RTA bibliotēkas jaunieguvumi 2016. gada martā Datorzinātne (udk sākas ar 004) Cyberprzestrzeņ i edukacja : [kolekcja] / red.: Tadeusz Lewowicki , Bronisļaw Siemieniecki. Toruņ : Wydawnictwo Adam Marszaļek, 2012. - 362 s. - (Multimedialna biblioteka Pedagogiczna.). - Bibliografia artykulek koniec. - (teksts poļu un angļu valodā). Ogolne problemy edukacji medialnej.- Cyberprzestrzeņ a interakcje spoleczne.- Edukacja medialna i osobowose a wychowanie dzieci i mlodziežy.- Szanse edukacyjne i zagroženia cyberprzestrzenia. Vispārējie problēmas mediju izglītības.- Kibertelpā un sociālā mijiedarbība.Izglītības iespējas un draudi kibertelpā. ISBN 9788377803264. Izglītība. Fonds: HP. Plaukta indekss: 37 Lombard, Matt. SolidWorks 2013 Bible : the comprehensive tutorial resource / Matt Lombard. Indianapolis, IN : Wiley, 2013. - xIv,1249 p. - Index : p.1205-1249. - Appendix A. Finding help. . - Appendix B. What`s on the Website. Introducing SolidWorks basics.- Building intelligence into your parts.- Working with assemblies.- Creating drawings.- Using advanced and specialized techniques. Navigating the SolidWorks interface.- Workingwith sketches.- Creating simple parts and drawings.- Using visualization techniques.- Getting more from your sketches .- Modeling with primary features.Selecting secondary features.- Patterning and mirroring.- Working with part configurations.Editing, evaluating, and troubleshooting.- Building efficient assemblies.- Getting more from mates.- Patterning and mirroring components.- Working with assembly sketches and layouts.Using assembly tools.- Using libraries, assembly features, and hole wizard. Controlling assembly configurations and display states.-Modeling in context.- Editing, evaluating, and troubleshooting assemblies.- Working with large scale design.- Animating with the MotionManager.Automating drawings : the basics.- Working with drawing views.- Using annotations ans symbols.- Dimensioning and tolerancing.- Using layers, line fonts, and colors.-Working with tables and drawings.- Creating assembly drawings.- Modeling multi-bodies.- Working with surfaces.- Employing master model techniques.- Using SolidWorks sheer metal tools.- Creating sheet metal drawings.- Creating Weldment and Weldment drawings.- Using imported geometry and direct editing techniques.- Using plastic features.- Using mold tools. ISBN 9781118508404. Datorizētā projektēšana. Trīsdimensionālā attēlveidošana. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 004 Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte. Information technology and management science : scientific journal of Riga Technical University / editor-in-chief Juriijs Merkurjevs; Riga Technical University. Rīga : RTU Press, 2015. - 141 p. : il. - Bibliography at the end of the articles. - Teksts angļu valodā. 18.laid. ISBN 9789934107597.ISSN 2255-9086. Informācijas tehnoloģija. Projektu menedžments. Protēzes - Modelēšana. Elektroniskā datu apstrāde. Sensoru tīkli. Krava un kravas pārvadājumi - Datormodelēšana. Lietojumprogramma. Ontoloģijas (informācijas izguve). Klasteru analīze. Markova procesi. Riska menedžments. Datizrace. Organizatoriskās pārmaiņas - Menedžments. Fonds: L. Plaukta indekss: 004 Макдауэлл, Лакман Г. Карьера программиста : как устроиться на работу в Google, Microsoft или другую ведущую IT-компанию; 150 тестовых заданий / Г.Лакман Макдауэлл; пер. с англ. - Санкт-Петербург : ПИТЕР, 2013. - 416 с. : ил. - Книга поможет вам наилучшим образом подготовиться к собеседованию при приёме на работу программистом или руководителем в крупную IT-компанию или перспективный стартап. Основную часть книги составляют ответы на технические вопросы и задания, которые обычно получают соискатели на собеседовании в таких компаниях, как Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon и других. Рассмотрены типичные ошибки, которые допускают кандидаты, а также эффективные методики подготовки к собеседованию. Процесс собеседования.- За кулисами.- Нестандартные случаи.- Перед собеседованием.Подготовка к поведенческим вопросам.- Технические вопросы.- Жизнь после собеседования.- Вопросы собеседования. ISBN 9785446100385. Darba intervijas. Programmēšanas valodas. Testēšana. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 004 Sabiedrisko zinātņu teorija un metodes (udk sākas ar 30) Polskie towarzystwo kognitywistyczne. Kognitywistyka i media w edukacji / Polskie towarzystwo kognitywistyczne. - Torun : Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek, 2011. - 180 s. Bibliography at the end of the articles. Nr.1. Media i cywilizacja.- Kognitywistyczne problemy edukacji.- Media a kognitywistyka.Cyberprzestrzen i edukacja.- Neuronauki w praktyce edukacyjnej.- Edukacja w praktyce.- Varia. Transformation in educational technology from bit to cubit civilization.- Ku refleksyjnej edukacji w spoleczenstwie informacyjnym.- Krytyczna ewaluacja koncepcji rekonstrukcjonizmu spolecznego poprzez edukacje.- Memetics and pedagogy a study in the field of the genetics of culture. - Technology and cognitive processes : lights and shadows.- iPad, czyli dokad prowadza nas najnowsze media? Gizmo czy nasz drugi mozg? - Przebieg procesu ksztalcenia : procesy indukcyjne i kognitywne z dynamicznym oprogramowaniem - CABRI.