... AASI MAAAWMX WKOAbHMKOB English. HaYallbHafl wK011a A. A. Ma11HHHHa - - AHrnHHCKHH Jl3blK Y4HMCJI 4HTATb nPABHn bHO .Qn~ Mila.QWMX WKOnbHMKOB POCTOB-Ha-)J.oHy "<l>eHVIKC" 2015 06yYeHlt18 YT8Hlt1IO - Heo6XOA111Mb1Vl 3Tan B OCBOeHll1111 aHrn111VlcKoro .s:l3b1Ka. 3ra KH111ra noMo>KeT np111secr111 B c111creMy 111 3aKpen111Tb npas111na 1..neH111.s:i 111 nocny>K111T xopow111M AOnonHeH111eM K mo6oMy y4e6H111Ky An.s:i Ha4anbHblX Knaccos. Pa6orarb c KH111roll1 MO>KHO KaK Ha ypoKax aHrn111illcKoro .s:i3b1Ka, TaK 111 caMOCTO.s:ITenbHO. B KH111re np111BOA.s:irc.s:i npas111na 4TeH111~ rnacHblX 111 cornacHblX 6yKs 111 6yKBOC04eTaH111VI. Mo>KHO npopa6arb1BaTb 3aAaH111.s:i B KH111re nocneAOBarenbHO lt1Jllt1 o6pa~aTbC.s:I K TOMY 111Jlll1 111HOMY npas111ny np111 Heo6XO,Qlt1MOCTlt1. Y ManeHbKoro pe6eHKa npeKpacHo pa3s111ra AOnrospeMeHHa.s:i naM.s:iTb, 111 see, YTO OH BblY4111T, 3anOMH111TC.s:I H8AOnro. Bocnonb3yV!recb 3Tll1M npe111My~eCTBOM, 4T06bl H8Y4111Tb ero 4111T8Tb no-aHrn111VICKll1. Llro6b1 pe6eHOK 6blCTpee cnpas111nc.s:i c Henp111Bbl4HblMll1 npas111naM111, B KHll1re B OCHOBHOM 111cnonb3yerc.s:i neKCll1Ka, AOCTynHa.s:i Mna,D,Wll1M WKOnbHll1K8M, 111 npeAnarmorc.s:i no.s:icHeH111.s:i ,o,n.s:i 6onee cno>KHblX cnyYaes. TaK>Ke Bbl Haill,o,ere 3,D,8Cb 38Hll1M8T8JlbHble CKOporosopK111 111 secenble CTll1XOTBOpeHll1.s:I, KOTOpble peKoMeH.Qyerc.s:i Y4111Tb Ha1113ycrb. Lfro6b1 3anoM111HaTb npas111na 6b1no ner4e, B KH111re 111cnonb3yiorc.s:i u.serosb1e o6o3Ha4eH111.s:i. )KenaeM saM ycnexos! 2 n pe.o.111cnos111e . ....... . ....................... 2 Co.o.ep}f(aH111e . . ............................... 3 The ABC .... . ...... . . ....................... 4 Transcription symbols ........................... 5 Part I npas111na 4T9Hll1fl rnaCHblX 6yKB ................... 6 npas111na 4T9Hlllfl H9KOTOpblX 6yKBOC049TaHll1VI ...... 31 Part II npas111na 4TeH111s:1 cornacHbtX 6yKs ................ 59 npas111na 4T9Hlllfl H9KOTOpblX 6yKBOC049T8Hll1C1 ...... 86 3 " .. 8 ~ ~ Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk LI (eI] [bi:] [si:] [di:] [ i:] [ef] [d3i:] [e1tf] [a1] [d3e1] (keI] [el] Mm [em] @ Nn Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Vy [en] [au] [pi:] [kju:] [a:] [es] [ti :] [ju:] [vi:] ('dAblju:] [eks] [wa1] Zz [zed] Oo Pp Qq Rr 3anOMHM 3BYKM aHrnMHCKOrO fl3b1Ka M MX npOM3HOWeHMe: AM<l>ToHrM rnaCHble bus, cup bag, map leg, bed a cap, letter hot, dog big, pig boo k, took car, mark sport, more meet, be [3:] - bird, fur [u:] - schoo l, moo n [A) [re] [e] [a] [o] [r] [u] [a:] [:::>:] [i:] - [er] [ar] [or] [au] [re] [ea] [au] [ua] - lake, rai n like, bye toy, poi nt go, home deer, here hair, care clou d, now sure, flower CornacHble [b] tab le, ball [f] lift, f ool [r] write, train [r:J] morning , strong [k] black , cake [h] wh o, head [s] list, send [t] eat , t en [J] finish , sh ip [tf] ch ess, beach [8] tooth , th ink [j] yellow, cube [m] man, woman [n] nose, snake [I] lamp, black [w] w ind, between [p] deep, pen [v] give, v isit [g] tiger, grey [z] lazy, zoo [d] land , day [3] pleasu re, decision [d3] page, j ump [o] th is, bath e npae111na llTeHHfl rnacHbtx 6yKe B aHrnVIV!CKOM H3b1Ke 26 6yKB: 20 cornacHblX VI 6 rnacHb1x: Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, Yy. Ka>t<,o,as:i rnacHas:! 6yKBa MO>KeT nepe,o,aBaTb HeCKOnbKO 3BYKOB. npaBVlna YTeHVls:! rnaCHblX 6yKB no,o, y,o,apeHVleM 3aBVICs:!T OT Toro, KaKVle 6yKBbl cne,o,ylOT 3a HVIMVI B ,o,aHHOM cnoBe. B aHrnVIVICKOM H3b1Ke cyw.ecTsyeT 4 TVlna y,o,apHblX cnoros. I. 0TKpblTblVl cnor - cnor, KOTOpblVl 3aKaHYVIBaeTCs:! Ha rnaCHblLI! 3ByK, T. e. rnacHas:i 6yKsa OTKpb1Ta (3a HeLll HeT cornacHoLll, VlnVI nocne cornacHoLll CTOVIT ,o,pyras:i rnacHas:i VlnVI 6yKsa e, Koropas:i He 4VITaeTcs:i): I me no age my hi he nose page music B OTKpblTOM TVlne cnora see rnacHble 6yKBbl VIMelOT ancpaBVITHoe 3sy1..1aHV1e: name [nerm] pupil ['pju:pl] rose [reuz] like [lark] Pete [pi:t] type [tarp] II. 3aKpb1Tb1Llt cnor - cnor, KOTOpblLll 3aKaH4VIBaeTCs:! Ha O,D,HY 111n111 HeCKOnbKO cornacHblX 6yKB: stamp, best, it, pot. B 3aKpblTOM cnore rnacHble 6yKBbl 4111Ta10TCH KpaTKVIMVI 3syKaMV1: b g [bmg] b g [brg] b S {bAS} d sk [desk} fr g [frog] gm [d31m} Ill. TpeTVILll TVln cnora - cnor, s KOTopoM 3a y,o,apHoLll rnacHoLll cne,o,yeT 6yKsa r: arm, girl. B TpeTbeM Tvme cnora rnacHble 6yKBbl 4V1Ta10rcs:1 KaK ,0,onrV1e 3BYKVI : c r [ka:] sp t [spo:t] B d [b3:d] b d [b3:d] h d [h3:d] n se [n3:s] IV. YeTB~PTblLll Tvm cnora 6yKsoco4eraHV1e r + rn acHas:i: Mary, hare. 6 cnor, s KOTopoM 3a y,o,apHo~ rnacHo~ cne,o,yer B 4erseproM r111ne cnora rnacHble 6yKBbl 4111ra10rc~ KaK .a111cpr0Hr111 (.asyrnaCHbl8 3BYK111) 111n111 Tp111cpTOHrll1 (rpexrnaCHble 3BYK111): h h t [hee] [hie] ['tare] fi c "~i OnpeAen111, K npoYlllTa~ lllX. [fare] ['kjue} ... KaKoMy ' T111ny ~ l ~t ,-, ) y.QapHoro ' cnora h, .. ~ OTHOCffTCff • 1 ~'·· 1 ,~-~~·... cnoea. Face, tram, mere, sport, hire, slim, eve, drive, brave, cute, dare, more, pure, star, share, stork, hat, six, desk, Jim, bridge, turkey, care, snake, store, fine, cut, me, plum, tyre, hare, car, like, Pete, let, bird, large, plane, pan, shark, cure. Face, ... Hat, ... IV Car, ... Tyre, ... 7 Ta6rnn~a "ITeHlllff rnacH 1 "YKB no,Q y.QapeH111eM T111n cnora 6yKea a e i/y 0 u T111n cnora 6yKea a e i/y 0 u OTK I Tiii n II Tllln OTKpblTbli.:i cnor [ei] n me 3aKpb1Tb1VI cnor [ce] b g [i:] P te [ar] M ke, t pe [eu] r se [ju:] m sic [e] d sk [I] b g, g 1m [o] fr g n rnacHaH + r n'1n rnacHa + r + rnacHaff [ee] h re [ie] h re [are] f re, t re [0:] m re [jue] c re [a:] c r [3:] B rt [3:] bird, B rd [0:] sp rt [3:] n rse ["] bus 3aK bi blVI cnor bag [ce] a+r car [a:] a + r + rnacHaff hare [ee] ~ ,:E;,,,, .J.. . ~ 8 1. npo4MT3M cnoea: 1 1 [eI] lace came cake take lake Kate plate skate safe bag bat far arm fare Mary cat star share camp man back lamp lark park March scarf care dare mare parents rabbit damp garden shark rare stare 2. 8b14epKHM .n111wHee c.noeo: a) face, lake, rabbit , snake, make; b) and, flat, hand, parents, bad; c) arm, shark, park, mark, plane; d) place, hare, bare, care, rare. 3. 0npe.QeTlli1, K K3KOMY THny y.QapHOrO c.nora OTHOC.RTC.R c.noea. npoYlltTalll lltX. Late, bare, party, fat, face, hat, sharp, stamp, snake, salad, take, lake, park, square, skate, game, plate, bat, dark, Mary, black, cake, rare, large, parents, car, rat, arm, jam, plane, shade, start, fare, garden, dare, bag, flag, apple, cat, page, lace, map, cart, prepare, came, tram, sad, safe, can , pan, glad, farmer, has, carpet, made, Pam, stare, land. I [er] make [~] hand 9 IV [ea] hare [a:] March 4. npollHTaH KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: an apple have an apple Pam, has an apple. Tongue-twisters 1 A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat. Mark can't park his car in the barn. 5. npo\IHTaH CTHXOTBOpeHH.fl H nOAllepKHH CllOBa, B KOTOpblX 6yKBa a HaXOAHTC.fl HaH3YCTb. noA YAapeHHeM. BblY\IH noHpaeHeweec.fl My name is Ann, Her name is Jane, His name is Dan. Say it again 2 . Ann's cat is black, Jane's cat is grey. They often drink milk And wash 3 every day4. 