A spinal node A spinal node (dorsal root ganglion) Dorsal root 1 2 node Spinal Pseudouniрolar neuron 1 Nerve fibers capsule Ventral root Spinal nerve A spinal node Neurons of the dorsal root ganglion neuron Connective tissue capsule Satellite cell Nerve fibers Nuclei of the lemmocytes Intramural vegetative nerve plexus (Аuerbach) multipolar neurons Nerve fibers Loose connective tissue 1 1 2 Intramural ganglia in the muscle layer of the intestine (Auerbach’s plexus) 1 - neurons 2 – nerve fibers Multipolar neurons in the vegetative ganglion of the intestine равноотростчатые равноотростчатые Dogel’s cells II type with клетки Догеля II клетки Догеля II типа типа processes of equal length Nuclei of gliocytes нейрон сс длинным нейрон длинным Neuron with long axon аксоном (I Догеля) аксоном (I типа типа Догеля) (Dogel’s cell I type) аксон axon Ganglion of celiac plexus Multipolar neuron Nerve fibers Connective tissue capsule Glial cells Fragment of sympathetic node of celiac plexus. 1 – effector neurones, 2 – glial cells 2 As well as in the spinal ganglion, the body of each ganglion cell is enveloped by a layer of glial cells (satellite cells), basement membrane and thin connective tissue layer 1 1