- Network citizen expression. Czlowiek w spoleczenstwie sieci.- Krzyk niekompetencji mlodych obywateli wirtualnego swiata.- Neuronauki w edukacji - czyli o widzeniu sluchem.- Nauczyciel i uczen w swietle nowej podstawy programowej dla gimnazjum i liceum - nowe kierunki, nowe wyzwania.- Wybrane problemy oceniania wiedzy i niewiedzy w procesie ksztalcenia. ISBN 9771643603002.ISSN 1643-6938. Plašsaziņas līdzekļi. Fonds: HP. Plaukta indekss: 302.2 Statistika ( udk sākas ar 311) Latvijas statistikas gadagrāmata 2015 / LR Centrālā statistikas pārvalde = Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia; atb.par izd. Dina Brīdaka. - Rīga : LR Centrālā statistikas pārvalde, 2016. 584 lpp. : diagr., tab., kart. - Teksts latviešu un angļu val. Vispārīgās ziņas.- Ekonomika un finanses.- Iedzīvotāji un sociālie procesi.- Rūpniecība, būvniecība, tirdzniecība un pakalpojumi.- Lauksaimniecība, mežsaimniecība un zivsaimniecība.Ārējā tirdzniecība.- Transports un tūrisms.- Enerģētika, vide un tās aizsardzība.- Informācijas tehnoloģijas, pētniecība un inovācijas.- Starptautiskie salīdzinājumi. ISBN 9789984064697.ISSN 1407-0626. Statistika. Fonds: L Garīgo un materiālo dzīves vajadzību nodrošinājums (udk sākas ar 36) Krakowiak, Piotr, 1965-. Zdazyc z prawda : o sztuce komunikacji w hospicjum / Piotr Krakowiak. - Gdaņsk : Fuhdacja Hospicyjna, 2009. - 109 s. : il. - (Hospicjum to tež Žycie. Biblioteka Fuhdacji Hospicyjnej.). ISBN 9788392217015. Sociālais darbs. Fonds: HP. Plaukta indekss: 360 Izglītība. Audzināšana. Mācīšana (udk sākas ar 37) Edukacja a nowe technologie w kulturze, informacji i komunikacji : [zbiór artykułów] / red. Dorota Siemieniecka. - Toruņ : Wydawnictwo naukowe uniwersytetu Mikoļaja Kopernika, 2015. - 522 s. - (teksts poļu valodā). Kulturowe i spoleczne aspekty mediow.- Media w edukacji - perspektywy, problemy i stan badan.- Nowe technologie w dydaktyce i komputerowym wspomaganiu ksztalcenia.- Edukacja medialna w ksztalceniu.- Varia. ISBN 9788323133872. Izglītība. Fonds: HP. Plaukta indekss: 37 Cyberprzestrzeņ i edukacja : [kolekcja] / red.: Tadeusz Lewowicki , Bronisļaw Siemieniecki. Toruņ : Wydawnictwo Adam Marszaļek, 2012. - 362 s. - (Multimedialna biblioteka Pedagogiczna.). - Bibliografia artykulek koniec. - (teksts poļu un angļu valodā). Ogolne problemy edukacji medialnej.- Cyberprzestrzeņ a interakcje spoleczne.- Edukacja medialna i osobowose a wychowanie dzieci i mlodziežy.- Szanse edukacyjne i zagroženia cyberprzestrzenia. Vispārējie problēmas mediju izglītības.- Kibertelpā un sociālā mijiedarbība.Izglītības iespējas un draudi kibertelpā. ISBN 9788377803264. Izglītība. Fonds: HP. Plaukta indekss: 37 Metroloģija (udk sākas ar 38) Bewoor, Anand K. Metrology & Measurement / Anand K.Bewoor, Vinay A.Kulkarni. - 12th ed. - New Delhi : McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Limited, 2014. - xvi, 558 p. : il. - Index : p.554-558. - Meant for student and practicing engineers, this book provides and integrated exposure to dimensional and mechanical measurement. It gives the reader a methodical and wellthrought-out presentation using concise explanations, flexible approach and real-life case studies from the industry. Introduction to metrology.- Measurement standards.- Linear metrology.- Straightness, flatness, squareness, parallelism, roundness, and cylindricity measurements.- Metrology of machine tools.- Limits, fits and tolerances.- Angular metrology.- Interferometry.- Comparator.- Metrology of surface finish.- Metrology of screw threads.- Metrology of gears.- Miscellaneous measurements.- Study of advanced measuring machines.- Introduction to measurement systems.Intermediate modifying and terminating devices.- Force and torque measurement.- Vibration measurements.- Pressure measurement.- Temperature measurement .- Strain measurement.Flow measurement. ISBN 9780070140004. Metroloģija. Mērīšana. Mēraparāti. Metroloģija -- Mērtehnika. Mehānika -- Mērierīces. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 681.2 Matemātika. Dabaszinātnes (udk sākas ar 5) Высшая математика в упражениях и задачах : учебное пособие для вузов [необходимые теоретические сведения, типовые задачи с подробными решениями, задачи для самостоятельной работы с ответами] / П.Е .Данко, А.Г.Попов, Т.Я.Кожевникова, С.П.Данко. - изд.7-е, испр. - Москва : АСТ ; Мир и Образование, 2015. - 816 с. : ил. (Классическое учебное пособие для студентов вузов.). - Ответы : с.778-808. - Приложения : с.809-816. Аналитическая геометрия на плоскости.- Элементы векторной алгебры.- Аналитическая геометрия в пространстве.- Определители и матрицы.- Основы линейной алгебры.Введение в анализ.- Дифференциальное исчисление функций одной независимой переменной.- Дифференциальное исчисление функций нескольких независимых переменных.- Неопределённый интеграл.- Определённый интеграл.- Элементы линейного программирования. Двойные и тройные интегралы.- Криволинейные интегралы и интегралы по поверхности.- Ряды.- Обыкновенные дифференциальные уравнения.Элементы теории вероятностей.- Понятие об уравнениях в частных производных.Элементы теории функций комплексной переменной.- Элементы операционного исчисления.- Методы вычислений.