network further, laying lines through the Donets Basin and Woodlands to the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia to link up the Volga, the Urals and Central Asia. The Trans-Siberian Railway was begun in 1891 and completed in 1905. In 1900, the Russian railway network boasted a route length of 44,900 kilometres. By 1913, the system comprised of 58,500 km of track and was transporting some 132,000 tons of freight and 185,000 passengers every year. b) Say some words about the contribution of these people into the development of railways in Russia Ex . 8 Match the right ending 1. Railways are of great importance to a country because … a) they are very important among traveling people. b) railways depend on the national economy of the country. c) the development of the country depends on the transportation system 2. The Government had started improving the country’s transport system because a) it wanted to make service on the railways highly prestigious. b) it wanted to build railways in the European part of Russia and beyond. c) it wanted to develop the economy of the country. Ex . 9 Translate the words into English. Бетонный, двигатель, замена, из-за, изобретение, конструкция, мощный, пар, паровой двигатель, проходить, срок службы, считать, топливо, тянуть, транспортное средство, шпала, энергия. Ex . 10 Translate the sentences given below from Russian into English. 1) Машины заменили тяжёлый ручной труд строителей железных дорог. 2) Срок службы бетонных шпал – 40-50 лет. 3) Первые вагонеточные пути использовались на шахтах (a mine) для перевозки угля. 4) В России первое 18 самоходное транспортное средство было изобретено И.П. Кулибиным в 18 веке. 5) Первый паровоз отца и сына Черепановых имел четыре колеса. 7) Деревянные рельсы были недолговечными (short-lived)поэтому их сначала заменили чугунными, а затем стальными. 8) С изобретением парового двигателя начался новый этап (stage) в развитии транспорта. Ex . 11 Complete the text with suitable words. When I got to the railway ___ I saw a really long queue at the ticket ___. So I got my ___ from the ticket machine. Then I ran to the ___ and got ___ the train. The journey was fine. I managed to get some sandwiches and some tea from the ___ car. My train ___ in Edinburgh with a thirty-minute delay. The result was that I was ___ for the meeting and I didn’t ___ the train home. I had to spend the night at the railway hotel. Ex . 12 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. 1) Modern locomotives can ___ the trains of 6,000 tons and heavier. 2) ___ of the old engine will take two hours. 3) In the USA the use of electric ___ in transportation began in 1887. 4) Rudolf Diesel designed ___ which was one of the greatest ___ of the 20th century. 5) In Britain wooden sleepers last about twenty years, whereas the ___ of a wooden sleeper in India is fifteen years. 6) At 100° С water is converted into ___. 7) They had to ___ rather a long distance on foot. 8) This ___ machine is operated by one person. 9) Many old ____ can be seen in the museum of transport. 10) At first coal gas was used as ___ for diesel engines. 11) Steel ___ first appeared in Europe in 1868, mainly ___ the shortage of durable wood in some countries. 12) We couldn’t start the ___ of the car at –30°C. 13) The invention of ___ started the first industrial revolution. 14) The engineers ___ that the main drawback of the new ___ is its high cost. 15) ___ sleepers last long because this material is not subjected to corrosion. 19 Lesson 4 Early railways Ex.1. Practice the reading. ► disagreement, synchronous, underestimate, controlled, priceless, formulate, unhealthy, emergency, outward, strategic, unlocalize, fruitful, transportable, mileage, symmetric, harden, salty, demodulate, polar, polarity, polarizer, polarization, finely, empty, southward, frequent, truthful, moisture, meter, magnetize, fitness, massive, insensibility, groundless, weaken, subsidiary, normalize, manual, exposure, constituent, readiness, modify, artful, superiority, momentary, unbeautiful, reversal, provocative, suburban, Ex. 2 Translate the attributive groups. A noiseless auxiliary engine, an extremely complex computer, self - programming machine, densely-populated towns, a diesel-electric power plant, a narrow gauge railroad, a horse-drawn carriage, a double-decker bus service, a water –cooled engine, an engine cooling system, automatically controlled doors, high – speed electrified railways, mainline tracks, transportation time and cost, cut-stone tracks. Ex. 3 Read and translate the following sentences. State the voice and tense form of the predicates. 1) The program of railway reforms is being implemented now in Russia. Under this program suburban and regional passenger services will be financed from local budgets. At the same time the government promised to fund inter-city passenger service. 2) The car was moving very fast and the traffic cop stopped it for speeding. 3) The trains that go to and from London are very crowded at the times when people are traveling to work, since about a million people work in London but live in its suburbs.4) The train is being delayed because of track repair work. 5) The policeman stopped a man and asked: “Why are you crossing the street in the wrong place?” 6) As we were going along the track, we saw a group of workers who were discussing something. 7) If passengers want something to eat or drink while they are waiting for their trains they can go to the refreshment room. 8) The construction of this high-speed line is being actively supported by the government because the development of heavy industry in this region requires reliable and speedy railway traffic. Ex. 4 Put the words into the right form. 1. All these situations __________ by two acts. 2. The rail network ___one of the largest in the world, almost 90'000 km of tracks is covering the area. 3. An incredible number of people _______ for the Russian railways. 4. Russian originating rolling stock _________ widely in a couple dozen countries. 5. A railway journey______ if the distance between places is more regulate be work use recommend 20 than 200 km. 6. You ____ make a railway trip by a comfortable "Eastern Express" from Moscow to Vladivostok. 7. Russia_____ high speed networks in a number of locations. can build Grammar: Participle Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, сочетающая свойства глагола, прилагательного и наречия. В русском языке соответствует причастию и деепричастию (в английском языке нет отдельной формы, соответствующей русскому деепричастию). В английском языке есть два причастия: 1 Причастие I (Participle I или Present Participle) причастие настоящего времени. Имеет две формы: а) Present Participle Simple. Соответствует русскому причастию настоящего времени и деепричастию несовершенного вида: reading – читающий, читая, resting – отдыхающий, отдыхая; б) Present Participle Perfect. Соответствует русскому деепричастию совершенного вида: having written –написав, having read – прочтя. 2 Причастие II (Participle II или Past Participle) причастие прошедшего времени. Причастие от переходных глаголов соответствует русскому страдательному причастию прошедшего времени: opened –открытый,dressed –одетый, made –сделанный. Английское причастие обладает свойствами прилагательного, наречия и глагола. Как прилагательное, причастие выполняет в предложении функцию определения к существительному и соответствует русскому причастию: A broken cup lay on the floor. Разбитая чашка лежала на полу. Participle 1 Participle II Participle Perfect Active Building Passive being built ______ built Having built having been built Выражают действие, одновременное с действием глагола сказуемого Выражает действие, одновременное с действием глагола-сказуемого или предшествующее ему. Выражает действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого 21 Ex.5. Read and translate the phrases given below into Russian. Pay attention to Participles I in different functions. the student attending all the lectures using new methods of production the bridge linking two islands not wishing to discuss this problem the passengers waiting for the train moving at a high speed arrival the roads leading to the centre of the building the railroad across the desert city the loco developing a speed of 180 km/h having passed all the exams the plant producing machinery having discussed the plan in details beginning the experiment having bought the tickets in advance preparing for the exam in English having phoned the travel agency having got a snack having taken the books from the library Ex.6. Translate the phrases given below into English. Pay attention to Participles I in Different functions. ▪ прибор, стоящий на столе ▪ пассажиры, спешащие занять свои места ▪ работающий двигатель ▪ студент, изучающий английский язык ▪ инженер, знающий два иностранных языка ▪ поезд, прибывающий через 5 минут ▪ изучая иностранный язык ▪ путешествуя по всему миру ▪ строя мосты и тоннели ▪ испытывая новый двигатель ▪ делая домашнюю работу ▪ проводя эксперимент ▪ окончив институт ▪ опоздав на поезд ▪ получив новую информацию ▪ заказав обед в купе ▪ оставив багаж в камере хранения ▪ уменьшив расходы Ex. 7 Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to Participles I. 1) The road joining the two villages is very narrow. 2) Driving a car in the rush hours, you must be very attentive because traffic is very heavy. 3) All trains operating on the suburban lines are driven by electricity. 4) Each railway station has at least two tracks, those for the incoming and outcoming trains. 5) Having arrived two days before the conference, he had a lot of time to see London. 6) The number and the spacing of the sleepers depend on the weight of trains passing over the track. 7) The volume of passenger transportation is increased in summertime because many people spend their holidays, traveling all over the country or abroad. 8) They stopped their experiments having obtained the necessary results. 9) Passengers leaving for London were invited to register and weigh their luggage. 10) While unloading the car we found a few broken boxes. 11) The leading role of the railway transport in Russia is explained by the specific territorial, climatic and geographical conditions. 12) When constructing the railway, it is cheaper to use local materials. 13) People living near airports suffer from the noise of taking off and landing jet airliners. 22 Ex. 8 Study the Vocabulary evidence - свидетельство wagon way –вагонеточный путь to reappear –появиться снова wharf - пристань transfer –перенос flanged wheel – колесо с ребордой to utilize – использовать to adopt -принимать throughout – повсеместно dominant –доминирующий decline – снижение to reduce –сократить accessibility –доступность to flow – течь to achieve –достигать to intend –намереваться Ex . 9 Read and translate the text. Early railways 1. The earliest evidence of a railway found was the 6 kilometers (4 mi) Diolkos wagon way, in Greece during the 6th century BC. The Diolkos ran for over 1300 years, until 900 AD. The first horse-drawn wagon ways also appeared in ancient Greece, with others to be found on Malta and various parts of the Roman Empire, using cut-stone tracks. 2. Railways began reappearing in Europe 1550, usually operating with wooden tracks. The first railways in Great Britain (also known as wagon ways) were constructed in the early 17th century, mainly for transporting coal from mines to canal wharfs. Wooden rails and flanged wheels were utilized, as on a modern railway. 3. The Stockton and Darlington Railway opened in northern England in 1825 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railways - _note-6 and to be followed five years later by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, considered to be the world's first "Inter City" line. The rail gauge (the distance between the two rails of the track) was used for the early wagon ways, and had been adopted for the Stockton and Darlington Railway. The 4 ft 8½ in (1,435 mm) width became known as the international "standard gauge", used by about 60 percent of the world's railways. Railways then soon spread throughout the United Kingdom and the world, and became the dominant means of land transport for nearly a century, until the invention of aircraft and automobiles, which prompted a gradual decline in railways. 