«ШколЯр — спецвыпуск «Английский язык

Школьная Ярмарка
Школьная газета МБОУ СОШ № 101
We are happy to say that the
first edition of our newspaper in
English has appeared. We think
that you will enjoy reading our
different contests.
Besides, if you are creative,
intelligent , talented and you
would like to share your ideas
with us or express your feelings
about current events in our school
and in the country as well, you
should be in our team.
We hope
that with your
active support our newspaper will
cognitive and interesting.
See you soon.
ноябрь 2015г.
School is something,
we must all embrace.
Knowledge we need,
to seek out and chase.
Subjects and teaching styles,
are plentiful and vary.
Just like the backpacks,
we all need to carry.
Sports, clubs, and activities,
at every single turn.
So much to do,
study and learn.
To get the most from school,
we should consistently attend.
Around each corner,
there's always a friend.
Our favorite teachers,
are friendly and kind.
Their passion and job,
to expand every mind.
October is the month
of Halloween
Halloween takes place on the 31st
of October.
It is dedicated to witches,
vampires and ghosts.
This is a festival of evil spirits.
Halloween was created by Celts.
believed that evil spirits met on
this day.
This holiday is celebrated in many
countries in the world. –
People were afraid of evil
witches, they were wearing
masks so the witches wouldn’t be
able to recognize them.
Школьная Ярмарка
ноябрь 2015 г.
Хэллоуин традиционно отмечается в США,
Канаде, Великобритании, Ирландии, а также
в Испании и Латинской Америке, хотя
государственным праздником не является.
Считается, что прототипом Хэллоуина
является кельтский праздник. Празднование
окончание лета, сельскохозяйственных работ
и начало холодной зимы, ассоциировавшейся
со смертью, проходило в канун кельтского
нового года, который начинался 1 ноября. По
поверью, в это время мертвые возвращались
на землю, чтобы оценить дела своих
потомков. Кельтские жрецы - друиды - в этот
день предсказывали будущее. Кельты
одевались в маскарадные костюмы, чтобы
обмануть злых духов, которые могли наслать
на них несчастье. Чтобы умилостивить
духов, на порогах домов выставляли еду.
Когда римские легионы завоевали Галлию,
на этой территории смешались традиции
праздников Фералия\Feralia (приходился на
конец октября, в этот день римляне
поминали покойных) и дня Помоны\Pomona
Вертумна, изображается с плодами - обычно
с яблоками - и с садовым ножом). После
распространения христианства языческие
праздники попали под запрет. Папа
Бонифаций IV объявил 1 ноября Днем Всех
Святых - в этот день было положено
поминать всех святых и мучеников. Новый
праздник получил название Оллхоллуeс\Allhallowees (искаженная древнеанглийская
фраза - месса всех святых), а ночь 31 октября
(ночь Соуина) получила название "канун
Оллхоллуеса" - Хэллоуин. Считалось, что в
ночь Хэллоуина темные силы на время
получают власть над землей и их надо
отпугивать. Кроме того, бедным в этот день
было положено дарить еду.
Школьная Ярмарка
ноябрь 2015 г.
Food (еда)
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.
Give us candy, give us cake,
Give us something sweet to take.
Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
Hurry up and give us some.
You had better do it quick
Or we'll surely play a trick.
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.
(by Jack Prelutsky)
праздником Хэллоуина: Bonfire
toffee (конфеты, вид ириса);
(карамелизированные яблоки);
кукуруза); Pumpkin, pumpkin
pie, pumpkin bread (тыква,
тыквенный пирог, тыквенный
хлеб); Roasted pumpkin seeds
семечки); Roasted sweet corn
(жареная сладкая кукуруза);
Soul cakes (кулич Дня всех
святых); Novelty candy shaped
like skulls, pumpkins, bats,
worms, etc. (конфетки в форме
черепов, тыкв, летучих мышей,
и т.д.).
Школьная Ярмарка
ноябрь 2015 г.
English humour
A small child met his new
teacher for the first time.