- Основы вариационного исчисления. ISBN 9785170839483. . - ISBN 9785946667357. Matemātika. Ģeometrija, analītiskā. Vektoru algebra. Matricas (algebra). Algebra, lineārā. Diferenciālrēķini. Integrāļi. Rindas (matemātika). Varbūtības. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 51 Bewoor, Anand K. Metrology & Measurement / Anand K.Bewoor, Vinay A.Kulkarni. - 12th ed. - New Delhi : McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Limited, 2014. - xvi, 558 p. : il. - Index : p.554-558. - Meant for student and practicing engineers, this book provides and integrated exposure to dimensional and mechanical measurement. It gives the reader a methodical and wellthrought-out presentation using concise explanations, flexible approach and real-life case studies from the industry. Introduction to metrology.- Measurement standards.- Linear metrology.- Straightness, flatness, squareness, parallelism, roundness, and cylindricity measurements.- Metrology of machine tools.- Limits, fits and tolerances.- Angular metrology.- Interferometry.- Comparator.- Metrology of surface finish.- Metrology of screw threads.- Metrology of gears.- Miscellaneous measurements.- Study of advanced measuring machines.- Introduction to measurement systems.Intermediate modifying and terminating devices.- Force and torque measurement.- Vibration measurements.- Pressure measurement.- Temperature measurement .- Strain measurement.Flow measurement. ISBN 9780070140004. Metroloģija. Mērīšana. Mēraparāti. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 681.2 Christian, Gary D. Analytical chemistry. / Gary D.Christian, Purnendu K. Dasgupta, Kevin Schug. - Seventh edition / Gary D. Christian, University of Washington, Purnendu K. (Sandy) Dasgupta, University of Texas at Arlington, Kevin A. Schug, University of Texas at Arlington. xxii, 826 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm. - Index : p. 815-826. . - References at the end of articles. - "The 7th Edition of Gary Christian's Analytical Chemistry focuses on more in-depth coverage and information about Quantitative Analysis (aka Analytical Chemistry) and related fields. The content builds upon previous editions with more enhanced content that deals with principles and techniques of quantitative analysis with more examples of analytical techniques drawn from areas such as clinical chemistry, life sciences, air and water pollution, and industrial analyses"--. - Appendix A. Literature of analytical chemistry : p.794-796. . - Appendix B. Review of mathematical operations :exponents, logarithms, and the quadratic formula.- p.797800. . - Appendix C. Tables of constants.- p.801-807. . - Appendix F. Answers to problems.p.808-814. - Includes index. ISBN 9780470887578. Ķīmija, analītiskā. Fonds: L. Plaukta indekss: 543 Walker, Jearl, 1945-. Principles of physics : new problem sets, concise coverage / Jearl Walker, David Halliday and Robert Resnick. - 10th edition. - Singapore : Wiley & Sons, 2014. - XXI, 1244 p.+ index. - (International student version.). - Index. - Appendix. Measurement.- Motion along a straight line.- Vectors.- Motion in two and three dimensions.Force and motion.- Kinetic energy and work.- Potencial energy and conservation of energy.Center of mass and linear momentum.- Rotation.- Rolling, torque, and angular momentum.Equilibrium and elasticity.- Gravitation.- Fluids.- Oscillations.- Waves.- Temperature, heat, and the first law of thermodynamics.- The kinetic theory of gases.- Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.- Colomb`s law. Electric fields.- Gauss` law.- Electric potential.- Capacitance.Current and resistance.- Circuits.- Magnetic fields.- Magnetic fields due tu currents.- Induction and inductance.- Electomagnetic oscillations and alternating current.- Maxwell`s equations. Magnetism of matter.- Electomagnetic waves.- Images.- Interference.- Diffraction.- Relativity.Photos and matter waves.- More about matter waves.- All about atoms.- Conduction of electricity in solids.- Nuclear physics.- Energy from the nucleus.- Quarks, leptons, and the Big Bang. ISBN 9781118230749. Fizika - Mācību līdzekļi. Fonds: L. Plaukta indekss: 53 Дюженкова, Любовь Ивановна. Практикум по высшей математике : учебное пособие в двух частях / Л.И.Дюженкова, О.Ю.Дюженкова, Г.А.Михалин. - Москва : БИНОМ, 2013. 448 с. : ил. - (Математика.). - Библиография : с.441. . - Предметный указатель : с.442-448. Представлены все основные разделы высшей математики : элементы математического анализа, линейной алгебры, Аналитической геометрии, теории вероятностей и математической статистики. Каждый раздел сопровождается справочным теоретическим материалом с иллюстративными примерами. В конце книги приводятся ответы. Приложение : с.414-416. . - Ответы : с.417-440. ч.1. Множества и координатные пространства.- Прямые и плоскости. -Кривые и поверхности.Предел и непрерывность функций.- Ряды.- Дифференциальное исчисление.- Основные теоремы дифференциального исчисления и их приложения. ISBN 9785947749984. Rindas (matemātika). Funkcijas. Diferenciālrēķini. Matemātika. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 51 Дюженкова, Любовь Ивановна. Практикум по высшей математике : учебное пособие в двух частях / Л.И.Дюженкова, О.Ю.Дюженкова, Г.А.Михалин. - Москва : БИНОМ, 2013. 