4. The first railroad in the United States may have been a gravity railroad in Lewiston, New York in 1764. The 1810 Leaper Railroad in Pennsylvania was intended as the first permanent railroad,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railways - _note-8 the development of the railroad in the United States helped reduce transportation time and cost, which allowed migration towards the west. Railroads increased the accessibility of goods to consumers, thus allowing individuals and capital to flow westward. 23 5. The South American railway was first achieved in 1854, when a line was laid between the Chilean towns of Caldera and Copiapo. In 1896, the Railway Company was created in London to construct a continuous line between Argentina and Chile that would improve transport and communication links in South America. Ex. 10 Match the parts of the text and the titles. A. The position of railways B. Railways help to develop the economy C. The first tracks D. The purpose of the first tracks E. New Railways F. Improving links and transport 1 2 3 4 5 Ex. 11 Translate the sentences given below from Russian into English. 1. После реконструкции линии скорость поездов будет увеличена. 2. Когда отправляется поезд в Бостон? – Один поезд только что ушёл, а следующий будет через два часа. 3. Поезд проходит расстояние от Москвы до Самары за 20 часов.4. Проводник вышел из вагона и пригласил пассажиров занять свои места. 5. Когда мы пришли на станцию, все билеты были уже проданы. 6. Машины медленно двигались по горной дороге. 7. Паровой двигатель был изобретён в 18 веке. 24 Lesson 5 Great Siberian Route Ex.1. Practice the reading. ► Introduce, introduction, produce, production, reduce, reduction, induce, induction, deduce, deduction; Provide, provision, include, inclusion, divide, division, decide, decision, collide, collision; Picture, future, feature, feature, miniature, structure; Measure, pleasure, treasure, exposure; Discussion, commission, transmission, pressure, aggression. Ex.2 Describe the relationship between each of the following words (antonyms, synonyms, neither). 1) curve /straight 2) to ensure/ to insure 3) device/ apparatus 4) employee/ employer 6) customs/ customer 9) to arrange/ to organize 10) aim/ purpose/ objective 11) cause/ reason 12) to upgrade/ to reconstruct 13) to enable/ to allow/ to permit 14) to create/ to develop 17) schedule/ timetable 18) to try/ to attempt 19) upgrading/ grade 20) considerable/ insignificant 21) to ensure/ to guarantee 22) grade/ gradient 7) to employ/ to apply 8) liquid/ solid 15) reliable/ unreliable 16) to repair/ to prepare 23) curve/ bend/ turn 24) valid/ invalid 5) amount/quantity Ex.3. Match the English words and phrases with their Russian equivalents. 1) rail joint a) диспетчерская централизация 2) flood b) знакомый звук 3) CTC (Centralized Traffic Control) c) космический спутник 4) space satellite d) наводнение 5) alloy e) рельсовый стык 6) to eliminate f) ремонтная мастерская 7) familiar sound g) сплав 8) repair shop h) устранить Ex. 4 Choose the required voice form of the predicates (Active or Passive). 1) A new device (has tested; has been tested) in the lab. 2) The dining car was crowded but we (served; were served) rather fast. 3) The road is closed because the road-works (are conducting; are being conducted). 6) Powerful track-laying machines (have developed; have been developed) for the building of railroads. 7) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (has made; has been made) a loan of $US 120 to the Russian Ministry of Railways for the railway rehabilitation project. 8) A new railway underground line (is constructing; is being 25 constructed) in our city. 10) He (broke; was broken) my watch. 11) The manager (has offered; has been offered) me several jobs Ex. 5 Read and translate the phrases given below into Russian. Pay attention to Participles I in different functions. 1) The student attending all the lectures, the bridge linking two islands, the passengers waiting for the train arrival the roads leading to the centre of the city, the loco developing a speed of 180 km/h , beginning the experiment, preparing for the exam in English , using new methods of production, having passed all the exams, having discussed the plan in details, having bought the tickets in advance, having phoned the travel agency, having taken the books from the library. 2) Студент, изучающий английский язык; развивающиеся страны; работающий двигатель; инженер, знающий два иностранных языка; поезд, прибывающий через 5 минут; делая домашнюю работу; проводя эксперимент; не зная, что сказать; переходя улицу; давая совет другим; окончив институт; опоздав на поезд; получив новую информацию; заказав обед в купе; оставив багаж в камере хранения ; уменьшив расходы; внедрив новые методы строительства. Grammar: Независимый причастный оборот Независимым причастным оборотом называется сочетание существительного в общем падеже или (реже) личного местоимения в именительном падеже (I, he, she, it, we, you, they) с причастием (любым), в котором существительное (или местоимение) выполняет роль подлежащего по отношению к причастию, но не является подлежащим всего предложения. Существительное /местоимение + Причастие (любое) В предложении оборот чаще всего занимает место перед подлежащим, реже в конце или середине предложения и всегда отделяется запятой от остальной части предложения. The sun having risen, we После того, как солнце взошло, мы continued our way. продолжали свой путь. When the work was done, they Когда работа была закончена, они пошли went home. домой. The letter being written, I went to Когда письмо было написано, я пошла post it. отправить его. The rain having stopped, they went Так как дождь прекратился, они on with their work. продолжили работу. Ex . 6 Study the Vocabulary, read and translate the text 26 a liaison - связь Prescript - предписание to entrust- поручать a treaty - договор Ferry - переправа Loop- петля Effort - попытка to proceed - следовать to propose - предлагать to suggest - предлагать to shorten - укоротить to bear - нести to issue - издавать obstacle - преграда THE TRANS-SIBERIAN MAINLINE The history of railway construction in Russia started at the end of the 19th century. Railway mainlines were laid down from the Western borders of the country to St. Petersburg and Moscow, from the center to the Volga region and from the Urals to Central Asia. In 1892 the railway network in Russia had a total length of 32,000 km. That very year Samara-Zlatoust railway was built which later became a liaison between railways in the European part of Russia and the Trans- Siberian Mainline. On March 15, 1891 Alexander III issued an imperial prescript addressed to future Emperor Nicholay II which stated: “I command to start constructing a railway across all Siberia to connect the Siberian region with the European part of Russia. I also entrust you with ground-breaking of the Great Siberian Track in Vladivostok.” Two projects of the future mainline were proposed – “the southern version” and “the northern version”. “The northern version” suggested by the Minister of Railways K.N. Posyet won. According to his project the railway was shorter by 400 km and was passing by the Siberian high Road 2 and populated areas. The building of the Great Siberian Track began in 1893. Work was started at the same time from both the eastern and western terminals. The plan originally was called for an all-Russian road, but a treaty with China in 1896 enabled the Russians to construct an 800-mile (1,300-kilometer) line through Manchuria, thus shortening the distance to Vladivostok. After Manchuria was passed to Japanese hands following the Russian-Japanese War of 1904—05, the Russians proceeded with a longer railway entirely on their own territory. Construction rates were very fast despite the fact that the railroad went through swamps, thick taiga, crossed major rivers and huge mountains. One of the main obstacles to completion of the line was Lake Baikal, where there was ferry service. A loop around the lakeshore was completed in 1905. By 1916 the Amur River line north of the Chinese border had been finished, and there 27 was a continuous railway on Russian land from Moscow across Siberia. In less than 25 years more than 8,600 km of track were laid down. The building of the gigantic mainline was a heroic deed accomplished by Russian construction workers thanks to their tenacious efforts and courage. At first 10,000 workers took part in the construction. Later, their number went up to 100,000. Some of Trans-Siberian stations bear their names – Rukhlovo, Vyazemskaya, Baranovsky, Snarsky, Adrinovka, etc. Ex.7 True or false? Correct the false statements. 1) The Trans-Siberian Mainline connects the Asian part of Russia with the Pacific Coast. 2) Alexander III commanded to start constructing the Great Siberian Track. 3) Six projects of the construction were proposed. 4) The project of the Minister of Railways Witte won. 5) The first rail of the future Trans-Siberian Railway was laid down in Vladivostok. 6) The length of this railway is more than 80,600 km. 7) About 5,000 workers took part in the mainline construction. 8) The track went through swamps and taiga. 9) One of the main obstacles to completion of the line was the Pacific Ocean. 10) The construction lasted 15 years. 11) The Great Siberian Railway breathed new life into boundless Siberian lands. 12) The building of the gigantic mainline was a heroic deed accomplished by English construction workers. Ex.8 Read the titles and match them with the texts. One title is odd. A. New way of traveling B. Looking for new ways of transportation C. Railway reconstruction D. No chance to get into a train 1. Several years ago I arrived in New York, where I was to change trains and take a sleeper. There were crowds of people on the platform, and they were all trying to get into the long sleeper train, which was already crowded. I asked the young man in the booking office if I could have a sleeping- berth and he answered: “No”. I went off and asked another local official if I could have some poor little corner somewhere in a sleeping car, but he interrupted me angrily saying: “No, you can’t, every corner is full. 28 2. In June 1839, the professors of the Moscow Engineering Institute P.P.Melnikov and N.O. Kraft were sent to the USA for the purpose of studying experience gained by the Americans in constructing and operating the railways. Melnikov's report about the results of their trip laid down the basis of the future railway project. According to this project «chugunka» was planned as a double-track line, 664 km long, with the 5 feet gauge (now the standard), steam powered. The speed of passenger and freight trains was supposed to be 34.4 km/h and 16 km/h respectively. 3. Steam railways began to appear in the East of the USA in the 1820s. At that time, it was more of a novelty than an efficient transportation method. If you were a merchant or a bold immigrant and wanted to move west, you went by boat. The first use of the locomotive for passenger transport was on Christmas day, 1930, in Charleston, South Carolina. Within the next decade 4,480 km had been laid, mainly within states along the Atlantic sea border. 29 Lesson 6 The Baikal -on -Amur line construction Ex.1. Practice the reading. ► tion, sion ▪ preparation, election, protection, inspection, injection, destination, computerization, condition, reduction, demagnetization, contamination, introduction, contribution, attention, stationary, acceleration, dictionary, detection, application, gravitation, deviation, ignition, competition, mention, motion, civilization, conventional, constructional; ▪ session, conversion, compression, permission, confession, dimension, suspension, depression, expansion, transmission, extension, professional, collision, precision, decision, confusion, fusion, corrosion, division, explosion, adhesion, abrasion, occasional. ► ar, er, or, ur, ir ▪ discard, cargo, artery, compartment, depart, charter, debark, barge, enlarge, apart, arc, charge, hardly, parking, starter, article, alarm, parcel; ▪ BUT: warm, warn, award, warrant; ▪ internal, terminal, transfer, alert, berth, concern, serve, service, emerge, personal, commercial, convert, permanent, defer, advertisement, converge, per, alternative, certain, refer, mercury, reserve; ▪ perform, formula, reinforce, ordinary, extraordinary, ore, accord, enormous, retort, cordon, absorb, border, corporation, disorder, forward, incorporate, record, normally, transform, support; ▪ BUT: worth, word, worm, world; ▪ urgent, surface, turbine, furnace, occur, disturb, surname, interurban, suburban, curve, turn, return, further, purpose, survey, furbish, burst, spur, absurd, burden, cursor, curb; ▪ firm, circuit, birth, circular, swirl, confirm, first, third, birch, shirk, smirk, affirm. Ex. 2 Describe the relationship between each of the following words (antonyms, synonyms, neither). 