1. tongue-twi ster I'tMJ twrsterl 2 . again [e'gem] - cHosa 3. wash [wof] - MOIOTC~ 4. day [der] --~1,__,o'------=--~ ,LJ,8Hb cKoporosopKa CTHXOTeopeHHe My cat is black, My cat is fat. My cat likes rats. Rats are grey and fat. Pat keeps two pets A cat and a rat. Pat likes her pets. And her two pets Like Pat. Tom and Jill Are in the park. One is fair, The other is dark. I live here. You live near. Tom lives so far That he goes in a car. I'm a hare, I run around the bear. I'm small. The bear can't catch me at all. Fat Pat had a fat cat. Pat's fat cat sat in Pat's hat. A cat in a hat. A hat in a hand. JaKpb1Tbll1 c11or hen [e] OTKPblTbll1 cnor Pete [i:] e e + r + cor11acHaH servant [3:] • 5yKBOCO\.feTaH111e ee \.flllTaerc~ e + r + r11acHaH sph re [re] KaK 3BYK [i:]: geese, bee, teeth, green, meet, week, seem, tree. • 5yKsa e s KOH14e cnosa He l.fll!Taerc~. Ee Ha3blBaKn HeMo~ 6yKso~: plate, face, name, time, nose, game, rose, lake. 12 m He nyTa&71 HeMyl-0 6yKBY e B KOHL\e CllOBa M 6yKBY e B OTKpblTOM CJlOre: make tabl e pag e be he sh e time we like me 1. npo"t"1Ta~ CllOBa: [e] bell Peg help red ten pen Ben best [i :] be he she me eve Steve Pete we [i:] [3:] verb her term person mercy German servant perfect here mere sphere sere week fee bee see leek feet geese sh eet deep keen been feel keep meet green teeth beet free 2. Bb1YepKHH 11HwHee c11oso: a) Pete, we, sheep; eve, she; b) smell, nest, Steve, tell, letter; c) mere, game, here, sphere, sere; d) here, term, serve, person, verb; e) teeth, been, pencil, green, meet. 3. Onpe.Qe11"1, npoY"1Ta~ "1X. K KaKOMY TMny y.QapHoro c11ora OTHOCffTCff CllOBa. Test, met, mercy, mere, we, her, person, best, shell, be, servant, west, smell, serve, Steve, shelf, sphere, me, sere, term, wet, let, perfect, she, he, letter, red, eve, leg, bench, Pete, spell, help, here, lesson, tennis, pencil, hen, egg, men, chess, wet, neck, let. 4. [e] [i:] she nest [3:] IV [re] verb here CpaeHH "'ITeHHe c11oe H HX 3Ha"'leHHs:1: [m] bad Pat [e] bed pet _, pan pen man ~ 5. men ~ npo'"IHTaH KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: pets ten pets keeps ten pets Pete keeps ten pets. Tongue-twisters Feed the bees with three sweet peas. Ben and Bess are the best. Her German is perfect. Pete, meet me in the street. 6. npo'"IHTaH CTHXOTBOpeHHff H nO.Q'"lepKHH CllOBa, B KOTOpblX 6yKBa e CT0"1T no.Q y.QapeHHeM. BblYYH noHpaeHeweecff CT"1XOTeopeH"1e Ha"13YCTb. I Like to Eat Ben: Tell me, little Pete, What do you like to eat. Pete: Well, I like to eat What is tasty and sweet. A Pen and a Pencil Pete has got a pencil, Pete has got a pen; He draws with his pencil And writes with his pen. 15 My dress is green, Green, green. So is the tree One, two, three! Stop! Look! Listen! Before you cross the street Use your eyes, Use your ears, And then use your feet. Grizzly Bear If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bearYou must never, never, never ask him where He is going or what he is doing. For if you ever, ever dare To stop a grizzly bear You will never meet Another grizzly bear. 16 v 3aKpb1T~I~ OTKpblTbl&'.1 cnor C.nor pig [i] tiger (aI] • .+r+ I cor.nacHa~ girl [3:] .I + r + r.nacHa~ . fire (a1e] JaKpblTblH cnor gym OTKpblTblH cnor fly [ai] A, . ,-. ' [i] , j ..... ' ~ ,_, y + r + cornacHafl Byrd [3:] y + r + rnacHafl I] tyre [are] • Cnosa, KOTOpb1e '·B·1Tal0Tcs:i He no npas11rny: live [/rv] give [grv] ski [ski.} • 6yKsa y B HaYane cnosa nepeA rnacHo~ Y1t1TaeTcs:i KaK 3BYK [j] : yes [jes}, yellow ['ieleu]. • 6e3yAapHas:i 6yKBa y B KOHU.e cnosa Yll1T8eTCH K8K 3BYK [I]: city ['s1tr], baby ['berbr]. m 3anOMHM MCKJlK>"leHMe: 18 July [d3u:' laI]. - 1. npolfHTalll cnoea: I] fix slim skip mix twin gym system symbol lyric [aI] hi nine pike five time sky type my style [j] [I] happy baby study pretty funny money plenty hurry duty sorry [ ·a] wire fire tire tired mire tyre byre lyre [3:] dirty girl stir shirt skirt third sir Byrd bird yes you year yell yelp yard yawn yellow yak yesterday 2. 8b1lfepKHH nHwHee cnoeo: a) time, sky, pretty, like, tiger; b) fish, gym, swim, bird, system; c) shirt, milk, Byrd, dirty, third; d) fine, mire, fire, satire, lyre; e) family, city, sorry, cry, pretty; f) yes, yard, bye, yell, you. 3. Onpe.QenH, npolfHTaH HX. K KaKoMy THny y.QapHoro cnora OTHOC.RTC.R cnoea. Line, desire, birth, bye, sit, milk, tired, girl, list, fine, win, tire, dirty, gym, Byrd, life, hire, nice, mile, shirt, byre, Mike, tiger, kite, wife, my, fire, system, empire, sky, like, firm, mire, writer, Sir, bike, hill, thirty, wire, skirt, type, lyric, mill, lyre, fir, will, pike, hike, iron, Ireland, ice, first, pilot, finger, stick, why, shy, fish, bite, wish, pie, cycle, dry, July, lie, gyp, six, style, typist, dive, slim, bird. __..___rn _ _ [r] [a1] fly six [3:] bird 4. np0'-1"1TaH KaK MO>KHO [ara] fire 6blCTpee. Tongue-twisters Give the pigs six big chips. It's nine minutes past nine. Mike has a wide nice smile. river in the river to swim in the river like to swim in the river Byrd and Jim like to swim in the river. 20 5. "1 npolfHTaM CTHXOTBOpeHHff "1 nOA~epKHH B HHX cnoea, B KOTOpblX 6yKBbl y CTOHT nOA YAapeHHeM. BblY~H noHpaBHBweecH i CTHXOTBOpeHHe HaH3YCTb. My Kite I've got my kite My kite is white. My kite is in the sky. Fly high, my kite, Fly high, white kite, Fly high in the blue sky. It's Winter It's winter, it's winter, Let's skate and ski! It's winter, it's winter, It's great fun for me. March March brings sunny Days and winds. So we know That spring begins. :~ l:ittle Bird Little bird, little bird, Look at me! I've got a bird-house. Oh! Come and see. 21 Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white. What did you do yesterday? What game did you play? I didn't play yesterday. I play today. OTKpblTblH cnor rose [eu] o + r + cornacHa.fl fork [~:>:] 22 3aKpb1TblH dog [o] cnor 1. 2. npo~1i1Ta~ cnoea: [au] [o] [::>:] [::>:] so not corn shore go got form more stone lot born bore rose nose bone close hope note open fog cock pot song long fox bottle sport north short fork pork sort lord core store form before explore 8b1~epKH1i1111i1wHee c11oeo: a) sofa, .feb, hope, note, go; b) short, cock, doctor, frog, shop; c) north, horse, shore, morning, born; d) more, core, before, sport, store. OnpeAe111i1, npo~li1Ta~ "1X. 3. K KaKoMy T11my YAapHoro c11ora OTHOCRTCR c11oea. Home, on , rose, joke, from , store, sport, stone, not, stop, smoke, clock, horse, bottle, block, no, hockey, or, lord, strong, morning, box, core, nor, short, explore, sock, fox, dog, shore, doctor, born, open, for, song, hope, ore, north, note, hospital, bore, go, phone, fork, pork, before, shop, sort. [au] nose [o] frog 23 Ill [J:] horse 4. npo"IHTa~ KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee. Tongue-twisters Frog wears long blue socks. And eats hot dogs from an orange box. It's a fox, not a dog. No nose knows like a gnome's nose knows. A little pot is soon hot. slow so slow go so slow don't go so slow Joe, don't go so slow Oh, Joe, don't go so slow. npo"IHTa~ CTHXOTBOpeHHH "'1 nOA"lepKHH cnoea, B KOTOpblX 6yKBa 0 CTOHT noA YAapeHHeM. BblY"IH noHpaBHBweecH CTHXOTBopeHHe HaHJYCTb. 5. :~ Little Frog Little frog, little frog, Hop, hop, hop. Little frog, little frog, Stop, stop, stop. While John was in the shop, His dog got lost in the fog. 24 The Rose and the Horse The fox is growing a rose. The rose is a lovely flower. The horse looks at the rose. It's looked for a whole hour. Soft1 white ducks Swim on the top, And big green frogs Go hop, hop, hop! Donkey Donkey, donkey, old and grey, Open your mouth and gently bray2 . Lift your ears and blow your horn, To wake the world this sleepy morn 3 . I [imerick4 There was an Old Man with a nose, Who said, "If you choose to suppose 5 , That my nose is too long, You are certainly wrong 6 ." That remarkable7 man with a nose. 1. soft [s::ift) - Ms:irK11111! 