black sea

Nature trails in Sochi,
Black Sea coast of Russia
NGO’s Experience in Organizing
Interpretation Trails
Main Issues
- Our Activities
- Positive and Negative Experience by
establishing a network of nature trails
in Sochi
- Discussion
Nature trails in Sochi,
Black Sea coast of Russia
Nature trails in Sochi,
Black Sea coast of Russia
Round Tables with Official Bodies
The Canyons of Sochi Interpretation Trail
The Canyons of Sochi Interpretation Trail
The Canyons of Sochi Interpretation Trail
The Canyons of Sochi Interpretation Trail
Realizing the start boards and panels
Realizing the start boards and panels
The Booklet “The Canyons of Sochi Interpretation Trail”
Каньоны Сочи
The Canyons of Sochi
The Nature Trail Guide
Кандык кавказский (Eritronium
caucasicum) - редкий эндемик
Fawn lily (Eritronium
caucasicum) – rare endemic
Карта и описание маршрута на
русском и английском языках
Map and description of the
route in English and Russian
Шакал обыкновенный (Canis
aureus)-типичный обитатель
каньонов и ущелий
The golden jaсal (Canis aureus)–
a common inhabitant of the
The Canyons of Sochi Nature Trail
The Canyons of Sochi Interpretation Trail
Решеточник красный (Clathrus
ruber)– очень редкий гриб,
иногда встречающийся в
самшитовом лесу
The red cage (Clathrus ruber) – a
very rare mushroom, which one
can see sometimes in a boxwood
От полянки с кострищами хорошо
набитая тропа вдоль бровки обрыва
ведет через самшитовые дебри
наверх. Через 900 м некрутого
подъема вправо отходит тропинка к
пещере Широкопокосской или как
ее еще называют, пещере святой
Ящерица прыткая (Lacerta
Офрис пчелоносная (Ofris apifera)слева и Серапиас
сошниковый (
в брачном наряде | Sand LizardSerapias vomeracea) справа – редкие орхидеи,
(Lacerta agilis) , mating season истинное украшение
окрестностей Сочи
A well-defined trail starts at the Rare Orchids - The Bee Orchid (Ofris apifera) left and the
meadow with fire pits and runs up Long lipped
through a boxwood grove along the Serapias (Serapias vomeracea) right - are genuine
edge of a cliff. After a mild incline of decoration of Sochi’s environments
The Imeretinskaya Lowland Project
The Imeretinskaya Lowland Project
Preparation to the Olympics 2014 causes
loss of endangered species habitats
Unique Habitat of rare and endangered
psammofit Species in Russia
The Imeretinskaya Lowland Project
- Nature conservation: protection of
the habitat of endangered species,
- Reintroduction of rare species in situ
- Sustainable use: creation of a nature
interpretation trail for educational
and recreational purposes
- Action to draw public attention:
involving children from Sochi art
school for desighning a trail
Complete destruction of the Habitat
through the construction of a
promenade for the Olympic Village
The Interpretation Trail
“Our beautiful forest “Blinovo”
The Interpretation Trail
“Our beautiful forest “Blinovo”
The Interpretation Trail
“Our beautiful forest “Blinovo”
The Interpretation Trail
“Our beautiful forest “Blinovo”
The “Mys Vidnyy” Nature Monument
The “Mys Vidnyy” Nature Monument
The “Holy mountain Bytkha” Project
Forest area in the city – very important
place for recreation of the population
big variability (elevation, habitats, land
uses, etc.) in a small area
Habitat of many rare species
Interesting geological features
Historical aspects
The “Holy mountain Bytkha” Project
The “Holy mountain Bytkha” Project
The “Holy mountain Bytkha” Project
Goals of the trail
- To show the natural values in the target
- To tell about culture, customs, historical
land use of indigenous inhabitans in the
target place
- To prevent the further construction of
private households through functioning of
the trail and drawing public attention
The “Holy mountain Bytkha” Project
The Russian Black Sea Cost loses entire
Ecosystems and Habitats of rare species,
many valuable Green Areas and
Recreational Places
Main Problems:
- Intensive city development and giant construction
projects – rapid and massive degradation of green
areas in surroundings of Sochi
- Lack of support from the official bodies
- Absence of financing
- Law public awareness
- Vandalism
The Sochi Branch of the Russian
Geographical Society
Maria Reneva
Science secretary
Michail Plotnikov
Projects Coordinator
+7 862 261 98 57
Thank you for the attention!!!
Special Thanks to Emma Gileva and Aleksandar Shivarov
for kind invitation to participate on the Conference