1) to invent/ to invite 11) freight/ cargo/ load/ goods 2) narrow/ broad 12) means of transport/ mode of transport 3) to produce/ to manufacture 13) fast/ slow 4) heavy/ light 14) to move/ to run/ to travel 5) to operate/ to drive/ to propel/ to 15) motive power/ tractive power power 6) sleeper/ crosstie/ tie 16) to replace/ to substitute/ to change 7) movement/ traffic 17) to invent/ to devise 8) to draw/ to pull/ to haul 18) mainline/ trunk line 9) to use/ to apply 19) to pull/ to push 10) means of transport/ by means of 20) to delay/ to detain 30 Ex. 3 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. 1) Modern locomotives can ___ the trains of 6,000 tons and heavier. 2) ___ of the old engine will take two hours. 3) In the USA the use of electric ___ in transportation began in 1887. 4) Rudolf Diesel designed ___ which was one of the greatest ___ of the 20th century. 5) In Britain wooden sleepers last about twenty years, whereas the ___ of a wooden sleeper in India is fifteen years. 6) At 100° С water is converted into ___. 7) They had to ___ rather a long distance on foot. 8) This ___ machine is operated by one person. 9) Many old ____ can be seen in the museum of transport. 10) At first coal gas was used as ___ for diesel engines. 11) Steel ___ first appeared in Europe in 1868, mainly ___ the shortage of durable wood in some countries. 12) We couldn’t start the ___ of the car at –30°C. 13) The invention of ___ started the first industrial revolution. 14) The engineers ___ that the main drawback of the new ___ is its high cost. 15) ___ sleepers last long because this material is not subjected to corrosion. Ex.4 Translate the phrases given below into English. Pay attention to Participles II. ▪ двигатель усовершенствованной конструкции ▪ железная дорога, построенная для высокоскоростных пассажирских перевозок ▪ застрахованный (to insure) автомобиль ▪ полученный результат ▪ оборудование, установленное в лаборатории ▪ вокзал, реконструированный в прошлом году ▪ вагон, используемый для перевозки нефти ▪ новая станция метро, отделанная (to decorate) мрамором и бронзой ▪ машина, сконструированная молодым инженером ▪ экзамены, сданные успешно ▪ билеты, купленные заранее ▪ вещи, оставленные в камере хранения Ex 5. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Participle II 1. These are vehicles specially designed to run along railways. 2. Typical railway tracks consist of two parallel rails, normally made of steel, secured to cross-beams, sleepers or ties. 3. Rail transport is an energy-efficient and capital-intensive means of mechanised land transport and is a component of logistics. 4. Individual unpowered vehicles are known generically as cars. Ex. 6 Study the Vocabulary read and translate the text Impassable - непроходимый Play part принимать участие Bridgeмост Surveying party исследовательская партия Discover – сделать открытие Earthquake землетрясение 31 Valuable ценный Iron ore железная руда Appear появляться Stretch простираться Tremendous –величайший We construct railway Railways play a very important part in country’s transportation and the importance of a wide network of transport for the economic development of a country is quite clear. There now faster and more modern means of communication and transport, but railways are still the safest and the most popular means of transport. For hundred years the unlimited natural resources of Siberia were out of human reach. The Trans-Siberian line could not meet the growing needs of the developing country’s economy. We construct railways for many reasons: for passenger traffic and for freight traffic. The construction of BAM which is the Russian for Baikal- Amur-Railway is considered to be the tremendous project of the 20th century. The line stretched in the East fro the lake Baikal to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. This route was 400 km shorter than that section of the Trans-Sib. But the area was more difficult: mountains, impassable taiga, and seismic zones. Three quarters of the route were built in the areas of earthquakes. The overall length of BAM is 4.330 km. Our builders had powerful modern machines to do the work. Altogether BAM has about 3.200 buildings and over 2.000 bridges and tunnels. There are five tunnels, including the 7 km Bailkal tunnel. On September 29, 1984 the last rail was laid in the track. The construction of BAM provided the development of a territory larger than Europe. The geologists researched that territory and discovered valuable minerals, coal, iron ore, gas and oil. Surveying parties worked along the whole route. BAM brought an economic and social revolution to the area. About 130.000 people took part in building. Many new towns and stations appeared along BAM. 32 Ex. 7 Translate into English. a) unlimited natural resources, to meet the growing needs, the areas of earthquakes, modern means of communication, the last rail was laid, took part in building, brought an economic and social revolution, was more difficult, provided the development, for passenger traffic and for freight traffic, were out of human reach, the tremendous project. b) экономическое значение, природные ресурсы, удовлетворять растущие потребности, район землетрясений, развитие территории, открывать ценные минералы, принимать участие в строительстве, широкая транспортная сеть. c) 1. Железные дороги важны для развития страны. 2. БАМ проходит через участки, подвергающиеся землетрясениям. 3. Строительство БАМа считается величайшим проектом 20 века. 4. Строительство БАМа обеспечило развитие огромной территории. 5. Существуют различные средства связи и транспорта. 6. Этот маршрут был короче. 7. Человек получил доступ к ценным природным ресурсам.. 8. Строители преодолели много трудностей. Ex. 8 Agree or disagree with the statements below. 1. The BAM builders worked in hard conditions.2. It was an easy job to lay the track in the area. 3. Many engineering structures were erected along the route. 4. Hundreds of people took part in the construction. 5. The construction of BAM provided the development of a territory a bit smaller than Europe. 6. The builders of BAM were poorly supplied with modern machines to do the work. Ex. 10 Express your opinion 1. on the importance of the BAM Railway; 2. on the difficulties which builders had to overcome while constructing the BAM; 33 Lesson 7 Russian Railways nowadays Ex.1. Practice the reading. ► Irreplaceable, mislead, subtitle, recreate, interchange, semi-axle, unbalanced, immeasurable, rearrange, self-moving, predetermine, irrationally, immaterial, submarine, pre-pay, uncontrollable, pre-heat, non-coded, unburned, misunderstand, transporter, independence, smokeless, disassemble, unwanted, application, minimize, wheelless, transformer Ex.2 Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to Participles II. 1) The first steam locomotive built by G. Stephenson could draw a small train of loaded cars at a speed of 13 miles per hour. 2) When reconstructed, the railway bridge will be used for the movement of heavy freight trains. 3) The new materials recommended for bridge construction were described in the article written by our professor. 4) I’m not sure that it is possible to repair this badly damaged car. 5) When drawn by an electric locomotive, the train may consist of more than 90 cars. 6) The things left behind by passengers are usually taken to the Lost Property Office. 7) The first Siemens’s electric locomotive built in 1879 was so small that the driver straddled it like a horse but it could haul a train with 30 passengers. 8) During the test run the steam locomotive produced by Peter Cooper raced against a coach pulled by a horse. 9) Signals installed at frequent intervals along the whole mainline inform the engine drivers of the position of other trains. 10) If compared with electric locomotives, diesel locomotives have a higher maintenance cost. Ex.3 Match the two parts of the sentences below. Pay attention to Participles. 1) When speaking English, a) we left the exhibition. 2) Having remembered suddenly that b) I felt the change in the atmosphere she had not locked the door, at once. 3) CAV – is a British firm c) unless pressed by time. 4) They were speaking d) if needed. 5) He never hurries, e) I often make mistakes. 6) Having entered the room f) through the locked door. 7) Seeing nothing there that could interest us, g) she rushed back home. 8) Here is my address where I can be found h) producing diesel engines. 9) One should be very careful i) trying to repair his car. 10) He wasted the whole afternoon, j) when crossing the street Grammar: Gerund Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, выражающая название действия и обладающая как 34 свойствами глагола так и существительного. В русском языке нет соответствующей формы. Его функции в предложении во многом сходны с инфинитивом, однако он имеет больше свойств существительного. Перевод герундия: так как он имеет признаки существительного и глагола, то в русском языке можно найти два способа его перевода: а) существительным, передающим процесс: курение, чтение; б) глаголом, чаще всего неопределенной формой (инфинитивом) – делать, а иногда, если есть предлог, деепричастием – делая. Сложные формы герундия почти всегда переводятся придаточными предложениями. Образование герундия. Герундий образуется так же, как и причастие I: к инфинитиву без частицы to прибавляется окончание –ing. Отрицательная форма герундия образуется с помощью частицы not которая ставится перед герундием. Курение вредно для здоровья. Купаться (купание) в озере запрещено. It was dangerous for him swimming in Было опасно для него плавать в such cold water. такой холодной воде. It’s no use waiting any more. Бесполезно ждать больше. No talking! Не разговаривать! Smoking is bad for health. Swimming in the lake is forbidden. Ex. 4 Translate the following sentences paying attention to Gerund as a subject (on the left) and Participle I as an adverbial modifier (on the right). Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Setting the problem is the first step to its solution. Learning a foreign language is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. Constructing railways took much time before the invention of a track-laying machine. Smoking is forbidden in most public places in the United States. Reading books we come to know many useful and interesting things. Setting a problem the scientist makes the first step to its solution. Learning a foreign language you learn the culture and history of the country where this language is spoken. Constructing the railway workers use various machines and mechanisms. Smoking a cigar Mr. Wargrave ran in an interested eye through the political news in“The Times”. Watching television too close or for a Watching television, listening to the too long time is dangerous for your radio, reading newspapers people get eyes. information about what is happening in 35 the world. Traveling abroad has become now much Traveling through various time zones easier and cheaper than ever before. people can feel tired and experience jetlag. Ex.5. Analyze the functions of Participles I in the following phrases and complete the sentences. a) 1) (When) discussing the project…; 2) Scientists discussing the project…; 3) The scientists were discussing the project…; 4) Having discussed the project… . b) 1) Having repaired the engine…; 2) The mechanic repairing engines…; 3) (While) repairing the engine…; 4) The mechanic is repairing… . c) 1) The workers constructing the railway…; 2) Constructing the railway…; 3) Having constructed the railway…; 4) The workers will be constructing… . d) 1) Installing the new equipment…; 2) Having installed the new equipment…; 3) He is installing… . 4) The firm installing this equipment… . e) 1) (While) carrying out the experiment…; 2) The scientists carrying out the experiment… . 