2. gently bray ['d3entl1 bre1) - neroHbKO nporpy6111 3. morn [m::i:n]/ morning ['m::i:m11] - yrpo 4. limerick [' limenk] - n111Mep111K (aHrn11111!cKa~ cr111xorsopHa>1 cpopMa) 5. choose to suppose ['tfu:z ta sa'pauz] - npe,qnonaraere 6. certainly wrong ['s3:tnlr 'r::>:rJ] - KOHe4HO, Henpasb1 7. remarkable [n'ma:kabl] - 3aMe4arenbHblil1 25, ___, OTKpblTbllll c.nor cucumber [ju:] 3aKpb1Tbllll c.nor cup [/\] u + r + cor.nacHas:. turkey [3:] u + r + r.nacHas:. pure ['jue] :] • 3anoMHlt1, LJTO B HeKOTOpblX cnosax 6yKBa u '-llt1TaeTC51 KaK 3BYK [u]: put, push, bush, bull, pull, full. 1. npo~111Talll [ju:] tube student pupil 26 cnoea: [ hut bun cup [3:] fur turn burn r· l secure pure cure r r· :] computer Tuesday mute excuse cucumber unit due music r"2· i uncle but cut bus jump supper Sunday under nurse hurt Thursday turkey burst curl curly 2. Bb1'-tepKHM 11MwHee c11oso: a) summer, cube, tube, use, cute; b) hundred, hungry, burst, must, number; c) pure, secure, sure, student, cure; d) turn, burst, curl, fur, mule; e) put, bus, push, bush, bull. 3. OnpeAeilM , MX. K KaKOMY TMny yAapHoro c11ora OTHOC~Tc~ c11osa. npo'-tMTa~ Sunday, flute, pupil, jump, lunch, cut, stupid, puzzle, usually, music, blue, fur, buzz, nurse, sun, due, uncle, hundred, puppy, cure, fun, Thursday, understand, excuse, cube, burst, butter, turn, but, suit, cucumber, bun, secure, turkey, bug, unit, Tuesday, burn, tube, curly, use, dust, hurt, student, tune, sure, hunt, mushroom, plum. (A] [ju:] mule cup I [3:] turnip [jua] pure 27 4. CpaeHM YTeHMe cnoe M Mx 3HaYeHM.R: [ce] (A] cut cap hat ban bag 28 hut bun bug 5. npo"IHT3H KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: Tongue-twisters My uncle hunts ducks with a gun. It will be curious to do it during January. Buzz, buzz, buzz, Go the bees in the sun. Buzz, buzz, buzz, Making honey is fun . Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry Hurry up up, up, up, up, Dustin! Dustin! Hurry Dustin! Hurry up Dustin! Hurry up, Justin! 6. npo"IHT3H CTHXOTBOpeHH.ff H nO.Q"lepKHH CllOBa, B KOTOpblX 6yKea U CTOHT no.Q y.QapeHHeM. BblY"IH noHpaeHBWeec~ CTHXOTBOpeHHe H3H3YCTb. Jump-jump-jump. Jump over the moon, Jump all the morning And all the noon. Humpty-Dumpty 1 Humpty-Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses And all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty-Dumpty Together again. Little Lambs We are little lambs. And we are very gay. We jump over the fence And then we run away. We run a race. 1. Humpty-Dumpty [ 'hAmpt1'dAmpt1] - Wanraill-6onraill What fun! What fun! Let's run again, Run, run, run! Mrs. Tuppy has lost her puppy. And she can't find it anywhere: It's not on the cushion, It's not on the chair. Where? Where? Where? Where is the puppy? We must help Mrs. Tuppy. I walk, I stand, I jump and run . It's a lot of fun. How Much? One plus two There is much to do. One plus three There is much to see. Snail's shell is curly, A bird's nest is round; Rabbit's house is twisty Burrow 1 underground.· ..• 1. burrow ['be:reu] 30 Hopa, pblTb Hopy Butterfly, butterfly, Where do you fly? So quick and so high In the blue, blue sky? npaBMila ~TeHM.R HeKOTOpblX 6yKBOCO~eTaHMM 5yKBbl a, e B COLJeTaHV1V1 c rnaCHblMV1 6yKB8MV1 ,'I i, y LJV1T8fOTCfl K8K 3BYK [eI]. ai train ei sleigh ay May ey grey ai + r hair ei + r their . _r · , "' . , fk~ ~h ' [ 1. 2. npo~HTa&il CllOBa: [ei] [ei] [ea] [ea] sleigh main train Monday Tuesday Wednesday chair airport pair their heir tail wait pain lain nail snail Friday Saturday say they obey lay today hair lair fair stairs air Bb1~epKHH nHwHee cnoso: a) pain, main, dafte, sleigh, train; b) pair, chair, their, rain, heir; c) may, they, lake, today, fair. 3. CpaBHH ~TeHHe cnos H HX 3Ha~eHH~: pen [pen] PYL/Ka tell [tel] aoeopumb, cKa3amb pain [pern] 6onb tail [terl] xeocm -- - '\ -·,-..... wet [wet] ena>KHbJU, cb1pou wait [wert] o>Kuoamb m 3anOMHM MCKIIK>lfeHMff, rAe 6yKBOCOlfeTaHMe ei lfMTaeTCff KaK [i:] : being, ceiling, receive. 6yKBOC04eTaH"151 ee, ea 4"1TalOTC51 KaK 3BYK [i:]: bee, team. 6yKBOC04eTaH"151 ear, eer 4"1TalOTC51 KaK 3BYK [ia] : ear, hear, engineer, tear (cne3a). m if1CKIIK>lfeHMff: pear [pea] - rpywa bear [bea] - MeABeAb wear [wea] - HOCMTb (OAe>KAy), HaAeBaTb tear [tea] - peaTb - 1. npolfHTaH CllOBa: [i:] free feet cream heat [Ia] appear career clear hear [i :] clean team sea weak tea 2. [1a] fear dear deer near 06paTlll BHlllMaH111e: 3TO pa3Hble CllOBa, HO npolll3HOCffTCff OHlll OAlllHaKoeo: beet [bi:t] ceeKna beat [bi:t] 6umb, yaapRmb sea [si:] Mope week [wi:k] HeaenR weak [wi:k] cna6b1D meet [mi:t] ecmpelfamb meat [mi:t] MRco • 6yKBOC0'-1eTaH111e ea nepeA 6yKBO~ d '-1111TaeTCfl KaK 3BYK [e]: head, bread, meadow, instead. m lt1CKI11-0"leHl.1fl: health [hel9] - 3AOPOBbe earn [3:n] - 3apa6aTbtBaTb early ['J:li] - paHo heart [ha:t] - cepAL\e learn [l3:n] - y"l1.1Tb heard [h3:d] - II 1.1 Ill cpopMbl r11aro11a to hear pearl [p3:1] - >KeM"lyr, >KeM"ly>K1.1Ha break [bre1k] - 1) nepepbtB, 2) 110MaTb great [gre1t] - 6011bWOH, ee111.1K1.1H 1. npO"ll.1TaH CilOBa. 06paTl.1 BHMMaH1.1e Ha AOilrOTY JBYKOB (I] 1.1 (i:] . CpaBHl.1 "ITeH1.1e cnoe 1.1 1.1x JHa"leH1.1fl: [1] ship - Kopa6nb sit- cuoemb [i:] sheep- oa4a seat - cuoeHbe 35,_ _. chick - u,bmneHoK hill-xonM bin - eeopo it-3mo, OHO (MecmouMeHue) 2. npo~ll'ITa~ KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee. Fear has a quick ear. Dean eats green peas with cheese. cheek - heal - w,eKa BbJ3oopoeemb, eb1nel../umb bean - 606 eat-ecmb I scream , she screams, you scream, they scream, we all scream for ice-cream. great but hearts are great is grey but hearts are great The sky is grey but hearts are great. No pains, no gains. Silly sheep weep and sleep. He hears with his ears. When the cat is away, the mice will play. 3. npoYHTa~ nocnOBH~Y H CTHXOTBopeHHff H nOAYepKHH B HHX cnoea c 6yKeocoYeTaHHHMH ei, ai, ey, ay, ee, ea, eer, ear. BblYYH noHpaeHeweecH CTHXOTBopeHHe HaHJYCTb. Two heads are better than one. Who can say Why today Tomorrow will be Yesterday? Rain , rain, go to Spai n, Never show your face again. 3Z - A sailor went to sea To see what he could see. And all he could see Was sea, sea, sea. Two Little Bears Once two little brown bears Found a pear-tree1 full of pears; But they could not climb up there For the trunk2 was smooth 3 and bare 4 "If I only had a chair," Said the elder brown bear, "I would get the biggest pear, That is hanging in the air." "If you do not soil 5 my hair," Said the younger little bear, "I'll serve 6 you as a chair And you can get the biggest pear." How many days my baby has to play? Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Hearts like doors wi ll open with ease To very, very little keys. And don't forget that two are these: "We thank you all" and "If you please". 1. pear-tree ['peetri:] - rpywa (,o,epeso) 2. trunk [trAr)k] - crson 3. smooth [smu:8] - rna,o,K111i:;, 4. bare [bea] - ronb1Lli 5. soil [s~:nl] - na4KaTb 6. serve [s3:v] - cny>K111Tb The Human Rights 1 I claim 2 the human right to live. I claim the human right to love. I claim the human right to work. I claim the right of every child to eat. (by Albert E. Kahn) • 6yKBOCO'-leTaH111e 00 '-1111TaeTCS1 KaK 3BYK [u:]: pool, room. • nepep, 6yKBaMll1 k 111 d 6yKBOCO'-leTaHll1e 00 '-1111Ta8TCS1 KaK 3BYK [u]: book, good. • 6yKBOCO'-leTaHll1s:l oi 111 oy '-1111TalOTCs:l KaK 3BYK [01]: boy, noise . • 6yKBOCO'-leTaH111e oor '-1111TaeTCH KaK 3BYK [ua]: poor, moor. m 3anOMHll1 ll1CKflK>"leH1t1f1: door [do:], floor [flo:]. • 6yKBOCO'-leTaH111e oa '-1111TaeTCH KaK 3BYK [au]: soap, goat. D 1. npo"l1t1Ta&ll cnoea: [u:] [u] [01] [au] [ua] soon moon spoon roof choose book food took shook cook boy toy joy coin noisy soap float goat coat road poor moor 1. The Human Rights ["hju :men 'rarts] 2. claim [klerm] - rpe6yt0 npasa 1.1enoseKa 39 [u] good mood stood [u:] pool room foot goose (OI] voice point [au] goal oak JOln toast boil roast 2. 