468 с. : ил. - (Математика.). - Библиография : с.462. . - Предметный указатель : с.463-468. Представлены все основные разделы высшей математики : элементы математического анализа, линейной алгебры, Аналитической геометрии, теории вероятностей и математической статистики. Каждый раздел сопровождается справочным теоретическим материалом с иллюстративными примерами. В конце книги приводятся ответы. Приложение : с.431-440. . - Ответы : с.441-461. ч.2. Интегральное исчисление.- Элементы векторного анализа, комплексного анализа и операционного исчисления.- Дифференциальные уравнения.- Элементы теории вероятностей и математической статистики. ISBN 9785947749991. Matemātika. Integrāļi. Vektoru algebra. Diferenciālvienādojumi. Varbūtības. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 51 Крилли, Тони. Математика. 50 идей, о которых нужно знать / Тони Крилли; пер. с англ.Ш.Мартыновой. - Москва : Фантом Пресс, 2015. - 208 с. : ил. - Словарь : с.204-205. . Предметный указатель : с.206-208. Нуль.- Системы чисел.- Дроби.- Квадраты и квадратные корни.- Бесконечность.- Мнимые числа.- Простые числа.- Совершенные числа.- Числа Фибоначчи.- Золотые пропорции.Тругольник Паскаля.- Алгебра.- Алгоритм Евклида.- Логика. - Доказательство.Множества.- Исчисление.- Построения.- Треугольники.- Кривые.- Топология.Измерение.- Фракталы.- Хаос. Аксиома параллельности.- Дискретная геметрия.- Графы.Задача четырёх красок.- Вероятность.- Теория Байеса.- Парадокс дней рождения.Распределения.- Кривая нормального распределения.-Связанные данные.-Генетика.Группы.-Матрицы.- Шифры.- Высшее вычисление.-Волшебные квадраты.- Латинские квадраты.- Математика денег.- Задача о диете.- Задача коммивояжера.- Теория игр.Относительность.- Великая теорема Ферма.- Гипотеза Римана. ISBN 9785864716700. Matemātika. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 51 Tehnika. Tehniskās zinātnes (udk sākas ar 62) Riley, Mike, 1964-. Construction Technology 1 : House Construction / Mike Riley, Alison Cotgrave. - 3rd edition. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - viii,382 p. : il. - Index : p.379382. Introduction to house construction.- Building substructure.- Building superstrusture. Functions of buildings. Preparing to build.- The building process.- Foundations.- Walls below ground.Ground floors.- External walls.- Upper floors and stairs.- Internal division of space : walls and partitions.- Roof : structure and coverings.- Windows, doors and ventilation.- Internal finishes.Overview of alternative sustainable construction methods. ISBN 9781137030177. Celtniecība. Pamati. Sienas. Grīdas. Jumti. Nesošās konstrukcijas. Būvniecības tehnoloģija. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 624 Riley, Mike, 1964-. Construction Technology 2 : Commercial Building / Mike Riley, Alison Cotgrave. - 3rd edition. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - x, 427 p. : il. - Index : p.425427. Preparing to build.- Building substructure.- Building superstructure.- Sustainable building services. Functions and requirements of industrial and commercial buildings.- The building process.- Preparing to build.- Foundations.- Walls below ground and basement construction.Ground floors.- High-rise buildinds.- Long-span frames.- Fire engineering design.- External walls and claddings for multi-storey and large-span.- Sustainable engineering systems by Laurie Brady and Derek King. ISBN 9781137371690. Būvniecības tehnoloģija. Celtniecība. Pamati. Sienas. Grīdas. Jumti. Nesošās konstrukcijas. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 624 Mosley, W. H.(William Henry). Reinforced concrete design to Eurocode 2 / W. H. Mosley, J. H. Bungey and Ray Hulse. - 7th edition. - London : Macmillan, 2012. - xvi, 448 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Includes bibliographies and index. . - Index : p.444-448. . - Furtner reading : p.442-443. Appendix : p.431-441. Introduction to design and properties of reinforced concrete.- Limit state design.- Analysis of the structure at the ultimate limit state.- Analysis of the section.- Shear, bond and torsion.Serviceability, durability and stability requirements.- Design of reinforced concrete beams.Design of reinforced concrete slsbs.- Column design.- Foundations and relaining walls.Prestressed concrete.- Water-retaining structures.- Composite construction. ISBN 9780230302853. Dzelzsbetona konstrukcijas. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 624 Lombard, Matt. SolidWorks 2013 Bible : the comprehensive tutorial resource / Matt Lombard. Indianapolis, IN : Wiley, 2013. - xIv,1249 p. - Index : p.1205-1249. - Appendix A. Finding help. . - Appendix B. What`s on the Website. Introducing SolidWorks basics.- Building intelligence into your parts.- Working with assemblies.- Creating drawings.- Using advanced and specialized techniques. Navigating the SolidWorks interface.- Workingwith sketches.- Creating simple parts and drawings.- Using visualization techniques.- Getting more from your sketches .- Modeling with primary features.Selecting secondary features.- Patterning and mirroring.- Working with part configurations.Editing, evaluating, and troubleshooting.- Building efficient assemblies.- Getting more from mates.- Patterning and mirroring components.