3) The scientists are carrying out… . 4) Having carried out the experiment…; Ex. 6. Translate into Russian, paying attention to Participle and Gerund. 1. Melnikov was instrumental in developing Russia’s railway system. 2. He published monographs and articles concerning railways. 3. The Government had started improving the country’s transport system. 4. He also educated excellent railway engineers, including Konstantin Pos’et. 5. He went on extending the network further, laying lines through the Donets Basin and Woodlands to the North Caucasus. Ex. 7 Study the Vocabulary state-ownedгосударственная regional rail - региональные ж.д. собственность Exceed –превышать non-electrified – не электрифицированные Account – насчитывать Announce –объявлять Private –частный Increase – увеличивать Truck –грузовик Partnership –партнерство common-carrier –общие перевозки European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Европейский банк реконструкции и развития double track –две колеи Direction – направление commuter rail – пригородные ж.д. Employee – работник 36 Modern Russian Railways Russian Railways, Rossiyskie zheleznye dorogi (RZhD)), is the state-owned railway company of Russia. The company is one of the biggest railway companies in the world with 950,000 employees and a monopoly within Russia. The total length of line used by the Russian Railways is, at 85,500 kilometres (53,130 mi), one of the largest in the world, exceeded only by the United States. Russian Railways accounts for 2.5% of Russia's GDP. The percentage of freight and passenger traffic that goes by rail is unknown, since no statistics are available for private transportation such as private automobiles or company-owned trucks. In 2013, about 1.3 billion passengers and 1.3 billion tons of freight went via Russian Railways. The company operated state-owned 19,700 goods and passenger locomotives, 24,200 passenger cars (carriages) and 526,900 freight cars (goods wagons). A further 270,000 freight cars in Russia are privately owned. Russia has 86,000 kilometers of common-carrier railroad line, of which about half is electrified and carries most of the traffic. Almost half of the total is double track or better. Russian Railways operate commuter rail and/or regional rail services throughout the country, using mostly electric trains (known as elektrichka) as well as some diesel ones, on the non-electrified railway sections. As of 2013, 4085 commuter trains a day (in each direction) were running on the Russian Railways network; 1069 of them, in Moscow metropolitan area. The share of railways in the total turnover of the transport system of Russia is about 42%, in passenger traffic — about 33%. In 2013 railways carried nearly 90% of Russia's freight, excluding pipelines. Ex. 8 True or false? 1. Russian Railways is the private-owned railway company. 2. The total length of line used by the Russian Railways is the largest in the world. 3. Some freight cars in Russia are privately owned. 4. About half of common-carrier railroad lines are electrified and carry most of the traffic. 5. All the lines in Russia are double tracked. 6. Commuter trains run in metropolitan area. 7. RZD collaborates with foreign banks. 8. No new locomotives are planned to buy. Ex.9. Match the words in the left column with their translation on the right. 37 1) cast iron 2) concrete sleeper 3) driving wheel 4) to gain experience 5) internal combustion engine 6) jet engine 7) manual labor 8) self-propelled vehicle 9) service life 10) steam engine 11) surveying work (party) 12) tram ways 13) viaduct 14) wooden sleeper a) бетонная шпала b) вагонеточные пути c) ведущее колесо d) виадук e) двигатель внутреннего сгорания f) деревянная шпала g) изыскательская работа (партия) h) накапливать опыт i) паровой двигатель j) реактивный двигатель k) ручной труд l) самоходное транспортное средство m) срок службы n) чугун Ex. 10 Read the text and ask 6 questions. North Caucasus Railway North Caucasus Railway (Russian: Северо-Кавказская железная дорога) is a 1,520 mm (4 ft 11 5⁄6 in) broad gauge Russian railway network that links the Sea of Azov (in the west) and Caspian Sea (in the east). It runs through ten federal subjects: Rostov region, Krasnodar region, Stavropol region, Republic of Adygeya, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechen Republic, Dagestan, and Kalmykia. The headquarters are in Rostov-on-Don. The network comprises Grozny, Krasnodar, Makhachkala, Mineralnye Vody, and Rostov passenger and freight railways, as well as two children's railways (in Vladikavkaz and Rostov). As of 2005, there were 6315.9 km of rail track and 403 railway stations. The railway is operated by the Russian Railways and employs 80,757 people. The Black Sea resorts of Sochi and Anapa are the principal passenger destinations on the railway. The Sochi line, running for many miles along the coast of the Black Sea, is especially busy in summer with regular extra direct express trains for holiday makers. The oil ports at Novorossiysk and Tuapse are significant destinations for rail freight traffic. Vocabulary North Caucasus Railway - Северо- Destination - пункт назначения, Кавказская железная дорога станция Broad – ширина Principal – главный Subject – субъект Extra – дополнительный Headquarters – управление holiday maker – отдыхающий Comprise – включать Oil – нефть rail track - ж.д.путь Significant – значительный Employ – занят работой, работать As of – что касается Resort - курорт Run through – проходит через 38 Lesson 8 Railways of the world Ex.1. Practice the reading. ► Icebreaker, worn-out, dismantle, synthetic, infrastructure, containerization, responsible, postpone, postpone, globalization, changing, Aircraft, increase, required, whereas, ordinary, bogies, exterior, snowstorm, guarantee, length, height, weight, implement, decrease, overall, dangerous, consolidate, improvement, approximately, enlargement, considerably, gradient, double-tracking, principal, military, Authorities, guidance, commended, private, bought, thought, caught, technical, populated. Ex. 2. Describe the relationship between the following words (antonyms, synonyms, neither). 1) total/ overall/ all 2) surface/ underground 3) safe/ dangerous 4) length/ height/ weight 5) to carry/ to carry out 6) to ensure/ to guarantee 7) to install/ to dismantle 8) increase/ reduction 9) capacity/ power 10) to damage/ to destroy 11) to protect/ to produce 12) empty/ full 13) to reduce/ to decrease 14) to carry out/ to fulfill 15) to perform/ to implement Ex. 3 Choose the correct word or words and translate the sentences. 1) The driver of the (steam locomotive; vehicle; electric car) may be fined by the police officer if he violates the traffic rules or drives under the influence of alcohol. 2) George M. Pullman not only (required; invented; replace) the sleeping car, he also was the first to design and build the (restaurant car; wheel; steam engine). 3) Aircrafts are not able to (move; carry; pull) a lot in weight and are used mainly for transporting mail, people and valuable (goods; passengers; freight). (Heavy; light; narrow) loads are usually transported by freight trains. 4) Your car is in good condition but you have to (improve; use; replace) wornout tires. 5) Electric train can be (driven; propelled; powered) either by electric locomotive or by motor cars. 6) The invention of the (fuel; double-track railway; steam engine) aroused great interest; it was much spoken and written about. 7) The first (electric; jet; steam) locomotives were not strong and they often broke down. 8) An atomic icebreaker needs only a few grams of (coal; diesel fuel; atomic fuel) a week, whereas an ordinary icebreaker needs more than 100 tons of fuel a day. 9) The underground is a very convenient (means of transport; form of transport; vehicle) but it does not suit me because I live a long way from the station. 39 10) There were many passengers at the airport on New Year’s Eve as many flights were (delayed; required; prevented) because of the snowstorm. 11) New plastic and synthetic materials are widely (applied; used; postpone) for the interior and exterior finishes of carriages. 12) As the railways now have a (standard gauge; narrow gauge; broad gauge), it is possible to travel over several lines without changing bogies. Ex 5. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions, paying attention to gerunds as adverbial modifies. Consult the box. after [3] before [3] by [2] for [3] instead of on [2] without [4] 1) Several taxis passed me ___ stopping. 2) ___ reaching his destination, he sent a telegram home to say he had arrived safely. 3) We use paper ___ writing, drawing, making origami toys, etc. 4) ___ starting the engine you should carefully clean and oil it. 5) ___ going home he continued his work. 6) You will never be able to translate correctly ___ knowing grammar well. 7) ___ going through the customs he went aboard the plane. 8) ___ delivering the report I had to answer a lot of questions. 9) He went away ___ waiting for us. 10) ___ completing his research he published two papers. 11) ___ showing the conductor my ticket, I went back to sleep. 12) On long train journeys the passengers pass the time ___ reading, playing cards or talking. 13) This apparatus is used ___ measuring air pressure. 14) He managed to save a lot of money ___ working overtime. 15) He was trying to find a pretext ___ leaving earlier. 16) Read the theory ___ doing the exercise. 17) ___ coming to conclusion he weighed all the “pros” and “contras”. 18) Americans like doing business ___ leaving their cars that is why in the USA there are drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants and drive- in movies. Ex.6 Read and translate the text. Railways in Japan The history of railways in Japan dates back to the year of 1872, when the first line was commended for public service between Tokyo and Yokohama, It was only 22 m long and of the 1,067 mm gauge. Its construction was completed under the guidance of British engineers. During the World War II the construction of new railways was stopped. In order to meet the military needs some more private lines, important from the military point of view were bought by the authorities of National RYs. 40 Japan considerably increased railway traffic on trunk lines after World War II. The rise in demand called for the enlargement of track capacity. On this connection attempts were made to ease the gradients of main lines. The Tookaido main line between Tokyo and Kobe as well as other principal trunk lines started double tracking. As a result, approximately 25% of the total length of lines was consolidated with double track. To meet the necessity of speeding up the running of trains. Technical improvements were carried out. On the main trunk lines the top speed of the locomotive-hauled trains was increased from 60 km\h to 95 km\h while that of the electric railcar train was raised to 120 km\h. Ex. 7 Answer the questions 1. Which was the first railway line in Japan? 2. Were the railways important during World War II? 3. Why did the number of lines increase after World War II? 4. What was done for speeding up the running of trains? 5. What was the top speed of the train on main trunk lines? Ex. 8 Match the equivalents Dates back Under he guidance To met the needs Considerably increased The rise in demand As a result Total length Were carried out Top speed Общая длина В результате Относится Под руководством Максимальная скорость Значительно увеличились Удовлетворять нужды Рост требований Осуществлялись Ex. 9 Insert the proper word into the right place Speeding up, line, construction, track, railways, stopped, meet, military The history of ________ in Japan dates back to the year of 1872. The first _______ was only 22 m long. During the World War II the _________ of new railways was_________. Some lines were bought to meet the ________ needs. The rise in demand called for the enlargement of _______ capacity. Technical improvements were carried out to ________ the necessity of______ the running of trains. 41 Ex. 10 Fill in the correct words derived from the words in brackets Go By Train – And Relax British Rail say, in their new (1) advertising (ADVERTISE): ‘Don’t travel long distance by car. It’s bad for your heart. If you travel by train, you’ll feel much (2) __________ (GOOD).’ But is it true? How do they know? The advertisements say this: Doctors from Leeds University did some scientific tests. They (3) __________ (START) the tests several years ago, and now they have results. Test 1: Several businessmen traveled from Leeds to London – about 200 miles. They drove their cars on the motorway. (There was sometimes fog, and there was sometimes rain. There was a lot of traffic, and there were a lot of bad (4) __________ (DRIVE)). The doctors checked their heart-beats during the journey. They recorded the number of heart-beats per minute. The average number was very high: 93 beats per minute. Sometimes the number was 140 beats per minute. Test 2: The businessmen traveled from Leeds to London on the Inter-city train. The doctors checked their heart-beats again. This time the average number was 72 beats per minute, and the maximum was only 80. The businessmen relaxed in the train, and were less (5) __________ (NERVE) and tense during their journey. So British Rail say: ‘Driving makes you tense. (6) __________ (TENSE) makes you ill. Think of your heart and don’t go by car. Go by train – and relax!’ 42 Lesson 9 Modern vehicles Ex. 1 Write the number of each drawing next to the correct word or words. a) saloon car b) caravan c) van d) hovercraft e) submarine f) estate car g) articulaled lorry h) sports car i) tanker j) transporter k) motorbike l) yacht m) coach n) lorry o) bus p) barge q) ambulance r) taxi s) canoe t) tram EX. 2 Match the words with the corresponding definitions: 1. metropolis: a. a trademark of a large plane that carries a lot of people for short distances 2. terminal b. a taxi 3. leaflet c. a very large city that is the most important in a country or area 4. Airbus d. a big building where people wait to get onto planes, buses, or ship or where goods are loaded e. a small book or piece of paper advertising something or giving information on a particular subject 5. cab Ex.3 Memorize the verbs and word combinations requiring gerunds. to begin/ to start начинать to think of думать о to go on/ to keep on/ to continue to dream of мечтать о продолжать 43 to stop/ to finish прекращать, заканчивать to enjoy/ to like/ to be fond of нравиться to hate/ to dislike не нравиться to need /to require нуждаться, требовать to postpone/ to put off откладывать to risk рисковать to remember/ to recall помнить to mind возражать to suggest предлагать to avoid избегать can’t help не может не to insist on настаивать на to excuse for извиняться за to thank for благодарить за to congratulate on поздравлять с to hear of слышать о to decide against решать не делать to prevent from мешать to result in приводить к to object to возражать против to look forward to ждать с нетерпением to be ready for быть готовым к to be afraid of бояться to be capable of быть способным на to be engaged in заниматься to be surprised at удивляться to be good at хорошо справляться с to be tired of устать от; надоесть to be responsible for отвечать за to be worth стоит сделать Ex.4 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the verb + gerund constructions. 1) They kept on talking though the band began playing. 2) I avoided speaking to them about that matter. 3) Try to avoid drinking unboiled water. 4) I can’t insist on your staying a little longer because you risk missing the last train. 5) I can’t help thinking of it. 6) Would you mind my leaving for a few minutes? 7) Would you mind my joining the discussion? 8) Have you ever dreamed of earning a million dollars? 9) I’d like to thank you all for coming here today. 10) You should stop promising things you are unable to do. 12) He decided against calling her again. 13) I suggest holding another meeting next week. 14) I didn’t remember meeting her before but I pretended I knew her. 15) Why did they postpone discussing this project for an indefinite time? 16) She likes giving advice to other people. 17) Why does he object to signing the contract with this firm? 18) I can’t help being grateful to him for all he has done for me. 19) I live only a short way from here, so it is not worth taking a taxi to get home. 20) I don’t mind going by bus but I hate standing if there are a lot of people; it is better to go by Metro. 44 Ex 5 Read the text. Transport Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another. Modes of transport include air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline, and space. The field can be divided into infrastructure, vehicles, and operations. Transport infrastructure consists of the fixed installations necessary for transport, and may be roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals and pipelines, and terminals such as airports, railway stations, bus stations, warehouses, trucking terminals, refueling depots (including fueling docks and fuel stations), and seaports. Terminals may be used both for interchange of passengers and cargo and for maintenance. Vehicles traveling on these networks may include automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains, trucks, people, helicopters, and aircraft. Operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated, and the procedures set for this purpose including financing, legalities and policies. In the transport industry, operations and ownership of infrastructure can be either public or private, depending on the country and mode. Passenger transport may be public, where operators provide scheduled services, or private. Freight transport has become focused on containerization, although bulk transport is used for large volumes of durable items. Transport plays an important part in economic growth and globalization, but most types cause air pollution and use large amounts of land. Ex. 6 Make a plan of the text Ex.7 .Choose the correct word or words and translate the sentences. 1) The driver of the (steam locomotive; vehicle; electric car) may be fined by the police officer if he violates the traffic rules or drives under the influence of alcohol. 2) George M. Pullman not only (required; invented; replace) the sleeping car, he also was the first to design and build the (restaurant car; wheel; steam engine). 3) Aircrafts are not able to (move; carry; pull) a lot in weight and are used mainly for transporting mail, people and valuable (goods; passengers; freight). (Heavy; light; narrow) loads are usually transported by freight trains. 4) Your car is in good condition but you have to (improve; use; replace) worn-out tires. 45 5) Electric train can be (driven; propelled; powered) either by electric locomotive or by motor cars. 6) The invention of the (fuel; double-track railway; steam engine) aroused great interest; it was much spoken and written about. 7) The first (electric; jet; steam) locomotives were not strong and they often broke down. 8) An atomic icebreaker needs only a few grams of (coal; diesel fuel; atomic fuel) a week, whereas an ordinary icebreaker needs more than 100 tons of fuel a day. 9) The underground is a very convenient (means of transport; form of transport; vehicle) but it does not suit me because I live a long way from the station. 10) There were many passengers at the airport on New Year’s Eve as many flights were (delayed; required; prevented) because of the snowstorm. 11) New plastic and synthetic materials are widely (applied; used; substituted) for the interior and exterior finishes of carriages. 12) As the railways now have a (standard gauge; narrow gauge; broad gauge0, it is possible to travel over several lines without changing bogies. Ex.8 You know that there are various types of engines, such as: the waterpowered engine, the wind-powered engine, the steam engine, the internal combustion engine (diesel, petrol, electric, jet). Read the following sentences and say which type of the engine is described. 1) In this engine fuel ignites and burns inside the engine itself and not in a furnace. 2) This engine is very economical; it doesn't need fuel to function. But it is dependent on the weather. 3) In this engine there is a furnace and a boiler. The furnace is filled with wood or coal and then lit. The fire heats the water in the boiler and when it boils, it turns into steam. 4) It was a wheel but a very small one. Long wide wooden blades were attached to it. The wheel was driven by the wind. 5) This engine is too large and heavy; it needs too much fuel. 6) This engine is an ordinary wheel with blades fixed to it and the current of a river turned it. It was used for irrigating fields. 7) This engine is lighter and smaller than a steam engine because it doesn't have a boiler. It is more powerful than a steam engine because it uses better-quality fuel: petrol or kerosene. 8) The power of this engine depends on the quantity of coal. The more coal is put into the furnace, the stronger the fire is burning. The more steam there is the faster a train is moving. 9) This engine is the most ecologically friendly one, because it doesn't pollute environment with exhausted gases. 10) This engine is now used in automobiles, diesel locos and motor ships. 11) This engine is the most powerful, because the gases in it reach the temperature of over a thousand degrees. 46 Lesson 10 Underground railways Ex.1Fill in the gaps with the prepositions and gerunds formed from the verbs given in the box. to answer help to make to change to test to finish to show to fly to to take part 1) She has been dreaming _ ___ to the Bahamas. 2) I insist _ your ___ the new automobile to us. 3) She decided _ ___ in the conference. 4) We thanked the porter _ his ___ us with our luggage. 5) Weather conditions prevented them _ ___ their work on time. 6) The constructor insists _ our ___ the device under operating conditions. 7) Excuse me _ not ___ your letter. 8) I haven't heard _ ___ the schedule of this commuter train. 9) I’m thinking _ ___ another trip to Italy. Ex.2. Choose the correct verb and translate the sentences. 1) All the students (enjoyed; began; looked forward to) working harder in the weeks before the examinations. 2) She (avoids; forgets; dreams of) expressing her opinion in public. 3) She (prevented from; excused for; couldn’t help) laughing at his jokes. 4) Do you (go on; mind; postpone) my airing the room? 5) She (risks; is ready for; postpones) losing everything if she follows his advice. 6) We (began; suggested; stopped) buying food in this shop because the owner raised the prices. 7) (Stop; go on; avoid) shouting! I hear you quite well. 8) I (remember; insist on; risk) leaving a map of Rome in the pocket. 9) He (liked; thanked for; disliked) his daughter chatting on the phone for hours. 10) I can’t see why the machine (stopped; put off; decided against) working. 11) He (objected to; prevented from; couldn’t help) warning them about danger. 12) I don’t (suggest; like; mind) your smoking here. 13) You should (continue; enjoy; stop) drinking so much coffee. 14) In spite of the difficulties he (kept on; insisted on; objected on) carrying out his experiments. 15) The machine (needs; suggests; can’t help) cleaning. Ex.4 Match the words in the left column with their translation on the right. 1) air contamination a) верхнее строение пути 2) broken stone ballast b) щебёночный балласт 3) danger of flooding c) бетонная основа 4) concrete base d) подземный переход 5) cut-and-cover method e) наземная железнодорожная линия 6) elevated railway line f) подземная железнодорожная линия 7) ground-based railway line g) надземная железнодорожная линия (на эстакаде) 8) permanent way h) конечная станция 47 9) remote control 10) structure 11) subsurface railway line 12) to take a shortcut 13) termination 14) trolley pole 15) tunneling shield 16) underpass 17) wooden shuttering i) сооружение j) туннельный щит k) открытый метод строительства l) деревянная обшивка (опалубка) m) штанга токоприёмника (троллейбуса) n) дистанционное управление o) избрать кратчайший путь p) опасность затопления q) загрязнение воздуха Ex . 