“Are you good?” asked the
“I am the sort of boy my
mummy tells me not to play
Tom had won a toy at a raffle.
He called his kids together to
ask which one should have the
“Who is the most obedient?”
he asked. “Who never talks
back to mother? Who does
everything she says?”
Five small voices answered in
unison. “Okay, dad, you get
the toy.”
A little girl had just finished
her first week of school.
“I’m just wasting my time,”
she said to her mother.
“I can’t read, I can’t write, and
they won’t let me talk!”
A teacher asks her class: Who
is smart here? Put up your
Then all the boys and girls
except Peter raise their hand.
Teacher: Peter, why aren’t you
raising your hand?
Peter: Because if I raise my
hand then you’ll be all alone.
A teacher asks his pupil: Why
are you late, Bob?
Bob answers: Because of the
Teacher: What sign?
Bob: The one that says,
«School Ahead, Go Slow.»
Школьная Ярмарка
ноябрь 2015г.
Cool Christmas Facts
- An artificial spider and web are often
included in the decorations on Ukrainian
Christmas trees. A spider web found on
Christmas morning is believed to bring good
luck. - The tradition of gifts seems to have
started with the gifts that the wise men
brought to Jesus. The exchanging of gifts
between people started about the 1800’s. The popular Christmas song «Jingle Bells» was
composed in 1857 by James Pierpont, and was
originally called «One-Horse Open Sleigh». It
was actually written for Thanksgiving, not
Xmas. - The biggest selling Christmas single of
all time is Bing Crosby’s White Christmas. - An
old wives’ tale says that bread baked on
Christmas. Eve will never go mouldy. If this
was true, then bakeries would just have to
make all their bread on Christmas Eve and they
will never have to put best before dates ever
- Christmas pudding was first
made as a kind of soup with
raisins and wine in it. Christmas
Pudding originates from an old,
Celtic dish known as ‘frumenty’. Each year between 34-36 million
Christmas trees are produced to
cope with the holiday demand.
- Early Christmas trees were
decorated with fruits, flowers
and candles, which were heavy on
the tree branches. In the glass
balls to replace the 1800’s
German glass blowers began
producing heavy decorations and
called them bulbs.
Школьная Ярмарка
ноябрь 2015г.
Christmas in literature
Charles Dickens has probably had more influence on the way
that the British celebrate Christmas today than any single
individual in human history except one.
At the beginning of the Victorian period the
celebration of Christmas was decline. The
industrial Revolution, in full swing in Dickens`
time, allowed workers little time for the
celebration of Christmas. The romantic
revival of Christmas traditions that occurred
in Victorian times had other contributors:
Prince Albert brought the German custom of
decorating the Christmas tree of England.
The singing of Christmas carols began to
thrive again, and the first Christmas card
appeared in the 1840s, but it was the
Christmas stories of Dickens, particularly his
1843 masterpiece A Christmas Carol, that
rekindled the joy of Christmas in Britain and
America. Today, after 169 years, A
Christmas Carol gets to the heart and soul of
the holidays. Dickens describes the holidays
as «a good time: a kind, forgiving, charitable,
pleasant time: the only time I know of in the
long calendar of the year, when men and
women seem by one consent to open their
shut-up hearts freely, and to think of other
people below them as if they really were
fellow passengers to the grave, and not
another race of creatures bound on their
journeys.» This is what Dickens described
for the rest of his life as the «Carol
Philosophy». Dickens` name had become so
synonymous with Christmas that on hearing
of his death in 1870 a little *costermonger’s
girl in London asked, «Mr Dickens dead?
Then will Father Christmas die too?»
*costermonger – a person who sells fruit and
vegetables from a cart in the street,
especially in London.
Why do people love
Is it the sparkle on the tree, The green
wreath on the door, The present tied
with ribbon red, Or is it something
more? The cheery greeting when we
meet A friend along our way, The crunch
of snow beneath our feet, The children
in their play? We ask ourselves, What is
it? But in the end we know It’s our love
for one another That makes Christmas
spirit glow.