- Working with assembly sketches and layouts.Using assembly tools.- Using libraries, assembly features, and hole wizard. Controlling assembly configurations and display states.-Modeling in context.- Editing, evaluating, and troubleshooting assemblies.- Working with large scale design.- Animating with the MotionManager.Automating drawings : the basics.- Working with drawing views.- Using annotations ans symbols.- Dimensioning and tolerancing.- Using layers, line fonts, and colors.-Working with tables and drawings.- Creating assembly drawings.- Modeling multi-bodies.- Working with surfaces.- Employing master model techniques.- Using SolidWorks sheer metal tools.- Creating sheet metal drawings.- Creating Weldment and Weldment drawings.- Using imported geometry and direct editing techniques.- Using plastic features.- Using mold tools. ISBN 9781118508404. Datorizētā projektēšana. Trīsdimensionālā attēlveidošana. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 004 Lauksaimniecība. Mežsaimniecība. Medības. Zivsaimniecība (udk sākas ar 63) Shmulsky, Rubin. Forest products and wood science : an introduction / Rubin Shmulsky, P. David Jones ; drawings by Karen Lilley. - 6th ed. - Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : WileyBlackwell ; Ames, Iowa, 2011. - xvii, 477 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index. Tree growth and production of woody tissue -- Macroscopic character of wood -- Composition and structure of wood cells -- Softwood structure -- Hardwood structure -- Juvenile wood, reaction wood, and wood of branches -- Wood and water -- Density and specific gravity -Strength and mechanics -- Durability and protection -- Silvicultural practices and wood quality -Lumber -- Structural composites -- Nonstructural composites -- Pulp and paper -- Energy and chemical products -- Global raw materials. ISBN 9780813820743. . - ISBN 081382074X. Kokmateriāli. Mežsaimniecība. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 630.8 Uzņēmumu vadīšana. Ražošanas, tirdzniecības un transporta organizēšana (udk sākas ar 65) Žuļņevs, Nikolajs. Ceļu satiksmes noteikumi Latvijā : ar komentāriem un ilustrācijām ; Ceļu satiksmes likums / Nikolajs Žuļņevs, Aleksejs Ļeontjevs. - Rīga : Mācību grāmata, 2015. - 264 lpp. : il., tab. ; 24 cm. - Izdevumā Latvijas Ceļu satiksmes noteikumu oficiālais teksts (Ministru Kabineta noteikumi Nr. 279, kas stājas spēkā 2016. gada 1. janvārī) papildināts ar izsmeļošiem autoru komentāriem un ilustrācijām. Profesionāliem autobraucējiem grāmata palīdzēs izprast jaunās satiksmes noteikumu redakcijas atšķirības no agrākās. Grāmatā ievietots arī Latvijas Ceļu satiksmes likuma teksts. - Pielikumi 1.Ceļu satiksmes regulēšanas luksofori. . - 2. Pieļaujamie transportlīdzekļu gabarīti, faktiskā masa un ass slodze. . - 3. Transportlīdzekļu pazīšanas zīmes. . - 4. Ceļa zīmes. - "Jaunie! No 01.01.2016."--Uz vāka. ISBN 9789984183077. Ceļu satiksmes noteikumi - Latvija - Avoti. Ceļa zīmes un signāli - Latvija. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 656 Davis, Robert A., 1947-. Demand-driven inventory optimization and replenishment : creating a more efficient supply chain / Robert A. Davis. - Second edition. - pages cm. - (Wiley and SAS business series). - "Remove built-in supply chain weak points to more effectively balance supply and demand Demand-Driven Inventory Optimization and Replenishment shows how companies can support supply chain metrics and business initiatives by removing the weak points built into their inventory systems. Beginning with a thorough examination of Just in Time, Efficient Consumer Response, and Collaborative Forecasting, Planning, and Replenishment, this book walks you through the mathematical shortcuts set up in your management system that prevent you from attaining supply chain excellence. This expanded second edition includes new coverage of inventory performance, business verticals, business initiatives, and metrics, alongside case studies that illustrate how optimized inventory and replenishment delivers results across retail, high-tech, men's clothing, and food sectors. Inventory optimization allows you to avoid out-of-stock situations without impacting the bottom line with excessive inventory maintenance. By keeping just the right amount of inventory on hand, your company is better able to meet demand without sacrificing the cost-effectiveness of other supply chain strategies. The trick, however, is determining "just the right amount"--and this book provides the background and practical guidance you need to do just that. Examine the major supply chain strategies of the last 30 years Remove the shortcuts that prohibit supply chain excellence Optimize your supply/demand balance in any vertical Overcome systemic weaknesses to strengthen the bottom line Inventory optimization is benefitting companies around the world, as exemplified here by case studies involving Matas, CV Voorfruit, Tesco, PWT, Wistron, and Amway. When inefficiencies are built into the system, it's only smart business to identify and remove them--and implement a new streamlined process that runs like a well-oiled machine. Demand-Driven Inventory Optimization and Replenishment is an essential resource for exceptional supply chain