5 Read and translate the text Underground railways Depending on where in the world it is located, an underground electric-railway system may be called a subway, underground railway, tube, or metro. The underground railway is the quickest, safest, most reliable and comfortable means of city transport. Metro can solve the problems of carrying a great number of passengers within urban and suburban areas as well as the problems of traffic jams, air contamination and noise. Subways are usually built under city streets, but in order to take shortcuts they often must pass under rivers. From the technical point of view the underground railway system is very expensive and complicated constructional work. This system includes subsurface lines; ground based lines and elevated lines. The underground and surface structures involve stations, tunnels, escalators, underpasses, ventilation and sanitary engineering as well as a power supply system. The permanent way of underground railways differs from the normal railway track. The sleepers are only 0.9m long. They are shorter than those of the railroad track which are 2.7m long. The sleepers of the normal track are laid upon ballast made of broken stone or other materials. The crossties of the underground railway are laid directly on concrete base. It is more expensive but keeps air free from dust. If the ballast were made of slag, gravel, sand or even broken stone, the train would be followed by the dust clouds. Modern Metro trains are powered by electricity. The current is obtained from the third rail. This contact rail is laid along the whole track and transmits the direct current of 825 volts to the train electromotor through the pantograph. The Underground carrying capacity depends on the number of coaches which ranges from 2 to 8 per train and the frequency of train running which ranges from 80 seconds to 10 minutes. Nowadays there are underground railways in 80 cities all over the world. The construction of the first subway system, called the Metropolitan Railway, began in London in 1860. 48 In the same decade, many other cities followed London's lead. In Budapest an electric subway was opened in 1896 that used single cars with trolley poles. It was the first subway on the European continent. In Paris, construction of the Metro was begun in 1898, and the first 6 1/4 miles (10 kilometers) were opened in 1900. In the United States the first practical subway line was constructed in Boston between 1895 and 1897. Other cities with notable subway systems include Philadelphia and Chicago in the United States; Toronto and Montreal in Canada; Mexico City, Mexico; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Munich and Frankfurt am Main in Germany; Milan, Italy; Cairo, Egypt; and Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Nagoya in Japan. The shortest metro line was constructed in Turkey. Great attention is paid to the aesthetics, comfort, safety, and convenience of subways, particularly those in Moscow and Rome. Ex.6 Answer the following questions. 1) What is the quickest means of city’s transport? 2) Why is it necessary to construct Underground railways in large cities? 3) Why is the construction of underground railway system a very expensive and complicated engineering process? 4) What is the difference between the permanent way of underground railroads and ground-based railway tracks? 5) Why is there no ballast on the underground railways? 6) Are Metro trains powered by steam or electricity? 7) Where is the current obtained from? 8) What does the Underground carrying capacity depend on? 9) How many cities of the world have already built the Underground railways? 10) Where was the first underground railway line laid down? Ex. 7 Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings. 1) In the USA the first subway line was constructed… 2) The second underground line in London passed 3) The shortest Metro line in the world was built… 4) Electric single cars with trolley poles were used… 5) In Paris the construction of the first Metro line lasted… 6) The first underground system in the a) the Metropolitan railway. b) on the Victoria line of the London Underground. c) clean and attractive stations. d) the largest subway system in the world. e) in the Budapest Subway. f) in Boston between 1895 and 1897. 49 world was called 7) The Moscow and Rome Metros are justly famous for… 8) New York has… 9) Automated trains that are operated by remote control are used… 10) Constructing tunnels under the rivers builders use g) in Istanbul. h) under the Thames River. i) two years. j) a device called a tunneling shield that protects a tunnel against flooding. Ex.8 . Here are the answers. Write the questions. 1) Subsurface lines, ground based lines and elevated lines. 2) Under city streets or under rivers. 3) Only 0.9m long. 4) Directly on concrete base. 5) From the third rail. 6) In 80 cities all over the world. 7) The cut-and-cover method. 8) On January 10, 1863. 9) In Budapest. 10) In Moscow and Rome. Ex. 9 Translate into English Метрополитен начал работать в декабре 1987 года. Общая протяженность линий метро составляет приблизительно 20 км. Метро имеет восемь станций – одну наземную и семь подземных. Планируется пустить в эксплуатацию ещё одну станцию. Каждый поезд состоит из четырех вагонов. В вагонах установлены современные системы отопления, освещения и вентиляции. Скорость движения поездов достигает 90 км/ч. Плата за проезд не зависит от расстояния. Метро очень популярный вид транспорта в нашем городе, и его строительство продолжается. Ex. 10 Fill in the gaps with one of the words given in the box and read the short text about the metro. fare card visitors gate fare сhange side The Metro Travelling on the Washington Metro presents difficulties for (1) _________ because of the clear colour-coded map. At the bottom of the map you will find (2) _________ and travel time information. You buy fare card at one of the yellow vending machines. You can use nickels, dimes, quarters, one-dollar and five-dollar bills, and the machine will give you (3) __________. You have to use your (4) __________ to enter the Metro system by inserting it into the slot at the (5) __________. It will be returned to you at the other (6) __________ of the gate. Do the same thing when exiting the system. 50 Lesson 11 Road transport Ex.1 State the part of speech of each word and underline all the suffixes. Strictly; engineer; enlarged; improvement; variety; boiler; employment; inventor; steamer; attachment; considerably; government; pavement; amazement. Ex.2Choose the proper words to complete the following sentences: advertisement pillar box bridge conveniences road sign subway department store parking meter pedestrian crossing traffic island litter bin traffic lights 1. The new ____________ for the latest breakfast cereal could be seen all over the town. 2. The car had to stop because the ____________were red. 3. Have you got any coins for the ____________ ? Enough to stay here for an hour, anyway. 4. Don’t throw your rubbish on the floor! Use the _____________. 5. Harrods is a very famous _____________ in London. 6. The safest way to cross a busy road is to use the _____________. 7. Is there a ____________ around here somewhere? I need to post this letter. 8. If you need to go to the toilet, the ____________ are outside the market. 9. He got stuck on the ____________ half-way across the road. 10. In some towns, pedestrians can use a _____________ to go under a busy road. 51 Parts of a Car Ex. 3 Match up the following words and numbers: 1. windscreen wipers headlight windscreen radiator grill exhaust pipe ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. steering wheel speedometer foot brake glove compartment ….. ….. ….. …... driving mirrors….. tyre ….. bumper….. seatbelt….. bonnet ….. indicator ….. boot….. number plate ….. 2. hand brake petrol gauge accelerator pedal gear stick ….. ….. ….. ….. clutch radio horn ….. ….. ….. 52 Ex. 4 Match the driving action with its definition. Do as many as you can and then check your answers in a dictionary. 1 _______ accelerate 2 _______ overtake 3 _______ drive over the speed limit 4 _______ park 5 _______ crash 6 _______ look in your rear-view mirror 7 _______ slow down 8 _______ run someone over 9 _______ brake a) make your car go less fast b) make your car go faster c) make your car go too fast d) knock a person down e) go past the car in front f) stop your car by the side of the road g) hit another car, wall, tree, etc. h) make your car stop i) watch the traffic behind you Ex. 5 Read and translate the text, pay attention to the underlined words. Road Transport A road is an identifiable route, way or path between two or more places. Roads are typically smoothed, paved, or otherwise prepared to allow easy travel; though they need not be, and historically many roads were simply recognizable routes without any formal construction or maintenance. In urban areas, roads may pass through a city or village and be named as streets, serving a dual function as urban space easement and route. The most common road vehicle is the automobile; a wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own motor. Other users of roads include buses, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians. As of 2002, there were 590 million automobiles worldwide. 53 Automobiles offer high flexibility and with low capacity, but are deemed with high energy and area use, and the main source of noise and air pollution in cities; buses allow for more efficient travel at the cost of reduced flexibility. Road transport by truck is often the initial and final stage of freight transport. Ex. 6 Put questions starting with words in brackets. 1) The length of the bus route has been increased by 3 km. ([How many…?) 2) Each passenger must fasten the belt when the plane takes off or lands. (When…?) 3) Now all the railways have a standard gauge. (What…?) 4) She left her driving license at home. (Where…?) 5) They have been offered ₤350 for their old car, but its price is much higher. (Who…? How much…?) 6) For some period of time one underground railway line in London was working entirely without drivers. (Where…?) 7) Twenty seven British scientists have gained Nobel awards since 1945. (What…?) 8) The pipe is leaking at the joint. (Where…?) 9) The two-speed escalators are being installed at new Metro stations. (Where…?) 10) The windows in this car are made of unbreakable glass. (What…?) 11) On the bus he was sitting right in front of me. (Where…?) 12) The first motor car drivers had to carry large cans of fuel as there were no filling stations at that time. (Why…?) Ex.7. Fill in the gaps with one of the words given below and read the short text about London traffic. comfortable decks horses models omnibuses In London one can see many buses, cars and taxes in the streets. The English (1) ____________ are often called double-deckers, because they are very high and have seats on the upper and lower (2) ______________. The London buses first came into the streets in 1829. At first they were horsedrawn omnibuses, with three (3) ______________. They say they were imported from Paris. The double-deckers of today are speedy and (4) _______________, but they seem to be very clumsy moving slowly through the endless line of taxis and cars of all sizes and (5) ____________. Still they manage to maneuver very well without running into one another. 54 Lesson 12 Air transport Ex . 1 Match the verb on the left with a noun on the right. Use each word once only. Write your answers in the boxes. a. 1. broaden a. the blow 2. deaden b. your hair 3. fasten c. your life 4. sharpen d. your mind 5. shorten e. the pain 6. soften f. a pencil 7. straighten g. a relationship 8. strengthen h. your seat belt 9. sweeten i. a screw 10. tighten j. the taste b. 1. amplify 2. clarify 3. justify 4. magnify 5. modify 6. notify 7. pacify 8. purify 9. specify 10. verify a. your actions b. the authorities c. the demonstrators d. the evidence e. your plans f. your requirements g. a situation h. a slide i. sound j. water Grammar: Phrasal Verbs off up look in GET bring put UP 55 Ex. 2 Put the correct form of one of these verbs in each of the following sentences. 10 verbs with ‘OFF’ call off put off see off get off set off go off pay off show off take off turn off 1. It’s best to ____________________ the train at the harbour station. 2. Our plane didn’t ____________________ till 11 o’clock. 3. I hope you remembered to ____________________ the record player. 4. The strike is over. They’re ____________________ it ___________________. 5. Let’s go to the airport with them to ________them _________. 6. What a smell! I think this milk’s ____________________. 7. My father’s lost his job. He’s been ____________________. 