8b1"fepKH111 11111wHee cnoeo: a) moon, room, OOek, foot, goose; b) took, pool, mood, stood, look; c) toy, noise, oak, voice, boy; d) soap, boat, goal, poor, note. 3. npo"flllTaM KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: noise a lot of noise makes a lot of noise Mike makes a lot of noise. What noise annoys an oyster1 most? A noisy noise annoys an oyster most. The cook looks at his cookbook when he cooks. To cook tasty food the cook must be in a good mood . • .. a coat to buy a coat wants to buy a coat goat wants to buy a coat The poor goat wants to buy a coat. 1. oyster " ['~nste] - ycrp1.-1L..1a 4. npoY~·1TaH CTHXOTBOpeHHfl H nO.QYepKHH B HHX cnosa, B KOTOpblX eCTb 6yKBOCO~eTaHHfl OO,O~a,oa,oo~ To the zoo, zoo, zoo, To see a kangaroo, kangaroo, kangaroo. The Little Goat One poor little goat Put on his little coat And went on a trip by boat One poor little goat. My Books We are good friends My books and I. We have such fun, My books and I. We are good friends. Can you say why? Man is fool. When it's hot, He wants it cool. When it's cool, He wants it hot. He always wants What he has not. My Dog I've got a dog. My dog is good. I give it very tasty food . • 5yKBOCO\..leTaH1t1e house, mouse. OU \..llt1TaeTCs:l K8K 3BYK [au]: m 3anOMHVI VICKfll-OYeHVls:t: rough [rAf], touch [tAft], cousin [kAzn], double ['dAbl], trouble ['trAbl] . • 5yKBOC048TaHV18 our 4V1TaeTC51 KaK 3BYK ['aua]: hour, our. m3anOMH~ ~CKIHO'-leH~fl: four [fo:], fourth [fo:9], course [ko:s], colour ['kAla], honour ['ona]. - 1. npoYVITaM c.noea: [au] mouse house blouse mouth mountain trout out round cloud around amount 2. 8b1YepKHV1 .nVIWHee c.noeo: a) mouth, count, et::tffl, blouse; b) our, road, hour, sour; c) poor, four, fourth, course. 3. npoYVITaM KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: the house round the house runs round the house The mouse runs round the house. ['aua] our four hour sour flour Don't trouble Don't trouble troubles Don't trouble troubles till troubles Don't trouble troubles till troubles trouble you. 4. npoYlllTaH CTlllXOTBOpeHlll.s:l 111 nO.Q"'tepKHlll B HlllX CilOBa C 6yKBO·CO"'teTaHlll.s:1Mlll ou 111 our. 8b1yY111 n0Hpae111eweec.A cT111xoTeopeH~A Ha1113ycTb. The House of the Mouse The house of the mouse Is a wee1 little house, A green little house in the grass. Robert Rowley rolled a round roll round; A round roll Robert Rowley rolled round. Where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley rolled round? A Rubber2 Ball It's always round, It can jump and fall. In the air, on the ground We can play with our rubber ball. Winnie-the-Pooh's Song How sweet to be a Cloud Floating in the Blue! Every little cloud Always sings aloud: "How sweet to be a Cloud Floating in the Blue!" It makes him very proud To be a little cloud. (A. Miln "Winnie-the-Pooh ") 1. wee [wi:] - KpOXOTHblLil 2. rubber ['rAbe] - pe31t1HOBb1VI ' j; . : . . - : .··" . \ .. . .: . . ' . . • 6yKsocoLJeTaHvie ow noA yAapeHvieM e OAHOCilO>t<HbtX cnoeax 4VITaercs:i KaK 3BYK [au]: now, town. m 3anOMHH HCKJllO"leHHe: own [aun]. • 6yKeocoLJeTaH111e ow B KOHL\e ABycno>t<HblX cnoe (cnoe, cocros:iw,111x 1,113 ABYX cnoroe) B 6e3yAapHOM nono>t<eHVIVI '-IVITaercs:i KaK 3BYK [au]: ye/low, Moscow. • 6yKBOCO'-leTaHV1e ow + er (el) '-lVITaeTCs:I KaK 3BYK ['aua]: flower, towel. 1. npo"IHTaH cnoea: (au] [au] ['aua] now cow how window yellow pillow down narrow brown town show flower shower tower towel vowel flow snow 2. Bbt"lepKHH nHwHee cnoeo: a) show, elbow, yellow, flower, window; b) town, our, cow, brown, now; c) flower, shower, blouse, towel. 3. npo"IHTaH KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: Do you know Do you know now Do you know now how Do you know now how to get down Do you know now how to get down town? it's snowing when it's snowing so snowy, when it's snowing Snow is so snowy, when it's snowing. 4. npo"IHTaH CTHXOTBOpeHH~ M nO.Q"lepKHM B HMX cnoea c 6yKBO- CO"leTaHMeM ow. BblY"IH n0Hpaert1eweec~ CTMXOTBOpeHMe H3M3YCTb. Is Brown? "What is brown?" Asks little Ann. "My hat is brown," Says little Dan . What The people on the bus Go up and down, Up and down, Up and down. The people on the bus Go up and down, All over town! The Owl and the Cat The owl looked up to the stars above, And sang to a small guitar, "Oh, lovely Cat, oh, Cat, my love, What a beautiful cat you are!" Carrots, peas, beans and cabbages grow, Carrots, peas, beans and cabbages grow. Do you or I or anyone know How carrots, peas, beans and cabbages grow? 45 It's Snowing It's snowing, it's snowing, What a lot of snow! It's snowing, it's snowing. Let's play with snow! A Riddle This is a house With one window in it, Showing films Nearly every minute. • 6yKBa a nepe,LJ, 6yKsoco4eTaHll1s:lMll1 II, lk, Id, Is, It 4111Taercs:l KaK 3BYK [o:]: ball, chalk, salt, false, bald . • 6yKBOC04eT8Hll16 aim 4111TaeTCs:l KaK 3BYKOC04eTaH111e [a:m]: palm, calm [ka:m]. • 6yKBa o nepeA 6yKBOC04eTaH111eM Id Yll!TaeTcH KaK 3BYK [au]: old, sold . • 6yKBOC046T8Hll1e alf 4111TaeTCH KaK 3BYKOC04eTaHV1e [a:f]: calf [ka:f], half [ha:f]. 46 1. npo"llf1TaH cnoea: [o:] [o:] [a:m] ball tall salt bald calm calmly all walk call small chalk halt false talk palm balm balmy fall stall 2. Bb1"1epKHlf1 111,1wHee cnoeo: a) talk, ffiffl, walk, ball, tall; b) cold, gold, told, doll, sold; c) calm, palm, balm, calmly, farm. 3. npO'"llf1Ta~ KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: ball play ball small play ball tall and small play ball All children, tall and small, play ball. The ball is in the corner of the hall. 4. npo'"ll'!TaH CTl1XOTBOpeHlf1fl lf1 nOA'-1epKHl1 B Hlf1X cnoea c 6yKBOCO"leTaHlf1flMlf1 all, alk, aim, old. BblY'-1"1 noHpae1,1eweecH CTlf1XOTeopeHlf1e Half1JYCTb. Come, come, Stay calm, stay calm , No need for alarm, It only hums, It doesn't harm. The Letters I have learned all the letters, Big and small, Short and tall. I have learned all the letters After all, after all. I have learned all the letters, I know them all. Once and for all, Once and for all. Each day I take my dog out for a walk. And as we go we have a talk. About the sun, the moon, the stars, About the sky and the planet Mars. Robin the Bobbin Robin the Bobbin, the big-bellied 1 Ben, He ate more meat than eighty men; He ate a cow, he ate a calf2, He ate a butcher3 and a half4, He ate a church 5 , he ate a steeple 6 , He ate a priest7 and all the people! A cow and a calf, An ox and a half, A church and a steeple, 1. big-bellied [brg 'belrd] - c 6011bW1t1M 6p10xoM 2. calf [ka:f] - Te11eHOK 3. butcher [butfe] - Ms:lCHlt1K 4. half [ha:f] - no11os1t1Ha 5. church [tf3:tJ] - l...\epKOBb 6. steeple ['sti:pl] - Ko110Ko11bHs:i 7. priest [pri:st] - CBllll.18HH1t1K 48 And all the good people, And yet he complained 1 that his stomach 2 wasn't full. Winter I come with cold and snow, But you like me, I know. Ice-cream The ice is bright, The ice is cold, Ice-cream is loved By young and old. How Old Are You? Children: How old are How old are How old are How old are you, Jenny? you today? you, Jenny? you today? Jenny: I'm ten, I'm ten today, Just ten years old today. I'm just ten years old today, I'm ten years old today. • 6yKsa i nocne cornacHoi)1 KaK 3BYK 111 nepeA 6yKsoco4eraH1t1~M1t1 gh 1t1 Id (nd) 41t1Taerc~ [aI]: high [har], mild [marld], kind [karnd]. m 3anOMH"1 HCKJUOl.feHHH: Wind (Wind], Children ['tJildran). 1. and yet he complained - vi OH ew,e >1<anosancs:t 2. stomach ['st/\mek] - >1<enygoK 49 1. npo4HTaH c.noea: sigh night sight light bright might fight high tight find bind child mild blind mind behind kind wild 2. Bbl"lepKHH 11HwHee cnoeo: a) night, light, eight, right, high; b) kind, children, mild, find, child. 