management"--. . - "This new edition provides a focused message on how inventory optimization effects specific business verticals through improved metrics. It reviews the fundamentals of inventory optimization so that practitioners can attain a demand driven supply as well as provides a business perspective of why present inventory systems sub-optimize the supply chain and faulty replenishment processes lead to wasted time and effort. Readers come away with a good understanding of why optimized inventory and replenishment helps overcome in-system weaknesses and deliver results. The book lays out a historical view of the three major supply chain efforts of the last 30 years (i.e., Just in Time (JIT), Efficient Consumer Response (ECR), and Collaborative Forecasting, Planning and Replenishment (CPFR). It then discusses mathematical shortcuts set up in the transitional and supply chain management systems that make it very difficult for companies to attain "supply chain excellence". A discussion of how multi-echelon inventory optimization and replenishment enables the installed systems go from a sequential, "islands of efficiency" approach to a systematic distribution system working as a complete network is also given. Case studies are provided throughout the book. New topics covered include: inventory performance, scenario updates and replenishment; examples of why promotional product flow hurts supply chains; and discussion of industry verticals (What are the relevant issues in industry verticals that would prompt someone to look at inventory optimization?), business initiatives (what are today's initiatives that are relevant to inventory optimization?), and metrics (what are the underlying business KPI's that can be improved by using inventory optimization?). "--. - Revised edition of the author's Demand-driven inventory optimization and replenishment, 2013. . - Includes index. Machine generated contents note: Preface Acknowledgments About the Author(s) Chapter 1. Creating Demand-Driven Supply Chapter 2. Achieving Timely and Accurate Responses to Customer Demand Chapter 3. Just-in-Time and Enterprise Resource Planning Rise Together Chapter 4. How Does Days of Supply Wreak Havoc on the Supply Chain? Chapter 5. What Will You Accomplish with Inventory Optimization? Chapter 6. Shifting the Focus from an Algorithm Discussion to a Business Discussion Chapter 7. Fitting Unlimited Optimization into a Constraining World Chapter 8. Reviewing the Three Proof of Value Engagements Chapter 9. Inventory Optimization in the Real World: Matas A/S Chapter 10. The Strategic Value Assessment Chapter 11. A View of an Inventory Optimization Installation Chapter 12. Inventory Optimization in Supply Chain Verticals Chapter 13. Pulling It All Together Epilogue Index. ISBN 9781119174028. Loģistika. Piegādes menedžments. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 658.7 Fernie, John, 1948-. Fashion logistics : insights into the fashion retail supply chain / By John Fernie, David B. Grant. - vii, 208 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - "Looking at responsible fashion retailing and cost-effective supply chain management, Fashion Logistics examines the early growth and changes in the fashion industry, leading up to the drivers of change in today's market. The book covers international sourcing, merchandising, planning and forecasting, business models, operating strategies, and design distribution models. Along with online supplementary materials for the book in general, each chapter includes figures, tables, references, suggested readings, and mini-case studies with discussion questions"--. . - "Fashion Logistics examines the principles and practices behind responsible fashion retailing and cost-effective supply chain management in the fashion industry. Fashion Logistics assesses the early growth and changes in the industry as well as the drivers of change in today's market. Important forces are driving tremendous changes in the retail industry, particularly in supply chain networks and operations. Manufacturers therefore need to re-think their supply chains so that they are resilient enough to withstand shocks, agile enough to respond quickly to sudden change, flexible enough to customise products, and efficient enough to protect margins. John Fernie and David Grant assess these forces and changes, and how manufacturers should adapt their working practices accordingly. Fashion Logistics integrates case studies of best practice that demonstrate successful fashion retail supply chains of leading companies such as Benetton, Burberry, Schuh and M&S. The book provides vital figures, tables and mini-cases in each chapter, a discussion question at the end of each mini-case, references and suggested readings. It also provides invaluable supplementary material, including teaching notes and Powerpoint slides"--. ISBN 9780749472986. . - ISBN 9780749472979(atcelts). Šūšanas rūpniecība - Loģistika. Loģistika. Fonds: L. Plaukta indekss: 658.7 Leon, Steven M. Financial intelligence for supply chain managers : understand the link between operations and corporate financial performance / Steven M. Leon. - 1st edition. - 243 pages. Index : p.237-243. Financial statements overview.