8. I can’t meet you tomorrow. Can we _________it ___till the day after? 9. Just because you’re good at English, there’s no need to _______. 10. If the main film starts at 7, I think we should ______________at 6.30. Ex . 3 Answer the following questions: 6 verbs with ‘DOWN’ 1. If your car broke down on the way to work, did it stop completely or just start going more slowly? 2. When a shop closes down, does it close for a day, or forever? 3. If you are knocked down by a car, are you very impressed by it, or injured by it? 4. If a good friend lets you down, are you disappointed or grateful? 5. At what age do most people settle down – 12, 26, 55, 70? 6. If you have been turned down for a job, do you get the job or not? Ex .4 Study the vocabulary fixed-wing aircraft rotary-wing gyroplane airliners lift Vocabulary airport rocket helicopter air flow landing 56 Ex. 5 Read and translate the text. Air Transport A fixed-wing aircraft, commonly called airplane, is a heavier-than-air craft where movement of the air in relation to the wings is used to generate lift. The term is used to distinguish from rotary-wing aircraft, where the movement of the lift surfaces relative to the air generates lift. A gyroplane is both fixed-wing and rotary-wing. Fixed-wing aircraft range from small trainers and recreational aircraft to large airliners and military cargo aircraft. Two things necessary for aircraft are air flow over the wings for lift and an area for landing. The majority of aircraft also need an airport with the infrastructure to receive maintenance, restocking, refueling and for the loading and unloading of crew, cargo and passengers. While the vast majority of aircraft land and take off on land, some are capable of take off and landing on ice, snow and calm water. The aircraft is the second fastest method of transport, after the rocket. Commercial jets can reach up to 955 kilometres per hour (593 mph), single-engine aircraft 555 kilometres per hour (345 mph). Aviation is able to quickly transport people and limited amounts of cargo over longer distances, but incur high costs and energy use; for short distances or in inaccessible places helicopters can be used. It is estimated that up to 500,000 people are on planes at any time. Ex.6 Make the plan of the text in the form of questions Ex.7 Insert he right word in spaces. Passenger Services (1)____ airports provide a wide range of (2)_____ for the convenience of millions of travelers. These (3)___ from such basic features as ticket-sales counters, baggage-claim areas, (4)____, public conveniences, and restaurants to (5)___hotels, conference centres, shopping malls, and play areas for children. Other (6)____ include newsstands, bars, hairdressers, post offices, and banks. As the passenger flow increases year(7)____ year, taxi stands, car-hire agencies, and (8)___ car parks are necessary to secure ground connections. Many airports, (9)___ in Europe and Japan, also supply direct rail links to expedite such (10)___. (11)___ all mentioned above, international terminals must also have customs areas and (12)___ - exchange counters; most have duty57 free shops (13)___. The (14)____ of aerial hijacking and terrorist activities has resulted (15)____ elaborating security procedures and increasingly sophisticated baggage-inspection equipment to protect passenger safety. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. A The majority A Facilities A occupy A sitting-rooms A worthy A services A from A superior A exceptionally A traffic A above A currencies A either A warning A to B The number of B recreation B cover B dining-rooms B luxury B sights B by B expensive B particularly B movement B so as to B currency B as such B threat B for C Major C hotels C differ C lounges C costing C spots C with C dear C that is C motion C in addition to C dollars C as well C thought C- D Either D hostels D range D bedrooms D valuable D spaces D to D huge D subsequently D stir D as long as D dollar D as stated D variant D in Ex. 8 Read and retell the text. Travelling by Air I knew it was going to be a bad day when, on the way to the airport, the taxi driver told me he was lost. I had booked my flight over the telephone, so when we finally arrived, I had to rush to the reservations desk to pay for my ticket. The woman at the desk told me that my name was not on the passenger list. It took fifteen minutes for her to realize that she spelled my name incorrectly. She gave me my ticket and told me I’d better check in my luggage quickly or I’d miss my flight. I was the last person to get on the plane. I found my seat and discovered that I was sitting next to a four-year-old boy who had a cold. I sat down and wondered if anything else could go wrong. I hate flying, especially take-off, but the plane took off and everything seemed to be all right. Then, a few minutes later, there was a funny noise and everything started to shake. I looked out of the window and – oh my God – there was smoke coming out of the wing. All I could think ‘The engine is on fire. We’re going to crash. I’m too young to die.’ Almost immediately, the captain spoke to us in a very calm voice, ‘Ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. We are having a slight technical problem with one of our engines. There is absolutely no need to panic. We will 58 have to return to the airport. Please remain seated and keep your seat belts fastened.’ Well you can imagine how frightened I was, but the crew were fantastic. The flight attendants were really calm and told us not to worry. One of them told me to relax and said that everything would be all right. A few minutes later, we were coming in to land. The pilot made a perfect landing on the runway. It was over. We were safe. That day, I decided not to fly again. I caught another taxi and went home. But as I closed the front door, I looked down at my case. Somehow I had picked up the wrong suitcase. Ex. 9 Put these events in the right order, according to the passage. a) She paid for her ticket. b) The engine caught fire. c) The plane landed. d) The plane took off. e) She picked up the wrong suitcase. f) The reservations clerk couldn’t find her name. g) The taxi driver got lost. h) She went home. i) The flight attendants told people to be calm. j) She booked the flight. k) She left home. l) She checked in her luggage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ex.10 Find the words in text 8 which match the following description. 1. the desk where you can collect your ticket if you have made a reservation 2. the part of an airport where a plane takes off and lands 3. a group of people who work on the plane 4. a person who flies a plane 5. a person who is travelling on a plane 6. a person who looks after the people who are travelling on a plane Ex.11 Match the beginning of the sentence with the end. 1. I checked in a) their flight. 2. She got on b) my ticket. 3. The travel agent made c) their seat belts. 4. The pilot landed on d) the plane. 5. She caught e) my luggage. 6. They almost missed f) a taxi. 7. The passengers fastened g) the runway. 8. I booked h) my reservation. 9. The crew were i) her suitcase. 10. She picked up j) very calm. 59 Lesson 13 Water transport Ex. 1 Put the given words connected with transportation into logical sets providing 4 groups: Air travel Rail Travel Automobile travel Sea travel Station wagon, crossing, compartment, see off, runway, sail, break down, set off, liner, toll, track, registration number, stand by, press on, self-drive, long-haul, drop off, guard, carry, platform, make for, roundabout, highway, harbor, cruise, ticket collector, gangway, starboard, swift transfer, coaches, schedule, inland waterways, high speed forms of transportation. Grammar: Phrasal Verbs 7 verbs with ‘ON Ex. 2 Match the sentences with the explanations below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Are you carrying on with your violin lessons? I’m getting on all right at college now. Hold on. I’m not ready. You must be having me on! That’s a boy! Don’t you think you’ll need to put on your gloves? Excuse me, could I try this one on, please? How do you turn this machine on? 1 2 3 4 5 a. check clothes b. wait a moment c. continue d. switch on e. tease/joke f. wear g. succeed 6 7 15 verbs with ‘UP’ Ex.3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences: bring up catch up get up give up grow up hang up keep up look up pack up put up save up turn up wake up wash up wrap up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Let’s start ____________________ for a winter holiday! The present was ____________________ in lovely gold paper. The one job I hate in the kitchen is ____________________. Hurry! You go on and I’ll ___________________ you __________________. Look! Rain! Let’s ____________________ quickly and get back to the car. 60 6. It’s not loud enough. Please ___________________ it ___________________. 7. Nobody knows the best way to _______________children. 8. If only I had my Very Simple Grammar Book, I could ________it _______. 9. He’s making a lot of money. How long do you think he can _______it _______. 10.I wish you would _____________and stop acting like a child. 11.I don’t know the answer, tell me. I ___________________! 12.I hate ___________ on cold winter mornings! 13.____________! You’ve slept in! 14.I can’t get a hotel. Do you know anyone who could ____ me _______? 15.If he rings again, don’t speak to him. Just _______. Ex.4 Read translate the text. Water Transport Water transport is the process of transport a watercraft, such as a barge, boat, ship or sailboat, makes over a body of water, such as a sea, ocean, lake, canal or river. The need for buoyancy unites watercraft, and makes the hull a dominant aspect of its construction, maintenance and appearance. In the 1800s the first steam ships were developed, using a steam engine to drive a paddle wheel or propeller to move the ship. The steam was produced using wood or coal. Now most ships have an engine using a slightly refined type of petroleum called bunker fuel. Some ships, such as submarines, use nuclear power to produce the steam. Recreational or educational craft still use wind power, while some smaller craft use internal combustion engines to drive one or more propellers, or in the case of jet boats, an inboard water jet. In shallow draft areas, hovercrafts are propelled by large pusher-prop fans. Although slow, modern sea transport is a highly effective method of transporting large quantities of non-perishable goods. Commercial vessels, nearly 35,000 in number, carried 7.4 billion tons of cargo in 2007. Transport by water is significantly less costly than air transport for transcontinental shipping; short sea shipping and ferries remain viable in coastal areas. 61 Lesson 14 City transport Ex.1 Sort the words below into two lists, one for types of vehicles, the other describing where you might see them. One of each has been done for you. ambulance bicycle bridge bus by-pass caravan car park coach crossroads fire engine VEHICLES ambulance _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ junction lane lorry motorcycle motorway ring road road roundabout truck van WHERE YOU SEE THEM bridge . ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 62 Complete each sentence using the best word from the lists. 1. I usually leave my car in the town centre ________________. 2. A _________________ fare is much cheaper than a train fare. 3. Our _________________ has beds for four people. 4. Meet me at the _________________ of Broad Street and North Way. 5. Will the _________________ get her to hospital in time? 6. The next _________________ over the river is twenty miles away. Ex.2 Pay attention to compound prepositions: according to, as far as, because of, by means of, due to, in addition to, in front of, in order to, on account of, owing to, thanks to, in spite of. Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings. 1.) Because of bad weather… 2) He ran across the street… 3) Everything went… 4) The accident has happened… 5) No planes took off on that day… 6) In addition to the usual methods of computation… 7) I will go as far as… 8) By means of telephone… 9) Is there a bus stop… 10) Owing to the establishment of the new trolley- bus route… 11) Thanks to the new system of regulations… 12) In spite of the dense fog… a) due to careless driving. b) the Metro station with you. c) on account of low clouds. d) in order to catch the bus. e) according to the plan. f) the passenger service in the city was improved. g) the train was not late. h) they used computers. i) the number of accidents went down. j) people communicate with each other at great distance. k) the match was postponed for a week. l) in front of your house? Grammar: Phrasal Verbs Ex 3 Study 8 verbs with ‘OUT’ Which sentence is the explanation? 