3. npo4HTaH KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: I can't find I can't find my little child I can't find my little child behind I can't find my little child behind the high house. Might goes before right. 4. npo'"IHT3H CTHXOTBOpeHHSI H nOA"l9pKH"1 B HHX CilOBa C 6yKBOC04eT8HHSIM"1 igh, ild, ind . BblY4H n 0Hpae1,1eweecs:e CTHXOTBOpeHHe HaH3YCTb. The The The The night is blind. sun is bright. night wind blows wild. summer wind is kind. Good Night Good night, good night, My little child. Get up gay and bright In the morning light. ))J My Hands Here's my left hand, And here's my right. I can clap them With all my might1• H Look to the left and look to the right, Note what traffic is in sight2. Note, too, which light can be seen: The Red, the Yellow, or the Green. Children, keep from dangerous 3 play And think before you cross today. I I Three Blind Mice Three blind mice! Three blind mice! See how they run, See how they run. They all ran after the farmer's wife. The The The The The The chair is high. brown chair is high. large brown chair is large brown chair is large brown chair is large brown chair is high. too high. too high for my sister. too high for my little sister. 1. might [mait] - c1t1na 2. Note what traffic is in sight - KaKoVI TpaHcnopr Bf..1,D,eH 3. dangerous ['demdyas] - onacHblVI 51 • 6yKsa a nepeA 6yKBaM1.1 n, f, th, s + cornacHa51 41,..naerc51 KaK 3BYK [a:]: plant [pla:nt], glass [gla:s]. • 6yKBa 0 nepe,Q 6yKBaMlll m, n, V, th 4111TaeTC51 KaK 3BYK [A]: son [s11n], love [l11v]. 1. npo"f"1Tai1 CllOBa: [A] [a:] pass glass basket last past grass dance fast can't plant son come love dove above some London another monkey money class after task path mask staff bath staff other glove honey mother done month front gone brother none father tongue 2. 8bl"lepKH"1 I1"1WHee CllOBO: a) f)afk, plant, path, grass, father; b) mother, other, rather, glove, brother. 3. npo~"1Tai1 KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: Mike's father Mike's father gave him Mike's father gave him some Mike's father gave him some money. Her son Her son loves Her son loves to come Her son loves to come to London. 4. npo"tMTal'1 CTMXOTBOpeHMH M nOA"tepKHM B HMX cnoea c 6yKBOH a nepeA n, f, th, s + cornacHast "" 6yKeol'1 o + m, n, v, th . 8b1y1..tM noHpaeMeweecst CTMXOTBOpeHMe HaM3YCTb. There is a place in the country I'II never pass. I'll always take there Some fresh green grass. Giraffe I'm a giraffe. I haven't got a scarf. There is no scarf For the poor giraffe. Isn't it funny How a bear likes honey? Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! I wonder why he does? (A . Miln. "Winnie -the- Pooh") What Does a Bee Do? What does a bee do? It brings home honey. What does the Father do? He brings home money. And what does the Mother do? She gives out the money. And what does the Baby do? It eats up the honey. ,,. ' ~ .. ' 53 The Family Here is my father, Here is my mother, Here is my sister, Here is my brother. Father, mother, Sister, brother Hand in hand With one another. • 6yKBOCOLfeTaH111e wor 4111TaeTCH KaK 3BYKOCOLfeTaH111e [w3:] : work [we:k], word [we:d}. • 6yKBOCOLfeTaH111e war 4111TaeTCH KaK 3BYKOCOLfeTaH111e [wo:]: warm [wa:m]. • 6yKsocol.feraH111e wa noA YAapeH111eM nepeA ABYMH cornacHbtM111 111n111 nepeA CAHO~ cornacHo~ s KOHL\e cnosa (KpoMe g, r, ck 111 x) Lf111raercH KaK 3BYKOCOLfeTaH111e [wo:] wasp [wa:sp]. • 5yKBOC049T8HV19 ew 4V1T89TCs:I KaK 3BYK [ju:]: new [nju:], few [fju.]. • 6yKBOCOLfeTaH111e aw Lfll1TaeTCH KaK 3BYK [o:]: saw [sa.], paw [p:J.}. m JanOMHH HCKJ11-0"leHH~: worry ['wAn], was (waz], swan [swon], want [wont], wash [woJ], watch [wotJ]. 1. npo'-IHTaH c11osa: 2. [w3:] [wo:] [ju:] [o:] worm worker worst word world worse worth work war wander wash warm wardrobe wasp wand watch grew dew threw few blew fewer knew newspaper new paw flawn lawn law straw saw caw draw raw 8b1~epKHH Jn1wHee c11oeo· a) worm, was, worker, word, world; b) war, water, saw, wasp, wardrobe; c) lawn, pawn, cow, saw, law. 3. npo~HTaH KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: lawn a green lawn above a green lawn flew above a green lawn A swan flew above a green lawn. I saw him crawl across the lawn at dawn . If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch? Velvet paws hide sharp claws. Wash this woolen sweater in warm water, and put it into the wardrobe. 4. npoYHTaH CTHXOTBOpeHHR Ill nOAYepKHlll B HHX CJ10Ba C 6yKBOCOYeTaHHRMH wor, war, ew, aw. BblYYH noHpae111eweecR CTHXOTeopeH111e Ha111JyCTb. Kittens Our paws are for wearing Blue mittens To be different from Other kittens. The babies on the bus Go "Wah! Wah! Wah!" "Wah! Wah! Wah! " The babies on the bus Go "Wah! Wah! Wah!" All over town! Tommy Trot Tommy Trot, a man of law1, Sold his bed and lay on straw2 , Sold the straw and slept on grass, To buy his wife a looking-glass 3 . Swan Swan swam over the sea. Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again, Well swum, swan! I Wash Some Things an Unusual Way I wash some things an unusual way. You must say, What things I wash an unusual way. 1. a man of law - 10pV1cT 2. straw [stro:] - conoMa 3. a looking-glass ['lukrr]gla:s] - 3epKano When I read a fable1 , I clean my table, When I get up, I wash my cup2 . When I go for a walk, I wash my fork 3 . In the afternoon, I wash my spoon 4 • When I see Kate, I wash my plate 5 . When three days pass 6 , I wash my glass7. One time in my life I wash my knife 8 . When I settle 9 , I wash my tea-kettle10 • Don't wash this way. Wash these things every day! A Cat Went to Buy a Hat A cat went to town to buy a hat. What? A cat with a hat? A hat for a cat? Who ever saw a cat with a hat? A cock went to town to buy a clock. What? A cock with a clock? A clock for a cock? Who ever saw a cock with a clock? A fox went to town to buy a box. What? A fox with a box? 1. fable [feibl] - 6acHs:i 2. cup [KAP] - 4aWKa 3. fork [b:k] - s111nKa 4. spoon [spu:n] - JlO)l(Ka 5. plate [plert] - TapenKa 6. When three days pass - Tp111 AHs:i cnycrn 7. glass [gla:s] - cTaKaH 8. knife [narf] - HO)!( 9. settle ['setl] - pewaTb 10. tea-kettle ['ti: 'ketl] - 4a~Hll1K 57 A box for a fox? Who ever saw a fox with a box? A hen went to town to buy a pen What? A hen with a pen? A pen for a hen? Who ever saw a hen with a pen? A pig went to town to buy a stick. What? A pig with a stick? A stick for a pig? Who ever saw a pig with a stick? ..__,58 npaBMila ~TeHMJI cornaCHblX 6yKB • 6yKBa c [si:] nepe,o, rnaCHblMVI 6yKBaMV1 e, i, y '-IVITaeTCH KaK 3BYK [s]: nice, city. • B ocTanbHblX cny'-las:ix 6yKsa c '-IV1TaeTc~ KaK 3BYK [k]: music, cat, clean . • 6yKBOC0'-1eTaH111e ck scer,o,a '-IVITaeTCH KaK 3BYK [k]: black, chicken . • 6yKBOC0'-1eTaH111e qu '-IVITaeTCH KaK 3BYKOC0'-1eTaH111e [kw]: quick [kwik], squirrel ['skwrrel]. - 1. npo~HTaM cnoea: [s] [s] [k] [k] face centre cake clap city ice cap cold nice place come cream cinema space cut music [k] [k] [kw] [kw] cock chick queen equal neck luck quickly squirrel lock quick quit quiz stock back question quack 2. 8b1~epKHH nHwHee cnoeo a) face, ice, nice, secFet, place; b) capital, cake, cinema, music, come; c) black, duck, kitten, clock, neck; d) quick, chicken, quite, square, squirrel. 59 3. np0"1"1T3H KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: "U" can be seen without a "Q", but "Q" must always go with "U". chickens mice and chickens count mice and chickens can count mice and chickens cat can count mice and chickens My clever cat can count mice and chickens. Quick at meal, quick at work. 4. npoY"1TaH CT"1XOTBOpeH"1ff "1 nOAYepKH"1 cnosa C 6yKBOH C 111 6yKsocoYeTaH"1flMlll ck 111 qu . 