- Financial statement primer essentials.- Ratio analysis with financial statements.- Company valuation.- Decision-making tools.- Project management.Supply chain network design and location analysis.- Inventory management.- Sourcing and supply management.- Supply and value chain metrics. ISBN 9780133838312. Uzņēmējsabiedrības - Finanses. Finanšu pārskati. Lēmumu pieņemšana. Projektu menedžments. Piegādes menedžments. Fonds: AB, L. Plaukta indekss: 658.1 Dažādas rūpniecības un amatniecības nozares. Mehāniskā tehnoloģija ( udk sākas ar 67) Shmulsky, Rubin. Forest products and wood science : an introduction / Rubin Shmulsky, P. David Jones ; drawings by Karen Lilley. - 6th ed. - Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : WileyBlackwell ; Ames, Iowa, 2011. - xvii, 477 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index. Tree growth and production of woody tissue -- Macroscopic character of wood -- Composition and structure of wood cells -- Softwood structure -- Hardwood structure -- Juvenile wood, reaction wood, and wood of branches -- Wood and water -- Density and specific gravity -Strength and mechanics -- Durability and protection -- Silvicultural practices and wood quality -Lumber -- Structural composites -- Nonstructural composites -- Pulp and paper -- Energy and chemical products -- Global raw materials. ISBN 9780813820743. . - ISBN 081382074X. Kokmateriāli. Mežsaimniecība. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 630.8 Dažādas rūpniecības un amatniecības nozares, kas ražo galaprodukciju (udk sākas ar 68) Golnaraghi, Farid. Automatic control systems / Farid Golnaraghi, Benjamin C. Kuo. - 9th ed. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2010. - xii, 786 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Index : p.773-786. - Appendix : A. Elementary matrix theory and algebra A-1. . - Appendix : B. Difference equations B-1. . Appendix : C. Laplace Transform Table C-1. . - Appendix : D. Transform Table D-1. . Appendix : E. Properties and construction of the root loci E-1. . - Appendix : F. General nyquist criterion F-1. . - Appendix : G. ACSYS 2008 : Description of the software G-1. . - Appendix : H. Discrete-data control Systems H-1. - Rev. ed. of: Automatic control systems / Farid Golnaraghi, Benjamin C. Kuo. 8th. 2003. Mathematical foundation.- Block diagrams and signal-flow graphs.- Theoretical foundation and background material : modeling of dynamic systems.- Time-domain analysis of control systems.The control lab.- Root locus analysis.- Frequency-domain analysis.- Design of control systems.State variable analysis. ISBN 9780470048962. Automatizācija -- Vadības sistēma. -- Kontrole. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 681.5 Nise, Norman S. Control systems engineering / Norman S. Nise. - 6th ed. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2011. - xviii, 926 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index. . - Glossary : p. 887-895. . - Answers to selected problems: p.903-905. . - Index : p.907-926. - Appendix A. List of symbols. . - Appendix B. MATLAB tutorial. . - Appendix C. MATLAB`s simulink tutorial. . - Appendix D. LabVIEW tutorial. . - Appendix E. MATLAB`s gui tools tutorial (online). . - Appendix F. MATLAB`s symbolic math toolbox tutorial (online). . - Appendix G. Matrices, determinants, and systems of equations (online). . - Appendix H. Control system computational aids (online). . - Appendix I. Derivation of a schematic for a DC motor (online). . - Appendix J. Derivation of the time domain solution of state equations (online). . - Appendix K. Solution of state equations for t_ o =0 (online). . - Appendix L. Derivation of similarity transformations (online). . - Appendix M. Root locus rules : derivations (online). . - Control systems engineering toolbox (online). . - Cyber exploration laboratory experiments covers sheets (online). . - Lecture graphics (online). . - Solutions to skill-assessment exercises (online). Modeling in the frequency domain.- Modeling in the time domain.- Time response.- Reduction of multiple subsystems.- Stability.- Steady-state errors.- Root locus techniques.- Design via root locus.- Frequency response techniques.- Design via frequency response.- Design via state space.Digital control systems. ISBN 9780470646120. Vadības un kontroles sistēmas. Automātiskā vadība. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 681 Fernie, John, 1948-. Fashion logistics : insights into the fashion retail supply chain / By John Fernie, David B. Grant. - vii, 208 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - "Looking at responsible fashion retailing and cost-effective supply chain management, Fashion Logistics examines the early growth and changes in the fashion industry, leading up to the drivers of change in today's market. The book covers international sourcing, merchandising, planning and forecasting, business models, operating strategies, and design distribution models. Along with online supplementary materials for the book in general, each chapter includes figures, tables, references, suggested readings, and mini-case studies with discussion questions"--. . - "Fashion Logistics examines the principles and practices behind responsible fashion