1. We ate out. 6. All the girls in the office walked out. a. We had a picnic. a. All the girls went on strike. b. We went to a restaurant. b. All the girls went out for a walk. 2. We’ve fallen out. 7. He really stands out in a crowd. a. We’ve had an argument. a. He never agrees. b. We’ve decided to leave. b. He is very distinguished. 3. This typewriter is worn out. 8. I must sort out my papers. 63 a. b. 4. a. b. It is old and almost unusable. a. I must throw away all my papers. It is old-fashioned. b. I must arrange my papers properly. I hope nobody finds out about it. I hope nobody discovers what has happened. I hope nobody says anything. 5. Bill’s going out with Mary. a. Bill and Mary have a romantic friendship. b. They are leaving together. Ex 4 Match the phrasal verbs in the first columns with the meanings in the second columns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 get on turn down carry on put off find out 2 3 6. put up with 7. call off 8. fall out 9. let down 10. put up 4 5 a. cancel b. refuse c. succeed d. discover e. tolerate 6 7 f. continue g. quarrel h. disappoint i. delay j. accommodate 8 9 10 Ex. 5 Read the text. Make questions to it. London Traffic Traffic in London differs from that of the Continent. In England people say: ‘If you go left, you go right. If you go right, you go wrong’. They say that once upon a time people kept to any side of the road they liked. But then they decided to make it a rule to keep to the left. As Napoleon hated the British very much, he decided that in France the people should keep to a different side. And later on in all the countries which he conquered he made the traffic keep to the right. Ex 6. Here are some questions to answer. You are standing outside the railway station. Asking the Way 1. Can you tell me the way to the bus stop? 2. Can you direct me to the cinema, please? 3. I’m looking for the post office. Can you help me, please? Now practise some more questions and answers in pairs. Use the plan Ex 7. Here are boxes of prepositions of movement 64 along past up down through over out of under across and place opposite between on the corner of in front of behind near in Now work in pairs. Give each other detailed directions to get to the different places on the plan. Ex 8. Complete the questions in list A and the answers in list B to make dialogues of your own: A. Could you tell me where ______________________ is? the way to ____________________? Where can I find a _________________________ ? How far is the nearest _________________________? Is there a_________________________ nearby? You’ll find _________________________ on your left. on your right. right opposite. on the corner. B. It’s about a _________________________ minute’s walk. Your best bet is to _________________________. Carry straight on until you see _________________________ and then _________________________. 65 2.Фонд оценочных средств В задание включены вопросы по теме «Транспорт» Работа в целом оценивается суммарным баллом, полученным студентом за выполнение всех заданий. Шкала оценки образовательных достижений «5» 95- 100% «4» 65-94% «3» 51-64% «2» Менее 50 % Вариант 1 Блок А 1. Выберите правильныйвариант слова 1.There were too many cars and it was difficult for us to cross the..... . 2. The..... was broad enough for even huge trucks to travel along. Way road path route 2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях соответствующей неличной формой глагола 1. The train______ to the station, the passengers began to depart. a) To come b) having come c) to having come d) coming 2. They started _____ ballast under the ties. a) to pack b) of packing c) packing d) to be packed 3. Выберите соответствующий перевод предложения. 1. We heard him speak English. a) Мы видели его, говорящего поанглийски. b) Мы слышали, что он говорит поанглийски. c) Мы слышали, как он говорит поанглийски. 2. He is said to study well. a) Он говорит, что учится хорошо. b) Он говорит, что хорошо учился. c) Говорят, что он учится хорошо. 3. This road is known to be busy. a) Известно, что эта дорога оживленная. b) Известно, что эта дорога была оживленная. c) Все знают, что эта дорога оживленная. 4. Выберите «лишнее» слово Airport railway station bus stop steam liner 5. Соотнесите первую часть предложения со второй. 66 1. Transportation is the movement of a) locations where passengers and freight can be transferred from one vehicle or mode to another. 2. Terminals may be used both for b) people and goods from one location to another. 3. A train consists of one or more c) connected vehicles that run on the rails. 4. Terminals such as airports, ports and d) interchange of passengers and cargo stations are and for maintenance. 6. Выберите правильный ответ 1.Транспортное a) vehicle b) stages c) substance средство 2.Грузовик a) driver b) coal c) lorry 3.Движение a) traffic b) coach c) tube 4. Many thousands of kilometers of railways are equipped with … . a) automatic block signaling b)air-conditioned cars c) container movement 5. The railway system ... equipped with new electric and diesel locomotives, with special cars for diverse goods and with high- load capacity freight cars. a) are b)is c)were 6.The beginning of railway construction in Russia is traced as far as …. . a) the 17- th century b) the 18- th century c) the 19-th century 7. The first steam locomotive in Russia was constructed by … . a) Polsunov b) the Cherepanovs c) K.D. Frolov 8. … the right of way to level condition, workers were preparing it for roadbed. a) grading b)graded c) to grade 9. Equipment … over the track must be kept in good physical condition a) moved b)moving c) to move 10. Когда вагоны прицеплены, поезд готов к отправлению. a) When the cars being coupled, the train is ready to start. b) The cars being coupled, the train is ready to start. 7. Укажите правильный перевод предложений. 1. Without good roads and railways a country cannot develop its resources and industry. a) Без хороших дорог страна не может развивать свои ресурсы и промышленность. b) Без хороших дорог и ж.д. страна не может развивать свои ресурсы и промышленность. c) Без хороших дорог и ж.д. страна может развивать свои ресурсы и промышленность. 2. Первый в мире приемник был сконструирован в 1895 году в России. a) The world’s first receiver is built in 1895 in Russia. b) The world’s first receiver was built in 1895 in Russia. 67 c) The world’s first receiver were built in 1895 in Russia. Блок В 1. Соотнесите суффиксы и слова, образовав новые - ment -less -al -ation industry happy develop transport 2. Напишите числа словами. 1-й, 15, 126, 1997г., 30 минут 3. Прочитайте текст и выберите утверждение, соответствующее содержанию текста. The railway is а good example of а system evolved in various places to fulfill а need and then developed empirically. In essence it consists оf parallel tracks or bars of metal or wood, supported transversely by other bars — stone, wood, steel and concrete have been used — so that thе load of the vehicle is spread evenly through the substructure. Such tracks were used in the Middle Ages for mining tramways in Europe; railways came to England in the 16th century and went back to Europe in the 19th century as an English invention. 1. Railways appeared to meet the needs of transportation of coal. 2. Railways were built for passenger service. 3. First tracks were used to carry stone, wood, steel and concrete. Блок С Дайте ответ на вопрос письменно (3-4 предложения): What kind of transport do you prefer to travel by? Why? Вариант 2 Блок А 1. Выберите правильный вариант слова 1. They are going to open a new bus ..... soon. 2. The children had lost their..... in the forest and were terribly frightened. Way road path route 2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях соответствующей неличной формой глагола 1. It will be achieved by_______ of weight and length –shorted trains. a) to reduce b) reduced c) reducing d) having been reduced 2. The standards are expected_______. a) to be increased b) increasing c) increased d) to have increased 3. Выберите соответствующий перевод предложения. 1. He is said to be a kind man. a) Он сказал, что он добрый человек. b) Говорят, что он добрый человек. c) Говорили, что он был добрым. 68 a) Я видела, что она переходит дорогу. b) Я вижу, что она переходит дорогу. c) Я смотрела, как она переходит дорогу. 3. They were expected to arrive by a) Они ждали, что прибудут plane. самолетом. b) Они ожидали прибытия самолета. c) Ожидали, что они прибудут самолетом. 4. Выберите «лишнее» слово Car wagon coach plane 5. Соотнесите первую часть предложения со второй. 1. A vehicle is any non-living device a) tourism, a major part of recreational that transport. 2. Long-haul transport involves the use b) is used to move people and goods. of 3. Passenger transport is also the c) the automobile, trains, coaches and essence of aircrafts. 4. For public transport and freight d) private enterprise or by governments. transport, operations are done through 2. I saw her cross the road. 6. Выберите правильный ответ 1.Железная a) driver b) coal c) railway дорога 2.Колесо a) wheel b) weight c ) light 3.Двигатель a) engine b) lorry c) source 4. Many thousands of kilometers of railways ... equipped with centralized traffic control. a) are b) is c) was 5. The railway system is equipped with new electric and diesel locomotives, with special cars for diverse goods and with … . a) iron rails b) ballast c) air-conditioned cars 6. Railway building was closely connected with the development of … industry. a) the chemical b) the mining c) the light 7. The first steam carriage (повозка) was invented in …. . a) UK b) Russia c) France 8. The work of the terminal station is evaluated by the number of trains … . a) handling b) handled c) handle 9. Construction of the permanent way became easier and quicker thanks to the improvement of … method. a) engineering b) engineered c) engineer 10. Так как испытания были закончены, мы пошли домой. a) The tests being over, we went home. b) As the tests being over, we went home. 69 7. Укажите правильный перевод предложений. 1. Eleven years later Stephenson was operating a railway between Stockton and Darlington. a) В течении 11 лет Стефенсон работал на железной дороге СтоктонДарлингтон. b) Спустя 11 лет Стефенсон работал на железной дороге СтоктонДарлингтон c) Спустя 11 лет Стефенсон управлял железной дорогой СтоктонДарлингтон 2. Четыре года спустя диапазон передачи увеличился до 50 км. a) Four years later the range of transmission was increased to 50 km. b) Four years later the range of transmission were increased to 50 km. c) Four years later the range of transmission are increased to 50 km. Блок В 1. Соотнесите суффиксы и слова, образовав новые -able -ous -less -ment Agree consider wire continue 2. Напишите числа словами. 3-й, 17, 216, 1959г., 20 минут 3. Прочитайте текст и выберите утверждение, соответствующее содержанию текста. In the early days, coaches were constructed entirely of wood, including the frames. Ву 1900, steel frames were commonplace; then coaches were constructed entirely of steel and became very heavy. One American 85-foot (26 m) coach with two six-wheel bogies weighed more than 80 tons. New lightweight steel alloys and aluminum began to be used; in the 1950s the Budd Company in America was building an 85-foot coach which weighed only 27 tons. The savings began with the bogies, which were built without conventional springs, bolsters and so on; with only two air springs on each four-wheel bogie, the new design reduced the weight from 8 to 2, 5 tons without loss оf strength or stability. 1. Coaches were constructed of wood and iron till nowadays. 2. New lightweight steel alloys and aluminum were rejected. 3. The new bogie design decreased the weight of coach. Блок С Дайте ответ на вопрос письменно (3-4 предложения): What means of transport are available in your home place? What kind of transport do you take to get to the technical school and why? 70