8b1yY111 noHpas111sweecH CT"1XOTBopeH111e Halll3YCTb. I Must Clean My Teeth 5 I said to Crocodile "Will you play with me?" "Oh, no!" said Crocodile. "Oh, no!" said he. "Here is my toothbrush And here is my cup so new. I must clean my teeth I cannot play with you!" Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! In the woods around. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! What a happy sound! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Comes the gentle call. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Waken flowers all! Ducks quack, Clocks tick, Hens cluck, Chicks run quick. 60 Animals' Houses Of animals' houses Two sorts are found Those which are square1 And those which are round. Square is a hen-house, A kennel 2 , a sty3 Cows have square houses And so have I. Tick, Tick, Tick! Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick! Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick! The little seconds run away To make the minutes - and it's them Who build the hours through the day. The Squirrel I'm a little squirrel As busy as can be, I'm gathering some mushrooms For winter food for me. m----• 6yKBa g [d3i:] nepe.o. rnaCHblMV1 6yKBaMV1 e, i, '-lV1TaeTCH KaK 3BYK 3]: page, gym . • B OCTanbHblX cny'-laHX 6yKBa g 4V1TaeTCH KaK 3BYK g: game, glad. 1. square [skwee] - KBa,o,paTHbl~ 2. kennel ['kenl] - KOHypa 3. sty [star] - CBV1HO~ xnes 61 (!) 3anoMHH 1i1cK111-0YeHr.i1s:1: give [g1v], girl [g3: 1], gift [gift], tiger ['taiga]. • 5yKBOC04eTaHvie gu nepe.Q y.QapHOLll rnacHOLll 4V1TaeTCH KaK 3BYK [g): guide [gard]. • 5yKBOC04eTaHV1e dge 4V1TaeTCH KaK 3BYK [d3]: porridge. - ~ r, i• . .- ~ . ~· - . 1. npo'-t1i1Talll cnoea: [d3] [g] [d3] [g) page age change large gate frog dog porridge badge sledge knowledge guide guitar guess gym giraffe gentle goat green good judge bridge guard guest general glass egg 2. Bb1YepKHH 111i1wHee cnoeo: a) giraffe, ~. large, change, age; b) flag , leg, glad, gentle, grow; c) porridge, change, bridge, knowledge, sledge; d) grandmother, guess, guest, guitar, guide. 3. npoYHTaH KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: the guitar to play the guitar is going to play the guitar A giraffe is going to play the guitar. 62 guilt Rodger Rodger likes Rodger likes to eat Rodger likes to eat porridge. 4. npo"1&11TaH CT&ilXOTBOpeH&ilfl &ii nOp,"lepKH&il B H&llX CilOBa, B KOTOpblX eCTb 3BYK&il [d3] &ii [g] . BblY'-1111 n0Hpae111eweecfl CT&ilXOTBopeH111e Hall13YCTb. Pease porridge hot, Pease porridge cold , Pease porridge in the pot Nine days old. A Pig I'm a pig. I run in the green grass And talk about the rain When the bees pass. It seems to me It's going to rain. I repeat again and again, "It's going to rain, It's going to rain ... " I like to guard 1 the house. I guard the cock, the frog, the mouse. Good Morning! Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you . Good morning, good morning, We are glad to see you! 1. guard [ga:d] - oxpaH5Hb 63 Limerick There was a young lady of Niger1 Who smiled when she rode on a tiger. They came from the ride With the lady inside And the smile on the face of the tiger. • 5yKsa j [d3ei] scertJ,a 4~TaeTCs:l KaK 3BYK [d3]: j am, j ellyfish. ' . . - . ·. . ' '· ~.:. ... . .,. . . . : . . . ~ : . ·; "' .. 1. npoYHTalll cnoea: [d3] jam jacket jump Jack jelly January Jane jellyfish jaguar jeans jungle just jigsaw jolly joke 2. CocTaeb KaK MO>KHo 6onbwe npe.cv1o>KeHHH. Model: Johnny is eating jelly. Jess is eating a jacket. Jack and Jane is wearing jam. Johnny are wearing jeans. Jill and James are eating jelly. 1. Niger ['nard3e] 64 H1t1rep (rocyAapcrso s Acpp1t1Ke) - " . 3. CpaeH1.1 "ITeH1.1e cnoe 1.1 1.1x 3Ha"teH"1ff: Jj [d3] Jack ,a>KeK Yy [j] yak flK ::hclc Jess ,a>Kecc yes oa Jess jelly >Kene yellow >Kenmb1i1 4. npo"t"1Ta&'.1 KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: Jane Jane joined Jane joined college Jane joined college in June. June June, July June, July and August June, July and August are summer June, July and August are summer months. 65 5. npo"IMTaM CTMXOTBOpeHMS1 M nOAYepKHM B HMX CllOBa , B KOTOpblX eCTb 6yKea J (j). BblYYM noHpaeMeweecS1 CT"1XOTeopeH"1e HaMJYCTb. Jam Jam is good to eat For Jim and for Pete. Jack When Jack is a good boy, When Jack is nice, I'll buy him a new toy, I'll give him an ice1• A Patter · Jiggety-jig, jiggety-jig, Jim's dog is little, And Jane's dog is big. Jiggety-jig, jiggety-jig. I have a jolly jumping jack See, how well he jumps. Up and down, from right to left He jumps and jumps, and jumps. Jumping this way, jumping that, Jumping gently like a cat, Jumping sideways, jumping tall, Jumping high like a ball. Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water; Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after. • 5yKBa s [es] LJV1TaeTCs:t KaK 3BYK [s]: 1) B HaLJane cnosa: sit, seven; 1. ice [ars] - (3,o,ecb) Mopo>KeHoe 66 ) 2) s KOHL.J,e cnosa nocne rnyxoLll cornacHoLll: books, sits; 3) nepe,o, cornacHblMV1 6yKsaM1t1: best, test; 4) s 6yKsocoLJeTaH1t1V1 ss: Bess, less; • KaK 3BYK [z] : 1) s KOHL.J,e cnosa nocne rnacHoVI 6yKBb1: bees, trees; 2) B KoHu,e cnosa nocne 3BOHKOVI cornacHoLll: bags, pens; 3) Me>K,o,y ,LJ,BYMH rnaCHblMV1 6yKBaM1t1 : visit, easy. • 6yKBa x [eks] '-IV!TaeTC~ KaK 3BYKOCOLleTaHV1e [ks]: 1) B KoHu,e cnosa: box, fox; 2) nepe,o, cornacHoLll 6yKsoLl1: text, next; • KaK 3ByKocoL1eTaH111e [gz] - nepep, y,o,apHoi/1 rnacHoi/1: exam, exist. • ' - ' ·I ' < , ' ~ ' ' • t ' 1. npol.f"1TaH c11oea: [s] house sit sits task test stocks sticks Bess class grass this [z] pens seas friends trees busy pupils visit days bees easy rose 2. Bb1'-lepKH1r1111r1wHee cnoeo: a) house, eees, send, stone, sister; b) trees, springs, pigs, plays, elephants; c) next, box, fox, stocks, sixty; [ks] text next six mix box sixty fox excuse excellent explain [gz] exam exist exotic example .' 3. CocTaeb KaK MO>KHO 6011bwe npeA11o>KeH1r1H. Model: Sam is doing Exercise 6. Sam is doing Exercise 6. Simon is reading a text. Bess and Sam Sid and Sally are reading Text 7. are doing morning exercises. 4. CpaeH1r1 "ITeH"1e c11oe 1r1 1r1x 68 3Ha"teH1-1~: [s], [k] test me cm [ks] text me Kem neck weH next cneoy10w,ui1 sick 60flbHOU six wecmb rest Rex om8btX PeKc .Mike mix MauK cMewueamb MiRe 5. npO"llllTa&li KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: The The The The pupils pupils are having pupils are having an exam pupils are having an exam in the next room. It isn't It isn't his It isn't his business. Sid sees, Sid sees, Sid sees. Six trees, six trees, six trees. It isn't his business. 2ex • 6yKBOCOYeTaH1t1e sh Ylt1TaeTC71 KaK 3BYK [J]: sheep, fish . • 6yKBOCOYeTaHlt171 eh lt1 teh Ylt1TaKHC71 KaK 3BYK [tJ] : chair, watch . • 6yKBOCOYeTaH1t1e eh Ylt1TaeTC71 KaK 3BYK [k] B cne,QylO~lt1X cnosax: school [sku:I] - wKona, character ['kffirrkta] - xapaKrep, technical ['teknrkal] - rexH1t1YecK1t1ill, architect ['a:kitekt] chorus ['koras] - 1. 2. npo~HTalll apx1t1reKrop, xop. enoea: [J] [tJ] [k] she dish wash fish shark shirt bush shape shop short cherry chess chat March lunch bench much fetch kitchen teacher chemistry technical character chorus architect school Bb1~epKHH nHwHee enoeo: a) chorus, black, school, character, architect; b) dish, short, shame, school, shark; c) witch, chest, best, chair, kitchen. 