Старший преподаватель кафедры иностранного языка ИЯСГТ ТПУ Аверкиева Любовь Геннадьевна 

Старший преподаватель кафедры
иностранного языка ИЯСГТ ТПУ
Аверкиева Любовь Геннадьевна
Учебное пособие
Лексический материал
Грамматический материал
Страдательный Залог (Passive Voice)
А.Ю. Смирнова, Ю.А. Чайка
Профессионально-ориентированный курс
Рекомендовано в качестве учебного пособия
Редакционно-издательским советом
Томского политехнического университета
Томского политехнического университета
Учебное пособие
Глава 1
ИДЗ № 1(4 варианта)
Глава 2
ИДЗ № 2 (4 варианта)
Грамматический справочник
Темы для изучения в осеннем
Грамматический материал
Present Simple/Present Continuous
Past Simple/Present Perfect
Ways of expressing Future
Degrees of comparison of adjectives
Passive voice
Prepositions of place
Глава (Unit)
Состоит из заданий
 Keynotes (основные понятия)
 Vocabulary (лексика)
 Reading (чтение)
 Self study (самообучение)
Grammar Practice (грамматика)
Key to Self – Study (ключи к
Supplementary Word Bank
(дополнительный лексический минимум)
Writing (письмо)
Требования к экзамену
Контрольные работы
№ 1,2
Итоговое тестирование
Зачтено – 70%
Зачтено – 60%
КР №1 - 17-30 б.
КР №2 - 16-30 б.
РК – 12б.
Экзамен - 22-40 б.
Production. Key words.
Production is manufacturing goods.
Productivity means the amount of goods
produced in relation to the work, time and
money needed to produce them.
Supplier is a person, company, or organization
that sells or supplies goods or equipment to
Delivery is taking products to customers.
Production. Key words.
Match the words with the definitions.
1. merchandise
A. a person who buys goods
2. launch
B. products
3. consumer
C. the goods kept in the
warehouse and available for sale or
4. capacity
D. introduce a new product onto
the market
5. stock
E. the full stock of a business,
including materials, components,
work in progress, and finished
6. inventory
F. the amount that something can
Production. Key words.
Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived
from the words on the right.
The 1 ________ product is exported
for sale mostly in the developed
1. finish
Products are shipped in large 2
2. contain
The Product Development Agent
identifies and establishes links with
local material 3________.
3. supply
The agent is also responsible for 4
_______ the goods safely
4. produce
Production. Key words.
Choose the correct word and put it
into sentences.
mass production
1. We mostly __________ goods for women.
2. Lean Manufacturing combines the best elements of craftwork
and ___________.
3. The __________ of production has increased recently.
4. We are going to __________ our new product next year.
Passive Voice
Passive Voice
am invited
is invited
are invited
am being invited
is being invited
are being invited
have/has been invited
was /were invited
was/ were being invited
had been invited
will be invited
of Future Continuous
we use Future Simple
will have been invited
be + V3
be being + V3
have been + V3
Passive Voice
Страдательный залог используется для того, чтобы показать, что
подлежащее не выполняет действие, а подвергается действию со
стороны другого лица или предмета.
Страдательный залог образуется при помощи вспомогательного
глагола to be в нужной форме и Past Participle смыслового глагола.
be + Past Participle
A lot of money was invested in the project.
Is this room aired every day?
Если мы хотим сказать, кем совершается действие, то в этом случае
используется предлог by, если чем, то употребляется предлог with:
This bridge was built by my father.
A circle was drawn in the sand with a stick.
Passive Voice
Страдательный залог переводится на русский язык:
страдательным залогом или кратким страдательным причастием:
America was discovered by Columbus.
Америка открыта Колумбом.
действительным залогом:
America was discovered by Columbus.
Америку открыл Колумб.
возвратным глаголом:
The survey was done a month ago.
Исследование проводилось месяц назад.
неопределённо-личным предложением:
His work is often referred to.
На его работу часто ссылаются.
Put the verbs into the present simple
1.The frames (1) ________ (make) of wood, and they (2)
_________ (put) together carefully by expert craftsmen.
2. Afterwards the aluminium panels (3) _________ (attach) to the
3. Then the wings, bonnets and wheels (4) ________ (fit) and the
car (5) _______ (prepare) for painting.
4. The cars (6) _________ (check) against a quality list in the
Despatch department.
5. Then they (7) _________ (clean and polish) and (88) _______
(despatch) to the customers.
Use the correct tense form
The statistics (1) published/ were published yesterday.
Over 30,000 subscribers a week (2) are turning/ are being
turned to high-speed Internet services.
The main advantage of broadband is that files (3) can
download/ can be downloaded by users up to 40 times faster
than with a dial-up modem.
Broadband services (4) have reached/ have been reached
most major towns and cities.
Customers in more remote areas (5) do not know/ are not
known whether the phone lines in their areas (6) will upgrade/
will be upgraded.
Prepositions of time
after – после; через
from – с, от
at – в
from… to (till) – с, от… до
before – до, перед
in – в; через, за, в течение
between – между
on – в, по
by – к; не позднее, чем; до since – с, с тех пор как
during – в течение, во till / until – до, вплоть до до
время, за период
тех пор пока
for – в течение; на
towards – к
Prepositions of time
at 3 o'clock - в 3
by 3 o'clock - к 3
for 3 hours - за 3
часа (в течение 3-х
since 3 o'clock - с 3 часов
till 3 o'clock - до 3 часов
in 3 hours - через 3 часa
from 3 to 4 o'clock - с 3 до
4 часов
Choose the correct word.
1. He woke too often in/on the night.
2. He will return in/at a week.
3. I have an English lesson on/at Monday.
4. We'll call you at/on 4 p.m.
5. He was born in/on 1984.
6. Hurry! The train leaves in/on five minutes.
7. We must finish the project till/to the end of October.
8. I will be busy for/from 7 p.m. to/of 9p.m. tomorrow.
Choose the correct word.
1. The meeting will be over by/of 3 o’clock.
2. W e have been producing this devices since/at
3. The gadget has been tested for/from 3 hours.
4. Next week I am going on a business trip for/at
three days.
5. I have been waiting for the manager for/since
Choose the correct word.
1. The company was founded/was found in/on 1896.
2.The department has been reorganized/has been
reorganizing for/at three months.
3. The bill will be paid/will paid by the customers in/after
five minutes.
4.The product was recalled/was be recalled by the
company at/on the end of the year.
5. A new product is being developed/being develop by the
company at/in the moment.
Спасибо за внимание!