retailing and cost-effective supply chain management in the fashion industry. Fashion Logistics assesses the early growth and changes in the industry as well as the drivers of change in today's market. Important forces are driving tremendous changes in the retail industry, particularly in supply chain networks and operations. Manufacturers therefore need to re-think their supply chains so that they are resilient enough to withstand shocks, agile enough to respond quickly to sudden change, flexible enough to customise products, and efficient enough to protect margins. John Fernie and David Grant assess these forces and changes, and how manufacturers should adapt their working practices accordingly. Fashion Logistics integrates case studies of best practice that demonstrate successful fashion retail supply chains of leading companies such as Benetton, Burberry, Schuh and M&S. The book provides vital figures, tables and mini-cases in each chapter, a discussion question at the end of each mini-case, references and suggested readings. It also provides invaluable supplementary material, including teaching notes and Powerpoint slides"--. ISBN 9780749472986. . - ISBN 9780749472979(atcelts). Šūšanas rūpniecība - Loģistika. Loģistika. Fonds: L. Plaukta indekss: 658.7 Bewoor, Anand K. Metrology & Measurement / Anand K.Bewoor, Vinay A.Kulkarni. - 12th ed. - New Delhi : McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Limited, 2014. - xvi, 558 p. : il. - Index : p.554-558. - Meant for student and practicing engineers, this book provides and integrated exposure to dimensional and mechanical measurement. It gives the reader a methodical and wellthrought-out presentation using concise explanations, flexible approach and real-life case studies from the industry. Introduction to metrology.- Measurement standards.- Linear metrology.- Straightness, flatness, squareness, parallelism, roundness, and cylindricity measurements.- Metrology of machine tools.- Limits, fits and tolerances.- Angular metrology.- Interferometry.- Comparator.- Metrology of surface finish.- Metrology of screw threads.- Metrology of gears.- Miscellaneous measurements.- Study of advanced measuring machines.- Introduction to measurement systems.Intermediate modifying and terminating devices.- Force and torque measurement.- Vibration measurements.- Pressure measurement.- Temperature measurement .- Strain measurement.Flow measurement. ISBN 9780070140004. Metroloģija. Mērīšana. Mēraparāti. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 681.2 Būvniecība (udk sākas ar 69) Riley, Mike, 1964-. Construction Technology 1 : House Construction / Mike Riley, Alison Cotgrave. - 3rd edition. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - viii,382 p. : il. - Index : p.379382. Introduction to house construction.- Building substructure.- Building superstrusture. Functions of buildings. Preparing to build.- The building process.- Foundations.- Walls below ground.Ground floors.- External walls.- Upper floors and stairs.- Internal division of space : walls and partitions.- Roof : structure and coverings.- Windows, doors and ventilation.- Internal finishes.Overview of alternative sustainable construction methods. ISBN 9781137030177. Celtniecība. Pamati. Sienas. Grīdas. Jumti. Nesošās konstrukcijas. Būvniecības tehnoloģija. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 624 Riley, Mike, 1964-. Construction Technology 2 : Commercial Building / Mike Riley, Alison Cotgrave. - 3rd edition. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. - x, 427 p. : il. - Index : p.425427. Preparing to build.- Building substructure.- Building superstructure.- Sustainable building services. Functions and requirements of industrial and commercial buildings.- The building process.- Preparing to build.- Foundations.- Walls below ground and basement construction.Ground floors.- High-rise buildinds.- Long-span frames.- Fire engineering design.- External walls and claddings for multi-storey and large-span.- Sustainable engineering systems by Laurie Brady and Derek King. ISBN 9781137371690. Būvniecības tehnoloģija. Celtniecība. Pamati. Sienas. Grīdas. Jumti. Nesošās konstrukcijas. Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 624 Latviešu literatūra (udk sākas ar 88) Danskovīte. "Ontans i Anne" : komedejas / Danskovīte ; ilustrācijas autore Gaļina Gruziņa. [Baltinava] : [Anita Ločmele], [2015] (Rēzekne : Latgales druka). - 398 lpp. : il. ; 23 cm. Danskovīte (Anita Ločmele) daudzus gadus vadījusi skolas teātra pulciņu, rakstījusi skečus dažādiem pasākumiem, bet no 2000. gada kļūst par Baltinavas amatierteātra "Palādas" vadītāju. Publikai rādīto lugu skaits no seriāla "Ontans i Anne" teātrim "Palādas" jau tuvojas 500. izrādei. Arī Latvijas Nacionālais teātris izvēlējās 6 daļas, un režisors Valdis Lūriņš izveidoja divas izrādes "Latgola.lv" 2010. gadā un "Latgola.lv2" 2014. gadā. - Teksts latviešu un latgaliešu valodā. - Izdevējziņas precizētas ISBN aģentūrā. Saturs: Ontans i vampiri. Kuozu goda jubileja. Ontans izaklaidej. Ontana tragedeja. Ontans i plāšnīki. Ontans i Zīmassvātki. Ontans i rodne (rodi). Ontans i sābri. ISBN 9789934146343. . - : 250 eks. Latgaliešu drāma (komēdija). Fonds: AB. Plaukta indekss: 888.3.1