70 3. npOYMTaM KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: I have finished I have finished washing I have finished washing the dishes. Tongue-twisters I like fish Fish is a delicious1 dish. If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard. Will a black chalk chalk on a white blackboard? Sit down on a chair, say "cheese" and smile a charming smile. I chose a picture of a cheerful coach chattering with children. 1. delicious [d1 'l1fes] - .. BKYCHblill 71 4. npOYHTai71 CT"'1XOTBOpeH"'1~ "'1 nOAYepKH"'1 B H"'1X CilOBa, B KOTOpblX eCTb 3BYK"'1 [tJ] "'1 [J] . BblYYH n0Hpae1o1eweec~ CT"'1XOTBOpeH"'1e Ha"'13YCTb. Let's Go to the Shop Let's go to the shop. Look at the hare, hop, hop, hop. I think he is going to the shop. Let's follow on him behind, And see what we wil l find . a She sells sea shells on the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells. The mothers on the bus Go "Shh, shh, shh!" "Shh, shh, shh!" The mothers on the bus Go "Shh, shh, shh!" All over the town! Wash the dishes Wash the dishes, wipe the dishes. Ring the bell for tea. Three good wishes, three good kisses I shall give to thee 1 . · The Ship The ship is on the sea. The sailor is on the ship. The stars are in the sky. The ship is passing by. 1. thee [oi:] - 72 Tbl . "" '\,. ~ .... , ., . . ' ''. . .. , •.;)~·· :1 .... Old MacDonald Had a Farm Old MacDonald had a farm And on his farm he had some chicks. With a chick, chick here And a chick, chick there Old MacDonald had a farm. Three Little Chickens One little chicken with yellow feet, One little chicken with tail so neat 1, One little chicken stands up tall Mother Hen does love them all. m..------~• 6yKBOC04eTaHlt1e th 4lt1Taercs:i KaK 3BOHKV1111 3BYK [o]: 1) Me}f(,o,y rnacHblMltl 6yKBaM1t1: moth er, bath e; 2) B Hal.lane cny}f(e6Hb1x/scnoMorarenbHb1x cnos: th is, th at, th ese, th ose, th e, th en, th ere, th ey; • KaK rnyxolll 3BYK [0] - B Hal.lane lt1 B KOHWe scex ocranbHblX cnos: th ink, th ree, tooth . (I) 3anOMHH HCKfltO\.feHHe: with [wio]. - 1. npo'"IHTaH cnoea: [o] [o] [0] [0] this mother think teeth that father thick bath these brother thing tenth those the they together either southern third theatre thunder south wealth path 1. neat [ni:t] - aKKypaTHbliil, 11135Hl..\Hbliil 73 2. 8b1YepKH11t .n111wHee c.noeo: a) that, #ttft, these, this, there; b) weather, clever, gather, mother, father; c) thank, think, third , tank, thunder; d) tooth, mouth, wolf, month, truth . 3. npoYHTai;1 KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee. Thirty Thirty Thirty Thirty Thirty and and and and three three makes three makes thirty three makes thirty-three. Tongue-twisters I can think of six thin things, Six thin things, can you? Yes, I can think of six thin things And of thick things too. *** Ruth thinks nothing of her health, She thinks nothing of her wea lth 1 • 4. CpaeHH YTeH111e c.noe 111 111x 3HaYeH111s:1: [s] sink moHymb 1. wealth [wel8] 74 6orarcrso [0] think 6yMamb sick thick moncmb1i1 60flbHOU ::, . tin thin KOHCepBHaR 6aHKa xyaou ,, tank ma HK 5. thank 6naaoaapumb npo'"IHTa~ CTHXOTBOpeHHff H nOA'"lepKHH B HHX CJlOBa, B KOTOpblX eCTb 3BYKH [o] H [9] . BblY"IH noHpaBHBWeecH CTHXOTBOpeHHe HaH3YCTb. I put on my shoe, I put on the other. I look at them both And show them to my mother. Father, mother Sister, brother Hand in hand With one another. Things These and those, This and that. Things are everywhere, Some things are there. Where are my things, where? Bird Talk Think about people The way they grow: They don't have feathers 1 At all, you know. They don't eat beetles, They don't grow wings, They don't like sitting On wires 2 and things. "Think!" said the Robin 3 , "Think!" said the Jay4 "Aren't people funny To be that way?" (by A. Fisher) Mice I think mice are very nice. Their tails are long, Their faces are small. They haven't any chins 5 at all. Their ears are pink, Their teeth are white. They run about the house at night. They eat things They must not touch 6 , And no one seems to like7 them much, But I think mice are very nice. 1. feather ['feoa] - nepo 2. wire ['wara] - nposop, 3. robin ['robin] - Mam1HOBKa 4. jay [d3e1] - colAKa 5. chin [tJin] - nop,6opop,oK 6. touch [tAtn - TporaTb 7. no one seems to like - Ka>KeTcs:i, 4TO HVIKOMY He Hpass:iTcs:i 76 ,... • • 6yKBOC04eTaHV1e ng 4V1TaeTCs:l K8K 3BYK [I)]: morning, song. • 6yKBOC04eTaHV1e nk 4111TaeTCs:l K8K 3BYKOC04eTaHl/1e [r]k]: ink, bank. - 1. npoYHTai:i cnoea: [IJ] thing spring wrong morning ring bring English England angle hungry language finger 2. BblYepKHH 11HwHee cnoeo: a) long, sing, song, baf:t, English; b) brick, drink, think, sink, pink. 3. npoYHTai:i KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: "Ding-dong-ding-dong," a long song. "Ding-dong-ding-dong," sing a long song. "Ding-dong-ding-dong," Big bells sing a long song , "Ding-dong-ding-dong." think thank drink sink rink bank uncle frankly rank ink think tank 4. CpaeH111 1.tTeH111e c11oe 111 111x JHa1.teH111s:w: [T]k] 'll wink Muaamb wing KpblflO '"' _./ sink KYXOHH8fl p8K08UH8 sing nemb ~ 5. rink KamoK ring bank 6aHK bang 6ax npo1.t111Talli CTlllXOTBOpeHlllff Ill nOA'-tepKHlll B HlllX CllOBa, B KOTOpblX eCTb JBYKlll [I]] Ill [r:Jk]. BblY'-tlll n0Hpae111eweecs:w CTlllXOTBOpeH111e HalllJYCTb. A Song I can sing a song. It's not very long. May I sing the song? It's not very long. 78 - , : : ~' ....;:~ l, , ~ ii ,. -"'.I-.-. Of cause, you may, You can sing every day. Let's listen to the song, It's not very long. To make words sing Is a wonderful thing Because in a song Words live so long! Mr. Rabbit's Tai l It's too small for wagging 1 When you are feeling gay. It's too short for keeping Biting insects away. It's too short for curling Around you at night, Too small for helping To keep you upright2 . • • (by Laura Arton) As I Was Going Along As I was going along , along , along And singing a comical song, song, The way that I went was so long, long, long, And the song that I sang was as long, lonr And so I went singing along. A Bridge Of our deep river It joins the two banks. When it helped me cross it I said, "Many thanks!" • 5yKBOCOLfeTaHV1e wh YV1TaeTCH KaK 3BYK [w] , eCJlV1 3a HV1M He cnep,yer 6yKBa o: what [wot], white [wait]. 1. wag [wreg] - MaxaTb 2. to keep you upright - ,o,ep}f{8Tbcs:1 nps:1Mo 79 • Ecn111 3a 6yKsoco4eTaHV1eM wh cneAyeT 6yKsa o, TO OHO 4V1TaeTCTI KaK 3BYK [h]: who [hu.], whose [hu:z]. • 5yKBOC04eTaHV1e wr 4V1TaeTC5l KaK 3BYK [r]: write [rart], wrap [rcep]. - 1. npo'4HTai1 cnoea: [w] [h] [r] what when where why white whisper who whose whom whole write wrap wreck wrong wrist wry 2. BblYepKHH IIHWHee cnoeo: a) while, wheel, where, white, wffie; b) who, wood , whose, whom, whole; c) wrong, wrote, road, wreck, wrist. 3. noA6epH napb1: npuMep: 1) Who is this man? e) He is Mike's father. 1) Who is this man? 2) What's your brother's job? 3) What's your mother's job? 4) Who is that girl? 5) What's your job? 6) Who is that boy in a black coat? 80 a) I'm a doctor. b) She is my sister. c) He is a pilot. d) He is Mr. Black's son. e) He is Mike's father. f) She is a teacher. 