St.Valentine’s Day 9 класс Тема: День СвятогоВалентина Цели: совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков; совершенствование навыка восприятия и понимания речи на слух; развитие внимания, речевой догадки; расширение обшего кругозора, воспитание уважительного отношения с традициям страны изучаемого языка; повышение речевой культуры. Оборудование: аудиозапись, раздаточный материал, наглядность, доска с записями. Ход урока 1. Организационный момент Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you here. How are you? How’s your life? 2. Соотнесение праздников и их названий - To start our lesson, I propose you to look at the blackboard. Here you can see some pictures with holidays and the names of these holidays. Your task is to match holidays with their names. (Дети соотносят праздники и их названия) Thank you very much. As you know on February 14 th we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. And today we are going to speak about this holiday. 3. Работа над вопросам “Why do girls like boys?” и “Why do boys like girls?” St. Valentine’s Day is the holiday of love so now let’s try to think: “Why do girls like boys?” and “Why do boys like girls?” I shall give you some sheets of paper with the sayings of British boys and girls about their preferences. Your task is to look through them and then the girls will tell us why they personally like boys and the boys will tell us why they like girls. 4. Символы праздника. St. Valentine’s Day is not a legal holiday. This means that business and schools are open. But St. Valentine’s Day is still a very special day. As any other holiday, St. Valentine’s Day has its own symbols. All of them are international and known all over the world. Now let’s read about meanings of these symbols. St.Valentine’s Day 9 класс 5. Идиомиг со словам “heart” Your heart beats faster when you are in love. This is why the heart is considered to be the centre of our emotions and is always used to illustrate love. Being in love makes a special “high” feeling. Your blood pressure rises, bringing more blood to the surface of the skin. Your hair and skin improve in texture and your voice becomes deeper. Your immune system is also stronger, making you shine with happiness. And it’s no wonder that there are so many idioms with the word “heart”. And here on the papers you can see only some of them. Your task is to read these set expressions and their translation and to make up your own examples. Example: For my heart, I’ll never do it. 6. Аудирование текста с последующим выполнением послетекстовых упражнений. As any other holiday St. Valentine’s Day has its own origin. There are some legends on how this day came to existence. Now I propose you to listen to one of such legends, to understand it and to do some exercises on it. 7. Суеверия Дня Святого Валентина. All young girls want to look into their future. And British girls are not an exception. On this day they try to tell fortunes by the birds they see first to know what their husband will be. So if a girl sees a blackbird (дрозд), her husband will be priest; a robin ( снегирь) – a sailor; a goldfinch ( or a yellow bird)(щегол) – a rich man; a bluebird (синица) – a happy man; a sparrow ( воробей) – a poor man. But if the girl sees a woodpecker (дятел), it means that she will never get married. - There are some other superstitions. - In some countries a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means that she will marry him. - If you cut an apple in two halves and count how many seeds are inside, you will also know how many children you will have. 8. Поздравления в День Св. Валентина. On any holiday we congratulate our relatives and close friends. And the holiday of love is not an exception. On the 14th of February millions of people receive Valentine cards – paper or electronic, sentimental or comic, in verse or in prose. St.Valentine’s Day 9 класс A card is obviously a must whether you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, a brother or a sister or just want to send a message to smb you know. There’s one problem – to sign your Valentine card or not. But the element of mystery makes St. Valentine’s Day so magical. There’s nothing in the world so exiting as the idea of getting a love massage and then trying to guess who has send it. British people have a lot of funny congratulations in verse. Some of them are written on the blackboard, others are printed on the sheets of paper. Now I propose you to read them and choose the congratulation you could send your boyfriend/girlfriend, your parents or your teachers. 9. Тест на романтичность. As you know St. Valentine’s Day is the most romantic of all holidays; and it’s no wonder, that there are some tests on how romantic you are. If you want to know it, take a piece of paper and a pen and write down Yes or No for each question. 1. Does music make you ever cry? 2. Do you believe in love at first sight? 3. Do you enjoy beautiful sunsets? 4. Do you ever daydream? 5. Do smells and sounds have special memories for you? 6. Do you like poetry? 7. Do you often feel lonely? 8. Have you ever written a poem? 9. Do you enjoy tasting new food? 10. Have you ever fallen in love with well-known people? Check your Yes-answers. 7-10 you are a true romantic. You enjoy life to full and easily fall in love. You are very emotional and get pleasure from beautiful sounds, sights and smells. 3-6 you are a well-balanced person who lives in harmony with reality. You don’t often fall in love but when you do, your feelings are deep. 1-3 you are a cool person. Nothing excites you very much and you never let your head rule your heart. But you may have trouble understanding other people’s feeling. 10. Игра «Соедините сердца». And now let’s see how good you are at literature and art. You have to match the pairs. All of them are famous literary and real people. Carmen Tarzan St.Valentine’s Day 9 класс Adam Napoleon Ruslan Eva Scarlet O’Hara Juliet Ludmila Cleopatra Rat Battler Romeo Jane Caesar Josephine Don Hose 11. Подведение итогов. Valentine‘s Day Valentine's Day happens every year on February 14, Red and pink hearts as well as funny cupids decorate mops, offices and classrooms. Children often make cards to give to their friends and their families. Adults make or buy special cards to give to the people they love. Valentine's Day is not a legal holiday. This means that businesses and schools are open. But how did this day appear? There are some legends. And here is one of them. St.Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in the third century. At that time, the Roman government controlled a big part of the world. The Roman government needed many soldiers to protect its lands. The Emperor Claudius II decided that married men could not be good soldiers because they wanted to stay at home with their wives and children. He made a very strange law that said young men were not allowed to marry. He also said that any priest who married a young couple would be put to death. A priest named Valentine disobeyed the Emperor. He secretly married many young couples. When the Emperor found out it, he put Valentine to prison. Valentine was beheaded for his disobedience on February 14. Since 'valentine had helped lovers, the day he died became a day for people to express love for others. St.Valentine’s Day 9 класс Valentine }s Day, Christian - христианский; priest - священник; priest-священник government - правительство; the Emperor - император; to disobey — ослушаться, неповиноваться; young couples -молодые пары to be beheaded -быть обезглавленным disobedience - неповиновение, 1. Complete the sentences using the tight variant below. 1. Children make …to give to their friends and families. a) envelopes; b) cards; c) presents; d) souvenirs. 2. St. Valentine was a... a) soldier; b) governor; c) priest; d) emperor. 3. The Roman government needed many soldiers to protect… a) its lands; b) its power; c) its territory; d) its people. 4. Valentine married young couples that... a) were in love; b) went to the war; c) wanted peace; d) were very happy. 5. Valentine was...on February 14. a) killed; b) set free; c) beheaded; d) burnt. //. Mark the sentences as True or False. Correct the sentences if necessary. 1. On this day people buy or make special cards for the people they love. 2. St. Valentine was a soldier who fought for the Emperor. 3. Claudius II decided that married men were not good soldiers because they wanted to stay at home with their wives and children. 4. Claudius made a very funny law that didn't allow young people to get married. 5. A priest named Valentine disobeyed the Emperor and married young people secretly 6. The Emperor was very happy when he learnt about it. 7. Valentine was beheaded on October 14. III. Answer the questions. 1. When does Valentine’s Day happen? 2. What was St. Valentine? 3. When did St. Valentine live? 4. Why did the Roman government need many soldiers. 5. How .did St. Valentine break the law? 6. What do we do on the day of his death?