Школьная Ярмарка
ноябрь 2015 г.
Christmas Questions
1. This word starts with an “H”. It is
the word for a time to celebrate.
Christmas is one of these. What is
2. This word starts with a “W”. It is
the season of the year in which
Christmas is celebrated. What is it
3. This word starts with an “S”. It is
a fluffy white form of water that
sometimes falls in cold parts of the
world during winter. What is it
4. This word starts with an “S”. It is
a tiny object that has six sides and
is used as a Christmas decoration.
No two of these are alike. What is
one of them called?
5. This word starts with an “S”. It is
a roly-poly character that you can
make out of snow. What is it
6. This word starts with a “T”. This is
a symbol of Christmas. Some people
put one of these in their house and
decorate it with ornaments, lights,
angels and candy canes. What is it?
7. This word starts with an “N”. This
cold, far-away area is where Santa
lives. What is it called?
8. This word starts with a “T”. Most children
hope to get some of these for Christmas.
What are they?
9. This word starts with a “P”. Christmas is
a time for giving. This is another word for a
gift. What is this other word?
10. This word starts with an “R”. Gifts are
often decorated with one of these. What it
is called?
11. This word starts with a “C”. Many people
send this paper items to their friends and
family at Christmas time, with a note of
friendship and good wishes. What is one of
these called?
12. This word starts with an “R”. These
animals pull Santa’s sleigh. What are they
13. This word starts with an “H”. This plant is
another symbol of the season. It has red
berries and shiny leaves with sharp points.
What is it called?
14. This word starts with a “G”. These
decorated cookies are made in the shape of
little people. What are they called?
15. This word starts with a “W”. It is a
circular decoration. Many people put one of
these on their door at Christmas time. What
is it called?
Школьная Ярмарка
ноябрь 2015 г.
Santa Claus All Over
The World
The present-day Christmas traditions are
said to have their origin the Victorian
period during 1860s. Santa Claus or Father
Christmas has many forms around the
world that have different personalities,
different duties and dresses. Here are
few translations of the most famous man
on the planet:
Brazil - Papa Noel
Chile - Viejo Pascuero (Old Man Christmas)
Chine - Dun Che Lao Ren (Christmas Old Man)
Denmark - Julemanday
Finland - Joulupukki
Germany - Weihnachtsmann (Christmas Man)
Hungry - Mikulas (St. Nicholas)
Italy - Babbo Natale
Japan - Hoteiosho (A god or priest bearing
Norway - Julenissen (Christmas gnome)
Portugal - Pai Natal
Spain - Papa Noel
Romania - Mos Craciun
Russia - Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost)
Turkey - Noel Baba
English Humour
Christmas Jokes for kids
When does Christmas come before
Thanksgiving? In the dictionary!
Why it’a always cold in Christmas?
Because it’s Decemberrrr!
What can you call old snowman? Water!
How may presents can Santa fit in an
empty sack? Only one, after that it’s not
empty any more!
Who delivers presents to baby sharks at
Christmas? Santa Jaws!
What often falls at the Northern Pole
but never gets hurt? Snow!
What the best thing to put into
Christmas pie? Your teeth!
Школьная Ярмарка
ноябрь 2015 г.
English Christmas and New Year
Songs for Children
Jingle Bells
Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O’er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to laugh and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Christmas Secrets
I know so many secrets
Such secrets full of fun;
But if you hear my secrets,
Please don’t tell anyone.
Here are some lights that twinkle,
Here is an ornament.
Here is a great big present
From Grandpa it was sent.
And on the very tip-tip top,
A bright star you can see,
What is the secret? Can’t you tell?
Why, it’s a Christmas tree
Учителя иностранного языка МБОУ СОШ № 101
Татьяна Александровна Хабибулина
Кристина Андреевна Грошева
Марина Ивановна Кальянова
Дарья Юрьевна Максимова
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Тел.: 772-47-47; 773-54-04
Е-mail: mou101@list.ru, shkol-ar@bk.ru
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