4. npo"llllTaH KaK MO>KHO 6blCTpee: What What What What What will will the weather will the weather like will the weather like on Wednesday? Whether 1 the weather 2 be fine, Or whether the weather be not; Whether the weather be cold, Or whether the weather be not, We'll weather the weather Whatever3 the weather, Whether we like or not. 5. npO"llllTaH CTlllXOTBOpeHlllfl Ill nO.Q"lepKHlll CilOBa, B KOTOpblX BCTpe"laK>TCfl 3BYKlll [w] , [h] , [r] . BblY"llll n0Hpae111eweecfl CTlllXOTBopeH111e Halll3YCTb. If your lips would keep from slips 4 Of these five things remember: Of whom you speak, To whom you speak, And how, and when, and where! The wheels on the bus Go round and round, Round and round. The wheels on the bus Go round and round, All over the town! Paper Paper is two kinds, to write on, to wrap 5 with. If you like to write, you write. If you like to wrap, you wrap. 1. whether ['weoe] - n111 2. weather ['weoe] - 1) noro,qa; 2) Bb1,qep>K111saTb (wTopM, 6yp10) 3. whatever [wot'eve] - KaKo~ 6b1 HV1, n1060~ 4. would keep from slips - xornT 11136e>KaTb ow11160K 5. wrap [rffip] - 3asopa4111saTb Some papers like writers, some like wrappers. Are you a writer or a wrapper? (by Carl Sandburg) Where If I were where I would be, Then would I be where I am not. But where I am I must be. And where I would be I cannot. What Is Red? "What is red?" asks little Fred. His brother says, "A rose is red." "What is white?" - "My kite is wh ite. Do you see my little kite?" "What is grey? Now can you say?" "Yes, I can. A mouse is grey." "What is black?" - "My cat is black. It goes out, and then comes back." • 5yKaa k nepeg n a HaYane cnoaa He YV1TaeTcH: know [naw], knife [na1f]. • 6yKBOCOYeTaHV1e ph YV1TaeTCH KaK 3BYK [f]: elephant ['e/Jfent], phone [feun]. • Cnoao nephew (nneMHHHV1K) YV1TaeTCH ABYMH cnoco6aMV1: ['nefju.], ['nevju.]. • 5yKBOCOYeTaHV1e gn YV1TaeTCH KaK 3BYK [n]: sign [sa1n}, foreign ['forrn] . • 5yKBa b B 6yKBOCOYeT8HV1HX bt V1 mb He YV1TaercH: climb [klarm], debt [det]. • 6yKBa I B 6yKBOCOY8T8HV1V1 ould He YV1T88TCH: should [Jud], could [kud]. 82 1. npo41r1Tai::t cnoea: kn [n] ph [f] gn [n] know knee phone photo sign foreign knowledge knife elephant physics design designer knit knock phase telephone foreigner bt/mb [t]/[m] comb climb bomb debt doubt lamb 2. 8bl"tepKH"1 nMWHee CllOBO: a) should, wood, could, would; b) climb, debt, black, doubt, bomb; c) friend, photo, phone, elephant, alpha; d) knock, knee, know, kind , knowledge; e) sign, foreigner, design, foreign, light. 3. npo~"1Ta&/I K3K MO>KHO 6blCTpee: knowledge th irsty for knowledge Jack is thirsty for knowledge that Jack is thirsty for knowledge We know that Jack is thirsty for knowledge. ould [ud] should could would How much wood would a woodchuk chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood? A Riddle We are half a tram and half a bus; Would you come and ride with us? If you tell Tom to tell a tongue-twister, His tongue will be twisted as tongue-twisters twist tongues. He He He He 4. that that that that would would would would npo'-IHTaV! eat eat the fruit eat the fruit must cl imb eat the fruit must cl imb the tree 1• CTHXOTBOpeHHfl ecTb 6yKsoco'-leTaHHfl kn , ph , H nOA'-lepKHH gn, bt, mb, B HHX CllOBa , KOTOpblX ould . Bb1y1L1H noHpasHsweecfl CTHXOTBOpeHHe HaH3YCTb. Up and Down Nod your head , Bend your knees. Grow as tall As New Year trees. On your knees Slowly fall, Curl yourself Into a ball. Raise your head, Jump up high. Wave your hand And say "Good-bye". 1. He that would eat the fru it must climb the tree. - Jlf06111wb KaTaTbC51 , nf06111 Ill caHOYKl/I 8031/!Tb. 84 B Little Jack Horner Little Jack Horner Sat in the corner, Eating a Christmas pie: He put in his thumb, And pull out a plum, And said, "What a good boy am I!" Why Study? The more we study, the more we know. The more we know, the more we forget. The more we forget, the less we know. The less we know, the less we forget, the more we know. So, why study? Knees Babies' knees crawl. My knees climb, And sometimes fall. Mother's knees make a lap. Father's knees are tall. Fish don't have any knees at all. The Elephant and the Bee The elephant and its friend bee Meet here under the tree. They are writing a letter with a pen To their friend Ben. Mary Had a Little Lamb Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece1 was white as snow, And everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day, Which was against the rule 2 ; It made the children laugh and play To see a lamb at school. 1. fleece [fli:s] - wepcrb 2. against the rule - npor111s npas111n ai [er] rain, train day, say sleigh grey eir air [ea] heir, their chair, air ee ea [i :] bee, tree tea, sea ea (nepe,c1, d) [e] head, bread eer ear [ra] deer, engineer ear, dear 00 [u:] pool, school oo (nepe,c1, k 1.1 d) [u] book, good oi oy [:JI] noise, oil boy, toy oor [ua] poor, moor OU [au] house, mouse our ['aua] our, hour ow (no,c1, y,c1,apeH1.1eM) [au] now, town [au] yellow, window [aua] shower, towel [0:] ball, chalk aim [a:m] palm, calm alf [a :f] calf, half o (nepe,c1, Id) [au] old, sold i (nocne comacHolll 1.1 nepe,c1, gh, Id, nd) [ar] high, kind, mild ay ei ey ow (B KOHL\e ABYCilO>KHblX CilOB B 6e3y,c1,apHoM no11o>KeH1.11.1) ower (owel) a (nepe,c1, II 86 1.1 lk) a (nepe.Q n, f, th , s + comacHa.R) [a:] plant, glass (nepe.Q m, n, v, th) [J\] son , love wor [w3:] work, word war [w::>:] war, warm ew [ju:] new, few aw [o:] saw, paw gu [g] guide, guitar dge [d3] porridge, bridge SS [s] Bess , class sh rn sheep, ship eh (tch) [tf] chair, watch 0 th [o] (Me>t<,o,y rnacHb1M111 , B HaYa.ne c.ny>t<e6HblX c.nos) [8] (B HaYa.ne 111 B KOHL.J,e c.nos) bathe, this think, teeth ng [r]] song , morning nk [r]k] ink, bank wh [w] (ec.n111 He c.ne,o,yeT o) what, white wh [h] (ec.n111 c.ne,o,yeT o) who, whose wr [r] write, wrap kn [n] know, knife ph [f] phone, elephant gn [n] sign , foreign bt [t] debt, doubt mb [m] lamb, comb ould [ud] could , should qu [kw] quick 87 YAK 373. 167. l :81 l. l l l 55K 81.2AHIA-92 KTK 440 Ml9 MOAV1HV1HO A. A. M 19 AHrAV11/icKV11/i 513blK: yYV1MC51 LfV1TOTb npaBV1AbHO AA51 MAOAWV1X WKOA bH V1KOB A. A. MOAV1HV1HO . - POCTOB H/A : <f:>eH V!KC , 20 15. - 87 c . : Vlt\ . - I (Eng lish . HOYOt\bH051 WKOAO) . ISBN 978-5-222-23925-4 MHorviM AeHIM HenpocTo HOYLfV1TbC5l LfV1TOTb AO>Ke Ha poAHOM 513b1Ke, a HOYLfV1Tb M/\OAWero WKO/\bHV1KO Lf V1TOTb nO-OHf/\ V1J/i CKV1 ew.e C/\O>KHee. Ho HeT Hvil.fero HeB03MO>KHoro, ecAvi Bbl Aep>KviTe B pyKax 3TY KHV1>KKy. c Hei/i MO>KHO AerKO npviseCTV1 B CV1CTeMy V1 30KpenV1Tb npOBVl/\0 LfTeH V15l 6 yKB aHrAvii/icKoro 513blKO. AA>l Ayl.fwero ycsoeHV15l viHcpopMauvivi vi cnoAb3yeTc>J useToBa>J cvirHOA V130UV15l. CAeAOTb yl.fe6Hb1J/i npouecc V1 HTepecHblM noMoryT 30HV1MOTeAbHble CKOporosopKV1 V1 BeCe/\ble CTV1XOTBOpe HV15l. YAK 373.167. l :81 l. l l l 55K 81.2AHIA-92 nonyM!pHOe V13AOHV1e MOAVIHVIHO A. A. AHrAV1C1CKV1C1 513blK. YYvtMC51 YVITOTb npaBV!AbHO M51 MAOAWVIX WKOAbHVIKOB OrnercrneHHb1C1 peAOKTop ct'oMviHviYeB A TexHviYecKvii/J peAaKTop J\ornviHosa I. CAO HO B H06op l 0. 12. 2014 r. noAnV1COHO B ne'-iOTb 12. 03. 2015 r. cf:lopMm 84xl 08/16. 5yMara ocpceTH051. Tvipa>K 5000 3 K3. 3aK. N2236 OOO <«+'eHvtKC» 3440 11, r. PocroB-Ha-AoHy, yA. Bapct:>oAoMeeBa, 150 TeA.: 8 (863) 261-89-50, reA.(ct:>aKc ): 261-89-50 @ fA[ Cai/JT V13AOT8AbCTBa : www.phoenixrostov.ru V1HTepHeT Mara3viH: www.phoe nixbooks.ru OrneYaraHo OOO «1113AaTenbCTBO BnepeA», 295047, PocrnR, Pecny6n1-1Ka Kpb1M, r. C1-1Mcpepo nonb, yn. Y3nosaR, 12 ISBN 978-5-222-23925-4 © MOAV1HVIHO A. A., T8KCT, 20 15 © OOO «Cvip vtyc», ocpopMAeHvie, 201 5 © 000 «cf:leHV1KCll, 2015 . MHOfVIM A8T51M HenpOCTO HOYYV1TbC5l YV1T0Tb AO>K8 HO pOAHOM 513blK8, 0 HOYYV1Tb MAOAWero WKOJ\bH VIKO YVITOTb no-OHfA V1111CKV1 ew.e CJ\O>KH88. Ho H8T HV!Yero H8B03M O>KH0f0 , 8CA V1 Bbl A8P>KV1T8 B p yKO X 3Ty KHVl>KKy. c Helli M O>KHO J\8fKO n p V1B8CTV1 B CV1CT8MY V1 30Kp8n V1Tb npOBVIJ\O YT8H V151 6 yKB aH rAvillicKo r o y cB08H V151 513blKO . A A51 AyY wero V1 HcPOPM OL.l,V1 V1 vicnOAb3Y8TC51 u.BeTOB051 c virHOA V130U.V151. CAeAaTb y ye6Hb1!11 npou.ecc vi HrepeCHblM n oMoryr 3aHV1MO T8 AbHb1e C Koporo BO P KV1 V1 B8C8A bl8 CTV1XOTBOp8HV151 . ISBN 978-5-222-23925·4 9 .. 785222 239254 ·.